forislynx · 2 years
RFSU:s bildande innebar ett stort steg framåt. Jag kastade mig med liv och lust in i upplysningsarbetet. Det var lätt att känna entusiasm inför RFSU:s målsättningar. Det var en organisation som ropade på ljus och luft, på rätt och frihet. RFSU sökte att bana vägar till befrielse ut ur det okunnighetens mörker och den sexuella nöd som massor av människor befann sig i. Vi vädjade till det arbetande folkets solidaritetskänsla, och fackföreningar, kvinnoklubbar och ungdomsorganisationer slöt upp. Vi krävde att vetenskapens rön på sexuallivets område skulle få komma de breda folklagren till del. Vi krävde att även ungdomen skulle få upplysning i sexualfrågor, så att de skulle kunna leva ett sunt och naturligt sexualliv i känsla av ansvar, och inte sätta barn till världen utan vidare. Vi fordrade att de som var annorlunda skapade än de stora flertalet i sexuellt avseende skulle få leva sitt liv som de ville, utan att bli förföljda av den okunniga hopen och jagas som förbrytare av polisen. Vi sökte med andra ord att bekämpa allt det rådande hyckleriet i sexualfrågan. Vi brännmärkte den s.k. dubbla moralen, som bedömer en mans handlingar på ett sätt, och en kvinnas handlingar på ett annat sätt. Vi ville inte vara med om att uppdela kvinnokönet i två grupper, där det av det ena krävdes att de ”obefläckade”, dvs utan sexuella erfarenheter, skulle träda in i det äkta ståndet, medan den andra gruppen skulle vara en leksak för skenheliga män som väntade på tillfälle att bilda familj. Vi vägrade acceptera synen på kvinnor som haft könsumgänge före äktenskapet som parias och dåliga människor. Vi kämpade med andra ord för allas rätt att vara människor. I vårt arbete byggde vi på erfarenheter från arbetarnas folkbildningsrörelse. Där var det enkla män och kvinnor som organiserade studiecirklar och tog fackmän till hjälp. Det spreds litteratur och ordnades föreläsningskurser. Vi var från början inställda på, att en hel del av det vi önskade inte skulle kunna genomföras förrän vi fått ett socialistiskt samhälle. Vi väntade oss ett hårt motstånd mot alla reformförslag, för vi visste att i det borgerliga samhället var det kyrkliga motståndet starkt och i statens skydd väl organiserat. Vi ansåg att den härskande klassen hade behov av den rådande sexualmoralen, och att man från det hållet skulle göra vad som helst för att undertrycka vår verksamhet. Men vi hade en stark kraft på vår sida: arbetarrörelsen. Tillsammans med arbetarrörelsen skulle RFSU kunna nå ut till folkets breda lager och få stöd i sin kamp för nya lagar och sexuell upplysning.
Eric Thorsell i Fredrik Silverstolpe, En homosexuell arbetares memoarer
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forestduck · 5 months
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Jun 17, 2022 - Download this free HD photo of nature, norway, mist, and forest in Norway by Fredrik Solli Wandem (@fredr...
