#farmer sebastian sallow
legacygirlingreen · 7 months
Masterlist Snow on the Beach // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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A/N: Well my friends, I am officially uploading the one shot turned short fic in one go. The whole thing has taken me about a month to write and I am so very proud of it. Below will be the links for all the sections, and the audios once I can link those from YouTube and upload them so bear with me if you find this while I'm in the process of mass uploading. But PLEASE let me know how much you all enjoy this one.
Huge thanks to @localravenclawfor her creation of farmer Sebastian and her beautiful images which inspired this story. Def go check her out and love the images which should be on her page! As well as @strawberrypinkyas always for being my best supporter and idea bouncer on the planet.
Description: Snapshots of y/n, a recently fatherless girl who has moved to her mother's home village of Feldcroft from France. She meets the farm boy next door and pines over him for years until one day, he starts to return those sentiments as well...
Warnings: There is mentions of parental death, childabuse, LOTS of ANGST, and eventually Smut (last section if you want to skip) so PLEASE proceed with caution. Also, please note that the MC/reader in this fic is about 3 years younger than Sebastian, so if age gaps of any variety bother you... Sebastian never once crosses the line despite her puppy love until later on when she is an adult (even though they are roughly the same age regardless).
Word Count: 50k
May 1889
June 1889
August 30, 1889 - audio X
December 1889
April 1890
July 1890
August 1890
June 1891
November 1892
Christmas Eve 1892
September 1896. - audio X
December 1896 - audio X
February 1897
June 1897 NSFW
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hogwartslegacypics · 11 months
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fun fact about sebastian - he has birthmarks all over his hands
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verianal · 4 months
CW:c!garettes (i cant censor properly cuz im on my phone srry TT)
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SEBASTIAN >_<!! This is fanart for my bff @meowbosser so i hope u like silly ;3
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sunshines-legacy · 17 days
SebASStian Level 10 GYAATTTTTTT...
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Sebastian has a fattie, I'm calling it. GYATTTTTT
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cursedonyx · 7 months
So I had a little realisation about our favourite freckled heathen and his unending cheer and charm.
I think we can all agree that part of Sebastian’s allure is that he is so resolutely cheerful, especially in the first half of the game. He’s upbeat, charming, cheeky and extroverted, always smiling and willing to help. He loses the duelling match against you in DADA with more grace than a 15–16-year-old should reasonably have (especially considering Ominis is absolutely steaming in the background because Hecat almost made him fall over) and he’s willing to take the fall for you in the library, being cheerful with you again the next time you meet.
Sure, he has his moments, like when Solomon yells at him. But instead of engaging in an all-out brawl or screaming match, he removes himself from the situation and asks for a moment alone, presumably to calm down. A very mature thing to do.
It’s only when the relic (and likely Slytherin’s book as well) corrupts him that we see him be more on edge, snappier, more prone to temper.
Sebastian’s constant cheer and charm would lead a lot of people to think that he’s unbreakable, that he could be run over by a rampaging hippogriff and he’d just dust himself off and carry on with a smile and a laugh. And he probably would.
The thing is, that kind of constant cheer is likely down to his highly abusive childhood.
Hear me out.
We know that his parents died before he and Anne got their magic, which, according to canon, is usually around seven years old. So they would have been six or younger when their parents died, but for some reason, I think of it as being about five. Old enough to have precious memories of their parents, but still very young and impressionable.
We all know that Solomon never wanted to take the Sallow twins on, and harbours some insane resentment to the situation they’re in: an ex-Auror now living alone and essentially working as a farmer (he can be seen tilling the fields in Feldcroft) suddenly lumbered with two very small children who have just suffered massive emotional trauma, and he’s not equipped to deal with that. So he takes it out on Sebastian, who resembles the brother he presumably strongly disliked.
Whilst Anne is said to have been the most mischievous one out of her, Sebastian and Ominis, I think Sebastian is the most emotional. He likely would have been prone to let his feelings show, especially as a child, but Solomon wouldn’t have wanted to or been able to deal with that.
The thing is, resolutely tough, cheerful people have often been taught from a very young age that their negative emotions aren’t important. That their feelings are a nuisance. That they will be punished for expressing them, whether that’s through physical correction, emotional manipulation, or the removal of affection/attention. I fully expect that the grieving young Sebastian will have been told by Solomon to shut up and sit down and stop snivelling, or to behave, or to act like a man because he didn’t want to deal with it.
Sebastian will have learned to hide his negative emotions, supressing them in favour of trying to be happy to keep Solomon happy; a far preferable situation for him than antagonising the angry man who’s been angry since his parents died. It's possible Sebastian tried to be strong for Anne as well, who I expect would have withdrawn a lot, and as he loves her so much, he would want his twin to be happy, so he was happy for the both of them and did his best to cheer her up.
Being cheerful is safe. Being cheerful is a kind of protective blanket. Because if he lets himself feel all the hurt and the scary and the bad, he won't know how to handle it, so he doesn't. He just keeps smiling.
Sebastian will have unintentionally learned from a young age, or been deliberately trained to hide or mask his negative emotions at all costs, because the price for displaying them has always been serious consequences. But because he bottles it all up, when he breaks, he breaks hard. When his last-ditch attempt to save Anne with the relic fails, he breaks. Every bit of strength he had is gone, and he's left scrambling in an unfamiliar overload of pain and panic.
And when he has some time to think it through, the effects of the relic wearing off, he's truly remorseful for everything and eternally grateful that you're still his friend. Even before then, when you have to decide whether or not to turn him in, he tells you he's glad he met you, trying to fall back on those last threads of positivity that have held him up before.
That poor lad needs as much love and therapy as our lil blind bestie does.
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just-another-star-47 · 6 months
Thoughts on the Sallow family:
I hope they aren't too confusing..😅
Through the conversation after the Imperio incident with Sebastian, we learn that he and Anne had to pack things up and leave them behind when they moved to Solomon.
It didn't sound to me like they were moving from one house in Feldcroft to another, so I'm leaning towards them not having lived in Feldcroft (at least for a while).
Also, they probably owned a much larger house that had a basement and enough storage space for things that were unnecessary enough to leave behind. I therefore toy with the idea that they lived in a larger village, where their parents had better access to new books and research materials.
In the conversation, we also learn that Anne gives Sebastian a handmade crest as a good luck charm. It is not clearly stated that it is a family crest, but there definitely seems to be a close connection between the parents and it, as Anne kept it as a keepsake.
However, if it is indeed a family crest, it could indicate social status.
Crests were worn as a sign of belonging to a clan and were later made for individual families, for example to differentiate families with the same surname. They belonged not only to royalty and nobility (which in the wizarding world would probably be the pure-blooded families), but also middle-class families (craftsmen, merchants etc. who were able to accumulate material possessions). As far as I know, peasants (such as farmers etc) did not have crests.
This would also fit with a comment made by a student who suggested that he thought Sebastian came from a more 'upmarket' area than Feldcroft. Personally, I found it interesting, as I had kind of assumed that Sebastian came from a farming family and only rose through the social ranks because of his parents and his desire to learn. But the family crest would suggest that his family had been wealthier than simple peasants for longer.
(But perhaps they had their origins in Feldcroft and then 'worked their way up'?)
In my further confusion of thoughts, I also thought about Anne and Sebastian's parents. Personally, I don't think they taught as professors at Hogwarts, as Ominis statement that they spent every minute in the basement studying sounds more like research than teaching to me.
If they did teach, I can well imagine that Anne and Sebastian were already at Hogwarts as small children because their parents were busy at the castle for several days, for example. I could therefore imagine that they lived directly in the castle with their parents, or in one of the villages nearby (Hogsmeade or Lower Hogsfield).
Either way, I think the family travelled a lot, as Sebastian is incredibly knowledgeable about the whole area. Personally, I can understand these journeys as research trips by the parents, but either way it shows that the family could afford it.
I also found it interesting that Sebastian mentioned that the souvenirs of their parents included photos. Photographs only became more or less suitable for everyday use between 1840 and 1860 and were therefore a relatively new invention, which was also made by Muggles. Apparently, the parents' thirst for knowledge also extended beyond the wizarding world, which to me means that Anne and Sebastian have no (or few) reservations about Muggles, Muggle-born wizards, etc.
There are more thoughts buzzing around in my head, but I think that's enough for now. 😅
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intotheseas · 2 months
Writing Masterlist
My AO3
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This Modern Love (Stardew Valley) - Ongoing - Read here
Sage Sandoval has had enough of Zuzu City and her shitty parents. In less than 24 hours, she uproots her life, escapes the city and her shitty home, and settles on her grandfather's old land. She expected to farm. What she didn't expect was community, healing, connection, a glimpse into her past, and to fall in love with a certain reclusive programmer. Farmer x Sebastian, Sage/Sebastian Alternating POV, more tags on AO3 Updates Saturdays.
The Softest Magic (Hogwarts Legacy) - Ongoing - Read here
Vera Bell grew up a squib, until a quirk of fate leaves her with magic she never knew existed. Now she pursues the dream she'd long abandoned. Ominis Gaunt x MC, more tags on AO3, updates Fridays Current chapter: 36/50
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One-shots below the break
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His Healing Hands - Ominis Gaunt / F!MC 🔞
Read here on AO3 or here on tumblr.
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Devil's Snare - Ominis Gaunt / F!MC 🔞
Read here on AO3 or here on tumblr. '
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Forgiven - Ominis Gaunt / Sebastian Sallow / F!MC (M rating for mentions of murder, violence)
Read here on AO3 or here on tumblr.
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Tainted - Gen - (T rating)
Read here on AO3 or here on tumblr.
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Post will be updated as I write more! Requests are open!
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
Anastasia Sprout
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Full Name: Anastasia Valeria Sprout
Nickname: Ana
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 14 May, 1874
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Willow, Unicorn hair, 11 3/4", Slightly Yielding
Hair Color: Light Golden Brown
Eye Color: Honey Brown
Skin Tone: Pale, naturally rosy cheeks
Height: 5'6"
Body Type: Slender, Athletic
Style: Usually wearing pants, easier to move around when working at the Ministry. Adores soft sweaters and jumpers, perfect for comfort and practicality. For shoes she might opt for practical yet stylish footwear, such as sturdy boots or low-heeled shoes.
Features: Minimal freckles scattered across her cheeks or nose. Rounded jawline and delicate curves. Lips are full and expressive
Traits: Kind, Compassionate, Adaptable, Humble, Loyal
Likes: Sweets, Problem Solving, Helping Others, Warm Drinks, Cozy Sweaters, Nature Walks
Dislikes: Injustice, Cruelty, Inefficiency
Hobbies: Reading, Painting, Herbology
Fears: Failure, Losing Control, Betrayal
Family and Friends:
Father: Ambrose Sprout
Pure Blood
Wandwood Farmer
Kind, Caring, Considerate, Loving
Mother: Elenor Sprout
Pure Blood
Helped on the farm
Died during childbirth
Pet: Leaf
Bright green with one big leaf at the top of its head
Very shy and usually hiding away in her jacket somewhere
Friends: Ominis Gaunt (roommate), Natty Onai (coworker), Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, Sebastian Sallow
Boggart: A Dark Wizard she encountered during her first couple years working at the Ministry. She was captured and held hostage for weeks
Patronus: Otter, for her playful and social nature
Polyjuice: likely have a warm, earthy tone. A light brown or amber color, resembling the hues of honey and wood. Would have hints of honey and herbs for taste.
