#fox juleka couffaine | culpeo
sassyduckqueen 3 years
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Juleka's hero outfits
Obviously, you know her classic Culpeo outfit and her Adelia outfit but the third one is her updated Culpeo outfit. I guess you could say it's my answer to Rena Furtive. Like Ryuko and Aspik, Juleka's outfit changes as she grows as a person but she gains it after she's Adelia.
Anyway, I've taken inspiration from both Purple Tigeress and Rena Rouge for the design while trying to hint at her original outfit. I added some things due to the mythology of the kitsune. When they reach their most powerful forms, their fur changes to gold and white. They also gain Nine tails as part of this. To show that she's reached her full potential in herself (more confidence for example), she has white and gold in her outfit and her hair has nine "tails" in it. She will also be unlocking the fox's Intermediate ability Mesmerize, which is the hero verison of Miracle Queen's ability. However, it doesn't mind control like what Miracle Queen did. It just places a target into a trance as long as the flute is been played.
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sassyduckqueen 3 years
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ROA Team Miraculous Icons or at least the current members 馃槉
I'm very happy with these
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sassyduckqueen 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 64
Ok wow that took a while. Sorry, it took so long to update. It wasn't an easy chapter to write but I think it's time out cool. This was certainly a challenge to write but I found it quite fun. I probably would gotten this out quicker but it's the summer holidays, meaning that work is busy. Anyway the next chapter will be Backwarder, meaning I'll finally be able to get some of Fu's history out and I get to introduce Marianne so yay!
Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!- You are trespassing! Leave now! La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!- It's ok. They are on our side
脕nthropoi tis Ath铆nas! E铆mai i the谩 rara!- People of Athens, I am the goddess Hera! f茅re mou ton ps茅ftiko the贸, ton Alfei贸 kai tha de铆xo 茅leos stin p贸li sou- bring me the false god, Alpheus and I will show mercy on your city Thavmatourg铆 paschal铆tsa- Miraculous ladybug
Chapter Sixty-Four: History Keepers
~City of Camelot, England~
聽"In the name of God, I hereby name you man and wife," The priest stated as King Arthur stood in front of Gwenevieve, holding her hands in his and smiling like a damn fool. His eyes were sparking with pure joy and Gwenevieve matched. The priest smiled a little before turning to Arthur. "You may kiss the bride,"
聽He leaned down and kissed Gwenevieve as the entire church cheered in joy. However, at the back of the church, a single knight looked on. He had a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes. Instead, he turned on his heel and walked out of the church. He took a deep breath as he walked away. He really wanted to be happy for Arthur, he really did. However, his heart ached in pain as watching him marry Genevieve was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He blinked and wiped his eyes before shaking his head. He shouldn't be sad. He knew Arthur didn't feel the same way for him or even swing the same way. He knew Arthur was in love with Gwen and she wasn't a bad woman at all. She would make Arthur happy and that's all he wanted. Even if it hurt him and broke his head.
聽"Rene!" A voice shouted, causing him to stop and turn around. Lancelot was stood outside. "Where are you going?"
聽"I just need some time alone," He replied, giving Lancelot a weak smile.
聽"You're going to be at the party right?" He asked, frowning. Arthur and Rene were practically brothers so he didn't understand why Rene would just leave his wedding without saying goodbye. A brief expression of sorrow came across Rene's face as he didn't answer. "Right?"
聽"Yeah... I'll be there later... I just... have something to do right now..." He replied before turning back on his heel and walking off. Lancelot frowned and tried to call out after him but Rene got on his horse and rode off, heading deep in the forest. He came to a stop and jumped off his horse before walking deeper into the forest. He stopped and waved his hand, creating a shimmer in the air before stepping through it, entering a cave with a waterfall and a small hut in the distance. He walked over to the fire pit where two others sat. One looked much younger then Rene. Part of his head was shaved and the rest was braided. He wore what could be described as ancient egyptian clothing and had no shoes on. In his hand was a huge toad and he seemed to be talking with it. The other had curly hair but it was the same dark shade. He wore a greek toga and sandals on his feet. He had an arm band on his right arm and was moving his fingers as he controlled water droplets around him. He glanced over as Rene walked over as the younger looked over as well. Rene gave them a weak smile and sat down. "How's Ra doing, Khnurn?"
聽"He's ok," He replied, tracing his finger across the toad as Rene nodded.
聽"You're not though," The water mage stated, turning the water into ice.
聽"Don't worry about me, Al," He smiled, causing Alpheus to roll his eyes as he looked over at the hut. For the last few weeks, it has been shut and locked. "Is it still locked?"
聽"Yep," Khnurn replied, tracing his finger over Ra's back again. "Toutai got in earlier but he didn't say much when he came out. I think Feng told him not to,"
聽"I wonder why he locked it," Rene replied, sitting down as he picked up the kettle and poured a tea from it.
聽"Probably cause he's bored," Alpheus replied, rolling his eyes again. "I know I am,"
聽"You're always bored," He replied as he took a slip and smiled a little before turning his attention to Khnurn. "So how's Egypt doing?"
聽"Well, there was a few issues with Imhotep but I stopped him as you well know," Khnurn replied, placing Ra onto the ground. "And I still don't like people,"
聽"You never did," Alphus replied as he trapped Ra in a bubble of water, allowing the toad to swim in it.
聽"Given his upbringing, it's no real surprise," Rene replied, making Alpheus glare at him. "The desert is a harsh mistress after all,"
"Well, my childhood wasn't exactly a walk in a path either," He grumbled as Khnurn fished Ra out of the water and glared at the mage, who smirked at him. "Why not trade him in for a camel? They're more useful,"
聽"A common theme among us," Rene replied, as the toad croaked, glaring at Alpheus, who glared back. Rene shook his head and rolled his eyes as he slipped his tea.
聽"Don't worry, Ra," Khnurn muttered, holding him. "I wouldn't trade you for a camel. You're much more fun than them,"
聽"Oh yeah," Alpheus replied. "Much have been so hard been born to a lord and lady of the manor,"
聽"Well, been a mage and born in a kingdom where magic was illegal wasn't exactly fun, Alpheus," Rene replied, shaking his head before a fourth person joined them. He resembled them as he shared the same hair shade and silver eyes but he was dressed in more asian style clothing. "Feng... you're actually gracing us with your presence today?"
聽"I assume Arthur just got married," Feng replied, looking at Rene with a sympathetic look. "My condolences,"
聽"Well, he's happy..." Rene frowned, holding his cup. "That's all that matters to me. Besides, he sees me as his brother..."
聽"And you want him to see you in a different light?" Alpheus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Rene went bright red and glared at him, making him laugh. "If you ask me, you're over thinking this. Just enjoy what life gives you,"
聽"Of course, you would say that," Rene muttered, rolling his eyes as Feng smirked. "What's your thoughts on love, Feng?"
聽"Overrated," Khnurn muttered, making the four of them look at him. "What?"
聽"Personally, I think love is a wonderful thing," He replied, making Khnurn roll his eyes and Rene smile. "And I was very happy with my lovers,"
聽"Ok but what's with the door been locked?" Khnurn asked, making both Feng and Rene look at him due to the sudden change of subject. Alpheus merely snorted in amusement. "What? Love, relationships and stuff like that makes me uncomfortable and you want to know just as much as I do, Rene,"
聽"True..." Rene muttered as Feng shook his head with a slight smile. "Well?"
聽"Alright," He smiled. "We have a new incarnation,"
聽"Really?!" Khnurn gasped, making Ra jump a little before he croaked. "Oh sorry Ra,"
聽"I thought that Toutai was stripped of his title?" Rene asked, frowning.
聽"Well, he was but that doesn't change what we are," He replied, making them both nod. "Besides, it wasn't like he actually dishonored the title. It was taken from him by force,"
聽"By that jerk!" Khnurn huffed. "See? This is why we shouldn't trust people!"
聽"And the new one?" Rene asked. "What is he like?"
聽"Very brave and creative," Feng replied, smiling a little. "He actually wields the ladybug miraculous,"
聽"Impressive," Alpheus whistled before stretching. "So when do we get to meet him?"
聽"Soon actually," Feng replied, waving his hand over the fire pit. Smoke rose up from it, showing several images. Each were in their own time, showing a number of people from the future appearing and facing different situations. "There will be an incident that will send his friends back in time and he will have to find them,"
聽"When?" Rene asked, looking over the image of his time showing a boy and two girls cowering from one of Mordred's beasts. "How long do we have?"
聽"Two weeks," Feng replied, making them nod. "Best be prepared as well,"
聽"For what?" Khnurn asked as Feng gave them his all knowing smile.聽
聽"You'll see soon enough,"
聽~Paris, Modern Day~
聽"There is nothing in this book, Master!" Luka sighed, running his fingers through his hair as Master Fu frowned. He was so sure the answers would be in that cave but as soon as he got back to Paris, he checked out the book. Well, actually the first thing he did when he got back was collect Juleka's and Rose's miraculous and returned them to the miracle box since he was back in Paris but the second thing he did was go through the book. To his utter horror, he discovered nothing on the pages. Not a single letter or word had been written. Four days later and nothing had changed. "Why is it empty?! Why did I get that damn riddle if there is nothing in this book?!"
聽"Luka, take a deep breathe and calm down," Fu ordered as Luka paced.
聽"How can I?!" He gasped, close to tears. "I am been haunted by nightmares I don't understand and I've been possessed by something that made me write a pointless riddle and I don't know what is happening to me anymore?! I am scared and tired and... I just want to know why I have a connection to Feng! Why me?! I'm nothing special! I'm just... Luka..."
聽"Luka, you're definitely something special," Tikki gasped, flying up to him. "You're amazing and the best bug I've ever had and whatever is happening to you, we'll work it out so please don't put yourself down like that,"
聽"I'm sorry, Tikki," He muttered, flopping down onto the floor and hid his head in his arms. "And I'm sorry, Master. I... I just want to know what's happening to me. Why did Feng send me to Shanghai if the book has nothing in it?"
聽"Maybe to stop Meishi from destroying it and to help that young lady to become the hero she was meant to be?" Master Fu pointed out as Luka looked up. "As for the book, maybe it is invisible ink?"
聽"I tried that..." He admitted, frowning. "Feng did mention that I wasn't ready to see what was beyond the hut's door..."
聽"Hut's door?" Master Fu asked but Luka shook his head and hid it back in his arms. Master Fu sighed and got up. "I'll make some tea,"
聽"At least, it's the summer holidays now," Tikki smiled, making Luka nod as Master Fu came back in. He set up his kettle and began to make tea as Luka sat and hugged his knees. "Have you considered reaching out to Koro? Maybe she knows how to unlock the book's secrets?"
聽"I don't want to bother her..." He muttered, frowning to himself. He had considered asking her but he wasn't sure if he wanted to reach out nor was he sure if she would be able to help. Master Fu placed a cup of tea in front of him, causing Luka to sniff at it before he picked it up and sipped it. "Do you think I should ask her, Master?"
聽"I think that is only you can decide but maybe ask Lady Noire's advice on it too," He replied, making Luka nod as he sipped the tea. Maybe he should ask Koro about stuff. Maybe she would know but he wasn't sure about anything. He was also worried about Hawkmoth and his current silence. Since Shanghai, he had been oddly quiet. There hadn't been any akumas yet and it worried Luka. Usual when he was this quiet, it was because he was planning a big attack. It was his pattern. He was quiet before Heroes Day, Miracle Queen... if you don't count Loveater but Luka was certain that was a distraction in order to allow Miracle Queen to gain control over him. He repressed a shudder as his mind flicked back to it. Hawkmoth was also this quiet before New York and Shanghai. Other than Cash and Meishi, the last person to be akumatized was Mrs Mendelieve so Luka was concerned but he also realised that Yan Woshi was the first akuma to actually kill him so maybe Hawkmoth is taking a break. Hell, he might be quitting. Luka immediately casted that thought aside. There was no way he was quitting. He jumped a little as his phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. He frowned as it was Marinette calling. He shouldn't really be surprised even though it was fairly late. She often stayed up late to do her projects but usually she would text him. He gave Master Fu a look, who nodded before he pressed answer and held it to his ear.
聽"Hey," He stated but almost instantly, he heard her sniff and he knew she had been crying. "You ok?"
聽"Not... really..." She admitted in a sad voice. "I... I was hoping maybe you could come round for a little bit... it's cool if you can't though..."
聽"I'll be there in a few minutes, Melody," He replied, feeling her relief through the phone.聽
聽"Thank you," She whispered, making him smile a little. "I'm just gonna cuddle Mr Whiskers until you get here,"
聽"Ok, Melody. I'll see you soon," He replied before he said goodbye and hung up. He turned to Master Fu as he picked up the book and put it in his bag. "Sorry, I gotta go,"
聽"Alright," Master Fu nodded as he transformed. "I hope your friend is ok,"
聽"She will be," He nodded before leaving out the window and heading to the Bakery. He got there in record time before he knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Marinette opened the door, holding Mr Whiskers in her arms. It was a black cat plushie he had won for her at the fair they went to before they went to Shanghai. She kept it on her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious she had been crying. Luka held open his arms, causing her to instantly hug him. He wrapped his arms around her as she nuzzled her face against his chest. "You ok?"
聽"It's silly really but I dreamt I got killed again by that big monster again..." She muttered, making him frown. He felt really bad but she had been caught up in the attack on Shanghai and had been zapped by Wan Yoshi when trying to help people escape and since coming back, she had been having nightmares about it. Luka also got nightmares about it, along with the rest of his ones but he didn't get killed in his. Instead, he watched as Yan Woshi killed everyone while he was helpless to save them. He pushed his thoughts aside and walked into the apartment as Marinette led him inside. The two of them settled on the sofa in the living room with Marinette resting her head on Luka's lap as he gently played with her hair and hummed. "Thanks for coming, Luka,"
聽"I'm always here if you need me," He replied, making her look up at him. She looked a lot calmer and the shine in her eyes were returning. He gave her a smile as she reached up and moved a bit of his hair. Her hand lingered as her eyes moved down to his lips, causing him to blush a little. She gave him a soft smile. However, she realised what she was doing and went bright red.
聽"I.. um... s-sorry," She gasped, sitting up. "I must seem like such a creep doing that. Oh god, you're gonna hate-"
聽"I could never hate you," He replied, gently leaning over and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, making her blush even more. He smiled a little before deciding to change the subject. "I won't be able to stay over tonight,"
聽"T-That's ok," She replied, still red before looking at the time. It was ten to 11. "It's pretty late though... will you be ok getting home?"
聽"Don't worry. I'll be fine," He smiled, making her smile back. "Do you feel better?"
聽"Yep," She smiled, resting her head on his arm. "You're just like a lucky charm, Luka. Are you coming to the picnic tomorrow?"
聽"Of course," He smiled, making her smile even more. "I should head back, Melody,"
聽"Ok," She nodded, getting and walking to the door with him. He smiled as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for coming over, Lu. You'll text me when you get back to the boat right?"
聽"Of course," He replied, placing his own kiss on her cheek. She smiled before he waved to her and walked out into the night. She couldn't help but sigh a little before she closed the door and locked, heading back upstairs to the quiet apartment. Her parents were out on a date night but were due back in the next hour. She yawned a little as she grabbed Mr Whiskers before heading up to her room and back to her bed. She had fallen asleep in the evening and woke up from a nightmare, hence why she called Luka. She frowned a little as she felt bad not telling him the full dream but she didn't want to start crying again. Sure, she had flashbacks of been zapped by Yan Woshi but that hadn't been her nightmare tonight. Instead it had been Luka who had been zapped in her dream. In it, he had pushed her out of the way and took the hit instead. She had woken up screaming and crying worst then she ever had which was why she wanted to see him. It wasn't to comfort her but to know he was alive. She curled up her bed as her phone buzzed, causing her to look at it.
聽L: I'm home. Sleep well, melody
聽M: Yay! Sleep well as well, Lu.
M: *typing* Love you 鉂わ笍
聽Marinette held her breath as her thumb hovered over the send button. She wasn't sure if she should it. Normally she wasn't so bold but she felt like she could be with Luka, especially since they had been getting closer and tested the waters with each other but they weren't exactly a couple yet. She bit her lip and deleted the message before retyping a new one.聽
聽M: Sweet dreams 馃槝
聽L: you too, Melody 馃槝聽
聽She giggled and put her phone down before curling up in bed and hugging Mr Whiskers. The picnic will be fun.
聽~The Next Day~
聽Marinette hummed to herself as she walked over to the park, holding a basket full of baked treats. She had chosen to wear a light pink summer dress with her ballet pumps that matched. She had her hair tied up in a loose, low ponytail and had the purse she made out of her Nonna's gift across her chest. She looked over and saw her friends sat on the grass chatting. By the looks of, almost everyone in her friendship group had turned up and had brought drinks and snacks too, meaning she wasn't the only person to bring food. Ondine and Kim were sat with Max and Marvok. Sabrina, Aurora, Chloe and Mirelle were sat talking to Kagami, who was playing with Adrien's hair as he laid on the grass with his head in her lap. He walked talking to Nino about some anime he watched and Alya was sat talking with Rose, Mylene and Ivan. Marc and Nathaniel were just sat whispering about their comic, causing to smile as she looked over them. She called over and waved at them as she walked over before sitting down on the grass and looking around. The only people that were missing were Alix, Juleka and Luka. However, the Couffaines turned up pretty quick, causing Marinette to smile as she greeted them. Soon the group were just waiting on Alix, who turned up a few minutes later.
聽"Sorry, I'm late," She grumbled, sitting down and grabbing an Eclair before stuffing it in her face. Kim snorted a little before doing the same, trying to see if he could finish it before her. Most of the group waved it off but Juleka muttered asking her why. "Oh, Pa got a new painting for the museum and he insisted I see it before I came to meet you all. He wanted to know what I thought before he sets up it's grand unveiling,"
聽"Ooh what is the painting?" Rose asked excitedly, clapping her hands together. Alix took out her phone before unlocking it and passing it to Rose. "Oh, wow!"
聽"He looks so cool," Juleka muttered, looking at the phone before she passed it to Luka. He took off her and glared at it but as soon as his eyes landed on the picture, he felt a pulse similar to the one he experienced when he looked at the Eagle Miraculous. Only it wasn't half as bad as it had been. The painting was of a young knight kneeling down on the ground as he rested his hands against on his sword. His helmet was on the floor and behind him was a slained beast. He had dark shoulder length hair and wore silver armor with a golden trim over silver chainmail and leather breeches. He had his eyes closed and in one of his ears, he wore a jacket earring, making Luka frown a little as he felt like he had seen it before but couldn't remember where. What surprised him the most was he resembled the knight he had seen during Miracle Queen's attack. The only real difference was that the armor he wore and that he didn't have horns or a tail. Despite this, he was certain that it was the same knight. He frowned again before he passed the phone to Adrien. He couldn't help but wonder if he had the Wyvern miraculous as Alix's phone got passed around the group.
聽"He's kind of cute," Marinette grinned, passing the phone back to Alix.
聽"According to Pa, he was one of King Arthur's knights! Apparently, he had the nickname the Dragon Knight but his real name got lost to history," Alix replied, locking her phone. "In fact, that painting is like super rare and the only known picture of him!"
聽"His name was Sir Rene..." Luka muttered with even thinking, making everyone look at him in surprise before he blinked. "What?"
聽"Dude, you just said that the Dragon Knight's name was Sir Rene!" Alix gasped, making Luka frown. He didn't know the Dragon Knight's name but... yet somehow he knew that it was Sir Rene. "You said it was-"
聽"Sir Rene," Juleka muttered, making everyone look at her before she looked at Luka. "I thought he wasn't real?"
聽"Huh?" He asked, generally confused. Seeing his confusion, Juleka frowned.
聽"Back when we were really little, we use to play a game of knights. I would play Morgana and you always played Sir Rene the Dragon Knight. In the game we use to 'save' King Arthur from the evil warlock Mordred," She mumbled, making him frown. He didn't recall it but at the same time, it sounded so familiar. "But we stopped playing it after... um... after Issac put you in hospital,"
聽"I don't remember..." Luka admitted, frowning before looking at her. "Was it fun?"
聽"So fun," Juleka smiled, making him smile. "Why... why don't we go and see the unveiling? M-Maybe it might help you remember the game..."
聽"That's a great idea!" Rose grinned, making Juleka smile. "Oh we can make a day off it!!"
聽"Me and Marc are down for it as we'll can get some inspiration for the comics," Nathaniel grinned as Marc nodded to. Alya grinned and turned to Aurora.
聽"We could do a video on it and other exhibitions for our blogs," She suggested, making the other reporter grin.聽
聽"Definitely!" She smiled as Mirelle nodded as well. "Oh, Mirelle, you can do a photoshoot!!"
聽"That sounds like a great idea!" Adrien grinned, sitting up. "Even Father will let me go because it's 'education',"
聽"Mother would be the same," Kagami replied as everyone nodded and agreed they wanted to see it. Luka couldn't help but smile. "Plus it might help trigger how Luka knew about this mysterious knight,"
聽"Oh what if your family is related to him!" Marinette gasped, making Juleka and Luka flush. They're pirates, not knights but it would be really cool to be related to a knight of the round table. Luka looked at Juleka, who gave him a shy smile and thumbs up. Given that just seeing an image of the painting gave him a smaller reaction of what happened in New York, he would be mad to skip out on it as it might have something to do with the miraculous. Maybe even to do with the journal. "What do you say?"
聽"I'm down for it," He smiled, making everyone grin. "It's a once in a lifetime chance to see a rare painting and maybe it will help me remember why I knew about him,"
聽"Maybe you're psychic," Juleka smirked, making him chuckle a little. Maybe he was and made that's why he had dreams about Feng. "Either way, it will be cool for you to remember. That game was awesome,"
聽"How often did we play it?"
聽"Almost every day," Juleka admitted, making him frown a little. "We use to play at school as well,"
聽She sniggered a little, making him raise an eyebrow.
聽"You had a go at a teacher and got detention," She explained, looking at him. "She had told you that Morgana was the evil witch in the story and that you shouldn't make me play her. She always told you that there was no such knight as Sir Rene but you insisted that he was real and that Morgana wasn't evil either. In fact, you said she was extremely lucky,"
聽"Lucky?" He asked, frowning. Why did he say that about Morgana? "But how did I get detention?"
聽"You called her a dorbel, which apparently means a petty, nit-picking teacher in old english," She giggled, making him blink. "You basically swore at her in old english. Ma thought it was hilarious apparently. Issac... not so much..."
聽"I'm not surprised by that," He replied, nodding before turning to Alix. "So when's this grand unveiling?"
聽"This Friday," She replied. "When I go home tonight, I'll ask pa and let you know,"
聽~The Night before the Unveiling~
聽Rose and Marinette were sleeping over at the Liberty so the four of them could head to the museum together. Alix's father had been really happy that the class had wanted to come and see it. He had ensured her that her friends would be on the guest list. Apparently, a lot of high profile people would be there as well. Apparently, a number of people wanted to buy the painting but Alix's father was refusing to sell it, stating it was priceless.聽
聽"Are you excited to see it?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to look at her. She was sat cross legged in front of him on his bed with a grin on her face. He couldn't help but match her expression.
