#fk; dahlia
kits-ships · 5 months
doctor/olive/master fic quotes, dahlia edition :3
(dividers to separate different drabbles.one-shots) - (tenth doctor and simm master
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, dahlia is a fankid <3, and a single, vague mention of weight (ties into pregnancy). also idk how to write children properly
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"are you guys still harassing diplomats? x" her message simply asked as she curled up on her bed in the TARDIS; Honey and Coconut purring by her side. "We weren't 'harassing diplomats'!" the Doctor quickly attempted to explain, "just having a bit of fun!" "It's... important research," the Master added. That definitely didn't seem suspicious.
"that sounds fun <3" she texted back, holding her stomach as Coconut stood on top of it. "are you guys terribly busy at the moment?"
"oh, just cuddling with the cats!!" she responded. "but i think my water mightve broke x" we love a calm and collected girlie
"Your water did what?!" the Doctor's second response read His hands were shaking as he typed and his adrenaline spiked. "???" Olive laughed to herself. "you know the thing that happens to pregnant people??" she texted back with a small grin.
"just come back to the tardis !!!"
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"You two have lived together for four years and still act like you hate each other." Olive pointed out with a soft laugh. "The three of us have a baby together; you're allowed to be friends, you know."
The toddler gently ran a hand over his stubble, cooing happily from the sensation of it beneath her finger tips. "She loves you." Olive hummed, watching as the girl gave him what seemed to be a kiss on the cheek. "She doesn't care about your past; just you loving her back." gripping my chest and crying as i reread this
"Dada nose." his daughter said very matter-of-the-factly before curling her tiny fingers around the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, but she's a two year old, not a licensed doctor."
"Me too, sweetheart." she murmured, kissing him once again before pulling away. Her gaze turned to Dahlia, and she tilted her head to the side. "How did you know, baby?" she wondered, watching her daughter kiss the Master's cheeks once again. The toddler turned, smiled, and went, "Dada big nose." I LOVE YOU DAHLIA !!!!!
"Daddy eating da i' cream." she informed the Doctor as if she were a tiny lawyer confirming evidence presented to the court.
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"Daddy gumpy." she announced to her parents, running her hand over his stubble with a smile before cooing. "Daddy smile too!" Her fingers went to the corner of his mouth and she gently tugged them upwards. "Yay!" the girl cheered. "Daddy not gumpy!!"
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The Doctor grinned, placing his hand on the small of Olive's back. "We are very handsome Time Lords," love the self confidence
They didn't get to sleep for long before Dahlia's voice rang through the room. "Mama!" her sleepy voice croaked, her drowsiness quickly turning into excitement. Olive opened her eyes with a yawn and squished her daughter's cheeks as the Master stirred. "Hi baby!" she purred, kissing her forehead. "I missed you." i would die for them btw
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"Plus, Dahlia said that I look like a hot air balloon the other day." The redhead murmured, smiling faintly as she remembered her toddler's comment. (she's having twins for context)
"I mean…yeah, I can see that. But, hey, you're just the cutest hot air balloon I've ever seen."
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hi taglist ! this isnt technically writing but its cute, so :3c? @selffulfillingshipper @dudefrommywesterns @sunstar-of-the-north @felixrichtershubby @kylars-princess @faerie-circle-ships @knightoflove @wyndford-dekarios @strawberrisoulmate
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kisahpedia · 2 years
Korelasi Seks & Phisik Wanita antara Mitos & Fakta by FK - Kompasiana.com
Korelasi Seks & Phisik Wanita antara Mitos & Fakta
by FK
13 Januari 2011 17:25 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2011 17:25 15981 2 0
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering kita mendengar, membahas dan membaca mengenai topik yang berhubungan dengan mitos Seks. Untuk judul postingan kali ini terus terang sudah keluar dari pakem saya yang tidak ingin menilai wanita dari sudut phisik, karena menurut opini saya seorang wanita adalah bidadari-bidadari langit yang turun kebumi untuk menyejukkan dunia.
