#ff thingy
a-way-we-go · 10 months
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my struggling form, my willing soul Schutzengel AU
Jahrelang sieht Leo dabei zu, wie sein Schutzbefohlener von seinem Vater gequält wird. Und trotz aller Liebe, die er für Adam fühlt, darf er nicht eingreifen. Als er eines Tages zusehen muss, wie Adams Vater dabei ist, seinen Sohn totzuprügeln, kann Leo nicht mehr. Er lässt sich fallen und schlägt Roland Schürks in Koma.
Adam versteht nicht, wie sein „Schutzengel“ jahrelang dabei zusehen konnte, wie er gequält wurde und weist Leo wütend von sich. Er hätte die ganze Zeit über Schutz gebraucht, nicht nur an diesem Tag.
Leo wird auf die Erde und dazu verdammt, niemanden mehr schützen zu können, sondern immer zu spät zu sein, um zu helfen. Die Mordkommission ist sein Zufluchtsort – bei den Toten ist er immer zu spät, kann sie aber immerhin rächen.
Adam weiß jetzt, dass er Leo damals aus seinem Leben verbannt und damit sein Schicksal besiegelt hat. Das schlechte Gewissen und der Drang zu helfen bringen ihn zu Leo zurück. Oder so.
... oder er hat auf seinen Reisen von irgendjemandem gehört, Engel geben einem kosmische Orgasmen und er will Gott näher sein. Dann wäre der Titel natürlich "Closer (to God)" und das Ganze wäre ein 5k smut fic über Engelsex.
Optionale alternative plot points: - Roland tötet den jungen Leo und der Schutzengel übernimmt seinen Körper - Weniger ist ein Erzengel, der Leos Handlungen auf der Erde überprüft - Leo hat keinerlei Erinnerungen daran, dass er ein Schutzengel war und geht daran zugrunde, dass er immer zu spät ist und nie rechtzeitig hilft (Boris-Adam-Finger-Situation und Jackpot Spoiler Leo [zensiert]) - Adam versucht, Leos Schutzengelheit wieder herzustellen, um wiedergutzumachen, was er damals getan hat; auch, wenn das heißt, Leo wird zurück in den Himmel bestellt – das gelingt, aber Leo darf Adam weiterhin beschutzengeln - Nichts von alledem oben, stattdessen Good Omens AU because that's how this idea started in the first place XP
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lvlystars · 2 months
13:47 — c.sc
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"not again." you groan, turning around to face yourself with yet another problem: your boyfriend is missing.
if you had a dime for every time you lost seungcheol in your 3 years of dating, you would be filthy rich. how a person could be so bad at directions is beyond you, but nevertheless, you still love him all the same.
you attempt to jump a little, trying to see if you can at least spot his bright red hair he sported recently (you urged him to dye it under the guise of saying you missed his cherry hair, but in reality, it was just to help you find him in large crowds), but to no avail, you could only see heads of brown and black hair, with a couple of hats here and there.
"OH MY-"
you jolt as you felt someone poke your waist, whipping your head around to face the culprit, and you're met with seungcheol's face, adorning a cheeky smirk as his flaming red hair softly falls over his forehead.
"i thought i lost you, princess," he pouts, pulling out something from behind him. you scowl at him, your eyes catching a glimpse of what looked like a keychain, and any thoughts of scolding him immediately wash away as you realize what he was holding.
your eyes widen as seungcheol dangles the little pochacco keychain in front of you, the character looking like it was jumping in the air, with a green wristband saying 'pochacco' on it. he hands it to you, kissing your temple as he guides you to walk forward, his arm coming down to rest on your side.
"i saw you admiring it, but you didn't say anything to me. so i just decided to buy it last minute." seungcheol smiles down at you, feigning hurt at the fact that you didn't take advantage of how much money he's willing to spend on you (aka the love of his life).
you immediately intertwine your fingers with his, bringing his hand up to peck it softly as a silent 'thank you', and seungcheol hums, softly squeezing your hand in response.
oh, how you love this man.
