#gangjae x reader
peaxhxhair · 9 months
Hello 👋 Can I pls request dating and jealousy headcanons for Choi Mujin and Do Gangjae with a gn reader? Thank you ❤️
A/n: Heyy! Thanks so much for the request <3 Hope you enjoy!! :)
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~Choi Mujin
Has a photo of you in his wallet.
His name in your phone is something like “Mujin❤️”
Your name in his phone is your full name. (And probably where he met you). He forgets to change it.
His penthouse was really boring until you started sleeping over. Now it’s full of your stuff.
Pictures on the fridge. New mugs, blankets and pillows.
If you’re a collector, he’ll make room for your stuff - shelves, drawers, cabinets. Wherever you want to put your stuff.
He’s not usually one for PDA, but if someone’s flirting with you, suddenly he can’t get enough of it.
You have a hard time buying gifts for him, but he’ll be happy with whatever you give him. He’s just grateful for you.
He somehow always knows exactly what you want - even if you haven’t said anything.
Lets you tie his ties for him.
He can do it himself, he just likes being close to you.
Tries his best not to be jealous of people, but it happens often.
NOT good at telling you either. He’ll just stew silently, glaring.
His jealousy usually comes out when someone else puts their hands on you. Though it’s hard to tell whether he’s just protective or actually Jealous. It’s usually both.
Will resort to violence, even if you tell him not to.
Absolutely irrational when jealous.
A person touched your ass? Murder. Absolute Carnage.
You don’t have to reassure him that you love him, he knows. Though he does like hearing it.
If you’re younger than him, he gets jealous of the younger people you talk to.
Sometimes he thinks you’ll leave him for someone closer to your age.
You’ll reassure him with something silly like “well I’m into dilfs so…” or “I like old men, you’re fine” not older, old. It makes him laugh.
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~Do Gangjae
Actually really insecure about your relationship.
He really thinks you’ll leave him with the first chance you get. Obviously that isn’t true though.
Gets jealous SO easily.
If you’re shopping together, he’ll get jealous of the staff that you speak to.
And If you’re into more than one gender, it’s 10x worse.
He’s definitely that partner that talks for you at a restaurant because he’s jealous of you talking to other people.
But if you scold him about it, he’ll stop.
Not good at apologizing for it, but he’ll try his best to show it.
You have to reassure him at least twice a day that you wouldn’t leave him for anyone else. That you could never love anyone else.
“that person was totally into you” “Baby, I promise that old lady was NOT into me”
Scary dog privileges, except he clings to you like a moth to a lamp.
Requires kisses 95% of the time.
Likes your fingers in his hair.
You take all of his shirts. It’s not like he wears them anyway.
Every time he comes home from work, you check him for wounds.
If he has any, you patch him up. He gushes at your kindness.
Obsessed with you.
If someone he kills has something you’d like, he’ll take it to give to you.
If you’re good at cooking, you’ll pack him lunch.
If you’re bad at cooking, he’ll eat your cooking regardless. He’s just happy because you made it.
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nessinborderland · 1 year
Make Me Yours
Pairing: Do Gangjae x Stripper!Reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 3k
Summary: Your relationship with Gangjae became something you were far from expecting.
Warnings ⚠️Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Vaginal Sex, Possessive Behavior, Public Sexs, Light Breeding Kink
Notes: Several Anons requested something with Gangjae, so here I am to deliver!
Masterlist | AO3
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You loved dancing.
It was the only time of the day when you were fully in tune with your body, sensually moving it to the beat of the current song playing. You loved how it made you feel free, how you could just close your eyes and dance to your heart’s desire, fully aware of the dozens of pairs of eyes focused on your body as you swayed your hips from side to side and ground on the pole.
The higher-than-heaven heels on your feet only added to the sensation, making you feel tall and powerful as you danced in only a red velvet mini-skirt, the rest of your body at the mercy of everyone’s eyes. The cold pole against your skin made your nipples hard under the heavy gazes of the men watching, and you knew that if you could smell lust, the wide room would reek of it.
The air was hot and heavy from the smoke in the air, and the smell of sweat and cigarettes was so familiar to you that it had stopped feeling overwhelming a long time ago. The red and purple lights of the place made it hard for you to distinguish faces, but you didn’t need to see him to know that he was watching.
You swung with the beat and straddled the pole, securing yourself with your thighs before leaning back to give the audience a view of your exposed chest, a few droplets of sweat running down your skin to meet your damp hairline. 
A smile graced your lips as you locked eyes with him. 
You felt feverish, intoxicated by the notion that he – the man everyone feared – was as easy to enchant as everyone else. It made a rush of liquid heat pool at your core, and your thighs flexed around the pole as tightly as you wanted to flex them around his waist.
His burning gaze never left your body as your heels went back to touching the floor and you stripped off your skirt to show a sparkly thong underneath. Several whistles sounded around the room as you exposed even more of yourself. Still, when you turned around to face your audience, it was to share a smile and a heated look with him, sitting with his men in the VIP area, looking as hot and imposing as the day you met him. 
Every night, you danced for a room full of people that wanted you, but still – in your head – you only danced for one man and one man only.
From the first time you laid eyes on him, you knew you would never be able to look at another man the same way. It was like time itself had stopped as you watched him enter club Inferno like he owned the place, looking both nonchalant and threatening in a way you couldn’t explain, but could feel in your bones.
You still remembered the goosebumps that had prickled your skin as his eyes ate you alive like he was stripping you of your flesh and bones to bare your soul.
That’s when you knew you had lost.
Your eyes never left his on that first night (or the ones to come) as you danced for him, your naked body on full display as the men around the room played poker, got drunk, and enjoyed the entertainment you and others provided. But you didn’t care about others; only him. 
When he asked you for a private dance – a thick wad of cash making its way down your stomach before settling on the elastic of your thong – you hadn't even thought twice before nodding, the smile on your lips matching his flirtatious one.
Something out of your deepest fantasies had ensued in that private room between you and him. Never had you been so thoroughly fucked, so drowned in pleasure that your vision turned white, and your legs shook for what felt like an eternity. He had left you crying from pleasure and with love marks all over your body, but you still felt the need to go back for more, despite that small voice in your brain that warned you he was as menacing as they came. 
Danger. It surrounded him, like a dark aura that shadowed him in darkness despite his blond highlights and easy smile. Still, you couldn’t stop yourself from desiring him. 
Your mother always said you had a knack for putting yourself in dangerous situations and here you were, proving her right.
After that night, you quickly realized one thing: you would never be able to compare him to any other man, dead or alive. He was sin personified, all seven of them mixed to create that beauty of a man that made you feel things you didn’t even know you could feel.
No, Do Gangjae was not just a man. Sometimes – you caught yourself thinking as you watched him – sometimes you wondered if he was even human.
To you, he was an angel. A fallen one – just like the Devil himself – but an angel, nonetheless.
