#fluffy abc's
thefrsers · 13 days
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#soulmates fr😭
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between-two-fandoms · 30 days
Some Soft Kinley HCs
They share locations with each other on find my phone. It proves to be helpful on more than one occasion once Tommy realizes how quickly his ADHD boyfriend can get distracted by random things when they're having date night in the city.
Buck is personally offended by the lack of actual food in Tommy's pantry/fridge and drags him to go grocery shopping so he can eat real food. ("I can live off take out and basic cooking skills Evan." "Not when you're my boyfriend. Let me cook for you.")
Tommy is a grill guy so him and Bobby co-host a 118 cookout at Bobby's house at one point. Buck is absolutely smitten by the two of them getting along.
Buck finds out if he kisses a specific spot on Tommy's neck it makes Tommy whine his name like a prayer so it becomes Buck's secret weapon.
Tommy can bake better than he cooks. They tag team date nights, Evan brings the food, Tommy brings the dessert. (Actual dessert, but also sex.)
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dangerpronebuddie · 20 days
Does Sprouts Sell Engagement Rings? 2k
"You're in love with me," Buck says, his voice growing more certain as he takes a step closer, abandoning the basket and the chunky peanut butter. Eddie's head snaps up. He stares at Buck, wide eyed and terrified. "What?" "Eddie, why did you put chunky peanut butter in the cart when I'm the only one that likes it?" Buck asks. Before Eddie can answer, their radios crackle to life. "I need help on aisle eight," Ravi says, sounding a little frantic, but that's honestly normal. Buck ignores him, and takes Eddie's hand when he reaches up to key his own radio. "Why?" Buck asks again. Eddie's shoulders drop. "Because I am in love with you." (Or, Buck notices how much Eddie notices, and neither one notices that Ravi needs some help) (He's fine, I promise!)
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saccharinescorpion · 9 months
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i am so so glad they didn't skimp on showing just how fluffy Arven's hair is even (ESPECIALLY) while he's eating absolute shit
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babyspacegay · 13 days
If we missed bucktommy honeymoon period that just means we need to write it ourselves!!!!!
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what are your fav buddie au’s? i’m looking for like cute/ mild angst but with a happy ending? for reference i like the au’s where neither one of them is a firefighter, like they’re a chef or a barista or a teacher, stuff like that! but i also like when one of them is a firefighter and one isn’t! honestly im not picky i’m just on a “fluff buddie getting together au” kick right now lol!!!❤️❤️❤️
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well you have come to the right place! au's my most beloved. i'm also known as the au queen 😂 (since i'm combining these asks, i'll put which one's are angsty) i tried to stick to more “normal jobs” so i hope these are what y’all are looking for <33 as always if anyone else has other recs, please feel free to add them!
