#gda 20
fy-wonwoo · 2 years
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200105 golden disc awards sweetest boy 🐱 do not edit/crop logo.
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avisisisis · 2 months
mark and wasp are the same height, and they hate it almost as much as they hate each other. even if wasp is older than mark (read somewhere he could be 20, not sure tho), he'd still look 17 bc of the weird viltrumite aging thing
so basically they'll stay the same size for about 500 years. this is what nolan meant when he said mark would suffer...
ANYWAY. That thing abt them wanting to be taller than the other made me laugh and reminded me of a shadowpeach hc i posted on 2022(? LMAO
gonna use the same hc w them too
so. they're out as invincible (they still haven't decided on a name yet. wasp says he's stronger and therefore should be called invincible, but mark points out that he's the one in charge and also that this dimension is his. mark gets to keep it. they're still arguing about what to name wasp) ("why don't you just go by "vincible"?" "no.")
mark is talking to some gda agent or a cop or smth, when he notices that wasp (who is looking at the sky w the most bored expression he can muster, bc he genuinely doesn't understand why they have to talk to such inferior beings) seems to be just, a few milimeters taller than him (he may be shit at schoolwork, but if you hate someone enough you can notice the smallest details about them)
he, w/o stopping the conversation, answers to this by floating just a little higher, barely noticeable to the human eye
ofc, i said "human" eye
wasp notices. he flies higher
mark flies higher too
eventually he's screaming instead of talking bc of how far down the cop is
wasp laughs. now mark is screaming at him
they fight
most normal ppl r used to mark working alone as invincible. so since wasp really doesn't do interviews and he's usually too fast to see when he fights, no one really knows what his name even is
and everyone is used to invincible being. well. invincible. sure, the news say that when he's around this guy he gets a little meaner, but it can't be that bad!
it is that bad
wasp says smth mean n sarcastic. everyone expects invincible to answer w something equally sarcastic, but not as mean (maybe making fun of how his suit looks). they do not expect invincible to just fucking bite him after 8 of those comments
wasp keeps trying to kill This One Kid, who is either super brave or super stupid and won't stop asking him questions (they go from "what's your name?" to "what underwear do you have? do you even need underwear?" in a matter of seconds) for his weird school diary thingy
he can't get close, bc mark starts pulling the other way. besides, they're stuck together, and killing people would seem awfully annoying if it's with this guy
they can't punch each other, so wasp bites him. they bite each other a lot bc of the "no punching (or kicking)" thing
"Wasp throws a car at Mark which Mark instinctively swats away and then goes flying after it to prevent it from slamming into a building. Wasp cackles so hard it gets hit by a laser beam to the throat by some other bad guy." ASJDSAJDHDSJFAH YES THAT'S SO FUNNY
they mess w each other sm
it's funny bc they do the same things to annoy each other (wasp throwing a car at mark, mark hitting him with a tree, etc) , but lose their shit when the other does it to them
they're basically this:
mark, sleep deprived, flies straight into a lamp post
wasp laughs at him. he actually laughs so hard he runs into the same lamp post
there are a lot of compilations on youtube that is just them laughing at each other mid fight and running into things or being hit w stuff the other throws at them
they grow more wild every time
it goes from throwing cars, to throwing real life dinosaurs (mark doesn't want to talk about it) (wasp absolutely does)
"Cecil remarks Mark handled something well and he looks like Cecil just told him his entire family got slaughtered."
"you did well today. hella efficient, quick and straight to the point. who taught you that?"
mark: D:
and also,
"oh, wow. you saved an entire family and their cat from a villain that wanted to turn them into zombies while mark was off fighting the bad guys? that's great!"
and wasp. cries
"oh no, no, you think I'm gonna help you?" THIS TISHTISHTSIHIST
this really feels like smth he'd say in canon. he'd say it w a smile, half-shocked half just pretending out of amusement
he'd laugh too
it's the same type of cocky tone of voice sinister mark/wasp used when teasing angstrom
"I gotta imagine if they tackle things separately, they are also allowing each other to do they want and like to do?" YEAH!!
it's hard 'cause wasp always wants to take the bad guys on alone, but mark also likes to fight (just not w the same brutality) and he doesn't want to be just a lifeguard
it takes wasp a while (a LONG while) to stop tackling mark when he's about to attack to get to the enemy himself, or to kick mark into the next country, etc etc etc
but eventually they settle on mark getting everyone to safety while wasp stalls the bad guy. then, after he's sure no one's here anymore, they both fight the villain together
or uh. they try. sometimes they'll start fighting each other too so it's less of a 1 v 2 fight and more of a... 1v1 V another 1 fight lol
"Mark's own reaction that truly confirms it to be true"
he gets the episode 8 levels of anger and anguish
wasp is talking shit on tv and he just loses it
he immediatly flies off and tackles wasp into fucking space
i mean, they do say that actions say more than words, right?
mark is usually making the typical superhero noises when he's fighting, but now? he's just focusing all of his anger into This One Motherfucker
wasp loves it
it's a "see? i knew you had it in you!" type of moment
he's been longing for a real fight for a WHILE
they don't kill each other but it comes close
see, the things is. they are the same person. it's easy to start viewing them as two separate beings, but they're really. not
they're evenly matched in everything
this is why wasp likes fighting mark
this is why mark doesn't like fighting wasp (never ending battles are boring to him) ( he likes to win more than to fight. i mean it's not like he enjoys getting beat up)
we could dive deeper and start talking about the self-destructive tendency these two have to getting beat up. i mean, wasp's idea of a real, actually enjoyable fight is when the other is either able to beat him, or when he can kill ppl. and mark spends sm time out as invincible, neglecting his social life and mental health to the point he quits college, and he gets beat up a lot while doing it. so yeah--
self-destructive tendencies
"-having to confront he sees the exact thing in Wasp to a slightly different degree" i will ALWAYS love making them deal with the constant reminders that they're the same person
they deal w stuff in similar ways but to different degrees and realizing that gives them psychic damage like that magic squirrel in mca so they just preted they don't exist
unless it's to like. bring the other to their side
"you like fighting too. violence is in you, it's part of you. you're always covered in blood. all that's left, would be your hands" VS "you're me, and i'm you. we have similar thoughts, and that means i- y'know. but it means you are, too. you have a chance. and get that blood off you-- you need a shower"
because it is, in a way, his world too
he grew up in it. raised differently, yes, but still on earth
he was always different from the rest, getting his powers at an early age and all, but it's still the place he grew up in
not all the memories from it can be bad, right?
ANDDDDD... wasp reminding ppl of how strong he is regularly
"i could pull out your spine in a second." he says that out of nowhere, in a conversation that would've seemed normal to literally anyone else. he says it like it's nothing much. "i could kill you." you know he could, but you still wonder
would he? with how he is, with his inability to escape --- would he?
also he has fun when he watches the color drain from their faces
"Rudy has psychological profiles on all his friends he regularly updates like a diary, and he has one for himself too." NO BUT THIS IS SO IN CHARACTER FOR HIM
wasp talks shit about mark to anyone avaliable and rudy is no exception. even tho he finds him deeply annoying
honestly wasp is capable of doing p much anything to mess with mark
the self-hatred is strong with this one too master!!! (sw ref again lol)
wasp saying mark breathes annoyingly is such a sibling thing tho. "why are you chewing like that" "stop biting your stupid fork" "the way you cut your food is so weird" "your handwriting sucks, don't hold the pencil like that" etc etc etc
ANDD "he knew what wasp was going to say" DUDE YES??
he's talking and he gets. a feeling. and he turns to wasp, who is opening his mouth, and says "don't you fucking dare"
same w wasp. mark is annoying little shit too sometimes, he's also a teenager. so he infuriates wasp too
mark calls him a hypocrite
imagine if ppl actually start calling them that tho
one day wasp calls mark to their? his? room and is like, "holy shit look at this" and shows him their? his computer
mark doesn't understand, until he sees the title and image of the video
"the twin terrors of heroism, terrorizing the terrorists once again" and its a picture of them kicking ass
"twin terrors of-- oh, come on, really?" "yes" "they couldnt have at least called us the invincibles or something?" "that'd be even worse" "...alright, i'll give you that" "..." "...." "they think we're like the fucking mauler twins" "oh you have got to be--"
ALSO this is so funny, them being like "mark/wasp" when they show up hurt or smth. everyone just learning to accept it. i mean what are they going to do. fight against two gods??
