#george lockwood
jackie5656 · 1 year
Say It Like You Mean It With; Anthony Lockwood
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A/N: Hello again! We’ve begun a new obsession, I am absolutely hooked on this show. And if there’s no renewal announcement in the next month, or at all, I’m fighting. @sunshineangel-reads​ provided some suggestions in the inbox, so I figured I’d tag <3. All right, hope you enjoy!
Summary: The one where you meet the newest addition to the agency, and insomnia strikes again
IMPORTANT: All characters are aged up. I wouldn’t be comfortable doing so if they were played by minors, but that’s not the case here. Just wanted to make that clear before we begin. 
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“She can’t just go taking two at once like that.” 
“the rule is each member of the agency can only take one biscuit at a time in a strict rotation. Keeps things fair.”
“E-each member of the agency?” 
“Assuming you are still interested in the position?” The front door opens just as Lockwood’s finished. Three heads snapping toward the mud room as you shuffle in, arms weighed down from grocery bags.
“Of course she’s still interested!” To Lucy’s relief, it’s a female voice that sounds before you appear in font of them. Tufts of hair spilling over your face at the exertion of errands. The two boys are immediately at your side, ridding you of all baggage and heaving it toward what she assumes is the kitchen.
“Lucy,” Lockward calls out behind him as he descends the staircase along George. “Meet y/n y/l/n, another associate.” You scoff, extending a hand with a kind smile. Undoubtedly the most welcoming so far. “She’s most sensitive to sound, much like you. Not bad with a rapier, either.” 
“I hope they haven’t irritated you too much so far.” You beckon her to follow the boy’s path with you. “Please tell me you didn’t use the bloody toothbrush cup.” 
“Of course not.” Lockwood taps his nose with his finger when your back is to him, a silent beckon for your potential hiree not to snitch.
 The kitchen’s just down a flight of stairs, where you get unloading items into their designated spaces as George works on cooking. 
“We call this the thinking cloth,” Lockwood taps onto the wooden table after tossing you a box of pasta to put away. “We jot down memos, theories, trains of thought-”
“Cheesy love confessions.”
“Shut up, George.” The redhead misses the inside joke, brows furrowing with confusion as Anthony continues on. “I located the bones of the Fenchurch Street Ghoul by sketching out the street plans here at three in the morning over cheese on toast.”
“When a case goes badly an we’re not talking to one another, it’s good for exchanging insults too.”
“Ah, and how often does that happen?”
“Almost never.” You butt in, giving her your most genuine expression despite the white lie. You’re so eager to finally have another girl around, it’s only fair you promote the job as much as possible. 
“Now, basement. Follow me.” Lucy does as asked, sending a quick look of concern your way before she disappears down the stairway. 
“She’ll never last.”
“Oh c’mon George, I was more than welcoming when you came along.” 
“That’s because my natural talent was evident.” 
“Is that why you screamed like a little girl during the test?” 
“I wasn’t expecting the gunshots from the knife, alright?”
“This was my bedroom when I was little, and y/n’s for a while. You can use it, if you’d like. Unless you have other sleeping arrangements?” 
“Yes...No-I mean-”
“Of course, we’d deduct the rent from your wages. Nothing too steep. Just enough to cover the bills. I’m a very reliable landlord.” 
“Jesus, Anthony. Give her a second.” You tear open the blinds, smirking when Lucy takes a moment to admire the view at such height. Something tells you the pair of you will get on just fine. She hesitates, then. Looking Iver to you with confusion. 
“Do you sleep elsewhere?” There’s a sudden silence between the three of you. Lockwood clearing his throat as he pulls at a the tuft of hair at the nape of his neck. He studies the newest employee with a twinge of anxiety, presumably understanding how things might seem...Unprofessional. Granted, it’s a business run by an 18 year old, but an official one nonetheless. 
“We share the bedroom downstairs.” Is all you manage, blush adorning your features as her jaw slacks in understanding. 
“I’d like to make it clear,” Anthony looks over your frame, smiling fondly. Then back to Lucy. Who seems to hold no judgement despite her obvious contemplation. “Y/n and I attended academy together, she was with me when this all began.” 
