#get bonzed
squircatlies · 1 month
Today is the day I unleash my Mr. Bonzo fanart upon this webbed site.
This post is relatively safe up until the cut.
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Is the *tips fedora* meme over a decade old? Yes. Do I care? No, absolutely not.
Now this is where I recommend "getting off" this post to anyone bothered by graphic depictions of body horror, blood, violence, or Mr. Bonzo (monster, not mascot like above).
I know the first image is silly, but I cannot stress enough how serious I am when I say:
Proceed at your own risk.
Now that you have chosen to continue, I have arranged the images in order of least to most vile and disturbing (though that might be slightly subjective on my part).
Remember that you can click off this post at any time.
Final warning: split tongue Bonzo.
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I tried channeling Julia Drawfee with the lineart a little bit. Didn't feel like shading that one, so it's a bit flat.
Where did I lose my colours? Plot twist: the first image in this post is actually the last I've made, so technically I gained the colours. I wanted it to have more of a cheery vibe, unlike the ones under the cut, which I wanted to be kinda dreary and I feel like adding too much colour can mess that up.
Alright, I'll address the tongue. Remember how his head splits in tmagp 12? Yeah, it's a nod to that and also I asked myself "how do I make his design worse than it already is?" and that's the only answer I could come up with. I debated adding stitches connesting the two halves of the tongue but couldn't figure out how, so you're welcome. It will be present in all the upcoming drawings as well.
The next one is bloody, but it's not that much worse than the previous one overall.
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I was playing with filters after I was done with this piece, because I felt like it lacked something, but didn't know what. Really liked this one, I think it's some sort of a gradient map. It pixelised the image and adjusted the colours a bit, it also really made the blood pop out, though it covered up some of the details.
Why did he lose his hat? It's stupid and hard to draw.
You may have noticed the artstyle change a little, the previous images having neat lineart and little to no shading. That's because I am using different tools, sketchy and soft brushes, that allow me to experiment with lighting and textures more (plus the aforementioned filter altering the image even further).
Alright, I feel like this last image deserves a separate warning. It references episode 12 (spoiler ahead), specifically the moment before the bartender loses a hand, though it's not entirely accurate. It's rendered in more detail than any of the previous images, so keep that in mind before scrolling down.
Basically it's pov: Bonzo licks your hand.
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I feel like I could've made his tongue bigger in this one, it seems kinda small compared to his mouth. I really like how the skin on his face ended up looking. It took a lot of work.
The spit makes it look weirdly sexual, doesn't it? Listen, that was not my intention, but I'm not erasing it. I set out to make the worst thing I could and, though not without cost, I have achieved it.
I tried splattering Bonzo in blood, but it wasn't really working for me and it covered up a lot of the detail I liked, so I just put it in the background.
The human hand is drawn from reference, which I found by googling "hand reaching out away from the viewer". And let me tell you: google is shit at looking for drawing references, but I figured it was just going to be a sketch to explore an idea, so I didn't bother trying to get a better one. And then I fixated on it for a couple hours, you know, like a normal person.
I literally (and I mean no exaggeration) dusted off my drawing tablet after a few months of no use to spend the entire weekend, after tmagp 12 came out, glued to the screen making those images, except for the b'onzo one, which I made this evening.
Just to clarify: I drew all of those by myself. No filthy AI image generation is allowed in this house. I am capable of committing far greater sins than an artificial intelligence ever will.
The only thing left here is to extend my sincere congratulations/condolences to whoever got this far. It's up to you to either think you're brave or realise that you're foolish for doing so, but be comforted by the fact that at least you didn't make this post, which I cannot say for myself.
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skyeoak · 3 months
When I walk into the girlrot competition but the entities from TMP episode 10 are already there
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bonzeez · 3 months
Please take your time to read if you can!!
As most of you have noticed, I’ve not been as active. Don’t worry! I still check my account every day. But that’s not why I’m posting this.
The main reason I’ve been not posting is mainly because I’m no longer confident in my art, and I’ve got little to no motivation to continue. I’ve always loved art since I was really young and I will continue to do so, but I just have lost my motivation now.
For years I’ve always been trying to reach my art and my ocs out to others, and I’ve not really made much progress. In fact, I posted art years and years ago (I was quite young, and the art was pretty bad now that I look back) and people weren’t that supportive. Many had just made fun of the art, and the account got banned.
Of course, I do art completely for fun and as a hobby.
But what’s really kept me going is the support I’ve gotten, the Little notifications that come up on my socials that motivated me to keep going. They mean a lot more to me than you think.
I may still be a small artist, but I’ve always tried very hard to improve and make more art that both me And others like.
The amounts of hate for my art being “bad” has gotten too out of hand, and I don’t feel like I should be continuing my art anymore.
I will still remain not posting, however when I officially come back, there is a chance I’ll no longer be doing any art.
If you have managed to read all this, thank you. I genuinely appreciate it.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 11 months
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perfectly looping gif of my FAVOURITE botbots scene + closeups on all of the lost bots which you can use as matching pfps for you & your squad! :3 (all f2u, credit isnt required lol)
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sweetiepie08 · 8 months
Suddenly remembered 3 minor joke antagonists got dragged to actual, literal hell in yugioh.
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
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kujakumai · 2 years
I've been writing stuff for that silly band AU I came up with way back and multiple times in the middle of writing it I have become distracted by noticing the opportunity to namedrop another made-up band and thinking of as many ways as possible I can assign appropriate punny stage names to all the canon one-off themed gimmick duelists. multiple times.
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bloombird · 1 year
Okay, I'm sorry for being rude or terrible about this but.. I gotta get this off my chest, it's been months.. It's gonna be real stupid
I think I'm the only one who doesn't like that Kikmee becomes a scraplet leader in the Aligned Dream AU..
I honestly wished that it would be a scraplet OC that just got or even made a new form or root mode that's the same height as botbots..
Again, I'm sorry.. I'm trying my best to get over it but for some reason I just can't.
I don't even know why I don't like that thing and it's making me feel bad saying this out loud
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mrlivingdude · 9 months
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prettyforwoso · 5 months
Lay Back Baby
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Lucy Bonze x Ona Batlle smut
Summary: Ona is staying home from training with the cold, yearning for Lucy's touch, she pushes the the whole day without, the second Lucy gets home, she knows what she needs.
a/n: Based on the large amounts of requests for this one !! hope you enjoy :) requests open
Ona awoke with a heavy sense of lethargy, her body feeling like a battleground between fatigue and discomfort. The room around her was dimly lit, the soft glow of daylight filtering through the curtains casting a muted atmosphere. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, the realization of her sickness settled in, a weight on her chest that matched the heaviness in her head.
The air in the room felt stale, and Ona's groggy mind struggled to focus. Her and Lucys room, once a haven of comfort, now seemed foreign, as if the familiar surroundings had transformed into an unfamiliar landscape in the course of her nap. She gingerly sat up, her limbs protesting with every movement, and the blankets clung to her like an extra layer of fatigue.
Ona's nose was stuffy, her throat scratchy, and a persistent ache echoed through her body. She reached for the tissue box on her bedside table, a comforting ally in the battle against her symptoms. Each tissue she pulled out seemed to absorb a small part of her misery as she blew her nose, the soft sound a pitiful reminder of her unwell state.
Her gaze drifted to the window, where the outside world continued its oblivious hustle. The play of sunlight on the curtains formed patterns that danced in a rhythm detached from her own discomfort. Ona sighed, the sound a mixture of resignation and frustration, as she contemplated the tasks and responsibilities that awaited her beyond the confines of the couch.
She remembered how Lucy always took care of her when she was unwell – making tea, giving forehead touches, and saying comforting things. Ona scrolled through pictures of them together, smiling and happy. She sent Lucy a text, telling her how much she needed her right now.
Ona: missing you baby…
Wrapped up in her blankets, she waited for Lucy's reply, hoping for some comfort. When Lucy's message came, it was like a virtual hug. Lucy promised to be home soon, and Ona felt a bit better just thinking about it. With the idea of Lucy's return from training in mind, Ona relaxed, knowing that love had the power to make her feel better even when she was at her sickest.
She peeled her body off the couch and headed for their bedroom, hoping to find a change of clothing, clinging to the idea that it might make a feel better to freshen up. She pulled out some sweat shorts and one of Lucys jerseys, desperate for anything from her, even just her smell.
Her legs led her to the kitchen, where she found herself making some toast, too exhausted for any sort of creativity if it included any sort of hard work.
She’s been sitting around all day, occasionally moving location to follow the days sunlight, but no amount of light would satisfy her intense craving for the touch of Lucy. Her mind wandered, the idea of Lucy laying her down and having her cum over and over, all she needed was for Lucy to be inside of her, and any kind of way, Ona was not feeling picky.