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yulia-juniper · 1 year
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orthodoxiaonline · 1 year
Ίσως να ᾽ν᾽ αληθινή, ίσως να επαληθεύτηκε και πάλι πρόσφατα η λαϊκή παροιμία, “Μια φωτογραφία, χίλιες λέξεις!”, παρμένη από την ατάκα του 1920, του Αμερικανού επιχειρηματία FredR. Barnard, “One Look Is WorthThousand Words!” Έβλεπα προ ημερών στιγμιότυπα και φωτογραφίες από την κηδεία του 23χρονου κ... https://orthodoxia.online/ekklisia/mitropolitis-souidias-kleopas-pes-ta-kypriane-chrysostome/?feed_id=17270&_unique_id=6414dc54c1271
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fredaguirre · 3 years
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Work from my Pillow Collection 
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chrissipumpkin · 4 years
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My god, I could be so hot if I bothered to put on makeup more often 😂 (and if I could stop sweating long enough that it stays on for any amount of time 😭😭😭) 👁 👄 👁 #selfie #FancyFriday #FlannelFriday #makeup #redlips #safiyanygaard #lipstick #fred #fredred https://www.instagram.com/p/CDl-jyaDCT9/?igshid=t59wk6qctx2f
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mysharona1987 · 7 years
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linnartsf · 4 years
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April US automotive industry production output near zero The updated monthly automotive production output report comprises data up until april 2020. The updated report is available here:
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444names · 2 years
dutch cities + english towns + the entire article on lego from wikipedia in danish
Accleet Aclee Actoy Adlingham Almenu Alney Alstock Ambord Andbacup Anger Anvey Apping Appley Arnareham Arnham Artsey Assing Atter Auton Bakerier Banbrixham Barkivenpå Barne Barnham Barringer Barrogate Batterdam Beaconinces Beamthe Bebion Bebiontt Becclee Beccleobury Bechnictoy Bedam Bedretones Bedruth Begynde Begynden Bergh Berkeswich Betington Biceste Bider Bington Blacknell Blackpoorth Blandbacup Blandon Bletchwood Blivenager Blyton Bodminstra Bodmobill Bolsone Bolswort Boridge Bostwood Bourn Bourntwood Bractoy Bramthert Branger Brede Brich Bridge Bridporth Brosby Bruth Buckingsea Budlow Bular Bungenbury Byggenen Bygget Bygningdon Bygningham Børne Cambe Camble Cambley Camborough Canninjein Carlin Carst Centale Centerik Chatherham Chednester Chickcook Chille Chingham Chrise Christike Chursley Cirebrick Cirentwood Cityco Cockton Coevord Colchem Coler Colesbury Corbrixham Corrinton Coulsyston Cournley Cowerful Craftmine Crampton Creator Crewsburg Croystown Cullom Danmarch Danmarl Dawlistone Dealifax Delby Delton Diskussing Disning Doess Doversham Doverton Dudleiston Dukter Dulston Dæklugness Earborg Earlow Eartington Earts Ecclese Ecclesen Elseri Elsovent Enter Epworkum Epwortham Erkham Exmoutham Fairbendt Fairbrick Faresmenter Ferentforth Ferryhilvis Final Fording Fordington Forsham Forsket Foundaal Foweston Fredre Friendone Gamere Gamesburg Gater Gationsmet Geerden Girlse Godaleste Grasmusser Greaming Greator Grence Grundatorpe Guilding Halenhoe Halland Hallas Halsage Haltby Harlborough Harpe Hasley Haster Hatchurch Havesey Haywarden Heanortér Hebdenburg Heder Hednes Heerley Heertil Heertonens Henden Hendt Hengars Herby Heroermond Herrari Hesham Hestock Heukelton Hindia Hingdon Hingsea Hingtonch Histem Hister Histon Hoddock Hoddon Honitonham Hoogen Hornaby Hornard Houtham Houthburgh Hunger Hunstem Ijzen Ilklods Ilkår Imminiorst Indeley Indenbury Indham Infler Inflertony Ington Ingtones Ipstoftus Ipstor Jarrog Kenham Kesghouse Kesteamt Keyning Kidnington Kilder Kinger Kinghampton Kirksop Kirthleven Klodserick Klodsham Knudskridge Konton Kontt Kriser Kulturkan Landownham Leaford Leaforden Ledon Lelton Lewich Likeld Likelmonde Lingelst Lingtone Lochdalton Logger Lonen Longry Lowes Ludge Maastleign Mable Mablevesey Macclesford Maiden Maltham Mansford Manspenryn Maryportham Massingtone Meley Middelser Midder Middleigh Middley Mitch Mlcadkirkbi Modelford Morecarby Moret Mossop Movield Movil Muide Mutal Mutalenham Nanting Newen Nieuwston Nuvære Nuværend Oakenberlen Oakenham Olegoland Ommond Ommontt Oprest Organ Ormatham Ormatlang Oswester Ounde Overwood Paddatorigh Paddon Pading Padingford Padston Paraoh's Parksop Passens Passern Peach Penningtone Penworth Peter Pladebruar Plyme Plyminstede Ponton Portaktuelt Porth Pottespañol Poynto Produlmål Prudhover Raceham Racer Racton Rampton Randownlo Ranewburgh Rangport Ranting Reamaltby Redierford Rells Rithirs Rochdal Roenley Rothe Roystanhoe Rugelig Rugelselv Rushder Rusherie Saffham Salton Samment Sandwick Schem Scuntham Scuntistown Sedberg Seden Selton Shead Shean Shero Shiddleham Shill Shington Shrewe Sidennield Silsham Simpston Sleaconster Sluisbridge Snodlandon Solitwich South Spenritvik Spiratest Sprodukter Stavler Stavler's Stownham Stramthe Swade Swanlego Swansas Sålede Taley Taunce Tavig Teamalam Tekter Telay Thorpetwood Thryn Tidslingdon Tield Tilbury Torie Torikke Totney Tourbrick Ulturmeren Ulveshall Unikimedia Velksham Venhalton Villeby Villom Virker Viste Vlaar Vollingham Vægge Vægger Værendam Wainford Walleague Warding Watchage Watchem Wathryn Wellingbrie Wemborough Westhe Weymoor Whistiansen Whitchlade Whitet Whitetbury Whitnashton Winchley Winde Winderer Windermouth Winds Winsborough Wirkbi Wirksworley Withe Wivelsone Wokie Wollend Wortilford Zevedon Zwolverdam Ændrick Ønskalam
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Internet Auction 4
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Steven and fredr how did you guys get your kid did you adopt?
