#fan kraizen
Hello Mx. Saturna! Here to talk a bit about my fani, Zuka!
She's a devarian plant sembla vani based on the kudzu vine, and she's kinda got them growing out of her skin like a long mane. it covers her face and most of her body and that serves to show how kudzu takes over any nearby surface.
she was still a child when the brandshock happened. ~30 or so cycles old. lived in an orphanage on a mild planet where the stars were always in view.
the brandshock affected her in an... unusual way. she doesn't really understand or remember what happened. she doesn't want to die, but she sure isn't happy.
when a group of vani started 'mercying' the others in her orphanage, she ran and barely made it out alive.she's been trying with all she can muster to escape from all the misery and violence and despair the brandshock caused. to maybe find someone else who also wants to survive.
it's relatively easy to hide her brand, though. she can just tuck the fleshy "vine" it's on into her tangle of vines, so despite her smaller size, at least her major weak spot is less visible.
so ye!
Definitely a tough situation, as a kwaiz that young would've either been killed immediately by the shock itself or left vulnerable to be killed extremely easily. Most Taba (pre-puberty Kraizen) were directly slain by the bolt. She's a lucky one to some, but how lucky in the long run?
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drawn-corrosion · 7 months
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so if I had made my current oc obsession into a fan kwaiz, this would have been the result! still do not have a name for them yet, but I settled on giving them dream sembla since their actual iteration is a dream demon of some kind. where are the extra limbs I normally draw them with? i got lazy and couldn't figure out how to pose them switchlimbs. I think they would have been a cook or entertainer of some kind who on the side did assassin work or other targeted killing-type work. They seem like the type to enjoy a chase so I could see them sending premonitions of them killing their victims prior to actually carrying it out. This would have the added benefit of them being able to see how they react to violent confrontation and make a plan. To be clear, this isn't an official fan character (whatever that means), this is a kwaizified oc. But I'm real indecisive so if I can't figure out anything to do with their true iteration this may become the true iteration.
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 9 months
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phantasmaofcosmos · 25 days
Dance among the voided skies, as the stars have all fallen from their place. Watch the worlds around you crumble at their hands, For there is no way to defend yourself....or is there? What if some rose again, to fight the doom that the others create? What if you still had a chance? Stars against Stars, the duality unfolds.... We will see, what you're really made of.
Welcome to my Hypnofantasma fan-story! A tale of the aliens known as Vani, invading Earth in the name of heroic mercy and genocide. However, it's already having its drawbacks, as a group of Vani are now working in favor of Humankind, and some going mysteriously missing. Will humanity and Kraizenian kind both solve their mysteries? Or is humankind doomed to the wrath of the Vani?
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akary0cyte · 1 year
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at last the melkastro ref is real
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hypnofantasma · 10 months
HI!! So, to celebrate my community and all of its fan creations and designs, i have created an ever-growing public gallery of sorts, called The Valziva (a Kraizenian central art gallery, at the center of every city)! I first shared it yesterday in my Discord server (linked below), but I'd figured I'd also share it for those off-server folk who are apart of the community!
Every artist/owner has their own folder, with each character having their own folder with art and refs and stuff! And in the owner's folder, you can also have an explanation doc, talking about and brainrotting about your characters, etc.
I have a method in the server for collecting submissions, but on here, it'll be a bit different.
If you'd like a character gallery in the folder (a Google drive, which is this: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14bC8hBcqbD_7_bC5tnqCYsCpadkSlL-3 ), please do the following steps:
- 1) Go to @kenopsia-asks , and send an ask.
- 2) In the ask, tell me what you want your Owner Folder to be named.
- 3) In the ask me your fan Kenopsia characters, with their full names and images associated with them. Can be Kraizen, Omni, Were, Tether, anything! You can send them as raw images over Tumblr, or, you can send me a drive link with everything!
- 4) Optional but appreciated would be a Doc with information about the characters and their stories, as well as Toyhouse links and stuff.
If you have nameless characters, just lemme know and I'll toss em in anyway. I probably won't reply to the asks, but I'm PRETTY quick to get stuff added to the folders so just look within the hour and they'll likely be there! If they aren't, I likely got pulled away irl.
ANYWAY- I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS IDEA OF MINE!! This community has done so much for me, so I thought a showcase of everyone's wonderful art and designs and tales!! 💚💙💜❤️💚💙💜❤️
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skinscribblesnomore · 10 months
oh I should make a decent intro post with information. whoops
Hi! I'm Skin(amarink), Nails, or Eclipse. I go by whatever. For every destiel meme I see breaking news to me I add two more sets of pronouns to the collection. please help
Hell's Deliverance (a strange demon and a vampire knight have beef but they both realize the other has Issues™)
Seas of Supercherie (old woman yaoi (genderfluid) with the cosmic horror who likes to hear her ramble)
The one with Sunny in it (he. doesn't really have a story? it's hard to explain I'm so sorry)
The other one with Ferry in it (basically slice of life with a scarecrow turned kid and their human sister)
Kenopsia/Stars Below (both Kraizen/Vani and humans! everyone is fucked. except Brady he's chill)
FNAF (og Fronnie enjoyers how do we feel about burying those gays)
Choo Choo Charles (you have no fucking clue what's coming. you have no idea)
That's kind of it. Anything else I'll add to this later
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sorrel-schematonics · 10 months
Long time no post... and it's a writing-related thing for once!
