#ghostface!billy hargrove
bookshelf-dust · 7 months
community service
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ghostface!billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 3,714
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, being drunk, drunk driving, domestic abuse (super small mention), rather violent and descriptive murder, literally this is just murder, slight suggestive ideas
a/n: hi!! look at me! i remembered how to write! anyway. this fic has been in the drafts for months, but here it is. one of the kills is inspired by a kill from scream 2, and another is from *i think* the first season of chucky. anyway. it’s not gonna be for everyone! it’s dark and fucked up and kinda questionable. but it’s also for my masked men lovers. i see you. i am you. i hope you enjoy!! i love you!! <333
other ghostface! au’s: steddie & eddie
You check your watch for what seems like the millionth time, only for a few minutes to have passed since the last time you looked. Billy is late again, but at least now you know why. 
You hadn’t been stupid enough to think he was having an affair, not when you know so much better than that. When you know he’d do anything for you. 
The longer you sit here, the more unfocused your eyes get, and you start to think about everything you’ve realized over the past week. Part of you has known for longer. You just didn’t want to overanalyze this, not like you do everything else. 
You hoped he’d come to you. But clearly he wants to keep this to himself. 
He’d been doing well, too, up until you found the smear of blood inside the bathroom cabinet. He’d pranced around the room half-naked that night after his shower, so you knew he wasn’t the one who’d been injured.
Last week you decided to clean out the closet on your day off. You remembered a pair of shoes that you hadn’t seen in forever, and began looking through all the boxes buried in the corners, under piles of clothes discarded in a rush to get ready. 
You’d pulled the lid off a surprisingly light box, only to find a mask. One you’d seen in costume stores, at Halloween parties. On the news. 
And you just knew. 
There hadn’t ever been an instance where he’d worn it. None of his simple Halloween costumes ever required a mask. He hadn’t ever worn it for you, even if you’d like that much more than you’re sure is normal. 
What’s more concerning is that this realization–it didn’t scare you. You aren’t scared now, sitting in the living room, waiting for him to come home, knowing exactly what he’s been up to. He probably thinks you’re in bed by now, anticipating him joining you. 
Instead, you sit curled in a chair, socked feet tucked up under you. Your body is tired, you can feel as much, but your mind won’t rest until you’ve taken care of this. 
It’s then, when you’re starting to get sick of waiting, that you hear the sound of heavy footsteps, thick-soled boots bounding up the front stairs. Your spine straightens, eyes glued to the way the lock turns with a twist of his key, his shadow as it spills across the floor when he walks inside. 
Billy isn’t surprised to see the living room glowing in a yellow light. You usually leave it on for him anyway. What he’s not expecting is to see you sitting in your chair, chin resting on your hand, as you watch him remove his jacket. 
“What are you doing up so late, baby?” 
You don’t move, just keep your eyes on him as he walks towards you. He’s wearing a black t-shirt, a very tight one, and it occurs to you that you haven’t seen his arms in a little while. They’re bigger. You’re sure of it. 
“It’s only eleven forty-five,” you say. 
He laughs, dropping gently to his knees in front of you, hands going to rest on your own. He presses a kiss to the top of your bare thigh. 
“You’re usually in bed by now.”
He kisses your knee, lips warm against your skin except for where the cold metal of his new piercing touches you. It’s healed, but still strange to see him with it after all this time.
“Wanted to see you.”
Billy is in love with you. And that means he knows you like the back of his hand. So this, the way you’ve sat out here for him, that sad but almost frustrated look in your eye, it tells him everything he needs to know.
It tells him that you know. 
You’re a very intelligent woman. You’re his smart girl, and he knew you’d figure it out sooner or later. He’d only kept it from you because he knew you’d worry. Knew you’d overthink it and make yourself crazy. He just wanted you to have some peace of mind. But clearly that hasn’t worked out so well.
“And ask you something,” you continue, reaching down to twist one of his curls around your finger.
There it is. 
“Shoot.” Billy wraps his hands around the backs of your knees, fingertips still chilly from the cool night air. His grip is soft, but still possessive. 
You rub your nose, look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath.
“When were you gonna let me in on your little secret?”
You can feel his breath on your bare legs when he exhales. He tilts his head and presses his cheek gently against your knee. 
“Look at me,” he says, voice firm. You oblige. 
“It feels kind of shitty that you kept it from me. That I only found out because I decided to be productive for once and do a little cleaning. We’re not supposed to keep secrets from each other, Billy. That’s what makes this work.”
When you’ve finished, he straightens his back and pushes off the floor. He’s looming over you now. It doesn’t intimidate you, even if it should. If other people might be scared of him. 
That’s what he’s stuck on. You’re not scared. You’re not angry about what he’s doing. You’re concerned about fucking communication. 
He leans down and sets his hands against the armrests of your chair. You have no choice but to look him in the eye. 
“You’re my girl. It’s a crazy world out there.” He lifts one hand and runs his thumb underneath your eye before removing it again. “I gotta keep you safe.”
You drop your head back against the chair. “Jesus christ, Billy. This goes both ways. I want to take care of you just like you do for me. I don’t think it’s fair that you kept this to yourself when I could’ve helped you deal with it, I don’t know.”
He doesn’t scoff. He doesn’t even quirk a brow. He’s taking you seriously, just like always.
“What, you wanna clean me up or somethin’?”
You’re quiet. He rubs the tip of his nose against your cheek. 
“You know the answer to that.”
Billy takes your chin in his hand. “I apologize for not telling you earlier. I didn’t want to worry you. It takes awhile to get back from Hawkins, that’s why I’ve been home so late. Work was just an excuse.”
He kisses you, mouth slotting against your own. The way he sucks on your bottom lip leaves you feeling dazed, though you know that’s exactly why he does it. Just to see the look in your eye. He should’ve known you’d take this well.
“Yeah. ‘Lotta shit left behind back there. Best to do some community service while I can, don’t you think?”
There’s a bruise on his bicep, dark in the dim lighting of your living room. 
“Yeah, Billy. I think so.”
The phone hooked to the wall in Jason’s office starts to ring. He rolls his eyes. Anyone important enough would know what time of day it is, and that means he’s busy. 
Jason stands still at the altar, flipping through the last few pages of notes he made for his next service. He checks his watch, noting that he should start confessionals soon. His shoulders rise and fall, steady breaths filling his lungs. 
The phone keeps ringing, and it’s starting to make him angry. He stops what he’s doing and stomps out in the hall, stepping just far enough inside the small room to answer the phone.
The line is silent, but someone is on the other side, and he knows it. 
“Hello? What do you want?”
He hears someone inhale. “Why don’t you lose the attitude, Carver? Still haven’t gotten that stick outta your ass?”
Jason puts the phone in his other hand. 
“Excuse me? Who is this?”
“No need to worry about that, Pastor Carver. Now, would you like to play a game, Jason?”
The blonde rubs a hand over his forehead. What is he, five?
“No. I have a job to do. Grow up.” He hangs up the phone, slamming it back in its place before walking back out. 
Jason is older now. Went to community college, pursued ministry. He always knew that’s where he would end up. It’s what he deserves. It gives him great power, preaching. 
Not that a damn word that comes out of his mouth isn’t bullshit. 
But this is what he is good at. He will not be teased. He is important, and he knows it. 
He collects his notes from where he’d set them on the altar, picks up his personalized Bible, slips the cap back onto his pen. 
The confessional booth is set up in the corner, against the wall with the biggest window. He thinks it’s the most beautiful spot in the church, what with the way the stain glass plays across the floor. 
He enters the booth, thumb entwining in the chain around his neck. When Jason started his work, he’d taken part in confessionals much more often. Now that he’s so committed, he has to schedule a specific time period where people can come in. 
And he knows they will. They always do. People praise Pastor Carver for being so wise, for guiding them in the right direction, into the right hands.
But he doesn’t take kindly to criticism. He knows what he’s doing. He was made for this. Now he can protect people like him from the people he went to high school with. Now he has real power.
There’s some light shuffling coming from the other side of the booth. Did someone come in? Maybe he didn’t hear them over that stupid phone call. He shouldn’t have answered. 
“Hello? Is someone there?”
He’s met with silence. He listens, but there’s nothing. He knows he heard something. He’s still young, in perfect health. He doesn’t make mistakes like that.
“We can begin whenever you’re ready,” he says, wondering if maybe whoever is in the other booth might be shy. If maybe they’re a new member of the church congress.
Still he gets no response. He doesn’t like being ignored. What is with people today? 
Jason presses the side of his face against the wood, trying to hear through the small gaps. They’re not wide enough to see through clearly, but he gets a glance at something moving. He knew it. He hears the shuffle again, temper rising.
“Listen, If you’re not gonna—”
He doesn’t finish the sentence. A knife, with a freshly sharpened blade, slices through that cheap wood, settling in his cheek. He can’t speak. The metal scrapes against his teeth. If he were to try, he’d certainly lose his tongue. 
Blood fills his mouth, and his ears start to ring. He can’t breathe, can’t hear. When the knife is yanked back, pulled maliciously from his face, he’s so completely shocked that he falls, brain malfunctioning. Shutting down, surely. 