Yups… karena kompasiana pake baju model baru, maka tanpa memperpanjang yang tidak bisa memanjang (bener-bener nggak nyambung) , ini nih ulasannya :
#1. Bentuk Bibir , apa korelasinya bentuk bibir seorang wanita dengan hal yang berhubungan dengan mitos seks… Betul 100% untuk Bung yang menjawab :
“ bentuk bibir wanita menampilkan gambaran bentuk miss “V”- nya (maaf bibir vaginanya). Saya cuma bisa tersenyum dan berpikir… ehm, mungkin juga karena anatomi manusia selalu sinergi antara satu dengan yang lainnya… soal benar tidaknya mitos ini silakan saudari wanitaku terkhusus di Planet Kenthir check perabotan masing-masing. Jika bibir atas tebal, kemungkinan yang bawah juga. Jika bibir atas tipis, kemungkinan yang bawah juga begitu. Dan kecil, besar, lebar sempitnya bentuk bibir wanita , bisa jadi indikator model didaerah sensistif-nya (jika salah harap maklum, karena penulis kebetulan seorang Pria jadi Produk terpasang di kami berbeda…).
#2. Model Betis dan Paha, Korelasinya model betis dan Paha seorang wanita dengan mitos seks… kelihatan sungguh mangada-ada, tapi menurut Saudaraku… penulis hal ini ada hubungan yang erat, ehm… saya sedikit ragu, tapi setelah direnung-renungkan ada benarnya juga ini bisa menjadi sebuah Fakta dengan alasan Wanita dengan bentuk betis yang besar, pendek berisi… kecendrungannya agak lambat… tentu kemungkinan besar gerakannya diatas ranjang bisa jadi agak kurang garang. Nah, sedang berbetis kecil pendek terkesan lincah, bisa jadi ketika diranjang kemungkinan tabiat lincah bagai kelinci ini terbawa… agak sedikit liar. Nah, kalau yang besar kecil panjang seperti para model … ehm, kaki yang perfect … belum tentu juga akan garang karena tipikal betis sensual ini masih diragukan karena kadang-kadang lebih senang menunggu malah bisa dingin. Kalau yang besar panjang gede…………
#3. Besarnya Buah Dada, Korelasi mitos seks antara besarnya buah dada seorang wanita dengan potensi seksualnya sudah merupakan rahasia umum dikalangan Pria, bahwa kemungkinan besar wanita dengan BD yang relatif besar bagai menyimpan gairah… seksual diatas rata-rata. Padahal mitos ini menurut opini pribadi cendrung salah… masa emak-emak yang udah gembrot masih bisa dikategorikan dengan kecendrungan ini… benar-benar TER LA LU. Mengenai hal ini saya beranggapan hal ini disebabkan banyaknya tontonan yang terlalu berlebih tentang kondisi phisik yang satu ini, namun harus diakui bahwa salah satu Sex Apple dari seorang wanita terletak pada perabotan yang satu ini. Namun opini Penulis lagi… jangan pernah melakukan suntik silikon untuk yang ini karena hanya akan menyiksa diri………… biarlah apa adanya, bagi kami yang penting pas dan proporsional lebih menarik… sehingga nggak terkesan mubazir….. yeeee… malah agak kecil semakin menarik lho.
#4. Bulu-bulu halus , ini salah satu mitos seks yang berhubungan dengan phisik wanita yang cukup menggoda bagi sebagian Pria… terkhusus bagi sahabat kita yang sangat tertarik dengan bulu, karena menurutnya wanita yang berbulu halus memancarkan aroma seksual yang menggigit… entah dasarnya dari mana… tapi menurutku sebagian lelaki ini mungkin merasa eksotis dengan bulu halus ditangan bahkan diantar bibir dan hidung seorang wanita, kayak Iis dahlia kata si Joko… bener-bener terlalu… bener-bener mitos… tandingan mitos bulu dada seorang Pria bagi wanita…. Aneh bukan ???
