#fic: they don't know (your name is already mine)
thewolvesof1998 · 6 months
IT'S HEEEERREEEE! Chapter One of They don’t know (your name is already mine) - aka Mistaken Identity, Dog Tags, Christmas fic!
Chapter 1: A Crash on Mistletoe Lane
“Sir, can you tell me your name?” Buck opens his mouth, his tongue feels like lead, “E-ed-” “Ed? Is your name Ed?” Buck shakes his head and winces when he sends a spike of pain through his head. Hands pull at his shirt and he feels the cold metal of scissors as they cut his brand new shirt. He’s supposed to be wearing that to tomorrow's Christmas Eve dinner. Eddie had said the colour makes his eyes pop. “He’s wearing dog tags…Eddie Diaz,” Buck moans, blackness at the edges of his vision seeps in, he tries to blink it away, no, they need to call Eddie, “It’s okay Eddie, we’ve got you,” is the last thing he hears before the darkness takes over.
tagged by the wonderful @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @wikiangela
tagging: @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @malewifediaz @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @mangacat201 @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @smilingbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @carrierofthepaperclips @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @thosetwofirefighters @monsterrae1 @princehattric @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @singlethread @your-catfish-friend
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joelscruff · 2 months
one of your girls (frankie morales x triple frontier boys) 18+
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a/n it's @swiftiscruff friendship exchange time!!! i'm so beyond excited to share this piece i've been working on, dedicated to my incredible friend han @swiftispunk 🌙 we brainstormed the idea for this fic months ago and it's finally somehow become something tangible - but han, if i've learned anything from writing this fic, it's how much i depend on you when it comes to so many aspects of my writing. whether it be workshopping ideas, input on characterization & dialogue, sharing snippets, etc, you are always there to lend a hand, listen, and advise. not having that this time around (because this fic has been a secret ofc!) just further proved to me what an incredibly patient, giving, caring, kind, & beautiful friend you are. i love you so much & i'm so grateful you slid in my dms one whole year ago today 💕 summary: unpacking some of frankie's old things leads to a revelation about his past. (OR to put it simply: frankie morales x triple frontier boys circle jerk 🙌) rating: 18+ explicit warnings: circle jerk (frankie/benny/santiago/will), sub!frankie, bukkake, facials, cumplay, cum swallowing, frankie is literally a cum dumpster (and loves it), praise kink galore, pet names (good boy, baby boy), dirty talk, oral (m receiving), deepthroating, cock worship, use of restraints, sexy photographs, sharing, mentions of frankie x all the boys individually (this includes tom but he's not involved in the circle jerk - sorry tom), brief mentions of anal sex (m/m), for story purposes you are frankie's current gf but it's not really the main focus...for now anyway, all of this takes place before the events of triple frontier word count: 12.2k ao3 dividers by @saradika-graphics 💙
You've been moving boxes for what feels like forever, arms aching and the sun beating hot against the back of your neck as you swipe sweat from your brow and head back into the aging, disintegrating storage unit. When Frankie had first told you about it you'd been adamant that he move his old things - locked away for almost ten years now - out of the unit and into the new house. "We don't need to be paying for storage when we have a garage", you'd said confidently, "we have a house now, Frankie. What's yours is mine."
If only you'd believed him when he'd told you it wouldn't be that easy.
"I told y-" he begins for the fourth time as you lean down to grab another box, but you snap up immediately with a finger to your lips. "Why don't I just do the rest from here?" He offers fruitlessly, "You take a break, relax in the truck for a little while."
You're already shaking your head before he's finished talking, resuming your retrieval of the large box at your feet, "No, Frankie. We do this together."
You don't have to look at him to know that he's rolling his eyes. All the same, you hear him clamoring after you with another box as he follows you from the unit and back to the truck. The sun hangs high overhead and you squint uncomfortably against it, piling the box alongside the others in the truck bed. Frankie does the same.
"I mean, what's even in all of these?" you ask exasperatedly, shoving one of the many boxes with your hand and leaning backwards against the truck, "How did you accumulate this much shit in the military? I thought minimalism was all the rage over there."
"I told you, it's not just mine," he reaches forward to brush some sweaty tendrils of hair out of your eyes, "It's the whole team's shit. Well, mostly Ben and Pope's, the others were uh-" he winches, "a little more organized, I guess."
"You guess?" you push up on your hands and seat yourself precariously on the edge of the truck bed, catching your breath. Frankie watches as you tear open the nearest box, biting down on his lip to stifle a laugh when he sees your eyes widen at what's inside.
"Paperwork?" you breathe, mouth agape, "Paperwork? That's what in all these? Fucking forms?"
"Something they don't tell you when you first join," he shrugs, "But no, that's not all that's in these. There's souvenirs, journals, photos, mission plans-" he cuts himself off and stops speaking altogether, lips clamping shut. Your brow furrows as you watch him assess the open box beside you, then the others strewn haphazardly here and there inside the truck bed, as if he's only just realized something he hadn't considered before.
He seems to shake himself from whatever stopped him, eyes still settled on the open box as he murmurs, "Um, maybe don't open any more right now."
You raise an eyebrow, "Why not?"
"Just, uh... don't."
"Well that's not ominous in the slightest."
He laughs but something about it seems off, almost forced as he reaches forward with both hands to help you down from the truck. You follow his lead, peering up at him curiously and hoping maybe he'll elaborate, explain, but instead he turns on the spot and heads back toward the storage unit, pulling you along in tow.
You decide not to press him about it for the time being. Right now, all you can think about is finishing hauling these ridiculous boxes and devouring an iced coffee on the way home.
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A week passes before you even think about the boxes again.
By that time they've been taking up residence in the garage, haphazardly placed along the concrete in unorganized disarray, exactly where you'd both left them the day you unloaded the unit. You'd been too exhausted to start unpacking and had instead collapsed on the couch, laying there with aching limbs as Frankie discarded your empty iced coffee and poured you a tall glass of water.
"Your job is done now, querida," he'd murmured softly, stroking your cheek, "I'll do the rest."
Except he hadn't. He'd pulled your feet into his lap and settled comfortably beside you on the couch, just for a moment - and then it was lights out for the both of you, boxes be damned.
Now you find yourself the following Saturday perched precariously atop your counter, fingers smeared a soft fern green as you paint the walls of your new kitchen. You only moved into this house a month ago - your first real house together; shared, owned, all that jazz. Most of that time has already been entirely dedicated to making it your own space; unpacking, decorating, furnishing, rearranging - you've been more than busy with curating this new step in both your lives.
Which is why it's not surprising that you forget about the storage unit boxes and their scatteredness in the garage, too distracted by your current ongoing tasks. You hum along to the radio as you carefully attend to the smallest crevices and spaces between the cupboards, above the stove, under the window sill. You need it to be perfect, have gone far too long living in a less than adequate apartment without much creative freedom for this house to suffer the same fate.
Of course, just as you acknowledge the desire for perfection, your hand slips. A splash of green suddenly paints the pure white window sill and your heart sinks.
"Frankie!" you call out with a groan, reaching forward to wipe the mess away and only making it worse, "Where's the white paint?"
"Should be in the garage, I think," you hear him call back from the living room, busy with his own task of painting the walls a deep maroon, "Need me to get it for you?"
"No, I got it," you slide off the counter, careful to avoid the can of green paint at your feet as you make your way to the garage. It's only when you pass the threshold off the laundry room that you finally remember the forgotten boxes, faced with them for the first time since you dropped them off.
"Dammit, Francisco," you mutter, "You said you'd take care of it."
You can't really blame him though. It really is an undertaking; you'd known that from the moment he told you about the unit to begin with. He'd wanted to keep them there, would rather continue paying the monthly fee than deal with the enormous amount of unpacking he'd have to do, but you'd pushed. Now, as you grimace at the pile of heavy boxes, you wonder if maybe he'd been right.
For now, you turn your attention to the task at hand - finding white paint. You scan the storage shelves along the walls and spot the can you're looking for on a high shelf, out of reach.
Maybe those boxes can serve a purpose today.
You shove one toward the shelf and heave another one on top, making quick work of it despite the effort. Climbing onto your makeshift stepladder, you reach for the white paint and successfully pull it to your chest, but the added weight causes your feet to dig into the box below, exposing its contents as you carefully pull yourself back down. Your eyes can't help but dart to the crushed opening, spotting what looks like a photo album peeking through.
Setting the paint down, you lower yourself onto the concrete and cross your legs, biting your lip and reaching inside the box to grab the album. It's navy blue, relatively small, lightweight. A little skim couldn't hurt.
As soon as you open the photo album you can't help but smile, met immediately with a photo of Frankie and Santiago with their arms around each other - fifteen years younger. Their eyes are alight with excitement, Frankie's cap askew and Santi's expression caught in a permanent laugh. Before, you think to yourself, this was before shit got real. You flip the page and smile wider when you see a photo of Benny and Will, caught in what must be a playful brawl with Benny's hand grabbing at Will's leg as he tries to get away. Will is grinning from ear to ear, a genuine smile you've only seen a handful of times. Yep, definitely before.
You flip through the rest of the photos with a heaviness in your heart you can't describe. You've known these boys for a handful of years, have only heard fragments of the shit they've been through together, but you know it wasn't easy, know it affected them in ways you'll never even begin to understand. Being able to see them before all that, before they became hardened and molded by pain and trauma, you can't deny the emotions that bubble in your throat.
The last page contains a group photo; Frankie is in the center, surrounded by his friends on all sides, Will and Benny turned towards him with a fond smile and a grin, Santiago with an arm around him again and his head tilted to brush against Frankie's cap, and Tom on the edge - looking a little out of place, you must admit. But then, you suppose, things haven't really changed.
You're about to close the album and return to your painting when you notice a little pocket built into the backing, hidden out of sight with a hint of white poking through. Not wanting to miss out on another good photo, you slip your finger inside and happily tug out what looks to be a polaroid, different than the others. Curiously, you flip it over.
And immediately drop it to the floor.
Suddenly you can hear Frankie's words from last week, thrumming in your mind on repeat: "Um, maybe don't open any more right now."
You hadn't understood. But now you think you do.
With slightly shaky fingers you reach down and pick up the polaroid, taking a breath before slowly flipping it over again. Lips parted, eyes wide, heart pounding, you peer down at the little photograph and try to understand what you're seeing.
A much younger Frankie - naked, save for the cap on his head and the pants around his ankles. On his knees, peering up at the camera with hooded eyes and a fucked-out expression you've become more than familiar with at this point in your relationship. But that's not what made you drop the photo, no.
His face is covered in cum. You know that's what it is, know there's nothing else it could possibly be. Thick trails of it paint his face like abstract art, dripping down his forehead and the bridge of his nose, his cheeks, his lips, his chin. It's all over him, smeared along his neck and chest bloomed red with heat and arousal. His cap is askew, cheeks flushed, and - most notable of all - he's smiling. Looking up at the camera, drenched in cum, smiling.
Frankie is bisexual; you've known this since your first date, remember how shy he'd been as he'd softly murmured, "Just so you know, I like girls and guys." It hadn't bothered you at all to know that he'd been with men in the past - in fact, you'd kind of liked that about him.
So this - this doesn't bother you. You're not bothered. You're... you don't know what you are, can't seem to pinpoint exactly how you're feeling right now as peer down at the polaroid that you were probably never supposed to find. You're not bothered, you're just... surprised. And confused. What is this doing here? Why is it hidden in an album of Frankie and his friends?
"Find it?" you suddenly hear Frankie call from the living room, and your stomach drops. You hastily stand and slip the polaroid into your back pocket, then close the album and toss it back into the box.
"Y-yeah," you call back, "I got it!"
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You try not to mention it. Try, being the operative word.
But it's all you can think about. It's all you see when you reunite with Frankie in the kitchen later that afternoon, staring at the flecks of maroon paint scattered across his face and being unable to not see smears of splattered white. It's all you see that evening as you dig into your leftover Chinese food, eyes constantly flickering across the table to watch Frankie bite and chew, lips soft and wet and definitely not leaking cum at the corners.
It's all you see that night when you settle in bed and watch as he comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, water dripping down his neck and chest not unlike the thick drops of release in the photo. You watch with hooded eyes, lips parted, heart thrumming, as he tugs the towel off and walks to the dresser with his pert ass on full display. You can't help but wonder if there'd been cum there too, leaking and dripping, hidden away because of the angle of the photo.
"I can feel you staring at me," he suddenly says with a chuckle, "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." He says it in jest but you feel your face bloom with heat, immediately averting your eyes and burying yourself beneath the sheets.
"I was not," you lie, "Get over yourself."
He laughs again and you hear him shut the dresser, probably tugging on a pair of briefs, "You've been looking at me weird all day, it's kind of freaking me out."
You want to point out that "all day" is an exaggeration, but then you'd have to admit that you have been looking at him strangely for at least a portion of it, and you really don't want to do that. Instead, you reach over and turn off the lamp on your bedside table, then nuzzle into your pillow and close your eyes, ignoring him.
"Is something wrong, baby?" you hear him ask, humor slowly dissipating from his voice, "You need to talk about anything?"
"No," you lie, your own voice betraying you immediately, "I'm fine."
You feel the bed dip beside you, feel the warmth of his palm come down to gently caress your upper arm, "You sure? Did I do something to upset you?" You can practically hear him wince as soon as he says the words, "I know, I should already know if I did. But today's been busy and-"
"You didn't do anything, Frankie," you tell him softly, "I promise."
"Then what is it?" you can hear the concern, the gentle worry as he strokes your arm up and down, "Talk to me." He sounds so kind, so tender, as always. It's so damn hard to keep anything from him. You sigh.
"I feel..." you grimace, eyes still closed, "I just feel..."
He waits for you to continue, in the meantime settling into bed beside you and tugging the sheets up over himself. You feel his warmth against your body and it immediately fills you with a sense of calm, comfort. Your heart slows a bit, breaths coming a little easier as he brings his arm down to wrap around you and pull you in close.
"How do you feel, querida?" he murmurs, "Tell me."
"Guilty," you finally breathe, and you're surprised to feel tears pricking in your eyes, "I feel guilty."
You can hear the confusion in his voice, "For what?"
"I...I saw something I shouldn't have," you admit quietly, "In one of your boxes. Something really private that you probably never ever wanted me to see and I'm so sorry." You feel his arm freeze at your side and you take a shaky breath, "And now I can't stop thinking about it even though it's absolutely none of my damn business. And I wanna ask you about it but I really have no right to, not when I wasn't even supposed to know about it in the first place, and-"
"Mierda," he groans - shit.
"I'm so sorry, Frankie" you whisper pathetically, still facing away from him, "It's all my fault and if you need me to just forget about it, I will. I promise that I will."
"Fuck," he murmurs, "No no, baby, it's not your fault, it's mine. I should have unpacked all of it myself. I knew there was shit in there you might not wanna see."
"Y-you're not mad at me?"
He buries his face in your hair, nose nuzzling against your neck, "Of course I'm not mad at you - could never be mad at you for that. What's mine is yours, remember?"
You pull away to turn and face him, expression pensive. He's looking at you with earnest eyes, no anger or betrayal to be seen, and it almost makes it worse. Because does he know? Does he realize what exactly it is that you found?
"You have um..." you bite your lip, "You have pictures, in a photo album."
He stares at you, brow furrowing. "What?"
"There was... there was a photo album in one of the boxes. And I figured I'd just flip through it, just to have a look at you when you were younger, you know? Thought it'd be nice, that there might be something we could frame for the house."
He's looking at you like you're speaking another language, confusion lining his features, "....So?"
"So... so I found..." you wince, the image flashing behind your lids again as you try to figure out how to word it, "I found a picture that I don't think you would have wanted me to see."
He's still staring at you, the cogs turning in his head but seemingly no closer to an answer. You picture him flipping through an invisible rolodex, trying to pinpoint exactly what picture you could be talking about. You're starting to realize that maybe when he'd told you to stop looking in the boxes he'd been talking about something else.
"Honestly baby, I thought you meant you looked at some of my paperwork," he admits. Bingo. "Saw some stuff we did for a mission or something. There's plans in those boxes, strategy stuff, and you know how intense some of those were, some of the..." he takes a beat, biting his lip, "some of the things we had to do."
You shake your head quickly, "It wasn't anything like that. It wasn't...it wasn't something serious, really. It was..." you take a deep breath, still unable to say the words. Instead, you reach over into your nightstand and grab the polaroid, sitting up in bed and waiting for him to join you.
"What is it?" he asks, gentle and kind as he sits up beside you, "You can tell me, baby. We can talk about it."
