#future piebald
snackugaki · 1 year
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soft apocalypse 4
leo y fin del mundo en español
k onda soy yo snackugaki tu prima filipina, disculpa por mi español kase mas matalino ako sa tagalog kesa español de mexicano(te amo abuela)
pasyensa na ingles speakers, anyway tl;dr I think Leo would probably start switching to Spanglish more in the Apocalypse considering all the people herding he and his brothers would be doing day-to-day
and as a fun little linguistic byte, there’s hella dominicans and puerto ricans in new york so statistically, Leo’d probably speak spanish like them and if I got some of y’all’s slang wrong.... wag kang magagalit sa akin sinubukan ko oh
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ariel-gremlinzkeep · 1 year
DNI: 🚫🐢t©️est🚫
• Master Index Post •
• Master Index Post •
Piebald doesn’t know how to feel about Angelo’s offering.
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☆ Happily Ever After: Angelo @phykoha​ 
☆ Extended Family: Leo & Piebald @extended-family-au | @alexthenerdbird | @ariel-gremlinzkeep | @cookiekate-art | @wh0rkestra | @emmyawards201 | @quirkycorgianimations | @kaysdenofchaos
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funky-sea-cryptid · 10 days
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tavey works in the magical research division! if asked, she would say they are not a combat mage, but in reality, ze are just a fucking NERD-
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Theo a few months ago: *homeless orphan pissboy, survival instincts only*
Theo now: *hypersexual transmasc thot with three bitches and multiple parents wanting to adopt him on his ass*
✨️Glow up, bitches✨️
I'm proud of him!
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Words I Had with Bathroom of The Future
Mustard had the pleasure of speaking with Michigan's Bathroom of the Future. Together we discussed the origin of their name, their influences, their EPs, and so much more! Check it out below!
Mustard had the pleasure of speaking with Michigan’s Bathroom of the Future. Together we discussed the origin of their name, their influences, their EPs, and so much more! Check it out below! 1. Hello! Mustard would like to thank you for being here. How are you?I am well! I’m no longer besieged by seasonal allergies and am eagerly looking forward to a Trader Joe’s pizza I’m warming up as I write…
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our-happygirl500-fan · 8 months
Something that I have kind of seen a few people talk about is how Donnie sometimes seems to act surprised whenever one of his brothers ends up being right about something.
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Donnie: I don't know what's more unsettling, the giant goldfish or the possibility that Mikey may be right
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Donnie: This is the first and only time I will ever say this, but Leo is right.
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Donnie: Ah, I don't know what's crazier, the talking puppet or Raph actually being right about something
However something that I have kind of noticed is that once one of his brothers prove themselves to be right about something, Donnie seems more willing to admit that they are right or ask them for advice in the future, afterwards.
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Donnie: OK! Teach me, Doctor, teach me.
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Donnie: Whatever Leo says is probably right
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Donnie: Raph is right. He is not a scientist. But separately he was also right that this Piebald jazz is in your head.
Something that I have kind of noticed is that while Donnie seems to act surprised whenever one of his brothers turns out to be right, he also seems ready to agree with them in other situations, with Donnie agreeing with Leo in both the episodes, 'The Evil League of Mutants' & 'Hot Soup: The Game' and after Raph turned out to be right in the episode 'Mrs. Cuddles' Donnie was willing to agree with him during the episode 'Flushed, but Never Forgotten', also after Mikey turned out to be right during the episode 'Flushed, but Never Forgotten' Donnie was willing to accept advice from him in the episode 'Breaking Purple'.
Something I have kind of noticed is that Donnie possibly seems to believe that if his brothers were right once they can be right again.
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rottmnt-residuum · 5 months
Are their other villain mutants that were captured by the EPF?
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the only mutants from the show that wont show up in the facility are; that goat guy clem, bullhop, fish guy, the dig band, corpse flower guy, piebald (<- she just straight up doesn't exist in residuum actually), and scor-pion
everyone else is either already there, or will be at some point in the future
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 4 months
Summary of Cartoon Base's Q&A with Ron Corcillo
(Feb 10, 2024)
This is VERY long, so putting it under the cut!
Apocalyptic Future
We don't know how Donnie and Raph died specifically, but it was in combat against the Krang.
The turtles were leaders of the resistance and obviously went through some serious trauma. We don't really know how that affected them emotionally. It might be interesting to do a series that explored that timeline at some point.
Leo was the best ninja fighter. Once Raph and Donnie were gone, he was also the leader of the resistance. He also had a special affinity for Casey. He may have felt particularly responsible for Casey once his mother was gone.
Mikey probably could have communicated with Raph/Donnie/Splinter in the same way they could communicate with Karai, even though we didn't get the chance to see it.
