#ghostbusters reborn
ghostbustersreborn · 1 year
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Chapter 9
a short while later, they were all let out of the institution.
while, getting their flights suit on louis told them about how oscar was taken away.
"what did dana do? where did she go?" asked peter.
"she said she was going to the museum to get the baby back." louis replied. he then continued to ramble on.
tara was off in the back, feeling bad for how she treated the boys earlier.
when they went through another door. tara felt it was right to apologize.
"uh, guys?"
they all turned to her.
"i'm sorry."
"oh, hunny don't be. we were under a lot of pressure when in there." ray forgave her.
"yeah. there's no need to be sorry." peter agreed.
she looked over to egon. "i'm sorry for pushing you away, egon."
"it's okay." he ruffled her hair.
"okay, we good?" winston made sure.
she smiled. "yeah."
"well, what are we waiting for? let's go!"
pink slimed covered the entirety of the museum. there was an entire crowd surrounding it, voicing their confusion on the slime covered building.
people got out of the way as soon as they saw the ecto 1A drive through.
everyone began to cheer.
they pulled up in front of the museum. they got out ready to face the slimified monstrosity.
"it's so ugly." tara cringed.
"it looks like a giant jell-o mold." ray commented.
"i hate jell-o." winston said.
"i do too." tara said.
"oh, come on, there's always room for jell-o." peter defended the strange food.
egon stared at the slime, he narrowed his eyes at it. he saw it pulsate and gurgle.
they stepped forward towards the slime.
"this better be an easy one." she hoped.
"pull 'em." ray said as he got out his netruona wand.
more cheers sounded from the crowd.
"full netruons."
they each turned them on.
the devices hummed as it loaded up with energy.
"let's cook!" ray declared.
they aimed their wands at the building and started to fire.
alas no luck, not even a single proton stream put a dent in the pink mood slime.
"what's the deal?" tara questioned, when putting a stop to her proton stream.
"save 'em." ray said.
the crowd booed.
steam came off from the slime.
"that slime wall is pulsating with evil." said egon. "it would take a tremendous amount of positive energy to crack that shell and i seriously doubt that there's enough good will left in this town to do it."
"what do you want us to do then? sing?" tara sarcastically suggested.
ray leaned on the front of the car, trying to think of a plan.
"you know, i just can't believe things have gotten so bad in the city that there's no way back!" he vented.
tara nodded. "yeah. i don't remember the last time i saw someone being nice to another person."
"i mean, sure it's dirty, it's crowded, it's polluted, it's noisy, and there's people all around who'd just as soon step on your face as look at you." ray listed off. "but, come on, there've gotta be a few sparks of sweet humanity left in this burned-out burg! we've just gotta figure out a way to mobilize it."
"he's right." egon agreed. "we need something that everyone in this town can get behind, we need..."
he glanced down at the license plate. on it was the statue of liberty.
the one that held new york together. the one that made new york, new york.
they all followed his gaze.
"a symbol." he started.
ray got it.
"something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us."
egon kneeled down, staring at the license plate.
"something good." he claimed.
"something decent." winston chimed in.
"something pure." peter added.
tara closed her eyes, with a smile. "food." she hummed.
"no." all four of the boys said in unison.
"she's big." tara commented when they were standing before the statue of liberty.
"kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?" peter inquired.
tara turned to him.
"wonder what?" winston questioned.
"wonder if she's naked under that toga." peter clarified.
tara scoffed. "you perv!" she smacked him.
"she's french, you know that." he added on.
"and you're a pervert." she stated.
he smirked.
they soon started prepping to bring the statue to life with the mood slime.
one small thing could make this go wrong, so they had to make sure they got every little thing in order.
"got it!" egon said, grabbing the rope. "ready with the speakers, ray. slime blowers ready?" he asked as he fixed one of the speakers.
"okay! audio's set, electric's set." ray got back to him.
"slimed blower, primed and set." winston said, having it on.
"oh god, this is heavier than the proton pack." tara complained.
"you better not be complaining into 1990." peter advised her.
"i'll try not to." she cracked a smile.
"winston, is our slime in a good mood tonight?" he asked, stroking the slime blower.
"i hope so. she's a lot bigger than a toaster." he expressed.
"all yours, venkman. let's go." egon said, handing him the microphone.
peter started testing it out, by saying a bunch of random shit into it.
tara couldn't help but laugh at her father.
"here with me tonight, is my beautiful daughter. want to give the audience a "hello"?" peter said pulling her over to him.
tara grabbed the mic.
"yeah. i'll say more than a hello." she told him. "mental institutions? overrated. get them out of here. we don't want them in the year 1990."
she handed the microphone back to peter.
"okay." he chuckled. "weird but interesting."
"it's slime time." ray declared. "here, tara. help us will ya?" he requested.
"yeah, i guess i'll help." she shrugged.
winston and ray clanked their slime blowers together before going off to the side to go and slime the shit out of the statue of liberty.
they turned on their slime blowers and started coating the statue with the pastel pink slime.
"beautiful!" ray expressed.
"very." tara nodded.
after they were finished, they went up to the inside of the statue.
egon took a controller which looked a lot like a game boy controller out.
"pilots controls are ready."
"all right. it's getting late, it's almost midnight. let's go, venkman." he said.
peter brought the microphone back up to his mouth. "here's something off the request line from liberty island!" he announced. "we gotta squeeze some new year's juice from you, big apple!"
tara switched on the walkman. higher and higher started to play.
the mood slime's favorite song.
they waited with bated breath for the statue to start moving.
tara held egon's hand, a little bit nervous about being so high up in the air.
egon gave her hand a small squeeze.
the slime pulsated with bright pink electricity as it brought the iconic statue to life.
electricity crackled as the slime pulsated.
the torch exploded into flames, the group looked over seeing the flames coming from the now lit torch.
metal squeaked as the statue of liberty got off from her stand. she stepped into the water, heading for the city.
"man, i can't wait to see people's faces when we come onshore!" ray gushed. "this should really get the city's positive energy flowing, huh venky?"
"keep kickin' libby!" peter told the statue.
"this is a story to tell the grandchildren someday." tara said to herself.
"what a story this would be." ray agreed.
"you make this work, we'll pop for a weekend in vegas with the jolly green giant." venkman said.
the statue made its way through the city, with people all over cheering.
"it's a love fest, new york!" peter exclaimed.
"sing it out!" ray cried.
the boys all shouted.
tara was silent. she was trying hard not to look down.
god, why did she want to look down?
'your love keeps lifting me, lifting me higher!' peter sang off key.
"oh god, ew." she cringed.
"come on, you sing!" winston encouraged the crowd.
"we're running out of time, ray." egon said to him.
"can't she go any faster?" asked peter.
"i'm afraid the vibrations will shake her to pieces!" claimed ray.
"yeah and we'll get mighty sued for that." tara chimed in.
"we should have padded her feet." stantz stated.
"i don't think they make nikes in her size, ray." egon sassed him.
"oh, don't worry. she's tough, she's a harbor chick!" peter assured them.
accidentally, the statue of liberty stepped on a police car.
tara opened her eyes right as it happened. she furrowed her brows.
"yikes." was all she could say to that.
"oh sorry, my fault!" ray quickly apologized.
"are we going to get sued for that?" she questioned.
"oh, god i hope not." winston prayed.
when they got to the museum..
"come on, baby, i love you when you roughhouse." peter encouraged it.
"hit it, mama!" egon yelled.
"drop the hammer on her!" ray cried out.
"don't be scared to break some glass, okay?" tara called out.
with a swift move of her torch, the glass roof shattered to pieces. the ropes fell down and in came the ghostbusters to save the day.
"happy new year!" peter cried.
"he's vigo! you are like the buzzing of flies to him." mocked janosz.
he looked over to the painting, his smile disappearing when noticing that vigo was no longer there.
"oh, johnny, did you back the wrong house." peter chuckled. "will you hose him, please?"
doing as they were told. they hosed him down.
"one down."
"on the ground." they said once he was unconscious.
dana smiled, coming over to them.
"boy, am i glad to see you!" dana expressed, before planting a kiss on venkman's lips.
tara smiled. she was happy to see them back together again.
"oh, oscar, oscar." peter said.
dana handed oscar over to him.
she looked over to janosz and asked "is he dead?"
ray shook his head. "this slime is positively charged." he confirmed. "he'll wake up feeling like a million bucks."
"whoa, this little gentleman is a little bit ripe." peter commented. "that's all right, my friend. i think i had a little accident too."
"TMI dad." tara laughed.
egon's PKE meter started to buzz.
tara looked over to him, a frown now on her face.
