#liara x reader
randoimago · 9 months
Finally got a request idea lmao ^-^(I do hope I read it right and you're writing for all fandoms rn, if not I'm very sorry)
An I please request Tali, Liara, Samara, and Jack(from mass effect) discovering that their S/O is an ai they killed years ago in an android body?(hope that makes sense! Preferably not too much angst pls!)
Thank you for all the stories!
S/O Being an AI in an Android Body
Fandom: Mass Effect
Character(s): Tali, Liara, Samara, and Jack
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): So kind of like EDI then? I can do this
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Definitely taken aback when she learns that you're actually an AI she killed. Can't help an unamused laugh as she smiles at you and asks if you're going to try and kill her in revenge.
Is so pissed off. Yeah, her temper is much better than it was, but you have been hiding this information from her for how long? There's no way in hell that you don't want to get her back. Then again, maybe breaking her heart was how you wanted to go about it.
Needs time to think. She's not going to fight you if you don't want to. You said that you do care and love her, and she just needs time to fucking think. There's going to be some destruction in her wake, but a lot is happening.
Being the Shadow Broker, she's killed a lot of AI's so she's asking if your death was an accidental one or if there's an actual vendetta. Probably knew there was something off about you before you two dated, there was no way she'd date someone without looking up everything she can about them.
Is interested where you got the body from. Wonders if it's another Cerberus experiment but then that provides its own problems. A bit upset that you can't have tea with her because she has a lot she wants to discuss.
There is a small part of her that wishes you told her sooner, but she understands the secrets. She has many of them herself.
It's curious that you revealed that information to her instead of keeping it a secret for the rest of your life. She's noticed things out of place, but she trusted you to tell her and now you have.
You get an apology from her about your death. Which, your previous death might have been warranted, but considering the relationship you two have now, she'll still give you an apology.
And she'll ask you questions, even with your technology with detecting pulse rates and fluctuations in body temperature, Samara is calm and cool as she asks these questions. They might be out of curiosity or maybe it's an interrogation. She hasn't killed you again at least.
Oh boy her reaction would be so different depending on when in the series she learns this information as well as long she's been with you. She's definitely not happy, that's for sure.
She knows what AI can do. Her homeworld was destroyed by AI. And now she's learning that the person she loves is an AI. It's so much for her to process that she might stay in the Normandy's bar for a good, long time. Please do not talk to her during that time because she might throw a glass at you.
Now if this was ME3 Tali after taking her home back, then she takes a deep breath and will talk to you about it. She'll ask questions and want to learn what exactly happened. Any other Tali would take too long to talk to you or just leave you behind.
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nymp21 · 1 year
Their Eternity
Universe : Mass Effect Trilogy.
Pairing : Female Shepard / Liara T’Soni.
Summary : Just after the reaper defeat, Shepard’s body is found. She is alive, but the path of healing is hard. Tranksfully Liara is here to help, and carry her. And, how it could go wrong now the reaper are dead ?
Warnings : smut in futur chapters, injuries, PTSD, violence, gun.
Chapter 1 : Alive.
Warnings : injuries, hospital, comatose.
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The nil. The black silence surronding her is deafening, too heavy. Is that it ? Death ? It’s not that bad. Peace. It’s been too long since she has experienced it. Has she ever knew that calm before ? No. Until now all was chaos, cries, suffering and war. Right now all of it is over ! Finally ! But something is missing in this tranquility. A pair of piercing blue eyes embracing her soul. A mind touching her own, a heart melting with her pulse, a voice calming her cries. A smell enchanting all her senses. A lover who is her everything. Her lover. Her world. Liara.
Alive… It’s painful to be alive, she thinks. Maybe maybe it’s better not to be. This agony is unbearrable, it would be worth it if…
« By the Goddess Shepard ! »
There it is. The voice that she is craving for. Her voice. Liara… but she is still not here, or too far to be reach. She wants to touch her, even if all she can see is black, all she can touch is the ashes beyond her fingers, or what it left of her fingers. She is hearing them tough. The cries of her lover.
« Please don’t go ! Stay with me, be strong my love ! I need you… »
I am here, She wants to say. I am here, I don’t leave you and I won’t leave you. I am
God yes she is in too much pain to be dead for sure.
« Doctor Tsoni, you have to stay away, we need to operate her… please let us do our job. »
« It’s okay Liara. They got her… we have found her. She is here. They got her. »
« I don’t know if I can Garrus… i can’t stand losing her again. »
« I know… »
And then again, the blackout.
It’s a constant bip that wakes her up. The pain is still here, less virulant, but still irrading her whole being. Then she feels it, fingers interlaced with hers. Slowly, she opens her eyes. Blinded with the bright light she doesn’t discern where she is first, however she saw the blue figure across the white of the walls.
« Shepard ! »
« Liara… » she says with a sore voice as she tries to reach her lover’s cheek with her finger, but she can’t move, she is too weak.
« Shhh don’t move my love. You are still badly wounded. »
« What… what happened. The reaper ? Are they ? »
« You did it honey. They are gone. You did it. You won.»
Liara squeezes her hand, her eyes are wet with tears. Happy tears. But Shepard reads more in them : fear, sadness, relief, love. All these emotions the asari went through during past hours, days, months ? For how long has she been in comatose ? She doesn’t know. Shepard can say she is badly injured. The concern she has also read in Liara’s eyes says enough.
« How bad is it ? » she dares do ask.
Liara doesn’t answer first, she seems to hesitate, or to compose herself maybe. But the commandant deserves to know and Liara must think the same because she then tells : « You’ve been burnt. All of your body was calcined, thanksfully the surgery did well. But… until you are up, we don’t know if you can walk again. Your spinal column has been injured…The doctors aren’t sure. »
Shepard process the terrible information. Is that why she is unable to move her hand ? What will she become if she can’t…
Liara caresses her cheek with her thumb.
« It will be okay I promise… we will get through this together. You are a hero. My hero. You will win this battle too. »
Shepard looks at her. God ! how much she loves Liara ! Her soulmate. Her whole universe. She is her rock. She always manages to comfort her to support her. She is indredible. Even in the most dark of the darkness she is the light that guides her soul and heart. How can she be so lucky ?