Your heart races but you figure there's no going back from it now, and you're not sure you'd want to keep it from him anyway. Up until this point you and Frankie have always made communication an important part of your relationship. It's been necessary considering what he's been through, what he still deals with, and it's something that you're proud of. You're just gonna have to grin and bear it.
With a sigh, you shakily hand him the polaroid.
He flips it.
And drops it.
"Oh," he gasps, hand coming up to cover his mouth, "Oh, fuck."
"It's not- I'm not-" you stutter, fumbling over your words, "It's not a big deal, really. Like, it's whatever. I know you're bi, I know you've probably sucked your fair share of dicks-"
"Oh god," Frankie moans, his hands coming up to cover his eyes, "Oh my god."
"Hey, hey, no," you reach up and try to pull his hands away from his face, desperation in your voice, "Do not hide from me, you did nothing wrong. You hear me? There's nothing wrong with this." He groans again, shaking his head, but you just keep on talking, "I'm not mad about it or anything, it'd be pretty fucked up for me to mad about it actually. I'm just- hey," you continue to pry at his fingers, "Francisco, look at me."
Slowly, hesitantly, he finally removes his hands from his eyes to peer at you. You can see the embarrassment there, the humiliation - and not the good kind, not the kind he likes.
"Hey," you whisper, "You don't have to talk about this. We can pretend I never even saw it if that's what you want," you bring his hands down and hold them tightly, squeeze them in your own, "I just... I just wanted you to know that I saw it. And that I was just a little curious about why it was in an album from your military days. That's it. That's all."
His eyes fall back to the flipped polaroid on the bed, the back of it facing the both of you. You watch as he slowly reaches forward to pick it up again with his index and middle finger, pulls it upwards and turns it around to see it again.
Out of respect for him, you don't look at it. You just watch his face, his expression. He looks.... thoughtful.
"Talk to me," you whisper, voice breaking, "Please."
He looks from the polaroid to you, then back to the polaroid. After taking a steadying breath, he places it back down onto the bed between the two of you, face up. Your eyes spot his cum-covered face again, frozen forever in time, and you quickly avert your gaze.
He notices, and gives you a small half smile. You return it tenfold.
"Well, it.." he starts, taking another breath, "It was just something that.. we just started-" he cuts himself off, smile turning to a frown as he formulates his words. "It started..."
"Hey," you breathe, reaching down to squeeze his hands again, "Take your time."
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It started as a way to blow off steam - that's it. Simple, easy.
They'd all gotten to know one another during training, spent time shooting the shit and building friendships with each other. There had been such a sense of belonging, of fortified brotherhood, a pull toward one another that none of them could deny. So it was unsurprising when their teamwork and comradery resulted in their placement into a special task force, just the five of them against the world - or, rather, the enemy.
But it was stressful. Going from basic military training to special ops added a new layer of pressure and competence that they hadn't experienced before, and it was no walk in the park. Things got harder, more pressing, more important. And all they had, like always, was each other.
So it made sense one night, for Frankie anyway, to offer Santiago a blowjob.
He'd heard the stiff grunts from the bed beside him, the dry - too dry - slap of skin as Santi worked at himself beneath the thin sheet of his bunk. It wasn't abnormal for Frankie to overhear one of his buddies masturbating; in fact it would have been abnormal to not hear it. He'd gotten used to the different sounds they'd each make as they gripped their cocks, hidden away in the dark, and pumped themselves to completion. He had memorized the sounds of their breathing, the grunts and the whines, the soft moans of their orgasms.
But it was never something that was discussed. It was an unspoken rule, almost: what happens in the bunks stays in the bunks. So Frankie had never even considered crossing that line, especially because he was pretty sure he was the only one in the group who liked dudes - something everyone was only vaguely aware of.
There was something about the desperation in Santi's movements that night, in the sweat on his brow and the pained expression on his face. He'd gotten reprimanded earlier that day for failing a training mission, been yelled at by two commanding officers while the rest of the boys looked on with regret in their hearts. If one of them failed, they all felt as if they'd failed too. Santi hadn't spoken to anyone for the rest of the day, had eaten in silence and then retired to his bunk much too early. And now, hours later here he was, hand around his cock, trying to forget.
And Frankie wanted to help.
"Pope," he'd whispered under his breath, just loud enough for Santiago to hear. Santi had turned his head slightly, eyebrows raising when he realized he'd been caught in the act. He'd been about to say something, defend himself maybe, but Frankie had shook his head and continued, "Need some help?"
A look of confusion. "Help?"
Frankie's eyes had wandered to the shape of Santi's lower half beneath the sheet, then back up to meet his gaze.
"Yeah," he'd murmured earnestly, "Help."
Santi had stared at him for a few seconds, brow furrowed, chest heaving. His hand was frozen under the sheet, gripping firmly to his hard cock as he'd considered Frankie's offer. Someone else might have hurled hurtful words, another might have ignored him completely.
But Santi took a deep breath and leaned back, closed his eyes and breathed, "Go ahead."
Frankie had been under the sheet in minutes.
Tucked away, hidden in case any of the other guys woke up, Frankie sucked slowly on his friend's cock. He wasn't sure how much Santi wanted to see of him, figured maybe he'd have his eyes closed as he pictured someone else, maybe that girl he liked from back home, but it didn't matter to Frankie - what mattered most was helping his friend forget about the shitty day he'd had. He treated Santi's cock like something to be worshipped, swallowing and licking around the big shape of him, warm and thick in his mouth. And when Santi came, it was only moments after Frankie had started.
His hands came down to grip Frankie's curls, tugging and pulling as he'd groaned and spilled down his friend's throat. And Frankie had swallowed every drop.
"Francisco," Santi had murmured when Frankie pulled off his cock with a pop, a drop of cum leaking from the corner of his mouth as he peered up at Santi from beneath the sheet, "You've been holding out on me."
With a smile, Frankie had licked the cum away and placed a gentle, reverent kiss to the wet head of Santi's cock. Santi had watched with hooded eyes, let Frankie kiss him there a few more times, let him trail his nose along his thick shaft and inhale deeply at the base. Hands still carding through his hair, Santi had let him mouth at his cock for a few more minutes before softly telling him he should get back in his bunk.
"Just trying to savor it," Frankie had whispered, voice a little sad, a little broken.
"You'll do it again," Santi had replied, reveling in the way Frankie's eyes widened, a smile lighting up his face.
And he did do it again - the following night. He'd been a little hesitant, unsure if Santiago had really meant what he said. But after the others had fallen asleep and Frankie was still just lying there, waiting, he'd heard a soft pssst sound. He'd looked over to see Santi sitting up in bed with a smirk on his face and one hand already beneath the sheet, tugging at his dick.
He stuffed his mouth with Santi's cock every night that week. It was almost feral the way he drank him down, eyes rolling as his lips kissed Santi's pubic hair and his tongue laved the shaft of his cock up and down, up and down. Drool cascaded from his lips all over his friend's belly, and he whined softly over and over whenever his curls were tugged, his temples stroked. Santi would talk to him softly, murmur the quietest little praises that made Frankie insane with need. That's it, there you go. You take what you need, Francisco. And then he'd come down his throat, fill his stomach with it, and whisper, "Good boy."
It was filthy, but it wasn't wrong. Not one part of it felt wrong. And Santiago never once made him feel like it was a shameful secret they were keeping, like the others finding out would be the end of the world. And it's good that he'd maintained that stance, because soon enough, Benny was in on it too. They should have seen it coming, considering his bunk was directly above Santi's.
"Can you give me one, maybe?" he'd asked Frankie awkwardly one night, voice quiet and slightly nervous as he leaned over the bars of the bunk bed, "I've been... I've been listening to it every night and it's driving me fuckin' crazy that I don't know what it feels like."
"Are you saying you've never had a blowjob, Ben?"
Benny had rolled his eyes, "Of course I've had a fuckin' blowjob, idiot. I've just never had a... a you know..." he'd shrugged, "A Frankie blowjob."
"It's good," Santi had said nonchalantly, tugging off his shirt and climbing into his bunk, "He's fucking incredible, actually."
Frankie had preened at the praise, cheeks reddening. An hour later he'd climbed up into Benny's bunk and deepthroated his cock for a solid fifteen minutes. Benny was breathless, chest blooming with heat as he watched Frankie suck and drool, gagging every so often but immediately resuming his sloppy ministrations as soon as he'd caught his breath.
"Look at that," Benny had marveled softly, "Look at that."
"I told you," they'd both heard Santi whisper from below, "He's a fucking godsend."
"I'm gonna cum down your fuckin' throat, Frankie," Benny had groaned, and no sooner were the words out that he was following through, spurting slow and steady into Frankie's mouth. He gripped the back of his head, watched Frankie swallow, and then whispered, "Good boy". Oh, he really had been listening.
Sated and warm with wet and sticky briefs, Frankie had climbed back into bed with a new appreciation for Benny.
As if two wasn't enough, Will got involved shortly after that. Of course Benny had unsurprisingly spilled the beans to his brother, which lead to Frankie climbing atop his own bunk one night to join Will, who'd been a bit unsure. It was as if he thought a prank was being pulled on him, like it was all bullshit, but he didn't say no.
"Been wonderin' what you three were gettin' up to," he'd muttered, watching Frankie a bit dubiously, brow furrowed, arms crossed, "Ben says you're, uh... good."
"I'm good," Frankie had promised softly, bringing his hands down to tug at Will's boxers, "Promise."
Will had watched as Frankie brought his already hardening cock out of his underwear, kissed the tip gently and then brought it into his mouth. "Oh fuck," he'd heard Will gasp out, immediately reaching up to cup the back of Frankie's head. And then there were three.
But three stayed three. Tom did find out about it, considering every single night somebody seemed to be getting their dick sucked. Any discreetness had gone out the window, especially when two of them would jack themselves off to the sounds of Frankie slurping and sucking, groans and the heavy slap of skin echoing throughout the large room. But despite the knowledge of what his friends were doing, the leader of the group was seemingly disinterested in having a go with Frankie.
There was one disastrous evening wherein the others managed to convince Tom to give it a shot. But Frankie bobbed on his cock for a solid five minutes before realizing he just wasn't getting him hard, and Tom had pushed him away and turned in bed with a low sigh.
"It's just not for me, Fish," he'd muttered, "Pretend it never happened."
"He doesn't know what he's missing," Santi had murmured ten minutes later as he watched Frankie suckle on the leaking tip of his cock, "Huh, Francisco? Doesn't know you've got the mouth of an angel, huh?"
Frankie had continued to suck, eyes closed, breathing deeply in and out as Santi stroked his hair.
Things were easier for a while after that. The training was strenuous, oftentimes near impossible, but there was always pleasure at the end of it, always something to look forward to. Every night Frankie would take up residence in someone's bunk, usually after a quick game of rock paper scissors or a straw draw. Each of his friends were different in their own way, and Frankie took a lot of joy in being able to have those moments with them, be what they needed. It felt like he was floating, dreaming; he'd never realized how badly he wanted to be submissive like this until it actually happened. Being their shared prize, their plaything, it was fucking incredible.
Sometimes he'd have all three in one night. He'd deepthroat Benny's cock and swallow him down, then stagger to Will's bunk and do the same. With his own erection aching in his underwear he'd finally crawl in with Santi and allow his closest friend to pull down his briefs and notch the head of his cock into his ass. Santi was the only one who fucked him, the only one who held him close afterwards and sometimes fell asleep with him.
"You my good boy, Francisco?" he'd murmur in Frankie's ear as he fucked him slow and deep, fingers digging into his hips beneath the sheets, "You like feelin' that cock in your ass?"
And god, did he ever.
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The first real mission was brutal.
It was tame compared to the things they'd eventually do, but for what it was, they were stressed out of their minds. They spent weeks planning, training, preparing. They'd find themselves so tired at the end of the day that their nighttime habits became a thing of the past, if not something that only happened once in a blue moon. And in its own way the lack of it had begun to affect everything else, their comradery, their abilities, their drive. The day before the mission was set to begin, Benny stood up at dinner and proclaimed, "We've gotta get our shit together."
"Sit down, our shit is together," Tom grumbled, "We're gonna be fine."
"We are not gonna be fine," Benny argued, expression genuinely fearful, "We're gonna fail the whole fuckin' thing and then we're out on our asses."
"There's truth to that, you know there is," Will pointed out as he pulled Benny back down, "There's somethin' missing here. We're not on our A game."
"What, 'cause Morales isn't getting sucked and fucked?"
Frankie's head had gone up, ears tinging pink as he looked over at Tom along with everybody else. There had been a beat of silence, and then-
"Nobody said that," Santi had stated calmly, "And don't be a dick."
"I'm not being a dick. It's fine what you all get up to in your own time, whatever. But it's not the be-all and end-all of our fucking team," he'd shrugged and looked at Santi with a frown, "I mean, come on, Pope. We're prepared, with or without the extracurriculars."
"We are," Santiago had agreed with a nod, turning to Benny, "It's gonna be fine, man. The nerves are just kicking in now but that's normal. We've trained for this, we're ready."
But Frankie could tell he wasn't being entirely truthful.
That night, despite the tiredness of the last day of training and the anxiety of what was to come - Frankie found a solution. He told Santi first, whispered it to him in his bunk and grinned at the expression on his friend's face, awestruck and aroused all at once.
"You're sure?" Santi asked him quietly.
"I'm sure. I think it'll help us de-stress."
Santi had leaned forward and tilted Frankie's cap up, pressed a firm kiss to his forehead and murmured, "Me sigues sorprendiendo, Francisco." You continue to surprise me.
A moment later he was climbing the ladder of Santi's bunk, coming face to face with Benny. "You wanna do something kinky?"
The younger man's eyebrow raised, "Kinkier than usual?"
"A blowjob is not kinky, Ben."
"Getting one from a guy is."
Frankie rolled his eyes and went to pull himself back down the ladder but Benny stopped him, reaching out to touch his wrist.
"What'd you have in mind?"
And that's how he'd ended up on his knees.
Will and Benny stood on either side of Santiago, all three men looking down at their submissive friend with unbridled arousal in their expressions, dark and anticipatory. There was silence at first, not necessarily awkward but full of a definite tension that was more than palpable.
"Tie him up," Santi murmured to Benny. Frankie's eyes went hooded almost immediately, lips parting as he peered up at his friends and felt his heart pound at the thought of what Santi was asking.
"How so?"
"His hands," Santi clarified, "There's some string in the first aid kit, tie his hands behind his back so he can't touch himself."
Benny followed his orders without question, heading toward the bathroom to grab the kit while Will gave Santiago a confused look. "Why can't he touch himself?"
Santi smiled, tilting his head a bit and peering down at Frankie's already debauched form. He walked forward and kneeled down in front of him, levelling with him as he reached for his waistband.
"'Cause he likes it," Santi murmured, "Haven't you noticed something about Frankie in all the months we've been doing this?" As he spoke he pulled down Frankie's pants to his knees, exposing his bare thighs to the room. He was already hard, the long shape of his cock protruding from his black briefs. "He doesn't touch himself," he continued softly, stroking his thumb gently against the V of Frankie's hips, "He always comes in his pants when he sucks our dicks."
Hearing the words aloud, stated so matter-of-factly, Frankie realized in that moment how fucking well Santiago had come to know him. Not once had Frankie voiced this, told him anything about what he really liked, what he craved. And yet here he was, having his desires told directly to him, like it was the most casual thing in the world.
"And when he gets fucked," Santi continued, fingers trailing downward to ever so gently cup Frankie's cock, "He only lets me touch it. Ain't that right, Francisco?"
Frankie nodded slowly, a lump forming in his throat.
"Why?" Will asked again - always wanting clarification, an explanation.
"'Cause it feels good, doesn't it, Frankie?" Santi cooed, releasing Frankie's bulge and bringing his hand up to place a finger under his chin, "Feels so good to come untouched, huh? Feels good to let go when you've got a dick in your mouth, to fall asleep with your underwear all wet and your cock all sticky?"
Frankie nodded again, cheeks blooming pink. He felt someone behind him pick up his hands, start tying them together - Benny.
"Come to think of it, I've never seen his cock," Benny admitted, voice already rough with anticipation, "I mean... I guess I had other things on my mind."
"He's got a fucking great cock," Santi murmured, "Why don't you show 'em, Francisco? Let 'em see what you've been hiding under here, huh?" His finger dug into the band of Frankie's briefs, and all Frankie could do was nod again, unable to speak with the way his thoughts had begun to melt away, brain going fuzzy.
Benny finished tying his hands and walked in front of him again to stand alongside Santi, eyebrows going up when he watched Frankie's cock be freed from the confines of his underwear. It stood at attention immediately, long and hard, pink and flushed at the tip. It smacked wetly against his belly, balls hanging heavy and full as Santi pulled his briefs down entirely.
