#markov gen
444names · 7 months
Names generated from Swedish forenames, forced to end with "S"
Adampus Adamus Adrasmilis Adris Agabris Albines Albingris Alfrannes Alfras Aliamuelis Alias Alicolinus Alielines Alincellis Alines Alinus Alisampus Alivis Allis Altoras Altornes Alviampus Alvicolis Alvines Alvis Alvisaras Ameddampus Ameras Aminus Ampus Amuelines Amuelis Andannes Antornes Arvinus Arvis Asmus Augus Augustils Axeliamus Axelines Axels Aximils Aximolinus...
Belis Caras Caris Carvis Casmines Casmus Casperas Castilis Celiamejas Celinus Celisampus Celliviris Cenjas Chalvis Chamils Champus Colines Colinus Colis Coras Coriels Cornes Damilis Damiras Dampus Ebasmus Ebastines Ebbas Ebbasmus Ebbelis Eddiels Edielis Edvillis Edvils Edvinelis Edvines Edvinus Edvis Edwaras Edwarlines Edwarlis Eliamelis Eliamilis Eliampus Eliamus Eliasmus Elicias Elielis Elils Elinelis Elines Elingrejas Elinus Eliselis Eliviasmus Elivis Ellaris Ellarvis Ellexanils Ellias Elliasmus Elliels Ellines Ellinus Ellis Eltelvis Eltenjas Elvias Elvicias Elvigrejas Elvils Elvinelis Elvinornes Elvinus Elvis Emejas Emejasmus Emelis Emels Emilinus Emillis Emils Emines Eminus Eriampus Estils Felis Felivis Fellis Feltels Felviras Fiamus Fiasmus Fildamilis Filines Filinus Filis Filisamus Fillis Fredvis Frejacoras Frejamejas Frejampus Gabels Gredvines Grejas Griampus Grias Griktornes Gustris Halbines Halis Hamelines Hamuels Hamus Handras Hannes Hantornes Harasmus Harvinus Harvis Helias Helivils Helvingris Heodornes Hildandras Hilhelis Hilias Hilis Hilivis Hillivinus Hjamels Hjampus Hjasmus Hugottelis Hugus Innes Irasmus Irastris Isabris Isagnes Isamels Isampus Isamus Isebas Isebbas Ivines Jacolines Jacolis Jacoris Jalilis Jalmejas Jampus Jamus Jasmus Joeliannes Joelines Joelinus Joelis Joellines Joels Joelvis Johalinus Johampus Johamus Joliamus Jolias Jolines Jolingris Jolinus Jolis Jollielis Jollivis Joscas Joscasmus Josebas Josebbas Josebbels Julias Julicias Julinels Julines Julis Julisamus Junicias Kevinornes Kevis Leias Leodoris Liampus Liannes Liasmus Licias Licolines Licolis Linellis Lines Lingriels Linnes Lisamus Lisarlis Lisebas Lividamus Livis Lokevinus Lovalis Lovalvis Lovannes Lovantels Lovarias Lovias Lovignes Lovines Lovinus Lucarvis Lucasmus Lucastris Ludviamus Ludvignes Ludvils Ludvines Ludvingris Ludvinnes Ludvinus Ludvis Lunicias Majas Majasmus Majkenjas Malbinus Malines Malinnes Malis Mannes Marasmus Marvignes Marvines Marvingris Matils Matinus Maxelis Maxels Maxelvinus Medvils Mejas Mejasmus Melias Melines Melingris Melis Melisamus Melleiamus Mellines Melvis Merasmus Mildampus Mildarlis Milias Milinus Milis Minathamus Mines Mingris Minoras Minus Miris Mohampus Mohannes Molils Molis Molivils Mollinus Nelinus Nelis Nellis Neodornes Nestagnes Nicias Nielicias Niels Nilis Noelis Noels Noras Norias Noridannes Nornes Novaras Novias Novis Oliannes Olias Olinelivis Olines Olinus Olisampus Olliamalis Ollias Ollines Ollis Ollivines Oscas Oscasmus Oscastinus Osebas Osebasmus Osebbas Osebbels Osels Ronjas Sabelis Sabels Sabris Sagnes Salinus Saminus Sampus Samus Saras Saris Sarviras Sarviselis Sebas Sebasmus Sebbas Sebbasmus Selis Sellines Sellis Signels Signes Sigrejas Sigrias Sigrielias Sigris Simils Simines Simolis Siras Sirias Siriasmus Siridampus Sofiampus Sofiamuels Sofias Sofiasmus Sofilhels Sofils Stilovis Stils Stines Stingris Stris Svalindris Svalis Svarlis Tagabris Tagnestris Tavis Thamels Thampus Thamus Tharliamus Theodornes Tiampus Tiasmus Tiliamelis Tilias Tilinus Tilis Tillis Tines Tinnes Tinus Tyras Tyrasmus Varlivis Verasmus Viamilis Viampus Vicellinus Vicias Vidampus Vidamus Vignes Vigriampus Viktonjas Vines Vinnes Vinus Virias Viris Visampus Visamus Wildampus Wildannes Wildavils Wilhels Wilines Wilis
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Absolute Unit™️ for Markovgen that will crash your browser
It's worth it.
