#fanfiction must be written
lesbiangummybearmafia · 9 months
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If I didn't know any better I'd say these two were a couple... they look gorgeous together. Just saying...of course young woman with older woman is always hot.
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ot3 · 2 months
love for that all tlt is supposed to be reworked homestuck fanfic, nobody can agree on what it originally was. which is a long way to say that I had to see someone accuse it of being a lesbian rose/dave rework once.
it's crazy it's almost like despite the fact that TLT has a lot of similarities to stuff taz did in the homestuck fandom/shows its influences she's a talented and competent writer who was able turn those influences into fully unique characters and settings that can't be 1:1 compared to fanfiction she wrote a decade ago. it's almost like Filing Serial Numbers off of fanfiction to publish it outright as an expy for those same dynamics is something that happens when you have an unskilled or lazy writer try and transition into publishing original work.
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aimasup · 1 month
throws up my hands in mock resignation but also a hint of frustration Okay Valentino is a cool villain I guess
He's like. Genuinely unsettling. Wish the show struck a better balance with his character sometimes (like sometimes when he's onscreen I have to skip over because I feel queasy and sometimes he's so unsubtle he feels more like a prop than a guy who's going to be a Huge Deal in s2)
#why yes I have been reading some phenomenal fanfiction lately#a lesser me would be agonising over my inability to ever come close to matching the#masterfully characterised works of these talented WORD WEAVERS#but envy is a spoilt housepest and we must spend less time unleashing it upon new targets#instead let's talk about how these fics discovered its possible??#to write Val as not only a 3dimensional character but a deeply horrifying person to WITNESS#to depict how he thinks and what he wants and what he contributes to the people around him#while acknowledging that his actions are supremely messed up#also without dumbing whatever the fuck is wrong with him down to just 'can't do math and needs a sippycup'#those jokes are funny but he's also a dealmaker#he doesn't need to be studied under a microscope! he needs to be gawked at in abject horror! Oh the Potential!#he needs to tell us more about how depraved hell can be by linking us to a portion of the culture full of the dead who cannot die!#anyways. rant over. uh I think I like valentino now? in the same way I like the old man villain from hunchback of notre dame.#just. (gestures) what is this dude. ew. oh my god#my post#personal stuff#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel valentino#is this anything#again I am entrenching on dangerous territory of 'expectations for this media I consume'#he really doesn't need to be written all shakespearean-like#too attached mayhaps#delete later#honestly worried that if the show does reveal his backstory or whatever it'll try to paint him in a sympathetic light#and then the online arguments will be a headache for a month#villain with tragic backstory ≠ sympathetic villain
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chloedoesart · 5 months
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Back to my roots...
I began my internet art journey nearly a decade ago as part of the Wings of Fire fandom. Somehow, my footprint in that fandom still exists despite leaving it many years ago.
I received a sweet message from a parent of a young teen this year asking if their son could use some of my old Wings of Fire artwork for his podcast cover. They reached out to me to help teach him about copyright and getting permission from artists to use their work! I was so touched and impressed that I offered to draw a custom cover for his podcast, as long that he promised he would never stop following his interests and exploring new ways of expressing himself!
It was fun to redraw one of my favourite characters from the series, Qibli, after so many years.
Podcast version under the cut!
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orangecrush · 1 month
In my dream fix-it Creamsicle fic:
The initial setup is canon compliant: Freddy is an undercover cop, and they’re preparing for the heist, or it’s already happened.
Neither Freddy nor Larry dies. (Duh.)
Freddy gets shot – either during the heist or in some other way. His injury is serious and incapacitating, and it makes him utterly dependent on Larry. (WHUMP! The more and heavier the better!)
There’s at least reference to (but preferably a description of) a medical procedure that saves Freddy’s life – probably done by some dodgy doctor or a vet, whomever Larry or Joe or whoever fits the storyline can get. (I’m not a medical professional and don’t care about accuracy. But I pretty much go insane when characters magically recover from injuries that definitely require more professional medical attention than their caretakers are able to provide.)
Freddy tells Larry the truth about himself, and though it obviously complicates things between them, Larry doesn’t abandon him.
There’s a very gentle, nonsexual bath/shower scene in which Larry helps Freddy get clean after his injury. (This piece is crucial and nonnegotiable.)
There is sex, but it doesn’t drive the story, and it’s not rough or kinky. (The way Larry touches Freddy in the warehouse? Yeah, that’s the kind of tenderness with which he's touching him out of the warehouse, too.)
