#frank coral island
craudiaaa · 5 months
Do you guys like farming? pt.2 (Coral island edition)
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pinayelf · 4 months
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my fave detail in this is (besides franklyn sr's spirit in the bg ;_;) that theyre not wearing shoes indoors
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Bad Dating Advice
Farmer: How do I ask someone out? Frank: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two. Farmer: No! Erika: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car. Farmer: Stop! Noah: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream. Farmer: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
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coral-nerd · 6 months
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ABKSBDKHDSKDHB the precious beans!!
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penelopetheconartist · 6 months
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pastelskyesblog · 8 months
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I met their other brother Eddy he he he
also it's so nice to see how Wakuu and Chaem are like since they do stay at the observatory together
Then Betty brought up the idea of grandkids and while Aaliyah and Eddy said nah fam noah was there like-
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coralislandthinks · 3 months
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some misc loved gift giving~
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novalin · 11 months
Playing the Coral Island Beta. After Pufferfish Frank Said "I can't believe she mentioned dad Like that." What does He mean? She called him Red shirt. I thought that Had Something to do with Star Trek. That's Like the only Thing I can Connect with Red Shirts... And Well Frank wears a Red shirt. But what does He mean? Or was it Something Betty Said? I know their dad died but I don't know when and how. Apparently it Had to do with the oil spill?
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 2 months
Time for the March Summary!
First of, the egg that haunts my dreams,
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For the 3rd month in a row, with 13/62 polls won last month, Richas has been voted most likely to:
Eat a random nut/berry/bug he found outside
Aim for the head during dodgeball
Intentionally cough/sneeze on someone while sick
Pick up something gross and chase his siblings around with it
Play computer games in class instead of doing his school work
Play football indoors and accidentally break a family relic
Play Julius Ceasar in a recreation of the Ides of March
Love a cursed food combination
Hunt down islanders that aren't wearing green on St. Patrick's Day
Pretend to be possessed to scare a sibling/parent
Refuse to wear shoes, even in the woods
Be the Rico (Penguins of Madagascar) of the island
Be covered in band-aids all the time
I do not know how he managed to win this many without me noticing. I think he's stealing trophies from me when I'm not looking.
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Wait, what? Even I wasn't expecting our favorite literal-demon child to win 2nd! With 11/62 polls won, Dapper has been voted most likely to:
Read Wikipedia articles for fun
Berate adults for coughing into their hand
Be a "Home Alone" protagonist
Love "Doctor Who"
Read Homestuck
Make a recreation of the Ides of March
Actually catch a leprechaun on Saint Patrick's Day
NOT have to sing the alphabet song to remember what order the letters are in
Love the Sherlock Holmes books
Know everything about demon folklore and scare everyone with their knowledge of it
Be determined to find every single easter egg at the island-wide easter egg hunt
She's a nerd, what else is there to say?
Chayanne & Pepito
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Tied for 3rd, with 6/62 polls won each! Chayanne has been voted most likely to:
Love Hockey
Hyperfixate on the Percy Jackson series
Be a try-hard in P.E. class
Start a game of King Of The Hill everytime the school replaces the woodchips at recess
Fight with a teacher over a test grade
Sleep through fasting all day
Only look for the difficult to find eggs so their younger siblings can have fun at the Easter egg hunt
And Pepito has been voted most likely to:
Lose every round of Hide N' Seek because Pepito can't stop giggling
Believe in the Tooth Fairy
Chase Pepito's own tail
Still not know how to swim
Actually break a leg during a school play on accident
Eat paper because Pepito thinks it tastes good
One of the oldest eggs tying with one of the youngest. It's perfect.