聽"I am," He replied as she moved and stretched. "It's gonna be strange though,"
聽"How so?"
聽"Well, that painting is priceless," He replied as she moved so she was laid on her stomach. "And I did some research on it. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1300s and was considered part of his 'lost' work,"
聽"Really?" She asked, surprised. "Wow,"
聽"Yeah," He replied, smiling a little. "I can't believe that some of his lost work was found..."
聽"I didn't know you liked painting," She grinned, making him smile. "Been friends with Anatis must be rubbing off on you,"
聽"Well, he is basically the embodiment of creation," He grinned, making her smile. "Though... he's not my muse. You have that title,"
聽"Luka!!" She gasped, going bright red as he laughed, causing her to playfully hit his arm. "Y-You're not serious are you?"
聽"Very serious," He replied, leaning against his wall and placing his hands in behind his head. "I don't know what it is but I could write a hundred songs after spending a moment with you,"
聽"Lu!!" She gasped, going red again as she hid her face in her hands. He couldn't help but smile at her. Slowly, she peeked from her hands as she looked at him. "Y-You really mean that?"
聽"Yep," He smiled, causing her to blush and hide her face again. "You're so cute,"
聽~The Next Day~
聽Luka couldn't help but smile as he looked around the room that the unveiling was been held in. He was generally surprised at how many people had turned up. Chloe was there with her family and Sabrina's. He knew those two were coming but he was surprised that their parents did as well. A number of reporters including Nadja Chamack had turned up as well and to his surprise, Gabriel Agreste had turned up. Well..technically he was on his tablet as usual and it was actually his assistant who was here.. but it wasn't his usual assistant though. It was actually the Gorilla but Adrien and Kagami seemed happy so that's what mattered. It turned out that Tom and Sabine were providing the caterating for the event too and that Penny had gotten an invite. She had explained to him that she had banned Jagged from the event because he would more then likely try to buy the painting plus he didn't really like museums much. Luka wasn't surprised by that. Even a number of teachers from different schools were here as well as Alix's brother. He was actually stood talking to Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt. Apparently, the two of them were actually helping with the unveiling and in the same history club as Alix's brother. Unfortunately, Lila was also there with her parents, though they seemed more bothered about other people then Lila. Instead, she was sulking in the corner. She had tried to tell Alya that she was related to Leonardo da Vinci but Alya just told her that she didn't need to lie to impress her. Luka was a little disappointed that Alya was still trying to give Lila the time of day but he was glad she knew she was lying, even if she didn't realize that Lila was malicious with it. She would get there at some point. Alim tapped his glass, making everyone look at him.
聽"Thank you all for coming," He smiled as he addressed the audience. "I'm also really happy to see so many young people in the audience today. As you know, today is the unveiling of one of the lost works of Leonardo da Vinci,"
聽He turned and pointed to the velvet curtain that covered the painting.
聽"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present the Dragon Knight," He declared, pulling the curtain off and revealing the painting. Everyone clapped and oohed at it as they stared at it. Luka couldn't help but stare straight at it, almost in a sort of trance as he looked at the knight. Alim had continued to talk and people moved around yet Luka just stood there staring as his mind pulsed in a similar way to how it had with the eagle miraculous. He blinked as he heard someone talking, causing him to look around as the world caught up to him. Lila was talking to some other kids from a different school about how she knew a lot about the subject while her parents talked far from her and so didn't hear her lies. Luka frowned as he listened.
聽"Oh, yes, apparently he was a real lady's man. ," She laughed, making him frown as he walked over, not caring for the restraining order. He would not have her lie about his possible ancestry. Rene was not a lady's man at all. He didn't even like women.
聽"Actually, Lila, he was gay," He pointed out, making her look at him. "So stop making up lies,"
聽"That's kind of hypocritical, isn't it?" She smirked. "Since you just lied,"
聽"Unlike you, I'm not lying," He stated, making her frown. He didn't know how but he knew it was true. "Sir Rene was gay and never married,"
聽"Knights can't be gay!" She gasped, making everyone look at her. "It was against the code and he would have been killed for it since it was considered a crime punishable by death,"
聽"Actually, he was a holy knight, meaning it was a crime to try and hurt him as he was considered a man of god," Luka pointed, making Lila grit her teeth. "So actually yeah he could be a knight and gay. Deal with it,"
聽"Well, I don't believe you!" She gasped, making him roll his eyes before he walked away. However, his words had caused the people listening to her to also walk off, causing her to narrow her eyes. "Stupid Couffaine,"
聽Naturally, no one replied but she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around, she noticed the painting was facing her. Despite the fact that the Knight had his eyes closed, she felt like he was staring at her and strangely enough, that enraged her. She would have to do something about that. She saw her chance when people began to leave the area, leaving her and the new painting alone.
聽~Half an Hour Later~
聽Luka was stood, talking with the rest of the group when they heard a scream echo through the museum. They looked alarmed and rushed from where it came from, causing them to stop in the area where Sir Rene's painting for. To their horror, they saw someone had defaced it with some marker pen and a few slashes. Luka frowned as he suspected it may have been Lila but that wasn't the person who screamed. It had been Jalil Kubbel. He was kneeling in front of it with his head in his hands while Mr Damocles and Mr D'argencourt tried to calm him down and reassure him. Alix and their father were also trying to calm him down.
聽"You don't understand!" He cried, looking up. Luka frowned as he saw Lila smirking from the sideline. He narrowed his eyes as he was sure she had something to do with this. "This painting is one of a kind! It's the only known painting of the Dragon Knight and Father... you put me in charge-"
聽He suddenly cut off as an akuma entered his pendant and the butterfly mask appeared over his eyes but to Luka's surprise, it also appeared over Mr Damocles' and Mr D'argencourt's eyes as well, despite that they weren't actually touching them. Alix and her father backed off as the three men listened to Hawkmoth, causing Luka to glance at them in shock. He frowned as he noticed each of them had similar necklaces around their necks, all looked black. It concerned him because Hawkmoth had never akumatized more than one person who wasn't touching the object. He took a step back as a blue feather also appeared, entering the watch on Mr Damocles' wrist. Mayura was helping him today.
聽"We shall protect history and punish those who disrespect it," The three of them declared, accepting whatever Hawkmoth had offered. The purple smog engulfed them as a blue smog appears in the air. It disappeared, revealing a huge floating clock that was orange, black, red and blue in color. It had a huge smile on it's face and single eye. The purple smog disappeared, revealing Darkblade and the Pharaoh in the place of Mr D'Argencourt and Jalil but Mr Damocles hadn't turned into the Dark Owl but a new villain. He resembled a greek god and seemed to be themed around time. Luka slammed his hand on the fire alarm, triggering it as everyone started at them before he turned his friends.
聽"Run!" He shouted, causing them to come back into reality before they rushed into action. He noticed Lila rushing to get out among the rest of them.
聽"You shall not escape our wrath, Knaves!" Darkblade called, causing the Pharaoh to glare.
聽"Thoth, give me time!" He declared, turning his head into a gaboon as he made bubbles. He threw them at people, trapping them in them but the moment he did the sentimonster fired a beam at them and they disappeared.聽
聽"You can't escape Chronos!" Mr Damocles declared, jumping over to a number of people and slashed them with his scythe, freezing them in place. Once again, the sentimonster fired at them. Darkblade began to turn people into his knights as the group and others ran out, causing the akumas to give chase. Naturally, Rose tripped up, causing Juleka to rush over to her as Luka turned around. She pulled her up and began to run as the akumas chased them. However, it did them no good as Chronos jumped in front of them and slashed them with his blade, freezing them in place.
聽"Juleka! Rose!" Luka gasped, going to rush over to them but Adrien grabbed his arm as the sentimonster fired at them, making them disappear, causing Luka to just stop and stare at where they had been. It had been like something out of his nightmares.
聽"Luka! Come on!!" He gasped as the akumas began to attack others, including the rest of their group. Pharoah directed a time bubble towards a number of people including Lila, who pushed Sabrina towards it, trapping her in the bubble. Chloe shouted and tried to help but got caught in the bubble. Like Rose and Juleka, they were erased by the sentimonster. Mylene and Ivan were next, followed by Nathaniel, Marc and Lila. "We have to get out of here!!"
聽"R-Right..." Luka replied, shaking his head before he looked around. His eyes widen as he saw Marinette wasn't around but was sure she hadn't been hit. "Where's Marinette?!"
聽"She was just ri-" Nino started but Chronos suddenly sliced him, freezing him before he stalked over to the remaining members of the group. Darkblade and Pharaoh followed him, causing the remaining members of the group to back away. Luka tried to glance around to find a way out of there so he could go and transform.
聽"Disrespectful youths!" Chronos growled, lifting his blade but before he could hit them, Lady Noir jumped down and blocked his attack with her baton before she turned to the group.
聽"Get out of here!" She shouted, pushing Chronos back and dodging the beam the sentimonster fired at her. Luka, Adrien and the others ran away from them. Darkblade jumped down and fired his sword at them, hitting Aurora, Ondine and Mirelle as the rest of them dodged and ran in the other direction as Darkblade knighted them. Pharaoh jumped in front of them and threw time bubbles at them, trapping Kagami, Kim and Max. Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien by their arms and pulled them out of the way of more time bubbles before they turned to run again, only to find they were completely surrounded by the akumas, their mind controlled knights and their sentimonster. Luka panicked as he tried to find Lady Noir. His eyes widen as he saw her trapped inside a time bubble but she seemed to be moving. Albeit, really slowly but she was lifting her hand in the air and saying something. He realized she was summoning her cataclysm as the dark energy appeared in her hand. Looking around, he saw the sewer lit up in his luck vision as the akumas were just about to attack them. Lady Noir slowly placed her hand against the bubble, causing it to explode as Luka grabbed Alya and Adrien and pulled them to the ground, avoiding the shatters of the time bubble. Lady Noir gave him a look as if to say 'get out of here while I distract them'.
聽"Hey! Time freaks!" Lady Noir growled and spun her baton, getting the akumas attention as they, the sentimonster and the army charged towards her. She gave out a battle cry and charged back. Seeing a chance to escape, Luka pulled Adrien and Alya to the sewers and opened it.
聽"Get in!" He ordered, making them blink. "Now!"
聽"But what about Lady Noir?" Adrien asked but then they heard the sound of the blast from the sentimonster's eyes, causing the three of them to look in shock and surprise. "Oh no..."
聽"Go!" Luka ordered, causing the two of them climb down the ladder as the mini army rushed over. Luka jumped in and ran, along with the other two as he took out his phone and put out an alert on the akuma app. They kept running through the sewers with the akumas hot on their tail, only to come to a sudden stop when they reached the end of the tunnel. Looking down at the drop, Luka frowned as they heard the akumas coming towards them. "We need to jump!"
聽"What?!" Alya gasped as Luka jumped, causing Adrien and her to follow. However, Pharoah threw time bubbles at them, trapping Alya and Adrien in the air but missing Luka completely. Hr took a gulp of air, just before he hit the water before swimming off. He made his way to the edge and pulled himself out of the water as he looked around. Apparently, the akumas decided he wasn't worth following. He jumped as he felt someone on around. He thought for a second it was the akumas but when he looked around, nothing was there. He let out a sigh of relief as Tikki flew out of his jacket.
聽"Sorry," He gasped as she shook the water from herself. "You're ok right?"
聽"I'm fine, Luka," She smiled, making him smile back but before he could transform, he had that feeling again. He glanced around, seeing no one. "Luka?"
聽"I.. I feel like someone is here..." He replied, causing Tikki to frown before they felt the wind around them.
聽Luka... this way...聽A voice inside the wind whispered, causing his eyes to widen before he turned to Tikki, who apparently didn't hear anything.
聽"Tikki! Spots on!" He declared, transforming into Anatis before he ran to where the wind had directed him. It was one of the exits so he climbed up it. However, he carefully took out his yoyo and used it to check around. It seemed like no one was around and was in an alleyway so he climbed out. He would need a lucky charm straight away so he threw his yoyo in the air and quietly summoned one, causing a small mirror appear out of thin air. He caught it and frowned as he tried to look around to work out what to do with it before he realized it was a normal mirror. It had a frame that was Ladybug patterned but the glass itself wasn't normal mirror glass. It was in fact black, making him frown as he looked at it. He held it up so he could look at the reflection but jumped and dropped it when he saw someone stood behind him. He quickly picked it and looked behind him, frowning as no one was there. He took a deep breathe and held it up again, causing him to see the man behind him again. Only this time he recognized him. "Feng?"
聽Feng gave him a smile before holding up something. Anatis' eyes widen as he saw it was the Rabbit Miraculous but that meant...
聽It is time...聽Feng's voice echoed, confirming his thoughts before he faded away, leaving Anatis alone. He took a deep breathe and looked around, finally noticing it was the alley right next to Master Fu's apartment. He blinked before detransforming and catching Tikki. He gave her a cookie and rushed inside the building, heading to Master's apartment. He burst through the door, causing Master Fu to jump.聽
聽"Master, I need the rabbit miraculous!" He gasped, surprising Fu. "Scrap that... I need all of the temporary miraculous including the rabbit,"
聽"What?" Fu asked, surprised as Luka moved pass him and opened the phonograph. "Luka?! You ca-"
聽"I'm sorry, Master. Normally I wouldn't do this but we have no time to argue or to delay," He replied, taking out the box and opening it. "I have three akumas, one sentimonster and a number of brainwashed citizens to deal with. My team, including Lady Noir, have been erased. Since Feng showed me the Rabbit miraculous, I'm guessing they are lost in time so I need the Rabbit Miraculous to rescue them,"
聽"But if you merge-"
聽"I won't merge them," He replied, placing the miraculous he needs in his pockets before he took out the rabbit miraculous. "I'll be giving it to Alix Kubbel. It will mean she'll find out the temp heroes' identities but this is the only way. If I take on the akumas alone... I'll be lost in time too or worst, Hawkmoth will get my miraculous,"
聽"Can you trust her?" He asked, making Luka nod.
聽"I've already met her from the future," He explained, making Master Fu frown. "She's Bunnyx or she will be... which is happening now. Anyway, I need my whole team to take down the akumas, the sentimonster and their army. I just don't know how yet,"
聽"Well... I trust you so do what you need to," Master Fu nodded as Luka closed the miracle box and placed it back inside the phonograph. "But how did you know my code?"
聽"I have a really good memory," He replied, shrugging before pointing to the turtle miraculous. "I'm gonna need that one too,"
聽Master Fu looked down at it before he took it off, causing Wayzz to disappear into it and placed it in Luka's hands.
聽"Good luck," He smiled, making Luka nod before he left. He smiled a little as he looked out the window and saw Anatis jump off.
聽~At the Louvre~
聽Alix curled up, making sure to hide behind the stone tablets in the ancient egyptian section of the museum. Honestly, she was terrified and she didn't know what to do. As soon as her brother had accepted Hawkmoth's powers, her father had grabbed her and told her to run before going back to try and talk Jalil out of it. He hadn't come back yet, meaning he was probably either erased or a knight or a mummy. She flinched as she heard a noise before she got up and grabbed a spear from one of the displays, holding it out to protect herself. However, she dropped it when she saw Anatis. She rushed over and hugged him, making him jump in surprise.
聽"Anatis! It's my brother!" She gasped, looking at him.
聽"Alix, take a deep breathe and calm down ok?" He ordered in a calm voice. She nodded and did so. "I need your help,"
聽"M-My help?" She asked, surprised as he took out his yoyo and opened it. He reached his hand in it and took out a colorful watch, making her eyes go wide as she recognized it as the rabbit miraculous. "Is that..."
聽"Yes," He replied before he hesitated. "But I need you to promise me you'll never repeat what you learn today to anyone,"
聽"I... I promise," She declared with a look of determination before he nodded and help it out to her.
聽"Alix Kubdel, here is the Miraculous of the Rabbit that will grant the power to travel through time. You will use it for the greater good," He declared, making her blink as she took it. "Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
聽"You can rely on me, Anatis," Alix replied, opening the box and allowing Fluff to manifest. "Hi, Fluff,"
聽"Oh, what is now? And where is then? What..." Fluff blinked before frowning and turning to Anatis. "Master Anatis... something is wrong with time. People aren't where they are suppose to be!"
聽"So I was right," He frowned, holding his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Alix, we need to go back in time to find the temporary heroes and Lady Noir. Here.."
聽He pulled a jar of small carrots out of his yoyo and handed them to her.
聽"You're gonna need those," He replied, making her blink. "You can only use burrow once and then you'll detransform once five minutes has passed but we're gonna need to make a lot of trips,"
聽"Ok," She nodded, holding out the watch. "Fluff, Clockwise!"
聽Fluff got sucked into the watch, turning it into it's miraculous form. Alix swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask before holding it as the light blue light traveled down her arm, creating her suit. She spun around as her outfit changed. She tucked the watch into her pocket and created the ears on her head before she held up her hand and caught her umbrella before swiping to the side then opening it, completing the transformation. She grinned and looked at herself.
聽"How come my outfit is different to older me?" She asked, noticing she had shorts on, trainers and elbow length gloves instead of the outfit she had seen her older self wearing.
聽"You're younger than she was," Anatis pointed out, making her nod. "Now we just need to work out where everyone is... if it was like Time Tagger then history should have altered... so let's start looking for any changes,"
聽 ~Shanghai, China, 1600 AD~
聽Lady Noir blinked as she looked around, wondering how she suddenly appeared in what appeared to be china. She knew she had family there but this was not where she had stayed. She got up and dusted herself down as she looked around before she heard a gasp. Before she could react, she felt someone suddenly hug her.
聽"Lady Noir!!" Rose's voice echoed as she looked down and saw the hyper girl was the one hugging her. "Oh I'm so glad to see you!! Mylene look! It's Lady Noir!"
聽"Oh thank goodness," Mylene smiled as she came over from her hiding place. "Do you know where we are?"
聽"It's more of when," A calm, male voice stated, causing the three girls to look over at where it came from. Leaning against the wall of a building was a young man with long black hair. He was wearing traditional chinese clothing with bandages on his legs and martial arts shoes on his feet. His shirt was light blue and had silver details on it. He wore light gray pants and a dark blue jacket over it with a dark blue belt around his waist. In his hair was a silver ribbon and he had gray fingerless gloves on. He also had gray eyes. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to them "Come with me. There are a lot of imperial soldiers around who will attack you on sight, especially since you're not from here,"
聽The two girls looked to Lady Noir, who nodded as she had a feeling she could trust this guy. She didn't know why but he kind of reminded her of Anatis. She wasn't sure why but she just knew she could trust him. She, Rose and Mylene followed him through the city until they came to a temple. The man let them inside and locked the door behind him, telling Rose and Mylene to rest before turning to Lady Noir again.
聽"Follow me," He replied, making her nod as he walked deeper into the temple, away from the others.聽
聽"How are you speaking perfect french?" She asked as he opened a door and brought her inside.
聽"I'm channelling Khnurn's magic," He explained, making her look at him with confusion. "His magic manifested itself as the ability to speak in any language,"
聽"Oh that is useful," She replied as her miraculous beeped rapidly before she detransformed, causing her to catch Plagg before she gasped. "Oh no! I-"
聽"Don't worry," He smiled, making her calm down. "I won't tell anyone. There's some Nguri for Plagg to recharge. It isn't the type he usually prefers but it should be enjoyable enough,"
聽"Thanks, Toutai!" He called, diving straight into the pile of cheese, causing Marinette to look at the young man.
聽"You're Master Toutai, the celestial guardian?!" She asked, remembering what Koro had said. He smiled and nodded. "Whoa... is this how you knew about..."
聽"You appearance in my time? Yes, I was given a heads up about it," He explained, making her raise an eyebrow. "Those are details that I can't tell you, Miss Marinette. It is not my secret to give,"
聽"Ah," She nodded. "I get it... still thank you for rescuing us,"
聽"It was nothing," He smiled in a shy manner before he looked behind him as in the distance a chime echoed. He turned back to her. "You might want to retransform. We're going to have some guests,"
聽Marinette nodded as Plagg flew over to her before retransforming into Lady Noir. Toutai smiled and lead her back into the main temple as the chimes came to a stop. When the last chime finished, a glow portal she recognized as a burrow opened in the middle of the temple before Anatis followed by a younger Bunnyx walked out, causing Lady Noir to rush over and hug him. Instantly, he hugged back as Bunnyx glanced over at Rose and Mylene as well as Toutai. Anatis pulled away from her.
聽"I'm glad you're ok, Kitten," He whispered, making her smile before he looked around. "But..."
聽He went silence as his eyes landed on Toutai, who merely nodded towards him and stepped forward.
聽"Hello, Anatis.. it's nice to actually meet you in person," He smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx, who was talking to Rose. Rose nodded as she gave her the bee miraculous discreetly, sipping it into her pocket. "Miss Rabbit, there is a room down there where you can detransform and charge up Fluff,"
聽"Oh, right... cool. Thanks, random person from history," She grinned, holding up her thumbs before going to that room. Anatis stepped over to him.
聽"How are you here?" He asked, making Lady Noir frown a little.
聽"This is my time," Toutai replied. "China, 1603 to be exact. I'm 303 years old,"
聽"Damn, you look good," Lady Noir gasped, making Toutai smile. "I mean... your wife won't kill me right?!"
聽"Oh, no she won't," He smiled, making Lady Noir let out a sigh of relief. "She's currently doing her guardian trials so she isn't home right now,"
聽Lady Noir nodded before walking over to Anatis.
聽"What's wrong?" He asked, frowning.
聽"Should we tell him about... the fact that he's gonna be murdered?" She asked, causing Anatis to frown. Koro had explained he had been killed before he fully lived out his life as the celestial guardian. "Maybe we could prevent it,"
聽"I... I don't think we can," Anatis whispered, frowning as he felt Toutai's song. It was a song full of hope and sorrow. One of wanting to live happily before it was too late. "I think... I think he knows it's going to happen... he just doesn't know when or how,"
聽"Ok! I'm good!" Bunnyx declared before Lady Noir could answer. She walked over to them as Lady Noir gave Anatis a nod. "Where to now, Boss?"
聽"I'm not sure," Anatis replied, frowning. "I think we might just need to visit different-"
聽"We need to go to Egypt, Ancient Greece, Medieval England and Ancient China," Toutai stated, walking over. "Those are the times and locations your friends are in,"
聽"Oh thanks," Anatis smiled before he realized what Toutai had said. "Wait... what do you mean we?"
聽"Simple," Toutai smiled. "I'm coming with you,"
聽~The Sahara Desert, 1200 BC~
聽Chloe blinked as she looked up at the sky. She was sure she had been inside the Louvre museum with her friends so why was she laid on her back, looking up at the very clear, open sky? Blinking, she sat up and looked around, causing more concern to fill her mind as she saw she was laid in the desert. Laid next to her was Nathaniel and Max but both of them seemed unconscious. She scrambled up and shook Max awake before moving to Nathaniel, waking him up. He looked around alarmed as Max pushed his glasses up.
