#geraskier first date
hannibard · 2 years
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Wow! My favorite piece of media is trending at the #1 spot! I wonder if its because we finally got Jaskier promo pics from The Witcher: Blood Origin. Though now thay I look closely, what does Liam Hemsworth have to do with anyth-
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azmoshira · 1 year
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Geralt, is that you? I hope he gets matched with Jaskier.
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if you have time i would love to see what you do with prompt number #5 “i can’t believe i married you” with geraskier please!! i feel like geralt would say this when jaskier is being silly and ridiculous but also jaskier would use it when geralt gives him only one good morning kiss instead of two lol. but only if you have time!!!! 💖✨💖✨
Jaskier is still half-asleep as he shuffles to the fridge, his eyes bleary and unfocused after a late night of composing. Hoping for a few slices of last night’s leftover pizza, he opens the fridge, only to let out a little shriek of surprise when he finds a pair of bulbous eyes staring back at him.
“Geralt!” he yelps. “What the fresh fuck is in our fridge?”
His witcher appears in the doorway, already dressed and ready for the day. “A drowner head.”
“Right, good,” Jaskier says. “Let me rephrase. Why the fuck is it in our fridge?”
“It didn’t fit in the freezer.”
Geralt’s lips twitch. “Its brains are useful for potions. I’m going to harvest them later.”
“Not in our kitchen, you’re not.”
“Would you prefer the bedroom?”
“Geralt, I swear to Melitele, if you get drowner brains on the duvet—” Seeing the grin on Geralt’s face, Jaskier breaks off, scowling. “I cannot believe I married you.”
“Hm. Jask, we’re not married.”
Ah, right. They’ve been together so long, Jaskier forgets that sometimes. Their friends and family are always complaining that they act like an old married couple anyway. “And if you keep putting drowner heads in the fridge, we won’t be!”
Geralt comes to press a kiss to Jaskier’s forehead. “Go take a shower and I’ll make coffee and deal with the drowner.”
“You’ll make the coffee before you touch drowner brains, right? Avoid cross-contamination?”
“Drowner brains are good for you. Protein.”
Jaskier huffs and turns on his heel to leave the kitchen. “I want a divorce.”
“Again, not married.”
Jaskier starts up the stairs, calling over his shoulder, “Then we should get married just so I can divorce you.”
“Okay!” Jaskier makes it to the top of the stairs, then pauses, registering what they just said, and turns around. “Geralt?”
From downstairs, there’s the rumble of Geralt’s answering hum. “Hm?”
“Did we just get engaged?”
“I think that’s traditionally what comes before marriage and divorce.”
Jaskier hurries back down the stairs so fast that he nearly trips over his own two feet. He finds Geralt standing right where he left him in front of the fridge. “Do you really want to get married?”
Geralt looks at him like he’s started singing in gnomish. “Sure.”
“Sure?” Jaskier lets out an exasperated laugh. “Geralt, my love, this is one of those things where I’m going to need an unequivocal yes or no from you.”
Geralt leans against the front of the fridge, frowning slightly. “I never thought you wanted to get married.”
“What?” Jaskier is bewildered. “When did I say that?”
“Back when you were dating Vespula.”
“Geralt, I was twenty-two when I dated Vespula! That was nearly a decade ago! Of course I didn’t want to get married.” Jaskier throws his arms around Geralt’s neck. “I never thought you wanted to get married. All that witchers walk alone bullshit.”
Geralt’s lips twitch. “I think that ship has sailed by now, Jask. I think it sailed about five minutes after we met.”
“Well yes, probably,” Jaskier says. “So, Geralt, will you marry me?”
“Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just so you can divorce me over drowner brains.”
“Darling, you should know by now that it’s going to take more than drowner brains to get rid of me. I told you when we first moved in together and I’ll tell you now, you’re stuck with me.”
“You know you love it.”
Geralt’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, pressing a kiss to the tip of Jaskier’s nose. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
The few times Jaskier has pictured proposing to Geralt, he’s imagined grand gestures: singing a love song in front of a crowded stadium of fans, holding a sign as he jumped out a plane, a moonlight boat ride and a four-string quartet. But standing with Geralt in the kitchen, still in his boxers with a drowner’s head in their fridge, somehow feels more right than any of those fantasies.
They just hold each other for a moment before Jaskier pulls away. “Want to go get breakfast to celebrate?”
Geralt’s eyes are soft with fondness as he watches him. “Did you propose just for an excuse to go get pancakes and mimosas?”
“Like I need an excuse to get pancakes and mimosas.” Jaskier is smiling stupidly. “Let me go get showered. I can be ready in twenty minutes.”
“See you in an hour.” 
“Har.” Jaskier turns and hurries up the steps. In the bathroom, he draws back the shower curtain, slapping a hand over his mouth to stifle his shriek at what he finds inside. “Geralt!”
“What?” Geralt calls from downstairs.
“What the fuck is in our shower?”
“Oh,” Geralt says. “That’s the rest of the drowner.”
“Excellent. Just so you know, I’ve changed my mind about that divorce!”
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
good evening, friends, romans, countrymen, gonch heads... i have lore.
for all of those who don't know me, i am katya. the (emotionallly) adopted child of saph and brad. in this essay i will prove that saph and brad have accidently bruce wayned me, as i have black hair and blue (technically green eyes) i have been compared to timothee chalamet, if thats any indication.
regardless, this is not relevent, my dear gonch heads. for this is the story of how i got adopted.
it began in 2018, in the newsies fandom, as all terrible things do. we talked...became friends...talked about kazoos...lamented the lack of ralbert....and then? i disappeared off the face of the earth.
cut to quarantine. the year was 2020, and i was super fucking depressed. so i got back on tumblr, this time in the witcher fandom. and who did i find? a fellow geraskier hater....a fellow laiden stan....who just happened to my old newsies friend...and i dmed her, not expecting much. little did i know that this exchange would quite literally change my life. this began a two year long correspondence, including various fanfictions, several fuckboy impressions, mr worldwide, a rather unfortunate thirst trap to G6 and finally, a college application.
so i applied to this college as a joke. there were ghosts and it offered my ideal majors. so i applied, and got in. saph and i met, for the first time on orientation, and cobbled together a comedy of errors to our parents to hide that we met on tumblr. it was successful. and that began saph and i's real life friendship. shit was crazy.
but then, friends, romans, country men, gonch heads. something unexpected happened.
brad was in my law class.
by some miracle, he didnt totally think i was a dumbass, and helped me on a memorandum we had to write. i may have cried. the details are a bit blurry. this, dear reader, was before saph and brad were dating. a truly strange thing to witness, really. they tried to hide it to see how long itd take for me to realize. a foolish mistake, really, since i already knew. (they werent subtle)
now, i dont remember the official adoption time, as it was a slow progression of events. but! i now have law dad and dance mom, and i am just their son, timothee chalamet. (no relation to timothee chalamet)
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Christine Canigula
This has enraged me for YEARS. She is constantly sidelined in the fandom in favor of the main m/m ship which itself its fine but the way people treat her drives me NUTS. When I actually was in the fandom, Consistently! her crush on the main character which is a CENTRAL fucking plot point is just explained away to make room for yaoi. If they even have that kind of decency. Like 99% of the fics just say "oh! she's a lesbian actually totally this was comphet im not a misogynist" or "she's Actually Aroace" and not ponder on the optics of sanitizing the CANON fucking attraction of a chubby easian girl. It's sososo transparent and another fucking example of she's actually the Mom friend! or other annoying racist and misogynistic tropes.