Quick and easy was best for someone like Jason Carver. Such a big fuckin’ mouth. Never using it for any good, only to push his corrupt agenda on others—like he’s some god. 
He should’ve played the damn game. Maybe Billy ought to forego the phone calls and get eight to it. Seems that being blunt is the only way to get through to these assholes. 
Wiping his knife off against his robe, Billy steps out of the booth and walks around to Jason’s side. The man sits on the floor, slumped against the seat. His eyes are open, but he’s lost too much blood to be able to form a retort. 
Billy leans down, grabbing at the chain around Jason’s neck. The blonde tries to grab for this mysterious figure's arm, tries to do anything, but it doesn’t matter. 
The chain breaks easily, gold cross standing out against his gloved hand. He tucks it into his pocket. Such a waste of space, this guy. So fucking pretentious. 
Billy has never been happier to take out the trash. 
When Billy gets home, he’s pissed. Mainly because he’s dirty. Carver was a bleeder, got that shit everywhere. It’s on the hem of his robe, caked onto his shoe where he had to step up and get the necklace off. 
But more so, he’s pissed that he has to be the one to do this. That people are so blind to the shit storm around them. 
He kicks the back door shut behind him. 
“Billy?” Your voice calls out to him. 
“Headin’ to the bathroom, sweet thing.” He hears you hop off the bed and pad down the hall. 
You’re such a fuckin’ sweetheart. He can’t believe it. 
You walk into the bathroom the moment he throws the mask down on the toilet seat, blood staining the white material. You watch him put his shoes and the robe in the tub. 
He spins around, a smile spreading across his face. “Hey, baby. How’s my girl?”
You meet him halfway for a kiss. “I’m okay. Are you?”
“Better now that I’m with you. Listen, can you do me a favor, sugar?”
You nod. 
“In the back of the closet, you know where, there’s a little jewelry box. Can you bring it in here?”
“Of course.”
He winks at you, tying his curls up on the top of his head. “Be quick.”
When you return, he opens the box, and your heart drops at the sheer amount of jewelry inside. But the longer you look, the more you realize what this is.
He’s kept something from everyone. There are rings. Chains. Keyrings. Holy shit. There’s a pair of earrings that look like some Karen Wheeler used to wear. Something very expensive looking, like only a Harrington would have. There’s a lighter, too. With the last name Byers engraved on it. 
You stop gawking when Billy tosses the cross necklace inside. He’s almost done. And when he is, you’ll both get out of here. He’s gonna give you such a good life. You just don’t know his plans yet. 
“It’s so much safer without them here, you know that, baby?”
Billy looks you in the eye. You push a curl back behind his ear. 
“I know. You do such a good job, Billy.”
Tommy Hagan has been a piece of shit since elementary school, and he’s destined to be one for the rest of his life. 
He works at a car dealership, still in Hawkins, still drinking and pretending like he’s seventeen. He peaked in high school, and everyone knows it. Shit, he knows it, and that’s why he’s still clinging to this lifestyle, even when no one else has. 
Fucking Steve Harrington even got his ass out of Hawkins, and that’s saying something. Tommy thought Steve would be there for the rest of his life, raising that stupid family he blabbed about, sending the kids to the same schools, but no.
Even Carol left. The woman he should have married. The chick he treated like shit after they graduated, all because he wasn’t ready to grow up–and she was. 
He’s still not ready. Not as he sits in his living room, alone because his wife went to stay with her sister. He’s been drinking out of his ass lately, and the other night, he put his hands on her. Tommy isn’t even sure he cares, if he’s honest with himself. 
He’s an insecure asshole. He was in high school, and Billy saw the way he treated you because you were quiet. Saw the way he spoke to Carol when they were alone, the way he’d corner other girls at football games or parties, even when Carol was looking for him. 
It doesn’t matter who he married. Not really. Tommy Hagan was destined to become a deadbeat wife-beater, and he’d never have had the initiative to change that. 
He finishes the beer he’s been nursing and pushes off the couch, heading for the kitchen to find another.
He tosses the bottle into the garbage can rather than the recycling, and it seems to hit hard enough that it shatters inside the trash bag. He shrugs it off. It’s not like he ever takes it out anyway. 
Tommy pulls the refrigerator door open, metal handle cool under his fingertips. That was his last beer.
“Y’gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”
He slams the door closed, the rattling of jars and bottles inside echoing throughout the quiet room. He presses his forehead against the wall, thinking. Shit, if he can’t drink, he might as well eat something.
There’s a TV dinner in the freezer. He pulls it out, shoving it in the microwave as quickly as possible.
Something else that hasn’t changed: how fucking impatient Tommy is. He can’t even handle waiting the two minutes required for his food.
He opens drawers, trying to find the silverware before realizing it’s all dirty. He can’t believe this shit. 
He yanks open the dishwasher and pulls out the bottom rack. The microwave starts to beep though, and Tommy backs off for a moment to retrieve his dinner. 
With how loud the beeping was, he didn’t hear anyone approach. Didn’t hear the floorboards creak. Didn’t realize that there was someone lurking behind him.
He removes the TV dinner and wipes his hands down his face. “Fuckin’ hell.”
He bends down once more, reaching for a knife so that he’ll be able to cut up his tiny steak. 
He doesn’t expect to be shoved, not in the safety of his own home. And he’s certainly not quick enough or to be able to prevent it himself from stumbling, tripping, unable to catch himself. He yells out, but there’s no one else to hear it. 
He grabs for the counter, but it’s much too slippery with that fucking vinyl countertop. He’s got no chance. 
Tommy Hagan falls forward. When he realizes where he’s headed, what his body is falling over, he thinks for a moment that he should try and brace himself for the fall. But it’s no use. Nothing about his situation is providing him a way out. 
His body collides with the silverware basket, into every knife and fork standing there. Like they were waiting for him.
It’s happened so fast that he can’t even scream. All that comes out is a strangled moan. He’s bleeding and he can feel it. He can hear the footsteps behind him, and he tries to reach for the floor, tries to push up and twist to see who’s done this to him. His hand slips in the mess, but he doesn’t have to do much when someone is pulling his hair, using it as leverage to yank him up. The knives below him scrape and drag, his skin tugging in unnatural ways. 
Tommy coughs, blood filling his mouth. He can’t speak. He can’t do the one thing he’s good at: open that big mouth. 
The masked figure looming over him grabs his other hand, causing him to press further into the silverware. He screams, but it comes out garbled as they tug off his wedding ring. 
Tommy’s hair is released, and he sinks impossibly deeper, metal piercing everything. 
“Such a shame, Hagan.” The figure speaks. Tommy doesn’t recognize the voice. He wishes he could yell, ask what they want, why they’re doing this–but he can’t. 
“Never deserved that wife of yours. Never deserved anything you got. But this? Yeah, this is the surprise you needed.”
The last thing Tommy hears is his own front door slamming shut and locking. How did they get a key? He’ll never know. He’ll die here, and no one is coming for him. 
When Billy slips into bed with you that night, he coaxes your head onto his chest, wanting to feel you. Wanting to know that you’re really there. He leans down to kiss you, finding your eyes glued to the closet door. You know it’s in there. 
“What is it, baby?”
You blink, shaking your head. You sit up some, and slip your hand under the edge of his t-shirt, fingers running over the soft of his warm tummy. 
“Is this fulfilling for you? Is it something you think you’ll do forever?”
Billy allows himself to think for a moment, and while he does, he gently pulls you closer, leaning up to get that kiss he wanted. When he pulls away, he has an answer for you.
“It’s not something I want to do forever, no. I know we moved to the city and out of Hawkins, but I go back there because it doesn’t feel right to leave those motherfuckers there, roaming around and making it worse. There are good people there, and they don’t deserve to live in a place that’s drowning in shit. So yeah, it’s fulfilling in that I know I can make it a better place. I can protect the people who once protected me.”
And that’s true. Joyce is still there. He talks to her on the phone a few times a week. Shit, the woman is practically his surrogate mother. Max is still there, in college with her friends. Sure, she’ll transfer soon, but still. He can’t leave it like that. 
He would’ve taken care of Neil had he not done that himself. Stomped off one night, drunk, and never came home. He got in an accident. Billy was glad to skip that chore. 
“I’m almost done, sweetheart, I promise. Just wanted to leave behind something better. I won’t do this much longer. Just wanna keep you safe. It’s so scary out there, baby. I only want the best for you.”
You rest your head on his shoulder, watching his chest rise and fall. This should freak you out, shouldn’t it? It should alarm you? It doesn’t. He’s so good at this. He’s a natural. Doesn’t leave a trace. You do feel safer, admittedly.
“I understand. I just want you to be careful.”
His nails scratch lightly at your neck. “Hey, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve got this. Nothing’s gonna hurt you, baby. This hellhole is gonna be so much better when I’m done.”
“Yeah, Billy. It is. Then maybe we can get out of here for real.”
