#ffvi talk
nebuvoid · 9 months
FFXV very clearly borrows some things from FFVI. would be a shame not to make use of that for an AU..
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sunsetzer · 7 months
Hot take: I actually love Edgar's constant flirting with every lady he meets because it's hilarious, and he isn't just objectifying them physically, and he isn't a dick about being rejected, and half the time when he flirts with Celes or Terra it feels like he's teasing after it's clear they're not interested, and-
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dracovish · 1 year
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final fantasy nintendo player's guide
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volos-wish · 4 months
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my mans is just standing in the corner menacingly like
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gogo finalfantasy is the secret character ever. they canonically have no gender. they live in the belly of a worm. they can't use weapons nor learn magic but they can copy every single spell or attack the other teammates use. they have no backstory. their home and age is "wrapped in mystery" but we know theyre 1.60m. they wear all the other character's clothes. they're theorized to be setzer's ex gf, shadow's ex bf and the evil emperor. they might be the boss from ffv who jumped dimentions via the rift. they're the only character who can't fix the cursed shield. they join the fight against god because they got bored of not mimicking anyone. also they have 0 impact in the plot.
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dissidiawol · 1 year
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lockescoles · 1 year
Does someone have the video of Locke in Brave Exvius in a good quality ? The one I have is very bad and I’d love to gif it 😭
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friends-w-ghosts · 4 months
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After 12 hours it’s finally finished! Someone cue up Aria di Mezzo Carattere.
I knew about this scene far before I ever played through FFVI fully from my dad. He always talked about the scene and how it was his favorite and how he loved having to remember the lines. When I finally got to play the scene myself it was a little mystical knowing I had finally played this scene that was hailed as the peak of gaming in my childhood.
The bigger than usual watermark is there because I have plans to make this piece a print! I still have to figure out where I’m going to get it printed and I need to set up a digital storefront (probably on Etsy) but let me know if you’d be interested!
EDIT: I also forgot I wanted to say thank you SO MUCH to all the new people following me I appreciate it so so much
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ff6webcomic · 4 months
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Pg.254 - I wanted to explore more the relationship between the characters - in this case, Celes and Terra knowing each other for a long time!
Celes was going to say something but she gets gets interrupted xD No time for talking! – FFVI Webcomic is a labor of love and it’s kept going strong thanks by the financial support of our patrons on Patreon. The more support the comic receives, the more pages are possible to make! With $1 or more you can keep the comic going and get access to exclusive content! If you enjoy the comic, consider becoming a patron!
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afniel · 3 months
You know, I kind of hate the chocobo chicks in FFVII Rebirth. Like that is not what a chick looks like. That's like if birds had mammalian development. They don't. A chocobo chick shouldn't look like a bobble-headed, big-eyed little chocobo. It should look like an unfledged, naked little monster with a huge beak and breastbone and feet, and not much else to its name. Or, if they do develop more like ostriches or emus or any of that sort of large ground-nesting bird, which is reasonable to assume is possible, they still shouldn't look like a whole other goddamn species.
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Like, that's cute. They don't look horrifying or anything. They just look like little fluffy adults with babie legs and necks.
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This however can die in a goddamn fire. That's not a chocobo. It's a blasphemy with a bad case of human infant skull. (Also why do they have plant butts? I don't think this is even explained?)
Like I'm loving watching my partner go through this game but there are some visual decisions that I'm like, who did this. Turn on your location. I just want to talk.
ALSO whoever decided that chocobos should sound like someone doing a bad peacock impersonation, please. Eat a fork sideways. They have gotten more and more annoying to listen to in every game where they're voiced and I hate it. Can we go back to their cute little 'prreep?' noise in FFVI or the couple of nice sounds they made in original FFVII? Those were fine. Whatever is happening now makes my ears want to perish.
I do really like that different colors have different general plumage, that's cool. I used to draw them that way, waaaaay back in high school. But the chocobo chicks are almost as bad as the toddler/koala hybrid moogles with human teeth but in a squirrel configuration...like I know they eat kupo nuts but that's just terrifying to actually see.
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meranie · 7 months
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Some friends and I were talking in The Discord about whether or not the fiercest rivals Setzie and Locke (who also happen to be Edgar's closest friends) could ever be friends. I think they'd probably bond over FFVI*.
In the WoR, it's a bit hard to get your hands on a bottle, **but** I heard a rumor that it's available year-round a certain cute little South Figaro B&B.
(*Figaro's Finest VIntage)
[yes, I am absolutely back on my bullshit]
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nebuvoid · 9 months
wait i just remembered THE best overclocked remix. FFVI songs 'Aria de Mezzo Carattere', 'Grand Finale?', 'Overture', 'The Wedding' but its QUEEN-ified. usually i shy away from sung covers but by god this is so well done 💗
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sunsetzer · 6 months
Edosetzu feels like the kind of relationship that would start as a casual friends with benefits situation but they would accidentally develop genuine feelings for one another and both have their own crises about it, because they don't want to make things awkward and ruin what they have already.
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tayasigerson · 2 days
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Wow! Look at these cards I bought! The designs are so silly and cute, like they are from a 90’s gag anime. The backs of the cards have scenes from the game.
(I wish I had those old FFVI plastic keychains. Do you know what I’m talking about?)
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volos-wish · 11 months
Thinking about... Locke and Joshua meeting...
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