Including 47 607 individual words and 389 531 symbols, making the average word 8.18 letters long, it spreads on 107 pages of standard google doc formatting.
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matchalovertrait · 3 months
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when it's past closing time but people won't stop buying things!! at least we're successful?
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wildmeadowsims · 4 months
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Tomi is also expecting!
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mayzie-grobe · 6 months
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transcript under cut
that feeling when you realize you embarrassed yourself in front of someone famous without even knowing who they were....😳
beginning | next
[David]: Don’t sweat it too much, Junior. You’ll get the hang of it.
[Noah]: Yeah, it just seems like a lot because you’re new.
[Royce]: Everyone here more or less grew up together, so that’s what makes it a bit complicated.
[David]: ...Great.
[Noah]: Oh!
[Noah]: Angie’s here, hang on guys.
[Noah]: Hey!
[Junior]: Angie?
[David]: Angela Ward, mom’s a big movie star. She was a child actor too. Did that one show, uhh, Empty House?
[Royce]: And that’s Irene Laurent.
[David]: They’ve been close since Angela’s mom bought that summer house in Tartosa. Ugh.
[Royce]: Doesn’t Angela go by Haukeland now?
[David]: What — I don’t know.
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thatoneplumbob · 1 year
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can’t wait to play generation 2.
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animegenork · 2 years
Oh, Brion
Brion, Brion, Brion
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peepawleo · 1 year
//Hey! This is a list of every single blog from THIS LEO’S universe! These are all run by either me or my friends. [Fab and great don’t count because they’re canonically from another timeline.] Some of these are canon characters, some of these are our special Rise Renditions of classic TMNT characters, and some of these are OCs, ALL OF WHOM you should check out and send asks to. Just a warning, some of the content can be dark, but all of these blogs are super fun, and a lot of them haven’t been getting asks for a while, so it’d mean a lot if you all could pop in and send some asks, especially to the OCs.
April: @warrenstone1fan
Leo: @blueboi30
Donnie: @bella-donnie9000
Mikey: @orangeboi39
Raph: @bigbro-red
(OC) Scylla and Crollo: @dragonbreakers07
Jotaro Usagi-Hamato: @bunnboi
(OC) Miko Inu: @nexuschamp1
Splinter: @ratdad29
(OC) Z and Mouse: @zouse0
Draxum: @hiddencitysmostwanted
Shelldon: @roboboyo3
(OC) Shirogane: @shiroganerionthedragon
Señor Hueso: @theboneman24
(OC) Azalea: @azaleaspiral
(OC) Theodore: @theonepunkasshole
(OC) Tenzu: @tenzuproductions
(OC) Kaz: @mosaic-kazimir
(OC) Mica: @leafy-sea-gal
(OC) Vincent: @the-eye-of-markov
Cassandra Jones: @browniesfor-world-domination
Casey Jones JR: @chainsawhockeystick
Sunita: @kaboomingsunita
(OC) Geni: @fly-butterfly-away
[These are all from Samurai Rabbit]
Yuichi Usagi: @thesamurairabbit
Kitsune: @foxypuppets
Auntie Usagi: @usagifarms
Gen: @onehornedarmy
Toki: @onehornedfarmer
Chizu: @chizutheninja
Spot: @yeep-yeep-yeep
Tetsujin @thekistonekeeper
(OC) Yukichi: @thesmartersamurairabbit
[Okay thats it for the Samurai Rabbit blogs]
Jennika: @the-turtle-guard
Venus: @the--assistant
(OC) Aarav: @spicydeerjerky
(OC) Ysabelle: @sleepytimemurder
(OC) Charlie: @thegrimmemer
Leatherhead: @killer-gator-666
Piebald: @the-flushing-is-nigh