pick a star on the dark horizon (follow the light) Bob_loblaws_lawblog @bi-buckrights (army buddie/angsty)
winner takes it all buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew) | (hockey buck/baseball player eddie/ light angst)
now our love lives in the radio | heartbeatdiaz @loserdiaz (college au/ radio host buck/ fluffy)
traded | Princessfbi @princessfbi (hockey buck/ bartender eddie/ light angst)
falling for you (when you're miles away) | MonsterRae1 @monsterrae1 (long distance relationship/ buck is a course teacher for LAFD/ angst)
cordolia verse (bakery au) | MonsterRae1 @monsterrae1 (baker!eddie/barista!buck/ fluff)
kiss me before it's over (if only for a minute) | Bob_loblaws_lawblog @bi-buckrights (baseball buddie/light angst)
come love, | colonoscopys (business man buck meets bodyguard eddie/ angsty)
don't play games (come my way) | letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (buisnessmen buddie/light angst)
a wednesday in a café (i watched it begin again) | MonsterRae1 @monsterrae1 (nurse!eddie/firefighter buck/coffee shop au/fluff)
made your mark on me (a golden tattoo) | heartbeatdiaz @loserdiaz (tattoo artist!eddie/fluffy)
wastin' my time when it was always you |heartbeatdiaz @loserdiaz (childhood friends to lovers/navy seal buck/angsty)
eyes like sinking ships (in waters so inviting) |heartbeatdiaz @loserdiaz (lifeguard!buck/more fluff than angst)
falling slowly; sing your melody (i’ll sing it loud) |Princessfbi @princessfbi (musician!buck/bodyguard!eddie/angsty)
hearts, hooves, and healing | mansikka @redlightsandicedtea (neither are firefighters/horse sanctuary/fluffy)
your name is written in the sand | lecornergirl @clusterbuck (lifeguard!buck/fluffy)
let my ink stain your pages |letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (author!buck/detective!eddie/fluff & angst)
steppin' into fate | r_holland @onward--upward (hockey buddie/fluff & angst)
i don't mind waiting (if it's for you) | Princessfbi @princessfbi (detective!eddie/bartender!buck/angsty)
a picture is worth a thousand words (but love is undefinable) |extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @extasiswings @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (model!buck/photographer!eddie)
teardrops could be bottled | Princessfbi @princessfbi (model!buck/photographer!eddie)
string of hearts...| ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie (plant shop owner buck/firefighter eddie/fluff)
what if you're someone i just want around... |ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie (boxer!eddie/firefighter buck/angsty)
pin me to the wall, i'm an art piece | whiskis @angela-feelstoomuch (models buddie/fluff & angst)
cowboys, jorts and building shit |Ineedapuppyandsomevodka (houseflipper!buck/carpenter!eddie/fluffy) @ineedapuppyandsomevodka
frequent flyer | whileyouresleeping @whileyoursleeping (eddie is a firefighter/buck is not/fluff)
coastlines | browney3dgirl6 (surfer-shopowner!eddie/firefighter buck/ agnsty) a lil self promo; i would list more but 99% of what i write is au's like this 😅 if you want me to make a separate post of all of them, just lmk 🫶🏻)
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botheredbuck · 2 months
i’m on my bucktommy h/c obsession right at this second because like hear me out-
so buck gets hurt. like on a call or something and it’s nothing serious, he twists an ankle and it aggravates his leg or smth like, it’s not a big deal. then he’s waiting at the station for someone to take him home bc he’s not really supposed to be driving and he feels bad about it but he calls tommy and asks him to pick him up bc everyone else is working and he knows tommy’s not on shift and ofc he says yes.
so tommy comes to the station to get him and is like super gentle about it like asking him what happened and if he’s okay, like not patronising but just concerned and caring and like.
buck’s taken a bit aback at first.
bc in previous relationships they just sort of… leave him to it. like yeah they care and there’s concern but it doesn’t really go past surface level because buck is the one chasing so he never feels like he can make a big deal about it. because he can’t need anything because he’s supposed to be there for them and like, there’s no point inconveniencing them for something that really truly is not a big deal like it’s just a scratch or an ankle sprain or whatever.
but then there’s tommy. tommy, who’s the one pursuing him and has taken the time to try and woo him already and is like. making a deal of it. tommy who comes to the station and gets him from the locker room and strokes his thumb across his chin a little bit. tommy who helps him up and walks him out of the station with a hand around his waist supporting him.
and then tommy drives him back to his apartment and helps him get in and get settled and buck is honestly just expecting him to drop him off and leave and like that would be fine. but he doesn’t.
tommy stays and he’s getting him a pillow for his ankle and water and painkillers and buck is just like, i’m not complaining at all but like what are you doing? you really don’t need to do that.
and tommy just looks at him and is like. i’m taking care of you. you’re hurt.