Amortentia: Honey, Fresh Herbs, warm spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves)
Her parents were both Hufflepuff during their time at Hogwarts and her mother wanted to name her Valeria after the valerian plant but her mother died during childbirth. Her dad respected the want of her having that name, but used it as her middle name. Her dad named her Anastasia, meaning "resurrection", in hopes she would be as powerful and skilled as her mother. 
She was raised in a tree farm, where they tended to trees used for wand wood. There was a small village nearby where the boys would torment her any chance they got, teasing her for her young boyishness features. As she started to become more of age, they started to notice and took sexual advances to her. Ana's father was protective of her and loved her dearly, and it hurt him to know what they had done to her. 
From all the trauma she had endured from the village boys, it had stumped her magical abilities. Anastasia and her father both feared that she would be powerless, a squib. As she turned 15, on May 14th, she received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She started to pick up on things more quickly and her father allowed her to borrow his wand until she made her way to Ollivander's. 
Anastasia was sorted into Hufflepuff, a tradition within their family. She stood proudly to her position in the school, believing in rightful justice and loyalty; which she had always been loyalty to Sebastian above everything else. 
They fell in love with each other during their first year together at Hogwarts. Every year to follow they were inseparable, the love of the school that everyone knew about. There was nothing comparable to them, something that they both thought would last forever.
That is until Sebastian left just after graduation, leaving Ana heartbroken beyond repair. She then navigated through life blindly, hoping someday, somehow, Sebastian would find her again.
Best Subject: Herbology
Favorite Subject: Care for Creatures
Favorite Professor: Garelick
Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Subject: Charms
Least Favorite Professor: Sharp
Student Life:
Known for her strong work ethic and dedication to her studies.
A friend to everybody. Friendship meant the most to her
Fiercely loyal to her friends and housemates, standing by them through thick and thin, Ride or Die energy.
Eagerly sought out new knowledge and experiences.
Works for the Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry.
After six years of following under the head of the department, she overtakes the role and becomes Head Auror, has Natty as her assistant.
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subastian-swallows · 7 months
I would absolutely die for a farmer Sebastian bot (I think @localravenclaw already has an amazing photo for this)? 💚
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I’ve already made a “farmer” Sebastian — sort of, he’s an undercover Auror but if you want a more old school farmer bot, I suppose I could do that!
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thelikesoffinn · 9 days
Do you play other rpg? It would be cool to read your opinion on cullen from dragon age Inquisition ❤️❤️❤️
Ooooh no, the question I've been afraid of ever since people started asking me stuff! For now I must out myself as someone who usually doesn't really...like classic rpgs?
Now, before we throw stones - let me explain!
I do like gaming and I do that a lot, but those things that are classically recognised as your standard rpg aren't really my cup of tea most of the time because, quite frankly, I. Get. Bored.
Really, I keep trying, but I'm rarely engaged. Like, I played the witcher II and III, oblivion, guild wars 2, teso and, as a wee lass, I played Fable. (And I think I did play Dragon Age Origins and Pathfinder but that was when I was a depressed teen in survival mode, so I'm not counting those for a hot moment because I remember nothing about them 👉🏻👈🏻)
In my experience, there's often a lot of running about and "go collect THIS in THREE VILLAGES AND EIGHT HOURS OF FOREST over and then come back!" and I can't deal with that sort of unnecessary grind that does nothing but make the game longer. (Now, we don't count cozy farming games or pokemon here, aight? Those are a different category in my book.)
Especially in new-ish titles where they, quite blatantly, go "yo okay you can only go HERE if you did all the side quests on that island over there otherwise you're too weak and that little wolf overhere will absolutely decimate you".
It's hard for me to stay engaged and actually finish the game, so they never quite managed to capture my heart, which is why I, at some point, stopped looking into RPGs as a whole.
(A few exceptions that I did enjoy were VTM Bloodlines and, more recently, Hogwarts Legacy.)
I'm more into narrower games that are a bit more story focused - like Stray Gods, omfg that one was so good - and don't let me wander off for 69 hours without to collect buckwheat for the farmers cousin twice removed, hehe.
(Btw, that's also why I'm so mad at the newer assassins creed games - ESPECIALLY Odyssey and Valhalla - because I absolutely love assassins creed as a whole, but I hate that they're so huge and open-worldy these days. Like, what is so wrong about a more story focused game? Let me enjoy this for a few hours and then back tf off please.)
The whole entire reason why I got into bg3 is basically the lovely @harcove because she was sharing a lot of clips and pictures - mostly of Halsin back then, haha - and I thought that game actually looked really fun so I decided to, potentially, throw almost 70€ into the fire and trust the opinion of someone I'd never talked to and here we are I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
(Haven't regretted it. I love bg3 dearly, and it's nice to find a proper rpg I actually do enjoy!)
So, to get back to your question: Unless you want me to tell you that Sebastian Sallow is actually a sweetheart if you look past his desperation or you want me to go on a rant of how amazing Malkavians are - which they ate omfg they so 100% are - or about how Geralt z Rivii is an absolute treat for anyone into the broody type, I don't think I can do a lot of talking about other rpg's, darling, I'm sorry!
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13meigo · 1 year
A snakes plaything || Sebastian Sallow | Ominis Gaunt
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Chapter 19 | Family secrets
Violetta stared at herself in the mirror of the girl's bathroom near the grand staircase. Her eyes focused on the bruised mark on her neck. Its dark purple and red color just magically pulled all attention to it. She tried wearing a scarf or just something to already cover a bit of her neck but this ended in a small disaster since the weather got so warm to the point that she thought she would overheat in her thick wool scarf. Violetta didn't even know if a spell against hickeys existed. Ominis really did his work on her.
Ever since the situation happened there was tension between them and Sebastian had definitely noticed that. Both boys behaved very distantly from her.  Violetta was so torn in her feelings. On one half she wanted to be with Sebastian, on the other side she wanted Ominis.
It tore her heart apart and her mind was a pure battlefield.
Violetta touched the hickey, remembering the passion in Ominis. It was just a matter of time before the people would find out.
She dropped her hand and breathed out, closing her eyes. When she opened it she saw the Color of her pupil flare up in red but she didn't feel die ancient magic around her. Maybe it was just a trick of the candle flames? No, it wasn't.
Violetta pulled her clothes back in place and walked towards the door. Quietly she opened it and hurried into the corridor. Quickly she put a  disillusionment cast on her and sneaked towards the entrance hall.
Violetta hid a broom in some bushes in the viaduct courtyard. Tonight was the night when she would figure out who Ruth Sallow truly was. Somehow it felt so wrong to betray Sebastian and Anne like this but Ruth could be the answer to the ancient magic.
The big main door closed behind her and Violetta walked over to the bush where she hid her ride. As soon as she touched the leaves of the plant the cast stopped working. Violetta took the broom and put it between her legs. She pulled the hood further into her face. The night covered her so perfectly and she flew away silently not knowing that someone watched her from the shadows of windows. Sebastian Sallow. 
Violetta looked down and watched the field pass under her in seconds. The full moon spent enough light to lay a silvery shine on the landscape below her. Violetta saw the little hamlet in the distance. With every second her mind was set more and more on achieving her goal, getting information out of Solomon Sallow. 
The cold winds made her feel so alive and the thought of using one of the unforgivable curses on one of Sebastian's family members filled her with a twisted satisfaction after he hurt her so badly. 
No lights were lit in the little cottages, everyone was asleep. Perfect. 
Violetta reduced the speed of her broom and started to hover above the center of the hamlet. Violetta felt the ancient magic spread through her body and her eyes glowed red. Silently she landed behind the house of the Sallow family. Her black leather shoes touched the dewy grass. Violetta got off the broom and looked around. There was a small shack behind the cottage. Violetta walked over there and placed her broom on the wooden side. 
'Now what?' She whispered into the night. 
Go inside and let me do the rest. 
Violetta swallowed at the thought of the ancient magic taking control again but what could she do? She agreed to let it use her body.
Violetta opened the lock with 'Alohomora' and the door opened ajar. Nimble as a cat she entered the shack. It was filled with farmer's equipment, plants, barrels and baskets with fruit and vegetables, a workbench, and firewood. 
Violetta placed herself in the darkest corner and closed her glowing red eyes. 
I'll take it from here. Be prepared, Violetta. 
This feeling was new. What was she looking at? Was she looking at herself? Truly, Violetta looked at herself standing there with closed eyes! 
Amazing, isn't it? 
It was! Violetta saw the world through the eyes of ancient magic! Suddenly the perspective shifted. The ancient magic turned around and floated through the half-closed door toward the small house. Could it even go through walls? 
Indeed it could! 
It floated through the back wall of the house and it found itself hovering above the table where Anne sat the first time the girls met. The magic floated forward and took a right turn toward the beds. Even tho no light was shining, Violetta still saw them clearly in some sort of greyish night vision. It floated on the food of the first bed to the right. Someone was laying in there. 
Anne. Her sleep seemed to be quite agitated. Even in this state, Violetta saw the sparks of ancient magic flying around her. Somehow it made Violetta sad to see her like this. 
Such a poor girl. 
The ancient magic turned around to the other bed. Softly it floated toward the head of the sleeping person, Solomon. 
He was sleeping on his back and his mouth hung open a bit. He snored quietly. The magic hovered directly above him. 
Get ready.
The edges of her vision became distraught and sparks in red and black flew around, only visible to her. Suddenly her vision dived forward into Solomon's chest
Violetta opened her eyes again. She was back in the shack and stared at the door. Her heartbeat spiked and Violetta heard the blood rushing in her ears. Her knees felt weak but she still stood firmly. 
A faint whispering filled her ears. He was coming. 
The whispering got closer. Violetta heard his footsteps approach the door. 
Now, Violetta understood what the faint voices were saying. 
His wand is up, be quick.
Solomon opened the shack door and stepped inside. Now or never!
'Imperio!' Violetta hissed and the green light hit Solomon Sallow right in the chest. The door closed behind him. Solomon stumbled some steps back but then lifted his head. His eyes glowed green. Now, she should ask him quickly about Ruth. 
'How old was your sister Ruth before she disappeared?' Violetta asked and her voice didn't sound like hears anymore! It had multiple layers of male and female voices. The ancient magic did this. 
'Ruth was 18 when she disappeared.' Solomon answered like a robot. 
'Was it before or after Sebastian and Anne were born?' 
'After, Anne and her brother were 6 years old. Ruth vanished on the night their parents died.' Violetta thought. Why should she disappear directly on the night?
Something was odd.
'Do you believe that Ruth had something to do with their deaths?' 
'Explain me.' Violetta spoke. She was right. 
'Anne's and Sebastian's father and mother were professors at Hogwarts. Both of them did a study together about a kind of ancient magic. The study was not included in the curriculum of their classes. Ruth also showed interest in ancient magic.' Violetta's thoughts went wild. something is so strange in this whole family drama but Solomon was speaking the truth. 