Her sudden burst of energy came when she heard Lucys keys in the front door. Her body was lifted from the bed out of excitement, her feet skidding on the floor as she ran to the door, jumping into the arms of her girl.
Lucy didn’t even have time put her stuff down, having to drop it to support Onas tiny frame, wrapped around her waist.
“Hey baby” Lucy says, gently placing her down.
“Lucy, I have missed you so much today” Ona says looking up at her, with the strong grip on the centre of Lucys shirt, scared by the idea of letting go.
Lucy leans down and presses a kiss on Onas soft lips, not worrying about getting sick, if anything, it would give them time off together.
Ona raised herself onto the tips of her toes, desperate to get the most of out Lucys mouth. She wraps an arm around her neck, pulling her closer.
“Oh, you really have missed me haven’t you little thing” Lucy says, breaking the contention.
Ona simply bites her lip in response.
“No baby, you are sick and need rest” Lucy tells Ona with the stern tone. Ona is in her lap, getting more and more needy by the second.
The pair have been on the couch simply making out for a while now, Ona in Lucys lap, as per usual, desperately grinding small on the tiny seem of Lucys pants that are rubbing on her needy clit.
“Lucy please” Ona begins the whining. “You can’t leave me alone all day, them come home and refuse to fuck me” she finishes with a mumble.
“I can when you are sick darling girl” Lucy delicately fights back.
“agh Lucy please, I’m all wet, and you’re the person I want to share that with” Ona begging is something that could almost get Lucy on her knees for the small girl.
Lucys body has a physical reaction to Onas words. A long deep breathe escapes her mouth and her eyes soften. “Your all, wet baby?” she says, trying not to give in to her racing mind when she quotes Onas words. “I don’t want to hurt you sweet girl”
Ona is quick to reply “You’re not going to hurt me Lucy” she says franticly trying to get the words off her tongue. “Just please open my legs and fuck me” She shoots Lazers into Lucys eyes “Please Lucy”
“Stay here for a second” Lucy says, lifting Onas frame off her and on to the couch, leaving the room and leaving Ona alone. She isn’t sure is her begging had worked out in her favour or not, but alas, she did as she was told and stayed on the couch.
Lucy is soon to return to her good girl. A strap in one hand, and a small dildo in the other. Ona has never been the type to be able to take anything big, and Lucy has never wanted to push her too hard.
Ona makes space for her on the couch and Lucy lays her body down, motioning for Ona to straddle her waist once more. Ona places her body weight down and leans into the lips of Lucy. Lucys hand wraps around the back of her neck not allowing her to leave the kiss until she was finished.
Lucy pulls Ona by the back of the neck away from the kiss “Baby my face” she begins “Come onto it okay”.
Ona doesn’t have to answer, she quickly pulls herself Lucy and starts to undress. “keep the shirt on pretty girl” Lucy instructs, referring to the ‘Bronze’ jersey that Ona wore loose on her shoulders.
Ona doesn’t need to be asked twice. She knows the way Lucy just gets weak in the knees at the sight of Ona in her jerseys. Something the possession it holds. Her name, on Onas back
Lucy manhandles Onas body to the way she wants her, before pulling her onto her face. Ona breath hitches at the sudden friction of Lucys nose on her clit. Onas bare bottom half finds itself begining to grind back and forth on the face of her girlfriend. With Lucys slick tongue exploring its way around Onas’s hole, Lucy finds that its just not quite enough for her. Lucys arms wrap around Onas spread thighs, digging her nails into her ass and pulling her down, forcing her to put all her body weight onto her tongue.
It usually takes a lot of reassurance to get Ona to fully place herself onto Lucys mouth, always being hesitant that she will hurt her somehow, but Lucy is always quick to deny that idea. Sometimes even having to go as far as holding her down onto her face with all her strength. Lucy fucking loves it. Onas’s thighs around her head, her slick dripping down her chin.
Onas getting good use out of Lucys noes, feeling the texture of her skin on her most intimate parts. Lucys tongue is venturing in and out, occasional pressing flat on her hole, catching all her leaking goodness, swallowing it with pure bliss.
The mix of Lucys mouth and her strong eye contract from beneath her, has Ona beginning to spiral. She knows she doesn’t need to communicate this with Lucy. Having been clearly aware due to the speed in which her actions were getting too. Lucys grip on Ona was pulling her even further with each second that pasted. Lucy could barely breath underneath her, something that hardly worried her, knowing how fast she could get to Onas high.
“Agh, yes Lucy” Onas frantic pleading has Lucy smiling against her. “Yes Lucy” her pitch gets higher at the end of each statement. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, telling out a smooth hum of a moan as she lets herself go into Lucys mouth, shaking her legs and squeezing them around her head.
Ona steals a breath from the air, moving herself off Lucys face and sitting on her clothed stomach. Lucy being fully clothed with Ona bare wasn’t a completely uncommon practice in the household.
“Ona darling help me put this on”. Lucy breaks the silence, referring the strap in her hands, passing it to Ona. She moves down Lucys body and kneels between her legs. She picks it from Lucys hands, fiddling with the harness and getting it around Lucys hips, covered by her boxers.
“You think you can take this one baby girl?” Lucy double checks, the strap is small, but so is Ona, and the last thing Lucy wanted was to push her when she was sick.
“Yes, ill be good” Ona struggles to get full words out, due to the pure bliss she feels, just looking at the toy in front of her.
Lucy takes the answer, tightening the harness to her waist before pushing Ona further down. “I was you back to face me while you ride my cock” Lucy says, in a gently demanding tone.
Onas bottom lip is swollen from all the bitting, Lucys voice and demanding tone, not helping the situation. Ona grabs a hold of Lucys thighs for balance, turning herself around and putting her legs over Lucys waist. Onas’s ass sits on Lucys stomach, Lucys hands find it almost immediately. She lifts herself up with the help of Lucys grip and hovers over the strap, nervous about letting herself fall.
Ona suddenly feels tired, worried she might do this the wrong way. She stays hovering for more than usual and Lucy begins to wonder the expression on her girlfriend’s face.
“Can you take it sweat girl?” Lucy asks again, in an almost teasing tone this time.
Ona doesn’t reply, beginning to squirm in her position.
“Darling, do you need help?” Lucy asks, caressing the skin of Onas soft ass.
“Lay back for me” Lucy pulls her back. “Come on, nice and comfy”.
Ona relaxes into the precents of Lucy, legs spread wide and open. Lucys hand sneaks under her and onto the toy, lining it up with Onas’s cunt.
“Look at me” Lucy says, turning Onas’s face to look her in the eye as she thrusts herself in, so slowly, so soft.
Ona’s gentle moan has her snuggling into Lucys grip. Lucys hands now holding Ona’s legs open as she slowly thrusts in and out, causing Ona to whine in her hold.
“Shh baby girl. I know you can take it” Lucy places kisses all over Onas red face. Her pace starting to speed up, much to the overwhelming pleasure of Ona.
“yes, yes lucy” Onas words come out more breathy and pathetic than intended.
Lucy legs go of one thigh to hold Onas’s face, looking down into her eyes, Ona looks like she’s been to a whole new level of pleasure. Eyes watering and checks red.
“Are you going to cum for me like this?” Lucy asks, already knowing the answer.
Ona can’t get words out, simply humming in reply as she begins to shake in Lucys grip. Lucy responses by going deeper, getting a yelp from Ona, who now finds refuge in the neck of her girlfriend.
“Let go baby” It’s all Ona need to hear before she is riding an absolute high, legs shaking and hips rocking, she floats to the point of pure stimulation, no longer feeling anything around her but the warm embrace of Lucy, who, without Onas’s knowledge had completely pulled out of her.
“Good girl, shhh baby, you’re okay” Lucy says, helping Ona gain control of her breathing and come back to the room, her mind elsewhere.
“sh sh sh, deep breaths” Ona’s breathing returns and she is turned over, chest to chest with Lucy who takes her hair in her hand, stocking her scalp with nothing but pure love.
“My good baby”
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fucking loved the statement ya’ll, it gave me some rly good tma vibes while still being distinct. nicely spooky, same vibes as the cost of living but less dark. it’s good shit. also. at the end.
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they called him a statement giver. how did a statement get into the oiar. what. pacing around my room with a severe look on my face
no wonder it was tma vibes it’s a statement given to the institute
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also something is gonna happen with/to teddy. like nothing yet but i FEEL it
“something really weird about the magnus institute” oh you do not know the half of it my sweet summer child
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i am kissing alice dyer on the lips btw
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deeply upset hearing this in the archivists voice btw
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respectthepetty · 6 months
I told all of y'all vampire people to pray for a gym bros and heist BL, and guess what, mi gente? PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!
