#fit irish smoker
redslthr1 · 1 month
STOP PRESS!!! 😈😈 A taster of some of the vids on our new JFF page. More Sleazy action than our onlyfans page. Get RePosting lads and head to our New Sleazy JFF there's lots of raw, smokey vids.. Most vids 15 mins long!!! . #smoke #reds #raw #cigar #dad
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wolfavens · 8 months
bold the facts - BRIAN DONOVAN
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i was tagged by @thegloomiestwhim & @eternal-infamy - thanks, guys! some facts about brian donovan circla 2023 aka my one and only under the cut. i added some bits in because i don't know when to stop *rolls eyes at self*
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate (came from nothing, became high-paid executive, had a mental breakdown, now he supports his broke arse wife. it's story old as time lol) / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (he used to be a petty criminal when young but his juvenile records were sealed)
◒ Children: had a child or children (i said it's brian circa 2023 right? it's not a spoiler, shut up) / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic/ in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working (this is a tough one because he is very hard working for his friends and family... but such a lazy fucking layabout at work lol) / lazy / in between
♦ cultured /uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / Spiritual
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious (irish catholicism as performed by deidre does not hold much sway over him, lol)
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced /curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female (it's just his wife really) / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female (just his wife again) / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes/ frequently / chain-smoker (he has been trying to quit since his wife got pregnant but the step between a chain smoker and frequent smoker has not been breeched yet... something tells me it never will be)
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication /some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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nightsidewrestling · 4 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Oscar Grady-Sullivan
The Brother of Sara Oscar Grady-Sullivan (2020)
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The brother of Saraid and son of Honora and Desmond, Oscar.
"I let my sister dye my hair."
Full Legal Name: Oscar Diarmaid Grady-Sullivan
First Name: Oscar
Meaning: Possibly means 'Deer friend'. derived from Old Irish 'Oss' 'Deer' and 'Carae' 'Friend'.
Pronunciation: AHS-kar
Origin: English, Irish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, French, Irish Mythology
Middle Name: Diarmaid
Meaning: Meaning unknown, though it has been suggested that it means 'Without envy'
Pronunciation: DYEER-a-med
Origin: Irish, Irish Mythology
Surname: Grady-Sullivan
Meaning: Grady: From Irish 'Ó Gráda’ or 'Ó Grádaigh’ meaning 'Descendant of Gráda’. The byname Gráda means 'noble, illustrious’. Sullivan: Anglicized form of the Irish name 'Ó Súileabháin’ meaning 'descendant of Súileabhán’. The name Súileabhán means 'dark eye’
Pronunciation: GRAY-dee, SUL-i-van
Origin: Irish, Irish
Alias: None
Reason: None
Nicknames: Derry
Titles: Mr
Age: 15
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Irish-American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 4th 2005
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Not Yet 18
Religion: Catholic
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song (Ringtone on Sara’s Phone): 'Snuff’ - Slipknot
Voice Actor: Not Yet 18
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Fort Greene, Brooklyn, New York
Current Location: Fort Greene, Brooklyn, New York
Hometown: Fort Greene, Brooklyn, New York
Height: Not Yet 18
Weight: Not Yet 18
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: Fully Red
Body Hair: Not Yet 18
Facial Hair: Not Yet 18
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 2
Piercings: Eyebrow (Right), Anti-Eyebrow (Left), Cyber Bites, Frowny, Ear Lobe (Double, Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Friends: Benjamin Nye, Isaac Marino, Antonio Huerta-Marino, Isaiah Winter, Walter Di Napoli
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Desmond Grady
Mentor: Desmond Grady
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Desmond Grady (38, Father), Honora Sullivan (39, Mother)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Saraid Grady-Sullivan (18, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: None
Trainer: None
Managers: None
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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I’m majorly retooling the most recent chapter of Langstroth on Bees; below is a section I’m deleting, as it no longer fits the tone and trajectory of the section. However, I like it too well to just drop it into a deletions file and never look at it again, so here, have some beekeeping angst!
Set during Last Bow, when Holmes has taken off for America and left Watson in charge of his bees. You may think of this as a companion piece to “From Allegany,” if you like.
After breakfast, I suited up in Holmes' beekeeping gear and loaded his barrow with his apiarist's notebook, his smoker, and a collection of empty supers, and proceeded to the copse that held his apiary.
I was still agitated in my mind, however, a state to which his bees must have objected, for I was stung while installing the supers -- my first sting while working with Holmes' hives. I swore and stalked off beyond the edge of the copse, yanking off my gauntlet to get at the welt on my wrist, lifting my veil and twisting my arm this way and that against the sky in an attempt to see the stinger. My arms were not long enough to see the stinger without a glass, but I scraped at the cursed thing with my hive tool, succeeding only in smearing my wrist with propolis and in no way preventing the stinger from pumping its full load of venom into me. The thing smarted abominably. Holmes would have said a few words of sentimental eulogy for the bee who had died for my sins, but I could only summon up a hatred for the wretched creature and all its brethren.
All seemed futile in that moment; I lay back in the tall grasses of the Downs, just below the lip of the hollow that cradled Holmes' apiary, and sucked at my wrist in hopes of drawing the venom out. I only succeeded in coating my front teeth with propolis. Frustrated, I bit at the welt viciously, so that one pain might supersede the other. I should have gone back to the cottage for a chip of ice for my wound, or barring that, back to the apiary to close up the hive box and retrieve my beekeeping equipment, but I did neither, laying back and watching the clouds scuttle across the sky while I chewed at my wrist.
It occurred to me, as I watched the sky, that the editor of the Bee Journal might know Holmes' location; that Holmes, in communicating with him, had trusted his fellow apiarist where he had not trusted me. Or Holmes might only have sent his letter to some trusted intermediary to forward to the Journal: his brother or Captain Kell, or perhaps a now-grown Irregular. It would not be the first time he had trusted his brother or an Irregular before trusting me.