聽"Um... where are we?" He asked as Max stood up and dusted his clothes down.
聽"I would guess a desert but I don't remember how we got here," He replied, frowning as Chloe helped Nathaniel up while trying to keep him calm. "Is everyone ok?"
聽"Physically, yes but I think Nath is having a panic attack," Chloe replied, gesturing to him as he looked around and tried to breathe. However, the sound of horses made her own panic rise, especially as she saw a cloud of sand in the distance. "Um... Max tell me that can be explained and isn't a bad thing,"
聽Max looked over before clearing his throat.
聽"I think we should run," He stated, making her look at him as he began to step back. The sand cloud was getting closer. "Yep... definitely run!"
聽Chloe wrapped Nathaniel's arms around her neck and began to run, along with Max as some horse drawn chariots came at them with great speed. The men riding them were yelling as they gained on them but before they could do anything, the cariotes came to a sudden stop. The men fell forward before looking around bewildered as they tried to make their horses move. Chloe looked back as she, Max and Nathaniel kept moving. The men jumped off the chariots to chase them on foot but the moment they passed their horses, something in the air changed as a number of figures jumped towards them and landed in the sand. Chloe's eyes widen in fear as she thought they were about to attack them too.聽
聽"Who are they?!" Nathaniel asked as one of them stepped forward. He looked their age but was dressed very different to them. He wore a white kilt with a golden belt that had golden and blue material hanging from it. He had no shoes on at all but had golden cuffs around his ankles and his wrists, though the wrist ones were slightly bigger. His hair was partly shaved and the rest of it was braided and finally, his eyes were brown in color. Despite his age, he had an sense of authority about him. It was clear he was the leader of this group. He walked past the three of them and up to the leader of the men who had chased them.
聽"Ant tataeadaa mumtalakat! Airhal alan!" He stated in a calm but firm voice. At first the leader seemed to hesitate before he turned to his men and began to shout them, causing them to back off. The boy watched them leave before turning to the three of them. "Come. I'm sure the desert has left you weary and in need of food and drink,"
聽The three of them stared at him in surprise. It was pretty obvious that they were in ancient times but yet he had just spoken to them in perfect, modern day french. He rose an eyebrow at them as they stared.
聽"It's complicated but basically I can speak any language that has ever existed or will exist," He stated, making them blink and nod before he walked off, causing them to follow him to a number of camels and horses. One of the others with him leaned over to him and said something. The boy replied, causing him to nod before he stopped and looked over at the sky before he turned to his companions and said something to them. They looked at each other but stopped when a white portal appeared before Anatis and a girl in a rabbit suit stepped out. Instantly, the others around the young leader went on edge, ready to attack. However, he turned to them. "La bi'asa! hum 'ilaa janibina!!"
聽The group lowered their weapons as Anatis stopped in his path and looked completely taken by surprise as he stared at the young leader, making the rabbit girl look at him. A few minutes later, Lady Noir and a man dressed in Chinese clothing stepped out again, causing the young man to smile at him.
聽"Hi, Toutai!" He grinned as Toutai nodded to him as Anatis turned to the older person.
聽"I know him... why do I know him?" He asked, making Toutai chuckle.
聽"All in good time, young hero," He replied, turning to the boy. "Anatis, this is Khnurn,"
聽"Yes, that is my name," He replied, causing Anatis and the rabbit girl to blink in surprise. "And you're Anatis... or at least like this you are..."
聽He smiled and gestured to him.
聽"Come! We shall take cover in our camp so your friends may have food and drink to recharge," Khnurn declared, causing Anatis to nod before he followed. He gave a nod to Bunnyx, who nodded back and took the chance to slip the horse miraculous to Chloe, telling her something and winking at her. Chloe nodded and hid it in her purse before Lady Noir whispered something to Bunnyx, who nodded. A few minutes later, she slipped something to Nino and told him something without anyone else noticing. Nino nodded and slipped the tiger miraculous into his pocket. The group followed Khnurn and his group over to their camels and horses before climbing on with them, riding off to their camp. It took a bit of time but they came to a pyramid hidden in the sands, just as Bunnyx's miraculous beeped. Khnurn jumped off his camel and walked over to the edge of the pyramid before placing his hand on it. A golden light came from it before forming a phoenix and disappearing, revealing a hidden doorway. "Follow me,"
聽He walked inside, causing the group to follow him. Once inside, it was revealed to be a camp area with a number of tents and areas sectioned off with curtains. Another thing Anatis noticed was the number of animals in the place. All kinds of birds, dogs and cats were around. There was even a cow and a toad. The toad hopped over to Khnurn, who picked him up.
聽"It isn't much but it is home," Khnurn replied as he smiled before he looked over at Bunnyx. "You can detransform and charge up Fluff over there,"
聽He pointed to one of the hidden areas, making her nod as she walked over and moved behind a curtain. Lady Noir moved over to Anatis as he took a seat near a fire pit. Khnurn moved over to Toutai, switching to chinese to talk to him with anyone else understanding. They both glanced in Anatis' direction, making him look over.
聽"I don't trust them," Lady Noir grumbled, making Anatis smile a little. "I mean how do they know each other? Why do they even look the same?"
聽"They're connected to each other," Anatis replied, making her look at him. Toutai's song and Khnurn's song were eerily similar. "I just don't know how yet but I think we can trust them,"
聽"Well, I trust you," She replied, making him smile. "Not sure about them though. Like Toutai seems nice but... Khnurn seems odd,"
聽"He doesn't like people," Anatis muttered as Khnurn stroked the toad in his hand. "That's why he talks to Ra,"
聽"Ra?" Lady Noir asked, making Anatis look at her.
聽"That's what the Toad is called," He replied, making her blink and look at him before he shook his head, gripping it a little. "I don't know how I know that,"
聽One of Khnurn's friends walked over to them, holding out a goblet. Anatis looked up at her, noticing she was wearing the earrings that resembled the ladybug miraculous but when they weren't active. However, he couldn't sense Tikki but maybe it's because he was out of time so to speak.
聽"Yashrab," She stated, making Anatis shake his head.
聽"Ana last eatshan," He replied, making Lady Noir look at him in surprise.
聽"Annie, I didn't know you could speak ancient egyptian," She replied. He looked at her in surprise.
聽"I... didn't?" He asked, not certain. He noticed Khnurn smirking like he understood something that Anatis didn't. "I just said I'm not thirsty since she told me to drink,"
聽"You understood what she said, didn't you?" Khnurn asked, walking over. Anatis looked at him with slight confusion, causing him to smile. "Fascinating,"
聽"I'm all charged up!" Bunnyx shouted as she walked out and back over. Anatis stood up with Lady Noir. "So where to next?"
聽"Ancient Greece," Toutai stated, making everyone look at him before they looked at Anatis for confirmation. "If you're willing to listen to me that is,"
聽"Yeah... ok... Greece it is," He nodded, causing Bunnyx to open a burrow. "Chloe, Nathaniel and Nino. Stay inside the room,"
聽"No problem," They replied, walking inside the burrow but to Anatis' surprise, Khnurn put down Ra and told his group that he would be back soon before he turned to Anatis.
聽"I'm coming with you," He replied, making the remaining heroes blink. Though Toutai didn't seem surprised at all. Anatis suspected that he knew Khnurn would do this. "You're gonna need my help,"
聽"Right..." Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go then,"
聽~Athens, Greece, 470 BC~
聽"Oww," Ivan groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. He was sure he had just been in the Louvre with Mylene and the rest of their group but now he was lying under a giant statue of a man with a beard. He looked around and saw Marc curled up and still asleep while Alya was just sitting up. "Alya, you ok?"
聽"I'm fine, Ivan," She replied as Marc stirred. "But where-"
聽She was cut off by the sound of a huge roar, making the three of them jump up in surprise before Alya excitedly took off, causing Ivan and Marc to follow her. They ended up hiding behind some urns as they came across a scene that wasn't unfamiliar to them. A creature they recognized as a hydra breathed fire and destroyed thing with it's tail as a woman dressed similar to Mayura watched the destruction. She was wearing a blue toga and held the fan of the peacock holder in her hands.
聽"脕nthropoi tis Ath铆nas! E铆mai i the谩 rara!" She declared, making the three of them look at each other in confusion. "f茅re mou ton ps茅ftiko the贸, ton Alfei贸 kai tha de铆xo 茅leos stin p贸li sou!!"
聽"I think she's threatening the city," Marc whispered, making Ivan frown. However, before they could do anything, a wave of water hit her, knocking her off the building before flames wrapped around the Hydra. A woman dressed in a ladybug patterned Toga jumped down and wrapped her yoyo around the beast before another hero, dressed as a lion, jumped down and crushed a pillar, causing a blue feather to disappear from it. The Hydra disappeared, allowing the woman to capture the feather with her yoyo before she threw up an item into the air.
聽"Thavmatourg铆 paschal铆tsa!" She declared, causing the item to burst into the cure and fix everyone. Alya couldn't help but squeal. However, the woman Hera was no where to be seen.聽
聽"Oh my god! That's a holder of the Ladybug miraculous!!" Alya gasped, practically vibrating with excitement but Marc looked just as excited as he looked at the two heroes.
聽"She's Hippolyte and that is Hercules!" He gasped, making Ivan look at them before they heard someone clear their throat. The three of them turned around to find themselves face to face with a young man roughly somewhere in his late teens. His hair was black and curly in style. He wore a white toga with light blue detail on the trim and brown saddles but what really made him stand out were his eyes. They were the color of the ocean and sparkled with humor and mischief. "Um... hi?"
聽"You're not from here," He stated, surprising all of them before they slowly nodded. "Come with me. The others must not see you or they'll think your the enemy and they will attack you,"
聽"Attack?" Marc asked as the hero walked off.
聽"Wait! Who are you?" Alya demanded, making him stop. "And how can we trust you huh?!"
聽"Would you rather I leave you to the hydra?" He asked, making her gasp and quickly follow him. Marc walked over to him.
聽"Um... who are you?"
聽"I'm Alpheus," He replied with a cheeky grin. "A friend of yours contacted me to find you,"
聽"Wait... Anatis?" Ivan asked but Alpheus didn't say anything. Just gave him a smile. "It has to be Anatis,"
聽"But Anatis has never mentioned him before," Alya pointed out but the two boys just walked off, following him. She gasped and ran after them as they headed back to the temple Alpheus was staring at the sky, making Alya raise an eyebrow before she walked up to him. "Excuse me! How do you know Anatis?"
聽"Let's just say we have history," He grinned, making her raise an eyebrow. The way he said means it was clearly a pun but she didn't get the punchline. However, she didn't have time to think about it as a glowing portal appeared, causing Anatis to step out with a rabbit hero. Alya squealed excitedly as she saw her before Lady Noir stepped out with two others the three of them had never seen. However, Alpheus walked straight up to them and greeted them, making her assume they were his brothers. They looked similar after all. The Rabbit girl went over to Ivan and gave him something, getting a nod of him before she disappeared behind a statue, causing a white light to flash. Alya was very tempted to look behind it to see who the girl was but Anatis gave her a stern look as if he knew what she was thinking. She gave him a calm smile before walking over to him.
聽"Can I ask you a question?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Who is that guy? He said you contacted him and said you had history with him but he said it like a joke but I didn't get it,"
聽"I'm not sure I get it yet either," Anatis replied, frowning. "I do know him though. His name is Alpheus... I didn't contact him though..."
聽"You've never mentioned him before, Annie," Lady Noir stated, making him frown. "Don't ya think they kind all look like each other? Like if I didn't know any better, I'd say they are all related,"
聽"Aren't they?" Alya asked, making both heroes shake their head. "But... they look like brothers?"
聽"I noticed that too," Anatis replied, frowning. "But there's no way for them to be brothers. Possibly descendents of each other but definitely not immediate family. For one thing, Khnurn is from ancient Egypt but Toutai is from China in the 1600s,"
聽"But they know each other?" Alya pointed out, making Anatis frown. That he didn't know how to explain. He knew that Toutai was a celestial guardian of the miraculous but as far as he was aware, Alpheus and Khnurn had no connection to the miraculous or to Toutai. The only thing he knew as that Khnurn was a mage and that Alpheus might be channeling his magic like Toutai was but that's all he knew. As soon as he thought that, a little voice in the back of his head made him question it as it asked him if he was sure. He let out a sigh and put his fingers through his hair. Lady Noir gave him a look of concern as he looked stressed.
聽"I'm alright, Kitten," He smiled at her before sighing. "I just... It feels like a riddle but I can't solve it because I'm missing a vital piece. They have a bond that runs deeper then family but I don't know what it is,"
聽"Also... the greek one... Alpheus... he was speaking perfect french?" Alya questioned, making the two heroes look at her before Lady Noir bit her lip.
聽"Toutai said he was channelling Khnurn's magic right?" She asked, making Anatis nod. "Then maybe Alpheus is doing the same? Maybe he's... Like Toutai..."
聽"Khnurn's magic?" Marc asked, having been listening into the conversation. The three of them looked at him, making him blush and look down. "So-Sorry... I didn't mean to listen. It just sounds so amazing,"
聽"It's ok, Marc," Anatis smiled in a reassuring way. "Khnurn is a mage and his magic is based on communication. He can speak, write and understand any language that has ever existed no matter when it existed. I'm guessing by channelling his magic and their connection with him, Toutai and Alpheus can communicate with anyone they want or need to,"
聽"That is so cool," Alya grinned as Ivan nodded and Marc smiled, clearly inspired. "But how do they do that?"
聽"I don't know how," Anatis admitted as he noticed a glow coming from behind the statue before Bunnyx stepped out. "Ready?"
聽"Yep," She grinned before the two of them looked to Toutai. "Since you lead us to Egypt and here, I'll let you choose next,"
聽"Medieval England," He replied, walking back over as Anatis nodded. Khnurn and Alpheus walked over too, making him raise an eyebrow.
聽"Let me guess... you're coming as well," He stated, making Alpheus grin.
聽"Of course," He replied, shrugging. "Bunnyx can drop me off at this exact moment and Hera won't attack for at least three days. Even if she does, Herc and Hip have it covered. Hip has the ladybug miraculous so she can restore the damage done but you would know all about that, don't you Anatis?"
聽"Right," He replied, turning to Bunnyx. "Open the next burrow,"
聽"Sure thing, boss," She grinned before holding out her hand. "Burrow!"
聽The glowing portal reappeared, causing Marc and Alya to grinned excitedly.
聽"Alright, everyone! Let's go!" Anatis declared before disappearing inside, causing the rest to follow.
聽~Lake Avalon, England, 750 AD~
聽"Rose!! Luka!!" Juleka called out as she looked around the island she had climbed up on after finding herself floating in a middle of a lake. She was sure that she had been in the musume with Rose, Luka and everyone in their friendship group but then suddenly she was here alone. She looked around and noticed Kagami lying in the water. She gasped and rushed back over as Kagami jolted awake, splashing in the water. She waddled back in the water and helped her up as waves on the water moved. Both girls gasped and stepped back, aware of what might be swimming towards them. They both screamed when it broke through the water, only to hear the laughter of Kim.
聽"Ha! That was amazing!!" He grinned, stretching as they both stared at him. "There's a castle under the water and everything!!"
聽"A castle under the water?" Kagami asked, looking around before she looked pale. "Where are we?! Where's Adrien?!"
聽"I don't know," Juleka mumbled, feeling afraid. "No one else is here from the group either. It's just us three,"
聽"We should try and find someone," Kagami replied, looking around. It seemed to be nothing but trees around them but they had to be someone around there. Juleka nodded and followed Kagami as she walked off into the forest, with Kim trailing behind them. The forest seemed to go on forever as they pushed through the leaves and branches until they came out in a large clearing. In the distance, they could see a castle but something felt wrong. There were no birds singing like there was in the forest. The grass looked dried, the ground looked cracked and there was a strange smell in the air that made them feel sick. Juleka carefully grabbed Kagami's hand as both girls looked at the castle ahead in fear. Everything about it screamed danger. "We should leave,"
聽"I agree," Juleka muttered, taking a step back before the ground began to shake. It stopped as soon as it started, causing the girls to look confused as Kim snored in amusement. "Was that an earthquake?"
聽"If it was, it was weak as-" Kim stated but then they heard a crack, causing them to look over. The color drained from their skin as they saw a rotten corpse pulling itself from the ground.
聽"Run," Kagami stated as another started to climb up. "Run!"
聽The three of them turned and ran as fast as they could, though Kagami and Kim were at lot faster then Juleka. She kept going but she missed placed her footing, causing her to trip and fall as the forest came to life. She screamed as a vine wrapped around her ankle and the undead gained on them. Kagami stopped and turned around, running back towards her. She jumped at one of the undead, knocking it down and grabbing it's sword before swiping at the vines of the trees but they grabbed at her. She tried to cut them as they wrapped around her waist but before she could, they grabbed her sword. Juleka tried to scream as the vines weaved around her but some began to cover her mouth and Kim was been hosted into the veins, making them all panic. However, the sound of an arrow cut through the air before it landed on the ground.
聽"Flare!" A voice declared, causing the area where the arrow landed to be engulfed in a burst of light before a number of figures jumped down and attacked the undead. Juleka's eyes widen as she saw one of them using a yoyo as well as another using a flute. The undead creatures retreated as the light dimmed, revealing the newcomers to be knights and what looked like to be a wizard. "Victory is ours once again!"
聽"Perhaps we should help these young ones," The woman in the ladybug themed armored pointed out, making the men look at her as she gestured to the three of them. "Merlin, if you will,"
聽"Of course, mi'lady," He nodded in a respectful way before touching the tree. Juleka noticed that while he looked like a wizard, he seemed to be themed around a black cat. In fact, all of the group were themed around animals. There was a fox knight, a turtle knight, a rooster knight and even a snake knight. Her eyes widen as she realized they were holders of the miraculous. "Cataclysm!"
聽The trees and their vines turned to dust, freeing the three of them. As soon as they were free, Kim jumped up and grinned.
聽"Real life knights! So cool!" He grinned, making the knights look at each as Kagami dusted herself down and grabbed the sword. The woman in the ladybug miraculous helped Juleka to her feet. "I can't wait to tell Alix about this!!"
聽"You have our thanks," Kagami stated, nodding. "But could you tell us where we are?"
聽"The Island of Avalon... 750 AD," A new voice stated, causing the knights to turn to as another knight joined them. The three of them stared in surprise and awe at him as they recognized him as the subject of the Dragon Knight painting. Only he didn't have his full armor on. He had his chainmail with a blue tunic over it and brown boots. His hair hung by his shoulders and was black in color. He had a single jacket earring in his left ear but what made him really stand out was his piercing green eyes, which surprised Juleka. She had envisioned he had blue eyes, just like Luka but that could because Luka use to pretend to be this knight. Sir Rene gave them a gentle smile, causing them to feel calmer then they were before he turned to the other knights. "Let's move north. We'll set up camp near the lake so we might have her protection. Sir Bedivere, you're in charge of finding us a boar to roast. Sir Galahad, would you be so kind as to make sure a nice fire tonight?"
聽"Of course, Sir Rene," Sir Galahad nodded before the group began to head off. Sir Rene turned to Juleka, Kagami and Kim.
聽"Mordred will recover and attack again so please come with us," He stated, making them look at each other. "He can't go near the lake,"
聽"Mordred?" Kagami asked, looking at the other two who shrugged. "Is that who lives in that castle?"
聽"He has overtaken it," Sir Rene confirmed as Kagami frowned before they began to follow the other knights. They would rather go with them then deal with those creepy trees or undead monsters again. Juleka kept looking back at Sir Rene as she walked with them, making him give her a questioning look. "Is something wrong?"
聽"Um... I want to as-"
聽"Is it true that you're gay?!" Kim asked, interrupting her. Rene cocked an eyebrow at him. "Sorry but it's just this girl was claiming knights can't be gay-"
聽"I am joyous," He replied, making Kim look at him. "Since that is what gay means at this time but if you referring to the fact that I have a preference for male partners then females then yes that is true. Will that be a problem?"
聽"Oh no! Not at all!" Kim gasped, holding up his hands to show that he didn't mean to be offensive. "I was just curious! That's all!"
聽"Good," Rene smiled before turning to Juleka. "I believe you were going to say something,"
聽"My brother knew about you before anyone else..." She mumbled, making him look at her in a little surprise. "We use to play knights when we were little and he always insisted on been the lengendary 'dragon knight' Sir Rene but I don't know how he knew you, given that your name is lost to history.. sorry..."
聽"It's fine," He smiled, making her nod.
聽"So do you think we're related?" She asked as Kim tried to challenge the other knights to an arm wrestle. "Is it possible that we are your descendents? Do you have a family?"
聽"I have no family," Rene replied, frowning a little as they came to a stop. "As for your brother knowing, it's possible that he knew me before that,"
聽"Like he had a past life with you?" She asked, frowning. Luka did seem wise beyond his years so it made sense that maybe he had lived before.
聽"It's a possibility," He stated, smiling as he knew something she didn't. "But I wouldn't worry too much though,"
聽She nodded as Sir Galahad and a few of the other knights set up tents. Soon there was a roaring fire and a wild boar was been roasted over it, thanks to Sir Bedivere. Some of the knights were talking, some were taking Kim up on his challenge and one of them was fencing with Kagami. She was sure that was Sir Lancelot but Sir Rene himself was merely keeping an eye on the boar and seemed a little sad but as soon as night fell, he glanced over at the lake. Juleka glanced over as well. The stars reflected off it, making it look like diamonds but literally seconds after she looked over, a glowing portal appeared near the shore. The other knights jumped up in alert as Merlin and the woman with the Ladybug miraculous looked over.
聽"Merlin's beard! What is that?" Sir Kay gasped, looking over as Merlin rolled his eyes and muttered something about his beard. However, relief flooded through Juleka as Anatis stepped out, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and three men who she guessed were brothers. "Sir Rene, should we attack?"
聽"No, they are friends," He smiled, getting up and walking over. "Welcome!"
聽"Sir Rene?" Anatis asked, generally surprised as the Rabbit girl walked over to Juleka and suddenly hugged her. Juleka was slightly taken back but hugged back as she felt the girl give her the fox miraculous.
聽"Anatis said to give this you," She whispered, making Juleka nod. "He said wait until we're back in Paris before using it,"
聽"Alright," She replied as the girl pulled away and walked over to Kagami before talking to her. Juleka didn't notice as she slipped Kagami the dragon miraculous and gave her Anatis' instructions. "Anatis?"
聽"Yes?" He asked, looking at her as she played with her hands.
聽"Is Rose ok?" She asked, hoping her girlfriend wasn't hurt. He gave her a soft smile.
聽"She's safe in Bunnyx's burrow," He explained, making her let out a sigh of relief as Bunnyx disappeared into a tent. A few seconds later, a white light appeared inside. "As soon as Bunnyx is recharged, we'll be heading inside. Toutai, is this the last place?"
聽"No, one more place," Toutai replied, surprising Juleka as he spoke perfect french. "We'll be heading back to China but not from my time. It will be Ancient China,"
聽"Ok," Anatis nodded before looking to Sir Rene. "You're gonna come with us, aren't you?"