'Which house was Ruth sorted in?' 
'Why can't I find any pictures of her in the schoolbooks of Hogwarts?' 
'I don't know that.' Then it wasn't someone from the Sallow family that made her traces vanish. 
'Did Ruth have a favorite place? Did she hide something in the school that could lead to her?'
'She hid her diary in the Slytherin common room by the mermen fountain. One brick was loose and behind it was a small space.' Violetta tried to remember all the information but the curse was wearing off. 
'Where was she...' 
Someone's watching! 
A pair of eyes spied through the dusty window of the shack. Anne! 
Violetta's heart missed a beat and she sucked in the air. A groaning sounded from Solomon. The damn curse wore off! 
What should she do? Was she about to get caught? No. 
Without a warning flared the ancient magic up around her and with a bright white light Violetta disappeared. The broom next to the shack with her. 
With a hard thump, she landed on the cold tiles of the Ravenclaw bathroom. Violetta gasped for air. She was shaking like crazy. Everything went too fast. What had even happened? 
A toilette flushed next to her and the door swung open. 
'Oh hell no Violetta, don't tell me you slipped again!' Astoria's sweet voice sounded through the bathroom. Violetta smiled crookedly. 
'I think I did.' She lied. 
If you enjoy the content please leave a vote, add it to your library, and follow to not miss any updates! xx Meigo
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader AUDIO
This is an audio from my recent story featuring farmer Sebastian but includes a cute love confession, some kissing, etc
Link to chapter: here
link to masterlist: here
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teddyniffler · 2 months
Chapter 20: House of Gaunt
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For Mr Gaunt, a normal daily deluge of owls was a normal and regular entertaining pass time of his. He opened them all, but he only ever considered taking a very few serious and helped an even less number than that. His correspondents were from a large number of people, pureblood families asking yet again, forever hopeful, for him to consider courtship between their daughter and Marvolo. Lesser important families mailing him for him to consider their plight or charity with his endless bank vault at Gringotts in mind, those always went into the fire after he stopped laughing, unless he could use them himself. Phineas Black sent an owl at last twice a week asking for reassurances against their latest ‘project’ which he knew to mean Phineas was freaking out about the Sallow boy deception, most of the time they went unanswered, Gaunt, after all kept paying Black visits in person, no need to write to the fellow too, he may get a false sense of mutual friendship.
Others were from people looking for political gain, including the Minister for Magic himself writing to the Gaunt household for their presence at his social affairs.
Everybody wanted something from the Gaunts.
They were just that powerful.
So it surprised him greatly when an owl he didn’t normally see entered through his window bearing the Hogwart’s school crest upon a leather cord around it’s leg. He put down a letter and walked to the owl, it was perched waiting on the owl stand, it’s leg out ready for him. Who from school was writing to him? Surely not…
He noticed the tidy writing at once.
Ominis had sent an owl home. Twice in a matter of months, Master Gaunt should feel privileged that his son would remember his family twice. Slightly smiling he opened the letter.
I write this letter to you to see if you could sway the headmaster, Professor Black, into admitting Sebastian back to school. He does not appear to be yielding to the pressure the other teachers are placing on him. Sebastian should be at school, I know you have influence with him, can you intervene on my behalf? Please tell mother that I can’t wait to see her and you at Easter.
Mr Gaunt smirked as he read the last line, Ominis would be seeing him regardless of the Sallow boy’s outcome as a student, they had already agreed to that. He did appreciate his son’s boldness though, sensing some kind of attempt by Ominis to use their power over Black. However, Mr Gaunt was a firm believer in personal growth, if Ominis wanted the Sallow boy back at Hogwarts, then Ominis would have to ‘convince’ Phineas himself.
He placed the letter down, maybe he would show his wife later, evidence of their son’s resourcefulness. She often questioned if he was a real Slytherin. He sat back on his chair, now more amused than before.
If Gaunt was being honest, having the Sallow boy remaining in St Mungos was the best option, he knew it would upset Ominis, but it was the best for all. In there he was just a demented boy who made incomprehensible noises or cried all day in all the reports he had been sent by healer Lenus, nobody took no notice of him there, the healers mollycoddled him and washed his face. Out in the world, at Hogwarts or among the community, one day his guilt may force him to confess that everything had been a lie, that he was smuggled out of Azkaban was a likely possibility.
By the boy’s breeding, he was not strong like the Gaunt’s, the Sallows appeared to be half blood at best. They were records, but unclear in places, Hogwarts Professors, Aurors, but also farmers who lived in small hamlets near Muggle and goblin settlements.
Only filth would live in a place like that.
Half breed muggle/wizard filth.
By allowing muggles into their breeding they were naturally weak minded. By any means, if the Sallow named died out, it would not be a great loss to the Wizarding World in Gaunt’s eyes. No, the Sallow boy would remain in St Mungos, Mr Gaunt would write to his healer and inform him to make it happen. If Ominis wanted to remember he had a backbone in the meantime, that would just be an additional bonus.
He raised his cup to his lips and sipped some of the tea inside.
Ominis was the one, Gaunt knew it. He glanced down at the ring upon his hand. That ring had been passed down, father to son as long as it had been made all those years ago by Cadmus Peverell. Marvolo was the likely son to receive it in the eyes of everybody else, but he wanted it to go to Ominis. He was the true heir, Gaunt knew it, why else had he been born the way he had. The snake in the chamber couldn’t harm him if he were to look upon it. He could be in its presence without fear of any harm coming to him at all, he could breed an army of Basilisks without fear, control the wizarding world with them without ever having to concern himself with avoiding their gaze. Marvolo would one day be Minister for Magic, but Ominis would be the one to leave the world trembling.
The only thing that was stopping Ominis was his weak will.
As his father, Mr Gaunt knew what Ominis was capable of, but he also knew Ominis was weak in a way the Gaunts shouldn’t be. How many times had he argued with his dear sister over the same very subjects? Ominis was too much like Noctua.
Ominis just needed a push, and as normal, Mr Gaunt wanted to be a good father.
Regulations be damned, I want results.
The girl is of no consequence, stop fretting over nothing, to whom will she complain too? Her uncle is dead, as are her parents, she and the boy have nobody on their side, or are you really, truly telling me you fear the judgement of an Urchin over that of myself? Move the Sallow boy to that closed ward and be done with him. I do not like loose ends. I want to hear by the end of this week that he has been moved. Don’t keep me waiting.
He did not sign it, healer Lenus would know exactly who it was from. He tapped his wand and the letter disappeared in a ball of flames. He did not trust owls, they could be intercepted in flight. He drank more and placed his cup back down. He then picked up his quill again and started to write a short letter to Ominis.
My dear son.
At times it is a father’s job to guide with a firm hand, then at others it is a father’s job to stand back and allow his son to find his own path, no matter if he has eyes or not. Your plea has been heard; however you shall not have assistance this time. Thrive my son, I know you have what it takes.
He almost chucked at the eye pun, imagining Ominis’ look of outrage when his wand would read that line out to him. His little giggle was interrupted however.
“What does Ominis want?” Came a voice right behind him.
“Intrude upon my private correspondence again Marvolo, and you shall be sorry.” Warned Gaunt softly.
Marvolo’s eyes flashed a second, he almost looked nervous, but there was something in his light brown eyes that ruined that image, his eyes were screamed in icy fury at being chastised.
“Don’t even think of it.” Mr Gaunt waved his hand and Marvolo yelped with pain as something struck him hard across his back.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” Marvolo protested, rubbing his back and cursing his father’s ability to use wandless magic.
“I didn’t like your look.” Mr Gaunt said, matter of factly. “Never look at me or anybody in this house like that again.”
Mr Gaunt watched his son carefully. Another reason why he believed Ominis was the true heir to the Gaunt family was Marvolo’s personality. The Gaunt family often partook in activities that lesser wizards would not have the nerve to do, however Marvolo’s love for violence often went overboard. He was deranged, it was simple, both him and his wife knew it, their son was simply born that way. Mr Gaunt believed Marvolo would be a good leader in time, would bring glory to pure bloods, however his bloodlust, expectably in this home, needed controlling on a tight lead.
Marvolo arranged his look into something more pleasing.
“Sorry father.” He said, while his insides still raged. His father still treated him no better than a child at times and he did not like that.
“So, what did Ominis want? Anything I can help with?”
Master Gaunt looked at his eldest son and smiled.
“This is for Ominis to resolve and if he can’t, then he doesn’t get what he wants this time.” Was all his father would say. Excluding him from the conversation now, where they?
Fine, Marvolo thought as he left the room a little while later, his back now burning where his father had struck him. He had an ugly look on his face, ever since Ominis had made contact again, all his father cared about was Ominis.
Ominis this. Ominis that.
What did Marvolo get? His father’s insane expectations that meant all his days following Minister Spavin around, shadowing him, learning everything he can as fast as he could. Making the old man cups of tea and preparing his lunches. Spavin was ancient and growing older each day, he could be replaced at any time and Marvolo was lined up for a senor position once he did. No matter how well Marvolo did, his father was so obsessed with the blind boy who had ran away, that he had totally forgotten about the son who didn’t. Marvolo loved Ominis, but sometimes he hated Ominis so much he could- well, Marvolo mused, you had to mean it to cause pain to somebody in order for the Cruciatus Curse to work, and Marvolo’s curse had been extremely effective on his little brother.
If his father wouldn’t tell him what was up with his little brother now, then Marvolo would just find out for himself.
“Mori.” He hissed. “Come.”
Professor Weasley had gone, so had Anne.
On Sebastian’s bed was a small box of strawberry flavoured chocolate in small smooth balls. He was unbelievably tired of St Mungo’s chocolate, he never wanted to eat any of that stuff again, but the Honeydukes stuff he had only started eating again. He was laying on his side, raising a chocolate ball to his mouth. He mostly ate food now one small bite at a time, with the chocolate he mostly let it melt on his lips and sadly his fingers. The book Professor Weasley had given him was open on top of his Slytherin fleece. He found it very difficult to focus on the words, so he watched the pictures move.
Hands casting magic without wands. Wands then casting the same magic and a comparison between how both looked. He watched as an illustrated person showed basic breathing in stressful conditions to control their magic, followed by the same cartoon person loosing their control. Arrows showed the way their magic cursed through their bodies. Sebastian could understand this, he always felt something surging through him whenever he lost control. For a moment his eyes closed, his head lolling down before his eyes opened again. He closed his eyes tightly, then opened them, hoping it would clear the sluggish heavy feeling. He wished he could have a cup of coffee, he remembered Uncle Solomon once had gotten him and Anne some of it, but it was so expensive compared to tea, that would help him stay awake.
The door opened as Sebastian was taking another chocolate from the box. He looked at the healer who came in, Sebastian had seen him a few times, this one normally aided in cleaning and feeding him.
Sebastian was sure his name was Lenus or something. All their names blended together just like their lime green robes.
“Hello Sebastian, how are you feeling this evening? We have some news for you. We’re going to be moving you to a bigger room, you’ll feel a lot more at home, you’ll even have people to talk too if you wish.”
