#felt sick that night and it pissed me off for ruining plans so I drew my girl out of annoyance
ripplerain · 2 months
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buncha scarlets
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   24
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Sans is full of self hatred, and decides to do the 'right thing.'
A/N: Oh boy, drop this stuff like it’s hot! I’m trying to get all caught up to where I’m supposed to be- or where I’d planned to be, anyway. But, it is (American) Thanksgiving- pretty much a time for gluttony- and it’s new here, but sorry there’s not a bunch of new stuff for all of you who’ve been staying caught up on Ao3!
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Sweetheart goes home.
What the hell did he even think a worthless monster like him was doing with someone like (Y/n), anyway? Did he think he had a chance? That she'd ever even look at him if she had any other choice? 
He didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve anyone, but especially not her. He deserved to dust, that's what he fucking deserved. 
Sans drained a glass of Flare-wish, one of Grillby's custom made alcohols, and it hit deep in his bones, making the hum of his magic a bit more obvious. 
It was supposed to bring your happier feelings forward, but it was just depressing him more as he realized that most of his happy thoughts were for the same reason he was feeling low in the first place; (Y/n). 
"Hey, Sansy. Two days in a row, huh?" The usually drunk bunny asked as she sat next to him. "Don't usually see you here this much anymore. Hey Grillbz, gimme a Hot shot Flamethrower, I wanna get wasted, quick!" She turned back to Sans, looking him over. "Your brother kick you out or something?" 
Sans just gave a noise in response. 
"What happened to your pet? She was cute." 
Red eyelights fell on the bunny awaiting her drink, a show of animosity covering his sorrow. 
"Thanks, Grillbz," she gratefully accepted the tall glass in front of her before looking back to Sans. "What's with the look? Oh- wait! Gf gf gf… Is she mad at you or something? Refusing to be good?" 
"shut th' fuck up!" Sans snapped. 
"Oooo, got a nerve, huh?" She asked as she laughed. 
"ya don't know what th' fuck y're talkin' 'bout! she ain't got anythin' ta do wit why i'm here!" 
"Suuuure," she said, taking a sip of her drink before taking a big gulp and murmuring, "mmm, warm." 
She'd taken only a couple of steps toward her usual booth when Sans yelled, "i jus' wanted a fuckin' drink! why d'ya gotta ruin it?!" 
i ruin everything, his mind whispered. i ruin everything… 
He disappeared quickly through a shortcut. 
(Y/n) heard the door open downstairs and took a breath. 
She hoped that Sans was in a better mood. She still really needed to talk to him. She wasn’t quite sure if she’d gotten her answers before, but she remembered how hurt the flashes of honest emotion across his face had been. 
Sans appeared through the doorway, looking pissed- and extremely miserable. 
“doll- i…” He took a breath and bolstered his resolve. “doll, i came ta tell ya ya can go home.” 
She didn’t need to be there with him. She needed to be somewhere safe, where she wouldn’t have to deal with beings like him- disgusting, lowlifes that didn’t have a good or decent bone in their whole being. Those who would hold her captive just so they could continue to see her pretty face, knowing that they’d never get the chance otherwise. The ones that would try every deceitful trick in the book just to see the beautiful smile grow across her face. 
(Y/n) looked at him in confusion. “You… think it’s safe now? But- the sun is setting! I thought it was more dangerous to go out at night!” 
Sans couldn’t meet her eyes, drunk enough that he swayed a bit, had lower inhibitions, but he was still lucid enough to know what was right, what he had to do… 
“don’t worry about it… it’ll be fine…” 
“Sans- you’ve been drinking again, it might seem like it’ll be fine, but it’s not going to be if we go out and try to walk through town. You and your brother were right- walking through town even in the middle of the day was dangerous.” 
Sans didn’t lift his eyelights from where they’d landed. 
“And- and I just wanted to talk about what happened yesterday, I wasn’t trying to-” 
“it doesn’t matter,” he cut her off. 
“I-it doesn’t- Sans- I need to know what kind of relationship-” 
Stars- shards of glass dipped in lemon juice and hot sauce were being shoved through his soul. 
Like he could ever have a real fucking relationship with her! 
She was too kind, too sweet- too perfect!
Someone like him would never have a chance with her! If nothing else proved it, the way that she flinched every time he got close did! 
Even if she was willing to play into his fantasy and pretended to want to be with him, he hated that fake shit. The thought that anything that would resemble a relationship between them would be all fake on her part made him feel sick. It made his soul twist in such a way that if it was physically twisting, it would look like a pretzel instead of a soul. 
“there ain’t a fuckin’ relationship,” he barked out, stopping her words short. 
“There… isn’t…? N-not even a friendship…?” (Y/n) asked quietly, trying to hide the hurt in her voice. 
“don’t- don’t fuckin’ act like ya’d actually want ta be wit me, doll. wouldn’t be doin’ either a us any favors.” 
(Y/n) was so confused, so hurt… 
He didn’t think there was any relationship between them? 
They’d at least basically become roommates, or slumber party friends, since they slept in the same room. 
What they’d done- did he think of it like picking up a stranger in a bar and taking them home, never intending to see them again? 