Steven: “Stores are basically adoption gambles. You never know if some of the stuff you bring home is living. In our case, we went to the grocery store, bought stuff, and found out that the spinach can and loaf of bread we bought were sentient once we got home. Once we found that out, we decided to keep them.”
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gifhaze · 6 years
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#gif #love http://ebay.to/2EsOz0f huh, rhony, slice, bravo tv, the real housewives of new york, who said that, bethenny and fredrik
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politicaloperative3 · 2 years
Inside from the balcony in the NB legislature. #Fredr
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The in side of the NB legislature.
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justlovetv · 3 years
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lpwrites · 6 years
singularity [1]
The Raven Queen has found him.
It’s a delirious thought -- icy water fills his lungs and his limbs burn, clearly he’s not in any shape to parse any rationality -- but it is the only one his addled brain clings to, squinting blearily at the dark-haired woman crouched over him. 
He doesn’t even believe in the gods. He’s a man of science, of the natural world he can see and understand, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t start praying, strained, for a swift death. He isn’t sure what he sounds like, half-drowned and covered with ice, but the woman takes pity on him, smoothing her hand over his forehead.
“Hush now, darling,” she murmurs, and her voice is the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. “Don’t worry. I’m going to help you.”
Truly, Percival’s been blessed. There’s no other way to explain it, and lets himself fall into darkness, the feel of hands wrapping around his arms the last thing he remembers.
He awakes to soft furs at his back and softer murmurs ahead, the crackling of a fire easing the tension in his shoulders. He wonders if Julius and Vesper have invaded the library again, bringing in the rest of his siblings to spend the night around the fire. 
His hopes are dashed when the dark haired woman kneels beside him again, pressing a cool hand against his forehead. Her smile is soft, gentle as her voice reaches him. “How are you feeling, darling?”
Percival’s voice cracks when he tries to answer, and a scornful snort catches his attention. 
He squints through the glare of the fire in his glasses, mouth tugging into a frown at the sight of the young man. He and the woman must be related; they share a jawline, at the very least, though while her eyes are warm, his are sharp.
“What’s your name?” The young man asks, eyeing Percy with a tartness he isn’t sure he deserves. He tends to his blades by the fire, making sure to catch the light of it on the sharp edges.
Percy swallows thickly, despite the woman’s cluck of disapproval. “Per-Percival Fredr--” He clamps his mouth shut, hard enough to feel a rattle in his jaw, and takes a couple of steadying breaths before he tries again. “Just Percy.”
“Just Percy,” the man murmurs, raising a sharp eyebrow - and that seems to be his theme, the sharpness, be it at his nose or his jaw or the new daggers he produces from within his coat. “Well then, Just Percy, what the fuck happened to you?”
“Honestly, Vax,” the woman says, shaking her head and turning to Percy. “Ignore him, Percy dear. He’s just upset we took a detour.”
Percy stares up at her blankly, still too disoriented to focus on what was going on. “I’m sorry?”
The woman turns her attention to a small satchel at her side, pulling herbs and wrappings from within. “We saw you fall from a waterfall, dear. I insisted we check it out.”
“To loot the body.” The man - Vax, he supposes - scoffs, and flinches when the woman lobs a pebble at him with surprising accuracy.
