#featuring cat dad arthur pendragon
cbk1000 · 8 months
Anyway, here's some more of the sequel to the vet fic, because the world is hard and mean, and one overly long fic about two gays driving around the countryside helping sick animals wasn't enough:
The wedding was at Ripley Castle near Harrogate, and featured a cousin with whom Arthur was just close enough not to blow off the ceremony; though he wouldn’t have minded simply popping in for the vows, and the requisite after-vow pleasantries. But he had seen the opportunity to pry Merlin away for a holiday, on an estate large enough to avoid most of his family; and so Saturday they had put their rucksacks, their suits, and themselves, into the car, and were now going at a decent clip down the B6265, though Merlin thought it was codgerly.
“Does Gaius know to put the wet food on top of the dry food for Tessa, and not to mix it all together?”
“Yes, you mentioned it in the instructions we left.”
“And that Mixer can only go into the outdoor pens with George? And if he can’t find Cian, to check under the sofa?”
“Arthur, we are not leaving our infant child for the first time whilst we take our first holiday since we became new dads, we are leaving our four adult cats to be checked in on by a veterinarian who’s been practising about as long as either of us has been alive. I think he can handle feeding a finicky arshole.”
“I’m not sure if I remembered to mention George’s eye drops, though. Will you text Gaius?”
“You wrote six fucking pages on how to care for four cats for two days. You mentioned it.”
“Just text him, you knob.”
“Uncle Gaius,” Merlin sounded out obnoxiously as he typed. “Arthur thinks you are a helpless, blind old useless bat, and would like to reiterate how to feed a cat and administer eye drops.”
Arthur swiped blindly at his head with one hand, whilst the other he left planted on the wheel. “Should I text Morgana too, and have her check in on Gaius checking in on the cats?”
“Piss off.”
“Too bad she was too sick to come; I’d love to see Gwaine mixing it up with your relatives. Nobody would even notice you’re gay if Morgana had brought him.”
“Yes, I’m sure that would have gone well for everyone.”
Then Merlin changed the radio station, and they had a friendly dust-up, most of the remaining drive to Ripley, over the other’s objectively inferior taste in music; so that when they pulled up at The Boar’s Head where they would be staying, Arthur had almost forgot he was inevitably to see his father. Now the courtyard full of Pendragons brought it surging down on him, and he felt suddenly as overwhelmed as if they had converged on instead of glancingly glanced at the car. His whole body tightened; and the dread clash was in his chest, that brutal striving for life which in a fit man at an elevation the same as his native seems to herald the onset of death. He felt in the car in the middle of the day with no threat present but the threat of unpleasantness that he was carrying his doom. It was in his chest, where his breath had shortened, and quickened; all those impulses of the lizard brain which kept the cave dweller from being no more than some leftovers in his loincloth now were telling him that he would need to flee some pensioners in some church wear. His father was nowhere amongst them; but the possibility of him, the infinite possibility of if, was all round the car and beyond the car, where anything might happen to his heart.
And then Merlin said in the same voice he used with the animals, “Tell me five things you can see right now.”
“The steering wheel. My hand on the steering wheel. The door handle. The chip in the windshield. Your knee.”
“Five things you can feel?”
“The steering wheel under my hand. The seat under my legs. The air from the vents. The seat against my back. The steering wheel under my hand.”
“Five things you can hear?”
“Your breathing, your abysmal taste in music, the car engine, faint music outside the car, talking outside the car.”
“Four things you can see?”
And he walked him through the exercise like that, till they had got down to one item for each, and Arthur’s breathing was calmer. He flexed his stiff fingers on the steering wheel.
“It’ll be ok, Arthur. And if it’s not, I’ll headbutt some people, and we’ll leave.”
“Ok.” Arthur wiped his palms on his jeans.
Then they were out of the car, and Merlin said to the few friendly guests who found their arrival more interesting than their breakfast, “Hey; nice to meet you. Merlin. Really sorry, we’ll be down in a few minutes, yeah, I just need the loo really badly. Down from Emberford, yeah,” ushering Arthur through the crowd and into the Inn as deftly as he had ever done anything requiring motor skills. He had got the suits and the rucksacks out of the backseat, and kept himself now with their luggage between Arthur and any intrusives, using his dimples to plough a kind of furrow through to reception, so that everyone in his wake felt that they had been charmed instead of slighted. 
In their room he threw down the suits and bags on the bed, and said, “It’s nice. Not very castle-y, though. Do you want me to make you some tea?”
“No. We should probably go back down and mingle for a bit before we need to change.”
“Do you want me to blow you?”
“That’s--” Arthur paused. He did not know what part of ‘go down and mingle’ Merlin had confused for a sex act; but now that he had Arthur’s brain had got just as muddled. He separated out, after a moment, what he wanted to say, from what his penis wanted him to say. “What part of ‘I probably shouldn’t pause long enough for tea’ suggested to you that I thought we had time for sex before going back down to visit with the other wedding guests?”
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madamebaggio · 4 years
Hot night for Sansa Stark and Arthur Pendragon.