"that doesn't sound good." she shook her head.
peter stepped forward, holding oscar closer to him.
from behind dana, a black piece of metal of some sort slowly reached out towards her.
metal from behind egon crashed, causing him and winston to jump.
then, the black metal tied dana up. preventing her from moving.
she let out a surprised yell.
the boys and tara ran over to her, trying to free her. but it was no use. nothing could free her from her restraints.
"get him away!" dana pleaded, obviously referring to oscar.
peter went off to the side, looking for somewhere safe to put him.
"get a knife or something, we've gotta cut her out of this!" ray yelled.
peter grabbed a spare blanket from off of the table. he kneeled down, resting the blanket on the floor.
"all right, now listen. you've gotta stay right here, don't move!" peter instructed the infant. "uncle pete's gotta go help your mom for a second. you stay right here and don't say anything, okay?"
peter sighed.
they were still trying to free dana from her restraints.
"god, nothing's working!" tara huffed.
they then looked up just as a figure appeared.
it was vigo.
uh-oh was right.
"he's uglier in person." tara looked him up and down.
as he walked, he looked translucent. like he wasn't entirely there.
"hold it right there, deadhead!" ray stopped him. "you want a baby? go ahead and knock up some willing hellhound!" he threatened. "otherwise, i'm giving you three to get back in that painting where you belong!"
they aimed their wands, ready to fire.
"one." he counted.
"two!" peter jumped up.
vigo grinned.
"three!" they all yelled, firing at him.
vigo screamed in pain, as his body was being thrown towards the empty canvas.
"you've got him, you've got him!" stantz declared.
vigo let out a roar, pink electricity hit the group making them drop to the floor.
they all groaned in pain.
"that was really stupid." winston stated.
vigo growled as he made his way to the baby.
"ray, can you move?" he asked him.
"no." ray replied. "no. are you okay?"
"no. venkmans, how are you?" egon then asked.
"not any better." tara groaned.
"i'm fine." peter lied.
vigo was just mere feet away from oscar. the only thing separating them was the pieces of furniture that were in the way.
he held his hands out, having the pieces of furniture telekinetically pushed out of the way revealing the baby hiding behind it.
vigo made his way towards the baby with a sickening grin plastered on his face.
oscar looked scared.
"no!" dana cried, trying to free herself from her restraints. "no! oscar!"
vigo picked up oscar.
"please, do something!" she turned to the group.
"uh, we would if we could move!" tara said in a "duh" like tone.
vigo started to take the baby over to the painting.
"not so fast, vigo!" peter spoke up. "hey, vigo! yeah, you! the bimbo with the baby."
vigo snarled.
"didn't anybody tell you the big shoulder look is out?" he asked. "you know, i have met some dumb blondes in my life and before you ask, tara i do not mean you."
tara sighed of relief. she really thought she had to go and throw hands. well, if she wasn't paralyzed from the waist down she would.
"but you take the taco, pal."
vigo growled making the baby whimper.
"only a carpathian would come back to life now and choose new york." peter criticized. "tasty pick, bonehead. if you had a brain in that huge melon on top of your neck, you would be livin' the sweet life out in southern california's beautiful san fernando valley."
and guess what that got them?
being electrocuted by pink streams.
thanks a lot, peter!
tara screamed.
blood dripped down her nose.
"oh, darn. darn it." was all peter could say.
it was like he didn't feel anything at all.
vigo lifted up the baby. "now, we become one!" he declared.
the baby screamed and cried, thrashing about.
just as vigo was about to take his soul, the sound of singing coming from outside interrupted him. which caused him to keel over in pain.
"where's that singing coming from?" ray wondered.
"people outside." winston answered.
the singing was vigo's weakness.
"he's weakening." spengler pointed out. "the singing is neutralizing the slime!"
vigo thrashed in pain.
the pink hue disappeared from around the group. they could finally move.
"i can move!" ray cried.
"oscar!" dana yelled.
finally, being free from her restraints.
vigo dropped the baby, to which peter quickly caught him in time.
dana grabbed oscar from peter.
"oh, sweetie." she cooed to the baby.
ray got up. as well as the others.
vigo was back in the painting.
"he's back in the painting!"
vigo roared. his face turned distorted.
it was kind of funny.
"all right, go find a shady spot." peter told dana.
dana quickly ran off to go hide with oscar.
ray turned back over to the painting, he saw the red eyes.
those red eyes that put him in a trance before.
"viggy, viggy, viggy." peter played with him. "you have been a bad monkey!"
ray stepped towards the painting, fully entranced with it.
"ray, we'd like to shoot the monster now." tara said to him.
she tried getting his attention.
"uh, guys, ray is in a trance of some sort."
"no, i, ray, am vigo shall rule the earth!" demonic vigo declared.
"no, the fuck you not." she objected.
"now!" peter nodded.
they all shot at vigo with their proton streams.
winston and egon slimed the crap out of ray.
while, outside louis tully shot at the building with his proton blast.
vigo was nothing but a head now.
he screamed as the streams attacked him.
little by little, vigo's head shrunk turning into nothingness.
the painting exploded.
everyone shielded themselves from the said explosion.
the slime from the building disappeared along with the vigo painting.
everyone outside cheered.
"i did it! i did it!" louis cheered. "i'm a ghostbuster!"
"you alright?" winston asked ray as him and egon helped him up. "let's get this off you, there here we go." they wiped a good chunk of the slime off.
"how do you feel?" winston then asked him.
"groovy." ray said back to him.
"you alright?" peter asked dana.
tara stood off to the side watching them.
peter turned to her.
"come here!" he motioned.
she went over. peter wrapped his arm around her.
"you did great." he praised her.
"thank you." she smiled.
"yes, thank you peter." dana told him.
"spread out, shorty." peter handed oscar over to tara and pushed them out of the way.
peter and dana leaned in close, kissing on the lips.
tara covered oscar's eyes. "don't watch. too young." she said to him.
"i love you guys." ray said to egon and winston.
he looked over to tara.
"i love you tara, so much." he gushed.
"i-i love you too. just don't come over here, please." she requested.
"i love all you guys." he expressed.
"that's great, ray." egon nodded.
"and i love venkman." he listed off.
"we gotta live with this?" winston asked egon.
"real friendship."
janosz was still on the floor, but now he was singing.
"hey." winston nudged him.
"sir, are you alright?" egon asked, helping him up.
janosz groaned. "why am i drippings with goo?" (my favorite line out of the whole movie.)
"you had a violent, prolonged transformative psychic episode." spengler explained.
"sorry, we had to hose you there, but you were kind of out of control." ray apologized. "hey, man, let me tell you somethin'. i love you."
he barely even knew him. what?
tara stepped over to egon.
"how long is this going to last?" tara asked him.
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muppethollz · 2 years
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❙. tara venkman didn't have the life of luxury like she considered most children her age to have. her mom left barely a month after she was born, she didn't have a good relationship with her dad. they were distant, if one were to have a conversation it turn into some form of an argument, she barely even knew her dad yet he was the only parent of hers that was somewhat present in her life. the only two people she liked were her dad's friends and they gave her more attention than her dad ever did. so what happens when ghosts take over the city? will it bring the two closer or further a part? ❙.
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reckless-rider · 1 year
A list no one asked for! Anyway a list of all the Wilhelm Screams found in media according to IMDB Part 1.
Happy Family
1000 Ways to Die
16 Blocks
21 Jump Street
22 Jump Street
30 Days of Night 
Lost  (S5.E6) 
6:66 PM
A Christmas Story Christmas 
A Day to Die
A Dog’s Way Home
A Goofy Movie
A Simple Request
Simpsons (S32.E10)
A Star Is Born
Agent Cody Banks
Ainoat oikeat
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (1992)
Alex Cross
Dexter: Early Cuts (S1.E2)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (S1.E14) 
American Hero
Manipulated by Fingers
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 
The Angry Birds Movie
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie
Animator vs. Animation V
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (S3.E8)
Arctic Dogs 
Are We Done Yet?