“To make sure you were alright.” She stresses, folding the wrappings and placing them against Percy’s head. “My name is Vex’halia, by the way. That’s my brother, Vax’ildan.”
“Pleasure to meet you both,” Percy murmurs, his heart beating in his throat as his memories catch up to him. “Did you--a waterfall, you say? Did you see a girl with me as well? My sister, she was with me--”
“Easy there, Freddy,” Vax’ildan cuts through the babbling, and Percy bites his tongue. “It was just you we saw. I’m sorry.”
“We can help you find her, if you’d like.” Vex’halia says, pressing sweet herbs into aching spots on his body. “It shouldn’t be too hard to do. Which way did you come from?”
“And what were you running from?” Vax ignores his sister’s grimace, stepping around the fire to crouch in front of Percy. Percy watches warily as Vax’s finger reaches out, tapping his forehead and sending pain blooming behind his eyes. 
Stifling a swear, Percy swats his hand away. “Stop that! We weren’t...we were running away.”
“Funny, so are we.” The smile Vex’halia gives him is still soft, but he sees an edge of concern in her eyes. “Where do you plan on going?”
“Anywhere. Away.” Away from Whitestone and the Briarwoods and the corpses of his parents, of his siblings and the people that helped raise him. Percy’s breathing hitches again, and even Vex’s hand rubbing circles into his back doesn’t help ease the panic.
Vax frowns, sharing a look with his sister before heading back to the fire. “We’re heading out tomorrow, Vex.”
“I know,” she rolls her eyes, reaching around Percy to pat the fur behind him. “Isn’t that right, Trinket?”
Percy wheezes at the responding rumble, and feels a cold nose nudge at his hand. “Am I laying on a bear?”
“He’s a very sweet bear,” Vex assures him, tucking the fur coat under his chin. “He’ll watch over you tonight, dear. Tomorrow we can figure out what to do.”
Percy nods stiffly and lets the bear finish his exploration before settling back. Perhaps it wasn’t his time, and the Raven Queen wasn’t out to take him, but surely this meeting can’t be mere coincidence.
He feels something brewing in the horizon, and he listens to the siblings, fighting away dreams of blood and smoke. He’s been given a second chance, and he doesn’t plan on wasting it.
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years
Untitled Project
Hello everyone, Mr.E wishing you a fantastic day and week and hope it’s going great for you! 
So first off, happy birthday to @hipster-rapunzel and @xxinfamousxx321 WOOO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (throws confetti) 
so this is my birthday gift to @hipster-rapunzel who wanted me to write a story about an oc i previously told her about. so i was like alright and here it is.
So this is just a little thing i wrote, it’s okay in terms of writing because I didn’t want to world build too much but the basic premise is a girl is attending a magical school but has been stuck in the remedial class *Which she is the only one student in* for the last 6 years because her magic isn’t strong or even functioning properly. Magic here operates under different styles and is created through a combination of focus and imagination. its a lot to explain.
so that’s really it. I mean if you all like it, maybe i could more into details but for now, this story is just it. So have an amazing week, stay awesome and here we go. You are about to read one of the oldest OCs I ever came up with. I hope you enjoy!
@artgirllullaby @hains-mae
The village was quiet as the sun slowly rose into the sky. People were sleepily making their way out of their houses, tiredly rubbing at their eyes while greeting each other with a lazy wave or grunt.
“Heads up everyone, it's 7:45!” Someone called from the window
Everyone gave a sleepy nod as they shuffled this way and that, hiding in any little nooks and crannies that they could find. Some took shelter behind carts or against walls while the sound of hurried and panicked footsteps against the cobble road filled the air.
“Morning everyone!” a 16 year old girl called out to everyone in the square as she sped her way past.
“Morning Penny” the square replied.
Petunia Allison Maxwell or as she preferred, Penny, was once again late to class though she wasn't too worried. This wasn't the first time and she doubt it'd be the last.
Penny's stormy gray eyes darted back and forth as she made her way through, her hand a frantic blur while she waved hello to every single person she could manage to spot.
“Mr. Turner, Miss Audery, Mister Stevens, Bob.”
“Penny” Bob replied, the massive giant of man gave a slight nod before continuing on his way.
Penny skidded to a stop in front of the bakery, her medium length midnight purple hair swaying back and forth as she took a long deep inhale of the freshly made bread that wafted through the air.