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With 5/62 polls won, I'm sure Sunny is a little miffed that she's ended up in 4th. But it's okay, you all are sure to put her in 1st place one of these months. Sunny has been voted most likely to:
Secretly paint their closet an obnoxious color
Have a fashion show using her parents' clothes
Sleep with all of their stuffed animals so they don't get lonely
Treat the masjid shoe racks as their own personal shoe store
Have an imaginary friend
Tallulah, Ramón, & Pomme
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Tying for 5th, with 4/62 polls won each, I'm very happy to see Pomme winning her first ever polls! And a total of 4 of them, no less! Tallulah has been voted most likely to:
Try and dye her own hair (making a huge mess)
Fit the main character role in "Coraline"
Perform Tarot card readings
Catch bees to pet them
Ramón has been voted most likely to:
Be obsessed with cowboys and the Wild West
Race to recalibrate the SmartBoard at school
Set up an elaborate rube goldberg machine to suprise a parent for their birthday
Have a space hyperfixation and want to be an astronaut
And Pomme has been voted most likely to:
Be a monster at PaintBall
Hyperfixate on Splatoon
Be very meticulous while coloring in a coloring book
Write a book
I think there's a pattern with that last one.
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With 3/62 polls won, Leonarda has been voted most likely to:
Be obsessed with Power Rangers
Be into ice skating
Read every single Warrior cats books
I don't have anything funny to say here, It's hard to pay attention while listening to Ze Frank talk about coral kkkkkkkk
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With 2/62 polls won, Empanada has been voted most likely to:
Spend recess burying herself in woodchips and sleeping
Have Batik as a hobby
Oh hey, it's the first time Empanada's gone a full month without winning a poll about sweets!
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Finally, our youngest has won a poll! With 1/62 polls won, Chunsik has been voted most likely to:
Be exempt from a Federation experiment because he politely declines it
What a polite kid!
That's it, right? That's all the eggs. All 11 eggs, all 62 polls for the month of March
Why does my clipboard say I'm missing two polls.....
Oh! Yes!
Juanaflippa & Bobby
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In an absolutely unprecedented event, Juanaflippa AND Bobby have become our first ever dead eggs to win a canonical poll, with 1/62 win each! Juanaflippa has been voted most likely to:
Have a million allergies during the spring
And Bobby has been voted most likely to:
Get BANNED from playing Bulldog
It's still insane to me that you all managed to get these two a win. Bobby was going up against RICHARLYSON for void's sake. You all were fighting against the current on that one.
See you all soon!
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monkeey-booy · 4 months
So here is my take on coral island npc’s surnames! If you have a better idea, feel free to tell meeeeee <3
Luke, Bree, Walter Duckorns (found it on reddit, i believe it’s their official surname)
Pablo, Rafael, Antonio Sanchez
Nina Kluo (took it from the same reddit)
Leah, Randy Barnes (same)
Ling Jiang (reddit saved me)
Betty, Frank, Aaliyah, Noah, Erika Juma (thank you reddit)
Surya Widjojo (reddit is very useful)
Valentina Sanchez-Sinclair
Alice, Suki Sinclair
Dinda, Joko, Archie Oldfield
Kira, Jack, Kenny Shepherd
Mark Atkinson
Anne, Paul, Zoe Woods
Emily, Sam Moore
Eleanor, Sunny, Oliver Wilson (Sunny took Eleanor’s surname where they got married)
Jim, Theo, Lily Ryouno
Wataru, Wakuu Uchiumi
Scott Irwin
Millie Holland
Yuri Del Rosario (since she’s from a surrounding island, i headcanon her from the Philippines, correct me if i got that wrong)
Macy Gray
Raj Rani
Eva Fox
Charles O’Connor
Zarah Qamar
Chaem Hale
Emma, Dippa Monet
Ben Oswald
I used my insomnia and nervous breakdown to make this x) i also wrote a long list of idea to develop my farmer lmao be ready for some lore and doodles
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ayotamacheck · 2 years
your blog is solely getting me the coral island content I need! thank you for your service ^-^ could I get some first date hcs for noah & pablo?
tysm anon, glad to be of service o7 saw the lack of written content out here i had to step in haha
but yess of course!! i love both of these guys <3 this was super fun!!
first dates with theo and kenny<3
okok you know the drill dates below
okayokay you know he's going to be STRESSING about this for days before the actual thing
he feels clueless when it comes to romance. he's seen it before, he knows what he's /supposed/ to do, but it's all so hard to do when he's with you!! it feels like everything he knows just goes out the window as soon as you're beside him
so yes this is on his mind for ages before he even works up the nerve to ask you, and even more so once he finally gets the question out. when you say yes he's honestly surprised, even though he definitely shouldn't be because both of you are probably painfully obvious about it 😭😭
anyway. planning.
