#finally watched evil dead (1981)
rollerskating-vampire · 2 months
pro tip! if you're on an archaeological dig and find a werid book bound in human skin, maybe don't audio record your translation
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irljulietcapulet · 2 months
get to know me through my fav horror films (this is definitely not all of them, horror is the loml)
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ambreiiigns · 9 months
yesterday i watched intruder 1989 btw funniest shit i ever seen
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upwardsdescensum · 7 months
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She said I'm whimsigoth but not like this.Not like this.
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Stats from Movies 201-300
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Return of the Living Dead had the most votes with 1763 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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The Shining was the most watched film with 78.96% of voters saying they had seen it.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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The Human Centipede was the least watched film with 74.6% of voters saying they hadn't seen it.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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The Shining was the best known film with only 0.48% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Late Phases was the least known film with 86.64% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Detention (2019) Deep Freeze (2001) Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) The Boy (2016) Spree (2020) They Look Like People (2015) Proxy (2013) 28 Days Later (2002) Grave Encounters (2011) Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) Nosferatu (1922) The Toxic Avenger (1984) The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009) Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Haunt (2019) Blood Quantum (2019) Videodrome (1983) Splinter (2008) The Last Days on Mars (2013)
Late Phases (2014) The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020) Watcher (2022) The Blackening (2022) No One Will Save You (2023) The Sadness (2021) Sleepwalkers (1992) Mimic (1997) His House (2020) Get Out (2017)
Barbarian (2022) Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) Men (2022) Phantasm (1979) The Belko Experiment (2016) The Purge (2013) The Strangers (2008) The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) Overlord (2018) Sinister (2012)
Candyman (2021) The Shining (1980) Doctor Sleep (2019) The Stuff (1985) The Blob (1988) Signs (2002) The Visit (2015) The Fly (1958) Sleepaway Camp (1983) The Brood (1979)
Intruder (1989) The Evil Dead (1981) Evil Dead II (1987) Army of Darkness (1992) Evil Dead (2013) Evil Dead Rise (2023) Pontypool (2008) Final Destination (2000) Final Destination 2 (2003) Final Destination 3 (2006)
The Final Destination (2009) Final Destination 5 (2011) StageFright (1987) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) Ju-on: The Grudge (2002) Centipede! (2004) Excision (2008) Return of the Living Dead (1985 Frankenhooker (1990)
Crash (1996) Orca (1977) Wish Upon (2017) Things (1989) Cooties (2014) Glorious (2022) Terrified (2017) Diabolique (1955) In My Skin (2002) Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977)
Funhouse (2019) Blood Rage (1987) Carnival of Souls (1962) The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) Horror of Dracula (1958) Bride of Frankenstein (1935) City of the Living Dead (1980) Piercing (2018) Spider Baby (1967) The Haunting (1963)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) Malatesta's Carnival of Blood (1973) The Blob (1958) Tourist Trap (1979) Death Game (1977) Knock Knock (2015) Funny Games (1997) Funny Games (2007) The Company of Wolves (1984) The Stepford Wives (1975)
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meat-wentz · 9 months
hi mx meat ^_^ do u have any horror movie recs for someone who’s trying to get into the genre? classics and such?
omg yes yes yes!!!!
slashers: halloween (1978), a nightmare on elm street (1984), the texas chainsaw massacre (1974), scream (the ultimate slasher, i would watch this after watching the first three listed here), black christmas (1974), you’re next, and a couple of 00’s slasher remakes i think everyone should watch at some point for being total encapsulations of how mean the 00’s were: house of wax (2005) and sorority row (2009)
zombies: night of the living dead (1968), dawn of the dead (1978), day of the dead (1985), 28 days later, train to busan, shaun of the dead, return of the living dead
paranormal: the shining (1981), poltergeist (1982), the changeling (1980), the innocents (1961), crimson peak, the devil’s backbone, ju-on, ringu, pulse (2001), talk to me, candyman (1992)
vampires: the lost boys, interview with a vampire (1994), near dark, fright night (1985), dracula (1931), bram stoker’s dracula (1992), buffy the vampire slayer (1992), the hunger, let the right one in
dark magic/possession/devils and demons: jennifer’s body, rosemary’s baby, the exorcist, the witch, the craft, the omen (1976), evil dead (1981), evil dead 2, suspiria (1977)
creatures: ginger snaps, the thing (1982), alien, aliens, american werewolf in london, the mist, the faculty, the fly (1986), invasion of the body snatchers (1978), it (2017), the babadook, jaws
other: teeth, donnie darko, american psycho, get out, the rocky horror picture show, the phantom of the paradise, carrie (1976), videodrome, may, it follows, hereditary, saw, hellraiser (1987), child’s play (1988), final destination (2000), psycho (1960)
here’s a lil smattering of what the genre has to offer!! i tried to give you some range in eras and subgenres and mood while also maintaining a pretty classic intro list to horror! i hope you enjoy a few of these and if you like one, the best thing about horror is there’s literally 100+ more movies just like it out there, so if you ever need a more niche curated list once you’ve found out what you like just hmu again and i gotchu!!!!! <33333
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Age Of Consent [part four]
Summary: Dustin’s older sister thinks Eddie Munson could be a bad influence on her younger brother due to their history. Can he change her mind?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!Reader
Word Count: 2,514
What you’ll find in this series: big angst, wholesome fluff, sexual content, drug usage, tobacco usage, and a lot of profanity.
A/N: Tags are closed for this one, y'all, I'm sorry. We got a little flashback in this one! I'm sorry but the thought of a little, freshman Eddie just makes me smile. The whole 'first crush' thing gets me every time. Let me know what you guys think! Part 5 is out tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST.
Read Part Three || Read Part Five
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"It'll be like he doesn't even exist."
Your brother's words rang through your mind on repeat over the next few days. Truth was, the only thing that you could think about was Eddie fucking Munson.
Sitting in your room by yourself? You're thinking about all of the nights you snuck him in through your window. At work stocking the shelves? You're thinking about when you would spend hours making out in that dimly lit classroom. Watching a movie with your family? Your mind was most definitely replaying the lazy Saturdays spent in Eddie's trailer getting high while The Evil Dead played in the background.
The door to your room was open as you lay on your bed with a book in your hands. You were trying your hardest to keep yourself distracted, but it was a Sunday afternoon, and you were bored out of your mind. To your annoyance, you found yourself reading the same sentence over and over again and threw your book across the room in frustration.
Groaning, you rolled off of the bed and made your way across the room, picking the paper-back up and placing it back on the shelf. Your eyes fluttered down and noticed your freshman yearbook tucked in among the other books; the green and gold lettering along the spine taunted you for a few moments before you fingered it out and carried it back to your bed.
You placed the yearbook in your lap and began thumbing through the pages, searching for the freshman class of 1981. Your index finger glided over dozens of names; Liggins, Martin, Morris. Finally, a dorky, black and white photo caught your eye, smiling up at you from the page. The corners of your lips turned upwards as you smoothed your thumb over his picture.
Eddie's innocent, boyish features- his short hair, reminded you of the day that you had first met. You were both fourteen, almost fifteen- just two acne-ridden teenagers trying to navigate high school. He was already a non-conforming hellion and you were invisible. Somehow, though, Eddie was the only one who was able to see you.
It was April 1981.
The Spring Musical was two weeks away. You had been spending more time than you would like to admit in the costume department, going over each individual detail, and making sure that every little thing was absolute perfection. Being a freshman in high school, and trying to make a name for yourself among the drama kids, you had to make sure to perfect your craft. And since you weren't able to get a part in the actual musical, your craft was costume and set design.
Wasn't your first choice, but you were determined to make the most of it. Which, for you, meant six or so hours after school in a dark classroom, alone, by yourself.
Journey played softly from the small radio sitting on the fold-out table across the room; your dad's tape was on a constant replay. You had your lead protagonist's first outfit sprawled across a desk, a magnifying glass that you had stolen from Mr. Fritz Science class, and a headlamp strapped to your forehead as you looked over the costume carefully; checking each thread, searching for any stains.
"Uh, excuse me?" You heard behind you- the voice making you jump.
"Holy shit!" You gasped, clutching your chest.
The boy laughed; his shaggy head of curly brown hair, not yet quite past his ears, bounced around his face. "I didn't mean to scare you," he replied. "I knocked three times but I guess you didn't hear me."