#5. Leher dan Tengkuk, Korelasi mitos yang satu ini pun agak bingung untuk menjelaskannya karena dasarnya hanya pada keyakinan umum bahwa ada sesuatu yang magis diantara leher, tengkuk dan kuping seorang wanita…. Nah perhatikan wanita dengan leher yang jenjang.. dan wanita berleher rendah… ada perbedaan potensi seks diantara mereka. Cendrung wanita berleher jenjang lebih gampang On Fire jika para Pria memanfaatkan daerah magis ini secara maksimal… nah kalu yang berleher agak pendek pun sebenarnya demikian tapi jarak antara kuping dan tengkuk yang sedikit dekat ini menyebabkan sensasinya jadi bercampur, sehingga KLIK ON Firesex-nya pun cendrung lebih cepat yang berleher jenjang…. Benar-benar mitos yang mendekati nyata bagiku.
#6. Pinggul & Bokong, mitos yang satu ini sudah bukan mitos lagi tapi telah menuju fakta karena emang demikian adanya …. Kedua bagian tubuh wanita ini merupakan sisi yang paling banyak menggoda para pria kearah pikiran Erotis… karena penggambaran umum Pinggul dan bokong yang proporsional dari seorang wanita menandakan kelihaiannya dalam melakukan goyangan… walahhhh. Nggak percaya tanyakan pada yang berpengalaman
Cukup dulu postingan ngawur tentang Seks kali ini, karena hanya sekedar untuk hiburan. Tanpa ada niat merendahkan esensi seorang wanita dimata pria. Seperti biasa diakhir tulisan kembali mari kita semua menerima pasangan kita apa adanya sebagaimana dirinya, karena perhatian, pengertian, kasih sayang, cinta dan ketulusan dari pasangan kita adalah yang paling utama dan esensi ter-sempurna dari sebuah hubungan cinta kasih hati maupun cinta kasih seksual…. Apa pun itu kondisi phisik bukanlah ukuran dari sebuah kebahagian………………. Salam dari FK.
Percayalah...Tampilan Phisik bukan segalanya.... Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini, tanpa rambut sekalipun seorang wanita tetaplah cantik. [caption id="attachment_84649" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption=" "]
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zorria · 3 years
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Here’s the full interview from Newtypes august edition magazine about Cursed by light. It’s long but there’s a lot of info in it but the interview is very nice and worth the read!
(Thanks to FKS for the translation)
On a fateful day of summer 2019, Ikeda, a producer and the editor had a discussion. The three had an idea for the movie and sent it to Nakaba who then submitted them a storyboard. They worked out the script from there. The fun thing is, Dahlia and Dubs weren't in the idea; the trio only wanted to talk about Mel and Zel brothers. As for the enemy, it was some kind of fantastic one in their minds. Meaning they weren't thinking of the SD. In fact, they had no idea what was becoming of her in the original work. That was why they were shocked to see her appear in the rough drafts.
they also added Hawk and Wild bit in the movie in addition to making a few changes to adapt the story into animation.
As for his favorite character, Ikeda says Gerheade, but she's a sub-character... He also likes every main character but if he had to pick one, it'd be Elizabeth. In the season 3, the one he started participating in making, Elizabeth grew. She used to be protected by Mel until that point but she starts fighting to protect him. Ikeda liked that change in their relationship.
Regarding the memorable episode, he says it's Mael's reveal one. He had trouble but also enjoyed making it. After all, other stories were developing concurrently to this one, so he did some rearrangements and got hung up on it.
The last question is about the charm of the Sins. Ikeda says if he had to say it, it would lie in their characters. They have their own elements of surprise and pasts, and really stand out. He uses Escanor as an example, he says the Sin, with a strong individuality, grew to become a comrade in turns and the bar is raised no matter what with the last comrade.
Yuki kaji’s interview
To him, the point of interest is the brothers who had been apart for a long time. He also adds that since they have their own partners, those relationships are also worth seeing. He mentions the scene, present at the start, where Zeldris is such a cute spoiled brat. It was something fresh for the VA to voice such a character, and he thinks Mel must be happy seeing it. It was a very heart-warming moment for the VA.