Assignment to Kill
Astro Boy
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potions
Atomic Blonde
Avengers: Infinity War
April and the Extraordinary World 
Game of Thrones (S1.E9)
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2
Barbie in the Pink Shoes
Batman Returns
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Battle Creek Brawl
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Money Heist (S2.E6)
Ben 10: Race Against Time 
Beta Test
Clarence (S3.E12)
Bionicle: The Legend Reborn
Black Sheep
Mythbusters (S9.E6)
Family Guy (S6.E1)
House (S7.E15)
Bon Bini Holland
Borrowed Time
Bounty Killer
Calamity Jane: Wild West Legend
Captain America: The First Avenger 
Cars 2
Lupin (S2.E5)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S2.E7)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S3.E4)
The Book of Boba Fett (S1.E7)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S3.E20)
Clash of the Titans
Clifford the Big Red Dog 
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (S2.E4)
Amphibia (S3.E11)
Blindspot (S2.E5)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Corto Maltese (S1.E1)
Community (S3.E18)
Cowboys & Aliens
Cradle 2 the Grave 
Fantasy Island (S4.E8)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E2)
Community (S2.E18)
Dragon Wars: D-War
DOA: Dead or Alive
Daddy’s Home
Daddy’s Perfect Little Girl 
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (S7.E7)
Dante’s Peak
Agency of Vengeance: Dark Rising 
Date Movie
Day & Night
De film van Dylan Haegens
Deadpool 2
Lego Star Wars: All-Stars (S1.E3)
Death Proof
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (S2.E20)
Two Is a Family
Despicable Me
Despicable Me 2
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days 
The Goldfish 
Die Hard with a Vengeance 
Dinocroc vs. Supergator
Drawn Together (S1.E6)
Distant Drums
District 9
Django Unchained 
Community (S3.E8)
Littlest Pet Shop (S1.E23)
Down by the Riverside 
Due Date 
Galavant (S1.E6)
Blizzards of Souls
Maverick (S3.E10)
Ein Rabe namens Poe
Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas
Star Trek Phase II (S1.E6)
Community (S2.E6)
Toren C (S2.E2)
Maverick (S2.E6)
Evening Class
Ever After High: Dragon Games
Everything Wrong with… (S9.E100)
Everything Wrong with… (S10.E105)
Everything Wrong with… (S4.E24)
Regular Show (S4.E1)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E1)
Outlander (S3.E13)
F9: The Fast Saga 
Face Eater 
Fantastic Four
Feels Good Man
Doom Patrol (S2.E5)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E4)
Flushed Away 
Regular Show (S6.E16)
Freddy vs. Ghostbusters
Free Guy
The Simpsons (S28.E2)
The Loud House (S1.E2)
Community (S5.E5)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 
Ghost Rock
God of War
God of War III
Golden Dreams
CSI: NY (S1.E4)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Grey Eyes
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
SMG4 (S6.E36)
Guns Akimbo
Family Guy (S20.E14)
Hacksaw Ridge 
Halo Wars
Hardcore Henry 
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Star Wars: Rebels (S3.E5)
The Boys (S3.E6)
Schnitzel Paradise 
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party 
Epic Rap Battles of History (S3.E1)
Hitman: Agent 47
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu (S1.E2)
Home Team
Masters of Horror (S1.E6)
How 13 Props are Made for Movies and TV
How It Should Have Ended (S9.E2)
How It Should Have Ended (S8.E18)
Howard the Duck
A Frozen Rooster
I Am David
In a Valley of Violence
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Inglourious Basterds 
Inspector Gadget (S2.E26)
Community (S2.E17)
Ultimate Spider-Man (S2.E12)
Jason and the Argonauts
Jiu Jitsu 
Jumanji: The Next Level
Just Visiting 
Katy Perry: Roar
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (S3.E10)
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Cyanide and Happiness Shorts (S1.E140)
Kill Possible 
Nostalgia Critic (S12.E28)
King Kong
Kingdom of Heaven
Knight Rider (S1.E3)
Steven Universe (S4.E2)
From Up on Poppy Hill
Kung Fu Panda
Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation 
Dogmatix and the Indomitables (S1.E15)
Land of the Pharaohs
Tad: The Lost Explorer
The Legend of Hallowaiian
Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return
Legion of Iron
Lego Beyond Worlds
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload
Lego the Lord of the Rings: The Video Game
Leprechaun 6: Back 2 Tha Hood
Lethal Weapon 2
Lethal Weapon 4
License to Wed
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riviuphim · 11 months
Top bộ phim hài hước hay nhất
Những bộ phim hài hước luôn là những bộ phim giải trí không chỉ đối với trẻ em mà thu hút từ cả người lớn vì nhiều câu thoại hài hước giải trí. Phim hài được ưu thích vì có nhiều câu nói hay và tình huống hài hước. Hôm nay Riviu Phim sẽ tổng hợp Top 40 bộ phim hài hước hay nhất thế giới hiện nay. Hãy cùng chúng tôi tìm hiểu nhé!
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Phim hài: Điệp Viên Không Thấy Tái Xuất
Johnny English Reborn là một trong những bộ phim hài hước nổi tiếng trên Netflix, tiếp nối phần tiếp theo của Johnny English (Điệp viên không không thấy). Trong bộ phim, chúng ta gặp lại Johnny English (do Rowan Atkinson thủ vai), một điệp viên hài hước với khả năng gây cười đặc biệt.
Sau khi hoàn thành khóa học võ ở Tây Tạng, Johnny English sẵn sàng nhận nhiệm vụ mới tại MI7 – tổ chức tình báo Anh quốc. Anh đối mặt với các tình huống gay cấn và hài hước khi phải giải cứu một người thừa kế vương quốc và ngăn chặn một âm mưu đe dọa quốc gia.
Johnny English vẫn tiếp tục mang đến những pha hành động vụng về và những trận cười sảng khoái. Với sự kỳ lạ và bất ngờ của anh, bộ phim mang đến cho khán giả những giây phút giải trí tuyệt vời.
Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một bộ phim hài hước, lôi cuốn và không thiếu tiếng cười, hãy xem Johnny English Reborn trên Netflix. Johnny English chắc chắn sẽ mang đến cho bạn những trận cười sảng khoái và một trải nghiệm giải trí đáng nhớ.
Xem phim hài: Biệt đội săn ma
Biệt đội săn ma là một bộ phim điện ảnh đầy sự hài hước và pha trộn yếu tố hành động hình sự. Câu chuyện xoay quanh hai sinh viên Đại học Columbia, Abby và Erin, cùng với Patty, một nhân viên kinh doanh thương mại. Ba người này tình cờ trở thành những chiến sĩ diệt trừ ma quỷ khi phải đối mặt với sự tấn công của các hồn ma đáng sợ.
Phim không chỉ thu hút khán giả bởi yếu tố hài hước và những tình huống độc đáo mà Biệt đội săn ma mang đến, mà còn nhờ sự tham gia của diễn viên nổi tiếng Chris Hemsworth trong vai một thư ký của nhóm Ghostbusters. Neil Casey cũng xuất hiện trong vai nhân vật phản diện, tạo nên cuộc chiến đầy căng thẳng và kịch tính. Ngoài ra, Andy Garcia đảm nhận vai Thị trưởng thành phố New York, thêm phần thú vị cho bộ phim.
Với những yếu tố hài hước, hành động và tình tiết ly kỳ, Biệt đội săn ma đã thu hút một lượng lớn khán giả và trở thành một trong những bộ phim thành công về mặt doanh thu. Với mức lệch giá 296 triệu USD, phim đã chứng tỏ sức hấp dẫn và sự đón nhận của khán giả đối với thể loại phim mang tính giải trí này.
Biệt đội săn ma không chỉ mang đến những giây phút giải trí thú vị mà còn tạo ra sự kết nối giữa khán giả và những nhân vật độc đáo trong phim. Với sự kết hợp của yếu tố hài hước, hành động và hình sự, bộ phim này tạo nên một trải nghiệm đầy màu sắc và cuốn hút cho người xem.
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statecryptids · 1 year
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I'm still kinda in that ghostly winter mood, so here's another book review!
by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Penelope Pettiweather is a seeker of ghosts and legends, particularly those of the Pacific Northwest, and these stories are framed as her letters to friends recounting her supernatural inquiries.
Each tale begins with a history of the haunting and the location. While some readers might not like these “info dumps”, they are an integral part of each tale and give the ghostly subjects a feeling of place and realism.  
The specters Ms. Pettiweather describes are quite diverse. There is the phantom of a drowned woman whose body turned to soap, a pair of vengeful laborers reborn as fire-wreathed hellhounds, a Native shaman preserving the sacred lands under a golf course, and more.
Not all of the stories are about ghosts, though. Ms. Pettiweather also relates tales of a giant freshwater octopus living in a drowned forest; an electric sea serpents that may actually have been a Victorian submarine; and even the famous cryptid Ogopogo of Lake Okanagan.
Since the stories are told in an epistolary style, either recounting the tale after the fact or relating tales told by someone else, there admittedly isn’t much tension to the stories. One doesn’t get the sense of “being there” for the hauntings. But these fictional tales are not meant to spook the reader. Rather, they are an homage to real-life guidebooks to regional haunts and mysterious locales, as well as conversational ghost stories such as the Christmas ghost stories of M.R. James or the Carnacki tales of William Hope Hodgson.. They are also a love letter by the author, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, to the area around Puget Sound and the Pacific Northwest where she lives.
A particularly charming aspect of the stories is the affection Ms. Pettiweather has for all her supernatural subjects. She is no ghostbuster looking to exorcise every spook or exploit them for profit. She is an explorer probing the edges of the Unknown with curiosity, content to let these mysterious beings exist in peace. She even has empathy for the titular “Hounds of the Hearth” that directly try to immolate her. 