It was useless to speculate on Holmes' methods. The upshot was that Holmes did not wish me to know where he was. I would only drive myself mad brooding upon it. Mad and bee-stung, both, apparently.
But as I gazed upon the warm blue sky, I thought of Holmes, laying aside his false persona and Irish accent to write a letter about his beloved bees. Perhaps he did so even now, in the pink, cold light of an American dawn, while his criminal compatriots still slept. Did he miss his bees? Did he wish, as I did, for the opportunity to lay here beside me near his apiary, the both of us watching the clouds together? Would he have teased me for my first sting, or earnestly scolded me for it? Would he have gently tended to my wound? Would he have treated it as a badge of honour?
Even as I thought on such things, I tried to summon the bitter thought that if he was lonely in America he had no one to blame for it but himself. But I knew that to be a lie. He had never wanted this case; I had pressed him to take it. His preference would have been to bask in his retirement, with his bees before him and me at his side, as we had done the long summer before.
For a single summer, I, too, had been content with that. Another long summer stretched before me, and it seemed impossible that I should be content with it again.
By this time the welt on my wrist was bruised and riddled with tooth marks; the damage the bee had wrought on me was minor compared to what I had done to myself. Holmes would certainly have scolded me for it had he been there to see it. 
I missed him, then, missed him with a fierce, simple longing, unsullied by my resentment at being left behind. 
But even as I longed for him, there was no solace to be found: Holmes was in America, possibly in peril of his life, but certainly unreachable. Meanwhile, I was stranded in Sussex, pretending to be a beekeeper.
It was all wrong, all of it.
I took up my veil and gauntlet, and went to see to his bees.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
Ok probably the only request but lona needs a fic she wasn’t a love interest but she’s so 🥵🥵🥵
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S3 | Iona/MC | 1500+ words | @i-boop-you
At the club, Iona meets someone new. Is she gonna go home with her, or her boyfriend?
🎵 I could be a better boyfriend than him 🎵 I could do the shit that he never did 🎵
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Fucking pissing it down. Nothing new there, but Alexa had hoped for a dryer start to the evening than this.
Thanks to her connection, Alexa and her friends were fast-tracked into the club and out of the rain, smiling and giggling as they waltzed by the glares from those standing in line.
The night was in full swing, and so was the club. Already packed, Alexa knew there was no way they’d have gotten in at all if it wasn’t for Ciaran making sure of it. She had to make sure she found him at some point and schmooze over what a beaut he was.
One drink in, then two drinks in, or five if shots were being counted, and she still hadn’t found him. He was showing the club to a couple friends off of Love Island, making a scheduled publicity appearance, but that was done by now, and they’d all probably be drinking up in the offices.
Alexa’s relationship with Ciaran was good enough to fast-track her into the club, but she wasn’t so sure about interrupting him and his friends in staff only areas. She’d leave it for now.
The music pulsed, the thrumming of the beat set to intense. The drinks washed through Alexa, leaving her emboldened. Before she was even on the dancefloor, her body was gyrating to the beat.
One foot on the dancefloor and Alexa spotted Ciaran. Following along with him, chatting and laughing as they made their way through the club, was Bill, Nicky, Camilo, and Iona. They were heading to the smokers section outside, all wearing new designer gear that none of them probably bought. The best dressed, no competition, was Iona.
Her short pixie cut with its baby pink highlights with her forest green outfit was the most effortlessly cool fit Alexa had ever seen. Seeing her in the crowd of boys made Alexa sweat in a way she had never felt before. She wanted her. She wanted her more than she wanted the air in her lungs.
All it took was a look. A stolen glance that Iona would never know Alexa had taken from her. She laughed, but was too far away for Alexa to hear, but the sound drove in her mind, the laugh heavy and tinkling at the same time; like a bell; a weighted chime that Alexa would gladly spend all day ringing just hear that same song playing over and over.
If ever Alexa was going to say hello, now was it. Already, half her friends had broken away to mingle and graft, so her disappearance from the others wasn’t something to worry about. She left, dodging bodies and pushing those who wouldn’t give way. Every guy who passed her tried to make eyes at her, but she wasn’t on the hunt tonight. At least, not for any of them.
Outside again, she was freezing, but like every Irish lass, she soldiered on. All that was to be done was shrug off the dropping temperatures like she wasn’t wearing a two-piece so small it didn’t have enough material to make a decent jacket.
“Ciaran!” She called out, waving him down.
He smiled when he saw her, breaking off the group. All eight eyes followed him until they landed on Alexa. Each as predictable as the last, Bill, Nicky, Camilo, they swept up her body like she was a tall glass of water and they had a quench to thirst. From Bill it wasn’t too bad, but the other boys were both in relationships (or at least, were publicly). Camilo even had his arm around Iona. The sight was like a stab in the heart. It was unreasonable of Alexa to feel this way about a woman she’d only ever seen in person across a crowded room.
To say that Iona never noticed that look from Camilo was an understatement. She was eyeing Alexa with that same heavy, hungry look, like Alexa was everything she never knew she needed. Well, what a shame she had a boyfriend, and what a shame that a moment after he ate Alexa up with his eyes, he hugged Iona in closer to him, like he was assuring her he hadn’t seen Alexa and what a stunner she was. Oh, boys. They really were all the same.
Alexa knew … given the chance … she could do so much better. If only Iona knew…
“Who’s this then, Ciaran?” Bill asked. “Didn’t realise you had a girlfriend hidden away over here.”
Ciaran guffawed. “Nah, Alexa and I aren’t together. We’re just friends.”
Fair game, it was all over Bill’s face. A less convinced look was what Alexa threw back at him, brows arched, lips tight, gaze heavy, almost like she was saying try me.