"Who did this to you?"
His fingers were warm on the purple bruise on your arm, light as a feather's touch. His rich brown eyes burned with the fire of a thousand suns, his lips set in a straight line as he watched you with barely contained rage.
Not directed at you, but at someone else. Someone that wouldn't stay alive for long.
You moved in his lap, hoping to distract him as you planted a kiss on his lips and rolled your hips against his now soft cock. You were still sweaty and sore from the half an hour steamy session you had after your dance was over, legs still trembling from the orgasm he had given you. It never took him long to get inside you once you were both alone.
"It doesn't matter," you said with a weak shrug, eyes avoiding his by focusing on your thumb that grazed his bottom lip. "Some men just don’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer.”
He grunted in response, arms going around your waist in a possessive hold. You gasped as your naked chest grazed his, your sensitive nipples pebbling from the proximity. He lifted your chin so your eyes locked, his gaze so intense it almost made you shy away.
"Did he hurt you anywhere else?” he asked in an almost hesitant tone, such a dark look in his eyes that made a chill run down your back.
You quickly shook your head, and the relief in his expression was so clear it made your heart flutter.
You gave him another quick peck on the lips before hiding your face against his neck, deeply inhaling his scent. He smelled like smoke and blood and something else that was exclusively him; you couldn’t get enough of it.
He worried about you, you knew he did, either from possessiveness or some other feeling you couldn’t dare to say aloud. But – and you prayed he never heard you say these words – you wished he didn’t do what he did.
You knew what would happen to anyone that hurt you, didn’t matter if you told him their names or not. Death would come for them eventually in the form of a brutal beating followed by a machete to the throat. You had never seen it for yourself, but it wasn’t hard to connect two and two together when some of the pushiest and most violent clients of Inferno suddenly started disappearing.
What Gangjae did for a living wasn’t a secret around this part of town, especially not to you. You were hyper-aware of it most of the time, from the way people acted around him to the warnings and gossip other girls at the club whispered when in the locker rooms. You were the exception to the rule when it came to his treatment of you, and you were well aware of your privilege. 
And that’s why you chose to ignore that part of him most of the time. 
“I’m fine,” you pacified him with a kiss on his neck, combing your fingers through his hair in a gesture you knew he enjoyed. “He just grabbed me, I screamed, and the security kicked him out. Nothing more.”
“Hmm,” he grunted in response, and you knew then that he would still go after the man no matter what you said. “Is tonight the night you leave this place for good?”
You rolled your eyes and leaned back to stare into his eyes.
“Not this again, please,” you said with a sigh. “I like it here. I like dancing.” You gave him a coy smile. “Don’t you like to see me dancing?”
“Oh, I love to see you dancing,” his answer was joined by a kiss on your chest, and you moaned as his lips grazed your nipple. “But I would rather be the only one to see you strip.”
“I never liked to share what’s mine,” he shrugged, smirking at the gasp you let out as his hand slid up to grab a tit. “Plus, I would sleep way better with you in my bed.”
“Are you asking me to move in with you, mister Do?”
“If that’s the word you wanna use, sure,” he replied with a scoff, his attention now solely on your chest.
You bit your lip as you felt him kiss and lick at your tits, mouth sucking on a nipple while his hand kneaded the other. You kept combing your fingers through his hair, thinking about what he had said to you.
This was not the first time he had tried to convince you to leave Inferno, but it was the first time he had ever implied a relationship several steps above what you had. Things with him had started easy and casual, and – while you weren’t sleeping with anyone else – you had never defined what you had. He was someone that you expected – to the point of obsession – to visit you at the club, but you had never even met outside of it. Everything with him was done in the dark, with a pop song in the background and the smell of smoke and sex in the air. When he left – with a final kiss that left you dizzy and a wad of cash on the table – that was it. Rinse and repeat.
Now, this… this was different. It made your heart race just thinking about it.
“If I’m yours… does that mean you’re also mine?” you asked, choosing your words.
He didn’t stop his ministrations at your chest at hearing your words, the only sign he had heard you being a small bite to the swell of your breast before he finally answered, “I don’t belong to anyone sweetheart, but you sure as hell belong to me.”
“Oh?” You couldn’t disguise the bite in your tone. “Is that so?” 
He grunted as you lightly pulled on his hair, leaving your chest to lean back against the couch to look into your eyes. They were heavy-lidded and dark, and you gulped as he slowly blinked at you, hands going around your body to pull you closer to him.
“Abso-fucking-lutely it is,” he said against your lips with the confidence of a man that knew damn well what he owned. “Why?” he asked with dangerous curiosity, index finger twirling around one of your locks. “Is there someone else I don’t know about?”
Danger, that voice in your head screamed. It sounded a lot like your mother.
“What if there is?…”
“Careful, baby…” his tone made you shiver, and you almost jumped out of his lap in surprise as he gave your ass a sharp spank. “I’m a playful guy, but don’t take a joke like that too far.”
“Or what?” you panted, grabbing his shoulders for support as he spanked you a second time.
You could feel him get hard under you, his warm cock pressing against your folds as you rolled your hips against him, wanting him inside you again. He grunted in your ear as he grabbed your hips to drag you across his hardening cock, smearing it with the juices practically dripping from your hot core.
“Or I would be forced to do things to ensure you’re mine and mine alone.”
“L-Like what?” you whispered, biting your lip as he almost slipped inside you.
“Like fucking you in front of everybody outside this room, pumping you full of my cum, and keeping you in my bedroom until you’re pregnant with my kid. In that order.”
A gasp left your lips as you stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape. You felt your cheeks get warm as you replayed his words in your head, almost embarrassed at how your body reacted to his… confession? Threat? You couldn’t decide. You shook your head as you tried to find the words to answer, moaning instead as he captured your lips in his. You let yourself drown in that kiss, loving the way he consumed your mouth, body on fire as your cunt clenched around nothing, desperately wanting him to take you just as he promised he would.
“You don’t- you don’t mean that,” you managed to say after he broke the kiss, your heavy breathing mixing with his.
“Oh, but I do. I really fucking do.”
He entered you then with a swift movement of his hips, slowly and deep, his length touching that spot inside of you that made you close your eyes and open your mouth in pleasure. He grabbed your hips and forced you down until you took all of him in you, both moaning from the sensation of being joined again.
You yelped in surprise when he suddenly stood up with his cock still buried inside you before walking out of the private room, the curtain fluttering behind you as you went back to the main area. He barely gave you time to process it before you were unceremoniously laid down on an empty table, the loud song in the room drowning your moans as he started thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace.
You kept your eyes closed, aware that everyone in the room could watch you get fucked like a common whore. You squeezed your legs around him as he fucked into you harder, the sheer force of his thrusts enough to make you slide up the glass tabletop every time his hips slapped against the back of your thighs.