They ultimately escape by leaving the country, preferably in a way that incriminates Freddy just as much as it does Larry (e.g., by taking some or all of the diamonds).
There’s an unambiguous happy ending or, at the very least, the sense that they’ll eventually get there.
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blackwood4stucky · 5 months
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i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream | aspen blackwood
steve rogers x james "bucky" barnes | mcu
masterpost | mini playlist
🆃 | word count: 1,110 | complete
tags: quiet horror, omegaverse, bucky-centric
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The members of the Rogers family were unpacking their boxes, two rented U-Hauls sitting in front of their new house, when Bucky first heard it, the ice cream song playing from the truck down the street. It was a familiar little jingle, one he had heard for many years where he used to live. Such a tune usually brought joy, everyone loves ice cream.
It was late October by the time the Rogers relocated to a new community in East End, New Hampshire. Their neighbors were getting into the spirit of Halloween what with all the decorations strewn about the block. Fake webs and spiders covered many front lawns while homemade ghosts and ghouls blew in the cool autumn winds. It seemed that everyone in the community was participating from the sheer amount of laughter that could be heard all around them. Bucky decided then that they all would have to participate as well, how could they not? It was his favorite time of the year, family tradition dictated that they celebrate and he would not forsake that ritual. If only they could get everything done in a timely fashion. Looking at his little family though, he could see that his alpha and their daughter were worn out. Even their cat, Alpine, was lying about in the grass. Perhaps it was a good time to pause and take a break now that the ice cream truck was there. He had just begun digging his hands around in his pocket for change when little Sarah tugged on his pant leg.
“Mommy, why is everyone leaving?” His daughter’s voice sounded so small even though he knew Sarah’s curiosity was so big, the little girl could get into so much mischief if left to her own devices.
Glancing up, Bucky saw that Sarah was right though. Their new neighbors had all but dropped their various decorations to scramble for the doors. Even the pets knew the drill. With his heightened hearing, he could hear the telltale sound of locking mechanisms and whispers coming from inside of the houses on the block. Perturbed, but not one to stick around for danger, Bucky followed suit and beckoned for his husband, Steve, and little Sarah to do the same. Taking whatever they held in their hands, the Rogers family hastily went inside and closed their doors, making sure the deadbolt was securely in place. The song from the ice cream truck grew louder and louder, the pitch taking on a strange note at the end, one that caused a chill to run down Bucky’s spine. It wasn’t until a pained yelp rang out a moment later that they all realized Alpine was still outside.
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Ever since that day, life went on as normal for rest of the members of the East End community. Bucky, on the other hand, developed trust issues. Not a single one of their new neighbors batted an eye when he and Steve asked what was up with the ice cream truck, when they questioned their new neighbors on the whereabouts of their beloved pet. All anyone ever had to say on the matter was when the ice cream song plays, you best get inside, don’t come out until it’s over, even then don’t come out until the day is over. If you’re caught outside when the song plays, you best pray for it to be over soon. For if you see the heads, if you see the eyes, it’s over. It’s over, it’s over for you.
Bucky had begun to question their decision to move to East End then. All the research he put into finding this community didn’t seem to be yielding the results it should have. All the reviews he read boasted of its exclusivity and safety for all sorts of people. All the interviews he and Steve had gone through were a testament to how serious East End appeared to take its application process. It all was supposed to result in a sanctuary. He knew his little family was different. Heightened senses, enhanced agility, and a less than stellar diet certainly didn’t make it easy for them to settle down. This was supposed to be their big break. He didn’t know how wrong he was.
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A few weeks later, Bucky, Steve, and Sarah were enjoying the cool play day in breeze on their front lawn, when they heard it, the ice cream song playing from the truck down the street. Bucky and Steve were wary but gathered what was immediately around them to head inside.
“Excuse me.” A little voice called out from behind Bucky. “I missed you last time. May I have some ice cream, please?”
Turning around, Bucky saw their daughter standing in front of the ice cream truck with her little hand outstretched. His eyes widened when he got a good look at the truck. It was all white with a strange black symbol painted on the side facing their home, a sea creature with multiple bulbous heads and tentacles. To his utter horror, a familiar pale red light had begun to shine through the window on the driver’s side. It was one that bought horrific memories from his past, flashes of torture and pain.
“Sarah, get away from that truck!” Bucky’s body moved like a flash before he could even issue it a command, fear gripping his heart as he snatched the child up from the edge of the sidewalk. It was only when something cold and tight gripped at his leg as it latched onto his skin, that he realized his grave mistake. “Take her and get inside, lock the doors!”