AND YES YES YES DO TAG ME IN IT!!!! if i make anything about this au (posts, fics, drawings, u name it) i will tag u too
alcohol doesn't really affect viltrumites i think, but there has got to be something that gets them drunk
nolan could've taught wasp how to make it. if the ingredients are on earth, then he would maybe try to prepare it on mark's earth. mark shows up and sees that he's drunk. he goes "nope" and gets drunk too, maybe on accident maybe not. debbie shows up and sees her two superpowered sons sobbing over a bowl of popcorn
alternate version: gasoline gets them drunk
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tv1xx · 3 months
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Meet my Invincible OC!
Full name: Zarathrax Vexthorn (Preferred name Zar, Zara, Thrax for short)
Gender: Female/Nonbinary (gender fluid) ((I don’t know how to properly word it my apologies, but yes, their gender is yes))
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Height: 6’4
Age: 20 (but actually a few hundreds years but they age slow so they look 20)
Species: Chnoite (Kuh-thoh-nights)
Planet: Cthonara (Kuh-thoh-nah-rah)
Powers: Dark Energy Manipulation: Zar has the ability to manipulate and control dark cosmic energies. They can shape this energy into various forms, such as projectiles, barriers, or tendrils, using it both defensively and offensively.
Teleportation through Shadows: She can travel instantly between locations by stepping into and emerging from shadows, utilizing the dark essence that permeates her surroundings.
Telepathic Connection with Cthonara: Zar can establish a telepathic link with other Cthonites and other species, allowing them to share thoughts, emotions, and information across vast distances.
Regeneration and Resilience: Zar possesses enhanced regenerative abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. Her demonic physiology also provides natural resistance to various forms of damage.
Flight: She can achieve levitation and flight with her powers or wings, allowing her to navigate through the air with ease.
Strength: While her magical abilities are their primary strength, Zar possesses enhanced physical attributes, such as agility and durability, as a result of her fiend demon alien physiology.
Shapeshift: Zarathrax can mimic the biological forms of various creatures, from simple organisms to complex life forms. Her ability to replicate intricate details depends on her familiarity with the species, it takes them a few tries to transform into a “human” form.
More below… (ur free to ask me questions about them. <3 )
Zar Vexthorn is from the planet Cthonara. Chnoite’s are a group of people known for a blend of demonic power and cosmic energies in the universe, which makes them unique in their own way. Their appearances can vary but it’s a usual noticeable features are the sickly-pink skin, large black wings, heterochromatic eyes,large tail, pointed sharp teeth, their appearance can be seen as demonic. Zar is actually pretty short compared to the other Chnoite’s, despite being 6’4”, the average height is about 6’8” or higher, the taller ones are usually regarded as the most powerful. Despite the setback, she was proven to be the most useful and mystical Choite’s, training to be just as powerful since they were a child. Their planet was a thriving planet until the Viltrumite empire had invaded and destroyed her home and her people when they refused to resist, they were able to fight back but nonetheless, after the attack, it left them in ruins, and Zar was urged to flee with other survivors, By this time, Zar was already old enough to be on their own. Before she had fled, she was informed of a forbidden spell book that contained knowledge of the Abyssal Nexus, that most people of her planet did not know of. At first, she was informed to destroy the spell book as the Viltrumites could not get to it first, so she kept it and fled the planet, being able to escape with a few survivors safely. Escaping to a lone planet, one night in private, she tried to use a portal dimensional spell from the spell book, but it ended up backfiring as she was not experienced. It transported her through the Universe and onto Earth.
Earth’s arrival: Cecil Stedman was able to detect the unusual energy waves associated with her arrival, and they were quick to pinpoint and arrive to the crash site. Seeing the demon passed out, the GDA deployed agents carefully contained her within the depths of the facility, and contained them in an advanced magical barrier. When she had awaken, and saw herself in the cell, their first initial reaction was to resist but their magic and energy levels were too weak from the crash and was unable to break. They had watched her closely and Cecil approached them, asking where she was from and how did she get to Earth, and she only asked where she was and why she was in a confined cell. He communicated with her, stating that it was a precaution and that if she wanted out, they would have to cooperate. Cecil had also mentioned the spell book and basically threatened to use it against them if she didn’t talk. At this point, she didn’t know his bluff and ultimately agreed to cooperate. The spell book was kept watch and studied 24/7 by other GDA agents. Cecil had also looked through the spell book.
Trust: Cecil had recognized that Zar may not be an immediate threat or danger, and he had approached them with caution, communicating his intentions and trying to understand theirs. Zar eventually informed them why and how she really came to Earth, and how the Viltrumites had destroyed their planet, and they explained that the spell book was forbidden and stolen by her so the Viltrumites couldn’t get to it first. She explained that all she wanted was to protect the remaining survivors and their planet. Cecil had proposed a new idea, that she use her abilities to help Earth in the meantime as the Viltrumites were sure to return after Nolan’s departure. She was initially hesitant, as Earth was not her planet but they couldn’t live with themselves if Earth had fallen to Viltrumite rule, and they were scared of forming an attachment to another planet and its people after seeing her planet fall. She had proposed that she would only help if he lets her out the cell and if he gives back the spell book. Cecil knew it was a huge risk, but, he had little options, considering the Guardians of the Globe were a shit show and scared that Mark was mentally unwell after Nolan, he agreed, and it was a big secret between the both of them, just so no alarms can be raised. Cecil had lied to them by hiding Mark’s true Viltrumite heritage. (But that’s something we can get into later, let’s just say, they don’t take it too well…)
Quirks(?): During her time on Earth, she learned to be around humans, and see Earth from a new perspective. It took her a few tries but she was able to shape shift into a “human” form, like their first try, it literally looked like the most uncanny appearance ever and Cecil literally begged her to switch back because of how horrifying she looked (she thought she looked fine). She eventually got the hang of it. Since gender is fluid on her planet (and also finds how humans deal with gender traditionally ridiculous) they’ll often transform into either female, male or completely androgynous. Cecil and Donald are the only humans she mostly interacts with on a daily basis, she also finds herself interacting with others, some pleasant, some unpleasant. She also took time to learn what humans liked, and they end up being a BIG fan of the NFL, because of the hard hits and brutality of the game, even wanting to play but Cecil had advised them, saying “I don’t think any team is going to want a demon playing for them.” “Why not?” She also learns to like music, having a variety music taste, and she they love various foods and aren’t as picky.
Who I based this off:
I based it off a various of characters, such as Yubel from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (appearance wise)
A fun silly graphic on who I based them off:
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dearweirdme · 5 days
We all know TKK were cut from the company's official content, but it seems like they were never really apart. Do you know any specific instances besides Grammy 2020 proving they were close in 2019-20?
Hi anon!
So there’s quite a bit of footage from that time that to me shows they are just fine. @taekooktimeline by Kayla will give you a lot of those moments chronologically.
I’ll show a few I find particularly indicative of them being close despite what the general narrative is.