“Late again Penny?” a friendly voice called out as an older man of 40 with black hair and a thick mustache walked out of the backroom carrying the latest batch of pastries, gently placing them on top of the counter.
Penny gave a sheepish smile, shrugging innocently as she approached the register “It's not considered late if it's a daily thing, right Mr. Athos?”
The older man simply shook his head “I'm pretty sure the school won't see it that way. Hey I noticed a lot of students were heading out earlier than usual. Anything special today?”
Penny gave a nervous chuckle “It's PE day.”
“P...E? Like physical education?”
“Oh no no no, it stands for Practical Exam” Penny explained “It's the only way to get into a higher class.”
“Ooooh right, Cyn was tell me about that last night. Didn't explain it as well as you did though. You think this is going to be your year Penny?”
Penny sighed tiredly “I sure hope so. 6 years stuck in the same place isn't exactly great for an up and coming spellcaster you know?”
Mr. Athos gave a reassuring nod “I'm sure you'll be great. Here, one Bear claw for the studious young lady.”
“thanks!” Penny beamed cheerfully
“And one moldy, three old day bread for bribing.” Mr. Athos handed over a carefully wrapped package which Penny took gingerly.
“Awesome, you're the best! Wish me luck! Bye Mr. Athos!”
“Good bye Petunia”
“DON'T CALL ME THAT!” She shouted in response as she ran out of view.
Penny could feel the beads of sweet run down the back of her neck as Merlin's Academy for the Magical Arts came into view.
The school was surrounded by large, intimidating iron bars that seemed to stretch high towards the sky. The buildings ranged from short and squat to towering skyscrapers that leaned a little too dangerously to one side. Each one was painted a different color represent one of the different magical arts and the lessons one could expect to find within their hallowed walls.
Not that Penny actually knew what was inside each of the building....
“Almost there” Penny told herself, huffing and puffing “Almost there!”
Penny let out a frustrated groan as she found herself face first against a watery clear surface that appeared out of nowhere. Ripples spread out from where Penny's face made impact.
“Oh come on!” Penny whined, rubbing her aching nose.
“Well” A booming, gruff voice called out as the sounds of stone scrapping pavement became louder and louder “That's what happens when people are late for school.”
“Well....” Penny shrank into herself as a figure waddled out of the security booth.
It was a massive creature made out of stone. Its face was smooth and life-like despite being made of rock. Two large carved teeth protruded out of its lower jaw, its eyes were smooth and pupil-less though she could feel its stare on her. Two stubby, short horns fit neatly under his little blue cap, its body was muscular under the pale blue uniform and obviously the one feature the artist went to great lengths to perfect. Penny gulped anxiously as its two bat-like wings basked her in their shadow as the creature scooted  forward on its circular base.  
“Why are we late today Petunia?” The gargoyle asked in an exhausted tone.
“It's Penny Bart” the teen answered with a finger raised high “And my alarm clock broke.”
The creature nodded in disbelief “I thought you fixed that yesterday.”
“A hydra destroyed my bathroom.”
“Those hydras are quite troublesome...and don't live in the village.”
“Would you believe that I'm just lazy?”
“Oh definitely” Bart agreed “You know every time you lie, you get another freckle on your face?”
“Don't say that I have too many already! Come on Bart, let me through! It's PE day and I need to get to Miss Hart's class before she decides just to flunk me.”
Bart let out a bellowing chuckle “You're late Penny, those are the rules.”
Penny sighed dramatically “I guess I'll just take this moldy bread and feed it to one of the river statues. They love the treats I bring them.”
Bart smacked his lips hungrily “I mean....it would be a shame if you were to forced to stay in the remedial class just because you couldn't take the exam.”
“thank you!” Penny beamed as she tossed the disgusting treat high into the air and taking a step back.
Without warning, Bart unfurled his wings and took off high into the sky, spiraling after the snack before munching down on it with a mighty crunch.
The world shook violently as Bart crashed back to earth with a deep thud, embedding himself a good foot into the ground.
“Okay Penny” Bart sighed contently “You may pass....after the checklist.”
“Yes yes, I am wearing my standard issue uniform” She gestured to her long white sleeved collared shirt, light blue vest, black skirt with black socks and loafers “And I have my pencil and my insurance card.”
“Check and check” Bart nodded “Okay, good luck Penny.”
“Thanks!” Penny replied, her face shining brightly before falling into panic once again “I'm totally going to fail....”
