#female shepard x liara tsoni
nymp21 · 1 year
Their Eternity
Universe : Mass Effect Trilogy.
Pairing : Female Shepard / Liara T’Soni.
Summary : Just after the reaper defeat, Shepard’s body is found. She is alive, but the path of healing is hard. Tranksfully Liara is here to help, and carry her. And, how it could go wrong now the reaper are dead ?
Warnings : smut in futur chapters, injuries, PTSD, violence, gun.
Chapter 1 : Alive.
Warnings : injuries, hospital, comatose.
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The nil. The black silence surronding her is deafening, too heavy. Is that it ? Death ? It’s not that bad. Peace. It’s been too long since she has experienced it. Has she ever knew that calm before ? No. Until now all was chaos, cries, suffering and war. Right now all of it is over ! Finally ! But something is missing in this tranquility. A pair of piercing blue eyes embracing her soul. A mind touching her own, a heart melting with her pulse, a voice calming her cries. A smell enchanting all her senses. A lover who is her everything. Her lover. Her world. Liara.
Alive… It’s painful to be alive, she thinks. Maybe maybe it’s better not to be. This agony is unbearrable, it would be worth it if…
« By the Goddess Shepard ! »
There it is. The voice that she is craving for. Her voice. Liara… but she is still not here, or too far to be reach. She wants to touch her, even if all she can see is black, all she can touch is the ashes beyond her fingers, or what it left of her fingers. She is hearing them tough. The cries of her lover.
« Please don’t go ! Stay with me, be strong my love ! I need you… »
I am here, She wants to say. I am here, I don’t leave you and I won’t leave you. I am
God yes she is in too much pain to be dead for sure.
« Doctor Tsoni, you have to stay away, we need to operate her… please let us do our job. »
« It’s okay Liara. They got her… we have found her. She is here. They got her. »
« I don’t know if I can Garrus… i can’t stand losing her again. »
« I know… »
And then again, the blackout.
It’s a constant bip that wakes her up. The pain is still here, less virulant, but still irrading her whole being. Then she feels it, fingers interlaced with hers. Slowly, she opens her eyes. Blinded with the bright light she doesn’t discern where she is first, however she saw the blue figure across the white of the walls.
« Shepard ! »
« Liara… » she says with a sore voice as she tries to reach her lover’s cheek with her finger, but she can’t move, she is too weak.
« Shhh don’t move my love. You are still badly wounded. »
« What… what happened. The reaper ? Are they ? »
« You did it honey. They are gone. You did it. You won.»
Liara squeezes her hand, her eyes are wet with tears. Happy tears. But Shepard reads more in them : fear, sadness, relief, love. All these emotions the asari went through during past hours, days, months ? For how long has she been in comatose ? She doesn’t know. Shepard can say she is badly injured. The concern she has also read in Liara’s eyes says enough.
« How bad is it ? » she dares do ask.
Liara doesn’t answer first, she seems to hesitate, or to compose herself maybe. But the commandant deserves to know and Liara must think the same because she then tells : « You’ve been burnt. All of your body was calcined, thanksfully the surgery did well. But… until you are up, we don’t know if you can walk again. Your spinal column has been injured…The doctors aren’t sure. »
Shepard process the terrible information. Is that why she is unable to move her hand ? What will she become if she can’t…
Liara caresses her cheek with her thumb.
« It will be okay I promise… we will get through this together. You are a hero. My hero. You will win this battle too. »
Shepard looks at her. God ! how much she loves Liara ! Her soulmate. Her whole universe. She is her rock. She always manages to comfort her to support her. She is indredible. Even in the most dark of the darkness she is the light that guides her soul and heart. How can she be so lucky ?
«  I know i will win. You know why ? »
« Because you are my stubborn sexy commander ? »
The human chuccles. : «  Well sexy… not with all the scars. » Then she looks at her bondmate in her eyes to say : « No, because you are with me. The love of my life. I want to be with you. I want to cherish you, marry you, and have plenty of blue babbies with you and… »
She is cut by Liara’lips on hers. Their kiss is soft but passionate. The asari puts all her sadness all the pain she has been through, all the anger she felt against this world which can’t let her lover alone and in peace, which lets Shepard get hurt, get almost killed again, wich has almost take her away from her again. She puts all her love in that kiss, all her joy to have Shepard at her sides. Then, when they can’t breathe anymore, they separate, but still have their forhead together, eyes close.
« I thought you were dead. »
« I know… but I’m here. I won’t leave you. »
« I remember you promised that before. » says Liara with a poor smile.
« And ? I didn’t leave you, did I ? »
« you’re right. You came back the first time. »
The door opens and few people enter in the bright room. Shepard hears them before she sees them. The strong path of a Krogan, and a breath throug a Quarian mask.