“Of course. Anything for my girl.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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starlit-moonlight · 2 years
Make You Scream - Ghostface!Billy Hargrove
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notes: i’m late for halloween but i don’t really care lol, enjoy. i wrote this after a mental breakdown, sorry if it’s bad. not edited. i watched scream for the first time this halloween so here we are i guess
warnings: blood, violence, knifeplay, ghostface!billy, female reader, nsfw, smut, minors dni, kissing, groping, swearing (i think that’s it)
taglist: @fleurfairie @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @hellfirehaley @liviawritesthings @steveslittlesunflower @lxvecakes @myobmaya @thisishellfire @sympathyforher @wzrlds @fxllfaiiry @corrodedhawkins @loveshotzz @eddiebillysteve @taecube @eddies-bat @quickiesgirl if you want to be added to my taglist please let me know ♡
words: 724
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You pull your curtains closed as you begin to undress, discarding your cheer uniform, your hair scrunchie, beginning to unclasp your bra after taking your panties off; ready for your shower. You hear a crash come from downstairs, assuming it was just the wind or something. Nothing to worry about.
You walk into the bathroom, the room filling with steam as soon as you turn the shower on, standing directly under the water to wet your hair. The sound of another crash downstairs and the sound of something ripping loudly makes your stomach flip.
It’s just the wind. It’s just the wind. It’s fine.
Though the creaks on your floorboards startle you; you were meant to be home alone. But there was someone in your room. So you quickly wrapped your blue bathrobe around your body and opened the bathroom door, tip-toeing into the hall.
Your mom had warned you to lock all of the doors and windows while she went out to collect Nancy and Mike from different parties. Nancy’s being Tina’s Halloween bash which you turned down to spend time with Robin and Vickie, who bailed on you at the last second. Ted was… Somewhere. And Holly was at her friend’s house, trick or treating. Leaving you on your own.
The only other person who had a key to your house was Max Mayfield, so you wrote it off as her sneaking into your house if things got too hectic at her house; which most nights it did.
“Max?” You called out, gasping at the sound of something metal scraping against the banister of the stairs. “This isn’t funny, Maxine!”
A low chuckle made you rush to your room, or you could have got there if a large leather gloved hand didn’t wrap around your throat, slamming you against the wall, almost making a painting fall off the wall. The first thing you notice is the mask, then the fact that the person beneath the mask was shirtless and covered in blood, and—
“Are you scared, Y/N?” The person asks, chuckling as you wince from the pressure of the knife to your throat. “No need to be scared, pretty girl. It’ll all be over soon.”
There’s something familiar about the golden skin and skull tattoo on his shoulder beneath the—what you hope is—fake blood, a familiarity to the hands that hold the knife that’s traveling between the valley of your breasts, his other hand moving up to cup one of your breasts.
Should I flirt with him so he leaves me alone?
“What are you gonna do to me, pretty boy?” You say, daringly reaching out to run your fingers down his stomach, his prominent muscles flexing beneath your touch, resting your fingertips on the waistband of his blood-soaked jeans, bringing your voice to a whisper. “Please don’t kill me, Mr Ghostface. I wanna be in the sequel!”
He continues running the blade along your body, bringing it up to your chin to tilt your head up to look directly into the eyes of the mask; the sensation of his real eyes burning into yours.
He caressed the knife along your side, hands slipping underneath your robe to let it fall to the floor. He let out a sigh of content, his necklace resting against your skin as he leaned in closer to your ear, wrapping a blindfold he’d had tucked in the back pocket of his jeans around your head to cover your eyes. Then he took the mask off when he knew you couldn’t see.
“Maybe I’ll slit your throat,” he says, his smooth voice even lower than before, and you recognize it instantly. Heat pools between your legs and against two of his fingers when you realize it’s Billy Hargrove; the cute lifeguard that helped Holly learn how to swim.
But what the fuck was he doing at your house. Was he there to kill you?
He smashes his lips against yours, the knife long forgotten after he’d dropped it to the ground, touching your body all over, with you doing the same, moaning his name into his mouth.
“Maybe I’ll even torture you, pretty girl,” he whispers, his hands taking a vice grip on your waist after slipping the gloves off, leading you somewhere else; your bedroom, more than likely. “But I’m gonna make you scream first.”
feedback is always appreciated ♡
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valtoon · 1 year
cw: blood
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What's your favorite scary movie? 🔪
alternate version
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hopelessrromantix · 9 months
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kinktober blurbs 2023 masterlist
[send asks to choose kinks from the list and characters <3]
cis women dni
top/dom male reader content
1 — somnophilia | morpheus
4 — overstimulation | marc spector
7 — power imbalance + hate-fucking | miguel o'hara
10 — boot-riding | billy hargrove
13 — dacryphilia + lingerie | steve harrington
16 — phone sex | poly!ghostface
19 — feminization + breeding | steven grant
22 — orgasm denial + thigh riding | steven grant
25 — free use | marc spector
28 — hate-fucking | billy hargrove
31 — photos/video + corruption | steven grant
cock warming | feminization | dry humping | breeding | somnophilia | thigh riding | brat taming | masturbation | bondage | phone sex | body worship | overstimulation | drunk sex | hate-fucking | aphrodisiac | boot-riding | free use | lingerie | dacryphilia | first time | threesome | cuckolding | facefucking | daddy/master/sir | praise | degredation | humiliation | orgasm denial | photos/video | bulge | creampie | fingering | power imbalance | corruption
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kaulitz420 · 11 months
pls send requests i literally have nothing to write😭🙏
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Some things I will write for:
- Bill Kaulitz
- Tom Kaulitz
- Gustav Shäfer
- Georg Listing
- Colby Brock
- Sam Golbach
- Jake Webber
- Johnnie Guilbert
- Eddie Munson
- Steve Harrington
- Billy Hargrove
- Ghost
- Price
- König
- Soap
- Alejandro
- Honestly the whole 141 plus König💕😭
- Leon Kennedy
- Chris Redfeild
- Ethan Winters
- Carlos Oliveira
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Macher
- Ethan Landry
- Jennifer Check
- Brahms Heelshire
Things I will NOT write for:
- ANGST WITHOUT A BITTERSWEET/FLUFF ENDING(it makes me feel bad i’m sorry😔)
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- Honestly, that’s basically it for now. I will update this constantly, so do not worry. I know I don’t have a lot of stuff on here now but I am always scared to watch new things so I will try to get into new movies and games so I can write better things for you guys.💕🥰
Much Love💕
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slasherboy-brainrot · 10 months
Hey slasherfucker ppl, what books do y'all read? I'm looking for some slasher horror books, but I haven't found much of that.
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sykokittyy · 2 years
rebel yell | b.h. ☆
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pairing: ghostface!billy hargrove x fem!plus-size!reader
@tw-inkl-e-tit-s request: Heyy! I was wondering if you could do an Ghost face!Billy Hargrove x plus size!reader like it's all over the News that theirs a killer on the loose in Hawkins but reader knows it's her boyfriend billy and he comes home early and she gets turned on by all the blood on his mask and ask him him to keep it on while he fucks her and when their done Billy grabs a Polaroid Camara and says something like " smile for the Camara doll" but readers to fucked out to smile.
warnings: smut (minors dni <3), blood kink, knife kink, oral (male receiving), missionary, back shots, praising, dom!billy, dacryphilia, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys ), hair pulling.
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tonight was halloween and you were just relaxing in the house. you decided to take a little break from halloween parties this year. growing tired of being around people for the day, you decided to just take the day to yourself.
you optimized on just eating candy, and watching slasher movies, you know, nightmare on elm street, carrie, the exorcist, etc. you had a thing for scary movies, you just always found comfort in them.
you loved the blood, the gore, the screams of agony. it brings an orgasm of chills to your spine when you see blood splattered from a body temple. you couldn't explain it, you just knew it brings a wave of excitement through your bloodstream.
you grew bored of the Halloween movie you were watching. you reached over and grabbed the remote with your bowl of popcorn before proceeding to flick through the channels on your tv. as you were clicking, you came across the hawkins new channel, instantly attracting your attention.
“good evening hawkins, indiana, and happy halloween. today, great citizens of hawkins; we have very urgent news. today, we were informed by the hawkins police department that we have a homicide killer on the loose and running through the so-they-say, “cursed community” of hawkins, indiana” you quickly turned up the volume with the remote.
“we were also well-notified that there has been a total of eight bodies found throughout the city of hawkins. we have confirmed that one of the bodies we're one of hawkins high school's most athletic basketball players, identified as jason carver.” you quickly stood up and jumped around your living room in satisfaction.