She likes play rehearsal. She's the love interest of the main character, Jeremy. Jeremy also has a best friend, Michael, whom he's usually shipped with. And since she's the canonical love interest and as such often gets in the way of their beloved ship. They are very creative in finding the ways to get rid of her to ship Michael with Jeremy, ranging from making her asexual(because ace people can't date apparently), completely kicking her out of the last two songs of the musical and putting Michael in her place, to vilifying her and claiming she was never interested in Jeremy in the first place, despite musical explicitly saying the opposite.
Love interest of the main character Jeremy Heere and therefore stands in the way of the fandom's most popular ship, boyf reinds. Being specifically a love interest we don't get. A whole lot of her but she's fun! She's a theatre kid. She is silly and goofy. Also has a one off line in one of the songs that mentions she has ADD. Idk what I'm supposed to say really and I'm always bad at talking about characters so.
Constantly villainized because one way or another she gets in the way of a MLM ship (though at least one of them would probably be fine with a poly relationship). In the show version of her, her love interest bound her to him via magic, never told her until someone else brought it up despite it the bond causing them to meet over and over, her love interest didn’t understand why this upset her and brushed it off and still has never apologized for it because apparently it was the only way to save her life, she had better chemistry with Jaskier (the other half of the MLM ship) and had a semi-decent rivals to frenemies thing going on, the show took away her powers (which never happened in the books) to have her go on a pointless quest to get them back that worsened her relationship with her love interest because they had her try to kill her love interest’s adopted child (which now justifies why he doesn’t need to apologize of course), and all of that was after she’d already had an arc regarding sacrifice and how power wasn’t really what she wanted.
she's an incredibly powerful mage and drop dead gorgeous and deserved so much better!!! justice for yen
God forbid women do anything. She either gets hate or is ignored, really classic stuff. And she's Geralt's gf but you know, *gestures at geraskier*
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sparrowrising · 10 days
My brain decided to brain enough for me to finish a fic, yay. It's 3k of fluffy and angsty geraskier with the following summary:
He doesn’t think about the encounter until the first time he dies. All he did was tell off two vapid beauties and take an older woman on a charming date. One thing lead to another and instead of, I don't know, getting cursed into a beast for his shallowness, he apparently got gifted with immortal life. So. That's a thing. Or: 5 times Jaskier dies and no-one notices and one time he dies and everyone notices.
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
In it for the cake
Inspired by @a-kind-of-merry-war‘s  incredible fic  “we could be married (and then we'd be happy)”
Pairing: Geraskier
word count:  1796
warnings: none
(unedited. this is just a silly little idea i had on my way home)
In Geralt’s defence, he didn’t mean for this to happen. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t knew that most people went to cafés with someone else, nor was it his fault that he didn’t have any friends who could come to a café with him. He just needed to get away from everything for a bit. He’d had a stressful day and talking to people had been too much. So he went to a nearby café just to relax a little. When the waitress came to his table, asking for his order, he blinked. Fuck, he had been so relieved to not have to talk to anyone for a bit that he had completely forgotten to decide on his order. 
“Uh, I - can I order a bit later?” He asked awkwardly, glancing at the door and wondering if it would be less awkward, if he just left. 
Here’s the first thing Geralt didn’t know: If you come to a café on your own, people assume that you’re waiting for someone.
“Oh.” For some reason the waitress began to grin. “I understand. Of course you can wait until your date is here.”
Here’s the second thing Geralt didn’t know: If you come to a café on your own, and then glance at the door almost longingly, people assume that you’re waiting for a special someone. 
It took Geralt an embarrassingly long time to decide on his order after that, mainly because he hoped the furious blush on his face would go away, which it very much didn’t. 
Here’s the third thing Geralt didn’t know: If you come to a café on your own, and then glance at the door almost longingly, and then look miserable, people are going to assume that things aren’t going well with your supposed date. 
It would have been awkward to ask for the waitress to come to his table again, right? And Geralt had been told that his awkwardness translated to rudeness, and he had already made enough of a fool of himself. So he waited until the girl came back to his table, a pitying look on her face. 
“You alright?” She asked, offering a consoling smile. 
“Hm,” Geralt said, already feeling the damned heat of embarrassment creep back into his cheeks. Quickly, he looked away, which in retrospect, must have made him look even more miserable than he usually did. “I’m ready to order.”
Here’s the fourth thing Geralt didn’t know:  If you come to a café on your own, and then glance at the door almost longingly, then look miserable, and then order a coffee after waiting a while, people are going to assume that you’re being stood up. 
Geralt could have died of shame. He would never go to a café again, or he would ask Eskel or Yennefer to come with him. Regardless, he would never again show his face at this - 
“You know what,” the waitress said, “I can make you a special offer.”
Here’s the final thing Geralt didn’t know: If people assume you’re being stood up, they’ll give you free stuff out of pity. 
For a second, he was ready to open his mouth and say that this was all a misunderstanding, but then his eyes fell on the cake the waitress was already bringing over to his table and his mouth snapped shut again. 
So no, Geralt didn’t mean for this to happen. But he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain either. 
Jaskier, absolutely, shamelessly meant for it to happen. Well, maybe not the first time, when he actually did get stood up by his then-girlfriend. But in the following months, he went all out. He wore his nicest clothes, practised his devastated expression in front of the mirror and sometimes, he even asked for candles to be brought to his table to make him look even more pathetic when he ‘got stood up’. It was a bit humiliating, sure, but it was definitely worth it for the free cake or coffee, or on one lovely occasion alcohol. 
Maybe he was going a little overboard this time, but as he walked past a flower shop to this new café he had passed by a couple of times, he couldn’t resist buying a small bouquet. Granted, the flowers probably cost more money than he was saving with his little act, but it was about the principle. He couldn't let people think that he’d be anything other than incredibly romantic for his date, even if it was fake. 
He checked his reflection in the windows of the café, before heading inside, putting on his most excited and love-sick expression. 