(OC) Willa: @starrynightyokai
(OC) Kaholo: @fishes-inthe-c
(OC) Sochai: @peafowl-arethe-best-birds
(OC) Sayara: @dumber-thana-spelling-bee
Kendra: @violet-fictional-lizard
(OC) Elijak: @stripes-stripes-babyy
(OC) Diane: @purrtyladyluck
(OC) Felinus: @fe-lonies
(OC) Qiu: @ultra-azure
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 days
Our Time in Reverse - What it Takes
by InkBlot31 Richard John Grayson was adopted by the business man Bruce Wayne when his parents were killed by elusive gangster and extortionist, Tony Zucco. Dick knee they died because of that man. Bruce promised to bring Zucco in and have him serve for his crimes, yet days and weeks pass with Bruce barely making an effort to bond at all with his new ward. Dick reaches out to a man who saves him from making the error of all runaways when he decides to leave his tall tower.Slade Wilson is a mercenary who does what he wants when he thinks it keeps him content. Little does he know that running into Slade was no coincidence. The man saw his parents fall from those stands and gives the boy a pertinent question to answer, "I can teach you to shoot the same man who ruined your happiness, if you become my protégé and follow in my footsteps to repay our bargain of my trainings to pullthat trigger." In the first part of this scenario, Dick doesn't take out Zucco but still becomes the man's responsibility in the long game. Bruce is furious and orders bother caught and Dick back in his tower. Only thing? Dick trusts Slade so much that he'd do anything to stay away from the person he fears and most. The Batman. Words: 22619, Chapters: 7/7, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Titans (Animated Series), The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, William Randolph Wintergreen, Koriand'r (DCU), Victor Stone, Garfield Logan, Raven (Teen Titans), Tara Markov, Grant Wilson (DCU), Rose Wilson, Joseph Wilson (DCU), Adeline Kane Wilson, Barbara Gordon, Timothy Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Sebastian Blood | Brother Blood, Cassandra Cain Relationships: Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Adoption, Revenge, Separation Anxiety, PTSD, Angst, Espionage, identity crisis, Manipulation, Brainwashing, Mental Breakdown, Depression, Suicide, Competition via https://ift.tt/LjyevFG
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lunarsimmer · 7 months
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: A child sim with light brown hair in space buns looking down at something
Image 2: A sim with short black hair in a small ponytail with a grumpy expression outside, next to them is an orange text box reading A Work Rivalry Begins followed by Argh, Garrett can’t stand Mateo Markovic! Whether Mateo knows it or not, it’s the start of a workplace rivalry! Garrett won’t be able to earn promotions until this matter is resolved. He can try befriending or sabotaging Mateo at work to remedy the problem. Meeting up after hours is also an option, whether he chooses to be friendly or try more...creative solutions.
Image 3: A dark grey and light grey gradient banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with a swirly heart inside a house above it and the words gen 1 on the right with a swirly heart inside a house above it
End Image Description]
While Sonia gets a head start on her aspiration, a new development has occurred in Garrett’s career; namely, he’s now got a work rival.
Garrett: He’s constantly stealing my shows and I swear he put glue on my guitar!
And yet the two of you are actually compatible...go figure.