The healer was smiling but Sebastian was suddenly flooded with unease. A ward? But Anne said she wasn’t going to sign their forms, so how-
Another healer came into the room, this time a woman, she had papers in her hand, she attached them to the bed with a tap of her wand. She then tapped the bed with her wand and it started to move.
Sebastian gripped the mattress he the bed moved, his book still open next to him.
“Can you please gather all of his possessions, he has a few sweets, oh and that” the male healer pointed at the teddy bear Anne had brought in for Sebastian, the one from his parents. Sebastian glanced at the two healers for answers.
“So” The male healer said with a smile “We believe your healing will improve greatly with other people around, you’re being taken to a little ward where you will have more room and some company, wont that be brilliant after being alone for so long? This is a good thing Sebastian, you should be happy, this is a sign we believe your progress has come a long way.”
They were out in the hall now, Sebastian looking at all the lights and candle holders they passed, pictures of smiling wizards and witches on the walls waving at him, then they arrived at the door, the male healer tapped the door and it opened. They went in and Sebastian could see other beds hidden by curtains, at least two other people spaced around the room. The female healer came in after, holding the sweets and his teddy bear. She placed them onto a little table with a small oil lamp, just as the male healer parked the bed up against the wall, leaving only one side open, which he then tapped with his wand, the bars around his bed grew higher, until it almost felt like he was a young child again in an enclosed bed. Sebastian looked questioningly at the bars.
“Ooh don’t worry about them!” The male healer said all lightly. “They are just so you don’t get out of bed right now, you know, we can’t have you accidently stumbling around, you may mistake somebody for a Dementors or hurt yourself.”
He then pointed to the wall in which Sebastian’s bed laid on.
“So, this is your own personal wall, you can hang up pictures of your family and friends, any pets. We can really make it feel like your home. We’ll keep the curtains closed so you can have your privacy. We want you to be comfortable, it will help you feel better.”
While he talked, the flowery curtains closed around his bed, leaving a small area enclosed around Sebastian’s bed, so he was now looking through the bars at large sunflowers from two sides, and two walls on the other.
“A-A-A” Sebastian gasped.
“Shhh now, it’s okay son. Settle in, I see you are a Slytherin, we can hang up some green and silver streamers if you’d like, and if you’re a Quidditch fan your favourite team will go excellent on this wall. We can also fit a bookshelf in this little area here when you are able to focus more, that way you can read as many books as you want and with your own clothing from home here, this place shall soon feel like your own little area.”
He smiled at Sebastian through the bars.
“I have to go clean the old room now, but take a little time to get your bearings, your bathtime will be soon, try to sleep early tonight if you can.”
He was acting all upbeat and happy. Sebastian looked at him in confusion and unease.
Anne would have told him if she had signed.
He knew she wouldn’t sign him away like this.
Healer Lenus left the room, left that boy’s brown eyes gazing at him.
He wasn’t a bad person, he kept telling himself, the Gaunts just had the money he needed to help his daughter, she had been sick, they had needed the money to take her to America. A blood curse that needed breaking.
He owed the Gaunts money, a lot of it. They had only agreed to help him because he worked at this hospital.
Anybody the Gaunts didn’t want to survive, didn’t.
He was a good person, a good person in a very bad position.
He needed to do as the Gaunts said. This boy would be happy with the care St Mungos could give him, this was the best place for him, for if he went out in the world after Azkaban and being expelled from Hogwarts, his future would be bleak in the Muggle world. Best he be under the care of wizards, he had a warm bed, meals, this was a mercy compared to what could happen to him. During his break, he would send Gaunt an owl to tell him the deed was done. He himself had forged the girl’s signature on the papers, he did it because he had no choice.
Sebastian watched through the bars, not believing what was happening to him. The female healer finished putting his clothing away and his sweets on the table. When she left through the curtains, Sebastian tried pulling himself up, first sitting up and then dragging himself up by the bars until he was on his knees, his eyes not even coming level with the top of the bars. There was no way he could get over this. He allowed himself to fall back down and heard the unmistakable snap of a lock clicking in place.
The room wasn’t silent, he could hear the other people in here, odd muttering and something that sounded almost animal squeaking from the bed on the other side of the room.
Then the trembling started, the feeling of being shut in, locked in a room he couldn’t get out. For an hour he just sat with his hand clutching the pillow behind his head. Sebastian’s eyes flickered from side to side, dry sobs escaping his lips as his heart raced. He knew the other people in there would be able to hear him, but neither of them made any other noise. He couldn’t see any windows in this small closed off corner, he was against plain white walls, even the flowered curtains offered him no comfort, the sunflowers reminded him of Feldcroft. The bars that enclosed around him felt like he was back in the cell, but worse for there was less room now. His sweets were still on his bed, but he had forgotten all about them.
When the healer wheeled in a wheelchair a little while later, she found Sebastian staring ahead blankly, she made a note for more chocolate and medicine to be given to him after his bath.
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legacygirlingreen · 8 months
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Inspired by @localravenclaw and Farmer Sebastian I drop these for anyone who’s growing to love him as much as we do … 🫣
In another news I have a long one shot/short series (depending on how you look at it) I’m the works… so I’m curious if people want a like little teaser or if they’d rather just wait and see the whole thing at once…
EDIT: y’all convinced me here it is!
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
February 1897 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 13)
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part 13, full series here
Warnings: Brief mentions of mutual masterbation, sick Anne
Word count: 2,200
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Can this be a real thing? Can it?
She had hardly cared for Valentine's Day historically, but to be separated from one’s lover on a day devoted to love itself - was the furthest thing from appealing. Sebastian had promised her that once he had settled in for the night he would spend time with her using the mirror, and although unconventional, she was happy to know that he still prioritized her during this special day.
After they had reluctantly returned from the beach, due to the cold, they had parted with a chaste kiss on her doorstep. Thinking they were alone, she was undoubtedly upset to discover her younger brother had caught the pair, informing her mother instantaneously, which led to a stern discussion on propriety, as well as a playful warning that Sebastian Sallow was a “no good tramp”, before eventually her Mum came around. 
Christmas morning had been wonderful, Sebastian and Anne being entertained by her siblings, as she cooked with her mum. Ominis joined in on the festivities as he had already planned to spend the Yule with the twins in the hamlet, once again thanking her mother for taking him in all those Christmases ago. 
Everyone danced, drank, shared gifts and laughed until the early morning. The only one more happy about the now established courtship than herself, was Anne Sallow. The sick woman had been dreaming of the day when her “idiot brother” would wake up and appreciate the “smart girl next door” for anything other than a friend. The pair also brought comfort to the dying woman as she knew her brother would be loved full heartedly after she passed on… 
Sebastian was very happy to know that the alterations to their relationship had not negatively impacted their dynamic together. He was worried that once they shifted into a romantic entanglement that an element of their friendly banter might be lost, or that other elements of candor may be repressed as friends and lovers often behave differently. The opposite had in fact occurred, as they seemed to draw even closer than previously with the addition of a more amorous affection… 
That had been the most difficult part of their separation thus far. She had imagined that they both would have more self control, given they hadn’t even found the time to have full relations as of yet, and he’d been the one to slow things down on the one opportunity they had in Feldcroft before her return. She had accompanied him around the fields with the sheep late at night, wanting him to take her there in the grass since they were alone, to which Sebastian put a stop to. Any other woman on the planet and he wouldn’t have hesitated about doing so, but he refused to just pound into her like some brute in a field simply due to it being the only opportunity alone they had. 
As she’d gone back to France, she had worried that the distance would quickly snuff out the flame developing, however the phrase “distance makes the heart grow fonder” had never been more accurate. Every waking minute she had was spent daydreaming of her farmboy back in Feld
She had taken to slipping out of her dorm after curfew, as the only place students were allowed past curfew were the lavatories and none of her classmates came out in the middle of the night with the lingering ghosts in the halls. What started as a solo activity for just her seeking release had turned into a mutual one, as she had brought the mirror for a late night chat afterwards and she moved it to see his waiting face on the other end, thus leading to the quiet exchange of moans or her revealing only her unclothed breasts to him on the other side. 
Sebastian had also found it difficult, given physicality had been the driving factor in almost all of his previous relationships. Sometimes he kicked himself for shutting down her advances at Yule time, but he always reminded himself that she deserved better. As much as he would have loved to have pinned her to the ground beneath their willow, and entered her swiftly, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling in his brain that said he needed to wait. Deciding to listen to it, he continued to be as satisfied as he could be with his left hand and the images his mind could create… 
Given that he was absolutely smitten with the young woman, he spent much time with his beloved sister trying to come up with the most memorable and thoughtful way to make February 14th as special as possible, despite the nearly 2,000 kilometers separating them. Eventually he landed on what he thought was the best idea possible, taking a few weeks to plan it, before the day of. 
Knowing her school schedule was often quite intense, he reserved any activities to occur later in the evening, to allow her plenty of time for class, dinner, study sessions, ballet and other interruptions that could arise. Sending out his unenthusiastic bar owl with plenty of time to arrive on the special day, he sent several notes to be delivered periodically during the day, as well as a large box to be opened late in the evening together. 
Once he returned from the fields for the day, he set off towards his home, finding her youngest sister Lacey at home with Anne, the two cuddled up on the bed together reading a story.  Her youngest sibling had taken a strong liking to Anne, fulfilling a similar role to the one she had as a child before starting school, of nursing his sister. In turn, Anne had grown fond of the much younger girl, treating her almost maternally. At his return, Lacey leapt from the bed, rushing over to him with an enthusiastic smile to show him a piece of parchment she had been working on all day.  
Anne had informed him over dinner one night that the young girl had developed a very sweet crush on Garreth Weasley’s youngest brother Leo, whom she had met on the rare occasion he brought the similarly aged boy on a delivery. Since that night at the y/l/n home, Garreth had profoundly apologized for making a move on the young woman, to which Sebastian laughed, confessing it was the ginger’s actions who inspired him to finally make a move, before the two shared an ale and a laugh. 
Once he had slightly cleaned himself from the day's work, he offered to escort Lacey back to her home given it was getting late. The girl cheerfully hugged his sister before moving to slip on her coat to follow him across the town square. Upon the girl’s return, her mother kissed the young girl’s forehead, before turning to thank him.
“It was getting dark, thank you for saving me a trip across the square Sebastian” she said, appreciative he returned the youngest to the home safely. He nodded, watching as the girl ran off to her room, leaving him alone with the matriarch of the family. Shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, he pondered if now would be a good time to finally give in and talk to the woman like he’d been intending now for weeks. 
Just as her mother went to close the door he blurted out a very awkward “wait -” as he caught a glimpse of her confused expression, as she reopened the door. 
“Something wrong?” she asked unsure and he shook his head. 
“No, nothing’s wrong, I just- I wish to speak with you on something” he told her, struggling to find the right words and internally kicking himself for not rehearsing this ahead of time. 
“Would you like to come in? I was just about to begin making dinner. You’re welcome to stay if you would like” she offered, a small smile gracing her features. 
“I will come in, but I should head back for Anne soon” he admitted regretfully and she looked to him, sadly acknowledging he had a responsibility to take care of the young woman. 
“Of course. How about you help me cook, and I will give you a portion to take back for the two of you” she countered and he considered it. Knowing whatever the woman cooked would be better than anything he could make. 