As he entered, he was immediately spotted by a waitress. 
“Here on a date?” she asked, before he could open his mouth, letting her eyes drift from his stylishly tousled hair to the flowers he was holding. 
“I am!” Jaskier beamed and scratched his neck shyly in an oscar-worthy performance. 
“About time,” the waitress said, pursing her lips. She leaned a little closer and dropped her voice to a whisper. “You better make it up to him. The roses are a good start, but he’s been waiting for you for half an hour. You better grovel.” She pulled back again, leading a stunned Jaskier to the back of the café. “Also, I expect you to pay for the cake now that you’re here.”
“I - what?” 
She didn’t reply, just left him at the corner table. The corner table that was already occupied. A man with long white hair blinked up at him, looking a bit lost, with a fork hanging in the air, apparently forgotten. There was a blush in his cheeks and the lost expression was strangely adorable. 
Jaskier didn’t realise what he was doing, but before he knew it, he was sitting opposite of the gorgeous stranger and put the flowers on the table between them. 
The man furrowed his brows, but didn’t tell Jaskier to leave. Jaskier couldn’t tell if he was too confused to tell him to go away or if he genuinely didn’t mind. Judging from the waitress’ words, it was probably the letter. 
“Um, hi,” Jaskier said dumbly. He threw a look over his shoulder and saw the waitress staring right at him, making imploring gestures at him. Jaskier pulled a grimace and turned back to the stranger. “Listen, I’m really sorry for this. This isn’t how this was supposed to go - well, actually, this is kind of the opposite of how I planned it.” 
The stranger cocked his head to the side in question. Gods, he looked almost like a puppy. Jaskier’s heart fluttered involuntarily. 
“Don’t tell anyone,” he said and leaned over the table, half in hopes of intriguing this stranger with the secret he was about to share, half making sure that the waitress wasn’t able to hear him. “But I didn’t actually come here for a date.”
“I know,” the stranger said and oh - oh gods, his voice! The low rumble sent a shiver down Jaskier’s spine. He drummed his fingers nervously on the table. 
“What do you mean you know?”
The stranger’s lips twitched. It was barely recognisable as a smile, but his amber eyes were twinkling in mischief. 
“You wouldn’t have sat down here if you actually had a date with someone else.”
“Oh. Yeah. You’re right.” Jaskier let out a sheepish little laugh and scratched his neck again. This time the nervousness wasn’t an act. “So, I don’t know how to ask this, but would it be alright if I stayed? It’s kind of too late to pretend I’m meeting someone else.” Jaskier hesitated, his eyes flickering down to the half-eaten cake on the stranger’s plate. “Sorry about your date. It sucks being stood up.”
The stranger huffed out a little laugh. “Sure does. But I’m here to drink alone.”
“Oh.” Jaskier pressed his lips together and drew back. He hoped the disappointment didn’t show on his face, but he knew a dismissal when he saw one. After all, there was a reason, why he only pretended to go on dates. “Of course. In that case I don’t want to bother you. We could maybe pretend that you’re mad at me for being late and that’s why you don’t want to have the date? Just as an idea. We don’t have to, but it would maybe be less embarrassi -”
“I’m here to drink alone,” the stranger repeated a little slower, emphasising each word. 
It took Jaskier a stupidly long moment to understand the meaning. A sly grin spread across his lips. “Are you telling me,” he said slowly, “That you’re only here for the free cake too?”
The stranger shrugged, his barely-there smile growing a little wider. “Not free anymore I think. I understand you’ll pay for it?” Clearly, the man didn’t really expect him to pay. There was a teasing tilt in his tone and Jaskier was already burning to hear it again. 
“I’d like to know your name first before going on a fake-date with you,” Jaskier said, picking up the flowers and wiggling them in the air jokingly. 
The man rolled his eyes, but the grin didn’t disappear. 
“Geralt,” he said and put a hand over Jaskier’s, stopping the silly wiggling. “And you?” “I’m Jaskier.” 
“Hm.” Geralt’s expression went from teasing to something imperceptibly softer. “You said you came here for free cake?”
Without waiting for an answer, he pushed the plate to the middle of the table, handing Jaskier the fork he had been using just a moment ago. 
“Wait, are you sure you want to share?”
Geralt shrugged. “Are you sure you want to go on a fake-date with a stranger?” “Yes,” Jaskier answered immediately, only realising after a second that Geralt’s question had probably been rhetorical. “I mean,” he tried to backpedal, “I’m just in it for the cake of course.”
“Of course,” Geralt agreed, clearly not believing Jaskier a single word but being too amused by his fumbling to call him out on it. 
“You know,” Jaskier said after taking a bite out of the truly delicious cake, “Maybe next time, we can actually stage a break up at a restaurant. That’s bound to earn at least one of us some alcohol.” “Next time?” Geralt asked, raising a brow. “Of course we’ll have to do it at least two more times,” Jaskier nodded sagely and tapped a finger against his chin as he thought. “So each of us can get the benefits.”
Geralt stared at him as if he were contemplating leaving right this second. Then, inexplicably, he closed his eyes in defeat and said, “I’m free next Saturday.” He opened his eyes again and looked at the roses. “And I prefer Buttercups.”
Jaskier lit up like a Christmas tree. “Saturday sounds good. It’s a fake-date!”
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jaskierswolf · 1 year
Helo love, for your shape shifter AU, does shedding season hit Jaskier as well in his various forms? 👀❤️
Shedding New Light
Ship: Geraskier Rating: T Summary: In which Geralt discovers something new about his shifter boyfriend
Set after the first part of my shifter!Jaskier AU. You only really need to know that Jaskier is a shifter that can turn into many different animals, and he's just started dating Geralt during their first winter at Kaer Morhen together.
Geralt was used to waking up in uncomfortable places. It was all part of the witcher life. If he wasn't caught out in the rain and the cold, then he was being thrown out of inns and brothels at dawn. Travelling with Jaskier had made things a little easier, but today, Jaskier was the problem. Geralt woke up struggling to breathe, a lump of coppery thick fur lying on his chest. He growled and tried to shove the wolf to the floor but it didn't help. Jaskier snorted in his sleep and rolled onto his back, four paws in the air.
"Get off," Geralt grumbled to no avail. 
The shifter was either dead asleep or being a stubborn little shit. Only the gods could tell which. Sighing, Geralt started to run his hands through his boyfriend's fur. It was thick and warm, a perfect cover in the cold winter nights that plagued Kaer Morhen, but when Geralt pulled his hand away, tufts of fur stuck between his fingers. 
"What the fuck?" He muttered more to himself than Jaskier.