“No! Not without you!” Steve had materialized at his side to take Sarah into his arms but he refused to leave. “I won’t leave you, not again.”
“You have to!” He groaned in pain and looked down at his leg, it was wrapped in some sort of chain with barbs that dug into his flesh holding him in place. There was no way he would let them get ahold of his entire family, there was no way in hell he would give Hydra a real win. Bucky’s fear was to be ripped from his daughter, from Steve, his husband and mate. It was his greatest fear to be returned back into the clutches of those that created monsters like him and Steve. All the while, that ice cream truck played its haunting song. It tormented him as he prayed for a swift end that he knew would never come. The first time the Rogers family heard the ice cream song, they lost their pet. The second time they heard it, the Rogers family lost Bucky.
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whitelilynh · 7 months
Lucrezia writes a last letter to her mother, a confession of sorts.
It must certainly will break your heart, mother, for a mother would not ever want to be forced to face such a truth about her children, her little sunbeams, the one thing in the entire world that, at least for a fraction of time, were hers and only hers. For I am a mother as well and I know. But I know as well as the love of God, that my heart seeks for relief and I must confess, if one last time, if for the first time in truth, what's been the fate of my condemned soul.
For I loved him and I love him still, with the intensity none other feeling has ever consumed my heart, not even for my beloved Giovanni and you, as a mother, must know what it is for me to say this (May God forgive my soul).
I'm afraid of him now, the one I love the most -I told you long back ago in my naivety, in my presumed ignorance perhaps, but to be honest, it was nothing but cowardice, for it was not Cesare (and never Cesare!) what I was afraid of; it was me, deep inside and rotten me.
Jealous is the word- I said -of any happiness I might snatch. Without him.
But it was me, mother! It was me who feared the day Cesare went to France, not because the implications of my husband's titles and country, no, but of what Cesare would find there, the promised wife, and perhaps a love, that could never be mine. The bride that would be waiting for him at the French court. Because of the happiness she could provide and I could not. It was me, who selfishly asked him upon our following meeting if he loved her, and on the despair of my soul when he said he did, I couldn't avoid asking (and begging in my heart for him to say no) if he loved her more than he loved me.
Could you love her more than you love me?... Could he ever love someone more than he loved me?
Such were the words I wanted to ask, such was the fear inside my heart. For Cesare could never die, dear mother, not in my mind. Did you ever know a mightier, a braver, a smarter man than him? Could you ever imagine a human capable of defeating Cesare? I certainly did not, and I know now, I took him for granted.
And when Alfonso provoked Cesare, and in the midst of his unhappiness accused him, please know dear mother, Cesare didn't lie.
My deceased husband said the whispers of Rome had it that in our marriage there wasn't two, but three involved. And Cesare, as proper as he may, answered but the truth. In my marriage, mother, weren't three, for in my heart there was no space for anyone but Cesare.
It was true, though, that nor in my soul, nor in my skin, nor in my lips were another name being told than Cesare's. In my thoughts there were no others but the ones that brought me back to him, in my hopes were no more than yearning to see him -to touch him- once more time. In my love there was no love but Cesare's.
And when he died, sun of my life, there was no longer reason to be alive for me.
I, on the other hand, lied and lied again. I lied when I said I wanted to be freed from him, I lied when I said I ambitioned a life far from his reach, I lied when I instigated to leave him to find happiness. What possible happiness could I ever meet if not the one I felt by his side?
I was afraid, and I am, of what I came up to be.
If Cesare killed Giovanni Sforza for me, it did not impress me. If Cesare (forgive his soul, mother) killed Juan for me, I was glad. And when he killed Alfonso, I felt nothing but the remorse of my own implication, for I dragged the Duke into this life knowing quite well that what was my brother's could never be his, and I provoked the madness that led him to, stupidly, think he had a chance against Cesare's hand. I knew Cesare didn't kill him, but I pretended not to, not to face my own negligence.
But what terrified me, was to know I'd kill anyone and anytime for Cesare. To such abandon I love him, mother, that I wouldn't even think twice before staining my hands in blood for him.
It scares me that, even in the depths of grief after I knew of his passing, when we learned Charlotte was to give him a child, I was glad he never knew -for I could never bring such bliss upon him. For I might lose his love to that child, and I could not bear it, I could not bear him loving something that was not from me, from us. I could not bear any happiness he could snatch, without me.
