#facebook sucks
wetsocksinbed · 2 months
made the mistake of using facebook for the first time in ages, opened the comments on a post about Omega, and wanted to claw my eyes out. It’s either “this is the worst character Disney has made. They’re so woke. Blah blah blah” or it’s “hear me out 👀”. Seeing Omega get the Ahsoka Treatment is literally aging me prematurely
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macoto17 · 8 days
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Beware guys, FB/Meta seems to be more actively shadow banning users that support 🍉 and also profiling users while at it.
My FB profile just got locked just moments ago. I was just sharing a GoFund link to an FB group that support 🍉 and suddenly, FB said that I am not allowed to share anything to any FB group anymore...?
Like, I don't even post on FB every day, just about and lurking around.
Then again suddenly after seconds, my profile is locked, and it said that someone is actively trying to hack into my account. I already have the 2-authentication thing set up tho 🙄😮‍💨
Afterwards, it said to retrieve my account, I need to submit a pic of my ID that should at least have the same name as my profile name and at least the same birthday date as on my profile too. Which I did submit the pic, but I guess since my profile name is not my real name and my profile pic on my ID is blurry (thanks to the gov budget camera lol), they further reply through email with this (which really confirms that they really are have been profiling users):
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This is actually already my 2nd account, they did a similar thing to my 1st account, which was making users confirm their real names. If you failed to do so, the profile name will be change to your real name and can't ever again be changed. (This may be old school, but it's not actually safe to reveal and use your real name online.)
I guess from that point on, where they make users confirmed their real names, they were already starting profiling users.
I guess with this, I no longer want to make another account coz this is already too inconvenient since it's already my second account.
Oh yeah, don't forget to keep boycotting/cancelling and keep doing the blockout on all platforms guys 🤗 Please don't also forget to keep signing those petitions 💖🍉 TQSM 🙇🏻‍♀️💖
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mbrainspaz · 3 months
Today at my new office job I was misgendered by a coworker while she introduced me to someone, but I didn't say anything in front of the new person because I didn't want to embarrass her. Then as soon as we were alone, before I could say anything, she apologized! I was not expecting that! I'm so used zero effort from my family and past coworkers. She didn't even make it my problem. She just said, "did I use the wrong pronoun? I am so sorry! I'll try not to do that again but this is new for me." I thanked her for making an effort. Then we talked about our custom flannel shirts for a bit. 10/10
I tried to post this to a non-binary facebook group but it got auto-rejected for problematic language lol. Their loss
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butch-enjoyer · 4 months
I hate how Facebook will collect all my personal data and information, but won't match me with butchs on its dating section. Like what the actual fuck? You know what I like so put me more infront of butchs fffs!!!!!
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keeganmantle · 5 months
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Hyperprotective Shiver comic to end the night. Goodnight.❤️
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fishstand · 9 months
People are so fucking hyper critical of homeless people. So what if they do drugs? I don't give a fuck, they should still be entitled to a home. It's like these cowards don't think any further than punishing "those people" for their perceived poor behaviors, or property values or whatever. Like, if you're so concerned about crime and drug abuse, maybe consider that having a baseline quality of life worth living, including having a home, might reduce someone's chances of committing crimes, making you uncomfortable on the sidewalk, or abusing the kinds of drugs you don't like. Maybe if your head wasn't shoved so far up your ass, you might see some actual fucking improvement in everyone's lives, but you're too busy thinking you're above everyone else that you can't see past your own shit-stained nose.
Also, if your concern is PROPERTY VALUES over the lives of other people, I hope you fucking die.
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browniepokemon · 1 year
it should be illegal for facebook to send me 6 emails in a row about the same notification and then send me another email about the notifications i'm missing. facebook sucks ass
also for every group you join you have to individually turn off permissions for notifications and shit. gross and unnecessary
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chuck-glisson · 10 months
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rozunderpressure · 1 year
Tumblr has bad moments, Twitter sucks, but god... There is nothing worse than facebook... Nothing!
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cynfinnegan · 1 year
More proof that Facebook is totally up the GOP's ass? Calling Marjorie Taylor Greene "Margie the Baboon-faced Girl" or any reference to her resemblance to a baboon is now forbidden.
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trapny · 2 years
Fun fact:
If you turn your location off on your device, Facebook will instead track your location using your IP address.
Bonus fun fact:
Facebook tracks a lot more information than you would want it to. The only way to turn all of that off is to go into settings and scour every single setting for different tracking options and turn them all off. And if you really don't want any information about you plastered online and you don't really want to connect with people near you, then I would suggest that you just get rid of all the content pertaining to your location and to people you know. I would also suggest that you make all the information on your profile to be heavily contradictory. Such as setting your relationship before your birth date. Or setting your workplace in Antarctica.
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keeganmantle · 5 months
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Me & Shiver were out and of course a Facebook girl tried to hit me up. Only on January 11.😐
Now Shiver's Mama Bear has unleashed. Well, uh, if you see something on the news saying blue-haired octopus girl goes berserk after creepy old lady hits on her bestie, stay as far away as possible as it'll take her a while to calm down.😐😁
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roninkairi · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today.*
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stiles-wilkolak · 14 days
Called myself a tranny faggot in a comment on my own post on FB and it got deleted in 2 seconds, I guess I forgot I wasn't on Tumblr lol oops
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forestdudes · 1 month
Why am i still on my neighborhood Facebook? Why am i still on Facebook?
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dragonofdarkness666 · 2 months
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This is another prime example of why I say f*** Facebook and why I've been migrating to Tumblr.. seriously they can't even take a joke!
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