"I'm working," you replied to the stranger, reaching up to click off your headlamp. "What do you want? What are you even doing here? It's almost 8:00 at night!"
"I'm Eddie," was all he said as he extended a hand out to you, but all you could do was stare at him. This was probably the first conversation you had ever had with a boy that wasn't your little brother. He pulled his hand back with a frown. "I was helping set up equipment for the pep rally tomorrow, for extra credit."
"But what are you doing here, in this room?"
"I've been trying to start this club, for uh- Dungeons and Dragons, it's a game, you probably haven't heard-"
"I know what Dungeons and Dragons is." You replied flatly, a little offended that he assumed you wouldn't.
Eddie's face lit up instantly at your words. "Well, maybe you can join the club! Whenever I can get the approval for it, that is. We need a place to hold the meetings. Someone mentioned that maybe the theater department might let us share this room with the drama club."
You nodded your head in reply and turned back to what you were doing. "You can try asking Mrs. Kemp tomorrow morning, she'll be here."
"Sweet, thanks, uh- you didn't tell me your name."
"Y/N," you answered.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Eddie placed an arm over his middle and bowed before turning on his heel and heading back towards the door. He almost tripped over his own feet, causing you to giggle, and turned back around with a goofy smile. "Hope to see you around."
You closed the yearbook, pushing it off of your lap and onto the floor. Tears began to form in your eyes as the memory played in your mind. If only things were still that simple. If only you could go back. Alas, you were not Cher, and you could not turn back time.
"Y/N," you heard from the hallway and looked up to see Dustin standing in your doorway. "Mom said to ask if you can take me to the arcade."
"Can't you ride your bike?" You asked, slightly annoyed.
"It's raining," he whined.
You rolled your eyes so hard it was painful and Dustin knew he had gotten what he wanted. Taking Dustin to the arcade meant that you would have to hang out there while he spent literal hours trying to beat Max's score on Dig-Dug, which he would never be able to do- you even had a bet going with Keith. Usually, you wouldn't bet against your brother, but Maxine Mayfield was a little badass.
"Oh, wait," Dustin said as he followed you out to your car. "I'll be right back, I gotta call E-Lucas!"
"Hurry up, Short-stack!" You called back to him.
Moments later, Dustin came running out of the house, holding his hat to his head. He pulled the door open and threw himself into your passenger seat, his excitement practically seeping through his pores.
"Today's the day," he smiled, bouncing in his seat. "Today is the day that I beat her high score."
"You think so?" You asked, eyes never leaving the road.
"I know so."
"Whatever you say," you taunted. "You want to bet on it?" You glanced over at him to see him nodding his head. "If you don't beat Max's score today you have to do the dishes for a whole month. Starting tomorrow."
"And if I win?" He asked.
"Name your price," you replied.
"There's a concert that I want to go to next Tuesday."
"On a school night?"
"Yep, so if I win, you have to convince mom to let me go and you know she'll only do that if you go with me." He was too smart for his own good.
"Deal," you held out your hand and Dustin shook it firmly. "But only because no one will ever be able to beat Max's score, so I hope you're ready to do the dishes."
The arcade was almost empty. Not that it was surprising. Sundays weren't their busiest days, and that was precisely the reason that Dustin loved going then- he was able to concentrate more. He made a beeline for Dig-Dug and you stopped by the front counter to exchange some dollar bills for quarters, knowing that he would eventually come whining to you, asking for more change.
Your favorite game was pinball. It always had been. It was your dad's favorite, as well. He taught you everything that he knew- though, there really wasn't that much to it; good timing and a few other secret tricks that you would take to your grave. You held the high score and as far as you knew, no one else had even come close.
As you rounded the other games and saw your favorite machine in the back corner, you couldn't help but think of Eddie again. Flashes of the two of you playing that very game; Eddie standing behind you with his arms around your waist, chin on your shoulder as you punched the buttons trying to keep your ball from sinking. You pushed a quarter into the coin slot and pulled back the lever, sending the small, silver ball flying through the shoot. Your fingers tapped mercilessly on the side buttons, doing your best to stay alive, but time and time again your ball sunk- you just couldn't focus.
"You know," a voice came from behind you. It was your time to freeze up; another life lost as your ball dropped right between the two blockers. "I heard the girl that holds the high score is a bit of a legend around here. A real 'Pinball Wizard', you could say."
You couldn't help but smile at his corny reference. He came into view, stepping around the side of the pinball machine and leaning up against its frame. He looked so incredibly good that you couldn't take your eyes off of him, you didn't even care if he noticed the way that your gaze trailed down his neck to his belt buckle. Which he did- the smirk on his perfect lips giving it away.
"What are you doing here, Eddie?"
"I was bored," he shrugged. "Got tired of sitting around."
You caught his eyes and felt your stomach explode into a million butterflies. His eyes were a weakness. They were perfectly brown and when the sun hit them, it reminded you of all the days you spent in the back of his van on the shore of Lover's Lake, watching the reflection of the light on the water's surface. You could drown in them.
Realization hit you that the two of you were just standing there, staring into each other's eyes. You panicked, quickly looking away, and swallowed the rock in your throat.
"I need some fresh air," you muttered and took off towards the back exit of the arcade so that you didn't have to pass by Dustin who was still deep into Dig-Dug and hopefully oblivious to what was happening a few rows of games over.
The early October air was refreshing as you stepped outside and took a deep breath, trying to level your spinning mind. You were once so confident that you were over that fucking boy, but now you weren't so sure. Twice now you had seen him, and both times he had completely unraveled you without so much as batting an eye.
You took a seat at the picnic table, knowing that he wouldn't be far behind you- and you'd be lying if you said that you didn't want him to follow you. Soon enough, after a few minutes, the back door opened and Eddie stepped out, lighting a cigarette the moment his boots hit the concrete. You were envious of the way that he was so effortlessly cool; with his gaudy metal rings, chains, and leather- a cloud of smoke surrounding him as he took slow steps over to where you were seated. Fuck, he was so irritating.
"He's so sure that he's gonna beat that girl's score," Eddie mumbled, his cigarette hanging from his lips as he motioned towards the arcade.
"He won't," you retorted. "We have a bet going that if he loses he has to do dishes for a month, probably could have made it a little worse for him."
"What'd he bet?" Eddie asked, exhaling smoke.
"Some concert that he wants to go to on a school night," you replied. "I think he said it was this Tuesday." Eddie pursed his lips together so as not to laugh and you made a face. "Don't laugh. It's you rubbing off on him, isn't it?"
He held his hands up in defense and you rolled your eyes. A silence fell over the two of you, save for the sound of Eddie taking drags off of his cigarette and the drizzling rain. It wasn't awkward, which was nice, you appreciated that fact. It was just comfortable between the two of you; a familiar feeling that you truly missed.
"D'you know he was my brother when you approached him to be in Hellfire?" You asked softly, mindlessly playing with the sleeves of your sweater.
"How could I?" He asked, fidgeting with one of his rings. "I never had the pleasure of meeting your family because you were ashamed of me." You wanted to roll your eyes and make a comment, but the pain that laced his voice kept you from becoming argumentative. "But no, I didn't know at first. I figured it out though," the smallest smile crept to his lips. "Total nerd, practically a genius, plays D&D, and his last name is Henderson- there was no way he wasn't related to you."
"Trying to flatter me, Munson?" You asked.
"I don't know, is it working?" He countered, fidgeting with his hair.
"Not at all, try harder."
Eddie smiled, his eyes squinting as he studied you; trying desperately to read your mind, figure you out, and decide if this whole charade was pointless or if, by the grace of God, your brother was right. He hated putting himself out there, he was so vulnerable, and it wouldn't take much for you to absolutely destroy him.
"Let me take you out," he offered, taking a step out onto that metaphorical tightrope. You gave him a look. "Come on," he dragged out. "You know deep down in that ice-block that you call a heart that you want to. It'll be good for you, who knows, you might have some fun."
"Funny of you to insinuate that I even have a heart," you toyed, a smile playing on your lips.
"I was being nice."
"I'm not going to go out with you, Munson." You rolled your eyes as you stood up from the table. "Nice try, though."
You saluted him and flung open the door to the arcade. The moment you stepped inside, your eyes immediately saw Dustin playing Donkey Kong instead of Dig-Dug.