“yeah but you don’t need to, i’m fine”
“yeah. but i want to. i want to make sure you’re gonna be okay”
and buck’s just like oh. that’s. yeah that’s nice actually.
and so tommy comes and sits with him on the sofa all close arm around his shoulders kinda vibe and puts his hand in buck’s hair and kisses buck on the temple whenever he twinges his ankle a bit and like. buck just st lets himself be fussed over a little bit and it’s nice.
and just-
“thank you. y’know, for looking after me.”
“you don’t need to thank me for that, evan”
“no, but i want to. it’s nice.”
“well, you’re welcome. mind if i stick around for a little bit?”
“yeah. yeah, i think i’d like that.”
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houseofevanbuckley · 1 month
Just got reminded of that phenomenon of “first errand” that happens in Japan.
When children get old enough to, well, go on their first errand like the name says
And thinking about it on “Gakuen Babysitter” when Kotaro brings his lunch to his brother while the whole school cheered.
And now I’m thinking about BuckTommy’s son doing it
They live in a very very very secure area (it’s a fic world anyway so I can do anything I want) and their son has been to each of their stations a lot growing up, even on days off they’d sometimes visit their friends working and bring them food
So their son knows the way to get there and one morning Tommy forgot his lunch, that Buck made for him the day before
And their son who’s around 6 says he can do it, he can bring it to his papa
So Buck dress him in a bright yellow pants and jacket that looks a little like a firefighter jacket
And give him Tommy’s lunch in a bag and the boy goes on his way
Buck who follows him half a street behind, his eyes not leaving his boy and taking videos and pictures of him
His heart so full at the sight of his little boy proudly bringing food to his papa, and once he reaches the 217 Tommy picking him up in his arms and telling him how proud of him he is for doing his first errand
Buck who joins them for a family hug, and they end up eating lunch together while Buck sends the pictures and videos to all their friends and family with a little “Baby’s first errand!” caption
Their son who tell the story of his adventure bringing lunch to Tommy with all the dramatics of a child, making his dads so proud and happy.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 2 months
the one personal vendetta i have against 911 is that they keep gelling down every guy's hair. like who is it over there that has something against gorgeous curls
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wikiangela · 6 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @daffi-990 @giddyupbuck @spotsandsocks
hi!! i'm back lol - well, the craziness at work is done and I'm slowly getting back to writing bc I haven't written in like a week and it's killing me lol (this is gonna sound dramatic but I literally don't feel like myself if I don't write for too long haha) I don't have anything new to share rn, but I figured since it's already december and since some of y'all are sharing Christmas fics, and knowing I likely won't write one this year, I'm gonna shamelessly plug my holiday fake dating fic with 4 Christmases and 6 Christmas chapters actually 😂 (Christmas was a very important time for Buck and Eddie's relationship in this lol) - there's obvi more holidays in this but anyway, here's a snippet of their first Christmas together also, it's been a year since I posted the first chapter and I'm feeling nostalgic lol, this fic is my baby and I love it so much (tho there's so many things I'd change now lol)
[read on Ao3]
Turns out, Buck is very much serious about the whole thing, and Christopher finds it hilarious and is eager to play along. Eddie doesn’t have valid arguments not to do it, and it’s not like he doesn’t want to. After another snide comment when talking to his parents, he made his decision. And he already felt this exciting feeling of satisfaction when he told them he’d be bringing someone for Christmas this year – miraculously, Buck and Eddie don’t work on Christmas, and they took an additional day off, so their schedules allow for a three-day trip to Texas. 
So now, it’s Christmas Eve and they’re on their way from the airport to Eddie’s childhood home, and he’s nervous, doubts just starting to seep in. What on earth possessed him to do this? He can’t lie to his family. He can’t pretend to be in love with Buck. What if he really does fall in love with him? What if everything goes to shit? He’s watched enough movies to know it’s a bad idea, but he couldn’t and still can’t bring himself to stop it.
“So.” Eddie says, his voice shaking slightly, as they sit in a cab. “We’re doing this.”
“Yep.” he can hear Buck grin next to him. “Unless you still wanna back out?” he adds quickly. They could still say Buck’s just a friend. No big deal. But Eddie does have this petty desire to stir something up, and this seems perfect. 