This fansign moment. Tae moves right into Jk’s space, which to me seems like he’s looking for comfort. This is such a couples move to me, where the one will find a sense of protection with the person trusts. Jm is right next to Tae. But mostly, it’s done in such an automatic way, he barely seems to think about his movement, all that seems to go through his mind is something alike ‘Jk.. safe space’. There’s more moments from that fansign that to me show that they are connected and not awkward. Shoutout to Jk’s flirty looks!
There’s the Japanese bbq interview throughout which Tae and Jk are physically connected and interacting freely with Tae choosing Jk to turn to and not Jm repeatedly.
This live Jk did which, aside from tkk fandom interpretations, shows that Tae and Jk spend time together.
Tae knowing how to calm Jk.
*jumping to 2020 because this is getting long*
I mean, Tae and Jk at GDA was something else. No way those two men weren’t close at that time. Tae was struggling, Jk was a huge source of comfort by keeping an eye on him and keeping him close. None of that was fanservice, I think it’s an insult to their humanity to make it out like that was wat is was. I don’t even care if people believe they are together or not, but to say they weren’t close is just denial imo.
During Festa Jk described Tae as his ‘commonality’ which I don’t think is something he would do had they not been close.
ITS has already been widely discussed on here.. the focus mostly being the talk ofcourse. The wider narrative is that Tae and Jk fixed what was wrong during that talk and afterwards they went pretty much back to normal. To me that makes no sense. Because we can clearly see that they were already hanging off each other and sitting no-space-wise and searching each other out before that talk happened. If there had been a sense of distance between them it would have been minor and not worthy of having been portrayed the way it was during ITS. If there had been distance they would have needed more than a day to go from feeling awkward-ish to full on cuddling in bed. Tae going to Jk’s bed after waking up wasn’t an odd thing for them. Jk wasn’t surprised at all. So it was either scripted to get the point of reconciliation across (and if so.. why was that scripted and not the talk?) or it was a natural thing for them to do and we saw Tae going to Jk for a cuddle and a sleep with their bodies intwined like it was second nature. (Gosh I could rant about the its talk for days 😂😂 i annoys me to no end).
During ITS when Tae and Jk work on Jk’s abs, Jm knows exactly what happens and is not surprised.. indicating they do this more often.
And after ITS things basically went the way they go now.
But mostly, all throughout the years you will find that their body language is constantly that of two people that are close. They lean in towards each other more than they do towards the other members, they search to stand aside each other more, and when they are next to each other they are often connected in some way or will find a moment to do so. This has always been this way. Tae and Jk together aren’t usually the point of focus, but in the background they are definitely together a lot.
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octavare · 3 months
Cecil’s brother
Roger Stedman. Around ~5 yrs older than Cecil. Civilian. Single (widower).
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So this motherfucker right here looks mostly harmless. Especially considering he is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. But don’t underestimate him. He is fucking jacked from the waist up. Upper body strength out the window. When you have an excuse to skip leg day, arm day becomes the priority.
How did he get paralyzed? — When he was in his early 20s, he and Cecil (who was in his late teens) were caught within the midst of a supervillain terrorist attack while in the city. They didn’t go to the city much, but on that day they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Traffic was disturbed greatly and the two of them found themselves directly within the collision path of a car. Cecil had quicker reaction time and jumped out of the way, but Roger was less fortunate and got hit, sustaining a spinal injury.
Cecil has regrets from this event because he believes that he could’ve helped Roger. Realistically, he probably couldn’t, but he is blinded by this the idea that he could. This was the turning point event that made him realize that he wanted to work with defense and join the military.
Back to Roger—he’s a big sports fan. Used to play football before his accident, was practically a prodigy. Was depressed for a long while after the accident but eventually came to terms with it. He also enjoys shooting which is a sport that doesn’t strictly require legs so it was something he could do to bond with his little brother. He also lifts like crazy. Dude is like Joe Swanson I guess.
Why doesn’t he use the GDA’s technology to fix his disability? — At the time that it happened, not only was Cecil years away from having any connections to the GDA, but the technology also didn’t exist. It was decades before the technology came into existence and by the time it did, Roger had come to terms with being paralyzed to the point where it was part of his identity now so he opted to not have it fixed. He’s at peace with himself and doesn’t wish to change it.
Why does he look way younger than Cecil?? — Dude doesn’t have a job more stressful than a world leader’s like his brother, nor did he have a field injury that resulted in imperfect artificial skin grafts needing to cover his entire body. The two of these together make him look much younger than Cecil. Also he got lucky and didn’t inherit male pattern baldness lol.
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He isn’t meant to be a super developed character or anything, he’s more in existence to flesh out Cecil’s backstory and motivations… but this could change, you never know.
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eendtiimes · 27 days
// More Josef delusional posting he becomes more of an OC every day yippeee
// Josef got his speedster powers when he was around 20 ish, and after that point he moved to the United States to focus more on superhero work . before that point however, he had quite a criminal record . he didn’t have much as a kid and lost his parents in his late teens, so he had quite the habit of thievery . it started small when he was younger, really just stealing to get by, but by the time he turned 20 it got more intense out of necessity and he accidentally got mixed up with some bad people who . he was still a good guy at heart who didn’t want to see anyone get hurt, even though he’d let himself become a thief he wasn’t a monster, so when he found out the people he was working with were bad news, he wanted an out . and it was at that point there was a freak accident at the same time as a shootout ( the flash-inspired kind with being struck by lightning in a warehouse full of mysterious science chemicals ) which gave Josef his powers .
// and since this is the invincible universe, the power gaining origin story veers more into the horror realm, it wasn’t a glamorous moment whatsoever . the process itself was obviously painful, but now Josef’s perception had been altered to be thousands of times faster than a human’s, so the world appeared to be stuck in slow motion with no real explanation why . he was left completely confused and terrified for what felt like days for him until the GDA could step in and give him some help . it took him a while to get used to the powers but once he did, he immediately wanted to step up and use them for good, which prompted him to pick a superhero persona and move away . and becoming a superhero was partially his ‘redemption’ to himself for all the stealing in his past even if it was purely out of the need for survival, but he was also just a genuinely good guy who wanted to help whereever he could .
// but dw guys he got to go to college and pursue his dreams as a music teacher and make friends and get married because of all this so it’s fine 👍 he’s fine 👍
// stealing tends to run in this family, actually . his nephew is a bit of a kleptomaniac . ( he does it for fun )
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94erz · 1 year
So let’s just summarize the shitshow this is so far because the longer my night goes on the angrier I’m getting:
- GDA announced j-hope as part of their line-up - No one, from BH to HYBE to j-hope himself posted about it - News article stating j-hope was not performing were released, fans demanded clarification for 3 weeks and got none because they spent money thinking they were going to see j-hope perform based on the misleading line-up post by GDA - They did NOT offer refunds - j-hope leaves for GDA day of - BigHit Music twitter account posts 30 minutes after red carpet started that j-hope would be attending GDA - j-hope was not on the red carpet - The TikTok stream crashed multiple times while everyone was watching - It ended early by 20 minutes
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I just remembered something. Didn't Tae answer some comment, I'm not sure where, but the comment was from a taekooker about the ship and Tae said "get out of your imagination. It's not good in there" or something along those lines. Don't you think that if there's something between them he would have just ignored the comment? If they're together it's kinda rude. I mean even if they know they'll have to be in the closet for years, that must have hurt JK's feelings 😔 Tae doesn't strike me as someone who would do something like that to his significant other.
The one thing that other shippers and antis try to fling at Taekookers.
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OK, I will say this I wasn't fully involved with Taekook at the time it happened but I do have thoughts...
I feel everyone needs to learn/remember two things...
Context... and What happened next...
