#fuck there’s so many more people at watcher but THANKS TO YOU ALL
hightowered · 1 month
and you know i gotta say. the vast majority of the people losing their shit this weekend made it very clear that they do not understand the difference between "artists who want a measure of comfort in their lives" and "the billionaires actually being targeted by phrases like eat the rich." that is such a weird thing to be so proud to announce to the whole entire internet.
it's also extremely weird to behave as though any individual is entitled to an artist's work for free. or that the audience should be the final say in determining what an artist creates. there is a major difference between the betrayal of an artist who produces art and then banks on their social capital to engage in harmful, violent, bigoted behavior (like jk rowling) and the "betrayal" of an artist who decides that they should be or need to be compensated for their work. the latter isn't actually a betrayal at all. it's just a shift.
the thing is that the watcher boys didn't invent capitalism, they didn't invent the streaming model, they didn't invent youtube or patreon. they aren't getting 100% of the money from either. their merch doesn't magically appear as if made by elves while they sleep. their videos don't happen out of nowhere and without incurring bills. they have a business which employs people, and sure, you can say they employ too many people, but do they actually? a bunch of randos on the internet don't actually know that. they don't know these job titles, or how necessary it is to have everyone there. it's pure speculation. the entire company exists within a system they did not invent and are trying to stay afloat in said system while a bunch of assholes on the internet berate them for not acquiescing to their every whim at the expense of their artistic integrity, their ability to compensate their staff fairly, and their ability to keep making art.
and jumping from "i want to continue enjoying this artist's work for free" to "i think people should be fired and the remaining employees should be given greater responsibilities and more tasks to complete" is wild to me. there's nothing leftist in that and so trying to leverage leftist jargon to prove some sort of moral superiority is fucking wild, it's disingenuous, and it's sketchy as hell. you're allowed to be disappointed. you're not magically exempt from being told you're being an asshole if you decide your disappointment entitles you to take part in asshole behavior.
"but we don't want something heavily produced and we don't want these shows" then don't watch! that's it! don't watch! you are not being held hostage and forced to engage with this content. you have the choice not to. throwing a tantrum and launching racist vitriol at steven lim and demanding he step down as CEO shows a level of entitlement and childishness that, frankly, i wish they could have ignored, but they're both kinder & more patient than i am.
anyway congratulations to watcher on their new streaming service and their gorgeous new website, congratulations to the boys on a new step in their careers and on achieving something they've made clear they've wanted for ages, thank you to the boys for all their hard work and for sharing their creativity with us. thank you too for taking such a big and genuinely brave step to no longer be beholden to major corporations and advertisers so you can make the art you want to make. thank you to steven lim for taking so many steps back to keep the company running and for doing your best in a shit economy and while being targeted by this kind of nastiness online. and thank you to the entire team at @wearewatcher for continuing to do amazing work despite being treated like shit by the fan community at large on the internet while you're trying to make a living and create art. you all deserve better than you've been shown of late and i hate that such an exciting moment got overshadowed by so many temper tantrums.
because the whole fucking point, the dream, is getting to make the art that matters to them, without being held back. i'm sorry y'all don't want the heavily produced and high quality shit but your preferences as a member of an audience are not the law by which artists should abide. they are artists and they are free to, and deserve to, make the art they want to make.
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sakusafilm · 2 years
in which kiyoomi sakusa is inlove with you.
fem!reader, fluff, angst, established relationship, mentions of cheating, suggestive (?), not good with tags im new here im so sawrry 😩, just pain (did not proofread this btw)
part 2
© sakusafilm. do not repost.
sakusa is inlove with you.
no one knows how and why it happened. he just woke up one day, and somehow, his grade conscious classmate looked and felt different. your eyes are sparkling, your lips made his stupid heart race, your voice isn't so annoying anymore. he doesn't care if you take his coffee, but will put atsumu to hell if he ever does that. he doesn't care if you play with his curls, but will look at people with disgust if they do that to him.
god, he is inlove with you.
so when he asked you out on a date when the both of you turned 3rd year, you couldn't reject it. because maybe you felt the same, you love him too. you love his introvert ass who hated attention but still turned out to be japan's number one ace at such a young age, initially getting all the attention around itachiyama and the whole prefecture. you love taking his coffee away from him just because you're too lazy to get yours from itachiyama's bending machine that is literally just outside your classroom. you love his curls, they're cute and makes him look prettier. you love his paralleled moles in his forehead, kissing it when he falls asleep in your lap.
from then, the relationship that you two had was stable. it was mature, understanding, all-knowing. full of trust. his fangirls hated you, but you couldn't care less because you were so sure that kiyoomi sakusa only ever loved you. he never missed a day in assuring you.
“kiyoomi, can we take a selfie?” a regular watcher of his games approached after the match. you know the girl, you've seen her too many times. you're even sure that even your boyfriend knows her already. she always asks for a picture after the game, like today. especially today. because itachiyama just won their match and will finally had the chance to claim the championship in the interhigh again after falling short last seasons.
sakusa eyes you, waiting for a response. you almost laughed before nodding at him. he didn't really have to do that. you really don't mind. but, you think its his way of giving respect for to you.
they took a selfie again and bid their thank yous after. kiyoomi immediately pulled himself out of the crowd to finally go to you, pulling you into a tight hug. he's fucking sweaty, but still smells like mint and fruit. you couldn't pinpoint what fruit. you just know that this perfume came from jo malone. his personal favorite.
“congrats, baby.” you whispered, pressing a kiss on his cheeks.
omi chuckled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “thank you, and thank you for watching. how was the admission exam?”
“i still don't know. results will be out in a month but i'm pretty confident. i reviewed a lot.” you answered. you came to the game after finishing a qualifying exam to tokyo university. if sakusa wants to build a career in volleyball, your dream was to build a career in medicine. two completely different paths, but you couldn't imagine going through it without him.
he nodded, “i'm sure you'll be accepted. it's you.”
“i hope so, omi.”
life was surely unpredictable... and cruel. that year, itachiyama failed to bring home the championship once again. kiyoomi wouldn't take it to heart for a long time, you know that. but with the results of the admission exam being released on the same day and figuring out that you did not get in to your dream university— that hurts him more.
seeing you sob quietly in your dorm as he hugs you tight. it hurts more for him.
sakusa knows the security he has with volleyball, that even if he failed today, that loss won't define his whole career after training so hard for years. as long as he did his best, he won't have any regrets. your situation was different. tokyo university is your childhood dream. you prepared your whole life for this. pulled all-nighters, drank tons of caffeine for examinations, wrote your reviewers until your hands calouses appears, tried to get all the extracurricular activities that could give you extra merits, and still... you failed.
kiyoomi doesn't know what to say. god, he's just equally heartbroken for you. he hates seeing you like this.
“do you want something to eat?” he finally gathered the courage to speak after you calmed down for a bit, “you haven't eaten your dinner, baby. tell me what you want, i'll go for a drive and come back immediately.”
“i am not hungry, kiyoomi.” you told him.
“even if you are not, it's bad to skip dinner without a proper diet. i'll get you something light and come back, is that okay?” he asked, yet tightens his hug around you, “i love you so much. you are amazing, and hardworking and i know that these words won't be able to comfort you right now. but i hope you know that i believe in you. i still believe in you. your dreams will still be possible,”
“it hurts so much...” you started tearing up again, “i worked so hard for it...”
“i know. i know, baby,” sakusa whispered, “i love you...”
“we won't be going to the same uni anymore, omi.” you told him. kiyoomi sakusa is being recruited to tokyo university's mens volleyball team. it would be perfect to attend the same school with him again. but this time, it would be impossible.
“that's nothing.” he answers, “nothing will change.”
with kiyoomi sakusa, everything felt easier. even if you feel horrible today, you know that you will feel better tomorrow with him around. he helps you in every single thing. breakfast, ironing, gym— which is his favorite thing to do back then, and even tying your shoelaces.
you were together at every stage of your lives. prom, graduation, graduation ball, his acceptance in tokyo university because of his outstanding performance in both academics and volleyball, your acceptance in osaka university. his mvp award at the japan national collegiate volleyball championship, his recruitment in msby black jackals.
“congrats, omi,” you chuckled, hugging him tight, “it's not a surprise but i am so proud of you.”