“No. It’ll be fine.” he smiles at Buck, and then feels hot when Buck grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers, winking at him. Christopher laughs.
“You’d make a great couple.” he comments. He’s been unusually happy about all of this. He also asked Eddie a few days ago if Eddie loves Buck, which prompted a conversation, but he thinks Chris knows what’s going on now. Eddie doesn’t really know what to think about that.
“Thanks, buddy.” Buck responds excitedly, squeezing Eddie’s hand, and he can’t contain a smile. If not anything else, at least all three of them are going to have a lot of fun.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @jamespearce9-1-1
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fist-of-vengeance · 6 days
all of these are ben linus to me. if you even care
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Buddie Week Day 4: Eddie calling Buck 'Evan'
@911buddieweek (terribly sorry to the fest admin for tagging after the week is over! I really wanted to complete the week as a personal challenge even if it's delayed)
I’ll rearrange the letters of your name to spell love
Eddie starts calling Buck by 'Evan' and doesn't stop once he realizes Buck doesn't mind.
5 times Eddie calls him Evan, and one time Buck calls him Edmundo.
Mature (for mild sexual content only in the beginning) | 2,817 words
> Established Relationship, Dorks in Love, SO MUCH FLUFF, The power of names (or something like that)
Eddie's eyes are shining bright with emotions and he has that one smile that he has when he's around Chris; Buck thinks it means love but Eddie is not at that point where he's said it to Buck yet. Buck doesn't mind, Eddie declares his love for Buck in a hundred different ways. He doesn't need words to tell him that. Eddie places a hand against his face and gently caresses Buck's cheek. “Do you want me to call you Evan more?”, he asks softly. And Buck swallows against the rush of feelings at the thought. “Yes. Yeah, I think so”, he says, and he knows he sounds strangled, his voice raw but Eddie doesn't say anything. He pulls Buck closer, back to tuck his head against his neck and moves his hand up and down Buck's back soothingly. “Anything for you, Evan”, and Buck lets out a happy sigh against him. Because that too sounds like ‘I love you’ when it comes from Eddie.
Read on AO3!
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dinogoose · 3 months
something so precious about this
“Uh- wow- you look great man, where are you headed?” Buck asks, vocally and probably visibly flustered. Eddie sidesteps him and walks further into his loft, ignoring Buck.
Buck shuts the door and turns to look at him once more, trying to sear the image of him in a suit into his brain.
“I am going on a date.” Eddie finally speaks, a happy and vaguely smug grin set on his lips. Buck tilts his head in confusion, feeling his heart sink.
“Oh… that’s cool, you look great.” He repeats dumbly. “Who’s the lucky lady?” Buck asks reluctantly.
(or, buck and eddie finally go on a date.)
It’s his day off and Buck is determined to finally perfect this lobster Mac and cheese recipe he stole from Bobby. He’s just started grating the cheese when there’s a loud knock on his door, startling Buck so badly he nearly grates his finger off.
Setting down the block of gruyere cheese he goes to the door, checking the peephole.
And right there, looking distorted through said peephole is Eddie.
Eddie, who Buck wasn’t expecting. But, he’s never one to turn down the company of the man he’s been silently pining for, so he opens the door.
“Hey, what’re you-“ The blond begins before pausing as he takes in the full form of Eddie. And boy is it something. Because currently he is dressed to the nines. Full three-piece suit, vest, cufflinks, even a pocket square. Buck is suddenly worried there’s no oxygen left.
“Uh- wow- you look great man, where are you headed?” Buck asks, vocally and probably visibly flustered. Eddie sidesteps him and walks further into his loft, ignoring Buck.
Buck shuts the door and turns to look at him once more, trying to sear the image of him in a suit into his brain.
“I am going on a date.” Eddie finally speaks, a happy and vaguely smug grin on his lips. Buck tilts his head in confusion, as he feels his heart sink.