- Rather than Zeldris having changed with the TV anime ending, he thinks the Commandment of Piety is free of duty and is back to his former self. Him being toyed with by Gelda is a hnnnnng moment for Kaji.
- Kaji didn't change anything between the series and the movie because the movie's timing overlapped with that of the series's final stage and the characters themselves haven't particularly changed. That said, Mel and Zel have been present in the movie from start to finish so it was less simple for the VA.
- Kaji did simultaneous recordings of two casts wherever he could in the series. But for the movie, he voiced them over two days, one for Zeldris then another for Meliodas. He also did the recordings the day before this whole thing for the series, so that made it three days.
- He voiced Zel with Gelda's VA on the first day then Mel with Eli's VA on the second. He also voiced Mel while listening to Zel he did the day before. It was a wonderful sensation for him. He also says there was some kind of limiter in his brain, perhaps instinctual and it was confusing. Despite that difficulty, as the two characters' joint fight is also a big point of interest, he put his feelings behind to concentrate on the postrecording.
SDS ended with the SD, Dahlia and Dubs shrouded in a veil of mystery but Kaji expected no less of Nakaba who took these mysteries, which all the fans noticed, to the movie. He thinks this is the drama that nicely complements the series, so well that he almost spontaneously suspected "since when did Nakaba think of making the denouement in this form?"
- The ending of a TV series would tend to have many serious spots no matter what, but for SDS, scenes that make you giggle and pleasant and thrilling portrayals are one of its charmpoints. A lot of preparation was done to pruduce these elements, and Kaji wondered if they would get people to feel like this is SDS-like.
- When Asked about whether the final episode of the series was moving, Kaji says he didn't feel a lot since he had to act during the recording. There was an exchange in the studio going like "This is the final episode but it doesn't feel like that." That might have been because the VAs didn't record concurrently due to the coronavirus. When the last line was recorded and he heard the postrecording was finished, he took on the reality that the cast of SDS that Nakaba drew was over. He was overflowing with sadness.
- Kaji is asked to send a message to the fans who share his feelings of sadness. The TV series could reach its end without a hitch and even the second movie could materialize, and the VA is really full of gratitude for all that. The work that is SDS is over but he believes the characters will always live in our hearts. He wants people to look back upon the work many times, so being able to transmit such a beautiful story together is a bliss.
- If he were to tell something to Meliodas, Kanji would tell him to flirt with Eli as much as he likes. After all, Mel fought to be together with her. Now that the painful and harsh battle is finished, he wants Mel to thoroughly spend happy times with Eli.
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redworld96 · 3 years
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In this post I wrote what the light novel tells about the whole part of King and Diane's wedding on the movie "Cursed by Light" from the beginning. Keep reading if you wanna know what happens.
It all starts with Howzer, Gilthunder, Griamore, Dreyfus and Hendrickson arriving to the Fairy King Forest. Gil and Griamore teases Howzer because he liked Diane in the past, but this one says it's not like that anymore. Matrona receives the five of them and leads them to see Diane.
"On the other hand, we see the Fairy King, the groom who is one half of the main character of the day" 
"Lady Diane will be finished with her preparations shortly" - says Gerheade, King's assistant 
"We're all set." - Says Gowther
"What about Harlequin?" - Gerheade asks. 
"Oh, Gerheade. Just wait a little longer" - says Ban while he points with a hand to King. 
 King is trying desesperately to choose a hairstyle: "Which hairstyle is the best?"
 Ban is looking at him pitifully and sighs: "Your tie is bent" 
King hurriedly fixed his tie. 
Ban says: "Don't let the Fairy King freak out over a wedding! Just go as usual"
"Marriage is one of the most special things in life! Especially for women! If I do anything wrong, Diane will hate me!" - King says
Elaine: "She won't hate you. Diane loves everything of you she can get, brother" 
And due to Elaine's words, King's cheeks flushed and his memories with Diane came to his mind: Their first meet, Their reunion as 7DS and their fights together, Their love confession. 