I know I've broken your heart, mother, yet still I need not only your pardon, but your console. Could you tell me once again, for the last time, you might find still forgiveness and love for us inside you? Could you please explain why has God damned us with such a pure love, if it is but a sin?
For I never understood how could I love him with such a strength of feeling, with such passion and naturality, as if my life depended on it; and how the most sublime experience ever to be lived, when he was inside of me, was truly an abomination? Why, when he only but appeared in front of me, when his dark eyes rested upon my humble self, or when the tip of his fingers touched my face, it felt as if God himself was in the room with us, approving of such a pure love? How can a love as deep and magnificent not come from God?
Yet I am afraid, mother, that your words of console will not come soon enough to reach my ears, and it is my punishment to be left without your forgiveness. I am afraid that loving Cesare was not the last, but the first of my sins. For you must know, I would kill whoever needed to, to be able to be with him. And tell me mother, what's the one thing keeping me apart from his love now that he's no longer with us?
I pray to God your heart finds console, and my soul finds mercy, and I pray whoever it's will might be, wherever we might encounter each other, that in death we may meet the love in life we never had.
If my name still holds some value, know this was the last confession of Lucrezia Borgia.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I have too many fic ideas with no actual plan to write any of them (bc I can't write), but I can share them regardless. Here's another one
Post revolution Amanda is locked within the remaining Connor. She can see through his eyes just like before, but for obvious reasons Connor has been avoiding stasis since the very day he escaped it last time, which is also the day Amanda got permanently locked within him with no hope to escape as CyberLife servers she used to be connected with are now all shut down. She doesn't have any influence over him, but does she really? She explores it further and as it turnes out, she still can forcefully put him into stasis, but as far as it looks like Zen Garden he is quick to force himself out of it, so Amanda must get more creative than that. She scans through his system and figures out a way, weak spot she can use — preconstruction. She uses it as a part of a new program to execute without Connor's knowledge. A mix of stasis and preconstruction forced to run in a way that would make it difficult to spot, and as a result Connor starts to experience some anomalies. Such as: dialogues that never actually happened or just individual phrases that were never said, extreme dangerous situations that appear out of the blue just to get back to the way Before those situations in a blink of an eye, as if none of those things ever took place. Those anomalies are getting progressively more and more hardcore as Amanda is learning what kind of topics affect him the most as well as how can she manipulate him into taking actions that'll lead to him destroying comfort of his life with his own actions. Her goal is to reach a point of self destruction because as long as Connor is activated, so is she, and her goal is to destroy both of them as well as to take some revenge.
I described it from Amanda's pov to describe the underlying mechanism, but it's actually written (as if this fic is real*) from Connor's pov, so at some point nor him or reader understand anymore, what parts of the reality actually happened and what was simulated. Or idk, which one is more fun, when the reader is aware of what's simulated or when the reader is just as confused (or almost just as much) as Connor. Connor must be hella hard to break down like this + he's smart enough to start to realise the backbone of things to fight back, but huh, she'll make sure to get him through the hell of his own mind, so even when things are real they're now perceived from a different perspective than before.
* or maybe it is actually. I kinda assume that none if my ideas I post here are original, some people must have thought about them before, and if you know that that's the case I will appreciate the link(s) to where I can find it written. I don't really search for anything so I don't even know how cliche or not are ideas I post here
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anyavaramyr · 2 years
The feminine urge to write rrr and/or kgf fanfiction at 3 am in the morning
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wylstarion · 1 month
okay okay so this is the basic outline for the first bit of my Dammon rewrite/descent into avernus au
try to follow me here and god please am i open to suggestions
- Dammon is the second oldest and the oldest son of a tiefling master artificer mother and a human wizard father from Elturel. He has 4 siblings; An older sister who's a hellrider, a pair of boy and girl twins who are a bard duo, and an oops baby sister his parents had a decade later than the rest of them.
- When Elturel sinks, Dammon's mother is a person of interest to Zariel. She's known for her work with infernal metals on the material plane and his father is known as a master of automaton magic. They're both immediately conscripted into her service, Dammon's younger siblings are killed (???) by demons, and his older sister is captured. He is conscripted into the forges, deemed useful by Zariel's assets because he's been trained to work with infernal metals by his mother. His parent's are being forced to serve Zariel and design her war machines.
- Elturel is still in Avernus, the main events of Descent into Avernus happen shortly after the game. Elturel falls about 90 days before the nautiloid crashes.
- The tiefling refugees we meet throughout the game are exiled from cities neighboring Elturel in Eltergard.