"Now look at that pretty cock," Santi breathed, almost just for Frankie alone, "Look how it's dripping."
And it was dripping, already pulsing and bobbing against his belly button with every rise and fall of his chest. The three men watched in silence for a moment as Frankie took deep breaths, his cock twitching and stuttering in front of them without being touched, simply exposed to the cool air of the room and their interested gazes.
"I kinda wanna...." Benny started to say, but trailed off, blushing a bit as he took a step away from his brother.
"I'll stay between you," Santi offered quickly, "Pull 'em out, it's fine."
There was no more hesitation after that. Frankie watched under his lashes as his three friends reached into their pajama pants and pulled out their cocks. Will was still mostly soft, though you could tell he was starting to harden with the sudden gravity of the situation. Benny was already stiff and leaking as he fisted his own, and Santiago's hung heavy and thick between his legs as he carefully circled the head with his thumb.
"We're gonna come all over your face, Frank," Benny told him quietly as he jerked his cock slowly up and down, "You know that, right? You're sure you're cool with that?"
It was like he was underwater, still unable to speak; he hadn't said one word since he'd gotten on his knees. It was as if the submissive part of him had taken over completely, mind going blank.
"Say yes or no, Fish," Will said, voice strained as he squeezed himself gently, "Wanna hear it."
"Yes," Frankie had finally managed to whimper, knees trembling against the cold floor, "Yes, please."
Santi grinned, "Well boys, I think we got our answer," He tilted his head again to eye Frankie from where he stood, "Let's get a little closer, shall we? I think he wants us up close and personal."
Within a few seconds Frankie was suddenly face to face with three cocks - it was like fucking Christmas morning. His mouth popped open and drool immediately began to collect in the corners of his mouth, eyes trailing back and forth to look at absolutely everything he could. He stared at the weeping tips, the fat heads, the thick shafts where his friends pumped and fisted. Without any thoughts in his brain he opened his mouth and laid his tongue flat against his lower lip, staring at Benny's cock - arguably the biggest - with pleading eyes.
"Yeah, you wanna suck on it, don't you?" Benny asked, a smile in his voice, "You go ahead, Fish. Suck that cock."
He did not need telling twice. His lips wrapped around the pink mushroom head of Benny's cock and his eyes rolled back as he began to suck, tongue lapping at the tip and devouring everything it had to offer. God he loved having his mouth full, loved hearing Benny's groans as he pushed his head forward and enveloped more and more of the cock in front of him, began to slide his lips up and down the shaft and cover it in his saliva.
"So pretty with a cock in your throat, Francisco," Santi told him, voice full of praise as he watched Frankie sink down even further on Benny's cock, 'til his nose was buried in his pubic hair. "Tell him how pretty he is, Benny. He wants to hear it."
Frankie anticipated some hesitance, maybe even a sarcastic comment, but Benny did no such thing. Instead, Benny's hand came up to cup the back of Frankie's head, holding him still on his cock as he breathed, "You're so pretty, Frankie."
A high keen of a whine made it's way from Frankie's throat, vibrated around the cock in his mouth. Benny trembled a bit, tangling his fingers in his hair and helping him bob a few more times before pulling him off completely. Frankie gasped for breath, tears in his eyes as he stared up at his friends.
"Your turn," Santi murmured quietly to Will, "Stuff him full."
"He fuckin' loves being stuffed," Will replied with a low chuckle, yanking Frankie forward by his hair and shoving his now fully hard cock into his mouth. It was the kind of rough Frankie was already well acquainted with when it came to Will, and he welcomed it with gratitude. He closed his eyes and allowed Will's cock to sink into his mouth like Benny's had, then swallowed around it, tightening the walls of his throat and gagging around the large intrusion.
"Yeah, choke on it, baby," Will muttered, gripping both sides of Frankie's head with a groan, "Baby boy."
Baby boy. That was a new one, especially from Will, but Frankie certainly wasn't complaining. He swallowed around him again, feeling his own cock bob against his stomach as he continued to worship Will's dick. There was only so much of the sensation that Will could take, and before long he too was pulling out of Frankie's mouth and resuming his slow strokes, breathing heavily.
"M'your baby boy," Frankie murmured to the three of them, Will's words still echoing in his mind. His voice was already completely shot, rough and scratchy from the two large cocks that had invaded his throat.
"You are," Santiago cooed, leaning forward to gently tap the head of his own cock against Frankie's bottom lip, "You're our baby boy, Frankie. Our good, pretty, perfect boy, huh?"
Yes, Frankie wanted to whisper, it's all I am. It's all I wanna be. But his mouth was already being filled a third time, this time by Santi's cock - the thickest of the three. His vision blurred with tears as it stretched his lips, the masculine taste dripping on the back of his tongue and down his throat. He'd had Santi's cock in his mouth the most out of everyone's; had fallen asleep a few times suckling on the tip of it while Santi murmured praise, like a comfort, a constant.
He knew exactly what Santi liked, what he didn't, how to tease him, how to get him there. Immediately, Frankie curled his tongue around the wide head, dipped the tip of it into Santi's slit and carefully fucked it in and out while suctioning the rest. He kept his eyes open this time even though they burned with tears, allowing himself to meet Santiago's gaze just how he knew he liked it.
"Oh, good boy," Santi praised softly, thumbing Frankie's cheeks and letting the head of his cock sit just inside the wet heat of his mouth, "Suckin' on that cock like it's my thumb, huh? Just how you like it?"
Now that was something unbeknownst to Benny and Will. They knew Santi liked to fuck Frankie sometimes, but they didn't know much about the logistics, the positioning, the way it worked. More often than not, Frankie would suck on Santi's thumb when he was being fucked, liked the feeling of having both his holes full at the same time. It felt complete somehow, safe. God, what would it feel like now if Santi were to fuck him and let Benny or Will fuck his throat? What would it feel like to be truly filled up like that, the way he'd always imagined? His cock twitched against his belly again, still untouched, still pulsing, and he moaned around Santi's cock.
"I think our baby boy needs a little break," Santi murmured softly, "Shh, it's okay, Frankie, it's alright," he slowly pulled his cock from Frankie's lips and allowed him to catch his breath, chest heaving. He felt multiple hands petting his hair, stroking his cheeks, thumbing his temples. Someone brushed one of his nipples, pinched it ever so gently and then did the same to the other one.
"Sweet little things," Will murmured, and that answered that.
"He really is a fucking godsend, Pope," Benny breathed, disbelief and awe playing at the edge of his voice, "Softest mouth I've ever felt."
"His eyes are what get me," Santi replied, and Frankie felt him take his cap off and toss it to the side, then a pair of lips kiss his forehead, "He's got the prettiest brown eyes, look so beautiful when he's got that wet mouth all full."
The way they talked about him, like he wasn't even there, like he was just a toy, something to play with, an object - it was so much. It was too much. He leaned back on his haunches and whimpered, eyes fluttering open as he looked up at his friends, still standing in front of him with their now very wet cocks in their hands.
"Put them on my face," he begged, voice broken and haggard, "All of them, please."
"Fuck," Benny gasped out, and without hesitation he placed the entire length of his cock along Frankie's cheek and forehead, tapping it a few times and hissing, "There you go. There it is, baby boy."
"You go around the other side," Santi told Will, knowing he wouldn't want to touch Benny's cock, "Put yours upside down on his other cheek, I'll go middle."
Benny was still slapping Frankie's face gently with his cock, hissing and groaning out words of praise. Santi slapped his own down across the center of his face, along his nose and lips. His cock settled up against Benny's, and for the shortest of seconds Frankie noted that they rubbed them together without speaking, without looking at each other. Will joined them on the other side, his balls hanging low on Frankie's forehead and his tip jutting out near his chin. Three cocks, side by side, covering their friend's entire face.
"Slap him with them, he likes that," Benny said through gritted teeth, doing it again and again and reveling in the whimpers and whines Frankie was making below them, "Ohhh, he fuckin' loves that."
"I don't think I can last," Will spit, voice more strained than it had been before, "This is too much, I'm gonna blow my whole fuckin' load any minute now."
"No one's stopping you," Santi encouraged, "Doesn't matter when we come, what matters is we do it all over his face. Cover him with it."
"Oh, he's gonna be fuckin' drenched," Benny groaned, eyes closing as he stilled his slapping movements to hold back his own orgasm. His voice was wild now, desperate, "I wanna come in his mouth, I call dibs."
"You hear that, Frankie, baby?" Santi murmured with a sly smile, "Benny called dibs on filling your mouth."
Frankie wouldn't have responded even if he could, just let out another whimpering moan and dropped his jaw, lolled his tongue out so his friends could take turns tapping the heads of their cocks against it. He was covered in precum, felt it dribbling down his chin and forehead, collecting behind his teeth and dripping down the back of his throat.
"Let him suck," Will hissed, "Let him suck mine one more time." At his words, Benny and Santi moved out of the way as best they could, Santi tapping Frankie's eyelid with his cock while Benny smeared more precum into his forehead. They watched as Frankie carefully suckled Will's tip into his mouth, closed his lips around him and hummed.
"Put it in your throat, baby boy," Will told him firmly, "Swallow around it, there you go. Thaaat's a good boy."
Gurgling sounds were coming from Frankie's gag reflex but he didn't stop or pull away, kept doing exactly what he knew Will needed as he swallowed him down. It took barely any time at all for it to be too much for Will to handle, and before any of them knew it he was pulling out and pumping his cock furiously over Frankie's face. Benny and Santi stepped back - they all knew what was coming.
"Don't come in his mouth, I called dibs," Benny warned, and Frankie could have sworn he heard Santiago chuckle.
"Keep your eyes closed, Fish," Will muttered, directly in front of him now as the wet sounds of his fist slipping up and down his cock filled the room, "Gonna paint that pretty little face and those sweet little nipples."
Franke whimpered, keeping his eyes closed as he continued to listen to what was going on around him. He could hear Santi and Benny still jerking themselves a few steps away, but Will's grunts and groans were the most prominent, the most present. And only a few seconds later he felt the first splash of cum hit his face - his left cheek.
"There it is," Santi egged Will on, "There he goes."
Another rope of cum landed on his forehead, dripped down onto his eyebrow. Then another on his chin. He listened as Will let out one more groan, still pumping his cock as he aimed at Frankie's bare chest. He felt two more spurts trickle down both of his nipples, sensitive and hard, and that was it.
"Fuck," Will groaned, satisfaction plain as day in his voice, "Fuck, Frankie."
He opened his eyes and was met with Will's cock, tight in his fist. Without hesitation he leaned forward and brought the tip gently into his mouth, licking off the excess cum as Will brought his hand down to play with Frankie's curls. He sucked for a few seconds, placed a soft kiss to the tip - his favorite spot - and then looked up to meet Will's gaze, a dazed little smile playing on his lips.
"Give it one more little kiss, baby boy," Will murmured, "Just one more." Frankie did as he was told, eyelashes fluttering as he kissed the sticky tip once more, and then Will was backing up to let Santi and Benny back into their spots.
"You're a good boy, Fish," he murmured, tucking himself back into his pants. "Mind if I watch the rest?"
"Please stay," Frankie managed to breathe, and the movement of his face caused some of the cum in his eyebrow to trickle downwards, dipping into the crevice of his nose. Will smiled and nodded, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall to observe.
"Won't be much longer now, Francisco," Santi told him softly, shuffling forward to carefully fill Frankie's mouth again with his dick. He watched with fascination as Frankie slowly bobbed on it, like muscle memory as he breathed evenly through his nose. "M'close. I think Benny's close too."
"You look so fuckin' good with all that cum on your face," Benny told him, voice almost pained, "Gonna look even better with more."
Surprisingly, Frankie pulled off Santi's dick without being told to do so and peered over at Benny with hunger in his eyes, "Can you... can I..." he cut himself off, going bright red as he looked back to Santi for reassurance.
"What is it, baby?" Santi asked softly, brow furrowing, "You good? You need to take a break?"
Frankie shook his head quickly, "N-no, I just...I..." he bit his lip and hoped his sudden idea wasn't about to be shot down, "Can you put them both in at the same time?"
A beat of silence. Then-
"Fuck," Benny groaned, "Fuck, that's hot." There was no doubt in Frankie's mind now that Benny had quite liked having his dick so close to Santi's, so it made him grin when Benny moved forward to stand beside his friend and jut his cock out toward Frankie's mouth.
"Open up, Fish."
Dropping his jaw once again and staring wide eyed up at his teammates, cum still fresh and sticky all over his face, Frankie allowed Benny and Santi to slide both their cocks into his waiting mouth. The feeling was insane. The taste was insane. All masculine and heady and musky and wet, the smell of sweat and raw sex invading his nostrils as they both pushed their dicks further in alongside each other. Frankie felt two hands in his hair, one of Santi's and one of Benny's, holding him still.
"Oh fuck, I need a picture of this," Benny groaned, blinking furiously as he peered down at where he and Santi's dicks jutted out from Frankie's mouth. "Will, grab Pope's camera, I'm serious. I need to remember this."
As Will made his way to the bunks, Frankie continued to blink slowly and languidly, tongue almost lazily swirling along the fat heads of the two big cocks in his mouth. They were dripping everywhere, warm and sticky, layering the back of his tongue with all of their arousal. And he was so fucking overwhelmed.
"Two cocks," Santi breathed, thumbing a bit of Will's cum that had begun to dry on Frankie's cheek, "Two fat cocks for Frankie, huh?"
"Look at how his lips stretch," Benny added, pushing his cock in the tiniest bit further to watch how Frankie's mouth adjusted to the size, "S'like he was made for it."
"He was made for it," Santi agreed softly, pushing some hair out of Frankie's face and tucking it behind his ear, "Huh, Francisco? Were you made for this?"
Another slow blink and an even slower nod, careful not to dislodge the appendages in his mouth. Benny assessed the door Will had left through and then hesitated for a moment before turning to Santi and whispering, "You feel good, Pope," under his breath.
"So do you," Santi replied with a smile, "Y'got a nice dick."
Benny seemed a bit flustered, avoiding Santiago's gaze as he muttered, "Thanks."
Will rejoined them a few seconds later, Santiago's polaroid camera in hand. Frankie watched with pleasure as Will brought the camera over his head and faced it downwards, preparing the shot.
"Chipmunk cheeks," Will murmured fondly, snapping the picture with a smile, "This'll do great for the annual Christmas card, huh boys?" It was a joke of course; they all knew that what was happening right would more than likely never leave the base, but Santi and Benny laughed nonetheless, pushing their cocks just a little bit more into Frankie's mouth.
"He's full," Benny murmured, "All filled up."
"Not entirely," Santi chuckled, "But close enough."
Their teasing words, their smiles and their laughs, it was making Frankie crazy. His untouched cock was still bobbing on its own accord, twitching and dripping as they talked about him like he wasn't even there. He was going to come soon, he just knew it, and the thought alone made him whine around his friend's dicks, his eyes rolling back.
"Shh, it's okay, Francisco," Santi reassured him softly, "Just give us one more minute to enjoy this, okay? Will's gonna take a few more pictures. You just stay still and keep suckin' on those cocks."
"You got this, Fish," Benny murmured, "You can do it, you're a good boy."
I am, Frankie thought to himself as he closed his eyes and heard the snap of another photo, I am a good boy.
Will took two more pictures with the camera so they'd each have one, tugging the polaroids out as they developed and waving them in the air. This was better than any porno magazine they'd ever be able to stow away, something real and raw, perfect spank bank material.
"I want the first one, where his eyes are open," Santi told Will when he was done, "Calling dibs."
"You got it."
Finally, Benny and Santi pulled themselves slowly out of Frankie's mouth, leaving him nothing but a drooling, lightheaded mess on his knees in front of them. He gasped for breath, head going down as he coughed and spluttered. He felt Will's hands patting his back, helping him through it as his chest heaved.
"Gonna come all over that pretty face, Fish," he heard Benny groan, "Open that mouth again, gonna fill it up."
With all the strength he could muster, Frankie tilted his head up and shakily opened his mouth again. His jaw was sore and aching but he knew he could last a little longer, knew he could give his friends what they needed before he collapsed in a heap on the floor. He watched as Benny jerked his cock in front of his face, watched the way his precum bubbled and spilled at the tip before being replaced with ropes and ropes of hot cum. If Benny was known for anything when it came to their little extracurriculars, it was certainly the ridiculous amount of spend he was able to produce.
"Right in the back of his fuckin' throat," he groaned, watching as it spurted into Frankie's open mouth, "Knew I had perfect aim." He redirected the head of his cock to further paint more of Frankie's face, covering him with thick white all over his cheeks and lips. "Don't swallow it, Fish," he managed to moan out, "Keep aaaall of it in there for me like the good boy you are."
