creachureweachure · 6 months
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2 lazy 2 draw their outfits.... og under cut ^_^
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hellraiserryo · 4 months
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shitpost edition: oops! all chazz!
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yugiohz · 1 year
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winter break :)
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someone tell me why chazz’s tag force screens always have him with his arm out like he’s shoving away an invisible ghost
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bluggluglfgh · 2 months
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BREAKING NEWS! my books have a bunch of characters that have Weird Hairstyles in them!!!
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aberooski · 2 months
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Meet them at midnight...
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sbd-laytall · 19 days
Because I'm re-watching the first two seasons of the Dub and then switching to the Sub in the latter two, I get some absolute goldmines for jokes, but I do have to say the whole "Chazz it up" mantra genuinely had me wondering what I was watching because I did not remember this part at all.
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karcutie · 2 years
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yo the 2005 kids had it all
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
Hello I have returned with thoughts again
Thinking about Seer Trio, I love them <3 I forgot if they have an actual trio name or not I’ll have to go double check that
Just,,, Jaden and Chazz friendship man, rivalry is optional but I’m thinking ab the TikTok again where Chazz is one of three ppl who actually genuinely care about Jaden and it makes me go aaaaaaaaa. I never really think about Chazz and Jesse’s dynamic but they have great potential too.
I just think they’re so cool, little guys bonding over being able to see things others can’t. Maybe J&J showing Chazz the ropes on Seeing and stuff idk. Man let them be soft. Let them confide in each other and lean on each other and have each other’s backs.
If you want to go a step further make it QPR. I will die on Spiritshipping hill but have J&J be in a QPR with Chazz, I just think it’d be neat <3
I don’t care if it might be OOC in some cases, let them be soft <3 (and let there be angst, we always gotta have some of that, yes? :D)
Hmmmmm family trauma with Chazz and Great Expectations™, I’m a big fan of the hc of Jaden having no home life and having to raise himself after everything with Yubel when he was younger :))) I don’t think we know much about Jesse’s home life, so let’s make it a nice in between of the other two’s. His parents are still around unlike Jaden’s, but they’re more distant and neglectful than Chazz’s. They have expectations for him and if he fails to meet them it’s like he doesn’t exist, whereas Chazz’s parents just get angry. Give them bad parents and little to no support system, as a treat <3
Have them deal with Jaden’s self-destructive tendencies and lack of self-worth (he sees it as him making up for the crimes he committed as Supreme King. They see it as him being suicidal. “How can it be considered suicidal”, Jaden argues, “if I’m not even capable of dying?” Their hearts hurt for him regardless.) Give me angst from love, and love through the angst. Those who hurt and are hurting, helping and healing, even if it’s only by a fraction at a time.
Much love <3
Jesse Anderson my beloved. <3
What is this man's home life. I've written pages of backstory just to answer this question and every part of it is as wild as I could possibly make it because I think having every part of this southern boi be insane is the funniest possible route.
Chazz and Jesse friendship ooooooh. I found it so funny during GX when people were like "Ah yes, the two boys who can see duel spirits, Jesse and Jaden." LIKE! Guys Chazz is standing RIGHT there.
It makes sense tho, while Jesse and Jaden kinda incorporate the supernatural into themselves, Chazz is by all accounts just a normal guy who does not let being able to see invisible monsters distract him from being a run of the mill grunge teenager. And I adore him for it. Chazz being the actual Common Knowledge Braincell of the trio. Jesse and Jaden are capable of subduing space gods, but Chazz is the one you call when you need help on your taxes. (He grumbles and yells at you the whole time and is so grouchy you don't realize until later he was actually really helpful.)
Also YES to qpr. Give Jaden as many qprs as possible. He deserves it. The ideal Jaden Yuki support network is a delicate interconnected web of partners who are all in a groupchat together to keep track of who the hell is taking care of their shared boyfriend over the weekend. Chazz sends a selfie to Jesse of Jaden literally haven broken into his house and fallen asleep on top of him with the caption "come get your mans >:[" and Jesse responds "No <3"
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did a little DSoD rewatch and holy shit is kaiba relatable. I’m about to ramble so I’m putting a cut in.
first off, you KNOW this is a kaiba heavy movie because he’s literally the first character we see. where is he? fucking space, man. he’s got the millenium puzzle. you know shit’s about to go down. how did he get to space? fuck if we know at this point, but he beat elon musk there for sure.
then the next time we see him, he’s facing off in a duel against a perfect AI replica of his dead boyfriend. he wins, complements Atem’s hair, crushes a bottle, and then has the audacity to fire the person who designed it. the embodiment of dramatic billionaire. bezos could NEVER.
