#faith is bash
queen-scribbles · 9 months
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I splurged and got all my Andromeda Six girls from @gncrezan and look how great they turned out!
Clockwise from top left: Savi [Kitalphan], Aurah [Tilaari], Rue [Human], Faith [Human]
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irisesforyoureyes · 5 months
I personally like the changes in episode 6 because we have seen what happens in the books and the movies but with this new take even hardcore pjo fans get to experience suspense i mean we get to experience something new! idk why some people are mad they are taking creative liberties with the show like why would u want to watch the same thing take place for the third time?? and especially when the creator of the series is the one altering the plot to have it better suited to this gen
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audiblehush · 2 months
Listen, Polin has been my Roman Empire for months now, but this fandom is WILDIN’.
Chunks of this fandom who claim to be Polin fans seem to hate either Colin or Penelope and I’m just like… why are you here, then, if you refuse to empathize or even TRY to understand either critical half of the pairing?
“Colin can’t see what’s in front of him and he insulted her in front of his peers!! GROVEL; I hope Pen moves onto Debling!!!”
First of all, you’re not a Polin fan if you hate Colin so much you want her to move on to someone else. Second of all: yeah, no. Yes,Colin put his foot in his mouth, arguably in a big way because of status, but plenty of people in real life have experienced saying something that came off poorly to a group of people. Everything we know about Colin’s character tells us he is going to feel horrible about it; he’ll apologize, MEAN IT, and she’ll forgive him. She has her own apologies to make.
Believe it or, it is NORMAL for people to grow into romantic feelings slowly. Stop punishing Colin for discovering who he is by experiencing his own character arc with his own mistakes. He’s allowed to have flaws; he’s allowed to work through his insecurities!
Tbh, most of the criticisms I see of Colin are pretty surface-level and petty, so I don’t give them much real estate in my brain because they’re just… bad, lol.
On the flip side -
“Penelope feels entitled to Colin’s feelings; she’s selfish and the fucking worst!!”
S3 Penelope: *overhears Colin say he would never court her; BELIEVES him - decides she’s going to stop wasting her time, move on, and look for a serious suitor and marriage prospect a) as is expected of her in this era and b) so that she has security, especially considering her family’s dire financial straits.*
“Oh my GOD, this is so anti-Polin, how could she POSSIBLY even THINK about accepting a proposal from anyone but Colin?! GTFO”
SIGH, 1) we have NO IDEA how this plot line is going to pan out: Lord Debling may or may not be serious about her, we don’t know what that even looks like, or for how long. The show synopsis historically likes to play with the fandom expectations a lot. He may possibly propose… and if he does, it would clearly exist as a sort of parallel to S1…. but 2) GOD FORBID Penelope entertain the idea, despite very real fears and evidence that would lead her thinking it would likely be her ONLY proposal… or that even if Colin proposed post heavy-petting session, how on EARTH could she think that he would be doing it out of honor-bound obligation and not love. 🙄 Her potentially considering a proposal isn’t anti-Polin; it’s a realistic response and consideration to two (and likely an additional half) seasons worth of external and internal stressors that are tying into her character development.
Penelope’s heart is fragile for a multitude of reasons due to her home life, her prior experiences with Colin and Eloise AND the rest of the ton - it’s incredibly frustrating for people to ignore why she would potentially not believe Colin even if he DID confess / give her a marriage proposal, just like it’s frustrating when people don’t try to understand why Colin might struggle with his own feelings.
Some of y’all really don’t understand people like Penelope who have been told their entire lives that they are not enough, are terrified of putting themselves out there by being emotionally vulnerable and potentially rejected for the fundamental aspects of who they are… even though some of y’all claim to identify with Colin when he has his OWN STRUGGLES WITH SOME OF THESE SAME FEARS. And it’s almost worse because Pen is painfully SHY: You don’t just magically become confident one day because you decided to be; it is a constant battle against negativity that eventually becomes heavily internalized… it takes years of work unlearn those thought patterns, especially when you’re surrounded by people insulting and rejecting your to your face (her family) or behind your back (the way the ton talks about her family… it’s likely Pen heard gossip about herself, whether individually or as an extension of her family PLENTY)… with an added dose of also being ignored when not actively insulted.