A few more spurts along his neck and chest, one more in his mouth, and then Benny was tapping the head of his cock against Frankie's tongue again, watching as the last few drops spilled out onto it. Frankie peered up at him with heavy lids, a low moan emitting from the back of his throat.
"Yeah," Benny breathed, tapping his tongue again, "That's for you, s'all for you." He pulled his cock out and took a step back, nodding toward Santi, "Go ahead, man. I think he's spent."
"He'll be okay," Santi said softly, shuffling in front of Frankie again and pressing the sticky tip of his cock to the corner of his cum-filled mouth, "Huh, baby? Can you last a little longer? Just a few more minutes for me?" Frankie nodded and he smiled, "Open wide, baby boy."
"Come on, I don't want him to swallow it yet," Benny said a little exasperatedly as Santi slipped the head of his cock past Frankie's lips, the tiniest bit of Benny's cum dribbling from the left corner of his mouth.
"He won't swallow," Santi murmured, "He's just gonna get my dick a little wet." He looked up to share a knowing look with Benny, like a little secret between them, and Benny turned bright red.
At his words, Frankie swirled Benny's cum around the head of Santi's cock, coating it in the salty substance. He gazed up into Santi's eyes as he did it, almost like he was silently whispering to him, pleading; I'm ready now, I'm ready for you to give it to me.
"Okay, Francisco," Santi whispered, just for him, "Lo has hecho tan bien." You've done so well.
He pulled out of Frankie with a pornographic squelching sound and began to work Benny's cum and Frankie's saliva up and down the length of his cock, still staring directly into Frankie's deep brown eyes. He bit down on his bottom lip, brows furrowing as he brought himself closer and closer to the edge.
"Ask for it," he said quietly, edged with something unhinged.
"Please," Frankie breathed, voice garbled and muffled by the cum in his mouth and the ache in his throat, "Please come on me, Santi."
And that was enough.
"Mierda," Santi groaned out, stomach tensing as his thick cock twitched in his grasp. Frankie didn't close his eyes this time, kept them locked onto Santi's as cum drenched his face. It splashed along his cheek and nose in short bursts, dripped down his neck and collected in the corners of his mouth. Without being able to help it, he popped his mouth open one final time to allow Santi to add more cum to the cocktail on his tongue.
"Christ," Will muttered a few steps away, "Would ya look at that?"
"This," Benny sighed, a smile in his voice, "This is what we needed. Fuck Redfly, man."
In any other circumstance Santiago probably would have smacked Benny on the back of the head for disrespecting the team leader, but he was a little more than preoccupied at the moment. He was still staring down into Frankie's eyes, lost in a daze as Frankie tugged him back into his mouth with his tongue and sucked the last remaining spurt of cum from the tip of his cock.
"C'mere, watch him swallow," Santi gestured for the others to join him, and they all resumed their positions in front of Frankie with heavy lidded eyes as they watched him suck.
"Show us first," Benny murmured, "Come on, Fish, show us what's in your mouth, huh?"
Releasing Santi's cock with a pop, Frankie carefully opened his mouth to show his friends the pool of cum swirling on his tongue, dripping down into the soft pockets of his cheeks. Practically in awe, they all stared as he played with it, twisted his tongue back and forth and moving the thick globs of cum from one side of his mouth to the other.
"Swallow," Santi whispered, and Frankie obeyed.
It felt like heaven going down his throat, thick and warm. His eyes rolled a little, tongue darting behind his teeth to lick any that he'd missed, swallowing again and then dropping his jaw to show them his clean tongue, mouth empty.
"Good boy."
They stood there in silence for a moment, almost in reverence. Frankie was a mess, covered in three thick loads of spend and still on his knees with his cock bobbing against his stomach. He was so aroused it was almost painful, the head of his cock pulsing along with his heartbeat as he waited for an order, a command. He whined a little, waiting for someone to do something.
"Untie him," Santi finally told Benny with a smirk, "I think he's ready now."
Ready was an understatement. So much of an understatement in fact that Benny had barely brushed against Frankie's hands to untie the string when Frankie was suddenly letting out the loudest moan of the night, high and unbridled and full of pleasured desperation. Benny practically ripped the string from his hands to turn around and get a better look, watching with wide eyes as Frankie started to come with his cock completely untouched.
It was truly a sight to behold. His three friends stood frozen with their eyes glued to Frankie's cock as it bobbed and twitched of it's own accord, slapped repeatedly against his own stomach and dipped into his belly button. They watched as thick ropes of cum began to spill from his weeping tip, painting his stomach and chest, his chin, the floor. His balls shivered and tightened, more spurting out again and again as he writhed and shook on his knees, making the most pathetic little sounds as his eyes rolled.
Four loads now.
They were all in shock. They'd known he could do it, had felt him come in his pants untouched more than enough times at that point to know it was possible for him. But Christ, they'd never seen anything like it.
The room went silent as Frankie caught his breath, as he came down from his untouched orgasm and his loud outburst. They all watched as his cock continued to twitch with aftershocks, Benny letting out a soft groan when a little more cum dribbled from the tip. And then it was over.
More silence, save for Frankie's gasps and whimpers. And then Will took a step forward.
"Thank you, Fish," he told him earnestly, patting him on the shoulder and squeezing it gently, "That was... fuck. Thank you. You're fuckin' incredible."
Frankie looked up at him through fluttering lashes and nodded with a small smile, and then Will disappeared back to the bunks.
Benny was next. He got down on Frankie's level and came face to face with him, a grin on his face, "You're so pretty, Frank," he told him softly, "And you did so good. S'at what you needed?" Frankie nodded and Benny ruffled his hair a little bit, "Thanks, man. Thank you. We're gonna kill it tomorrow."
He followed his brother back to the bunks, leaving just Frankie and Santi alone together. Just like Benny had, Santi kneeled down to meet Frankie at eye level, picking up his cap along the way and carefully placing it on top of Frankie's head with a smile.
"Did I do good?" Frankie asked him softly, voice hoarse.
Santiago smiled even wider, pulled the cap down a bit further and murmured, "Si, Francisco. Perfecto."
A sleepy and sated grin lit up Frankie's cum-coated face. He could still feel everything, the thick layer of spend on his cheeks and chest, his slowly softening cock, the ache in his jaw - and he loved all of it. It felt right. So fucking right.
"Can you take a picture?" he suddenly asked, eyes alight, "Of me? Like this? I wanna... I wanna keep it. To remember it."
Santi's eyes softened even more, hand coming up to gently stroke Frankie's bare shoulder, "I can do that."
Santi grabbed the polaroid camera, held it front of his face and peered down at Frankie with a fond smile as his friend looked up at him softly, tiredly. "Show me those eyes, Francisco," he murmured, and Frankie halted the fluttering of his lashes to give the camera his ultimate fucked-out expression, a smile playing at his lips. The camera flashed and Santi pulled out the developed picture, waving it in the air as he settled back down in front of Frankie.
"Look at all this," he murmured softly, reaching up to gently thumb a bit of the cum on Frankie's face and scoop it carefully into his friend's mouth. Frankie sucked Santi's thumb with ease, sleepy and docile.
"S'yours," Frankie breathed when Santi pulled it back out.
Santi raised an eyebrow, "Mine?"
"What you just put in my mouth," Frankie clarified with a flush to his cheeks, "That was yours."
"You can tell?"
Frankie nodded with a soft chuckle, "Yeah, I can tell you all apart."
And if that wasn't the hottest thing Santiago had ever heard in his life.
Getting up from the floor was a bit of a task, but Santi helped him every step of the way. He lead Frankie to the showers where he let him lean against the wall, let him bask in the warmth of the hot water and the feeling of soap and shampoo as Santi worshipped him in a different way, a new way. Pressed kisses to his temples and his forehead, took his time lathering Frankie's arms and legs, gently cleaned his coated face and spent cock. And when he was done, Santi wrapped him in a towel and brought him back to his bunk, laid beside him and kissed him slow and deep until it felt like all that existed was just the two of them, nobody else.
He'd placed the polaroid in Frankie's bedside table and stroked his hair, murmured those familiar soft and gentle praises as he drifted to sleep.
Needless to say, their first mission was a success.
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You're lying down with him now. It's well past midnight, moonlight streaming in through your bare-bones new bedroom as you peer at him quietly from under your lashes. He looks tired - he's been talking for over an hour now.
"There's more," he murmurs, eyes drooping, "More happened after that, a lot more, but I-"
"You've told me more than enough," you whisper, "You've been so honest, Frankie." Your thumb comes up to stroke his cheek, your mouth turning up slightly at the corners when his eyes start to close, "Thank you for telling me about that."
He hums, breathes deeply as sleep slowly starts to find him. You can't help but stare at him, watch his face turn peaceful, the lines in the corners of his eyes smoothing out, his full lips relaxing into a natural frown. He's so beautiful. He's so.... good.
You think of him back then, the way he probably used to be. So unsure, so new to the real world and so close to facing things he'd never anticipated. You picture him lying in his bunk with Will above him, Santi and Benny beside him, Tom somewhere else, somewhere distant - it makes sense now. It all makes sense.
And now he's lying in his own bed, in his own house, years later - with you. You, the only thing you think has really made sense to him for a long time, the only thing that's helped him overcome some of life's worst obstacles, the pain and the trauma from the shit he's dealt with throughout his life.
But despite all of this, despite the past few years you've spent together, you suddenly can't help but wonder where he'd be right now if you hadn't met.
Would he be in Santiago's bed?
You slip out from under the blankets and grab your phone from your nightstand, making sure to turn out the light before heading to the kitchen. Your nostrils are met with the smell of fresh paint and leftover chow mein as you flick on the overhead and settle yourself on one of the stools at the kitchen island.
Unsure exactly why, you unlock your phone and scroll through your contacts, biting your lip as you search for Santiago's name. When you finally find it, you tap on it, feeling something odd sink in your heart when you see the lack of messages. You've never texted him? Not even once? You lean back and try to think of the last time you even had a conversation alone with him without Frankie or the others there, just a one-on-one interaction... and you come up blank.
He'd been such a huge part of Frankie's life. And still is now - still sees him on weekends, goes to games and bars, came over to the old apartment for drinks and dinner pretty regularly. He's been there for Frankie in ways you never could have imagined or guessed, took care of him and comforted him, would probably take a bullet for him - hell, he actually might've for all you know.
You look back down at your phone and stare at the blank space where words should be, feel that guilt from earlier rise in your chest and make a home in the form of a lump in your throat.
You start typing out a message.
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amourane · 2 months
cry for me
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
genre: smut, pwp, enemies but their fwbs??
w/c: 0.8k
summary: you hated theodore nott but why now are you on your knees for him?
warnings: explicit sexual content, degradation, name calling, dacryphilia
a/n: i love theo sm and i'm currently writing an e2l fic with him so this is just me testing the waters! <3
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If you were given the chance to either eat worms for the rest of your life or stay in a room with Theodore Nott, you’d choose to eat worms. There was a tiny part of you that knows that you shouldn’t be mean, afterall you’re known for being the sweetest person at Hogwarts, always willing to lend a helping hand to those who needed it.
Theo was just...cold. You didn’t think you’d ever seen the guy crack a smile, only smirks and devilish grins that can never mean something good. He was always lurking in the corners sometimes you wouldn’t even notice he’s there until he says something.
Hate was a strong word and you didn’t like to use it often. But you had grown up with Theo and it was always a constant apocalypse between the two of you. He had once given you a wilted flower on your birthday stating that it was to remind you that everything dies one day, including you. How could one person be so...morbid? It was safe to say that you really really disliked him.
So why were you here, on your knees, a moaning whimpering mess? Well maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought you did.
"Look at sweet little Y/n.” He cooed, grabbing your chin to look up at him, your eyes half shut as you pleaded for more. They were watering and your lips were flushed and glistening. “Who would’ve thought you were such a cock hungry slut. Suck."
At his command, you opened your mouth, tongue licking his tip. Your hands came up to palm his huge cock, whimpering at the girth between your fingers. Everything about Theo screamed seductive and, though you hate to admit it, you did find him irresistible. As he whispered more dirty words you found your panties soaking and he stuffed your face full of him and only him.
Your nose brushed his pelvis as you took him deeper, swallowing as you did. His cock filled your wet cavern, sliding into your mouth repeatedly. Your tongue swiped over the tip again, moaning around his length. The lewd sounds that filled your ears made your body purr in delight as your eyes fluttered shut. Theo threw his head back, his dark hair like a halo around him.
"Fuck-" He cursed, threading his fingers into your hair, pounding his cock into your mouth and you gagged, forcing yourself to breathe through your nose. "Such a fucking slut f’me, you like being my cum dump don't you? Like being used like the filthy whore you are whenever you're needed. Don’t worry I’ll make sure that nasty mouth is full of my cum angel."
The vulgar words he spat out always made your mind spin in a hazy world of lust. Tears leaked out of your eyes as you bobbed your head up and down, taking him as deep as you can. When he delivered a harsh thrust into your mouth, you found your body trembling from the force, your legs felt like jelly.
Your fingers slowly trailed towards your thighs, trying to discreetly open them but the Slytherin caught you. 
“Aww.” He mocked a wicked smirk spread across his face. “Does the cock whore want to touch herself? Are you that desperate of a slut, wait I already know the answer, of course you fucking are.” 
You felt his hands dig into the roots of your hair, tugging roughly and you felt the pain sing through your body. You felt your tears roll down your face, big fat drops as you cried from both pain and pleasure.
“Now you’re gonna be a good fucking girl f’me and keep your hands off what’s mine.”
His mean glare told you enough and without protest, you removed your fingers, placing both your hands on his thighs as you continued to suck, not wanting another punishment. 
The filthy words that spilled out of his mouth never stopped and you felt yourself growing wetter as he called you more names. As the pulsing of your pussy grew you couldn’t help but grow impatient at the stickiness between your thighs. His cock throbbed in your mouth and you knew he’s close. You suck him harder, continuing your little ministrations that you knew made Theo go crazy.
“Shit Y/n.” 
He moaned, feeling the tightness of your throat. A string of curses left his pink lips when he came and it filled your mouth, warmness spreading over your tastebuds and you swallow. His breath hitched when you gave him one last suck before opening your mouth. 
“Who knew the way to shut you up was to fill your slutty mouth with cum.”
When you release your cock, you rub your thighs together, nibbling your bottom lip. “C-Can I get fucked now?” Your voice is raspy and it came out croaky, something Theo adored. He smirked, bringing your face closer to his.
“You sure can, principessa.”
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back2bluesidex · 7 months
J-Hope Fic Recommendations (18+)
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If you are already following me for quite some time then you should know that I am a massive masochist and I like to torture myself by reading and writing angsty stories. So, most of the stories that I recommended are angsty as well (might as well have sad endings). So please carefully read the warnings before proceeding. Have a happy reading.
And please don't expect much from me. There are several other rec lists far better than mine. The only motive I had behind creating this list to promote some of the stories, which I think are very underrated. especially angsty ones. These stories are beautifully written so.. I just wanted to let the authors know how phenomenal of a job they have done (As a writer myself I know how much this actually means). Thanks to these amazing writers and I am grateful that they decided to share their work here with us.
[Minors please stay away from my blog!]
Key: F - Fluff, A- Angst, S- Smut, Y- Yandere, *- Personal Favorite
1. Ash from his fire by @filmcrystal - A, implied S, cheating au
It will break your heart so please proceed with caution.
2. Forbidden Fruit by @deepdarkdelights - A, Y
This one deals with several triggering topics. Hence, read the warnings carefully. But I can say that you will love this twisted mafia Hoseok way too much!
3. Shadows by @borathae - A, exes au
One of the most underrated stories I have ever read! Yeah, it is very angsty and Hoseok is so cruel but... we all are masochist here. lmao!
4. Heaven sent by @aquagustd - A, F, S, f2l au
Sexy soccer player Hoseok is just another name for perfection.
5. Bound by @explicit-tae - S, kinda f2l
Talk abut BDSM! GOOOD Sweet Lord!!!
6. Jigsaw by @sunshinejunghoseokie - A *
I remembered crying after reading this one. So damn underrated that it physically hurts me!!
7. Delta Disorder by @bangtanintotheroom Y, S, Supernatural au
I don't usually read supernatural stuff but this demon Hoseok is way too sexy to skip!
8. Systems of Touch by @yeoldontknow - S, F, tiny A, S2l au
Beautifully written! The author used 100% of their capabilities to write this one. Perfectly drawn Professor Hoseok with a very attractive character of reader. Certainly a treat to read.