聽"Yes," He replied, making Anatis nod. "You will require my blade,"
聽"Sure," He replied, pinching his nose. "Just... don't add to the argument,"
聽"Argument?" Juleka asked, making Anatis groan as Lady Noir grinned.
聽"Oh what fighting style is better," She replied, making Juleka raise an eyebrow. "Toutai does martial arts but Mr Khnurn thinks that Marksmanship is the better style while Mr Alpheus-"
聽"Call me Al,"
聽"Al likes more defensive action but seems to favor the trident,"
聽"Oh," Juleka nodded. "I think Marital arts is the best,"
聽"Oh that's another one for Martial arts!" Lady Noir grinned, making Toutai whoop and Juleka smile a little before Sir Rene cleared his throat.
聽"Clearly Swordsmanship is the truest art," He stated, making his knights cheer in agreement as Bunnyx comes out of the tent. "Ah the young doe is ready,"
聽"I'm not a deer," She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And I thought girl rabbits are called Jills?"
聽"I believe that is the hare, my dear," Sir Rene replied, making Bunnyx make a thoughtful face. "Either way, it is time yes?"
聽"Right," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's go,"
聽~Feng's Family Temple, China, 1300 BC~
聽Adrien blinked as he looked around, wondering where he was. One minute he had been running away from the akuma with Kagami and Luka, the next he had woken up in this strange little temple. It actually had a nice feeling to it but he wasn't sure where he was. As he looked around, he saw Max laid on the ground next to Marvok and Sabrina was curled near them. Max groaned as he woke up before sitting up and pushing his glasses as Marvok flew up and looked around.聽
聽"Where are we?" He asked with question marks in his eyes as Max looked around.
聽"I can confirm we are no longer in the Louvre museum," He muttered as Sabrina groaned and woke up, sitting up as well. "I would guess the akuma has somehow transported use to a different location,"
聽"Chloe?!" Sabrina gasped, looking around as Adrien realised Kagami wasn't there. "Oh no! Where is she?"
聽"Your friends are all quite safe," A voice stated, making them jump as they turned and saw an older man who appeared in his late 30s. He was dressed in a gray handfu suit and had his hair tied back in a long ponytail. He had a faded blue jacket on and wore martial art shoes on his feet. Next to him was a cone-shaped hat and he was sat near one of the stones in front of a small fire with a pot of tea on it. He also had four cups out as if he was waiting for them. "I sent word to my friends to ensure their safety and they should have been picked up by your friend with the beetle miraculous by now,"
聽"You know Anatis?" Adrien asked as he took the teapot off the fire and poured it into the cups before handing one to Adrien. He looked at it and took it, sitting down in front of the strange man. "Are you a friend of his?"
聽"I'm more of a guide to him," He replied, passing one to Sabrina and one of Max as both had sat down. "I would pass a drink to your friend but it would fry his circuit board,"
聽"You know of robots?" Sabrina asked, surprised.
聽"I know that they will come to exist," He replied, sipping his own drink. "My name is Feng by the way. You are Adrien, Max, Marvok and Sabrina,"
聽"How do you know our names and robots?" Adrien asked, surprised.
聽"I was born with the ability to see the future," He replied, blowing on his drink. "In a moment, a burrow will open behind me and your friend, along with six others, will step out,"
聽As soon as he said it, a glowing portal appeared and Anatis stepped, followed by Lady Noir, a rabbit themed hero and four others. Adrien stared in shock but he wasn't the only one. Anatis himself was staring straight at Feng, who stood and turned around.
聽"Feng?!" Anatis gasped, clearly off guard. "... you're here? wait... am I having one of those dreams again?"
聽"No, this is actually real,"聽 Feng reassured as Bunnyx took the chance to give Adrien the snake miraculous and Max the Rooster. "And I know you have a lot of questions and I will answer them but not yet. Bunnyx, it's good to see you again. You can feed Fluff over there,"
聽"um... thanks?" She asked, confused as he pointed to a small area cornered off by material but he chuckled.聽
聽"I met your older self when I was younger," He explained, making her blink in surprise before he waved his hand. "The rest are spoilers. Now I believe you should go and feed her then we should get going. We have much to achieve,"
聽"Right," Bunnyx nodded before hiding behind the thing as Feng walked over to the rest of the group. Anatis just stood there, completely silence. Lady Noir frowned and walked over to him, gently poking him in the cheek.
聽"Sooo... Hao Feng huh?" She grinned, nodding towards him. Anatis nodded in silence. "You ok?"
聽"Weirded out... I was wondering if he was real... or just something I made up in my mind," He muttered, looking over at him. "I thought I was going mad but he's actually real..."
聽"That's good right?" She asked, glancing over. Feng seemed to have an air about him but so did the others they had picked up. Even though he looked roughly her age, she got the impression that Khnurn was no more a child then Feng himself was. Toutai, Alpheus and Rene all looked like they were in their early twenties but they also seemed to have a feeling of been much older then that too. Funny enough, it was a feeling she associated with both Luka and Anatis. If she had to pick a way to describe them, she would say an old soul in a young body. A flash of light got her attention before Bunnyx stepped out from behind the curtain. Anatis looked at her before Feng walked back over.聽
聽"We should head back to Paris," He stated, making Anatis nod.
聽"Umm... Bunnyx, would you mind?" He asked, causing her to summon a burrow. It opened, causing everyone to walk inside. It wasn't what Adrien expected as he thought they would just be transferred straight to modern day Paris but instead they entered a white room with lots of tvs in it. Well, he thought they were tvs but he wasn't sure. However, before he could have a look, Feng moved over to him and pulled him away from them.
聽"Spoilers," He smiled, making Adrien look at him confused before he looked over to where he was been lead to. Kagami looked over as he stopped, causing her expression to turn to one of relief as she saw him. Next to her was Rose and Juleka, hugging each other as if their life depended on it. Nathaniel and Marc were sat next to them, whispering excitedly to one and another. Mylene was curled up in Ivan's arms and Chloe was holding Sabrina in a similar way. Kim was sat talking to the Rabbit hero, along with Max. Nino was sat nearby as Alya spoke excitedly about seeing an ancient ladybug holder. Adrien smiled a little before he looked around, frownin a little.
聽"Where's Marinette, Luka and Lila?" He asked, frowning.
聽"Luka contacted me and is hiding from the akumas back in Paris," Anatis stated before frowning. "But I didn't see Marinette-"
聽"That's because she's hiding too!" Lady Noir gasped, causing Adrien to raise an eyebrow. "She alerted me then went to hide,"
聽"Are you telling the truth, Lady Noir?" Adrien teased but noticed the youngest of their guests held back a snore as Lady Noir looked a little panicked. "I'm just kidding,"
聽"Now is probably not the time, Adrien," Anatis stated, making him nod and apologize to Lady Noir, who brushed it off with a nervous laugh. "Alright, everyone, we're gonna go back to Paris. You all need to go and hide as soon as we do so you don't get hit by the akuma again,"
聽"Mr Anatis, while I'm grateful that you came and got us but just why did you come and get us? Wouldn't the lucky charm just bring us back?" Sabrina asked, making everyone look at her. Those who hadn't been slipped a miraculous began to mumble in agreement with her. However, Anatis held up his hand.
聽"I'm not sure if the cure would have reached you and the item that was summoned lead me to do so," He explained, making them nod in understand as he glanced over at Feng and the others. "Feng, you can come with us but the rest of you... I'll have to ask you to stay in here. I know you wanted to come along and I know you have 'magic' but none of you have a miraculous and I can't use magic tricks during battle so it's too dangerous to let you join me in this battle. Also... you might get in the way... no offence..."
聽"Should we tell him?" Rene asked, looking to the others.聽
聽"We probably should," Toutai agreed as Alpheus and Khnurn also nodded, surprising Anatis. They had been arguing among themselves since meeting each other. Mostly about small things like who had the better fighting style, who had the coolest magic...he wasn't sure why they argued about that but he was pretty sure the only one with real magic was Feng... who's food was better, why the greeks were better then the romans or why they weren't. The point was they were arguing over small, pointless things which lead him to believe they wouldn't be good for the battle plus no miraculous. The four of them looked to Feng as if waiting for his blessing before he let out a sigh and nodded.
聽"You can tell him," He replied, causing Khnurn to grin and Alpheus to make a whoop noise. Toutai had a calm smile and Rene nodded.
聽"I'll go first!" Alpheus declared before opening the small satel he had attached to his hip. "Nepp, you can come out now,"
聽Anatis' eyes widen in surprise when a kwami that resembled what the Lock Ness Monster looked like flew out. Or at least, how he envisioned it but it was definitely a kwami. Apparently, he wasn't the only one staring as everyone in the room was. They had been with a miraculous holder and had no idea.
聽"This is Nepp, the kwami of Focus," He explained, causing Nepp to wave.
聽"Hello, it's nice to meet everyone," She replied, smiling a little shyly before turning to Alpheus. "Where are we, Al? It doesn't look like Greece,"
聽"We're in a burrow," He explained, making Nepp nod before she flew over to Feng and hugged him. Well, hugged his cheek.
聽"It's good to see you again, Master Feng!" She grinned, making him smile back before she flew back to Alpheus and sat on his shoulder. Anatis blinked and shook his head before sighing.
聽"Do all of you have miraculous?" He asked, making the three others grin sheepishly as three other kwamis flew out.
聽"This is Bennu, the kwami of renewal," Toutai explained, gesturing to the kwami that resembled a phoenix, who waved at Feng. He waved back.
聽"Niix, Kwami of Intelligence," Khnurn explained, gesturing to the kwami that reminded Anatis of an egyptian cat.聽
聽"Hello," Niix stated, smiling. "Master Feng, it's been too long,"
聽"Likewise, Niix," Feng replied, nodding as Rene gestured to the little dragon kwami that was sat on his shoulder. Though it resembled a western day instead an eastern day.
聽"This is Vernn, Kwami of Chivalry," He explained, causing the Kwami to fly up.
聽"It is truly an honor to meet you all," He bowed, making Lady Noir coo at his politeness before he turned to Feng. "Master Feng, it was an honor to serve with you,"
聽"The honor was mine, Vernn," Feng replied, bowing back before he looked over at Anatis with a knowing smile. "I believe my friends here will be joining with this battle, Anatis,"
聽"... Alright but this is my time and therefore my rules. I expect you to listen to me and follow my plan. Got it?" He declared, making them look at each other and mutter something in a language he had never heard before before they nodded and turned back to him, making him raise an eyebrow.
聽"Alright, we'll follow your lead, Boss," Alpheus grinned, making Anatis nod before he glanced at them.
聽"You should probably transform in here..." Anatis stated, causing them to nod.
聽"Nepp, Submerge," Alpheus declared, transforming. His hair become midnight blue and he wore a light blue toga with dark blue detail. He had matching gloves on his hands and dark brown sandals. His ears had fins on them and he had small horns on his head. On his right arm was a golden arm band with blue gems in it and he had a light blue mask with a dark blue trim over his silver eyes. In his hand, he had a trident.聽
聽"Bennu, Rise again," Toutai declared, making him transform. His outfit changed into a hanfu style, giving him an orange shirt with yellow detail. His pants turned red and his hairstyle changed a little. It was still loose but part of his hair tied in a bun with a golden headpiece that resembled flames. He wore a mask that resembled a bird's beak but it was red that faded into orange in it's color. He had two folded fans that were attached to his belt and he wore a brooch in the middle of his chest that Lady Noir now recognized as the phoenix miraculous. She blinked and grabbed Anatis' arm before looking at him.
聽"Wasn't that the one Fenix Rouge was using during Miracle Queen's attack?" She asked, making him nod. "So cool!! You look awesome, Toutai!!"
聽"Thank you, Lady Noir," Toutai smiled, causing Alpheus to look at him before back at Lady Noir.
聽"Don't I look awesome?" He asked, a little disappointed.
聽"I think you look cool," Marc muttered, making Alpheus grin happily.
聽"Mett, Let's March!" Khnurn declared, causing Mett to disappear into his head chain. His outfit changed, causing him to wear a royal blue kilt that had a metallic belt that was purple with material straps hanging from it that were blue and gold in color. He wore a large necklace that was made from golden, blue and purple metals. He still had golden cuffs on his ankles and wrists but there were amethysts embedded in the ones on his wrists. His feet were still bare and he wore a royal blue mask with a purple trim and golden eyeliner that forms Horus' eye on his right eye. Upon his head were cat ears and his hair was royal blue as well. He wore a disc headdress and had a lion's tail.聽
聽"Oh my, you're a pharaoh! That is so cool," Nathaniel gasped, making the others look at him. Khnurn smiled a little. "Sorry but when Alix is your best friend, you learn a thing or two about egypt. Only Pharaohs had lion tails on their belts as a symbol of power,"
聽"He's not wrong," Bunnyx confirmed, making everyone look at her. "What? History is my jam,"
聽"Your friend is kind of right but I'm more of a leader then a king," Khnurn replied in a cryptic manner. "Anyway, Rene, you gonna transform?"
聽"Just waiting for you to finish your talk," Rene smiled before turning to Vernn. "Ready?"
聽"When you are, my lord," Vernn replied, making Rene smile
聽"Vernn, Defend," He replied, causing Vernn to disappear into his earring that turned into a dragon. His outfit changed, giving him bronze and green armor over a green tunic and silver chainmail. His boots turned to greeves that were made of bronze, matching his gauntlets. His hair turned dark green and he gained four green horns as well as a tail. A green mask covered his eyes, that had turned lizard like. His scleras were green but his irises stayed silver. He also gained a sword.聽
聽"I knew it," Anatis muttered, making everyone look at him. "Yours is the Wyvern Miraculous,"
聽He turned to Lady Noir.
聽"In our time, it's Dame who uses it," He replied before looking at Feng. "Are you going to transform too?"
聽"Sass, Scales Slither," He declared, transforming into his hero form. "I'm going to set a second chance in here,"
聽He pushed the head of the snake back, setting it before nodding at Anatis.聽
聽"Right... let's get going... um... Khnurn, Toutai, Rene, Alpheus... I guess you should come with me and Lady Noir-"
聽"We should drop everyone off in the metro I think it was," Feng stated, making Anatis look at him. "Three resets... each time, you've been send back in time or Lady Noir has..."
聽"Oh... right..." Anatis muttered, nodding. "The Metro it is,"
聽"Ok!" Bunnyx nodded before creating a burrow. Everyone stepped out and found it was completely empty. Bunnyx looked at Anatis as the civilians went off, leaving the heroes. "Should I charge up?"
聽"Yeah, we might need a burrow again," He replied, taking his yoyo and checking the news feed as Bunnyx went to the bathroom but there wasn't one. "Damn it,"
聽"Annie?" Lady Noir asked as he typed on his yoyo before their temporary heroes came to the metro where they were. Abeille and Culpeo were the first to arrive, followed by Ryuko and Aspik. Leatherback turned up next then Apollo and Valkyrie. Finally, Sabertooth turned up. "Whoa, how did you get to everyone in time?"
聽"It was the first trip we did," Anatis stated. "Bunny and I went to a few moments before the akuma happened and grab the temps their miraculous... apart from Apollo and Sabertooth that is but I'm guessing you got Bunnyx to somehow get their miraculous to them?"
聽"Um... yeah..." She replied, making him nod. "Sorry..."
聽"Don't apologize," He smiled, making her smile back. "I trust you and I trust Bunnyx. Remember she told us she can keep a secret... now we just need a plan to defeat the history keepers.. Feng, is it possible to do a second second chance?"
聽"Yes... while they are the same miraculous, mine is younger then his plus I didn't set it out here... The burrow is outside of time. Since I set the save point there, it means that the usual rules don't apply," He explained, making Anatis nod. "But his will still it's timer on,"
聽"I see," Anatis replied, nodding. "Let's move out. I need to see what the akumas are doing..."
聽All of the heroes nodded and followed Anatis as he headed up the stairs and carefully looked around. He frowned to himself as he saw no one in the streets before they jumped onto the rooftops and ran to the Louvre. He came to a stop and ducked down, causing everyone to do the same as they looked at the scene in front of them. Tied to three pikes were Koro, Dame and Snowbird. Luckily, none of their miraculous had been taken yet but it appeared to be some sort of trap to lure him out. Pharaoh, Darkblade and Chronos were stood on a platform above them with their sentimonster while surrounded by an army of knights and mummies.
聽"Anatis! Lady Noir! Surrender your miraculous and we won't send these three to the big bang," Chronos declared, causing the army to call out as Anatis gulped. This reminded him off Mob Boss too much and he felt himself feeling afraid and sick. He flinched a little as Feng gently placed his hand on his shoulder.
聽"It's alright to be afraid," He whispered, making Anatis look at him. "What matters is what you do next. Do you let your fear rule you or do you channeling it and make a strength?"
聽"... right..." He nodded, taking a deep breathe before he turned to Aspik. "Aspik, I need you to activate second chance. We need to come back to this point should anything go wrong. Bunnyx, be on guard and stay back. You are our last hope so if all else fails, go into your burrow and get the older versions of us. I hope it doesn't come to that but-"
聽"It's the back up plan in case things go wrong," She nodded, making him nod before he turned to Feng but he knew he didn't have to say a thing. Feng gave him a nod and look that said that he knew what he was. He was the first back up plan. If all but himself are captured, he would reset to be back in the burrow and give them a second chance. He would also defend Bunnyx to ensure she could get away if it came to that. Anatis nodded at Aspik, who pushed back the snake head.
聽"Second Chance," He declared before Anatis turned to the rest of the team. He explained they were going to go after Chronos first as he was the most powerful but before he could continued, Aspik shook his head. "Time Keeper can free anyone of them from been venomed,"
聽"Ok," He replied, nodding. "Then we need to focus on Time Keeper... right?"
聽"Tried that," Aspik replied, frowning. "We can't get near it. The army and the akumas make it impossible..."
聽Anatis frowned before quietly summoning his lucky charm. He frowned even more as he caught the rope that appeared before looking around in his luck vision. Apollo and Culpeo lit up first, followed by Abeille and Valkyrie before it lit up Time Keeper. Next, Ryuko and Toutai lit up, followed by the army then Leatherback. Khnurn and Rene lit up before Pharaoh and Darkblade. Lady Noir was lit up next then to his surprise, Ryuko lit up again, this time with Alpheus before it finally lit up the rope and Sabertooth, making him understand the plan. He tied the rope into a lasso before hooking it on his belt before looking at everyone.
聽"We need to attack them all at the same time," He stated, making them look at him. "Culpeo, I need you to make an illusion of clones for all us and as many as you can to confuse Chronos. Apollo, use flare to blind Time Keeper. Valkyrie, create a portal directly above it so Abeille can dive through it and use venom on it. Ryuko and Toutai, you need to use Wind Dragon and Ash Phoenix to round up the army. Leatherback, use Shell-ter to trap them inside it,"
聽"Right," He nodded, making Anatis nod before he turned to Khnurn and Rene.
聽"Rene, I need you to distract Darkblade. Challenge him to a duel. Khnurn, you need distract Pharaoh. Calling him a fake should be enough to get him to fight you. Once you both have their attention, lure them away from Chronos and to the Seine. Alpheus, you need to use Stream to trap them in a water cage. Ryuko, that where's you come in again. Use lightning dragon on them and once they are weakened, Lady Noir will use Cataclysm on the akumatized item," Anatis explained, turning to Sabertooth. "While this is happening, we're gonna tackle Chronos. You'll need to use Veil so he can't see you. While he's focused on the illusions provided by Culpeo, I'll get behind him and use this to trap him. That should get him to focus on me then you can near enough to grab his watch and destroy it,"
聽"That is a very complicated plan," Lady Noir admitted, making Anatis nod as everyone looked unsure.
聽"Yes but we can do it," He replied. "And if it fails, one of them can reset the timeline or get our older selves... now let's do this,"
聽Apollo and Culpeo nodded, taking out their respective weapons. Culpeo played her flute before throwing the charged up ball into the air.
聽"Mirage!" She declared, causing it to burst into an orange light. When it disappeared, there was literally hundreds of clones of all the heroes stood on the buildings, making the akumas gasp before Apollo took out his bow and arrow. He aimed to in front of Time Keeper, muttering Flare as the clones dived towards the villains, causing Chronos to hit a few of them while the other two began to attack them. Anatis and Sabertooth used the chance to get behind Chronos as he fired at one, gasping as he did.
聽"They're illusions!" He called out, causing Apollo to release his arrow, causing a blinding light when it landed. As soon as it did, Valkyrie opened a portal as Ryuko and Toutai used their powers, blinding the army and swiping them up in the air. Khnurn and Rene attacked Pharoah and Darkblade as Anatis threw the lasso over Chronos stopped him from freezing anyone. "Time Keeper! Attack!"
聽"Venom!" Abeille called, diving out of the portal and slamming it into Time Keeper, freezing it. Chronos struggled against Anatis as he called out, failing to notice Sabertooth activating Veil. Meanwhile, Leatherback used Shellter to trap the army inside it. Ryuko reformed near the Seine as Khnurn and Rene lead Darkblade and Pharoah there. As soon as they got there, a burst of water wrapped around them, trapping them inside as Alpheus moved his trident.
聽"Lightning Dragon!" Ryuko called, diving towards them and hitting the water. It electrocuted them before the water dropped, causing them to fall to the ground defeated. Meanwhile, Anatis was thrown over Chronos' shoulder but before he could freeze him, Sabertooth punched him, knocking him down before he grabbed his watch and stabbed it with his knife. At the same time, Lady Noir grinned and yanked the pendent off Pharoah's neck, using her cataclysm to destroy it. The three akumas turned back into their normal selves as the akuma and amok escaped. Anatis got up and captured the amok before heading to where Lady Noir was and capturing the akuma as Feng, Aspik and Bunnyx jumped down and joined the rest. They joined the rest of the team before Anatis picked up the lasso. He looked at it before looking to Feng.
聽"If I cast this... will you go back to your own time?" He asked, making Feng shake his head.
聽"We'll need Bunnyx to return us as it was technically her who brought us here," He explained, making Anatis nod. "We'll talk in the burrow,"
聽"Alright..." Anatis replied before throwing the rope in the air. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
聽It burst into the magic swarm and spreaded across all of Paris, fixing everything and restoring the people who had been sent back in time or turned into a mummy or a knight. Anatis looked at the sky as it did before turning to the temporary heroes.聽
聽"Culpeo, Abeille, Leatherback... I'll collect your miraculous as soon as I return," He replied before turning to Lady Noir. "Could you collect Valkyrie's, Ryuko's, Aspik's, Sabertooth's and Apollo's miraculous? I know I should-"
聽"Go and talk to him," She smiled, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll get them back to the box-"
聽"Toutai?" A voice interrupted, making everyone look over as Koro walked over. Anatis mentally groaned. He had forgotten about them. Toutai gave him and look before walking over to her.