“Open your eyes, baby,” he commanded, rutting into you even deeper as he threw your legs over his shoulders. “See how scared they are to look at us fuck right in front of them.”
You opened your eyes at his words, their meaning resonating in your chest together with the loud music playing. You clenched around him as one of his hands touched your clit in expert circles, his thrusts never faltering even as he leaned over you to suck at your breast like a man starved. You hugged his head against your chest, head thrown back in ecstasy as you felt an orgasm build deep inside you.
“Gangjae, please, I- “
You were unable to finish your words as an orgasm replaced them with moaned screams, your back arching to get him as deeper in you as you possibly could. The head of his cock inside you only highlighted the feeling that blinded your vision, and your legs released his hips to shake at either side of his body as you came.
“You squeeze my cock just right, sweetheart,” he moaned against your ear, his thrusts growing erratic as he came close to completion. “Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum and drag you out of this place with it dripping down your leg for everyone to see.”
You only moaned in response, dragging your lips across every part of his skin you could reach in open-mouth kisses. Your brain had turned to mush, but you were aware of how much you wanted him to fill you up and make you completely and utterly his.
“Do it,” you gasped, almost screaming to make sure he heard you. “Make me yours. Now!”
He said nothing to that, his movements stopping as he sank into you one final time before you felt him fill you up, completely folding you in half as he used your body for support while he came.
You felt like you were on fire as he kissed you, consuming your mouth like he needed the air in your lungs to survive. You kissed him with the same passion, almost wishing you could stay together like this forever as you felt him break apart and pull out of you. You saw him as he looked around the room, a smirk on his lips, before sending you a wink and retreating to the private room you were in moments before.
That’s when you remembered where you were.
You didn’t dare look behind you as you sat straight on the table, still struggling to calm your breathing and your beating heart as you fully realized what had just happened. You had just fucked Do Gangjae, the most feared gang leader in Seoul, in front of a full room of both patrons and coworkers. It was one thing to do it in the privacy of a dark room like it was a dirty little secret, but it was something completely different to do it like this.
The man in question strutted out of the private room now fully dressed – apart from his jacket – and with a lit cigarette hanging on his lips. He didn’t say a word as he handed you the jacket, which you promptly wrapped around your naked form before standing up on shaky legs. He took your hand in yours and pulled you to him, stealing another kiss from his lips before winking at you with a smirk.
“Let’s take you home.”
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sweetandabitspycho · 9 months
My Name HC Dating Them
Jung Taeju then Gangjae
Ps sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.
Jung Taeju
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He is actually romantic, once he starts to fall in love.
Loves to have date nights in, but also likes to take you to a fancy dinner.
He is extremely protective of you
He will teach you how to fight. Which will end with you both sweaty and having take out in the gym
He will have an arm around you when you are at the Dongcheonpa gym.
Has a knife made for you.
He can't sleep without you, he has to have you in his arms.
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Mujin will probably hate you at first, he doesn't want his friend to get hurt. BUT he will love you in the end.
Taeju loves to take you shopping and loves when you go watch fights together.
Will kill for you, and always check you for cuts.
He is a teddy bear
Do Gangjae
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Gangjae is insecure. He has a fear of people leaving him so he does everything to push you away.
Loves when you wear his clothes. Will give you his shirt or jacket if you get cold. He doesn't care about being shirtless.
He isn't the most romantic, but he does try. Roses, candles, fancy dinner, cuddles after.
He will teach you how to fight and will let you win. It definitely ends steamy.
Has to touch you, no matter what.
Loves if you sit on him in the club, and if you are in his gang you are his right hand.
Loves to have your head in his neck. Let's you sleep on him when he is doing business. Definitely get the joker vibs for him.
He will have a tattoo that is for you.
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dorisslut · 1 year
Your Mine
Gangjae x fem reader smut
Summary: Y/n and Gangjae were at a bar and when you guys were about to leave, you ran into a old high school friend and decided to stay a bit longer. But Gangjae doesn’t like that.
A/n hi! sorry it took so long i got suck with trying to find an idea, hope u like it :)
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“You ready to go?” Gangjae asked turning his head to look at me.
“Yeah, let’s go” We got up and started to walk out but when we were at the door i accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh my god i’m so sorry” I turned around to face the person and i saw my old high school friend.
“Oh hi! how have you been?” I asked him
“I have been good, you?”
“I have be good as well” I started feeling Gangjae hug me from behind
“Would you want to hang out again some time?” him asking was kind of a bold move considering i have someone clinging onto my back.
“i ca-“
“We can’t” gangjae cut me off standing up and walking towards him.
“Who are you?”
“I’m her boyfriend, she doesn’t want to hang with you so fuck off.” I could tell he was starting to get angry.
“Come on Jae let’s go” I tried pulling him out the door but he didn’t budge.
“Jae let’s go just leave it” I tried pulling him again but once again he didn’t move.
“Fine, but you stay away from my girlfriend, got it?” Gangjae turned around and we started to walk out until her heard my old friend scoff behind us.
“Just leave it” i whispered to him not wanted to start anything. Instead of listening to me he walked over to my old friend and punched him in the face, causing him to fall.
“Gangjae! I told you to just leave it!” I wakes over to him a pulled him out of the at and to our car to drive home.
“I’m sorry” he looked over to me staring out the window
“I just don’t get why you have to do this all the time.” I responded getting out of the car since we just got home. Once we walked in the house and the door was closed, in the blink of an eye i was pinned against the closed door.
“Because your mine y/n” Gangjae started kissing my neck and sucking hickeys.
“I am but you don’t have t-to fight every guy I talk to” I couldn’t even speak because he kept sucking on my sweet spot. He ignored my response and took my shirt and bra off and started sucking on one of my hard buds, his hand fondling with the other one.
He pulled away and took his shirt and dragged us to the bedroom, he pushed me on the bed and took off my underwear. Gangjae opened my legs and we started flicking my clit with his tongue. I grabbed onto his hair already a moaning mess under him.
“Oh god jae, i’m so close”
“got ahead, let go” he smirked up and me as i came on his face. He trailed kisses up my stomach, when he got to my lips he started kissing me.
“your mine.” he mumbled against my lips. I nodded back to him and i felt him shuffle around a bit. I looked down and saw him taking his boxers off.
“You ready?” I nodded and he started pushing into me, thrusting at a regular pace.
“please, hurry” I checked out wanting him to go faster.
“Oh you want me to hurry?” saying that he started to slow down his thrusts.
“No no no please don’t stop” I cried out to him wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Fine” he rolled his eyes thrust at a fast pace, after a few minutes of him hitting my g- spot over and over again i felt a few years run down my cheeks.
“Awe your crying? feels so good your crying? so cute” his tone sounding cocky. His thrust started to to get sloppy so i knew he was going to cum soon.