9. 2:00 AM by @likeastarstar - A, fuckbuddy Hoseok
Part of a series but can be read as a standalone. and Hoseok is a dick in this.
10. Love Quarrels by @mirahuyooo - A, F, mafia au
A cold yet soft mafia husband Hoseok chases behind his angry wife... could there be anything better than that?
11. The Hook Up ft. JK by @minisugakoobies - S
A little bit of a triangle.. but not love? if that makes sense.
12. Entelechy by @drmflm - suggestive (I believe)
Can't call this one angst and neither is this about Hoseok (he is there, don't worry). This one is more about the reader and her growth and it's beautiful.
13. Orgasms on the verge of a nervous breakdown by @sluttyandere - S, Y *
This is very dark and quite triggering, so please don't read unless you can handle those stuff.
14. For the night by @aseaofyoongi - A, S
I cried. that's all.
15. We Shouldn't by @beahae - S **
Hands down to one of my most favourite Hoseok smuts ever!!! This one has a Jimin follow-up so make sure to read that too.
16. Real or not real by @nmjoo-n - A, S, F **
Again one of the most exquisite Hoseok fics I have ever read!
17. Checkmate by @sunshinejoon - A, S
This was supposed to have a sequel but it is perfect regardless.
18. Do I wanna know - @yoongiphoria - A, f2? ****
Now, MJ knows how much I love this one. I often read this story and I never ever get bored of it! I love this to the core and you should too!
19. Scrap - @silv3rswirls - A, Y, S
Dark and sexy. Read the warnings carefully please.
20. It's a Promise by @sahmfanficbts - S, A, Arranged marriage au
Just read it.
21. Three by @hamsterclaw - S
22. Wonderwall by @kiara-ish - A with an open ending
Might not be for the faint hearted.
23. Infatuated by @bangtanfancamp - F
If you like high school love au then this one is for you.
24. Constellations of You by @persphonesorchid - S, F, established relationship au
This is so domestic that my heart almost exploded while reading!!
25. Burning flames or paradise by @/yoongiphoria - A, tiny f ****
MJ does magic.... that's all I can say.
26. Alone again by @archivedkookie - A, F
I loooove these kinds of stories. Just the right amount of despair with the right amount of hope... beautiful.
27. Feeling Good by @bonvoyagenoona - A, S
Everything I write about this will fall short.. so I will just shut up and let you enjoy the goodness.
28. Distracted by @dilfhoseokie - S
29. Drink Champaign in my airplane by @/bangtanintotheroom - F, S, F2l
Perfectly embodies a rich hot CEO friend Hoseok... a fun read.
30. Keynote by @missgeniality - S **********
MY MOST FAVORITE HOSEOK ONESHOT TO EXIST IN THE PLANET. yeah.. (this has a follow-up but I like this one better)
The thing is that I don't usually read series. I just don't have that patience. So this list is pretty small and forgive me for that.
1. Transference by @dark-muse-iris - A, S, F, S2l *********************
I wasn't the same after reading this. I can't talk about this trantric therapist Hoseok, 'cause I will never shut up if I start.
2. Kanalia by @xjoonchildx - A, S, f (?) *********************
Honestly, who isn't a sucker for Lord Jung? You must be sick if you are not. (On a side note.. Kanalia is keeping me alive from jumping off trains on tough days)
3. Guarded by @/xjoonchildx - A, S, F, S2l
Mafia Hoseok with dogtags. I think that's enough of an introduction.
If you want to read the Hoseok stories I write, you can checkout my Masterlist.
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dawnoftime22 · 3 months
| N.R
Warnings: None
Summary: When you go about making your meal for breakfast, it had mysteriously disappeared, leading to an obvious suspect of a redhead.
Word Count: 784
Category: fluff<3
A/N: I've missed writing fluff very very much and this was for @ncsdlr, inspired by their post of nat so here's a cute short little fic about it :]
| Started on 06/03/2024, 5:53 AM |
| Finished on 06/03/2024, 8:58 AM |
Main Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
“What's yours is mine, is it not?"
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You stood in the kitchen, making a delicious sandwich for breakfast and maybe even to enjoy later after training if you don't finish.
At the moment, you were alone up until Thor walks in, going off to the pantry cabinet, assumingly looking for a poptart or cereal for his morning breakfast.
You turn from your plate of sandwich, walking to the fridge and opening it to grab some water. But when you close it and go back to take a bite of your food, it had disappeared, only a few crumbs of the bread and the sauce you put a trace of evidence of your sandwich that once existed right there.
"What the...Where did my sandwich go?" Your voice was full of confusion and shock as you blink, staring at it. Then, you look around, and notice Thor first, standing in the kitchen with you.
"Thor," you say, your expression deadpanned, and he pops his head out from behind the cabinet door, his mouth open in the way you called his name. He hadn't done anything, and even just by the tone of your voice, he knew you were accusing him of something.
Then he notices your empty plate that had a delicious looking sandwich he once saw when he walked in. You couldn't have finished it in seconds. That's when he figured out why you looked a little ticked.
"I did no such thing! I have been standing right here, and my hands are empty." He gestured with his hands, his face in utter disbelief. Your eyebrows furrow further in thought.
"Who is it then?" You raised your hands, your eyes still focused on him. He grabs a box of pop tarts out from the cabinet, opening it to slide a packet out. He looks up at you before going to the microwave, but he stops in his tracks.
"Just make...another one." He pauses in between his words as he notices a redhead passing by, holding an oddly similar sandwich to yours, chewing carelessly. He was too afraid to point it out, knowing the assassin might just kill him if he does.
But you see his eyes following something behind you rather than looking directly at you, so you slowly turn to look at who was there.
A small gasp escapes you. Natasha, stood right beside your empty plate, having come from nowhere. She was staring right at you, holding the exact sandwich you had just made minutes ago, that had disappeared.
"Thief," you exclaim, walking closer to the kitchen island where she's at and putting your hand on it, holding yourself against it. She swallows before speaking up.
"It's not stealing if you left it there," she shrugs, the sandwich moving along with her hand, and you had to process her words for a moment until you let out a small laugh.
"That's the same thing." You tilt your head slightly as you said it, her sentence making no sense. If it was anyone else, you might have already chased them around the room already to retrieve your sandwich.
"Why didn't you just make one yourself?" Thor had left the kitchen by now, enjoying his pop tart by himself while you and Nat continued your playful conversation.
"It's not the same," she says, and at that, you shake your head. Her face was calm, but her eyes held a hint of teasing.
"Well, then, you could have just asked," you mumble. Nat stays quiet, studying your face. She could have just asked, but she also loved poking at you for fun.
"Now I need to make another one." You complained as you pick up your plate, about to go grab the loaf of bread once again while your stomach complained at the late breakfast.
"You can have it back." She holds out the sandwich to you, even though it was clear she had already eaten more than you thought she had.
"No, you've already had a bite of it, keep it." Or more so, multiple bites. You wave your free hand that wasn't holding the plate dismissively, not minding since it was well...Nat, but you were a tinge upset.
She sees the adorable pout your face held, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips.
"I'll make one for you, how's that?" Nat stands up from the barstool standing tall for the kitchen island, moving to the counters to grab the ingredients. When she turns her head to look over her shoulder, she takes your smile as an acceptance.
Later on, the two of you enjoyed your sandwiches that you had, one being 'accidentally' made for the other, and one being especially made for the other.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @justanotherteenpoet @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @animealways @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
another writer stole parts of my fic.
i found out about it by sheer coincidence, because they were asking for a feedback on their fic on the server we were both part of.
i read the fic out of curiosity and noticed paragraphs and storylines taken from my fic.
the worst part is she's a bigger writer than I am, she has big tiktok account in my ship and she publishes chapters faster than me (understandable how now as she copies parts from other people) so her work buried mine down and surpassed by all stats.
She has bigger platform then me, bigger clout. I'm not on tiktok so i can't call her out on her own platform.
And she has my fic in her bookmarks.
I don't know what to do :/ Kind of want to call her out but also i can't muster the energy to fight a battle like this.
I never really see the point of call outs, myself. The people who love that person rarely change their minds. The people who support you already support you. All that a callout post will do is cause a lot of drama that you don't want to have to deal with.
Instead, I recommending reporting her work(s) to the Policy & Abuse Committee (PAC). They can investigate and determine whether plagiarism occurred. If it did, they will ask her to edit her fic to change it. If she doesn't, they'll delete it.
(it's more complicated than that and it takes a long time, but that's the gist)
To contact PAC, go to the work that you want to report (the one that she plagiarized) and scroll down to the footer. Click on Policy Questions & Abuse reports. Explain what you think happened and include a link to the work that you think she copied. If they are multichapter works, tell them which chapter(s) were taken and give them whatever other information you can to help them find the specific parts.
If more than one of your fics was affected, you can include all of the links in the same report - no need to report each one separately. Just make sure it's clear which story belongs to her and which belongs to you.
PAC may come back to you with questions. They'll definitely reach out to this other author. They won't mention your name, and you won't hear any details about the other person until PAC can tell you what their determination is. They take confidentiality very seriously.
I will say, ideas will need to be very specific in order for that to be the determining factor for plagiarism. Most of the time, the call will be made based on the text itself an how similar it is to each other. For more information about how they determine plagiarism and copyright infringement, you can see this post from a PAC takeover I hosted in April 2022.
PAC doesn't care who has the bigger account and they don't give two shits about clout. They just determine who wrote what, when and then go from there.
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pixiesfz · 5 months
more alexia fics please xx
your wish is my command
this was supposed to be a blurb but I had way too much fun writing reader and mapi's dialogue.
I actually hate this one, I don't like what I've done here.
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ninja turtles a.p
plot: You try and convince your girlfriend to dress up for halloween
warnings: drunk idiots, reader is a little bit whiny but she is drunk, slight angst
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You sat down next to Mapi on the beanbags near the back when the conversation first started, you were scrolling on tik tok with her head over your shoulder when the four turtles showed up.
"I remember watching them!" she beamed with a smile, her drink in her hand as you had your now empty glass next to your leg.
"si me too!" you said with the same enthusiasm "Who was your favorite?" Mapi asked "Mikey obviously, he loves pizza, I love pizza" you said with a drunk grin "Mine was the red one- RAPH!" she yelled when she remembered his name.
"Is that because you're very aggressive and don't listen to orders"
You gasped and closed your mouth when Mapi turned to you "I said that out loud didn't I?" you whispered
"yep," Ingred said before placing a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek "you're right though".
You laughed in Mapi's face before the short-haired girl placed her head down.
You went to get up and get your 6th or 7th drink- you couldn't remember before Mapi slapped your leg "Ow Mapi!" you scolded and she covered your mouth "Shoosh I don't want Alexia murdering me" she whispered.
You licked her hand.
"Ew y/n!"
"Then don't slap me" you whispered back aggressively and Mapi rolled her eyes "I had an idea"
"It couldn't wait?" you asked "no, I'm drunk my mind runs quickly" she rambled and you groaned "what is it?" you asked, impatient as you wanted another drink.
"We should dress up as the turtles for Halloween!" she yelled, you gasped "YES!"
heads turned to you both as you yelled but they just rolled their eyes and went back to their conversations as they realized it was only the two 'trouble makers' on the team.
"okay" Mapi rubbed her hands together "me, Raph, you, Mikey and who will be the purple one who's smart?"
You turned your head to the team and cocked your head "nobody is smart here" you stated "okay well who is the least dumb?" Mapi reworded.
You thought about it as your eyes squinted at the redhead who sat next to Jana "Keira" you decided and Mapi nodded "I was gonna say Lucy"
"Her brains are in her abs"
Mapi shrugged before running up to the red-haired English woman who screamed out of fright when she grabbed her and dragged her over to the both of you.
"I'll test her" you decided "Keira can you get me another drink?"
"No, you've had enough"
"She's smart!"
Mapi pulled Keira down onto the beanbag next to you as you both turned to her "Do you want to dress up with us?" Mapi asked and Keira rolled her eyes as you both gave her puppy eyes.
"Please" you both begged before the English woman finally snapped "fine!" you and Mapi both cheered "Now" Mapi said "Who will be the blue one, the leader"
Your head snapped to your girlfriend who sat on the table, already looking at you.
She got up as soon as she saw your stare and you ran after her
"No" she deadpanned as she walked away "Are you going to drive home without me?" you yelled "If it means I'm not going to be apart of whatever that is then yes" she replied as you finally reached her and jumped on her back, now away from everyone.
"You don't even know what it is" you pouted "you and Mapi thought of it, I know it is bad," she said "Well if you must know we are planning a Halloween costume" you bragged and Alexia dropped you back to your feet.
"el cariño that is a big fat no from me" she sighed before placing a kiss on your forehead "You don't even know the costume Ale" you wined and the Captain brought your body to hers "I don't dress up" she stated
You groaned, breaking away from your girlfriend "you're no fun" Alexia scoffed "I am a lot of fun"
"Then dress up with us!"
"Alexia" you whined before the girl picked you up, making you squeel "you're drunk, we're going home".
The whole car ride was filled with questions and excuses for her to dress up with your friends but her answer was still the same.
"I will never have sex with you again" You smirked "You will fold that is not the first time you have made that promise" Alexia smirked as you slapped her hand off her thigh "well I'm serious this time" you declared.
Even with an extreme hangover the next morning, you kept your promise, avoiding the blonde girl at all costs. "y/n are you really going to do this?" Alexia asked as you pulled away from her as she kissed you goodnight.
"I don't know are you still sure you don't want to dress up with us?"
"I am sure"
"then yes I am really going to do this" you shrugged before getting under your sheets.
The date was October 30th when Alexia caught you in your ensuite bathroom holding your costume in your hand, another one on the bench as you facetimed Mapi.
"y/n I spend actual money on these are you sure Alexia won't dress up" the Spanish girl asked through the phone and you nodded "she really doesn't, I even said no sex until she does-"
"I don't want to hear that, you can keep that to yourself" the girl gagged but you didn't laugh "I know it's not a couple costume but I at least thought she would want to celebrate the holiday with me but she's not dressing up at all"
"Don't read into y/n/n" Mapi told you as Alexia watched you through the crack of the door, you looked beautiful in your pajamas but your face was looking down to the costumes, upset "I thought I could convince her" you mumbled "sorry Maria" you said, using the defenders real name.
Alexia turned away from the door.
'I at least thought she would want to spend the holiday with me'
Your words struck her when she realized what her stubbornness had done to you secretly.
You ended the call with Mapi before storing the costumes under the sink and got water and splashed your face with it, hopefully cooling down the red your face had flushed out of embarrassment that you couldn't even get your girlfriend into a costume.
Was she embarrassed to be with you like that?
When you went to bed that night Alexia kissed you on your forehead "Goodnight, I love you" she said as you nodded "you too" you mumbled before pretending to fall asleep.
Alexia watched as you closed your eyes, her mind wondering about in stress, she didn't want to make you feel unwanted she just didn't want to be made fun of in front of her friends.
She didn't know how you did it, she didn't know how you were so open and confident about your decisions and your actions when she hardly ever did anything that put her out in the open, only when asked or when being pushed into the spotlight.
Even then she looked out for you in support, you always helped her in public situations, telling her how good she was and how proud of her she was.
She realized she hadn't done the same for you.
She knew what she had to do.
You were getting prepared for the team Halloween team bonding night, opting not to wear a costume as you laid out your clothing on the bed and got into the shower, you hummed in relaxation as the hot water hit your back as Alexia was in the room next door, looking up the names to the Ninja turtles before giving up and texting Mapi, asking if she was supposed to be the blue or Orange one.
When you walked outside of the bathroom to get changed you were not prepared for the sight of your girlfriend tying the laces of her black boots as she was holding a blue headband in between her teeth.
Alexia's head popped up "You were supposed to take five more minutes in the shower like you always do," she said, ignoring your smile that grew
"You're in the costume" you pointed out, walking up to Alexia "Yeah, and you are in nothing but a towel, get changed," she said as if nothing weird was happening.
"Alexia are you okay, do you have a fever?" you asked smugly as you felt her head with the palm of your hand which she grabbed softly "I am fine, I just want to spend this holiday with my girlfriend"
You smiled before turning your girlfriend's face to yours bringing her into a kiss and pulled back "Did you do this for sex?"
"no but it is a bonus" Alexia smirked, pulling you in for a second kiss "you didn't tell me we were dressing up as brothers" she said after you leaned out.
"Ale, don't make it weird".