"Give up?" You asked feeling accomplished, standing behind him. Your little brother turned and gave you a slick smile and your eyes widened. "You did not."
You rushed over to the Dig-Dug platform, a state of shock washing over you as you saw Dustin's initials at the top of the leaderboard.
"Holy shit, he did it." Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Eddie standing behind you once again.
"Looks like we're going to a concert," you muttered in disbelief.
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@fangirling-4-ever, @nojamsonmytoast, @munson-burner, @slvdsjjk, @kiszkawagnerwhore, @bitterplacebrokendreamsmaegan, @katxn15, @itswormtrain, @itsallnonsens3, @aashy723, @buginktsworld, @in-this-minute, @peachyxholic, @colbychu, @bilbobag9ins, @cat-mak20, @bumpbeaded, @liv4193, @thisisntmyrightera, @chloepart03, @creativedogs, @simp4fictional, @serrendiipty, @equuleus86, @morganasimp26, @evewithluv, @1980shorrorfillm, @you-makeme-crazier, @icareabouteverythxng, @cyberneticfallout, @eddiemattress, @bethii1, @immybx, @sortafictional, @bbyharlow, @persona-lreference, @michaelfuckinglangdon, @cvmtitss, @1800-fight-me, @brain-of-nekoma, @eddiesgoodgirl, @eddie-swhore, @16bruises
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frankendykes-monster · 7 months
Countdown to Halloween 2023, Ranked
43. Swamp Thing (1982)
42. Curse of Bigfoot (1975)
41. The Haunting (1999)
40. Orca (1977)
39. Teenagers Battle The Thing (1958)
38. The Beast (1975)
37. Don't Go in The House (1979)
36. Countess Dracula (1971)
35. Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967)
34. Beware! The Blob (1972)
33. Alien Space Avenger (1989)
32. Baby Blood (1990)
31. Shriek of The Mutilated (1974)
30. The Mutations (1974)
29. Phase IV (1974)
28. Curse of The Faceless Man (1958)
27. The Sadist (1963)
26. Jennifer (1978)
25. The Wasp Woman (1959)
24. Noroi: The Curse (2005)
23. Girls Nite Out (1982)
22. The Monster of Piedras Blancas (1959)
21. The Cat and The Canary (1927)
20. Tell Your Children (Reefer Madness, 1936)
19. The Company of Wolves (1984)
18. It's Alive (1974)
17. The Wolf House (2018)
16. Michael Jackson's Halloween (2017)
15. The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963)
14. The Omega Man (1971)
13. Gamera: Rebirth (2023)
12. Student Bodies (1981)
11. Night Caller From Outer Space (1965)
10. Inhumanoids (episodes 1 - 5, 1986)
9. Blind Woman's Curse (1970)
8. Maniac (1980)
7. The Child (1977)
6. Zombie 3 (1988)
5. Return of The Living Dead (1985)
4. Spider Baby (1967)
3. Basket Case (1982)
2. Messiah of Evil (1973)
Godzilla (1954)
Woof. Okay. This has been a mostly disappointing viewing experience.
Critical difference between this year's countdown and the past two is that now that I have stable employment, there is far less time to be watching horror films. I normally begin the countdown in September but we started in July of this year and still barely managed to crack 40, with my original goal being a full 100 this year. Timing. As such a lot of my plans and possible viewings were cut short and compared to last year specifically we fell back on a lot of "seen it already" at least for the top of the list.
This year's batch of viewings were largely blah, but a step up from the shitshow I put myself through last year (watching nearly every Texas Chainsaw sequel does things to a person). As such it'll be difficult to conjure up words for a decent chunk of these mostly because yes, these movies exist, I watched them, I would not recommend that you yourself watch them. That is all. If I write briefly on a given film that's not necessarily an indictment of its quality as there a decent number of these that I saw and enjoyed it's just their impact might be a bit fleeting. You will know which ones I actively disliked. I mostly just want to write about the top five or so but I will play fair.
Our grand loser this year is Swamp Thing, the DC Comics adaptation by Wes Craven. I watched this pretty much entirely because I finally got the Alan Moore Swamp Thing run in paperback this year after quite some time of having it on my to-buy list. Longtime Rachael/Ray/Ratchet fans may recall me reading it in early 2019 alongside [REDACTED]. Still one of the best Moore comics, and a second volume of Swamp Thing wouldn't have been possible without the success of this film. For context I did read the early Swampies by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson and my general reaction to those was a'ight but there was definitely material for a serviceable film adaptation there. This is not that serviceable film adaptation. I'm not hung up on details like how Abigail has no connection to Arcane now despite being his niece in the comics, but this film is just kind of painful in how relatively unambitious it is which is saying something for Swamp Thing sword fighting another human mutation at the end of this. It's just silly and stupid and not scary or awe inspiring or anything, the Swamp Thing suit sucks, the action sucks, any sense of pathos is not there or gone, it stretches for 30 minutes too long like it's a padded TV pilot, the only highlight is being able to see Adrienne Barbeau's breasts. Fuck this it's a miserable experience to sit through. My mistake for watching a Wes Craven film that doesn't have "Scream" in the title.
Our next shitter is the two-for-one abomination that is Teenagers Battle The Thing (1958) and Curse of Bigfoot (1975); these are the same movie except Curse of Bigfoot has a 25 minute opening scene framing device that is bizarre given that "The Thing" of the original film is a Native American mummy of some sort unearthed by a group of white high school students. It's the rare personal pet project movie made for fun by some locals but the only highlights are the occasional kill scene, Curse of Bigfoot ranks lower just for making me sit through it longer. Blah.
Speedrunning through a bunch of these because theyre all varying degrees of bad and I don't want to spend any longer writing about these than you probably do reading about them: The Haunting is awful and I don't even super care for the original film so adding shitty CGI monsters and a moral lesson of "it's about family!" doesn't help. Orca is a shitty Jaws cash-in that's like a reverse Moby Dick where the sea animal hunts down the human, nice finale where the orca and shitty poacher guy are fighting it out in the Arctic but otherwise avoid. Don't Go in The House is a mysoginistic torture porn movie that really doesn't sell the "seemingly normal guy is a closet nutcase" thing even though movies made before and after have done it well (see Maniac several paragraphs below). The Beast is advertised as this really scandalous porno film but most of it is French aristocrats sitting around in stuffy rooms arguing about real estate. I think I only watched Countess Dracula for its inclusion in the "if this is her vibe I would fucking cum" meme and it's barely worth bringing up at all. Hillbillys in a Haunted House has an absolutely lovely Tennessee country soundtrack that I wish I could listen to without having to watch the actual movie which is devoid of both scares and laughs. Beware! The Blob gives off the feeling of sitting at a funeral for a family member that was just distant enough for you to be aware of them but not actually be upset but it's still a funeral so it's not like you're smiling, stick with the 1988 Blob film. Alien Space Avenger has some decent gore effects but that's all I can recall from it. Shriek of The Mutilated has one of the best titles for an otherwise uninspired yeti movie that has a needless third act twist about it being a cover for a cult and blah blah blah fuck you. Baby Blood has an alien mutant whatever crawl up a woman's vagina into her womb and she has to eat people to feed it and yeah I'm actually struggling to remember what happens here. The Mutations has a scene where a guy cuts into a tree and it bleeds, I think he's played by Donald Pleasance. Yeah, it's like Freaks except it plays to the freak show straight so you get to laugh at all the outcasts of society, no thank you.
Some odds and ends that I'd say are decent-to-pretty-good: Phase IV has some footage of ants and synth music. All you need is some footage of ants and synth music. Curse of The Faceless Man employs a rarely seen archetype of the living statue monster, it's cute. The Sadist is another starring vehicle for Arch Hall Jr., who was also the star of last Halloween's Eegah! (1962), though this film is a bold trendsetter for the 1960's with Hall being a unhinged killer holding people for ransom until they can fix his car and he can make a getaway. The film lives and dies by Hall's performance and it's mostly the latter until we get to an absolutely superb final act with him hunting down his remaining victims, it makes the whole film worth seeing. Jennifer is an oddball that plays out mostly like a character drama ("It wasn't my fault Daddy it was that stupid hillbilly bitch Jennifer") that suddenly remembers that it's supposed to be a cash-in of Carrie (1976) in the last 20 minutes and cue our titular character being able to summon and control snakes to send after her tormentors. Girls Nite Out is a plodding meandering slasher that's oddly hypnotizing considering so much of it takes place in pitch-black night and the killer is wearing a bear mascot costume with serrated knives hidden under the glove, not sure what fully to make of it. The Monster of Piedras Blancas is made up of leftover parts from the Gillman, Mole People, and Metaluna Mutant, but still manages to star in a decent enough film that gives a sense of what a series of monster attacks would do to a small seaside community. The Cat and The Canary is "cute" for lack of a better term being a horror comedy before the former genre had fully crystalized. Reefer Madness is horror adjacent more than anything but a hilariously good time about how the use of "marihuana" will drive today's youth into becoming crazed fiends and get involved in organized crime.