“In other words,” you finish for him. “We were sleeping together before he became my employer.” The closed-off girl huffs a laugh for the first time since you’ve met her, though your boyfriend twinges pink with an abashed smile. Diffidence is awfully rare on him, though it's quite adorable. It’s then Lucy decides she’s fond of you already. 
“Please excuse my girlfriend’s lack of filter. I suppose George’s rubbed off on her.” He's only teasing, Lucy knows that when you shove at his shoulder. The pair of you are not overly affectionate, you don’t seem like the types anyway. Of course, she’s only caught a glimpse of your relationship, there’s an undeniable glint in her potential boss’ eyes as he looks at you. 
“Like Anthony said-” 
“Lockwood, please.” Though he interrupts you, he’s only looking at Lucy. She comes to understand you may be the only one unwilling to refer to him as such. It almost twitches a smile to her lips. 
“This used to be my room, before Anthony begged for my hand.” 
“Was that before or after you professed your undying love for me?” Said boy backs up toward the stairs, noticing the inklings of a friendship beginning to form between the two girls front him. 
“Before then, but definitely after you pleaded to kiss me when you drank the better half of MY whiskey. Which was a gift, by the way. An expensive one.” 
“From that muppet at academy?” He scoffs, wiping an invisible stream of dust off the banister. “Horrid flirt.” A grimace sets upon his face. Josh Collins was a right prick, you had to admit. Though it was an obliged graduation gift. 
“Don’t speak so poorly of yourself, sweetheart.” Lucy can’t help but really smile this time, features immediately dulling once she realizes she’s been caught. You pretend not to notice.
Lockwood sends a half-assed glare your way, holding his tongue in lieu of the new company. “This has got it’s own bathroom. There’s a bigger one downstairs, but that’s mean sharing with George. And I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.” A beat of silence after you nod in agreement, cringing at the flashbacks. “Right, well, we’ll leave you to unpack. Settle in. That’s assuming-”
“Those newspaper clippings on the wall...”
“Oh. You saw those. Not very modest, is it?” 
“But definitely on brand.” You mutter what you think is to yourself, smiling innocently when they look your way. 
“Should really take them down.” 
“No, it’s more...It’s just. Well you haven’t said anything about...I mean, who are you guys?” 
“Plenty of time for that. You should rest. Get some sleep.”
“That’s...If you’ll take the job?” You hope you don’t sound as desperate as you are, voice tilting with anticipation as you wring your hands together. 
There’s a couple, agonizing beats of silence that feel like hours. Finally, the girl nods, “yes.” 
You all but shout, fighting jumping up and down at the confirmation. Anthony shakes his head at you with a fond roll of his eyes, sending Lucy hopeful smile. “Well then, welcome to Lockwood and Co.” You squeeze her arm gently in congratulation, taking hold of your boyfriend’s chin to press a swift kiss to his cheeks. Unaware of his skin flushing with heat as you descend the stairs in an elated hurry.
“Georgie, she said yes!!”
It’s dark when you wake, rolling over in search of warmth that isn’t there. Unsurprisingly, Anthony’s not beside you. You huff a sigh, cursing your boyfriends’ relentless insomnia before wrapping the quilt folded at the bottom of the bed around your form and stalking down the hall.
He’s in the library, of course. The bright fire pops into the silence of the night, illuminating the room in a tantalizing warmth. Lockwood runs a finger over his bottom lip as his eyes remain trained on the book in hand. Up until a weak floor board gives your presence away with a groaning creak.
His lips curl into a tired, yet no less pleased smile at the sight of you. Shifting the couch so you’ll fit perfectly into his side. “Why are you awake, dove? It’s late.” He pushes a stray strand of hair from your face, brows furrowing when you scoff at the irony.
“Could say the same for you. Can’t sleep again?” He hums, elaboration not necessary. Hurt tugs at your heart strings as your thumb trails over the dark skin just below his eyes. A hand wrapping around your wrist to kiss your doting ones away.
In the solitude of these hours, you’re both able to find comfort in your gentle affections. It’s much easier alone, sometimes. There’s an unspoken ease in the solitude of it all. In these moments, Lockwood can feed into the delusion it’s just you and him in this house, in the whole world.
“Close your eyes and get some rest.” He wraps an arm around your sternum. Your back to his chest as he continues reading. A pout adorns your features, eyes narrowing.
“But I’m not tired.”