he doesn't want to do it at fishenships because he's there literally all day almost every day. not the prime location for something important to him. so he talks it over with frank and decides on something simple that you can both enjoy
beach date !!
he invites you out for a summer evening hanging out the docks and the beach. the two of you eat a packed meal he brought from the tavern as a special little picnic, which he also planned the hell out of. bought those cheap little plastic candles to hold the blanket down and for some nice mood lighting. he plays it off like it's a joke, mostly because he loves the way you smile when you see them.
you finish eating a little before sunset, and the two of you kick off your shoes and decide to wade along the waterline as the sun sets. it casts the shoreline in an otherworldly glow of oranges and reds and pinks, and noah watches as it lights up your features like nothing has before. you're in the middle of talking about something, and the sound of your voice paired with the lighting just. yeah. he's down bad.
you end up splashing him at some point. he definitely ends up losing his glasses in the tide. that's a whole ordeal to find but you do. speaking from experience, nothing bonds u better than life or death hunt for glasses in the waves lmaoo
perhaps. a kiss while the sun is setting. the pink of the sky edges into the purples and blues of nightfall, the first stars twinkle high above, and the two of you stand ankle-deep in the water and share a kiss. perhaps.
he walks you home, too, and makes sure you get inside safe :) wishes you goodnight.
literally cannot get the blush off his face the whole walk home, though. his whole family knows it went well because he's smiling the rest of the night.
ez. he's on my brain every day
first off, we know he's a romantic at heart. he's definitely going to show up with flowers to walk you to the date.
pablo would definitely take you out to the tavern to start off. he's there often enough that it's comfortable for him and if you're close, it's safe to assume he's invited you plenty of times, too. he just loves the atmosphere! the food is great, the music is good, the vibe of the whole place is nice–it just feels like a good, neutral spot to start.
the two of you meet there a little after sunset and order some dinner! you sit together in a corner booth so that you can still observe what's happening without feeling obligated to join in conversations outside the two of you if you don't want to. it's a great start to let both of you feel comfortable. plus you know the food is some of the best you're gonna get in starlet town 😌
conversation comes really easily! there's really no tension; it's not formal in the slightest and pablo is such a charismatic guy that he can take any lull in conversation and make something work. it's obvious that he's a little more nervous being on a /date/ with you, though. you can probably see him fidgeting like crazy when he doesn't think you're paying attention and he's always looking for some assurance that he's doing well, even if it's just in your smile or the sound of your laughter when his jokes land.
you share a round of drinks, and by the end of the meal the both of you are feeling good 😎
if you want the night to continue, the two of you can head back to his place 💪 he's got a great setup in his garage for the two of you to hang out in. he'll play you all kinds of music, maybe even watch a movie or two. he will DEFINITELY do the yawn-stretch hand around your shoulders thing lol. he'll melt if you rest against him while you're watching anything together.
once you're tapped out (if you don't decide to just spend the night) he'll offer to walk you home. the two of you take the most scenic route you can, half because he wants to hear you point out all the little things you pass along the way and half because he wants the night to last a little longer
he just loves the sound of your voice tbh. man is down bad
he'll walk you up the porch and say goodnight, and, if everything's gone well, he'll sneak you a goodnight kiss in the dim glow of your porch light before he sees you off
he's head over heels by the end of the first date though. no doubt. man is a hardcore romantic at heart.
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craudiaaa · 6 days
Do you guys like farming? pt. 3
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Finally had the time to draw and play Coral Island guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I chose to use that time very wisely + i feel guilty giving Frank gifts now........
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pinayelf · 4 months
walked into fishensips for a double whammy??????
first mark talking abt how he pushed this kid drake to prove himself and??? hello??? ;-;
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then aaliyah wanting to pursue being an astronaut vs betty wanting her to stay
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i cant do this pls
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Aaliyah: my love is pure
Kenny: the purest of all!
Aaliyah: my eyes are a natural color!
Frank: not red like hellfire
Aaliyah: and I have a nice ass! 😎
Chaem: that you do IT'S PERFECT!!!!! 🤩
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coral-nerd · 7 days
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This always gets me right in the feels
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penelopetheconartist · 6 months
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k but that's me and my husband irl.
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