“That would be lovely thank you” he said, stepping ahead, allowing her to instruct him through the beginnings of making the meal. Sebastian always did appreciate that her mother preferred to do things the muggle way, without magic and by hand. The results were often better than when conjuration was involved. 
“So… you wished to ask me something I presume” her very astute mother asked, the woman a ravenclaw during her time at Hogwarts and every semblance of the house inquired having pieced together both his nervousness and his flighty appearance. 
“I… I wished- wish to ask you something, and it's quite important given the subject matter. I realize now this may not be the best time, nor the best way to go about all of this but-” he started rambling. Sebastian had always been so charismatic, not to mention eloquent, yet he found himself reduced to awkward speech and uncertainty under the scrutiny in her gaze.  It wasn’t long before her mother cut him off, bluntly asking him.
“Have you found a ring yet?” the woman asked, very cavalier about the whole situation. At her straightforward nature his eyes grew quite large. 
“I.. what?” he asked somewhat stunned by not only how quickly she had pieced it together, but also how normalized it seemed to have been for her mother. 
“I asked, have you gotten a ring yet? I assume you meant to ask my permission to propose do you not? Or have I made a gross miscalculation?” she asked, temporarily worried she had assumed incorrectly.
“No you haven’t…” he admitted, reaching into his coat pocket, pulling out a small box and passing it off to her for examination.  The woman looked at the decorative silver band, similar to the shape of branches that cushioned a simple french amethyst.  
“Very pretty, I am sure she shall love it” the woman confirmed, handing it back to him before continuing to stir a pot on the fire. 
“You really think so? I was very unsure - wait I haven’t properly asked have I?” he said, face red at the realization he hadn’t truly asked permission and the woman laughed quite loudly, snorting as she took in his embarrassed expression. 
“Not officially no, but I wouldn’t worry too much Sebastian. You aren’t a stranger, simply coming up to the house to whisk my daughter away. My mother had always hoped the two of you would grow to care for one another before she had passed, leaving her own wedding ring with the intention to be used if you and you alone needed one. It seems now that won’t be necessary.” she admitted with a shrug, gesturing to the ring box in his hand. 
“So… I have your permission?” he asked unsure as she smiled. 
“Yes, yes you do. Would you prefer to use the ring you have? I presume much thought went into the choice of the style, and I won’t press too much as I imagine it is personal, but the other is here if you change your mind” she offered and he smiled. 
“Thank you. And yes I think I prefer to use what I have as it’s more sentimental but I shall keep that in mind…” he said with a gracious smile. 
At the confirmation of permission he smiled brightly, looking down almost bashfully as he moved back in the space to allow her mother the ability to get to the counter in front of him. 
“She’s loved you since we moved here, you know?” her mother asked playfully. 
“Oh I am fully aware… In my own ways I have always loved her as well” he admitted openly. 
“I know.” her mother said, playing a light hand on his arm as the two continued to prepare dinner in the small kitchen, exchanging lighthearted banter. 
It was then that Sebastian decided it would be nice to finally have a maternal figure in his life again after so many years…
Later that night as he sat beneath the willow, his pocket watch propped up so that he could see her and hear her through the mirror shard on the other end, they laughed together. 
“I truly can’t wait for you to come home” he said, the words weighted in ways the girl couldn’t possibly understand she responded with a smile. 
“And whys that” she asked playfully, looking as the boyish grin he wore came through her mirror. 
“Can’t a man simply miss his beloved without her questioning why?” he asked as she laughed. 
“Possibly, but perhaps I just want to hear your reasoning…” she retorted.
“It would take a lifetime for me to justify all my reasons… just take my word for it my Love” he assured her. 
“If you say so… How’s our willow doing?” she asked, knowing he had positioned himself under the tree she had conjured all those years ago by accident. 
“Beautiful as ever.” he said, looking up at its branches, admiring the way it was beginning to flower as it did every year this time. 
“I can’t wait to see it again. It’s been far too long” she admitted.
“It’ll be the first place we can go when you return” he told her with a smile, the box in his pocket reminding him that this would be the perfect place to ask… 
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
December 1896 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 12)
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Full series master list here
Warnings: finally some action (not smut but smooching), angst once again, sick Anne returns
audio for the chapter found here
word count: 9,000
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I searched aurora borealis green
I recognize that this letter has been a long time coming, and I have certainly found myself drafting it several times unsuccessfully. With Ominis’s reassurance, I would like to let you know that I am ready to repair what relationship we might be able to have in the time I have left. A part of me feels selfish, to reappear in your life, knowing I hardly have days remaining, but I could not allow you to go through the rest of your life knowing that I have not spent every single day since I left, thinking of you. 
If you will allow it, I wish to live out my remaining time peacefully in Feldcroft. I know you have a career, and hardly have time for one dying sister with whom you haven’t spoken in years, but if there was a way, I’d like to try. 
I shall await you in our old home, 
Sebastian had never rushed home faster after receiving the correspondence he’d dreamed of for years. He informed his boss he was taking a sabbatical due to a family matter before packing up the flat in Paris and the one in London, then heading home. That had been a few weeks ago and his sister had moved into the house so that he might spend as much time with her as possible. Often Ominis would also spend the night with them when his work permitted. 
Their first night together all they did was weep, apologize and hold one another. He had missed her dearly, and to be reunited once more was profound. As much as Sebastian cared for his career, his love for his twin triumphed over nearly anything else in the world. 
The first thing he did after reuniting with Anne was to send a letter to the girl, informing her that Anne had come home and that she would like to see her during the Yule time. The letter brought tears to her eyes and she snuck out of her dorm room immediately in order to use the enchanted mirror to speak with Sebastian until the sun rose, simply because she could not be happier for him. He had laughed, cried and shown every variety of emotion for her, unashamedly. 
Now all he looked forward to was having every person he cared for in the same place for the yule time. When she finally arrived back in Feldcroft, it had been much later than he anticipated. Usually she rushed home, but she seemingly took an extra day before arriving. Sebastian hardly had time to ponder why as the second she came bounding into the hamlet he was already rushing towards her at top speed, lifting her around the waist with his large hands and spinning her through the air as she laughed. 
“Sebastian put me down!” she shrieked, worried he would ruin her perfectly styled hair, and he refused for a moment longer just to tease her. Since the moment they had shared on her birthday in September, their conversations via mirror had seemed more weighted, every letter filled with more longing, and the time daydreaming of one another more frequent.  She would hardly admit it out loud, but she was totally and completely in love with the farmer next door. Something in her soul whispered that he loved her as well… 
“Can you hardly blame me? You kept me waiting so long… Did you run into a delay leaving France?” he asked her curiously and she looked around to make sure no one was watching.
Leaning up she pressed a small kiss to the side of his cheek before responding, “I shall tell you when I know more, but I actually interviewed for a job after graduation. I think it will be a good fit, should it pan out, but I am waiting until I have confirmation before allowing myself to get too excited”.  
“That’s…” Sebastian trailed off, realizing that soon enough she would have a career and he hoped by some chance it would bring her close to him, but he respected her decision to remain tight lipped. After all, he asked her to make decisions with her own future in mind, not theirs. “That’s wonderful! I look forward to hearing more about it”, he replied, picking up her suitcase to help lug it over to her home. 
“You won’t believe what happened during the ballet recital, Sebastian. So our male lead ended up hurting himself in defense against the dark arts class a week before the performance, and we replaced him. Despite that, his replacement ended up being so much better, as he was able to actually lift me more easily. But, headmaster Black attended, as his nephew attends Beauxbatons and was my replacement dance partner. The man is absolutely foul, but he remembered me for the project with Professor Sharp and Ms. Morris all those years ago.” she explained with a smile and he couldn’t help but be proud that his very uptight former headmaster actually remembered the young woman. 
“That’s very interesting indeed. Is there any more-” he started to ask as the door to her home opened wide and an army of her siblings and her mother rushed outside to greet her. All of her siblings of age were attending Hogwarts, while the youngest was still at home, so they all missed her dearly during the year. 
Sebastian stepped back, allowing them to be reunited when her mother swept him up as well, kissing his cheek and thanking him for bringing her bag. Handing him a potion for Anne to help with the nausea before she then left to keep cooking. 
“When you have a moment, Anne would like to see you. She misses you, and has some things she wishes to tell you” Sebastian told her as she finally came up for air after hugging all her younger siblings. 
“I would love to see Anne, just let me get settled and I shall walk over -” she started and he interrupted.
“Actually, I can help you unpack if you’d like, and I can walk you over as well.” Strange. Sebastian had never been so keen to be with her every second humanly possible but she shrugged, letting him know it was fine if that’s what he wished for. His tone almost sounded desperate, like a child wishing to be included. It was endearing to the point she couldn’t deny him. 
Climbing the stairs together to the loft, they remained quiet. They had made this journey often when they were children, as it was not uncommon for him to spend time with her after Anne was cursed or Solomon passed away. Sometime felt much more heavy in the air as they both rounded the set of stairs together, clothes shuffling being the only sound to be heard. 
Eventually making it to the top floor of the home, Sebastian set down her stuff near the door, standing off to the side so that she could unpack as she pleased. Waving her wand, she returned her clothes to the dresser without much glance. Grabbing her books, journal, mirror and stack of letters from her other bag, she placed them on her desk. Lastly she collected the small bag of toiletries from her suitcase by hand, walking them over to the small vanity and sitting down. 
Just as she had worried, Sebastian had in fact ruined her hair when he’d lifted her. Sighing she started to remove the braid, nearly forgetting he was in the room entirely until he moved closer. Standing just behind her, she could see his belt in the reflection as she finished removing her braids so that her long hair hung loose. Grabbing the brush she started to remove the small knots. Before she could start to redo the updo Sebastian laid a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look up at him. 
“It looks very pretty down if you don’t mind me saying…” he told her, as she grew wide eyed and flushed. 
“But it’s hardly proper to leave my hair down.  People might talk-” she replied nervously.
“Then let them. There aren’t many in the hamlet to begin with, most of whom do not care about such proprietary… I understand if you don’t want to -” he said, realizing that demanding she leave her hair down on his accord was somewhat rude. 
“No, it's fine. You’re right. I can leave it down” she said awkwardly with a smile, setting the brush down again, giving him the privilege of seeing her hair down. 
Pulling out a small bottle of perfume, she put it against the insides of her wrist, lifting it to a spot behind her ears while he watched. 
“Is that new?” he asked her, not recalling a time she ever wore perfume. Not that she ever smelt bad by any means of the word, but seeing her applying oil to her skin peaked his interest. It seemed so adult, granted he knew she was one at this rate, and had been in the eyes of their world since the previous year. 
“It is. My roommate gifted it to me for my birthday. I quite like it” she said, standing from the vanity, moving towards the door when he intercepted her, gently placing his hand against her elbow to stop her from rushing back out. He imagined that she was feeling nervous having him in her living space, alone and unchaperoned, but that had never stopped them before, and he’d be damned if it mattered now. 