Another few seconds of stroking through Jaskier's fur had chunks of the coppery strands all over Geralt's bed. It floated through the air, dancing in the streaks of sunlight that were bursting through the window. The bastard was moulting. 
The shifter snorted. 
"Jask, get up!" 
Blue eyes finally fluttered open, narrow as they peered at Geralt, clearly displeased. One large paw smacked Geralt in the face, and then Jaskier was asleep once more.
It took another five minutes, and the promise of a hunt to get Jaskier to finally wake up and slide off Geralt. By that point, Geralt was near bursting for a piss, and he was covered, head to toe, in wolf fur. Usually he loved to wake up beneath his lover, but choking on dog hair was not the death that he'd imagined. Geralt glared at Jaskier, who was sitting next to him, wagging his tail, and then rolled his eyes. 
"What am I going to do with you?" 
Jaskier howled, pouncing up at Geralt. His paws landed on Geralt's shoulders as his tongue lapped at Geralt's face, rough and slobbery.
"Yes, yes. I love you too," Geralt sighed as he scratched Jaskier behind the ears. More hair floated down to the ground as he did so. "Can you change into something a little less hairy?"
Jaskier let out a low growl, mouthing at Geralt's chin, and then with a crack of bones, shifted into a robin. There was a flurry of feathers as he flitted around the room. As far as Geralt was aware, robins didn't even moult during the winter months, and yet wherever Jaskier flew, feathers fell behind him. He chirped happily, and then landed on Geralt's head. A single feather floated down. Geralt huffed. The feather landed on his nose and he blew it away. 
"What about human, Jask?" 
No sooner had Geralt spoken, than he found himself with a naked bard perched on his shoulders. Jaskier barely fit in the room without hitting his head, and after a few awkward seconds of shifting and rearranging, he was settled in Geralt's arms. 
"You, sir, are grumpy in the mornings," Jaskier grumbled, poking Geralt on the nose.
"Only when my boyfriend is moulting all over my room," Geralt countered.
Jaskier scoffed. "Rude!"
Rolling his eyes, Geralt ruffled Jaskier’s hair only to be greeted with another cloud of hair. “Urgh! Fuck!”
In response, Jaskier just cackled before capturing Geralt’s lips with his own. The kiss was chaste, and the taste was unpleasant, but Geralt still found himself smiling against Jaskier’s lips. Love was new and exciting. Even if he was covered in hair. But he’d promised to love Jaskier in all his forms, and with all his weird and wonderful quirks. The moulting was unexpected, but it was something he was willing to live with.
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machtaholic · 11 months
First Ten Lines Challenge
rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @cinematicnomad <3
5 Times Eddie Sabotaged Steve's Dates (+1 Time Where Eddie was the Date) (10k [ish], M) Steddie, post S4 with Eddie sabotaging Steve's dates until he becomes the date
“What do you see in all those girls anyway?” Eddie laid out on a towel near the pool in Steve’s backyard.
A Different Kind of Brave (11.5k, T) Steddie, post S4 with Eddie finding Steve at a beauty school in Indianapolis - hair is tamed and a date is made.
Steve wiped down his tools and checked his station one last time, breathing a sigh of relief.
A New Style (1k, T) Steddie, just an excuse for Eddie to molest Steve's neck after a new haircut
“All right shitheads, come help grab the pizzas! Those with hollow legs must help cart the load into the kitchen!”
I Will Sing You a Praise Chorus (6k [ish], T) Steddie, Eddie trying to figure Steve out and finds Steve has a bit of a praise kink
“Steve! You’re looking extra bitchin’ today!”
I Want Candy (1k [ish], T) Steddie, just a little fun with Eddie finding Steve washing his car
Eddie closed his eyes and tried to drown out the cacophony of sounds coming from Nancy’s station wagon.
You Are Your Own Magician (15k, M) Steddie, bit of a character study with Steve finding himself, leading to a sweet Steddie reunion
It started with the vest.
Yer a Dragon, Jaskier (7k [ish], M) Geraskier, Jaskier's a dragon but doesn't know it - and Geralt is in love with him - things work out in the end
There was nothing special about the day - it started off like every other day did in Kaer Morhen.
Let's Dance Together, You and I (12k, E) Geraskier, A fun bodyswap fic with love confessions
It started with Chaos.
Comatose (766 words, G) Tarlos, bit of hurt/comfort
“We need to get his father.”
Converge (906 words, M) Malcom Bright x Original Male Character, just a kinky ficlet in my Psych 101 'Verse
The wedding had gone off without a hitch, thankfully.
The Steddie stuff is all posted since January and the rest is from 2022 and 2021 ... I had a bit of a slump LOL
Aaaand I'm gonna tag ... @gusthemoose, @trekkiepirate, @halffizzbin, @literaryoblivion and @p1013
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True Colors
Rated T, Geraskier, DnD, getting together, coming out, fluffy fluff stuff. Ao3 link. Enjoy!
"Ok, your turn, bard," Geralt asks him, smirking. "What are you gonna do?"
Jaskier smirks back at him, very smugly, looking at Geralt and leaning in just so.
"I'm gonna roll for Vicious Mockery, let the bard save the day again, huh?" He grins, rolling the dice between his fingers… Long and slender fingers that have their nails polished with the rainbow’s colours and that are not distracting Geralt at all.
The whole group gasps when the dice stop rolling and…
"No fucking way!" Lambert yells, hands flying to his head.
"Holy shit YES!" Exclaims Eskel at the same time.
"Fucking bard and his stupid good luck with the dices!" Laughs Aiden.
The dice is showing them a natural 20. Perfect score. When Geralt talks again over the laughs and yelling of their friends, his voice is full of emotion and he talks faster than ever.
"Dandelion the Bard looks at the Elf King dead in the face and he starts singing solemnly, casting Vicious Mockery while strumming his lute. Dandelion?”
Jaskier improvises a rhyme and a silly tune for the delight of his friends.
Geralt can’t hide his own smile, his best friend is gorgeous like this, just having fun while playing DnD with a bunch of misfits; Jaskier could spend his time with someone much better than them, any girl of their class would be delighted to be in a date with Jaskier, and yet…
“He thrust every elf/
Far back on the shelf/
High up on the mountain/
From whence it came/”
Jaskier sings with a deep, rich voice, and Geralt wants to be annoyed by his antics… But the game is still on.
Lambert and Eskel snort and Aiden just shakes his head, smiling and leaning over Lambert.
“The Elf King looks at you and draws his sword, but your Vicious Mockery…”
“And my amazing Nat20.”
“And your impressive Nat20, yes… Are too strong for him and he falls on his knees, dropping his sword… Aiden, roll for acrobatics! While the bard was singing and melting the King’s brain, you’ve been surrounded by elves: three warriors and two archers…”
To eat the greasiest pizza after their DnD session is a sacred tradition… A sacred tradition that his brothers are now ignoring in favour of, well, get laid, Geralt supposes.