“Gangjae! i’m gonna cum”
“Let’s cum together” I nodded and we came together, he pulled out and carried me to the bathroom so we could get cleaned up. When we finished getting cleaned we got back in bed and watched a movie. He pulled me into his chest hugging me.
“I love you y/n, i’m sorry about earlier” he mumbled to me kissing my temple.
“I love you to, just try to avoid doing that again please” he nodded against my head with a a quiet hum for  confirmation.
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curi0us-gh0st · 7 months
Hi! May I please request dating headcanons (sfw and nsfw) for Choi Mujin and Gangjae (separately) with a female reader who is not in a gang but works as a office worker? Thank you ❤️
Love in the Office (Choi Mujin x Do Gangjae)
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pairings: Choi Mujin x Fem!Reader!Secretary, Do Gangjae x Fem!Reader!Secretary
word count: 0.8k
genre: fluffy, smut
warnings: voyeurism, fuck in anger, protuberance, blowjob (let me know if something went unnoticed)
a/n: I know it took me a while, so I was without internet and had some delays, I'm writing the other requests, sorry for the delay!
Choi Mujin
★ When you walked into the office to be his secretary, you didn't know that he was a mobster who had been wanted for years, that's for sure.
★ You were so polite and kind to everyone in the company that some even felt bad about you working for them in such a violent industry.
★ Mujin was proud of how you decorated his favorite cafe, how he liked things and organized his appointment schedule.
★ He also felt a little jealous seeing some of your boys asking you out or singing you, of course, in those tight skirts you wore exposing your legs so wonderful and your blouses tight or almost transparent that there was no drool on your breasts.
★ When one day, after a fight, he arrived furious, hurt and frustrated, opening the doors violently and cursing God and the world. His eyes fell on her gentle and calm being sitting in his chair while delegating some activities, looking at him shocked by the sight of his injured boss, jumping to help him.
★ Mincing no words, he grabbed his face, kissing him fiercely, waiting for you to fight but you didn't, just melting into the kiss, blushing when he pulled away with a smug smile on his face. He didn't care about his security guard seeing them, just pushing you against the table to see under your skirt.
★ He pushed your chest against the table, lifting your skirt, revealing your pert ass and a stain on your panties, mocking him for not even touching you yet and you're wet for him; He runs his fingers over your panties, teasing you until you moan and ask for more.
★ He ripped your panties off, throwing them in some corner of your own office and taking his big, thick dick out, spraying pre cum, teasing your slobbery entrance until he completely shoved his dick inside you and pounded into you.
★ Him hitting you so deep, pulling your neck to rest against his chest so he could rip off your formal blouse and expose your breasts, pinching and pulling, until they were red and sensitive; Moving one of his hands down to his stomach, a small bulge could be seen in the area.
★ He kissed your neck and shoulders, marking you as his and his alone, making you squirt as he shot jets of cum inside you. In the end, you were destroyed by him, just being used to relieve your stress, there would be times when he would be romantic, but right now, that's not the case. ^^
Do Gangjae
★ We all know how Gangjae is, presumptuous, arrogant and envious. He knew he couldn't touch his boss's secretary, because she was his daughter and maybe whoever touched her would die as soon as she did, but for him, the limit is the sky.
★ He sang to you every time he saw you, asked you out and even gave you some gifts, which certainly made you a blushing and grateful mess.
★ He even left notes when he passed by her table, saying how hot and provocative she looked in those tight formal clothes.
★ When he had the opportunity to be alone with you, he liked to touch your shoulders, waist and chin, complimenting you, flirting and even asking you about what he was doing.
★ That was until he chased you while you were going to the file room, the tiny hallways full of shelves of company files and documents. You were startled when you saw him standing there when you were wanting to leave, a smile plastering his face before he kissed you, teasingly as he said, “I knew you were crazy about this, me too.”
★ He pinned you to one of the shelves, kissing you fiercely, licking your lips to enter with his tongue making you moan with the friction. He walked away, panting while smiling, making you kneel.
★ Caressing your pretty face, your teary eyes and red lips, as he unzipped your pants, making his dick pop out hitting your cheek, him laughing as he rubbed his dick against your lips, telling you to be a good girl and suck him.
★ So you did, opening your mouth and little by little swallowing his fat cock, your movements slow, your eyes watering, he sighs because your mouth is so hot and wet, imagine your pussy.
★ He grabbed your strands of hair, keeping your head still as he began pounding into your mouth, seeking your climax, moaning how much of a slut you were for giving him a blowjob, making your core clench into nothingness, you were so wet ..
★ He came in her mouth while moaning, spilling cum down her throat and leaking out the sides of her mouth, grabbing her chin to swallow it all and sticking out his tongue to prove it. He smiled, lifting you brutally from the floor and lifting your skirt, ripping your panties, you spent long hours in that file room and when you left, your father's security guard asked if you were okay because you were tripping while walking, little did he know that the boy your father hates the most fucked you mercilessly.
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kkurades · 1 year
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ACE my name characters with their idol!s/o (headcannons!)
choi mujin —
- this man will buy anything that has your name on it including the sport car that you created
- you had been given the chance to create your own car and when mujin found out about it he immediately tried to buy it
- key word tried
- apparently your fans were counting down the seconds that it came out
- and when it was finally his turn the bright screen of his computer said that the cars had been sold out already
- this man would become so frustrated by your fans bc no one would give up their car, no matter the price he offered
- when you came home from practice you found your boyfriend furiously tapping at his computer while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he looked up at you when he heard you entering his office
- when you asked what happened he told you that your fans are crazy maniacs
- apparently one of your fans tried to bribe him to get him to get you sign their turtle in exchange for the car
- as he annoyingly tapped his finger against his desk you walked up to him with a smile before kissing him
- he returned the kiss while pulling you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist while yours were wrapped around his neck
- after a short make out session you parted with a bright smile on your face
- istg your man’s face dropped when you told him that you already owned the original car
- but he’d still try to buy your car from you bc he really wants that shit with your name on it
- you eventually gave in with a smile before you handed him the keys to now his new car
- he’s inseparable with that mf car
- and he’d get so mad whenever there’s a scratch on it or if there’s a splatter of blood that accidentally got on it during a fight
- he’ll side eye any other car he’s in bc it’s not as good as yours
- your groups songs would automatically be downloaded so he listens to it anytime he’s driving
- one time taeju got into his car and mujin insisted on driving and when he turned on his playlist which is filled with your songs taeju eyed him with a raised brow
- just imagine two feared gangsters listening to girly pop music with a straight face while chasing some other gangster that betrayed them
do gangjae —
- gangjae loved it when you did interviews but he really really hated it when you had to lie about your relationship
- he knew you had to do it bc of your company but it didn’t stop his annoyance though
- especially not as he watched your most recent interview in his car while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he had a fond look in his eyes as he watched you laugh at something that your members had said
- but when the man interviewing you asked you about your love life and you awkwardly laughed while denying having a relationship he could feel his fists tighten against his phone
- he watched the rest of the interview and glared at anyone that tried to speak to him
- later that evening when you came back home he grinned at you before kissing you heatedly
- the rest of the evening was spent in your shared bedroom and when you finally fell asleep gangjae took your phone
- he unlocked it quietly before opening instagram
- gangjae glanced at your sleeping form in his arms with a slight smile while choosing a couple of pictures of the two of you
- in one of the pictures his arms were wrapped around you while you held your phone
- while in another one the two of you were in his car after an event that you went to, he remembers picking you up and right before the two of you were about to kiss he snapped a picture of the moment claiming he didn’t have enough pictures of the two of you together
- the last picture of you was a mirror pic where you had your arms wrapped around his neck while kissing his cheek lovingly, his tattoos and abs were full on display and your body was pressed against his
- gangjae skimmed through the pictures one more time, putting a red heart in the caption before he posted the pictures for the whole world to see
- he quickly shut your phone off making sure it was silenced so nobody would disturb your time together before he wrapped his arms further around you placing a kiss against your nose
- the next morning you let out a groan but you weren’t able to reach for your phone because your boyfriend tightened his grip around your waist
- eventually you were able to escape from his grip and when you finally took your phone you saw a billion notifications from everyone you knew
- you furrowed your brows in confusion before replying to your manager who was talking about some instagram post so you immediately went to your page only to see a few pictures of you and gangjae blowing up
- your mouth fell open and your phone fell from your hand as you felt your boyfriend crawl behind you to kiss your neck
- ‘what’s wrong baby?’