Sebastian brushed some hair off her shoulder, leaning his face into where she’d put the fragrance. Letting the tip of his nose gently touch the shell of her ear, he inhaled. She shivered as he did so.  Sebastian was unprepared for the nirvana his senses experienced immediately. It smelled so utterly divine. Very feminine, floral and with a touch of the morning dew. Like a rainstorm in a lilac field. Unable to stop himself, he allowed himself another whiff as he almost became intoxicated off the scent alone.  
He had often found the fragrances the women in Paris wore to be overwhelming.  While they often smelled good, something artificial about the overly floral or sweet perfumes became off putting to him.  It was as if most women he met made it their mission to smell constantly of the inside of a bakery or as if they’d rolled around in a florist shop all afternoon.  It usually left him with a headache if he was honest. But this smell was so light, almost subtle on her skin, as if it was coming directly from her and not the beautiful ornate bottle he’d seen. The flowers smelt natural, not feigned, and the delightful addition of whatever clean undertone it had was an unexpected surprise.  The perfume complimented her nature in a way he hadn’t expected.  It was as if that fragrance was destined to be worn on her skin and in her hair. 
“Are you going to keep standing here sniffing me like a crup in heat, or are we going to see your sister?” she asked with a laugh and immediately his face flamed realizing he had in fact been so drunk off the perfume he’d remained wafting her. 
“Sorry, I’m not sure what came over me” That was a lie. He was very aware of what came over him. 
“It’s alright. I suppose that means you like it.” she said as she reached for her shawl, knowing it was bound to get even colder into the evening. Sebastian stopped her, removing his jacket and placing it on her shoulders.
“Very much.” he said without much explanation before heading down the stairs with her in tow. 
Anne had absolutely withered from the last time she’d seen the girl. The girl was barely clinging to life as it seemed, and it took every ounce of her to not outwardly grimace as her childhood friend lay there, almost permanently immobile in the bed, with the covers pulled around her. The girl’s hair was very thin, in some spots showing through almost to her scalp, and her skin looked dull and lifeless. She wasn’t sure if she would start crying after seeing the poor shape Anne had been living in for Merlin knows how long. 
Sebastian had informed her that his twin was far cry from the way she remembered, but this was the type of sickness one couldn’t articulate. She had to hand it to Sebastian, maturity had done him well, as he would’ve become absolutely insistent on a cure if he’d seen her like this when he was younger, but now he seemed to be respectful of the woman’s wish to die with as much dignity as possible. Time and grief had squashed his selfish desire to cure his sister so he wouldn’t be left alone. Sitting next to Anne, she didn’t see how this life provided much dignity, but she was happy to see her regardless. It still made her so sad for Anne, and Sebastian. 
“Oh y/n… you look even more breathtaking than Sebastian said…” the woman said so etherally it was as if she was in a dreamlike trance as she spoke. Coming closer to the edge of the bed, she lifted one of Anne’s hands and gently leaned down to press a kiss to each hollowed cheek. 
“Sebastian is going around claiming me to be breathtaking?” she asked with a laugh, knowing that likely Anne had not grown out of her enjoyment at teasing her twin. The shakey laugh she received let her know that her inclination was correct. 
“He hardly stops talking about how beautiful you’ve grown.”  Anne said and although she mostly meant it to tease her brother, she knew deep down that he’d grown so smitten with the neighbor over the years. 
“Well that’s good to know… don’t tell me you had to see that wretched mustache he was sporting a few months ago. I am very glad to see the abysmal thing is gone” y/n replied with a chuckle, recalling how he’d appeared a few months ago at her school versus now. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Thank Merlin he shaved it off. Can you imagine my surprise leaving my brother baby faced and returning to see him with the sad excuse for facial hair he wore” Anne replied. 
“I am right here” Sebastian said, reminding them as he let out an overly dramatic sigh. 
“We know.” Anne told him, drawing the girl closer to whisper to her, “he’s absolutely taken with you, you know?” 
“Is that so?” She asks, knowing full well that Sebastian made his affections known while repressing his intentions to act on them. 
“Terribly so. I think it’s wonderful. Especially with the way you used to be so sweet on him… you’re not..?” Anne was unsure how to ask if she was courting anyone.
“There is no one if that is what you’re asking” she told the sick girl, knowing that Sebastian was likely listening. 
“That’s good to hear. Do you think that perhaps -“ 
“Anne, stop pestering her about our relationship” he said with a sigh, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“But it’s so much fun,” Anne replied with a chuckle.
“I know it is, but maybe lay off it a tad for now…” he deflected gently, hoping to shift the conversation off a topic that made him uncomfortable. The more normalized Anne made it seem, the more likely he was to go back on his word and just extend offers before either of them was ready. Sebastian had to remind himself she deserved a career out of school, not to be stuck as a housewife with their children before she had the chance to live… 
“So how are you Anne, all things considered?” She asked the woman.
“As comfortable as I can be I suppose” she said with a sad smile. 
“Your mum has been an absolute saint, you know that?” Sebastian told her, and she smiled. 
“That’s mum, always helping where she can,'' knowing full well her mothers work as a healer and apothecary was helpful to the surrounding hamlets. 
“We greatly appreciate it, trust me” he assured her.
“So tell me all about school, how has Beauxbatons been?” Anne asked and she spent some time catching the woman up to speed on the last few years. 
It wasn’t long before she had a bout of pain, Sebastian working her through it until she relaxed again. Although it had been years since she’d experienced witnessing them, she fell back into the normalcy of them, having taken care of Anne for so long. Once Anne laid back down again, she drifted off almost immediately to sleep and y/n stood, crossing the threshold to the potions station behind Sebastian. 
She didn’t speak as he moved to tidy it, knowing that based on the expression he wore, he was likely deep in his own head by now. All she did was wrap her arms around his middle, laying her hands across his abdomen and resting her cheek along the area between his shoulder blades. He sighed as she did so, closing his eyes as he allowed her to give him the silent support. After all this time she seemed to read him so well. 
Sebastian brought his hand to collect her own, interlocking their fingers as he felt her warm breath on his back. Eventually he slipped his fingers from hers, turning around as he rested his back along the potions table and gazing down at her.
“Thank you for being here” 
“Of course. Nowhere else I’d rather be” she promised.
“It means the world, but you likely already know that…” 
“I do. No need to explain yourself” 
“It’s been odd to be back and you’re not here. I forgot what life was like in the hamlet before you arrived”, he admitted. 
“Life before I moved to the hamlet…” she said, pretending to ponder for a moment before snarkily replying “must have been absolutely dreadful”. 
“It is. I hadn’t realized why this place felt like home, until the person who made it such was no longer here” he said confidently, tucking her stray curl behind her ear and his gaze bore so boldly into her own. 
“Sebastian… but you said-” 
“I know what I said” he replied with an annoyed sigh, closing his eyes as he held his hand along her neck, collecting himself before he continued. “Please just let me have a moment. I just want a brief moment to allow myself the pleasure of denying reality. Afterwards we can go back to pretending we don’t care for each other, all for the sake of safeguarding your future. But just let me have this moment to feel the very depth of the love I hold for you, please Mon Chou… .” He begged and all she did was nod, leaning in and pressing her forehead to his like she had done on her birthday. The day she had hoped he would just kiss her, only to be denied. The day he admitted to holding deep feelings for her but considering the age difference to be unfair to her. 
She didn’t speak. Breathing him in as her eyes fluttered shut and they simply held one another. She felt the fire that had been lit in her soul the day she met him burning so intensely within her if he hadn’t been holding her upright she likely would’ve bucked at the knees. Having him this close reminded her that he was a young man, and her a young woman, and the feelings they shared were normal. She realized every moment with him from that very first day she had fallen in love so slowly, so beautifully until it came to a head. 
“I love you.” He whispered barely audibly as her eyes snapped open. He hadn’t openly admitted the feelings in this regard to her, not even a few months back. She had, and while he alluded to similar sentiments, he had refrained from actually saying the words. To hear him confirm caused a small sound similar to a squeak to come out of her parted lips as she stared at him. 
Sebastian didn’t allow the girl an opportunity to respond. Lips barely pressing against one another the same way butterfly wings would dance upon the skin, Sebastian brushed his lips over hers before pulling away quickly. It wasn’t a real kiss but it still left her feeling as if she was walking on hot coals. 
“The job I applied for is at Hogwarts. Mrs. Sharp put in a good word with the headmaster and he himself believes that it will be a good fit. I have no reason to believe I will not receive a proper offer soon... Regardless, I intend to come back to Scotland. I miss home. I miss my family. I miss you.” She admitted as he looked into her eyes with an unreadable expression. 
“That’s wonderful you’ll make a fantastic professor.” He told her with a smile. 
“Librarian actually. Madam Scribner is retiring finally. Rebecca was so kind to let the headmaster know how knowledgeable I am with various subjects and how much I read. He agrees having some youth in that department might prove beneficial, especially with catching youngsters sneaking into places they shouldn’t.” She teased as she leaned back slightly, arms going to wrap around his waist, fingers fiddling with his waist coat’s buckle. 
“I only got caught on the very rarest of occasions” he said with a smile. 
“You are such an unashamed liar Sebastian Sallow!” she said with a fake gasp as he chuckled. 
“That makes me truly happy to hear. I am sure your siblings will be thrilled to see more of you during the year” he told her, knowing that if she was at Hogwarts she wouldn’t be far away. 
“I am glad we are both getting more time with our siblings” she said, the comment lingering as he looked past her shoulder to see Anne sleeping. 
“You are partly the reason she came back, you know?” he said flatly and she raised an eyebrow, curious what he could mean by that.
“Ominis spoke to her after Professor Sharp and Ms. Morris’s wedding about how highly you spoke of the progress I’ve made in stepping back from the dark arts. How dedicated I seemed to staying well intended, and how I had respected her wishes to leave her alone. I believe for the longest time, despite Ominis remaining my friend, he thought like Anne in the fact that I still searched for a cure in private. It wasn’t until you spoke with him, that he spoke with Anne. Since then she’s been warming up to the idea of coming home. But without Ominis having your assurance to bring to my beloved sister, she never would’ve come home… she’s only here as a result of your actions.” he explained as he shifted his gaze back to the girl in front of him, her eyes glazed over with tears as she recalled the conversations she had exchanged with the blind boy during the wedding, in which they both admitted to deeply loving the Sallow twins..
“I am really glad she came home… even if it’s not for long. You deserve to feel the warmth of your sister’s love again.” she explained as if it was the most logical explanation in the world. 
“I am not a good man. She left… She left because I killed uncle Solomon. The fact I am not rotting away in Azkaban like I deserve... I am a criminal, a murder. No better than the man who killed your father-” he tried to explain to her and she refused to listen. 
“You are a good man, Sebastian Sallow. A bad man doesn’t use his career to better the lives of those around him. A bad man doesn’t drop his entire life to care for a dying sister. A bad man doesn’t deny his feelings for the sake of respecting a young woman with whom he loves by letting her go, all for the sake of allowing her a fair chance to live her life… I have known tragedy at the hands of cruel men, including your Uncle. Do you believe that I, of all people, would love a wretched man?” she retorted with the rhetorical question and he looked to her.
“I believe that you may be blinded by the affections you shared for me when I was younger-” he started and she raised her voice to him, something in the many years she’d known him she had never done. 