“you always say that it's not a surprise whenever i win something,” he chuckled.
“because it's not!” you said, “that's just japan's number one ace for you... doing his thing...” you cupped his cheeks, “i can't wait to watch you at the olympics. you'll be there sooner than you expected, i just know.”
kiyoomi held your hand a planted a soft kiss on your knuckles, bringing butterflies in your stomach as he whispers, “i'll marry you.”
silence embraced the two of you. you didn't know how to respond to that. you're unsure if that's just a spur of the moment statement or he actually meant it. sakusa stares back at your eyes, “i'll marry you, once you're ready.”
“you will?” you pulled youself together and smiled at him.
he nodded, “just watch, i will really marry you.”
“you can wait? let's say... for eight more years?” you asked. it was a joke, but it's not impossible considering the amount of time that you have to dedicate to become a doctor.
“i can wait for a hundred years and i won't change my mind, baby.” kiyoomi answered and smiled, “eight years is a piece of fucking cake. i do not care, as long as i will marry you after all of this.”
you believe him. because that's kiyoomi sakusa.
he never once failed you. always keeping his word, always running to you. even after a match, if he knows that you're on a graveyard shift for your internship, he will visit you just to give you food and coat. in which some of your colleagues giggled over. it's rare to see msby black jackals' most promising rookie.
you yawned, “thank you for coming today. i know you're tired from the game.”
“not anymore,” he chuckled, pulling you into a tight hug, “i hope you're taking care of yourself. you should sleep and eat properly, you big baby.”
“you too.” you chuckled, “and don't take atsumu seriously all the damn time, that's why he's always making fun of you,”
kiyoomi made a face, “wanna take you home...”
“i'm sorry, i have to finish my shift.” you hugged him tighter. you miss him too, so much, that it's killing you. the both of you have been very busy with you doing your internship and omi consistently training for his matches. you miss him so much. you want to go home with him too. you want to kiss him for the whole night and make love. but you have to prioritize your internship first.
“no need to apologize, i understand, baby.” he whispered.
being with omi is like sailing in a calm sea. there's no reason to be afraid because you know that whatever happens, you'll see each other home. at the end of the day, you'll take a peaceful sleep beside him, with his arms around you and making you feel safe. you'll welcome another cozy and lazy morning with him, brushing your teeth as a morning routine and showering butterfly kisses to each other.
kiyoomi tugs your bottom lip using his, chuckling at that before showering kisses on your neck. this is just another weekend where the both of you doesn't have anything to do and when he's bored, he does the most unbelievable things. like putting hickeys on your neck.
“kiyoomi!” you laughed, “i have work tomorrow...”
“stop talking about work.” he said, “kiss me.”
you reached for his nape, pulling him close and chuckling with him as your lips collided with his once again. kissing sakusa is like hearing fireworks. it's been years since your first kiss, but the effect it had on you is still the same. when he starts caressing your waist, igniting the flame even more, you know you'd end up under his mercy once again.
he loves hearing you call his name desparately, begging him to give you what you want. it is the only moment where you're reversed because kiyoomi knows that beyond all of this, he's always the one who will answer all of your whims. sometimes, he thinks that he's more head over heels for you and that's okay. he loves being head over heels for you. he loves being inlove with you.
every summer, you and kiyoomi would go to your favorite beach, spending a day or two beside the quiet shore. taking each other's pictures using your film camera. after that, you would take the film rolls and have it processed, putting it in a memory box you kept through the years.
“we have to buy a new box, kiyoomi,” you said, taking a look at your old photographs with him, “i remember this!”
“when was that?” sakusa asked, “oh! your fangirl phase!”
“suck it up, i was never your fangirl.” you told him and laughed, “everyone would go gaga over you in itachiyama but i am not one of them. i never understood the hype...”
he made a face towards you, “you're lucky.”
“you're luckier, i literally had a crush on inarizaki's captain back then and i still ended up with your lucky ass...” you chuckled, “let's get a new box next weekend.”
his eyebrows furrowed, “who the fuck?”
you burst out laughing at his reaction.
kiyoomi sakusa easily gets jealous. something you will never understand because you know that he knows that you will only ever love him. still, when you seem so close to his teammates, like miya atsumu, he will start feeling something hateful in his stomach.
one time, you visited kiyoomi in his training with the jackals and brought food for the whole team. they have a match with adlers next week, with hinata shoyo playing his game for the first time. you know hinata from high school, he made such an impression in his games but he's very different from your boyfriend who doesn't seem to approachable at first glance.
miya atsumu, on the other hand, ate the food you brought immediately, giving comments as if he's a professional food guru and bokuto came mocking him. it's easy to be friends with omi's teammates.
“omi-omi's not in a good mood!” until atsumu pointed that out again. you looked over to your boyfriend who has this annoyed look on his face, trying to make the volley ball hit the floor harder than what he usually does, when it hits the floor and it made such a loud thud, atsumu gasps, “calm the fuck down, sakusa! you're nasty!”
atsumu leans forward to your ear, “he's jealous.”
“right.” you chuckled and sighed, watching kiyoomi.
he ignored you all throughout, doesn't even spare you a glance once you reach home and went straight to bed after cleaning up. lying down, you tried to hug his waist but he pushed your hands away, “omi, i don't even know why you're so worked up.”
“ask miya, maybe he'd know since you're best friends with him.” he uttered, yawning.
“you're jealous of atsumu? come on, be serious!” you said, laughing, “atsumu? really?”
“shut up.” he firmly said, “i'm going to sleep.”
“so we are not gonna talk about this and go to sleep like this? okay,” you scoffed, “i visited you, not anyone else. i am trying to be friends with them because they are your friends too, omi. i'm sorry.”
you lied down, turning your back away from him as well. the shut up was a little harsh. you couldn't help but tear up a little because of the frustration. you know that sakusa can be quite a handful with his choice of words and you understand that it's a bit of a struggle for him to communicate but it's still hurts. he's not always like this but when he is, you know that he's seriously mad.
your tears quietly fell through your cheeks to your pillow. you hate fighting with kiyoomi. you hate enduring a cold night when it could've been warm with him beside you. you hate nights like this, and kiyoomi hates it just as much. so, he turns over and slowly hugged you.
“i'm sorry, that was mean.” he whispered, “god, i'm so petty... i'm so sorry, baby...”
you faced him, his lips parted when he saw a stain of tears beside your eyes. he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, “i'm sorry. i should've been more thankful that you took the time to visit us when—”
“no, no,” you immediately stopped him, “your feelings are valid too, baby.”
he sighed, “but it wasn't valid to be that rude. i'm sorry,”
kiyoomi is prideful. everyone knows that. he has a reason for that. but, when it comes to you, he will always fold and eventually give in.
the love you had for each other isn't perfect. in fact, it's the complete opposite. it's flawed, so flawed that the both of you endured so many things. the stagnant days, the worst days. days when you want to walk away, days when he wants to be alone. your love is so flawed and that's okay, because a perfect relationship is nonexistent. a perfect relationship is fictional.
your love is flawed, but you kept choosing each other everyday.
“i failed. again.”
“baby, it's okay. you can always try again. let's not get tired. you can still—”
“you don't understand, sakusa.” kiyoomi's ears rang as you call him again by his last name, he stared at your empty eyes, swollen from crying the whole day. he didn't know. fuck, he didn't know. he was busy with training and their coach took their phones away.
“baby, i know. but—”
“you do not understand because you never felt like a failure.” you said, “because you are good at everything you do. because your dreams are not dreams anymore, they are already your reality. you don't understand.”
“what do you mean, then?” he asks, “that i did not work hard for this? nothing was handed to me in a silver platter. i went to tokyo university because i worked hard for it. i was able to achieve shit because i worked hard for it! and i am not saying that you did not work hard for this just because you failed but please stop invalidating my hard work!”
tears started streaming down your face, “don't put words in my mouth.”
“i am tired of this,” he remarked.
“me too.” you answered back, catching his eyes.
but what happens when you stop choosing each other everyday? what happens if love isn't enough anymore? what happens if it gets too tiring? what happens it kiyoomi sakusa isn't in love with you anymore?