Been doing an ask game pinned on my rambling account @fibonacci-hell about any and all of my OCs, whether it be for my original WIP story Wrenched Purposes or any of my fan characters (mostly Kraizen/Vani based on Kenopsia: The Forever Ocean).
Feel free to ask me anything and everything about my OCs there!
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roller skates in all cool and shit. i see people talking about their fan vani so i might as well jump on that. only kind of though txotxongil is surprisingly undeveloped but he's on my mind so everyone viewing gets to view my ideas right now. ive been "reworking" him a bit because the ideas i came up with when i was 13 were kind of lame and im thinking of making his tether like a rockstar or something because the idea of a rockstar as a tether is fucking awesome to me. not sure how thisll work when txo's sembla is spirit but i'll figure it out. another very simple idea for him is that despite the fact he's a bit of a controlling jackass post brandshock, i think he would have been the most kind and jolly fellow pre brandshock the way a good grandpa is kind and jolly and wise. hes got a wife (not sure on her name, crystal sembla) and a son (vetrokoz, crystal sembla) and a brother (behednyem, void sembla). he has no idea where they are RIP to his family. this was very disorganized it is two in the morning and i should really get on my punctuation game. okay have a good night juno (that is genuine forgive my dry tone). roller skates out all cool and shit
YEAAAAH the brandshock turned a ton of kind and friendly folk into actual monsters ........ this is all good even if you believe it to be disorganized, i send you energy to develop it even more!! also a rockstar as a tether is PERFECT in general, though that may be my bias
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man faced kwaiz born in the deserts of kenopsia. has long elf like jestears on the side of his head and tusk like fangs capable of extracting nutrients a la vampires, mosquitoes, or butterflies. eyelash like eye markings, but with a long clown like strip down the center that connects in dots to the end of his mouth. body is very hominid, pudgy, and wide with claws, has wings on his arms similar to a vampire's cloak, eyes are very gargoyle like. his tail is short, but draconic if a bit nub like. his tanja is a bright neon pinkish red and his other eye ring color is sky blue. haven't decided every detail of his personality or psionics, however he's very quiet, but vocal and loud when upset. usually alternates between soft spoken and loud. wanted to be a musician, couldn't have the talent no matter how hard he tried. it sounded quite discordant, but he still tried. his psyonics gave him esp after a particularly intense usage (fixing up a battered robot of someone he looked up to...or trying to and failing) and twisted him, so he speaks in loud, barked, short and curt phrases. if at all. jestears cut up and missing parts, constantly scowling. claws overgrown, body fur and the hairs on his head also rather outgrown. lost his ability to fly. oh, and misuse of his sembla, too. he can hack into electronics with a mere thought and control them remotely. whereas the internet was a communication tool for leaders and officials and for business means on kenopsia, he'd think about hacking into whoever he was jealous of, for their music, their friends, et cetera, and peer through messages and frying their devices when he was through, at least when he was twisted. when he was not twisted, he'd fix up and repair devices, and draw digitally on his own. when he went to earth, his grand plan was to send off an electromagnetic wave to knock out all electronic communication in the tri state area. no medical devices, no phones, no laptops, nothing, then use the energy to power up an ion blast over vegas to pick off any survivors. not sure what sembla that would be! his sister is very dragon and snake like, with hominid arms and a fluffy head of hair, her hair is sun yellow, as is her tanja, and her eyes are sun yellow and sky blue. she can command lightning strikes and has an electricity sembla. her provider also has an electric sembla, whereas their carrier is dream.
oh, Kenopsia isn't a place, it's just the name of the overarching story! You must mean the Kraizenlain or maybe the planet of Kraizenia, where most Kraizen were born! :]
other than that, these two are super cool!! that's definitely a Twistie who's a HUGE danger ..........
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 8 months
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Eisrekeltor [EYES-ruh-KEHL-tore]
"The Distortionist" is what the team calls them…They find them rather unsettling in a lot of ways, and as of current, no one knows what they're up to…strange.
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 10 months
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I forgot to upload this on here...Neliotte doing a Aerial Silk performance!!
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 11 months
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I also forgot...to upload him onto my tumblr sooo uhhh... This is Qichilro [Cee-SHIL-roh], a cold sembla beltasian!! Qichilro was a kraizen who owned a dance based club/studio mix and looked after the troupe of dancers who worked there. He cares deeply for his troupe and for those around him, a quirky fella with his suave and sassy attitude. It isn't hard for him to make friends though sometimes he can be quite overbearing with his high expectations on how things are done, after all he is a perfectionist and it bothers him greatly where there is disorder. Asides from this he is a friendly person who is extremely passionate about art and performance. 
He played a very important role in Neliotte's life prior to the brandshock, beings as he was the one who helped them a lot in regards of their dancing career.
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 9 months
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"I can..remember a time when I was but a young tabazen..." "My parent used to take me to The Water Channels just to walk...or find something to do..." "....I hope he's alright wherever....he is..." Adagio belongs to @thepuppeteerartist Neliotte belongs to me!!
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 10 months
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Hm some fani headshots I decided to do!! I might do more at a later date!!
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