Once the greetings and introductions were over, Alexa never lingered. Nothing worse than a groupie for celebs she couldn’t even class as C list. Besides, they had plenty of other hangers on, there was no need for Alexa to hover. She wasn’t that interested.
As the night waged on, the drinks kept coming; shots between BVL’s. The longer Alexa spent at the club, the more people she bumped into; it was like going through her old facebook friends list with the amount of people she knew, so many of them who wouldn’t normally head out, come to lurk at the fifteen minutes of fame Ciaran and his friends were grasping at.
At some point, the night had to slow down, and by that point Alexa was pretty tired. She’d had her fill of guys hitting on her no matter how many times she said she wasn’t interested; her feet were already aching in her heels from time spent on the dancefloor.
Several of her friends had headed home already, some with other girlfriends, some with guys they’d picked up. Alexa wanted to say one final goodbye to Ciaran, thanking him one last time.
She scoured the club. It was easier than before, the crowds thinning now there was almost just an hour left until closing. She saw Bill, some other little slice all over him as he whispered in her ear. Alexa wasn’t about to interrupt, but at least she knew the Islanders were all still kicking about.
And like that, her gaze was drawn all the way to the dancefloor. There, like a shining beacon, with the music slowing to a sleek reverberating pulse, drumming along to her movements, the lights flashing to her rhythm, like the world was spinning to the song she wanted to play, was Iona.
Everyone was dancing around her, but she was alone. No boyfriend in sight.
All other thoughts left Alexa as she gazed at this master who’d transfixed her. Jealousy and envy and need and desire washed through her, filling her with longing. Step by step, Alexa got closer and closer, the pain in her feet no longer a burden as she strode across the sticky carpet to the wooden flooring everyone danced on.
The flashing lights flew over her as she stepped down into the pit that held the clubs biggest dancefloor. The whole world could have been squashed in with them, but Alexa only had eyes for her. It was like the sea of bodies were parting for her, like she was meant to get ahead unencumbered, just to dance with her.
Alexa grabbed her wrist, her other hand sliding around Iona’s waist. The sudden touch startled Iona, and her eyes pinged open, landing wide on Alexa. All Alexa had to do was smile and Iona eased at once.
There was no time to chat; the music was too loud. Unless they sang along to the lyrics, no one would have a clue what they were saying, but Alexa didn’t need words for this.
Hands were in hands, chests against chests, hips swaying with hips; Alexa had Iona and she wasn’t letting go. Her lips brushed Iona’s cheek as the crowded room left them to get to know one another. Her perfume smelt like citrus; it burned through Alexa like the tang of lemon. Her mouth fell to Iona’s neck, intent to devour the taste at the source.
Her heavy gaze drew along Iona’s skin, her breath heating the other woman’s skin softly like the sweep of the back of her hand. “So, where’s your boyfriend gone?”
Iona grinned, spinning to face her, her gaze falling too obviously on Alexa’s lips. “Does it matter? The relationships not real anyway. I’m here now.”
Alex grinned. “I’d expect better, even from a fake boyfriend.”
“He’s taken some girl back to the hotel room.”
“So it sounds like you need a place to stay tonight.”
Iona grinned back, biting her lip. “Yeah … I guess I do.”
They danced; Alexa’s heartbeat matching the thrum that was heating up between her legs. All Alexa knew was that she was going home with someone now, that was the gentlemen in her. This was divine intervention. That she knew, and … she would be a better boyfriend than any guy. For Iona. For herself. She wasn’t afraid to prove it.
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coffee-n-ocs · 9 months
Exosis (Music OCs): Cherry McManus (2014)
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The daughter of Angelita McManus-Bull and Mason Winter, Cherry is her mother's pride and joy, even if her looks and personality favour her dead-beat father, Often dressed in pink and white, Cherry is friendly, honest and forever innocent in her mother's eyes.
"I don't want my mother to be lonely forever, Uncle Duke."
Full Legal Name: Ember Cherry Fawn McManus-Bull First Name: Ember Meaning: From the English word 'Ember', ultimately from Old English 'Æmerge' Pronunciation: EHM-ber Origin: English Middle Name(s): Cherry, Fawn Meaning(s): Cherry: Simply means 'Cherry' from the name of the Fruit. Fawn: From the English word 'Fawn' for a young deer Pronunciation: CHEHR-ee, FAWN Origin: English. English Surname(s): McManus, Bull Meaning(s): McManus: Anglicized form of Irish 'Mac Maghnuis’ meaning 'Son of Mághnus’, the Irish form of 'Magnus’, a Late Latin name meaning 'Great’ Bull: From a nickname for a person who acted like a bull Pronunciation: mac-MAN-us, BUWL Origin: Irish. English Aliases: Ember McManus, Cherry McManus, Fawn McManus, Ember Bull, Cherry Bull, Fawn Bull Nicknames: Emi, Cher Titles: Miss
Age: 13 Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns Race: Human Nationality: Dual Nationality, American & English Ethnicity: Mixed White & Black 1/2 Jamaican - 1/4 American (White) - 1/4 English (White) Birth Date: 14th January 2001 Sexuality: [Data Redacted] Religion: Non-Religious Native Language: English Spoken Languages: English, (Some) Spanish, (Some) French Relationship Status: Single Astrological Sign: Capricorn Face Claim: Nico Parker
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Aintree, Liverpool, England, UK Current Location: 'On Tour'
Height: 5'2" / 157 cm Weight: 99 lbs / 45 kg Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Brown Hair Dye: 2 Pink streaks, usually framing her face Body Hair: N/A Facial Hair: N/A Tattoos: None (yet) Scars: None Clothing Style: Mainly Pink & white, geeky, graphic T-shirts, necklaces & bracelets, occasionally borrows her mother's makeup
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Clean Illnesses/Disorders: Autism Medications: None Any Specific Diet: None (just like her mother, she eats a lot of junk food)
Affiliated Groups: Exosis Friends: Lita McManus, Duke McManus Enemies: None Noted Yet: Mentor: Lita McManus Significant Other: None Previous Partners: None Parents: Angelita McManus (33, Mother), Mason Winter (34, Father) Parents-In-Law: None Nieces & Nephews: None Children: None Children-In-Law: None Grandkids: None Other Notable Relatives: None
Occupation: Student Tropes: (These are purely theoretical for how I would write her)
Beautiful Singing Voice: Yet doesn't like using it in public
Cheerful Child: Hardly ever in a bad mood, unless she's feeling rebellious
Colour-Coded For Your Convenience: usually dresses in pink & white
Girls Love Chocolate: Inherited her mother's sweet tooth
Hates Wearing Dresses: Unlike her mother, who doesn't mind dresses
Trademark Favourite Food: Waffles & Milkshakes
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-Design to come in a group pic-
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thencd · 10 months
Lucifarian Family 80s Redux: Bios:
The Princess of Gluttony: Kat Lucifarian / Katriona Reagan (1984)
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The fourth of the seven sins, she lures people in with a homecooked meal, only to end up eating her guests.
