#genderfluid fragment gender system
green-enby · 11 months
Hello everyone! First post; I'm a bit nervous... I hope you're doing well!
I still don't have a clear idea of what exactly I could do with this blog, but there is one thing I'd like to share: it has to do with the Genderfluid Fragment Gender System (GDGS), a system of terms that specify what range of genders one is fluid between, and the issue of underrepresentation of androgynous genders in some of these.
(For extra clarity, androgyny refers to a state of being both masculine and feminine, as opposed to gender-neutrality, which means neither masculine nor feminine, although the two are often used interchangeably, hence the lack of regard for the distinction.)
For those who are here to learn, the main terms in the GFGS are:
genderfae (being fluid only between female, feminine and neutral genders, never a masculine gender);
genderfaun (male, masculine and neutral, never feminine);
genderflor (only neutral, never masculine or feminine).
By adding suffixes to these, you can extend the range of them a bit:
genderfaer (female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine genders but never binary male);
genderfaunet (male, masculine, neutral, and partially feminine but never binary female);
genderflorer (neutral and partially masculine, but never binary male or feminine);
genderfloret (neutral and partially feminine, but never binary female or masculine);
genderfloren (neutral, partially masculine, and partially feminine, but never binary male or binary female).
There's also the genderfrith root and its variations, for people who always feel a connection to masculinity or femininity:
genderfrith (fluid between any masculine and/or feminine genders, binary or not, but never neutral);
genderfrither (binary female, feminine, masculine, never binary male or neutral);
genderfrithet (binary male, masculine, feminine, never binary female or neutral);
genderfrithen (partially masculine and partially feminine, never binary female, binary male, or neutral).
Finally, if you're fluid between all genders, that's called genderfruct.
In short, at the beginning of my gender discovery, I thought I was fluid only between a state of gender neutrality and one of androgyny, and I was surprised to see no term amongst so many of these to refer to said experience!
I looked to genderflor, but it does not, by definition, include genders that are in any way related to femininity or masculinity, so by extension androgyny. So how do you refer to that?
I felt like the system was a bit incomplete. So! I decided to take initiative and COIN new genders that extend the possible range of the main GFGS terms!
The actual names for the first 3 were coined by the blog @neopronouns, since I did not have enough creativity with words—I only had the flags already in mind. He just added a suffix to the genders, "-an", which is short for androgynous in this case. Genius!
So, I present to you...
Genderfaean (for pronunciation, a tip is to keep in mind that the root word is "fae", then you just add "an"): being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender that is feminine in some way—including when it is in combination with masculine, therefore androgynous. Masculinity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between girl, non-binary girl, agender, androgyne).
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Flag is the first, on the left; I put the genderfae flag to the right for comparison. The pink gradient stands for femininity, and I replaced the green-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient, representing neutrality (yellow) and androgyny (purple, which I colorpicked from the non-binary flag).
Genderfaunan: being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender which is masculine in some way—including when it is in combination with feminine, therefore androgynous. Femininity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between boy, demiboy, neutrois, boygirl)
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Genderfaun flag on the right for comparison. The blue gradient at the bottom stands for masculinity; again I replaced the orange-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient.
Genderfloran: being fluid only between neutral genders and androgynous genders, never solely masculine or feminine genders. (Example: fluid between neutrois and androgyne)
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Genderflor flag on the right for comparison; I replaced the green/orange-to-yellow gradients with purple-to-yellow ones (it's symmetrical).
Coining these next two terms myself:
Genderfloretan: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially feminine genders—never binary female or male. Can experience masculinity, but only in combination with femininity. (Example: fluid between neutrois, boygirl, demigirl).
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Genderfloret flag on the right for comparison. The darker orange stripes in both flags represent partial femininity. Replaced green-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
Genderfloreran: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially masculine genders—never binary male or female. Can experience femininity, but only in combination with masculinity. (Example: fluid between agender, androgyne, non-binary boy).
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Genderflorer flag on the right for comparison. The darker green stripes in both flags represent partial masculinity. Replaced orange-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
All the other genders of the GFGS I didn't extend like this already included the possibility of experiencing androgynous genders (e.g. genderfaer: female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine, so this means this partial masculinity can also be experienced in combination with femininity).
That's it! Thanks for reading this through! Hopefully someone will find these useful :) [smiley]
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bobiebobs123 · 1 year
Are there a version of genderfaunet that also includes xenogenders? so everything exept 100% girl + xenos?
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Today’s Gender of the Day is: Genderflor!