Oh- was she… cramping his style so he couldn’t bring other partners home…? 
It was like the icy edge of a sharp icicle had fallen and stabbed through her heart. 
This hurt worse than the first time her ex had betrayed her trust and hit her. 
“I-I-I…” Her lip trembled, and her voice quivered with it. 
“get yer shit, i’m takin’ ya home.” 
His voice was rough, forceful… His mind was made up. He was getting rid of her. He’d… finished with her, gotten bored… Time to take the trash out, throw her to the curb and find a new interest…��
(Y/n) stuffed her few clothes in a bag, pulled on her shoes and jacket and shrugged. “Guess that’s it…” 
He stepped close to her, looking a bit regretful, and she almost thought he was going to change his mind… 
Sans wrapped his arms around (Y/n), crushing her against him. It was going to be the last time he’d ever get to hold her, so he was going to take it in for as long as he could. 
His soul was rushing, throbbing fast, and he shoved it back into place as it tried to reach out to her to relieve the ache. 
He didn’t need her. 
He just needed his brother to be safe, and that’s all he could ever ask for. 
Having emotions was bad. 
Love was stupid. It was dangerous, for you, and the one you loved. It would get one or both of you dusted. 
Sans didn’t need her. She was weak. She made him weak. 
She was his weakness… 
i don’t need ‘er, he told himself, jus’ take ‘er back, drop ‘er off… don’t go lookin’ fer ‘er… 
He took a deep inhale, pulling in the smell of her, and felt his body tighten, trying to get her closer. 
He’d never take her back if he didn’t do it right now. 
… So he did. 
(Y/n) was confused, Sans was holding her close, and not letting her go, even though he’d sounded upset at her, plus it had felt like they’d just gone over a rough wave on a innertube, or raft, or something else that floated, making her stomach dip, though they hadn't moved. 
She pulled back and looked around, her eyes nearly bulging as she saw the street about seven blocks from her apartment. No time had changed; the sky was barely lit, as it had been through the window at Sans and Papyrus’ house… The street was nearly empty, but that was most likely because it was a questionable neighborhood in the dark with limited streetlight. 
“Wh-wh-” she took a breath to compose herself. “What the hell…?” 
Sans dropped his arms and stepped back. 
Now he just had to get the collar. 
Then he could leave, get out of her life… never see her again… 
(Y/n) pinned him with a questioning glare. “How the hell did we get here so fast, Sans?” She asked, dangerously calm. 
“took a shortcut,” he told her. 
“I thought it was a trek through the town full of monsters back, that would most likely get us killed, especially at night!” She accused, the used feeling coming back, its sibling, betrayal, growing at its side. 
“yeah, it is, if ya walk.” 
“How did we get here- are we really here?” She was having trouble understanding what had happened, since not much was known about monsters. Was this something they could all do, or just Sans? Was it real, or an illusion? Had she been in the same area the whole time she’d been ‘gone’?! 
“i told ya; i used a shortcut. got us here faster.” 
“And… you what? Just found out about it at the bar?" Suspicion was starting to build a wall of bitter feelings in her chest. 
"this's where i met ya," he admitted, "so i knew where it was." 
(Y/n)'s jaw was tightly clenched as she tried to restrain herself. "You… could have… brought me back- at any time?!" 
Sans felt her anger hit him like a dark wave. 
He needed to be quick- he just needed to get the collar and go, while he could still remember her softness and the memory wasn't overshadowed by her anger at him. 
"You're such an asshole! I can't believe I ever-" She cut herself off, her jaw clenched and hands tightly fisted. 
Sans moved to take the collar from her, but she smacked his hand away. 
"Why didn't you just do this before?!" She demanded. 
Anger flashed through Sans at the smack, mixing with his lowered inhibitions and flaring up. "maybe i fuckin' shoulda!" He yelled back. 
He was quick enough this time that he was able to unlatch the collar and it slipped from her neck as he drew his hand back. 
(Y/n) raged, her hand snapping forward, grabbing whatever was in his hand and threw it down at her feet. 
"You're a real fucking asshole!" She yelled at him. 
"yeah?! well y're no fuckin' ray a sunshine either!" 
Ooo… that was so untrue it made his soul twinge. 
He realized that he had to get out of there before he said something he'd really regret, and disappeared through another shortcut. 
(Y/n) gave a loud noise of rage, pitching the bag in her hand at the spot he'd just stood. 
How could he do that?! 
Just keep her there for no reason?! 
The only explanation she could find was that he had meant to use her the whole time, and had just been keeping her there until she'd complied. 
She gathered the things she'd thrown on the ground and stormed home, hoping the landlady was awake to let her in. 
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
Exposed P.2
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
Shownu confronts Seungcheol...
A/N: I know that this is a real issue that idols go through, and I never want to make fun of it. It will be an arc explored over two or three stories. I planned it before everything with MX went down, and I’ve decided to just stick with it. I won’t say enjoy…but i hope you like it. ALSO FYI check out my patreon (patreon.com/kllamallama for exclusive posts!)
Requests are CLOSED…but your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Where is it?” Shownu demanded.