“yes, yes, yes! right on the fucking money baby, woohoo!” you cheered.
now some may look at you as if you're a psycho and ask “why are you happy about this?” eight people had been murdered and one of them you knew personally from school. jason was a fucking waste of life, and his mother should’ve swallowed him before he could exist. and see—what hawkins failed to realize is that the killer is walking amongst them like a wolf in sheep's clothing. and the unknown secret you held to yourself was that you knew who the killer was. your boyfriend, billy hargrove.
almost everyone knew that the californian pretty boy, dream boat is bold, outspoken, and reckless. and while most people disliked the way he presented himself to others, you altogether loved him for who he was. everything about him spoke volumes to your body, mind, and soul.
you had met billy at tina’s house party for hawkins high. you were known for being one of the most confident plus-size girls at hawkins high. you wore what you wanted and looked ravishing while doing it, and of course, people were intimidated by that because they thought that just because you were plump that you had to cower down to their expectations. boy were they fucking wrong.
you were straightforward that you could do what the fuck you wanted to do, some understood and some just still wanted to give you their unwanted opinion about how you should or shouldn't act. but they still failed to acknowledge that you just didn't want to be tamed. you wanted to make your own decisions.
and this is what billy liked— no fuck that—loved about you. you were a sexy vixen; a young woman that knows what she wants. you looked like a walking sex symbol with the clothes you wore and how you carried yourself. you wore black, red, and latex. you always made sure that you showed enough cleavage to make the young men and ladies sweat, and you knew that you left an impact in a crowded room. your hair was always so perfect (considering it also took you an hour to do to make it immaculate) and you smelled like strawberries and desire. you were everything he wanted, and he got you.
now more people may or may not ask “why are you letting this outrageous behavior go on?” or “why am i not trying to prevent billy from killing innocent people” it's because hawkins is a shit show anyways. you and billy both hated this town, so why not make do with what you both thought is fun? and that was causing chaos through the little town of hawkins. everyone has to die somehow, right?
you and billy both loved seeing people lose their minds when something chaotic happened. the aroma of fear fuelled something within the both of you, but it didn't make either of you feel frightened. it made your bodies fill with adrenaline and excitement. the thought of murder to billy, made him think that it was a fun sport for him. it just involved a lot of blood, and satisfaction for him. that's why he did the killing while you helped him later when he’d get home and fuck him pussy-drunk.
you went on watching the news. “the killer that’s fleeing around hawkins is going by the name of “ghost face”, the news reporter implied. “- he stalks the residence of his prey throughout the night, and gives them a phone call by asking ‘what's their favorite horror film’ before he attacks them after they try to escape”, you couldn't help but grow more excited as the news reporter continues with the erotic information.
“it is proved that “ghost face” is an unidentifiable mask killer that seizes on the community of hawkins, and that every murder that he had committed had involved these eight victims. after he mutilates their corpses, he takes a disturbing polaroid picture with them and leaves a disturbing quote saying ‘be careful, you may be next’”, you had to give it to billy, he sure did know how to keep the people on their toes.
earlier today, you decided that since it was halloween and your boyfriend, billy, was out “handling business”, you decided to spice things up for him for when he came back home. you were wearing a maroon, lingerie set that showed your plump belly and thick luscious thighs littered with gorgeous stretch marks.
you made sure that you did light make-up considering that it was going to be ruined anyway, but you made sure to wear your blood-red lipstick. it made you look even more ravishing and beautiful.
you decided to change the channel to nightmare on elm street; growing tired of the news and their dramatic reactions. as you continued watching the gore scenes of blood shedding and screaming, you heard the tapping at your backdoor. you knew it was billy because he only used the backdoor when he went on his slaying sprees during the evening, but usually, he wouldn't come home this early.
you quickly scurried to open the door, beginning to feel a jittery feeling in your spine. when you opened the door you had an eager smile plastered on your face, but it quickly turned to a look of confusion when you noticed that no one was there.
“the hell s’going on?” you mutter to yourself as you looked around your backyard; seeing no trace of anyone there. you were about to step inside your house when you saw a note placed on your door. you snatched the taped note off the wall and as your eyes scrambled to read the note relaying “tag, you're it doll” written in black ink. you noticed that it had a few droplets of blood sprinkled across the note.
“haha, very fucking funny, you coward!” you yelled towards the dark space of your backyard. you swiftly backed into your house in annoyance and slammed the door. as you went to turn back around; at the speed of light, you were roughly approached from behind by a tall muscular figure that had held you by your neck with a bloody knife threatening to slice you.
“coward huh? tell me y/n, you're wearing lingerie for a coward?” you immediately knew the voice that was coming from behind you.
“billy?” you scurry from his hold as he began to chuckle. “you fucking dick head!” you slightly yelled before hitting him in his arm. “you scared the shit outta me!” you held your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“aww c’mon, i thought you loved a good scare sweet cheeks?” he slowly began to walk towards you as you stand by the kitchen counter. as he came towards you; you couldn't help but take in his appearance. you gaped at his muscular form in his cloak and ghost face mask. you began to feel a ball of heat in your lower gut, as excitement build the closer he approached you.
“i like it when I expect it, y’damn near gave me a fucking heart attack billy,” you looked up towards him as he looked down towards you through the mask. you examined his face as you began to notice the blood that was spattered on the white part of the mask making you feel a small pool of wetness in your core.
he slowly took the bloody knife and held it up under your chin; making you hold intense eye contact between one another. he gradually moved towards your ear; still holding the knife against your skin and you could feel and hear his hot breath inhale and exhale through the mask.
“billy s’not here sweetheart, you're talking to ghost face now,” he pressed the knife a little more into your skin, earning a small whimper from you. “now tell me doll, what’s your favorite scary movie?” even through the mask billy always could see through you with those piercing blue eyes.
you stared at him for a moment before processing that he had asked you a question. it's something about the way he looked at you with blood plastered all over his mask. it made you shiver in anticipation of what he could do to you. it was seconds later when you finally gave him your answer.
“i-it’s carrie. my favorite scary movie is carrie,” you stuttered before letting out a shaky breath.
“care to inform me why doll?” he began to move the bloodied knife towards your bottom lip, making you shudder. “i love details hon.” you could almost sense the taste of copper as the knife trailed your delicate skin.
“i love it b-because, of all the blood. i love seeing the blood spurt out of and onto the victims. it kinda satisfies me,” you watch as he trails the knife back down a little towards your shoulder. a little blood followed along the way.
“mhmm. billy did say that you had a thing for blood,” he trails off before swiftly sliding the knife under your bra strap and slashing it in half. “-i love how you think, doll,” you watch as takes his leather-clad finger and slides it over the blood covered knife. he takes his finger and slides the blood over your bottom lip; immediately you opened your mouth and slide his finger over your tongue. the taste of copper filled your taste buds.
he lifts you with his godly strength and sits you on the counter; mindlessly your legs spread open giving him access to your core. “i love this piece lace number you're wearing,” he faded his words as he brings his hand down to your cunt and palms it, causing to you give a needy whimper. “-too bad i’m gonna cut it off,” you don't have time to react as he quickly brings his knife behind the thin lace and cuts it before snatching it off of you.
he takes his index and middle finger before spreading open your fold; watching your arousal ooze from your mound. he groans in approval watching your cunt clench around nothing. “fuck- you’re as wet as an ocean and I barely even touched you,” he chuckles before light doing circle on your tiny bud making you gasp.
he slides his index and middle fingers into you while continuing to rub rough circles on your clit. you moan in satisfaction as he whispered hot praises into your ear, making your body tremble even more. as he kept stroking your cunt you back continued to arch into his torso. “you're such a naughty slut, y/n. letting a psycho killer stroke his fingers into your cunt,” he groans. “tell daddy you're a slut, hm? tell me you're my slut” he commands.
“i -i’m a a-slut daddy. i’m your fucking slut,” you moan feeling your cunt clenching around his fingers as he fucks them into you harder.
“you're gonna cum aren't ya’? I can feel this sweet little pussy clenching around my fingers,” he asked condescendingly as you rapidly began to nod as you rolled your hips; meeting his thrusts.
“well cum on my fingers doll, make my fingers flood with your sweet cum,” he eggs you on before you let out a loud pornographic moan and release all over his fingers. your mouth forming an “o” shape as you ride out your high and faintly hearing bulky calling you a “good girl”.
“hmm, you think you're a good whore?” he questions tilting his head. you nod giving him your most “innocent” expression. he scoffs, “we’ll see about that.” he takes a few steps back from you before he bent down to hold the cloak over his toned abdomen proceeding to unbuckle his belt. you felt yourself grow eager as he teasingly stripped for you.
you continued to watch as he proceeded to unbutton his pants and slide down his zipper before shoving his pants and boxers to the ground, hearing a faint ‘clink’ when they fall. you watched his rock-hard dick slap against his stomach, as the tip showed an angry red. your heart pounds as he slowly walks back towards you. he stands in front of you tilting his head.
“oh sweetheart, don't be frightened, it's gonna fit in your mouth...and other places,” he looks back down at your cunt before looking back up at you. he snatched the ripped bra off you and throws it across the room; beginning to be long forgotten. “get on your knees slut.”
you quickly jumped down from the counter and did as he said looking at his dick bobbing in your face as he moved. he forcefully grabbed your jaw; making it open before shoving his dick in your mouth reaching with a low moan. he loves how warm your mouth feels. “attagirl, suck it like blood sickle, mph,” he grips you hair continuing his rough stroke into your mouth.
he pulled out lightly smacking your check and thrust right back into you mouth as he proceeded to moan in ecstasy. his moans made clit throb, and one thing about billy, he was never afraid to be vocal.
