#fascist creep
52booksproject · 2 years
Book 6 Against the Fascist Creep
I was thinking of doing another children's book this time, but I ran up against the Dewey number 335.6, which is Fascism, and there weren't a lot of kids' books about it.
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Alexander Reid Ross has a pretty complete history of Fascism in Against the Fascist Creep. It explains the roots of Fascism and its height during WWII and then its continuation and evolution in the aftermath.
It's not difficult reading (except the subject matter), but there are a ton of names and acronyms and philosophies and dates, so I admit I barely followed it. Things got a little easier when it got to modern American politics, which I followed much better knowing many of the players already.
The scrappiness of Fascism is some of the scariest part of the book, knowing that it bounced back from scapegoating the Jews (which it still does, though, of course), and turned to scapegoating immigrants which made it very popular with people who ordinarily should know not to support fascism.
Unfortunately the conclusion doesn't really have a lot of tips for combating Fascism. Education and knowledge against the lies they use is a good start. "Only by reasoning through its oppressive contradictions and opposing it in spirit will, and deed can it be overcome."
SHOULD YOU READ THE BOOK?: If you want to know more about Fascism and how it has played a part in so many nation's politics, including the US and UK, this is absolutely the place to do that.
BEST LINE: "The frustration of the left over an apparent impasse regarding "identity politics" including attacks on "political correctness" and the inability to stop austerity when socialists are in power, increases pessimism and anxiety, leading to an observable trend toward nihilism both in mainstream society and counterculture."
ART PROJECT: Well, this really didn't lend itself to art projects- I mean what was I supposed to do, make a jolly David D*ke style sheet hood? So I just put together something anti-fascist.
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astroworld97 · 1 month
peeked into the homelander tag out of curiosity I don't know why I'm surprised I really don't but the x readers???????????? I don't want to imagine that man anywhere near me what da hell.....
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sunflowerdigs · 1 year
People being touchy about Roman potentially fucking Mencken are just...I don't get it. Because literally everyone around Roman except Shiv is aiding and abetting him in becoming president. And Matsson - Matsson is a technocrat who talks about his workers like they're slaves. He and Roman were never going to be your cutesy little harmless OTP, laying people off on their anniversary for fun. Like...you're falling for the window dressing. There is no "the fascist" on Succession because everyone seems to think they benefit from what Mencken is bringing to the table as the potential leader of the United States. And even Shiv didn't really care whether or not they kept Ravenhead. Oh, he puts Shiv and Tom off their lunch, but Tom is happy to keep the nazi on board as long as he brings in ratings and keeps Tom in power.
But, like...keep clinging to that false sense of morality about the terrible rich people show, I guess? This is where it was always going. These people have worn their funny little masks for long enough - s4 is the big reveal. Mencken or no Mencken, the mentally of the billionaire elite always leans towards fascism because fascism is the only way that they can maintain complete control of the populace and hold onto their own wealth.
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rikaklassen · 4 months
Potent section from "Queer as in fuck you" written by anonymous and published by Sour Queer Press which resonates strongly:
What is fascinating to me is that queer community focuses so much on consent. It’s truly mind blowing to see people go back to dance and house parties, large and small events, unmasked. Poetry readings and community care events, all with either no or sloppy precautions that make no sense (fyi, if you require masks you better have a way of making sure people are wearing them or else you are still excluding disabled folks). The irony to me of a group that cares so much about community and being trauma-informed contributing to the spread of a disabling virus is too much. And there aren’t really words for seeing person after person let you down. All in the name of something we (queer militants) have a history of fighting: assimilation. Eugenics in the name of mental health. As if queer disabled people aren’t some of the most creative people I’ve met. And I’ve been so disappointed in the queer community that I forget: so much of the invisible (no thanks to you) queer community does care about covid. It’s the aesthetic, back-to-normal, eugenicist, assimilating queers that don’t care. And it dawned on me: y’all aren’t fucking queer. Your values align with every white woman you make fun of for being fragile, attached, sensitive. Queerness is more than a denim vest and who you fuck or don’t. Queerness means fighting for the very values “queer” (from this point on, y’all queer fuckers that don’t take covid seriously are getting a “”) people are abandoning. We lost an entire generation to AIDS, and the nightmare is a generation of “queers” who are happy to forget how hard we’ve fought for each other. It seems like people think queerness is more about how you look and not about how we move. So do me a favor, stop calling yourself queer. You don’t deserve the label. Go hang out with the boring ass cis hets who go to brunch on the weekend and go to that new restaurant for Wednesday night dinners. I’m sure they’ll appreciate your added spunk and since that’s what you’re assimilating into anyways, just get to it and stop pretending. In the meantime, we’ve been building community, whoever has a filter lugging it back and forth to houses, taking whatever money we can spend on masks for ourselves and each other, watching movies and making art. But I’m gonna be honest, that’s not good enough for me. That’s what you want anyways, isn’t it? For us to isolate in our communities. No, I think I’m going to start calling in our AIDS ancestors and bringing dead bodies and ashes to your doorstep.