“Where’s what?” Seungcheol jumped out of his bed. “What’s going on?”
Shownu ignored him, spotting his phone on the night table and snatching it up. “What’s your password?”
“Why do you need on my phone?” Seungcheol asked.
“Guys, what the heck is happening?” Dokyeom shook his head. “This doesn’t make sense.”
“Just give him the password.” Kihyun suggested. “Please.”
Seungcheol reached forward, pressing his thumb to the scanner and unlocking it.
Shownu took it right back, going quickly to his camera roll. “Where are they?”
“Where are what?” Seungcheol pushed his hair back. “What the hell is going on.”
Shownu tossed the phone to Kihyun who quickly kept searching. Shownu pulled out his phone and brought up the email.
“Read this.”
Seungcheol read the message quickly. “What pictures are they talking about?”
“Like you don’t know.” Shownu put his phone down. “Did you find it yet?”
“There’s one.” Kihyun answered. “But it’s not the one from the email. She’s wearing...stuff in this one.”
Shownu looked at it. “Do you have any more of Zoey’s pictures?” He crossed his arms.
“Yeah, I have lots of pictures of Zoey.” Seungcheol nodded. “Why does that matter? The press knew we were dating.”
“Do you have any pictures of Zoey where she isn’t wearing clothes?” Kihyun asked.
The mood in the room shifted, Seungcheol’s face instantly dropping. “I...you mean...that’s what’s leaking tomorrow?”
Shownu rolled his eyes. “Yes. And you’re the only person who had them. So where are the others?”
Seungcheol shook his head. “I thought I deleted them all.”
“You still had one.”
“I missed it.” He answered honestly. “But seriously, I deleted them all when we broke up. I don’t even think they’d be in my recently deleted it was so long ago.”
“You expect me to believe that you had pictures of Zoey and you just deleted them? You sure you weren’t pissed that she dumped you and decided to ruin her life?” Shownu glared at him.
“Woah, what are you talking about?” Jeonghan poked his head around the door. “He wouldn’t do something like that.”
“No offence,” Kihyun sighed. “But you’re kind of the only answer.”
Seungcheol shook his head again. “She sent them to me when I was her boyfriend. I wasn’t going to keep them. Besides...it kind of hurt to look at her.”
Shownu didn’t look convinced, but Kihyun just looked defeated. 
“What’s happening?” Vernon asked. “We’re very out of the loop.”
Shownu sighed. “Someone gave pictures of Zoey to a gossip site. And it’s leaking tomorrow.”
The room was silent as it sunk in.
“How...how is that possible? What is your company doing, I mean...”
“We only got the warning tonight. There’s not really anything we can do.” Kihyun answered.
Seungcheol picked up Shownu’s phone, still lying where it had been dropped. “You company says they’re trying to get it stopped.”
“Yeah, but they can’t. They don’t have the time.” Shownu answered. 
Seungcheol scrolled down, tapping on one of the attachments. He stared at it for a second, before something clicked in his mind. “Wait, this picture-”
“Don’t look at it!” Shownu shouted, shoving him back onto the bed and grabbing his phone out of his hands. “What is wrong with you? Couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“Shownu?” Kihyun pulled him back. “It isn’t worth it. We can’t beat up everyone who sees it.”
“No, but I still don’t believe that it wasn’t him. Who else would have Zoey’s pictures? Him? Maybe Sumi? Changkyun?”
“It’s not Zoey.” 
Shownu and Kihyun turned to Seungcheol. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You look at it.” Seungcheol insisted. “In the picture, the tattoo is on the right side of her ribs, and the last word is in the same font as the rest. Zoey’s tattoo is on the left, and she had the last bit done it fancy script.”
Kihyun blinked, before he grabbed the phone. “Holy shit, he’s right.”
Shownu leaned over. “And the neck tattoo looks wrong? It doesn’t go that far over.”
They were quiet for a second as it settled in. “Call the company.” Kihyun breathed.
“I’m going, I’m going!” Shownu rushed out of the room.
Everyone followed him, stopping in the living room. Kihyun pulled out his own phone, dialling Minhyuk.
“What’s going on? Was it Seungcheol?” Minhyuk said without a hello.
Kihyun shook his head, pushing his hand through his hair. “No, it’s not Zoey in the picture. The tattoos are wrong.”
“What’s he saying!” Jooheon’s voice carried through.
“He’s saying it’s not Zoey, shut up!” Minhyuk put the call on speaker. “Hyung, it the company handling it?”
“Shownu’s calling them now. Hopefully they can prove it’s wrong and then it’ll-”
“They’re contacting the gossip site to have it removed. Even if it leaks, there’ll be a statement ready proving it’s wrong.” Shownu hung up the call.
“That’s great, but Hyung-” Minhyuk spoke to Shownu now. “We have a bigger problem.”
“What do you mean?” Shownu tucked his phone in his pocket and leaned closer. 
“It’s...are you guys alone?”
They both looked over, where the entire group of Seventeen members were waiting expectantly. All in various states of undress, and all looking very very concerned.
“With family.” Kihyun said finally.