«  I know i will win. You know why ? »
« Because you are my stubborn sexy commander ? »
The human chuccles. : «  Well sexy… not with all the scars. » Then she looks at her bondmate in her eyes to say : « No, because you are with me. The love of my life. I want to be with you. I want to cherish you, marry you, and have plenty of blue babbies with you and… »
She is cut by Liara’lips on hers. Their kiss is soft but passionate. The asari puts all her sadness all the pain she has been through, all the anger she felt against this world which can’t let her lover alone and in peace, which lets Shepard get hurt, get almost killed again, wich has almost take her away from her again. She puts all her love in that kiss, all her joy to have Shepard at her sides. Then, when they can’t breathe anymore, they separate, but still have their forhead together, eyes close.
« I thought you were dead. »
« I know… but I’m here. I won’t leave you. »
« I remember you promised that before. » says Liara with a poor smile.
« And ? I didn’t leave you, did I ? »
« you’re right. You came back the first time. »
The door opens and few people enter in the bright room. Shepard hears them before she sees them. The strong path of a Krogan, and a breath throug a Quarian mask.
« Shepard ! You are awake ! » says the technicist. « I knew you would make it ! »
« You did better than a Krogan would do ! And that’s a thing ! » Wrex chuckles as he punches gently shepard’s shoulder, althought she winces.
« Careful Wrex ! » Says Liara, putting a protecting hand on her lover’s arms, as if it could stop the pain. If she would be honest, the commander thinks it helped. « She is still weak. »
« Nosense ! » replies the Krogan « Shepard will never be weak. Her strenght is so present that she could be a krogan! »
« Yeah, but I think she would be prettier as a krogan. » remarks Garrus « with all the scars you got, Shepard, you could have many suitors on Tutchenka. »
The commander laughs a little, coughs, winced and then says : « Ladies love scars. Do I look so bad ? »
« Not as bad as usual. » responds the Turrian with a smirk. That’s what she has answered him, when he has been shot on Omega.
« You’ll always be my beautiful commander. » says Liara with a loving smile. « And it’s true : ladies love scars and I love you. »
« I love you too Liara. »
They sink into each other’s eyes perfectly, the green and the blue. The water and the tree. Liara was her ocean of harmony, of peace and love. Shepard was Liara ´s bark. They could spend eternity there, in each other’s soul. How bad the commander wanted to embrace eternity with the asari right now…
« I think we should let Shepard rest. » declares Tali with a smile in her voice. She seems to be far away from the space Liara and her have created, the commander don’t even catch the words, she is too blissed by her lover’s eyes. She doesn’t even see the others leave the room. Then she closes her eyes as the Asari caresses her face.
« Rest my love. I am watching you. You are going to get through this. WE are going to get you through this, I promise. »
And Shepard believes her. Nothing bad could happen, in her boundmatés embrace.
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sol-consort · 5 months
Early morning Cuddling
[Fluff, suggestive, shepards reader, nb!reader]
[Ashley, Kaidan, Joker, Garrus, Wrex, Tali, Liara]
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Safety is a feeling you'll never lack in her strong arms. Securing you close to her chest so you can feel the drum of her heartbeat, slowly picking up speed as she stirs awake from her slumber.
And she smiles at you, sleep in her eyes and all, the first thing she ever thinks to do is express her happiness at you being by her side.
Tightening her hold for a moment so she could give your forehead a tender kiss. She looks at you as if you were something fragile, as if it was her duty to protect you. No matter how strong you might be, at that moment, you have no doubt she'll take a bullet for you and more.
The two of you have to get up soon before Joker's announcement calls for your required presence. But Ashley can't help but linger on you, steal a few more moments of peacefulness before the blaring of shotguns is all that she may hear for the rest of her day.
Her hair is a mess, black strands sprawled on the pillow below her. Framing her face and giving her a more gentle look than her usual tight bun hairstyle does. Her upper body bare with her chest pressed against yours. She smells like that one soap she keeps stocked on the Normandy since she has joined your crew.
You feel lucky being one of the few able to see her in this intimate state.
He has an alarm that he ignores, preferring to cling more into your body and bury his face against your neck and shoulder. Leaving the alarm annoying beeping.
With a sigh, you reach over and turn it off. Except it's one of those alarms that require you to solve a simple equation to turn off, simple by Alenko's standards. The same one cuddling into your body and refusing to let go from the warmth.
So the poor alarm ends up thrown across the room, or stuffed under the bed with a pillow to muffle its sound. You wonder why does he keep buying them when he keeps ignoring them.
Running your fingers through his hair gently, you pry him off of your neck in an attempt to get him to wake up. He's always groggy in the morning as he attempts to blink the tiredness away from his eyes.
A clear contrast to his usual disciplined self, freshly out of sleep, Kaidan is not someone you want to come across on the Normandy. The morning is around the time when he needs to take his required medication for L2 implants and migraines since he'll not be granted another opportunity of free time until the day is over.
Your presence during it has been helping him in more ways that he cares to admit, your warmth chasing away the stray nightmares that used to plague his mind each night.
The two of make it work, with a lot of patience and being mindful of his osteogenesis.
While cuddling, he is the one on top to avoid any pressure on his bones. He's the one hugging into you with his head resting on your strong arms. He tries to lighten the mood whenever he notices how careful you're being, a part of him hates his hugs not being reciprocated but he understands why.
Still, this is vastly better than sleeping alone on his bed. Feeling you underneath him, listening to your calming heartbeat. It almost makes everything worth it, every sleepless night spent studying during the academy, every day spent alone, every empty bed.
He trusts you with himself, with his genuine vulnerability hidden under his witty jokes and sharp mind. He is aware of how much effort you're putting in. How you truly see him as a person and not a charity cases.
He's usually the one waking up first, pilot training and all. Quietly leaving the bed to not disturb you as he goes and checks to the helm to check on the ship's states. Him and Dr.Chakwas are the first early birds aboard the ship and they've grown into a comfortable routine of doing the opening shift as the rest of the crew stirs awake one by one.
By the time he's done, he makes sure to prepare a hot morning drink for you and take it back to your quarters. Sitting on the edge of the bed.
His smirking face behind the steam from the hot cup is the first sight you see in the morning. His voice telling you an awful pun that has you almost choking on your drink with a groan is the first thing you hear.
And you wouldn't have it any other way.
He's unsure of this arrangement at first, of if this is who you really want to cuddle up to.