“what happened to us?” you whispered under your breath, in the silence of the apartment and his guilty eyes, kiyoomi shook his head, unable to answer the question. you looked at him. the curly haired boy who used to love you so much felt like a stranger.
it has been three months. three months of trying to make things work out for the sake of invested time and memories. three months of trying to feel his warmth, three months of trying to run after him, three months of trying to know him again. but each second and millisecond of those three months just felt like he's further drifting away.
“there's someone else, right?” you asked.
he shuts his eyes and the silence answered you. oh my fucking god, it hurts. you don't even know how much it hurts, but it hurts, nonetheless. it hurts so much that you felt it in your veins, in your bones. it hurts so much because you already knew— this is over. and he's just waiting for you to walk away so he doesn't have to.
you stood up, “i'll... be going.”
“where? baby...” fuck you. your hands are shaking as you look at him again in disbelief. sakusa stands up, looking at you again, “i can leave instead—”
“no, this is your apartment. i'll leave.” you firmly said. silence embraced the two of you again and you wished for this to end already. it's too much, too much. you turned your back and immediately took the things you could for the meantime. sakusa waits in the sala.
your sobs became more clear when you saw the memory box below the bed. all of this... just to end it so horribly. all of this... just for it to be nothing. all of this... just for him to kiss another woman just because you're in a slump. all of this... just for him to fell out of love.
and there's nothing you can do.
was it your fault? was it his fault? was it anyone's fault? was it because of the things you said after failing the licensure examination? you were unsure. because you're sure as hell that no matter what the fuck is his reason, you do not deserve this bullshit.
maybe you make things complicated. maybe it was just a simple equation after all.
because maybe, sakusa kiyoomi just really fell out of love.
“i'm sorry,” he whispered once you went out of the room, preparing to really leave this apartment where you built your dreams together, “i'm really really sorry.”
you looked at him, “what went wrong, omi?”
he shuts his eyes tightly, before looking at yours again, “i don't love you anymore.”
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thefandomboysblog · 5 months
You know what? I'm amazed how both Shane and Ryan aren't just one thing, in my mind. They're so unique it's hard putting them, in my mind, as this or that, X or Y, etc.
Shane? Yeah, I want to believe the demon theory. His calm nature and assertiveness in the face of a supposed paranormal danger? his "I just turn off my fear. yeah I don't do that with other emotions." comment? demon behavior. Also, somehow, he is to me, the personification of the color yellow. He is so bright, so soft in unexpected ways. The way he smiles, and his eyes get so happy? his genuine words of encourangement to Ryan? his wit? You kidding me? Ball of sunshine Shane Madej truther over here. Shane's literally a gentle giant. And so much more, of course.
Ryan? Yeah, he's a jock. That's it, he is really a jock even though I am sure he wasn't exactly the jocky type in high school. The way he could talk about sports for hours? His humor? A jock. Again, also, and somehow, he is in my humble opinion one of the best ghost hunters in the industry (apart from Shane). The way that in his fear he is brave? Ryan throws himself into all kinds of dangers which he believes 100% are there, weather it is or not, while he is known to be terrified of it? So fucking brave. A "I'm that guy" moment. At the very least a show of how commited or how much love he has for his craft. And so much more, again.
I know that's just people as I know that people are that: multifaceted. Even if I've seen it everywhere and I specifically search for that in the youtubers I watch they just do it differently, and it never fails to get me when they are genuine. Like, those little moments when their friendship of so many years just shows through the screen? People get tired in this fandom of saying they are so real with their friendship, they believe in friendships because of them, etc. When stuff like that happens? I believe it too! Because how could you not? It's there! It's everywhere in all their content!
So ever since I saw the Making Watcher video I've been a bit feral over it. Anyway just thinking about these two guys, having certain thoughts about it, appreciating them. They're neat, and I'm so glad I discovered them last summer.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
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cocoabats · 2 years
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Ive been designing some hermits during my finals! Some headcanons and rambling under the cut
Gem is a satyr, fey of seelie court. She really wants you to thinks shes an elf, she says shes an elf, she does not look like an elf but I would not argue with her. Leaves on her antlers change with the seasons and somewhat mirror her mood, if shes sad for a long time they will start to wilt etc
Pearl is... Pearl. There are a lot of different versions of all the hermits, different universes, theres only one Pearl. She has some strong shapeshifter abilities and likes showing them off when possible. Her and Grian are basically siblings and especially like to use their shapeshifting abilities to fuck with people, especially by swapping places.
Impulse is a demon, imp in particular. Him and Tango have known each other for a loooong time, Tango would sometimes summon him to have someone to play with and Impulse got attached. Does not posses that many special abilities and his friends love to summon him at random times to annoy him. You can make some angst out of this!
Mumbo is... Mumbo but not in a way Pearl is Pearl. Pearl knows full well what she is, she will just not tell you or what she tells you will vary depending on her mood, Mumbo meanwhile HAS NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON He suddenly gained shapeshifter abilities in s8, ha may be a vampire, he should have died a long time ago from all the redstone he consumed. Grian started a poll on what he is and the most popular answer rn is "what happens when you get raised by the hermits"
Scar is a vex, unseelie fey (the same with Cub). He uses both a walking cane/staff and a wheelchar, depends on the day hes having. He generally uses his vex abilities more often than Cub but since he doesn't have a summoner and uses his powers so often its weaker than Cubs. Some people would say his charisma is thanks to his vex magic but hes just like that. His magic mostly manifests as illusions, especially on himself. Does this mean all of boatem except for Impulse can change their appearance? Yes. Have they used it to fuck with the whole server?
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Also yes
Grian is mostly a watcher, he got away from them before they could finish his training tho. Most of my headcanons about him and the void stuff on Pearl and Impulse can be found here
He had some hang ups about his abilities until he discovered he could use them for evil (being the local menace). As thanks for all the help he got from Mumbo he gave him one of his fethers. Given that theyre not really feathers but rather void it changes with Grians use of his abilities, mostly by switching colors to match Grians wings. His s9 wings are based on a red-rumped swallow
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fallloverfic · 2 months
Me: I read/watch Delicious in Dungeon for The Plot The Plot (spoilers for S01E14: Sea Serpent and the manga):
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Praise be, He is HERE, finally showing his face TWICE even if he's still not in the show yet, but SOON, SOOOOON
He looks so pretty in the OP. Baby look up, to new horizons. Love that he's in both the OP and the ED T-T
I do find it quite funny that even though it's more of a coincidence, we can finally see his face in an episode that is almost entirely Kabru-centric alkdjalj
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Don't blame him, though. Look at this beautiful man.
(also side note, for Reasons TM, it amuses me that they use goat's blood to revive Kabru :D -Mithrun vibrating in the distance-)
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For Reasons TM this was hilarious because I was writing a post last night about the height difference between Mithrun and Kabru aldkjaljda (Kabru is canonically 5'7", Mithrun is 5'1" - Adventurer's Bible). Extra points that this is in response to Rin accusing Kabru of flirting with Namari.
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Angel with Issues TM just like all my other beloveds. Listen, if I told you how many screencaps I took of Kabru… well. He looks beautiful. 15/10 great job, Trigger, thank you.
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I would also like to insert here: literally every time Kabru is fighting/preparing to fight because holy fuck that was amazing!!! He looked so incredible in every fight! His VA did an amazing job! Gorgeous animation! The direction was so good!
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Look at this happy, excited people watcher. Love him.
Other delicious Plot:
The Plot in Episode 3
The Plot in Episode 7
The Plot in Episode 9
The Plot in Episode 11
The Plot in Episode 13
The Plot in Episode 14 (you are here)
The Plot in Episode 15
The Plot in Episode 16
The Plot in Episode 17
The Plot in Episode 18
The Plot in Episode 20
The Plot in Episode 21
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drunkkenobi · 1 month
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Well. This is the weirdest one of these I’ve ever made.
I’m not going to rehash the wank from the Watcher TV announcement. You all know what happened. I am standing by my assertion that this streaming platform is the only way they’re going to stay afloat because YouTube is just not the place for them or anyone else making videos that aren’t just of one person in their house. (nothing against those folks, it’s just a completely different business model)
First up, here’s how Mystery Files season 2 did. It did well, with each ep hitting a million fairly quickly, but it didn’t do as well as season 1. Not significantly worse, just not as high. (two weeks after season 1 ended, the average per episode was 1.854 and for s2 it’s at 1.194million) Of course, the two weeks since season 2 ended have been fucking insane so it’s impossible to say how much of that is a factor.