“Oh… that’s cool, you look great.” He repeats dumbly. “Who’s the lucky lady?” Buck asks reluctantly.
Buck’s pretty sure all those concussions he’s had have finally caught up to him because there’s no way Eddie is currently in front of him about to take him on a date. So, being the suave and cool man he is (who needs clarification on whether or not this is a head injury), he points to himself, head tilted to the side, and asks “Me?”
Eddie laughs a little, his cocky grin going nowhere, “Yes, you, now chop chop we’ve got a reservation in twenty and you are under-dressed,” He says, visibly ogling at Buck’s tight tank top and shorts, “Not that I mind.”
Buck thinks his face might combust, “Yeah- alright- I’ll just…” He points lamely upstairs, feeling incredibly off-centered by this entire strange (incredible, perfect, everything he’s ever wanted) exchange. Eddie gives him another dazzling smile.
“I’ll be waiting, Buckley.”
He’s ninety percent sure tonight’s going to kill him.
After he finds a nice suit, (thankfully unwrinkled despite being shoved into the back of his closet) Eddie ushers him out the door and into his truck ignoring all questions about where they’re going.
“Patience,” Is what the brunette tells him, making Buck roll his eyes.
“When have you ever known me to be patient?” Buck groans- not whines because he’s a grown man, who would never whine.
Eddie laughs at him as he turns left at the light. His hands flex on the wheel as he does this, and Buck can’t help but be entranced by them. How his veins look, the shape and slope of his fingers, how they would feel-
“We’re almost there, I think you’re going to like this place, I heard you and Hen talking about it the other day.” Eddie tells him, effectively snapping Buck out of his ‘trance’.
He feels his face flush once again, but chooses instead to focus on what Eddie’s said, “The incredibly expensive and exclusive place Hen took Karen to on their anniversary?”
He turns to stare at the side of Eddie’s face, raising an eyebrow he hopes the man can see in his peripheral vision.
“Yep, that’s the one.” He signals as he turns into a nice parking lot, the valet already approaching.
“But they’re booked out for months.” He feels the need to point this out.
“I’ve been planning this for a long time.” Eddie rebuffs before turning to face him, his eyes intense as they lock onto Buck’s.
Buck has been waiting for this for years, longing for Eddie in a way he could never properly articulate. Being here with him now, being on a date with him(I), it doesn’t feel real.
But as he watches the way Eddie’s eyes shine with an emotion he’s all too familiar with, he knows it is.
He starts to lean closer, wanting to bridge the gap between them, to finally know what Eddie’s lips would feel like against his own when there’s a sharp knock at the driver's side window.
A sheepish valet attendant signals for them to step out, and Buck knows it isn’t the right moment.
Not yet.
The restaurant is beautiful, the wine delightful, and the food delicious, but the company? Definitely Buck’s favorite part.
At first, he was a little unsure, despite having been on a hundred first dates, he suddenly has no idea how to behave, how to flirt and charm as he normally would (Maybe it’s because all those dates were in preparation for this, for this date that means everything to him).
Eddie immediately relieves this tension by mentioning a huge project Christopher’s been working on for school. This leads them both to gush about how smart and driven he is and also makes Buck laugh at how often Eddie takes midnight trips to the store anytime Christopher needs something.
“Hey, I’m supporting his passion! I’m raising a future engineer here!” He argues.
“I thought he wanted to be an architect?” Buck asks, his smile wide.
Eddie matches his smile, “Future engineer, architect, software developer, doesn’t matter because anything he does will be incredible.”
Buck feels himself melt at these words, at the devotion Eddie feels for his son. Eddie being a wonderful father was one of the reasons Buck fell for him in the first place, and so hearing those words somehow makes Buck fall even deeper in love.
The meal continues like this, with Eddie being himself (kind, funny, and often a little snarky) and Buck finds himself completely enamored by every moment they share.