Human skin is squishy, fragile and soft, unbelievably so when compared to Turians' hard plated shells. Humans are just bare with nothing to protect them whilst having fuller bodies than other aliens with soft skin. Yet somehow, Turians are supposed to believe these soft creatures are the apex of their own planet, evolving from predators with their forward facing eyes rather than prey.
Garrus has always wanted to feel a human up close, their soft fragile throats that any Turian could squeeze so easily in their large clawed hands. Break with their talons like an eggshell.
Yet this race was incredible resilient, quickly stealing the Turian's reputation of being the most hostile race in the galaxy, the humans and their temper and fight or flight adrenaline responses were quickly making a name for themselves.
That's why he almost can't believe it when he gets to hold you in bed. Allowing him to almost pin you down so easily, to wrap his large claws and long arms around you. Nuzzle your bare neck with his sharp mouth and enhale your scent.
Turians would battle for dominance amongst themselves, a play pretend sort of fight that comes from deep natural urges to top the other even in relationships. So from his view, you allowing him to hold you so close and sleep next your defenceless form is you surrendering to him.
Garrus has never been the aggressive type, even by Turian standards he was too nice at times. Yet something about you is digging at these buried ancient instincts of his, the low deep growls each morning when you try to pull away, the tighten of his sharp claws around you.
It comes so naturally that he does it unconsciously, not realising the growling sound is coming from the back of his throat in the morning until he clears his throat in embassment. Unaware of the soft squecks and caws he lets out each night when you scatch behind his neck and he melts into your touch before falling asleep.
He prefers short naps throughout the day so he may stay alert even through the night, it comes naturally for his species to be on their gaurd through most hours, that's what makes them such great fighers.
But you're a bad influence on him, coaxing him with you into this bundle of soft sheets and blankets that you humans call a bed. Making him lay on his back, a position so intimate for Krogans to be in, and cuddling to his side.
You're...warm. the skin and meat seperating your heart from his hand is so thin in comparison to his. Are humans not afraid? How could they have evolved to have their heart at such an exposed location for all to see and touch.
And to think you were supposed to be the predetor and him the prey, so why does he get this urge to protect you. To keep your bones intact and never allow any harm your way.
A wolf in sheep clothings, that's what humans are. He has to remind himself constantly not to get tricked by your seemingly harmless appearance. Tantalising lips or mesmerising eyes. That you're as dangerous as him if not more from what he has seen of you throughout the years. Terrifyingly cunningly at times and overrun by basic rage instincts at others, a volcano of emotions that's constantly erupting.
That's why laying next to you in the early morning is such a strain on his instincts. He can feel himself changing, his body relaxing around you and his mind resting for once. He can feel his gaurd lowering and he hates it, hates not being on his toes, not being on constant alert.
But you hug him so sweetly, cuddle his arm so tenderly and tell him to stay by your side. How could he refuse, is he even strong enough to refuse when your touches are the most intimate thing he has had during his whole life? When the feeling of a human sleeping next to him made him feel more safe than he ever did in the best of armours, and here he was supposed to be the one protecting you.
Wrex remains by your side until it's time to wake up, until it's time to start the routine he grew so familiar of.
The hum of the engine used to be what lulled her to sleep, and with how eerily silent the Normandy gets around this time, it leaves her restless.
The early morning is her respite, when the chatter and clinking of soldiers outside getting ready for the day is audible through the walls. Tali finds herself drifting off to a comfortable sleep, reassured that she is safe and alive with the sound of life around her.
She becomes incredibly cuddly in the early morning, as much as her restrictive suit allows. It's not the same one as her shore one, yet it is still as effective in protecting her immune system.
She wants to feel your warmth, your soft human skin and run feel your hair. But both of you know it's not possible yet. So you settle for hugging her waist closer to you, running a hand down her covered back and hoping it will make her feel something.
That maybe, just maybe, a sliver of your warmth will slip through.
By the time she is dozing off to dreamland, it's your turn to walk out the door and face your responsibilities. Leave the wamrth of your bed and ready your team for another survey of a freezing cold planet in the vast empty space of the universe.
Her fingers are soothing as they run over your body, encouraging your muscles to relax and your eyelids to flutter open. Her melodic voice humming in your mind.
She manages to wake you up as peacefully as she can, eyes wide and full of wonder as she is ready to greet a new day with all the discoveries it may bring.
You wonder where she gets all this energy from, and why isn't it infectious. She seems the most awake of everyone in the morning, and yet she stays by your side in bed until you get all the rest you need.
You never had to tell her to stay either, she did it by herself. Claiming it feels like the right thing to do, how doting she can be on her loved one at times.
Liara is always curious about any dreams you may have, admitting how sometimes they can be like a window into a person's inner psyche. How much she wants to understand you better, on a deeper level than anyone before her ever did.
As if she wants to merge her soul with yours, and maybe to her own kind that's what true love is like. To liara, the mornings you share together remain the highlight of her day until nightime when she gets to feel your embrace again, hear your voice and listen as you tell her about how your day went.
There's so much to admire about her curious nature, her genuine love for knowledge and exploration. The way she likes her coffee especially sweet and the way she hums each morning to stirr you awake.
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totallynotasimp67 · 1 month
Mass Effect Prompt
Featuring Garrus
I’ll start this by saying, I am not that far into ME3, I have completed the first 2 and I do plan on multiple play throughs. The character I have currently romanced is Garrus, so I’ll be using his name, however feel free use any character you see fit
So, we all know Shepherd has a nightmare about the child they couldn’t save, now the scenario is as follows,
It had been a long day, Shepherd/you were tired, the entire crew was tired but
Shep/you: “Their isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus”
Garrus: “all the more reason for you to sleep, we need you on your A game to fight the Reapers, now sleep, Shepherd”
Shep/you: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, fine”
Now Shepherd/you had been asleep for a bit, maybe an hour at most when the nightmare started, meanwhile Garrus could tell something just wasn’t right and goes to check on Shepherd/you, his hunch being confirmed seeing you squirming in bed, obviously having a very intense dream
Alternate Dialogue
If you decide to time it after the War against the Reapers
Shep/You: “There isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus, you and I know that better than anyone.”
Garrus: “True, but there isn’t any galaxy ending threat knocking at our door, now is there, and I don’t think you getting some sleep will magically make one appear”
Shep/You: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, but you’re right, I’ll try and get some sleep”
Now don’t forget to tag me if you use this prompt, thank you and have a good day
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skinnyazn · 1 year
Masterlists :)
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INPRINT: Shop Prints of My Art!