"I dare not hand Bon my list of men to invite in for dinner."
Full Legal Name: Katriona Titania Reagan
First Name: Katriona
Meaning: A variant of 'Catriona', the Anglicized form of both Irish 'Caitríona', and the Scottish Gaelic 'Caitrìona', both are forms of 'Katherine', from the Greek name 'Aikaterine'. The etymology is debated, it could derive from an earlier Greek name 'Hekaterine', itself from 'Hekateros' meaning 'Each of the two', it could derive from the name of the goddess 'Hecate' (from the Greek 'Hekate', possibly derived from 'Hekas' meaning 'Far off'), it could be related to Greek 'Aikia' meaning 'Torture', or it could be from s Coptic name meaning 'My consecration of your name'
Pronunciation: ka-TREE-na
Origin: Irish, Scottish
Middle Name: Titania
Meaning: Perhaps based on Latin 'Titanius' meaning 'Of the Titans'
Pronunciation: ti-TAH-nee-a
Origin: Literature
Surname: Reagan
Meaning: Anglicized form of Irish 'Ó Riagáin' meaning 'Descendant of Riagán', 'Riagán' is from Old Irish 'Riacán', probably derived fron 'Ri' 'King' combined with a diminutive suffix
Pronunciation: RAY-gan
Origin: Irish
Aliases: Kat Lucifarian, The Princess of Gluttony, The Gluttonous Princess, The Giantess of Gluttony, The Giantess of Gourmandizing, The Gluttonous Giantess, The Gourmandizing Giantess, The Princess of Gluttony Kat Lucifarian, The Gluttonous Princess Kat Lucifarian, The Giantess of Gluttony Kat Lucifarian, The Giantess of Gourmandizing Kat Lucifarian, The Gluttonous Giantess Kat Lucifarian, The Gourmandizing Giantess Kat Lucifarian
Nicknames: Kat, Rio, Titan, Nia, Rea, Gunner, Kitty, Tall-Ass, Princess K, Giantess
Titles: Miss
Age: 26
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: European (Human)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White (Mixed. Both Sides White) 1/2 Irish 1/2 Scottish
Birth Date: 5th January 1958
Sexuality: Demisexual, Biromantic
Religion: Raised Irish Catholic, Wiccan
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic, Spanish, French, Japanese
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Theme Song: 'Rocky Road To Dublin' - The Dubliners (1964-1972), 'Walk On The Wild Side' - Lou Reed (1972-)
Voice Actor: Catherine Tate
Singing Voice: Lady Miss Kier
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Ayr, South Ayrshire County, Scotland
Current Location: On The Road
Current Residence: Albany, Albany County, New York USA
Hometown: Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Weight: 250 lbs / 113 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: 4 (1 1/4 Arm Sleeve)
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Double, Both), Helix (Double, Both Sides)
Scars: Small Surgical & Accidental scars in random places
Clothing Style: Gothic / Geeky
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: Gigantism, Acromegaly, Short-Sightedness (Undiagnosed: Autism, Social Anxiety)
Medications: Has Glasses & Contact Lenses
Any Specific Diet: None (But eats a larger amount than the other girls)
Allies: Ves Lucifarian, Bon Lucifarian, Nadia Lucifarian, Anna Lucifarian, Nora Lucifarian, Syn Lucifarian, André The Giant, Lou Albano
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Big John Studd, Hulk Hogan, Lord Alfred Hayes, Dynamite Kid, Brutus Beefcake, Roddy Piper (Kind of)
Mentor: Ruaidhrí Reagan
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None
Parents: Ruaidhrí Reagan (56, Father), Grizel Reagan (57, Mother, Née Ross)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: None
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hell Itself
Trainers: Dearbháil Ó Madaidhín, Ultán Reagan Croía Mac Ghabhann, Tomás Reagan, Brónach Grady, Séamas Reagan, Áine Desmond, Ruadhrí Reagan
Managers: Damo Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1964
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Highflyer
Stables & Teams: An Teaghlach Reagan [The Reagan Family] (1964-1976), The Lucifarian Family (1976-)
Regular Moves: Double Leg Drop (To the Gut/Groin), Diving Leg Drop, Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam, Plancha, Mulekick, Feeding Frenzy (Wild Punches to the Gut), Organ Grinder (Dropkick), Hungry For Blood (Diving Clothesline), Consummation (Rope Aided Corner Dropkick), 666 / Number Of The Beast (Tiger Feint Kick From Between The Middle And Lowest Ropes), Vampire's Bite (Sitout Jawbreaker), Butcher's Knife Chops (Open-Handed Chops)
Finishers: Overfeeding (High-Angle Senton Bomb), Cheshire Grin (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker), Eat Cake (Banzai Drop), Giantess Splash (Splash Into a Pin)
Refers To Fans As: The Gluttonous, The Gluttonous Ones, The Starved, The Starved Dogs
Commentary Name: The Ogress, The Giantess
Backstory: Katriona grew up as a tall child, permanently taller than everyone around her. Her mother the less successful sister of a specialist doctor, and her father the eighth of eight kids. No one knew how tall she would eventually be, and how much pain she'd end up in, before she got corrective surgery at the age of 20 (she stopped growing at 7'0"). She pays for everything in her life through wrestling (and her artwork), something she'd learnt from her family.