It would not shock me at ALL if Penelope genuinely considers a Debling proposal. All of Colin’s actions in S1 and S2 have ultimately taught her that he is never going to return her feelings; she is likely going to be pretty oblivious to his own romantic realizations this season because why would she look for or entertain those hopes again? Some of y’all complain that she is selfish about Colin’s romantic feelings (which lol, I disagree strongly, but sure hypothetically, I’ll allow it) … so then when she tries to move on by listening to him and his actions she’s suddenly… punishing him and undeserving of him?? When she would have every reason to be skeptical of these feelings coming from seemingly nowhere when he starts of the season trying to find her a husband? NAH fam, she’s doing what anyone with any sense of emotional self-preservation would do: move on and try to be content, even if she knows she’ll always love Colin in her heart.
AND even if Penelope develops potentially fond feelings for Debling… do you really think it’s unrealistic for a 19 year old young woman who has done nothing but pine over a man who is oblivious to it (or worse, finds a romantic relationship with you laughable… in her eyes), who has not had ANYONE be romantically interested her… to maybe get a little fluttery around someone who is reasonably nice looking and shows her genuine interest right off the bat? Spoiler Alert: that is probably exactly what would happen because it’s a heady feeling!!!
This entire plotline is either a parallel to the Marina situation, or a reference to the book line that basically has Colin going “Oh shit, what if I had never realized Pen is the love of my life?? What if someone else had seen how amazing she was and snatched her up??” - Maybe it’s even both! Deep breath: it’s a just plot device for Polin to realize they’re made for each other.
Colin and Pen are going to be on their own journeys this season that fly in the face of what the other is going through. Colin is grappling with newfound romantic feelings for Penelope (while likely struggling to trust them because he thought he loved Marina but lol no he didn’t, so how is he supposed to know???) while also battling against former (and potentially current) impulsive actions… and Penelope is fighting for her LIFE trying to bury her feelings and move on because she’s trying to protect her heart because Colin literally said out loud he’d never want her AND she’s likely thinking of her security. They are both grappling with internal conflicts that oppose the other and THAT is what is going to make the tension and development so good… and that’s without even addressing all the LW stuff that needs to get worked through!
I need y’all to flex that empathy muscle a little and realize that this isn’t about fucking fan-service, or you projecting your own experiences onto these characters (or even the weird self-insert “I am/want to be this character” or “I want to fuck this character”) - you can relate to these characters but ultimately it’s about the STORY - it’s about exploring these characters realistically in how they would react to their own traumas and lived experiences, and how what they think they want/need comes into conflicts with their counterparts.
This is a romantic DRAMA, and these characters are going to have their ups and downs… and it’s a Shondaland drama for better or worse, so you KNOW it’s going to get messy (good lord just look at S2 and how far that “love” triangle went… I’m hopeful for the new show runner because she’s a fan).
Polin will be canon because they unreservedly CHOOSE the other and it will be glorious, so everybody chill the fuck out and stop shitting on my imperfect, emotionally fragile yet beautifully relatable, evolving lovers. They are the BEST fucking ship, but most of this fandom doesn’t deserve them tbh. They’re both messes in their own ways, and honestly? If they were real, neither Colin nor Penelope would tolerate this slander y’all are throwing at the other.
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dol-dee · 2 months
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Monster of your own making
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
They way people always want to claim that Ned treated Arya better to make it seem like Sansa was mistreated but don't ever want to discuss the difference in how Catelyn treated Sansa and Arya is so transparent.
We get it you think that Ned "indulging" Arya (which even that was to a certain extent because he still had expectations of her) was a bad thing because you view her behavior as inappropriate and think that Catelyn reprimanding her and unfairly comparing her to Sansa to the point that she has lasting self-esteem issues was deserved.
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epicfirestormer · 19 days
You ever think about how Hellboy (Movie) fell for the very same trope the comics itself is subverting about Hellboy? The entirety of the comic is about how Hellboy is nothing what people expect of him, how people always have expectations about him- what he should be, what he would be, his destiny- and how Hellboy goes against that. People expect Hellboy (Movie), the guy who's gruff and tough and has anger issues. Maybe a heart of gold in there, but that's predictable (because that's how the trope goes.)