I will say that views between last week and this week are down overall, but that’s expected. If someone has paid for the streamer and you want to rewatch Ghost Files or whatever, you’re going to watch it ad-free on the app you pay for and not YouTube for the most part. Also it’s very possible people are just not rewatching stuff right now for their own personal reasons, which is fine. I also just don’t think it’s something to worry about.
For better or worse, the Goodbye YouTube video is the best opening weekend Watcher has ever had (and will have?) on YouTube.
Watcher lost around 100k subscribers over The Announcement but, again, if people are paying them directly now then this is kind of a non-factor. For posterity, they’re at 2.84 million subscribers today.
I’m not sure what else to say this time, tbh! It felt like a good time to make one of these with MF season 2 being over but YouTube viewcounts are just…not going to be important anymore for Watcher so there’s not much to say about them. Finding out that a million views only nets between $10-30k has been very eye-opening to me about how piddly the revenue from YouTube is for a production studio like Watcher. The shows they want to make just cost more than they can make off of there. It’s that simple. No one has to like that fact, but that is the heart of all this.
Also, with all of that being said, I think my time as a spreadsheet gremlin is coming to a close. I’m going to keep up with it for a few more weeks and probably do one last round-up for every single video’s views, but with Watcher moving away from YouTube as a business model, there’s little reason to keep up with these. I’ve been making these updates less this year anyway because of a job change and I was losing my steam for it a bit too, so the timing feels right. Like I said, this won’t be my last viewcount post, but maybe second-to-last? And who knows, maybe I’ll check in when Ghost Files premieres but the counts will mean so much less now that the videos will premiere with a month delay from the streamer. We’ll just have to wait and see how the wind blows on this.
Thank you all, as always, for reading, reblogging, replying, liking these posts. Y’all are the reason I’ve kept up with it for four years (and my own nosiness but having encouragement helps!). And don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have some other spreadsheets to share in the future of Watcher fandom. (I have…so many) So, until next time, thanks again. ❤️
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trashworldblog · 24 days
hi! I am currently writing 2 papers atm so this unfortunately has to be brief:
steven lim has had such a big impact in me, more then he will ever know. and i am going to try to articulate that now.
his choice to go from an Actual Engineer to his passion means a lot to me. in highschool i was one of those (assholes) who were just really fucking good at school. i really could have shot for a stable, high paying, grueling, passionless, sad career if i wanted it. but i didnt! im following my dreams to make videogame art and work in 3d modeling and animation, and i really love it. its genuinely a passion of mine, and ive met so many amazing friends and had insanely cool opportunities (i just finished a game for NASCAR! whaat??), and my future is looking so bright because of that choice to follow my passion. its so inspiring to see someone who is like you choose the path you chose, and see how it works out.
he has inspired me to explore different cultures from mine, and just learn what other peoples lives are like! im white, and i grew up in a small white suburb. i was (and am) ignorant on so much of the world. watching steven talk about his culture and bond with people over food has pushed me to reading books from others perspectives and cultures, learning languages, and generally just learning more from the people around me. love is stored in the kitchen, and im so grateful that he shares that love with all of us.
its no secret that watcher has had a huge impact on me (just Look at my blog lmaoo) they've comforted me when im at my lowest, ive made so many friends from this community, and everyday i get to log on and interact with you all, and that is a huge joy. without steven watcher wouldnt exist, and im so greatful that he stepped up and worked so hard for this all to exist. thank you so much steven, you deserve to be endlessly thanked for the priceless friendships youve given me.
ps: me and my good pal @shaniacsboogara have an elaborate inside joke that steven and her are sending birds to come and attack me and that has entertained us (and our poor mutuals who have to witness it) endlessly for over a year now. every time i hear or see a bird, i smile now thinking of steven, boog, and that silly silly joke.
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wulvbonez · 2 months
please do dump about your watcher au as much as you want!! I'd love to hear about it!!
YAYYYY THANKS FOR ASKING its autism time Basically um. You know how most the watcher!grian hcs/interpretations have him as an unwilling participant in all this ? Uh, yeah ! Not this grian:3 Well. Kinda. But. Im a TMA Fan and I love FUCKED UP guys so !!!! Watchers feed off emotions. All emotions, but they're especially known for finding fear or grief or other negative emotions the most nutritionally filling/benefital to their health. However: They can't just sit there around someone whos very happy, sad, angry, ect, and then get fed from that. They have to- uh, for lack of better word- latch onto a players "soul," and tear chunks of that from them, dig into their mind and bite into whatever makes them feel and then tear that away. Sometimes, a feeding will cause the victim to be unable to feel anything at all after the feeding, if a Watcher gorges themself solely on them. Most often, when they use restraint while feeding, the victim will loose all feelings they'd had about the previous days, weeks, or even months, and might feel like everythings "dulled down" for some time while they recover. (Younger Watchers usually have to have physical contact with the victim to feed, older or more powerful Watchers can feed without even being on the same plane of existence as their victim, only needing to be able to See them.) Now, that's all kind of similar to a lot of headcanons about Watchers already, and I pulled the "eating emotions" thing from Martyns Eyes & Ears AU (altho in that its JUST fear), but uh... Heres where it differs: The Watchers aren't sentient. Not really, anyway. They're...predators, beings that know they need to feed and will go to great lengths to do so, survival their greatest worry above all else. Think of them like... Smart animals. Corvids, for example, crows especially- they will investigate their own dead to figure out what killed the other bird so they can avoid it, and are extremely good puzzle solvers. Prairie dogs have an incredibly advanced verbal communication system- able to even denote the speed of which a predator is approaching their den (probably the closest we could get to an ""language"" in the animal kingdom). But neither of those animals, as smart as they may be, are considered sentient. Its the same with Watchers. Watchers CAN communicate, they can understand eachother, they can achieve a certain amount of planning, like how squirrels can count what nuts they have & deduce how many they need, or how whales and other marine life are especially prone to being able to plan & use logical reasoning... They can understand the concept of death and... the concept of keeping their food alive for delayed gratification and a continued food source, instead of just going out and feeding on someone until theyre a husk of themselves, unable to provide more food. How, exactly, they got all the players into the life series/how they made the games IS something im working on, but the point im getting at here is that theyre basically like ants farming aphids, except the aphids are sentient people..? yay..? Ah, and Watcher cant reproduce normally. They have incredibly long lifespans, but when a Watcher does come to its end, they... Well, theyll find an player to bite into the soul of, and instead of feeding, they basically do the reverse- shoving all their energy into that being and becoming a parasite that will eventually take over the host and make them a Watcher, similarly without much sentience. Thats what happens to Grian. :3 The exact process of turning is also in the works but basically it starts by becoming unable to eat regular food, slowly focusing all the players willpower into wanting to eat, before they develop the ability to feed from other players. At this stage they might still be able to feel themself, however after feeding from another you tend to loose your own emotions amongst the ones youre feeding off of, and at some point, any remaining emotions the "player" has, is consumed by them for extra nutrition, and in turn they officially become a Watcher.
UMMMM YEAH!!!! Thats all the worldbuilding I have :3333 Theres uh- a story in my mind, but its not as fleshed out? I also MIGHT make it a fic (heavy on the might) so idk how much i'd wanna spoil. But uh, yeah, Grian'll be a bit of a special case in that his turning takes... a lot longer than normal. ^_^ I put him in the torture world sorry
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now you. gimme your Jonah headcanons. I am going to eat them.
- genderfluid but never bothered to actually get into All That because it's "only a problem sometimes". until binary transwoman elias bouchard caught his attention. honestly getting gender envy from someone and just possessing them about it is kind of funny to me
- this thing can fit so much species dysphoria in it
- serial substance abuser. he mostly picks people who already have pre-existing addictions so he has an excuse, but honestly he will use anything that numbs the constant overwhelming flow of information that comes with being an eye avatar
- amblyopia in his left eye. never got the proper treatment for it as a kid, so now he has to do those stupid little exercises where you cover your dominant eye with an eye patch.