Genderflor is a fluid identity between genders that are not male or female, though a lot of definitions claim that this identity is fluid between anything “except fingenders or mingenders”. It is under the genderfluid and multigender umbrellas, and it is also a part of the Genderfluid Fragment Gender System.
People who are genderflor can be fluid between maverique, agender, neutrois, gender neutral in general, any xenogenders, and whatever else does not encompass male or female. For an identity that is fluid between any gender except binary man and binary woman, see genderfloren.
Similar identities include gendersylph, genderflorer, genderfloret, genderfloren, florflux, neutroisfluid, genderfluid, and demifluid.
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isobug · 5 months
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Genderhyd symbol
Requested by anon, and made by combining this Genderfluid symbol (minus the male and female extensions) and this symbol for the Plutonian moon Hydra (since the "-hyd" references the mythical Hydra) which were both made by by wikimedia user Kwamikagami under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Direct links to the exact symbol files and a download link to the .SVG file in the post source link, since Tumblr hates external links in posts.
I don't claim to have coined Genderhyd and I don't claim to have made either original symbol, I just edited them together for this rq. Free for anyone to use anywhere as always!
Taglist - @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
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atlas-the-idiot-2 · 8 months
Coining some termss
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Genderfaeren or genderdoeren - gender fluid between binary woman, fin, fem, nuetral, nonbinary, xenic, masc, and min genders but rarely binary man, (mostly pink flag, some colors picked from genderfae flag if i remember correctly, pink gradient to represent fem, binary women, and fin genders, yellow for nonbinary/xenic genders, and white for fluidity)
Genderfaunette - gendrfluid between binary man, min, masc, nuetral, nonbinary, xenic, fem, and fin genders but rarely binary woman (mostly blue flag, blue gradient for binary man, masc, and min genders, pink for rarely binary woman, yellow for nonbinar/xenic genders, and white for fluidity)
(ID: the first flag has a dull purple slightly desaturated cyan, followed by a yellow, separated by a white line a gradient on the bottom goes from pink to dull purple.)
(Second flag ID: dull, almost purple blue at the top, slightly desaturated pink just under it, followed by a yellow, separated by a white line a gradient on the bottom goes from desaturated cyan to an almost purple blue color.)
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[pt: Agenderflorict]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: green, grey-green, light yellow, white, pale orange, grey-pink, dark pink. End ID]
request by anon
Agenderflorict: a form of genderfluidity in which one is fluid between any genders that are not binary male or binary female, while still being connected to genderlessness/agenderness, and having amplified femininity and neutrality.
Etymology: a, genderflorict (link)
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a red line divider with a red circle in the middle. both are outlined in dark red. End ID]
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eldorr · 1 year
Genderamni + Sublabels
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Top Flag: Genderamni Bottom Row: Genderamnient (left), Genderamnil (middle), Genderamnik (right)
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, where one isn’t a binary man or woman, and is exclusively (or nearly exclusively) fluid between genders that are feminine, unaligned, and xenine; however one experiences masculine genders under one, any combo, or all of these conditions:
Partly: One may only experience feminine genders or genders relating to masculinity in name, such as Antiboy, Offboy, Alteboy, Wildmasculine, Demiboy, Demiboyflux, Proxvir, Pixelboy, Nan0boy, Dawnian, etc. The femininity one experiences may feel “partly there”, under a demigender lens, genders that are either close-to-feminine, and/or genders one can only described as genders that are vaguely relating to femininity.
Combo: One may only experience feminine genders that are combined with another gender, such as being bigender/multigender, such as Eclipsian, Novarian, Pistolian, etc ( of any gender system terms that are a combination of feminine genders and something else), Xenoboy, Xenboy, Enboy, Xoy, etc.
Rarely: One simply very rarely experiences feminine genders to the point they may not feel completely relevant to one’s identity, however they still are there.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvi, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpyla. Can also be called Genderfysent or Genderslyphent.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnient is that with Genderamnient, one experiences feminine genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus unalinged, xenine, and masculine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is feminine, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always feminine, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more feminine than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvite, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpylaent. Can also be called Genderfysentir or Genderslyphint.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnil is that with Genderamnil, one experiences unaligned genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus masculine, xenine, and feminine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is unaligned, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always unaligned, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more unaligned than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvil, and the non-xenine equivalent is Genderpylaer. Can also be called Genderfysentet or Genderslyphentic.
A gender apart of the genderfluid fragment system, similar to Genderamni (where one is fluid between feminine, unaligned, xenine genders, never a binary man or woman, while experiencing masculine genders either rarely, conditionally, and/or partly)
The main different between Genderamni and Genderamnik is that with Genderamnik, one experiences xenine genders to a higher degree (or constantly) versus masculine, unaligned, and feminine genders.