People don't expect Hellboy, the tired old guy who tries everyday to help and save as many lives as he can. A guy who would much rather spend his time resting and eating pancakes than fighting anyone. A guy who cares so so deeply about the people around him, he's willing to come back from the dead just to help them. A guy who's so incredibly tired, been through hell and high water, fight for every bit of his right to be himself, and yet he's still amazingly kind. He cares so much about the world that seemed to despise him, it's a wonder how someone like him can last so long with hope of a better future.
Hellboy (Movie) doesn't hide what it is: a movie about fighting and beating monsters and bad guys while the main character just-so-happens to look like a demon. It's action-pack, corny, the kind of fun you don't really think that deep into. It's good, but it's not trying to be anything more than that. It's a fine movie, good in some regards and maybe even great depending on who you ask, but I wouldn't say it's a good adaptation.
Hellboy (Comics) is a lot of things. It's a story about a guy who fights supernatural creatures every once and while. It's also a story about kindness, the echoes of it and how much of an impact that could have on the world. It's a narrative about forging your own path. It's a journey about how your past or destiny doesn't defy you, it's what you make of it that matters. It's a trial to prove that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, you're still going to live out your life the way you want. It's grim and murky, but there's hope, always.
But, really, when you boil it down, Hellboy (movie) is the archetype that Hellboy (comic) is trying to break down.
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if you have some, do you have any headcannons for barnaby?
honestly! not really! i don't have hcs for any of the neighbors!
#the way i interact w/ welcome home is uh... slightly differently than how i interact with more mainstream / company-produced media#like if you compare how i talk about the neighbors/wh to how i talk about characters on say... my dc blog#there's probably gonna be a notable Difference!#with mainstream/company stuff i go Hog Wild with hcs and aus and i form my own version of everything in my head#(while still understanding & respecting canon as the true source)#but wh is Different! i can't really do that!#it isnt some big production created by a team & mass released#where the actions of some fans just fuckin around and having fun won't directly affect anyone or even reach the ears of the creators#and where upon releasing it everyone Knows that its gonna be dissected & torn to shreds & played with like barbies#wh is more... personal? there is one main creator. these are His characters. its Their story.#i can't in good conscience make headcanons and honestly? id much rather stick to canon trivia & facts than create my own#theyre not my facts to create or believe in!!#sometimes ill make a post saying 'hey this would be cute / neat'#but as soon as i post im tossing that thought away. i dont let them stick or become hcs#(NOTE THAT I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO MAKES HCS. THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! MY OWN PERSONAL INTERNAL RULES!!! FOR ME!)#rambles from the bog#like even with the lights out au im being careful with it. im trying to be faithful & respect the characters and the source#its an... exploration i think#ive never approached making an au this way bc usually im just flinging characters around and treating canon as a chew toy - scrap for parts#but i cant do that here! im Not Complaining At All im simply stating! i cant!#sorry you probs weren't expecting a lil mini rant in tags my b <3#this has just been in my head since i first discovered welcome home#i remember feeling myself start getting really attached & interested#and i recall telling myself 'ok. we cant approach this the way we would other things'#and i have done my best to Stick To That. ive relaxed a lil since then but im still standing by my one rule#Be A Little More Normal About This Than I Would If It Were Mainstream / A Company-Made Production
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fashionlouist · 2 years
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Louis wore a Dries Van Noten Print Volker Bomber Jacket during the beginning of his set at Z100 End Of Summer Bash tonight.
Showcasing an abstract spin on the classic bomber, it’s crafted from water-resistant nylon and signed off with snug ribbed trims to finish.
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synthshenanigans · 11 months
Continuing from my last post bout Mind, we also need to talk more about how paranoid & untrusting/second-guessing your mind can be cause i think its very interesting
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notthemonthbutmarch · 6 months
I’m thinking about Natlan and I just need one thing off my chest
If the theories are right and the Pyro Archon is currently dead and will be resurrection like the title of the chapter suggests, I want her to be a strong and respected woman.