- less of a headcanon and more of an interpretation i guess, but i think a lot of his character can be explained by the fact that he was born during the industrial revolution. he knew the world was going to end, and he wanted it to end on his terms.
- already made a seperate post about this but i like the idea that his eyes get dirty slowly so he has to clean them up consistantly.
- just super weird and kind of horny about most of the other fears in general.
- somewhat related, i think the way the watcher's crown functions is also a representation of how jonah magnus feeds all the other fears as well. i've already made far too many posts about how all eye avatars basically have secondary alignments (gertrude: spiral/lonely, jon: end) and jonah has like So Many and i have my explanations for all of them (stranger's kind of obvious. something non-human inside a human body. but the one that i personally came up with was corruption, since he's essentially a parasite)
- lost basically all control over his own body during the watcher's crown. he didn't need anything except the eye to survive at that point, so all that time, he was just kind of in the panopticon as all information within the known universe flowed through him like light through a pupil. sometimes he'd just faint and keep reciting the statements anyways. it was, like jon said, agonizing bliss.
- fuck i need more lighthearted ones uhh. when he gets angry and/or embarrassed, his ears going red is always the first sign. somehow this manages to happen in every single body he possesses.
- also his eyes go bloodshot like very very easily. but the blood is just a bit darker than it's supposed to be.
- prominent dimples. again, in every body. he probably specifically uses that as criteria to decide wether he's gonna possess someone or not. just to keep one trait consistant.
uhhjj i probably have more but most of them are obvious if you look at like one or two of my tma posts lmao. anyways thank you for asking teehee
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mychlapci · 5 months
hgnnn sunstreaker opening a lingerie store after the war is over
sunstreaker with his perky firm boobs covered in delicate lace and tiny golden chains that shimmer and shine as he walks through his store, panels open so that you can just barely catch a peak of a piercing right through his anterior node, but it's covered by the skimpiest pair of panties you've ever seen in your life
sunstreaker's shop housing a late night kink/modelling club so that mechs who want to show off his designs on their frames can get dicked down
sunstreaker modelling his own pieces on the cover of a fashion magazine, with nothing but a little sticker covering his valve, teasing enough that when he decides to move into the cybertronian equivalent of the porn industry, he already has a loyal fanbase ready to buy whatever he puts out
i just really really like sunstreaker man
-burnt ice anon
oh lord, Sunstreaker would be so pretty. His pierced nipples poking out from behind the almost completely translucent lingerie, his panties wrapping so tightly around his valve that you can see his piercings imprinting through. The panties are so skimpy that sometimes they wedge between his valve lips, and while Sunstreaker keeps scolding customers when he catches them staring, he rarely bothers to fix it… It's sensual lingerie, after all, he needs to advertise it for its actual purpose.
mhmmm Sunny getting into the porn industry because he finds out that he loves showing his pretty pussy on camera, and just the thought of thousands of people looking at him and being obsessed with him makes him so incredibly wet. 
Sunstreaker doing live streams where people can show up and pay to see him fuck himself...
First he describes his new fashion piece while lazily rubbing his valve through it, letting everyone see the fabric stain dark with his juices until it's completely soaked, though he doesn't remove it until someone pays him to do it. Only then he delicately takes off the panties to show off his throbbing node. Someone pays him to push a finger in and Sunstreaker does so gladly, leaning back a little bit so people can get a better view of his covered titties. A few more shanix to get him to uncover them and rub the pierced hard nipples… Sunny adding fingers slowly, valve gushing as the positive comments roll in and he imagines all those watchers drooling over their screens, so desperate to get a piece of him, it's pathetic. 
His collection of toys is scattered all around him, someone pays him to use this pretty curved false spike with a fat bulge in the middle and he obeys, pushing it in and out of his valve until someone pays to see him insert a fat, ribbed vibrator instead, then another watcher has him push in a glass tentacle, and for a hefty tip Sunstreaker bucks his hips at the camera to let everyone see the calipers of his valve stretching obscenely… Sunstreaker knows he could make quite the buck on charging to let people see him overload but he ultimately doesn't have enough self-control for that, so he squirts all over himself freely whenever he needs to, groping his titty roughly the entire time as his hips twitch… mhmmm Sunny on the verge of overload when a donation comes in, someone asking him to remove the buzzing toy out of his valve and rub himself with his hand again. He's mad, but... the customer is always right. By the time he'd tossed the vibrator into the pile of soaking wet toys his charge had dissipated a little and he has to work towards his overload again, forced to cum with his clit as per his watchers' requests. A stream like this lasts a few hours, and by the end of it, Sunny is all fucked out and shaking <;3 (and you just know he never thanks his fans at the end. maybe he even bullies them for being so pathetic as to pay someone to see their pussy. and maybe the bullying is a big part of the appeal of Sunstreaker's streams for many, many fans...)
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sharptoothed-gaze · 3 months
man, thank you for being normal about q!phil and about qsmp in general, i woke up and saw discourse and immediately ran over to your blog because i knew you would be level-headed about everything. i don’t know what it is, but people misunderstand our bird man all the time! he’s flawed like any other character, and that’s part of what makes him so interesting. maybe people are unkind to him because there aren’t a lot of crows on tumblr? it seems like just about everyone who’s angry about it doesn’t watch phil’s pov at all, which is where the misunderstanding comes from, and as a multi-pov watcher it makes me shake my head sadly. i am shaking ur hand though if you’d wish. crows are in this together
Thank you anon! I had no idea that anyone would bother seeking out my blog like that, but that's very cool to know. I love being a crow blog (tho I do watch a lot of other povs), and yeah I do think there aren't too many of us on here. I will gladly shake your hand lol.
Anyway, I appreciate being seen as level-headed in this space. I genuinely try to understand as much information as possible when it comes to storytelling and fandom. I'm not entirely neutral because I have my biases, but I still try my best to be logical.
Personally, I think the only way to get a full picture of a character is to consume different perspectives. It also helps to watch qsmp with the idea that "everyone trapped on this island is fucked up and trying their best." I don't think anyone here is malicious or trying to harm their eggs, instead they're mostly just filled with trauma and 100% accidentally passing it onto their kids. This is true of Philza and Tubbo, but it doesn't make them evil or terrible parents. They're just flawed people/characters and that's how it goes.
I think the Tubblings vs Crows discourse thing is pretty mirrored on both sides. I've seen people on both kinds of blogs grossly mischaracterize these characters and be very hostile to the other group. It leads to hella defensiveness because we all want other people to understand why we like our favorite block people (and we obviously know our guys aren't evil).
It sucks to see though because both Tubblings and Crows do and say pretty much the same things to each other. We gotta start being more charitable to each other since it just creates a horrible cycle.
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corvidcircus · 2 years
A little birdie told me you're open for some requests, so here's some timeless classic: DMC boys with half-angel reader! Haven't seen those in a looooong while, and I'm a sucker for the whole angel-demon dynamic. Just please don't make them crystal pure saint, sheepish type. I'd much rather have reader to be fun, with zeal for adventure, some warrior spirit and good sense of humor, but still very kind.
It's all up to you though! Hope your muse will respond soon and thanks in advance <3
Anon, you have opened a very large can if worms for me, I thank you.
There will be several parts of this as I have so many thoughts about this; but we're gonna start with some bullet points so you aren't waiting a month.