- you quickly turned to him, already having figured out that he was the one to post those pictures
- he immediately calmed you down telling you that he’ll fully take the blame for it with a grin on his face while you complained to him with your head buried into his shoulder
- so for the next two weeks you were busy with interviews, lives and press conferences while gangjae enjoyed that he could finally be your proper boyfriend
jeon pildo —
- this man was sitting behind his computer screen waiting for your album to come out before immediately pre ordering it
- even though you told him that you would gladly give him an album for free he refused telling you that he wanted for you to make money out of it
- so he waited three weeks for his album to arrive
- his album arrived in the morning right before he had to leave for work but he couldn’t wait to open it so he took it with him to open during his lunch break despite the fact that his colleagues would tease him for it
- after a quiet morning of sitting at his desk he finally got the chance to open his album instead of eating his lunch
- he tore the carton box that was around the album before finally taking the album into his hands with a smile
- but just before he could even look through the album, his colleagues came in
- hyejin sat down at her desk next to his while glancing at the bright pink album in his hands
- she raised her brow which made pildo roll his eyes at her
- when she asked him what it was he quickly told her that it was his girlfriend’s album
- but when he said that she didn’t realise that he meant it as in that the album was made by you and not bought by you
- he quickly went through your members their pages before stopping at yours
- he took his time to admire you with heart eyes while hyejin looked curiously at his album
- ‘that’s my girlfriend’ pildo said proudly while showing her a picture of you
- ‘she’s pretty’ his partner told him while watching him staring at your pictures with loving eyes and an amazed smile
- and when he finally came to the extras he nervously shifted in his seat praying for one of your photocard
- he took the first pc before flipping it and falling back in his seat when he got one of your members instead of you
- he quickly pushed the pc away hoping that one of the two remaining pc’s is one of yours
- then he flipped the second one and let out a sigh when he got another member who wasn’t you
- he quickly readied himself and flipped the third and last pc a wide smile blooming on his face as he saw your sparkling eyes and kind smile
- pildo immediately send you a picture of his new photocard of you that he could add to his collection before taking his other photocards to try to trade them online with a pc of yours
- with a final smile he put the photocard in his wallet so he could always keep you close to him
jung taeju —
- the thing taeju hated more than anything was when you left for tours because he knew he could never go with you
- so he resorted to watching interviews and concerts of you after a hard day of work and coming home to an empty house
- he called you anytime he could and made a habit of sending you gifts as often as he could
- and you absolutely loved to come back to the hotel while knowing that there would be a present on your bed waiting for you after a long tiring concert that had absolutely drained you
- you opened your door while quickly bidding your members goodnight before closing your door with a sigh
- you entered your bedroom and a smile grew on your face when you saw an expensive looking gift neatly placed on your bed
- you pulled your phone from your pocket and quickly pressed on your boyfriend’s contact number
- taeju picked up his phone at the first ring while laying on your shared bed with his arm underneath his head
- a smile spread across his face when he heard your voice for the first time that day while you jumped onto the bed, quickly putting him on loudspeaker to be able to open the package he send you
- he quietly listened to you gleefully unpacking the expensive vivienne westwood necklace that he picked for you himself
- as you thanked him endlessly he asked to face time you so he would be able to see you and you happily did it while thanking him endlessly
- you put on the necklace and showed it to him while he compliments you endlessly
- for the next few hours you talk with each other until you fell asleep while taeju watched you lovingly already counting down the days that you come back home to him
- but he was pleased enough when he noticed you wearing your new necklace at your next concert
yoon jiwoo —
- you and your girlfriend were walking hand in hand through the empty streets while talking quietly with one another
- your relationship had to be kept secret so your company told you to tell people that she was just your friend
- fortunately jiwoo didn’t mind that much because she was a pretty private person and liked to be able to walk around without dispatch taking secret pictures of her
- as the two of you were talking about your weekend plans she noticed a group of high schoolers following the two of you while giggling loudly
- she tugged on your hand which made you turn towards her with a soft smile before it slightly fell at her serious expression
- you looked at the direction she nudged her head to before you smiled warmly at the teenagers that froze when they noticed you saw them
- after a few seconds they ran up to you before bowing at you and complimenting you for your hard work which made you smile wider
- you noticed jiwoo letting go of your hand when your fans asked for some pictures but decided to talk with her after the encounter
- a few minutes later you were having a friendly conversation with them but you noticed them squirming nervously while glancing at your girlfriend every few seconds
- your fingers grazed hers for a second and it seemed to wake her up from her daze
- your fans left shortly after and you quickly linked arms with your girlfriend again while continuing your walk
- when you asked what was wrong she just shrugged so you decided to drop the subject noticing that she wasn’t in the mood to talk to about it
- you quickly looked around before dragging your confused girlfriend into an empty, darkly lit street before kissing her softly
- she softened into the kiss and put her hand on your cheek
- and you knew she knew what you wanted to tell her when you parted with heavy breathing and soft smiles
©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
perm tag list: @redm4ri, @stopeatread, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @saiewithakatana, @kyuupidwrites, @i-dont-know-me-either
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men i could fix ch.3
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God, this man is so fine.
So, Mr. Do Gangjae, where do I start with him?