“god- i love this filthy mouth of yours-fuck,” he gave you one rough stroke before you felt his blond pubes up against your face. “ahh that's it, that a good slut,” he praises before you feel hit spurts of cum filled your hoarse throat. you didn't hesitate to swallow all of his milky load.
he grunts before he snatches you up and places you back on top of the counter. you lay on your back as he manhandles your legs open. “i’m gonna warn you y/n, this is gonna feel so much better than my fingers that you'll scream baby,” he buffs.
“i’m counting on it,” he groans as he places himself at your entrance before roughly pushing himself inside resulting in you releasing a lewd moan. the stinging stretch hurt you but it also brought great pleasure. you whimpered at the friction between your walls.
“oh my fucking god, y/n” billy gasps continue to pound into you. “-this wet cunt is to fucking kill for -fuck,” he presses his body into yours giving you short hard thrusts making you yelp at each stroke. you wrapped your hands around his back you could but scratch him as you felt like his dick was touching your heart.
all you could feel was heat and pleasure building up all over your body as he fucked you dumb. all you could do was call out his name and moan “yes, yes, yes” as he hit that spongy spot deep in your core. you couldn't help but spread your legs even more wider so he could fuck you until you passed out.
you were a moaning mess before he abruptly pulled out of you, and roughly put you on your hands and knees. your back arched off the counter before your head was forcefully pushed down into submission. he hastily pushed back into you and pounded you so quick you thought you had whiplash. “yes, yes! ah -fuck- yes,” was all you whimper and moan out as he pumped deeply into you.
as he was plumbing you from behind reached forward and gripped your hair, using it as leverage while forcing every inch into your stretched cunt. he slapped your ass once, twice, three, four times before he put his whole weight on your back. making sure he had you pinned under him. giving you slow, rough, deep strokes into your throbbing pussy.
“you love it when i fuck you like i own you? huh? c’mon baby, i know there's more words left in that precious brain of yours,” he insists. i mean how could you give him a fluent response when he is fucking you so good. you feel like you're becoming a fiend for him.
“yes daddy, you're the only one that fucks me this good,” it was then when you felt that hot aching feeling in your gut. you knew you were going to cum in a matter of seconds. “daddy i’m gonna cum -please, can i cum?” you pant against the counter. he brings his hand around you front and reaches down towards your swelling bud. you couldn't help but squirm under him as the feeling of you needing to come came crashing down on you.
he leans down towards your ear as you get his hot breath panting against your ear through the mask. “cum, slut,” at that moment you felt a weight off your shoulder as you clenched around him and released all over his dick. you moaned as you feel like you were in heaven.
“that's it -fuck- baby, milk my cock just like that,” he praised as you shook under him. he continued to pound into you as your began to feel overstimulated and soon you felt the warmth of his cum fill in your gummy walls as he grunted incoherent words. he reaches over to grab an object that you didn't pay attention to until he places the front of a camera in front of your face.
he made sure the camera faced you and him as he stood over you making sure the camera gets his blood-covered mask. “smile for the camera, doll,” the camera flashed before the picture slid out making you flinch a little.
he stayed there for a few seconds before he caught his breath and pulled his softened dick from your pussy, making you wince. he stared at your fucked out pussy as a mixture of yours and his cum dripping from your hole. he took his index finger and began stuffing it back into you making you wince from being sensitive, before landing a hard smack to your ass causing you to look back at his.
he shrugs at you before pulling up his trousers, and sliding off the mask. he walks by you and place a wet kiss on your cheek, and giving you a charming wink.
“happy halloween doll-face”
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a/n: i hope y'all enjoyed this! this took me a week to do, but im not complaining because it was very much worth it. make you guys like, comment, and reblog. i love you guys, bye <3 💋
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manwrre · 8 months
bottom billy is very near and dear to my heart but i do need a ficlet where steve has a thing for masked men (that thing involves him wishing that they’d screw him five ways from sunday).
and so, he promptly loses his mind when someone shows up to their campus halloween party dressed as ghostface. i mean, almost drops the lukewarm beer in his hands and gawks at the guy for all of a few seconds.
because of course, they would have the absolute sluttiest take on the costume. he’d have these tight ass leather pants and a shirt that just about clings to every inch of him; stretched taut across the dips and curves of his biceps and the grooves of his chest. and the straps across his upper body would fall right between his pecs and steve would be FOAMING at the mouth.
then, like the cherry on top of a metaphorical cake, the guy pulls his mask back and it’s billy freaking hargrove.
which, steve thinks, is pretty fucked up of the universe to make happen, seeing as he has had the biggest crush on this asshole ever since their first econometrics class together last semester.
so yea, billy’s been the star of a few of steve’s wet dreams but like this, there’s no way he isn’t going back home tonight and jerking it like it’s no one’s business.
maybe not.
because as if sensing eyes on him, billy’s gaze flits over to steve and the blonde gives him this long, sweeping glance from head to toe. and steve knows he looks great in his sailor costume? he’d spent forever looking for the right fit— and then, another half a century fussing over his hair and making himself look painfully kissable.
and hargrove must realize that, if the way his eyes linger on steve’s cherry-tinted lips is appraisal enough.
so yea, maybe there’s a slight possibility of steve getting laid tonight, after all.
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lithium80writer · 8 months
Stranger Things/Scream fanfic written by ya girl and my wifeyyy. You can find it on @trinitywifey’s page 🖤🖤🖤
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
harringrove week - day 3 - harringrove scream au
prompt: ghostface
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luminnara · 1 year
It’s my birthday! Tag me in your favorite bucky, Billy, lost boys, Ghostface, Zelda, and yautja fics pls
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theladycarpathia · 2 years
Billy is beautiful with blood smeared across his skin.
“Stop staring,” Billy hisses, still crouched over the body - the body, their first body - the knife still hanging loosely from his fingers. Steve tears his eyes away from the bloodied blonde hair and up to his boyfriend.
“We’ve got shit to do,” Billy reminds him, looking down at Karen Wheeler’s still body. Her eyes are still open but there’s just…nothing there. It’s horrifying. It’s amazing. 
“I know,” Steve says. There’s only half an hour before Nancy arrives home from cheerleading and they need to have the scene set and be long gone before then. If this plan is going to work they need to make sure that the next year passes without them coming under suspicion at all. Not a hint, not a whisper. There’s no reason for two of Nancy’s classmates to kill her mother.
Except that there is.
And unfortunately courts of law don’t accept ‘desperate nasty skank’ as a good reason for murder. Never mind that she’s screwed around with half the town, including Billy’s father. Karen destroyed many a marriage and never once gave a shit about it, because her own husband is too stupid to notice. Nancy likely has no clue about what her mother gets up to. That Karen even propositioned Billy last year, as if asking a seventeen year old to bed was anything other than disgusting. 
Thankfully, Billy has only ever had eyes for Steve. 
It had started as a joke. Just the two of them wrapped around each other in Steve’s bed on nights that his parents were away, sharing a cigarette, while Billy would vent about his mother leaving. How he missed her. How he hated his father for screwing around. And then one day it wasn’t just a joke and Billy knew exactly which affair had broken the illusion. Karen Wheeler in the local motel, lipstick smeared and adjusting her cerise pink blouse. 
Steve has no real stake in this game. Not a single one. But he’d watched the light fade in Billy’s eyes and sworn that he’d do anything to bring it back. Even if it meant playing along, right up until they’d broken in tonight with a large hunting knife and one of Cotton’s jackets stolen from his house. He’s never asked who told Billy, doesn’t want to know. The sound when the knife went in, the blood dripping down her perfectly made up mouth, the cooling body on the floor. It’s addicting and Steve doesn’t want to stop. He wants to pin Billy down and lick him clean.
But they can’t yet. There’s a frame job to be done, before they can fuck in the shower, while the water slowly turns pink around them, washing the last of the evidence down the drain.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Billy asks impatiently, rising from the floor. He’s so incredible - bright blue eyes, his mouth the most perfect soft pink, the black Henley smeared with dark patches - that Steve can’t help stepping forward and biting his bottom lip. Billy moans and pulls Steve into him, as turned on by the moment as he is.
“I just love you,” Steve says, rubbing at a red smear on Billy’s collar bone. He leans forward and laves it with his tongue, too eager to wait. He’s already hard and he can feel from Billy’s long body pressed against his that he’s not the only one feeling it. The gush of blood, the feeling of power, the threat of being caught…it’s a rush he never expected. He wants to do it again and again.
“Later,” Billy pants. He presses against Steve with another bruising kiss, just a hint of teeth. Steve licks back, wanting any taste he can get. “We can fuck all night when we get back to your’s. But we don’t have time, remember? The whole plan depends on us surviving the year. Then after that, we’re free.”
“We’re free,” Steve echoes. He steps back, hating every minute he’s not touching Billy. But if they want to get out of this town with fame and fortune, the two heroic survivors of the Hawkins massacre then they have to be patient. The sweet memory of this kill will last them the year anyway. 
They have to smear Cotton’s jacket with blood, wipe all the handles clean and remove any trace that they were ever there. Billy leaves the front door ajar, and - just as Nancy pulls into the driveway - slips out the back wearing the distinct bright red jacket. With the hood up, Billy’s enough of a similar build and size to Cotton that Nancy won’t question it. 