As a side-note, I want to mention that author Jessica Amanda Salmonson is transgender and was very open about her transition back in the 1970s. While her fiction isn’t focused on trans issues, I feel it’s good for readers- Queer readers especially- to see that trans authors have always been around.
The Complete Weird Epistles of Penelope Pettiweather, Ghost Hunter is a great read for those who love books about local folklore- even if its fictional. You can get a copy here or here.
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Movie Diary 2022
And here's my movie diary for 2022. Once again, these are the movies that I watched for the first time this year - no rewatches. And despite seeing Top Gun: Maverick a total of 17 times this year, I managed to see 113 other movies (3 more than 2021!). As always, my favorites are bolded.
1 Belle
2 Encanto
3 Don't Look Up
4 Sing 2
5 Ghostbusters: Afterlife
6 Stephen King: A Necessary Evil
7 New Gods: Nezha Reborn
8 A Hero
9 In The Heights
10 Riders of Justice
11 Shiva Baby
12 Bigbug
13 Being the Ricardos
14 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
15 Nightmare Alley
16 The Worst Person in the World
17 Parallel Mothers
18 The Adam Project
19 Turning Red
20 Bright Night (Nachthelle)
21 Spencer
22 Cheaper by the Dozen (2022)
23 Coda
24 The Monkey King: Reborn
25 Moonshot
26 Skyscraper
27 Dein Leben gehört mir
28 The Bubble
29 The Bad Guys
30 The Karate Kid
31 Stand by Me
32 The Karate Kid Part II
33 Uncharted
34 The Karate Kid Part III
35 The Outfit
36 The Batman
37 Everything Everywhere All at Once
38 So Close
39 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
40 Our Father
41 White Hot: The Rise & Fall of Ambercrombie & Fitch
42 The Tragedy of Macbeth
43 Mostly Minimalistic (Alles in bester Ordnung)
44 Official Competition
45 Licorice Pizza
46 Song Lang
47 Pariah
48 Love My Life (2006)
49 The Unbearable Wight of Massive Talent
50 Fire Island
51 Show Me Love
52 I Care a Lot
53 Top Gun
54 Benedetta
55 Top Gun: Maverick
56 Crush
57 Paris, 13th District
58 Jerry & Marge Go Large
59 Thor: Love & Thunder
60 Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
61 The Bob's Burgers MOvie
62 The Sea Beast
63 The Affairs of Julia
64 Broker
65 Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2
66 The Lost City
67 Prey
68 Decision to Leave
69 Nope
70 The Roundup
71 DC League of Super-Pets
72 Emergency Declaration
73 The Client
74 Jerry Maguire
75 Do Revenge
76 Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3
77 Risky Business
78 Titane
79 Losin' It
80 Bodies Bodies Bodies
81 Raw
82 War Dogs
83 X
84 Black Adam
85 Valkyrie
86 Bone Tomahawk
87 Pearl
88 Ginger Snaps
89 Bros
90 The Innocents (2021)
91 See How They Run
92 Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
93 Enola Holmes 2
94 Three Thousand Years of Longing
95 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
96 Ticket to Paradise
97 The Wonder
98 The Menu
99 Collateral
100 Cha Cha Real Smooth
101 Footloose (2011)
102 My Father's Dragon
103 Eastern Promises
104 Interview with the Vampire
105 Moon-young
106 Bullet Train
107 Oblivion
108 War of the Worlds
109 Herman Kills!
110 Troll
111 Bleed for This
112 Argentina, 1985
113 Meet the Parents
114 Meet the Fockers
115 Avatar: The Way of Water
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Some more Fanfic Recs
https://archiveofourown.org/works/594787 - Considering Winston’s first day as a Ghostbuster included a crash course on the containment system and how to use a proton pack and then his second day involved three back to back busts which left him covered head to toe in slime, Winston wasn’t sure what his third day on the job would bring.
House of the Dragon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41663394 -  ‘You are the heir to the iron throne. The heir,' he says furiously, 'Men would kill to be in your position, they would kill their own babes in the cradle for it. The houses have all knelt to you, it is there within your grasp.'
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41772081 -  Viserys was having a good day with the return of his brother, but that night, Otto tells him that Daemon and Rhaenyra were spotted together at a pleasure den. He goes to Rhaenyra's room, intent to discover the truth of their actions, and instead finds her in bed with her King's Guard. The next day finds him much more accepting of Daemon's surprise proposal for Rhaenyra's hand.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41693844 -  After another failed pregnancy, Rhaenyra's parents decide the wisest course of action is to marry her and Prince Daemon. Fortunately, she likes that plan and agrees to it without issue.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41803092 -  Or, the five times Rhaenyra asks Daemon to be her husband, and the one time he asks her to be his wife.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41730753/chapters/104688000 -  Daemon has a complete revelation after attempting to seduce his niece and it changes absolutely everything. (ongoing)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41525082/chapters/104144538 -  Or the one in which Rhaenyra Targaryen loses her Prince, her throne, her dragon, her children, and ultimately, her life. And then proceeds to be reborn with only her frustratingly vague dreams to stop her from losing everything all over again. (ongoing)
Game of Thrones
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21515398 -  Trapped in King's Landing, Sansa is offered one choice about her life: who she wants to marry. Picking Ser Sandor Clegane was one of her best decisions.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/3085821 -  Professor Robert "Hob" Gadling's History 101 class is always fully booked each semester. This is why.
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star wars the reborn republic
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star wars the reborn republic, the set in the begin of the new republic era after the final battle of endor, the freedom defenders take their chance to against the galactic empire across the galaxy, this is their freedom duty to free the freedom planet from the galactic empire across the galaxy, art style: any art animation style, rated: everyone to mature.
star wars the phantom buster. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: the ghostbusters/the ghost busters art style. main characters: the phantom buster the ghost hunter group.
star wars the liger strike. rated: the teen rated. art style: zoids art style. main characters: ligeroarion the male robot liger animal anthro.
star wars the phantom n goblin. rated: the teen rated. art style: ghosts n goblins art stlye. main characters: arthuren the male human knight.
star wars ace plane strike. rated: the teen rated. art style: air ace combat art style. main characters: round ace the male airplace anthro.
star wars the blood soul. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: king's field & demon's souls & dark souls & bloodborne & sekiro shadows die twice & elden ring art style. main characters: jealfrester the male human ronin.
star wars the banana island. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: monkey island art style. main characters: guybreepood the male robot cyborg human like pirate.
star wars the thief rampage. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: sly cooper art style. main characters: the raccooper twins the male/female raccoon anthro thief twins.
star wars the rift attack rated: the teen rated. art style: ratchet & clank art style. main characters: ratcatent the male cat anthro & clankobot the male backpack robot cyborg & captain qwarnicuslie the male human spaceship captain.
star wars the space frontier. rated: the teen rated. art style: jak & daxter art style. main characters: jarkert the male hybrid human elf & daxtert the male hybrid ottsel otter weasel anthro.
star wars the temple of the wild rated: the teen rated. art style: banjo kazooie & conker art style. main characters: banjem the male bear anthro & kazoom the female bird anthro & conker the male squirrel anthro.
star wars the armored machine. rated: the teen rated. art style: armored core art stlye. main characters: ravecha the male robot cyborg mecha.
star wars the bio monster. rated: the teen rated. art style: biomutant art style. main characters: the bioccoon twins the male/female bio mammal anthro twins
star wars crab attack. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: another crab's treasure art style. main characters: crabob the male carb anthro.
star wars the pirate trip. rated: the teen rated. art style: space pirate captain harlock art style. main characters: harlord the male human space pirate.
star wars the cyber racer. rated: the teen rated. art style: future gpx cyber formula art style. main characters: asuradart the male formula car robot cyborg.
star wars the pod car. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: speed racer gogogo art style. main characters: speederacer the male robot cyborg human like racer.
star wars the scrapart. rated: the teen rated. art style: scrapland art style main characters: d tritron the male robot cyborg.
star wars the devil knight. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: diablo art style. main characters: aidanderer the male human mage knight warrior.
star wars the sword craft. rated: the teen rated. art style: world of warcraft art style. main characters: anduthar the male human swordsman.
star wars the falland. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: fallout/wasteland/fountain of dreams/meantime art style. main characters: the vauller twins the male/female human twins.
star wars the maskiller. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: dishonored art style. main characters: maskiller twins the male/female human twins.
star wars the warrior scrools. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: the elder scrolls art style. main characters: eternalord the male human warrior.
star wars the doom destroyer. rated: the gore mature rated. art style: the id universe/wolfenstein/doom/commander keen/quake art style main characters: doom destroyer the male human armored soldier.
star wars the valvoid. rated: the teen rated. art style: valve universe art style. main characters: the valvoid the human freedom fighter group
star wars the outer city. rated: the kid family friendly rated. art style: galidor art style. main characters: nichooth the male human adventurer.
star wars the watcheroce. rated: the teen rated. art style: overwatch art style. main characters: watcheroce the super human/alien/animal/robot/droid team.