Things just got pretty serious between Rockstar Arthur Pendragon and Pop Princess Sansa Stark. The couple was caught in a very intimate moment during a party at Producer William Hart’s house. Inside sources say they “were all over each other the whole night”, with Arthur introducing Sansa as his girlfriend to his friends. After a few moments in a dark room, the couple retired for the night, clearly for a more intimate moment. 
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Chapter 10 
It was Shae’s frantic knocking that woke Sansa up. She had a bad feeling before she even got to the door, because this wasn’t normal. Shae didn’t go around knocking on her door like the house was on fire. Something had happened.
“Sansa…” Shae spoke softly as soon as Sansa opened the door.
“What happened?” Sansa demanded.
Shae just sighed and passed her the tablet. It was a picture of her and Arthur, clearly taken from inside the house. Someone -one of the guests -had found them kissing and taken a picture. They had just kissed, because Arthur was serious about respecting her wishes, and she’d liked him even more for it.
However, she had been sitting on his lap, and -as nobody knew what happened after that -it was easy to assume it had been way more heated that it’d actually been.
And it was what the headline suggested.
“Hot night for Sansa Stark and Arthur Pendragon.”
“Sansa…” Shae called softly.
“Does Brienne already know?” She asked.
“She called me.” Shae admitted. “She isn't happy. She wanted to kill Bedivere, because it was a private party, this shouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s not his fault.” Sansa sighed. “How about Arthur?”
“He didn’t call me, but he has your number.”
Yes, he did, and if he hadn’t called, something wasn’t right. “I’ll call him.”
Arthur had gone out for a long run that morning, and that was the reason he didn’t have his phone and didn’t know what was going on.
However, as soon as he got to his apartment and opened the door, he knew something had happened, because Bedivere was there and he wasn’t happy.
Arthur ignored him and went straight to his phone, because if Bedivere was looking at him like that, the chances of it having something to do with Sansa were big.
“Don’t talk to her until I speak.” Bedivere asked.
Arthur paused, the phone in his hand. He could see that Sansa had already called him four times. “Then talk fast.”
“Someone took a picture of you two kissing at the party.”
“How? The curtains were pulled closed.”
“It was from inside the house.” Bedivere admitted.
“What?” Arthur growled. “Who was it?”
“I don’t know yet…”
“Then find out!” Arthur snapped. “This is unacceptable, Bedivere, and not only because of Sansa. Everybody that was invited was a friend, people I thought I could trust.”
Bedivere pressed his lips together, like he wanted to say something, but then he just nodded. Arthur didn’t even bother in continue this conversation -but, fuck, he’d need to apologize later, Bedivere didn’t deserve to be treated like this -he pressed the button to call Sansa.
She answered on the second ring. “Arthur! Where have you been?”
“I’m sorry, Sansa, I was running.” He pressed the heel of his hand against his eye. “Are you fine?”
“No.” She sighed. “I hate this. Have you seen the picture? Have you read the article?”
“No, and neither should you. I know…” He pressed when he heard the beginning of a protest. “I know this isn’t…” He sighed. “This is my fault.”
Sansa sighed. “That took a turn. Arthur, it’s not. I don’t blame you, ok? I don’t know if you think I do, but I don’t. It’s just that… After everything with Cersei and Joffrey, I hate to be featured in a tabloid like this.”
“And you aren’t wrong. I hate this too.” He took a deep breath. “I’ll find out who did it, okay?”
She sighed once again. “Ok. Call me.” And she hung up, leaving Arthur with a whole on his chest.
It didn’t take long to find out who was responsible for that. Bill had a lot of contacts, and through that they found out what happened.
Rubio -the boy from the comics -had been invited to the party. He took the picture and send it to a friend, and this friend sold it.
The boy insisted he didn’t know his friend would do that, but it wasn’t the point. He took the fucking picture, and this was the main problem. It was such a breach in privacy that Arthur told Bedivere to cancel the comic. He didn’t care if he had to personally pay some kind of fine, if he was sued or whatever.
Even if it hadn’t been a picture of them together, even if Sansa wasn’t involved, this was unacceptable.
And the tabloids were having a field day with it. This was what Arthur hated the most: the supposed ‘close friends’ telling what was happening, people talking about them as if they knew them, fuckers who had the nerves of calling themselves ‘specialists’ evaluating their relationship.
Besides all of that, there were still fans from both sides giving their opinion about it, as if Sansa and Arthur were their property and they had rights to their relationship somehow.
He was so fucking pissed that Bedivere had confiscated his phone, worried that he’d start some sort of Twitter war with everyone.
His bandmates were supportive, and they were also angry about the situation.
And Sansa… After the story got traction and became more than just one picture on a tabloid, she became distant, sending less messages and hardly ever answering her phone. Arthur was getting concerned that this whole circus would make him look like too much trouble to her.
So when he called Shae to ask how things were and she told him that Sansa had gone to visit her parents, he had a minute of panic.
Then he decided that fuck it, he was going after her.