Later, they toss the jacket onto the side of the road, into a ditch, where it will eventually be discovered among the thorns and overgrowth. It’ll be used as evidence that Cotton was there that night and slaughtered the defenseless mother of three. It goes so smoothly that Steve almost wants to pinch himself once they’ve let themselves back into the empty Harrington house and tumble upstairs, shedding clothes as they go. They never make it to the shower and Billy climbs onto Steve’s dick on the landing floor, using sweat and blood to slide down. 
Steve gasps as his orgasm rises, urged on by Billy’s feverish eyes, the tightness clamped around his cock. He wants this again, Billy alive and happy like this. He pulls Billy down and moans into their kiss as he comes into Billy’s body, scraping his fingernails across Billy’s perfect skin. And once Billy has spilled hot come between them onto their bloodstained bellies, Steve stares at the boy he loves and thinks that he would butcher the whole town, if it meant they got to stay like this. 
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imagine-you · 2 years
cover up love's alibi (billy hargrove/reader)
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author's note: written for a prompt for my spooky writing fest. the request was billy hargrove/reader and billy comforting reader after ghostface calls/taunts her. full prompt is after the fic for anyone interested in ~~spoilers. title taken from 'call me' by Blondie.
word count: 4.2k
You settled into bed, the chill slinking into your room chasing you under your blankets. You had a horror movie ready to play and a bowl of popcorn on your nightstand. Your parents had gone to see your grandmother for the long weekend, leaving you alone to do as you pleased while they were two states away.
You didn't want to be alone. There was someone you wanted there in your bed with you. But you were sure he would think a night alone watching horror movies was lame. Not when there were parties or other debaucherous things to do.
You were just about ready to start the tape you rented from Family Video when the phone rang. You jumped, mentally scolding yourself for getting scared before you watched even a second of the movie.
You picked up the phone, thinking maybe it was your parents calling to check in on you.
"Hello, Y/N."
You sent an unsure look down at the receiver in your hand. You didn't know that voice. It was smooth and dark and sent a shiver down your spine.
"Who's this?"
"A friend," the voice answered, teasing and wicked.
"I don't think so," you denied, knowing the voice wasn't like any you had ever heard before. It sounded almost unnatural, lending a surreal element to the call. You would have been convinced you were having a nightmare if it weren’t for the way your heartbeat spiked in your chest, causing you to shudder.
You pushed your blankets off your legs, a creeping, restless sensation taking over you. You could feel your flight-or-fight instinct beginning to kick in, but you didn't know what you were supposed to fight or where the hell you were supposed to go to escape the voice.
"Tell me...are you alone in the house?"
A chill of uncertainty washed over you. All those 'stranger danger' talks came to mind, and you instinctively said the only thing you thought would save you from certain tragedy. "No."
"Liar," the voice admonished, an amused chuckle following. "I know you're all alone in that big house of yours. Tell me, how long do you think it'll take for help to arrive? Before or after I carve into that pretty flesh of yours?"
You immediately slammed the phone down, struggling to hang up when it hit the side of your nightstand. You scrambled to grab the receiver and place it back in its cradle, breathing heavy as you tried not to panic.
You went through your options in your mind.
You could run to a neighbor's house and beg to stay there.
You could stay in your room, alone, and hope it wasn't anything to worry about at all.
You could call your best friend and hope that he picked up the phone and not his dickhead of a roommate.
You went with option three, knowing it would make you feel safest of all.
The phone only rang twice before someone picked up.
"Hello?" Billy's voice croaked across the line. It was filled with exhaustion, and you knew you had managed to wake him up.
"Billy?" Your voice trembled and you twisted up your blankets in your fists, trying to hold on to your sanity.
"What is it? What's going on?" You could practically hear Billy going on high alert, alarm and worry flooding his voice. 
"I, uh, I got a phone call," you started, instantly feeling like an idiot. What could Billy do? And if there was a psycho after you, then did you really want him in harm's way? After everything that had happened to Billy since coming to Hawkins, you didn't want to add 'psycho killer' to the list of things he would have to face. 
"Is everything alright? Need me to come over?" There was a sense of urgency in his voice that had you immediately begin to calm down. It was just a phone call, right? It's not like someone was over here knocking down your bedroom door, butcher's knife held aloft and ready to slaughter you.
"No," you finally decided. "It's just, the guy was being a creep. He said some pretty fucked up things."
"It was probably dumb kids pulling a prank. You know there's a bunch of little shits in this town who don't have anything better to do."
"Yeah," you sighed, trying to settle your nerves. You finally pulled a blanket back up over your legs, settling against your pillows once again. "So, uh," you started, not quite ready to hang up, knowing that Billy's voice in your ear was the only thing working to quell your fears at the moment. "You still going to leave me all alone at Hawkins Community this year?"
Billy laughed, the sound sending a bolt of warmth through you, and you felt yourself relax the tiniest bit. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but not everyone needs college to have a future. I'm doing just fine working on cars all day."
"Yeah, yeah," you groaned, rolling your eyes, falling back into the easy pattern of bickering with Billy. It was simple enough to forget all about the phone call from the creep trying to scare you, and let Billy's voice soothe you into trusting that you were safe after all.
A month later, you had managed to forget all about the creep on the phone. You had the start of a new semester to worry about and making time to waitress at Enzo's and hang out with Billy whenever you could. Your plate was full, and you didn't have time to worry about something that was obviously just a dumb prank. You were only going to focus on the important things in your life like work and school and Billy.
When Billy Hargrove and his family had crashed into Hawkins in October of '84, you thought he was a jackass who thought he was too good for the town you had grown up in. He always had a snide remark about the school or other students or the small community of Hawkins, and while you initially couldn't stand Billy, the summer of '85 changed everything.
You managed to get thrown right into the hellfest of a horror show that was happening at the mall on the night of the fourth of July. Even though you thought things had been a little weird around town, especially with the mysterious disappearance and death of Barbara Holland, you could have never guessed a gargantuan, fleshy monster would terrorize Billy, his stepsister, and a bunch of other kids at Starcourt while most of the town was watching fireworks and having a blast at the celebration the mayor had been going on and on about for months.
It was really a wrong time and wrong place situation for you, but you managed to hold your own and even save Billy's life when the huge spider-like monstrosity went after him.
The trauma and fear ended up being a great way to bond with Billy, and by the time fall had replaced summer that year, you were best friends. You helped him get a job at your uncle's auto shop and Billy stayed up late with you before your tests, helping you study so you wouldn't have to worry about failing out of college and disappointing your parents.
You went to the movies together and helped Billy search for an apartment once he had enough money to get away from his abusive asshat of a father. You let Billy drive you to school when your car finally gave up and died on you and you made sure Billy actually managed to eat a vegetable or two so he wouldn't die of malnutrition.
You were as close as you could possibly be without dating, and even though you had had a crush on Billy for the past two years, you knew he only saw you as a friend. And that was alright, obviously. That was okay, because you still had Billy in your life, even if it was only as a best friend, and that was more than enough for you to be happy.
So, it wasn't a big deal for you to be getting ready to go out for dinner with Billy. He was celebrating a promotion and pay raise at work, and you were celebrating an A on your first essay of the semester.
Your parents were out on a date, which left you alone in your house. You were brushing your hair, trying to decide if you wanted it up or down, when the phone rang. You were sure it was your parents checking in on you, or maybe Billy calling to let you know he was about to leave his place. Either way, you were completely unprepared for the voice that greeted you when you answered.
"Hello, Y/N."
You nearly dropped your hairbrush, fear coursing through you. "What do you want?"
"Oh, come on, now. Is that any way to speak to a friend?"
"You're not my friend." Your hands started trembling and you hastily set your hairbrush down on your dresser.
"But I'm just calling to check on you. All alone in that big house. Must be scary."
"I'm not alone," you bluffed, trying to keep the terrified waver you could feel creeping up your throat out of your voice.
"Is that so? So that wasn't your parents I saw leaving your house half an hour ago?" The voice made a disappointed noise. “I thought friends didn’t lie to each other, Y/N.”
A bolt of fear shot through you. Was this person watching your house? Were they waiting for the right moment to attack you? Were they across the street, watching you from a neighbor’s house? Or maybe they were camped out at the payphone on the corner, choosing the perfect place to terrorize you from.
"I-I don't know--"
"But I know. I know your parents aren't home. I know you always leave the backdoor unlocked. I know just how easy it would be to find you, alone in your room, getting ready to celebrate that A you got."
"How do you know that?" There was a sinking feeling in your gut that told you there was only one way they could really know that. But it couldn’t be true, right? There was no way.
"Because I'm watching you," the voice confirmed, causing a cold wave of fear to crash over you.
You hurried to hang up the phone, hastily pulling your jacket on. You were eager to get out of the house. You didn't even care if Billy wasn’t there yet. You couldn't wait. Not if someone was moments away from breaking into the house. You shoved your feet into your shoes, not caring that the back of one was bent in half, making you limp across your room. You hurried down the stairs, making sure to grab your bag from where you left it hanging on the banister. 