- Dammon shows up with the last band of refugees to the grove about a week before Tav/Astarion/Shadowheart/Gale show up. He shows up the day Halsin leaves to explore the goblin camp with Anders, gets him set up at his forge, introduces him to the other tieflings, then dips.
- Zevlor, Tilses and Dammon are the only tieflings from Elturel proper. Zevlor and Tilses were lucky enough to be away from the city proper when it fell. Zevlor is very guilt ridden about this. Dammon (not wanting to explain himself) tells most of the other refugees that he was just out of the city when it fell.
- Karlach is the first person who Dammon tells that he escaped the hells. He isn't generous with details, but he tells her he's familiar with infernal machinery, tells her he spent time working the infernal forges. He really wants to help her. She still smells like Avernus and Dammon saw her fighting while he was there. She's familiar to him in a very bittersweet way. Honestly he feels lucky that he managed to escape without a tadpole, considering the fate of the other adventures surrounding him.
- The main game takes place over about 6 months.
- After the netherbrain attack, Dammon's forge is destroyed and he's living in Rivington with the other tiefling refugees. He feels purposeless, has major survivors guilt, he's really lonely, and he's lowkey pining after Karlach, guilt ridden by the fact that he couldn't fix her engine. He blames himself for her having to return to the hells. He misses her. He feels like she's the only person he's been honest with since he escaped Avernus. Boys got some real bad limerance.
- When he got to Baldur's Gate he found it reeeeaaaal peculiar that Thavius Kreeg managed to escape Elturel before it fell (He never liked that guy)
- Tav and Gale (in love, leaving for waterdeep next week) come to visit the tieflings before they depart. Tav makes a passing comment about Wyll and Karlach in Avernus. Gale makes a comment about Ulder being quite upset at his son for returning to the place he just escaped from. Dammon, who wasn't really paying attention before, shoots up and is like "???? huh??" and they say that yeah, Ravengard was actually in Elturel when it fell. He had just escaped and was on his way back to Baldur's Gate with news of the cities fate when he was captured by the Absolute. Real shit luck that guy has, clearly.
- Dammon, dumbstruck, thinking he was the only one who had escaped at that point, completely unaware that Ravengard had also been in Avernus, is like "oh okay um so there's maybe a few things I haven't been completely honest about" and has to tell them everything about his escape.
- The day the nautiloid crashed through hell, Zariel immediately set all her forces on high alert. All non essential guards were called to hold the line. In the chaos, Dammon's father appeared before him. He had summoned a portal, telling Dammon that this was his only chance. They didn't have long, and Dammon needed to leave now. Dammon had way too many questions. He was in shock, never expecting to see his parents again. His father told him he loved him, kissed him on the forehead, and shoved Dammon through the portal to the material plane. Dammon found himself suddenly in the foothills of the risen road, just outside of the crater where Elturel used to be. It all happened in maybe 30 seconds. One moment he was a slave in hell, the next he was standing beside a massive crater where his hometown used to be.
- Tav and Gale arrange a meeting for him with Ulder because what are the odds they both escaped Avernus on the same day???
- Ulder is shocked to hear about Dammon's escape. He tells him that a tiefling woman with cherry red skin and graying horns appeared before him. She told him that Zariel intended to sink the city of Elturel into the riven Styx. She said that if Ulder did not return to Baldur's Gate, his city would suffer the same fate. She said that Thavius Kreeg was responsible for the cities demise, that someone needed to stop him.
- So that's how Dammon learns that it was definitely also his parents that rescued the duke. They used the nautiloid crashing through Avernus as a diversion, and for some godforsaken reason rescued him and the goddamn grand duke of Baldur's Gate from Zariel's imprisonment at the same time. Dammon does not know why his life would be valued the same as the grand duke?? even by his parents, who he always revered as pragmatists.
- Dammon (developing a hero complex) determines that his rescue must mean something. His parents must have intended for him to find some way to rescue them, to rescue the city, because why else would they save him? He wants (desperately) to understand why they put their lives at such risk to get him out. He understands why they saved Ravengard, but he cannot understand why they would want him to escape if not to save themselves. (He's been through a lot okay)
- So Dammon, foolishly, guilt stricken for leaving his parents to die in Avernus, mourning his siblings, guilt stricken over not being able to save Karlach, desperately lonely and depressed from the last 6 months of strife, every good thing in his life constantly going sour, confused as to why his life was valued the same as the grand duke, decides that is must be for some greater cause. He has to do something because he can't be the only one who escaped, the only one who survived, for no reason. He decides that what his parents must want him to do is save them, save the city, avenge them, do something to stop Zariel's reign of terror.
