#gideon prewitt
alluringwaves · 11 months
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“I remember thinking . . . ‘Claudia feels this so much more than I do.’ You just care so much, you know? And sometimes I feel like I’m cut off from stuff because my first instinct is like, ‘okay, how can we fix this, what can we do to make it better.’ But your first instinct is just like, ‘how must the other person be feeling?’ It cuts so close with you."
— Emma Mills, Foolish Hearts
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asexual-juliet · 2 years
gideon prewitt and iris huang go as sharkboy and lavagirl for halloween i said what i said
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iliveilove · 9 months
Headcanon time.
Molly Weasley was born PreWitt. Now I like to think that the PreWitts were pretty wealthy. Not Malfoy Wealthy but like Mid-Wealthy ( is that even a thing?). Molly got pearl necklaces for her birthday, gold earring when she started Hogwarts, Emerald bracelets on random. And suddenly Arthur Weasley who came from a kinda poor family falls in love with her. He starts leaving her flowers ( Magnolias, as they are her favorite) with little note cards that read a poem or complemented how nice her hair looked. And then he asks Molly to tutor him in Defense Against the Dark Arts and she agrees. During their tutoring sessions Arthur stutters out words and blushes whenever Molly looks at him. Fabian and Gideon notice this and threaten to hex Arthur when they are alone. Arthur being the Gryffindor he is doesn't listen to them. Then Dumbledore announces that there will be a ball. Arthur asks out Molly only for her to tell him she's going with someone else. Arthur asks out Polly Parkinson as a last resort as to not go to the ball alone. He spends the entire ball staring at Molly PreWitt and David Nott. Polly ends up splashing him with her pumpkin juice and stalking off to dance with someone else.
After the ball Arthur sits alone on top of the Astronomy Tower and I'm sure you can tell what happens next. Molly comes up too. She spent the entire ball wondering about Arthur. Se would never have thought that he'd ask her out but well it was kinda hard not to tell he had a crush on her when he was constantly blushing whenever she looked at him. They exchange a few words, the ball is brought up and Molly says that Parkinson looked quite mad when she left him. Arthur blushes and asks her if she really saw that. Molly laughs and replies yes. Arthur decides that Molly's laugh is the sweetest thing he's ever heard. And then, like a cliche, Molly places her lips on Arthur's, one hand on his thigh. When they break the kiss, Arthur grins widely and asks, " What about David Nott?"
"Oh, him. I set him up with Parkinson." And they kiss again.
The next day Arthur asks her out on a date. They go out in the dead of night and get caught. Arthur was in detention with Apollyon Pringle and she got a terrible telling off by the Fat Lady.
The morning after their nighttime date, they were together and Fabian and Gideon ended up ambushing Arthur. By the end of their long brawl and a hex or two from Molly they were completely alright with the relationship.
Molly and Arthur married straight out of Hogwarts and had Bill right after. The rest of the course, is history. *Ends with a bow*
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midnightelite · 7 months
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@magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and I have done it again! Chapter 12 is live now!
Chapter 12
James wiped a rag over the bar for the third time in as many minutes. The tall, broad-shouldered black man seated across from him chuckled and brought a large hand down on the shiny surface with a smack. "I think it's clean, mate."
"Right," James muttered. "Cheers, Kingsley."
"Yeah, Potter, what's got your knickers in a twist?" Fabian Prewett asked, leaning forward in his seat next to Kingsley. "This isn't the real thing, the grand opening is still a month away. Today's just a trial run, yeah?"
"Right, this is just practice," Gideon added. "You're acting like it's the championship match."
"I'm not, it's nothing. I just want everything to look good. For the photos." Without his permission, James' eyes flicked towards the door. Marlene was near the main entrance, talking to the photographer. Alone. James purposely turned away and went to adjust the crossed swords hanging behind the bar again. He hated to admit Sirius was right – it did look better with two.
They were shooting photos for the website today, and when Lily had replied to James' email, she reminded them that they wouldn't want to just show a bunch of shots of an empty pub. So, James had invited the rugby team and Marlene had invited a couple of girlfriends to give the place some life. Four of the lads from rugby had arrived so far, including Marlene’s brother Daniel, as well as Marlene and two friends. Neither of whom was Lily. Where is she???