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On that night, Tae was asking ARMY for some sleep advice and that person responded. And the advice she gave was to look at JK, who Tae loves.
Now do we know what part of the statement he was directing it at? No.
Personally, I think he meant "Don't let your mind go too wild before sleeping", because remember the topic was legitimately about how do ARMYs go to bed. He never directly denied the Taehyung loves part.
Overall though, both sides need to take chill pill because no one will win that argument in the end.
What happened next...
But here's the thing, if Tae was telling her to stop shipping him, why did, Tae not 1 week later do this:
Or 1 month late where there was a ton of shippable taekook moments at MMA and Mama
And let us know forget these too, all with shippable moments:
What about the 30th December, when JK did this to Tae in NYC. Was Tae upset by this?
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It would seem not from what they did and how they hug around each other in New Year Eve:
What about 2 months later in January 2020...
When JK serenaded Tae, they held arms, did the ILY sign, Tae sang the "Love is nothing stronger" directly to JK, and they cuddled off camera (though picked up by fan cams) at the GDA:
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Had a drunken flirty conversation on Weverse:
Looked like a couple at the Grammys:
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And finally... how he obviously doesn't want to be shipped with JK by responding someone on weverse, who asks where JK is by say he's "sleeping next to me"...
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Yes, soo doesn't want to be shipped, does he. And obviously JK was mortally offended, so much, so he kissed Tae fell on the nape of Tae's neck in the middle of a US Airport, and was happy to look like a couple on multiple occasions.
But some seem to forget that the loads of other times JK and Tae were happy doing shippable moments.
But hey, let's drag out that ONE, always taken out of CONTEXT, response and try to slap it in the faces of Taekookers. Whom some antis don't like, and try to use it to tell us to shut up and stop.
Well, if they want us to stop, tell that to JK and Tae.
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vanilachocolate · 8 months
Mungkin abis ini
Kan aku wisuda agustus ya, terus pas baru sampai rumah sudah lelah karena disambut drama dari pasangan si paling punya otak di rumah. Lelah banget sampe ngegaruk tangan lagi. Waktu itu, pas udah lelah banget akhirnya berusaha buat "mungkin nanti setelah dokter selesai ujian spesialis, kan kalau aku masih banyak senggangnya bisa mudah dateng ke solo."
Apalagi setelah septembenrya dateng ke solo waktu dokterku ujian sama dosennya sendiri. Terus dia bilang kalau bulan depan ujian (yang pengujinya) nasional, terus ya mikir aja, dia udah baik banget sama aku jadi yaudah ya Allah mungkin abis dokterku selesai ujian (penguji) nasional bulan oktober, jatahku buat dapet kerjaan.
Abis berusaha buat yawis legowo aja nunggu dokterku kelar ujian di oktober, rasanya tuh emang agak ringan ya. Kaya ya udah nothing to lose aja. Pas lagi nemu loker, di save. Pas lagi ada tenaga ya kirim lamaran. Gitu aja. Walau ya tentu, di rumah sangat melelahkan karena banyak alasan. Bahkan keseringan denger ponakanku teriak-teriak, nangis, atau bahkan di omelin maknya aja aku stres.
Ealaaah, delalah kayaknya di mulai di awal oktober ibu aku masuk rs. Di ranap dan operasi buat sampling "sesuatu" di rahimnya, karena emang hasil usgnya ada kista terus apa tau sama penebalan dinding rahim. Tapi emang operasi pertama tuh seingetku ya "sampling aja," wong ngga di belek. Pas ini kehidupanku tuh ya rumah, rumah sakit, jaga warung sampe malem. Gitu aja terus sampe ibuku pulang. Walau udah cape muak , tapi ya mau gimana lagi nggak ada orang lain buat di warung karena bapak ngga mau anak pertama kesayangannya itu di warung. Tidak diucapkan secara gamblang dan langsung, cuma bapak keselnya sama ibu. Soalnya hari pertama ibuku masuk rs, aku pulangnya mepet magrib karena miskom sama omongan bapak. Dan karena itu, mbakku jadi disuruh di warung bentar. Tapi ya itu, bapak gerutunya ke mama. Akhirnya hari selanjutnya aku bakal di rs sampe sekitar jam 2 setengah 3. Itupun perjalanan balik dari rs ke kantor bapak udah sekitar 20 menit, dan cuma buat mandi dan makan juga di warung karena gantiin yang kerja jaga warung buat pulang. Di jalan, setiap hari sambil ngareureuh diri sendiri tuh sambil bilang "mungkin emang harus kaya gini dulu. jadi anak baik dulu (walau terpaksa maybe wkwkw karena gda orang lain, mau siapa lagi jadi ya insting aja tho mengerjakan apa yg harus di kerjakan). mungkin abis ibu minimal bisa ditinggal, itu udah wayahnya aku balik kerja."
Good newsnya, disela hidup aku yang cuma rumah buat tidur, rs, dan warung sampe malem, aku 2 kali interview di hari yang berbeda minggu itu. Interview yang cukup lancar sampe bikin pede siapa tau emang mungkin ini tuh jawaban dari Allah gitu, karena yaa mungkin jatahnya disalah satu dari 2 perusahaan itu. Tapi sampe hari ini aku nulis, udah sekitar 2 minggu belum di kabarin lagi. Agak sadlah tentu karena harapannya jadi agak terkubur tapi mau gimana lagi.
Pas hari dimana ibuku masuk rs, tangan bapakku tuh mulai bengkak. idk why. Tapi ternyata udah infeksi dari dalam. Jadi ibuku baru pulang sehari di rumah, besokannya bapakku yang masuk rs buat ranap dan operasi juga di tangan sebelah kirinya. Ternyata tangannya udah sempet bolong karena kesangkut pas renov rumah sama pas benerin mesin spbu. Diem aja pas abis kejadian. Dan ya, karena udah telat hampir sebulan cuma dikasih pereda nyeri aja sama ngurangin bengkak, makanya sampe harus di operasi. Abis kejadian ini, udah berusaha melapangkan diri lagi. Mungkin abis ini bakal dapet kerjaan kok. Tapi, karena ada drama di malam pertama bapakku masuk rs antara mbakku si paling punya otak itu dan ibuku, akhirnya besok paginya ibuku ke rs. Nemenin dan ngurusin bapak. Tapi ya, aku akuin, susah ngurusin bapak karena rewel dan banyak ngeyel. Kalau bukan sama ibuku, susah emang.
Tapi, karena maybe kelelahan karena yaaelaah baru berapa hari di rumah abis operasi ye kan, ibuku jadi pendarahan terus. Akhirnya hari kamis kemarin tgl 19 masuk rs lagi buat operasi pengangkatan rahim. Empat hari di ranap. Sungguh aku lelah banget udah di rumah sekitar 2 bulan. Walau sempet ke jeda pergi ke solo, tapi ya balik ke rumah balik cape banget lagi.
Oktober udah menuju hari-hari terakhir. Tadi pagi akhirnya ibuku pulang dari rs pasca operasi yang ke-2. Karena tadi pagi udah beresin rumah dan tentu pagi-pagi kudu ke warung karena banyak bareng yang abis, jadi ya aku yg harus belanja. Selama ibu bapakku sakit aku yang belanja warung. Mau belanjanya habis sejutaan pake kardus pake plastik ya dibawa sendiri. Emang mau siapa lagi? Yaa, mungkin emang timingnya aja lagi begini. Pas banget akunya juga udah wisuda tho. Mungkin sebentar lagi jatahnya dateng kok buat diterima kerja. Gitu aja terus.