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yangbbokari · 9 months
OT8 SKZ making a bet on you - Hyung Line
Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader
Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU
Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities. I think that abt it
Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them
A.N: Not proof read at all and I had this idea pop up inside my head instead of actually finishing my ksm fic
Parts: Maknae line Part 2
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BANG CHAN: You've always trusted Chan with every fiber in you so it was a little unexpected when you just so happened to overhear his phonecall. It wasn't as if you intended to listen to it. But how could you not when you knew he was talking about you.
You were walking by his home studio when you heard him call your name. Assuming that he was calling for you, you almost went in. But, when he continued to talk you figured he was on call. So you stood by the door waiting for him to say some nice words about you. Blushing and smiling in the process. But what you didn't expect to hear was,
"...yeah, I'm not even going to lie, toying with her was hella fun. I won the bet so pay up." You couldn't believe you ears. But you stood there just to see how things would esculate. All you needed was for him to say he loved you. Except, thats not what happened. He just chuckled. CHUCKLED!? "That's what I'm saying! She thinks I'm her protector or whatever. She gets so annoying sometimes and I can't stand it but-"
That was all you needed to hear before bolting out of the house. 7 years of trust, love and bonding down the drain because of some stupid bet. Or maybe you were the stupid one. Stupid for ever believing in his lies in the first place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE MINHO You're currently locked up in a janitor's closet crying to yourself and thinking about how dumb you must've been. There was no warning signs. There was no subtle hints. There was nothing but a lethal bomb ticking off. Ticking off till you completely lost it all.
You thought prom was going to be the best night of your life. That was until you witnessed the most horrific sight.
Minho asked you out to prom during your lunch period unexpectedly. He was one of the most popular boys in school and you were well... a loner. He even offered to take you to dinner to convince you to go with him. But you agreed because this was the dream of like every girl in the school.
He picked you up at 6:30 sharp and drove you to the school. You could barely contain your excitement the entire time. The two of you walked in together but he refused to let you hold his hand. Let alone putting your arm around his. You brushed it off as, "he's not comfortable with it yet." But it was soon discovered that he didn't want to be seen with you at all.
You were enjoying your night but then you excused yourself to the bathroom. When you made it back to the dance floor, Minho was nowhere to be seen. So you went to search for him. You wish you hadn't done that. There he was, in the middle of the science lab, making out with the head of the cheer team. You held you breath as you stood still in the hallway. Still in shock to what you were witnessing. Not to mention what you were hearing.
Minho was saying it with his own mouth and it left you in disbelief. "So, I took that loner girl out to prom. Does that finally win me a chance with you? You know how long I've been waiting for you."
"Don't you think you'll break the poor girl's heart?"
"Oh c'mon! You said if I took that trashy loner to prom then you'd be more than willing to be mine. Please? You already kissed me so it has to count."
Loner girl? That's all you were in the eyes of other people. You should've known sooner. No popular jock would actually ask you to prom. No one would even talk to you. What were you thinking? So you made a run for it to a janitor's closet, making sure no one else was around and sat down, crying to your heart's content. Guess prom wasn't the best night of everyone's life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEO CHANGBIN All you wanted was space. Space for a little while. Your heart wasn't ready to feel that and your brain wasn't ready to believe it. You didn't want to believe it. Did he even really love you all these years or were you just a mere joke to him and his friends?
You had just returned from work and saw Changbin sitting on the couch. You gave him the key to your apartment two months after you guys started dating. This marked your fifth month. Changbin was clearly nervous as he turned the rings on his finger and bounced his leg up and down. Slowly, you approached him. "H-hey, Baby. Everything alright?"
His eyes shot up to you and he was sweating from all the nervousness. "Uh, y/n, I didn't hear you coming in! I-I just wanted to talk about something with you. Something very serious." Changbin put on the best stern face he could. With a concerned face, you look at him. “Are you okay? Did something happen?” He looked like he was on the verge of tears. You were concerned but you wanted to hear him out first.
“Whatever I tell you, just remember that I love you very much and what’s coming out of my mouth right now is of the past. So… I actually started dating with you because… because..” He sighed heavily before continued. “…me and the members made a bet to see if I could make you mine and I agreed. B-but I really love y-”
You cut him off not wanting to hear anymore than you already did. “I think I need some space right now.”
“Baby, I- I said I need some space.”
Locking yourself in the bedroom to cry, clenching at the fabric in front of your heart. How could you fall to their game all this time? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HWANG HYUNJIN Movie night went wrong… you guess you could say.
The boys and you were settling down for a movie when you scrolled across “To All The Boys I Loved Before”, when Jisung began laughing.
“Yah! Do you guys remember when we made a bet to see who y/n would fall in love with first.” The chubby cheeked boy said. The rest of them laughed and went along with it until they noticed the silence between the both of you and Hyunjin.
“Wh-what!?” You stuttered out. Tears were streaming down your face by now. “WHAT!?” Confused was the perfect word to describe you in the situation. They all turned to you as Felix asked, “Did Hyunjin not tell you?”
Your head shook as you looked between Hyunjin and the other members. Back and forth, back and forth. You wanted to immediately tear your ears off. Open your head, take your brain out, and erase the horrible memories you had just gained.
Tears blinded your eyes as you ran out of the room and before you knew it, out the house. As you ran you could hear Hyunjin calling your name. But you were too grief-stricken to stop and look back. Maybe you should’ve never came here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you guys enjoyed. I had this on my mind for like a week and I had to write it down before I lost inspo😭 Lemme know if y’all want a part 2. Maknae line is coming soon though❤️
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sweetbuckybarnes · 5 months
Who is This? - How They Met
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Y/N talks about how she met James Barnes and how she found herself in the modern world. Follow on from this fic.
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"What the hell is going on?" Bucky nearly demanded, keeping his arms wrapped around his companion.
Sam raised his eyebrow. "I could ask you the same question, Barnes?" Sam looked at the young woman in Bucky's arms. "Who is this?"
Bucky looked down at her, Sam watched as a smile grew on his face. "This is Y/N. Y/N Barnes. My wife."
"I'm sorry, what was that? Wife? You two are married?" Sam asked, looking between Bucky and Y/N.
"Indeed we are, aren't we darling?"
Y/N looked at Bucky first with a smile then with dead eyes. "I'm still pissed with you," Sam couldn't place her accent. It was a strange combination of Brooklyn, southern and English.
"Babydoll," Bucky sighed, as his wife got up from the couch and walked to the kitchenette.
"No. Don't you babydoll, me. I had two officers with a telegram in their hand as they flat out told me you had fallen off a train in the Alps of all places, whilst you were on some stupid mission with Steve, they never went looking for you, they simply declared you were missing and you were most likely dead."
Bucky's face falls, realising how much she had missed him after he fell off the train. After he had escaped to Bucharest, his memories came back in flashes - her face had always been there front and centre. He never had the time to sit Steve down and ask him about the gorgeous girl in his memories. It had taken another trip to the Smithsonian Institution - and that's when he saw her further into the exhibition, her arms in both Bucky and Steve's as she looked up at him in awe. Bucky and Y/N were married on January 15, 1941 - four weeks after Bucky signed up.
He gets up also, leaving the blanket which once covered them in a ball on the couch. "Sweetheart," he said softly.
"They told me on our fucking anniversary as well!" The tears couldn't be held back as they started rolling down her cheeks.
"It may be late, but happy anniversary," Bucky says, which gets a watery sob out of Y/N - who returns the sentiment.
Sam walks around the couple and into the kitchenette. "How long have you two now been married then?"
They looked at each other. "If you don't count the time we were separated, three years."
"And if you do?" Sharon asks.
"Seems like I owe you a lot of anniversary presents. And birthdays, and Christmas..." Bucky trails off. "Seeming like I'll always be in debt to you, doll."
She shakes her head, "I have you here now. That's the only present I need."
"So how did you two meet?" Sam asks.
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August 3rd, 1922
It was the first day at Brooklyn Heights Elementary School. Winnifred Barnes held her eldest son's hand as she took him to school.
Little James Barnes was terrified, it would be his first full day away from his ma, he didn't know anyone and he had a strong feeling like he wanted to cry (his father George had firmly told him men don't cry).
The mother and son duo were stood in front of a little peg, which had his name stuck to it, he was in between someone called Steve and someone called Y/N (the little girl had already taken her coat off - which her mother was hanging up for her, as she dug through her backpack on the floor).
"Y/N what have I told you about sitting on the floor like that?" Y/N's mother said, cupping her hands underneath her armpits and sat her on her knees.
"I can't find my crayons, mama!" Y/N exclaimed, looking up at her mama.
James looked down into his backpack and saw the small pack of crayons his father had brought back home one night. "We can share mine," he tells the little girl on the floor, sitting down next to her.
She looked at him with a big smile. Even at four years old, he couldn't help but think she was the prettiest girl in the world.
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"That's how you got your girl? Crayons when you were four?" Sam asks.
"No, I had always known she was beautiful, but it took me a long time to persuade her for a date."
Y/N looked at her husband with a singular raised eyebrow. "You went from girl to girl with no consideration of their feelings. I didn't want to be put on the same list."
"Not a chance, since we locked eyes on that cold floor in elementary school, I have always been yours."
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January 15, 1940
"Please, doll," Bucky nearly begged, as Y/N made her way around the counter at the local diner where she currently works. "Just one date."
"No, James, you can't ask me just because you don't have a date for the night."
Bucky sighed, he loved how she was the only one (apart from his ma when he annoyed her) who still called him James. "But, doll."
"And what have I told you about calling me doll?"
"I could take you to Coney Island," which was shut down saying that was his and Steve's 'place to hang out without her'. Bucky denied it, saying that it wasn't right that he and Steve spent time together without her. "What about the movies?"
"The three of us have already seen everything at the movies right now."
Bucky looked at the ceiling, as he fiddled with his ice cream float. "You don't want to go to Coney Island, we've seen everything at the movies and you don't want to go to a diner..."
He heard someone make a passing comment that the river in that park upstate had frozen over and was perfect for. "Ice skating! That's it, I'll take you ice skating!"
Y/N looked over at him, "Will it shut you up?" He nodded. "Fine, you can take me ice skating."
Bucky let out a loud cheer. "I promise you, you won't regret it, babydoll."
Bucky leaned over pressed a kiss to her cheek and ran out of the diner - he missed Y/N rubbing her cheek with a growing smile on her face.
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"You were smitten with me?"
"Since day one, babydoll."
They shared a kiss when the door was pushed open by someone who looked like he had a homemade costume Steve used to wear. "What the hell?"
"Alright, that's it. Your time is up. Tell me where Zemo is," someone came storming in, dressed like Steve, shield in one hand as he pointed at the other people in the room. Y/N looked from Bucky to Sam to Sharon and then back to Bucky.
"We know you're hiding him," his sidekick added, crossing his arms.
The Captain America wannabe ordered them to turn over Zemo, which Y/N countered with a comment about the Captain America wannabe running his mouth.
"How did I miss you?" He flirts.
Y/N raised her eyebrow at him, then looked up at Bucky (who whispered into her ear that they were trying to get the shield back). "Give me a second," She puts on a look on her face and makes her way over to the Captain America wannabe. "Oh my God, is that the shield?" She could see him preen at her words. "Can I have a look at it?"
Stupidly, he hands her the shield, Y/N looks it over, and then up at him. "Thanks," and makes her way back to Bucky.
"What are you doing with my shield?"
"I think you mean, my shield. Considering that it technically belongs to me."
Captain America wannabe looked at her confused, what the hell was she talking about? "Who even are you?"
"Who am I? He doesn't know, James!" Y/N looked up at Bucky.  "He doesn't know!" The couple laughed. "I'm Y/N, Steve's half-sister, and this muppet's wife."
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"Wait, so how did you end up 80 years in the future?" Sam asks as the trio settles in for the night.
"Howard wanted to make another Super Soldier after the war after Steve had 'died'," she puts quotes around died, then turns her head to look at Bucky. "Yes, I know what happened to Howard and Maria," Bucky's face fell - she knew what he had done as the Winter Soldier(the war crimes he had committed had been plastered all over the news during his trial). 
Sam looked between Bucky and Y/N as he asked. "What happened? I presume you volunteered."
She nods her head. "I did. But, something went wrong. They gave me the serum, and I remember collapsing to the floor and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the year 2019, Steve's face over the top of mine, tears in his eyes, saying he was so happy to see me."
"Steve knew you were alive?" Bucky asked, looking at his wife in surprise. There were about two weeks between the Battle of Earth and Steve went back to the past. 
"I don't remember much from when I woke up, because I was falling in and out of sleep, for a long time." She says, looking up at the ceiling.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ₐ dₐd?!
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭. 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲, 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟗𝟗. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞.
ᴍɪɢᴜ���ʟ ᴏ'ʜᴀʀᴀ x ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ! ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀɢɪʀʟ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: implied that reader is a Latina, death of loved ones, reader is fatherless, emotional ig.
A/N: This fic is from this idea I had.
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Your name is 'Y/n M/n Grabriella O'hara L/n', but you just went by 'Y/n L/n'. You got bit by a radioactive spider, since then you've been the one and only Spider Girl. You lived with both your Mom and Aunt. Sadly you had no father. You often wondered who he was and how he was like. There was a huge picture of him in the hall, so you had an idea on what he looked like.
You used to have an uncle, who you saw as your father figure, but he got killed in a robbery gone wrong. You were resentful for a while, wanting to find who was responsible for the murder of your uncle, but you had learned that no matter what you did, your uncle wasn't going to come back. At least you got the guy to be put in jail, paying for what he did.
After a year, everything was normal. You went to school, then went to fight a few bad guys from the streets and went home to be with your mom and aunt. That morning you were sitting on the table eating breakfast with your mom and aunt, your mom had got a call from the school, telling her about the many tardies and missed classes you had.
"Por que me andan llamando de la escula que estas faltando y que llegas tarde?" Why am I getting calls from the school that you're not showing up to class and getting to class late?, your mom asked, clearly not happy about this. Sure one or two calls, but many? Nope, she was not having it. "I don't know! Maybe they must have not seen me?" you explained, you couldn't possible tell her the truth why you were running late. All your mom did was sigh. "Oh andas con esos Vagos, te dije que no megusta que andes con esos, marijuanos" Or you're with those bums, I told you I don't like it when you hang out with those, potheads, she complained, she began to sound like your Abuelita.
All you did was sigh, there was no winning this with her. If you said a word, she'll give you that look that you didn't like. Even as an older teen you hated getting that look. "Okay Okay, ya le dijiste algo, deja que coma para que ya se valla a la escuela" Okay okay, you already told her something, let her eat so that she can go to school, your aunt defended you. All your mom did was roll her eyes as she began to wash the pan she used to cook the eggs and chorizo. "Anda, consentida, consentida" Go on, spoil her, spoil her, she chanted obviously annoyed.
Once you were done with breakfast, you gave your aunt your plate and went to brush your teeth. Once done, you went to get your bag and walked back to the dinning room. "I'm leaving" you said, going towards your aunt and your mom, giving them a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day, and don't be late! Next time I get a call, your ass is mine!" your mom warned. "Bye Mija" your aunt said, then you left the apartment complex.
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You were walking walking to the subway, hoping that you'd get to school on time, you did not want to get an ass whoppen or be grounded. Then that was when you heard some commotion happen, and there it was a bad guy. "Puta Madre" Mother Fucker, you cursed, pulling down your backpack and began to slip into your spider suit in the ally.
This bag guy was not your regular bad guy, he looked way different then how the other guys you dealt with, but you fought with him anyway. The fight felt like hours, who the hell was this guy? You were getting exhausted by the fighting, until something had happened. A portal had opened and a giant guy wearing a blue and red suit. You basically watched how this guy was fighting off this other guy.
"Hey don't you need help?" you asked as the guy ran by to capture the other bad guy. "I got it handled!" he yelled, as he continued to catch up to the guy. All you could do id watched while being amazed as well. Who was he? Another spider person? How was that possible? After a couple minutes, you had joined in the fight to help the guy. "So who are you? Another spider person? I thought was the only one!" you said while getting the hold of the guy with your web. "You'd be surprised kid!" he said while getting a hold of the guy as well. "I'm not kid! I'm the one and only SpiderGirl!" you corrected him. He ignored you, continuing to fight with the crook.
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The fight was over, and he had sent the crook into a portal that he went through. You were amazed by the portal and the guy. "Does this mean you'll be my mentor? Or my partner?" you asked, making the guy scoff. "No kid, I got better things to do then babysit a kid. "Hey! I'm fifteen, so I'm not a kid, I had my quinceanera, which means I'm already an adult woman" you complained. The guy just sighed. "Anyway, come on kid, I need you" he said walking towards the portal. "I'd love to but If I'm l-" you were cut off by the look he gave you, even with his mask on, you could see the same look your mom would give you. "Okay, I'll just get my ass whopped by my mom" you said as you walked into the portal with the guy.