Like, I know we’re already getting Murata and she’s gonna be a Murata Himeko expy (which I kinda don’t like but sure whatever Hoyo) from Honkai Impact 3rd, but idk I just feel like we need a single female archon that doesn’t have a bad relationship with her people AND is powerful.
Right now I think it’s safe to say that the power scaling of the archons is Zhongli, Ei, Venti, Nahida, and then Furina (I know she’s not an archon anymore I’m just including her bc I like her and I’m bias). Also, as an aside, this got to long so I’m putting it down here. I ranked Venti over Nahida not because her powers are weaker than Venti’s but because Venti has more experience. He can fight and knows the full extent of her powers and survived the Archon War; while Nahida would outsmart him no problem, Venti would overpower her physically I just wanted to clarify
Zhongli and Venti are from the OG Seven and have positive relationships with their respective countries. They’re both powerful and well respected.
Ei is hella powerful, but she did steal everyone’s visions so I don’t think she’s respected exactly. She’s more feared in my eyes. Like, absolutely, they respect her because she’s their archon and is powerful and is trying to change, but the people of Inazuma are very aware that Ei is capable of hurting her people if it means achieving her goal. OBVIOUSLY Ei herself doesn’t want to hurt her people and that was the puppet being tricked by the Fatui that did all that, but the people themselves don’t necessarily know that, so they just think Ei had a change of heart.
Nahida’s whole storyline in the Sumeru Archon Quests was reinstating her as the highest and most respected authority. Everyone loves her and for good reason! She’s great, and she’s doing her job as an archon really well. However, she is possibly one of the weakest archons due to age and experience. I can see her being a MIGHTY archon when she’s older, but how long is that gonna take? We’ll probably never see Nahida at her peak.
Then there’s Furina. Her storyline was AMAZING, I think we can all agree the Fontaine Archon Quests were great. However, Furina was seen as a joke or mascot by her people rather than an actual mighty archon. They just followed her because her voice was loud and she played the role well. Furina was never strong or respected, not until AFTER she lost her divinity for good.
Ei is strong but not respected, Nahida is respected but not strong, and Furina is not strong nor respected.
And this isn’t me trying to say Zhongli and Venti are bad or anything. There’s absolutely a discussion for misogyny in Genshin, but I’m not really opening that can of worms right now.
I’m just looking at the dynamics we have for the Archons and am hoping that we get a strong and respected female archon at some point.
It could be the Tsaritsa for all we know! The Tsaritsa is incredibly badass and there’s some indications that the intentions behind the Fatui aren’t that bad but their actions are, so it could be that the Tsaritsa is our strong AND respected Archon.
Yet, Childe’s line about her makes me think that people have their doubts, so is she really that respected as we think?
That just leaves Murata, and I am hoping that if the resurrection thing is about her, then I hope Murata is very strong and highly respected.
But if the resurrection is about someone else, say,the Pyro Sovereign, then I am BEGGING Hoyo to make the Pyro Sovereign a woman. We lost a female archon to a male sovereign I don’t want it to happen again.