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Dee Hup House is on the credits, so even though I got beef with them, I love Director Tee and Cinematographer Jim!
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We got Prom as Tattoo!
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We got Bonz as Hoy!
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We got Mark as Aran.
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We got Yin as Jack.
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And we got War as Joker!
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Thank you, Jesus!
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Jack & Joker are going to be gay.
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I am living in your walls, Dee Hup House. You better deliver my dream to me.
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Or else.
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skyeoak · 3 months
If they don’t make the specific pun “you’re done-zo” next episode/during the, uh, package delivery then what was this all for
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keyaho · 1 month
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summary: two sisters deal with the harsh realities of living within a crime syndicate. it's not all diamonds and money. it's blood, sweat, and more blood shed that keeps these families in power.
chapter warnings: 18+, depictions of violence, sexual situations, and mentions of past SA, death word count: 5489 cowritten with: @zillasvilla
Randy & Ziva's St. Louis Apartment
“Take off the shirt,’ Randy pointed to Ziva who was perched on his bed against the headboard and gold silk pillows. 
She looked up from his phone, scrolling through the dick pictures he had already sent her. This time she wore her pink lined glasses and bonnet, ready for bed as soon as he walked in. Except, he wasn’t ready for bed. He was partially dressed for it. Grey sweats, no shirt, commando beneath it, dick……was hard, but he wasn’t talking like he was in the mood for anything frisky. 
“What? Why?” 
Randy licked his lips slowly as he stared at his girlfriend. Her reaction confirmed his thoughts about her alternate identity. He didn’t need to see the black cobra stretching along her bonze skin, but he knew it was there and his desire to see it was of up most importance. 
“You have two choices,’ he says while clapping, ‘one, take off the shirt like I’m telling you or two, and I’d hate to do this one. I will come take it off of you.” He placed a hand over his heart. “You know I don’t like handling you like that.” 
Ziva had been frozen on the bed as her boyfriend spoke. His eyes never leaving hers and when his arms folded back across his chest, she knew she had little time to make a decision before he was making it for her. Randy wasn’t going to be nice about it either. She thought back to the last time he had to ‘handle’ her and she grimaced. The sex had been explosive, but between his big dick and the relentless thrusts, even after she was over sensitive, she hadn’t been able to walk straight for three days. 
“I just don’t know why you want me to.” 
Randy’s jaw clenched tight. “You want to do this the hard way?” He asked, slightly amused, ‘fine.” 
He walked towards the dresser next to her vanity and took off his jewelry; a gold chain he wore just about every day and his Rolex. Ziva’s heart began to thump hard in her chest. The massive viper tattoo on his back seemed to coil as his back muscles flexed. His neck, back, legs, and arms were covered in ink, but the one on his back was her favorite. She knew he knew why now. It was a massive tattoo she had clawed night after night while he was buried inside of her. 
Ziva slowly eased herself off of the bed. She wasn’t going to make it if she decided to run out the room. He’d just stalk her and the longer it took the madder he’d get. 
“Are you mad at me,’ she whispered, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt, his shirt.
“Should I be?” 
He took a step forward and she took one backwards. 
“I don’t want you to be.” She replied.
“Then you should have taken the shirt off when I first asked you to.” He scratched his newly trimmed beard. 
She had fully enjoyed that beard being between her legs this afternoon when he got home from his barber. While she was thinking about his wicked tongue, Randy dove across the bed, grabbing her by the waist as he came off the other side.  He hurdled the bed. His grip on the shirt was tight. 
“No.” He pushed her against the wall and spun her around so her back was to him. 
He lifted the shirt, smacking her ass a few times after seeing it in a black thong. The thin material swallowed by her ass. 
He bends down and presses his lips to the back of her head. Randy slides his hand up the shirt and against her skin. He can feel the raised skin where the tattoo was. He gathered the shirt in his right hand and the back of her neck with his left. She was held against the wall as he lifted up the shirt. 
“My little Cobra.” 
“What the fuck did you say?” 
Ziva bit down on the pillow between her teeth. There was a hole already and she was working on the second one. Heavy hands held her hips still. Randy fucked into her as she whined and kept her back arched. Bare, he hadn’t taken his hands off of her since revealing the cobra tattoo on her back. She’s been on her hands and knees for thirty minutes while he fucked her. Backshots so hard the bed moved. Her ass was sore from his hits and she could barely feel her legs. Randy was behind her, sweating as he rolled his hips forward. 
He was standing by the bed using his posture for balance as he talked shit. 
“You love when I fuck you like this,” he teased. “Pussy gripping the fuck out my dick, damn baby.” He playfully smacks her ass. “What do you say?”
“Thank you, Daddy,” she cried, reaching for the head board for something to hold on to. 
“You've been denying me,’ he says, slowing his thrusts. “My favorite position is watching you squirm on my dick. Just like this.” 
She had always said missionary or she’d ride him. He wanted to hit from the back and had told her so numerous times. He played along with what she wanted but now that her secret was out he was going to make this position a must do. 
“Not just this wet gushy pussy, but that back tattoo?” 
He ran his fingers along her spine just as the tattoo did. It was larger than he had expected, very detailed, and life like. Ziva’s body shivered at the delicate touch on her skin. Every part of her boyfriend was hard, the way he spoke, his presence, his hands, fuck his feet would be if she didn’t insist on getting him pedicures once a month. The hands currently running across her back were calloused and hard, worn with the many deeds he had done over the years. Some of them she’d seen and some she heard about in whispered conversations. Hands she would miss for the next five years. Hands she had to fantasize about after tomorrow morning. 
“Ran,’ she whispered, eyes shut as she bit down on her bottom lip. 
She was on the cusp of another orgasm as he pulled her hips backwards to meet his thrusts. Even in his haze, hooded eyes nearly shut at how she was gripping him. His hold on her waist tightened as his head lolled backward and a low fucccckkkkkk fell from his lips. 
“I know, I know, I know.” He hummed while pulling out. 
Ziva slumped to the bed at the loss but was quickly flipped over onto her back. She was pulled to the edge of the bed and her legs were pushed open. It wasn’t just the tattoo that made him more feral tonight, it was also the fact that he was going to be gone for five years in the penitentiary with a plea to avoid a RICO charge. 
When he took the plea deal he knew it was better than spending twenty plus years in prison and away from Ziva and his empire. He couldn’t leave her to run it or worse, watch as it was destroyed. Many prayed for his downfall. However, for the next five years he was going to leave Ziva in charge. 
Randy slid back into Ziva, watching her face as her mouth fell open from the stretch. He leaned over her, hands on the bed by her head and rocked his hips back and forth. He grabbed her face and brought her head up to his for a long kiss. He knew how much she loved that soft shit. He pulled away while keeping the rhythm she liked. Her eyes were wet with tears and his resolve cracked a bit. 
“What’s wrong,’ he whispered, hips still churning. 
The messy wet sounds she made as he fucked her told him how good he was making her feel. It sounded sticky and he would miss the sounds her body made for him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, hands under his arms and across his back as he moved. 
“I don’t want you to go,’ she moaned, turning her head into his neck as he stilled. 
Randy sighed. 
He turned himself in tomorrow morning. That had been a part of his deal so that he could tie up loose ends, make sure she was taken care of, and close out some dealings. He had been a busy man the past few weeks that he realized he hadn’t given her much attention. 
“I know you’d run away with me,’ he joked. “I have to go,’ he shrugged and resumed his thrusts. 
If the thought crossed his mind he wasn’t going to tell her that. Too many places he could take them and start their lives over. Right now, he was planning to take her to ecstasy again tonight. He wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her chest against his. His other hand gripped the bed beside her head. Randy held her up at an angle as she clung to him, her nails scratching up his sweat slick skin. The reality of the situation hit them both as he emptied into her. He had edged himself the entire night, denying himself every time her orgasms squeeze his dick.  
“One more, baby, just one more.” He cooed. 
She tried to grab him, but his sweat made her hands slip as she cried out, thighs falling apart as she fell to the bed with him hovering over her. His hips wiggled between her legs as he nudged his dick back into her. His thumb rubbed her clit in slow circles, heightening his pleasure so suddenly, she clenched tight around him, body arching as her mouth fell open. Silent, her orgasm shook her body and Randy held her hips still until he was emptying his cum in to her. 
She felt his lips on hers as they kissed slowly. 
“Such a good girl,’ he praised. 