“Yes. You most definitely are,” the corners of us eyes crinkle with his knowing smirk. “You just don’t want to make me feel bad for making you feel obligated to stay awake with me.”
You envy his ability to read you more often than not. Pulling the quilt further over the two of you so as to seem inconspicuous. Failing miserably when a yawn tears through you. Long lashes fluttering over your cheekbones as you blink slow, gazing up at him. Anthony feigns stoicism under your gaze, though you’re just about the only person to make his heart race with just a look. The one you’re giving him right now is particularly cruel. Pleading, soft, all things sweet and alluring. He figures you’ve perfected the craft of drawing him in, unknowingly or otherwise.
“I’m wide awake, actually.” Is all you manage. Voice rasped with sleep as your nails run over the exposed skin of his forearm. Sending chills down his spine. The arm resting over you pulls slightly back, just enough to enable his hand to hold the side of your face. Fingers smoothing over your warm skin to lull you further.
You’ve always been naturally much warmer than him. A personal furnace, he regards you. Seeing as he’s always too cold for his liking.
It makes sense. You’re all things sweet and painstakingly kind. There’s not a soul who’d be able to repay half the debts you deem mere favors. You’d give the shirt off your back to anyone who needed it, especially those you care for.
You’re everything Anthony Lockwood is not. And sometimes, most times, he hates himself for it. Hates he’s too selfish to let you go and award you opportunity to find someone much more worthy of your heart.
“Hey. Where’d you go?” He’s stopped his ministrations, seizing your attention from the cackling fire and back to him. He offers a small smile, one you read right through. Here he is again, pulling away and closing off in the moments you’re both most vulnerable. It’d hurt, at first. The beginnings of your relationship...Friendship, even. Had often been strained by Anthony’s reclusive  habits. You’ve shared just about every piece of yourselves to one another, yet he still manages to find more fear in love than fighting the dead.
Over time you’ve developed patience. Reveling in the small moments of softness he’s awarded you in all the chaos. They’re worth it. Knowing him, learning how to love him, has been worth it.
“I’m right here, love. I’m always here.” He presses a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. Pretending to get lost in the pages afront him once more.
“Come to bed.” You’re so quiet he almost misses it, folding the book against his chest to meet your gaze. Doing his best to ward off your obvious puppy eyes. (though he lacks lacks the best track record with this)
“Just one more chapter? Then I’ll take you to bed and pretend to sleep for the next few hours.” You frown at his teasing, swatting away his poke to your sides in search of a smile.
“You’re not funny, Lockwood. All i want is for you to rest. Really rest, for once.” Rapier-calloused fingers card through his hair, eliciting a gracious sigh.
“I’m only joking. I do rest much easier with you around,” a swift kiss to your lips. “Sleep better when you’re beside me,” two more against your cheeks for good measure.
“You’re awful.”
“Awful!” A hand collides with his chest, chastising. “Being sweet so I’ll stop worrying. It won’t work. I’ll always worry about you.” And there it is again. The agonizing clutch at his heart at your compassion. Unable to resist the notion there are so many others much more worthy of your affections.
“I know.” It’s a whisperer, forehead pressing against yours. “You should probably start saving that for a bloke who deserves it.” There’s no self-pity to it. No trace of malice or fish for reassurance. So succinct and matter of fact you want to tackle him into an embrace in lieu of willing away every deprecating thought that intrudes his conscience.
“Anthony Lockwood.” You’re stern, then. Maneuvering upward so your head can rest on the arm of the love-worn couch and better face him. “If you’re mean to my boyfriend one more time, I’ll ensure my spirit is tied to you. Haunting you with love and affection for the rest of eternity.”
“I feel like that’s supposed to be a threat...” Cold fingers trace over your collar bone, peeking out from under his dress shirt you’ve stolen. “Though it’s almost endearing. I’d quite like to be stuck with you for the rest of time, I think.” A blush flushes your features, worsening when it elicits his cocky smirk at the observation.
“I hate you.” Hands concealing your abashed face with the muffled whine.
“Say it like you mean it, Darling.” He stretches under you, nudging at your forearms with the spine of his book. “Will you uncover yourself now? I’d like to see you again.” You oblige, hands falling atop your thighs and against his stomach. Anthony’s gasp startles you, features taught with confusion. “My God, it’s happened again!”