[Minor spoilers ahead]
So, this mf lost a fight against Jiwoo and was so pissed that he lost, that he drugged her, tried to get his friend to assault her then nearly killed her. Then when he got caught, he was punished (slashed across the face, we know this.) and removed from the organization, started selling drugs, created his own gang, then started to hunt Jiwoo down then tried to kill her again! Then of course let's not forget his vendetta against Dongcheon. After he was caught trying to kill Jiwoo, Mujin slashed him and kicked him out of Dongcheon. Then, with his newly created gang, he also begun sought out revenge against Dongcheon... It's a lot, I know. Let's talk about it.
Man was a literal psychopath; I'm not going to deny it.
How you gonna get so butthurt at the fact a woman beat your ass at a competition that you wanted to kill her...Talk about fragile ego. I just know that when him and Jiwoo were in the last round of the fight competition, he was definitely trying to kill her. I don't know how long Gangjae had been in Dongcheon but I'm gonna guess it was a long ass time. So that means there were a lot of competitions taken place and a lot of chances that he'd win or lose. So, if a man beat him near to death to win, it was okay, but a woman winning was punishable by death?... Can you say ✨Toxic Masculinity✨ Like?! Gangjae, babe, it ain't that deep. I also found it so funny how it was his own fault he got kicked out of Dongcheon but he continued to blame Jiwoo, like bro take some accountability please.
Then let's talk about the Gangjae creating his own gang and trying his hardest to get his petty ass "revenge"
While Gangjae's reign of terror definitely showed his deeper descent into darkness, it was also him trying to prove himself to everyone. (Major daddy issue's) He had already been humiliated in front of his brothers of Dongcheon when Jiwoo rocked his shit, and it just went downhill when Mujin sliced and diced him before he kicked him out of Dongcheon. Think of it as a "Anything you can do; I could do better." trope. Except he really didn't need to do all that but of course we all know how that story ended...but we don't talk about that.
There really wasn't anything redeemable about Gangjae. Even on a personal level, they didn't give us a single crumb of who Gangjae was as a character before he joined Dongcheon. We don't know how Gangjae ended up the way he was. We don't know if he was made like that or born like that. Was he a sad lil loser looking at a chance for a "better" life or was he always the psychotic hottie we know, and love and Mujin just saw him as a good asset to Dongcheon?
That's for our delusions to decide.
Do Gangjae, a small asset to Dongcheon but a big asshole in life. I christen thee, unfixable.
(But I still could definitely fix him.)
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dongcheon-rentfree · 2 years
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do gangjae
x fem! tattoo artist! oc, established relationship
18+ (minors dni)
1.7k words
warnings: language, sexual themes, gangjae is a perv, needles (tattoo), drinking, smoking, mention of scars (not sh)
blue, green, and red lights danced across my skin as i walked from the bar back to my table, a stray of shots in my hand. setting them down on the table, a hand crept over my ass as i had slightly bent over to set down the drinks. as i playfully swatted the hand away, arms circled my waist, pulling me to land next to him on the large couch in the centre of the club, my legs across his lap as his face tickled the crook of my neck, nipping gently at the skin below my ear.
“mhmm.. jae-“ i giggled as his lips danced across my skin, and i could feel him smile against my throat. his hands found mine, fiddling with my fingers.
“i think i want another tattoo,” his eyes met mine, his fingers still playing with mine. i smiled, thinking back to the first time i met gangjae.
the bell above the door rang, signalling someone entering the building. i walked up to the front reception area of the tattoo studio i ran, to see a man who looked around my age, maybe a few years older, it was hard to tell with the gigantic scar that stretched across his entire face. even with the scar, he was quite attractive, his undone jacket showing off his toned body underneath. i smiled at him, drying my hands and setting down the towel i had been holding.
“what can i do for you?” i asked. he smirked, looking me up and down. being a female tattoo artist, i was used to getting checked out from time to time, and honestly, when it was from someone attractive like this guy, i usually didn’t care all that much; it came with the job in a way.
“i can think of about a thousand things i could say right now,” he smirked. i rolled my eyes, but laughed lightly. “but you’ve probably heard them all from every other creep who comes in here, huh?” he laughed, the sound was sharp and echoed off the walls of the empty studio. he walked over and sat in the waiting room chair closest to where i stood, slouched low in the seat with his legs outstretched and his arms tucked behind his head. “so how about just a tattoo?”
that had been 5 years ago, i had in fact done a tattoo for him that day, and many more in the months after that since he just kept showing up to the studio. gangjae had begun just stopping by to see me, rather than to get tattoos, sometimes he ended up getting something for fun if i had time or he was bored and thought of something he wanted to get.
in the first year that we met, when the shop was going to close for 2 weeks over winter holidays, i invited him to my apartment, rather than go that long without seeing him, since he had started showing up to the shop multiple times a week, at this point only occasionally getting tattoos, mostly to watch me design or to drag me into an empty room to have sex. gangjae started spending most nights at my place, until he was basically living there. he still drifted around from time to time, sometimes disappearing for a few days and making me worry, but he always came back.
“yeah? what do you want this time?” i asked. he gestured to the space just above his eyebrow. “just some script, think you can do that for me, hmm?” he gave me his best puppy dog face, which is both scary and cute because i find it impossible to resist and he knows it. i smiled.
“yeah baby, i can do that. right now?” i asked. he nodded, lighting a cigarette between his teeth. i shifted to be in a better position to kiss up his neck, feeling him swallow beneath my touch. “you know, this one is my favourite tattoo i’ve ever done?” i asked, sliding my hands up his throat to choke him gently. throwing his head back over the back of the couch, he groaned, exposing his adam’s apple to me. i placed a kiss on it, and up the side of his jaw along the edge of his throat tattoo. he shuddered underneath me.
“you know, you’re being very bad right now?” he teased, his hands finding my ass and pulling me completely into his lap. i moaned lightly.
“and very annoying- can you two keep your hands to yourself for 5 minutes?” gangjaes friend who was sat at the other end of the couch from the two of us bickered. gangjae laughed at him, pulling me closer.
“ahhh, you’re just mad because you’ll never touch a woman like this-“ the other man slammed his drink on the table and stormed off.
holding me against his chest so i wouldn’t fall, gangjae leaned forward and grabbed two of the shots off the table, passing one to me. after we both downed the bitter alcohol, his fingers found their way to my hair, tucking a lock behind my ear. i took the opportunity to admire his features, his bright eyes, the curve of his nose, and the gnarly scar that stretched across the width of his face. his chest shook as he chuckled.
“you’re staring, baby,” he teased. i leaned forward to press soft kisses along his cheek, tracing the path of his scar. he hummed, his eyes closing as his body tensed, and then relaxed, his large hands roaming up and down my back. gangjae always had to be touching me, sometimes innocently, usually not, but his hands were always on me.
“you’re handsome,” i replied, pulling back to look at him again. “you wanna get that tattoo now?”