Terus tadi siang karena di suruh beli pompa air minum, yaudah aku pamit aja sekalian buat beli kebutuhan aku. Pas sempet melipir pulang dulu karena mau ngasih salep, aku pikir mbakku di rumah jagain ibuku. Ternyata pas aku tanya kata ibuku "tadi orangnya pinjem motor buat renang sama anaknya." Waaaaaah. Yang kaya gini kok ngerasanya ngga dianggep anak. HSHAHAHAH sungguh si paling punya otak. Marah banget rasanya pas tau dia pergi renang di hari pertama ibu pulang dari rs. Ya tolong si paling punya otak kan udah pernah sesar kan, tau kan rasanya kaya gimana, apa tidak bisa menunda kesenangannya sebentar aja asuuuuu?!
Padahal aku ijin pergi sekalian karena ya ku pikir ada yang jagain di rumah. Yang waras. Ternyata di rumah isinya cuma ibuku yang sakit terus pasca operasi, sama bapakku yang yaa emang tangannya belum sembuh. Bahkan tadi sampe rumah aja tuh aku udah di sodorin botol minum disuruh bukain. Saking bapak ngga bisa. Pergi sekitar 2 jam buat muter ke banyak tempat, dan mbakku yang paling punya otak dan sering merasa jadi korban karena merasa tidak dianggap itu belum pulang. WOW. SI PALING PUNYA OTAK KELAKUANNYA SANGAT MENCERMINKAN KALAU DIA PUNYA OTAK.
Bapak jadinya bingung. Kalau aku stay di rumah, yang di warung sore sampe malem siapa? Sedangkan kalau bapak yang di warung nanti ngga bisa nutup. Dilema "efek kerja keras bapak." Terus yaudah, diputuskan kalau aku ya tetep ke warung dan bapak ke kantornya sorean. Dan ya, si mbak anak sulung kecintaan ortu itu baru pulang sekitar setengah 5 :). Meanwhile, aku sempet merasa bersalah karena berguman "ya allah boleh ngga di sisa oktober ini aku dapet kabar baik diterima kerja? boleeh ya. maapin udah lelah di rumah. maapin ngga bisa sampe sekarang buat ngobrol sama orang rumah padahal maybe dia yang bikin masalah karena kita sama sama tau kan ya allah, komunikasi di keluargaku tuh oayah."
"Ya Allah, mau dapet kerjaan baru." "Iya ... abis ini..." (mungkin Allah bilang begitu kan ya).
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
not sure if the character ask meme is still open but markus/black samson pls :3
Hi soryy for not seeing this i've been really busy with work but here we go!
B- Do they have any allergies?
Probably! I'd say he'd probably have something along the lines of a latex allergy (which would just SUCK if he needed first aid on a mission) or probably an allergy to pollen or something like that.
Ooh wait... hear me out: cinnamon. He doesn't like admitting it to anyone cause it's embarrassing for one of the most famous superheroes in the world to tell anyone his throat closes up from cinnamon of all things, and let's face it, Rex would definitely make fun of him for it (btw I got this idea because I watched that old Dwayne Johnson movie Game Plan last night and there's a scene with cinnamon in that)
L- What is their favourite board game?
My first instinct here was to say something like chess cause a) he's like 40 at the least, and b) he literally has a mansion in the comics (which makes me wonder why that hasn't been bought up in the show yet), but I kinda think he'd be more of a checkers man. I mean, a lot of his later appearances in the comics have him trying to help his community, so I imagine he might have learned from playing against the elders.
A- What are/were this character's best subject in school?
I kinda imagine he'd be good at a lot of subjects in school (he strikes me as an overachiever what can I say), but if I had to narrow it down to a couple of them, I'd say PE, English and Math.
C- Can they swim well?
I doubt in his probably 20-something years or less of being a superhero, that he wouldn't be able to. Unless he grew up somewhere without any local swimming pools or bodies of water, cause then I could imagine he doesn't learn until later. But yeah, he's probably a really good swimmer.
K- How do you know when you've upset them?
Oh, that's easy. He does that low mad voice thing that he does in the show when Rex makes fun of him (you know, 'I'm gonna assume that was a joke and I don't need to beat your ass until all you wanna do is call me dad again')
S- How stealthy are they?
I mean... canonically he's probably at least a little bit stealthy but come on. This man is a giant and has the same physique as Superman, he is the polar opposite of stealthy. 
A- Already answered!
M- What is their favourite dessert? 
For the purpose of continuing an inside joke with a mutual, I’d say baklava, specifically the pistachio kind. 
In all seriousness though, I imagine he’s not the biggest fan of desserts in general, but he might have a secret sweet tooth for... i’ll say blueberry muffins. I think it’d be fuuny if he kept sneaking blueberry muffins from the GDA cafeteria.
S- Already answered!
O- What would it take to break them, inside and out?
First of all, and I feel this would be the norm for a lot of superheroes, Samson has a great amount of willpower that would make him difficult to break mentally. While he isn’t the strongest hero out there physically, he’s definitely up there with the likes of the Immortal. If you were trying to break him, it would take a lot of time, and probably involve targeting just about everyone he loves, and even then, you’re more likely to make him mad than sad. My advice? Try one of the other Guardians.
N- What do they usually eat for breakfast?
Do you think they got good cereal in GDA headquarters? I feel like they spent all the budget on teleporters and sci-fi body armour and didnt have enough for some Lucky Charms. Cause if he’s in the HQ, then his options go down to corn flakes or porridge. But if he’s in his mansion, then he probably gets some fancy eggs cooked by Sandford every morning.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a package of internal reforms to modernize its engagement with the private sector. The Agency has a long history of working with the private sector—on both sides of the development continuum, from partnering with American businesses in delivering development solutions to building up the local private sector. An example is USAID’s work with an Egyptian exporter association that strengthened agricultural exports and increased revenue by including smallholder farmers and exporters in the high-value horticultural value chains. Seeing the benefits of a more inclusive export sector, major Egyptian exporter associations began to increasingly seek smallholder farmer contracts.
The most concerted effort, the Global Development Alliance (GDA), was launched more than 20 years ago as a means to advance USAID’s engagement with the private sector and has resulted in more than 1,900 public-private partnerships over the past two decades. Despite, or maybe because of, being the bilateral donor that has gone the furthest in partnering with the private sector, USAID recognizes that new tools are needed to meet today’s unprecedented development challenges that require a more forward-leaning approach to scaling up public-private partnerships.
The timing is propitious. The G-7, major reports by independent experts, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen have publicly prioritized the mobilization of private finance. Billions and trillions will be needed to address climate change, the loss of progress in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), COVID and conflict-induced poverty, and the astronomical cost of rebuilding Ukraine when Putin’s war is over. It is therefore essential that USAID have the tools to enlist the resources and capabilities of the private sector to meet these monumental demands.
With many corporations aligning their business strategies with the SDGs, the time is ripe for partnership with USAID. In 2021 USAID articulated how the private sector is integral to its work in a “Private Sector Engagement Policy” and highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships to achieve the global goals by 2030.
PSE Modernize
On November 17, 2022, USAID Administrator announced Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Modernize containing the following nine changes to its business model:
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Although each component is an important step, several are especially critical to USAID’s engagement with the private sector and require further strengthening to ensure the announcement of this initiative endures and leads to greater development impact.
Staffing and Resources
One of the greatest challenges USAID faces is the lack of staff and resources to deliver on the promise of engaging the private sector. The Mission Capacity Index is a new data system that will provide USAID country missions and Washington bureaus with information on their staffing capability to scale PSE programming. Rather than long technical documents, engaging the private sector requires unique communication skills based on slide decks and a deep understanding of the drivers for corporate partners, as well as the agility to respond quickly. While some USAID officers have these skills or could rapidly adopt them, the agency must invest and reward its staff to ensure these skills endure beyond this administration. Creating agency awards around PSE and incorporating objectives and targets into employee performance plans are just a few ways to incentivize staff.