You had arrived at an elevator, it was pretty huge, not to mention the cool view of the outside. "Cool.." you said, then you looked at the guy, who had removed somehow got his masked removed. When you got a look on his face, your eyes widen, no fucking way, it wasn't possible. "Why do you look like my dead dad?" you asked the guy, making him look at you with a confused look. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "My dad? Why do you look like him?" you asked again.
The guy just gave you a look of confusion. "I have no idea what you're talking about... I don't have a daughter.. at least not anymore" he said sadly looking away. You tilted your head a bit, confused by his confession. Then you had an idea. You then removed your mask, showing him your face to him. When the guy got a look at your face, his eyes had widen as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on him. "Y/n?" he said in a whisper, in shocked.
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Taglist: @sorryi-mtrash, @call-me-nev
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spookykoolkat · 4 months
hihi! i have a request I'm not sure if you're still taking them ♡
but if you are there's a smut thought that's lived rent free in my brain since season 4 came out. which is Eddie with cheerleader!reader. like imagine "publicly " being with Jason because you're both extremely popular and you're the cheer captain, but you're secretly with Eddie. this feeds Eddie's ego massively and he lives of the fact that he's fucking you and not Jason.
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are you really his girlfriend?
eddie munson request :p
warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, piv, dirty talk, eddie being possessive, infidelity(cheating), talks of breeding, jealousy
a/n : i've been MIA forEVERRR and probably will continue to be MIA as well! i've been feeling off about writing for stranger things given the fact that there are three raging ZIONISTS on that show, and i'll no longer be watching stranger things. i encourage you all to do the same! once more, it will always be FREE FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸 this is the first fic/request i've done since october so idk how often i'll do this. hopefully this was to your expectations though!!!
"WHAT WAS THAT, 'm what?" eddie grunted as the grip on your calves grew tighter, forcing your legs to press against your chest as far as they could go.
you knew what he wanted to hear. he wanted to hear that he was yours. after a year of dating your infamous boyfriend jason, someone else caught your eye as you stood in front of the bleachers with blue and orange colored pom-poms in your hands.
jason was the jock — basketball, football, soccer — you name it. he had a full ride for football and basketball, and after a long consideration without consolation from you, he chose football.
you were already on the cheerleading team, jason just felt like it was an even better image for himself. though, you didn't take college as serious as he did. your reputation here wasn't going to matter in a few years, and after sneaking around behind jason's back, you figured you couldn't really care anymore.
this image of being the university sweetheart while jason is the strong, protective popular boyfriend everyone wanted was definitely overwhelming. maybe that's why you crawled under eddie the second you could.
"you're mine, eddie, you're mine, i promise," you cried, trying to move your hips to let his cock slide into your dripping hole, but he just held you there. knees to your chest, breasts pushed together, your stomach squished, beads of salty sweat running down your hairline.
"mm, honey, tell me you're mine. tell daddy what he wants to hear," he grinned, eyes focused on the way your cunt pushes together when he moved your legs together and apart, the way your pussy lips were shining in slick. he couldn't believe you were with an asshole like jason.
eddie was slowly inching his painfully hard tip in between the fat of your lips, feeling the way your hole clenched and pulsed to allow him inside.
"i'm yours, i'm all yours, just you eddie, only you," you cried. you knew it was true. though you were with jason, that didn't mean you were with jason.
eddie tsked, and grabbed his cock, letting his sopping tip slap against your thick mound. eddie's favorite thing to do was make you beg, make you want him just as much as he wanted you.
"what would jason think, pretty girl? his girl, his college sweetheart, being treated like a fucking whore by uni's freak?" he asked sternly, tapping his cock on your mound to make a wet slapping noise, one that sent throbbing to your cunt.
he let you plant your feet on either side of his thighs, just so he can watch you squirm and thrash for him as he used your favorite thing to tease you.
"what would your cheer team think, baby? i don't know, i think if they saw how fucking sexy you look begging for my dick they'd understand where i'm coming from," he smiled to himself, spitting on your cunt and letting his fingers find their way in between your lips and rubbing at your clit.
it was too much. it was always too much with eddie. and it was always never enough with jason.
"i don't care, i don't care i just need it, need you please," you whined, squirming on his bed that's on the other side of the dorm room.
the thing is, the bed on the other side of the dorm room belonged to jason. of course this would be your luck. but you didn't care, and neither did eddie. in fact, seeing jason's unmade bed only spurred him on to fuck you even harder. to be buried inside of you with no interest of ever slipping out, in the same room your boyfriend sleeps in.
it was hard at first, having the same eight o clock class and always seeing each other as you went for coffee and he went for the food. or so he said. he'd never tell you he only went for you because the food was ass.
it was a party when it finally happened. after months of teasing and flirting and somehow mentioning being sexually deprived.
"you know he's my roommate right?" eddie asked as you grabbed yourself a solo cup and some tequila. you weren't a drinker, but tonight you were.
especially when jason immediately ditched you once you arrived at the frat house, losing sight of him almost instantly.
"oh, i didn't know that. funny. he doesn't really like you." you deadpanned and leaned against the counter. eddie was a decent body language expert.
"that's alright," he laughed and stepped closer, "i don't need him to like me when his girl likes me."
you blush, shaking your head and hiding your smile behind the cup. "why do you say that?"
"i just know. i also just know when boyfriends aren't treating their girlfriends right. is he not treating you right?" he breathed, close enough now to feel his breath on your neck.
"jason doesn't know how to make me cum." you admit, gulping down the tequila and cringing at the taste.
"he's never made you cum? ever?" his own shock surprised him. you didn't fail to acknowledge the way his breath hit your neck as he stepped closer to you, eddie not minding the people flowing in and out of the kitchen.
"he's not particularly fond of the way i look." you sigh, sipping on the solo cup not noticing the fact that he's now close enough to be face to face with his chest. "says he doesn't know how i made the cheer team being a size 3x."
eddie didn't have shame, it was you that did.
"he said that to you?" eddie never felt rage like this before. never felt the need to find jason and bash his head into the brick wall, even though eddie's not sure how that fight would end.
"eddie," you warned, tilting your head towards him and realizing he was face to face with you, eyes blacked and lips parted as he scans your face.
"you don't have to put up with him you know that right? fucking asshole doesn't even know how to make a pretty gjrl like you cum," something in him breaks when he realizes, so he leans closer to your ear and lets his hand rest on the meat of your hip, "you want me to be the first man to make you cum on his fingers?"
eddie found over the months that his favorite thing to do besides get high, was watching you thrash and beg him to fuck you. he never thought he'd get you in this way, to be able to have you and have all of you.
because of jason, the insecurities you had of being a bigger girl nearly killed you. it made being with eddie a lot harder than it should've been, but eddie was patient. he knew how to talk to you, how to please you, how to make you feel good.
he watched you underneath him, squirm with tears in your eyes and spilling over, rutting your hips against his bare cock for any friction.
"you're so fucking needy baby, you need me to give it to you? fill this pretty fuckin' tummy with my cock? i'd give you fucking anything, anything baby, i just need you to tell me," his voice was scratchy from a blunt before this, his hands on either side of your head and looking between your two bodies to see the way your cunt looked for him.
"eddie please, please fuck me!" you yelled, not realizing the doors of these dorms were practically paper thin.
it only made eddie throb. something possessive, damn near animalistic came out of him as he realized he was the one pumping inside of you every other day — not jason.
the freak, the outcast, the loser was filling the jock's girlfriend up every weekend after cheer practice. he waits for you at the gate of the stadium field, cigarette between his lips as people give him odd stares.
"baby's gettin' loud huh? you don't even care if jason walked in right now do ya? heard you scream my name and saw this cunt dripping for me?"
eddie pulled his hips back, sliding out of you enough where your slick pours out of your hole, his tip still nestled between the fat of your cunt. he looks between your two bodies, rubbing over your bloated tummy and moving his fingers to ghost circles on your clit.
"this'll be the best fuckin' dick you've ever had baby, jason can't fuck this tight little cunt like me can he? you know you belong to me, tell me this pussy is mine baby," your eyes were hazy, hard to keep open as he applied more and more pressure with every circle on your clit. "what?" you gasped.
"you heard me," he chuckled breathlessly, "tell me you're mine, this pussy is mine baby, you know it, i know it,"
he slams his hips into you, causing you to cry out a strangled moan and wrap your arms around eddie's neck. you managed to slip your hand and ravel it into his curly locks, grasping at the nape of his neck.
"you know what i want, honey baby?" he asks smoothly, slowing his thrusts down and angling your hips up to slide deeper.
your mouth is hung open, eyes rolling back and trying to grasp on your reality. eddie.
"w-what? what eddie?" you moaned, opening your legs wider subconsciously.
he kisses the chub of your cheeks, over your nose and down your neck until he has a handful of your boobs. he rolls your nipple between his two fingers, and attaching his mouth onto the fat of your skin to make bruises.
"i want you to cum all on my cock, okay? and then i wanna fill you up with my nut, have this perfect fucking pussy filled to the fucking brim," he grunts, sitting up on his knees as he grabs onto your calfs and perch them on his shoulders.
your knees press into your chest as he looks down at the fat lips of your cunt pushing together and shining from your slick, watching how your lips suck him in like nothing.
"then i want you to waltz your pretty fucking body to go find jason and break up with him," your eyes widen as you feel the breath get knocked out of you, and eddie smiles and presses down on your throat with his fingers, "want you to tell him it's over with my cum dripping out of this little hole, yeah?"
"such a pretty little fucking slut for me, only me right? nobody else can take care of you like me, baby, you know daddy will always make you feel good." he grunted, feeling his balls tighten as your walls flutter around him and squeeze like a vice.
"so break up with jason, baby, matter of fact i want you to tell him how good daddy fucks you, tell him that nobody fucks you better than me."
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thewolvesof1998 · 6 months
They don’t know (your name is already mine) - aka Mistaken Identity, Dog Tags, Christmas fic!
Chapter 2: A Not So Merry Mix-Up
He swipes the answer button and brings the phone up to his ear, “Hello?” “Is this Bobby Nash?” An unfamiliar female voice asks him. “Yes, it is.” “Hi Mr Nash, I’m calling from Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, we just admitted Eddie Diaz, he has you listed as his second emergency contact.”
tagging some people who might be interested: @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @malewifediaz @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @mangacat201 @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @smilingbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @carrierofthepaperclips @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @thosetwofirefighters @monsterrae1 @princehattric @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @singlethread @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @wikiangela @blurredbuddie @aquamarineglitter @devirnis
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: One of These Nights
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Summary: You as Joe’s girlfriend are by his side for every event, you helped him feel more comfortable since he wasn't the most social guy and he needed you there. You departed from him to go the bathroom and Joe isn't at all pleased with what happened on your way back.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mad Joe
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: None! (Misc.)
*No specific date for this fic!*
(y/n’s pov)
Joe and I had just sat down at the table of Bengals players and their girls in our usual VIP section. One look at Joe and I could tell he already didn't want to be here.
I looped my arm with his and he flashed me a small smile, his icy blue eyes barely visible behind his black Cartier’s.
“I love you.” - Joe mouthed
“I love you too.” - you mouthed back
He had already thanked me so many times tonight for coming with him since it wasn't his scene at all, and I made it more bearable.
Sam Hubbard, a longtime teammate of Joe, knew all about his antisocial ways, so he tried to include Joe in the conversations to keep his mind away from the surroundings.
I gave Sam a thankful nod because if he wasn't keeping Joe occupied, I'd end up on babysitting duty for the whole night.
Even in a secluded area away from the rest of the club, I was constantly looking around for possible cameras.
Joe hated PDA, and for him to even have his arm looped with mine was a big step, but he needed close to me right now. That's why I checked around for cameras, knowing Joe would be mad if pictures of us close together were posted.
I found myself zoning out since the conversion had switched to football, and I could barely make out the sound of a female voice saying my name.
“Hey y/n, I have to go to the bathroom… can you come with me?” - Jess
It was Jess, Sam’s girlfriend.
I turned to Joe to see him already looking at me. He was waiting for an answer.
“Will you be okay if I go to the bathroom?” - you
My face faltered when he immediately started biting the inside of his cheeks like he does when he's nervous, but he nodded yes.
“Okay. Be right back.” - you
Before I stood up, Joe caught me off guard when he placed a soft kiss on my cheek.
Even Jess took notice, and as we walked away from the table, she commented on it.
“Your boy seems a little touchy today.” - Jess giggled
“I have no idea what's gotten into him, but you will not catch me complaining.” - you
“I hear that.” - Jess laughed
Minutes later, Jess finished washing her hands, I finished fixing my mascara, and we left the bathroom.
We laughed as we walked back to the table, just talking about our boyfriends and having a good time.
Walking up to the roped-off area, the same security guard that had let us in and out five minutes ago wasn’t even acknowledging us.
“Uhm, sir? Can you let us back in?” - you
The burly man looked at me, then to Jess, and silently shook his head no.
“Why not?” - Jess
“Don't see any passes… and the last time I checked the Cincinnati Bengals don't draft women.” - security guard
Jess reached into her purse mumbling a “Don't worry” and took her pass out to show the guy.
He studied it intently and eyed Jess once again.
“Okay.” - security guard
Relief washed over me when he moved the rope and Jess stepped through. I followed behind her but he closed it back before I could get to the other side.
I went to yell after Jess, but she was already around the corner, and the club was so loud that if I yelled at the top of my lungs she wouldn't be able to hear me.
“Not you.” - security guard
“Excuse me?” - you
“Listen, girl. I get it, you wanna try to make your move on one of the players because you want their money. I've dealt with girls like you before, and it’s not going to happen.” - security guard
I stood there completely baffled.
“What did you just say to me? You just let me walk out like ten minutes ago.” - you
“Now you're trying to gaslight me. Oh and let me guess, you're dating a player?” - security guard
“For your information, I am dating one of the players. I have been for six fucking years. You watched me walk in with him!” - you
“Of course you are and I have no recollection of letting you in the VIP lounge. You don't look like the… NFL player’s type.” - security guard
“This is unbelievable. I don't want to sound like a braggy bitch, but my boyfriend is Joe Burrow. I suggest you let me in before he finds out about this altercation.” - you
“Ma’am, with all due respect Joe Burrow could have any woman in the world… and I don't foresee him picking you. You don't have any proof of him being your boyfriend either.” - security guard
I grabbed my phone out of my purse and attempted to call Joe, but it went straight to voicemail.
“Shit. Voicemail.” - you mumbled
“Look my background is me and him. He's in uniform. This is after the AFC Championship in 2021.” - you
“That could be edited. Look lady, you're very persistent but I'm going to have to remove you from the club.” - security guard
Before I knew it the guy was grabbing my arms at full force and started shoving me around.
“Let go of me!” - you yelled
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, but as always before anything could happen, I heard that voice.
“What is going on here?!” - Joe
The look on the security guard’s face when he turned around to see Joe, looking like a bull ready to face a matador, was priceless.
“Sir I was just…” - security guard
“Manhandling my girlfriend? Because that's sure what it fucking looked like.” - Joe
“I thought…” - security guard
“Let go of her before I break your arms!” - Joe
He immediately dropped my arms and Joe gently whisked me behind his back.
“What is it that you thought?” - Joe
“She told me you were her boyfriend, but I thought she was lying.” - security guard
“Why’d you think that?” - Joe
“She just doesn't look like a girl that an NFL star like you would get with. That simple.” - security guard
“What the fuck did you just say to me. You better get out of my face before I bash yours in.” - Joe
“Can you blame me, dude? She’s not really… you know…” - security guard
“She's not really what?!” - Joe yelled
“The smallest girl on the planet.” - security guard
Joe's entire face turned red as he bubbles with furiousness.
“That’s it.” - Joe lunged forward
I immediately grabbed his wrist and pulled him back with as much strength as I could. Once he was beside me I put my hand on his chest, knowing it helped him calm down.
“Don’t. It's not worth it, Joey.” - you
Joe looked down at me to find my face completely flushed and my tear-filled eyes pleading.
“Congratulations, you've just worked your last shift.” - Joe
He moved away and took my hand, moving the rope himself and slamming it on the ground before he walked back over to the booth.
I sat back down in our spot, but Joe stayed standing with his phone in hand, seemingly dialing a number.
Joe just radiated anger right now as he held his phone up to his ear and started raddling a million miles a minute.
A few minutes later, he sat back down next to me with a deep sigh.