The turtles wouldn't have had time for having their own kids or starting families. They were too busy fighting the krang, and the world was too dangerous for raising children.
They couldn't work out everyone's timelines in the bad future, but presumably, Big Mama's assistant would have joined the resistance, because what else could you do? She would have to have adopted her brothers as allies.
Mikey is definitely less cheerful and more wise, but he still ultimately has faith in the goodness of people and the world. Some things, you just can't change.
The turtles are in their early 40's, but the war has taken a toll.
Splinter spent a lot of time in the Hidden City, so he knows about more mystic things than we realize. He's developed those skills (i.e. using Leo's odachi to make a portal on the first try), but they've been dormant for a while.
Donnie can temporarily create items with his powers like the ones we see in the movie, but to make a tangible item that would last, he's have to build it physically the way he would with any of his tech.
Leo probably had the hardest time accepting Draxum, since he is the most skeptical. Mikey is the one who accepts Draxum the most easily. But they did have episodes planned where Leo and Draxum work together, so Leo would have gotten over it as well.
They had never worked out a name for the second turtle sister (the first possibly being named after Frida Kahlo), but would have chosen another female artist to name her after. Maybe Camille, after Camille Claudel.
The planned sisters would be roughly the same age as the turtles, so also teenagers. The only existing designs are what we saw on screen. They had never settled on colors for them.
CJ and present Leo is kind of a weird dynamic, when you think about it. Casey still couldn't help but see Leo as a father figure, but it must be a little different when you're roughly the same age.
Leo keeps whatever he wants in the little bags he has attached to his belt. Snacks, candy, fidget toys, body spray - this is Leo, after all.
Splinter had never celebrated the turtles birthdays in the past, because he was so depressed about his own mutation. But going forward, now that he's come to grips with who he really is, he would start to celebrate that day.
A meeting between Cassandra and Casey Junior would be incredibly heartfelt. Break out the tissues.
They thought about bringing Piebald back in Man vs. Sewer, but it didn't work out. She's definitely still out there in the sewers, so there would be plenty of opportunity for the turtles to interact with her again.
Following the movie, the most serious repercussions would be to Raph mentally. He would still be carrying some of that krang mentality. He might even occasionally pick up on thoughts of the krang. It would almost be like he had some form of ptsd.
A lot of Draxum's softening only comes from after his horrible experience of having his life force sucked away by the dark armor. He may have never seen the error of his ways without an experience like that. So, if the boys had never been taken by Splinter, he probably would have gone through with his plan to make them into weapons.
Splinter would have understood that Casey Jr became a soldier because he had to, and wouldn't have a problem with that. He would view Casey Jr as a nephew or grandson. They're all used to thinking of people as family even if they're not exactly related.
As far as mystic abilities, Mikey is definitely the most powerful. Donnie and Raph both seem to have pretty strong powers too, maybe Donnie a little more so. Leo is the one who relies the least on mystic power and the most on his physical and mental skills.
Donnie definitely seems to embrace the mystic power at the end of season 2 and in the movie. Ultimately, he would find ways to combine it with his tech for supreme power-ups.
April is 18 and the turtles are 16-18. Casey Jr is around late teens or 20.
Rise Lore
Given that the first krang that came to earth crashed into the Crying Titan, there must have been some form of historic yokai/hidden city even before the empyrean was around to introduce mystic powers. After all, someone must have built the Crying Titan. Maybe it was built by some other race that actually predates the yokai, and the yokai evolved from that race, affected by the emperyan.
There are definitely still krang out there, and most of the ones that we encounter are evil. The possibility of a good Krang could exist, though.
Before the humans, the yokai roamed freely both on the surface of the Earth and underground. They were probably a lot happier then, and somewhat more numerous. Oppression by the humans must have taken a toll on them.
There were a lot of Hamato and only so many powers you could have, so there would have been a lot of overlap in ninpo abilities across all the ancestors.
The Prison Dimension and Dimension X are two different dimensions. Dimension X is where the krang are originally from, and the Prison Dimension was just used to get rid of villains. Both exist in the Rise universe.
If there was more Rise
There weren't any specific plans for Kendra, but she certainly could have been interesting as a frenemy.
They would definitely want to get into Casey's whole history with the TMNT, his mom, etc.
They would have wanted to develop April and Sunita's friendship a lot more, and see how both of them related to Cassandra Jones.
They'd make as many seasons as they'd be allowed to! But seriously, they could easily fill at least 3 more seasons. There's a lot to unlock with the Krang, and they'd also want to expore much more with Big Mama and the Hidden City.
Cassandra might not have been part of the main group, but she would have been a regular ally.