Penny's mad dash resumed as she passed by the beautiful, 2 story red building of the alchemical laboratory and made her way to a little tiny shack far off to the side away from any sort of civilization, its paint peeling and revealing an earth brown color scheme that would've never worked in any sort of environment.
She was nearly at the door when she noticed a familiar person awkwardly shuffling towards the same location.
Penny dug her heels in as hard as she could and nearly tumbled forward from her sudden stop. She could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest as the person turned around slowly.
It was a boy about her age with messy black hair and the coolest shades ever covering his eyes. He wore the dark brown version of the school's blazer/dress pants instead of the unoriginal black with a reddish brown tie.
He tilted his head back and forth almost like he was trying to hear for something though his gaze never fell on the unmoving Penny.
“Phil?” the boy called “Phil, is someone here?”
A squawk replied from the boy's shoulder as a pudgy, stout but beautiful gold and crimson colored bird cried out in response “AH somebody's here, somebody's here!”
Penny glared deeply at the bird, putting a finger on her lips in an attempt to silence the bird but there was an evil twinkle in Phil's gold iris
“It's Petuniaaaaa”
Penny clenched her fist angrily as a chuckle escaped the boy's mouth.
“Penny, is that you?”
“Heeeeey Fredrick!” Penny nervously answered, already feeling her cheeks burn brightly “How are you doing good old buddy old pal?
“Haha I'm good. Heading to class” Fredrick gestured to thin air on his left rather than the building on his right “And you? Late as always.”
“W-well I...personally wouldn't say...late...per....say”
“So late it is.” Fredrick grinned mischievously
Penny sighed in response “Yeeeeeeah Fredrick. Today's PE day and I...just couldn't sleep”
“Well, Petunia, I'm sure you'll do fine”
“It's Penny Fredrick”
“No” Fredrick scratched his chin thoughtfully “I think it's Petunia. It's easy to get confused since you keep calling me Fredrick.”
Penny's flush worsen “I...”
“So I'll call you Penny and you call me Fred, deal?”
“Deal” Penny mumbled.
Phil snickered at Penny's discomfort.
Penny bit her lip, taking a slow, deep breath. She couldn't strangle Phil despite the syrupy urge to. Seeing eye birds were expensive and she didn't want Fred to wander the halls helplessly.
“So, since we're late” Fred spoke up “I think we should get going. See you around Penny.”
“Bye Fredr...Fred!” Penny corrected herself before giving him the most enthusiastic wave she could muster.
Fred chuckled once more as he groped for the door's handle and disappeared down the hall within.
Penny smacked herself “He's blind! Why did I wave at him?! Ugh I'm going to kill that stupid bird. After the test.”
Penny sighed and pulled open the front door only to find herself staring at an empty classroom and a very displeased Miss Hart waiting for her. The older woman was in her late 20s with reddish brown hair, piercing green eyes and a scar that ran down her chin.
“Miss Maxwell.” Miss Hart spoke soft but firmly “I believe you are late.”
“Hee...” Penny timidly chuckled “Well you see I...”
“take your seat.”
Penny gulped “Yes ma'am.”
Penny played with the tiny miniature sword she had created while Miss Hart was talking about the necessary safe precautions about taking the Practical Examination.
“Miss Maxwell”
Penny shot up quickly but flinched as the minuscule weapon slid out of her fingers and landed on the floor with a barely heard thunk.
“Y-es Miss Hart?”
The older woman's gaze narrowed “Are you ready for the Practical Examination?”
“Umm....yes?” Penny replied, unsure what the correct answer was “I mean I've taken it 6 times so I'm very familiar with the whole process....”
“Then all students prepare for the examination.”
Penny looked to her left, her right and behind and as usual, found empty pews and tables in the remedial classroom.
“I'm ready ma'am!” Penny nodded excitedly
Miss Hart rolled her eyes as gestured to Penny's desk and swiped with her hand.
The desk was flung sideways without warning and broke into dozens of splinters.
“Umm Miss Hart?” Penny asked in an anxious, quizzical tone “Shouldn't we move this out of the classroom? I mean Practical Examinations aren't really supposed to be conducted within the...”
“I want to get this over with” Miss Hart interrupted, gesturing Penny with a finger.