Eskel left them in a hurry, arguing that he had a date with Triss, his long-live crush, and that he wanted to impress her at the Arcade, and soon after, Lambert and Aiden left together, no explanations given, Aiden had just smiled at them shyly and waved his hand in goodbye.
Leaving Geralt alone with, well, with Jaskier.
That is not a problem itself, Jaskier decided long ago that Geralt was his best friend and somehow, that he was Geralt’s best friend too. At first, Geralt was baffled by the whole thing: a stray kid, adopted along with two other boys by a single father, leaving almost in the middle of nowhere, they all were misfits, outcasts… and the brightest, loudest, happiest kid Geralt ever known just decided that they should be best friends.
That was ten years ago, give or take. Geralt can’t remember the exact moment when he thought about Jaskier as his best friend, after trying once and again to scare the younger boy away. 
And now… Well, now Geralt was feeling rather odd around Jaskier. Not angry at him, nor upset. But… suddenly shy, everytime he found Jaskier looking at him, or worse, blushing whenever Jaskier casually touched him in the arm or whatever.
Being alone with Jaskier is both thrilling and terrifying, and Geralt feels tense and hot all over his body watching the boy licking his fingers clean after finishing a portion of pizza. His lips glisten under the dim light of the shitty pizza joint they both love. 
“Geralt, dear, you’re staring, do I have something…?” Jaskier says, and licks his lips. Geralt follows hungrily the path of his pink tongue lapping those full, pouty lips.
“N-no, you’re ok, I was just…” Geralt stutters.
I was just wondering how it would be if I kissed you, his not-at-all-helpful mind supplies. Jaskier is still looking at him, smiling fondly, and Geralt feels petrified by those bright, ice blue eyes.
“This pizza is not that good to render you speechless, Geralt,” Jaskier laughs. “Or are you thinking about my Nat20 again?”
Geralt snorts at last, looking away to avoid Jaskier’s natural spells.
“Huh, Jaskier, that was just luck,” Geralt teases.
“Knowing how to play and they call it luck,” Jaskier replies, shrugging and smiling. “It was, as you said yourself, impressive.”
Geralt shrugs too. 
“Well, ok, it was, are you happy?”
“Very.” Jaskier’s smile widens and Geralt… Geralt wants to make Jaskier very happy again, he just doesn’t know how to. So he changes the topic.
“Hey, what’s with your fingernails?” Geralt asks.
Jaskier eyes widen in fear and he looks at his hands like he hadn’t realised that they were there the whole time.
“Oh fuck, I just forgot about them after…”
“I-I need to go! I’m sorry!”
Jaskier stands up and takes his backpack and rushes to leave, almost bumping into a young couple in his run.
“What… Jaskier! Wait!”
Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
Jaskier had forgotten completely about his stupid rainbow nail polish after the gig; it had been the first year that he was able to perform at the Pride and he was so freaking happy to be able to play and sing for an audience like him.
He was still floating about it two days after, and he arrived to Geralt’s place to play DnD without realising that his nails were still proudly showing the rainbow flag.
And now he was running away from his best friend, scratch that, running away from the love of his short life, and feeling the tears running down his flushed cheeks.
He was still inside the closet for his dearest friend. Of the Morhen boys, Eskel was the first one to know, basically because he found Jaskier crying his heart out when Geralt started dating Yennefer, a girl from his class. So Jaskier confessed his love for Eskel’s brother then, and Eskel held him tight until he stopped crying.
That happened two years ago, when Jaskier was just fifteen and was still discovering his own body and feelings. And boy, he discovered how much a broken heart hurts.
Then, not long ago, was Jaskier who stepped in to find Lambert and his very dear friend Aiden making out in the Morhen’s green-house. Lambert and Aiden were petrified in fear and Jaskier had to confess himself and to promise them that he would never get them out and that he would help the younger boys to hide their romance until they were ready.
That was how Jaskier found in the younger of the Morhen brothers a fierce protector and a dear friend.
But Geralt…
Jaskier couldn’t get out in front of Geralt. He’s his best friend, more than that, Geralt is more important to Jaskier than anything else, Jaskier doesn’t want to lose him, and…
And it’s not like Geralt will reject him because of his sexual orientation, no, Geralt has never showed a hint of hate towards the queer community; no, Jaskier is afraid that if Geralt knows about Jaskier being, well, gay or bi or pan or whatever, Jaskier is still discovering that… Jaskier is afraid that Geralt will know about his feelings for him.
Jaskier is barely able to hide his love for Geralt now, shielded by Geralt’s wrong assumption about Jaskier being straight. The moment Geralt realises Jaskier is attracted to men too… Geralt will know. And Geralt will politely say to him that his love is unrequited. And then Geralt will stop being his friend just as he’s stopped being friends with Yennefer after their break up, and Fringilla before Yennefer, and Keira before Fringilla… Geralt doesn’t believe in being friends with those that want him. 
Jaskier can’t have that.
Jaskier would not let that happen.
Geralt is running after him, and fuck, he’s fast.
“Geralt, please, I need to go!” Jaskier yells back at him, people avoiding them and watching them in confusion.
“Ok but.. I’ll call you later to check that you’re safe at home…” Geralt says loudly, and when Jaskier looks over his shoulder to look at him, Geralt is not running anymore, just looking at him with the saddest expression ever.
Jaskier stops running too.
He wipes his tears with the back of his hand, his backpack is heavy and tugs at his shoulders, and his lungs - used to sing for hours - hurts with the need to scream and cry.
He’s so tired.
He looks at his coloured nails again, the rainbow flag he’s so proud of seems like it’s making fun at him, now. But no, he’s the one making fun of the flag, he’s the one hurting himself.
June is the month to be proud of who we are. June is the month to be honest.
If Geralt doesn’t want to be his friend because he has feelings for him, well, then maybe Geralt is not his best friend after all.
It’s going to hurt, Jaskier knows it, but this constant lie is hurting him too.
Jaskier turns back to where Geralt is standing, his pained expression doing things to Jaskier’s heart. The extremely blond boy is just looking at him with concern and hope and by the way Geralt is clenching his fists, Jaskier knows Geralt wants to reach him.
“Geralt…” He whispers, his voice breaking. A lump in his throat is threatening him with more crying.
“I’m so sorry, Jaskier,” Geralt says instead. “I don’t know what happened, but I’m so sorry, I never wanted to upset you.”
Geralt takes a step closer to Jaskier, and good lord, why is everything so difficult? How can they be in this situation now? They argue a lot of times, for a lot of things, but Jaskier has never felt this scared before, nor has seen his friend this sad because of him, apparently.