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wc. 361
tags 🏷️ —
@arafilez @etherealyoungk @hannieheartuu @haowrld @kyeomyun @saiiidahyunee @shuahaes @seuonji @welcometomyoasis @wqnwoos @wheeboo @yoonzinuhh @shieunviya @shaminari
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ritoryb · 9 months
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wow. just like in ff10
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miiints-repostiory · 2 months
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Cola and Pretzel Play: Stardew Valley ✨✨
I just think they're silly
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besohappilylarry · 3 months
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with you (anywhere would do)
George and Ringo are friends, who can't keep their hands off each other. Their lives are wonderfully chaotic, filled with late night parties, streams of booze and haze of cigarette smoke. But feelings get in their way and complicate everything.
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: The Beatles (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, John Lennon/Paul McCartney
Characters: George Harrison (The Beatles), Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Klaus Voormann
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Friends With Benefits, Smut, Angst, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Car Accidents, Hurt/Comfort, it sounds kind of dark but i promise its not, 1970s
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weskers-master · 1 year
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I made a thing.
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ruseyo · 1 year
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> Capturing a Fairy's Heart by Kingxiuminy on AO3
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damiemontclair · 4 days
Small publisher who's actually trying and has to fund their publication through crowdfunding: here's some freebies that will be included
Some people for no reason: I don't want to pay for your freebies, just make it cheaper.
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gradelstuff · 9 months
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Its theyyy
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aquarian-airhead · 2 months
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a-way-we-go · 10 months
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Optional als Eternal Sunshine AU
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lvlystars · 21 days
22:17 - y.jh
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“please?” you plead, clasping your hands together. your fiance looks down at you with a stern composure as you continue to look up at him with those wide, pleading eyes. he sighs, pinching his nose bridge.
within 5 minutes, you’re straddling jeonghan’s lap, your tongue stuck out in concentration as a variety of hair pins, stickers and clips were littered around his long, black hair — the long black hair he grew out for about 5 months now. you couldn’t help but smile widely from how adorable he looked.
“you’re such a kid.” jeonghan scoffs. despite scowling in his seat, jeonghan couldn’t help but feel his heart double in size, the warmth exploding in his chest. as you continue to work on your ‘masterpiece’, his hands came down to rest on your hips, his soft thumbs caressing your skin softly.
“how could i help it?” you mindlessly answer. “you look so pretty with them.” jeonghan’s face flushes as he diverts his eyes, opting to play with the ends of your shirt.
the cold metal of his engagement ring against your skin makes you shiver a little, your heartbeat quickening from how flustered you felt as he looks up at you — admiring the way your eyebrows scrunched together in concentration, admiring the way your fingers delicately brushed through his hair as you looked for another spot to stick a 3D heart sticker on his head full of sparkly accessories; admiring the love of his life.
jeonghan mulls over your words, the comfortable silence in your living room prolonging until he cheekily smiles up at you.
“oh? if it makes someone look pretty, then i bet you’ll look gorgeous. i’m doing it on you next.” he grins, lightly pinching your thigh playfully, making you roll your eyes.
time passes by with the both of you just sitting in the comforting atmosphere as you continue to work on jeonghan’s hair, adding some final touches before you felt the sleep kicking in. you were nodding off every few minutes as he held you, his grip on you tightening the slightest bit to keep you from falling off to the side of the couch.
“okay, we’re going to bed.” jeonghan mumbles, carefully standing up as he tries not to wake you, carrying you to your shared bedroom and setting you down on the bed. quietly getting under the bedsheets himself, jeonghan scoots closer to you as you instinctively reach out for him, immediately nuzzling into him. jeonghan softly smiles to himself as his arms snake around your waist, pulling you impossibly close to him as you subconsciously find warmth in him, a smile ghosting upon your lips as you fall into a deep sleep.
you couldn’t wait to do this to him every single day.
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wc. 460
tags 🏷️ —
@arafilez @etherealyoungk @fairyhaos @gyuguys @georgia-hong @hannieheartuu @haowrld @kyeomyun @saiidahyunie @starshuas @seuonji @shieunviya @welcometomyoasis @wqnwoos @wheeboo @yoonzinuhh
networks 🔗—
@preciousillusions-net @cacaokpop-fics @caratsland @k-labels
lmk if you want to be added/removed from my taglist !
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ⓒ lvlystars
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thedantagonist · 10 months
what an asshole he is.....
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lonely-night · 11 months
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they should have gone with this!!!! 
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zestyderg · 1 year
Oh also take this redesigned andrarch
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akantorrr · 11 months
I swear I'll remember to post some of my other ultrakill doodles today
I uhm
Totally won't forget, right
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