Cassandra and the turtles would have been allies, fighting the Krang. It's clear from the end of the movie that Cassandra is now roaming around and fighting krang, so she and the turtles could connect occasionally as a running storyline.
A new season would pick up from where the movie left off, so it would be a new plan instead of what was already made.
Bishop would have to be an ally, considering that the turtles had just saved the Earth. But he might be a grudging ally, one who didn't really trust the turtles or didn't like the fact that they don't play by the rules.
It would definitely be easier to do crossovers with the other 2D animated series, like the 87 series or the 2003 series. They could have some fun playing with both the writing and animation style of those shows. Combining 2D and CG animation is more difficult.
They probably would not have mutated April, as it would be a big step. In the scrapped episode where Dale turned into a wolf mutant, it was a result of a temporary mystic curse. They could certainly do something like that with April.
The turtles would still be able to comminicate with Karai through mystic means.
They would have gotten a lot more into the history of the Council of Heads in future seasons when they explored the relationship between the Hidden City and the Krang. They are clearly among the most ancient of yokai, possibly predating the Hidden City itself.
They could have done a temporary reverse mutation via some sort of mystic spell, to give the turtles human designs. It might have been fun since it seems to be something that fans enjoy so much.
They would have had the turtles go to the krang's dimension at some point in order to defeat the krang fully. They could have encountered any of the traditional dimension x/z stuff that way.
The storyline where the boys find their sisters would probably still happen. People would want to see it, even though it's been spoiled.
They had plans to eventually visit other Hidden Cities, such as one beneath Tokyo.
Cut Episodes/Scenes
In the original ending of the movie where Casey says goodbye and leaves, he was going to find his mom.
One of the scrapped episodes had to do with Mikey taking care of the other turtles when they were transformed into toddlers. He was a natural caretaker.
They never planned on a space arc, but they probably would have done one where they travel to the Krang dimension. They also were going to travel to the prison dimension to release Karai, and they could have had other adventures there as well.
Behind the Scenes
For the episode Pizza Puffs, Ben Schwartz did his part for feverish Leo without looking at the script so he would sound confused.
It would be great if Nickelodeon released some of the finished animatics for the lost season 2 episodes that were already boarded, but unfortunately, it's all copywrited material.
All animated movies go through multiple revisions, rewrites, and changes, which is why some of the original rise movie storyboards were scrapped.
They do remote recording all the time, especially since covid.
The amount that a writer incorporates into a fight scene varies from script to script. Sometimes, there are moments in a fight scene that are key to the story. If so, they are written out. Otherwise, they would sometimes write out a fight scene but know that it would change in the board. Sometimes, they'd just shorthand it.
The writers try not to indulge in too much fanfic because there could be copyright issues if it is similar to anything they would ever do in the show.
When writing the brothers, it was important to keep them in character. You have to know exactly who your characters are, all the time, in every way. The audience will forgive you if you do things that aren't exactly logical, but they won't forgive you if you sell out your characters.
There was never an overall map done of the lairs, just individual rooms. It was always kind of tricky for them to figure out exactly how to move the characters from one room to the other.
The krang invasion was specific to the movie, so we probably wouldn't have seen it in the series at all if it had not been cut short.
Other TMNT Characters
They weren't necessarily planning to add characters from other versions yet. They still had so many areas to explore that were specific to Rise, like the Hidden City, the yokai, and the history of the krang.
There were no particular plans for Honeycutt. One character that they wanted to use but never did was Monty Moose, and they were trying very hard to figure out a way to incorporate him into a story.
They didn't have any plans for Renet, but a character like her could easily fit into the Rise universe. Obviously time travel is a big part of the movie. They could use her to explore timelines that might have happened had the events of the movie turned out differently.
They didn't get a chance to explore triceratons, so there could certainly still be some out there.
Any similarities between Big Mama's assistant and the High Mage from TMNT 2003 are coincidental. They gave her the cape and hood to disguise her identity.
They didn't have any plans for Beebop and Rocksteady, since they don't really fit in with the Rise version of Shredder and the Foot Clan.
The turtles certainly could meet Yuichi Usagi.
Usagi Yojimbo crossovers are always fun. Ron could see one where his dimension has been overrun by the krang, and he comes to our dimension to seek the turtles' help because they're the only ones who have ever defeated the krang.
Ron-Specific Questions
Ron's personal favorite episodes are "Hot Soup: The Game" and "Sparring Partner."
They were super excited when they got John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) as Meat Sweats, just because Ron and Russ are big pink rock fans.
When asked about favorite duos, Ron likes Raph & Mikey, Donnie & April, and Leo & Senor Hueso.
If he could only save one episode from Rise and the rest became lost media, Ron would save the four-part finale.