Katriona started wrestling professionally when she was 16, and back then she was only 6'0". Having a flair for the dramatic, and a desire to up the amount of money she could spend on food, Katriona trained to be a highflyer (and took a more comedic angle to her wrestling), and soon doubled her drawing power because of it, after all, it's not everyday that you see an (actual) giant do a backflip and succeed. Going under the mask, as a way to market herself as a potential threat, came soon after this.
Although, in reality, she knows deep down that she wears the mask to hide her face, and remain somewhat private in her everyday life. She would make people think that if the mask was removed, during a match, that she would become much more savage, and cannibalistic, and attempt to bite her opponent. Vesta talked her into becoming the Gluttonous Giantess, and soon after joining the Lucifarians, her natural height and weight advantage, put her on track for being the biggest draw of the group, a role Katriona doesn't like much.
Katriona's role is as the Mouth (sort of), Muscle (sort of), Brain (sort of), and the group's human scare tactic
Katriona is Blunt, Gloomy, Hard-Working, Reserved, Self-Indulgent and Sensitive
Katriona knows what she likes and what she wants
Katriona is willing to bleed 'hard-way' if needed
Katriona keeps to herself until she needs to speak or act
Katriona is extremely secretive
Katriona eats almost 24/7
Katriona won't talk to anyone when feeling down or missing home
Katriona is only 4 inches shorter than André
Katriona hates blading
Katriona only hates Piper due to his on-screen personality
Katriona hates Big John Studd because of his disrespectful nature, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's 'obnoxiously American', she hates Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid, because they're British, and she hates Brutus Beefcake because he's 'so much' energy-wise
Katriona has always been tall, but also always been shorter than André
Katriona often references folk tales and mythology in her promos, managing to make them darker and scarier
Katriona's '666' is a modified '619', hence the numerical name
Katriona likes: Pumpkins, Camper vans, Pick-up Trucks, Orange (Both the colour & fruit), Trifle, Halloween, Easter, Pigs, Boars, Quad bikes, Chrysanthemums, Lager Shandy (Aka Panaché), Black clothing, Horror Movies, Comedy Movies
Katriona dislikes: Jellied Eels, VW beetles, Tractors, Neon Colours, Battenberg cake, Christmas, Mispronounced words (Samhain is not 'Sam-Hain'), Spiders, Moths, Turkey, Stinging nettles, Skirts, Short-shorts, Hospitals, Wasps, Social Events
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Left: Katriona in 'Human form' (With her natural blue eyes)
Right: Kat in 'Demon form' (With orange eyes)
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure. High standards never hurt anybody... Marina Spicer has no time to waste when it comes to dating, hence her (rather long) list of dealbreakers. Must love dogs, no smokers need apply, etc. Still, Marina is stuck. Frustrated by the online dating world, she creates Dealbreakers, an anonymous dating review app, to whittle down the depressingly large dating pool man by man and help other women along the way. But after a disagreement at work gets her paired up as the marketer on a project with uppity Irish content writer Lucas Kennedy, she realizes he’s the most reviewed walking red flag on the entire app. The charming ne’er-do-well is the last person she wants to spend time with, but they have to test out date ideas together, the writer of the best pitch walking away with the promotion Marina feels she’s already earned. As Marina and Lucas butt heads mixing cocktails, salsa dancing, and throwing axes, Marina finds herself sharper and wittier in his presence despite Lucas checking every box on Marina’s dealbreakers list. If the Dealbreakers say he’s Mr. Wrong, he can’t possibly be Mr. Right . . . can he?
She has a checklist for her perfect partner and he’s the exact opposite of what she could want, but can two work enemies actually be perfect for each other? Marina Spicer has a checklist of what she is looking for in a perfect partner and her list of dealbreakers, yet every guy she’s gone out with has been a miss. She creates an app called Dealbreakers where people can anonymously write reviews for their dates for other women to read. When a disagreement at work gets her paired up with her work enemy, Lucas Kennedy, a supremely charming, smoking, and tattooed content writer. They enter into a competition in where they test out date ideas together and the winner with the best pitch gets the new promotion. Marina feels like she has earned this promotion and is going to take Lucas down.. or that was the plan until Lucas charms his way into her heart. From cocktail mixing dates, salsa dancing, and ace throwing, Marina and Lucas find themselves opening up to each other more and Marina begins to realize that maybe despite the fact that Lucas checks off every single one of her dealbreakers.... he is the perfect guy for her. This was a short and interesting read about two people who are opposites but find a way to completely fit one another. 
*Thanks Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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cookinwitgus · 1 month
The Beauty of a Spatchcocked Turkey
Other than overcooking, there is no "wrong" way to prepare a turkey. Even after overcooking and thoroughly drying out a turkey, you can still save it by using it in soups, salads, or sandwiches. I have personally baked, deep fried, smoked, and grilled whole turkeys. I'd be lying if I told you I always got it right.
Seasoning is best left to your own taste. One thing I did was sliced and dropped an entire yellow onion into the cavity of a turkey during deep frying. The taste and smell were awesome and I ended up with tasty onion ring slices to boot.