We can do this.
The Company of Wolves has an excellent story book like setting an atmosphere that you can't get in films nowadays and it's a shame that it's mostly remembered for its transformation sequences. it's Alive is the best Larry Cohen film by default of not sucking but it's still not "great", genius however for playing the concept of mutant newborn killer baby completely seriously without any sense of humor to the proceedings. The Girl Who Knew Too Much is almost a parody of giallo films which is interesting given those hadn't fully sprang up in 1963; absolute highlight is the main character being interviewed in bed by doctors and reporters and the like that yes she did see a murder and no she doesn't drink. I've always been fascinated and haunted by I Am Legend and while The Omega Man doesn't really capture the novel to a superb degree it's so beautifully shot that it lands high in the rankings for that alone. Night Caller From Outer Space is hilarious to me because of how it shifts halfway through from a Hammer-esque mystery about a meteorite with radioactive properties to a film about an alien that lures women in through a modeling advertisement. Blind Woman's Curse I've mentally confused with Irezumi for a while now (haha all 1960's Japanese genre films where woman have large animal tattoos on their backs are the saaame), and it's one I mostly watched for being directed by Teruo Ishii, but there's enough bloody yakuza fights and cats licking up blood for me to stick around; not the strongest Meiko Kaiji vehicle compared to Female Prisoner Scorpion or Lady Snowblood. Maniac I find mostly interesting as a precursor to American Psycho (2000) but also it's probably the only serious film to successfully pull off it's ending trope (which I will not spoil here). The Child is an absolutely lovely 1970's only-a-dozen-people-made-this-and-not-much-more-watched-it horror that oozes atmosphere, I could watch stuff like this all day. Aaand Zombie 3 is far and away the best film that Lucio Fulci has been involved with that I've ever seen. I love random scenes and set pieces of ghouls just massacring people that are shit out out of luck.
Okay, now for the ones I actually want to write about.
The Wasp Woman is one that sticks in my head way more than any other random monster movie that Roger Corman directed in the latw 1950's. I've said on here and Letterboxd that it could have served as a standard pop-feminist piece about how the cosmetology industry is built on misogyny and invariably a monster is accidentally created because of that, but this most recent viewing has made me sort of "get it" because that might be what the film is going for considering Susan Cabot's performance leads me to believe that she is aware that she is becoming a homicidal wasp monster but views it as a tragic means to an end where she still has the ability to have a new advertising campaign with her as the star. Tragic. This is why you don't wear make up.
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Both Noroi: The Curse and The Wolf House are ones I didn't care for whatsoever but I put them in places on the ranking that I thought were fair given that people should probably watch them regardless of my personal thoughts. Noroi's format didn't really lend itself to the escalation of tension and reveal of information that the plot demanded and I found myself thinking it meanders quite a bit. The Wolf House was an odd one where everything that was happening onscreen bounced off of me mostly because I felt intimately aware that I was watching a movie, that someone had made something and that I was now being shown it. Blah. People like these so don't let me stop you.
Our animated offerings this year...
Michael Jackson's Halloween more than anything feels like an unlicensed creation that later had an English fan dub commissioned, not something that actually aired on CBS twice. Any laughs that I found in this thing were the unintentional type as we open up with Bubbles talking and being Jackson's chauffeur; you know exactly what you're getting into. Very little of the plot is explained but I'm assuming Jackson (who has no lines given this was made posthumously) orchestrates a dark fantasy adventure to hook two...teenagers? People in their late 20's? And convince them to follow their dreams of performing instead of working a deadend dayjob. I'm not sure who the actual audience for this was given it feels like so much of it was made for children but I will say anything that has this much of Michael Jackson's music in it can't be all bad, though I'm not sure why they didn't largely stick with tracks from the album Thriller (in the contention for best album ever, I don't care).
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Gamera: Rebirth is one I feel like I'm on the outside on compared to most other tokusatsu fans because I didn't really *love* to a serious degree even though, yes, Gamera is finally back. The first three episodes are mostly just kind of a slog for me with the backhalf not doing enough to retroactively make me think highly of it, though giving off End of Evangelion vibes may make me consider that a second viewing must be in order down the line. Rebirth's strongest attribute is that it feels like it takes into consideration and influence from every prior era of Gamera, no stone is left unturned, and it's a marked contrast from how every recent Godzilla property only captures a single facet of their respective character. But that also creates unique issues like how a lot of criticism of ongoing US military presence in Japan is undercut so there can be a white kid in the main cast (because white children were always present in half of the Showa series) or having the ancient civilization that genetically engineered the kaiju now being malicious and actively sacrificing children as a means of reshaping the world gives me vaguely anti-semitic tones, I don't know, Gamera is still here, I guess.
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"I was just a little twerp who liked Scooby-Doo and Smurfs, now I was viewing Cthulhu mutants ruin the Earth."
Everyday that we have Inhumanoids is a gift. Inhumanoids is another Hasbro/Sunbow production like G. I. Joe, Transformers, or Jem and The Holograms, and it is truly tragic that it never got anywhere near that level of attention compared to its siblings. The fact that a 1980's action figure tie-in cartoon is named for its antagonists is only the start; the series follows a small paramilitary outfit of scientists named Earth Core that are tasked with more or less saving the world alongside the Mutores, elemental beings, when the Inhumanoids, eldritch abominations, are unleashed. The degree of world-building beyond your typical "good guys vs. bad guys" affair is astounding with villainous humans and virtuous monsters abounding, but Inhumanoids is mostly magical and remembered for saying fuck all to any type of broadcast standards. Seeing giant monsters destroy cities, undead armies, and spelunking deep into the Earth (where nightmares begin...) are just standard fair here, as are witnessing the actual Inhumanoids such as Metlar (basically the devil) or D'Compose (giant undead entity that can zombify people by touching them and uses his ribcage like a jail cell) in action. The first five episodes here are the pilot movie of sorts for the series which only lasted thirteen overall, and they get more grissly from here on out, but maybe it's best that Inhumanoids is the short lived cartoon and no the cartoon that went soft as early as its second season. I will never not love this show, to this day it's one of my favorite animated series from any decade, much less the 1980's.
Back to our regularly scheduled live-action programming...
Student Bodies is a fascinating film for a myriad of reasons the first of which is that there were somehow enough slasher films by 1981 for there to be a comedy poking fun at all the already established genre-cliches. It's essentially Scary Movie (2000) a full 20 years ahead of the curve only actually funny in spite of the subject matter frequently being as juvenile and prejudiced; but it also reminds me quite a bit of Scream (1996) with stuff like two killers working together. All I know is I was in for a decent time when the film opens with three identical shots of a house just with different framing text: "HALLOWEEN," "FRIDAY THE 13TH," "JAMIE LEE CURTIS' BIRTHDAY" and then the killer, The Breather, calls the opening kill girl doing nothing but breathing heavily, she hangs up, he calls back with "I SAID [heavy breathing]."
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Return of The Living Dead is one of those films that should have destroyed the any artifically-imposed boundaries between "high" and "low" art. Every aspect of this film is brilliantly made, it just so happens to be made for stuff like Scooby-Doo music overlaid on top of thunderstorms over graveyards where one female character is stripping to the concept of dying. Media involving ghouls is incredibly oversaturated, and this was still the case in the 1980's where a film like this had to redefine the rules to make it so killing ghouls was basically a non-option. It only recently struck me on this viewing that that's the whole purpose of removing virtually all weaknesses they have, to keep the characters as the nail instead of the hammer. Compared to the Romero films, there's never a point where anyone is in control of the situation, it just escalates further and further until there is literally no way out. Taking that into consideration, there's no way this film couldn't have been a comedy that frames people getting swarmed and eaten by ghouls as hilarious.