If he could save one cut episode or plotline, Ron would want to save the more complete version of the end of season 2, where we would have seen much more of the turtles training and bonding with Karai.
Ron was not part of the new Saturday Morning Adventures comic that has Rise Raph on the cover.
If he could make a spin-off, Ron would want to do a series where Cassandra roams the Earth fighting remnants of the krang, joined by her son Casey, and occasionally joined by individual turtles and others. Draxum might join forces with her as well.
The silhouette in a tank shown at the end of Bug Busters was meant to illustrate Lou Jitsu when he is first hit with the ooze and mutated along with the turtles. It's more of a memory than an exact replication.
The reason Raph was transformed via the pod instead of instantanously may have been because Raph was unwilling, and was more difficult to change than someone like the Foot Clan ninjas, who underwent their transformation willingly.
They never attempted to get a brand deal with a soup company so fans could get Rise hot soup, but it would be a good idea.
The photo from the movie was taken just before the krang arrived.
When asked which Rise character is most likely to be Spider-Man: none of them, because he's owned by Marvel and Sony.
When asked why Donnie likes cute bratty girls: Ron is not sure where that comes from.
In Dungeons and Dragons, Raph would be a fighter class, Mikey would be some sort of illusionist, Leo would be a clever assassin or theif. Donnie would insist on being a scientist because he's sure there would have been at least one sensible person back then. April would be the DM.
Ron doesn't know what the illegible skate ramp graffiti means, but can ask one of the designers about it.
In a coffee shop, Mikey would be the baker, Donnie would create the most efficient coffee brewing system ever, Raph and April would run the business side, and Leo would be the most demanding customer ever.
The Future of Rise
The demand for Rise merch is real. It would be nice if Nickelodeon would put out more official merch.
There are no current plans for a season 3, but we can keep trying!
All we can really do to try and get Rise back is continue to share the show and encourage other people to watch. As well as keep it trending whenever we can. Sooner or later, someone will realize that there's a very real demand for this show.
He has talked about the potential for continuing the show in a comic book or short format, or in some other formats as well.
When asked if there's any chance of Netflix picking up Rise, or for both Tales of the TMNT and Rise to coexist -- anything's possible!
Ron would love to see a Rise comic series, but it's not his call. As far as if it would be darker, Ron thinks it's important that for Rise, they keep things light-hearted and comedic. That was always the goal of the show.
Shows rarely get "cancelled" in kids animation. It can always be brought back, but the focus is on Tales of the TMNT for now. He's said before that Rise could be brought back down the road as a "retro" series, or in other formats like a comic book, movie, or shorts.
... plus one answer, that does not have the original question attached:
"She would be stunned, and probably disbelieving at first. But we would find a way (through mystic means) for her to see her future timeline, at which point she would be overcome with emotion."
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pillowdrawz · 1 year
Commission Sheet
(Idk how a master list work)
Btw I did all of this for fun FOR FUN.
♤Turtles forever Au [just a bunch of Turtle gen. Interacting] (On hold)
° Meeting 1. (Old art)
• Meeting 2 (old art)
○ busted meeting 3 (old art)
● Cloaking broach? 1 (old art)
□ Cloaking Broach! 2 (old art)
■ Don's training (old art)
♤ Training
◇ Mutated Soldiers
♡ Mutated Soldiers Leo
◇ Mutated soldiers Donnie
♧ Raph meeting 2012 meme
☆ Meme a Ten is speaking. (Old art
▪︎ Into the leo verse. (Old art)
¤ Turtles and Their Krang
《 Leo's traumas
{ Think leon think
》Leo's and Rise raph
¡ 12 MIKEY CHEATZ. (Old art)
? Spider verse Meme leos
} Hopeful (old art)
[ Don't talk to me or Otherme (Oldart
☆ Playing (old art)
R adorable Rise raph. (NOT SHIPPING)
\ Pranks and Destruction.
◇ watching Leo get L.
♧ watching Donnies get guns
$ Bamf Leo in 2012 world.
1 Future Leo's,MiseryxCprxreesespuffs
% Energy and Stab-
$ Accidentally Mutated Vs Purposely Mutated
2 Raphs Slay
÷ Raphs Height (Not canon I just had fun)
E He likes to be tall
V Is For Valentine's L is for 2003 Mikey/j
Y- Yoshi!!??
, :3
4 Mutant Mayhem ???
5 Tmnt Animatic Leo's "You'll play your part"
B B.e.a.s.t Leo Joins?
🃏 Joking about trauma be like
💥 Mutant Mayhem Donnie meets??