"Actually, he's acting like Mum when Nana Prewitt is coming over," Fabian said, laughing as James turned a couple of liquor bottles to make sure they were perfectly aligned, with the labels facing out.
"No, he's acting like Molly used to act when Arthur would come visit, do you remember? Everything had to be perfect .”
“Ah, so James, who’re you nesting for then?” Fabian asked
Continue reading here!
Start from the beginning here!
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pandorcas-endgame · 2 years
Nobody asked for it but here are some of my headcannons for a few of my favourite marauders era characters that people don't talk about as much.
Amelia Bones
• Ravenclaw
• Edgar is super protective over her but is also careful to not be overbearing like thwir parents that have really high expectations of them
• Mom friend to the Ravenclaws
• Lesbian
Hestia Jones
• Hufflepuff
• Really talented healer. Poppy took her under her wing
• Beater for the hufflepuff qudditch team. Can give Marlene a run for her money in a game
• Very protective of her friends and will fight anybody that talks shit about them.
Lucinda Talkalot
• Aromantic
• Does not give two shits and will do whatever the hell she wants
• James Potter's quidditch rival as cqptain of the Slytherin team
• Will kick your ass if you do something stupid (this is aimed at Barty).
Emmeline Vance
• Slytherin
• Dorcas's dormmate
• Has dirt on everybody
• If she wants something she gets it.
• Doesn't label her sexuality. Dorcas and her were each other's first kisses. How they both realised they were into girls. Also dated Gideon Prewitt during the war.
Sybil Trelawney
• Ravenclaw. Shared a dorm with Pandora, Amelia and Aurora
• Dated Pandora at one point. Even thoufh she knew it wouldn't last
• Ended up dating Aurora Sinistra
• Sometimes struggled to understand what time she was in do to her visions. Pandora always helped her with that until her death where it became harder.
• Rebellious and refusing to let anybody tell her who she should be. She wanted to enjoy her life as much as possible and would often fet bored of the typical curriculum at Hogwarts. Her and Pandora often ended up doing their own things in lessons (much to Amelia's despair)
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coffeeangelinabox · 4 months
Febuwhump #19: Please, don't
My first veeerrrryyyyy slight cheat. I'm doing 18 and 19 the alternate way round for the simple reason that I have a good idea for this and it's Sunday so I have time to do it properly.
All the warnings. This is extremely non consensual and gratuitously so.
None of them are the type to back down. Forcibly portkey'd to Malfoy Manor, bound with a nasty set of incarcerous jinxes and staring down a visibly delighted Lucius Malfoy, Sirius still looks around the dining room with completely unfeigned disinterest.
"You've had the place done up," he comments idly. The drawl he spent years exorcising from his voice creeps back in.
If they had hoped Malfoy would be distracted by bantering back and forth until James and Peter could effect a rescue, they were out of luck. Instead, his smirk merely widens and he continues to stare.
Sirius tilts his chin, gritting his teeth and angles himself fractionally forward. He's humiliatingly unscathed. Knocked out from behind before he'd known they were there. They'd barely arrived. This was supposed to be simple reconnaissance, three teams of three, in and out of a set of suspected Death Eater meeting points. It was not supposed to be a social call to the heart of obviously hostile territory.
Lily has a cut across her cheek and her wrists are bruised. She'd fought like a wild thing, and would have been able to make a break for it...if it had ever been in Lily Potter to leave people behind. She will not sacrifice people for the greater good, and even now she doesn't regret her choice.
Remus was the only one of them who had surrendered, though, in his defence, the wand held to Lily's head hadn't given him much choice. It hadn''t stopped the bruises and rough treatment. He isn't sure what they know about him, though it's obvious there's a traitor deep inside their inner circle. No one outside of the nine of them had known their exact locations and timings. Dumbledore maybe. Or Moody. But to Remus' knowledge, James and Gideon Prewitt had planned this one. It narrows the suspect list down to nine people. Eight. He bares his teeth in a snarl he wishes it were the right time of the moon to make more lethal.
"Now," Malfoy finally breaks the silence. He steps closer and runs the tip of his wand over Sirius' face. Sirius arches back with a sound of disgust. Malfoy simply follows his movement, it isn't like he can go far. "As uninvited guests, I do hope you are going to be entertaining."
"Oh, of course," Sirius says. His tone is still light, but Remus has known him too well and too long not to see the tension thrumming beneath his skin. "I know some good jokes. What's the difference between a Slytherin and an idiot?"