The soundtrack and the faux-punk sensibilities lend this a daft feeling of "you shouldn't be watching this" in spite of it not being one of the MOST gory horror films of the 1980's. I still don't get how this never broke into the mainstream. I mean somehow people know that ghouls (in this film) speak and only eat brains but I can't go down to Target and get a Tarman action figure like I can one of Michael Myers. As such Return of The Living Dead remains a criminally overlooked film regardless of its subject matter. It's made me laugh and cringe and feel disgusted and revolt at the concept at dying but mostly it's made me feel a delicious sense of joy at seeing corpses rise out of the ground to the tune of "Do you wanna party? IT'S PARTY TIIIME!" Some of you need to sit in the corner and think about your life choices for making stupid shit like Re-Animator (1985) or fucking Shaun of The Dead (2004) more popular than this, fuck you.
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The act of watching Spider Baby is like discovering the missing link. For as much as 1960 gave us an explosion of horror (Eyes Without a Face, The Ship of Monsters, Psycho, Jigoku, Black Sunday, etc.) and Night of The Living Dead (1968) reins as the perennial transition point of the genre, Spider Baby is the road by which we go from The Cat and The Canary and The Old Dark House to the likes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Eraserhead, it's magical finding an essential piece of a genre you love so much. Both the former and latter points of comparison are apt as a family of now only children [and their butler] suffering from Poe-esque hereditary illness have their condemned house set upon by distant relatives and everything slowly unravels.
Lon Chaney Jr. is an actor who for the longest time I felt never got a proper chance to shine wherein the last 25 years or so of his career was spent playing as side character actor in independent films. Spider Baby is his crowning achievement. Seeing him smile through almost tears on several occasions as he has to play bridge between worlds of sanity and madness and lie to everyone that he has some sense of control over the situation is brilliant in ways I always knew he was capable of but had never seen before this point. Bravo.
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I will never not love Basket Case with everything I've got. This is the epitome of 1980's horror and my clear pick for best of the decade. It has everything from being a grungy putrid grindhouse spectacle to being an intimate character drama to everything presented through a wry ironic lense where you can't tell if any "bad" performances are all done on purpose. Between this, Brain Damage (1988), and Frankenhooker (1990), there is literally absolutely no reason why Frank Henenlotter shouldn't be more popular than Stuart Gordon, Brian Yuzna, and Lloyd Kaufman *combined*. It's tragic that the world of cinema being enclosed and captured by studios again in the late 1980's prevented us from getting more from him, but realistically could we ask anymore than what we already got from Basket Case? I could watch this every day and never grow tired of it. I will never stop making more and more people watch this.
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If Basket Case is the apex of 1980's horror, then Messiah of Evil is the same for 1970's horror. This is one of the most efficient horror films ever made in how not a single frame is wasted, the opening scene is literally a guy running from unseen force, seeking refuge, getting his throat slit, cue title card with synth music that then leads us to a sunburnt hallway as our narrator descends into acceptance of complete lack of control of the situation. Every night shot in this film must be 50 - 75% completely black with whatever headlight or store front there is just making the scenery look like a dollhouse that our characters are trapped inside. There's so many shots of people running away or walking down streets that make them look tiny as the camera is so far.
Every scene is an exercise in building up dread. There's no point where the film relents, something awful is not only coming, it's already here and there's nothing anyone can do. What I love particularly is that the mystery being laid out doesn't offer any answers because there's another mystery on top of what our characters find out only too late. Layers upon layers of dread that even the titular Messiah of Evil isn't the center of. The world is a cruel fucking place where this film languishes in obscurity whilst shit like The Exorcist enjoys mainstream attention. A lot of my taste amounts to "why isn't this thing I like more popular" and cases like Messiah of Evil vindicate me.
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"Godzilla is the son of the atomic bomb. He is a nightmare created out of the darkness of the human soul. He is the sacred beast of the apocalypse." - Tomoyuki Tanaka
Generally a yearly trend is that a #1 pick for Halloween is self-evident to me and this year it was Basket Case for all of 30 seconds until I picked Godzilla back up.
There's something to be said how Godzilla isn't quite a horror monster? Terrifying but not necessarily creepy, but what power do things that go bump in the night have against the destruction of everything you know? Everytime I watch Godzilla is like the very first time, when flashing lights out at sea destroy fishing ships I have no idea what happened, or at least any much of a clue as anyone in film does when we're told that the entire ocean exploded.
Godzilla is a reptile, but lacks scales and its entire body is coated in keloid scars. In 1954 Godzilla must have been the largest monster every committed to film, trains are derailed from running against its ankle and bell and radio towers are throttled for being a sensory inconvenience. Godzilla's first on-screen appearance on Odo Island is obscured by a hurricane but the impression is clear; you can't fight Godzilla in the same way you can't fight a natural disaster. When Tokyo is reduced to complete ruin amidst a sea of flames, it's an onslaught of destruction never before seen in a film of this genre. Survivors being afflicted with radiation poisoning shows that Godzilla will claim victims long after being driven back to sea.
There's a sheer apocalyptic dread to all of this sensed by all the characters. Love tries to exist on the edge of annihilation. There's nothing that can be done but persevere and maybe hope tomorrow will be better. A scene that always strikes me is when Serizawa is adamant about not using the Oxygen Destroyer until forcibly confronted with the results of one night of Godzilla making landfall in Japan. The absolute pain felt by everyone in the finale starts here, things couldn't play out any differently as the "scientist of the century" can't join in and celebrate his victory.
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Godzilla is a rare perfect film. I will never tire of it.
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spacely0 · 8 months
♦ top tier ★ all-time fave
slashers: ♦intruder friday the 13th part 2 sleepaway camp 2 stage fright scream ★♦cold prey (Fritt velt) 1 & 2 texas chainsaw massacre 1 & 2 wrong turn halloween 1 & 2 & H2O A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors 1987 Child's Play 1 & ♦2 ★♦Curse of Chucky Phantom of the paradise Popcorn 1991 Club Dread My Bloody Valentine 1981 ★♦Society 1989 ♦Psychopath AKA Der Poppen Murders The Funhouse 1981 Peeping Tom happy brithday to me 1981 black christmas ★♦Sceance Maniac (the one with elijah wood) hell fest ♦Just before dawn 1981 Maniac Cop
scifi horror: The Curse of Frankenstein 1957 ♦The Revenge of Frankenstein 1958 ★♦Bride of Frankenstein 1935 ★♦the stuff ★♦the fly 1958 ★♦invasion of the body snatchers 1978 ★♦the thing ♦the faculty ★♦from beyond ★♦re-animator 2 ★♦prince of darkness 1987 Quatermass and the Pit 1967 ♦Pandorum Dr jekyll and sister hyde ★♦the brood ★♦its alive 1974 & it lives again 1978 killer klowns from outer space 1988 Quaatermass and the Pit 1967
hauntings/curses: ★♦burnt offerings 1976 haunting in connecticuit conjuring 1 & 2 insidious 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 ★♦ evil dead 1 & 2 & 2013 final destination 1 & 2 & 5 house (hausu) 1977 Kairo (pulse) 2001 the grudge (japanese & american) ♦ dark water Night of the Demon 1957 ♦The changeling 1980 ★♦The Hole in the Ground 2019 Whispering Corridors
folk horror: midsomar ♦ Viy 1967 ♦ impetigore 2019 ★♦ the wickerman 1973 Burn Witch Burn the medium
catholic horror: ♦ The Devil Rides Out 1968 ★♦ the sentinel 1977 nun II ♦ exorcist III
weirdos: ♦basket case 1 & 2 ♦it follows A dark song ★♦The Perfection The Empty Man ★♦The Skull 1965 Beyond the Black Rainbow dead ringers i, madman 1989 messiah of evil 1973 ★♦The People under the Stairs 1991 ★♦The Reflecting Skin 1990 ★♦Carnival of Souls
zombies: ★♦the video dead dawn of the dead 1978 & 2004 dead and buried i walked with a zombie ♦plague of the zombies The Serpent and the Rainbow
monsters: ★♦Sweetheart 2019 The Gate 1987 The invisible Man 1933 ♦Wishmaster 1997 Warlock ♦the mummy's shroud 1967
vampires: Shadow of the Vampire 2000 ★♦ Martin ★♦Captain Kronos -vampire hunter The Brides of Dracula 1960 ★♦the night stalker & the night strangler salems lot 1 & 2 ★♦son of dracula 1943 subspecies 1 & 2 & 4 from dusk til dawn Vampire Hunter D 1985
werewolves: the howling 1981 ginger snaps the beast must die!