(thank you!)
All art is tagged under #my art MASS EFFECT TAROT ART MASTERLIST Working through the Major Arcana cards
All fics tagged under #my fic
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Simon Ghost Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) Jaguar's Dossier Contact (PG) Jaguar's first intro to Task Force 141 and a rocky start to her relationship with Ghost In the Bleak Midwinter (E) Simon and Jag's first mission together; he comes to collect on your secret The Masks We Wear (E) Jag has a new mission in Italy during Carnivale; a beautiful phantom makes an appearance Dead of Night (PG) Ghost inhaling Jag's cigarette smoke drabble Something Like That (E) Ghost comes to terms for his feelings for Jag Lick Your Wounds (E) Jag get's injured and Ghost goes feral I Will Not Ask and Neither Should You (M) Jag can't escape her past and neither can Ghost Mirrored (E) Ghost makes you watch as he takes you in front of a mirror Simon Ghost Riley x F!Reader (Jaguar) x Johnny Soap MacTavish Texas Sun (E) Standalone fic where Ghost, Jag, and Soap have a shower threeway Simon Ghost Riley x F!Reader Tennessee Whiskey (PG) Slow-dancing in a dive bar with your lieutenant
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Liara T'Soni x Femshep Making Up for Lost Time (E) Liara visits Shepard in her cabin after the Shadow Broker mission; they makeup for lost time Mistletoe (PG) Liara learns about some Earth traditions (Christmas drabble) Just One More Question... (PG) Four hundred years later and Liara still loves Shepard (drabble) Like Tears in the Rain (M) Shepard shares a final, tearful kiss with Liara as she pushes toward the bleak end (narration of the final mission in ME3) Kaidan Alenko x FemShep (Amidala Shepard) The Heat of a Cold Night (E) Shepard runs into Kaidan on a solo mission; things fall apart in the shuttle as the star-crossed lovers make up for lost time Priority Mars (E) AU where Kaidan doesn't get injured after the Mars Mission; hate sex followed by makeup sex Autumn, Then Spring (PG) After the war, Kaidan finally asks the question he's been meaning to all these years Garrus Vakarian x Femshep An All-Consuming Path (E) Garrus kills Sidonis but doesn't feel any better; Shepard comforts him and true feelings come out
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qupshalfempty · 1 year
Liara t'soni x reader younger sister headcanons or any format you would prefer. I've always thought about how having a younger sister may have helped her throughout or possibly if you prefer even shaped her as a person before where the games start off. How do you think this would have effected liara?
I usually overthink my writing but with this one I decided to edit less and it was wrote in the span of 2 days. I hope you like it, I started rambling on the story hc's... 😅
Liara T'Soni x Sibling! Reader
Story Headcanons
She definitely envied those with siblings, she was surrounded by matriarchs (her mother’s friends, her own coworkers) and any young asari really weren’t interested in her field of study or couldn’t keep up with her rants.
Having a sibling would’ve been the best thing for her. She would have better socialization skills outside of talking to mentors or those she views as «superiors» and finally be able to differentiate casual conversation from those she would have with said superiors.
Whether she’s the older or younger sibling doesn’t matter, she’ll have to ask for advice for her interpersonal relationships... In which she has near to none but she’s trying. Her sibling being the first she goes to rant about her hypothesis and the matriarch's opinions as they brushed her off. She would listen in turn, despite her lack of social skills she’s an amazing listener.
Both of you grew closer after Benezia’s death, Liara having a hard time repeating all their mother said before she passed. How Liara could only fight the guilt of her death with her own parent’s words, letting her know it’s okay. Liara gets hit hard with her loss and is made harder when she's the one who has to tell you the news. She keeps up a front for Shepard, for the team, with your nightly calls though she rants and cries and finally lets it out. She’s embarrassed by how much she cried and relied on you but you’re both there for one another, what’s a sibling for?
I see her not wanting to ask for help once ME2 rolls around, even from her sibling, due to her wanting to grow and be independent. After Shepard died she, like the others, was left lost but especially Liara. She was young and was hanging onto every word out of Shepard’s mouth, even without the talk of prothean beacons and visions. She’d followed Shepard to the end of the earth if need be, but now she’s left with the knowledge of the inevitable end of the world as they know it and no direction. No leader to point the way.
She couldn’t just drop and leave everything Shepard found out behind. So she settled herself as an information broker to try to help, making friends, making enemies, and the more she got into sketchy stuff the more she pushed others away. Including her own sister, while she couldn’t keep the fact of her new job under wraps she could keep the nitty gritty details out. This will definitely lead to an argument, even with the danger she put herself in just joining the Normandy... at least she told you what was going on, what she could on a government ship. Now you understand what comes with the new job, secrets were what she specialized in now, but not with you. Never had it been with you.
Liara has big lessons to learn about leaning on someone for help and separating her own individual identity and needs from anyone else. Although she strives to be as independent as possible, to be someone her sister could look at and depend on, she’d done the opposite and pushed you away. She’ll talk to you through secret channels, won’t let you walk into her own office or outside it unless you pretend you’re looking around the market, especially when she knows she has an infiltrator for the Shadow Broker in her channels. She’ll tell you that much, so you’ll understand why she does this, but the distance between you two doesn’t hurt any less.
It would be her sister that’d pull her out of her funk, Liara would realize that she wasn’t there for her sister despite everything she was doing being for her sisters sake; And in turn apologizes, you two would have to have a real heart to heart.
Cutesy Headcanons
She messaged you showing you quick pics she’d get of her finds whenever something was found. Or throughout the day you would get a random message that you could tell was a quick ramble of something else a matriarch has done.
L : Why even hire younger asari when they don’t listen.
Y/N : That Karen again?
L : yes :/
She’s brought back rocks that aren’t really special except it was smooth and she wanted it, being reason enough. I can see her being like Suvi in Andromeda and licking rocks lmao.
Benezia would dress you two alike as kids no matter the age gap, you two keep the tradition as teens with similar looks because planning each other’s outfits is fun. You both shared jewelry, once you’re both grown one of you has to make sure to get duplicates though to avoid arguments.