Sansa hadn’t meant to run away from the situation. She really hadn’t, and she wasn’t proud of herself.
However, as the days passed and the subject wouldn’t die she fell into a spiral. She started remembering how were things right after she left Joffrey and broke her contract with Cersei, all the people analyzing her situation and giving opinions and saying terrible things about her.
Those flashbacks took her to a dark place: the days when she was convinced she was fat and needed to lose weight urgently, the days when she was worried Joffrey might slap her, but still worried he’d leave her, when she wanted to please Cersei so badly she’d talk shit about her own family.
She didn’t want to run, but she had to. She felt like a mess, and she worried that Arthur would give up on her because of all that. She called her therapist and tried to calm down, but she realized she needed her mother. Desperately.
Catelyn was waiting for her with open arms when she went to Montana. She let her daughter cry on her shoulder.
“You know… I had my doubts about that boy, but…” She gave a resigned sighed. “He doesn’t seem so bad. Why don’t you call him?”
“What if he thinks I’m too much work?” Sansa asked, for the first time voicing that fear.
“Then he doesn’t deserve you.” Cat told her simply. “And I know it’s easy for me to say this, I know.” She insisted. “But you deserve so much love, Sansa. It really hurts me to see you thinking you don’t.”
Sansa had nothing to say to that. She’d worked so much on herself, her therapist had been so good and patient, but she didn’t feel like she was better. She was still running, wasn’t she?
Sansa and Cat turned to Ned, who was hovering by the door. “Yes, dad?”
“That Pendragon boy is here.” He told her, like he couldn’t believe it himself.
“What?” She almost fell from the couch.
“He is here.” Her father repeated. “He didn’t come in, he told me he’d wait to see if you wanted to talk to him.”
Sansa looked at her mother. “The choice is yours, darling.” Cat indicated. “But, for what’s worth, he deserves an answer too.”
Sansa sighed and got up, thanking her dad.
Arthur was outside, leaning against a motorcycle, looking so much like the bad boy he was supposed to be, that Sansa couldn’t hold back a smile.
“This is turning into stalking.” She said as a greeting. “How did you find me?”
 He shrugged. “Your sister.”
 “Traitor.” She grumbled, but it was without heat. ‘What do you want?”
 “To give you a ride, Red.” He offered her a helmet. “Hop on.”
She didn’t hesitate to grab the helmet and climb on the bike. If there was one thing Sansa knew, it was that she could trust Arthur.
“I know where we can go.” She offered.
Arthur nodded and drove away. She’d point turns to him, but they didn’t go that far. Her parents’ state was big, but she had a favorite spot.
Once they got there she took off her helmet and climbed off. Arthur did the same.
“I’m glad you decided to see me, Sansa.” He told her honestly.
“I’m sorry I left.” She told him simply.
“I’m not angry or anything. It’s okay that you need space, sometimes I do too.” He told her. “But… If we… If this happens… Can you please talk to me before taking off?”
Her heart stopped for a second. “You still want to do this?”
“Of course I do. Nothing changed, Sansa.” He took a deep breath in. “Unless you’re actively fighting against it. I gave up a long time ago.”
 Sansa snorted. “Can you imagine the headlines? Princess of the Pop and Bad Boy of the Rock?”
 “I honestly don’t care. Do you?” There was real concern in his voice now.
“I’m afraid of disappointing you.” She admitted.
“Why would you?” He asked kindly.
“Because you’re so brave, and I’m here hiding.”
“I’m not brave, Red.” He came closer and picked her hand up. “I’m fucking terrified. I flew all the way here…”
“Rented a bike…”
“I have a reputation to keep.” He agreed smoothly. “Just because I was scared that you were about to ditch me.”
Sansa seemed horrified by the thought. “Me? I thought you were going to realize I’m a mess.”
“Well, you are a mess -a hot one, by the way…”
Sansa snorted, but Arthur didn’t stop. He cupped her face. “But I’m nowhere near perfect. I’m also a bit of a mess. And I don’t care if you need time, if you need space. Whatever you need, if I can give it to you, I will. I want to be by your side. I just hope you want me there.”
“For chrissake!” Her voice was teary. “Why do you have to be so good?”
Arthur chuckled and rested his forehead against her. “I’m not, don’t feed my ego. It doesn’t require help.”
Sansa’s chuckle was a bit watery. “So you want to try?”
“I do.” He told her honestly. “Can we do this together?”
“One condition.” She told him seriously.
“Name your price.” He replied immediately.
“A duet.” She grinned up at him.
Arthur barked a laughter. “You want us to sing together?”
“Yes, and I already have the song.”
His grin became a thing of beauty. “Whatever you want, Red.”
Notes: So this was supposed to be the last one, but I felt it’d be too rushed if I kept it that way.
As it has been a looooong while since I updated this, you can check the full work on my AO3 page.
We’ll have a short chapter to close the story and talk about the duet ;)
Also, I used Rubio like this, because he clearly gave the resistance up on the movie, so he’s clearly not to be trusted.
Fine, I might be bitter about that.
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