The Basics
(i think) angels in the DMC universe are similar to the angels in bayonetta
that none of them are the classic 'fair-skinned pretty woman with white wings'
angels are messengers of God, sure, but they are also warriors
i'll expand on this in another post, bc it's nephilim time baybee
angel hybrids, like, demonic hybrids, are very disliked by both demonic and angelic beings
i think theyres only a couple of angels that would a. have enough contact with humans to have offspring and b. would be humanoid enough that people wouldn't go blind or insane upon meeting one
so nephilim come in three flavors, messenger, watcher, and guardian
messenger nephilim are the offspring of angels sent to the human world to deliver information, and then return to the celestial world
watcher nephilim come from angels stationed in the human world that report goings on, but rarely intervene (but are OP when they're allowed to)
guardian nephilim are related to the angels who act as warriors, and are therefore, very powerful fighters who enter and exit the human world as they please (also includes archangels)
nephilim inherit traits from their angel parent, some abilities, some physical features, but they always inherit the free will of their human parent
The Sparda Twins
boi never believed in angels before he met you
was a little annoyed at first, because, why the fuck haven't they been helping?
did they not notice the demon world opening? or the massive blood-sucking tree?
would likely end up with a watcher or guardian nephilim, based on his lifestyle
almost got bisected the first time you fought demons with him, he was way too busy watching you kick ass to be fighting efficiently
would be confused, and then jokingly offended if a demon went after you first
truthfully it worries him, asks nico about a way to hide your angelic nature from demons and angels
would understand if you didn't want to join DMC, he gets the gig isn't for everyone
amazed by any angelic features you have, treats them with utmost care
angel puns for days
"did it hurt when you fell from heaven, babe?" "i was born here dipshit"
calls you angel based names to tease you
loves your sass, entirely encourages it
if you have wings, will fly with you in sin form
is a very fun teacher, but it could take a while to get there
lets you beat him at sparring most of the time. he doesn't think you know. you know.
very proud of your strength
"this is my S/O. they can kick your ass. they can kick my ass. it's amazing."
guardian nephilim all the way
seems rather hostile toward you at first, like, more than the usual level
(eventually admits that it's because your existence proves angels chose to let the day of the fire, and everything it led to, happen the way it did)
you may meet by fighting him, or fighting with him
it'll take a while for him to accept what he feels for you, so much so that you might have to make the first move
secretly likes that you don't just back down immediately if he challenges you
obviously intrigued by your skill as a warrior, and doubly so by any angelic ability you have
has many questions about angels and the celestial world
un-ironically calls you angel, seraph, and other names
would be quite confused as to why you would not want to kill demons as a profession
would be actively offended if a demon chose to attack you first
sees it as an attack on his mate, and his pride as a Son of Sparda
might look into the arcane arts to keep you off the radar of angels if you worry
trains with you, don't expect him to hold back in fighting or critique, but is a very fair teacher
enjoys the vicious streak you show while protecting others
will do anything for you, but knows you are kind and smart enough not to make him
values your council, especially when you help him realize he's being foolish
absolutely fascinated by whatever angelic features you have, treats them with care
"my angel can and will destroy you."
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Hello again! My ADHD has decided that the Hunger AU is to be my newest hyperfixation, and as such I have some more questions/interpretations I'd like to push forward, if that's alright. As always, no pressure in responding, and I hope this ask is fun to read :)
First off, I was going through some of your Listener posts for Reasons and I noticed a little tidbit in one of them: Watchers cannot feed off of the emotions of Listeners. If this is still the case, why were Martyn and BigB in the Life Games, if Grian can't feed on them, and were their mindsets still adversely affected? Could Grian (or theoretically, any Watcher) tell something was Off about them this way?
Another thing I noticed was that all Watchers are essentially clones of each other. Passing by the question of ecological diversity (I might think on that a different time), this implies that Grian, or at least, the Watcher-larvae that got implanted in him prior to all the code-copying, is a copy of another Watcher. Am I reading this right? Because if so that has implications and I love it.
And finally the biggest thing that's been on my mind: the Void (or the in-between, I've seen both). The space between servers. This thing has vexed and fascinated me since I read chapter one of your fic months ago. I think I've come to my own interpretations on the space, but I'd love to hear what you have plotted as well. For example, you mentioned that Developer Crystals are sort of hubs for servers - considering how you talked about it, the number of servers they can support must be pretty high. I've come to think of it kind of like a galaxy - and elliptical galaxy to be specific. Is this a correct way to think about it?
You've mentioned that being out in the in-between is dangerous for those not prepared - how much training does it take to be a Voidwalker? How does inter-server travel for regular players work? Are there extra steps that need to be taken when traveling from one Crystal's hub to another?
And on a personal interpretation note, I interpret the Void as looking kind of like space (as you often refer to in your work), but also... not. Specifically, when you talked about Developer Crystrals, I imagined them looking kind of like the Paths from Attack on Titan, just minus the ground (and being a lot bigger).
Tumblr media
One final question, since it's been bothering me for ages: how does the ground work in the Void? It's been killing me since chapter 1.
Sorry for the massive ask, but it takes a particular sort of worldbuilding for me to come up with so many questions. I'm really having a fun time working with these rules - so thank you for making them!
Heyo!! I finally got a chance to answer this, which ive been trying to do since you sent it but unfortunately real life had other plans 😂😂😂 but i have the time and brain now, so here are hopefully some satisfying answers to your questions!!! :D
1.) BigB becoming a Listener was relatively recent; he was still a Player when he got pulled into the life games. As for Martyn, i think that because Listeners are so new, he was probably the first one Grian had ever encountered (at the time of 3rd Life at least). So he didn't realize he couldn't feed off of Martyn's emotions-- all he saw, in that half-frantic frenzy of "i need to eat right fucking now," was hey, i know that guy, and he's also in close proximity to BigB, so Grian sorta automatically pulled him in.
Afterwards, I'd say once Grian figured out he couldn't feed from him, he still ended up pulled in the next two times because of the familiarity (and because for as much as Grian can't feed off of him, Martyn still causes a lot of edible emotions in other people). But yeah, any Watcher would be able to tell if someone was a Listener!! And Listeners are able to tell if somebody is a Watcher, although their Player usually won't understand what that means beyond "hey theres something Weird going on with that guy."
2.) Yep!! All watchers are structural-code and utility-code copies of each other; their memory codes and surface codes are the only things that differentiate them from one another. This does indeed have some very fun implications to ruminate on fjsbdkdnd
3.) I'm not sure if i would describe dev crystals as a "hub," if only because that sorta implies that they're habitable-- but they are indeed the center of each server cluster, and i would honestly say the description of an elliptical galaxy is totally spot on :] they can indeed maintain a high amount of servers, but if the count grows too high then they can overload and stop processing the flow of unraveled code as efficiently, which can then cause backups, which then make them blow up, which is. obviously, pretty not good akdnwkdjek
Think of the void between servers as the bottom of the ocean. Absolutely crushing depths, the kind that will kill you in an instant if you don't have the right protective gear. Voidwalkers are basically people who are so good at coding that they can keep their code from getting pulverized and walk right through it like they're taking a casual morning stroll. It takes a ton of effort and energy to do, and is very dangerous-- i would say you have to be EXCEPTIONALLY quick-thinking, an efficient multitasker, and have a lot of practical foresight to achieve it without dissolving. Hence why there aren't many of them, and I'd honestly say Xisuma is probably one of, if not the, best. The fact that he was able to take five people including himself into the in-between, and keep them all alive, is INSANE. Brother outdid himself truly
As for interserver travel, thats something im currently working on lore-wise (and will hopefully be able to post about soon)!!! But the basic gist im working off of right now is that there are servers that act as server hubs, or waystations-- basically servers whose only purpose is to act as an in between point to access other servers. I'm toying with the idea of special portals called launchers, and the concept of zip files/share folders + creating folds in the fabric of the Greater Code to cross vast distances within a short distance. If you've read A Wrinkle In Time, thats the sorta thing im thinking of. But unfortunately right now its all spaghetti in my brain, so im still working on straightening that out until i can explain my thoughts coherently 💀💀💀💀
I can say rn that travel between dev crystals and their server clusters is not possible just yet. The universe is fucking HUGE, and there are countless devs and server clusters within it; the ability to travel between them isnt quite feasible right now, but it'll get there eventually :] not within the scope of the main story, though-- all of that fully takes place in this single corner of the universe
For dev crystals themselves, i picture them looking a lot like giant end crystals!!! the thought is that end crystals are basically like. a mini version of a dev, and that the beams you see healing the ender dragon are bursts of raw code pulled in from the rest of the server. so yeah, end crystals except massive on a scale we can barely comprehend and also ten million times more explosive (and more capable of handling the stability of an entire server cluster so it doesnt collapse in on itself)
4.) LAST BUT NOT LEAST. I. will fully admit when i wrote the walking on the void it was, at the time, a purely aesthetic choice. But i am legitimately thinking now about the implications of that, and toying with a few concepts that i wanna noodle on more before i fully commit to them. Sorry for leaving it a mystery for now!!!! 😂😂😂😂 it'll probably get answered in the post i'll eventually make about launchers and interserver travel
hope these were helpful and continue fueling your brainrot!!! thanks for being patient while i wrangled my brain enough to answer them :]❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Role Reversal AU
Basically, the heroes are villains and the villains are heroes or civilians.