Malfoy raises his hand and Sirius doesn't so much as flinch, then he lowers it with a chuckle. "No. I wouldn't sully myself by touching any of you."
For a second Remus almost relaxes.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" Lily demands. "None of us are going to tell you anything. It's a lot of trouble to have us dragged here just to kill us."
Malfoy smiles. "As I said, Mudblood. Entertainment."
And just like that, it's not relaxing at all.
A few waves of Malfoy's wand later and Lily has been moved over to the table, fixed down, spread eagled. A few well placed diffindos remove her clothes and cut thin lines into her skin. She glares up at Malfoy, there are tears in her eyes, but she doesn't let them fall. "Go on then," she snarls. "Only way you can get a woman anyway, to force her."
Sirius lunges forward with a snarl, but finds he can't move his feet, Remus strangely can, but Sirius' protective positioning of earlier puts the other man in his way and he can't get to Lily and they can't make him watch this-
Malfoy holds up a hand. "I won't touch her."
They both look at him, distrust an almost tangible thing.
"If you do exactly as I say."
Remus hisses out breath between his teeth. Lily doesn't look at them, and the mere fact that she doesn't immediately tell them not to worry about her, not to give up anything curls something cold around his heart.
"What do you want?" Sirius says after a moment, voice low.
Malfoy's sneer widens. "You both pleasure the filthy little Mudblood. The one who makes her cum wins a blowjob from their failure of a friend."
"Then you'll let us all go, I suppose."
"We all know that's a lie."
Malfoy shrugs. "Why would it be? When the Dark Lord wins, you will all be valued soldiers in his army. I wouldn't spill magical blood so cheaply."
"Even hers. Why make an enemy of you, Black? Or of Potter."
"And if we refuse?" Remus asks quietly.
"Oh, my point about not spilling magical blood unnecessarily stands. You two can still walk out of here, unscathed. After, of course, you watch as many men as I can find willing to risk catching whatever a Mudblood little slut is carrying fuck her raw. Then I'll cut her guts out. You can take whatever's left with you."
Lily's breath hitches. Remus watches a single treacherous tear run the the wrong way down her face and into her hairline. Sirius must see it too because before Malfoy can notice the weakness he's pressing himself forward, arching sinuously.
"Waste of having the Black heir really owe you a favour, Malfoy. Wouldn't you rather have my," he pauses and gives Malfoy the bedroom eyes Remus had watched him use for years to charm various Hufflepuffs off to Greenhouse Three after dark. "gratitude?"
"No." Malfoy says bluntly, not moved at all. "I want you to realise that following orders is your best, your only choice. It'll help you later."
The seduction falls away, nothing more than a thin veneer and for a moment, Remus is certain that Sirius will start screaming and swearing. And that will do none of them the slightest bit of good. "Padfoot," he says quietly. Then, to their tormentor. "Alright. We'll do it."
Malfoy moves out of their way and gestures with a flourish towards Lily. Their hands are still bound, but they can suddenly move. Remus, for the first time, looks at her properly. He feels his ears redden with embarrassment. His own and what is radiating from her.
She is undeniably beautiful. Creamy skin and tumbling red hair in a fiery wave. Her emerald eyes are gleaming. The faint dusting of freckles across her nose is repeated on shoulders and inner thighs. Her breasts are round and full and high and the pinked nubs of her nipples are tight from cold and fear. Spread as she is, he can see every part of her, and Merlin help him, but the way she closes her eyes as he looks, flush spreading from cheekbones down her throat and chest makes something hot and primal inside him want to claim her.
She's his best friend's wife. He can't imagine that James would want him to make a different choice, but, frankly, he'd rather take his chances with a cruciatus.
Sirius drops down to his knees between Lily's legs. "It's okay," he says, a soothing rumble in his voice that tells Remus he's said these exact words before. "This is fine, Evans."
A noise creeps out of her. "Potter," she corrects in a thread of a whisper.
"Lils...I can't call you Potter while I do this."
"At the moment," Malfoy says waspishly, "you're not doing anything."
All three of them flinch and Remus too steps closer. He doesn't kneel down, opting instead to lean over her, shielding as much of her body from Malfoy's gaze as he can. "We'll make this good," he promises against her lips and then kisses her gently, chastely.