"Star Wars: The Reborn Republic" invites players to join the ranks of the Freedom Defenders as they take on the oppressive Galactic Empire across the galaxy. Featuring a diverse cast of characters and spanning various art styles, this game offers an immersive experience suitable for players of all ages.
1. Star Wars: The Phantom Buster
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: The Ghostbusters
Main Characters: The Phantom Buster and the Ghost Hunter Group
2. Star Wars: The Liger Strike
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Zoids
Main Characters: Ligeroarion, the male robot liger animal anthro
3. Star Wars: The Phantom n Goblin
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Ghosts 'n Goblins
Main Characters: Arthuren, the male human knight
4. Star Wars Ace Plane Strike
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Air Ace Combat
Main Characters: Round Ace, the male airplane anthro
5. Star Wars: The Blood Soul
Rated: Mature
Art Style: FromSoftware games (King's Field, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Elden Ring)
Main Characters: Jealfrester, the male human ronin
6. Star Wars: The Banana Island
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Monkey Island
Main Characters: Guybreepood, the male robot cyborg human-like pirate
7. Star Wars: The Thief Rampage
Rated: Mature
Art Style: Sly Cooper
Main Characters: The Raccooper Twins, the male/female raccoon anthro thief twins
8. Star Wars: The Rift Attack
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Ratchet & Clank
Main Characters: Ratcatent, Clankobot, Captain Qwarnicuslie
9. Star Wars: The Space Frontier
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Jak & Daxter
Main Characters: Jarkert, Daxtert
10. Star Wars: The Temple of the Wild
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Banjo-Kazooie & Conker
Main Characters: Banjem, Kazoom, Conker
11. Star Wars: The Armored Machine
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Armored Core
Main Characters: Ravecha, the male robot cyborg mecha
12. Star Wars: The Bio Monster
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Biomutant
Main Characters: The Bioccoon Twins, the male/female bio mammal anthro twins
13. Star Wars Crab Attack
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Another Crab's Treasure
Main Characters: Crabob, the male crab anthro
14. Star Wars: The Pirate Trip
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Main Characters: Harlord, the male human space pirate
15. Star Wars: The Cyber Racer
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Future GPX Cyber Formula
Main Characters: Asuradart, the male formula car robot cyborg
16. Star Wars: The Pod Car
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Speed Racer GoGoGo
Main Characters: Speederacer, the male robot cyborg human-like racer
17. Star Wars: The Scrapart
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Scrapland
Main Characters: D Tritron, the male robot cyborg
18. Star Wars: The Devil Knight
Rated: Mature
Art Style: Diablo
Main Characters: Aidanderer, the male human mage knight warrior
19. Star Wars: The Sword Craft
Rated: Teen
Art Style: World of Warcraft
Main Characters: Anduthar, the male human swordsman
20. Star Wars: The Falland
Rated: Mature
Art Style: Fallout/Wasteland/Fountain of Dreams/Meantime
Main Characters: The Vauller Twins, the male/female human twins
21. Star Wars: The Maskiller
Rated: Mature
Art Style: Dishonored
Main Characters: The Maskiller Twins, the male/female human twins
22. Star Wars: The Warrior Scrolls
Rated: Mature
Art Style: The Elder Scrolls
Main Characters: Eternalord, the male human warrior
23. Star Wars: The Doom Destroyer
Rated: Mature
Art Style: The id Universe/Wolfenstein/Doom/Commander Keen/Quake
Main Characters: Doom Destroyer, the male human armored soldier
24. Star Wars: The Valvoid
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Valve Universe
Main Characters: The Valvoid, the human freedom fighter group
25. Star Wars: The Outer City
Rated: Kid Family Friendly
Art Style: Galidor
Main Characters: Nichooth, the male human adventurer
26. Star Wars: The Watcheroce
Rated: Teen
Art Style: Overwatch
Main Characters: Watcheroce, the superhuman/alien/animal/robot/droid team
In "Star Wars: The Reborn Republic," players can embark on thrilling adventures across the galaxy, joining forces with heroes from various backgrounds to fight for freedom against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. From epic battles to daring escapades, every character offers a unique journey and exciting gameplay experience.
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needlenxggin · 1 year
Munday Except it's Tuesday WEDNESDAY
Tag nine people you want to get to know better ~
Favorite color(s): Blue!
Favorite flavor(s): I love sweet stuffs, buy me a carton of Cranberry juice and I'll fight to the death for you
Favorite genre(s): Sci-fi, Fantasy, comedy
Favorite music: I listen to a lot of rock I guess?
Favorite movie(s): Ghostbusters, John Wick, Deadpool, there's probably more but these were the first ones to come to mind in that order lmao.
Favorite series: Ghostbusters, The Mandalorian, Persona, Konosuba, Trigun, Devil May Cry again there's probably more but they aren't coming to mind atm
Last song: Tombi by Kvi Baba
Last movie: Pan's Labyrinth at the request of my girlfriend who wanted to show me it
Currently watching: cracks knuckles Trigun Stampede, Buddy Daddies, In/Spectre, Don't toy with me miss Nagatoro-san!, The fruit of evolution, Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire, Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement, Chillin' in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army, ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!, Tomo-chan Is a Girl!, High Card.
Currently working on: my mountain of drafts and finding a job
Tagged by: @threadsandwings
Tagging: whoever wants to give this a shot
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smlpodcast · 2 years
The SML Podcast - Episode 824: Spooky Salmon
Download Episode 824 -- 
We have a monstrously awesome show lined up with news, reviews, guests, and spookage!
The show kicks off with Aki on hand to welcome musician Grant "Stemage" Henry and our favorite Xbox connoisseur Timbre Webb to the show to hang out. Jacob Garner shows up eventually, but he was late again. He fell into the Abyss. But we all chat about what we're playing these days, what Halloween games have our interest, what's coming up in the future we're excited about, and plenty more!
After Timbre realizes what a horrible mistake she's made by coming on and heads out for the night, we cover the news of the week including the latest PlayStation Plus lineup for November, NIOH franchise sales figures, Age of Empires coming to console, Fallout 4 getting next gen enhancements, Discord going phone-less on Xbox soon, and tons more. Plus reviews with Grant and an Andy Sperry email!
0:00 - Intro/Timbre & Stemage Chatter/News 57:32 - A Plague Tale: Requiem - Asobo Studio, Focus Entertainment (Aki) 1:09:18 - Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed - IllFonic (Jacob) 1:17:55 - SCORN - Ebb Software, Kepler Interactive (Aki & Grant) 1:28:08 - The Pinball Wizard - Frosty Pop Games (Grant) 1:36:40 - Gunfire Reborn - Duoyi Games, 505 Games (Jacob) 1:43:17 - Gas Station Simulator - Dragon Entertainment, MD Games (Jacob) 1:52:34 - Sophstar - Banana Bytes, Red Art Games (Jacob) 1:56:22 - Runout - Sergio Poverony, Ratalaika Games (Jacob) 2:02:09 - 41 Hours - Texelworks, eastasiasoft (Aki) 2:10:07 - The Eternal Cylinder - ACE Team, Good Shepherd (Andy) 2:15:55 - The Last Days of Lazarus - GrimTalin, Darkania Works (Aki)
The show ends with some Stemage goodness from his latest release, Spookage Vol. 1!
2:21:40 - Stemage - Deadflip (Alien Crush)
https://twitter.com/just_timbre https://www.stemagemusic.com/ https://www.asobostudio.com/ https://www.focus-entmt.com/ https://www.ghostbusterssu.com/ https://www.illfonic.com/ https://scorn-game.com/ https://ebbsoftware.com/ https://www.kepler-interactive.com/ https://frostypop.com/ https://www.duoyi.com/ https://505games.com/ https://twitter.com/GasStationSim https://mdgamespublishing.com/ https://twitter.com/BananaBytesBr https://www.redartgames.com/ https://twitter.com/poverony https://www.ratalaikagames.com/ http://www.texelworks.com/ https://www.eastasiasoft.com/ https://www.aceteam.cl/ https://www.goodshepherd.games/ https://www.grimtalin.com/ https://twitter.com/darkaniaworks https://stemage.bandcamp.com/ https://theoneups.bandcamp.com/ https://www.troggostudio.com/product/20 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://open.spotify.com/show/6KQpzHeLsoyVy6Ln2ebNwK https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ ALL REVIEWED GAMES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANY COVERAGE ON THE SHOW #Xbox #Switch #PS5
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tonkiprofits · 2 years
Little devil inside game release date
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The Calisto Protocol - December 2 - Buy It.Just Dance 2023 Edition - November 22 - Buy Itĭecember 2022 - PlayStation Game Release Dates.Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me - November 18 - Buy It.