There's a lot of information that I packed into this post.
Beings that aren't included in the swap are: Captain Marvel/Shazam/Champion Teth/Black Adam Captain N*zi (because fuck no is any n*zi going to be anything but evil. No Marvel mistakes with this au.) The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man Literally all of the villains trapped on/in the Rock of Eternity Orange Lantern The Blue Lanterns The Indigo Lanterns White and Black Lanterns Demons maybe Constantine? what do you guys think? Darkseid (good darkseid could be interesting tho) Doomsday Hfuhruhurr (aka Word-Bringer; an alien that collects brains from all over the universe to create an immortal hive mind called "The Union") Mongul 5th dimensional beings (they just like annoying people in general) Pariah Dark probably more
Some Heroes: Amity Park - Plasmius, Technus, Skulker, GIW, Maddie & Jack Gotham - Joker, Two-Face, Bane, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Ra's Al Ghul (the LOA is more like a secret watcher's society but more infighting in a friendly way) Metropolis - Lex Luthor, Cyborg Superman, Metallo, Parasite London - Cheetah, Giganta, Circe(part-time) Justice League (leaders) - Talia Al Ghul, Lex, Professor Zoom, Cheetah, Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris), Black Manta, Cyborgirl Justice League (general) - Poison Ivy, Gorilla Grodd, Captain Marvel, Red Lantern(Guy Gardner), etc.
Most villains who don't commit any violent crime are simply civilians in this au. (ex: Catwoman, Box Ghost, or Kite Man) Some villains - like Sivanna - become civilians while their family members become villains.
Some background info:
Danny dies and it pisses him off that his parents don't notice. Sam and Tucker agree and they become menaces to Amity Park. Maddie and Jack notice and decide that someone needs to reign in the troublemakers, which makes things worse. Then, the ghosts start noticing and they start sending a ghost to take care of the rogue ghost. Eventually, they find that Skulker and Technus are best suited to deal with the trio. Wolf and Cujo join the trio. Plasmius joins Skulker and Technus and they start trying to clone Danny to try to create an equal to fight against him. The clones are mostly viable because of the help of Technus and the Fentons. Team Phantom kill the clones except for Dani, who joins them. Jazz, while not evil, isn't good either. She just wants to prevent her brother from killing their parents. Because all the good guys are much less concerned with keeping civilians safe, there are a few casualties, which includes Jazz. Jazz notices that Team Phantom might be right about her parents, so she leaves Amity and eventually teams up with Zatanna. TLDR; Danny's mad at his parents and makes Team Phantom to cause chaos around Amity Park. Jazz leaves after she dies and joins Zatanna.
Zatanna (and her father) were low level thieves that were performing as stage magicians before Nabu's helmet turned Giovanni into Dr Fate. Zatanna became enraged at how he wouldn't give her father back and started murdering and stealing other magic user's powers and tomes in hopes of one day returning her father to her. After she found Jazz, who offered to help remove the helmet, she stopped murdering as many people. The two often help Klarion get in the way of Nabu's plans to get rid of anything he perceives as chaotic. While they happen to befriend Klarion, they never stop stealing.
Bruce becomes Owlman and is in charge of the Court of Owls. Tim, Dick, and Jason become Talons. Alfred is known as the Executioner. Barbara is a jewel thief until she loses the ability to walk thanks to falling off a roof while being chased by Joker. After, she becomes a cyber security threat that constantly steals, releases criminals from jail, and hacks into whatever tech the heroes use. Kate becomes a mob boss. Signal starts out stealing, but accidentally turns into a small time mob boss that works on the opposite side of the city. Commissioner Gordon is a corrupt cop who is firmly in Bruce's pocket. He sometimes fills in for Bruce during CoO meetings when Lucius can't. Cass is an assassin called Orphan that inspires more fear than (canon) Deathstroke. Steph got annoyed by how often her dad (cluemaster) was out of the house and became Spoiler - a villain similar to (canon) Riddler. Selena, while she's a civilian, also happens to be Bruce's street level informant.
Clark, while still having been raised by Martha and John Kent and becoming Superman, decides that being a hero is rather boring. While ruling the world sounds intriguing, he's seen many other villains that are just as competent as he is that want to rule. So he decides that he wants to be a complete (rather dark) nuisance. He ruins buildings by tagging them with his heat vision, freezes major water sources, cloned Lex and himself (technically it's a test tube baby but whatever) once, finds ways to steal everyone's stashes of kryptonite, and sometimes murders people. Kon or Conner lives with Lex part time and has two loving parents, both of which don't understand why he enjoys randomly jumping into their battles and fighting them both (causing as much property damage as possible). Lois helps keep criminal activity out of the papers and clocks Clark as Superman right away. She regularly publishes smear campaigns against the heroes and paints Superman in good light. Kara and her clone - Powergirl - regularly fight against Parasite and Cyborg Superman who constantly thwart their plans to take over the world (they're taking Lex's route).
Green Lanterns are like corrupt cops whose mission is to exert their will over others. Hal kills his dad's previous employer while Sinestro tries to stop him. Sinestro creates the Sinestro Corps and is much more like "our and others' fears fuel us and drive us to be able to save people" rather than "fear is true power and should be used as a way to control people". When Parallax takes over Hal, they become the ultimate hero but over time Parallax starts to become corrupted by his willpower and Specter jumps in to keep Parallax from becoming the ultimate evil. After a while Parallax decides that Sinestro is a much better host and both him and Specter leave Hal, who decides to take a long break doing petty crime before breaking the Green Lanterns out of prison. Carol, in the beginning, stops Hal and other Green Lanterns from committing crimes but eventually stops and focuses mostly on taking care of her business and the Star Sapphires. The Green Lantern's main enemies are the Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, and the Manhunters. Blue Lanterns tend to avoid the Green Lanterns and work with the Manhunters.
Barry is super cruel and Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom) came from the future to prevent him from destroying everything. Barry's backstory is either he killed his mom and pinned it on his dad, or he ran away from home a few times and his parents died while trying to find him. Thawne is very careful about avoiding Barry while he's a civilian, but is aware that he needs to be close in order to prevent Barry from destroying the timeline or murdering everyone.
Diana has plans on taking over the world of man and eradicating the men while leaving the women in order to create a perfect world for women. Cheetah, Giganta, and (to a lesser extent) Cerce understand that men are needed just as much as women are in order for the world to continue on.
Feel free to add your own ideas or use this for a fic!
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kogurazu · 1 month
I'm just gonna rant my chest out regarding the recent Watcher's announcement because I'm still trying to process wtf has just happened & it's pretty late at night. (For the record, I'm one of their international viewers from a 3rd world country.)
It sucks that I cannot buy their official merch that is already expensive (due to conversion rates) + not being able to deliver in my country when I've some spare cash. That's fine by me.
It sucks that I cannot go & watch their live shows being available at certain countries that doesn't cost a damn fortune (plane tickets, hotel bookings, converting currency, etc.) + not in a million years they'll stop by SEA to do tours/live shows. That's also fine by me.
However, the way how they hyped up the announcement mentioning big things are coming only to just drop a video saying "Hey, we're leaving Youtube as the money ain't flowing much to cover our 'extravagant' expenses & all future contents will be locked behind a paywall. So if you're unable to watch most of your beloved shows because you can't pay then toodles!" That's NOT fine by me, let alone anyone else in the matter.
Even if I've a fuck ton of money to spare, I'm still not buying their monthly/yearly WatcherTV subscription because it's JUST. NOT. WORTH. IT. Who wants to buy a monthly yet alone yearly subscription just to watch 1-2 episodes of a show I like being put out weekly per season & then waiting for some time before another new season of another show that has a 50-50 chance whether I enjoy it or not pops up to fill the void? Not me, that's for sure. Damn, I rather subscribe to Netflix or buy YouTube premium if I could because the money spent is worth the content I can get on a monthly/yearly basis.