death traps: ★♦The Pit and the Pendulum 1961 saw escape room ★♦Theatre of Blood 1973 The Abominable Dr. Phibes 1971 haunt
found footage: ♦Host 2020 Unfriended 1 & 2 Cloverfield Final Prayer Gonjiam: haunted asylum grave encounters hellhouse LLC ★♦Willow Creek ★♦noroi the curse occult ★♦ghostwatch ♦V/H/S 1 & 2 & viral
★♦ ALL the Amicus horror anthologies are worth watching
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detectivehole · 7 months
hey i finally watched the evil dead. it was pretty good. b (the b is a thumbs up because i dont have emojis on my keyboard)
which evil dead movie is your favourite and why (you can say multiple if you like)
i like the use of b as a thumbs up im stealing that
im glad you liked the evil dead! it's a funny series
my favorite movie is no question the very first evil dead movie from 1981. you asked why so i put a massive set of paragraphs of incoherent rambling below
it's a very impressive and influential project for its haphazard budget and production (even if its sequel, which used the same shooting methods, is what popularized them) which is admirable. visually is just nice to look at imo- im no film buff or even the biggest movie fan overall so i can't say why it looks as good as it does to me, but it just does. it's gross and strange and erie and i enjoy that in its visuals.
what certainly shoots it to the number one spot for me though is the characterization, most especially of ash but really of everyone. i found the way everyone behaved and interacted especially realistic, and uniquely compelling for me. for horror, which is a genre that usually takes liberties with behavior for dramatic effect (not criticizing that), that's not particularly common
they don't always get along, but they're all clearly friends. characters are hesitant to resort to violence but simultaneously totally willing to defend themselves. panic drives people to make dumb decisions but no one ever makes decisions i would call totally senseless. it's all very much believable. all the characters display this but ash (understandably) depicts it all the best. i wish i could articulate it better than this but i can't lol
two particular scenes i like;
- ash is finally the last one left, and he's just in the house, surrounded on all sides by the dead and dying and demonic, and it's a charged scene, but it's not tense, because it's not supposed to be. you understand in that moment- both because of the structure of a film but also just bc it does a good job communicating it- that ash is physically safe from attack for a bit. no one's gonna pounce yet. that is because the demons are focusing on mentally attacking him. it's the demonic mocking scene, where all of these things puppeting his dead friends and family are just teasing him over and over like children while he takes the time to freak the fuck out, and they laugh and jeer. and idk i just really love that scene it's very VERY compelling to me. i think it's the strange sense of inexplicably physical safety (however short) combined with the childish demonic taunting; a lot of demons in media taunt but they tend to do so in more "ohhhh so scary" or overtly violent ways. the demons in this scene aren't not doing that exactly, it's just that it's way more deliberately annoying and childish in its execution rather than super spooky, subtle, or esoteric
- the walls bleed scene (it's my pinned post rn). ash goes to get amo in the Evil Basement and the demons make a bunch of weird shit happen. why i like this scene is way less deep- it's a deliberately funny scene; goofy music is playing, it's got a lot of visually appealing shots, a comical amount of blood, and it does stuff that ties back into the "childish, goofy, but effective ways the demons torture ash" thing. also 21yo bruce campbell absolutely covered in bright red fake blood is hot i will not deny that
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finally watching the original Evil Dead (1981) bc i have never seen it (or anything from the franchise) somehow and you know, it's fucking great stuff, like it is so genuinely spooky still, and it is immensely fun because, you know, Sam Raimi is a fucking master of his craft but also, SPOILERS!, i do find it strange that Cheryl is going out to see if somebody's out there (kinda bc like. why would she do that, and not as a horror character but as a woman that's so obviously scared of shit) but like on a writing level, like if you're going to do her as the first victim, why did we not start the movie with her as like the main protagonist and Ash as the secondary protagonist before he takes up the mantle (because i know he survives, like that's the only thing i know about this series is that Bruce Campbell is in every movie i think.) and so we'd get more time to get attached to her? idk. anyway, it's a really, really fun movie.
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And of course because horror spooky season is starting it has to be bloody so horror movies marathons on @tales-from-crypt all the way through till October ends. From classic horror movies to most f****d up movies i could find.
And here's schedule for next 2 months of pure horror and heart attack
The ✅️ means that i watched that horror movie.
1- PHENOMENA 1985✅️
2-Saw 2004✅️
3- Evil dead 1981✅️
4- Evil dead 1987✅️
5- Nightmare on elm Street✅️
6- Scream 1996✅️
7- Driller killer✅️
8- Hills have eyes✅️
9- Red dragon
10- Silence of lambs
11- Inferno
12- Cannibal holocaust
13- Cube
14- Texas chainsaw massacre
15- Get out
16- Friday the 13th
17- Silent hill 2006
18- Saw 2005
19- Orphan
20- Evil dead rise
21- Final destination 1
22- Final destination 2
23- Alien 1979
24- Sitter 1977
25- Hellraiser 1987
26-Its alive 1974
27- Jacob's ladder 1990
28- The ring 2002
29- The shallows
30- Tremors 1990
🩸Bloody October🔪
1- Halloween 1978
2- Halloween 1981
3- When a stranger calls 1979
4- Orphan
5- Trick or treat
6- Blair Witch Project
7- Carrie 1976
8- Suspiria
9- Saw 3
10- Saw 4
11- Army of darkness
12- The descent 1
13- The descent 2
14- Rocky horror picture show
15- Candyman 1992
16- Halloween 1998
17- Creep 2014
18- Halloween 2007
19- Rec 2007
21- The thing 1982
22- Dead Alive 1992
23- The Omen 1976
25- House 1977
26- Duel 1971
27- Fright night 1985
28- The wicker man 1973
29- Misery 1990
30- Halloween 2018
31- Halloween kills
Have fun 😉🍁🎃🔪🩸
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delshorrorlist · 1 year
My Horror List
-Here is a list of my finished horror movies. The first portion is in an unknown order, and the second portion is when I started documenting the order-
1408 (2007)
#Alive (2020)
•REC (2007)
13 Ghosts (2001)
28 Days Later… (2002)
30 Days of Night (2007)
A Classic Horror Story (2021)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Anaconda (1997)
Annabelle (2014)
Army of the Dead (2021)
As Above, So Below (2014)
Banana Splits Movie (2019)
Before I Awake (2016)
Bird Box (2018)
Black Sheep (2006)
Blood Red Sky (2021)
Brainscan (1994)
Butchers (2020)
Cadaver (2020)
Cargo (2017)
Carrie (1976)
Carrie (2013)
Child’s Play (1988)
Child’s Play (2019)
Children of the Corn (1984)
Christine (1983)
Color Out of Space (2019)
Cube (1997)
Dave Made a Maze (2017)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Day of the Dead (2008)
Death of Me (2020)
Devil (2010)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Don’t Breathe (2016)
Eli (2019)
Escape Room (2019)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Evil Ed (1995)
Fear Street: Part 1 - 1994 (2021)
Fear Street: Part 2 - 1978 (2021)
Fear Street: Part 3 - 1666 (2021)
Final Destination (2000)
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Final Destination 3 (2006)
The Final Destination (2009)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Friday the 13th (2009)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Get Out (2017)
Grave Encounters (2011)
Grave Encounters 2 (2012)
Graveyard Shift (1990)
Gremlins (1984)
Halloween (1978)
Hellraiser (1987)
Hereditary (2018)
His House (2020)
Hostel (2005)
Housebound (2014)
Hush (2016)
Idle Hands (1999)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
Incantation (2022)
Insidious (2010)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
IT (2017)
IT: Chapter Two (2019)
Jaws (1975)
Jigsaw (2017)
Krampus (2015)
Lake Placid (1999)
Leatherface (2017)
Legion (2010)
Life (2017)
Lights Out (2016)
Little Evil (2017)
Ma (2019)
Mama (2013)
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Midsommar (2019)
Monster House (2006)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