🐇⚔ Leosagi both 2003 and rise
🙂 ask someone else
◇ Hamatos Umarekawari Au.(On going)
* first post Explannation
+ Raph's death explained
× first meeting part 1
÷ Second meeting part 2
= Meeting (thanos meme)
€ Ryu took the wheel literally
£ Memes
^ more Memes twins
¥ Posture
₩ Bandana
# Rise Boys Looks
$ Random Art of the Au.
% Twins powers
& Float
- Another meeting but different
= Baby?
# Origin???
8 The Kids cloaking brooch/Human form
9 Shelly take care of grandpa...NO DONT KILL HIM-
Random things/ Headcanon)
Rottmnt recoil fanart
Cloaking Broach Raph
Cloaking Broach leo Part 1 (bad art)
Cloaking Broach Leo part 2
Cloaking Broach Donnie
Rise Leo new Hc???
He attacked the floor
Rise raph to Rise splinter
Rottmnt memes
Leo wants his sanity back
Disaster twins and Wildberry
Artist is on their Ao3 Author arc /j
💀♠️RISESAGA A ROTTMNT X UNDERTALE AU! <<<And for more content click the blog there is now a master list there!!!♠️💀(Rewritting)
+Ninjago Kung fu panda part 1
# Ninjago Kung fu panda part 2
= Lloyd,Brad and Gene fanart
$$ Sensei Garmadon SCREENSHOT REDRAW
B What if Uno reverse card Harumi
Rise piece Rottmnt X one piece
- Join His crew
Alabasta arc. Super what??
⚠️spoiler Marineford arc⚠️ Older brother
-------$⏯Monster Promx Monster High crossover comic⏸(On.hold)$----- A SPOOKY CROSSOVER
❌ Oz] Their mission
🧟‍♂️ Brian's And Zombies Part 1
🖤 EXPLANATION? AND PIEBALD???(joke art only the pokemon one)
👌 Memes
🙌 real lore and Tmnt 2007
✨️Funfacts Mikeys Flaming heads yokais friends
----- Loading-----
--🐢⛑Ninjago x Rottmnt "Turtles Aid Au"🐢⛑--(Ongoing)
⛑ Prologue/first
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phoebepheebsphibs · 7 months
Hide & Seek references compendium
I put so many little easter eggs and hidden things in my Hide and Seek fic, so here is my little ongoing list of references I purposefully put in the fic for those of you who like this kind of thing idk man
Chapter 1, Disney's Hercules: "Hey, Mack! Ya wanna buy a sundial?" Disney's Jungle Cruise: “Trader Sam’s! Come shop at Trader Sam’s! He’ll give you a great deal on shrunken heads! Two of his heads for one of yours!” the Holmes Hotel, Hugh's Pies is a reference to Nickelodeon's Jimmy Neutron series, Lilo's Stitches and Embroidery is a nod to Disney's Lilo and Stitch, "Crusty the Crab" is a nod to Spongebob Squarepants, Chell's Portal Stop is a reference to the game series Portal, and the final scene is from the ROTTMNT episode "Hidden City's Most Wanted".
Though this is not technically a reference or Easter egg, I wanted to add this note… I made a point of referring to Splinter as Lou Jitsu when he was mad or angry or selfish, and as Hamato Yoshi when he was scared or sad.
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Chapter 2, Leo's determination to have Raph call him "the world's greatest ninja" is a reference to the film, Leo's quote "Land safely!" is taken from the episode "Mystic Mayhem" as well as the episode "The Evil League of Mutants", Leo's complaining to be leader is a nod to his future role, Raph referring to his father as a "sewer monster" is a reference to the episode "Man vs. Sewer", Splinter has a flashback from the episode "Goyles, Goyles, Goyles" and the line "OW! Why, you little--!" is also taken from that same episode.
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Chapter 3, Mikey's dream is obviously a nod to all that he will do in the future.
Chapter 4, The origin of Lace Face from the episode "Man vs. Sewer".
Chapter 5, Phineas and Ferb "Escape from Phineas Tower": "That's some mole!" The line "Raph! Your enormous body is crushing me!!” is a reference to Disney's Lilo and Stitch, "sweater town" is a reference to the Gravity Falls episode "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel", the line "I didn't want to believe it, but... *sigh* science." is taken directly from the ROTTMNT film as well as a moment when Leo mentions that Donnie was wrong, Donnie uses two really's, a reference from the episode "Breaking Purple", Donnie gives Leo the comic seen in the episode "Jupiter Jim Ahoy!"