“I am fully aware that you are not some innocent boy anymore. You made that quite clear when you whisked me away from school looking more handsome than I have ever seen you, despite that ridiculous mustache, and brought me to my home village. The gaze you thrust upon me that night contradicted the words you spoke.  I have read every letter you have sent, vaguely detailing the romances you have found in other women. I have continued to whisper into a mirror well after curfew in order to spend time speaking with you no matter how much it destroys me knowing you will continue to chase after women more affluent, more beautiful and more close to you in age than I. Sure, I know full well that I loved that younger version of you who spoke so kindly to me. The one who put up with my presence when he didn’t have to, and who encouraged me when I needed it the most. But do not dare accuse me of mistaking you for a farm boy I met when I was just a child. I am competent enough to recognize that if I myself am a woman, one who seems to so often catch you staring in ways you should not. I am perfectly capable of recognizing that you are a man now, Sebastian.” 
He was stunned. He hardly knew what to say. She was right. He had been rude to accuse her of being idealistic in her affections and he knew well enough to know she had grown with him not because of him. He had not considered that with time her feelings had evolved as they both had, an oversight that now seemed redundant considering he acknowledged previously how his own emotions surrounding her had shifted. 
“So where do we go from here?” he asked her. For the first time in a long time, possibly ever, he was unsure how to proceed or where to look for an answer. 
“You focus on your time with Anne. I focus on my remaining time at school and establishing a career. All I ask…” she trailed off, questioning internally how to word her request as he peaked a glance at her before she continued. “All I ask is that you stop viewing me as some helpless, incapable child who needs protecting. I am an adult, and have been for a while despite still being schooled. It’s time you start acknowledging me as such, especially if you keep gawking at me the way you have been,” she said with a sigh. 
“You’re right. I apologize for my untoward actions-” 
“Don’t” she said raising a hand to silence him. Her eyes spoke to him, letting him know that it was wrong to apologize for something she desperately wanted and he refused to give her, despite the both of them wanting it. “Your actions are the furthest from the most vulgar experiences I have been privy to encounter, although that discussion is not your business in the slightest, nor is it appropriate to discuss given your stated boundaries” 
“Wait, you…” he trailed off as his mind connected the dots in realizing she was far from innocent. 
“Yes. We shall leave it at that.” she continued bluntly.
“Of course” he said with a sigh, realizing that he had essentially shot himself in the foot in gaining new information regarding her fragility, but based on the connotations she spoke, he assumed what she refused to say was contradictory to his concerns. 
“I should be heading back for supper soon. I shall run something by you and Anne, alright?” she offered and he nodded. 
“Thank you, I would greatly appreciate it” he told her with sincerity as he walked her towards the door. She went to grab her jacket realizing that she had walked over with his and not her own, and that would mean she would have to walk back without one. Sensing her plight he grabbed his coat anyway. 
“Take it. I can’t have the beautiful woman next door freezing to death on my lawn” he said, the conversational olive branch in the replacement of the word ‘girl’ with ‘woman’. She accepted it graciously, allowing him to slide it along her arms. Before she could turn around he kissed the side of her cheek and she grew warm at the contact. 
“See you later?” she asked, finally growing timid once more. 
“I shall count the minutes Mon Amour…” he whispered as she looked back at him over her shoulder before she forced her gaze ahead and walked out of the Sallow house with her cheeks stained red. 
Since that night when Sebastian had admitted his feelings and promised to start regarding her as an adult, they had tread awkwardly around one another. One might think that after years of knowing each other, feeling comfortable in their connection and often being in shared spaces, that they would resume business as usual. To assume so would be an oversight. 
She found herself in a constant state of not knowing how to act around him. Sometimes he would be flirty, invading her space and spouting off verbal comments that made her blush madly. It often felt as if they were already a couple based on the way he held her hand longer than he should under tables or they sat side by side with her head on his shoulder. Touches and gazes lingered. Comments toeing on untoward. It would seem as if the tension would snap at any moment sometimes.
Sebastian found himself caught between conflicting worlds in his mind. On the one hand, he truly loved her and enjoyed her company. Every moment laughing together, conversing over books or memories warmed his heart. On the other hand he was finally starting to allow himself to imagine a less than wholesome side of her. Gone was his sweet, innocent mon Chou next door, and replaced was a beautiful temptress who’s hips swayed when she moved. He spent most of his time attempting to maintain propriety while also wanting to drag her out to the privacy of their willow and finally give into his desire of exploring just how much her body had changed. The overwhelming need to feel himself tightly knit within her opening while she shouted his name, kept him in the bath longer than normal as he became well acquainted with his right hand…
As frustrated as he was, he knew that they’d need to wait a bit longer, until her job was definite. That didn’t stop him from continually slipping in random jests attempting to learn more about her previous experiences. To her credit she had remained tight lipped and he knew at this rate it was more to tease him than due to any sort of prudence. 
The day before Christmas Anne fell extremely ill, resulting in a visit from her mother that went on for hours and she owled a potioneer to get additional supplies given the low quantity due to Anne’s frequent need. It was around sunset when the familiar redhead arrived, crates in tow to the y/l/n household. 
“Garreth?” She was surprised to see the man who had been a large part of her Hogwarts research project many years ago. 
“Oh wow… you really grew up gorgeous didn’t you?” Weasley said blushing madly as she stepped forward offering a light kiss to each cheek. It was a normal greeting for her to give, as she was French, but the sight made Sebastian’s blood boil over as he watched the pair from his sister’s bedside. 
“You are too kind Garreth, it’s been far too long” she said kindly, having somewhat lost contact with him a few years after she traveled to hogwarts. They briefly stayed connected but their friendship fizzled out with time. Regardless he had grown closer to her family, often supplying her mother as he traveled through about once a week delivering supplies. Her younger siblings seemed to adore him as the youngest came barreling in, hanging off the Ginger’s very strong arm as he laughed with her younger sister. Coming from a large family and being used to his siblings, Garreth adored children, her siblings being no exception. 
“I heard my aunt say you’re going to be starting in the fall as old Scribner's replacement. I suppose I will be seeing more of you..” he said mischievously and she quirked an eyebrow to ask why. 
“Both of the Sharps are taking a leave of absence since they have a baby due in July, so I’m taking over potions” he explained with a bright smile. 
“Oh that sounds wonderful! It will be so nice to have a familiar face around school!” She said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it before letting go to help move the supplies over to her mothers workstation. 
“Perhaps I could take you out for a drink sometime… catch up before the year…” he offered with a grin. 
“Please do, I am terrified my daughter here will become a spinster the way she consistently turns down the gentlemen at her school. Besides I would love grandchildren before I’m old and gray… can you imagine how precious they would be with all those freckles…” her mom teased out from the corner as Sebastian withheld the contents of his lunch. 
Absolutely not. There’s no circumstances in which he would allow Weasley of all people to swoop in on his woman. Besides if her mom wanted grandchildren with freckles he would happily provide them… 
“I uh-“ she said trying to form a polite rejection to his offer when Sebastian interrupted by standing and moving towards them. 
“Weasley, long time no see. Why don’t I help you, as there’s no need for any of these lovely ladies to be lifting a finger around here, yet you have the fairest woman in the room carrying nearly as much as you” Sebastian spoke, and while many could mistake his comment for humorous, she knew that the moment the two men got alone things had the potential to be ugly.
“Uh… sure Sallow… there’s just a bit more by the cart out there…” Garreth explained as they moved to head outside and she went to follow. Sebastian intercepted her, hands coming to rest on her forearms as he lightly held her from a respectable distance given their audience. 
“Why don’t you wait here mon chéri…no need for you to lift even one of these beautiful fingers. we’ve got this handled, right Garreth?” He asked without breaking his gaze from her, lifting her hand gently. She shuddered as he stared directly at her. 
“We do” Garreth squeaked out, clearly embarrassed and Sebastian paid him no mind as he very boldly leaned down, grabbing her by the waist and brushing his lips over her cheek before proudly stepping away leaving them all in shock. Lifting a hand she touched her face, still feeling the linger of his kiss there as the skin tingled. At first she didn’t react, stunned he would so unashamedly do such a thing in front of her family when he hadn’t even asked her to court properly. Of course Sebastian sallow would behave like a territorial brute. 
A small part of her felt very warm watching him leave, the ghost of his lips finally wearing off. To be manhandled that way, as he claimed her in front of another man … It was exhilarating. That was until her mother spoke. 
“Did Sallow just… well I can certainly say I never saw that coming” her mother spouted off with a laugh. 
“Why’s that?” She asked timidly. 
“I just have seen some of the women he previously… entertained… Let's just say Sebastian is a bit of a Tom cat… and the women he’s around are much more … I am just surprised since you’ve always been sweet on him and he paid you no mind. Not that I fully blame him…” her mother trailed off, alluding to the fact Sebastian had previously been with women more beautiful than herself. That shouldn’t be a shock, but to hear her mother assume that Sebastian wasn’t likely to be interested in her ever, stung. Even when he displayed his affection openly her mother still assumed she wasn’t good enough for the neighboring farm boy. 
Having heard enough of the conversation she fled upstairs to her loft, not wanting to be around them anymore. Realizing Sebastian did in fact have more experience with women even her mother thought were prettier, nearly brought tears to her eyes. The thought of facing down Garreth, a man who had always been nothing but respectful, after she was sure Sebastian had laid into the man in private… she didn’t want to think like that. 
Curling up on her bed she sighed, looking around the room. She saw the ceiling still enchanted from that night Sebastian had slept there following Anne’s curse. She saw the stack of letters on the desk and the flower he’d given her years ago. Sitting down she reached for the piece of parchment and quill. Before setting them back down. 
Her mother was likely right. 
Opening her window she looked over at the tree next to it, deciding that making a run for it was better than waiting around for her mother to scold her or Sebastian to come corner her when she felt vulnerable. Quietly slipping down the tree she cast a charm to sneak out of the hamlet and off in the direction of the beach. Going to the willow felt too exhaustive right now and she knew that likely Sebastian would look for her there first. As she made her to the quiet shores she took a seat on some rocks.  
Entranced in a crystal veil as the fallen angels from heaven descended upon her to their permanent damnation within her fiery depths. 
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there watching the snowfall as tears streamed down her face. She also wasn’t sure at what point Sebastian sat next to her on the stone, his arms pulling her into his frame as she violently shook. 
“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have done something so openly affectionate in front of others like that. It was rude of me.” He told her, the guilt evident in his voice. 
She didn’t respond, unsure how to explain to him her feelings of inadequacy. He wouldn’t understand that she was not good enough for him, and that he had already done better than her, and likely would again in the future. This temporary phase he was experiencing likely was due to proximity and needing emotional support with Anne’s health. Perhaps she should consider the company of Garreth. The man was kind, light hearted, and had her mothers approval. They would both be in close quarters in the fall with work. They could truly be a decent match. He also was quite handsome with his freckled skin and long auburn hair. Albeit, not as handsome as Seb- No. 
When she still hadn’t responded, only lessening her tears for a moment Sebastian grew concerned he really had upset her with his actions. Removing her from his arms, he sought after her eyes for confirmation on the storm brewing within her mind. 