No Escape Room (2018)
Nope (2022)
Oculus (2013)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Peninsula (2020)
Pet Sematary (1989)
Pet Sematary (2019)
Poltergeist (1982)
Psycho (1960)
Purge (2013)
Purge II (2014)
Purge III (2016)
Purge IV (2018)
Purge V (2021)
Ready or Not (2019)
Saw (2004)
Saw II (2005)
Saw III (2006)
Saw IV (2007)
Saw V (2008)
Saw VI (2009)
Saw VII (2010)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scream (1996)
Scream 2 (1997)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Sinister (2012)
Society (1989)
Spiral (2019)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Splice (2009)
Summer of Fear (1978)
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
Texas Chainsaw (2013)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
The Babadook (2014)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
The Conjuring (2013)
The Craft (1996)
The Crazies (2010)
The Darkness (2016)
The Descent (2005)
The Empty Man (2020)
The Endless (2017)
The Escape Room (2018)
The Evil Dead (1981)
The Final Girls (2015)
The Forest (2016)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
The Ice Cream Truck (2017)
The Lazarus Effect (2015)
The Lost Boys (1987)
The Mist (2007)
The Nun (2018)
The Platform (2019)
The Possession (2012)
The Resort (2021)
The Ring (2002)
The Ritual (2018)
The Ruins (2008)
The Shining (1980)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Strangers (2008)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
The Thing (1982)
The Void (2016)
The Woman in Black (2012)
There’s Someone Inside Your House (2021)
Train to Busan (2016)
Tremors (1990)
Truth or Dare (2018)
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Tusk (2014)
Unfriended (2014)
Us (2019)
Uzumaki (2000)
Vivarium (2019)
Warm Bodies (2013)
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
Willy’s Wonderland (2021)
Winchester (2018)
Wish Upon (2017)
Would You Rather? (2012)
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Dated Movies
-From this point on I have the date and order I watched these movies, everything above I watched before everything below-
Drag Me to Hell (2009) - October 4th 2022, #176
The Privilege (2022) - October 12th 2022, #177
Halloween Ends (2022) - October 15th 2022, #178
The Witches of Eastwick (1987) - October 24th 2022, #179
The Perfection (2019) - October 25th 2022, #180
Barbarian (2021) - October 25th 2022, #181
The Faculty (1998) - October 30th 2022, #182
The Exorcist (1973) - October 31th 2022, #183
Smile (2022) - November 27th 2022, #184
The Menu (2022) - January 8th 2023, #185
Ghostwatch (1992) - January 28th 2023, #186
Skinamarink (2023) - February 2nd 2023, #187
The Collection (2012) - February 4th 2023, #188
The Innocents (2021) - February 7th 2023, #189
Deadstream (2022) - February 7th 2023, #190
The Dark and the Wicked (2020) - February 7th 2023, #191
Kolobos (1999) - February 8th 2023, #192
Scare Package (2019) - February 9th 2023, #193
Re-Animator (1985) - February 10th 2023, #194
The Boy (2016) - February 15th 2023, #197
The Invitation (2022) - February 18th 2023, #198
Grizzly (1976) - February 18th 2023, #199
C.O.R.N.: Field of Screams (2021) - March 2nd 2023, #200
Slumber Party Masscare II (1987) - March 2nd 2023, #201
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - March 3rd 2023, #202
The Silence (2019) - March 5th 2023, #203
Once Upon a Time at Christmas (2017) - March 5th 2023, #204
Evil Toons (1991) - March 15th 2023, #205
Sleepaway Camp (1983) - March 15th 2023, #206
Prom Night (1980) - March 15th 2023, #207
Cooties (2014) - March 19th 2023, #208
House (1985) - March 20th 2023, #209
House of Wax (2005) - March 25th 2023, #210
Prom Night (2008) - March 25th 2023, #211
Werewolf in a Girl's Dormitory (1961) - March 31st 2023, #212
Wolf Creek (2005) - April 2nd 2023, #213
Body Melt (1993) - April 2nd 2023, #214
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) - April 5th 2023, #215
Death Becomes Her (1992) - April 18th 2023, #216
Stigmata (1999) - April 19th 2023, #217
Dead Silence (2007) - April 19th 2023, #218
Elevator (2012) - April 20th 2023, #219
Bad Hair (2020) - April 22nd 2023, #220
We Need to Do Something (2021) - 25th 2023, #221
Good Boy (2020) - April 25th 2023, #222
Pilgrim (2019) - April 27th 2023, #223
Piggy (2022) - April 28th 2023, #224
They Come Knocking (2019) - April 28th 2023, #225
Death Spa (1989) - April 30th 2023, #226
The Naked Witch (1961) - April 30th 2023, #227
I'm Just Fucking With You (2019) - May 2nd 2023, #228
Critters (1986) - May 3rd 2023, #229
Chopping Mall (1986) - May 5th 2023, #230
The Farm (2018) - May 12th 2023, #231
Motel Hell (1980) - May 12th 2023, #232
Jeepers Creepers (2001) - May 14th 2023, #233
Mother's Day (1980) - May 15th 2023, #234
Slaxx (2020) - May 15th 2023, #235
Slaughterhouse (1987) - May 16th 2023, #236
One Missed Call (2008) - May 19th 2023, #237
Mayhem (2017) - May 19th 2023, #238
Boar (2017) - May 19th 2023, #239
Pieces (1983) - May 22nd 2023, #240
Pandamonium (2020) - May 24th 2023, #241
All Cheerleaders Die (2014) - May 27th 2023, #242
Waxwork (1985) - May 28th 2023, #243
They Look Like People (2015) - May 28th 2023, #244
Class of Nuke'em High (1986) - May 28th 2023, #245
Fear PHarm (2020) - May 29th 2023, #246
The Stuff (1985) - June 1st 2023, #247
Planet Terror (2007) - June 2nd 2023, #248
Fear PHarm 2 (2021) - June 5th 2023, #249
Mom and Dad (2018) - June 8th 2023, #250
Renfield (2023) - June 11th 2023, #251
After Dark: The Task (2011) - June 12th 2023, #252
Terrifier (2016) - June 19th 2023, #253
It Follows (2015) - June 20th 2023, #254
Choose Or Die (2022) - June 20th 2023, #255
31 (2016) - June 21st 2023, #256
The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) - June 22nd 2023, #257
Apollo 18 (2011) - June 22nd 2023, #258
Triangle (2009) - June 23rd 2023, #259
Sorority House Massacre (1986) - June 23rd 2023, #260
Braid (2018) - June 24th 2023, #261
Await Further Instructions (2018) - June 26th 2023, #262
Ghost Ship (2002) - July 9th 2023, #263
Annihilation (2018) - July 11th 2023, #264
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2018) - July 13th 2023, #265
Scare BNB (2019) - July 19th 2023, #266
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) - July 20th 2023, #267
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (1989) - July 20th 2023, #268
The Bunnyman Massacre (2014) - July 26th 2023, #269
House (1977) - July 26th 2023, #270
Night of the Comet (1983) - August 3rd 2023, #271
Phantasm (1979) - August 8th 2023, #272
Evil Dead 2 (1987) - August 8th 2023, #273
Battle Royale (2000) - August 8th 2023, #274
Trucks (1998) - August 8th 2023, #275
247F (2011) - August 15th 2023, #276
2001 Maniacs (2005) - August 15th 2023, #277
The Video Dead (1987) - August 17th 2023, #278
Human Resources (2021) - August 17th 2023, #279
Parents (1989) - August 18th 2023, #280
Urban Legend (1998) - September 8th 2023, #281
You’re Next (2011) - November 21st 2023, #282
Frogs (1972) - November 21st 2023, #283
Jennifer’s Body (2009) - January 8th 2024, #284
The Hunt (2020) - January 8th 2024, #285
The Amusement Park (1975) - January 21st 202;, #286
Diary of the Dead (2007) - February 2nd 2024, #287
Corporate Animals (2019) - February 7th, 2024, #288
The Vampire Bat (1933) - February 7th 2024, #289
Blades (1989) - February 7th 2024, #290
Martyrs (2008) - February 7th 2024, #291
Game of Death (2017) - February 14th 2024, #292
Night Swim (2024) - February 16th 2024, #293
976-EVIL (1988) - February 18th 2024, #294
Microwave Massacre (1979) - February 18th 2024, #295
Street Trash (1987) - February 20th 2024, #296
Escape the Field (2022) - February 21st 2024, #297
Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies (1992) - March 3rd 2024, #298
Return to Horror High (1987) - March 23rd 2024, #299
The Beach House (2019) - April 14th 2024, #300
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grangerliam · 4 months
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HC: If you're friends with Liam, there's a chance you've seen, at least, one of these movies. If you're close friends with Liam, you've very likely saw majorly, or all, of these films plus some. These would be his top 9 movies, but they are not his only. There's a longer list, some of which involve sequels of the movies mentioned above. -- He also has a crush on Jane Levy because of Evil Dead and Don't Breathe. His first crush was on Jessica Biel as Erin in TCM. OOC Side note: I make my friends watch my favorite horror movies with me, so I know he do, too.