Print editon [PDF, 2.6MB, archived] | Read edition [PDF, 14.7MB, archived] | Audio [MP3, 72.5MB, archived]
You can follow Queer Sour Press on their blog or on Mastodon or email them here: [email protected].
Fucking depresses me no one is cautious during deaf events or pride events even though deaf people are more disproportionately likely to be disabled; and queer people are also disproportionately more likely to be disabled. Even more infuriating when one of the reasons why we don't have many queer elders over the age of 40 was because of the AIDS epidemic and we have had campaigns like safer sex awareness and consent as well as distributing harm reduction supplies such as free condoms.
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autismmydearwatson · 23 days
I think I need a break from the rest of the Thrawn fandom because some of you are sometimes really annoying
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Watch TERFs start going around sniffing people like dogs now to detect The Testosterone®️. 😂
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February 29, 2024
Member Tejada: I’ve heard from many in Calgary-Klein who are worried about the Premier’s close relationship with groups like Take Back Alberta, how she tried to help extremists like Artur Pawlowski with his legal problems, and how she happily sat down with alt-right characters like Tucker Carlson, who, only weeks before he was welcomed to Alberta, described trans individuals as: demented. Will the Premier join me in condemning these statements?
Mr. Schow: I’m not sure where the member is getting her speaking notes from. Conversations about Tucker Carlson are a little bit stale if you’re asking me, personally. This time is to talk about government business.
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arirna · 1 year
Me looking up the already infamous poll about annoying Tumblr users only to discover that I wasn’t included
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hexjulia · 10 months
i see and hear the plutarch sulla meeting a satyr scene so clearly in my mind. terror of the wordless. still thinking about it.
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cqallenwalker · 1 year
Japan raised the national age of consent to 16 (several prefectures have had the age higher for ages now), so it's 9/11 for the worst people on the internet lol
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perikrone · 1 year
CW for Tennessee Drag laws, transphobia, and the creeping spread of fascism
I genuinely don't know how to succinctly talk about this, but showing off pictures of Tennessee Government Bill Lee in drag when he was in school is not a gotcha. In fact, liberals spreading those images around is showing the fascists how strong they are. Bill Lee will never be prosecuted under anti-trans, anti-queer laws. No republican politician ever will, unless they have the gall to speak out about the genocide they're perpetuating. Is there any particular phraseology to explain to neoliberals and baby leftists that the hypocrisy of fascism is a feature, not a bug?
- Fascists see hypocrisy as strength. The ability to create reality is a sign they're winning. Showing off their contradictory nature signals to fascists that their ability to create reality, and ability to hold power is intact and growing.
- Creating laws that can be selectively applied to anyone the state doesn't like is the whole point. The enforcers of the state will always arrest and abuse those they dislike, and will never arrest those who facilitate their power.
Pointing out hypocrisy in this situation is, at best, a waste of effort, and is, at worst, actively spreading propaganda that let's fascists know they're winning. We're at least 20 years past the point of fascists needing to publicly hem and haw when their contradictions are pointed out (and as someone who lived through the 90s and the fallout of 9/11, they didn't have to do much of it even 20 years ago).
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coratorium · 2 years
i have no stomach for leftist infighting anymore whatsoever. even just reading it when im not involved in it in any way exhausts me.
its something about the attitude people take of constantly going on the offensive and trying to prove that the other person is a worse human being and therefore not worth listening to. it reminds me of a worse point in my life where i was a lot more insecure and felt a need to act that way to try and reinforce myself by putting other people down. framing it as a moral issue is just a way to feel less guilty about the way youre treating the other person.
please stop acting like being a decent human being is a competition.
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rikaklassen · 3 months
CWs: irresponsible journalism, transntagonism
Sighs. Taylor Lorenz is responsible for giving Chaya Raichik (Libs of TikTok) exposure again. Last time Lorenz did that, Raichik gained a huge following.
Please don't give TERFs oxygen. You can just quote Raichik or cover her harassment campaign without acknowledging her as a person worthy of listening to. One can just archive everything Raichik said or did on her own social media accounts so she can't retract her statements when fact-checked! Way too many journalists think they can be Isaac Chotiner.
All Taylor accomplished is taking attention away from Nex Benedict.
The far-right doesn't care if they are seen as foolish, uneducated, sadistic or cruel. Ann Coulter still has a career. Milo Yiannopoulos doesn't.
Pulling out this agitprop poster again:
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Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be destroyed!
— Buenaventura Durruti
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lenbryant · 2 years
It is another glorious day on Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet,  Alexandra Petri (WaPo Opinion)
It is another glorious day on Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet. We rise early to get the best content ready in time for him to log on! Probably he will have a good idea about international relations or war, or a car that could become a boat (or a boat that could become a car!), and it will be a privilege to hear about that, as it always is. I cannot wait to spend another wonderful day on Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet! I love to make value for Mr. Musk!
When Mr. Musk began his takeover of Twitter, he brought a physical sink with him to the company’s headquarters and tweeted, “Let that sink in”! He changed his bio to “Chief Twit”! It is no exaggeration to say that he is as funny as he is brilliant! He makes me laugh so much! I am laughing just thinking about how brilliant he is and how wonderful it is that he is in control of Twitter now! We’re all in a much better place now that he’s here. I smile brightly with all my teeth!