聽"You're still as beautiful as ever, my flower," He stated, taking her hand in his before he switched back to Chinese. She closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead to his before nodding. He whispered something to her, making her kiss him. Khnurn rolled his eyes at their moment before clearing his throat. Toutai pulled away and gave him a look before turning back to Koro and telling her something. She nodded again before he let go and walked away. "I believe it is time for me to return to my time,"
聽"I think it's time for all us to go home," Feng replied, causing Anatis to nod at Bunnyx. She opened a burrow before walking inside with the five historical figures and Anatis. As soon as it closed, Feng turned to Anatis. "Have you realized yet?"
聽"Realized what?" He asked, looking at him. "That somehow you five are all connected? That much is obvious. You somehow told them that I would be arriving and would need their help. What I don't understand is how you're all connected and how I'm connected to you. I want to know and please don't say I'm not ready because I'm tired of hearing that. I'm tired of the nightmares, I'm tired of been confused and I'm... I'm just tired, Feng... so just tell me. Who are you to me? And why do I know them?"
He gestured to the other four, making Feng sigh. He knew this day was coming. Anatis looked at him with a desperate look.
聽"Please... just tell me..." He stated, making Feng nod.
聽"Do you have the journal from Dragon's cave?"
聽"Yes but there is nothing in there," Anatis replied, running his fingers through his hair. "The pages are blank. Why would you send me to get an empty journal?"
聽"It's not empty," Feng replied, making Anatis frown and look even more annoyed.
聽"Then why can't I read it?" He asked before looking to the side. "What am I do wrong?"
聽"You're not doing anything wrong," Feng stated, trying to reassure him. "It's just you don't have the means to read it yet,"
聽"Just tell him already!" Alpheus stated, making Feng and Anatis look over at him as he walked over. Feng knew he was going to do this but it still didn't stop him from been annoyed with him. He wanted to break it to Anatis gently and slowly so he could help him instead of just throwing him in the deep end. "You're not-"
聽"Alpheus, don't," He warned, making him look at him and roll his eyes.
聽"You can't protect him from everything, Feng," Alpheus gasped, making Anatis frown. "I know you want to but life doesn't work that way and he needs to. Keeping it from him will hurt him more in the long run. You should know that! Or have you had a vision that we don't know about?"
聽"No, I didn't," He replied, frowning. "I just-"
聽"Just what exactly?!"
聽"I just don't know how to tell him ok!" Feng shouted, surprising everyone in the burrow before he gestured to Anatis. "He isn't like you or those three! He's different,"
聽"Of course, he's different, Feng!" He shouted, making Anatis frown. "He's one of us after all!"
聽"That is not what I mean!" He growled back, making Alpheus argue back. Khnurn looked down and played with his hands as Toutai sighed and shook his head. Rene tried to get in between them and break them as Bunnyx just started. Anatis frowned and pinched his nose as they began to argue in a different language, causing a similar buzz in his head as went he got possessed by an akuma. Only it was different at the same time. He closed his eyes as they argued before he gritted his teeth.
聽"That is enough!!" He shouted, snapping his eyes open. When he did though, he found he could see something that he didn't see before. He could see their auras. They were surrounding all of them but what made him really confused was that they weren't different like they should be. In the back of his mind, he recalled seeing auras before when he was younger. His mother's was bright red and resembled a flame, Juleka's was purple but acted more like watch. Issac's was gray and sharp looking but these auras were gold in color and all of them were identical and took the exact same shape. A phoenix. Feng and Alpheus looked at him as he stared at them. "You're... the same..."
聽"Anatis..." Feng started as he looked down.聽
聽"Phoenix... the fact that you knew each other... and resembled each other... even your names... it's been in front of me along..." He muttered, glancing down before he noticed his own aura. It was the same shade of gold as well. He looked up and rushed past them over to one of the windows that didn't show anything in it. It was just blank and dark, meaning that he could see his reflection. His eyes widen as he saw the phoenix around him. His mind flashed back to the hidden passage in Dragon's cave and the fact that he could open. Realization washed over him like a tidal wave as all the pieces fitted together. From the time he saw what he thought was Issac by the Liberty last Christmas to the dreams of the hut and the riddle. He felt lightheaded and sick as he remembered how he talked to his Grandmother after she had died and how Issac screamed at him, causing him a demon for talking to the dead. He closed his eyes as he tried to keep calm but this was a lot to take in. However, he needed to know for certain. In a small voice, he spoke. "I'm... you.... aren't I?"
聽"It's not quite like that," Feng tried to reassure. "You're still you... it's just... we share the same soul that's all,"
聽"Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, looking at him.
聽"Yes but I was hoping to ease you into it..." He sighed before frowning. "Even though knew it wouldn't go that way... I was hoping that I could change it. Alpheus can be... impulsive,"
聽"Right..." Anatis replied before turning to Bunnyx. "Can you send them home please?"
聽"Anatis, I'm sorry," Alpheus gasped, reach out to touch him but Anatis shook his head, making him sigh and lower his hand. "I just got frustrated... I should have thought about what I was saying... I'm sorry..."
聽"It's fine..." He muttered, frowning as Rene gently pulled Alpheus away. Khnurn frowned as Bunnyx told opened a burrow for him. Because she wasn't stepping out, she wouldn't need to recharge so she would be able to send them back home. She sent Khnurn home first then Alpheus, Toutai and finally Rene. Feng lingered for a moment and Anatis looked at him. "Go home, Feng. There's no point in you staying as I will be going home myself... I need..."
聽"Time... I understand," He stated, frowning. "When you're ready to learn more and talk about this, I'll be there..."
聽Anatis nodded but remained quiet as Feng walked over to the last portal and disappeared through it. As soon as it was close, Bunnyx walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, making him blink and look at her.
聽"Let's go home," She smiled, making him smile back weakly before she opened a final burrow and walked out with him.
聽~The Eiffel Tower, 12.00am~
聽Lady Noir landed on the tower as she frowned. She had just decided to go with a run and had noticed Anatis' tracker was activate so she went to investigate. She frowned as she found him sat on the tower, holding his knees close as he buried his head in it. It reminded her of how Luka reacted to the attempted kidnapping. She glanced around and frowned as she noticed a number of white butterflies.聽
聽"Annie?" She asked as she walked over to him. She was praying he hadn't been akumatized. Relief flooded through her as he looked up at her with his normal eyes. Though they were a little bit bloodshot. "Are you ok?"
聽"N-not really," He admitted, wiping his eyes as she looked at the butterflies. "He gave up an hour ago,"
聽"How long have you been out here?" She asked, sitting down next to him.
聽"A few hours..." He muttered, frowning as she moved her arm around him. He let her pull him close and moved his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
聽"You should have called me.." She mumbled, stroking his hair. "You know I don't mind keeping an eye for butterflies,"
聽"I didn't want to disturb you..." He muttered, making her frown. "Besides... it's kind of stupid as to why I'm upset..."
聽"Is it to do with Feng?" She asked, making him nod. "Want to talk about it?"
聽"Not really..." He admitted, making her nod. "Can you stay with me?"
聽"Sure," She nodded, making him give her a weak smile back.
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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sassyduckqueen 3 years
Tumblr media
Culpeo redraw.
Its been a while since I drew up Culpeo so I thought why not plus I wanted to draw her Miraculous in camouflage mode, as a cute fox pendant. At some point I'll draw up Abeille too
34 notes View notes
sassyduckqueen 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 40
Here's heroes day!!! God, this is the longest chapter I've ever written! A whooping 17,000 + words :O so if you decide to read this chapter, get a drink and get ready for a long read. Anyway, this was super fun to do. As for the akumatized heroes, I've got some fun facts about their chosen names in this. Culpeo, Abeille and Leatherback become Void Fox, Frelona and Tortue Serpentine. Void Fox is a reference to a type of Kitsune, known as the shadow fox, the void kitsune or dark kitsune. Frelona comes from the french word for Wasp and Tortue Serpentine is Snapping Turtle in french, which my friend Naruwitch suggested then we have Ryuko and Aspik. Ryuko becomes Okami and Aspik becomes Aapep. Now Okami is a legendary dragon who tends to be portrayed as evil and Aapep is another name for an ancient Egyptian deity who is the personification of chaos and takes the form of a giant snake. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter :D
Oh and also I recommend going back and re-reading Reverser. I've edited it a little to work in with this chapter and Volpina.
Chapter Forty: Heroes Day
"See you next time, Bug a boo!" Lady Noir called out as she ran off in a different direction then him. He smiled and shook his head before running off towards the Seine. He jumped off the building and threw his yoyo, swinging across the water and towards the Liberty. He landed on the roof and backflipped off before jumping through the porthole to his room. He landed on the floor as his transformation dropped before catching Tikki. Both of them let out a yawn before Luka stumbled to his bed and fell onto it almost instantly before crawling into it. Tikki helped him pull on the covers before gently kissing his forehead before curling up on his stomach as he breathed in, having fallen asleep straight away. However, his alarm went off two hours later, causing him to groan and hide his head in the pillow.
聽"Five more minutes," He mumbled as it kept ringing. He groaned and slammed his alarm, silencing it before trying to go back to sleep. However, his second alarm went off, making him groan even more. Once again, he turned it off and went to fall back to sleep but the final alarm went off, turning on the radio. As the person on it talked, Luka groaned, wanting nothing more to sleep and was mentally cursing Hawkmoth for creating an akuma at 3.30am. However, his eyes widen when the host mentioned Heroes day and he jolted up, wide awake. Tikki gasped and jumped as he did before he grinned at her and jumped out of bed.
聽"Are you ok?"
聽"It's Heroes day!" He gasped, getting dressed and grabbing his school bag before he stopped with wide eyes. Tikki rose an eyebrow. "Oh no! I forgot to plan a good deed! Uh!! I am an awful human being,"
聽"And the fact that you were up all night saving Paris isn't enough of a good deed?" She asked, causing Luka to shake his head.
聽"Unfortunately not. You see heroes day is when everyday citizens preform a good deed for everyone's benefit " He explained, making her pull a thinking expression. "Besides, it's not like I can't tell anyone about been a hero and two it would count as Anatis' good deed, not mine... well, I'll just do what I did last year,"
聽"What was that?"
聽"See what happens and improvise," He grinned, making her smile. "Last year, Rose ended up needing help with something so I helped her. I'm sure there'll be someone I can help this year too,"
聽"That's a great idea, Luka," Tikki smiled as he handed her a cookie. She happily bit into it as he made sure he has his books before pulling on his usual hoodie. He glanced over at the jacket Marinette made him and smiled to himself before turning to Tikki, who had finished her cookie. He opened his bag for her and she flew in before he closed it and left his room. He grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen and gave Anarka a kiss on the cheek before heading up to where Juleka was. Almost instantly, he was hit with the emotion of the city, making him grin. All of Paris was singing today and it was a gorgeous song. For a second, he closed his eyes and let himself bask in it's crescendo before Juleka cleared her throat.
聽"What are you doing?" She asked, as he looked at her.
聽"Listening to the music of the city," He replied, making her roll her eyes before he grinned at her. "Shall we get going?"
聽"Sure," She nodded, walking off. Luka shook his head and followed, smiling to himself. They passed several stores and saw lots of balloons. Luka smiled a little as he saw Juleka go bright red when she noticed several Culpeo themed things.
聽"So what's your good deed for today, sis?" He asked, making her look at him.
聽"Oh... well, me and Rose are sharing a good deed," She mumbled, moving the bangs from her eyes a little. "We're planning to doing a collection for Prince Ali's charity,"
聽"That's a great idea," He grinned as they came to the school, along with some of the other kids. Rose was already there, waving happily and Ivan was stood with Mylene. They greeted Luka and when inside almost straight away.聽 Luka looked at his phone and decided to linger for a little bit. He closed his eyes and breathed in, once again listening to the melody of the city. He opened his eyes as he heard a familiar melody. Marinette was running over, causing him to look at his phone again. She was on time but only by a few minutes. She stopped to take a breathe, causing him to smile. "Hey, Melody, you ok?"
"Luka!" She gasped, jumping. The box she was holding flew out of her hands but he caught it, causing them both to let a sigh of relief as he handed them back to her. "Uh sorry,"
聽"No, no... I'm sorry," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to make you jump,"
聽"Ooh, it's ok!" She grinned before holding up the box. "Want a macaron?"
聽"Sure," He smiled, taking a chocolate one before gently kissing her cheek. She blushed and smiled shyly. "Thank you,"
聽"N-No problem," She gasped before jumping against as the bell rang. "Ah that's class! We have to go!! See ya for lunch! I have a favor to ask!!"
聽"Ok," He nodded as she ran off. He shook his head and smiled a little as he walked to his classroom. He walked in and took his seat as Kagami waved at him. He smiled and waved back as Aurora rushed over with Jean and Mireille and wished him a happy heroes day. He wished them one back as Ms Mendeleiev walked in and clapped her hands.
聽"Alright, students, we have an assembly so let's move it to the gym," She ordered, causing them to get up and grab their bags. They walked over to the gym and took seats as the other classes came in. There was a stage at the front with a couple of teachers stood on it already. Luka took a seat next to Aurora, who smiled at him. He smiled back as the rest of the classes took their seats. Marinette walked past with Alya, shaking her head as she walked behind her.
聽"I don't get it, Marinette... I know you and Lila don't get on but she isn't lying about this," She sighed, making Luka frown as Marinette turned to her.
聽"Not lying?! Alya, you know she's a liar!" She gasped, clearly stressed. "It is literally on your blog,"
聽"Ok so it was a one time thing and who wouldn't want to know the heroes?" Alya gasped, shaking her head. "Besides, I asked her about that and she apologized. Sure, it wasn't cool to do that but she just wants friends, Marinette and she promised not to lie again so why would she be lying that she's in Achu?"
聽"Because she's a liar, Alya," She gasped, looking annoyed. "Even Miss Bustier questioned her!"
聽"Yeah and Lila literally showed us that she had permission from both her parents and her therapist," Alya sighed, pinching her nose. "Been away has been good for her. You know it's stressful getting akumatized. I mean you took a day off after yours,"
聽"Exactly! I took a day! One day! Not weeks!" She gasped, making Alya roll her eyes. "And none of us got a 'trip' around the world to deal with our stress,"
聽"True but her mom is also there and she's the Italian ambassador," She stated, making Marinette roll her eyes. "Look, why don't you give Lila a second chance for your good deed for heroes day? I know she was lying but trust me, girl, she's turned over a new leaf,"
聽"No! She hasn't because she's lying!" Marinette gasped, sitting down and crossing her arms. Alya sighed and shook her head as Miss Bustier walked in front of the school and clapped her hands, getting everyone's attention.聽聽
聽"Hello everyone and welcome to our annual heroes day assembly," She grinned, causing everyone to look at her. "Now I know everyone may have a hard time working out what good deed to do for today but let's not forget today is about been able to be a hero for one day and your good deed doesn't have to be something huge liking helping save planet earth. It can be anything from making small donations to a local charity to helping an elderly neighbor. All we need is..."
聽"A little imagination! Hoo, hoo!" Mr Damocles called as he ran onto the stage in his owl costume. "This year, Anatis and Lady Noir have been our heroes, protecting us from the terrible Hawkmoth. They have shown us that heroism is beyond comic books and fairy tales! Heroism is real and it is up to you to show how Anatis and Lady Noir have brought out the best in all of us, by been every day heroes! Now a few of our students will tell us their eyes to be everyday heroes! For those of you who have yet to work out a good deed, their suggestions may be able to inspire you! Over to you, Miss Bustier!"
聽"Thank you, Mr Damocles," She smiled. "From my class, we have Nino Lahiffe and Alya Cesaire. Care to tell what you two have planned for heroes day?"
聽"Of course, Miss," Nino grinned, standing up. The whole student body faced him, causing him to take a deep breathe. "I gotta admit. I never use to do anything for anyone before but Anatis and Lady Noir have showed me what been cool is really about... so, this year, I'm gonna visit the elderly down at the retirement home and play them all their favorite songs!"
聽"Excellent, Nino," Miss Bustier smiled, clapping along with everyone else. "Alya?"
聽"Last year, I wrote an article about public buildings providing disabled access," Alya stated as she stood up. "But after seeing Anatis and Lady Noir going that extra mile every single day, I decided that I too could do better... so I got the mayor's approval to improve facilities so disabled kids can actually attend our school!"
聽She sat back down as she got a round of applause. Mrs Mendeleiev stood up next as the applause died down.
聽"From my class, we have Aurore Beaur茅al and Kagami Tsurugi," She stated, causing both girls to stand up. "Girls, care to tell us what you have planned?"
聽"Yes, Mrs Mendeleiev," Aurore nodded as everyone looked at her. "Me and the others at the Kidz plus tv studio will be doing a live show with celebrities guests and all proceeds we get will be donated to a number of children charities,"
聽Everyone applauded again, making her smile as she sat down.聽
聽"I have signed up to volunteer at a soup kitchen for a couple of hours on the weekend," She stated, getting a round of applause but she held her hand. "My family will also be making a considerable donation to a number of charities who help the blind and the visually impaired,"
聽She got a huge round of applause for that one. She sat back down as the other teachers introduced to of their students who proceed to tell them what their good deed would be. Luka frowned to himself as a little as the whole thing made him feel like he wasn't doing enough. It wasn't that he was jealous of the other students. Far from it but compared to what they were doing, just helping a person out seems so small and trivial. He let a sigh out and looked around. He frowned a little as he saw Marinette didn't look happy either. He decided he would ask her what was wrong for lunch. Aurore leaned over to him and gently poked his arm, causing him to look at her.
聽"You ok?" She asked, making him nod.
聽"Yeah," He whispered back. "Just not sure I can match up to whatever one else is doing,"
聽"I'm sure you'll do a cool deed, Luka," She grinned, making him give her a small smile as Mr Damocles took to the stage again as the lunch bell rang.
聽"Alright, everyone, now don't forget that we have the parade this evening," He shouted before dismissing everyone. Luka got up and headed over to Marinette but before he could reach her, she bolted off causing him to frown but she did say she needed to talk to him. He took out his phone and messaged Juleka, saying that he was going to grab dinner at the bakery before heading there. He hummed a little as he walked there, glancing over and smiling as he saw the huge balloons of Anatis and the other heroes. His phone vibrated, causing him to take it out and read the text. Apparently, Marinette was going to be hosting a massive tasting party after the parade tonight and has invited everyone. She and the rest of Kitty Section will be going so she thought she'd inform him off it. He texted back, saying he'd love to go before walking over the bakery door. He knocked on the door and entered, causing Sabine to look up and smile. Marinette was talking to her father, who was looking at a list nervously.
聽"That's not the same as every year, Marinette," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.聽
聽"How about just half then?" She asked, looking at her hand. "500 Macarons, 100 pies, 300 sweet buns and just a thousand croissants! That should be enough!"
聽"Is that for the party at the park tonight?" Luka asked, making her jump and turn around. She grinned and nodded before turning back to her dad.聽
聽"You can do that... right?" She asked but Tom frowned and sighed, scratching the side of his head.
聽"If I didn't have this giant Anatis cake to finish by tonight, I would gladly rise to the challenge but there's simply no way I can do both," He replied, making Marinette frown and look down. Luka frowned a little too. "I've committed myself, Marinette. I can't let the mayor down,"
聽"I committed myself way over my head and now I'm gonna let everyone down," She sighed, slumping down on a stool. Luka frowned a little and moved over to her. She looked up at him with a sad expression. "Sorry, Luka,"
聽"It's ok, Marinette," He smiled in a reassuring manner.聽
聽"You know it's not too late to tell your classmates the truth. I'm sure they'll understand like Luka has," Sabine smiled at him, causing him to nervously look down.
聽"But it won't be very heroic..." Marinette muttered, looking down.聽
聽"Of course, it will," Sabine smiled, trying to reassuring her. "Been brave enough to face one's mistakes is heroic,"
聽"You're right!" She gasped, jumping up and grabbing an apron as Luka rose an eyebrow. She rushed over to the door before turning to them as Luka rose an eyebrow. Her parents on the other hand appeared to be use to this. "If I get to it right away, I'll have enough time to make the macarons myself!"
聽With that, she disappeared into the apartment, causing her parents to sigh as Luka shook his head a little. While he loved how passionate and enthusiastic Marinette was, he worried about her a little bit. Sabine cleared her throat, making him look at her as she held out two bags.
聽"Would you mind making sure she's eaten, dear? Tom needs a hand with the cake," She smiled as he took the bags.
聽"Of course, Mrs Cheng- I mean Sabine..." He muttered before nodding and heading into the apartment. Marinette was mixing something in a bowl and appeared to have already started to make the macarons. She grinned at Luka who placed the bags down before giving him the bowl and checking on the macarons in the oven. However, they were burnt, making her groan and sink to the floor, tears filling her eyes. Luka put the bowl down and knelt down next her as she sniffed.
聽"This is just one big failure," She sniffed as he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm a terrible everyday hero..."
聽"No, you're not,"
聽"But I haven't done any heroic at all today... all I did was bring macarons to class wherever else is doing so much more. Alya is helping disabled kids, Nino is going to visit old people, Adrien is helping his classmates and all I've done is brought in stupid macarons," She mumbled, looking down as tears roll down her face. Luka frowned and gently wiped them away. She hugged her arms and let out a small sigh. "I doubt that made anyone's day..."
聽"It made mine," Luka stated, causing her to look at him. She narrowed her eyes a little, looking for any sign of pretense or lies but her eyes widen when she didn't find any. Instead, she saw sincerity and honesty.聽
聽"T-That really made your day?"
聽"Yeah," He smiled, causing her to blush as he looked to the side. "No one's ever offered me a macaron before... anyway, I think the bravest thing you can do is just tell everyone the truth... they'll understand,"
聽"But that will ruin the whole party..." She mumbled, looking down as he frowned.
聽"It's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen," He replied, making her sigh before he gently moved a stand of her hair. "I don't want to see you burn yourself out just to please everyone else, Marinette,"
聽"Luka..." She muttered, blushing before gently leaning in and kissing his cheek. "Thank you,"
聽"Let's have our lunches,"
聽"Lila?" Mrs Rossi stated as she knocked on her daughter's door. A few minutes later, Lila opened it and smiled falsely at her, though she was more focused on her phone. "Were you on the phone earlier?"