Example of this could include:
Being demifluid where part of your gender is xenine, and the other part is fluid.
Being multigender where at least one of your genders is always xenine, while at least one is fluid.
The genders one is fluid between leans towards being more xenine than not.
Any of the above.
The masculine equivalent is Genderfluvik. Can also be called Genderfysentix or Genderslyphentit.
Genderamni, Genderamnient, Genderamnil were originally posted September 11th, 2022. Genderamnik was originally posted September 12th, 2022. These terms were all originally on separate posts with their masculine equivalents.
I’m gonna add this onto every post but these definitions are based on the definitions of the other GFFS terms on the LGBTA wiki, so “unaligned” here actually includes abinary, atrinary, etc. genders that aren’t xenine. Basically any gendered feeling that isn’t masculine, feminine, or xenine. (Which also doesn’t include Agender, or other genders that describe lack of gender.)
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Underneath the keep reading is segments about how I named the terms and how I went about making the flags. The info isn't too important to the definitions or anything and would've made this post super long, so I've just put them below.
Genderamni being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid. Genderfysent is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, and Genderslyphet. Genderslyphent is based off of the terms Genderslyphen and Genderslyphet.
The Genderamni flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen & Genderslyphet flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
Genderamnient being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “ent” to separate the term from Genderamni. Genderfysentir is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflir. Genderslyphint is based off of the terms Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflir.
The Genderamnient flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslypher, and Genderflir flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
Genderamnil being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “l” to separate the term from Genderfluvi. Genderfysentet is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket. Genderslyphentic is based off of the terms Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket.
The Genderfluvite flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderflicket flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
The combinations relating to Genderfricket aren’t for any specific reasons, I just needed a third term/flag to combine these with to produce a different flag from Genderflicket, so I simply chose one of the terms relating to being more feminine & unaligned.
Genderamnik being based off of a latin word for stream, not for any particular reason, just a vague relation to water being fluid, plus the addition of “k” to separate the term from Genderfluvi. Genderfysentix is based off of the terms Genderflor, Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderxirn. Genderslyphentit is based off of the terms Genderslyphen & Genderslyphet, with the addition of “it”.
The Genderfluvik flag being based off of a combination of the Genderslyphen, Genderslyphet, and Genderxirn flags, then color shifted and adjusted to look more unique.
The combinations relating to Genderxirn aren’t for any specific reasons, I just needed a third term/flag to combine these with to produce a different flag from Genderxirn, so I simply chose one of the terms relating to being more xenic.
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noxwithoutstars · 1 year
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✧。:*▹ Genderhyd
[ PT/ Genderhyd /PT end ]
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✧ Genderhyd is a genderfluid/flux/fluix term related to , and perhaps even a root for , gendergryph and genderund. It is fluid/flux/fluix without hard limits but is hard to describe and intentionally vague. Its name comes from hydra , following a mythical theme.
✧ Requested by anon
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ryanyflags · 2 years
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A set of redesigned pangender microlabel flags, all made to be in the same style, and some new terms :D
Pangenderfaun : when one experiences all genders, except for feminine and female aligned / binary female genders.
Pangenderfaunet : when one experiences all genders, except for female aligned / binary female genders.
Pangenderfae : when one experiences all genders, except for masculine and male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderfaer : when one experiences all genders, except for male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderflor : when one experiences all genders, except for feminine, masculine, female aligned / binary female, and male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderfloren : when one experiences all genders, except for female aligned / binary female and male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderflorer : when one experiences all genders, except for feminine, female aligned / binary female, and male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderfloret : when one experiences all genders, except for masculine, female aligned / binary female, and male aligned / binary male genders.
Pangenderfrith : when one experiences all genders, except for (completely) abinary genders.
Pangenderfruct : when one experiences all genders.
In these definitions, "when one experiences all genders" is intentionally meant to be broad, as to include all the different definitions used for pangender.
Also, though these use the genderfluid fragment system roots, and are inspired by them, these genders aren't necessarily fluid or flux. They could be fluid/flux, but someone who's gender is static would also be able to use these labels.
As far as I'm aware, only pangenderfaun/fae/flor have been coined before, the rest are all new.
I originally just wanted to redesign the pangenderfaun flag, but ended up redesigning the rest, and making flags for all the other genderfluid fragment system roots (like I always do lol).