Liara likes sudoku, crosswords, and the like. You’re already prepared to hand over the cereal box so she can look at the backside for anything to play. If you share the same interest in puzzles she’ll ask to compete and see who finishes first or who finds the words first. She's good too.
If there’s nothing she settles for reading her notes, she keeps a notebook and pen on her at all times to write stuff down from small reminders to longer paragraphs she’ll add to her journal entries later. She’d speak into an Omni tool and record it as logs if only speaking and taking notes orally wasn’t so embarrassing in front of others, so the notebook is more handy. Especially if you tease her, with others she’d be flustered but you, her sister she’d give a sarcastic frown to the best of her ability. She always breaks and smiles though.
She will listen to your interests as if they’re her own, and once she’s an information broker she’s able to let you know deets on popular media before anyone. (No matter how trivial it is compared to her other informants duties, she promises.)
She respects your privacy, especially after... the situation with Tali... she didn’t want to know those specific upgrades to her suit but it was useful? Yeah, there’s some things she’s better off not knowing and your "tastes" is one of them. She’s not that kinda "detailed" sister, personally. Will let you speak about your own sex life but she never knows what to comment so she just tries her best not to appear judgemental and add commentary, as her sibling you know good in well she doesn't but it’s funny to watch her flounder.
She hopes you'll turn to her if anything were to happen, she has assets now she can put to use if need be. She may threaten to flay someone alive but she still doesn't like getting her hands dirty. Unless they make it personal of course, ME2 Liara is built different. 💅
Once ME2 rolls around she loves getting breaks at the citadel to talk to you, letting you know when she'll be docking and telling you to change your look every time to make it harder to track you. Otherwise she'd grab herself a drink and work at a bench alone, she's glad to have company even if you two don't speak much and sit with each other. She appreciates the time you give her, especially with how demanding her job is.
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anim3-g33k25 · 20 days
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I have wanted to make a Mass Effect story for the longest time! There will be some warnings such as, this is a reverse harem, there will be sex inside of the scenes and I will be adding warnings at the beginning.
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" I know nothing about military life
but I don't want anyone to go
through what I went through back
at my home world! Just please
protect me and keep me safe. "
Book One
Love interests of Mass Effect 1
Book Two
Chapter one
Not even in the works
Book Three
Not even in the works
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I made these graphics! Do not try to steal them or I will report you!
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sharkdream3421 · 2 years
Garrus Vakarian X Reader - Deadly Love Triangle
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That mission was so tricky we all kept running out of ammo, but thankfully Nihlus had extra thermal clips on him. At least we finally cured the genophage. Wrex was thrilled that his people would be okay now, and would finally be able to reproduce and have offspring so the krogan can shape their own future. Wrex told me that he plans to focus on rebuilding and no more war for them. That was a relief to hear, all war does is cause chaos, diversity, and hate. Reminds me of the first contact war, it was war between the humans and turians. All it did was help me to cause hate toward the turians. I mean the war caused my grandpa to die, I then hated turians from that point on.
Everything changed until I met Garrus. Nihlus was the first one to come aboard the Normandy, but even then I didn't even trust him. He was one cocky son of a bitch.
"I move faster on my own."
Yeah right he could have died if Kaiden, I, and Ashley had not interfered. I told Kaiden to use his biotics on Nihlus causing him to fly into a bunch of crates and pass out. Ashley just shouted "Gun!" which did not help what so ever. I sniped the other turian, I didn't kill him because it only hit his shields, but I did throw off his aim when he was pointing that carnifex on Nihlus.
When I met Garrus I still doubted I could trust him, he just seemed dangerous. I mean he almost hit the hostage when Me, Shepard, and Ashely were about to save the lady that was from the Med Clinic, as she was being mugged from some gangsters. After talking on the Normandy though I started to know him better. He was a C-Sec officer who was surrounded by regulations, and all he thought that mattered was getting the job done no matter who he had to sacrifice. His father said he was starting to become like Saren, and for the best part. His Dad wasn't wrong.
I suggested to Garrus that he should calm down and look at the bigger picture.
"Sacrificing civilians is not the right thing to do. You know Garrus, Shepard told me that she learned from Captain Anderson that all that Saren wanted to do was complete the mission no matter how many lives were sacrificed. So don't you see? Your acting just like Saren. You also don't have to be like Nihlus either." I sighed realizing that Nihlus was Saren's apprentice. I know that Nihlus is different from Saren, in terms of treating humans with kindness and not segregation. Although, his way of fighting is the same. Shepard told me that his goal was simple, "I don't care that your human Shepard, I just care that you get the job done."
After some talking with Garrus and helping him stop Dr. Heart. Garrus started to become a paragon and less of a renegade. That was good to hear, I'm honestly a paragon and shooting people isn't always the answer. If convincing is no longer an option, then I take out my gun and shoot. Shepard is like 60% Paragon and 40% Renegade. Meanwhile, Nihlus is...complicated. He is mostly renegade, but then sometimes he's just nice? Merciful? I don't know it's hard to figure out what happens in the turian spectre's mind.
I was starting to fall for Garrus probably after we picked him up on Omega. When I heard he was very injured I was having a heart attack. I felt like I needed him, I prayed so hard that he was going to be okay. When I saw that he was fine, and he was going to recover. I just gave him the biggest hug ever. Garrus was my best friend after all, it was very hard not to hate him. He just had a great sense of humor, which would always make the crew laugh and cheer up even in the most darkest times we were in. I trusted him with my life now, and I saw no reason to hate him. I loved him, but so did Shepard.
Shepard managed to reach Garrus first before me. Dang it! I should have told him my feelings sooner! Kasumi was like the rumor mill. She would always sneak around the ship and go into other people's business. I saw Shepard head into the elevator before the Suicide Mission, then not long after I saw Garrus go into the elevator. Neither one came out of that elevator until three hours later. Who knew what they were doing? Well I knew, it hurt me like a ton of bricks. Garrus belonged to Shepard. Not me, I mean who would want to date a nerdy girl like me? Absolutely no one. I talked to Liara on the phone, she was about another one of my close or best friends I've had in my life. She suggested that I could wait for Garrus and Shepard to break up, or go find someone different. I just plainly said "I think I'll just wait, but I doubt that Shepard and Garrus would ever break up. They are like two sides of a coin, their is no Shepard without Vakarian." Liara just told me that all you can do is just hope.