“Zoey’s gone!” Changkyun’s voice came through. “She took off right after you left.”
“What?” Shownu demanded. “Call her, find out where and -”
“She didn’t take her phone.” Hyungwon answered. “She grabbed Minhyuk’s jacket and she’s not wearing shoes.”
“It’s freezing out.” Kihyun looked up. “She-” He looked again at Seventeen. “Did she eat today?”
“Of course she didn’t.” Jooheon answered.
Shownu felt his heart drop. “We’ll leave now. She wouldn’t have gone too far.”
“She took my wallet and spent something on my card.” Minhyuk told him. “I’m going to call the bank and see if they can tell me where she spent it.”
“Okay, we’ll head back and start looking.” Kihyun answered. “Someone stay home in case she comes back.”
“Okay, we’ll call you as soon as we know anything.”
Kihyun hung up the phone, already moving for the door. “Let’s go.”
“Do you want help?” Seungcheol asked. “We’ll go with you. It’s more people.”
Dino was pulling on socks, and they all looked ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Kihyun swallowed, but shook his head. “We...we shouldn’t bring more attention to this. We’ll go, and let you know if we need help.”
“And if she’s okay!” Vernon insisted. “It’s literally below zero out there.”
“We will.” Kihyun promised. 
Shownu grabbed his coat. “Let’s go. And Seungcheol?”
“Yeah?” Seungcheol looked up.
Shownu swallowed. “I’m sorry I jumped to confusions. I know you’re a good guy, but it’s Zoey and I-”
“You were worried.” Seungcheol nodded with a worried smile. “I don’t blame you. Go find her, okay?”
Shownu nodded, and they hurried out of the apartment.
“Minhyuk just texted.” Kihyun said as they rushed for the stairs, too anxious to wait for the elevator. “She bought something at a store near that park by the river.”
“What did she buy?” Shownu asked, taking the steps three at a time.
“It didn’t say. But let’s go.” He struggled to keep up with the leader as they burst onto the street.
“This is my fault.” Shownu gasped as they ran. “I yelled at her. It wasn’t her fault. Even if it was real it wasn’t her fault and I yelled at her and she’s already upset and I-”
“Hyung, we just have to go.” Kihyun insisted. “It’s Zoey. She knows you love her. But we just need to find her. Before she gets sick or something.”
They caught a cab and reached the store in record time. Changkyun, Minhyuk and Hyungwon were already there, with Minhyuk inside talking to the cashier.
“Did you find her?” Shownu asked, jumping out of the cab without paying.
Kihyun scrambled to pay so he could hear what they were saying.
“changed shifts since she was here.” Minhyuk was saying. “This guy has no idea what she bought, but she was here an hour and a half ago.”
“Let’s just...spread out and look.” Hyungwon suggested. “She wouldn’t go far. She’s probably in the park somewhere.”
Shownu took off across the street and into the park.
“Watch for...Cars.” Kihyun sighed. “Let’s go.”
They all hurried into the park.
They searched everywhere. The gazebos, the public washrooms where Changkyun lunged into the women’s washroom shouting her name, the playground, all of the benches.
It had been two hours since she had left, and they met back up at the top of the stairs by the river. All of their faces were red; from the cold, from the stress.
“Should we call the police?” Hyungwon asked. “It’s been too long, she’s probably freezing.”
“I don’t know, but we need to tell Starship what’s-”
Changkyun wasn’t sure what possessed him to look down by the river. He’d already cast his eyes over it a hundred times, but something drew his eyes back.
There were very few people out. A couple of homeless people scattered around, and an early morning jogger. And there, right on the edge of the steps leading down to the river, a figure slumped over in a black coat that was just a little shinier than the others.
Changkyun pulled on Minhyuk’s sleeve. “Hyung, isn’t that your coat?”
Minhyuk looked over. “Oh my god.”
“Zoey!” Changkyun took off, the other boys still trying to figure out what was going on. But they quickly saw where he was heading, and rushed after him.
Changkyun reached her first. She was slumped over on the last step, her feet dangling in the water, her slippers long gone. 
“Zo?” He shook her shoulder. “Zoey?”
“Boo So-Young!” Kihyun shook her. “Why isn’t she waking up?”
“I don’t know, get her feet out of the water?” Hyungwon grabbed her feet. They were practically blue from the cold, and he wrapped them in his scarf. “Shit, she’s freezing.”
Minhyuk smacked her on the face, and she turned her head, mumbling something. But her eyes didn’t open.
He raised his hand to hit her again.
“Stop it!” Changkyun covered her face with his hands to protect her. “She’s asleep, I think.”
“What did she buy?” Kihyun felt her jacket. “She doesn’t have anything in her pockets.”
Shownu spotted an empty bottle on the step a little ways away. With a sniff, he confirmed it. “Soju? She bought Soju?”
“She spent more than one bottle of soju.” Minhyuk told him. “What else did she buy?”
Hyungwon looked around, finally spotting something white floating just under the surface of the water. He dunked his hand in, ignoring how the icy water washed over him, and pulled out a plastic bag. Opening it, inside the murky water it had collected, where three more empty bottles of soju.