Lifting a hand to push the hair that had obstructed his view, he held her face in his large hands, forcing her to look at him. The wildness in her expression caught him off guard. “Talk to me Mon Ange… how can I make this right?” he asked her as she shook her head, trying to remove herself from his grasp as he continued to hold her. 
At his begging her eyes once again flooded with tears. The strength and domineering energy in his grasp juxtaposed with the softness in his voice brought her to a place that she didn’t quite understand. 
“What did I do to bring you to tears-” he started and something within her just snapped. 
“This is about what you refuse to do. You keep giving me false hope and then don’t act on your feelings, despite your candor a few nights ago. I sit there, every day, hoping it will have been long enough to meet your approval. You claim to know what is best for me, and that I need to wait. However it pains me to share proximity with the one I love, the one who loves me, and we both must repress those feelings. At what point do I get a say in all of this? And then, when you do act upon your feelings it is only as a result of another man showing interest in me. Your actions are territorial at best, brutish at worst. Not to mention, my mother’s so eloquent way of pointing out that I am much less than every woman you’ve entertained or brought back here in my absence. It makes me feel as if you are ashamed of me somehow, and that once you no longer need to be here to take care of Anne, you’ll be back to being Mr. Star Ambassador in France. It all feels so, so, suffocating, especially when you know how truly deep my affects are for you Sebastian. Loving you removes every trace of air from my lungs to the point it hurts.” She admits in a blubbering mess of tears and slight yelling as the sea roars beside them and the snow continues to fall, her outburst leaving him speechless. 
After a moment of not speaking she began to fully sob once more and he continued to hold her face in his hands, his own body shaking as he felt her tremors coursing within him as well. 
“Why am I not good enough for you? Why am I not enough for you to act upon the ways you claim to feel? And why does it hurt so much to know that there’s a chance I shall never be enough for you?” she asked him and the words tore through him more harshly than if she had slapped him.  Her feelings of inadequacy, when in fact it was his own that continued to plague their relationship nearly angered him. To hear that the girl woman felt less than, when he was the one who didn’t deserve her care…
“Stop.” He warned her, a slight threat buried in his exasperated tone. 
“Stop? Stop mentioning things for how they are? Stop bringing up that you only see me as a commodity, never once giving me the time of day until I grew the figure of a woman? Stop acknowledging I will never be enou-” She had countered his request with fire, almost aggressively as her emotions reached a breaking point, however Sebastian had heard enough of her diminishing herself and reacted equally in anger. 
“I said stop! You will always, and have always been my entire world. Even when I did not know it, you were there. After Uncle Solomon, everyone abandoned me except you. I have always loved you so, perhaps not always in the ways you needed me to, but I have. You are too good, too pure, too perfect. I am terrified that I will end up hurting you if I allow you to get too close to a wretched man like myself. That is my curse to bear, for the actions I have chosen. But don’t you ever insinuate that you are worthless to me, not when you -” he stopped shouting, voice cracking as a damn in which he’d been holding back for years finally broke. At his raised voice she had shrunk, not in fear, but in shock, however hearing his voice break caused her heart to leap. 
“Not when you are my sky of stars. You are my willow dancing in the breeze, strong, tall and beautiful. You are the light in the darkness that nearly consumed me.  You are the flash of blue in my world of green, harmonizing the way that the sea meets the shore or the sky kisses the earth. You are the bookkeeper in the library of my life, knowing me in ways that no one has or ever will.  You are the shard that I keep so close to my heart, since you are the one in which it wholly belongs…” he said, voice laced with nothing but pure, arden love as he lifted her hand to his chest. 
“Do you feel that? Do you feel the way it beats for you? How it races faster than a Clydesdale across the highlands? You are at the precipice of my entire being. How could such a broken man like myself not irrevocably love such a woman? But someone so wonderful like you, wanting me? That feels utterly impossible.” he spoke sadly as he leaned in, lips once again only a breath away from her own, as he looked slightly past her. 
“You are the snow on this god forsaken beach. Just breaking down every wall within me without a sound…” he whispered as a single tear fell from the corner of his dark eye and rolled down his face. “I… fuck… come here…” he whispered as she was rendered speechless and he didn’t let the silence linger for long as he pulled her chin closer to his with a hand, his lips harshly pressing to her own as she finally got a taste of him. 
The first thing she noticed, after the initial shock wore off, is that his lips were much softer than she anticipated they would be. After years of staring at the plush, pillowy lips he had, her mind had always created expectations of what they would feel like against her own. Almost as if on instinct, she brought her hands up, curling her fingers into the soft waves at the nap of his neck, holding him closer to her as he continued to kiss her feverantly. 
Sebastian was almost stunned when he felt her tongue tracing over his bottom lip, requesting the entrance to his mouth that she so desperately desired, groaning out when their tongues met one another. The way the appendage danced alongside his own while they continued to grasp, pull and press against one another brought forth a wave of arousal more intense than one he’d ever experienced before.  She was almost stunned at how incredible she was at this…
Breaking away breathlessly, he whispered out “I forgot you were french…” he said, referring to the intense kissing he’d only experienced frequently and quickly with the women in Paris. At his comment he chuckled, leading her to anticipate he would keep talking, but like a starved man, he dived back in and resumed kissing her with more fire than before, immediately forcing his tongue back into a battle with hers. 
The way his hands roamed her body, as if he knew every dimple, every freckle, every curve, every scar before he had even began to touch her, left her feeling breathless. He commanded her body’s natural reaction simply with his expert hands and even more adept lips, trailing away from her mouth and pressing kisses to her neck and collarbone while she melted into him. 
Sebastian’s hands grasp at her thighs, lifting her from sitting on the stone next to him, to pull her over him, gently setting the girl on his lap as he tipped her neck to more firmly meet his mouth. He was almost surprised when she immediately began to rock back and forth in his lap, shocked that she was already so comfortable with physical relations, but then again she had told him she wasn’t a blushing virgin anymore… 
She too shouldn’t have been surprised when she felt him growing more and more aroused underneath her clothed core, as she continued gently rocking on his lap. The heat that consumed the both of them, brought forth a rosy hew to their complexions, specifically Sebastian by igniting the constellations across his cheeks and forehead into a wine stained nebula. 
Pulling away she rested her forehead against his own, eyes searching his to ground the both of them back in reality. Reality? Reality. Yes. Reality. A place she currently existed, perched atop his lap as his hands were planted along her hip and the side of her neck. A reality in which she could still taste him upon her lips. Where she could still feel his uneven breath upon her face, as the small cloud broke through the freezing cold winds rushing off the sea. A reality where she pulled back to see just how much snow had collected in his unkempt chocolate brown locks, even more dishevled than normal considering the way she had run her fingers through it.  The wild look he continued to wear as the result of their osculation.  His dark eyes piercing her own, greedily drinking her appearance as well. He looked so much more handsome when he had that feral look in his eyes, she couldn’t help but think.
She also couldn’t help but allow a small smirk to work itself onto the corners of her swollen lips, prideful to the fact that she had caused him to look in such a manor. It had all been a culmination of him kissing her. 
“Wow…” he said dreamily after a moment, the wind still nipping at their cheeks and the snow continuing to fall around them. A single flake fell between the nearly non existent space between them, catching in his long eyelashes as she gazed upon the man. 
“That was…” she tried to articulate, words dying upon her lips as she struggled to put into words the way he made her stomach drop, her heart soar and her mind empty. Not to mention, the way her core throbbed with need between them… or perhaps that was sebastian throbbing beneath her… she couldn’t be quite sure. 
She giggled out at her frustration, and he joined in not long after she started, as the two worked their small chuckles into full laughter. At hearing the melodic sound leaving her blushed lips, Sebastian pulled her in closer, resting his face in the slightly chilled crook of her neck and the side of his head against her own. She responded by wrapping tighter around him, her arms going around to the space under his worn leather coat. 
“You truly have no idea how long I have wanted to do that” he admitted after a moment, pulling back slightly, but not before taking a deep inhale of her perfume.
“I think I do know” she countered with a raised eyebrow, referring to the several almost kisses that he’d stolen previously, not to mention her own desires to do so long before he had those thoughts of his own. 
At this he laughed again, the hearty noise filling the space between them as his heart continued to pound in his chest. Never in all his life had he felt so happy and at peace than to be here with her, making jokes after confirming the love the two shared. To be completely content within the company of one another, even after all this time, felt like something more powerful than even the strongest magic he could conjur. 
“My Mon Chou…” he whispered with a boyish grin, eyes once again meeting hers as his tone softened, alluding to a possibility he expected to wake up any moment. It rivaled one of a small child, experiencing something wonderful for the first time, as they would speak with awestruck wonder. 
“Mon garçon de ferme…” she countered as his smile widened enough to show his teeth. She remembered he often wouldn’t smile so brightly, given he was admittedly self conscious about how his teeth looked and how awkward he appeared when his nostrils flared and his large teeth became unobstructed in a smile. While she always argued this line of thought to be grossly overexaggerated on his part, she knew that he only allowed himself to smile like this when he was truly happy. The fact he did so now, warming her heart despite the freezing chill. 
Almost as if reminded of the cold, she shuddered against him as he too became aware their chosen location wasn’t ideal given the strong winds off the ocean made for bone chilling air. 
“I suppose I should’ve been more of a gentleman and not have poured the fullest of my affections onto the woman I love dearly when it was this terribly cold and uncomfortable outside” he admitted regretfully as he brushed his snow damp fringe off his forehead. 
“I would not alter a thing about this moment” she said sharply, laying her head on his shoulder, as her body caved into his, and she relaxed in his arms. She remained on his lap for the time being, legs pushed to one side instead of the way they had previously been settled on both sides of his waist. 
“So you wouldn’t have chosen a more romantic spot if given the option?” he asked playfully, resting his head atop hers as he brought his hand down to examine hers. He was taken aback at how dainty her hands still looked after the many years of abuse from her chores, wand holding and other activities. Instead it sat within his calloused grip, her fingers thin and long, and the skin so incredibly soft to the touch it rivaled rose petals. 
“I wouldn’t change a thing” she said blissfully, closing her eyes and allowing herself to be grounded within the moment. He followed her lead, watching the faint outline of the waves crash along the shore through the more intensly falling snow. 
“Me either” he admitted, allowing the comforting peace the moment brought to counter the raging emotions within him. She sat here, on his lap no less, and for the first time they had indulged in and thrown caution to the wind. After years of falling in love, he finally decided that this woman, this lovely, wonderful, incredible woman was worth the fear of messing up. That she was no longer an emotion to repress, but one to feel in it’s fullest extent. Finally, there was no hiding it. 
“The woman you love dearly?” she asked mischieviously after a moment, lifting her head from his shoulder to gaze up at him, her brilliant eyes sparkling with reflections of falling snow. 
“Among other things, but yes” he admitted, finally not finding the words frightening to say out loud. 
“Such as?” Her tone was hopeful, and he was not in the business of denying her anymore moving forward. He vowed then and there, that she would never suffer as a result of his repressed thoughts or emotions. “My best friend… my favorite confidant… the most beautiful witch I’ve ever known… the love of my life…” he whispered, once again pressing his lips to hers as they kissed along the snow covered beach.
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