Goat Simulator 3 - November 17 - Buy It.
Tactics Ogre Reborn - November 11 - Buy It.
God of War: Ragnarok - November 9 - Buy It.
November 2022 - PlayStation Game Release Dates
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - October 28 - Buy It.
Star Ocean: The Divine Force - October 27 - Buy It.
New Tales from the Borderlands - October 21 - Buy It.
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef - October 20 - Buy It.
A Plague Tale: Requiem - October 18 - Buy It.
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed - October 18 - Buy It.
Dragon Ball: The Breakers - October 14 - Buy It.
No More Heroes III - October 11 - Buy It.
October 2022 - PS4 / PS5 Game Release Dates Paw Patrol: Grand Prix - September 30 - Buy It.Valkyrie Elysium - September 29 - Buy It.Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - September 29 - Buy It.The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero - September 27 - Buy It.Dreamworks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - September 23 - Buy It.Train Life: A Railway Simulator - September 22.Session: Skate Sim - September 22 - Buy It.The DioField Chronicle - September 22 - Buy It.Outer Wilds (PS5 update) - September 15.Isonso: WWI Italian Front - September 13.Kaichu: The Kaiju Dating Sim - September 7.Train Sim World 3 - September 6 - Buy It.The Tomorrow Children: Phoenix Edition - September 6.Biomutant (PS5 version/free upgrade) - September 6 - Buy It.Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness - September 2.The Last of Us Part I - September 2 - Buy It.Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R - September 2 - Buy It.September 2022 - PlayStation Game Release Dates Strategy RPG fans can pick up The DioField Chronicle, and the Zelda-inspired Tunic also arrives on PlayStation. Also, sports fans are well served this month, with the release of NBA 2K23 and FIFA 23. That said, a from-the-ground-up remaster of the original The Last of Us is hitting PS5 this month, bringing the UI and some of the movement and combat aspects in line with Part II. You can also click the shortcuts below to hop to your system of choice.ĭespite being the month when fall begins, September isn't exactly packed with major game releases. And if you're someone who likes to preorder games, you can click the buy link to make sure it arrives on launch day.
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0 notes
ghostbustersreborn · 2 years
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❙.      tara sat outside her father's office, working on homework and other things she had to do for school. ❙.
in the corner of her eye she saw the red sprayed on words that read 'venkman burn in hell' on the door of her father's work space.
she couldn't help but laugh. it was cruel yet also comical.
tara could hear the girl from inside go "i don't know. they're just coming to me." she rolled her eyes, knowing what dad was doing.
he'd tell ALL the girls they were right and at the end of the session, he'd convince them to hang at his place. worked like a charm.
she began to wonder if that was how he got her mom pregnant in the first place?
as thoughts of her mom began to cloud her mind. she had a rather tough time focusing on the homework before her.
"dammit. i don't know what to do." she swore under her breath, shutting the binder.
egon had left an hour ago, while ray she had no clue where he was.
egon and ray were big into the supernatural. ghosts, particularly. while, her dad was a total skeptic and went along for the ride just for the hell of it.
"i'm getting a little tired of this!" snapped the boy from inside.
tara shut her eyes, shaking her head.
"dad needs to knock it off." she mumbled.
she grabbed her backpack from the floor, slipping her binder inside. she set it back down as she stood up. she made her way over to the door ready to put a stop to her dad's childish actions.
"you volunteered, didn't you? we're paying you, aren't we?" her father reminded him.
"yeah, but i didn't know you were giving me electric shocks." admitted the boy. "what are you trying to prove here anyway?!"
"i'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on E.S.P. ability." her father briefly explained to the boy.
"the effect? i'll tell you what the effect is, it's pissing me off!" the boy snapped.
tara winced, not expecting the boy's sudden outburst. she felt a little bad for him.
"well, then, maybe my theory is correct!" venkman snapped.
"you can keep the five bucks. i've had it." the boy grumbled.
tara moved out of the way just as the door to the office swung open.
she watched the boy storm off, mumbling curse words under his breath.
she moved back over to the door, listening in on her father's conversation to the girl.
"you may as well get used to that." he told her.
tara rolled her eyes, knowing where this conversation was leading to..
"it's the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people."
"do you think i have it, dr. venkman?" asked the girl.
she could hear the fast shuffling of feet coming her way.
tara made sure to get out of the way of the door again, not wanting to be crushed or pushed to the floor.
"hey, tara!" ray quickly greeted her.
he opened the door to her father's office, not caring if he was busy or not. he clearly needed to tell him something, something big.
tara followed ray inside the office, in which she saw her father kneeling down in front of the girl with his hand set on her shoulder.
she again rolled her eyes.
"this is it." ray announced.
"what is?" tara questioned.
ray turned to her, giving her a smile before turning his attention back onto his coworker.
"this is definitely it!" ray expressed, excitement hinted in his tone.
tara's dad known as peter (cause it's getting annoying referring to him as just her dad) glanced over at her, hoping she had some kind of answer to what ray was rambling on about.
in response, she shrugged.
"will you excuse me for a second?" peter asked the blonde.
he stood up from his crouched position.
"i'm right in the middle of something, ray!" he said through clenched teeth, hitting him over the head.
tara shook her head, scoffing.
"dad, stop being a child. you have a thousand girls coming to your office each week, it's not the end of the world if you don't end up in this one's pants." in which she completely called her dad's "play boy" personality out.
peter shot her a glare to which tara smiled in return.
it was never calm between the two.
peter moved his attention back over to the blonde who had a look of confusion written on her face.
"she was joking." he assured her.
the woman seemed to be calmed by that statement, which took tara by surprise.
'wow, she really is that dumb.' tara thought to herself, before going over to ray who now stood there awkwardly, fumbling with his camera.
"i need a little more time with this subject." he  explained to ray.
"subject? or play-" peter quickly cut his daughter off by smacking his hand over her mouth.
"could you come back in an hour and a-" this time tara cut her father off by licking the palm of his hand.
"tara! what the hell?!" he yelled, retracting his now wet hand.
tara laughed.
peter rolled his eyes before turning his attention back onto ray.
"peter, at 1:40 p.m. at the main branch of the new york public library on fifth avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. it flew books off of shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off of some poor librarian!" ray gushed.
"my brain only picked up on half of what you said, but woah awesome!" tara said in awe.
"i know!" ray agreed with her.
"i'm very excited. i'm very pleased." peter said, void of emotion.
"no you're not, you're just excited to get into another girl's-" "tara, stop it." peter ordered.
tara frowned. "make me."
"i want you to get right down there. check it out, and take tara with you." he dragged tara over in between them.
"no, no." ray shook his head, knowing what peter was doing.
he wanted out of this.
"get right back to me. the two of you. i'll be there in spirit." peter settled.
"no. peter, you're coming with us." ray
informed him. "spengler, went down there. he took PKE valences, went right off the top of the scale. buried the needle." he explained.
tara considered bringing her homework with her to see if egon could help her. then again, she began to wonder if the ghost perhaps could..
"we're close on this one. i can feel it." ray left the room. leaving the girl, the estranged father and daughter in the room all by their lonesome.
peter exchanged eye contact with his daughter and went; "aren't you going too?"
tara scoffed. she walked out, brushing past him before leaving the room.
ray was waiting for her.
"hold on. i want to hear this." tara told him.
she placed her ear up against the door, to get a better listen on what the two had to say to each other. it was going to be totally cheesy!
"i have to go now, jennifer." peter announced to her. "but i'd like to work with you some more. perhaps you could come back this evening, say at..." he trailed off.
"8:00?" the girl took a guess.
whenever her dad brought a girl over, it only meant he'd be kicking tara out for the evening so he could have some alone time.
tara didn't mind it though, she preferred staying at egon or ray's place rather than her own.
"i was just going to say "8:00?"" peter said, mimicking the way the girl said it. "you are a legitimate phenomenon!" he complimented her.
tara began slamming her head against the door, hoping she'd knock herself unconscious from it. 
"what's all that noise?" she could hear jennifer ask.
"oh, nothing! it's just-" the door swung open, almost making tara fall. peter poked his head out "stop it!" he hissed before slamming the door shut "nothing. it's fine." he assured the blonde.
tara kicked the door before grabbing her backpack and making her way over to ray.
"okay, let's go." she said to ray.
peter eventually caught up with them much to tara's dismay. now, they were walking up the steps to the library.