Her eyes flicker open and there's real violence in their depths. Remus nods in silent, mutual agreement. As soon as they have opportunity, they'll take Malfoy apart. Bloodily. Unpleasantly. From the feet first so that Remus can hear him scream.
Then she tenses with a moan as Sirius abruptly gets started.
Remus feels slightly put out for a moment. He hadn't known they were ready to start, and he hastens to catch up, mouth fixing quickly over one of those hard pink nubs and he begins to torment her with tongue and teeth, laving over her chest, seeking out every bit of salt from the fear-sweat that has been slicking her body for the past twenty minutes.
He lets himself fall into the rhythm, both of pleasuring a beautiful woman and competing with Sirius Black. Sirius is their most likely traitor. Remus will not willingly suck his dick. He will not. So he has to win this. It's as simple as that.
Sirius is undoubtedly the more experienced lover of the two of them, but he's appalling selfish and he rushes. Remus can't expect him to be different in bed, and he has a number of advantages, even fully human his senses are fractionally better than average. He can hear Lily's heartrate increase, smell not just her arousal, but her blood as it pumps through her. He can discern the tiny differences in her moans and whimpers.
He kneels besides Sirius, and puts his tongue to work.
Sirius has his mouth fixed over Lily's clit, sucking, pulling her pleasure from her by sheer brute force. Letting them live is stupidity, it can only be because the traitor is in the room with them. His fury at Remus for doing this to him, to Lily and James, translates into the ferocity of his movements. When Remus' head pushes up besides his, he cedes the clit to him and pushes back against her hole. He allows the very barest of transformation to padfoot and pushes his now much longer and wetter tongue into her, swirling hard within and Lily lets out a shattered mewl.
He dares to feel pleased with himself for a second as she stutters out a syllable that can only be part of his name. She's becoming helplessly aroused as he stabs his tongue in and out of her, fucking her with it. He wishes he had his hands free to knead her ass, her breasts. She arcs almost off the table with another cry and another gush of wetness.
"Siriu- ohhhhhhhhh, 'Mus. Like that, like that-"
James is like a brother to him. Harry is practically his son. Lily...Lily should never be this. But Sirius cannot deny that her desperate groans are spurring him on just as much as his desire to protect and his fury at the situation, and he feels his own cock rise in his pants.
"I don't," she twists on the wood. "Don't, please..."
Sirius pulls back. She knows they have to, knows the consequences of not following this instruction will be worse, but he echoes her anyway. "Malfoy. Please. Don't- don't make us do this. Anything else."
Remus has always been more ruthless.
As Sirius moves, he chases the spasms of her pussy with his tongue, drinking her down and with a groan Lily falls over the edge moaning and whimpering and writhing.
Malfoy claps his hands like he's at the theatre. His eyes spear Sirius. "Anything else, Black? Very well. You don't have to touch her again. Just blow your friend and we can all be on our way."
Sirius stomach sinks in a completely different way. He hates losing, all four of them were always competitive with one another.
I thought you said you could play chess, Padfoot.
My grandmother is better at gobstones than that.
Only four Os? I got five!
And worse. Remus is the reason they are here. Remus violated Lily. Remus forced her to a climax she didn't want. Remus is the reason so many of Sirius' friends have been lost in this war.
Remus unfolds himself and stands. Sirius doesn't look up at him.
If he refuses now, it will likely be Lily that pays for his habitual insolence. She is worth nothing to Malfoy and everything and then some to Sirius' only family. He shuffles forward and grins up at Remus with a few too many teeth.
"Let's see how long you last, Moony." His voice sounds wrong, but probably (hopefully) that will be put down to the stress of the situation and later he will force Prongs to see that they can't trust Moony. And that Moony knows exactly how to break him. He'll make him see that they have to rethink the Fidelius Charm plan.
He leans forward and, thank Merlin, Remus is wearing robes, not some awful muggle trousers. It's easy enough to get at him, to use his tongue in the slit of his boxers and lick a stripe up his cock.
To Sirius' eternal shame, Remus is not the slightest bit turned on. His small cock, flacid and curled, fits easily on his tongue. Maybe he deserves this anyway. Traitor Moony might be, but he's the monster that enjoyed what they did to Lily.