King regained his composure and thanks his sister. 
Ban says: "Geez, my big brother is such a pain in the ass " 
Narrator: "Ban and Elaine laughs and shares a light kiss celebrating their brother's happiness."
At the same time, the bride Diane, was about to get ready. 
Matrona and the Holy Knights arrive, and these ones congratulate her. 
 Dreyfus:"It's a great honour to be invited to your wedding today. King Baltra congratulates you and presented this gift for both of you"
Diane: "I wish Captain and Elizabeth could come too. It's not good timing, they're just on their honeymoon"
Dreyfus officiates the ceremony: "The FK Harlequin and the Queen of the Giants Diane are to be united in marriage. May the love between these 2, so different in race but so strongly united, endure forever, and may their union strengthen the friendship between fairies and giants"
Dreyfus: "Then, you may kiss". 
 The bride and groom gets surprised for that request. 
Diane: "K-K-Kiss?! In front of so many people?! It's too embarrasing!" 
Dreyfus: "W-Well, that's how it generally works..."
Narrator: "Giants and Fairies began to chant in unison: "KISS! KISS! KISS!". Matrona laughs. Diane and King stared at each other for a while, their cheeks flushed, but then King gently put his hand over Diane's mouth and pressed his own lips to her big ones."
There was a round of applause. 
 "Congratulations, my Queen!" 
"Congratulations, Fairy King!" 
Elaine: "Brother... Diane... I wish you both the best..." 
Ban: "Are you not interested in this sort of thing?" 
Elaine: "No, I am not" 
Ban: "Me neither "
Narrator: "There's a big banquet. A large number of platters were brought in, prepared by Ban, who took pride in his cooking. A mountrain of meat on the Giants' plates. On the fairies' plates, dainty hors d'oeuvres made from nuts and fruits. Delicacies, wines and ales for humans"
Narrator: "Different races were eating, drinking and laughing happily together today. The newlyweds observe the event, separated from the rest." 
Diane: "I never thought I'd see this day..." 
King: "You did not?" 
Diane: "No... But I am really glad it happened"
King: "But I would have wanted everyone to come too. Captain, Elizabeth, Merlin... and also Escanor" 
Then Diane's eyes welled up with tears.   Diane: "Yeah, and also Hawk."
King: "We all went back to where we belong, didn't we? As the 3rd Fairy King, I try to follow in the footsteps of the first FK"  
Diane: "What kind of king was the 2nd FK?" 
King: "Dhalia? I don't know much about him neither. I was born after Dahlia dissapeared from the forest".
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spoilerkingjuliane · 3 years
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The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light advertisement from the latest WSM issue
Top pic: Nakaba Suzuki's drawings are the original work!!
Middle pic: A silhouette of a new enemy looms over the supposedly peaceful Britannia!?
Bottom pic: Meliodas and Zeldris join forces against the enemy!!
The bottom texts:
1 - It's set in Britannia after the conclusion of the Holy War. And in the middle of King and Diane's wedding ceremony...
2 - Giant and Fairy armies raid the supposedly peaceful land!! How does that happen...!?
3 - The enemy armies are led by the second Fairy King Dahlia and the Giant craftsman Dubs!! What is their goal!?
Translation of the page by FKS on MangaHelpersForum
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Well Dahila is a real life name for females. While Gloxinia is a feminine sounding name it's only used for a plant. Never heard of a human called Gloxinia before. But met a few females called Dahila. Even if that female FK is not canon there still was a female concept for the FK title.
I’ve wondered for quite a while now... Why do you keep saying “Dahila” instead of “Dahlia”?Okay, I give up. I’ve never said there’s no possibility for the fairy king to be female anyway. I just don’t care enough to argue about this topic any more XD” We will see if Dahlia is female or not whenever Nakaba-sensei is ready to reveal it.