Beginning / Previous / Next
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sims4-premades · 2 years
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Active Sims (Currently Updating)
Akiyama - Kado (Gen 1) / Jenna (Gen 1) / Taku (Gen 2) / Miki (Gen 2)
Bailey - Grey (Gen 3)
Benali - Rebecca (Gen 2) / Ella (Gen 2)
Bheeda - Nadia (Gen 2) / Maya (Gen 2) / Sanjay (Gen 2) / Caleb (Gen 2) / Layla (Gen 3) / Miles (Gen 4) / Melody (Gen 4)
Clarke - Becca (Gen 1)
Davila - Dani (Gen 1)
Delgato - Evie (Gen 2) / Finn (Gen 3) / Austin (Gen 3) / Jeremy (Gen 4) / Sutton (Gen 4) / Lennon (Gen 4) / Allison (Gen 4) / Hailey (Gen 4) / Stephanie (Gen 4)
Elderberry - Kali (Gen 1) / Rohan (Gen 2) / Brooke (Gen 3) / Keegan (Gen 3) / Charlie (Gen 3)
Feng - Simon (Gen 2) / Arthur (Gen 2) / Harriet (Gen 2) / Avery (Gen 3) / Harper (Gen 3) / Marlie (Gen 3)
Fletcher - Cameron (Gen 1) / Riley (Gen 2) / Logan (Gen 2) / Ellie (Gen 2)
Flex - Ethan (Gen 2) / Jacob (Gen 3) / Millie (Gen 4) / Isabella (Gen 4)
Gooseman - Donny (Gen 0) / Mabel (Gen 2) / Milan (Gen 2)
Greenburg - Knox (Gen 1) / Beckett (Gen 2) / Sawyer (Gen 2)
Grove - Umber (Gen 1) / Juniper (Gen 1) / Sienna (Gen 1) / Wren (Gen 2)
Harris - Cletus (Gen 1) / Faye (Gen 1) / Jeb (Gen 2) / Gideon (Gen 2) / Spencer (Gen 2) / Remy (Gen 3)
Harjo - Lucha (Gen 1) / Ada (Gen 1) / Ash (Gen 2)
Hauata - Ayana (Gen 2) / Dahlia (Gen 3)
Hecking - Brooklyn (Gen 2) / Axl (Gen 3) / Wolf (Gen 3)
Huntington - Fleur (Gen 2) / Fiona (Gen 2) / April (Gen 3) / Poppy (Gen 3)
Ito - Naoki (Gen 1) / Megumi (Gen 1) / Kiyoshi (Gen 2) / Nanami (Gen 2) / Emiko (Gen 3)
Jang - Noah (Gen 2) / Zayn (Gen 3) / Carlton (Gen 3) / Mina (Gen 4) / Jayla (Gen 4)
Kahananui - Alanis (Gen 2) / Lucy (Gen 3) / Liam (Gen 4)
Kalani - Calvin (Gen 2) / Abigail (Gen 3) / Grace (Gen 3) / Owen (Gen 3)
Kane - Jonah (Gen 1)
Kang - Cecilia (Gen 1) / Everly (Gen 2)
Kealoha - Nani (Gen 2)
Kibo - Kai (Gen 2) / Rachel (Gen 2) / Daniel (Gen 3) / Emma (Gen 2) / Abel (Gen 2) / Phoenix (Gen 3) / Archer (Gen 3)
Landgraab - Freddie (Gen 3) / Bryony (Gen 3) / Sydney (Gen 4) / Mason (Gen 4) / Madison (Gen 4) / Finley (Gen 4) / Felix (Gen 4) / Thomas (Gen 4)
Laurent - Horatio (Gen 1) / Hilary (Gen 1) / Greta (Gen 2) / Jace (Gen 2)
Le Chien - Emily (Gen 2) / Aaron (Gen 2) / Chase (Gen 3) / Hudson (Gen 3)
Lewis - Princess (Gen 2)
Lobo - Naomi (Gen 2) / Connor (Gen 2) / Ezra (Gen 3) / Samuel (Gen 3) / Harmony (Gen 3) / Micah (Gen 4) / Ivy (Gen 4) / Margot (Gen 4)
Lothario - Peter (Gen 2) / Nate (Gen 3)
Luna - Eleanor (Gen 0) / Xochitl (Gen 1) / Karmine (Gen 2)
Lynx - River (Gen 2)
Markovic - Mateo (Gen 1) / Lucia (Gen 1) / Tomi (Gen 2) / Lorenzo (Gen 2)
Michaelson - Christopher (Gen 1) / Celeste (Gen 1) / Atlas (Gen 2) / Orion (Gen 2)