Recently I tried coking a turkey using the spatchcock method. The term “spatchcock” is derived from an old Irish abbreviation of “dispatching the cock”. "Spatchcocking" is a cooking method involving cutting out the backbone of the chicken so it cooks flat, resulting in a faster, more evenly cooked turkey with crispier skin.  
This method exposes all the skin at the same time, so you end up with a perfectly crispy skin and juicy meat. The true benefit you get using this method is the entire bird fits on a grill/smoker and other than flipping it like you would chicken, there's not a lot of effort required. Needless to say, grilling a turkey over charcoal and/or wood tastes better than your traditional baked or warmed over grocery store turkey.
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged: Bios (1980): Casey Lloyd / Cas Lucifarian
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"I'm gonna rip your guts out and eat them."
Full Legal Name: Casey Ciar Lloyd
First Name: Casey
Meaning: From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of 'Ó Cathasaigh', a patronymic derived from the given name 'Cathassach', which means 'Vigilant in Irish.
Pronunciation: KAY-see
Origin: English
Middle Name: Ciar
Meaning: Derived from Irish 'Ciar' meaning 'Black'.
Pronunciation: KEER
Origin: Irish, Irish Mythology, Old Irish
Surname: Lloyd
Meaning: Originally a nickname from the Welsh word 'Llwyd' meaning 'Grey'.
Pronunciation: LOID
Origin: Welsh
Ring Name: Cas Lucifarian, Gluttony, The Giantess
Commentary Nickname: The Ogress, The Carnivore, The Cannibal
Nicknames: Cas, Case, Cassie, Ciarán, C.C, Tall-Ass
Titles: Miss
Age: 26
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Nationality: Irish
Ethnicity: White (1/2 Welsh, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Scottish)
Birth Date: January 17th 1954
Sexuality: Aceflux
Religion: Wiccan
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Welsh, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Entrance Music: 'Dúlamán' - Clannad (1976-), No Music Prior To 1976
Voice Claim: Tamsin Greig
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Cardiff, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Height: 7'0" / 213 cm
Weight: 250 lbs / 113 kg
Eye Colour: Turqoise
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde
Hair Dye: Half-Dyed Copper
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1980) 16
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Triple, Both), Helix (Triple, Both)
Scars: Scars Over Her Jaw, Back, Arms, Legs & Chest
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Rarely Drinks
Illnesses/Disorders: Autism, Anxiety, Acromegaly, Gigantism
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Skull Lucifarian, Ven Lucifarian, Bel Lucifarian, Pat Lucifarian, Hel Lucifarian, Eve Lucifarian, Syd Lucifarian, André The Giant
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Big John Studd, Hulk Hogan, Lord Alfred Hayes, Dynamite Kid, Brutus Beefcake
Closest Confidant: Morven Lloyd
Mentor: Rhys Lloyd
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None
Parents: Rhys Lloyd (56, Father), Morven Lloyd (57, Mother, Née Laird)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Kane Cairbre Lloyd (29, Brother),
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hellview
Trainer: David Finlay Sr., Myfanwy Scurlock, Wyn LLoyd Sr., Seren Melyn, Vaughan Lloyd, Olwen Melinydd, Trevor Lloyd, Llinos Saise, Rhys Lloyd
Managers: Skull Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1970 (WWF Debut: 1980)
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Highflyer/Giant
Stables: Daughters of Darkness (1972-)
Celtic Warriors (Kane Lloyd & Casey Lloyd)
Family Feeders (Skull & Cas)
Cherry Bombs (Ven & Cas)
Beauty & Beastly (Bel & Cas)
Golden Boars (Pat & Cas)
Total Knockouts (Cas& Hel)
Want & Desire (Cas& Eve)
Twisted Sisters (Cas& Syd)
Regular Moves: Double Leg Drop (To The Gut/Groin), Diving Leg Drop, Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam, Plancha, Mulekick, Big Boot, Headbutt Feeding Frenzy (Wild Punches To The Gut), Organ Grinder (Dropkick), Hungry for Blood (Diving Clothesline), Consummation (Rope Aided Corner Dropkick), 666 (Tiger Feint Kick From Between The Middle And Lowest Ropes), Vampire’s Bite (Sitout Jawbreaker), Butcher’s Knife (Open-Handed Chops)
Finishers: Overfeeding (High-Angle Senton Bomb), Cheshire Grin (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker Slam), Let Them Eat Cake (Banzai Drop), Giantess Splash (Splash Into a Pin)
Refers To Fans As: The Gluttonous, The Gluttonous Ones
Heel or Face: (As of Jan 1980) 'Monster' Heel
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shyujikl · 1 year
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe
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Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe Product Description This Irish pipe is handcrafted and made of Kevazingo wood. It has a wooden mouthpiece and a leather extension. The smoking pipe can fit 9mm filter.It is hand-made by its creator in Ireland, which means it comes with one-of-a-kind characteristics that the craftsman was proud of. The Irish wooden smoking pipe is the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Made from quality wood, this pipe is made to last a lifetime. With its beautiful design, it will look just as good in your home as it does in your hand. It's also perfect for the smoker who appreciates detail. Product parameters: Easy to Disassemble Tobacco Pipe Made of Kevazingo wood , high quality material ID*H of Bowl (Inch) 0.75 X 1.46 OD*H of Bowl (Inch) 1.61 X 2.01 Total Length (Inch) 5.91 Read the full article
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dhbfgchf · 1 year
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe
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Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe Product Description This Irish pipe is handcrafted and made of Kevazingo wood. It has a wooden mouthpiece and a leather extension. The smoking pipe can fit 9mm filter.It is hand-made by its creator in Ireland, which means it comes with one-of-a-kind characteristics that the craftsman was proud of. The Irish wooden smoking pipe is the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Made from quality wood, this pipe is made to last a lifetime. With its beautiful design, it will look just as good in your home as it does in your hand. It's also perfect for the smoker who appreciates detail. Product parameters: Easy to Disassemble Tobacco Pipe Made of Kevazingo wood , high quality material ID*H of Bowl (Inch) 0.75 X 1.46 OD*H of Bowl (Inch) 1.61 X 2.01 Total Length (Inch) 5.91 Read the full article
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nightsidewrestling · 3 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Ida McDougall
The Cyhyraeth Duchess of C.R.C Ida McDougall (2020)
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The eldest daughter of Deirdre, and second eldest granddaughter of Naoise, Ida. An Irish-Catholic woman living in Wales and an attentive and sympathetic mother. Ida is one of Kirby's first cousins once removed.