“jae, stop moving so much-“ i warned. that tattoo machine buzzed in my hand as i stopped tracing the line for a moment.
“it tickles i can’t help it,” he laughed. he was laying back on the reclined tattoo chair as i tried to tattoo the cursive script above his eyebrow like he asked.
“i’ll mess up the line work if you don’t sit still,” i sighed. i loved tattooing gangjae, but he wasn’t always the best at sitting still. “the sooner you stop moving the sooner it’ll be finished-“
“distract me.”
“how am i supposed to distract you when i’m trying to focus on tattooing your face?” i laughed, turning to get more ink.
“come here.” i spin back to face him. he patted his lap, gesturing for me to climb on top of him.
“i need to use the foot pedal or the machine won’t work,” i explained. “if you sit still i can finish this in like 15 minutes and then i’m all yours.” i promised. he hummed in response, closing his eyes and resting his head back on the chair.
“you should let me give you a tattoo,” he suggested. continuing the design above his eyebrow, i considered his offer.
“do i get to pick what it is?” i asked. i didn’t answer right away.
“no, it would be a surprise,” he decided. i thought about it for a minute.
“where would it go?” i asked, and he let out a chuckle.
“don’t you trust me?” he smiled, as i finished up the final lines and details on his tattoo. i set the machine down, grabbing a small handheld mirror to show gangjae his new tattoo. when i turned back around he was sitting up, my face ending up inches from his, and his fingers gently catching my face. “maybe here?” he suggested, the pad of his thumb gently rubbing against my cheekbone, below my left eye. i let out a breath.
“you’ve never tattooed anyone before, if you think i’m letting you put a needle anywhere near my eye-“ he laughed, taking the small mirror from my hand to admire his new tattoo. he turned back to me, roughly pressing his lips to mine, his arms pulling me out of my chair and close to him. i laughed into the kiss as he lifted me up into the tattoo chair and into his lap just like he wanted before. he pulled his face back to look at me, smiling.
“ok ok we can pick a different spot. where do you want it?” he smirked. i thought about it.
“what size design are you thinking?” i asked.
“just something small, that’s why i was gonna put it here,” he poked the spot with the tip of his nose. i sighed. “trust me,” he whispered, once again tucking my hair behind my ear.
“okay,” i agreed, causing a grin to spread across his face and him to pepper my face with quick kisses.
letting gangjae tattoo my face (while a little drunk to make matters worse) was by far the stupidest thing i had ever done. after explaining and showing him how to use the machine on practice skin for about half an hour he was growing impatient, so i decided that was as good of a lesson as he was gonna get. as i sat in the chair, my leg shaking anxiously, i watched as gangjae picked up the machine.
“you’re not using a stencil?” i asked.
“no- i don’t know how to make one and you’ll see the design if i let you make it. just trust me.”
“ok but if you stab me in the eye or something i’m never having sex with you again-“
“i promise baby. i won’t mess up.” he tried to convince me, but i was more and more convinced that i was crazy for letting him do this. “especially with that motivation.” i slapped his arm gently. “just trust me.”
the tattoo itself took about 2 minutes, and surprisingly gangjae was quite careful, for once in his life. he set the machine down, wiping the area under my eye with a damp paper towel to remove any excess ink. he handed me the same mirror i had given him earlier, and i looked at my reflection to see what he had tattooed on my face.
under my left eye was a small letter ‘g’ about a cm in size. considering he’d never tattooed anyone before, his line work wasn’t half bad.
“what do you think?” he asked, kissing my neck from where he stood behind me.
“i love it.”
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
heyy Can u do a do gangjae x reader where reader is jiwoo s sister and gangjae became obsessed with her so after getting thrown out he doesn’t only comes back for revenge but 2 take her as well the rest u can decide🥰
Um, I’m unsure if you sent this to the wrong account. Because I don’t know who you’re talking about? I would probably be more than happy to write it but I don’t know who you’re talking about. <3 I would assume you meant from the drama “My name” but I’m unsure.
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peaxhxhair · 11 months
Imagine Gangjae coming home after a ‘mission’, covered in blood. When you first started dating, it would have been concerning to see him with so much blood on him. Now, it was almost a daily occurrence for him to come home with at least some blood on him.
It was difficult to even mention what he did, and how he ended up practically drenched in the red substance, yet he wasn’t shy when it came to the clean up. The second he finds you in your little apartment, he’ll ask you to join him in the shower. Well, Gangjae isn’t exactly the type to ask.
Most of the time, he’ll either drag you there or pick you up. He’ll only really ask when you two have had an argument, or if you’re particularly on edge one day. It’s difficult for you to say no to him, even if his entire body resembles a crime scene. At least he bothers to clean it off.
Showering with you was something he seemed to enjoy quite a bit, but only when he comes home from ‘work’. At first, you assumed it was some kind of scare tactic, but you figured out that it was because he thinks he’s away from you for too long. He’ll often find a way to drench himself in blood in order to have that moment with you, which you found a little bit gross, but if he thinks it’s that important then you’ll let it slide.
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nessinborderland · 1 year
My Name -> Fanfiction
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-> Do Gangjae
-> Jung Taeju
-> Choi Mujin
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sweetandabitspycho · 9 months
Kdramas master list
Request are open for all.
My Name
Gangjae dating hc
Jung Taeju dating hc
Choi Mujin hc
Hong Woo-jin dating hc
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Jang Han-Seo dating hc
Jang Han-Seo jealous nsfw
Jang Han-Seo jealousy sfw
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Jang Han-Seok nsfw hc
Jang Han-Seok dating hc
Jang Han-Seok Jealously nsfw
Jang Han-Seok Jealously sfw
Jang Han-Seok x reader smuts
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dorisslut · 1 year
Hi!!! Could you pls write a gangjae x reader fic? I barely find any fics of him and no one will make fics of him.
yes ofc! i can barely find any of him either i will post it tomorrow morning!