Moody - Felicity (Gen 1) / Alistair (Gen 2)
Munch - Will (Gen 3) / Mia (Gen 3) / Theo (Gen 3) / Hannah (Gen 3) / Lauren (Gen 3) / Chloe (Gen 3) / Megan (Gen 4) / Asher (Gen 4) / Archie (Gen 4) / Beau (Gen 4) / Natasha (Gen 4) / Roxy (Gen 4) / Addison (Gen 4) / Carter (Gen 5) / Cooper (Gen 5) / Rhys (Gen 5) / Blake (Gen 5) / Wyatt (Gen 5) 
Ngata - Tane (Gen 2)
Nishidake - Shigeru & Sachiko (Gen 0) / Kaori (Gen 2)
Ojo - Harry (Gen 2) / Florence (Gen 3) / Louis (Gen 3) / Louisa (Gen 3) 
Pleasant - Angela (Gen 1) / Lilth (Gen 1) / Zion (Gen 2) / Daisy (Gen 2) / Oakley (Gen 2) / Otto (Gen 2) / Lola (Gen 2)
Prescott - Mei (Gen 1) / Molly (Gen 2) / Amy (Gen 2)
Price - Marcel (Gen 1) / Janae (Gen 1) / Savannah (Gen 2) / Sidney (Gen 2) / Jayden (Gen 2)
Rasoya - Jasmine (Gen 2) / Josephine (Gen 2) / Kaia (Gen 2) / Anisha (Gen 3) / Kris (Gen 3) / Dawn (Gen 4)
Rico - Jules (Gen 1) / Zuley (Gen 2) / Teddy (Gen 2)
Robles - Ignacio (Gen 0) / Ewan (Gen 1) / Bernice (Gen 1) / Doli (Gen 1) / Jay (Gen 1) / Aurelio (Gen 2) / Tala (Gen 2) / Ames (Gen 2) / Aspen (Gen 2) / Aziz (Gen 3) / Bonnie (Gen 3)
Rocca - Tamara (Gen 2) / Jackson (Gen 2) / Ava (Gen 2) / Alyssa (Gen 2) / Gemma (Gen 3) / Grayson (Gen 3) / Reece (Gen 4)
Romeo - Sean (Gen 2) / Tiffany (Gen 2) / Hunter (Gen 3) / Cole (Gen 3) / Faith (Gen 3)
Richards - Lacey (Gen 2) / Christian (Gen 2) / Jennifer (Gen 3) / Harrison (Gen 3) / Holly (Gen 3)
Talla - Duane (Gen 1) / Jenkin (Gen 2) / Zachary (Gen 2) / Trey (Gen 2) / Troy (Gen 2) / Cain (Gen 3) / Amethyst (Gen 2) / Wade (Gen 2) / Ashleigh (Gen 3) / Forest (Gen 3) / Boone (Gen 3) / Moss (Gen 3) / Heath (Gen 3) / Imogen (Gen 3) / Ivan (Gen 3)
Thebe - Arnessa (Gen 0)
Tinker - Yasemin (Gen 1) / Tina (Gen 1) / Olive (Gen 2) / Eli (Gen 2)
Tracey - Marissa (Gen 1)
Scott - Jason (Gen 2) / Jessica (Gen 2) / Craig (Gen 2) / Heather (Gen 2) / Colleen (Gen 3) / Isaac (Gen 3) / Roman (Gen 3) / Cora (Gen 3)
Scott-town - Stephen (Gen 1) / Sara (Gen 1) / Clarissa (Gen 2) / Caroline (Gen 2) / Matilda (Gen 2) / Noa (Gen 2)
Sterling - Bess (Gen 1)
Villareal - Amanda (Gen 2) / Milo (Gen 2) / Autumn (Gen 2) / Maddox (Gen 2) / Alex (Gen 3) / Anna (Gen 3) / Carrie (Gen 3) / Vicki (Gen 3) / Zane (Gen 3) / Ryder (Gen 3)
Ward - Kyle (Gen 2) / Cassidy (Gen 3) / Chelsea (Gen 3) / Ruby (Gen 4)
Watson - Tommy (Gen 1) / Rashidah (Gen 2) / Maira (Gen 2) / Imran (Gen 2) / Zaynab (Gen 3)
Wright - Julia (Gen 1)
Zest - Eron (Gen 2) / Eliana (Gen 2) / Elijah (Gen 3) / Keaton (Gen 3) / Parker (Gen 3) / Clover (Gen 3) / Maeve (Gen 4) / Luka (Gen 4) / Eloise (Gen 4) / Jax (Gen 4) / Sebastian (Gen 4) / Una (Gen 4)
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444names · 1 year
Hello hi sweetie pie worldbuilder
This blog is dedicated to the markov namegen name stashes.