They cleaned up for bed and Ziva was curled around Randy’s body. 
The post sex flow felt like a haze. Ziva was half on Randy’s chest after their shared shower. He fixed the bonnet he fucked off and gave her another one of his shirts to sleep in. He was in black sweats now, leaned up against the headboard. 
“How did,’ he began, ‘how long have you been Cobra?”
“Since I was sixteen. I didn’t go by Cobra until my twenties when I got the tattoo.” 
Randy was quiet. Pondering the new information about his girlfriend. 
“I don’t think you want to know that.” 
He rubbed her back as she picked at the strings to his sweats. She was avoiding eye contact with him. 
“I’m asking.” 
Ziva took in a deep breath and sat up. She reached for the remote he kept on his left side and turned off the tv so there weren’t any distractions. 
“So my mom married this guy, not my real father, and I grew up with them. I was young when it all went down hill,’ she whispered, trying to find the words to explain the sound of zippers and cold liquid. 
“I was sold,’ she shrugged. “That’s about as simple as I can put it.” 
Ziva’s nose began to burn as she trying to stifle the tears. 
You’re honestly the first healthy relationship I’ve had. I ran off at sixteen. Stayed low for a year, they found me…well, I was betrayed, and I was right back in the house. Addicted to ecstasy and…..well, you can only image what my step father did when he got me back in the house. 
Randy listened as she spoke. He hadn’t been expecting this when he asked, but he knew she needed to talk through it. Carrying this type of pain wasn’t good for anyone and as much as he hated seeing her cry, he knew she needed to get it out. He placed his hand on her fold knee and she grabbed it instantly, letting out a shaky sob. 
I started killing when I was eighteen. I needed to eat. I was stealing and stuff, but I got caught. Spent fifteen days in jail and thats when I met the daughter of my first mark. He lied and put her there. I had overheard her talking about offing him when she got out. I offered. I mean I had the rage and anger to do it. She paid me a grand, well, her sister on the outside paid me. Then I started offing the men I was sold to. I still have four left and I’ve been warning them I was coming. 
“The worst part is they don’t even remember me. I was just another kid.” 
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Roman & Athena Handle Business
I will make it so he never forgets me.
The sensual lyrics to Usher's nice & slow blared through the club's speakers. Paying customers were ordering drinks and getting their own chance to throw money at the dancing women. The center stage was unoccupied. Reserved for the main act of the night. The lights dimmed to signal for the main act of the night.
”Horny ass niggas” The Dj cuts the music, letting her voice be heard through the microphone. “Get your pockets ready. The main act of the night is making her return to the stage.”
The low glaring spotlights gain the attention of the perverted patrons. Their hungry gaze surrounding the stage. The mixed beat of Remy Ma and Cardi B taking over the vibe of the club. Behind the stage she adjusted the fabric that barely covered her breasts. She inhales deeply, praying to herself, but coming out on her cue. Her long slender legs came into view first. The catcalling, and whistles do little to ease her racing nerves. The music envelopes her mind, flowing through her body with each sexual movement she makes. 
“Give it up for the main-event. The showstopper. Ms. I don’t need no press…NYX.”
Nyx could never get over the way her best friend announced her name. A different level of admiration in her voice. She holds back her grin, focusing on the task at hand, which was attending to the male gaze. Her eyes zeroes in on one man and one man only. She doesn’t want to be too obvious, using the pole in the center of the stage to dance, her legs wrapped tightly around the silver metal as she circled it slowly. The little pieces of clothing leave nothing to the imagination. The deep red color suits her deep mocha complexion. 
Money was thrown on stage; tens, twenties, fifties and even a couple of hundred dollar bills. She was making more than what the other women were making. A pleased smirk on her face, as she got on her knees. The auburn strands of her hair, falling into her face with every slow crawl towards the lucky..unlucky man. His animalistic growl, making her feel uneasy. Nyx allows her body to sit back on her knees, running her hands down her body with each bounce she makes, putting on a little show. Her eyes flick up to the wall behind him. The mysterious person smirking at her little tease of a show. She bit her lip, winding her hips a little more, turning her back to him, slowly standing, putting her ass on full display for him. 
The hollers she got and the money thrown made every other woman green with envy. Her slick point to the man was a signal to someone. Nyx finishes out her dance, letting them get close, but they knew not to touch. 
“Let’s give it up for NYX!!” 
The groan of unisons, do little to persuade her to dance longer. A simple nod to her best friend as she exited the stage, allowing the attendants to sweep up the falling money. She ignores the snarling women, going straight to her bag, changing into the black jumpsuit and oversized sweater.
”Bitch, thinks she's all that, yet she workin’ here like the rest of us.”
A leather black duffle bag was dropped in front of her; peeking in through the zipper she smiled at the crumbled piles of bills. Two weeks of work for some was made in just one night for her. “Dusty wants to see you.” Nyx looks back at the guard with a displeased frown. 
“Tell dusty. This was one an-.”
”He said either come willingly or he’s taking the money you made.” The lanky attendant, being flanked by two of Dusty’s enforcers. There were two things Nyx hated the most. Don’t tell her what to do and don’t mess with her bag. Dusty just did two of those things in one night. She was already disgusted with him being front and center to her dance, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with the greasy pig of a man.
“I know the way.” She takes quick steps out the dressing room, black bag on her arm. The dingy, dimly lit hallway is a cesspool for nefarious activities to go unnoticed. Dusty’s bright yellow door, distracting anyone from the two large men standing post. Nyx knew what the man was up to and she wasn’t having it. Dusty loved women. He especially loved dark-skin women. He also didn’t take no for an answer. Nyx had made her time there scarce. She never lingered long enough to become another notch on his belt. 
“You know the longer you stand here, the worse it gets.” Nyx glances at the white haired man, the black security shirt clinging to his pale skin. The white lettering of his name is embroidered on the right chest pocket. KENNEDY. He was always the nicer one, looking out for the girls when they locked up for the night. 
“Preciate’ that  Kennedy.” She’s not new to how Dusty could get when you make him wait. He was always impatient. Often sneaking to the dressing rooms, if made to wait too long. Nyx, blowing out a deep breath, forces her way into the office. The musty stench of sweat and other bodily fluids filled her nose. The foul scent so strong her eyes watered. 
“Ah Nyxxie.” Dusty looks at her, a wide grin on his face, she counted more fatty rolls than the last time she saw him. She cringed at the nickname, hating the way it sounded from him. 
“What Dusty.” She forced herself to look at him, leaving the door open behind him to bring in fresher air. 
“Just want to praise you on your performance.” A stuttering lisp of words leaving his white stained mouth. “You gave me quite a show.” He focused on her little dance for him.
”Only doing my job.”
”Right..your job. You know what else entails right?” He stands using the cheap cotton tracksuit he was wearing as a napkin to clean his hands. She holds in a gag when his fingers run through his stringy strands of white hair, leaving wet residue on his fingers. 
“Dancing, striping. Private dances..” She trails off coming to the realization of what he was asking her. “This dance was a one and done thing.”
”You can’t leave without paying dues.” Dusty rushes his way to her, forcefully putting her against the wall. Nyx had never seen him move that fast. His greedy hands, not feeling good on her skin, preparing to leave several marks and bruises. A swift kick to his dick had him tumbling over. The quick second of freedom used to push him off her to the ground. 
The groaning man on the floor gains the attention of Kennedy and his partner, but neither of them make a move. They focus on the group of men at the end of the hallway. It was three against two. Kennedy could maybe take the smaller one with a mullet on. But the other two were triple Holly’s size and they would be out in a second. 
“I heard the girls leaving. Wanna make sure they get home ?” Holly, asks him. Kennedy liked the idea of living to see another day. Hands raised in surrender, they backed away from the door, slowly making their exit. The raspy panting, and groaning, triggers something in the men, rushing to the sound; a set of feet kick the door open. It dangles on one hinge still in the wall. The sight before him was a bit of a surprise to the men except for one. A pleased smirk on his lips. Nyx, oblivious to the way they came in, slowly pulls the knife out, watching the blood drip from the sharp tip onto the floor. The unlucky victim. dusty, writhing in gasping pain.  
“Bout time you showed up.” She steps over him. “Hey Jimmy. Jey.” she greets them with a smile, tossing her bag into Jey’s arms. 
“This him?” Jimmy points with a disbelieving laugh. “This the nigga that owe you money!”
”Alright Jimmy we get it.” Nyx was annoyed and ready to go. She looks at the quieter man, his taller height towering over everyone. His hard gaze fixated on the man holding his crotch in pain.  “He’s not worth it Joseph..” she whispers, grabbing his hand. She was all for getting your dues, but there’s always a time and a place and this wasn’t it.