He wrote about the need for a “common digital town square.” And he is so right for that! It’s just like my real town square, with chain coffee shops that are inside banks. Thank God for the town square, a branded space I cannot linger in for any length of time without being strongly urged to make a purchase of some kind.
Mr. Musk said in an ingenious, perfectly worded note to advertisers that he did not want Twitter to become a “free-for-all hellscape.” That’s always reassuring to hear! And it certainly won’t! There aren’t any signs of that happening! The people excited that he is taking over Twitter so that they can finally be unleashed are all people who have been waiting all this time to do good things!
Finally, we have a wonderful place where free debate can flourish! (“Where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” as Mr. Musk so wisely put it.) All that censorious content moderation from before was just standing in the way of all the wonderful ideas that people were bringing to market, ideas like, “die, [unprintable].”
Twitter used to be gross and bad and there used to be many people there who felt comfortable openly saying negative things about fascists! Rude! Everyone knows that the only way to combat fascism is to let them be heard and let them silence — through threats of violence — anyone who disagrees with them. The only thing that stops fascists is listening to them really, really carefully. That was what happened in the 1940s, I believe. I don’t remember the time before I joined Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet so well!
The best part of Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet is all the voices we did not have to hear before. I’m sorry, “get” to hear! “Get” to hear! My mistake! I just know that everything is for the best here!
Did I mention that Mr. Musk is not only a genius but also of course extraordinarily physically compelling? That he stands at an enormous height on his diamond feet? He is dazzling and tall! All his ideas are the best and I will pay good dogecoin to hear them! Nothing explodes!
He has made everything better and we are all so happy now. It’s certainly not a hellish echo chamber he maintains where we are all trapped making him feel good and smart! It’s just another glorious day on Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet! It’s just another glorious day on Mr. Musk’s wonderful internet!
Alexandra Petri is a Washington Post columnist offering a lighter take on the news and opinions of the day. She is the author of the essay collection "Nothing Is Wrong And Here Is Why."
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oxiiiii · 2 years
Not gonna go as far as to talk about them supporting all of these new kinds of extreme misogyny against us bc they're men so ofc they wouldn't care but it's so ridiculous seeing "leftist" "antifa" men give no shit about kids being sterilized and mutilated. Like what are they even "fighting" for?? What's the capitalism they pretend to fight against?? They're disgusting, most times even worse than right wing men,at least you know what you're dealing with with the latter. Even fucking conservatives (I'm not even talking about homophobic or transphobic ones) are collectively standing against this shit for the right reasons and "leftist" parasites keep being woke so they can fuck some alt chick or sth
Seriously none of them talk about it, it's crazy
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cock-holliday · 10 months
Liking fantasy creatures that have been around for centuries isn’t automatically antisemitism lmao. If you see happy merchant in those goblin books, that’s on you. Genuine spacelazarwolf brain rottage. I’m jewish, and I’m ashamed to see antisemitism discourse go down the same route of the “ogres & black people” debacle from a few years back.
reading comprehension: -1/10
i didn't say liking goblins means you're antisemitic, what I said is that lots of goblin shit leans on antisemitic stereotypes, goblincore overlaps a lot with cottagecore which is riddled with white supremacist issues and so this, combined with a paraphrase of a white supremacist trad phrase makes for a bad combo on the edge of some heavy shit
Personally I don't give a shit if you like goblincore, what I said is people on purpose or by accident hang around in this grey zone of white supremacist memery to the point that it's difficult to tell if people really understand what they are tetering towards
I don't think everyone or 99% of the people who uses the "change my mind" meme are conservative shitheads, but do they know they're putting a conservative shithead on everyone's dash every time? Do people know where pepes and wojaks and so many reddit/4chan memes come from? Where lizard people memes are from? Where the muscle/chad/swole guy representing the right opinion is actually the (not-so) secret view of nazi?
People outright quote "reject modernity embrace tradition" as a funny slogan to parody and don't seem to realize it's a literal fascist catchphrase?
I'm simply asking for people to be aware of the insidious creep of white supremacist references into daily life and that if it's an accident that it made it into your vocab and jokes and books then walk back from it because you leave open the door for people who MEAN it as a nazi phrase. Because white supremacists and nazis are USING MEMES to appeal to recruits, to cloak themselves in public life, and form comradery with people who would never consider themselves nazis.
I'M jewish and I'm ashamed to see "antisemitic caricatures are a you-problem actually" from people, especially someone pulling the Jew card in my inbox. Yeah, maybe it's just an accident, but think about why you keep making money-hungry little thieves with hook noses and curly dark hair as a combo? What is it about that combination that goes together for you? What could it accidentally be implying? What is the history behind this?
Think about what these are on the fence of, what it is making excuses for, what it is making a norm, and what kind of ground that can cede for something more explicitly fascist, you dildo.
Oh, and fuck you, spacelazarwolf was probably right about whatever specifically made you shit your pants. Gee I wonder what "space Lazar" could be a pun about, hm, guess we'll never know--must be some made up outrage...
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