聽"Oh, yes, it was my boyfriend, Adrien," She gasped, making her mother nod. "He just misses me so much,"
聽"You weren't lying to me, were you?" She asked, briefly looking at her. Lila mentally cursed Anatis as his live interview with Alya had almost revealed her for the lying fox that she was. However, she did damaged control as best as she could. With Alya, she claimed that she just lied to be popular as she was afraid that no one would like her, especially since Marinette seemed to have it in for her. Alya was weary at first but she also was too willing to give Lila a second chance, especially Lila 'promised' not to lie again. She also convinced her that she didn't realize that she had overstepped boundaries with certain people and was learning how to understand social interactions with her therapist. Alya lapped it up and easily forgave her. The school, on the other hand, wasn't as easy but Anatis and Hawkmoth unintentionally gave her the perfect reason. She was far too stressed out to possibly come back to school right now. She knew she couldn't get it to last forever but it was a temporary solution. As for her parents. Well, that was the easiest. Her father dotted on his little princess, refusing to believe a word of Anatis' interview as he believed the ladyblog was ran by an amateur tabloid writer. He wasn't exactly wrong but this man is believed that Elvis Presley was abducted by aliens so pulling the wool over his eyes wasn't exactly hard. When he questioned it, she just turned on the water works and since he didn't want to upset his precious princess, he would drop it and ignore it. It helped that he worked aboard a lot of the time. Her mother on the other hand wasn't as easily convinced and she was forced to take a similar route to Alya. Of course, she promised not to lie again and to go to a therapist to get help but her mother's job worked to her favor as well. Since she was constantly busy with her job, she trusted her husband to arrange a therapist for Lila and since Lila was his little princess who could do no wrong, she was able to convince him to send her to a very basic therapist who was certainly not equip to deal with a teenaged pathological liar who knew how to exploit people's weaknesses and strengths to her advantage. She had even convinced the 'therapist' that she needed time of school to help her deal with the trauma. Contrary to popular belief, this wasn't the first time she had been exposed. The only difference was it wasn't a superhero who called her out last time. It was some snotty nosed kid who thought that people actually cared about what he thought. That's where she came up with the whole been bullied thing. It did wonders for her that time but she would have to play her cards a little differently this time. Most because she was dealing with a superhero but there's also the fact that someone else might catch on her lies and get akumatized. "Well?"
聽"Of course not, Mama," She sighed, making her mum frown. She began to 'cry' as tears rolled down her face, causing her mother to gasp. "Y-You don't believe me, do you? I'm trying so hard to be a good person and you d-don't even believe me,"
聽"Of course, I believe you, mia bella," She gasped, looked distressed. Her phone vibrated, causing her to looking at her phone as the sound of cheering caught Lila's attention. She moved over to her window and frowned as she saw people cheering in the streets. Huge balloons of Anatis, Lady Noir and the other heroes moved past, making her scowl as she closed the blinds. Her mother walked over to her. "It's just... Well... that interview Anatis did..."
聽"B-But I didn't even do half of those things... I know I told the principle that Marinette had stolen off me but I really thought she had because of how she was treating me and because of what Chloe Bourgeois told me," Lila replied, making her mother frown as she took in her points. Seeing her chance to poison her mother's mind, she smirked a little. "It's not like Anatis is competent anyway..."
聽"What do you mean?"
聽"Well, he lost a miraculous which ended up in the hands of Chloe Bourgeois who used it to cause a crash and then was akumatized but he didn't take responsibility for his actions," She pointed out, noticing her mother had a thoughtful look. "I don't hate Anatis but he could at least own up to his mistakes instead of blaming someone else. After all, he blamed the Style Queen for it. I understand that Chloe is her daughter but none of that would have happened if he hadn't been careless..."
聽"You have a point, mia bella," Her mother replied, making Lila smirk a little. "And these akumas are concerning. I'll bring it up in the next embassy meeting. Ciao, mia bella. Your lunch is in the fridge. I'll try not to be home too late,"
聽She kissed her hand and walked off, failing to notice Lila's wicked smirk before she glared at her closed blinds. She turned on her heel and walked over to her laptop, logging back on. She went onto a news website and the ladyblogger, growling as she saw the recent video from Alya that was devoted to Anatis and the other heroes. It was showing a bunch of floating balloons that had the faces of the heroes on it. She growled as she saw the Anatis one and rolled her eyes at the Culpeo one. She was the better and the original fox. Volpina was the best and these were just second rate heroes compared to her, especially that pretender Anatis. He may pretend to be the kind hero that everyone loved but she knew the truth. He was a cruel and malice bully, who deserved to fall for calling her out. Sure, she lied but it wasn't hurting anyone and he didn't have to ruin her chances with Adrien. He would be hers by now and she would be worshiped by all of Paris as the true hero if it wasn't for that goody two shoes and his dumb sidekick, Lady Noir. She nearly had him at her mercy with that Marinette illusion but that stupid cat worked out it was an illusion. She didn't think it was possible to hate someone more then Marinette but that was before she met Anatis. At least, Marinette was easy to torment and it was child's play to get her expelled. Targeting Anatis wasn't going to be as easy. In fact, it would be the most challenging take down of her life, which is why she had prayed every night that Hawkmoth would choose her again. She longed to have her powers back and squash that nasty bug.聽
聽"Liar," She growled, flicking through different channels as she glared every moment. All of them showed something on Anatis and his pathetic team. They showed him stood next to the mayor, waving shyly at the cameras or standing with some little kids in Anatis themed merchandise. "Traitor! Coward!"
聽"In honor of the wonderful Anatis, who has saved my son, Adrien, and myself and who has relentlessly protected us everyday, I have financed this tribute to him and his team of heroes," Gabriel Agreste stated, causing Lila to stay on that channel as she stared at the screen. Gabriel moved his hands together and looked up at the camera. "Anatis is clearly a true hero... unlike false heroes such as Actis, Lady Copycat and Volpina!"
聽Lila gasped and threw her laptop against the wall in rage. How dare Anatis think he is better then her?!
聽"I hate you, Anatis!!" She screamed as she began to trash her room. She would give anything to be Volpina again right now. Then she could show Paris who Anatis really was. She would reveal him for the monster and fake he is. After all, he ruined everything for her and she was yet to have her revenge. She swiped her desk before sinking down to her knees before hugging them. "I hate you, you stupid bug!"
聽The sound of fluttering got her attention, causing her to look up and gasp in surprise as she saw an akuma right near her. It flew into her bracelet, causing it to turn dark as a connection with Hawkmoth formed. A wicked smile came across her face as she felt him inside her head.
聽"Volpina," He stated, making her grin even more.
聽"Your dreams were once a reality until Anatis turned them into a nightmare," He declared as she stood up. "Reclaim your power of illusion and make this heroes day a nightmare for all Parisians,"
聽"With great pleasure, Hawkmoth," She declared, moving her arms up in front of her face before moving them to the side. The purple smog engulfed and transformed her into Volpina. She climbed out the window and jumped across the rooftops until she got to the Eiffel Tower. She jumped up and landed on top of it before stepping onto the fencing. She narrowed her eyes as she looked down at the city, happily celebrating their heroes. Noticing a helicopter near by, she smirked and listened to what the reporter was saying with her fox hearing.
聽"Look at these Parisians," The blonde reporter stated as they filmed live. Volpina's smirk increased. "So happy to be parading in honor of their heroes,"
聽"Well, that won't do," She stated as she narrowed her eyes. "That won't do at all,"
聽Smirking to herself, she took out her flute and placed it to her mouth as she envisioned the illusion she wanted. When it was clear in her mind, she played a tune on the flute, creating a ball of light at the bottom of it. She threw it towards the parade, causing a bright orange light to cover it. When it disappeared, there stood Lady Noir facing a very scary looking Anatis.聽聽
聽"Look, Mummy," A little girl stated, pointing to the balloons. "Annie looks weird,"
聽"Come on, sweetie," Her mother stated, kneeling next to her. "That's not Anatis... that's..."
聽She gasped as she looked over and saw Anatis and Lady Noir. Only her daughter was right. This Anatis didn't look like his normal self. Unlike the normal one, he had pure black hair and his skin was a little paler then usual. His outfit was reversed with red spots and sides on a black back ground instead of red background with black spots and sides. He also had long black gloves that showed off his hands, revealing his nails were black and his boots were completely black and styled like combat boots. His mask, yoyo and earrings were reversed as well, along with his boots but the bit that really sealed was the dark smirk on his lips and his eyes. His normally blue eyes were replaced with black scleras and crimson irises. Not only did he look terrifying but he wasn't standing with Lady Noir. He was fighting her. Luckily, the cat girl was giving it as good as she got but it was a scary sight.
聽"Anatis?!" She gasped, causing other people to look as he grabbed Lady Noir and threw her his shoulder, sending her flying across the Culpeo balloon. She managed to recover and landed on it, taking out her baton as Anatis let out an evil laugh that send shivers down the spine.
聽"Move out of the way everyone!" Lady Noir shouted, panic clear in her voice. "He's been akumatized!"
聽He jumped across to the balloon she was on and laughed again before looking at her with a psychotic grin.
聽"What's the matter, Kitten?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. She growled but didn't answer. "Cat got your tongue?"
聽"Annie, this isn't you!" She gasped, clearly not wanting to fight him. "You can fight this! You can fight against Hawkmoth!"
聽"Aww, such sweet words, kitten," He replied, playing with his yoyo. "But you didn't take one thing into account!"
聽He threw the yoyo at her, causing her to knock it back as he grinned.
聽"Oh and what's that?" She asked, charging at him.聽
聽"I don't want to!" He grinned back, jumping up and slamming his fist towards her. Luckily enough, she jumped out of the way before he could hit her, making him growl before he straightened up and narrowed his eyes. She narrows her back as he threw up his yoyo. "Dark Charm!"
聽"D-Dark Charm?" She gasped as he summoned a huge blade and grinned evilly at her. She gasped as he charged at her, trying to cut her into tiny pieces before she managed to grab the sword and threw it away from the scene, causing him to growl.
聽"You think that will stop me?!" He roared, trying to kick her and hit her. She dodged and blocked his attacks before he threw his yoyo at her. She managed to move her head but he brought it back and threw it again, causing her to move and jumped back as the helicopter filmed them. Distracted by the yoyo, she didn't see his foot coming until he kicked her, causing her to fall back. She landed on her feet and faced him as he spun the yoyo, walking towards her. She backed away as he smirked evilly. "It's over, Kitten. You know I can't be beaten so give me your miraculous!"
聽"Never!" She screamed, running away from him. He smirked evilly and ran at her, spinning his yoyo. She jumped up and he followed, clashing with her in the air. She intentionally got the upper hand but he headbutted her and hit her with his yoyo, sending her flying onto the Leatherback balloon as he landed on it. Blood was dripping down her chin as she weakly looked up at him.
聽"I'll tell you one more time," He started as everyone gasped, looking at them. "Give me your miraculous,"
聽"No," She growled, getting back up and taking a fighting stance. "If Hawkmoth wants a ring so badly, he can go to the jewelers like a normal person,"
聽"Now, now, Kitten," He scolded, glancing at her. "It's rude to deny a request from a friend of a friend. Clearly, I'm going have to teach you some manners,"
聽"We're not gonna be friends until you're deakumatized, Annie," She shouted back, causing him to growl and throwing his yoyo towards her. She caught it around her arm and held her hand to it. "Cataclysm!"
聽"I don't think so, Kitten," He growled, yanking her towards him and grabbing her hands, holding one behind her back and one in the air. She struggled against him as he moved his lips closer to her ear. "I've always wondered what would happen if your cataclysm was used on a person... let's find out, shall we?"
聽"No!" She cried out as he slammed her charged hand onto her chest, causing her to gasp as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her body appeared to turn to coal and disappeared into dust as the wind blew. He laughed and picked up the ring, holding it up as he looked at it as a purple mask appeared over his face.
聽"You've won, Hawkmoth. I have both the ring and the earrings!" He declared, making everyone panic before the mask disappeared. He held up his hands like a typical villain and laughed evilly. "Fear, people of Paris! Your heroes have fallen and there is no one left to save you!"
聽He let out a wicked laugh before swinging away, leaving devastation in his wake. Volpina smirked to herself as she grinned from the Eiffel tower. That when even better then she expected. A purple mask appeared around her eyes, making her smirk.
聽"My dear Volpina, you've performed your role very well for the time being," Hawkmoth declared as she smirked. "We will meet again, very soon,"
聽"I'll be waiting, Hawkmoth,"
聽~Hawkmoth's Lair~
聽"So much sadness! So much disappointment!" Hawkmoth declared as he looked up at the window. "I can feel the chasm of despair and fear able to open about to open and swallow up every single Parisian... my dear Volpina, you've performed your role very well for the time being. We will meet again, very soon,"
聽"I'll be waiting, Hawkmoth," She replied, causing him to call back the butterfly he used to grant her powers. With that one called back, he took another one and corrupted it before turning to Nathalie.
聽"Are you ready, Nathalie?" He asked as she walked over.
聽"They've been keeping you from achieving your dream for too long," She declared, looking up at him. "I will go to any length to end the reign of Anatis and Lady Noir,"
聽"Good," He declared, looking at her before he placed his hand on the tablet she was hold and lifted it up. He placed the akuma on it, causing it to enter the item and set up the psychic link before him and Nathalie. "Catalyst, you've always been my most loyal supporter. I give you the ability to boost powers,"
聽She nodded, transforming into a strange looking akuma. She had periwinkle skin and wore a black helmet with a red visor with black edges and a red spike pointing towards the back of her head, leaving her mouth exposed. She was also wearing a black dress suit. It had stiff shoulders, a dark red front and swan neck collar with red arrow-shaped sections in the center. The sleeves covered her entire arms, with the tips of her fingers fading into red. She also had pocket-like ridges on each side of her hips, and her pant legs came down to her feet, turning into red high-heels with red soles and tips. She took Hawkmoth's arm and placed her other hand over the top of his cane, infusing it with a crimson energy.
聽"Hawkmoth, I give you the power to release as many akumas as you desire," She declared as he looked at her. "From now on, you are the almighty scarlet moth,"
聽A red energy traveled up from his feet, transforming his outfit into a crimson version. He grinned as the transformation was complete. He took out his cane, spinning it before tapping multiple butterflies with it. Each one turned into a scarlet akuma, causing him to smirk even more before addressing them.
聽"Fly away my little akumas!" He declared, continuing to tap more butterflies with his cane. "Find the Parisians as they despair over Lady Noir and Anatis' final hour and evilize each and every one of them!"
聽He threw his arms out, causing the scarlet akumas to flutter out of the window and decent on Paris as he smirked at them. Once they had left, he turned to Catalyst.
聽"Stand here while I head to the Eiffel tower," He ordered, getting a nod of her before he dropped his transformation and left as Gabriel Agreste. It would be much easier to get to the tower as Gabriel Agreste then as Hawkmoth after all.
聽~At the Bakery~
聽"You ok?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to look up from his phone. "You keep looking at your phone... Am I boring you?"
聽"Oh, no!" He gasped, shaking his head. "I was just keeping an eye on time so we're not late for the rest of school,"
聽"Ah, ok," She smiled a little as she cleared up their lunches. They had disposed of the burnt macarons as well. "What time is it anyway?"
聽"Nearly time to head back actually," He replied, getting up. "Shall we head back to school? I've got double art,"
聽"Lucky you," She huffed, grabbing her bag and walking with him into the bakery. "I have double maths,"
聽"Ouch," He replied as they waved to her parents. Sabine gave him a grateful smile and a thumbs up before grabbing something for Tom as they left. Almost as soon as they stepped out of the bakery, Luka was hit with an intense amount of fear and despair that it actually caused him to stumble back and grip his head in pain, causing Marinette to look at him with worry.
聽"Luka?" She gasped, moving over to him. "What's wrong?"
聽"I.. I don't know... I just... never mind..." He muttered, looking to the side. While she knew he was a musical empath, she didn't actually know how deep his empathic abilities went. Most people would think that the music is his empathy but they are far from it. The music is simply how he projects it into the world but it's not the ability itself. For him, the feelings that he plays, he actually feels them as if they are his own. He can feel other's pain and symptoms when they are sick or their sorrow when they are down. Music was an outlet for him as it can become too much to have everyone's feelings as well as your own. It especially helps with the whole akuma thing. Marinette gently took his hand, making him look at her.
聽"You can tell me," She smiled, making him look at her before nodding.
聽"The world sounds different," He replied, making her frown. "Like this morning, the song of Paris was glorious this morning. Everyone's hearts were singing happily at their fullest,"
聽"And it's changed?" She asked, making him nod. "To what?"
聽"It's fear..." He muttered, making her frown. "Something isn't right..."
聽Before she could question him any farther, he grabbed her hand and ran as fast as he could to the school. As soon as they walked through the door, Marinette realized he was right. Everyone was in the courtyard but they were completely silent and looking at their phones with horrified expressions. Marinette looked at Luka before the two of them rushed over to Juleka, Rose and Mylene.聽
聽"What's going on?" Marinette asked, causing Rose to look up at her before she showed them a news broadcast on her phone.
聽"Lady Noir defeated," Nadja Chamack stated, looking heartbroken. "Anatis in the clutches of the terrible Hawkmoth! This is Paris' worst nightmare!"
聽"What?!" Marinette gasped as Luka frowned deeply. "I... I don't understand..."
聽"A-Anatis was akumatized..." Mylene sniffed, making her frown deeply. "Lady Noir tried to stop him but he used her cataclysm on her..."
聽"No..." Luka gasped, looking what the girls mistaken for distraught as they nodded. Marinette covered her mouth as Jagged Stone appeared on the video.
聽"Anatis defeated?" He gasped, playing a sad song on his guitar as Clara Nightingale looked heartbroken. "Nothing will ever be rock and roll again!"
聽"We'll have to cancel the concert?!" She gasped, causing him to play his hand on his head dramatically and pull her in for a hug.
聽"You're right, Clara," Nadja gasped, sadly. "There's no sense in celebrating Heroes Day either,"
聽She closed her eyes sadly as Luka frowned and Marinette looked afraid before she turned to him.
聽"You were right..." She gasped but the sound of screams came from the video, causing them both to look back as the camera turned, showing red butterflies fluttering towards everyone. Clara and Jagged ran away from them as Nadja attempted to swat them but then one of them went into her mic and engulfed her arm with a red energy, causing her to fall back before the video briefly cut off. Marinette looked at Luka, who was frowning deeply.
聽"Akumas?" She asked, frowning.
聽"Red ones..." He muttered as the video went back online. This time showing Prime Queen.
聽"Dear viewers, what does makes sense is getting ready for the coming of..." She declared, gesturing to the side as Guitar Villain rose up, causing Luka to grit his teeth a little.
聽"Our New Lead Rockstar..." He stated, playing his guitar as Frighteningale spun onto the screen.
聽"Scarlet Moth!!" She sang, making both Marinette and Luka gasp. Literally as hundreds of Scarlet Akumas fluttered over the school. One of them aimed for Marinette but Luka grabbed her and pulled her to him, glaring at it and daring Hawkmoth to come at him. He would keep his promise and hunt him down. The butterfly seemed to know what he intended as it fluttered away from him, causing Marinette to look up at Luka with awe as students and teachers began to get akumatized as they panicked. One flew over to Mylene, turning her into Horrificator. Ivan backed away as one came towards him but Luka ran over and pulled him away from it as a number fluttered over to Juleka and Rose, who were backing away from them. Adrien and Kagami backed away and ran from the school as fast as they could. He didn't blame them.
聽"T-This is bad..." Juleka gasped as she and Rose backed away from some. "R-Real bad... Aah!"
聽"Juleka!" Luka gasped, causing one to come at him again.
聽"Don't let fear get a hold of you, Juleka!" Marinette called out, causing his heart to flutter. The akuma stopped, confused about his conflicting emotions and giving him a chance to came down. He took a deep breathe before glancing at his sister and Rose.
聽"Marinette's right!" He shouted. "Don't let fear control you, Jules!"
聽"Remember, there's a hero in everyone of us!" Miss Bustier added in as they moved in closer to people.
聽"As long as we show we aren't scared! Hoo, hoo!" Mr Damocles added in as Nino ran past. Almost instantly, he got turned into the Bubbler, causing Alya to cry out before she turned into Lady Wifi. Luka frowned as more people panicked, creating more fear. He climbed onto a bench and looked around before he placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, getting everyone's attention.
聽"Everyone, listen!" He shouted, making people look at him in surprise. "We can beat this because they are nothing but stupid little butterflies and we are Parisians and we do not go down without a fight! Jules, you are not easily scared! And Rose, thinking of pink and fluffy kittens!"
聽Juleka took a deep breathe and began to calm herself down, glaring at the akumas at it.
聽"That's it!" He grinned. "Don't let fear get the better of you,"
聽Rose nodded and took a deep breathe too, glaring at the butterflies as well. Luka jumped down as Dark Cupid swooped down, terrorizing a few people and allowing them to turn into akumas. Marinette was helping a few people escape as Luka rushed over to her, along with the others.
聽"We can't stand here," She pointed out, making him nod. "Or we'll end up been akumatized,"
聽"It might sound crazy but we need to split up and find a safe hiding place in the school," He points out, making everyone nod and split. He rushed over to the boys bathroom and opened his jacket, causing Tikki to fly out.聽
聽"This is bad!" She gasped, causing him to nod.
聽"There's too many to fight at once. We need to see Master Fu right away," He muttered before transforming into Anatis. He slipped out of the bathroom and made his way to the roof, keeping low as he saw the akumas. They were leaving the school, making him let out a sigh of relief but he did wonder where they were going. He had a feeling he would find out but he needed to get to Master Fu's. He jumped off and swung off, landing on the rooftop. He swung down to the ally but stopped as he felt like he was been followed. He glanced around but saw nothing. However, he didn't go to Master Fu's shop. Instead he opened a manhole and headed down there. He moved around the corner and frowned as the manhole was opened and closed again. He narrowed his eyes as Vanisher moved down and threw is yoyo at her but to his surprise, she dodged it and charged at him, knocking him back. She dived at him but a baton knocked her back, causing her to dodge. Taking the chance, he got his feet and grabbed her glasses, breaking them before catching the butterfly and purifying it as Vanisher turned back into Sabrina. He let it go as Lady Noir grabbed her baton and rushed over to him.聽
聽"Annie!" She gasped, hugging him. He hugged back. "God, I was so worried when I didn't see you on the roofs,"
聽"I'm sorry, Kitten," He gasped before glancing to Sabrina, who was confused. "I had a tail to get rid off,"
聽The two of them looked at her before Lady Noir let go and Anatis walked over to her. She gasped and backed up a little, causing him to frown but he knelt down in front of her as Lady Noir walked over. Sabrina gasped and looked at her in surprise.
聽"Lady Noir? You're alive?!" She gasped, making both heroes frown before she looked at Anatis. "And you're not akumatized?!"
聽"Akumatized?" He asked, making her nod before looking at Lady Noir.
聽"Y-Yeah, everyone saw it on the news!" She gasped, making him frown even more. "You were akumatized and you killed Lady Noir... but it wasn't real because she's here right now and you're you... you are you, right?"
聽"Yes, Sabrina," He smiled, causing her to hug him.聽
聽"I'm so glad!" She gasped, tears rolling down her face. "It was just..."
聽"An illusion," Lady Noir muttered before Sabrina jumped on her. "Whoa!"
聽"An illusion..." Anatis muttered, standing up before his eyes widen. "Volpina!"
聽He turned Sabrina, who had let go of Lady Noir.
聽"Sabrina, head back to the school. It's probably the safest place right now," He stated, making her nod as he walked over to Lady Noir and began climbing up after her.聽
聽"I will do, Anatis!" She grabbed. "And when I get there, I'm gonna tell everyone not to lose hope, cause the real Anatis and Lady Noir are still going strong!"
聽"Well, it is heroes day after all," Lady Noir grinned as she opened the manhole.
聽"And we wouldn't miss it for the world," Anatis continued before the two of them climbed out of the sewer and ran to Master Fu's shop. Checking that no one was around, they headed inside and knocked on the door. Master Fu answered it, looking afraid.