"Some days I really could scream my scream lungs out."
Full Legal Name: Ida Elain Ffion Briallen McDougall (Née Llewellyn)
First Name: Ida
Meaning: Derived from the Germanic element 'Id' possibly meaning 'Work, Labour'.
Pronunciation: IE-da
Origin: English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Italian, French, Polish, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovak, Slovene, Germanic
Middle Name(s): Elain, Ffion, Briallen
Meaning(s): Elain: Means 'Fawn' in Welsh. Ffion: Means 'Foxglove' in Welsh. Briallen: Derived from Welsh 'Briallu' meaning 'Primrose'.
Pronunciation(s): EH-lien. FEE-awn / FI-awn. bri-A-shehn
Origin(s): Welsh. Welsh. Welsh.
Surname: McDougall (Née Llewellyn)
Meaning: Variant of 'MacDougall', which means 'Son of Dougall' in Gaelic. (Llewellyn: Derived from the Welsh given name 'Llywelyn', which is probably a Welsh form of unattested Old Celtic name 'Lugubelinos', a combination of the names of the gods 'Lugus' and 'Belenus', or a compound of 'Lugus' and a Celtic root meaning 'Strong'.)
Pronunciation: mack-DO-gall (loo-EHL-in)
Origin: Scottish (Welsh)
Alias: Cyhyraeth Duchess, Ida McDougall
Reason: This is Ida's ring name
Nicknames: None
Titles: Mrs
Age: 27
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: November 5th 1993
Symbols: Banshees, Cyhyraeths, Ghosts, Crowns
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Theme Song: 'The Dirty Glass' - Dropkick Murphys (2011-)
Voice Actor: Anna Thomas
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 136 lbs / 61 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 15
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both), Tragus (Both), Eyebrow (Double, Both), Anti-Eyebrow (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: Depression
Medications: Antidepressants
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Matrona Volkov, Eira MacThaoig, Rachel MacGregor, Wanda Llewellyn, Vale Llewellyn, Cadence Llewellyn, Dacre Llewellyn
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Desmond McDougall
Mentor: Deirdre Llewellyn
Significant Other: Desmond McDougall (28, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Ivan Llewellyn (48, Father), Deirdre Llewellyn (47, Mother, Née Rhydderch)
Parents-In-Law: Diarmaid McDougall (58, Father-In-Law), Fionnuala McDougall (59, Mother-In-Law, Née Babineux)
Siblings: Kevin Llewellyn (24, Brother), Padrig Llewellyn (21, Brother), Wanda Llewellyn (18, Sister), Vale Llewellyn (15, Sister), Aaron Llewellyn (12, Brother), Bada Llewellyn (9, Brother), Cadence Llewellyn (6, Sister), Dacre Llewellyn (3, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Mavourneen Llewellyn (25, Kevin's Wife, Née McEachern), Rathnait Llewellyn (11, Padrig's Wife, Née McTaggart), Aoide McPhee (25, Desmond's Sister, Née McDougall), Valentin McPhee (26, Aoide's Husband), Tihomir McDougall (22, Desmond's Brother), Astraea McDougal (23, Tihomir's Wife, Née Monroe), Arete McDougall (19, Desmond's Sister), Tomislav McDougall (16, Desmond's Brother), Arethusa McDougall (13, Desmond's Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Muadhnait Llewellyn (4, Niece), Muire Llewellyn (1, Niece), Ceallach Llewellyn (1, Nephew), Valko McPhee (5, Nephew), Arke McPhee (2, Niece), Velichko McDougall (2, Nephew)
Children: Keelin McDougall (7, Daughter), Caomh McDougall (4, Son), Cathal McDougall (1, Son)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Talulla Rhydderch, Deirdre Llewellyn
Managers: Desmond McDougall
Wrestlers Managed: Desmond McDougall
Debut: 2011
Debut Match: Ida Llewellyn VS Deirdre Llewellyn. Ida won via pinfall.
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Brawler / Hardcore
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2011-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Belly To Back Suplex, Bulldog, Figure-Four Leglock, Inverted Atomic Drop, Low Blow, Multiple Jabs, Poking / Raking Opponent’s Eyes, Running High Knee Strike, Big Boot, Atomic Drop, Backbreaker Rack, Diving Overhead Chop, High Knee, One-Armed Body Slam, Piledriver, Running Big Boot, Running Leg Drop, Vertical Suplex Slam
Finishers: Sleeper Hold, Jumping Knee Drop, Top Rope Jumping Knee Drop
Backstory: Ida McDougall (Née Llewellyn) of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. When Deirdre dies Ida will have a 1/504th ownership of the promotion. Ida is a 'Cyhyraeth Style’ (Brawler / Hardcore) trainer. She’s mostly Welsh.