Not long after the suicide mission, Shepard was placed on house arrest for being associated with Cerberus. The alliance are pretty much good at being idiots. I remember Shepard making her point across and dang it was true, but of course Hackett is too dumb to even figure out it was true.
"I had to do something about the collectors, only Cerberus did something about it. The alliance didn't even give a shit about it!"
"We would have done something if it weren't for Cerberus." Hackett defended.
When Shepard was on house arrest, I decided to hang out with Garrus and help with things on Palaven. I had never been on Palaven and yet it was amazing! The warm and sunny beaches, the nice alien like palm trees. Palaven's city's also looked nothing like I had ever seen before! I was surrounded by Turians, and some of them even gave me strange looks. Although, Garrus told me that humans do visit Palaven just not many of them do.
Garrus managed to become a "Expert Reaper advisor." I just became like his side kick or associate? Anyway, when we heard their was trouble on Palaven's moon we took a shuttle and made our way to the moon.
There we met Shepard, and Liara. Man it was good to see them again. I watched Garrus and Shepard shake hands, but their was like no kiss or anything? Maybe they accept that their relationship is finally done? This might just be my chance! I also met James Vega, and man he was just very handsome over all, but my heart belonged to Garrus. Not some muscular man, who swears f-bombs once and awhile.
Well I was wrong because after our mission on Palaven, I went down into the cargo hold, where the computer for our security cameras were. I looked at the camera that was in the Battery room and there was Shepard and Garrus kissing. I should have not gotten my hopes up. I have to admit, that Garrus and I don't belong together. He's just a friend and that's probably what he will always be.
Primarch Victus was aboard the Normandy and was hanging out in the War room. I needed some advice, and maybe Victus could have a good answer.
I walked up to him with a smile on my face, "Hey Victus!"
"Ah, Y/N. What do I owe this fine pleasure?"
I chuckled, man he was so polite and handsome. "Victus, I need some advice. I've been head over heels for Garrus for months now, but Shepard and Garrus are in a relationship right now. What do you think I should do?"
Victus sighed, "I'm not really an expert on relationships Y/N."
"Please Victus, I need your help. I'm going to lose my mind." I begged.
Victus sighed again, "I think you should tell Garrus how you feel Y/N, and if he doesn't feel the same then you should find someone else to be with."
Victus was right, there was no way Garrus and I could just become boyfriend and girlfriend if we never confessed our feelings for each other.
With me feeling super confident I thanked Victus and walked out of the War Room with me being head over heels to tell Garrus how I feel.
Each step I took toward the elevator I got even more excited. I took the elevator one floor down, so now I was on the crew deck. I was just about to round the corner toward the main lobby where the whole crew hangs out until I hear some Human and a Turian laughing. I quickly hid around the corner and peeked to see the most surprising thing I have ever seen today.
There was Shepard and Nihlus slowly walking out of the Starboard Observation deck kissing each other with Shepard's hands on Nihlus's chest and Nihlus's hands on Shepard's waist. They walked into the elevator and then I hear the elevator door close. What the heck was that?! I ran to the front of the elevator doors to see that it was going to Shepard's cabin! What are they doing? Please don't tell me they are...no Shepard wouldn't.
I have to know, I know only one person who could find out what was going on in Shepard's room.
I barraged into Liara's office to see her looking at me with a confused look on her face.
"What's wrong Y/N? You looked panicked." Liara asked me looking worried.
I quickly ran up to her shadow broker terminal. "Liara, can you see what is going on in Shepard's room?" I asked.
"Yeah I can, why?" She asked.
"I think Shepard is doing something really bad, just please Liara, I need to find out what she's doing! I hope it isn't what I think it is." I said with worry in every fiber of my being.
"Okay calm down Y/N. I'm pulling up Shepard's room." I see Liara hitting the keys on her keyboard.
When we saw Shepard's room finally come up on the screen. Me and Liara looked at the screen very shocked. How...how...how could Shepard do this? Why? Why to Garrus?! Their was Shepard having...having sex with Nihlus. It was entirely disturbing to see. Their was Nihlus and Shepard naked and rolling in bed. It was very inappropriate to watch.
"By the Goddess." Liara said with astonishment in her voice and on her face.
Why did Shepard have to do this to Garrus? Garrus...never deserved this! Garrus never did anything wrong! Garrus was loyal to Shepard ever since from the very beginning and this is how she treats Garrus?! My hands curled into fists. I'm going to kill her!
Liara looked at me seeing the hate all over my face. She put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry you had to see this Y/N." Liara said with sympathy.
I looked down on the floor. "Why did she cheat on Garrus. Especially Garrus, why him? He's been betrayed, failed at his job, lost his own team, and now he's being cheated on over another handsome Turian. I thought Garrus was the most handsome person, his voice, his humor, he's perfect."
"I don't know Y/N, but Garrus definitely never deserved this." Liara said with sorrow.
The next morning I had a plot for revenge! Everyone will know, because everyone will be there to see me expose Nihlus and Shepard. I woke up from my bed in the room where the crew would hang out. I took the covers off me and landed on the cold floor with my two cold feet. I slipped my jacket on, my boots, and a pair of jeans. With my anger in tow I opened the door and made my way to the lobby where breakfast was always served.
There she was. That piece of shit sitting at that table looking very happy to see Garrus, yeah right! Wait until I expose the truth.
Liara sat across the table looking at me with a worried look on her face. I looked at her, and she shook her head when I had my fist right by my side.
"Don't do it Y/N, if you expose the truth it's going to do more harm than good." Liara told me, she wasn't loud, but she wasn't quiet either.
"I have to do this Liara. It's the only way." I said.
I raised my fist and hit her really really hard, right in the jaw. Even a tooth popped out! Garrus looked at me very shocked. I mean I did just hit his ex-girlfriend.
"Y/N what are you doing?!" Liara had yelled.
"I'm doing what is justice! Hey everyone, I have something very important to tell you!" I yelled where everyone in the ship could hear.
Everyone gathered around, and I mean EVERYONE gathered around like in a giant circle with Garrus, Shepard, and I in the middle.
"What does (Last name), (First name) wish to tell us?" Legion asked with his head tilted as his optic grew even brighter.
"Shepard cheated on you Garrus! I saw it! I saw it all! Shepard had some really good sex with Nihlus over there!" I yelled as I pointed to Nihlus who looked completely chill.