"as a friend, i have to tell you you've finally gone around the bend on this ghost business." peter told ray. "you guys have been running your ass off, meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he's had a paranormal experience."
"why are you such a skeptic?" tara asked her father, curiosity hinted in her voice.
peter stopped in his tracks, taking a look at his daughter. "because, tara there is such things as drugs and when people take drugs they see things that aren't really there."
she scoffed.
"of course, you forgot peter. i was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration." ray said as they entered the building.
"oh, ray..." peter groaned. "the sponges migrated at a foot and a half." he added as he snuck up on egon who was sat on the floor, busy listening in on something with his stethoscope.
peter knocked on the table, making egon think it was the ghost.
"dad, stop it!" tara hissed, hitting him in the arm.
"egon.." peter said ominously.
peter slammed the book back onto the table, startling his coworker.
egon took off his stethoscope, seeing that it was just peter goofing off.
"hi, egon." tara greeted him.
egon made eye contact with tara, noticing she had on her backpack. he automatically knew her bringing it only meant she needed help on homework.
"i'll help you later." he promised her.
tara nodded. knowing he fulfilled his promises unlike a certain someone...
"what have you got?" ray asked him.
"this is big, peter. this is very big." egon said, describing it the way ray did earlier. "there's definitely something in here."
"egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to a drill a hole through your head, remember that?" peter asked, humorously.
egon shot him a look. "that would've worked, if you hadn't stopped me." he grumbled.
a man in a suit came up to them, standing behind tara.
tara eyed him, before moving herself to stand closer to egon.
"hello. i'm roger delacorte." the stranger introduced himself to the group. "are you the men from the university?" he questioned.
"yes. i'm dr.venkman. dr.stantz. egon and that's my daughter tara." peter said, introducing the group to the man.
"is she uh a doctor too?" roger asked.
tara gave the man a look before peter went in and said "yeah uh no, far from it." in which she gave her father a death stare.
"thank you for coming." roger said, changing the subject.
tara heaved out a sigh, egon glanced over to her to which she faked a smile in order to show she was "okay".
"i hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly." the man hoped.
"let's not rush things. we don't even know what you have yet." peter stated.
the man took them to where a very shaken up librarian was to interview her on what she had witnessed.
she was laid out on a table, describing the situation to the boys.
the woman looked to be in her mid to late sixties. her hair was strewn about, while her expression read fear and her body looked tense.
"i don't remember seeing any legs, but it definitely had arms, because it reached out for me." the woman described.
"arms? i can't wait to get a look at this thing!" ray gushed.
tara giggled, shaking her head.
"alice, i'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay?" peter informed her.
as soon as peter asked his first question, tara knew where this was going. he either thought she was on drugs or schizophrenic or both.
"my uncle thought he was st.jerome." she admitted.
peter shot the boys a look, obviously his mind started to go to drugs.
tara bit her tongue, for once trying hard not to call her father out on his stupidity.
"i'd call that a big "yes"." he said, sounding cocky. "are you habitually using drugs?" tara facepalmed. "stimulants, alcohol?" he further questioned.
"no." the woman denied.
"no. no. just asking." he told her. "are you, alice, menstruating right now?"
"dad?! what the hell?!" she snapped.
"what?! she could be!" peter defended himself.
"that's not something you ask a woman!" tara told him off.
"back off sweetheart, i'm working." he said with a cocky grin.
"that's it." tara said, about ready to go and kick her father's ass until ray grabbed a hold of her pulling her far away from him.
peter smiled and waved, angering tara even more.
she flipped him off. not caring how mean she was being to her father.
to her, he deserved it.
egon and ray were more of dads to her than peter ever was. well, that's what tara thought.
"ray! it's moving. come on." egon announced.
ray set tara back down on her feet before quickly following egon out of the room.
tara glared at her father before going off to find ray and egon.
peter sighed, reluctantly following the three further down into the library.
egon was at the head of the group, holding a device called a PKE that tracked the ghost's whereabouts.
peter lazily trailed behind them, with a look of boredom written on his face.
they went into a random aisle, seeing a tower of books in the middle of the aisle.
"look!" ray pointed out.
egon scanned the books with the PKE, while ray held up his camera.
"this is hot, ray." egon conversed with his fellow coworker.
tara inspected the books, wondering how long it took this ghost to pile all those books for.
"wow. i should do this to barricade my bedroom door next time." she spoke to herself.
"please, don't." peter requested.
tara ignored him, moving herself away from him and closer to egon.
"symmetrical book stacking. just like the philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947." ray commented.
"you're right." peter said. "no human being would stack books like this."
"no, you wouldn't. you're not neat or symmetrical." tara sassed him.
peter shot her a look, before moving on with his friends.
ray stopped. "listen!" he exclaimed.
the group fell silent, trying to listen to whatever ray told them to listen to.
"you smell something?" ray then asked.
tara didn't know how 'listen' and 'you smell something' went together but they WERE the professionals here, so she decided not to question it any further.
egon's meter buzzed as the four slowly inched themselves away from the tower of books.
going into the next aisle. it was an aisle full of filing cabinets, papers were strewn and all of the cabinets were open.
"talk about telekinetic activity. look at this mess!" ray exclaimed.
"raymond, look at this." egon went.
tara followed ray and egon over to an open filing cabinet which had a gooey substance that looked an awful lot like snot dripping from it. 
she closed her eyes, her nose scrunched up in disgust. "oh my god. what is that?" she asked, feeling like she was going to puke.
"ectoplasmic residue!" ray cried, answering tara's question.
tara reopened her eyes. trying her best not to look at the snot like substance.
egon took out a container from his coat, he held it up in peter's direction and went "venkman, get a sample of this."
tara couldn't help but laugh.
"tara, care to do the honors?" peter asked her, taking the container from egon.
tara quickly regretted laughing because she did NOT want to be in contact with that thing!
she shook her head "no" vigorously.
peter smiled. "that's what i thought." he hummed.
"it's the real thing." ray stated, filming it.
peter made his way over to it. "look, somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it?" he questioned.
tara was now stood behind egon, she didn't even want to see it in the corner of her eye.
"i'd like to analyze it." egon answered.
"there's more over here." ray pointed.
"oh no." she whimpered.
"i'm getting stronger readings here." egon commented.
tara stuck by egon, with her eyes screwed shut. she held his hand, making sure she didn't bump into anything or well any of the snot. (🥺🥺)
"this way!" egon called to her father.
tara took one last look at her father, she saw him turn to the books and spread the remaining "snot" left on all of them.
"i hate you." she whispered before quickly following egon and ray into the hall.
peter looked where she once stood, having heard what she said.
"love you too kid, love you too." he muttered before following the group.
"egon, your mucus." peter said, handing him the container.
just as he said that, a book shelf from behind them toppled over.
"holy shit." tara said with widened eyes.
peter gave her a "did you really just say that?" kind of look.
"what?" she snapped.
peter turned to ray and asked "this happen to you before?"
ray shook his head.
"huh. first time?" he assumed.
in which, ray nodded his head yes again.
they walked on in silence, the only sound coming was egon's PKE meter buzzing.
the buzzing noise intensified as they went through a second row of books.
going out into a hallway, the meter hummed steadily now. egon put his hand out, stopping the group from going any further.
egon walked ahead of them, keeping an eye on his PKE meter as it kept buzzing.
the three went over to egon, to which they saw a purple see through ghost across from them reading a book.
tara looked in awe. she couldn't believe it. ghosts really were real!
"it's here." egon announced to them.
"a full-torso apparition, and it's real." ray whispered.
egon nodded. he couldn't believe it either.
peter looked disinterested. just wanting to be done here.
"so, what do we do?" he asked casually.
egon and ray looked to one another, unsure of what to make of their next move. they've never gotten this far.
"could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?" peter requested.
peter grabbed a hold of ray's ear, repeating his question.
he dragged ray down the hall, with egon following.
tara was stood there, awe struck by the ghost.
"tara, you too! come here." he hissed, snapping for emphasis.
tara huffed, doing as she was told.
"what do we do?" he repeated his question.
"i don't know, what do you think?" ray asked egon.
"maybe try to talk to it or something? treat it like a normal human being." tara suggested.
"a normal human being? tara, it's not even human." peter corrected her.
"you're not normal, but we still treat you fine." tara shrugged.
peter huffed. "i don't have time for this right now. what do we do?" he asked, growing impatient.
"tara's right. we should try to make contact." egon agreed with her.
tara smiled. happy to be right.
"one of us should actually try to speak to it." ray nodded.
"well, since tara suggested it. she should go." peter said, dragging tara out from their hiding spot.
"no." egon declined, dragging her over to him.
"then, who do you want to possibly do it?" peter questioned.
they all looked to him.
peter sighed. he turned around and started making his way towards the ghost.
ray got out his camera, getting ready to film.
the three followed peter out into the hall where the ghost was quietly reading, minding her business.