聽"I always knew that Hawkmoth would one day realize how powerful he could be," He muttered, letting them in. "That day has come,"
聽He walked over to the phonograph and took out of the miracle box, placing it in front of the two heroes and opening it.
聽"Anatis... Lady Noir... you must pick an ally you can trust to fight along side you this mission," He stated as the draws popped open. Anatis reached for them as he looked at him, working out some sort of plan. "Once the mission is over, you will get the miraculous back from them and return it to me,"
聽Anatis nodded and looked around at the miraculous. He honestly didn't know what to expect. Lady Noir leaned near him.
聽"Take them all, Annie," She whispered, making him look at her. "They're need to be as many of us as possible..."
聽"No, Kitten. In this case, less is more," He stated, surprising her. "We don't have time to find new holders and explain everything again. We need allies who already know what they're doing,"
聽He grabbed the bee, the fox, the dragon and the snake before looking up at Master and gesturing to his bracelet.
聽"May I, Master?" He asked, causing Master Fu to take off the bracelet and handed it to him. "Hawkmoth wants miraculous and that's exactly what he's gonna get,"
聽"You got a plan?" Lady Noir asked, leaning on her baton as Anatis took out his yoyo and checked something before she walked over to the draw with the little boxes in. She grabbed enough for the miraculous as he walked over to her.
聽"The akumas are all heading to one place," He stated, showing her. "The Eiffel Tower... we're gonna head there too... as soon as we have help that is,"
聽"Calling in the cavalry?" She grinned as he placed the miraculous in the boxes. He put the fox, the bee and the turtle in his yoyo before handing the snake and the dragon to her. She took them and put them in her pocket.
聽"Once you've collected Ryuko and Aspik, head to the Palais de Chaillot," He stated, getting a nod of her as he walked over to the window. She moved over and quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek, making him blush before he saluted her and dived out of the window. He landed on another building and saw Lady Noir heading to the neighborhood where Kagami lived. He smiled a little before diving off that building and swinging through the city. He landed on the school building and jumped down into the courtyard before looking for Ivan, Rose and Juleka. He found Juleka and Rose in one of the locker rooms, trying their best to fend off scarlet akumas. Juleka was holding Rose and gently talking to her while trying to keep her own emotions under control but he could tell they weren't going to last much longer. Just as two akumas fluttered towards them, he burst through and caught them with his yoyo, causing both girls to look up and gasp. "I don't think so,"
聽"A-Anatis?!" Rose gasped as he let the two purified butterflies go. Juleka stared speechless as Rose began to cry tears of joy. "It's really you?!"
聽"Yes," He smiled, causing her to hug him. He gently hugged her back as Juleka walked over before sighing. "I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do. I know that I'm able to reveal your secret identities but I haven't got time to find excuses to give them you separately,"
聽He took out two of the boxes from his yoyo.
聽"Culpeo and Abeille," He stated, holding them up to them. "I need you both,"
聽"You're Culpeo?!" Rose gasped with massive eyes as she held her face, causing Juleka to blush as she took her box. "So cool!!"
聽"And you're Abeille?" She asked back as Rose nodded with enthusiasm as she grabbed her box. "Awesome,"
聽"Why didn't you tell me though?" Rose asked as Juleka opened the box and allowed Trixx to manifest.
聽"It was suppose to be a secret, right?" Trixx grinned as Juleka put on the necklace.
聽"Trixx, let's pounce," She mumbled before swiping her necklace as Trixx got sucked into it. She swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask before holding out her arms as the orange energy spreaded over them and her body, creating her outfit. She swiped her hands over her hair, creating her ears and changing it to orange and black before swiping her hands down her back, creating her tails. An orange light appeared on her back, creating her flute and completely the transformation. Rose squealed in pure excitement as Culpeo nodded at Anatis. "Ready when you are, Boss,"
聽"Good," He smiled before looking at Rose, who nodded and opened her box. Pollen manifested and bowed to her.
聽"Greetings, my queen," She smiled, making Rose smile. "It is good to see you again,"
聽"Same here, Pollen," She replied before fixing the comb into her hair before holding her hand up. "Pollen, Buzz on!"
聽She threw her head back as her hair turned honey blonde and black strips appeared in it before holding up her arms as a golden light traveled up her body from her feet, creating her suit before the second light appeared, giving her gloves and adding the black detail to her suit. She swiped her hand across her face, creating her mask as her transformation completely.
聽"Let's go kick some akuma butt!" She declared, causing Culpeo to giggle and Anatis to shake his head.
聽"Head to Palais de Chaillot but stay low," He ordered, making them nod. "Lady Noir is collecting Ryuko and Aspik and I need to find Leatherback. I'll meet you there as soon as I've got him... be safe,"
聽"You too, Anatis," Culpeo nodded before taking Abeille's hand and leaving through the window. Anatis turned on his heel and left the locker room.
聽"Now if I was Ivan, where would I hide?" He muttered to himself before clicking his fingers. "Of course,"
聽He ran to the music room and looked inside before opening the door and looking around. He found Ivan hiding under the table as best as he could as he hugged his knees but as soon as he saw Anatis, he jumped up.
聽"Is it really you?!" He gasped, making Anatis nod. He lifted him off the floor as he crushed him in a hug before putting him down. "I'm so glad you were deakumatized.... but Lady Noir..."
聽"Is alive and kicking," Anatis grinned, making Ivan look at him in surprise. "And I was never akumatized. It was just a cruel illusion, engineered by Hawkmoth and excused by Volpina, to create mass panic and sorrow,"
聽"That's awful," Ivan gasped, looking disgusted. "Mylene was re-akumatized... I would have been too if my pal Luka hadn't helped me... you know you should consider him for a miraculous. He's really brave,"
聽"I'm sure he is but right now, we need to focus on the task at hand," Anatis replied, trying not to give away how happy he was that Ivan saw him as brave. He took out the last miraculous box. "I need Leatherback's help. You up for it?"
聽"You bet ya, Anatis," Ivan grinned, taking the box and open it. "Sup, Wayzz,"
聽The two of them did a secret handshake before Ivan slipped on the bracelet.
聽"Wayzz, shell on," He declared, causing Wayzz to be sucked into the bracelet before stomping his feet on the ground and pushing his arms out, causing a green energy to creating his outfit. The green energy burst from the center off his chest, creating his emblem that resembled a turtle's shell attached to a harness. The energy traveled down his arms, leaving a gray strip in it's place before causing green spikes to burst from his gloves before he pulled down a pair of goggles over his eyes as the blonde tuff of his hair turned a forest green, completing his transformation. "Alright, Boss, what's the plan?"
聽"We're heading to Palais de Chaillot," Anatis declared before the two of them ran out of the music room and jumped up to the roof, heading to the Palais de Chaillot.
聽Lady Noir jumped across the roofs until she came to Kagami's house. She dived down into the garden as Kagami practiced her fencing. She stopped as soon as Lady Noir landed in the garden and rushed over to her.
聽"You're alive?!" She gasped, causing Lady Noir to nod. "And Anatis? Is he... still akumatized?"
聽"No, he never was," Lady Noir explained, making Kagami frown deeply. "It was an illusion,"
聽"An illusion?" She asked, frowning deeply. "That was an extremely cruel one,"
聽"Indeed but part of Hawkmoth's plan," She replied, reaching into her pocket and taking out a box. "Which is why we have a plan. You in?"
聽"Of course," Kagami grinned before taking the box from Lady Noir and opening it, causing Longg to manifest. "I'm honored to see you again, Longg-sama,"
聽"The honor is mine, Kagami-san," He replied, nodding and making her smile as she put on the choker. "We shall accomplish great things together.
聽"Indeed," She replied before holding her arms out. "Longg, bring the storm!"
聽Longg got sucked in her choker. She held her fingers in the peace sign and moved them across her eyes, creating her mask. She threw up her left hand, creating a dark light that created her glove. It traveled down her arm and body, creating her outfit as she held out her other arm. She held her head up as a golden light covered her hair, creating her horns before the same golden light created her sword on her back and the tail detail on her suit, completely her transformation.
聽"Alright, let's go find Adrien," Lady Noir grinned.
聽"I believe he should be at home with his bodyguard," Ryuko stated, getting a nod of Lady Noir. "As soon as the red akumas hit, we escaped. Both of our parents have been akumatized and we wanted to make sure they were ok,"
聽"Understandable," She nodded as they jumped across roofs, coming to Agreste Manor. Lady Noir held out her hand, causing Ryuko to stop. Adrien was there in his room but he was been guarded by Gorizilla. The two girls dived off the roof towards them. With Ryuko keeping Gorizilla busy, Lady Noir grabbed Adrien and jumped to the roof with him, placing him down before joining Ryuko and breaking his akumatized object before grabbing a jar and capturing it in a jar. The two girls jumped back on the roof as Adrien started at them.
聽"Lady Noir! You're alive!!" He gasped with relief. "And Anatis?"
聽"Not akumatized and never was," She smiled before she handed her the akuma jar to Ryuko and took out the snake miraculous, holding it out to Adrien. "Annie needs help. You in?"
聽"Anything for my friends," He replied, taking it and opening. Sass manifested and nodded to him as he slipped on the bracelet. "Sass! Scales slither!"
聽He held up his hand as Sass got sucked into the bracelet. He moved his hands over his face, creating his mask and giving his hair green streaks. The teal green energy moved down his body creating his outfit before a ball of teal light turned into his lyre. He grabbed it and placed it on his back, completing his transformation.聽
聽"So what's the plan?" He asked, looking at the girls.
聽"We're meeting Annie at the Palais de Chaillot," Lady Noir replied, spinning her baton. "Shall we go?"
聽Ryuko and Aspik nodded before the three of them jumped off the building and headed to the Palais de Chaillot. They ran across the buildings until they came to the Palais de Chaillot and jumped on it. Lady Noir grinned as Culpeo and Abeille was already there. Abeille was gently leaning on her and Culpeo was patting the bee's head, making Lady Noir smile. They were very cute together.
聽"Hey, foxy," Lady Noir grinned, causing Culpeo to gasp and look up. "How's it going?"
聽"Lady Noir," She gasped as Abeille looked up as well. "I'm really glad to see you're ok. Anatis told us it was a trick but still,"
聽"I get ya," She nodded, looking around. "Where is my handsome partner?"
聽"Getting Leatherback," Abeille replied, smiling as they moved over to the edge of the building and looking at the akumas. Lady Noir frowned a little as she looked at them but they didn't seem to be planning anything, just waiting. She wondered why. "They've just been stood there for about 15 minutes,"
聽"Strange," She muttered as she heard the sound of a yoyo. She turned around as Anatis landed on the building with Leatherback. "Hey, Turtle, good to see you again,"
聽"Lady Noir!" He grinned, hugging her as Anatis smirked. "I'm glad you're alive!"
聽He put her down as Ryuko threw the glass jar at Anatis. He caught it and looked at it before he opened it and caught the akuma before releasing the now purified butterfly before he signaled for all of them to moved over to the edge and hide as he looked down at the akumas. He narrowed his eyes as it reminded him off Princess Justice's reign but it appeared that she wasn't here. However, almost every akuma that ever was had turned up yet they weren't running wild like they did with Princess Justice. They were just stood there. Lady Noir moved over to him.
聽"So what are they doing?" She asked in a hushed voice.
聽"They're waiting," He muttered back, making everyone frown as they moved a bit closer to him.
聽"For what?" Aspik asked as an extra person jumped onto the Eiffel tower, causing Anatis to narrow his eyes and clutch his fist a little. The rest of them gasp in shock as they stared at the person. "Is that-"
聽"Hawkmoth," Anatis stated, causing his mini army to look at him. "In the flesh,"
聽They watched as Prime Queen sent up one of her flying camera, causing Hawkmoth to look at it.
聽"Anatis! Lady Noir! Behold my powerful army!" He shouted, gesturing to the akumas. "And have no doubt that today belongs to Scarlet Moth!"
聽"Not for long," Anatis muttered, glaring at him.
聽"He better not get too cocky or I'll slam my shield into his face," Leatherback grinned as Aspik smirked.
聽"It's only like ten villains to everyone of us," He grinned in a chilled back way. "Who wants Hawkmoth? How about we rock, paper or scissors for him?"
聽"No need for that game, danger noodle," Ryuko smirked, holding her sword. "For he shall taste my blade,"
聽"I'll protect you no matter what, Culpeo," Abeille gasped, determined.
聽"No, I'll protect you," Culpeo gasped as Lady Noir leaned next to Anatis as they both glared at Hawkmoth and his Scarlet army.
聽"So what's the plan, Annie?" Lady Noir asked as Anatis narrowed his eyes. The akumas had started to chant 'hail, scarlet moth' repeatedly, causing Anatis to frown even more as questions popped into his head. Scarlet Moth held up his arm, silencing his akumas. He smirked as Prime Queen's cameras focused on him before addressing them.
聽"Anatis! Lady Noir! I can feel your close present," He stated, smirking as he brought down his arm before lifting his other into a fist shape. "If you want to save Paris and all it's people, I'll give you one last chance!"
聽He threw out of his hand dramatically.
聽"Give yourselves up and bring me your miraculous!" He shouted as Anatis watched with a worried expression. Lady Noir moved a little closer to him and gently placed her hand on his arm, causing him to flinch a little before looking at her and his team.
聽"Annie?" She asked as he looked back over. "Want to share what's on your mind?"
聽He frowned before sighing a little.
聽"It's like he's been preparing for this for a long time...." He sighed, making his team frown as he glanced at them. "But we... we're not prepared for this..."
聽"Yes, we are," Lady Noir stated, making him look at her in surprise. "We've faced all of these akumas before... this is just like Princess Justice's reign but on a slightly grander scale. Only this time, you're not alone. There's seven of us this time,"
聽"Yeah, Hawkmoth doesn't stand a chance," Aspik grinned as the rest of the team nodded. Anatis looked at them all, seeing nothing but determination in their eyes.
聽"Alright but if we're gonna do this, we have to have a plan," He muttered, glancing back over to Hawkmoth and his army. "If we want to win, we have to fight Hawkmoth even though we've never fought him before,"
聽The team nodded as Anatis stood up and climbed onto the edge of the building.
聽"Hawkmoth!" He yelled, getting the villain's attention. "I hope you liked Volpina's illusion... because me and my team will never hand over our miraculous!"
聽"And we've got a better idea!" Lady Noir shouted, joining him before she pointed at Hawkmoth. "You're gonna give us your miraculous!"
聽Culpeo, Abeille and Leatherback stood next to them, on Anatis' side.
聽"You may have an entire army of akumatized warriors!" Leatherback shouted, clicking his hands.
聽"But we're a team of heroes!" Abeille added in, taking out her spintop.
聽"And we're gonna kick ass..." Culpeo added in, albeit quieter then the rest. Ryuko and Aspik jumped up and stood next to Lady Noir.
聽"So bring it, old man!" Aspik shouted, making Hawkmoth frown a little.
聽"We're ready for a fight!" Ryuko added, smirking before tilting her head. "Are you?"
聽The seven of them took their fighting stance, making Hawkmoth laugh.聽
聽"I understand you want a fight," He stated, smirking. "Then so be it. Guitar Villain, Frighteningale.... Music!"
聽The two musical villains began to sing and play as some of the scarlet army charged towards the heroes. Anatis nodded and jumped down with his team, charging towards them. They could hear Prime Queen narrating the fight as they ran towards them. Anatis narrowed his eyes as he couldn't see her around. He could see Lady Wifi, Pharaoh, Mime, Timebreaker, Style Queen, Troublemaker and Desperada running towards them on the ground while Bubbler, Stormy Weather, Reverser, Sandboy and the Puppeteer flew towards them. Rogercop and Malediktator stood at the back, along with the giants.
聽"Don't forget our main object!" Anatis yelled towards the others. "We want to get to Hawkmoth!"
聽"Well then let's go for the big, bad boss," Lady Noir grinned, getting a nod of Ryuko and Aspik as Stormy Weather lifted her parasol towards the sky.
聽"Cyclone!" She shouted, creating a whirl wind that lifted up Desperada, Trouble Maker and the Mime.聽
聽"Horus, give me your wings!" The Pharaoh shouted as his head transformed. He flew down towards Lady Wifi and picked her up. Timebreaker smirked and sped up on her skates as Style Queen turned into glitter. Stormy Weather directed her parasol towards Anatis, shouting Thunderbolt as she did.
聽"Leatherback, shield!" He shouted, causing Leatherback to throw it as a bolt of lightning headed towards him. It blocked it, causing Stormy Weather to growl and pull back her parasol. The wind disappeared, allowing the akumas to fall. Desperada went to hit Anatis but he jumped back as Ryuko ran over and held out her sword as Mime and Troublemaker landed behind her. Mime mimicked a sword while Troublemaker clicked her pen before the three of them charged towards them. "Your weapons are no match for Ryuko's sword. Show them what you've got,"
聽"Lightning Dragon!" She shouted, transforming into a bolt before repeatedly attacking the three akuma, keeping them busy as Anatis dived back as Lady Wifi fired at him. Leatherback jumped in front of him and blocked her attacks.聽
聽"Abeille! Pharaoh's pendent!" He shouted, causing Abeille to throw her spintop and break it. Pharaoh transformed back into Jalil Kubdel, causing him to drop Lady Wifi. Anatis captured the butterfly as Lady Wifi threw a symbol and landed on it, flying upwards. However, Jalil was still falling. "Culpeo! Rescue!"
聽"Good aim, mon cherie," She smiled as she slid and caught Jalil before turning around and throwing her flute at Lady Wifi's phone and turning her back into Alya. Abeille jumped and caught her as Anatis captured her butterfly too. Bubbler dived towards Ryuko as she blocked Mime's invisible sword. Lady Noir jumped over to her and used her baton to pop the bubbles he created as Apsik slammed his lyre into Desperada, which caused her to fall onto Troublemaker, who was attempting to fight Leatherback. Unfortunately for her, she clicked her pen at the wrong time which allowed Desperada to knock her down. In turn, she dropped the pen, allowing Leatherback to break it as Apsik grabbed Desperada's guitar back and slammed it into the ground, breaking. Anatis captured the freed akumas as Lady Noir blocked Bubbler's sword with her baton. She grinned and stomped on his foot before grabbing him and throwing him towards the mime, who was too distracted by Ryuko to notice Bubbler flying at him. Both villains fell to the ground, causing Mime's hat to fall off. Ryuko impaled it as Lady Noir jumped and landed a kick at Bubbler's sword, crushing it. Anatis captured those butterflies next before jumping back as Stormy Weather started to fire at him. He caught Timebreaker skating towards him, causing him to backflip and throwing his yoyo, destroying her skates as Lady Noir extended her baton, allowing Abeille to balance on it as Stormy Weather fired a bolt towards Anatis again. She threw the Bee heroine towards the weather witch, who used her parasol to protect herself. Abeille brought her leg down on it, breaking it and freeing the akuma. Lady Noir dived and caught Aurora as Anatis caught the loose akumas. Leatherback and Culpeo ran towards Rogercop, using Leatherback's shield to protect them from been hit. Culpeo threw her flute over Leatherback, causing Rogercop to dodge it but Anatis broke his whistle while he was distracted, capturing that akuma too. He jumped back as Style Queen went to slam her staff at him. Lady Noir聽 dived at her and began to fight her as Ryuko ran towards Leatherback, who held out his shield. She jumped on it, causing him to throw her into the air and towards Reverser. She cut his plane and caught Marc before dodging Sandboy's attack. Aspik jumped over them and threw his lyre at Sandboy's pillow, ripping it. He caught his Lyre and the little boy who fell to the ground. Anatis caught their akumas as Lady Noir wrestled with Style Queen. He jumped over them and threw his yoyo, breaking her rose and capturing that akuma.
聽"By the power invested in me, I declare your miraculous are mine," Malediktator shouted, throwing balls of light at them as Puppeteer charged towards them. Since she didn't have her dolls with her, they couldn't be used in battle but it appeared she could control people she hit with her wand as she got Alya to try and attack Lady Noir.聽
聽"I'm sorry!" Alya gasped as she tried to punch the heroine, allowing Malediktator to fire a ball of light towards her. Anatis jumped over and blocked it as Leatherback threw his shield at Malediktator, who knocking him back. Abeille jumped at him and grabbed his sash, tearing it and freeing the akuma as Leatherback grabbed his shield and held it up again. This time, Abeille ran and jumped onto it, flying towards Puppeteer. She wrapped her spintop around her wand and pulled it from her hands, snapping it when she caught it. Manon flew from the sky but Leatherback caught her and put her down as Anatis caught the rest of the lose akumas. Lady Noir pushed Alya towards the other civilians.
聽"Your days of attacking innocent people will soon be over, Hawkmoth!" Anatis declared, throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"
聽He frowned as he caught a tennis racket before he glanced around, working out what to do with it. His luck vision lit up a canal boat, a lamp post then finally his team as a plan came into his mind. He smirked before nodding to his team.
聽"Get ready," He stated, turning to the akumas. "I'm gonna need all of you,"
聽The team nodded but before they could do anything, the sound of arrows been fired caught their attention. The people they rescued suddenly turned angry and aggressive, showing off black stained lips as they glared at the heroes. Anatis' eyes widen as Hawkmoth released and handful of akumas that turned them all back into their akumatized selves, causing Anatis and his team to go the defense. Lady Noir glanced up at the sky before gasping.
聽"Hawkmoth is using Dark Cupid to create all the negative emotions he needs!" She gasped as Dark Cupid flew up into the sky and aimed his arrows at Anatis, causing him to jump out the way and the fight to start up again. Ryuko was fighting against the Mime while Aspik was up against the Bubbler . Culpeo and Abeille were going against Style Queen and Malediktator as Leatherback was trying to fight off the Pharaoh and Troublemaker. Anatis was blocking Desperada's attacks while Lady Noir was fighting Lady Wifi, all while Dark Cupid led the air bound villains in an assault on the team.聽
聽"This is a nightmare!" Aspik called out as he dodged an attack from Reverser and hit Bubbler with his lyre before grabbing it and kicking the mime as Ryuko cartwheeled away from Stormy Weather's attack.
聽"Stay focus!" Anatis shouted as he jumped down and tripped up Desperada before blocking an arrow aimed at Leatherback. "We can't let them win,"
聽"Fall on them like rain, my scarlet akumas!" Hawkmoth shouted, causing Anatis to look at him as he thrust his cane into the air. A huge swarm of Scarlet akumas fluttered up from behind him, causing Anatis' eyes to widen in horror.
聽"Oh no," He gasped as they fluttered towards them. He turned to his team as they continued to fight. "Watch out!"
聽Lady Noir gasped as she looked over before pushing back Lady Wifi and landing a kick on her, sending her flying. Lady Wifi smirked at her as Puppeteer and Sandboy flew down towards her, shooting at her. She jumped back as Aspik fought with the Pharaoh, who managed to knock away his lute and grab his arms. Aspik managed to get free and kicked him back, glaring at him.