Liara sighed, "I can confirm that Y/N, is telling you all the truth. I saw it with my own eyes."
Garrus looked shocked, no emotion, utter despair on his face, he didn't even move an inch. Several people gasped, several people looked at Shepard in disapproval, and looked completely pissed off.
"Not cool Commander." James said.
"You are no Siha." Thane blurted out.
"We find Shepard-Commander's actions unforgiving." Legion sounded displeased.
Garrus just walked away in depression. I looked at Garrus, he just showed no emotion, his heart was completely broken. Most of me feels like it was the right thing to do, justice was served. Although, a part of me feels like I did the wrong thing. What did I do to Garrus? Shepard looked around seeing everyone very pissed off. Shepard just ran away, probably to her little hideout, which was her cabin.
I ran after Garrus to see if he was going to be okay. "Garrus! Garrus are you okay?" I asked.
Garrus turned with sadness in his eyes, "No, I don't think I will be. I just need to do some calibrations." Garrus had said as he slowly walked toward the Main Battery.
I would have laughed at him because he said calibrations, just like every time I would, but this time no laugh came from me.
Everyone had done their own thing for the rest of that day. Shepard just stayed in her cabin the whole time unless she was called to the War Room or had some matters to attend to. Today, I decided to visit Garrus and see how he was doing as yesterday must have been tough on him.
When the main battery's doors opened I found Garrus collapsed on the floor.
"Garrus!" I yelled as I ran up to him.
I helped him up and he looked at me with tired eyes. "Y/N, I had the most weirdest dream. You were there saying that Shepard cheated on me, and everyone else was so pissed." Garrus said.
I looked down in shame. "That wasn't a dream Garrus, it's true. I revealed that Shepard cheated on you with Nihlus."
Garrus looked down. "Oh, I see. I'll just work on some calibrations then."
I sighed. "Garrus, it's not your fault, I'm sorry that I was selfish and told everyone what had happened, I didn't think that it would affect you like this, I should have known better."
"That bastard Nihlus. Besides I felt like my relationship with Shepard was a bit odd after all. It's okay, I just need some time to move on." Garrus said as he took a small deep breath.
"Garrus, I...I love you, but I understand if you don't want to be with me. Your previous girlfriend cheated on you, and I should probably shut up now. I'll be in the shuttle bay." I walked out of the main battery with a lot on my mind.
No, that part doesn't go there. I attached the modifier on the top of the carnifex. Ah, there we go! Now it can provide a little more damage. I also attached another modifier, which can allow some more shots to be fired so we have a less chance that we are going to run out of thermal clips. I grabbed the next weapon, which was the N7 Hurricane. Has a really fast rate of fire, but has very bad accuracy. I just probably set more modifiers on the stability and accuracy then.
I turned around to see Garrus walking toward me. Looking scared? "Hey Garrus, what's wrong?" I asked my best friend.
"I had time to think, and I...love you too Y/N. All those times we had on Palaven, having dinner together, watching Turian films with each other, going shopping. I loved every moment with you. I didn't know if it was okay to abandon my relationship with Shepard, but I also felt something in me when I was around you. The truth is, I love you (First name), (Last name). I loved you for a couple months." Garrus then put his talons on my hands. "Is it okay if you can be my girlfriend?" He asked.
He asked...HE ASKED me! Oh my gosh, my dream has come true!
"Yes! Yes! You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment!" I cheerfully shouted as I hugged my new boyfriend.
"I love you Y/N." Garrus said with comfort in his voice, as I felt his talon going against the back of my head.
"I love you too Garrus, always have been, and always will." I said with the biggest smile on my face.
"(Last name), (First name) we would like to ask you something."
I turned around to find Legion with flowers in his hands. It was strange seeing the innocent geth boy with flowers in his hands.
"Yeah what's up Legion?"
"We have researched some of Earth's culture and religion, and we believe that when someone wishes to show gratitude or kindness. Flowers are a good way to show it." Legion had talked like he was a calculator or something, which was like all the time.
"Who are you giving it to?" I asked with a smile on my face. It's hard to be mad at Legion. He is so good at acting innocent all the time.
"Creator Zorah. We calculate that giving Creator Zorah flowers will help increase our trust, and have less hostility towards us." Legion replied.
I smiled, he's so adorable. "Go ahead Legion, I think she will like it."
Legion replied with a nod and the flaps around his eye opening up. Legion left my cabin in search of Tali.
I smiled as I looked back at the datapad.
"Why was Legion holding flowers?" Garrus asks as he sat on the edge of my bed and gave a little kiss on my cheek.
"He was wanting to give them to Tali, I think he might just have a crush on her." I told Garrus as I smirked.
"So what brings you up here?" I asked.
"Oh, I just wanted to see the love of my life, and make sure she was okay." Garrus said as he gave a small chuckle.
I set the datapad down, and scoot closer towards Garrus. "I am okay thanks for asking, just looking at preparations before we land on Rannoch. I could use a break though."
Garrus put a talon on my face and gently played with my hair with his other talon. "How about we ease up some tension and test your flexibility?"
I smirked, " I would love too."
I read someone's story about Garrus and a Nihlus lives AU and then suddenly I thought what would happen if Shepard cheats on Garrus for Nihlus? Nihlus deserves more attention and should have survived Eden Prime. He would have been a great squad mate in the trilogy! Thank you for reading and have a awesome day!
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Liara T'soni Masterlist
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In progress
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toournextadventure · 3 months
Alright, yall tell me what to focus on next. Give me honest opinions, I'm overwhelmed and need to focus on ONE of them before moving on to the next
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dcbbw · 2 years
WIPs Ask Challenge
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Soooo … I was tagged by @ao719​, @queenrileyrose​, @debramcg1106​, and @angelasscribbles​ about my WIPs.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. This is for both art and writing.
Not a great combination.
This is no exaggeration: I have at least 700 documents in my Fanfic folder; at least 550 of these are WIPs (incomplete series’ chapters, damn near finished chapters, one-shots, asks, etc.)
I got some writing to do ….
But not going to upload a zip file for folks to plod and trod through; listing the stories that are boiling and bubbling in my head that should be launching on a screen near you before hell freezes over.
Not everything has a snippet so if I get any asks, I’ll more than likely respond with a synopsis. Also, titles are tentative.