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Tropical Fuck Storm Interview: No Hard Dicks (Maybe Just One)
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Photo by Jamie Wdziekonski
The former members of The Drones have certainly kept busy! I interviewed Gareth Liddiard of Melbourne rockers Tropical Fuck Storm at the end of last year about their first album, A Laughing Death in Meatspace, a collection of spitfire and stream-of-consciousness blues-punk centering around the sociopolitical ramifications of our obsession with technology. Last month, the band released their second record, Braindrops, which combines comparatively personal lyrics with much more subdued, dark instrumentation. It’s by no means an autobiographical record--the songs about relationships are abstract in theme, and there’s still plenty of sci-fi absurdism--but it’s distinct from Meatspace, a different style of songwriting the band has added to its already wide musical arsenal. Oh, and some of the album’s instrumentation was inspired by and actually taken from their live, mostly improvised soundtrack to the Coen Brothers’ No Country For Old Men, which they’re performing again as part of Brisbane Festival on September 26th at The Tivoli. 
Will the upcoming tour and No Country performance yield yet more new music? Not according to band member Fiona Kitschin, who told me over the phone this week that the band is concentrating on touring for the next year. I spoke to her from “the side of the road” “somewhere in East Texas,” on their way to a show in Austin. After the band’s current headlining tour, they’re back home in Australia and then Europe. For now, read on for Kitschin’s breakdown of the record, and catch them tomorrow night at the Empty Bottle with rockers Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends and local punks Basement Family.
Since I Left You: Last time I talked to Gareth, he mentioned you were already working on the follow-up to A Laughing Death in Meatspace. Lo and behold, Braindrops was just released. Did you always plan to release the albums in such quick succession?
Fiona Kitschin: We just wanted to get more music out there quickly. The first record went really well, so we just wanted to get right into the second one and have more songs. Getting back into the studio was kind of the plan.
SILY: How is Braindrops different than Meatspace? How is it a continuation of it?
FK: I don’t know about sounding different. When we recorded the first one, we did one song at a time. The first single we put out was “Chameleon Paint”, the only song we had. The second song we wrote was “Soft Power”, and then we put that out. We were putting out the only things we had. We hadn’t really played much together when we recorded those. After the album came out, we toured a lot, so by the time the second one came out, we were more of a band. I don’t know how it affected the sound, but I guess it’s much more mellow and sad and fucked up.
SILY: The instrumentation definitely sounds queasy--especially “Desert Sands of Venus”. How did you come up with that song?
FK: [laughs] I think we just played it really drunk. We also did a score for the film No Country For Old Men, and that was about 10 months ago, right before we went in to record Braindrops. Some of the ideas for the score became songs on Braindrops. The music for the scene where he goes to the Desert Sands Hotel, that was “Desert Sands of Venus”, which is literally a field recording of Venus.
SILY: Songs like “Paradise” and “Aspirin” are about relationships, which is something new for this record. Can you talk about the inspiration behind those songs?
FK: Not really, because I didn’t write them! [laughs] It was Gareth who did that...Oh, here he is if you wanna ask him!
SILY: Sure!
[asks Liddiard]
FK: He said because on the first album, all of the songs are political, and on the second album, he wanted to do non-political songs. Love songs.
SILY: There’s still definitely some politics on this album.
FK: Yes, just not classic politics. A love song can be political.
SILY: Around the time I was listening to Braindrops, I was listening to a totally different new album that used sci-fi and conspiracy theories to make a larger point about politics today. There’s that here with “The Legend of Straw Men” and “Maria 63″, though the latter is more in the concrete world. It was a funny coincidence. Artists are doing a lot of it these days.
FK: They are! Every song used to be a fucking love song, didn’t it? We were in The Drones for 18 years, doing the same stuff we’re doing now, but it feels like the world is so fucked up now, people are actually interested in [political music].
SILY: When you go into play, do you like to know the story of the lyrics of the songs? Or do you approach your playing and participation in them separately from what inspired them?