“I think  I figured it out.” He tossed it on the step above them. “She’s drunk and she crashed.”
Despite his worry, Shownu felt his heart ease a little bit. Drunk Zoey they knew. Drunk Zoey was safe. Her hypothermia and frozen toes were an issue, but she would be okay.
“Let’s get her home.” He swallowed. “Someone call Jooheon. We’ll need heating pads.”
“I’ll let Seungcheol know.” Kihyun offered.
Hyungwon pulled off his coat and wrapped it around Zoey’s front, keeping her tucked up as Shownu picked her up. She mumbled again in complaint, but other than that didn’t respond.
The car ride home was silent. Changkyun told the cab driver that she was their drunk sister, which was only half of a lie, so he didn’t call the police on them, and then they were into their building.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jooheon demanded. “Why isn’t she up yet.”
“She drank four bottles of soju on an empty stomach. She needs to sleep it off.” Kihyun answered. “Did you-”
“Warmed up the heating pads.” Jooheon answered. 
Shownu carried her right into the bedroom, tucking her into his bed and making sure she was completely tucked in. She snuggled in the warmth, sighing as feeling returned to her limbs.
“Our manager called.” Jooheon said. “He wanted to talk to Shownu.”
Shownu shook his head. “Not tonight...let’s just...just breathe for a bit.”
He sat down on the floor next to his bed, leaning his head against the mattress.
The other boys all returned to their beds, or to their studios, trying to calm themselves after the craziest night of their lives.
Shownu wasn’t sure at what point he fell asleep. With his neck leaning uncomfortably on the side of the bed, he didn’t move in case Zoey woke up and needed something.
The light shining through the window woke him up.
That, and the fingers tracing through his hair.
“Oppa.” Zoey’s quiet voice was the first thing he heard.
He jumped to his feet, smacking his head on the upper bunk and falling right back down.
“Shit! Ow!” He held his head.
“You okay?”
He forced himself to forget the pain. “Yeah, I’m fine? What about you?”
Zoey shrugged, pushing herself up into a sitting position. “Headache, but that’s not new.”
He nodded.
Zoey swallowed. “How bad is it?”
“How bad is what?” He tilted his head. “Your feet are still attached, so that’s-”
“Oppa, the pictures.” She said quietly, gesturing to the window. “It’s morning. Do I have to leave the group? How long do I have before this gets too bad to handle.”
Shownu shook his head. “It’s fine, Zo. I mean, I don’t actually know. But we figured it out. It wasn’t you in the photos.”
“What do you mean it wasn’t me.” She shook her head. “Who else would it be?”
“I have no idea.” He answered, sitting himself on the side of the bed. “But we...I mean...I should say Seungcheol, figured out that it wasn’t you. The tattoos were wrong.”
“It wasn’t me.” She breathed. “Oh my god.”
Zoey hung her head in her hands, trying to wrap her head around this. “So it’s okay? I don’t have to leave?”
Her voice broke a little, and Shownu leaned forward and wrapped his arms right around her, pulling her tightly into her chest.
“I’m so sorry.” He rubbed her back. “I should’ve trusted you. And even if it was you, it wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m the one who should be sorry.” She sniffled. “I’m the idiot who took nudes in the first place.”
“Yeah, well I hate that too. But for a different reason.” He chuckled. “For the record, I’m also sorry for almost assaulting your ex.”
Zoey looked up at him. “It wasn’t him.” She said, sounding certain.
Shownu nodded. “He didn’t even have the pictures any more. Unfortunately, your only ex boyfriend is a very good person.”
Zoey gave a small smile, before it faded off her face. “He figured out the..did you show him the pictures when you thought it was me?”
“Well... he kinda looked.” Shownu said sheepishly. “But’s it’s fine. He figured it up. I can still go beat him up for you, if you want.”
“Oh my god, he’s seen it before.” Hyungwon’s voice cut into their moment. They both looked up as he rolled over in his bed. “Can we just chill with the feelings? Everyone is okay.”
“I mean...” Zoey tilted her head. “I very nearly had my boobs flashed to the world.”
Hyungwon gave her a thumbs out. “They looked great. That’s still our backup for marketing.”
Zoey shook her head, resting her head on Shownu’s shoulder. “We’re all good?”
“We’re good.” Shownu nodded. “We’re not losing anyone.”
Zoey sighed. “Thank god.”
The bedroom door busted open and Minhyuk marched through. “Kihyun made breakfast.” He announced. “Oh, Zo, you’re alive.”
Zoey rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I am. Glad you’re concerned.”
“You stole my wallet to deal with your raging alcoholism.” He shook his head. “Since the company’s statement just went public, and the result is very very positive, do you feel like having some eggs?”
They all held their breath, unable to remember the last time Zoey had agreed to eat an actual meal.
Zoey smiled. “Sure. Family breakfast.”
Shownu pushed her to her feet. “Let’s go eat!”
“You owe me thirty dollars.” Minhyuk informed Zoey as he pulled her down the hall. “Don’t think I’m going to let your breakdown give you a pass.”
Zoey shook her head with a cheeky grin. “Not a chance.”