You could just imagine someone creeping in through the backdoor of your house, meeting you in the front hallway, their knife slicing right through your gut. You felt all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, stumbling as you rounded the table in the foyer.
You expected someone to ambush you at any moment. You thought there would be pain and screams and your parents finding your bloody corpse waiting for them on the living room rug.
Instead, you made it to the front door, your breaths coming out high and panicked as you fumbled to unlock the front door. You swung it open, pushing out into the night, only to collide with someone else.
A scream caught in your throat as hands came out to steady you.
"Hey, hey," Billy breathed, concern laced in his tone. "What's wrong? You okay?"
"I got another phone call, but Billy, he's been watching me," you insisted, hoping he would believe you. "He knew about my parents being gone and that I was alone and that our backdoor was unlocked."
"Hey, calm down," Billy soothed, running his hands up and down your arms, trying to quell your shivering. "I'm here now, alright? Nothing's gonna happen to you as long as I'm around."
"But what if--"
"No," Billy was quick to cut you off. "No what if's, alright? You're safe. I'm with you."
The adrenaline was quickly fading from you and you felt yourself begin to shiver even harder. "Fuck," you gasped, pushing into Billy's space. His arms wrapped around you, bringing you up close against him. He was so warm and felt so safe that you couldn't help but burrow in closer, taking comfort in his presence. "Just get me out of here, please," you begged, no longer wanting to stay in the house.
"I got you," Billy promised, starting to lead you out to his car. "You're safe with me."
Billy took you out for ice cream and you spent hours in his car, listening to Billy tell you about all the obnoxious customers he saw every day. You didn't even notice when he moved closer to you, his arm coming up to wrap around your shoulders. It felt natural for you to rest your head on his shoulder, delighting in the feel of his laughter soaking into you the closer you got to him.
By the time he drove you home, you realized you didn't want to leave his side. Being with Billy felt right to you and you hated that he was about to leave you while he went back to his apartment. When he pulled up the driveway of your house, you almost asked him to stay. You thought about sneaking him into your room, not caring if your parents caught you or not.
But you didn't, because you were a coward when it came to asking for what you really wanted. Instead, you settled on gracing him with a kiss on his cheek, wondering if it was just your imagination that his head turned just the slightest bit in your direction, as if he wanted to meet your lips with his.
It wasn't until you started drifting off to sleep that you thought about the creepy phone call. Billy had managed to distract you so fully from the all-consuming fear you had felt only hours before. You wanted him there with you, but you weren't sure if Billy felt the same. As far as you knew, he only wanted you as a friend. It was frustrating and painful not knowing his true feelings, but you hoped that if he felt anything more for you, then he would be the one to take the plunge and let you know.
Days and weeks passed, and you didn't get any more threatening phone calls. You were starting to feel safe at home again, so of course, it wasn't long before you got a phone call, and another one, and then another one. One let you know this stranger knew you went to Hawkins CC and another told you he knew about your job at Enzo's. You got the creeping certainty that this person was stalking you and you worried that they wouldn't stop until you were dead.
After every call, you immediately called Billy. He got so used to it that he would start answering within one ring, asking if you were alright and telling you he was on his way over. Billy could be over to your house within seven minutes, meaning that if anything were to really happen, then you would just have to give him a call.
So, when your parents told you they were going out of town for another weekend visit to your grandma, you didn't freak out. You knew that if anything happened, then you could just call Billy.
It was the night your parents left when your situation became even more horrifying.
You started some popcorn, waiting patiently for it to finish cooking in the microwave, while you thought about which movie you wanted to watch. You were filling up a glass with water when you caught your reflection in the window above the sink. You didn't notice anything off at first, but then you noticed there was someone in your backyard.
They wore a black cloak with a hood pulled up over their head. A mask covered their face, instead showing a ghost's face, black plastic for the eyes, nose, and elongated mouth. White surrounded the rest of it, lending a ghastly, eerie visage set against the backdrop of your backyard.
You stumbled back, hitting your hip against the counter behind you. You scrambled for the phone, your brain a whirlwind of thoughts, not sure if you were going to call the cops or Billy or anyone who could help you against an intruder. You rushed towards the phone in the front hallway, cursing when it slipped out of your hand in your haste.
Your hands were shaking as you dialed Billy's number, scolding yourself for not making sure the doors were locked or all the windows were closed. All you could think about was getting Billy there, because you knew he would never let anything bad happen to you as long as he was around.
You saw a shadow move past the front windows, and you pressed the phone to your ear, desperate to hear Billy's voice.
That wasn't Billy's voice. It was his dickhead of a roommate.
"Randy, it's Y/N. Is Billy there?"
"Nah," Randy answered. "I think he went to see you or somethin'. You two doing it yet?"
"Fuck," you hissed, hanging up the phone. At least Billy was on his way, you couldn't help but think. But what if he didn't make it to your house on time? There was a crazy, psychotic lunatic running around outside your house. It was likely he would be able to break in before Billy could even get to your house.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to decide what the hell you wanted to do. What were you supposed to do? You couldn't go outside, because that was where the psycho was, waiting for you to try to make a run for it. And if you stayed inside for much longer, it would only take one broken window or picked lock before you were no longer safe.
You jumped when there was a knock on the front door. You waited, fight and flight mashing together in your brain, so you stood there in the front hallway frozen in uncertainty.
"Y/N? It's me."
You let out a pathetic, relieved sob at the sound of Billy's voice. You rushed towards the front door, rushing to get it open so Billy could come inside.
"What's wrong?" He asked the moment he saw your panicked state.
"There was--and I--I don't--," you struggled to say, unable to pull in a breath.
"Hey, hey," Billy soothed, stepping away so he could try to make eye contact with you. "Calm down. I'm here now. Everything's fine. Just take a breath, alright? With me. On one, two, three," Billy counted, leading you in a few deep breaths so you could calm down enough to tell him what happened.
Once you finally calmed down, you ushered Billy into the house, triple checking that the front door was locked.
"What's going on?" Billy asked, watching you in concern.
You heard the microwave beeping insistently, so you lead Billy towards the kitchen, figuring you could kill two birds with one stone. "There was someone in my backyard," you explained, pointing out the window above the kitchen sink. You saw the mask again, this time hanging from the branch of a tree, and stumbled back into Billy. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him.
"It's alright," he said, keeping his voice level. "It's just a Halloween mask, right? Halloween's coming up and someone just probably left their mask in your tree to freak you out. Let me go check it out, okay?"
"No," you refused, turning in his arms to hold onto him. "It's a trap or at the very least a stupid idea. There was someone out there, Billy, I know it."
"Nothing's going to happen to me, okay? I'm just going to grab it and see if they left anything else behind. Lock the door behind me and I'll be right back."
You shook your head, but Billy still pushed away from you, leaving you standing in the middle of your kitchen while he unlocked your backdoor. You watched him as he crossed your backyard, easily plucking the mask from the tree, and turning back towards your house. You saw him turning the mask over in his hands, slipping a piece of paper out of the mask.
He knocked on the backdoor, waiting for you to unlock it to let him back in the house, and then showed you the note that had been left in the mask.
I'm watching you
"Y/N, what the hell is going on here?"
"I think it's the same person who's been calling me and stalking me. Billy," you said, moving to grab the note from him and brandishing it at him, as if he hadn't been the one to find it. "I'm scared. This guy, whoever he is, is messing with me. And I'm scared it's going to go past phone calls and watching my house. What if...," you trailed off, trying to steady your voice when it began to waver from fear. "What if they break in while my parents aren't here? What if they want to hurt me?"
"They won't," Billy assured you. "Not while I'm here."
You took a deep breath, working up the courage to ask Billy what you needed to.
"Would you...," you started, losing your nerve.
"Would I...?" Billy prompted, giving you an expectant look.
"Would you stay here? While my parents are out of town?"
"Y/N," Billy said, stepping into your space. "I'd love to." He bent forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead in reassurance, before giving you a hopeful grin.
Billy went around the house with you, checking that the doors and windows were all locked. You made another bag of popcorn and pulled Billy up to your room, propping your desk chair up against your bedroom door to give you a sense of security.
Billy led you towards your bed, waiting for you to get under the covers before he turned out your lights, leaving your bedroom lamp on so you wouldn’t get too freaked out. He grabbed your copy of Grease, knowing it was your ultimate comfort movie, and pushed it into your VCR. It wasn't long before Billy joined you under your blankets, grabbing a handful of popcorn and shooting you a pleased smirk.
This was totally new territory for you. Billy had been in your room and you had watched a movie with him before, but it had never been with the expectation that he would be staying the night with you. In your bed. In your empty house. Just the two of you.
You sang along softly to the songs, delighted when you realized Billy knew all the words to Summer Nights and didn't mind rewinding to watch Hopelessly Devoted to You in order to watch it twice, since it was your favorite part of the movie. By the time the movie was over, Billy was pressed up against your side, his arm around you, and your head on his shoulder.
Billy's fingers were tapping out a nervous rhythm against your side, prompting you to look up at him. You were so close to him, you could feel his breath on your face, and a thrilled shiver shot through you at the realization. 