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Chapter 6, Splinter's tv flips through several channels which include clips from media. These include a Thomas Sanders vine with "Weatherman Al", the quote "My leg!" from Spongebob Squarepants, part of the Fairly Odd Parents' theme song, Mrs. Cuddles' catchphrase "Let's be friends forever!", "I've got bad feeling about this" is a quote from Star Wars, the fake show about "Goosey" is an easter egg to @gooeseyleo and her Gooseyleo series. When Leo goes onstage, he does "a few improvised dance moves", which is a nod to Ben Schwartz and some dance moves he did in the Netflix improv comedy special "Middleditch and Schwartz”. The Lou Jitsu play the boys perform is a parody of the Godzilla franchise and the Pacific Rim films. Donnie's line "I strive for accuracy" is a reference to @sleepis4theweak 's comic (which I think about every gosh darn day), Horsebot-3000 and Splinter's line "I liked Horsebot-3000" are references to the show Community, season 3 episode 7: "Studies in Modern Movement".
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Chapter 7, in the illustration Leo and Donnie are wearing Transformer and Decepticon t-shirts, respectively, and in the background you can see spray paint that spells out "Atomic Lass", as well as a drawing of the turtles' weapons.
Chapter 8, a young BEBOP AND ROCKSTEADY make an appearance, as does a very young Harvey Hokum from the ROTTMNT comics. When Bebop tries to sell Leo, he calls him “Shelly”, a reference to my pet turtle of the same name. In the illustration you can see a goldfish on the shelf, which is meant to be Piebald.
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Chapter 9, How It's Made, APRIL O'NEIIIIILLLL, Harvey Hokum, Warren Stone and Kendra are referenced, "Operation Blue Suede Shoes" contains the title of a song, a reference to how in the show there are several similar code-names used for the characters ("Purple Rain" for Donnie, "Yellow Submarine" for April, etc.) Leo says that Mikey has empathy amplified, a reference to the fanfiction of the same name written by @filsa-mek on AO3.
Chapter 10, the boys watch "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit". Leo promises to never leave Raphael alone and to always find him. Raph offers several scenarios that actually happen in the future where Leo searches for Raph - sewer monsters (a reference to the episode Man Vs. Sewer), getting captured by bad guys (the episode Bug Busters), and aliens attacking (the events of the film). The chapter as a whole is also based off of a few sketches I made - one of which shows the boys watching the film with Splinter, and one where Raph has a bad dream and wakes up to seeing he hurt Leo, who offers to help and gets the bros together for a turtle pile.
Chapter 11, the episode is heavily inspired by an episode of the audio drama series Adventures in Odyssey, specifically the episode "Mandy's Debut". The line "Wow, the shortcake of death" is a reference taken from said same episode! During Leo's flashback, a reference to the meme "She knocked that smug look off my face, but fourtunately I had a smaller smug look underneath" when Leo takes off his sunglasses to reveal a cooler pair of sunglasses underneath. Leo and Raph make a note to the fact that Leo is not the eldest in this universe.
Chapter 12, Raph, Leo, and Mikey teach April a game they play in the episode "Late Fee". When using sign language, Donnie tells Leo to "Stop yelling at me", which is inspired by a moment in Spy Kids 4. April introduces Raph to Ghostbear's starting career. Mikey repeats a line from the episode "Bug Busters", which is "Remind me not to ask questions anymore." Mikey uses the phrase "hydrate or die-drate", which is taken from a meme but is also something I say constantly as well. When in the Hidden City, Splinter hears people calling out to customers, one uses the lyrics to the Fairly Odd Parents' theme song, another is selling Mary Poppins' umbrella, a third is selling the three mystery journals from Gravity Falls, the fourth is selling Cinderella's glass slippers, and the last one is selling the Stanley Parable bucket of reassurance. Ochimizu is a Japanese mythical elixir of eternal life. The introduction and origins of Loathsome Leonard and the Mud Dogs. Malicious Mickey uses the "creepy doctor" line from "Stuck on You".
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Chapter 13, Donnie delirium is directly based off of my own experiences with delirium, as well as his and Leo's conversation about whether or not Leo would miss him when he dies (which was an actual conversation I had with my mother when I was sick with croup as a little girl). The second half of that conversation was adapted from a scrapped fic called "The Kids Are All Dying". Donnie references the song "Big Yellow Taxi". The seven-tailed fox comes from Japanese folklore, but specifically this one was a reference to Naruto! Mikey sings the first line of the "Wonderfilled" song by Owl City. The secret ingredient being a discontinued soda was inspired by the ending of the musical "Be More Chill". The toad yokai becomes Heinous Green.
Short story, in the illustration you can see several signatures and sketches on Leo's cast, such as Raph signing "Mad Dawgs" and Mikey drawing his stickers. On the wall behind Leo is an eye exam that has the words "RISE" and "PHOEBE" on it. There's also a computer monitor in the back with Leo's vitals on it, as well as a notification about the trackers, and a list of all Hamatos Donnie tagged.