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kkurades · 1 year
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ MY NAME MASTERLIST ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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choi mujin —
nothing yet
do gangjae —
nothing yet
jeon pildo —
nothing yet
jung taeju —
nothing yet
yoon jiwoo —
nothing yet
ace | my name characters with their idol!s/o ( fluff )
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©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
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aly-writes · 2 years
gangjae dating headcanons? 👉👈
yayy first my name request! hope you enjoy, nonnie! gangjae's character was a little difficult for me to grasp, so i truly hope that this lives up to your expectations~ thank you for requesting<3
warnings: mentions of drugs
dating gangjae headcanons
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you first met gangjae at dongcheon's gym.
unlike jiwoo, you weren't personally brought to the gym by choi mujin, so you didn't have anybody watching out for you.
at least... that was before you were introduced to gangjae.
he had been the rookie at the gym before you came along, and you were the one to take up his duties as the newbie.
he is well aware that the men at the gym could be absolute dogs sometimes, so he decided to keep a watchful eye over you.
it wasn't anything direct at first.
he stayed out of your view, finding people who stare at you like you were fresh meat and distracting them for a while. whether this is by challenging them to a fight or asking for their assistance, it didn't matter. anything to get them away from you.
it soon turned into something more forward. instead of challenging the other guys, he would ask to spar with you instead.
it sort of became a daily routine. wake up early to do your chores, do your daily training with gangjae, do your nightly cleaning up, repeat.
he didn't think of you as anything special at first.
of course he enjoyed being around you, but he simply saw you as another member of dongcheon and a good training partner.
this all flipped around when you were directly challenged by one of the douchebags at the gym.
he had always treated you like his servant, and you were beginning to get fed up.
your patience was running thin that day. it was only when he threw a dirty shirt at you, grabbing your shoulder a little too roughly when you walked away that you snapped.
you yelled, telling him that if he wanted it done so badly, he could do it himself.
he didn't seem too happy about that and threw a punch at you. you swiftly dodged, shooting an unexpected swing straight back. it connected with his nose, and a sickening crack echoed throughout the gym.
the fight was followed with an echo of 'oooh' and laughter. you were so pissed off that you had to take a breather outside.
this was the moment gangjae realized that you were a lot more to him than just a training partner. you were someone he wanted to get to know a lot more than anyone else at the gym.
the feelings came up quickly, and by that point, you had basically become best friends.
his confession was simple and unexpected.
the rest of the members were asleep, and you were letting off some steam on one of the punching bags. he was leaning against one of the fences and got an overwhelming urge to tell you how he felt.
"i'm busy."
"i really like you."
you turned to him, only to find him staring at you with a shit-eating grin.
you didn't return them at first, but after a few more attempts you finally gave in.
gangjae is a very passionate and exciting lover. it's hard to keep up with him.
he loves to do things with you. go out to the town, training sessions, you name it. if it's with you, he will never protest it.
he's very demanding when it comes to physical affection. kisses, hugs, cuddles, and everything else. he loves receiving it, and he loves giving it even more.
because of this, you can expect to be on the receiving end of a bunch of physical affection.
uses it as a reward in some cases. if you knock him flat on his ass during a training session, you get a meaningful kiss. thanks for kicking my ass, babe! here's your reward!
when he leaves the gym, he wants you to come with him.
if you accept, you'll have a very important role in his new gang.
you're basically the co-leader, but you deal with everything behind the scenes.
but... he doesn't allow you to get too involved with the drugs. and by this, i mean he will not allow you around them.
he's aware of the physical impact drugs have on a person's body, and he doesn't want that happening to his precious y/n.
while he does the dangerous stuff, he tells you to keep up with business and stay behind. you do have some protests, but he insists. he's doing it in your best interest.
he's very possessive over you and lets everyone know that they are not to lay a single hand on you.
if he notices any other members of his gang try to get close to you with romantic intentions, he doesn't give them a warning.
they're immediately kicked out. or worse, severely injured and moved down to the bottom of the ranks.
after a while, the members learn pretty quickly that if they want to talk to you, it will strictly be about business.
after gangjae's crazy day, his favorite part is coming back to you.
your gentle touch and soothing voice, added onto your soft gaze. it gives him so much serotonin.
cuddling with you under the sheets is his favorite way to decompress. you're like therapy to him.
absolutely nothing could separate him from you.
it's more of a 'till-death-do-us-part' type of situation. he won't leave you until he dies. in that case, he's already planned out what will happen to his gang and how you play a part in that.
he just loves you a lot and is forever grateful that you stuck with him throughout the years.
a lot of his gang members hope that they can achieve a love like yours. you guys are just that much of a power couple.
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euphoniumpets · 3 years
hey!! can i request some gangjae angst where you realise he isn’t the same person as when you started dating bc you find out about the gym and you leave him? endings up to you!
What a world we live in | Do Gangjae
Please don't plagiarize my work!
A/N: I'm still clearing my inbox and request are still closed for the moment!
Warnings: mentions of rape, violence, blood & gore, and angst.
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The rumors spread quickly when it happened.
You couldn't believe it with your own eyes when you heard about what had happened with poor Jiwoo. You could understand his anger and frusteration since he had told you about his dream.
But that didn't make any excuses on why he did it.
Nothing good was going to come from any of his actions since you knew that your father was furious.
And after promisning your father that Gangjae was a person that wouldn't hurt you or the organisation when he found out that the two of you were sneaking behind his back, you were drowing with shame and guilt.
''Father I can explain-''
''Silence,'' He interrupted you. You stood frozen in his office with feared eyes as his back faced in front of you. The rain poured heavily against the windows as thunder could hear in the silent room.
The only ones that stood there was you, Taeju and your father.
You turned around towards the door entrance as you could see your father's men brought him in. You saw Gangjae in front of him all bloodied and bruised.
All you wanted to run towards him and comfort him but the feeling of your father grip on your bicep made you stand still. You could hear him beg to your father for forgiveness but there was no excuse for what he tried to did.
''Please, I'm so sorry,'' He sobbed as his eyes met with you. You avoided his eyes and stared at the floor with a shameful expression.
''It was an accident!'' He begged.
''Was it an accident the day when you began to be with my daughter?'' You heard your father scowl at him. You knew that he was furious at the way he spoke.
''You promised to not be a threat to the organisation and yet here you are,'' Mujin spoke with a sigh as he looked down at the boy with an amused expression.
''Face, arm, or leg, I will only manage one, and If you ever touch my daughter again or any woman within this organization, I will be doing much more than that,'' You could hear Gangjae plead your name as you still didn't look up from the floor.
You felt angry towards him and thought back at the memories when he wasn't the same person when he was now. He was so innocent back then. ''Since you can't choose, I'll choose for you,'' You tried to be strong for the organization and for your father, but seeing the boy you once loved was making you almost break into pieces.
Gangjae pleaded with mercy at Mujin as you could hear him grabbing the katana to the side as he pressed the black steel against Gangjae's cheek.
You winced with fear and you could feel Taeju's eyes on you. Mujin stabbed into Gangjae's cheek and sliced it through as he cried with pain. ''Get him out of my sight and off my property,'' He ordered his men as they obeyed and dragged him away.
You let out a deep breath that you didn't knew that you were holding as your father walked to his office desk and lit another cigarette. You didn't say a word and left his office.
Mujin faced over the windows as he took a breath from the cigarette before he glanced at Taeju. ''Sir, what will happen to Y/n?'' Taeju spoke. ''I need you to take care of her and not make the same mistake again, do you understand?'' He responded from behind as Taeju nodded.
''Of course, sir,''
''Right now, she needs someone to comfort her,'' He replied as Taeju understood the assignment as he bowed and walked out of his room. Taeju was glad to know that Gangjae was out of their lives since he knew that you deserved someone better.
Someone more like him.
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