“It’s not… It’s not your fault… It’s… Can we please go back to your house?” 
Geralt drives them back home, in silence.
He adores silence, it’s so difficult to find a moment of peace in his house, with Lambert being always a mouthy bastard and arguing about everything, and Eskel’s constant chattering and teasing and… And with Jaskier.
Loud, noisy Jaskier, always talking about fucking everything, always singing or humming for fuck’s sake. Jaskier, who is unable to be silent for more than five minutes, the boy even talks during his sleep, always with so much to say to the world.
Now, Jaskier is not talking, nor humming. He’s just sitting by his side during the short ride to Geralt’s house. And Geralt hates the silence.
His best friend has his eyes red and puffy, silent tears running down his cheeks, and Geralt is doing his best to just don’t reach and wipe them away gently and to promise Jaskier that everything is going to be fine, even if Geralt can’t understand what the fuck is happening.
Once at home again, Geralt leads Jaskier to his room and rushes to prepare tea for both of them. When in distress, prepare tea. Drink it, and then carry on. That’s what Vesemir says.
“Thank you,” says Jaskier with a soft, broken voice. It’s so wrong, Jaskier should be always happy, singing and chirping and…
“It’s a rainbow flag,” he adds, stopping Geralt’s thoughts.
“My fingernails. I painted them like this for… the Pride,” Jaskier explains, but he sounds off, scared even. Scared of what, Geralt doesn’t know. 
“Hm,” he answers, with a lack of something better to say.
“I… I played there, with Priss and Essi, for… for the Pride concerts, we applied and they… wanted us there…”
“That’s great!” Geralt exclaims and startles Jaskier, who clings to his cup tightly. “You three have been doing great with your band, of course they wanted you there! Why didn’t you tell us? We could have gone!”
Somehow, to say that, to… to offer Jaskier his support, makes Jaskier sobs harder, and Geralt wishes to know what to do.
"What? Jaskier, what…?"
"Geralt, it was the Pride!" Jaskier whines.
"Yeah, you just said that."
"Do you know what it is… Do you know what the rainbow flag means?" Jaskier asks, looking at him with panic in his eyes. 
Geralt looks at him, at his pouty lips now wet, and back again at his glistening, weeping blue eyes.
"Hm," Geralt needs a moment to think about something that is not kissing Jaskier. It's not easy, the need to comfort his friend and to reassure him is too strong. But he manages.
Rainbow flag. Yeah, that rings a bell, he has seen that flag, somewhere. He thinks Aiden, Lambert's best friend, has some stickers and such with it, and other flags with different colours.
"Yes, yes of course I know what it means, Jaskier," Geralt answers, feeling delirious. I just didn't want to hope.
"And?" Jaskier asks, expectantly. "Geralt, it was not a simple gig, we weren't there just because, but because Priss and Essi and I, we are… I am…"
Geralt kneels in front of him, and lets his hands rest on Jaskier's lap.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Geralt asks softly. "Were you afraid of me…? Did you think that I would… that I wouldn't want to be your friend anymore?"
Jaskier nods slowly, more tears spilling from his eyes.
"But not for the reason you think," Jaskier cries. "I know you would accept me as I am, but…"
Geralt's heart is breaking, watching his friend crying, sobbing hopelessly and thinking that Geralt could ever stop being his friend, for any reason at all… That's just absurd, because Geralt… he… He's in love with Jaskier and…
And Jaskier doesn't know it.
"Jaskier… Julek… it's ok, I'm here," Geralt promises, taking Jaskier's tea off his hands and hugging him, as tight as he can. Jaskier clings to him, sobbing.
"You'll hate me!" Jaskier cries, grabbing his shirt, and Geralt just… just can't.
"Never," Geralt reassures him. 
"You'll hate me because I love you!" Jaskier yells. "And you push away all of your ex girlfriends, so why would I be different?" 
Geralt freezes then, still holding Jaskier.
Jaskier loves him.
Jaskier loves him.
Flirty, flighty, social butterfly Jaskier, the boy who decided to be Geralt's best friend.
Bright, loud, noisy, wonderful Jaskier.
"It's… quite different," Geralt says at last and Jaskier snorts.
"It is, Jaskier, because… Because I…" Geralt takes a deep breath. "I love you too."
The last part is just a whisper, reverent, contained. It's a truth that he's been avoiding for years. 
Jaskier squirms until he can lock his blue eyes with Geralt's own.
"You mean… as a friend?" He asks.
Geralt smiles at him fondly and shakes his head slowly before leaning in, his eyes flicking from Jaskier's eyes to his lips. 
Jaskier's breath is warm against Geralt's lips, his skin is wet and a little clammy after all the crying and sobbing.
"Geralt…" Jaskier whispers, breathless.
"May I?"
Jaskier closes his eyes slowly, leaning in until he can find Geralt in the middle.
Their first kiss is chaste and shy and, well, not how Geralt would have imagined, not with Jaskier crying in fear and rushed confessions, but it's perfect, because it is Jaskier who is kissing him back.
Geralt reaches for Jaskier's hands and threads their fingers together.
"You had no idea what the rainbow or the Pride mean, right?" Jaskier asks, smiling wide, with his forehead resting on Geralt's shoulder.
"I thought you simply liked the…, what's it called? The colourful aesthetic." Geralt answers, shrugging, making Jaskier chuckle.
They stay like this for a while, Geralt studying Jaskier's painted nails and caressing his hands softly.
"You could paint mine," Geralt offers.
"Maybe for the Pride next year?" Geralt asks, hopeful. "I.. I could go there and see your gig…"
Jaskier kisses him again, less chaste, more hungrily, and Geralt can't suppress the growl that rises from the deep of his chest.
"I'd love that, my dearest."
“Ok, ok, Eskel, your turn…”
Jaskier can’t help but to look at Geralt in awe while he leads the party through the Dungeon; Geralt always seems happy and free during their DnD sessions, but lately he seems… resplandescent.
Geralt glances at him and smiles knowingly while Eskel keeps talking, and Jaskier’s heart does a somersault under his golden gaze. Gods, Geralt is going to be the death of him, and now that Jaskier knows his taste, his hunger, the caresses of his hands… 
“Hey, bard, wake up!” Lambert exclaims. Aiden is basically sitting on his lap, laughing softly. “Do your bard wiles!”
“C’mon, give us another Nat20, bard!” Eskel cheers.
Jaskier chuckles.
He takes the dice and rolls it over the table.
By his side, Geralt smiles at him, wide and unguarded, his hands at either side of the Master's screen, and every one of his fingernails are painted with the colours of the rainbow, to match Jaskier’s own hands. 
“Ok, dice, gimme a Nat20!”