Remus however, doesn't manage to maintain his disinterest in the face of Sirius' concerted attention. It doesn't take long until he's reduced to an incoherent, dripping mess. Sirius' actions are almost violent. Remus has come to blows with Sirius and felt less attacked than how he feels right now as Sirius slurps at his dick as though he'll die without it. As though wishing he could punish Remus for something. He swallows against pleas. Trust Sirius to use seemingly losing as a new way to attack.
Lily is crying properly, her reserves totally eroded, and Remus realises that he is too. Malfoy is smirking at all three of them. Remus supposes that whether or not Sirius is technically on his team the Malfoy-Black rivalry has enough layers that he can still enjoy Sirius brought low in this way. Thinking of who - what - Sirius has given his allegiance to, Remus instinctively pulls back. Just as Sirius does something with his tongue, flattening it against the vein on the underside and tightening his lips to produce an almost painful sense of suction. He cums as he pulls out, splattering his seed all over Sirius' face.
He's the enemy. This is his fault, but Remus can't help the stab of guilt as his friend looks up at him, betrayal naked for all to see. If Malfoy wasn't still watching and laughing, he'd beg him to stop looking at him like that - please, Padfoot. Don't. I didn't mean-
Instead, he looks away.
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shessweetlikehunny · 1 year
Marauders Era Fancasts
Sirius Orion Black Ben Barnes
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James Fleamont potter  Reiky De Valk and Aron Taylor-Johnson
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Peter Pettigrew Dane Dehaan
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Remus John Lupin Andrew Garfield
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Lilly Evans  Sophie Skelton
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Mary Macdonald Sofia Bryant
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Marlene Mckinnon Beabadoobee
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Alice Forscue Carey Mulligan
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Frank Longbottom David Lambert
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Molly Prewitt Rose Leslie
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Arthur Weasley Caleb Landry Jones
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Fabian Prewitt Oliver Dale
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Gideon Prewitt  Tymon Rutkowski
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annasghosts · 1 year
The Golden Couple part 7: Beginnings
Summary: "We are in love." Wait, what? Does that sound like something Lily Evans would say at the beginning of Sixth Year?
Part 1 was written for @jilymicrofics and it slowly became a @jilymicro-oops For the last part of this accidental multichapter I used the prompt: key.
Read part 7 on Ao3, from the beginning
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James was pretty sure he was dreaming. His stupid, pathetic brain had conjured Lily Evans confessing she fancied him. He couldn’t believe what a miserable, pathetic sod he was.
“Oi!” He looked sharply to his left and massaged his side where Sirius had hit him. As he met his friend’s quizzical expression he frowned, wondering why dream-Sirius would hurt him, unless.. his eyes widened and he swirled around, almost falling out of his seat and found himself staring in Lily’s eyes. She was red faced and uncomfortable, but still lovely.
“Is this really happening?” He asked stupidly and she smiled.
“Come on, Potter!” A voice exclaimed from the crowd. Gideon Prewitt, that git.
“Yes, Potter.” Lily repeated, her voice soft, and he found himself smiling. He got up and reached out to take her hand tentatively. Some of the students started whistling, but he ignored them, his eyes focused on Lily.
“I’d love to go to Hogsmeade with you.”
Lily grinned, her eyes shining brightly, her small hand in his, the floral scent he’d smelled in his Amortentia surrounding them.
“You are not paying, James.” Lily said firmly, as Rosmerta served their Butterbeers.
“Of course not,” He said, his eyes glinting with mirth. “You invited me after all.”
He could barely contain his excitement. Lily had blushed prettily when he’d taken her hand that morning and had listened to him chat about anything, from his parents to the Quidditch Cup. He’d rarely felt that eager to share his thoughts before, but there was something about her, about the way she listened, about the softness in her eyes, that pushed him to bare his soul. And she’d told him in turn about her difficult relationship with her sister, about her plans to become a Healer that she hadn’t shared with anyone yet because she was worried she might not succeed. James felt he had never met anyone more perfect before.
“Toerag.” She muttered, but there was a happy smile on her face as she counted the money and the insult had never sounded sweeter. He marvelled at how far they’d come, realizing that just a few months ago that same word would have been spat at him with genuine anger and he didn’t think he could blame her for it. “Sickle for your thoughts?”
“I was just thinking how often I’ve heard you calling me that.” She widened her eyes in surprise and she bit her lip, looking a bit guilty. “For good reason!” James added hurriedly. “I deserved it and I’m truly sorry for it.”