#I don’t think any of this makes any sense to anyone but me#and again this isn’t some bashing of Zhongli or Venti or anything#they’re great#I just want a female archon that has the same type of faith in her as Venti has with his nation#or the same type of authority as Zhongli had#Ei could have that but for as much as I love her she did nearly whip all ambition and spirit from her nation#every time I talk about her I feel the need to say that I love her because I’m usually talking about her flaws#so yes I do love Ei very much#moving on Nahida would probably be both powerful and respected when she’s at her peak and older#but again I don’t think we’ll ever see it#if she’s still a baby a 500 years old then I don’t think she’ll be at her peak for a while#and then Furina#my poor girl got ROBBED#like good for Neuvillette and good for Furina in the end#but I still would have liked to see Furina as an actual archon#would I change anything about the Fontaine Archon Quest? no#am I still mad Furina got dethroned by a man? yep yep yep#am I happy that that man was Neuvillette? sure ig it could’ve been way worse#idk the only chance we’ll get a female archon with the same clout as Zhongli or Venti is Murata and the Tsaritsa now#and the Tsaritsa is evil until proven by the game to not be so I don’t want it to be her#I feel like having a female archon that is both strong and respected be the ‘evil’ one is kinda fucked actually#so either the Tsaritsa will be proven innocent in some way or it has to be Murata#Hoyo just give us one strong female archon who’s widely respected please and thank you#genshin impact#genshin#natlan#genshin natlan#genshin murata
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constantvariations · 11 months
My scavenge for screenshots that I might use in an upcoming video essay led me to Lilith Fairen’s blog where, lo and behold, she apparently saw this post of mine and decided she had to talk about it
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That’s an interesting way to say “the blog has me blocked, so I can’t reblog the OG post.” Fairen, you know what a block means, right? It means I don’t consent to you being on my damn blog. So either you don’t understand what boundaries are or you think it’s okay to ignore them so long as it’s the right kind of person you’re invading. Neither of which reflect well on you
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johnskleats · 4 months
don't read the comments the comments are whisky fork in your brain don't do it or they will blend your reason like a smoothie dontburrrrrrrrrrrr
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mishapen-dear · 7 months
I read that same fic earlier and I just straight up muted the person so their works don't show up for me anymore lmao
there was also another one like that posted yesterday because the person was mad at something qBad did a couple of days ago while not at all in his right mind and amnesiac, it was odd (not shitting on the person just confused and slightly concerned)
yeah there’s. a lot of misconceptions around qbad rn lmao. It’s one of the reasons Im so obnoxious about him, tbh, so that it’s not JUST the negativity that gets spread. He’s a really good target for the hate rn, because he has a smaller fanbase and his pvp playstyle + lore lead him to all that antagonizing during purgatory, and that gets vented out into fics.
It’s genuinely really interesting, the dichotomy that seems to exist between tumblr and twitter regarding him. Ive heard nothing but slander about bbh from twitter (again, he is not faking his illness, that is a lie), but he’s got a solid enough foothold on tumblr that ive seen more hate towards the fans that the cc, here. which makes sense, given how we take over the tag almost ever day when he logs on. genuine o7 to people who find that obnoxious but thats one of the reasons i overtag so much, for blocking purposes.
anyway i think all the bbh mischaracterization means that we just need to write about him more >:D please this is a call for more bbh centric fics from people who do not hate him/know a little bit about his lore. blease he’s such a fun pov to write i promise
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arsenicflame · 9 days
one of the things that really pisses me off about fandom (in general but it seems 10x worse in the ofmd fandom in specific) is some peoples determination to jump to the worst possible interpretation of any scene with a character they dont like in it. its suddenly not reasonable to read the silly jokey scene as it was indended, we have to assume X character is acting in bad faith because why would he not. if you substituted it with any other person you would not see these readings, but because its someone they dont like we can't possibly read it any other way. im all for reading into the text of the show and analysing and extrapolating from it, but some of the takes i have seen seem so out of left field from the actual show that it feels hard to assume the people writing them are doing it for any reason other than blind hatred of a character.
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masked-and-doomed · 1 month
Actually really damn idiotic for Yukiteru to not be fully suspicious of Takao during the VN. Like how many long haired ginger people are there in Sakurami City, really. How many. Not to mention, Takao was specifically killing the students at Umesato, immediately after getting in. How is that not setting off the radars fully. Murders happening just as 'previously outed as a serial killer' Takao Hiyama transfers?
After he got confirmation during Chapter 3 where Yomotsu and Tsubaki are there, clearly alive from when they were once dead, and mentioning such. No way you should still have faith in the guy not being the serial killer.
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shakir2 · 1 month
A Critical Analysis of Buddhism  
About two and a half thousand years ago, a Hindu prince named Siddhartha Gautama [AKA–Buddha Shakyamuni, 589 BC, the founder of Buddhism] was born in the north of India, leading a happy and indulgent childhood, protected from the harsh realities of life. At age 29, he walked out of his comfort zone and witnessed the harsh realities of life. Moved by all the suffering he saw, he vowed to search…
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