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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frjdtf · 1 year
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe Product Description This Irish pipe is handcrafted and made of Kevazingo wood. It has a wooden mouthpiece and a leather extension. The smoking pipe can fit 9mm filter.It is hand-made by its creator in Ireland, which means it comes with one-of-a-kind characteristics that the craftsman was proud of. The Irish wooden smoking pipe is the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Made from quality wood, this pipe is made to last a lifetime. With its beautiful design, it will look just as good in your home as it does in your hand. It's also perfect for the smoker who appreciates detail. Product parameters: Easy to Disassemble Tobacco Pipe Made of Kevazingo wood , high quality material ID*H of Bowl (Inch) 0.75 X 1.46 OD*H of Bowl (Inch) 1.61 X 2.01 Total Length (Inch) 5.91 Read the full article
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sgvdhgfh · 1 year
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe
Irish Wooden Smoking Pipe Product Description This Irish pipe is handcrafted and made of Kevazingo wood. It has a wooden mouthpiece and a leather extension. The smoking pipe can fit 9mm filter.It is hand-made by its creator in Ireland, which means it comes with one-of-a-kind characteristics that the craftsman was proud of. The Irish wooden smoking pipe is the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Made from quality wood, this pipe is made to last a lifetime. With its beautiful design, it will look just as good in your home as it does in your hand. It's also perfect for the smoker who appreciates detail. Product parameters: Easy to Disassemble Tobacco Pipe Made of Kevazingo wood , high quality material ID*H of Bowl (Inch) 0.75 X 1.46 OD*H of Bowl (Inch) 1.61 X 2.01 Total Length (Inch) 5.91 Read the full article
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coffee-n-ocs · 9 months
Exosis (Music OCs): Lita McManus (2014)
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The drummer, and second vocalist of the band 'Exosis', and the younger sister of Duke, the young mother is protective of her daughter, especially because her ex-boyfriend wants nothing to do with the child. Usually dressing in black and red, Lita is passionate, loving and rebellious but at times can be hot-headed and dangerous.
"Motorcycle accident, the wheelchair's temporary, the memory's permanent."
Full Legal Name: Angelita Liberty Dawn McManus-Bull First Name: Angelita Meaning: Either a Spanish diminutive of 'Angela', or in Lita's case, a combination of 'Angel' and 'Lita', 'Angel' from the medieval Latin masculine name 'Angelus', which was derived from the name of the heavenly creature, itself derived from the Greek word 'Angelos' meaning 'Messenger', and 'Lita' which is the usual short form of names ending with 'Lita'. Pronunciation: AYN-jel-ee-tah Origin: Spanish, English Middle Name(s): Liberty, Dawn Meaning(s): Liberty: Simply from the English word 'Liberty', derived from Latin 'Libertas', a derivative of 'Liber' 'Free' Dawn: From the English word 'Dawn', ultimately derived from Old English 'Dagung' Pronunciation: LIB-er-tee, DAWN Origin: English. English Surname(s): McManus, Bull Meaning(s): McManus: Anglicized form of Irish 'Mac Maghnuis' meaning 'Son of Mághnus', the Irish form of 'Magnus', a Late Latin name meaning 'Great' Bull: From a nickname for a person who acted like a bull Pronunciation: mac-MAN-us, BUWL Origin: Irish. English Aliases: Angelita McManus, Angel McManus, Lita McManus, Liberty McManus, Dawn McManus, Angelita Bull, Angel Bull, Lita Bull, Liberty Bull, Dawn Bull Nicknames: Angel, Angie, Lita, Libbie Titles: Miss
Age: 33 Gender: Genderfluid. She/Her & They/Them Pronouns (rarely uses He/Him Pronouns) Race: Human Nationality: Dual Nationality, American & English Ethnicity: White - 1/2 British - 1/2 American Birth Date: 10th January 1981 Sexuality: Demisexual Religion: Raised Christian, Wiccan Native Language: English Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese Relationship Status: Single Astrological Sign: Capricorn Face Claim(s): [Self-Insert] Taylor Momsen, Annie Lennox, Kathleen Hanna, Nia Lovelis, Halsey
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, England, UK Current Location: 'On Tour'
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Blonde Hair Dye: Bright Red (at the start of the story), various shades & colours at different times Body Hair: N/A Facial Hair: N/A Tattoos: 30 (28 small tattoos which make up her arm tattoos, 2 bigger pieces on her back) Scars: IV scars, C-section scar Clothing Style: Mainly black, grey & red, gothic & geeky, graphic T-shirts, jeans, leggings, hoodies, heavy makeup & lots of jewellery
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Rarely drinks (as she is usually the designated driver) Illnesses/Disorders: Autism (Diagnosed as Asperger's), Social Anxiety (Mild-to-Severe), Dysmenorrhea (Period Pain Condition) (, also begins the story recovering from an accident which left her in a wheelchair) Medications: Mefenamic Acid tablets Any Specific Diet: None (but she does eat a lot of junk food)
Affiliated Groups: Exosis Friends: Viola Wilbur, Winona Tomahawk, Duke McManus Enemies: None Noted Yet Mentor: None Significant Other: None Previous Partners: Mason Winter (34, Ex-Boyfriend) Parents: Jasper McManus (66, Father), Brook Sergeant (67, Mother, Née Bull), Rosaire Sergeant (68, Step-Father) Parents-In-Law: None Siblings: Archer McManus-Bull (36, Brother) Siblings-In-Law: None Nieces & Nephews: None Children: Ember McManus-Bull (13, Daughter) Children-In-Law: None Grandkids: None Other Notable Relatives: None
Occupation: Self-Employed Artist & Writer, Stay-At-Home Mother Tropes: (These are purely theoretical for how I would write her)
Colour-Coded For Your Convenience: Usually dresses in Black, Grey & Red
Fat and Skinny: The Skinny to Duke's Fat
Gasshole: She burps, a lot, but is the type to apologise for doing so
Motor Mouth: Lita talks fast and often has to be reminded to slow down, she gets faster when she's worried/stressed/anxious
Sir Swears-A-Lot: For a mother with a teenage daughter, she drops a lot of f-bombs
Trademark Favourite Food: Coffee & Chocolate
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-Design to come in group pic-
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