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I will update more when I post new chapters... ;)
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lis-alis · 5 months
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HIIII Long time no see my latest commission made in 2023 for @mschimotoma (who also helped me to write this description) she had been hatching this idea for a long time, but it was only a month and a half ago that we finally figured out how to better implement the concept 😅 In this AU Charles Magnussen and Hannibal are siblings (due to the fact that Lars and Mads are Mikkelbros irl) who were born and raised in Denmark, and they are both red deer. The color of Hannibal's fur in this case is more "classic", it will become more golden over the years, and Charles has been piebald since childhood, later his coat will start to turn more and more pale, until one day it will become completely white (but he's not an albino). In addition, both of the fawns are actually omnivorous, and therefore they have well-formed canines. As you might guess, one of them will evolve into a predator in the near future 👀
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snackugaki · 1 year
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soft apocalypse 1
or, i headcanon that mikey has a middle part 
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amber-tortoiseshell · 20 days
It's so interesting to me how so many mammals seem to have similar types of mutations...it's like most species have the possibility of dilution, recessive gene that turns black brown (like chocolate in cats or liver in dogs), piebald, erythrism (eumelanin replaced with phaeomelanin like in red cats), colorpoint... do you think we'll ever see some patterns in cats we see in other animals? like tan points, roan, or Merle?
Well, mammals have generally the same genes, and there are only so many of them affecting the coloration...
I think merle and roan (or at least something similar enough to earn the name) has been already seen in cats here and there!
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Tan is an agouti mutation, and honestly seeing all those animals with such similar coloration, like in that one post...
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...i wouldn't be surprised if it appeared in cats too. Like very likely these are all independent mutations. Every species must have mutated the color independently. Which means it can happen relatively easily.
I don't expect seeing tan cats in the near future, but i certainly don't think one turning up sooner or later is impossible.
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mythaura-blog · 8 months
Development Update - September 2023
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Hello hello everyone, Miyazaki here with another development update!
This month we cover:
Weekend Traveler design
Beast Design Contest winners
Ko-fi Quarterly Rewards concepts
All that and more under the cut!
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On very rare occasions, a Beast may be born with a striking visual abonormality. These are Mutations.
Mutations are obtained primarily through breeding two Beasts together. Mutations are not passed down to offspring, meaning that parents who have Mutations are not any more likely to pass it down to their offspring than parents without Mutations. There will be methods available to increase the likelihood of a Beast being born with a Mutation.
Mutations will layer on top of all base colors and specials. They do not recolor. There will be methods to remove a Beast's Mutation, if the player does not want it on their Beast. A Beast can only ever have one Mutation at any given time.
There will be a difficult end-game method of adding Mutations to preexisting Beasts, but breeding will provide a higher odds.
Mythaura will launch with 3 Mutations, the first of which is Piebald.
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Piebaldism is a genetic mutation that has a pattern of unpigmented white spots on a pigmented background of hair, feathers, or scales. The Beast's skin under the white background is not pigmented.
Piebald is now live in the Beast Creator for you to experiment with.
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Quarter 2 (2023) Ko-fi Concepts
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It’s the first day of Quarter 2 (2023), which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by October 29, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
All Quarter 1 (2023) Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Hopefully in the future Ko-fi will offer the functionality to limit purchases per user, but for the time being we will be reviewing orders manually and reaching out to those who disregard these instructions.
Quarter 1 (2023) Companion: Filigree Moth
Quarter 1 (2023) Glamour: Twilight Dreamscape
Quarter 1 (2023) Solid Gold Glamour: Peryton
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Kobolds are a non-playable species. They will show up around Mythaura as shopkeepers and other NPCs, along with other sapient species like Harpies, Fauns, and Vitterfolk.
They are masters of magical spatial manipulation—they are itinerant by nature and insatiably curious collectors, so they developed the means to distort space to carry large amounts of items in a small space. These satchels are highly sought-after items for adventurers. While many of these satchels are created purely for function and are minimalist in design, some Kobold artisans specialize in making beautiful, exquisitely detailed bags. These are often sold for exorbitant prices. (Buyers beware that there is a thriving market for fraudulent satchels, especially in the larger cities!)
Kobolds showcase a wide variety of physical traits, often influenced by where they were born. Although their ancestral home is the desert of the Sun Path, Kobolds have long since spread to all corners Mythaura. Their design takes inspiration from alligators, lizards, jackals, and coati.
Weekend Traveler
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We originally mentioned the Weekend Traveler in the June 2023 update. This Kobold will bring their rare, luxury wares into town every Friday through Sunday to sell to the player—so be sure to save up your gold and shards for their weekly visits!
