#history keepers
wrathofachilleus · 8 months
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k-k-keroppi · 2 years
why is topaz st honere french??? her mother is german, the entire zelt family is german, she left them when she was five (?) and lived with truman and betty, CONFEDERATE ERA AMERICANS!!! who named her topaz st honere?? mina calls her topaz, zelt calls her topaz, what did agata name her?? who changed five year old baby zelt’s name to topaz st honere? why is she fluent in french?? why does she have a french name?? her family is german and insists on speaking english???? what the fuck???
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ltwilliammowett · 3 months
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Grace Darling and her Father rescuing Survivors from the Wreck of the “Forfarshire” on the Farne Islands, Sep. 7th, 1838, by Charlies Achille D’Hardiviller, 1838
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shuuenka · 4 months
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It's been awhile, couple hundred of years.
Give or take.
It's not that bad, Cyno.
Just a bit of ache. A bit of yearning.
Ah, and missing you for all of the eternal life I was cursed with.
Selfish desires of the heart that was once moved.
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myfairkatiecat · 28 days
Caches suck, like maybe the Vespera problem wouldn’t exist if they’d kept tabs on her instead of 1984-vaporizing her and locking her up without even knowing why she’s in prison
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superxstarzz · 28 days
please can I get a Page of Light + Bard of Space combo?
here you go!!!
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meadowsofmay · 8 months
i really like the point percy makes (and that vax eventually agrees with) about civilization during their conversation about westruun after umbrasyl was killed — a city built by very people's hands deserves preservation and saving as much as those same people leaving in it.
«the death of the city is such a blasphemy. it is the murder of the dead. and i am horrified.»
«building will give them [people of westruun] something to do. and if the dragon comes back, they will be safe underground. and if the dragon doesn't, we have saved thousand of years of inspiration and life. it's... you can't just abandon something like this! there's too much here.
vax: otherwise, what else are we fighting for?
otherwise, it becomes our friend pike from nowhere.»
it's such a beautiful point about history and culture being as important to keeping human civilization alive as saving lives of people. preserving knowledge build into the walls of cities can become a new starting point, a foundation that the new generation will be built upon, more equipped and smart. and just not entirely faceless. remembering the culture is important, it's an identity, it's a customized dress that tells about the roots of beliefs and explains people's behavior. it's a wisdom carefully interwoven into the tale of creation of this specific piece of the world.
the culture is important.
and percy being the one who lost overnight his whole family and his town knows about it more than a man of his age would want to. the history of his family was inseparable from the culture of whitestone and one of briarwoods' goals was to tear it down in the most cruel way. to smear the de rolo's name in their own blood and dirt and render their town faceless and hopeless, only useful of their own vicious plans.
and it now makes so much sense to me personally why vax was so determined to use pelor as a symbol of hope, spreading it as a signal everywhere he went. he understood it, too. he saw pieces of whitestone culture being destroyed and wanted to bring them to life in people's hearts in the form of symbolism carried over in spoken word. and yes, he wanted to help percy. yes, it was done for the rebellion. but one doesn't cancel the other. and in my opinion, it wasn't just about percy defeating the briarwoods but more about percy being a still alive and standing piece of whitestone history and culture that can be and should be a symbol himself.
a symbol of rebirth of the culture that there used to be, a culture attached to the de rolo family and hence attached to whitestone.
i just find all of this incredibly compelling in terms of character building and in terms of simply being a human being serching for what's important in life.
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symphonicdemise · 28 days
Meme | Accepting
Tarn's entire frame goes stiff as he feels those servos wrap around his throat. He wasn't quite caught off guard, but it wasn't exactly expected. He ignored the rush of excitement that ran up his spinal strut. The DJD leader swallowed thickly, neck cables shifting under those servos that held him there.
His helm croons up a little, giving him ample space for his servos. His optics stay locked on to Terminus, searching his facial expression for any sign of intent. Tarn had worked to garner a good rapport with Terminus, or so he had hoped. His servos reached up, resting over the miner's wrists. He made no motion to pry his servos away, not just yet.
Admitting it or not, Tarn couldn't ignore the thrill of this. Terminus was undoubtedly powerful, even at his old age. Most "manual" class mechs had to be to survive the position imposed on them from the Functionists.
He was at a loss for words, his thoughts had drifted to more... lascivious places. No no, don't presume. His optics closed for a moment, trying to will away the ideas that were plaguing his processor at the moment.
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you know i was able to hold myself down quite calmly until you reminded me the website is updating, and now i'm struggling with myself it feels like i put myself in a straight jacket of sorts. BWAH
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(i say thing jokingly, BUT I AM THERE WITH YOU I FEEL PHYSICALLY ILL FROM THE EXCITEMENT IM JUST. AUGH) god save us all for when it drops
im so normal.... im so sane.... auahhhhhahh
we're going to collectively lose our absolute marbles ouagh. actual image of us all rn:
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
'bereavement leave only applies to immediate family' okay wig tell me these policies were written by western individualist society WASPs without explicitly telling me so
Not attending a cousin's funeral?? In MY family?? With the approximately seven billion aunts and uncles and assorted relatives??? Lmao okay. I literally do not understand these ppl who assume everyone is like them and dont have a large extended family and accompanying obligations (regardless of whether or not I /like/ this family, Im gonna/gotta go)
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breathetoseethetruth · 5 months
You watched Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer" and now want to learn more about some of the scientists that were involved and the history of the Manhattan Project? Then I recommend "Pandora's Keepers" by Brian VanDeMark. The book takes a closer look at not just J. Robert Oppenheimer, but also Hans Bethe, Niels Bohr, Arthur Compton, Enrico Fermi, Ernest Lawrence, Isidor Isaac Rabi, Leo Szilard and Edward Teller. The book is a history book more so than a science book, most of the scientific explanations mentioned around the making of the bomb, aren't too complex to understand for readers who aren't experts on the matter.
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wrathofachilleus · 11 months
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a moment in the enchanted forest.
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countesspetofi · 3 months
Eating like a Lighthouse Keeper from the 1800s
This one’s for all the tumblr lighthouse girlies.
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ltwilliammowett · 4 months
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A lighthouse keeper trimming the lamp at Lewis lighthouse, early 20th century
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imaginationinstitutes · 10 months
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huuuuge fan of the vibes in disney at dawn :-]
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What if one of the members of the Original Council was a Pyrokinetic?
We only know one of the three members of the Original Council (OG Council for short). That's Fallon Vacker, and we don't know his ability - only that it's probably not Pyrokinetics, as that would definitely tarnish his reputation further.
But what if one of the other two are?
I know they aren't important to the story, but it could also be why the OG Council isn't mentioned much. Plus, assuming Elf Society is similar to Human Society but just advanced a lot faster, Pyrokinetics would have been really handy. Also, as all three are Ancients (and, according to Fallon in Flashback, the modern-day is "exhausting") it's not like the public would really care after a certain amount of time. That OG councillors aren't coming back. They're not hurting anyone (I don't think Fintan's an OG Councillor, since the only confirmed one is just Fallon). Elfciety doesn't really mind anymore.
Thank you for listening to my TedTalk /j
(I was thinking of my "what if Telepaths were forbidden and Pyrokinetics the golden ability" AU and this popped into my head.)
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