Two Women, One Man: my first attempt at the reader insert style of writing
Dress Up: Remember in 2020 when @burnsoslow​ sent me an SGL x Riley B Kinktober ask?
Quiet Time: A DC Crew Maxlivia ask
Untitled for now: Based on Liara asks, and you know what? That was a really good story. I need to get back to that.
A Side of Ranch: Based on Riam asks
Untarnished Silver: Riley, Fric, Frac, BB, and the whole gang (including their kids) celebrate 25 years of King Liam rule
Daddy Duty: It’s the gang as kids! No angst, no death, no cloak-and-dagger stuff … just them being kids and their parents being ridiculous
You Again: Part two of Déjà Vu
A Fine Line: Part two of One Night Stand
Ready: Fric and Frac are ready to make their big debut. Riley kind of doesn’t understand the assignment
Wanderlust: It’s a Leo fic
Life in a Southern Town: It’s the gang in (another) modern AU. This time, they’re involved in small town politics. Highly fictionalized, loosely based on real events
Aftermath of a Breakup, Chapter 6: Does anyone even remember the DC Crew has a series? No? Just me, then
The Walker Women: Bianca, Savannah, Riley. It won’t be what you think
One Night in Applewood: Yet another take on that fateful night
Body Count: Who’s killing the noblewomen of Cordonia? And why?
And this, my friends, is what I’ve got for you.
I need to do some writing … (I know I said it previously, but it bears repeating)
Thanks ladies, for thinking of me!
 Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world  @hopelessromanticmonie @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @iaminlovewithtrr @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @phoenixrising308 @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @foreverethereal123 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @21-wishes @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @bbrandy2002 @queenrileyrose @debramcg1106 @alj4890 @yourfavaqua222​ @motorcitymademadame​
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sol-consort · 4 months
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22hemi12 · 1 year
Requests (and TO-DO)
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Been awhile since I posted anything so here is a request page!
Requests are OPEN!
What I write: 
oneshots, Headcannons and full fics. 
Everything I write are Gender Neutral OR written with a trans man in mind! But I will write any Pronouns!
Fluff and Angst
All I ask is you add some detail to what you want! so don't just say “character x reader” Actually add some detail!
The Owl house
Emperor Belos/Philip Wittebane
The Bad Batch
The Clone Wars
Other clones (Just ask! I’ll write anything for our copy paste boys)
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin
Mass Effect Trilogy
Others (Just ask)
Hannibal Lecter
I will add to this as I re join fandoms and/or leave them
Request :) (pls)
non requested
Wings au bad batch (oneshots and headcanons) (Writing)
Werewolf bad batch (Full fic and headcanons) (Writing)
Fantasy AU (Crosshair x Reader, He/Him Pronouns, 2 Full Fics)(Storyboarding)
(empty rn, but it can change with you <3)
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babygirlgarrus7 · 1 year
Mass Effect Masterlist
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Garrus x Mila Shepard
OCs Background
Tali x Reader
Garrus x Reader
Kaiden x Reader
Liara x Reader
Javik x Reader
Miranda x Reader
Jacob x Reader
Thane x Reader
Kasumi x Reader
0 notes
vivinightingale · 2 years
I’ve got an idea: Tali and Liara headcanons with a human!fem!s/o who’s a Spectre?? Like she’s from a planetary colony that’s pretty industrious, but has A LOT of crime going around (hence why she’s often aggressive when she’s interrogating people). She also has a revolver-styled energy pistol and a pretty unique Omni-knife. And since spectres are known for being independent she changed the way her outfit looked after he first couple of days on the job, something like this:
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(The picture is from Necromunda: Hired Gun)
Oooo I really like this idea so here are some headcanons love! 💕
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After being with Shepard for so many years she thought she knew familiar the specters, but after meeting you?? That thought had changed.
Your outfit was the first to catch her intrest. Unlike the other Specters your armor was more rugged, put together with remains of those who have crossed you, and metal. It reminded her more of something a bounty hunter which wasn't too far of stretch.
The second thing to catch her intrest was your Omni-knife. She had seen the blades, and the occasional knife used in kitchens, but your wasn't either of those. It seemed straight and firm like a normal blade, but disappeared as if it was nothing when you weren't using it.
She had begged you to look at the inner workings of the knife, and not being able to say no to the cute quarian you gave her an extra that she still loves and uses to this day.
The last thing she noticed was You are more rough around the edges due to your up bringing at the industrial colony. So you were no stranger to getting rough to get the info you needed.
When they were trying to get Information on the whereabouts of Thane's son. You took Shepards place in the interrogation with the promise of getting the information.
You got that information, and in turn the other received a doctors visit. It scared Tali at first, but the more you were around the more she got use to it, and in some cases have stopped it.
She seemed to be your voice of reason when you got upset. Her soft demnor help balanced your rough on, and thus you became closer. So close that she learned of your softer side behind closed doors.
And honestly that was her favorite discovery
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Let's get one thing clear. She knew about before you knew about her. Before she became the shadow broker that we all know today she had hired you to help find the remains oh shepard.
She didn't fully know the dangers of the planet so she searched the galaxy for someone she could trust enough to help, and lowbehold a specter came across her computer.
You weren't like the others she had met. You didn't take shit from anyone, ran your own crew, and you had a nack for violence. What more could she need??
When she met it you however, that was a diffrent story. Since you came from such a violent background she expect you to be gruff and rude, but you weren't?? You spoke to her with respect, and elegance that she nearly thought you were from rich family on earth!
You left such an impression on her that when she rejoined Shepard to stop the reapers, she immediately called you for help. Of course you were more then happy to join and send the reapers back to dark space.
Javik praises your strength for a primitive. Which really catches Liara's attention since it so rare to hear him give praise.
So she watched you more, and she will never admit it to anyone but your show in strength against such tough enemies made her feel a type of way.
She doesn't say anything till the end though. With the possibility of not coming out of this alive looms over her head she realizes that if this was to be her final moments she wanted to share them with you.
So she does, and even as dooms day grows ever closer she can't help but find a small bit of piece in your arms.
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anim3-g33k25 · 19 days
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Here are the characters and love interests of Mass Effect One. Some of the characters from the game won't be added as love interests but mostly the LGBTQ+ characters will be love interests.
First chapter | last chapter
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Other characters from the game will be mentioned in the upcoming books! For now these are the love interests and the characters for the first game
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