“No.” He pulls his hand back, motioning Jimmy to pick up the old man with a snap of his fingers. As if he was a dog, Jimmy moved with a quickness, roughly pulling Dusty up to his feet. The man is now face to face with a heated Joe. It wasn’t the money he was pissed about, it was the audacity Dusty had to try and assault his girl. It made him wonder how many other girls he did this to.
“I was only coming for my money…” Joe starts. His hand grabbing the bloodied knife Nyx used on Dusty seconds ago. “But then, you put your hands on my baby.” The bloodied knife pierced the lumpy skin on his cheek, dragging it slowly down his face. Dusty squirmed and pleaded for his life, the salty tears from his eyes, stinging the fresh cut that would surely scar soon.
His stuttering lisp is ten times worse in fear. “I’m sorry…I-I’ll give you-.” The sharp blade pushed deeper into his cheek. The loud painful cry music to Joe’s ears. A fascinated daze in his eyes as he pulled out the knife, watching the gaping hole spurt out blood, everyone taking a step back to not get blood on them. 
“Joooseph.” Nyx whines when blood almost got on her new Air Force ones. 
“Hold on princess.” He wipes the bloodied blade onto Dusty’s shirt, the sweaty crying man losing too much blood by the minute. Jimmy drops the man on the floor, jumping back to avoid getting the bodily fluids on him. 
Dusty could only look on as he watched his life flash before his eyes, every dirty deed and evil sin he did finally catching up with him. The yellow lights, looking more and more white as the minutes went by. Joseph grabs Nyx's hand, moving her along with him to stand at Dusty’s side. He squats down, making direct eye contact over the man.
“I really should kill you cause you fucked with my money, and now you tryna fuck my girl?” 
He places the clean blade in Nyx’s hand, moving her to squat down with him. She hated being up close and personal during his teaching moments to the twins. It always ended with her in a pool of her own essence. His warm calloused hand closed her palm around the base of the blade. 
“I’mma let Nyx get the satisfaction.” He stands, stepping back to give her the space she needed.
She hummed knowing he was trying to apologize, not caring about the outcome of accepting or declining his ‘apology’; she stabbed Dusty in the chest, dragging it down his body. The men behind her wincing as if they were next. She stops when his body goes limp, proud of her work she stands, taking the now serrated knife with her after wiping it on the dead man’s pants.. A stoic look as she looked at her all too proud man.
“Can we go now?”  The irritation shown on her face from the moment he asked her to set Dusty up to now and for what, this janky ass strip club? Her main focus was spending time with him and their two-year old daughter Nailah and maybe get dicked down before he left for five years. Joseph, amused by her sudden nonchalant mood, tips his head towards the lifeless body. 
“Yeah. We can go.” He takes her black duffle from a stuck in place Jey into his left hand. Nyx struts out the office, ignoring her man who held out his hand for her to hold. He turns his attention to the twins. “Find the deed, and clean this up.” The demand gruffly left his mouth; a pointed glare directed towards them when they tried to protest. 
“Got it Uce.” Jey raises his hands. He hated when he let her kill somebody. She was always messy with it. Joe leaves without another word, his mind on the beautiful woman leaning against his truck. Her freshly blown-out and curled hair pulled back into a ponytail. The small pout on her face let him know she was irritated to no end. Any other time, he would make her wait, but he would regret it if he did. Joe takes long strides in her direction, standing behind her with a hand on her hip.
”Pretty girl.” He whispers in her ear; gaining an annoyed sigh from her glossed lips.
“Open the door.” 
His hand pulls on the handle, pulling the door open for her. She immediately gets in, closing it without looking at him. He nods, accepting the attitude. Nyx couldn’t stay mad with him for long. He didn’t make it easy with the way he rubbed her thigh while driving home, grazing her inner flesh with his fingers. His touch warmed her skin, raising goosebumps along her arms. He had a way of making her feel weak with just his hands and she was going to miss it. 
The touching stopped when they got home, Joseph sending the nanny home for the night. She watched on as he picked up their giggling daughter, kissing her cheeks. She was his twin, the eyes, the nose, oh the ears. She loved their ears. 
“Let’s get ready for bed, yeah?” He talks to Nailah mostly, trekking up the stairs. Nyx takes her time, still upset at him for wasting their last night together. She picks up the random toys Nailah pulled out, putting them away. The time only got later as the moonlight shone through the windows. The deep animated voice is what draws her attention, a soft smile on her face while entering their room. He sat against the headboard with a clean Nailah; dressed in a red pajama sat nestled in his arms. She lets him enjoy this time with her, despite it being midnight, and not having a moment alone with him all day.  
The long shower she decided to take while he put Nailah to bed washed away the sins she engaged in, water and soap dripping from her rag onto her skins. The hot steam, curling her hair at the roots as it fogged up the bathroom. A sweet scent of mangoes filling his senses.
It didn’t take long for him to put Nailah down for bed. The wild two-year-old crashed as soon as her head hit the pillows. His focus was on the woman who had an attitude with him all day. The sounds of the shower running and her soft singing, leads him into the bathroom. The fog is doing little to hide her curves from him. Joe, like a lion locked on its prey, slowly strips from his clothes, the once neat and slicked back bun pulled from its hair tie. 
She was oblivious to what he was doing, hands rubbing over her toned legs as she bent down, to scrub at her calves. Joe snuck in his way in the shower, standing behind her to let the water soak him completely. 
“Fuck! Joe!” She turns to see why the water stopped, dropping her foot to the ground, flinching when he was standing before her, stark naked. “Don’t do that.” His hands reach out to grab at her hips, testing to see if she would put up a fight. 
“Sorry princess.” He whispers, pulling her closer into his embrace, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, letting his lips linger as he mumbled into her skin. “You're still mad at me.”
The firm hold he has on her, doesn’t give room to move. She knew better than to fight him when it came to affection. She hated being touched while in the shower; he didn’t care. Her arms wrap around his neck, pressing her chest against his, her nipples hard at the warm, wet contact. “No..just upset.”
She had every right to be. His mouth leaves a trail of hot kisses down her jaw, collar bone, to her shoulder, using his hands to map out every curve and groove of her body, painting a never-ending picture in his mind of her silhouette. The little dips in her hips to the tiger marks from birthing their daughter. 
“Let me make it up to you.” He pulls back enough to look at her. The brown irises of her eyes staring into his own. Using his hands, he holds her face, thumbs rumbling over her cheeks. She leans into his touch, eyes closing at the gentle affection. Soft, feather-like kisses were placed to the corners of her mouth. 
“Joseph.” She mumbles; her hands moving to grasp at his wrist. His warm lips find hers in a sensual kiss, asserting his dominance over her. They find themselves moving backwards until her back hits the slippery cold tiled wall. The water is like rain showers over their heads. His hold on her face, reaching down to grab her thighs. The immediate instinct to jump up, locking her legs around his torso. His assault on her neck, forces her head back with a soft bite of her lip.
”Gonna miss this.” He pulls back, to flip his hair out of his face and look at her. “Gonna miss you.” He pressed a long kiss to her shoulder, peeking up at her through his thick lashes. Her words a mumbling mess, succumbing to the pleasure of his girth pressed against her core. 
“Shut up and fuck me.” 
“Athena.” He calls out to her, using the name she was born with to gain her attention. Her frame was turned away from him as she dressed for bed. The remnants of their sexual encounter lingers on her mind. If she looked at him, she would surely cry. She does her best to avoid eye contact, picking up the not so messy room. It kept her focused on everything but him. 
“Yes Joseph.” She still acknowledges that he’s there. The avoidance he was receiving from her wasn’t cool. Athena knew better than to not make eye contact with him. Especially when he was talking to her.
She doesn’t notice the way he shifts back on the bed, leaning against the headboard. A furrowed crease in his thick eyebrow. He watches every movement she makes: putting away dirty clothes, straightening her side of the room, leaving his side untouched. 
‘C’mere.” A demand rather than ask her to come. The tone in his voice dangerously rough, almost daring her to not listen. There was a moment of hesitation before she dropped everything and walked over to him. “Good girl.” He mutters to himself.
Athena stops in front of him, letting his hands pull her into his lap sideways, arms engulfing her into a tight embrace.  
“I know I’m leaving for a while.” He mumbles into her head. 
She scoffs. “More like five years.”
”It was that or twenty.” He argues, pulling back to look at her. Those five years would probably feel like fifteen once he was behind bars. “Don’t stress baby.” He rubs hand down her back in slow motions. Fingertips grazing over the bones in her spine, feeling her body relax into his touch.  “Business was handled, I spent time with you and Nailah.-“
“Business could have waited.”