The PSE Future Workforce Program will provide a needed focus on attracting and retaining private-sector talents in the agency. A step further would be to make PSE expertise a separate cone within the USAID personnel system to ensure those employees that their expertise is valued, and that they have a path for career advancement.
USAID has had staff members assigned to maintain the relationship with certain private sector partners. But this has been on top of other responsibilities and seldom rewarded. Under “Relationship Management” those positions will be prioritized and become more structured and formalized in the workforce plan.
The Consultation Desk, Innovation Incubator, and Learning Lab can be seen as a trio of knowledge units to provide missions and Washington bureaus access to PSE expertise, PSE innovative tools and authorities, and a repository of PSE resources. Due to a lack of resources, these endeavors are slated to be placed on the back burner. But they are critical tools for staff to perform their responsibilities in a smart and coherent manner, so priority should be placed on finding the modest resources needed to launch them.
A community of practice is a proven instrument for sharing experiences and learning. The PSE Community of Practice is designed to be internal to USAID. To be truly impactful, it should also encompass private-sector participation.
Flexible Fund
The Flexible Fund takes further an underused authority in the FY 2022 foreign operations appropriations act that allows $50 million in development assistance and economic support funds used for private-sector partnerships to be available for use for three years (rather than the usual two years). If approved by Congress, the Flexible Fund, at a suggested $80 million for fiscal year 2023, would be the first time USAID had a discrete pot of money just for partnering with the private sector.
A model for this fund could be the Complex Crisis Fund (CCF) which enables USAID missions to access resources quickly per a short application to USAID/Washington. Like the CCF’s ability to act rapidly to prevent or respond to a crisis, the PSE Flexible Fund would enable missions to quickly respond to an opportunity with the private sector. Often, USAID staff and partners in-country are unable to capitalize on unique opportunities to create private-sector partnerships because USAID’s current procurement options, including the Global Development Alliance, just do not move fast enough, often requiring many months of endless meetings to reach closure. An agile fund enabling missions to rapidly draft a concept note to USAID’s PSE hub would not only provide funding but also technical assistance to missions that could significantly leverage USAID’s partnerships with the private sector.
Additional Recommendations
Beyond these practical initiatives, several additional steps the authors have proposed in earlier writings (here, here, and here) would further advance “PSE Modernize.”
A particularly important element in upping USAID’s game with the private sector is enhanced collaboration with the Development Finance Corporation (DFC). USAID has a deep understanding of development, experience providing technical assistance, and a wide array of activities that can benefit from private-sector partnerships. The DFC has the tools of finance (debt, equity, and guarantees) and insurance.  Joining their respective capabilities, the two agencies can enhance their engagement with the private sector through deploying blended finance and technical assistance that will derisk private investment to build more sustainable activities.
A second area for action is the need to revise USAID procurement rules and processes to make them timelier and more amenable to how the private sector functions. A constant mantra from the private sector is the need to quickly get to “yes” or “no”.  We hear of too many instances in which corporations have just walked away because trying to work with USAID was too complex and time-consuming. The agency should join together to mandate the exigencies of three initiatives that require the simplification of agency procedures. On November 28 Administrator Power announced the Burden Reduction Program to “reduce bureaucratic burdens and so-called time taxes imposed and/or experienced by the Agency.” Similarly, a critical part of the heightened agenda on locally-led development is to make USAID rules and regulations simpler in order to be more accessible to local organizations in partner countries. Incorporating PSE Modernize into these efforts to simplify USAID requirements and procedures would make it easier for the private sector, both local and international, to comply with the agency’s procedures for procurement, reporting, and accountability.
Thirdly, just as it is recognized that USAID lacks sufficient numbers of contracting officers to handle current procurement actions, much less the greater number that will result from partnering with local organizations, the agency also lacks sufficient contracting officers experienced in dealing with private companies. One example of where this will be absolutely critical is the rebuilding of Ukraine. The private sector will play a pivotal role in Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts. USAID would be wise to staff up now with needed contract and PSE experts, as well as bolster its Europe and Eurasia bureau which is chronically understaffed to manage billions of dollars in assistance.
Today’s development challenges require new and enhanced tools to engage the private sector. Administrator Power’s announcement in November is a good start. The proof will be in whether USAID can move more quickly to form meaningful private-sector partnerships that will endure beyond the headline.
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marauderserasimp747 · 2 years
HI HELLO FIRST REQUEST!!!! have you ever seen the try guys/ would you write something about the lions doing their ballet video? I really want to know who's the most flexible lol
A/N: Hello Anon! I had the same idea! I am a trained dancer and my dance season just finished up! Thank you for requesting this! I had a lot of fun writing this! Enjoy! All characters belong to @lumosinlove and except for the dancers, social media fic inspiration goes to @fruitcoops
Link to the Try Guys video here 
Link to the dance the lions do here
“Hello, Lions Fans! I’m Dorcas Meadows and today your favorite hockey team will be doing ballet! They will be taking classes for two weeks and learn a dance.” Dorcas says after Marlene gives her the ago. They are standing in front of a local dance studio called Gryffindor Dance Academy.  The camera cuts to the team in white tee shirts, black tights that outline their muscular thighs, and black ballet shoes. Kasey has his hair tied back into a man bun. They are standing in a studio with a black floor, mirrors on one wall, a wall painted sky blue with a bunch of fairy lights, and another wall that’s yellow with pointe shoes dyed various colors hanging up along it. There’s one more wall that’s green by the door with a large rectangle of chalkboard paint. The chalkboard read WELCOME LIONS! In yellow and red writing with a doodle of a lion below the writing.
“Remind me why we’re doing this?” Finn asks rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I literally have no rhythm whatsoever.”
“I am fully not prepared for this.” Remus says, shaking his head.
“We figured it would be fun, and there’s been a lot of requests from the fans.” Marlene replies from behind the camera. The camera cuts again this time to a girl in her late 20s. With curly blonde hair wearing basic athletic clothes.
“Hey! I’m Emily and I’m a teacher here at GDA or Gryffindor Dance Academy. I teach ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary. I majored in dance and I’m currently part of a contemporary dance company.” Emily introduces herself the camera cuts to a compilation of her dancing and teaching then cuts back to the team.
“You will be dancing with level 9-10 which is our intermediate to advanced class. Then learning a combo to perform!” Emily explains. The camera pans around the team's faces with expressions of horror, genuine fear, or utter confusion.
“How old are the dancers in this level?” James asks.
“14 to 16. They are all on our competitive dance team too. The Gryffindor Stars.” Emily states. A group of nine girls enters the studio. with multi-colored leotards, black tights, pointe shoes, pink ballet flats, and water bottles.
“Am I allowed to curse?” Thomas wonders out loud.
“Technically no but these dancers are freshman and sophomores in high school so it shouldn’t be too bad, just be aware of the younger dancers that will be coming in and out later.” Emily responds with a smile. “Girls, when you are done putting your pointe shoes on, introduce yourself to the Lions then take out the bars.” The camera pans to the girls putting their point shoes on.
“When you introduce yourself, We would like first name, last name, age, and how long you have been dancing okay?” Dorcas says with a smile. One girl finishes and gets up. She has an Asian complexion dark hair slicked back into a low messy bun. She has a black leotard with crisscrosses in the back and a burgundy scrunchy in her bun.
“Hi, I’m Ryn Carney. I’m 15 and I have been dancing for 12 years. Also huge hockey head.” Ryn introduces herself. The others follow suit and help get the bars out.
“I’m Nina Locke. I’m 16 and I’ve been dancing for 13 years.” A girl with blonde hair blue  eyes a fair complexion introduces herself.