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archivedmusesbyr1x1 · 5 years
Word Sparring
For the past few days, Charlotte had successfully avoided Andrew. She didn’t look at him, nor did she try to talk to him. So far, it had worked like a charm. Until she walked into a meeting one day and noticed that she would be sitting a seat away from him. Although, she felt nervous, she took her seat and began conversing with the Canadian Prime Minister. She’d been asked about Edward and their plans to wed, so trying not to be rude, she said. “He’s doing great. We’re planning on marrying in the summer next year.”
Andrew was sitting in the meeting, and he noticed that Charlotte was to sit a seat away from him. They had been avoiding each other since their night together, but it was killing him. When she walked in, his breath hitched, but he had to remain calm. He gave her a curt nod, and went back to talking to the Ambassador of Uraguay. He heard her mention that she and Edward were planning to get married in the summer, and it cut like a knife. But he shook it off, and butted in. “That’s great to hear, I’ll make sure not to have my engagement eclipse your wedding.”
Charlotte was trying so hard not to let Drew’s presence affect her, so she figured that talking to the Canadian Prime Minister would help. Clearly, she was wrong when he butted in. Her gut twisted into knots and jealousy consumed her. She should take the high road, but in this case, she couldn’t, so talking over the Prime Minister, she retorted with, “I highly doubt that. I’m marrying the Crown Prince of England. We all know how powerful England is.”
Andrew stopped himself from rolling his eyes, because he really wanted to. Charlotte talking about Edward like they were happy, made him sick. He should have minded his business but he didn’t. “Very true, but I’m already King, and me marrying Ashanti would be big news for a lot of different reasons. But like I said, we won’t make any plans for that time.” He smirked.
Drew’s words infuriated Charlotte. Not only was he flaunting about Ashanti like he didn’t just fuck her in his room a few days ago, but he was also making it seem like Edward wasn’t just as powerful. “And where is your princess from again? Oh yeah, I forgot Madagascar. She would definitely be more influential than the Crown Prince of England and the Princess of Norway. But hey, congrats on your decision. I thought you’d never make one.” She gritted out. The Canadian Prime Minister must have felt a little awkward, so compliment her and Edwards, saying that they would make beautiful babies together. “Thank you.” She told her in turn, smiling graciously out of politeness.
Andrew knew he was getting under Charlotte’s skin, and he didn’t feel guilty about it either, because she was talking about Edward as if she was in love with him, and not telling him to ruin her for all men a few days ago. He knew she could never love Edward, and this act she was playing was pissing him off. “Yes, she is the Princess of Madagascar, which is an African nation, and her marrying the King of Denmark is quite a big deal, even today, so I appreciate your congratulations. And I am just glad that I didn’t need to take 3 years to make that decision, and I guarantee that we won’t have a long, drawn out engagement. Because my Princess has all of her affairs in order.” He knew that was a low blow, but in this moment, he didn’t care.
The very last thing Charlotte wanted to do was create a scene. She was a Princess and no matter what happened, she had to have decorum. But it didn’t mean that she couldn’t seethe on the inside. It felt like a slap in the face hearing Drew’s comment. In a way, she regretted her decision to confide in him because now, he was using the fact that she had been postponing the wedding to Edward, to hurt her. She couldn’t engage with him however because the meeting was in order, so for the next hour, she stewed in anger. Her brows scrunched up and jaw ticking the whole time. Once it was done, she said goodbye to the Canadian Prime Minister, grabbed her things and rushed out of there, making sure to elbow Drew as she passed him and whisper, “asshole,” for only his ears. Maybe it was juvenile, maybe it was wrong, but in this moment, she simply couldn’t bring herself to care.
Thankfully the meeting started, and they no longer had to talk to one another. But on the inside he was full of emotions, hurt because she avoided him for the last few days. Sadness, because she was gushing about Edward, like he was the love of her life, and actually talking about their wedding plans. And regret, for saying the things he said to hurt her, because he shouldn’t have done that to her. Once the meeting was over, and she walked passed him, calling him an asshole, he knew he went to far, and he chased after her, which was something a King was never supposed to do. “Princess Charlotte…stop please.” He reached her and grabbed her arm, “Please…I am sorry.”
Charlotte should’ve felt a little better for what she did, but that was not how she felt at all. She was still angry, but mostly, if she was truly being honest with herself, she was hurt. Hurt that Drew out of all people would do that to her. Not only had he stomped on her relationship with Edward, he had also announced that she was fickle minded and couldn’t make a choice if her life depended on it. She couldn’t take that betrayal. What she told him in confidence, should have been left that way, yet he took that and cut her with it. Her strides hastened as she made her way back to her suite. She could hear him call out to her, but she didn’t even have the urge to look back, too hurt and angry to do so. “You’re sorry? For what? You didn’t seem sorry earlier when you humiliated me in front of everyone.” She hissed at him when he grabbed her arm.