“Had to call the owner. That guy’s never working here again. I swear one of these nights I'm going to beat the shit out of someone.” - Joe
“I’m so sorry.” - you blinked back tears
“You have nothing to be sorry for, absolutely nothing. I should've walked you to the bathroom. Oh and forget every word that fucking dick said. You're the only woman I could ever picture myself with. You're the most beautiful girl in this entire world, and you are perfect for me. I love you more than anything.” - Joe
I buried my face in his neck without even thinking about where we were right now, but Joe didn't care. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.
“Thank you for being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. I love you more than anything, too.” - you
“Wanna go home?” - Joe
“Please?” - you
Joe stood up immediately and took my hand. We said goodbye to everyone and made our way back down the hallway. When we found ourselves in the main room, I figured Joe would drop my hand, but he didn't.
We approached Joe’s car, and he opened my door like always, showing off the gentleman he was.
As soon as he shut his door, Joe crashed his lips against mine.
“When we get home I'm going to show you how damn desirable you are. I don't care what other people say you're perfectly made for me.” - Joe
And that's exactly what he did, both verbally and physically. Joe made me feel like the most craved woman in the world.
Authors note: ending the night (and the 5th day of Christmas) with some angst.
Request for this fic;
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hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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reminiscingtonight · 7 months
Hoodie ;)
I've already done a blurb for this but I actually loved it so much so I thought why not do another one
Hoodie Blurb II:
It was a fool proof plan.
There's this one particular hoodie of hers that you've taken a liking to. It's one of Leah's original pieces of clothing that she got when she first signed for Arsenal all those years ago. So it's sentimental to her in a way.
So for course you wanted it for yourself.
No matter how many times Leah takes it back, not matter how deep on her side of the dresser she hides the worn-down, ratty looking thing, it somehow always ends up back in your possession.
So Leah rolls with it.
It comes to her as a late-night thought. As she's watching your peaceful form sleeping so soundly next to her Leah knows she wants you to be hers. For good.
You're off having lunch with Steph when she does it. Having just done the laundry, it's one of the rare times you've left the hoodie to Leah's care. So slipping the tiny box into the front pocket, Leah carefully folds the hoodie back up, making sure to take extra care to plop it closer to your half of the drawer when putting it away.
When she grabs a pair of socks the next day, Leah's happy to see the piece of clothing gone.
Now all she has to do is wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait some more.
It isn't until the third day has passed and you still haven't said anything about her engagement ring that Leah musters up the courage to say something.
"Babe, have you seen my favorite hoodie?"
"Nope." you pop the 'p,' not even glancing away from the television. But the smile playing on your lips tells Leah you know exactly where it is.
"Well I'm cold. Do you mind finding it for me?"
If anything, you seem to relax into the couch some more, propping your hands up behind your head. "No can do, sweet-cheeks."
Leah narrows her eyes at the pet name. "Muffin-buns, why not?"
At that, you look up, not able to keep a straight face at her choice of words. "'Muffin-buns'?"
"Would you prefer 'honey butter biscuit cheesecake pie'?"
It's quiet as you stare at Leah. Leah does nothing but stare right back.
The silence only lasts three seconds before you're both howling, laughing at the ridiculous pet name.
Clutching her stomach, Leah's wiping away her tears when you shove hard at her shoulder.
"'Honey butter biscuit cheesecake pie'? Baby, why?"
Leah muffles her snort into your hairline as you snuggle into her side, scoffing under your breath about how much you hate her. Here Leah only feels her love for you grow. This is the type of afternoons she wants to have for the rest of her life. Wrapped up around you, swapping jokes and laughter. Leah's heart beats for you and only you and she wants you to know it.
Before Leah can bring up her hoodie again however, you beat her to the punch.
And she instantly feels the ice settle in her veins.
"Katie was shivering after practice today so I let her borrow it. She said she'd return it tomorrow though!"
You've long passed out on the couch, the tiredness of today's training catching up to you. Slipping away into the guest bedroom, Leah closes the door shut before pulling out her phone.
To her relief, Katie's contact picture lights up the screen before she has a chance to press call herself.
"Katie--" Leah starts... Only to be interrupted by a loud, angered Irish accent.
"Mate! Of all of the places in the world, why would you hide your goddamn ring in your stupid little hoodie?! Caitlin nearly passed out thinking I was going to propose when I pulled it out! And then she cussed me out when I told her it wasn't mine!"
Leah cringes. "In my defense, (Y/N) was not supposed to loan you out the hoodie."
There's a slight pause on the other side of the phone. And then a sharp sigh. "Please don't tell me this was you plan for proposing to (Y/N)."
Leah bites her lip. "Okay, I won't."
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nothing serious.
professor! anakin skywalker.
a/n: hiii! so, @fuckmyskywalker came up with the idea for this concept, and I've decided to write my own fic on it! LOVEE me some starwars boy. But put him in a SUIT?? drool worthyyy.
tw!: smut. lots of smut. ahem. p in v sex, sort of breeding kink? it's small but it's there. use of the name pet!! unprotected sex! do not attempt! dumification kink? also miniscule but there. big big sir kink. Anakin loves asserting the fact that he's the top here.
Disclaimer: 18+ only please! I'm not responsible for the media you consume as an adolescent!
description: Attending the most sought after university definitely was the best decision you'd made regarding your college career, but one perverted professor almost makes you want drop out entirely. Anakin Skywalker, was in no short terms, egotistical and a hard-ass. At least that's what you knew, so why is he asking to see you after class?
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Ah, Corscuscant University. One of the most popular STEM universities in the country. The same STEM university you attended. Being a biology major, it was a no brainer for you come here. When you arrived as a freshman Corscuscant felt like your dream school, but like every dream, reality had set in. Your painful reality was Anakin Skywalker; your math professor. Professor Skywalker was one of, if not the most attractive man you had ever seen. He knew he was good looking, too. Almost every person in school had a crush on him, one of those people being you. That's not to say you didn't find him annoying as hell, but you could appreciate a good complexion when you saw one. Despite his good looks, it didn't change the fact that Anakin Skywalker was an egotistical hard ass, whose courses were next to impossible.
It was easy to ignore his big mouth and jabs at any poor soul unfortunate enough to get a question wrong in the beginning, focusing on your studies and logarithmic equations. However, as the class began to get more difficult, your counselor started suggesting attending his after school lessons. Something you couldn't be bribed to attend. But alas, hell hath no fury like a college counselor.
The good thing about Anakin's tutoring is that it's only on Fridays. The bad thing, is that it's a ghost town most days. if he's lucky, Anakin might get 2 or 3 students. So by the second semester, it became just you and him.
Anakin Skywalker was now aware of your existence. He was aware you sucked at math, and he was probably aware of your attraction to college professors who made even Pythagoras hate math. So now here the two of you were.
Just earlier that morning, you'd been notified that the tutoring had been canceled, so your plans for the evening were to go home and sleep. But, before you can walk out of the classroom, Professor Skywalker calls your name. Leaning against his chair, he looks at you piercingly. "Come to my office as soon as possible. We need to discuss your grade in my class."
"Yes professor. " You stuttered, sending a questioning glance to your friend. You walked towards Anakin's office, knowing he'd already be in the room. You hesitated to enter, dreading whatever miserable information he had to bestow upon you, in private. You noticed while peering into the room that he's got a paper in his hand. 'please don't be mine,' you pray.
Once you entered, you moved to stand in front of his desk. "Are you free to stay awhile? I have some questions about your last exam." He says, seeming relaxed. You DID have plans, no, you were not free. Ugh. You guess you can't deny your teacher, so you nod politely. "Great to hear." He says, motioning for you to walk around the desk.
Anakin rolls out his seat, and moves to stand. Now standing in his personal bubble, per his suggestion, you fidget with your hands. "So, what about my exam? Did I fail it, sir?" You start to get worried. "No, no, nothing like that. You actually made top of the class once I graded it." Anakin praised. "I'd actually like to offer you some extra credit."
Anakin motioned for you to take a seat on top of his desk. "What kind of credit?" You asked, now level eye level with his chin. "Just some extra course work and a few more sessions in the week." Anakin shrugged, almost distracted. You hesitated, "I suppose I can, uhm, do that." Anakin smiled at your stutter. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted it to meet his eyes. "You're certainly obedient. I like that." You felt your brain screech to a halt. "Excuse me, what?"
Is Professor Skywalker hitting on you? This has to be a dream. You look up at him, and lo and behold, he's staring right back. He looks hungry, like you're a delicious piece of meat. "You behave when and how i tell you to. Has anyone ever told you that's attractive?" Anakin clarifies, placing both of his hands on desk, trapping you under him. You bristle at his statement. "Sir! that's inappropriate!" Anakin just laughs, and leans in. He says, quietly, "That's alright, pet. It's only inappropriate if someone finds out. I don't intend on telling a soul."
You feel your nose subconsciously scrunch up in confusion. "Pet?" Where did that come from? "You're my little teacher's pet, aren't you? It'll be our little secret." Anakin places one hand on your thigh, the other further along the desk to prop himself up. You can feel his hand wander to your hip, and you're not sure you want to stop him. You didn't know someone's hands could feel that good, with his feather like movements. You're about to let him continue, until you remind yourself that you didn't lock his door. Anyone could walk in.
"Wait, not here. Someone will see." You try to push Anakin away, but he grabs your wrist to restrain you, gently. "Yes here. I can't stop myself." Anakin ducks his head below your chin, and places butterfly kisses along your throat. You hold it in, but you want to moan at his touch. Anakin pulls away, "I'm going to give you your first extra credit assignment. Answer these 3 questions."
You try to focus on his words and not the pooling heat between your legs. "Yes sir." You're pretty sure Anakin noticed you squeezing your thighs together like no tomorrow, and he's just saying these things to rile you up. He quietly moans at your obedience. "Good girl, keeping doing that." You look at him, "What, calling you sir?"
Anakin nods, giving your hip a squeeze. "Yeah, baby. It means you know who's in charge here."
Clearing his throat, Anakin begins. "Now, question one. are you aware of how tempting your body has been to me?" You can feel your cheeks lighting on fire. He's certainly been bold. "N-no sir."
"That's okay, beauty, I'll show you. Question two: will you let me kiss you?"
Oh fuck. You knew that was coming. Oh well, you only live once. "Yes sir." As soon as the words left your lips, Anakin had cupped your cheek, pulling you into a passionate kiss. Anakin was a good kisser. You'd figured that was probably true a while ago, but now? To feel him? It was overwhelming. He pushed against your mouth, using one hand to lift your leg against his hip. Using the new angle, Anakin deepened the kiss causing you both to moan against each other.
You can feel Anakin get more and more aggressive in the kiss, to the point he's pushing the desk a little. You pull away from him for a moment, causing him to chase your lips. "Anakin.." You start, but he cuts you off with a growl. "Who, pet?" You should've expected that one. "You, sir. You're pushing the desk apart." You correct yourself quietly, murmuring your concerns into his ear. Anakin frowns in thought before donning a sultry grin. "I've got a better place for us to continue, dear pet." Before you can question him, Anakin wraps your legs around his waist and takes your mouth in a kiss. He lifts you from the desk before walking towards the couch in the corner of his office.
You yelp as Anakin gently throws you onto it, and you're once again locking lips.
"Mm, sir.." You moaned into his mouth, feeling him crawl on top of you. Anakin smiles, looking down at such a pretty sight. "Such a good girl, pet. You gonna spread f'me?" Anakin tapped your thighs, and you pulled them apart at his request. Anakin settled himself between your legs. "For the last question, pet," Anakin pulls up your skirt and hooks his fingers into the hem of your underwear. "How badly do you want me to fuck you?" Feeling your heart speed up, you replied shaking, "So badly, sir. Please."
"Good girl. you've earned yourself an A+." He rasps, sitting up and undoing his belt. Craning your head, you watch as Anakin unzips his trousers. You almost gasp when he pulls out his dick. You're not even sure you can take him, with how large he is. "It's alright, pet, no need to look scared." Anakin cooed, kissing your jaw. He lifted up your skirt, and pulled on the hem of your underwear. Discarding them, you were now bare for his eyes to see. "We'll go slow, baby." Anakin reassured you, lining himself up with your entrance. Gently as Anakin could be, he pushed into you. Whimpering, you felt tears well up in your eyes. It was both painful and overwhelming, and you instinctually pushed at his chest. "Relax, little pet, relax." Anakin grunted, already being squeezed like a balloon waiting to be popped. Anakin finally bottomed out, after what felt like forever. It felt so good. "Tell me when, darling." Anakin refused to move until you gave him a sign. Taking several deep breaths, you nodded. "No, pet. give me words. Use them, baby."
"Please, sir."
"Please what, my girl?"
You knew Anakin was getting impatient, but you were so overwhelmed with pleasure it was hard to form words. You him growl in your ear. Feeling his hand touch your soft flesh, Anakin gripped your waist and moved without warning, "I'm not going to wait anymore, little pet." You couldn't help but let out a guttural moan. Holy shit. He was so big, and you've never felt so filled in your life. "Sir..!" You cried, pulling him down and kissing him. Anakin begins to kiss you passionately, pressing you into the sofa. His mouth meets yours in a loving and desperate kiss as he starts to move faster, causing your loud whining to be muffled. If you weren't blissed out, you'd die of embarrassment at the lewd noises the two of you created. Anakin, on the other hand, loved it. Feeling him speed up, you pulled away from his mouth and almost screamed. You knew you were close, and you told him so. "Sir, please! Close, close, please.. mm," You were practically crying from how good he felt. "I know pet, I know." Anakin replied, grunting when he felt you squeeze him harder. "God, keep squeezing and I'm gonna burst, baby, fuck."
Hooking his hands under your thighs, Anakin lifted them onto his shoulders, pressing you in half. The new angle made your insides burst with pleasure, making you scream. "C'mon pet, you can do it." Anakin encouraged, hitting all the right spots harder. "Cum for me baby, cum all over my dick, yeah?" His words sent shivers through your spine, and your eyes rolled. It was too much. The coil in your tummy snapped, and you finished with a moan.
However, Anakin didn't stop. Despite your release, Anakin moved even faster. "No, no, sir! I can't!" You cried, already overstimulated to high heaven. "Don't be selfish pet, i know you can do it," Tightening his grip on your thighs, Anakin grunted over, and over, and over with every thrust. "Don't want my cum, baby? huh? Don't want your teacher to fill you up till you're full?"
Too fucked out to use your brain to respond, you squeezed around him again. It was too much for you, and now, the last straw for him. Letting out an animalistic growl, Anakin buried himself as far in you as he could, bottoming out fully. Your tummy felt so warm, being painted with his load for what felt like forever to you.
He collapses on top of you, panting softly. "Such a good girl f'me, baby. M'so proud of you." He coos at you, still out of breath from the intensity of the moment. After a few seconds, Anakin lifts his head and chuckles. "Poor thing, too dumb to respond to me?" He gives your thigh a gentle squeeze. You whine at his teasing, pouting at him. He leans to your ear and whispers, "Don't be shy, baby. You did so good f'me."
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
I've been trying to write for some time. Usually I focus on one for the time being and gradually I lose interest and move on to another one until I lose interest again and and move back to the other, which is probably why I hadn't really noticed it until now.
The problem, that I have gradually started to notice, is that I plan and plan and plan but bearly ever get to the stage of writing and when I write there are suddenly small details that I need to research and those small details tend to blow-up into another day full of no writing. I want to write, but my brain just refuses to corporate with me. I can't just not research the things, because then I get hung up on that and don't get another word on the page until I do look it up, but I also can't look it up because then I get hung up on finding out more than I need on the topic and, again, don't find my way back to the draft.
So what I am asking is, how do you concentrate on writing? How do you stay focused on the task and not drift into needing to look something up? Even if you do need to look it up how do you get back to writing, so that your attention doesn't get eaten alive by the next Wikipedia article?
The three ways I go about this might or might not help you, so I hope other writers will add on in the notes with other options. Mine are:
don't write things that need me to do research
ask someone who already knows / is willing to do the research for me
accept the fact that I'm not going to be accurate
I don't prioritize world building, so I don't mind having a mistake here or there. The kinds of stories that I write don't rely on historical details or engineering know-how or a specific understanding of geopolitical intrigue. Any time I do need to write that stuff, I throw in some hand-wave-y phrases here or there and keep going. No one is reading my fics expecting an in-depth description of mating habits of swallows.
In cases where I'm trying to remain canon compliant, I'll ask friends of mine who are more familiar with canon or have better memories for those kinds of details. I could spend 2 hours rewatching a movie, or I could just ping my friend and ask for the detail or the order of events, and she'll tell me in 2 minutes.
I've never been a writer who feels the need to know the precise cost of carrots in 1930s Brooklyn or the name of a haberdashery popular in 1880s London. So let's see if those detail-oriented fact-finders can give you some guidance that you might find more helpful.
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