“Alright let’s start with pliés. Demi, stretch, demi, stretch, grandé. Cambré forwards, cambré back. Tendu to second stretch into to the bar and away from the barre. Port de bra is first, second, and high fifth. Then balance in Sus-sous.¨ Emily says then runs to start the music. “Prepare and first position plié...”
“Merde! Okay, um demi stretch and big one, forward backwards, next position.” Logan pliés with panic. Emily walks by and tells him to turn out his feet. He gives her a quizzical look, she bends down and gently pushes his feet into the correct position. She walks by the stereo and grabs a tambourine.
“Keep your hips tucked in while doing a plié.”
Kasey is doing pliés feet turned out, his butt awkwardly sticking out behind him. Emily walks by and smacks it with the tambourine he fixes it and continues. James looks over and starts laughing.
“I’m never going to live this down ever am I?” Kasey asks shaking his head.
“GET SOME BLIZ!”  Finn whoops.
“BET ALEX AND NAT LIKE THAT!” Talker calls out. Various other chirps from the team. Soon they finish pliés and work their way to tendues.
“There’s so much French literally everywhere I go.” Finn says. The camera cuts to Sirius who is doing the best out of all of them so far. After a couple of exercises at the barre Emily leads a guided stretch. “And now slide into your splits.” The camera pans around the room showing off the girls in their full splits alongside Leo and Kasey. Remus is not even close to the floor, Thomas is fairing slightly better than Remus, Logan is very close, and Finn is doing worse than Remus.
“Loops if I pull a muscle do you wanna do your PT thing?” Thomas asks. “No. I’m not your PT anymore plus I would be dealing with my own muscles anyways. Knutty! How?”
“I’m a goalie, Loops.” Leo responds flatly before sending him a smile. The camera cuts to a clip of the Lions doing petite allegro then grande allegro and failing miserably. Then to the team set up in interview style in front of the fairy light wall.
“How do you feel about dancing?” Marlene asks from behind the camera.
“New found respect for dancers and um I’m just going to continue to work hard at this.” Sirius replies. The camera cuts back to the team lined up in front of Emily and Ryn. A banner comes across the screen reading Pointe shoe demo.
Ryn does a couple of leaps and turns and an arabesque.
“Does anyone want to try on pointe shoes?” Emily asks a couple of uneasy looks pass through the group of hockey players before Logan speaks up.
“I’ll do it! I might regret it but I’ll do it.”
“Great! Here are the pointe shoes.” Emily hands the to him and helps lace the up. His foot barely fit into them.
“Grab on to the barre and then push your onto your toes, keep your knee straight.”
“Merde! MON DIEUX! That hurts like a fucking bitch! NOPE! NOPE, I’M DONE!” Logan exclaims as he wobbles around en pointe gripping to the barre for dear life. 
“If you break your ankle I’m not doing your PT. Plus, you’d have to explain to Layla and Moody. I don’t think you want to do that.” Loops chirps over Logan. The rest of the team laughing except Finn and Leo watching cringing at their boyfriend’s antics. Logan continues to wobble for another five seconds before lowering off of his toes.
“In what world is this not painful?” Logan questions while taking off the shoes.
“You get used to it after a while.” Ryn replies. The camera cuts to an empty studio except for the Lions and Emily.
“So, you will be learning the Russian dance from The Nutcracker. But before that we have to work on you leaps and turns.” Emily says. The camera cuts to a montage of the lions doing Grande Allegro and failing miserably. Then to a montage of them attempting to turn. 
“I am so dizzy I feel drunk.” Thomas while swaying slightly.
“Me too.” Kasey says.
“I second that.” Loops replies rubbing his head. The camera cuts to Emily walking them through the choreography. The camera cuts back to the interview set up. 
“How do you feel about doing a dance from the nutcracker?” Dorcas asks from behind the camera.
“I have already have butchered this horribly. I’m not even going to sugar coat it.” Finn says.
“Agreed.” Kasey chimes in. The team nods in agreement. The camera cuts to a fast forward of the team dancing in class and practicing their choreography. A banner slides across the screen reading ‘The Performance’. There’s the group of dancers that they took class with sitting against the mirrors cheering the team on. Emily had the Lions split into groups of three and gave the entire team tutus. Leo, Kasey, and Logan went first. They missed beginning and forgot the end. Logan fell after some turns and jumps, Kasey tripped over Logan nearly face planting into Leo. And Leo managed not trip but he did accidently hit Kasey with his long arms.
Sirius, James, and Remus were next. Sirius got the beginning then tripped over his own feet, James just stumbled his way through the dance watching Remus or Sirius. Remus was doing his best not laugh at how bad it was.
After all the groups performed the camera cut to the Gryffindor Stars dancing a modern dance to Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. The dance ends and Marlene steps into frame. 
“Thank you Gryffindor Dance Academy and the amazing dancers here! Thanks for watching Lion Pride we’ll see you on the ice! Like and subscribe for more videos like this!” Marlene closes. 
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segemarldoodles · 2 years
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Oct 20 - Death
*GDA Spoilers*
He poked his head up over the the jersey barrier and saw Alistair and Connor down in the dry dock making the deal. "Where the hell are Xuegang's guys? I can't take take these guys out without backup." he thought. Alistair handed over the suitcase and Connor accepted the duffle bag full of whatever Cole was here to stop them from getting. "Shit, I guess it's either now or never." Cole popped up and emptied the cylinder toward his former compatriots. He was wired with adrenaline and the first two shots went wide, hitting the boat moored in the drydock. The third striking Alistair in the leg as he turned to bring his gun toward the sound of Cole's shots. The last three hit the hooded man that Connor had taken the bag from square in the chest.
Connor dove behind a crate and drew his Webley, blindly firing toward where he suspected Cole was. Alistair slid his carbine over to Connor and gestured to the barriers he'd spotted their assailant behind before attempting to drag himself to safety. Meanwhile Cole ducked down behind the barrier, ejected the spent casings from his Chiappa and started fishing extra bullets out of his pocket to reload. After sliding the sixth shot into the cylinder, he snapped it closed and jumped up to finish off his targets.
Everything seemed to stand still for a moment.
Cole reached into his breast pocket to pull out his pack of cigarettes. He reached up and pulled one from the pack and couldn't help but stare at his hand. Why was it soaked in blood? He tried to fish his lighter out of his pocket but dropped it and then fell to ground trying to pick it back up. "It hurts to breath for some reason, and more than normal. Maybe I'll just stay laying down for a minute..." he thought.
"Out here on the edge of the of the city you can almost see the stars in sky."
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menalez · 2 years
idk how old your reblog on the Megan Thee Stallion post is, but I thought I'd add that it wasn't just sailor moon cosplay, the two photos used didn't include that her skirt isn't a skirt, it's a fucking APRON because there's NO BACK
she literally wore a "half skirt" so it wouldn't get in the way of showing off her ass while she twerked. she didn't "accidentally good intentionally sexualize school girl uniforms" as some in that thread said, she did dress as sailor moon but sexualized the shit out of it on purpose.
i reblogged it once more after finding that out
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i don’t think she was necessarily malicious and i don’t know if we was particularly aware that what she wore was a redesign of a school girl costume. i didn’t even see the resemblance between that school girl uniform in japan and the sailor moon costume until seeing them side by side 😭 i do think it’s problematic & all but i think she probably didn’t think deeply of it before doing it. also unsure of how much control she had over the exact costume.
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dearweirdme · 5 months
What an interesting read from the anon about tae and taekook during 2018-20 period. I am very much offline these days and not a very old BTS fan and Taekook shipper so can anyone clear "jk being hyper aware of Tae's moods" to me by giving examples of incidents?
Hi anon!