Andrew was wrong for saying what she told him in confidence like that, but he was also hurt, and frustrated that the one person he wanted, was talking about another man, and how they were planning their wedding. But he knew he needed to make this right with her. “I shouldn’t have said that, and I am sorry. But I was hurt too, and you were not so innocent in this either. Trying to downplay the importance of my relationship with Ashanti. You didn’t have to go there like she doesn’t matter. I never once said anything about Edward, but you had to go and mention Ashanti like that, so I went to where I knew would hurt you. I shouldn’t have, it was petty, and juvenile. But you know how we Kings tend to be when we don’t get our way.” He tried to make light out of all this, but he knew it wasn’t going to be so easy. “I need you to forgive me Lottie, I would never be able to live with myself if you didn’t.”
Charlotte gaped at Drew, she couldn’t believe that he was trying to say that this was her fault. Well, she was definitely not going to let him get away with that. After what he’d said, she couldn’t just let him think that his behavior was acceptable. It was far from that. “Are you kidding me? What was I supposed to do, tell the Canadian Prime Minister that I’ve met my soulmate and I have no plans to marry my fiance? You butted in! I wouldn’t have had to say anything if you’re have kept your mouth shut.” She actually had to calm herself down a little because despite everything, they were still in public and she was still a Princess. “Then learn to live with it because I’m not ready to forgive you. You can’t expect me to just forgive you after what you did, your highness. It doesn’t work that way.” She told him, using formality hoping that it would sting him a little.
Andrew sighed, “No Lottie, I didn’t expect you to say that, and I shouldn’t have butted in. But think about it from where I was sitting. We had an amazing night, and then you avoided me for days, and I get it, we can’t be together, and it hurts, but you were…are my friend, and not seeing you hurt. Then the next time I do see you, I hear you gushing over some guy that is not right for you at all, and talking about your summer wedding.” He scoffed, “Yes my actions was juvenile and wrong, and again I am sorry, but I was also hurt.” He did feel the sting when she called him your highness, but he knew he was going to have to suck it up and deal with it. “I do hope that one day you will be able to forgive me Lottie, because you are my best friend, and I can’t lose you out of my life completely.”
Charlotte could feel her anger ebbing away, in its stead sadness came as its replacement. She wanted to scream at how unfair this whole situation was. She didn’t know what to tell Drew and for a while, she just watch him spoke, until she felt like her silence was going to kill her. Then, she decided that she had to be honest with him. “That’s the thing, you think we can just pick up and be best friends like nothing happened. I can’t do that, Drew. Do you even know how hard it was for me to stay away from you? I had to force myself to do that because being around you hurts me. I can’t even think, everything hurts. I had to pretend like everything was okay with Edward, it’s my duty. But do you actually think I care?” The words came barreling out without her even noticing, but since she was being honest, she might as well pour everything out. “It’s you that I love. It will always be you. But what am I supposed to do when you’re resolved with the situation? When you won’t even fight for me?” And there it was, the real truth. She wanted him to fight for her, to say that he would do everything he could to be with her. But he hadn’t done that, and that fact hurt her to the core.
Andrew knew it was easier said than done, but there was nothing that could be done. He shook his head, “Then what? You are out of my life forever? I can’t handle that. I know we have obligations that we have to fulfill, but I can’t not have you a part of my life at all.” He was shocked that she felt like she was the only one struggling, “You think it hasn’t been hard for me? I was looking for you everyday after that night. I even texted you, but you never replied. When I saw you across the room, I would try to get to you, but it was like you vanished by the time I got over there. And I know acting like you love Edward is your duty, just like it is mine to go along with the fact that I have met someone, but still hearing you talk about it is hard for me, It’s you that I love too, and that will never change.” Hearing that she wanted him to fight for her was a surprise, “What is it that you want me to do Lottie? Steal you away from Edward? Forget about how our countries have been at odds for all these years? Act like a reckless guy, and just say screw the rules? If that is what you need me to do, then I will do it, because I love you.” He didn’t know how he would do it, but he would if he got her in his life forever.
Charlotte knew that some loves were harder to conquer than others, but she never thought that it would happen to her. She was destined to be with someone powerful, someone who could benefit her country and she had resolved herself to honoring her duty. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love and be bonded to someone, especially not with the enemy. She never saw Drew as one. He had always been her friend and they’d formed a bond that was unbreakable. Despite their parents separating them, they found their way back to each other. And now that she knew that he was her other half, she couldn’t lie to herself and say that she wanted the life that she once knew. Not anymore. “I don’t know, Drew!” She screamed the words out of frustrations, taking note that they were in public. “We can’t talk about this here.” She told him, before leading him away to the nearest door and entering. It was a conference room, so she knew they would be safe to talk there. “I don’t want you to be reckless. I want you to be with me too. I hate it when you talk about her. It hurts. I wish I had never introduced you two.” She said the last part in a whisper, looking at him sadly. “I just want to be with you, I want to be happy for once in my miserable life. Completely happy.  I don’t know how we’re going to break the news, but there has got to be a way out of this. Please tell me there’s something we can do to be together.”