"hello." peter made himself known to her. "i'm peter."
to which she ignored him.
"where are you from?" he asked her. "originally." he added.
the ghost turned to him, she put her index finger up to her lips and shushed him.
tara snorted.
peter turned to the group, he made his way over to them.
"alright, okay." he said, leading them back to where they were previously. "the usual stuff isn't working."
"okay, i have a plan." ray announced. "i know exactly what to do."
"tara, stay here." egon requested.
she watched them tip toe out into the hall. slowly, making their way over to the reading ghost.
"now, stay close." ray instructed. "stay close. i know, do exactly as i say." he ordered. "get ready."
as they were mere inches from her, ray yelled out "get her!"
to which the ghost turned demonic, letting out a monstrous roar.
the boys screamed, struggling to get away from the demonic ghost.
egon grabbed a hold of tara, throwing her over his shoulder as they made a run for it.
"did you see it? what was it?" asked roger from earlier.
"we'll get back to you!" peter assured him.
"what?!" roger yelled.
tara watched mindlessly as the boys scrambled down the steps running as fast as they could, while people on in confusion.
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jade-cooper · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pennywise is Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2!
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Fallen Royalty (Blue Exorcist/AHIT)
Spooky Gratitude (Digimon/DMC)
Balan's Promise(BWW/P5)
Erase the Future (Pokemon/DMC) (Being reworked)
Unappreciated Hunter (MH/AHIT) (Being reworked/Lost original documents ☹️)
Stone Dove (Knack/JJBA)
Keeper of Dreams (Kirby/DMC)
Requiem of Love (Pokemon/JJBA)
Guardian of the Forest (AOT/Digimon)
His Past (JTTW/Yu-Gi-Oh)
Sage's Vow (LMK/Persona)
Reader Imagines
Joestar Misadventures- Sun Wukong: Starter, 1, 2
Corazon with a Monster Hunter s/o: Starter
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter
Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter,
Ichigo Kurosaki/Zangetsu/Hichigo with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter, 1
LMK characters first meeting their s/o (Manners Maketh Man): P1
Hero is Back!Sun Wukong with a Stand User s/o: Starter
Glamrock Freddy and Gregory's Special Assistance: 1, 2
JTTW 96!Sun Wukong with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter, 1
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o?!: Starter,
LMK Characters with a Comic Artist s/o: P1
MKR! Sun Wukong with a Persona User s/o: Starter, 1
Nevada's Oasis:
Gardener- Starter
DSB Sun Wukong with a Duelist s/o: Starter, 1, 2
Ryomen Sukuna and Ghostbuster!Reader: Starter
LMK Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian: Starter,
Saiyuki Sun Wukong with a Game Designer s/o: Starter
Black Seastone Route- 1
By The Sea, There He'll Be/ Mer HIB!Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Emmet and Digimon!Reader: Starter, 1
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent: Starter , 1, 2
MKR Sun Wukong with a Time Lord s/o: Starter
Crocodile Rock/ Mer!MKR Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Axolotl Dreams: Starter, 1
Josuke Higashikata with a Grunt s/o: Starter
Broken Toys
Monkie Kid: Venomous Tales
Fell Guardian
Inner Demons
Fast Shadows
Sticks and Stones
Taming Madness
Price of Power
Boy and his Beasts
Wrathful Idol
Theories/Personal Headcanons
Order and Chaos: Safi'Jiiva and Altreon
Six Eared Macaque and Blood Monkeys
Sun Wukong's actions in Lego Monkie Kid
Sun Wukongs I know
Jak and Daxter Time Travel
Fierce Deity Mini Theory
What ifs/Ideas
What if Ichigo got the powers of Sun Wukong?
Josuke Higashikata (P4) meeting and being trained by LMK's Macaque
MK finding and raising 2020 Sonic
Eddie Brock and Venom have a makeshift family drop on them: 1
Random Scenarios: 1
Sonic's Warp Ring Glitch Misadventures: 1, 2
New Species: Glitch
Worldbuilding: ReNexus,
Writing Challenges: Starter
Curses: DigiEcho
Fierce Mergence
Diamonds and Voodoo(JJBA/Crash Bandicoot: Pro., 1
Wonderful Hunter(BWW/MH): Pro.,
Stone Novas(Pokemon/LMK): Pro., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Origami Dreams(Jujutsu Kaisen/Paper Mario): Pro.,
Thief's Ambition(P5/Digimon): Pro.,
Crossroads(Jujutsu Kaisen/Pokemon): Pro.,
Stand Needed(JJBA/AHIT): Pro.,
Sonic May Cry (being reworked)
Shadow of Iron(LMK/Iron Man): Pro,
Trip Down Memory Lane(Venom/BWW): Pro,
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Stone Novas has proper terms for Yaoguai added.
Excerpts added to Fell Guardian AU.
Glitch updated.
Part 2 of Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent now has a link to ReNexus.
Next part of Wrathful Idol has been added.
Next part of Madness New World has been added.
Link to MK's assassin uniform has been added to Wrathful Idol.
Madness New World been moved to Masterlist 2.
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o is now a mini index. Can find the rest of the parts in Starter.
Next part to Clowning Around has been added.
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o and Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer are now a mini index. Rest of the parts are in Starter.
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian is now a mini index. Parts can be found in Starter.
Majora's Bane has been added to Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Prologue has been to the Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Chapter 2 and 3 of Stone Novas has been updated.
Chapter 1 for Madness Reborn has been updated and links been added on the main masterlist's Wrathful Idol AU. (Just know that writing at the butt crack of night isn't a good posting time.)
85 notes · View notes
caligxmica · 4 years
@excria  stepped into the mist
‘ so, nothing out of the ordinary? ’
Senna lowered herself a little to be closer to the old lady who was kind enough to answer her questions. most of ionians seemed to have that aura of peace to them, and that was so calming that the sentinel was almost feeling safe here. sadly, she knew it won’t last, and her journey was only beginning. no one was safe alone from the spawn of the Shadow Isles, not even people in the First Lands, and the trail she was following was only confirming this.
‘ alright, thank you for your time, ’ after hearing the other’s reply, Senna nodded and put her hands in a grateful gesture, then straightened her back and looked around. there was a village on one of the hills, and that was her final destination for once. the road, leading her down into the valley and then back up to the hills, even though wide and spacious, did not have many people walk it at this time of the day, but there were quite a few travelers. which meant her hunt for the information was far from over.
‘ excuse me, ’ Senna picked up her pace and approached another person, a white-haired girl, nodded as a greeting. did she have to introduce herself as the sentinel? maybe it could wait. ‘ I just need to ask a few questions, do you have a couple of minutes? it’s about the storm that passed here a few days ago. ’
0 notes
inkkusgoesbrrr · 2 years
Intruduction thing I guess?
So um... I exist-
Kinda just wanna ramble about my things because I have nowhere else and I've heard that this is a better place to ramble rather than Twitter or Amino.
I think I will just write or make an entry when I feel like it. I'm not the best following schedules, so don't expect me to post at a specific time or a specific amount of entries.
I am also still very new in this app, so it will probably take a while for me to get used to it and make better entries.
Things about me include:
Probably Asperger, still waiting on a diagnosis
Have a lot of interests
I have a hard time showing emotions without the use of slang or emoticons. I don't like emojis (the person and faces), but sometime I do use them.
Even though, I use a lot of sarcasm (I'm just copying sarcastic characters and I can't stop)
I don't know if I should get checked on this, but I get a lot of anxiety in social situations, even via Internet. If you are reading this it means I have collected the courage to start the proyect. It's been a week since I wrote this. Guess I finally got the guts.
I like drawing, reading and playing videogames
Non-binary folk, specifically agender. Because, just like atheists are atheists because they don't believe in god, I am agender because I don't believe in gender
I refrain from saying my place of living. I can speak both fluent english and spanish, and understand a bit of portuguese
Overthinker. If it takes me too much on writing or doing anything it means I am indeed overthinking it, seeing the worst it can happen and making a list in pros and cons.
It is safe to say that even if I weren't autistic I'm hyperfixated on some things that haven't gone away:
Ghostbusters (It was an old interest, came back with Afterlife)
Five Nights at Freddy's (since 2015)
Sonic (At first only with Boom's TV show, then Forces came out and quickly became my favourite)
Reborn Live, spanish streamer (Kinda have been on a hiatus)
Minecraft (ever since 2010, I like building)
I have many other interests wich I will talk about, that ranges from cats and wildlife, passing from forensics and parapsicology, and even Undertale and Halloween.
Also, feel free to ask questions. I think it would be a good exercise to start being more talkative- Of course I won't answer personal ones.
Thank you for reading.
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