However, one question is still on his mind.
“How’d you know I’d even agree to this?” Buck questions as the waiter takes away their last course.
“Buck, you haven’t exactly been… subtle.” Eddie points out, his tone playful. Buck sputters, a little offended at being called out like this.
He wasn’t aware he was being so obvious in his pining, and it’s mortifying that Eddie himself caught on, but in retrospect, he’s sure everyone at the station knows (possibly everyone who’s ever seen him look at Eddie).
“It’s not a bad thing, you’ve always worn your heart on your sleeve.” The brunette soothed, making him blush, “Of course, there was still a part of me tonight who was convinced I’d made it up in my head, convinced I misinterpreted every look, word, and gesture. I worried that you were going to reject me, and things would never be the same between us again.”
“Why risk it then?”
Eddie doesn’t hesitate even a moment before his next words spill out, “Because it’s worth it. You’re worth it Buck.”
Buck isn’t sure anyone has ever told him that before, that anyone has believed he was worth it, not until right now. He struggles to find words that convey everything he’s feeling he could say, ‘You’re worth it too’, or, ‘I’d risk everything for you’, but neither feels like enough, so instead he says the three words that have been looping in his mind all night.
“I love you.”
And in the soft candlelight, Eddie’s face practically glows with joy, “I love you too.”
Buck breaks out into what can only be described as a goofy grin. He can’t help but laugh, laugh at how long it took them but how beautiful it is that they got here, laugh at how utterly happy he is to be here tonight with Eddie.
Eddie evidently shares his feelings as they both crack up, most likely looking insane to those surrounding them.
The waiter comes over with their bill, giving them both a strange look, but neither can find it within themselves to care.
After removing his card from the bill Eddie looks up at him, “Let me take you home.”
Eddie walks Buck up to his door, the perfect gentleman as always.
Buck, of course, feels the need to ruin the mood by being a little shit, “I think this was the second-best date I’ve ever been on.”
Eddie quirks a brow at this, “Second? Really?” His voice is dripping in disbelief. Buck has to hold in a cackle.
“Yep. Second. This was almost a perfect date.” Eddie steps forward, making Buck step back, his body now leaning against his front door.
“Almost?” The older man places a hand by the side of his head, angling his body toward him.
Buck gulps, the anticipation thick between them “Almost.” He repeats with a nod of his head.
Eddie presses in closer, their bodies now flushed together. “What can I do to make it perfect, Buckley?”
“You could kiss me, Diaz.”
And he does.
Eddie cups his jaw tilting his head down and to the side in order to properly fit their mouths together. Eddie kisses him reverently, as though he is worshiping his mouth, Buck feels his love being poured into him as Eddie slips his tongue inside, causing Buck to gasp.
They continue to make out at his front door until one of his neighbors walks out, clearly startled by the sight of them. Buck awkwardly apologizes, his face aflame, as he lets him and Eddie into his apartment.
Once inside he tucks his face into Eddie’s neck, giggling at what just happened. He can feel Eddie’s body shake with his own laughter.
Buck knows this is the beginning of something beautiful.
(thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed, and thank you for the support on the wip. I’ll see you soon)
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drunkeddiediaz · 4 months
Marisol this Marisol that, why don’t we talk more about our Disney princess here??
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theotherbuckley · 10 months
Some aspects of fanon are so widely accepted that I just got really sad because I just realised that Buck hasn’t actually called Eddie “Eds”
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unrealisticlea · 1 month
idk what it is about bucktommy that makes the angstiest bitches on here so soft. People who less than a month ago wrote stuff like “Eddie is gonna confess his love to Buck when they’re trapped together and only one of them can survive and Buck tells him to go because of Christopher” are the same people who are now posting “headcanon: Tommy and Buck are obsessed with each other’s curls and Tommy kisses Buck a little longer when he’s wearing his LAFD hoodie so Buck steals it all the time”.
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