The top part of the flags come from pangender, and the bottom half comes from their respective flags (so pangenderfaun uses colors from the genderfaun flag, and etc.). I simplified the 6 colors of the genderfluid fragment flags into just 3 stripes, but this was for aesthetic purposes and they mean about the same things. White in particular is for multigender / combination of all the genders experienced.
And that should be all. What a long post haha. If anyone wants me to make other pangender flags based off of the genderfluid fragment system roots, I'm open to give it a try.
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A term from the genderfluid fragment system and in which one is mainly fluid between being masculine and xenic, while Genderdruid individuals can be feminine aligned and neutral aligned genders they are rarely felt and/or felt to a lesser extent. Genderdruid individuals are never binary man, binary woman, male aligned, female aligned, and genderless 
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green-enby · 2 days
Sorry to bother you, but do you know if there's a label like genderflorer but where you can be female but not feminine genders? Or a label like genderflorer but where you can experience female genders that aren't derived from womanhood or femininity? Like contrafe
Hi! Not a bother, don't worry. Sadly, it seems no such term exists. But you could always coin it!
In case you need help, I have a suggestion: it seems close to both genderflorer (neutral, non-binary masculine) and genderfaer (female, non-binary feminine, neutral, non-binary masculine), so perhaps you could try mixing them together, like "genderfloraer"?
And while we're at it, maybe the male-neutral-nonbinary feminine equivalent could be a mix of genderfaunet (male, non-binary masculine, neutral, non-binary feminine) and genderfloret (neutral, non-binary feminine), so something like "genderfloraunet"?
I don't know if these could be accurate for genders like contrafe specifically though, sorry. Please keep me updated, plus, if you'd like flags for these I have ideas, so feel free to hit me up! Have a good day.
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itsoktocallmegay · 1 year
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Genderflorensylphen flag I made for myself because identify with both labels. (Genderfloren+Gendersylphen)
Anyone can use this.
(I will add an image description later)
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neopronouns · 4 months
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flag id: a flag with 7 stripes, which are faded green, faded light yellow-green, pale green-yellow, white, pale purple, light purple, and indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
gendersköll: a form of genderfluidity in which one is fluid between uncommon genders, not including xenogenders
[pt: gendersköll: a form of genderfluidity in which one is fluid between uncommon genders, not including xenogenders. end pt]
a new genderfluid fragment system root as a base for a request! this term is similar to gendersylph, but only fluid between non-xenine uncommon genders.
i decided to make the term similar to 'genderfen', an alternate term for gendersylph that is based on the wolf 'fenrir' from norse mythology. 'sköll' is another wolf from norse mythology. the flag uses shades of purple and green, two colors i associate with uncommon/unique things!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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isobug · 5 months
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Genderund symbol
Requested by anon, and made by combining this Genderfluid symbol (minus the male extension) and the tail part of this symbol for the asteroid 17 Thetis (since the "-und" references the mythical undine, an elemental benin associated with water and sometimes depicted with a tail) which were both made by by wikimedia user Kwamikagami under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Direct links to the exact symbol files and a download link to the .SVG file in the post source link, since Tumblr hates external links in posts.
I don't claim to have coined Genderund and I don't claim to have made either original symbol, I just edited them together for this rq. Free for anyone to use anywhere as always!
Taglist - @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
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kiruliom · 1 year
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[Image ID: Two flags with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors of the first flag are purple, bright pink, pastel pink, off-white, pastel blue, bright blue, and purple. From top to bottom, the colors of the second flag, which is a slightly desaturated and hue-shifted version of the first, are medium grey-purple, red-pink, pastel pink, off-white, grey-blue, turquoise, and medium grey-purple. End ID.]
usual | less eyestrainy
genderfluid flag based on the genderfluid fragment gender system's flags bc tbh the usual genderfluid flag sucks IMO
purple: androgynous genders, agender aligned/AGIN genders, fluidity as a whole
bright pink: female aligned/FEIN genders
pastel pink: feminine/FIN genders
yellow-white: unaligned genders, abinary genders, neutral genders, and the like
pastel blue: masculine/MIN genders
bright blue: male aligned/MAIN genders
purple: androgynous genders, agender aligned/AGIN genders, fluidity as a whole
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[pt: Genderflorict]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: green-blue, light green, pale yellow, white, pale orange, light red, pink. End ID]
requested by anon
Genderflorict: a form of genderfluidity in which one is fluid between any genders that are not binary male or binary female and femininity and neutrality are amplified.
Etymology: ‘genderflor’ from genderfloren (link), and ‘ict’ from genderfrict (link), a similar term
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a red line divider with a red circle in the middle. both are outlined in dark red. End ID]
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