He chuckles. She was never fond of going with him on his outings, especially after having Nailah. She preferred staying home, and doing work from the house. However, she had to step up and run the business. He was entrusting her with his empire. 
Joseph believed she could do it. 
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 8 months
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happy international lesbian day. have some disaster lesbian bonz-eye for your disaster lesbian needs (feat. an OrangeTree doodle <3)
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zillasvilla · 1 month
MAYHEM : Chapter One
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Summary: Two sisters deal with the harsh realities of living within a crime syndicate. It’s not all diamonds and money. It’s blood, sweat, and more blood shed that keeps these families in power co-written w/ @keyaho
WC: 5489
Warnings: Smut.Death.Killing.Minors DO NOT interact.
Pairings: Joseph Anoa’i x OC Black Character ; Randy Orton x Black OC Character
Chapter One:
“Take off the shirt.’ Randy pointed to Ziva who was perched on his bed against the headboard and gold silk pillows. 
She looked up from his phone, scrolling through the dick pictures he had already sent her. This time she wore her pink lined glasses and bonnet, ready for bed as soon as he walked in. Except, he wasn’t ready for bed. He was partially dressed for it. Grey sweats, no shirt, commando beneath it, dick……was hard, but he wasn’t talking like he was in the mood for anything frisky. 
“What? Why?” 
Randy licked his lips slowly as he stared at his girlfriend. Her reaction confirmed his thoughts about her alternate identity. He didn’t need to see the black cobra stretching along her bonze skin, but he knew it was there and his desire to see it was of up most importance. 
“You have two choices,’ he says while clapping, ‘one, take off the shirt like I’m telling you or two, and I’d hate to do this one. I will come take it off of you.” He placed a hand over his heart. “You know I don’t like handling you like that.” 
Ziva had been frozen on the bed as her boyfriend spoke. His eyes never leaving hers and when his arms folded back across his chest, she knew she had little time to make a decision before he was making it for her. Randy wasn’t going to be nice about it either. She thought back to the last time he had to ‘handle’ her and she grimaced. The sex had been explosive, but between his big dick and the relentless thrusts, even after she was over sensitive, she hadn’t been able to walk straight for three days. 
“I just don’t know why you want me to.” 
Randy’s jaw clenched tight. “You want to do this the hard way?” He asked, slightly amused, ‘fine.” 
He walked towards the dresser next to her vanity and took off his jewelry; a gold chain he wore just about every day and his Rolex. Ziva’s heart began to thump hard in her chest. The massive viper tattoo on his back seemed to coil as his back muscles flexed. His neck, back, legs, and arms were covered in ink, but the one on his back was her favorite. She knew he knew why now. It was a massive tattoo she had clawed night after night while he was buried inside of her. 
Ziva slowly eased herself off of the bed. She wasn’t going to make it if she decided to run out the room. He’d just stalk her and the longer it took the madder he’d get. 
“Are you mad at me,’ she whispered, her fingers playing with the hem of her shirt, his shirt.
“Should I be?” 
He took a step forward and she took one backwards. 
“I don’t want you to be.” She replied.
“Then you should have taken the shirt off when I first asked you to.” He scratched his newly trimmed beard. 
She had fully enjoyed that beard being between her legs this afternoon when he got home from his barber. While she was thinking about his wicked tongue, Randy dove across the bed, grabbing her by the waist as he came off the other side.  He hurdled the bed. His grip on the shirt was tight. 
“No.” He pushed her against the wall and spun her around so her back was to him. 
He lifted the shirt, smacking her ass a few times after seeing it in a black thong. The thin material swallowed by her ass. 
He bends down and presses his lips to the back of her head. Randy slides his hand up the shirt and against her skin. He can feel the raised skin where the tattoo was. He gathered the shirt in his right hand and the back of her neck with his left. She was held against the wall as he lifted up the shirt. 
“My little Cobra.” 
“What the fuck did you say?” 
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Ziva bit down on the pillow between her teeth. There was a hole already and she was working on the second one. Heavy hands held her hips still. Randy fucked into her as she whined and kept her back arched. Bare, he hadn’t taken his hands off of her since revealing the cobra tattoo on her back. She’s been on her hands and knees for thirty minutes while he fucked her. Backshots so hard the bed moved. Her ass was sore from his hits and she could barely feel her legs. Randy was behind her, sweating as he rolled his hips forward. 
He was standing by the bed using his posture for balance as he talked shit. 
“You love when I fuck you like this,” he teased. “Pussy gripping the fuck out my dick, damn baby.” He playfully smacks her ass. “What do you say?”
“Thank you, Daddy,” she cried, reaching for the head board for something to hold on to. 
“You've been denying me,’ he says, slowing his thrusts. “My favorite position is watching you squirm on my dick. Just like this.” 
She had always said missionary or she’d ride him. He wanted to hit from the back and had told her so numerous times. He played along with what she wanted but now that her secret was out he was going to make this position a must do. 
“Not just this wet gushy pussy, but that back tattoo?” 
He ran his fingers along her spine just as the tattoo did. It was larger than he had expected, very detailed, and life like. Ziva’s body shivered at the delicate touch on her skin. Every part of her boyfriend was hard, the way he spoke, his presence, his hands, fuck his feet would be if she didn’t insist on getting him pedicures once a month. The hands currently running across her back were calloused and hard, worn with the many deeds he had done over the years. Some of them she’d seen and some she heard about in whispered conversations. Hands she would miss for the next five years. Hands she had to fantasize about after tomorrow morning. 
“Ran,’ she whispered, eyes shut as she bit down on her bottom lip. 
She was on the cusp of another orgasm as he pulled her hips backwards to meet his thrusts. Even in his haze, hooded eyes nearly shut at how she was gripping him. His hold on her waist tightened as his head lolled backward and a low fucccckkkkkk fell from his lips. 
“I know, I know, I know.” He hummed while pulling out. 
Ziva slumped to the bed at the loss but was quickly flipped over onto her back. She was pulled to the edge of the bed and her legs were pushed open. It wasn’t just the tattoo that made him more feral tonight, it was also the fact that he was going to be gone for five years in the penitentiary with a plea to avoid a RICO charge. 
When he took the plea deal he knew it was better than spending twenty plus years in prison and away from Ziva and his empire. He couldn’t leave her to run it or worse, watch as it was destroyed. Many prayed for his downfall. However, for the next five years he was going to leave Ziva in charge. 
Randy slid back into Ziva, watching her face as her mouth fell open from the stretch. He leaned over her, hands on the bed by her head and rocked his hips back and forth. He grabbed her face and brought her head up to his for a long kiss. He knew how much she loved that soft shit. He pulled away while keeping the rhythm she liked. Her eyes were wet with tears and his resolve cracked a bit. 
“What’s wrong,’ he whispered, hips still churning. 
The messy wet sounds she made as he fucked her told him how good he was making her feel. It sounded sticky and he would miss the sounds her body made for him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, hands under his arms and across his back as he moved. 
“I don’t want you to go,’ she moaned, turning her head into his neck as he stilled. 
Randy sighed. 
He turned himself in tomorrow morning. That had been a part of his deal so that he could tie up loose ends, make sure she was taken care of, and close out some dealings. He had been a busy man the past few weeks that he realized he hadn’t given her much attention. 
“I know you’d run away with me,’ he joked. “I have to go,’ he shrugged and resumed his thrusts. 
If the thought crossed his mind he wasn’t going to tell her that. Too many places he could take them and start their lives over. Right now, he was planning to take her to ecstasy again tonight. He wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her chest against his. His other hand gripped the bed beside her head. Randy held her up at an angle as she clung to him, her nails scratching up his sweat slick skin. The reality of the situation hit them both as he emptied into her. He had edged himself the entire night, denying himself every time her orgasms squeeze his dick.  
“One more, baby, just one more.” He cooed. 
She tried to grab him, but his sweat made her hands slip as she cried out, thighs falling apart as she fell to the bed with him hovering over her. His hips wiggled between her legs as he nudged his dick back into her. His thumb rubbed her clit in slow circles, heightening his pleasure so suddenly, she clenched tight around him, body arching as her mouth fell open. Silent, her orgasm shook her body and Randy held her hips still until he was emptying his cum in to her. 
She felt his lips on hers as they kissed slowly. 
“Such a good girl,’ he praised. 
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They cleaned up for bed and Ziva was curled around Randy’s body. 
The post sex flow felt like a haze. Ziva was half on Randy’s chest after their shared shower. He fixed the bonnet he fucked off and gave her another one of his shirts to sleep in. He was in black sweats now, leaned up against the headboard. 