"Thanks," you whispered, even though it was just the two of you alone in the house. "For being there for me. For always being there for me."
"Nowhere else I'd rather be than with you," he said, his eyes briefly glancing down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. "Y/N, there's something I--"
You cut him off, hastily pressing your lips to Billy's. It felt like the only thing you were meant to do. Billy felt right, you told yourself. He was there for you for everything, and you had wanted him for so long. The fact that he was there to protect you from the phantoms of the night and dropped everything to be right there with you proved that he was the one for you.
Billy immediately pressed back against you, his arms tightening around you. "I got you," he murmured against your lips, his hands trailing down your sides. "I've always got you," he promised, before you shushed him, pulling him impossibly closer to you.
Billy let you lose yourself to him, because it was all he had wanted since he met you. You. Just you. And everything you could give him. He wanted your attention and your love and your trust. He wanted to have you in his life every day and he wanted to know everything on your mind and hear everything you could possibly say.
It had taken a little finessing to prove his worth, but he knew in the end you would come around. You would see he was right there all along, ready for you to see that he was perfect for you.
As you drifted off to sleep, safe in his arms, he reminded himself of something he needed to grab from downstairs before he went back to his apartment to pack a bag of clothes.
Even though he had you, he couldn't rule out the possibility that he would need his mask again.
Halloween was coming up, after all.
full prompt: could you if possible please write a slasher fic where billy hargrove is ghostface who is tormenting reader with eerie phonecalls to upset her just so he can comfort her as billy because they're really close as friends i.e mutually pining after each other but Billy's idea to get your affection is to protect you from danger, soothe your anxiety and stay over night with you for safety but obvs he doesn't want you in any real danger he just wants you to think your in danger so he dons the ghostface mask.
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i-heart-slashers · 2 months
You’re Mine | chapter one
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | A peaceful town in Indiana turns into a bloodbath when a deadly threat haunts the town. The resident teenagers are terrorized by a masked killer, which begins to tear at the fabric of an otherwise-peaceful community ending in bloody pieces of innocent lives scattered around the small town of Hawkins.
Kimberly and her friends have to navigate their lives while trying to survive the murderous Ghostface killer who seems intent on killing them all but is the killer someone they already know?...
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | character death(s), harassment, violence, murder, stalking, slasher killer, killing spree,
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.2 k
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | murder, gore, character death, violence, mentions of violent acts, home invasion and implications of eating disorder.
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Kimberly sighed as she leaned back against the couch, the weight of her friend Chrissy's troubled relationship pressing on her shoulders. The phone call had been another chapter in the ongoing saga of Chrissy and Jason, and Kimberly couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and sympathy.
Eddie, noticing Kimberly's evident distress, gently placed a wary hand on her shoulder. His soft brown eyes conveyed genuine concern as he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry, just Chrissy troubles," Kimberly replied, mustering a small smile for Eddie. She could always count on him to lend a listening ear. "I think I actually talked her into dumping Jason finally," she added, the sigh that followed betraying her building headache.
She felt pity for what her best friend was about to go through.
Eddie, the resident drug-dealing 'senior' senior of their high school, sat on the floor beside Kimberly, who had set up a makeshift study area with a coffee table strewn with books and study materials. "Wow, I can't imagine Jason will be happy with that," Eddie remarked, his tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.
Kimberly frowned as she contemplated the repercussions of Chrissy's decision. "He hasn't got a choice; Chrissy deserves better than that asshole. Once we're out of high school, she'll see how better off she is without him."
Eddie chuckled, but his eyes were serious, contradicting his light tone. "Out of high school or Hawkins," he quipped, referring to their small town. The comment subtly acknowledged their unspoken plans for life after graduation.
Kimberly's wry smile in response held a mixture of determination and anticipation. She knew Eddie had overheard the conversation, and they both shared a silent understanding of their shared dreams of leaving Hawkins behind.
"I forgot to ask, how did the English paper go?" the brunette asks, remembering the last time they studied together, which was becoming more frequent over time. If Eddie needed her help, Kimberly was always there to offer it.
Eddie handed over some papers with a sheepish grin. His grades had steadily declined before he got tutoring from the pretty brunette, but now they were slowly going back up.
Kimberly's eyes scan over the words on the English paper he'd written in his scrawled handwriting.
"See! I told you that you could do it. If you put in as much effort with this as you do in your campaigns, you'll sail your way to graduation," She says to him with a happy smile, pleased at Eddie's work.
"I'm pretty sure I'm only passing because of you," Eddie chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck, feeling a blush rise from the neck of his shirt.
It wasn't speculation; it was a fact. Kimberly's help was keeping him going, and teachers were off his back.
Kimberly smiles as she looks at the older teen. "You're not just passing because of me, Eddie," she said, her gaze meeting his. "You're passing because you're putting in the effort, and that's something to be proud of. One day, you won't even need me," she teases, drinking from her soda bottle.
"I'll always need you," Eddie says, looking at her with wide brown eyes. The thought of Kimberly not being around makes him sad. It's not every day someone treats him like he's not a freak, and it's even less someone like her was willing to spend time helping him out.
Eddie was grateful for Kimberly's support. His eyes scanned the pages of the English paper, absorbing the words and ideas that had earned him praise from the brunette. It starkly contrasted his usual encounters in the harsh high school environment.
Kimberly, in turn, appreciated the companionship that Eddie offered. She found comfort in the fact that, despite the storm raging outside, there was a sense of calm within the walls of her frequently empty home.
"Such a charmer, but your flattery doesn't work with me." With a sly, joking smile, Kimberly pushes the books and paper toward Eddie with a small smile as they begin to study.
The rain began to beat against the windows, the wind howling through the trees as the storm outside intensified. Lightning flashed through the room, casting eerie, fleeting shadows on the walls. Sirens wailed in the distance, becoming a haunting backdrop to their shared moment of silence.
Kimberly and Eddie immersed themselves in their books, and a comfortable silence settled between them; the atmosphere was warm and focused, but outside, the storm raged on as more lightning struck, but the two ignored it as the sirens mixed in with the loud bangs.
Eddie leaned over the coffee table, absorbed in his books and notes. Though a chaotic mess, he understood it, and that was something remarkable in itself. He wasn't dumb, and he knew it. He just needed a different way of studying and understanding.
Kimberly pointed to a particular section in one of the textbooks, underlining it in pencil. "Remember, Eddie, this part is essential for the upcoming test. You've got this. Just keep going, and you'll be on your way to graduation in no time and giving the middle finger to the man."
The dark-haired metalhead nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I owe a lot of this to you, Kimmy. Without your help and encouragement, I don't know where I'd be."
With a gentle smile and her gaze softening, Kimberly looked at her friend. "You've come a long way, Eddie, and I'm proud of you. And I'm always here to help, but you're more capable than you give yourself credit for."
The room took on an intimate atmosphere as the two delved back into their respective study materials. Eddie appreciated the solace that Kimberly's presence brought, a stark contrast to the turbulent environment of high school, where he often felt like an outsider.
As Kimberly flipped through her textbook, she couldn't help but marvel at Eddie's determination. It was evident that his academic struggles weren't due to a lack of intelligence but rather a lack of support. The quiet confidence he displayed in the face of challenges was something she found admirable.
"You know, Eddie, it's not just about the grades. You've got a unique perspective and voice. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise," Kimberly said, her eyes meeting his. "I think you're selling yourself short. You're a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for. Maybe it's time to believe in your own potential."
Eddie smiled appreciatively, grateful for the academic guidance and the emotional support Kimberly offered. Eddie couldn't help but reflect on Kimberly's positive changes in his life as they continued to study.
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Outside the Caligari home, a dark figure shrouded in the shadows of the storm stands watching the teenage girl and boy laugh and work together as if in their own little bubble.
As the night progressed, the intensity of the storm grew. The lightning painted patterns across the sky, briefly illuminating the silhouette of the dark figure. The distant sirens and bangs became a haunting accompaniment to the unfolding scene.
A calculating glint in their eyes hinted at a deeper interest in the lives of these two teenagers. Unbeknownst to Kimberly and Eddie, their bond had not gone unnoticed. Their laughter and camaraderie seemed to be an oasis of normalcy in a world that often felt troubled and uncertain.
A gust of wind rustled the figure's coat, revealing only a glimpse of a face obscured by darkness. Their purpose and identity remained unknown. Only time would tell their intentions and the impact they would have.
In the midst of the raging storm, the two friends studied, laughed, and supported each other, unaware of the ambiguous figure lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to make their presence known.
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boffeeceans · 10 months
I need more Eddie and Billy covered in blood. And not covered in blood from dying. Covered in blood from murder. Making out while covered in blood. Please let them make out while covered in blood.
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bowiebond · 2 years
Ghostface!Jonathan sneaking into Billy’s room and when he tries to kill him, Billy’s wet dream of ruining a slasher shines through. He pins him to the bed with his superior strength alone, taking the chance to fuck Jonathan stupid, the black costume covered in white cum stains and the bloody knife having been dropped somewhere between Jonathan second and third orgasm. The mask is still on by the time Jonathan is begging Billy to give him another load, the first two frothing around the blonds dick.
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