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abeautifulblog · 1 year
Ngl my first reaction to Jaskier being canonically bi was “oh I CANNOT WAIT to see how poorly they handle this”
I swear, ever since the Hemsworthening, I feel like every time I learn something new about this show I'm checking the date, all, is it April Fools again already? Look at the URL, because surely this is a satire site? Is there a camera, am I being punk'd? Am I having a stroke?? Those sure are some words they said in some order!
I made my peace with the Radovid thing -- I went and breathed into a paper bag for a bit, and remembered that everything feels catastrophic when you're running on three hours of sleep, and also that (1) game-Radovid != book-Radovid and (2) LOL, IT'S NOT LIKE TWN IS FAITHFUL TO BOOK-CANON EITHER!
Reading what they've said about it so far, it really sounds like they just made up an OC to ship Jaskier with (probably hoping The Gays would SHUT UP ABOUT GERASKIER, SHUT UP ABOUT GERASKIER) and named him Radovid, and he's going to bear no resemblance whatsoever to any previous Radovids who may have appeared in this franchise.
Which again begs the question of whyyyyyyy did they not just invent a new guy?? Why THIS GUY, of ALL GUYS, to arbitrarily assign as Jaskier's love interest, since it's a pairing with no basis in any canon, a pairing that book-fans met with polite confusion and game-fans met with visceral repulsion.
Even if TWN Radovid winds up being a completely new character, as I expect he will, it's still baffling. The showrunners know that a good portion of their viewer base is coming from the game -- they have been actively courting the Witcher III crowd in their marketing since the get-go -- so even if the only thing the Radovids have in common is their name, why choose to evoke a character with such utterly rancid associations? And then repurpose him as a love interest for Jaskier, of all people? o_O
idek, man.
The curse of knowledge, I suppose -- because if I weren't familiar with game-Radovid, I could be out there partying with all the people who are just like, BI JASKIER CONFIRMED, WOO HOO!! 🎉🎉
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ellenchain · 2 years
Tumblr media
No. 20 - Cvm Geralt's date is going well!
(It’s what happened after the last Geraskier prompt 👀 first the selfie, then Jaskier on him and now Jaskier under him ♥️)
... playing - they're just playing
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seidenbros · 1 year
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
This is wonderful AND terrifying at the same time, because now I have to choose! okay, give me a second to collect myself... in no particular order:
Let Your Passion Set the World on Fire Eddie Munson x Reader - Eddie gets jealous when the boys spend the summer with y/n cause she'd back for summer and used to babysit them and play D&D with them - one-sided rivals to lovers
Knowing Where My Marbles Went Geraskier - older Jaskier, who starts to forget things, mentions of dementia etc, and he getss to fall in love with Geralt anew every day
Looking up for My Stargirl Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader - the story of Stargirl & Warlock who meet at a Corroded Coffin concert, spend the evening together without exchanging names. Eddie draws a constellation of stars on her arm and they hope that fate brings them together again, and then they'll find out each other's names
Dancing on My Own Steddie - After spending a night together, everything is... different. They yearn for each other but Steve tries to forget Eddie, because they both think the other one doesn't want them. Cur Robin who tried her best to get them together. Angst, hurt/comfort, and my first ever time writing mlm smut
The Stars Remind Me of You Eddie Munson x Hopper!Reader - El asks you to help out because Hopper is on her and Mike's back all the time, so you ask Eddie for help. Fake dating that turns into real dating, and falling in love with the person you didn't expect to fall in love with
Thank you so much! It was really more difficult than I thought it would be 💚💚
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for the domestic/relationship situation prompts: geraskier + 19? 🥺
19. Bingeing an entire season of trashy reality show in one sitting
“I don’t understand.” Geralt squints at the TV, where the first episode of the new season of Surviving Love is playing.
“What’s there not to understand?” Jaskier asks. “It’s sixteen beautiful people trapped together, trying to survive while also banging each other’s brains out in the hopes of finding their one true love. The whole idea is that they pair off as soon as possible and the couples all compete to see who can survive the longest on a desert island.”
“Island can’t be that deserted if there’s a camera crew following them around.” Geralt arches his eyebrow as a pretty redhead on the TV has a breakdown about needing to eat bugs for protein.
“You just need to suspend your disbelief for eight episodes or so.” Jaskier winces sympathetically. If he had to choose between starving and eating bugs, he’s honestly not sure which one he would choose.
For several moments, Geralt refrains from commentary, though his left eyebrow keeps twitching, like it often does when Jaskier is doing something that perplexes him so much that he finds himself beyond words. It’s one of Jaskier’s favorite expressions, not that he’s ever going to tell his boyfriend that. They both had a rough week—Geralt got stiffed on a big contract and Jaskier had to have not one, but two conversations with Valdo Marx—so they’re both in need of some TLC.
“Oh, good for her,” Jaskier says as the redhead from the bug breakdown begins making out with an attractive blond man. “She bagged the park ranger. He can probably catch something better than bugs for dinner.”
“Hm.” Geralt looks unimpressed.
Jaskier snuggles closer against his boyfriend’s side. “You know, I auditioned for this show years ago.”
That earns him an incredulous look. “You?”
“Don’t give me that look! It was before Pris and I made our first album. I needed a way to get our name out there.”
“You wouldn’t have survived a week.”
Jaskier drew back, gaping in outrage. “Excuse me?”
“Eight weeks without a shower and a toothbrush? Remember how much you whined when you followed me on that three day forktail hunt?”
“I was the picture of stoicism!”
Geralt is wearing that infuriating little half-smirk he wears whenever he thinks he’s being witty and clever, the fucker. “You were very stoic when you told me to leave you there to die when you stepped in forktail shit.”
“I was traumatized.” Jaskier whacks him lightly on the chest. On the screen, the redhead is tussling with another woman, screaming about betrayal. “And now we’ve missed something important! Go back!”
Geralt groans, but picks up the remote control.
Eight episodes later, the living room is dark and strewn with empty takeout containers as the theme music for Surviving Love plays from the screen.
“That was bullshit,” Geralt says.
Jaskier is actually a little surprised. He never really expected Geralt to like the show, but his boyfriend did sit through eight hours of it without much complaint after the first episode.
“Simon and Gretta should have won.” Moodily, Geralt takes a sip of his beer.
Jaskier blinks at him. “What?”
“The whole point is working together, right? Heidi and Jan didn’t really work together; she did all the work while he went off and played grab ass with Elin.
“Yeah.” Jaskier shakes his head, disappointed. “I don’t see them making it past the finale.”
“None of these couples are making it past the finale.”
“I don’t know.” Jaskier snuggles closer, propping his chin on Geralt’s shoulder. “If you can survive eight weeks together without showers or toothbrushes, you can survive anything.”