Andrew hadn’t expected Charlotte to yell out like that, and she knew it was going to cause people to talk, so he quickly followed her to the empty room. He wanted to grab her, and hold her in his arms, but he didn’t think that would be wise right then. He nodded, “I know how you feel, because I hate it when you talk about him too, it drives me insane thinking about you with him.” She may have whispered the last part, but he heard it, and a part of him wishes she never introduces him to her either, because now he was going to have to hurt her, and he didn’t want to do that. He couldn’t hold back, and he pulled her in his arms, “I want you to be happy with me Lottie, I need you with me. We will figure something out, I promise. You will be mine forever.” He lifted her chin, and kissed her deeply, something he had wanted to do since their night together.
Charlotte didn’t like that she practically had to beg Drew to give them a chance at happiness. Although she understood where he was coming from. They were royals. Above all else, they had to think about staying through to their duties. Fortunately for her, he didn’t try to resist her and agreed that he too wanted to be with her. When he kissed her, she couldn’t resist herself and returned it with as much love and passion she could mustee. She was breathless when she pulled away and with glee in her heart, she said, “Love conquers all, right? We’ll be okay. We just need to break the news to Edward and Ashanti. They might be angry but maybe if we tell them that we’re soulmates, maybe they would understand.” She could only hope that her statement was true, but then there was still the matter of their parents. That was the hardest hurdle they had to go through. “But what about our parents? I don’t want you losing your throne, Drew. You’re a great King and it would be a shame if you had to abdicate just because of me.”
Andrew knew what needed to be done, and he was going to be with Charlotte if it was the last thing he did. He loved kissing her, and he would do it all day if he could. He smiled when she talked about love conquering all, “Yes it does, and we deserve to be happy, so if it is the last thing we do, we are going to be happy, and together.” He hated hurting Ashanti, she was a lovely girl, and he did grow to like her, but he wanted Charlotte. “Yeah they might be upset, but maybe we can find a way to ease their pain.” He had an idea, that he knew was crazy, but just could work, “What if we introduced Edward to Ashanti, and maybe they would take the news a lot better if they fell for each other? I mean I do know she finds him handsome.” He was willing to try anything to be with Charlotte. He was so caught up in hurting the other two, he hadn’t even thought about their parents, “Yeah…them. Well I don’t think they would make me abdicate, because I am an only child, and there would be no one to take the throne. Then my family would be out, and I know my mother wouldn’t want that. So, she is going to have to accept you, or I will walk away.” And he meant that, for her, he would do anything.
Charlotte knew that the hardest people for them to convince were their parents. Their countries had been enemies for so long, it would take a miracle for their parents to agree to their marriage. She wasn’t worried too much about her, she wasn’t the next in line anyway, her brother was. But Drew on the other hand, he had his country to think about and if he chose to be with her, his parents might force him to give up his title. As much as she loved Drew, she didn’t want that for him. He was stubborn and determined however which actually made her smile a little. “I love you, you know that? I’m just going to trust you on that and I’m sure you’re right, they wouldn’t want the throne to fall to someone else.” She told him before placing a chaste kiss on his lips and laughing at his suggestion to make Ashanti and Edward fall in love. It wasn’t a bad idea. Edward was a kind man and like Drew said she did find him handsome, so why not? “You’re silly, but I think you might be right. Maybe we should break the news to them together and have them in the same room. Who knows, we might get lucky and they could end up being soulmates. We could dream, right?” She chuckled. “Anyway, I think we should get out of here. If we stayed here for too long someone might suspect that we’re doing something unsavory. Not that I mind, but I still want to keep our reputations intact.”
Telling his mother that he was going to be with Charlotte was going to be something that Andrew was not looking forward too, but he couldn’t deny his feelings any longer. She was his soulmate, and they had the markings to prove it, so she couldn’t deny him that happiness…could she? “I will talk to mother, and you can speak with your parents, and either they allow us to be together, or we will run off together, leaving these titles behind.” He was saying that, but he didn’t know if Charlotte would agree to that. He kissed her back, and smiled, “I know it’s crazy, but it could work. I mean they could get together out of their hatred for us, or whatever, but if they are happy together, then that is all I care about, and we can be happy together. And I agree, that we can break the news to them together, and be there for support for one another.” He smiled, “We can dream.” He laughed, and sighed, “Yeah, we should go, but I can always clear my room again…” He wiggled his brow, hoping she would agree to another night with him. “Then we could be doing unsavory things.”
Charlotte didn’t even have to think about giving up her title, she knew she would in a heart beat if it meant that she would get to spend her life with Andrew. “I hate having to tell them that they won’t be able to make an alliance with England, and I know that they won’t be happy, but yeah, I’ll talk to them. I don’t care if I’m a princess or not, Drew. As long as I’m yours, I’m happy.” She told him earnestly. “If they get together, that’s a good thing, if not, I’m not going to worry about it. We just have to tell them that we are not planning to be with them. I just want to be selfish for once. I want to be with the man of my dreams.” She had already made up her mind to be with Drew and no one could ever change her mind. She couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was being, but of course she couldn’t disagree. “That’s actually not a bad idea, your highness.” Because she couldn’t help herself, she leaned in and kissed him again. “Now, run along. We can’t be seen together. I’ll stay here for a bit and come up to your room later.” With a parting kiss, she watched him leave, but this time with a huge smile on her face.
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