I get putting exclusive contents such as BTS, special interviews/podcasts, early access to episodes, etc. behind a paywall since they're just nice bonuses for fans who're able to support them but locking REGULAR YOUTUBE content that's not being released consistently & have nothing much to offer behind a paywall? I think you're losing your crackers on this one chief.
After watching the announcement video, I feel plainly numb & disappointed that this is the route they're going for. I understand they need the funds to make videos, pay people & also wanting the freedom to make content that you want to make without adhering to the restrictions of advertisers. I get it.
But what I don't get is this mind numbing decision to spit at the faces of people who can't afford to fork out some cash to enjoy their once free favourite shows that helped cheer them up during the tough times. It's even more disgusting what I heard from Coffeezilla's recent video about Watcher mentioning that they don't even give out a free WatcherTV subscription to their Patreon members as a way to say thank you for your patronage is really saying something eh?
4 years ago, I found Shane & Ryan via Buzzfeed Unsolved just like everyone else randomly being recommended to me on Youtube. I binge watched all seasons of Buzzfeed Unsolved exactly at the same time they're announcing their departure from Buzzfeed to go do their own content at Watcher. What's this? A channel where I can watch the ghoul boys do their own thing? Hell yeah, sign me tf up.
It's really nice to see Watcher growing & trying out new different shows. I'm aware not all the shows they put out matches my taste & that's fine by me. Probably there's an audience out there who enjoy these shows that aren't for me.
I remember the time I was excited when they bring in Ghost Files & Mystery Files which can fill in the Buzzfeed Unsolved void. Are You Scared? & Too Many Spirits are the shows I enjoy listening to them as background noise so that I can focus on my work.
Puppet History & Top 5 Beatdown is where I enjoy the chemistry between the talents & guests. Weird, Wonderful, World & Tourist Trapped is where I enjoy seeing cool places run by passionate people & is like a nice, come hangout with me type of video blogs.
4 years later, this is where I'll be hopping off with the knowledge that I can't no longer be able to enjoy all these shows anymore like I used to just because I can't afford to whip out some measly cash to pay for regular content that I can easily find on Youtube for free.
Even if you leave up the old videos on Youtube (after you've backpedalled your decision to remove all the videos entirely in the first place due to the backlash & gaslighting us into thinking we misunderstood but your Variety article says otherwise), the whole ordeal just makes the experience to re-watch all the content that I used to love & enjoy feels awkward & left a sour, bitter taste in my mouth.
With a very heavy heart, I say thank you for the fun shows you have been putting out these past 4 years & farewell to Team Watcher. I don't know how're you going to recover from this but I wish you a best of luck moving forward.
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apocalypticavolition · 3 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 43: A Plan
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I've believed in my own lies so strongly I made them come true. I promise that this time I rant much less about the Seanchan. I also promise that this chapter doesn't actually spoil all that much, but it's still spoils a few things for this book and the later The Wheel of Time series as a whole so you shouldn't keep reading unless you're ready for that.
This chapter has the a'dam bracelet as it's all about the plan to get Egwene away from captivity.
Feeling worse than useless, she picked up her skirts and ran, and Egwene’s screams pursued her. She could not make herself stay, and leaving made her feel a coward.
Shame you didn't kill Renna BEFORE she put the bracelet back on!
Nah I'm just messing Min. Shit sucks. This is a terrible way to get a POV section.
She was not accustomed to weeping openly, but then she was not accustomed to feeling so helpless, so useless.
Sadly, Min never does internalize the notion that she may have been a medium fish in Baerlon but that she's krill compared to the world's big players. Even more sadly, the fact that she is comparatively useless as a combatant never stops being relevant in her life. She shoulda pulled a Ty Lee and invented a knife style that just fucks up channelers or something.
“That color becomes you,” Nynaeve continued. “You should have taken up dresses long since. Though I’ve thought of breeches myself since I saw them on you.”
Nynaeve is pretty conservative at times but it's sweet that she's thought about how she has the option to wear pants thanks to Min.
Min hesitated a fraction before saying, “She’s as well as can be expected.” Min could see it all too well, if she told them what was happening to Egwene right that moment. Nynaeve was as likely as not to go storming back in an attempt to stop it.
And she's not even using her seeing powers to predict this future!
‘Give me a damane of my own on my deck,’ he says, ‘and I will sail this instant.’
Domon really does seem to be an incredibly adaptive man and a quick thinker. It's a shame he always stayed pretty background; I wonder what he might have pulled off if he'd had a chance.
“I wish Rand were here.” Elayne sighed, and when they both looked at her, she blushed and quickly added, “Well, he does have a sword. I wish we had somebody with a sword. Ten of them. A hundred.”
Keep it in your dress, Elayne. The adults are talking.
She touched her chest absently, as if feeling something through her coat.
KEEP IT IN YOUR DRESS, NYNAEVE. Good lord how is Min being the reasonable one about boys right now?
I hope one of you can think of something I haven’t; I’ve wracked my brains, and I always stumble when it comes to the a’dam, the leash and collar. Sul’dam don’t like anyone watching too closely when they open them.
General protectiveness of their ability to hold slaves, or furtive, subconscious acknowledgment of the fact that should destroy an empire?
A man’s ring of heavy gold floated above Nynaeve’s head, and above Elayne’s, a red-hot iron and an axe.
Well Nynaeve already has the ring so that's a terrible future vision, and this particular prophecy actually doesn't come true for Elayne because it relates to a cut version of how Rand loses his hand. Let's say it's got something to do with Manetheren and Perrin I guess. Or maybe it's a Fourth Age thing.
Many people had fled here from villages further from the coast. Min saw no point to it—they had leaped from the possibility of a visit from the Seanchan to the certainty of Seanchan all around them—but she had heard what the Seanchan did when they first came to a village, and she could not blame the villagers too much for fearing another appearance.
Safety in numbers and staying inside the region the Seanchan aren't likely to wage war against any time soon.
The inn had been hastily renamed The Three Plum Blossoms, but part of the word “Watcher” still showed through the slapdash paint work on the sign.
Betcha anything that three plum blossoms are an auspicious omen in Seanchan culture and that the innkeeper is already currying some favor.
“It’s all right,” Min told her, taking a place on the end of one of the benches at the table. “He only looks and sounds like a bear.” Elayne sat down on the other end, looking doubtful.
Min is of course pretty used to all sorts from her own inn days, and anyway if there's any omens around Domon they're likely ones that suggest decentness.
I did think I could spin a tale or two and be on my way, but now I think when I no entertain him any longer, it be an even wager whether he do let me go or have my head cut off.
I think Domon probably would be enslaved instead but yeah not a good outcome in any case.
Two gold rings hung on the cord. Min gasped when she saw one—it was the heavy man’s ring she had seen when she read Nynaeve in the street—but she knew it was the other, slighter and made for a woman’s slender finger, that made Domon’s eyes bulge. A serpent biting its own tail.
I told you your prophecy was dumb, Min.
But also damn Nynaeve is reckless and this Aes Sedai impersonation business is going to get so out of hand. Real Aes Sedai lie there though, where she tells him he knows what it means instead of the truth that she's earned the ring but isn't Aes Sedai.
Six damane they did put around her, stepping out of the alleys of a sudden. I did think she would . . . do something—you know what I mean—but. . . . I know nothing of these things. One moment she did look as if she would destroy them all, then a look of horror did come on her face, and she did scream.
Frankly I suspect they were overdoing it with six; the Seanchan have more powerful channelers on average, after all. I wonder if they've noticed it yet.
“Egwene said they have two prisoners,” Min said slowly. “Ryma, a Yellow, and she didn’t know who the other is.” Nynaeve gave her a sharp look, and she fell silent, blushing. From the look on Domon’s face, it had not furthered their cause any to tell him the Seanchan held two Aes Sedai, not just one.
I'm a little surprised Min is naive enough to mention this. You'd think with her life experiences she'd be much more guarded about what information she's willing to share, and with whom.
“With some people,” she said, “you have to be certain. If you show them one glimmer of doubt, they’ll sweep you off in some direction you don’t want to go. Light, but I was afraid he was going to say no. Come, we have plans yet to make. There are still one or two small problems to work out.”
Nynaeve is an icon and we will close out this chapter with a moment of respect for her.
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