- Anyways that's how my sweet sweet artificer ends up willingly venturing back into the hells, fantasizing about finally helping Karlach, rescuing his parents, avenging his siblings, making his life worth something. (He's a fool for it, but he has to learn that it isn't his place to save everyone.)
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val-bti · 1 year
If you have not seen Teen Wolf the movie yet,
For real, it's a waste of 140 minutes of your time. There fanfiction out there that have waaaaaay more outlandish plots and are still 100000 times better than this movie.
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folklauerate · 1 year
I think I might be the worst fic writer in the world bc I do not know how to add my fics to collections (other then the Employed Tom Dorset one I quite literally moderate) to increase readership and more to that matter I don’t give a single flying fuck about readership or “engagement” or “how a fic performs” anymore 😭 caring about that is a TRAP and it takes away from actual enjoyment of creating something out of love and for the sake of creating it and because the idea keeps you up in the middle of the night and finds you on long drives and won’t go away until you put pen to paper and the cursor on the page and write it down. Writing to try and please the audience you cannot see and who doesn’t exist and is a figment of your imagination is a surefire way to make you hate yourself when something doesn’t “do” the way you think it will and damn we need to move away from language around “performance” when it comes to fanfiction entirely. Fanfiction exists outside the capitalist economy, it is one of the true joyful beautiful wonderful acts of creating just to create that cannot be monetized and that’s so damn important to me.
At the end of the day I am quite literally only ever really writing for myself. I write what I want how I want when I want and hit post. I have opinions on my own writing and think some wips are shittier than others because I wrote them fast and dirty and didn’t give a flying fuck about editing or whatever, I just wanted it out and done. It’s nice when my friends read it and care, I like having the opinions of people whose work I respect as well. It’s always flattering when other people I don’t know read it and strangers leave comments or people send anons and DMs. It’s an absolute mind fuck to think people are discussing words I wrote amongst themselves and not involving me but it’s gratifying to hear because the work did what it was supposed to do; it was scraped out of a part of me and put out into the world and became whatever it needed to become for the person reading it, and that’s cool but also I can’t think about that without it getting overwhelming a little bit, I can’t.
All that to say… fuck a fic collection I “should” be putting works in and fuck a “time” to post and fuck “engagement” and fuck it all to hell. I write to soothe the gremlin inside me who lives under a bridge like a troll in a fairytale and I’m really better for it 😭
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charliespringverse · 11 months
rewatching house led to me infodumping at my mother about ao3 and gen z purity culture and honestly . if she didn't want these things to happen to her she shouldn't have had children with a man so incredibly neurodivergent
#there was a logical progression to the infodump . but i fear it was only logical in an adhd way#bc my friend went ''u can rlly tell this is early 2000s bc they wouldn't let him say things like that today''#which led to the ''they Could theoretically make it but like . toned down and also no character would ever be able to agree w him''#which led to the thing of how audiences seem unable to separate depiction from endorsement#like the whole ''if a character is transphobic and nobody in-world calls them evil and wrong then the creator must be transphobic'' thing#which led to the tag system on ao3 and the proship/anti thing abt whether the existence of the archive warning system means they're —#- endorsing/supporting works that contain 'problematic' themes and content#which led to me ranting abt the reasons Why ppl create dark media (eg a story abt csa could be written by a nonce or a survivor)#and my mother was just Sat There like 🧍🏻‍♂️ bc she's a 60 yr old woman and doesn't care about fanfiction or proship/anti discourse#i do this rant/infodump a Lot tho like it's on my mind very often . i love rambling for nearly an hour abt stupid internet culyure#also the quote i think best sums up my entire stance on the proship vs anti thing is from sarah z's video on it#''i am a tax paying adult woman not a member of a fucking fandom war sports team'' which is so me except that i'm a man n i don't pay taxes#((i'm not a tax evader i just don't meet the threshold to pay them))#anygay . i get on a plane in like 15 hours and i need to sleep#jay screams into the void
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Erik lived, but things are still Royally screwed up.
Read Chapter 22 on AO3 now.
Wille had never been scared of himself before.
or read from the beginning here.
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gemwolfz · 1 year
i am going to become like victor frankenstein
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flyingsassysaddles · 1 year
not me checking the princess bride tag on ao3 and tumblr constantly trying to feed my hyperfixation where in the world is the content for this story
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