oh and then when he’s out in the pouring rain, his coat still does the Kaiba Coat Thing(tm). the amount of starch on that coat is probably enough to level a city of velvet. it doesn’t get dry cleaned, it gets soap blown in its general direction and then magically cleans itself. the coat is 90% of kaiba’s confidence (read: season one where he didn’t have the coat and straight up tried to off himself when he was gonna lose a duel). he stood in the middle of the street to dramatically monologue in Yugi’s general direction, and no one is bothered in the slightest. people only start honking after he leaves and it’s only yugi in the street. fucking icon.
me, watching the close-up of Kaiba in the space elevator: for the love of god someone get this man brown contacts
motherfucker jumps out of a moving jet plane, parks it remotely, and then summons a literal god with minimal effort. still has enough energy to run for his jet at a dead sprint. i’m sorry, charles xavier who?
he had to be traumatized, he would have killed god by this point had he not needed extensive therapy and several different antidepressants.
end of the movie, pulls a Back To The Fucking Future and has his space elevator go like 88 miles an hour so he can LITERALLY TRAVEL BACK IN TIME because Seto Motherfucking Kaiba is a goddamn scorpio and will hold a grudge for actual millenia.
sometimes I think about the fact that I jokingly say that Kaiba is compensating for something with the jet and the cards and the drama. then I remember he actually has things to compensate for that aren’t his penis that involve him not coming from money initially/being adopted/rough childhood in general.
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Reasons why I believe Chazz is a “Yells ‘I won’t hesitate bitch’ before shooting someone” type of guy
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He really said “I hope you can swim bitch!”
Also props to the helicopter dudes who are totally okay with being paid to carry these two teenagers over the ocean so they can have a dramatic duel to decide which rich bitch is better
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hellraiserryo · 4 months
i just know in my heart that if GX was set like a decade later Chazz would be a juul FIEND. on that "why are there toilets in the duel academy vape rooms" type shit. bro is insanely nicotine dependent. you could get a whole mini arc out of "jaden did you steal my fucking juul??" and it would be better than 99% of the real filler episodes.
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paint-stained-carpet · 8 months
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hmmhnrghhh yugioh gx doodles. started watching recently. fun 👍
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chazz-is-a-zelda-fan · 3 months
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unrequited existence will turn everything into sin
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look at my texturework, boy
final time was 15 hrs 24 mins
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bluggluglfgh · 1 month
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so i found my lost fountain pen
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aberooski · 7 months
My friend is trying to get me to watch GX, and they really like stormshipping. I’m just barely starting the series, but I want to understand the appeal of these two. So… take this as a chance to ramble about why you love them, I guess?
OOOOOH!!! 👀👀👀👀
Okay first of all, yes! Totally watch it! It's so silly and fun but also filled with The Horrors. It's flawed and all as most things are, but it's my favorite!
BUT STORMSHIPPING TIIIIIME!!! Let's see if I can do this with as few spoilers as possible aksksk
Those two are everything to me 😭 my roman empire, if you will.
Stormshipping is your classic introvert/extrovert, golden retriever/black cat, emo kid/theater kid, summer/winter, sun/moon type of pairing, for one, which is delightful. They compliment each other so well, and with just how MUCH subtext and stuff, and literally so much to analyze about them like that that we get considering how little the amount of screen time they have together is, there's no heterosexual explanation for like 90% of their interactions. And there's the complimentary parallels and associations and things like that. For example, Light and Darkness, they do have that parallel in what they're corrupted by against their wills. (Also the fact that Chazz has Light and Darkness Dragon as his ace card in the manga and he and Atticus totally represent it in the anime but shhhhhhhhhhhhh 🤫) also can't really delve as deep into that without talking about some major plot shit so
And it kinda as always, comes down to what those two are to each other.
As a blanket sentiment, they're best friends. But Atticus is the only person Chazz is shown to be genuinely comfortable around and willingly vulnerable and open with. Chazz comes to him when he has problems, he confides in him, he seeks him out when he needs to be vulnerable for a moment. I think he also gravitates towards Atticus at first, obviously because he wants his help to try and get a date with Alexis seeing as he's her brother and all, but I think also because his own brothers were so awful and abusive and didn't truly care about him. Most people don't, actually. But Atticus takes a genuine vested interest in him and legitimately cares about him and that's not something Chazz is used to. Not to say the squad doesn't care about him, they do, but not in the same way Atticus does. I think he starts out as a sort of surrogate big brother figure for him in the way Jaden is for Syrus for kinda similar reasons seeing that Zane was an abusive and really bad brother to Syrus for many years as well. But this isn't about them 😜
Atticus is also a mentor figure for him, that goes into the Japanese version, where Chazz actually calls him "master" and I mean 🤨 there are other words you could use buddy but okay you do you 😏
Atticus takes care of Chazz. He looks after him and is a kind hand and a shoulder and a steady rock when he needs it. By the end Chazz is the person other than Alexis that Atticus is closest to and is the most important to him. But also Chazz's friendship is very healing for Atticus. Their friendship is significant and is healing for both of them.