“Hm.” Geralt presses a kiss to his temple. “We could try it. Put our relationship to the test.”
“Don’t even think about it. I’ve cleaned harpy bites on your ass and picked kikimore intestines out of your hair and that was before we started dating. Our love has been proven thoroughly.”
“And I’ve been to your concerts.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Geralt turns off the TV. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I can see why it’s your favorite show.”
They sit in the darkness of their living room for a moment.
“You know, that was season sixteen,” Jaskier finally says. “There are fifteen other seasons we could go back and watch.”
Geralt turns the TV back on without hesitation. “Hm. If you want to.”
Jaskier grins as he pulls the blanket more securely around him. “You know, we could pretend not to know each other and audition for season seventeen. We would kill.”
“Think of all the kitty treats we could buy Roach.”
Geralt pauses, considering. “What makes you think I’d pair up with you?”
Jaskier gasps. “Geralt! You knave!”
“What?” His boyfriend shrugs, looking very pleased with himself. “Roach only deserves the best treats. Gotta pair with someone who has a chance of winning.”
Jaskier splutters, outraged beyond words.
“Going to go get more ice cream,” Geralt rises to his feet.
Jaskier stares after him. “Fine! But we are having this conversation when you get back, mister!” He sulks for about thirty seconds before calling, “Can you bring me some ice cream?”
“Already got out the mint chocolate chip.”
“You’re the best. I love you so much that I’ll share the prize money when me and my partner on Surviving Love beat you and your harlot by a mile.”
In the decade they’ve known each other, Jaskier has never heard Geralt laugh so hard. He would be more offended, if he weren’t too busy laughing too.
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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lankygeralt · 2 years
A fem!geraskier headcanon, one-shot scenario because I'm personally offended that I've never written lesbian geraskier:
Geralt isn’t a big fan of musicals. She really isn’t. Not even when one of her long-time friends takes (forces) her along to a college play.
“It’s to support the community.” Her friend had said, so with a lot of grumbles and backhanded comments, Geralt had gone along to the play.
They are seated somewhere in the middle, and Geralt is almost drifting off to sleep until a brown haired actress steps on the stage. She immediately takes Geralt’s attention. She’s playing a damsel in stress. One with bite. One who doesn’t want to be fucking saved and especially not marry the dimwitted prince.
Geralt likes her.
The character of course.
She has her eyes glued on the brunette during the entire play, and she’s almost disappointed when the musical ends. She tries to play it cool though (she really doesn’t want her friend forcing her to come again).
The following day, she’s sitting on a bench outside her favorite café when she sees her friend again. They chat about their upcoming deadlines until her friend notices a familiar brunette.
Geralt whips her head around, heart secretly skipping a beat, and tries to play it cool when she notices the actress from the day before. She manages to control her facial expressions, appearing calm and composed. That is until she curses her friend who tries to get the actress’ attention by excitedly waving at her.
Great. Just great.
Her friend and the actress, Jaskier apparently, chat easily about the play and the upcoming ones while Geralt just sits there and watches.
Geralt isn’t a big fan of small-talk. She really isn't. But she’s forced to make conversation when her friend leaves and Jaskier actually keeps sitting on the same bench as her.
Jaskier is sweet though. She seems nice, Geralt thinks as Jaskier blabbers about her upcoming deadlines.
Geralt is surprised she’s managing to keep up with the conversation, but is left speechless when Jaskier takes the cup of coffee out of her hand and takes a sip.
“Oh, shit that’s bitter,” she grimaces and hands the cup back to Geralt.
She doesn’t know what to say. Instead, simply shrugs and lets Jaskier do the talking.
And Jaskier talks a lot.
It isn’t until it’s almost six in the evening that Jaskier actually becomes quiet for the first time when she remembers she had a 4PM lecture.
They laugh about it, and Jaskier comments on Geralt’s smile.
Geralt isn't a big fan of compliments. She really isn't. She never knows how to behave. She goes for the safe approach and compliments Jaskier's hair.
Jaskier looks a bit weird at her and then says she's been wanting to cut it off for ages now. Geralt says that she should just do it, vividly remembering the day where she decided to cut her own hair off. She tells Jaskier how she used to rock a buzzcut a year ago, not knowing why she's telling her all of this.
She doesn't know why she invited Jaskier back to her place. Doesn't know why their eyes keep locking when they're having takeout. Doesn't know why she gets all warm when Jaskier is standing in front of the mirror and turns around to look at her. Doesn't know why, when she's touching Jaskier's head to section her hair, her fingers hesitate when she turns on the electric shaver.
"Lesbian activity," Jaskier snorts, and Geralt almost chokes on her spit.
Geralt isn't a big fan of dating. She really isn't. But when she keeps seeing Jaskier after she gave her an undercut to cope, she realizes it isn't so bad. She doesn't mind the longing stares. Doesn't mind the good morning texts (even though she only gets a reply around noon). She doesn't even mind the way Jaskier's hand clings to hers when they're watching a scary movie.
Jaskier says something about the movie being homophobic because you're not supposed to scare lesbians during pride month, but Geralt is too focused on the way her soft hand feels in her palm to react. It isn't until Jaskier practically bounces off the couch when the next jumpscare comes around that Geralt talks.
"You're a wuss."
How smooth.
Jaskier rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry that I don't have nerves of steel, okay?"
Geralt cocks her head to the side and reminds the brunette that she's usually performing on stage so she must have nerves of steel. Jaskier interjects at that and pauses the movie.
Geralt isn't a big fan of tension. She really isn't. She never knows what to do, doesn't know what people expect of her, and especially doesn't know when it's the right time to make a move. So she lets Jaskier do her thing.
She lets Jaskier take her hand. Lets her take it up to her lips and kiss the top of it. She lets Jaskier shuffle closer. Closer and closer until their breaths are mingling and she can practically feel her.
Jaskier is soft. Oh so soft. And sweet. She tastes like the cherry soda she had been drinking during the movie, and it's Geralt's new favorite. Geralt pulls her closer until their bodies are flush together and she never wants to let go. Jaskier chuckles when Geralt goes to hide in the crook of her neck because she called her cute, but Geralt chooses to ignore her and kisses her again to shut her up.
Geralt isn't a big fan of labels. She really isn't. But when Jaskier asks her to be her girlfriend, she turns around and shows Jaskier the bouquet of flowers she got to ask her that same question.
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dapandapod · 11 months
Rules: post your current wips in a 24h poll. Whichever gets the most votes by the end gets worked on! The number of votes is how many new sentences you have to add.
Tagged by @the-evil-stick and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening because you both want me to suffer and I adore you. Thank <3
Tagging without any pressure; @witcher-and-his-bard @samstree @bi-aragorn I’m sorry I am too tired to think of more people 😂
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