The air surrounding the teen began heating up rapidly
Penny dropped to her knees as flames sparked into existence, swirling for a moment before being promptly extinguished
“Miss Hart!” Penny cried out as she rose to her feet “I really don't think...”
“Are you going to sling spells or just sit there?” Miss Hart answered, swiping the air in front of her.
Penny gulped as 3 massive broadswords impaled themselves into the floor just inches in front of her face.
“I guess we're not doing this by regulations” Penny murmured to herself, pointing directly to the approaching teacher.
The air sparked and crackled with fiery embers. Penny bit her lip in concentration, willing the air to catch ablaze but despite her best efforts, the sparks did not burst into flames.
Miss Hart shook her head, unsurprised by the result of Penny's spellcasting.
“Look Penny, if you want to do magic, you need to feel it!”
“I AM FEELING IT!” Penny shouted, unable to keep the desperation out of her voice.
“Remember the four fundamental styles of magic.” Miss Hart yelled back, closing her open hand into a fist “Alteration.”
Penny gasped, stumbling backwards while the wooden panel flooring sprouted vines that snaked towards her feet almost like they were alive.
Penny covered her face as a fierce wind raged inside the classroom, scattering papers every and nearly knocking her off her feet.
Penny gasped, falling backwards and barely managing to scurry away from the broadswords that fell over, transforming mid-swing into large, imposing battle axes that sunk into the floor just in front of her
Penny could feel the tears well in her eyes. She was failing once again. 6 years of being stuck in the remedial class. 6 years of trying everything she could, studying and willing her magic to grow, to become more powerful and nothing. Nothing to show for it and another year of being stuck in the same class, a class that only existed because her magic was so sub par! This wasn't fair, this wasn't fair!
Miss Hart slowly approached the fallen student, her eyes cold and distant.
“And of course the most powerful, rarest of all....” she spoke slowly as she lifted her hand “Cre...”
Penny let out a horrible scream, one laced with all her failure, all her anger, all her despair and shot up to her feet.
Miss Hart's eyes widen as Penny's gray pupils shifted, becoming an icy white as her hair transformed from purple to a shimmering gold.
Penny's stare was empty and lifeless but before Miss Hart could react, she simply gestured to her teacher.
Penny fell to her knees, coughing wildly as she struggled to figure out what happened.
The last thing she remembered was Miss Hart preparing a creation spell and now she was on all fours, coughing her brains out and her mouth having a very unpleasant ashy taste.
Penny coughed as strains of golden hair intermixed with the sea of purple hung freely in front of her
gold? She didn't remember getting highlights.
Penny shook her head. Maybe she was just tired and imaging things.
“Miss Hart” Penny weakly called out, brushing her hair out of her face “I don't know what spell you used but you need to restrain yourself a bit.”
Penny looked upwards and felt her heart drop.
Miss Hart's simply stared at her, her jaw clenched tightly. She was surrounded by large, circular stone pillars that seemed have formed out of nowhere and if Penny didn't know any better, she would've said they almost looked like a hand reaching out for her teacher.
“Well...” Penny spoke quietly “I..guess...I passed?”
Miss Hart's eyes flared angrily “You failed.”
Penny scoffed “Failed? I like to point out that I clearly obviously evidently performed a creation spell and made...stone...fingers....or something! My magic is getting better and I shouldn't be stuck in the...”
“You failed” Miss Hart repeated coldly “Now get out of here.”
Penny felt a cold icy feeling spread through her body as Miss Hart's words echoed dully in her head.
“...I.....yes Miss...Hart.”
Penny could feel the tears building but refused to let them fall in the presence of her teacher. She didn't want to give her the satisfaction
Penny gathered her scattered belongings and bolted out the door, barely able to keep herself in check as she raced home.
Ripley Hart let out a tense, nervous sigh she had been holding. That was too close. Far too close for her liking.
She stared at the stone fingers that appeared from nowhere, running her hand over their smooth surface.
“....these are perfectly cut” She muttered to herself “Expertly crafted with an impressive detail.”
“It's bad isn't it?” a new voice asked carefully.
Ripley turned to find an elderly old man sitting patiently in a nearby seat. His beard was thick and bushy, probably to make up for the lack of hair on his skull. His sliver eyes peered thoughtfully towards Missy Hart as he waited for an answer.
Ripley nodded in agreement “It's really bad. Sir.....I think he's waking up.”
“....Well shit” the old man answered.
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