Evil Dead (2013) - A remake to the 1981 movie, and honestly, a damn good one. The main character is a heroin addict, and her friends, and brother take her out to a cabin to help her get clean. One of the friends end up reading from a book that unleashes an evil in the cabin. The main character tries to warn everyone because weird stuff happens and she knows somethings wrong. No one believes her because they just assume she's withdrawing. And it goes about as well as what anyone would expect from there. ---- A royal mention to Evil Dead Rise that came out last year. He also loved that one, and has watched it multiple times. He enjoys the originals simply for that fact alone, they're originals. But he prefers these two.
Don't Breathe (2016) - A movie where neither side is really in the right, and a lot could've been avoided have the main characters not tried to break into a house that wasn't theirs. Nonetheless, a solid movie about three thieves that go up against a blind man who isn't as impaired al they thought. Just cause he can't see, don't his other senses aren't A1. And it's a fight to the death after that.
The Forsaken (2001) - Most people when asked what their favorite vampire movie is, they'd say 'The Lost Boys' or maybe 'Interview with a Vampire'. Liam's is the Forsaken. A underrated movie in his opinion, that takes a interesting spin on the lore of vampires. A film student who is hired to take a car across the country runs into a hitch hitcher who turns his life upside when they both pick up a blonde who seems like she's on drugs outside a dinner. But she was actually bitten by a vampire, and then proceeds to bite the film student when he tries to calm her down. All three are then on a race against time to kill "The Forsaken" which is the head vampire that holds the virus in their blood.
Halloween (1978) - Do I really need to say anything? It's a classic, and it's beloved by just about everyone. Jamie Lee Curtis as Lorie Strode. Arguably #1 Final Girl. Baby sitter, stalker man in a mask who's just trying to stab people. It's a classic.
Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - Once again, another classic. A very original idea for a killer. Can't go wrong with this sleep traveling demon thing with knives for fingers and a burnt face.
Scream (1996) - Classic, classic, classic. The movie that refreshed the horror genre at its time. A masked killer who calls you and taunts you before he chases you and kills you. A solid story line that follows all 6 movies, without missing a beat. Killer is always human, and always someone you know. Great characters. Sidney Fucking Prescott. He also appreciates the other 5 movies as well.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - A remake of the 1974 film of it's same name. While Liam respects the OG, he finds that this one is a pretty solid remake, and enjoys it occasionally. Jessica Biel is everything in this movie as well, so you know. A group of friends are road tripping across Texas, picks up a hitch hiker, said hitch hiker unalives herself. The group of friends try to find the cops, but instead come into the family of cannibals that make their trip literal hell.
The Ruins (2008) - Four friends are on vacation in Mexico when they come across another man, who befriends them. This man is on the look for his brother as he went on a sight seeing adventure and never returned home. The five of them don't expect much, and the four friends agree to go with their new friend to a place called 'The Ruins'. When they get there, they are immediately trapped there by town people, who don't speak English. So it's a huge miscommunication trope, but they eventually find out that The Ruins are these poisonous cannibal like vines that once you touch them, you are infected. They try to figure out how to get the hell out of there, but everything's against them at that point.
Vacancy (2007) - If we were to ask Liam (or me), what was an underrated movie in our opinions, this one would be at the top of the list. First off, Luke Wilson is phenomenal in this, which you wouldn't think of him as a horror movie actor, but he's fantastic. A husband and wife are on their way home after a family visit. They take the back roads, but their car breaks down, and unable to get a mechanic in the middle of the night, they are forced to say at this hideaway motel until morning. Well, turns out said motel is a breeding ground for snuff films, and these two must work out their differences (they're going through a divorce and lost their child), in order to survive the night.
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shujiinkou · 7 months
October Movies
movies watched in October, their ratings, and reviews from letterboxd.
American Psycho (2000) - 4.5/5
Patrick Bateman may be autistic with hyperfixations on music and murder, but he doesn't let his friends make antisemitic jokes.
Jennifer's Body (2009) - 4/5
Barbie (2023) - 4.5/5
Halloween (1978) - 4/5 {rewatch #4}
Halloween II (1981) - 2.5/5 {rewatch #2}
The Ritual (2017) - 4/5
Crimson Peak (2015) - 3.5/5
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) - 5/5
Choose or Die (2022) - 1/5
certainly a Netflix original movie
The Evil Dead (1981) - 2/5
just final girl Ashley things
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) - 4/5
Ringu (1998) - 4.5/5
Silent Hill (2006) - 4/5
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Stats from Movies 1001-1100
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Pet Sematary (1989) had the most votes with 921 votes. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least votes with 310 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Sleepy Hollow (1999) was the most watched film with 56.4% of voters out of 424 saying they had seen it. Saint Drogo (2023) had the least "Yes" votes with 0.2% of voters out of 495.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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They/Them (2022) was the least watched film with 62.8% of voters out of 682 saying they hadn’t seen it. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least "No" votes with 5,2% of voters out of 310.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Pet Sematary (1989) was the best known film, 3,8% of voters out of 921 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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I Know What You Need (2023) was the least known film, 94.2% of voters out of 310 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
What Josiah Saw (2021) It Comes at Night (2017) Something in the Dirt (2022) Lisa Frankenstein (2024) The Toxic Slime Creature (1982) The House of the Devil (2009) The Dark and the Wicked (2020) Shin Godzilla (2016) Run (2020) Nine Dead (2009)
The Addiction (1995) The Guardian (1990) Open 24 Hours (2018) Here Comes Hell (2019) Sweet Home (2015) Like Dogs (2021) The Stylist (2020) Saint Drogo (2023) Girl on the Third Floor (2019) Evil Bong (2006)
The Hunger (1983) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2 (2022) Bed Rest (2022) Witchhammer (1970) Leonor (1975) Cold Skin (2017) The Vourdalak (2023) Blood for Dracula (1974) Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003) The Dirties (2013) The Vigil (2019) Storm of the Century (1999) Infinity Pool (2023) The Final Wish (2018) Devil (2010) Uzumaki (2000) Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva (2023) Blood Red Sky (2021)
The Finale (2023) The People Under the Stairs (1991) Eli (2019) Autopsy (2008) Sleepy Hollow (1999) The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Paganini Horror (1988) Titane (2021) Burying the Ex (2014)
They Remain (2018) Vicious Fun (2020) Vivarium (2019) Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) Summer of '84 (2018) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Sweet Sixteen (1983) Popcorn (1991) April Fool's Day (1986)
Eerie (2018) Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Greener Grass (2019) The Innocents (2021) Dark Harvest (2023) Häxan (1922) Dark Light (2019) Arthur, Malédiction (2022) Polaroid (2019) Antisocial (2013)
Headless Horseman (2007) Radius (2017) Goblin (2020) Havenhurst (2016) The ABCs of Death (2012) Abandoned Dead (2015) Pet Sematary (1989) Dark Water (2005) Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (2023) Witches Straight From Hell (2023)
Belzebuth (2017) Fade to Black (1980) Scanners (1981) Blood Punch (2013) Cannibals and Carpet Fitters (2017) Split (2016) Game of Death (2017) Paperhouse (1988) The Baby (1973) Splatter: Naked Blood (1996)
A Perfect Child of Satan (2012) Blair Witch (2016) Night of the Devils (1972) I Know What You Need (2023) Midnight Son (2011) Slaxx (2020) They/Them (2022) The Darkness (2016) Wind Chill (2007) Crypt of the Vampire (1964)
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