聽"Aspik! Watch out!" Ryuko called out, causing him to look behind as Dark Cupid fired an arrow at him. His eyes widen as she dived in front of him, taking the arrow. He caught as she fell and gasped as her lips turned black. She shoved him back and glared at him. "Keep your hands off me, you snake!"
聽"Ryuko..." He gasped as an akuma fluttered towards her. Anatis caught it before it could hit her.
聽"Ryuko! Don't let any negative emotions over take you or you'll get akumatized too!" He shouted, blocking Rogercop's attack as she sunk down, trying her best to fight it as she held her arms. "That's what Hawkmoth wants,"
聽"It's going to be ok, Ryuko," Aspik gasped, moving closer to her and causing her to look up.
聽"Coward," She growled before trying to attack him. "You're not worthy enough to be a hero!"
聽He grabbed her and restrained her as she struggled against him. One of the akumas tried to take advantage of the situation but Abeille dived over and blocked out the attack as Culpeo fought against the mime. Style Queen and Malediktator began to attack Abeille, causing her to move away from them. Ryuko slammed her fist into Aspik's rib and threw him over her shoulder before opening her arms and allowing an akuma to flutter into her choke.
聽"I am now... Okami!!" She declared, turning into a scarlet version of her self as Apsik looked up at her in horror and fear. Almost instantly, an akuma flew into his bracelet, covering him in a red smog as Anatis looked over.
聽"Apsik!" He shouted before blocking an attack from Pharaoh.聽
聽"There is no more Aspik," He declared as the smog disappeared, showing a scarlet version of him. "There is only Aapep!"
聽He then dived at Anatis, causing him to jump back as he slammed his fist into his ground. Leatherback threw his shield at him but Aapep dodged it as Okami charged at him. Abeille dived out of the way but Despair Bear jumped at her and forced her to stop. Culpeo jumped and landed in front of her, spinning her flute to deflect Dark Cupid's arrow but Lady Wifi threw a pause icon at her, trapping her too. Dark Cupid fired two arrows, hitting her and Abeille then akumas landed in their miraculous.
聽"Culpeo! Abeille!" Anatis called out, getting knocked back by Pharaoh. He kicked him back as they turned into scarlet akumas.
聽"Culpeo is no more, pest!" She growled, charging at him and trying to fight him. "Only Void Fox exists!"
聽He blocked her attack as she tried to attack him relentlessly. He managed to kick her back and jumped away but the akumatized Abeille jumped at him, trying to sting him with her now unlimited venom.
聽"Stay still, cockroach!" She growled as he back flipped away. "Frelona orders you to!"
聽Malediktator聽smirked and held up his fingers to his mouth.
聽"By the power invested in me, I order to stand still," He declared, throwing it towards Anatis. However, Leatherback pushed him out of the way and took the hit, allowing Dark Cupid to fire an arrow at him and a scarlet akuma to fly into his bracelet.
聽"Leatherback..." Anatis gasped before jumping out of the way as the newly villain threw his shield at him.
聽"Don't call me that!" He growled, catching it. "I'm Tortue Serpentine now!"
聽"Annie!" Lady Noir gasped as a number of akumas dived at her. She fought them off as Anatis blocked and dodged the attacks aimed at him. "Now would be a great time to use that lucky charm!"
聽"I need all o us for it to work!" He called out, rolling out of the way of Frelona as she tried to sting him again and block several attacks with his yoyo. "I can't do anything with it now,"
聽He jumped over and landed next to her, holding up his fists as she held up her baton. All of the akumas began to move in on them, causing both heroes to try and look for a point of escape. However, there wasn't one. The two of them blocked the attacks as best as they could but they really needed to get out of there.
聽"How are we gonna get out of this?!" Lady Noir gasped as she blocked another attack. Aapep managed to get pass their defenses and dived at Lady Noir but Anatis grabbed him and pinned his arms behind his back, in cased he had already activated his second chance. Anatis nodded at Lady Noir, who threw up her hand and summoned her cataclysm before slamming her fist into the ground. Anatis threw Aapep away from him as the ground cracked beneath them and gave away, causing the two heroes to fall into the sewers. Wasting no time, they swam away from the scene and climbed out of the water. Anatis helped Lady Noir out of the water before the two of them took off. Judging by the fact that they were still running and hadn't been ambushed, Aapep hadn't activated his second chance. They ran as fast as they could, heading deeper into the sewers as they did. Anatis frowned as his earrings beeped before glancing at Lady Noir.
聽"I'm about to transform back," He declared as they saw forked tunnels up ahead with a wall between them. "I'll take the side of the left, you take the right,"
聽"Kay!" She nodded, jumping across to her side. He jumped across to the other side and sighed as his transformation dropped. He caught Tikki and took out a macaron for her. She happily took it as he heard Lady Noir call off her transformation and give Plagg some cheese. "Enjoy it but don't take too long,"
聽"Let's share it," Plagg replied as Tikki suggested the same thing with her macaron. Both holders thanked their kwamis before eating their halves.
聽"You ok, Annie?" Marinette asked, causing Luka to sigh.
聽"Hawkmoth has never akumatized so many people in one go. The amount of akumas was... worrying to say the least and he looked different..." He frowned, thinking about it. He called the akumas scarlet akumas and he was referring to himself as Scarlet akumas. Not just that but the amount of them was well in the hundreds. "Something's changed,"
聽"He must have worked out how to boost his powers," She sighed, thinking. "Just like we did. Though I don't think he did it with magical food or potions.... Annie?"
聽"Do you still think we can win?" He asked, making her frown a little. He sounded small and so unsure of himself. Despite the fact that she couldn't see him, she knew he was holding his arms and looking down. She placed her hand on the wall as he let out a small sigh.
聽"We can't give up hope," She declared, causing him to look at the wall. "People are relying on us,"
聽"But our whole team crumbled," He sighed, looking down. "I failed to protect them..."
聽"Annie, listen to me. You did not fail. Hawkmoth cheated and that's all there is to it," She stated in a firm voice. "As for a crumbled team... well, let's go back to what we know works. A duo! You and me against the world, Annie,"
聽"Thank you, Kitten... I needed to hear that," He muttered, making her smile a little before they hear the sound of snarling and running. "They've found us,"
聽"Time to make a quick escape," Marinette grinned before noticing the flowing water. "You like Water Rides, Annie?"
聽"Don't forget to put your diving gear on," Luka replied, taking out a green macaron as they both ran towards the edge and dived off with their eyes closed. He threw it towards Tikki, who ate it as Marinette did the same with Plagg. "Tikki, power up!"
聽"Plagg, Power up!" She shouted as they free-fell towards a pool of water. "Aqua Plagg, Claws out!"
聽"Aqua Tikki, Spots on!" He shouted. They both transformed then hit the water. Once underneath, they opened their eyes and swam into a tunnel but Syren appeared to block their way, grinning. They heard a splash, causing them to look behind them as Animan in the form of a fish swam towards them. Anatis grinned as Syren charged at them. Lady Noir grinned back as she blocked Syren's attack. She knocked her weapon out of her hand and broke her bracelet as Anatis tied Animan up with his yoyo and broke the button on him before catching the akumas. Animan and Syren turned back into their civilian selves, causing Anatis and Lady Noir to give them their weapons so they could breathe before swimming off with them into the Seine.
聽"It's gonna take a long of time to deakumatized these villains one by one," Lady Noir pointed out as they swam.
聽"Which is exactly why we have to take on Hawkmoth directly," Anatis replied as they swam. "I think his cane is the source of his power up. I'm not sure how he did it but if we can destroy it, it should revert him back to normal and free everyone from his control,"
聽"Good plan but we can't do it from the water," Lady Noir pointed out as they both swam up and jumped out of the water, landing on the ground as they transformed back into their normal forms. As soon as they did, Timebreaker skated towards them, holding her hand out. However, Anatis clocked her before she could get them and broke her skates again, capturing her akuma before jumping to the bridge in front of the Eiffel Tower, causing Hawkmoth to glare at him. Ondine and Otis ran off as Anatis faced Hawkmoth with Lady Noir stood next to him, holding her baton behind her back.
聽"Hey, Hawkmoth! You're not gonna wanna miss what happens next! Time to show everyone that the real Anatis and Lady Noir are back!" He yelled out before taking out his yoyo. He pressed it open and threw it up in the sky, releasing all the purified butterflies he captured and causing a white beam of light to escape from it. Almost instantly, he could feel the change in the city's song and smirked as he closed his yoyo, knowing Hawkmoth could feel it too. "You feel that, Hawkmoth?! It's called Hope!"
聽"No more escaping for you, Knaves!" Dark Blade called out, causing Anatis and Lady Noir to face him and his army. "Down with the enemy!"
聽"Time for a little detour, kitten," Anatis suggested as they began to back away.
聽"Couldn't agree more, Annie," Lady Noir nodded before they ran off, causing the akuma army to follow them as they ran as fast as they could through the streets of Paris, trying to avoid the akumas that followed them. The ones from the sewers climbed out and joined the hunt. Lady Noir looked at him as they ran. "Got any ideas?"
聽"Besides running and surviving?" He asked, glancing at her before they both look ahead and saw a barricade of cars and a bus. The two of them jumped over it, rolling as they landed before noticing those behind it. Both heroes blinked as none of other then Nora Cesaire climbed onto the bus and lifted a broom up. Chloe and Nathaniel joined her, along with Tom, Sabine and Gina. Alya's mother was there too as was Anarka, Tomoe and a number of others.聽
聽"Parisians!" Nora shouted, getting their attention. "We can be heroes just for one day!!"
聽"What?! A revolution!" Dark Blade yelled before pointing his blade towards them. "Charge!"
聽"Charge!" Chloe shouted back, causing the Parisians to run into battle. A number of them grabbed the akumatized heroes from windows as Gina moved over to them, along with Anarka and Marlena Cesaire before helping the heroes to their feet.
聽"Are you two ok?" Anarka asked, causing Anatis to nod.聽
聽"It's awesome seeing you two again," Marlena grinned, clearly happy to see them as Gina placed her hand on Lady Noir's shoulder.
聽"Parisians are all on your side,"
聽"We're slow them down, Lad," Anarka grinned, clearly thriving in the chaos. "You two go save the world!"
聽"Leave the akumas to us," Gina grinned, causing Anatis to smile.
聽"You guys are amazing," He gasped as Lady Noir nodded.
聽"Thank you so much," She added as the two of them turned and ran off before jumping onto the rooftops. They came to a stop as the giant akumas arrived but the Parisians distracted them too, giving Anatis and Lady Noir a chance to get to the Eiffel tower. The two of them worked together against Glaciator and Gamer, causing them to take out each other before they jumped up and landed on the Eiffel Tower, rushing over to where Hawkmoth was standing, causing him to gasp as he turned around. Lady Noir held out her baton as Anatis spun his yoyo.
聽"It's just us three, Hawkmoth," He declared, causing Lady Noir to summon her cataclysm before he threw up his yoyo and summoned his lucky charm. He caught the little box and opened it before glancing at Hawkmoth, stopping as he got a shiver. This was too easy but he knew he couldn't let Hawkmoth catch on. He lifted his arm in front of him so the box reflected what was behind him before grinning. "It's a sign, Hawkmoth. That your miraculous will end up in this box,"
聽"Are you sure you're not making a mistake?" Hawkmoth asked. "How do you know that my wish wouldn't be beneficial for everyone?"
聽"Hm! I doubt that!" Lady Noir gasped as Anatis stepped forward. He moved his hand behind his back and pointed to his shadow.聽
聽"Even if it was, there would be a price," Anatis shouted, hoping Lady Noir got when he meant. Using the box, he saw her glance downwards towards Hawkmoth's feet. "Why don't you tell us your wish, Hawkmoth?"
聽"Give me your miraculous and find out," He replied as Lady Noir flicked her hair in a way that made it look like a nod. Anatis hid his smirk. "Unlike you, I'm not afraid to use these powers. Since you're so good, why did you never bother to change the world for the better?"
聽"We are changing it... by our actions..." Anatis stated, making Hawkmoth frown. "Instead of just wishing for it or taking advantage of innocent people,"
聽They moved forward to him as Anatis held out his hand with the box so he could still see behind him.
聽"But it's not too late.... you can fight for good with us," He stated as the real Hawkmoth climbed behind them with two akumas in his hand. Anatis placed his hand on his yoyo, waiting til he released the akumas. "Now!"
聽Lady Noir destroyed the Hawkmoth illusion and blocked Dark Cupid's arrows as Anatis captured the two akumas. She threw her baton at Dark Cupid, breaking the button on his chest. The akuma escaped and Anatis captured it, returning Dark Cupid back to Kim before he caught him with his yoyo and lowered him to the floor before the heroes faced Hawkmoth.聽
聽"No!" Hawkmoth growled.
聽"You're such a coward," Anatis growled. "But did you really think we were stupid enough to fall for that?!"
聽"No where to hide now," Lady Noir smirked as Hawkmoth growled. The two heroes charged at him and began to fight him. Anatis blocked his attack with his yoyo before he knocked him back. Lady Noir instantly took over, using her baton like a bo staff and attacking him relentlessly, annoying Hawkmoth until he got annoyed enough to try and beat her with his cane. Seeing his chance, Anatis threw his yoyo and snatched his cane out of his hand as Lady Noir flipped over to him. Hawkmoth charged at him but Anatis threw to Lady Noir, who caught it with her charged hand, destroying it. Hawkmoth returned back to his normal form as a number of white butterflies fluttered away. "As Annie said... it's over!"
聽"Alright, Kids," Hawkmoth growled with a look of determination on his face before he got into a fighting stance and held up his fists. "Watch what a man who has nothing to lose can do,"
聽The two heroes charged at him as he ran towards them, fighting him as best as they could but Hawkmoth was so much stronger then they were. He used his limbs and height to his advantage, beating them as he did until he knocked them onto the floor. Anatis tried to push himself up as Lady Noir's ring beeped. Hawkmoth smirked as he walked towards them.
聽"You're never going to win," He declared, walking towards them. "You're still so green, young heroes. You can't even stay transformed after you use your powers!"
聽He went to grab Lady Noir but before he could, Anatis slammed his foot into him, knocking him back before he got up, surprising Hawkmoth as he held up his arms in a strange position, similar to a snake.
聽"Annie..." Lady Noir gasped as he stood in front of her.聽
聽"I'm not done yet," He snarled, making Hawkmoth smirk before charging at him. To his surprise, Anatis managed to hold his own, using his hands to hit Hawkmoth with powerful jabs but gradually Hawkmoth got the upper hand, knocking him back. Hawkmoth smirked and lifted his arms to beat the knocked down heroes but he went flying when a shield was thrown into him. Leatherback jumped with the other heroes and caught it, allowing Anatis and Lady Noir to jump. Anatis threw his yoyo around, creating a net around the Eiffel Tower that trapped Hawkmoth. Ryuko clicked her fingers as the seven of them stalked towards Hawkmoth. Abeille held up her spintop and called upon her power, ready to sting him as he backed up. "It's over, Hawkmoth,"
聽However, a blue mask suddenly appeared around his eyes, causing his expression to change to one of genuine surprise. Anatis frowned deeply as they moved closer.
聽"No, don't do that!" Hawkmoth suddenly gasped, making everyone confused. Who was he talking to? The mask disappeared and he sunk to his knees, apparently admitting defeat. Anatis took another step forward but as he did, a giant moth suddenly appeared, causing the heroes to gasp before it began to flap it's wings, causing a gush of wind that sent the heroes flying. Anatis tried his best to hold onto his yoyo as he grabbed Lady Noir's hand, stopping her from been blown away.
聽"What is that monster?!" He gasped as his yoyo's string up wrapped, sending him flying. He threw his yoyo and wrapped it around the moth's tail, pulling himself and Lady Noir towards it so they could attack but it vanished as soon as they got near. They landed on the Eiffel Tower and looked around as the others returned. Anatis moved over to the broken cane as a darkened feather escaped it but as it fluttered away, it turned back to white. Lady Noir walked over and looked up at it as the others looked around for Hawkmoth.
聽"A feather?" She questioned as he frowned before his eyes widen.聽
聽"Master Fu mentioned that the Butterfly Miraculous wasn't the only lost miraculous," He muttered, making her look at him. "There's another one... the Peacock and I think we just saw it's power,"
聽"Anatis, Hawkmoth is gone," Culpeo stated, making the team move over and look around.
聽"He must of have escaped when that monster appeared," Lady Noir sighed before they moved over to the broken cane. Abeille leaned down and picked it up as Aspik and Ryuko frowned deeply.聽
聽"The timing of that monster was too good," Ryuko muttered, frowning.
聽"But where did it come from?" Aspik asked, getting a nod of the rest of the team.
聽"Another miraculous holder," Anatis answered, standing next to them. "Which means Hawkmoth is no longer working alone. He had help from the owner of the Peacock miraculous,"
聽"Well, maybe this can help us track him," Lady Noir muttered, taking the cane from Abeille but it disappeared, making them all gasp.
聽"There goes our chance at tracking him," Leatherback frowned as Anatis sighed.
聽"He must have detransformed," He muttered as his earrings beeped along with Lady Noir's ring. "We've gotta split, guys... but first..."
聽He held up the box and threw it into the air.
聽"Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magical swarm and fix everything before the heroes headed back into the city. Leatherback, Abeille and Culpeo followed Anatis while Ryuko and Aspik followed Lady Noir. Landing back on the school roof, Anatis jumped down, followed by Leatherback who detransformed and gave back the bracelet after saying goodbye to Wayzz. Anatis thanked him before jumping up to the roof, where Abeille and Culpeo were waiting. They detransformed and said goodbye to their kwamis before handing back the miraculous. Anatis thanked them before swinging off into the city back to Master Fu, briefly de-transforming on his way there. Meanwhile, Lady Noir dropped off Ryuko and Aspik at Kagami's house. The two of them detransformed and said goodbye to their kwamis before handing her the jewels without hesitation.聽
聽"Thank you for your help, you two," Lady Noir smiled.
聽"Thank you for trusting us," Kagami replied, bowing a little before her ring beeped again. "Send my best to Anatis,"
聽"I will," Lady Noir nodded before jumping off into the city. She briefly found somewhere to hide before her transformation dropped. Taking out some cheese, she threw it towards Plagg and headed to Master Fu's place. Arriving there, she re-transformed and entered through the open window, smiling as Anatis placed the fox and bee back in the box. She moved next to him and placed the dragon and the snake back, allowing Master Fu to close the box and lock it away.
聽"You both did very well today," He stated as he moved over to them. "But I sense something is troubling you, Anatis. Would it help to share what's on your mind?"
聽"The owner of the peacock miraculous helped Hawkmoth escape..." He muttered, frowning. "And I feel like Hawkmoth was planning this... I think Princess Justice was his inspiration for this attack... since she was arguably one of his most successful and intelligent akumas, he took her plan and evolved it... he was calling himself Scarlet Moth and had amplified his own powers... it was concerning..."
聽"Yes, it does seem that way," Master Fu agreed, making both heroes frown. "We were lucky that she did not make an appearance though... however, I think you two have earnt a well deserved rest. Go and celebrate this victory. It is heroes' day after all,"
聽"That's a good idea," Anatis nodded before getting up. "I have something I need to do,"
聽~After the Heroes Day Parade~
聽Marinette frowned to herself as she walked towards the park. She wasn't sure why but Alya asked her to meet her there at 7 pm, despite the fact that she told pretty much everyone that she couldn't do the party. Alya also insisted she bring a box of macarons. Luckily, because of the time, she was able to make some from scratch and these ones didn't burn. She saw Alya stood outside and waved towards her, getting her attention. Alya rushed over and smiled.
聽"Did you bring the macarons?" She asked, confusing her but she nodded. "Good! Right, close your eyes!"
聽"Uh.." She blinked. "Alright?"
聽She closed her eyes and allowed Alya to lead her into the park. She frowned as she felt Alya leave her side, making her nervous.
聽"Ok! Open your eyes!" Alya gasped, causing her to open them. She gasped as she took in the scene in front of her. Fairylights had been put up and tables had been set up. All kinds of food covered them and there were several picnic blankets with people on. Everyone who she had invited were there and it was exactly how she imagined it. Tears filled her eyes a little as she looked around.
聽"Oh my gosh..." She gasped. "But... I don't understand.... I cancelled the picnic because I couldn't provide the food I promised,"
聽"We know," Kagami stated as she walked over, holding a tray of food. "Which is why we all brought a dish each,"
聽"You're always helping people," Rose gasped as Juleka nodded.聽
聽"Like when you helped me with my photo curse," She muttered, pushing her hair out of the way as Nathaniel and Marc came over.
聽"Or when you helped me and Marc meet so we could create a comic book,"
聽"Or the time when you helped me escape so I could see my mother on the big screen," Adrien piped up as she looked around. "That's why we all jumped at the chance to help you. You do some much for us so today it was our turn to help you,"
聽"B-But... I still don't understand..." She gasped, confused. She was sure she cancelled the picnic. "Not that I'm not grateful... cause I am but I definitely cancelled the picnic so who asked you all to help?"
聽"I did," Luka stated, making her turn around in surprise as he walked over. "That's why I was looking at my phone all lunch,"
聽"Y-You did this for me?" She asked, tears appearing in her eyes as he nodded. She suddenly hugged him, causing him to stumble back a little as he caught her. "Thank you so much,"
聽"It's fine," He muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's heroes day so this is the least I could do,"
聽"You're my hero, Luka," She muttered, causing him to blush before she kissed his cheek and looked at him before the two of them joined the rest.
聽~Later that Night~
聽"Hey, Annie," Lady Noir grinned as she joined him. He was sat on a rooftop, writing down something down. "What ya doing?"
聽"Working out a code," He muttered, looking up at her as she sat down next to him before he handed her the note pad. He had written down several colour codes on there. Each one corresponded to a threat level. The lowest threat was Code Gray for weak akumas like Mr Pigeon. Code Black were for akumas like Lady Wifi. Code Yellow is for akumatized miraculous holders that weren't them. Code Orange was literally reserved for Volpina. Code Blue was for the peacock holder and Code Purple was for Hawkmoth. "I'll be adding more as time goes on but what do you think so far?"
聽"It works but what's Code Red?" She asked, making him frown a little.
聽"It's the warning if I'm ever akumatized..." He muttered, making her look at him. "The list isn't finished yet but I think it helps to have codes. That way we can prepare... speaking of preparing... I think we should train the newbies and look into calming techniques,"
聽"That's a good idea," She nods before looking at him. "You are ok right?"
聽"Yeah, I'm good, Kitten," He smiled, placing the notepad in his yoyo. "Are you?"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/638625574156419072/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-41
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sassyduckqueen 4 years
A new drawing for my Anatis AU. I was gonna have Rena Rouge be in it but I got thinking. Alya got the fox miraculous because she is Marinette's bff but she doesn't really know Luka so it made sense that she wouldn't be the first to get a miraculous in the AU. So I thought who would. Like Marinette, he would turn to the person he trusts the most and hence I went with Juleka aka Culpeo. I'm really happy with how this turned out 馃榿 also this was so much fun to draw. I did try to keep true to Juleka's sense of style as well
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