“How did,’ he began, ‘how long have you been Cobra?”
“Since I was sixteen. I didn’t go by Cobra until my twenties when I got the tattoo.” 
Randy was quiet. Pondering the new information about his girlfriend. 
“I don’t think you want to know that.” 
He rubbed her back as she picked at the strings to his sweats. She was avoiding eye contact with him. 
“I’m asking.” 
Ziva took in a deep breath and sat up. She reached for the remote he kept on his left side and turned off the tv so there weren’t any distractions. 
“So my mom married this guy, not my real father, and I grew up with them. I was young when it all went down hill,’ she whispered, trying to find the words to explain the sound of zippers and cold liquid. 
“I was sold,’ she shrugged. “That’s about as simple as I can put it.” 
Ziva’s nose began to burn as she trying to stifle the tears. 
You’re honestly the first healthy relationship I’ve had. I ran off at sixteen. Stayed low for a year, they found me…well, I was betrayed, and I was right back in the house. Addicted to ecstasy and…..well, you can only image what my step father did when he got me back in the house. 
Randy listened as she spoke. He hadn’t been expecting this when he asked, but he knew she needed to talk through it. Carrying this type of pain wasn’t good for anyone and as much as he hated seeing her cry, he knew she needed to get it out. He placed his hand on her fold knee and she grabbed it instantly, letting out a shaky sob. 
I started killing when I was eighteen. I needed to eat. I was stealing and stuff, but I got caught. Spent fifteen days in jail and thats when I met the daughter of my first mark. He lied and put her there. I had overheard her talking about offing him when she got out. I offered. I mean I had the rage and anger to do it. She paid me a grand, well, her sister on the outside paid me. Then I started offing the men I was sold to. I still have four left and I’ve been warning them I was coming. 
“The worst part is they don’t even remember me. I was just another kid.” 
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I will make it so he never forgets me.
The sensual lyrics to Usher's nice & slow blared through the club's speakers. Paying customers were ordering drinks and getting their own chance to throw money at the dancing women. The center stage was unoccupied. Reserved for the main act of the night. The lights dimmed to signal for the main act of the night.
”Horny ass niggas” The Dj cuts the music, letting her voice be heard through the microphone. “Get your pockets ready. The main act of the night is making her return to the stage.”
The low glaring spotlights gain the attention of the perverted patrons. Their hungry gaze surrounding the stage. The mixed beat of Remy Ma and Cardi B taking over the vibe of the club. Behind the stage she adjusted the fabric that barely covered her breasts. She inhales deeply, praying to herself, but coming out on her cue. Her long slender legs came into view first. The catcalling, and whistles do little to ease her racing nerves. The music envelopes her mind, flowing through her body with each sexual movement she makes. 
“Give it up for the main-event. The showstopper. Ms. I don’t need no press…NYX.”
Nyx could never get over the way her best friend announced her name. A different level of admiration in her voice. She holds back her grin, focusing on the task at hand, which was attending to the male gaze. Her eyes zeroes in on one man and one man only. She doesn’t want to be too obvious, using the pole in the center of the stage to dance, her legs wrapped tightly around the silver metal as she circled it slowly. The little pieces of clothing leave nothing to the imagination. The deep red color suits her deep mocha complexion. 
Money was thrown on stage; tens, twenties, fifties and even a couple of hundred dollar bills. She was making more than what the other women were making. A pleased smirk on her face, as she got on her knees. The auburn strands of her hair, falling into her face with every slow crawl towards the lucky..unlucky man. His animalistic growl, making her feel uneasy. Nyx allows her body to sit back on her knees, running her hands down her body with each bounce she makes, putting on a little show. Her eyes flick up to the wall behind him. The mysterious person smirking at her little tease of a show. She bit her lip, winding her hips a little more, turning her back to him, slowly standing, putting her ass on full display for him. 
The hollers she got and the money thrown made every other woman green with envy. Her slick point to the man was a signal to someone. Nyx finishes out her dance, letting them get close, but they knew not to touch. 
“Let’s give it up for NYX!!” 
The groan of unisons, do little to persuade her to dance longer. A simple nod to her best friend as she exited the stage, allowing the attendants to sweep up the falling money. She ignores the snarling women, going straight to her bag, changing into the black jumpsuit and oversized sweater.
”Bitch, thinks she's all that, yet she workin’ here like the rest of us.”
A leather black duffle bag was dropped in front of her; peeking in through the zipper she smiled at the crumbled piles of bills. Two weeks of work for some was made in just one night for her. “Dusty wants to see you.” Nyx looks back at the guard with a displeased frown. 
“Tell dusty. This was one an-.”
”He said either come willingly or he’s taking the money you made.” The lanky attendant, being flanked by two of Dusty’s enforcers. There were two things Nyx hated the most. Don’t tell her what to do and don’t mess with her bag. Dusty just did two of those things in one night. She was already disgusted with him being front and center to her dance, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with the greasy pig of a man.
“I know the way.” She takes quick steps out the dressing room, black bag on her arm. The dingy, dimly lit hallway is a cesspool for nefarious activities to go unnoticed. Dusty’s bright yellow door, distracting anyone from the two large men standing post. Nyx knew what the man was up to and she wasn’t having it. Dusty loved women. He especially loved dark-skin women. He also didn’t take no for an answer. Nyx had made her time there scarce. She never lingered long enough to become another notch on his belt. 
“You know the longer you stand here, the worse it gets.” Nyx glances at the white haired man, the black security shirt clinging to his pale skin. The white lettering of his name is embroidered on the right chest pocket. KENNEDY. He was always the nicer one, looking out for the girls when they locked up for the night. 
“Preciate’ that  Kennedy.” She’s not new to how Dusty could get when you make him wait. He was always impatient. Often sneaking to the dressing rooms, if made to wait too long. Nyx, blowing out a deep breath, forces her way into the office. The musty stench of sweat and other bodily fluids filled her nose. The foul scent so strong her eyes watered. 
“Ah Nyxxie.” Dusty looks at her, a wide grin on his face, she counted more fatty rolls than the last time she saw him. She cringed at the nickname, hating the way it sounded from him. 
“What Dusty.” She forced herself to look at him, leaving the door open behind him to bring in fresher air. 
“Just want to praise you on your performance.” A stuttering lisp of words leaving his white stained mouth. “You gave me quite a show.” He focused on her little dance for him.
”Only doing my job.”
”Right..your job. You know what else entails right?” He stands using the cheap cotton tracksuit he was wearing as a napkin to clean his hands. She holds in a gag when his fingers run through his stringy strands of white hair, leaving wet residue on his fingers. 
“Dancing, striping. Private dances..” She trails off coming to the realization of what he was asking her. “This dance was a one and done thing.”
”You can’t leave without paying dues.” Dusty rushes his way to her, forcefully putting her against the wall. Nyx had never seen him move that fast. His greedy hands, not feeling good on her skin, preparing to leave several marks and bruises. A swift kick to his dick had him tumbling over. The quick second of freedom used to push him off her to the ground. 
The groaning man on the floor gains the attention of Kennedy and his partner, but neither of them make a move. They focus on the group of men at the end of the hallway. It was three against two. Kennedy could maybe take the smaller one with a mullet on. But the other two were triple Holly’s size and they would be out in a second. 
“I heard the girls leaving. Wanna make sure they get home ?” Holly, asks him. Kennedy liked the idea of living to see another day. Hands raised in surrender, they backed away from the door, slowly making their exit. The raspy panting, and groaning, triggers something in the men, rushing to the sound; a set of feet kick the door open. It dangles on one hinge still in the wall. The sight before him was a bit of a surprise to the men except for one. A pleased smirk on his lips. Nyx, oblivious to the way they came in, slowly pulls the knife out, watching the blood drip from the sharp tip onto the floor. The unlucky victim. dusty, writhing in gasping pain.  
“Bout time you showed up.” She steps over him. “Hey Jimmy. Jey.” she greets them with a smile, tossing her bag into Jey’s arms. 
“This him?” Jimmy points with a disbelieving laugh. “This the nigga that owe you money!”
”Alright Jimmy we get it.” Nyx was annoyed and ready to go. She looks at the quieter man, his taller height towering over everyone. His hard gaze fixated on the man holding his crotch in pain.  “He’s not worth it Joseph..” she whispers, grabbing his hand. She was all for getting your dues, but there’s always a time and a place and this wasn’t it.
“No.” He pulls his hand back, motioning Jimmy to pick up the old man with a snap of his fingers. As if he was a dog, Jimmy moved with a quickness, roughly pulling Dusty up to his feet. The man is now face to face with a heated Joe. It wasn’t the money he was pissed about, it was the audacity Dusty had to try and assault his girl. It made him wonder how many other girls he did this to.