They both have a lot of trauma and baggage to varying degrees, and like I said Chazz isn't used to having someone genuinely care about him because of his abusive brothers and having to put on a facade and hide his authentic self as a means of being able to meet their impossible expectations of him and being able to handle the pressure any way he can. Atticus is probably the only person who's ever truly seen the real, genuine, vulnerable Chazz. He's basically the only one who makes him genuinely smile too honestly and that hits. Atticus is the first person he genuinely accepts as his friend and accepts love and care from too. He's comfortable with him, he feels safe with him. He feels cared for and loved with him.
And for Atticus, Chazz is the closest friend he's had in a long time. He was good friends with Zane before his disappearance the year prior, but because he missed so much he doesn't graduate with Zane so he's not around and with what happens with Zane after graduation, yeah they're not nearly as close or as good of friends as they used to be. And when Atticus returns, well he suffers a lot. He's so physically and mentally affected by what happened to him that I personally believe his entire personality and his quirks and eccentricities, as genuine and authentic as they are, have become a coping mechanism. And Atticus takes care of anyone and everyone but himself. So when he realizes how Chazz has all this trauma and baggage like he does, albeit to an entirely different degree and of different circumstances, he takes him under his wing and devotes himself to looking after him and kinda coaching him through life in a way. He helps him try to get a date with Alexis when he asks him for help, but personally I think Atticus set him up to fail there but in a loving way. Alexis doesn't like him like that and I also think Chazz is honestly confused about the nature of his feelings about her. I think Atticus sets him up for failure in that situation and I think he does it to so she can reject him, which she does very kindly I might add, and he can move on and learn and grow as a person and develop more emotional intelligence from it because of how stifled he is in that way because of his brothers.
Also going back to how Chazz's friendship is significant and important for Atticus, another reason for that is because Chazz is the only person other than Alexis he's that close to now. He has a friend to confide in and share his own feelings and innermost thoughts with that isn't his now fiercely protective little sister. There are things he can't talk to her about and things he can't go to her for and confide in her with because she'll worry and he can't do that to her. He can't make her worry about him again. And Chazz is so easy for him to talk to. Atticus is a social butterfly and and extrovert unlike Chazz, he has no problems with talking to people and being open about things, but we only ever see him actually do that with Chazz. They have private moments and they confide in each other and they look out for one another. Atticus is also protective of Chazz in his own little ways too as he is with Alexis.
Atticus protects and cherishes everyone he cares for but none more so than Chazz and Alexis. They are his world. His everything. His reason. His.
Also the fact that when you looks into all the GX media, the dub, the sub, the manga, everything. Across it they each are associated with a weather phenomenon. One of Atticus's titles across the manga and the sub is Blizzard Prince. Which makes sense seeing as his Japanese name "Fubuki" literally means "blizzard". And as we all know, Manjoume Thunder. They are each associated with a type of storm which in my opinion, is why they are stormshipping. And long those lines, I associate each of them with a season. Atticus's season is summer, for obvious reasons, and Chazz's seas to me has always been winter. And I made these associations before I ever connected these two dots here. Atticus is associated with blizzards. A winter storm. And Chazz is associated with thunderstorms. Which generally speaking, are summer storms.
They are each associated with the storm that corresponds with the other's season.
That blew my mind when I finally connected those dots, literally destroyed my mind.
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Leaning more on Chazz than Alexis when he's a little fucked up 👀
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ONLY Atticus would picture him smiling like that. Only Atticus COULD picture him smiling like that because nobody else has ever SEEN it before.
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There is no heterosexual explanation for this shot being from Chazz's POV.
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Also the 0 heterosexual explanation shot is like right before this and that scene happens in the dead ass middle of the day and there were tons of people around. They waited until sunset when people had left the beach for the day to have this private conversation. So Chazz and Atty were probably hanging out together for a while already before this. Like they could've just gone somewhere else and had this conversation right away, but no. They WAITED. Maybe for a few HOURS. To have this conversation ON THE BEACH. ALONE. AT S U N S E T. O K A Y 😭
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