“You’ve gotten prettier! Just now, I swear it!” A groan sounds as you press your face into his chest, shaking along with his rumbles of laughter. 
“Just read your book, Lockwood. I like you better when you’re quiet.”
“Just one more chapter. Then we’ll head to bed.” He straightens, getting ahold of himself as he obliges. Eyes meeting yours once you tap his elbow.
“Read to me?”
“I thought you liked me better quiet?”
“I like you best complacent.”
“Noted.” And with that, he begins.
You stretch over him as he begins, his shirt on you rising just enough to expose your mid drift. Greedy fingers take the opportunity to run themselves over your soft skin. Cool rings giving eliciting goosebumps. He does it mindlessly, which makes you heat even more
“Stop blushing, you’re distracting me.”
Lockwood squints as the curtains are torn open with a cruel screech. George stands a-front him, hands on his hips. You’d never managed to make it back to bed, both having fallen asleep in the sam positions as the hours before. This particularly apparent when Anthony raises his head from the back of the coach, wincing at the soreness in his neck. 
“You know, I may as well take the master bedroom if you’re never gonna use it.” 
“Quiet down, George. You’ll wake her.” The curly-haired boy rolls his eyes when his colleague cuffs his hands over your ears, shielding you from the noise. 
“Good. We have work to do.” 
“Our first official case as a team of four.” Your boyfriend beams brightly despite the morbid information in hand. Passing it along so the rest of you can be caught up. 
“Mrs. Hope...Looking to rid her house of a Problem following the demise of her late husband.” George adjusts his glasses as he sums the story to you and Lucy.
“Cheeky.” The girl deadpans, taking a sip of her steaming cup of tea groggily.
“Pay grade. That we desperately need.” You shrug, doing your best to make light of each job despite their implications. 
“George, you should get a head start on the research while we pack the bags. Lucy we have to learn plans A-F, as well.” The three of you nod along, Lockwood tilting his chin upward to allow you better room to adjust his tie, Pulling away so he can offer the portion of buttered toast and chopped fruit he’s plated for you. You only take a strawberry, a polite shake of your head when he pushes it forward once more. 
“Later.” You note, running your fingers under his collar to smooth it out. 
“You should eat.” He’s stern, pulling away his steaming mug you reach for with furrowed brows. “Can’t have tea on an empty stomach, you get all shaky.” Your jaw slacks in half-serious offense at the notion, the pair of you turning your heads toward your colleagues sat at the table, 
“You’ll have to get used to their old-married-folk tendencies. It’s quite insufferable at first, but becomes increasingly tolerable over time.”
“Oh shut it.” It's in unison, only aiding in your flushed demeanors as their grins grow. 
“Told you.” The bastards’ irritatingly smug as he motions toward you. “I’ll be off to the archives, I’ve reached my morning’s capacity of affections.” Anthony’s arms cross with a scoff, eyes trailing over to you and face igniting in a mischievous smirk. Your brows furrow, about to question his sudden change in attitude before he’s on you. Making a show of grabbing the sides of your face and littering kisses all over your face. Pushing so you have to step backward toward a horrified George, hands over his ears as he attempts to escape the treachery. 
Lucy can’t help but laugh. Overcome with the realization of all the agencies in London, she’s likely ended up with the best one. 
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skullism · 1 month
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powerpoint night at 35 portland row
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jc-writes-bullshit · 2 months
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Has anyone done these yet
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ko0kyco0kies · 4 months
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Just need to say something
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carrotkicks · 1 month
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a group of british squirrels are looking at you
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 2 months
My favorite thing about Lockwood is the fact that he tries so hard to be cool but he is literally an actual human disaster and sixteen, so whenever he makes a slick one liner he’s internally going “yessss that was SO cool, I nailed that” and then Lucy and George are cheering in the background because they also think he’s So cool. But Holly and Kipps both absolutely do not, because they are full legal adults so they’re like “oh my gosh the cringe rn, I can’t believe this is my boss”
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juneneedsabreak · 2 months
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699 notes · View notes
dusana-thewitch · 1 year
I've seen a lot of praise for the Netflix Lockwood and co. adaptation. I haven't read the books, enjoyed the show. Lots of people already said a lot of positive things about this series concerning plot, characters, and so on that I largely agree with
You know what hasn't really been talked about?