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Beast Design Contest Winners
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Thank you for all the great submissions to the Beast Design Contest! You all never cease to impress us with your creativity. For the September 2023 Beast Creator Contest we’ve got our three winners: Hidranea, Zillychu, and Despot!
Our three winners will each have the rewards automatically applied to their accounts, and these three beasts will be featured on the homepage for Quarter 2 (October through December).
Keep an eye out for our next Beast Creator Contest–we’ll be gathering entries in December to display on our site for Quarter 3 (January through March).
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Reminder: Custom Color Contest
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As a reminder: to celebrate the cooperative nature of the color wheel that we're making with you, we're opening a Custom Color Contest. We want to offer the opportunity for you to make a permanent impact on Mythaura's color wheel!
This contest is free to enter, and only has the following parameters:
Only one entry allowed
Fill out Google Form by Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 11:59pm PST
We've included a PSD file for you to use, if you'd like!
The dev team will reach out to the winner on December 1 to begin the color design process. Winner will have until December 22, 2023 to complete their color design.
Winner will also receive 3x copies of the Empemeral Ink that matches their color's base hue (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, or Violet).
We're so excited to see what you come up with!!
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Mythaura v0.23
Laid the groundwork for in-game encounters with functioning decision engine with basic weighting for behaviors.
Added base threads and posts functionality for forums.
Implemented an index for the forum index.
Added the ability to create a thread in the forum.
Prevented non-staff members from posting in the staff category of the forum.
Added enhanced guest user functionality.
Refactored the demo battle to use guest users.
Refactored various map generation functions for guest users.
Created and implemented guest sessions & encounters in the wild area.
Refactored walkable tiles in the wild area and added support for sound effects.
Various schema and database updates.
Added a loading screen to the CMS and related endpoint.
Added parallax backgrounds and refactored existing code.
Added mutations to creator dropdown.
Fixed issue with button widths in battle demo.
Began behind-the-scenes implementation of production layout.
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Thank You!
Thanks for sticking through to the end of the post, we always look forward to sharing our month's work with all of you--thank you for taking the time to read. We'll see you around the Discord!
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
WoF eye related headcanonssss :)
The most common dragon eye color is green, as it is present in all tribes.
SandWings don't have black eyes, they have normal dark brown eyes. They're just called that because their tribe tends to have the darkest eyes out of any. They have normal structure of whites, pupils, etc. not sure why that took me so long to figure out lmao
I've said this before, but SkyWings have the best long distance eyesight of any tribe. RainWings have the best color differentiation ability, however, and NightWings of course have the best night vision.
SeaWings are able to see through the glare on water, like an osprey.
IceWings don't only have blue eyes. They can also have silver, grey, green, blue-green, or even gold eyes.
SeaWings are the tribe in which blue eyes are the second- most common. SilkWings follow in third.
Blue eyes are considered intimidating by SkyWings, and most parents will cull their blue-eyed dragonets. Blue eyes are believed to be associated with animus magic or other types of witchcraft, making the SkyWings wary of raising such offspring.
Blue eyes are not directly associated with firescales, Peril was just very lucky to have both at once and survive.
For this reason, SandWings actually have a higher rate of blue eyes. Blue eyes in SandWings are especially common with those who are piebald, with white patches, which is a common appearance in SandWings relative to any other tribe.
Heterochromia is most common in SilkWings.
When a NightWing has heterochromia, they are sometimes believed to have both mindreading and future visions.
RainWings are rumored to be able to change their eye color; however, this is false.
IceWings are always, always born with pale blue eyes.
SeaWings, NightWings, RainWings, and LeafWings have slitted pupils. All other tribes have round.
MudWing eye colors include more than just brown, though that is most common. Other colors include amber, copper, gold, hazel, green, and uncommonly, blue.
The most common SkyWing eye color is amber or gold.
NightWings actually have light eyes, to help reflect light so they may see in the dark. Their retinas are also very reflecty like a cat. This is the same in SeaWings.
SeaWings can see slightly better underwater than on land. On land, everything is slightly blurry. If they spend longer time periods on land, they also get dry eye.
Proportionally, NightWings have the largest eyes of any tribe. Large eyes are considered a desirable trait in mates.
LeafWings sometimes have red or magenta eyes. Yes, it is rather spooky looking.
Heterochromia is considered a hideous deformity among IceWing nobles, and they will fake politely offer their condolences to the parents.
Wasp absolutely hates blue or green eyed HiveWings and gets suspicious of interbreeding between Hive and Silk when they appear.
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franklyfeline · 1 year
woooo viktor von frankenstein id like to imagine he has piebaldism [hence the white hair (+ white eyelashes and eyebrows but that doesnt translate in my style)] also hes disabled just like me fr and has to use a cane. thats not in this drawing tho maybe in the future
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