You can use names generated for free and for any purpose!
Each post contains 444 names, sometimes 888 (because I add an alternative version of the list with different generation rules out of the same seed/input) or <444 (because the site couldn't combine enough names). This number is chosen for no particular reason.
You can suggest seeds/source material for new name stashes in personal messages, comments, or the ask box.
Note that all names presented are randomly generated, thus I do not carry any responsibility if any of them sound bad, carry rude or explicit meaning in some and any language (you gotta check it yourself before you use it, okay?) and if any of them match already existing real or fictional people names, or are just words. If you want to, get to know how the Markov generator works.
You can easily browse the names using this link. Just go there and press "Ctrl+f" or "Ctrl+g" which will activate a search on page pop-up menu in your browser, then just find anything your heart desires.
There exists an add-on blog, sprout of this one dedicated to some particular seeds/inputs, and perhaps tutorials on how to do your own stashes if you want to: @444namesplus.
The following segment is a newsboard of sorts:
Someone asked me why my blog has a map for a profile icon. Think about it. Billions of places, billions of people and all have a name or even several. I think it's just poetic
Again, I don't separate names by gender because 1) too much work and 2) it's up to you if some name sounds feminine or masculine. Same with pronunciation.
Not so long ago we hit 1 000 stashes. Dasalot of Names, let's keep going.
Really losing interest in this blog lately. Hope I don't stop posting completely because I like doing stuff on here.
At some point in mid-September 2023 I've changed the formatting of the posts in an attempt to attract more followers. Older posts will remain as they are, while all new ones will be done the way they are right now with a possibility of me dropping the idea sometime in the future.
Before you accuse me of using AI, learn what Markov chains are because that's what I am using to make the stashes. The link is right there above. I'm so fucking tired of people with 0 reading comprehension accusing me of using something I avidly hate.
If you followed this blog and you're new around, PLEASE let me know if you enjoy the content* *(I cannot really call it "art" since I am just operating a program generating the names by feeding it datasets from various sources I filter and format to be read correctly) Send an ask, say a couple warm words, you can also ask for a series of stashes on some specific theme like "cities in Florida", "Warrior Cats character names" or "Pirates of the Caribbean actors cast".
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minds-interlinked · 10 months
Permanent Interaction Call(s) Links:
Ino Yamanaka
Naoko Uchiha (SasuIno Next-Gen)
Sakura Haruno
Kushina Uzumaki
Spy X Family:
Anya Forger
Yor Forger
Fairy Tail:
Juvia Lockser
My Hero Academia:
Tsuyu Asui
Momo Yaoyorozu 
Tenya Iida
Katsuki Bakugou 
Ochako Uraraka 
Ibara Shiozaki 
Melissa Shield
Terra Markov
Zatanna Zatara 
Artemis Crock
M’gann M’orzz
Diana Prince//Wonder Woman 
Pamela Isley//Poison Ivy 
Caitlyn Kiramman
Darling in the Frannx:
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matchalovertrait · 5 months
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Baby Alegria will be surrounded by so much love ♡
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wildmeadowsims · 24 days
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I just had to show everyones little outfits off! it's soo cuteeee
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mayzie-grobe · 5 months
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transcript under cut
and the tennis team is getting up to just about as much work as the soccer team is !! irene will cause problems for everyone 🎾
beginning | next
[Katrina]: I can't believe it. This is the third time and classes have only just started. Angela! Where the hell is Irene?
[Angela]: Uh, no clue!
[Katrina]: This is ridiculous, she's never here! I should just kick her from the team. We'll see what she does then, hmph.
[Isabella]: And replace her with who?
[Katrina]: Maybe I'll replace her with you.
[Isabella]: Even if I didn't have fifteen pages of the Student's Council's dirty laundry to go through before Hikari puts my head on a pike, I'd still rather break my leg then play tennis.
[Katrina]: You're so dramatic! Someone has to fill in and you're here and she never is! That's insane!
[Katrina]: How else are we going to play doubles? I swear if that little—
[Irene]: Untwist your panties, Landgraab, I'm right here.
[Katrina]: And where were you?
[Irene]: Who are you? My mother? Not that it's any of your business, but I had to reapply my lipstick. How's that for probable cause?
[Katrina]: Just get on the court. Felicity!
[Angela]: hehe
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