« Shepard ! You are awake ! » says the technicist. « I knew you would make it ! »
« You did better than a Krogan would do ! And that’s a thing ! » Wrex chuckles as he punches gently shepard’s shoulder, althought she winces.
« Careful Wrex ! » Says Liara, putting a protecting hand on her lover’s arms, as if it could stop the pain. If she would be honest, the commander thinks it helped. « She is still weak. »
« Nosense ! » replies the Krogan « Shepard will never be weak. Her strenght is so present that she could be a krogan! »
« Yeah, but I think she would be prettier as a krogan. » remarks Garrus « with all the scars you got, Shepard, you could have many suitors on Tutchenka. »
The commander laughs a little, coughs, winced and then says : « Ladies love scars. Do I look so bad ? »
« Not as bad as usual. » responds the Turrian with a smirk. That’s what she has answered him, when he has been shot on Omega.
« You’ll always be my beautiful commander. » says Liara with a loving smile. « And it’s true : ladies love scars and I love you. »
« I love you too Liara. »
They sink into each other’s eyes perfectly, the green and the blue. The water and the tree. Liara was her ocean of harmony, of peace and love. Shepard was Liara ´s bark. They could spend eternity there, in each other’s soul. How bad the commander wanted to embrace eternity with the asari right now…
« I think we should let Shepard rest. » declares Tali with a smile in her voice. She seems to be far away from the space Liara and her have created, the commander don’t even catch the words, she is too blissed by her lover’s eyes. She doesn’t even see the others leave the room. Then she closes her eyes as the Asari caresses her face.
« Rest my love. I am watching you. You are going to get through this. WE are going to get you through this, I promise. »
And Shepard believes her. Nothing bad could happen, in her boundmatés embrace.
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the-bad-batch · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Shepard/Liara T'Soni, Garrus Vakarian/Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Jack | Subject Zero/Miranda Lawson, Karin Chakwas/Hannah Shepard, Tevos/Aria T'Loak, Samantha Traynor/Ashley Williams, Brynn Cole/Jacob Taylor Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Liara T'Soni, Hannah Shepard, Karin Chakwas, Garrus Vakarian, Grunt (Mass Effect), Jack | Subject Zero, Miranda, Aria T'Loak, Tevos, Samantha Traynor, Ashley Williams, Aethyta (Mass Effect), Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Space Hamster, Miranda Lawson, Urdnot Wrex, Urdnot Bakara | Eve, Oriana Lawson, Brynn Cole, Jacob Taylor, Samara (Mass Effect), Zaeed Massani, Steven Hackett, Gabriella Daniels, Kenneth Donnelly, Feron (Mass Effect), Kasumi Goto, James Vega, Kolyat Krios, Sha'ira (Mass Effect), Jeff "Joker" Moreau, EDI (Mass Effect), Steve Cortez Additional Tags: Romance, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, Destroy Ending (Mass Effect), Shepard and Edi live, alternative universe shepard lives Summary:
Shepard and Liara marry after the war, Shepard might not be completely herself anymore but she will always love Liara. Her friends and family stand around her as she finally gets her happy ending.
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shiara-tsoni · 10 months
when we're up in a spaceship, that's when I feel the greatest
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nerd-elf · 2 years
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Near the end of ME3, I'm sure Javik is feeling all the sexual tension around the Normandy and screaming internally like "HELLOOOOOO!??? THERE'S A WAR GOING ON!!!! 😡"
Meanwhile, Kaidan, Cortez and James are completely fine playing poker 😂😂😂
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thepixelagora · 4 years
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N7 Month, Day 19: Blue
Cheers for the best blue girlfriend in the galaxy. Even if she sneaks out of bed to catch up on work. It’s also not like Shep doesn’t do it herself on most days.
Link to the prompt list.
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shiara-tsoni · 1 year
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@masseffectholidaycheer for @mrjoeblue
I was super excited to get paired with a fellow FemShep x Liara shipper!! I love these two, and love drawing them. Lightly NSFW, but tasteful I think! (Hope?)
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
Shepard talking about Liara (Part 1)
Part 2
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
Shepard talking about Liara (Part 2)
Part 1
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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Look at what @chaosroid made And give her some love
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shiara-tsoni · 4 years
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By: Kate-n-art
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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Liara dancing with Shepard might be one of the cutest things… and the way she looks at her
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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What are you doing?
Making sure you don't run off to something more important.
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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the-bad-batch · 3 years
Prompts are open for Mass Effect Fics!
Feel free to send me prompts from your favourite lady loving, female presenting, alien or synthetic beings!
Any rating! Just hit up my ask box
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shiara-tsoni · 3 years
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