How BRIGHT and WELL LIT everything is. Like, this show mostly happens at night, with characters running around with torches to see anything, because their job has to be done during the night.
But I can still SEE EVERYTHING.
I noticed that in the graveyard scenes especially. The sky is pitch black, we know it's the middle of the night. But the grass in green and I can SEE IT.
Love them for not going down the path of GOT, DC, and so many more. Of saying "well, it's the middle of the night, so nobody can see anything, and neither can the audience".
Instead they went "we told our audience it's the middle of the night, we're showing it to them, but we're also giving them the opportunity to see what actually happens on screen".
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personinthepalace · 1 year
My favorite bits from the Thinking Cloth
George's and Lockwood's doodles of each other
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CEO of Cooking Cocking
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Compliments :)
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Mustard is the fools condiment ≠ Lockwood is a fool
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Locklyle grammar flirting
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Literature quotes from Lockwood
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To-do list
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It's the cat again
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The trio 🥺
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the full thinking cloth (x) from Sophie Powell's instagram
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branching out from incorrect quotes 💪💪
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a-asterias · 1 year
— micaela's april recs
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ty to all these amazing writers who have left me with butterflies in my stomach and/or tears rolling down my face, much appreciated <3
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— spencer reid.
soulmates by @radiant-reid
tear me apart by @literaila
private display of affection by @poguesofthebau
that's my wife by @wheelsup
unlucky in love by @criminalmindzjunkie
sinking by @mggpleasedontlookhere
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— dodge mason.
cemetery drive by @riffaist
love story by @biqherosix
↳ steal my girl
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— fred weasley.
john wayne by @shadowsinger11
chosen sister by @potter-imagines
how to steal a book (and a heart) by @theweasleysredhair
late night stroll by @httpbakugou
sheer luck by @heloisedaphnebrightmore
frustrations by @nextdoor-neighbors
— george weasley.
broken people by @wondernimbus
— draco malfoy.
two sworn enemies by @wondernimbus
odd one out by @panda-noosh
— oliver wood.
c'est magnifique by @wondernimbus
— charlie weasley.
a brief glimpse by @helnjk
— remus lupin.
singed memories by @lupinlongbottom
just go with it by @fizzyhosh
— sirius black.
just a natural fact by @iliveiloveiwrite
agree to disagree by @lupinlongbottom
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— anthony lockwood.
you can hear it in the silence by @tangledinlove
↳ it's never too late (to come back to my side)
↳ just another love song
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— steve harrington.
got caught up by @hairringtonsteve
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— leo valdez.
why me? by @chasingpj
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— bucky barnes.
first date, last night by @intrepidacious
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— zuko.
best kind of medicine by @panda-noosh
↳ fools gold
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— anthony bridgerton.
sham and pain by @peeterparkr
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— kaz brekker.
heartless by @magpiencrow
↳ for you
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3K notes · View notes
deluluassapocalypse · 14 days
I desperately need crazy unhinged bossgirl woman and their pathetic man representation. And by that I mean intelligent, ambitious, unhinged, disgustingly educated but hyperfeminine, that knows how to fight magnifically and are mad science smart queens that would do what is needed to get what they want and need, and their husband/boyfriend supporting and following them around like lovesick puppies.
650 notes · View notes
eliwithab · 3 months
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i . im so soooooooooooooooo normal about lockwood and co. Do not Speak to me. I HATE NETFLIX. . OK. normal.
Fun fact i have redrawn this FOUR TIMES since 2022. TWO YEARS!!!! AND I COULD NOT FINISH IT TIL NOW!
798 notes · View notes
maarigolds · 1 year
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"What happened?!"
"Fought off a load of thugs, fell down the catafalque hole, battled a bunch of ghosts. You know, the usual sort of thing"
The main trio in Lockwood and Co. (2023-)
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beelze0-0 · 10 months
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I don’t understand why tumblr isn’t absolutely drooling over lockwood and co it’s everything that tumblr should love?????? it’s got ghosts and swords??? cozy British vibes?? ANGST THROUGH THE ROOF???? the best slowburn since pride and prejudice?? the “you can kill me just don’t touch her” trope is EVERYWHERE???
PLEASE I am beGGING YOU go binge it!!!
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