“I was only coming for my money…” Joe starts. His hand grabbing the bloodied knife Nyx used on Dusty seconds ago. “But then, you put your hands on my baby.” The bloodied knife pierced the lumpy skin on his cheek, dragging it slowly down his face. Dusty squirmed and pleaded for his life, the salty tears from his eyes, stinging the fresh cut that would surely scar soon.
His stuttering lisp is ten times worse in fear. “I’m sorry…I-I’ll give you-.” The sharp blade pushed deeper into his cheek. The loud painful cry music to Joe’s ears. A fascinated daze in his eyes as he pulled out the knife, watching the gaping hole spurt out blood, everyone taking a step back to not get blood on them. 
“Joooseph.” Nyx whines when blood almost got on her new Air Force ones. 
“Hold on princess.” He wipes the bloodied blade onto Dusty’s shirt, the sweaty crying man losing too much blood by the minute. Jimmy drops the man on the floor, jumping back to avoid getting the bodily fluids on him. 
Dusty could only look on as he watched his life flash before his eyes, every dirty deed and evil sin he did finally catching up with him. The yellow lights, looking more and more white as the minutes went by. Joseph grabs Nyx's hand, moving her along with him to stand at Dusty’s side. He squats down, making direct eye contact over the man.
“I really should kill you cause you fucked with my money, and now you tryna fuck my girl?” 
He places the clean blade in Nyx’s hand, moving her to squat down with him. She hated being up close and personal during his teaching moments to the twins. It always ended with her in a pool of her own essence. His warm calloused hand closed her palm around the base of the blade. 
“I’mma let Nyx get the satisfaction.” He stands, stepping back to give her the space she needed.
She hummed knowing he was trying to apologize, not caring about the outcome of accepting or declining his ‘apology’; she stabbed Dusty in the chest, dragging it down his body. The men behind her wincing as if they were next. She stops when his body goes limp, proud of her work she stands, taking the now serrated knife with her after wiping it on the dead man’s pants.. A stoic look as she looked at her all too proud man.
“Can we go now?”  The irritation shown on her face from the moment he asked her to set Dusty up to now and for what, this janky ass strip club? Her main focus was spending time with him and their two-year old daughter Nailah and maybe get dicked down before he left for five years. Joseph, amused by her sudden nonchalant mood, tips his head towards the lifeless body. 
“Yeah. We can go.” He takes her black duffle from a stuck in place Jey into his left hand. Nyx struts out the office, ignoring her man who held out his hand for her to hold. He turns his attention to the twins. “Find the deed, and clean this up.” The demand gruffly left his mouth; a pointed glare directed towards them when they tried to protest. 
“Got it Uce.” Jey raises his hands. He hated when he let her kill somebody. She was always messy with it. Joe leaves without another word, his mind on the beautiful woman leaning against his truck. Her freshly blown-out and curled hair pulled back into a ponytail. The small pout on her face let him know she was irritated to no end. Any other time, he would make her wait, but he would regret it if he did. Joe takes long strides in her direction, standing behind her with a hand on her hip.
”Pretty girl.” He whispers in her ear; gaining an annoyed sigh from her glossed lips.
“Open the door.” 
His hand pulls on the handle, pulling the door open for her. She immediately gets in, closing it without looking at him. He nods, accepting the attitude. Nyx couldn’t stay mad with him for long. He didn’t make it easy with the way he rubbed her thigh while driving home, grazing her inner flesh with his fingers. His touch warmed her skin, raising goosebumps along her arms. He had a way of making her feel weak with just his hands and she was going to miss it. 
The touching stopped when they got home, Joseph sending the nanny home for the night. She watched on as he picked up their giggling daughter, kissing her cheeks. She was his twin, the eyes, the nose, oh the ears. She loved their ears. 
“Let’s get ready for bed, yeah?” He talks to Nailah mostly, trekking up the stairs. Nyx takes her time, still upset at him for wasting their last night together. She picks up the random toys Nailah pulled out, putting them away. The time only got later as the moonlight shone through the windows. The deep animated voice is what draws her attention, a soft smile on her face while entering their room. He sat against the headboard with a clean Nailah; dressed in a red pajama sat nestled in his arms. She lets him enjoy this time with her, despite it being midnight, and not having a moment alone with him all day.  
The long shower she decided to take while he put Nailah to bed washed away the sins she engaged in, water and soap dripping from her rag onto her skins. The hot steam, curling her hair at the roots as it fogged up the bathroom. A sweet scent of mangoes filling his senses.
It didn’t take long for him to put Nailah down for bed. The wild two-year-old crashed as soon as her head hit the pillows. His focus was on the woman who had an attitude with him all day. The sounds of the shower running and her soft singing, leads him into the bathroom. The fog is doing little to hide her curves from him. Joe, like a lion locked on its prey, slowly strips from his clothes, the once neat and slicked back bun pulled from its hair tie. 
She was oblivious to what he was doing, hands rubbing over her toned legs as she bent down, to scrub at her calves. Joe snuck in his way in the shower, standing behind her to let the water soak him completely. 
“Fuck! Joe!” She turns to see why the water stopped, dropping her foot to the ground, flinching when he was standing before her, stark naked. “Don’t do that.” His hands reach out to grab at her hips, testing to see if she would put up a fight. 
“Sorry princess.” He whispers, pulling her closer into his embrace, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, letting his lips linger as he mumbled into her skin. “You're still mad at me.”
The firm hold he has on her, doesn’t give room to move. She knew better than to fight him when it came to affection. She hated being touched while in the shower; he didn’t care. Her arms wrap around his neck, pressing her chest against his, her nipples hard at the warm, wet contact. “No..just upset.”
She had every right to be. His mouth leaves a trail of hot kisses down her jaw, collar bone, to her shoulder, using his hands to map out every curve and groove of her body, painting a never-ending picture in his mind of her silhouette. The little dips in her hips to the tiger marks from birthing their daughter. 
“Let me make it up to you.” He pulls back enough to look at her. The brown irises of her eyes staring into his own. Using his hands, he holds her face, thumbs rumbling over her cheeks. She leans into his touch, eyes closing at the gentle affection. Soft, feather-like kisses were placed to the corners of her mouth. 
“Joseph.” She mumbles; her hands moving to grasp at his wrist. His warm lips find hers in a sensual kiss, asserting his dominance over her. They find themselves moving backwards until her back hits the slippery cold tiled wall. The water is like rain showers over their heads. His hold on her face, reaching down to grab her thighs. The immediate instinct to jump up, locking her legs around his torso. His assault on her neck, forces her head back with a soft bite of her lip.
”Gonna miss this.” He pulls back, to flip his hair out of his face and look at her. “Gonna miss you.” He pressed a long kiss to her shoulder, peeking up at her through his thick lashes. Her words a mumbling mess, succumbing to the pleasure of his girth pressed against her core. 
“Shut up and fuck me.” 
“Athena.” He calls out to her, using the name she was born with to gain her attention. Her frame was turned away from him as she dressed for bed. The remnants of their sexual encounter lingers on her mind. If she looked at him, she would surely cry. She does her best to avoid eye contact, picking up the not so messy room. It kept her focused on everything but him. 
“Yes Joseph.” She still acknowledges that he’s there. The avoidance he was receiving from her wasn’t cool. Athena knew better than to not make eye contact with him. Especially when he was talking to her.
She doesn’t notice the way he shifts back on the bed, leaning against the headboard. A furrowed crease in his thick eyebrow. He watches every movement she makes: putting away dirty clothes, straightening her side of the room, leaving his side untouched. 
‘C’mere.” A demand rather than ask her to come. The tone in his voice dangerously rough, almost daring her to not listen. There was a moment of hesitation before she dropped everything and walked over to him. “Good girl.” He mutters to himself.
Athena stops in front of him, letting his hands pull her into his lap sideways, arms engulfing her into a tight embrace.  
“I know I’m leaving for a while.” He mumbles into her head. 
She scoffs. “More like five years.”
”It was that or twenty.” He argues, pulling back to look at her. Those five years would probably feel like fifteen once he was behind bars. “Don’t stress baby.” He rubs hand down her back in slow motions. Fingertips grazing over the bones in her spine, feeling her body relax into his touch.  “Business was handled, I spent time with you and Nailah.-“
“Business could have waited.”
He chuckles. She was never fond of going with him on his outings, especially after having Nailah. She preferred staying home, and doing work from the house. However, she had to step up and run the business. He was entrusting her with his empire. 
Joseph believed she could do it. 
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