raurquiz · 3 months
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#HappyBirthday @ansonmount #ansonmount #Actor #CaptainPike #startrekdisovery #strangenewwords #shorttreks #inhumans #doctorstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #hellonwheels #crossroads #urbanlegends #finalcut #tully #inhershoes #nonstop #injustice #mkultra #lineoffire #TheMountain #dotadragonsblood #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla @marvelstudios @disneyplusla
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fabryfabry80 · 4 months
Fly drone up the skyscrapers
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
First look at Final Cut
A new trailer has been released for Final Cut, which is set to release July 14, 2023.
The opening night selection of last year’s Cannes Film Festival was this wacky horror comedy, a remake of Shin’ichirô Ueda’s cult hit One Cut of the Dead. It follows a director (Romain Duris, L’Auberge Espagnole) making a live, single-take, low-budget zombie flick in which the cast and crew, one by one, actually turn into zombies.
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vid-x · 1 year
Animation LOGO
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biancarogers · 2 years
Base Mac Studio vs M1 Ultra Studio for Video Editing! ✏️ 📹 🍎 https://applevideos.co.uk/mac-studio/base-mac-studio-vs-m1-ultra-studio-for-video-editing
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greghatecrimes · 9 months
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coming soon to a tumblr dashboard near you: a house md crack video by yours truly
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luanthainews · 1 year
Apple tuyên bố Final Cut Pro và Logic Pro sắp có mặt trên iPad ngay tháng này
Apple vừa tuyên bố Final Cut Pro và Logic Pro sắp có mặt trên iPad ngay trong tháng 5 hứa hẹn nhiều tính năng mới nổi bật.
Final Cut Pro và Logic Pro đều được xây dựng với giao diện cảm ứng mới. Nhưng cả hai đều cung cấp rất nhiều sức mạnh của máy tính để bàn trong giao diện đó.
Final Cut trên iPad có đầy đủ giao diện chỉnh sửa, chuyển cảnh, hiệu ứng, tiêu đề – nó thực sự giống như Final Cut Pro trên iPad chứ không phải một ứng dụng đồng hành bị rút gọn.
Logic Pro thậm chí còn gần với phiên bản đầy đủ hơn; bạn có thể huấn luyện gần như tất cả các hiệu ứng và công cụ đã biết, cộng với giao diện chỉnh sửa và trộn đầy đủ.
Các phiên bản dành cho máy tính để bàn cũng sẽ sớm nhận được một số tính năng từ phiên bản iOS.
Xem thêm: https://topchuyengia.vn/tin-tuc-hot/final-cut-pro-va-logic-pro-sap-co-mat-tren-ipad
Source: https://topchuyengia.vn
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997 · 1 year
do you think Adobe is a good video/photo editor? All my friends who are graphic designers only use them
its the one most people know for the longest time so it makes sense that there is some type of cultural monopoly over whats the best editor but like, ive got real pro designer friends who use afinity instead of illustrator/photoshop and also regarding video editing ive seen more and more people leave premiere to work on davinci resolve... + the only ppl really using finalcut over both of those are youtubers who post more than once a week
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Besties, does anyone know any good editing softwares? Bonus points if it's reminiscent of finalcut.
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doriangray1789 · 1 year
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joshstaunton · 1 year
Steens Mazama 1000 - low quality from Joshua Staunton on Vimeo.
Shot on an iPhone 7 and 10, Edited in FinalCut Pro over a nine day period.
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vipevenosop · 2 years
Pitivi tutorial pdf
        pitivi manual pitivi install ubuntu tutoriel pitivi pitivi couper vidéopitivi export mp4 pitivi iptv kdenlive pitivi windows download
  Codec audio : Vorbis audio encoder. Codec vidéo : Theora video encoder. PiTiVi utilise : le langage Python et la boîte à outils GTK+ pour son interface [PDF] Montage vidéo et publication en ligne. Sous Linux : Kdenlive (idéal), Pitivi (simple), Cinerrela (très puissant mais compliqué) Sous Mac : Payants Kdenlive (idéal), Pitivi (simple), Cinerrela (très puissant mais compliqué) Sous Mac : Payants : Imovie, FinalCut, Adobe Première. « Gratuit » : Kdenlive[PDF] Kdenlive - FUNIX. 31 jan 2020 · Volume 5 - Tutoriel Shotcut Volume 6 – Tutorial Flowblade Movie Editor Volume 7 – Tutorial Pitivi Video Editor
https://vipevenosop.tumblr.com/post/694613423028322304/bigoudis-mousse-mode-demploi-samsung, https://vipevenosop.tumblr.com/post/694613935215755264/turtle-beach-500p-notice, https://rexodanuruke.tumblr.com/post/694614916169089026/tp-experience-de-reynolds-pdf, https://rexodanuruke.tumblr.com/post/694612134816088064/nematode-mode-d-emploi, https://rexodanuruke.tumblr.com/post/694614330091683841/globus-emploi.
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boxedforyourdemise · 2 years
Yea, it's nice and a healthy way to just do stuff.
We definitely enjoy doing it! But editing videos is horrendous. We're currently editing a video rn actually djdjd
We are going to use finalcut most likely lol
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completecomputerstn · 1 month
Apple iMac 21.5" 4K Retina, Intel core i5, 8GB 1TB OS Ventura /Sonoma
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cristoforo-bonissone · 3 months
DEHANCER PRO for Premiere - DaVinci - FinalCut - Lightroom - IPhone - Ph...
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jihanesroom · 7 months
Mixed Media Animations
I wanted to incorporate elements of animation into my film, particularly with more experimental forms that utilised existing footage as opposed to strictly 2D or 3D animation. As such, I looked towards employing rotoscoping or mixed media animation, which are two emerging forms of experimental animation. I was inclined towards using mixed media, mostly due to it's characteristically messy and hand drawn style resembles punk zines from the 1970s with a bricolage of mediums such as newspaper and cuttings. In addition to this, mixed media is an unfamiliar medium I had never tried and wanted to challenge myself with, under the pretence that my inexperience will create a more raw and juvenile product. I was inspired by small youtube mixed media animators such as noonglow and lou for their emphasis on cuttings and drawings with camera movement.
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As I want to have multiple mixed media animations, I thought it would be best to undertake the longest and most challenging animation. I began my process by taking extra footage of one of my actors dancing, as I wanted this animation to be long and in the background. To make the dance more visually stimulating I filmed it on a 360 spinning gimbal. Upon completing filming, I uploaded my footage and edited the lighting to be both monochromatic and extremely high contrast, as to make the movement clearer as I knew it would need to be printed extremely small.
Then came figuring out how to export the footage as individual PNGs, which would not be possible on Finalcut. As such, I switched to Adobe Premier Pro, and exported it as 8fps as opposed to the classic 8 as it would both save time with cutting images, but I also enjoyed the choppy quality it gave the footage.
Though it was exported at 8fps, it still resulted in over 150 individual image. As such, I then printed the images with a contact sheet format due to its small, compact size in order to save on paper. To add another layer of visual interest, I made scratchings outlining the movement with a cutting knife, which not only served aesthetic purposes, but also enabled the movement being clearer. This, paired with needing to cut each image out and stick to newspaper was a very time consuming, laborious process.
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After this process, I needed to scan every page before manually adjusting every frame to fit within the Finalcut aspect ratio. By in large, though the process of creating even a 20 second mixed media animation is an extremely time consuming endeavour, it is worth it due to the impressive results you finish with, and I look to be creatig more with different and unique techniques to pad out the duration of my music video.
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