FK: I don’t really like to know. I’m Gareth’s partner, so I leave him to do his thing with the songwriting. I don’t want to go into the details of it really.
SILY: How has your role in the band changed as a player, singer, and harmonizer over the past couple records?
FK: I really enjoy singing a lot more. I’m also the manager and the tour manager and everything on that side of things. That’s my day-to-day job, doing all that shit. It hasn’t really changed. But as far as the playing goes, I enjoy singing more.
SILY: What’s the inspiration behind the new album’s title?
FK: [laughs] Someone said “rain drops,” and I thought they said, “brain drops.” I thought it sounded cool, so that became the title of the song “Braindrops”. When it came time to picking an album title, we had our whiteboard out, and that was on the list of contenders. It just seemed to be the best in the end.
SILY: Even if you don’t know what it means, it kind of fits the album thematically and instrumentally. It’s got a weird psychedelic feel to it.
FK: Yeah, it’s an exploding brain. It works.
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SILY: What about the cover art?
FK: That was done by a Canadian artist called Joe Becker. He did the last record, but Gaz had just found him online, got in contact with him, and asked him if we could use that painting. This one, we asked him to do a specific piece of art. We gave him the themes of the album, and this is what he put together. We also used his artwork for our 7-inch series [released before Meatspace]. There were lots of hard dicks on those covers, so we asked specifically for no dicks on this one. But if you look closely, he snuck in a little cell phone with a dick pic.
SILY: I’m sure the online censors haven’t caught it yet.
FK: No, it’s quite small.
SILY: How have you adapted these new songs to the live stage? Is it the same approach you took with the first record?
FK: They always come out heavier on stage. We like to do things loud and aggressive. We explode a lot more on stage than we do on the album. We’re not doing all the songs--we’re not doing “Aspirin” or “Maria 63″, at least not yet.
SILY: Is there anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading that’s caught your attention?
FK: We’ve just been listening to the podcast Root Of Evil. It’s about the family of the [Black Dahlia murder] main suspect, Dr. George Hodel. It’s funny in a fucked up, sick way. We’ve just been getting in the van and listening to some depressing, fucked up shit right now.
Braindrops by Tropical Fuck Storm
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kits-ships · 9 months
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-hands you olive x the master fankids -
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kits-ships · 10 months
you know, i did say that atlas would be the safest child in the universe but i think thats objectively wrong. yes the doctor is smart and would do anything he could to keep his kids safe but would he kill to protect them??
i think orion and dahlia/selene take the title of safest children in the universe. not only is he smart like the doctor, but the master would raze planets and terrorize entire galaxies for his kids. he'd probably even risk some awful timey-wimey tragedy just to make sure theyre safe
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kits-ships · 9 months
dahlia, with a gun pointed at the master's head: hey dad!✌️✌️
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kits-ships · 9 months
oops i think i corrupted this au of dahlia
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As for whether females can be Fairy King Ban did say Gerharde won't she become the FK. And then theres that female Fairy King in that game. So I don't see why Dahila can't be female.
Ban is not accustomed with the rules of the fairy world and Gerharde ultimately said it’s not a matter of choosing a fairy king. She didn’t deny that female fairies can become fairy king but it also doesn’t prove that they can.The thing with the female fairy king in the game doesn’t have to be canon. Think about it. She’s a previous fairy king according to the game, Gloxinia was the first, Dahlia was the second and King is the third. She could only be Dahlia but Meliodas mentioned that Gloxinia and Dahlia both had wings. The fairy king in the game doesn’t have wings, so she can’t be Dahlia. And if she isn’t Dahlia she can’t be a canon fairy king. It doesn’t prove anything. The game isn’t canon. It might serve as a hint because there is a chance that that part is based on the canon, but we don’t know. It opens up the possibility but we can’t be sure that yes, there are female fairy kings.I just lean towards the fairy kings being male because of the title “king”. I can’t say for sure there aren’t any female ones because it’s never been officially stated though.
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