For me it is very much in the way Jk kept Tae close at times. Like during the Grammys:
Very pointedly during GDA:
Gonna go against a fandom narrative here (most think Jk was concerned about Tae showing skin) but I think it very possible Jk saw Tae feeling off and got concerned because of that. Tae's reaction of pulling his shirt closed to me looks like that of someone fidgeting because of Jk noticing.
Just a few examples I could think of from the top of my head. Also a lot of instances where Jk was just watching Tae intensely when he looked down.
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shanamahtopoeia · 2 months
Editing Origins Soundsets Without the Toolset
Tools needed: xoreos tools GDApp pyGFF Talktable xmls Any text editor (Notepad++ works nicely)
Without the toolset, you can't create new soundsets, but you can tweak the vanilla ones a bit. Removing unwanted lines and/or duplicating preferred lines is perfectly do-able.
First step is to find the soundset you want to mess with. All can be found in designerdialogs.erf, of which there are several versions.
Origins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\data\ (PC and some NPCs) C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\modules\single player\data\ (other NPCs) Awakening: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core_ep1\data\ (Architect & Mother) C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\addins\dao_prc_ep_1\module\data\ (all others) For other DLCs, soundsets can be found in the respective addins\***\module\data\designerdialogs.erf, but they are encrypted. If you have a Steam installation, the location will probably be different.
Export the sse_ss****.gda & sst_ss****.gda files using pyGFF.
Unfortunately, these GDAs are an older format, and cannot be opened by GDApp, so we'll need to use xoreos tools instead, specifically convert2da.exe. Put your GDAs in the same folder as the xoreos tools, and open a command \ Powershell window there. In Windows 10+, this is easily done by holding Shift and right-clicking in Windows Explorer.
If you plan on changing the number or distribution of lines in the soundset (by deleting, moving, or duplicating lines), you'll need to convert both. If the number of lines for each entry type will stay the same, you only need to deal with the sse_ss***.gda.
Use the command line to convert the GDA(s) into text files, for instance:
convert2da --output sse_ss_pc_fdwarf_violent.txt sse_ss_pc_fdwarf_violent.gda
The gda text files will look like this:
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Now we need to get these into new GDAs, making changes along the way. The first column is unneeded, as is the "2DA V2.0" line.
Put GDApp into 'Designer' mode, and set the column count to 2. For sse***.gda files, the headers will be 'ID' and 'StrID'. For sst***.gda files the headers will be 'ID' and 'Count'. The second row is the data type, and it will be 'int' for both columns of each GDA.
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Switch GDApp back to 'Editor' mode. Unfortunately, you can't simply copy/paste from text files into GDApp. You'll need to either input both columns by hand, or use Excel's 'text to column' function to get a table, and then copy/paste that into GDApp. (there are probably other programs that can also turn a text file into a table, but Excel's what I have)
Whichever method you use, you should end up with these:
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Now, you may be wondering what all these numbers mean. For the sse**.gda, the ID refers to the type series, while StrID is the string ID for the line.
A "type series" is all the lines of a particular type. The first digit(s) are the line type. These correlate to the entries in ss_types.gda (which you don't need to touch, thankfully). I'll list them here for easy access: 1  -  SS_COMBAT_ATTACK 2  -  SS_COMBAT_BATTLE_CRY 3  -  SS_COMBAT_STAMINA_LOW 4  -  SS_MANA_LOW 5  -  SS_COMBAT_HEAL_ME 6  -  SS_EXPLORE_HEAL_ME 7  -  SS_SCRIPTED_HELP 8  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_UNDEAD 9  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DARKSPAWN 10  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DRAGON 11  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_ANIMAL 12  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_BEAST 13  -  SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_OTHER 14  -  SS_COMBAT_TAUNT 15  -  SS_COMBAT_ATTACK_GRUNT 16  -  SS_COMBAT_PAIN_GRUNT 17  -  SS_COMBAT_NEAR_DEATH 18  -  SS_COMBAT_DEATH 19  -  **SS_POISONED (unused) 20  -  SS_SPELL_FAILED 21  -  SS_COMBAT_ENEMY_KILLED 22  -  SS_COMBAT_MONSTER_SLEW_PARTY_MEMBER 23  -  SS_COMBAT_CHEER_PARTY 24  -  SS_COMBAT_WEAPON_INEFFECTIVE 25  -  SS_EXPLORE_TRAP_DETECTED 26  -  SS_EXPLORE_LOOK_HERE 27  -  **SS_EXPLORE_MOVE_OVER (unused) 28  -  SS_EXPLORE_START_TASK 29  -  SS_EXPLORE_STEALTH 30  -  SS_CANNOT_DO 31  -  SS_TASK_COMPLETE 32  -  SS_COMBAT_SELECT_NEUTRAL 33  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_FRIENDLY (cut) 34  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_HATE (cut) 35  -  **SS_COMBAT_SELECT_LOVE (cut) 36  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_NEUTRAL 37  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_FRIENDLY 38  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_HATE 39  -  SS_EXPLORE_SELECT_LOVE 40  -  **SS_ARMOR_IMPROVEMENT (cut) 41  -  **SS_WEAPON_IMPROVEMENT (cut) 42  -  SS_GIFT_NEUTRAL 43  -  SS_GIFT_NEGATIVE 44  -  SS_GIFT_POSITIVE 45  -  SS_GIFT_ECSTATIC 46  -  SS_HELLO 47  -  SS_YES 48  -  SS_NO 49  -  SS_STOP 50  -  SS_BORED 51  -  SS_GOODBYE 52  -  SS_THANK_YOU 53  -  SS_LAUGH 54  -  SS_CUSS 55  -  SS_CHEER 56  -  SS_SOMETHING_TO_SAY 57  -  SS_GOOD_IDEA 58  -  SS_BAD_IDEA 59  -  SS_THREATEN 60  -  SS_BERSERK 61  -  SS_WARCRY 62  -  **SS_CAUGHT_STEALING (unmapped for most soundsets and unused) 63  -  **SS_NO_WEAPON (unused) 64  -  **SS_ORDER_RECIEVED (unmapped for most soundsets and unused) 65  -  **SS_EXPLORE_ENEMIES_SIGHTED_DEMON (unmapped for most soundsets) 66  -  SS_SKILL_FAILURE So, in the example above, entries 100-109 are the string references for the 10 combat attack barks.
In the sst**.gda, each ID refers to an entry type, and the count is how many lines there are of that type. This is so that the game can correctly calculate the odds of each line being played.
If you find ID #1 in the example GDA, you'll see it has a count of 10. (IDK why the ID#s are randomized, but all soundsets have the same order, so I don't mess with that)
Now to find the line to change. For this example, I'll be removing the infamous "Can I get you a ladder? So you can get off my back?". You'll need the talktable xmls now. Most soundset lines will be found in the core/single player core_en-us.xml. Doing a search for "can I get you a ladder" brings up 6 hits, one for each of the 'violent' soundsets. By context, I'm guessing that's one of the "SS_EXPLORE_START_TASK" lines, so I'll cross-reference with the StrIDs in the 28** series, and see if one matches up.
Sure enough, it's ID# 2804, StrID 344284. You can either replace the StrID with another StrID from the same soundset (giving that line a doubled chance of being said), or delete it entirely. (each soundset is a separate audio file, and lines can't be mixed and matched with other soundsets or dialogs, unfortunately)
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For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm going to delete it entirely.
I've deleted the offending row on the sse**.gda, so now I need to adjust the sst**.gda accordingly, by finding ID# 28, and reducing the 'Count' by 1.
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Save both GDAs, and put them in your override. (I have accidently misnamed them in my pics, make sure you don't make the same mistake!)
Now you'll never have to hear about ladders ever again. :D
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