She seemed to relax as she leaned back on her chair. “And I’m sorry for my many attempts to humiliate you.”
“Oh, those were great. I’m serious!” He exclaimed as she laughed. “Very marauder of you.”
“I’m so honoured.”
“Oi, no sarcasm please.”
Lily didn’t reply, but took a sip of her drink and James’ attention was drawn to the bit of foam clinging to her upper lip. “What?”
He raised a hand and gently wiped her mouth with his thumb before sucking on it, Lily’s eyes following the movement intently. He leaned in, her eyes meeting his, and all she was feeling was crystal clear in them. He could see the hint of uncertainty mixed with her desire to kiss him so he gently cupped her cheek, smiling as her eyelashes fluttered, and she let out the softest of sighs. He regretted closing his eyes for just a moment, the need to watch her almost too much, but every thought flew out of his mind as she gently pressed her lips to his.
“James!” He smiled as she called for him, her delighted and surprised tone telling him she’d found his gift. “What is this?” He smiled as she approached him, all bright eyes and red cheeks, and he gently dragged her towards him, giving her a lingering kiss.
“What does it say?”
She shook her head, but held up his note, a key tightly clutched in her other hand. “For Lily, honorary marauder.”
“You were worried about us being apart next year, so I thought I would remedy that. And, as you know, I would never live with someone who isn’t a marauder.”
Her grin widened, not unlike the way it did the first time he’d called her that, and she threw her arms around his neck with suck genuine spontaneity James felt his heart might burst from affection. “I love you, James Potter.”
“And I love you.” He whispered, his nose buried in her hair. The promise of war brewing outside the castle should terrify him, but Lily’s weight in his arms was grounding him and he thought that, no matter what, nothing could take that moment of perfect happiness away.
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dhr-ao3 · 11 months
"I Don't Think You're A Waste Of Space"
"I Don't Think You're A Waste Of Space" https://ift.tt/eckb3dh by Katybug1248 Years after the Second Wizarding War, the next generation of witches and wizards are making their way to Hogwarts. Words: 508, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown, Molly Weasley, Dudley Dursley, Arthur Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley, Jonas Prewitt (OC), Alicia Prewitt (OC), Gideon Prewitt, Cassiopeia Malfoy Relationships: Dudley Dursley/Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lavender Brown/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Additional Tags: Non-Canon Relationship, Voldemort is defeated in Second Wizarding War, Alternate Universe, Non-Canon Events, non-canon elements via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/ah74YOe July 30, 2023 at 08:24PM
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hchollym · 2 years
While I’ve never thought much of Percy being a Prewitt(?) I’ve certainly thought of him taking after his uncles far more than anyone else and I have a hc that during the war the Weasley kids had to be separated.
I can definitely see Percy going with the twins, bill and Charlie somewhere else, Ginny and Ron with Molly. So my hc is that they basically get shifted through the order of who they stay with and I absolutely see Molly’s brothers taking in Percy and the twins and Percy being older is able to get closer to them.
Which brings me to a darker hc that he saw them die and they died protecting their three nephews.
I have more thoughts about this but I have to go for class
I do like the idea of Percy taking after Fabian and Gideon more than anyone, and I think it's believable that the Weasley kids were separated during the war.
It also makes sense for Ron & Ginny to stay with Molly (because they were the youngest and needed the most care), for Arthur to take Bill & Charlie (who were the most independent/easiest since he was still working), and for Fabian & Gideon to take Percy & the twins, because there was two of them, so they could handle the rambunctious Fred & George (with the quiet Percy to help out).
It's also realistic that - if that were the case - then Percy would have gotten close to his uncles (I'm guessing the twins were oblivious to the realities of the war, because they were so young, whereas Percy was confused but starting to understand certain aspects, so Fabian & Gideon probably tried to talk to him and spend time with him separately to help him cope).
That's a sad headcanon, but I've often considered the same thing. I would love to hear more of your thoughts when you have more time!
Thanks for the comment! 😊
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iheartgracie · 3 months
claudiagideon quotes from foolish hearts
“Have fun, okay?”
Gideon takes my hand. “We will,” he says, and we leave the kitchen.
I look down at our clasped hands in the hall, and Gideon hesitates, loosening his grip as if to let go.
“Is this okay?”
I give his hand a squeeze. “Only because it’s Saturday.”
“Does that make a difference?”
“Yeah, I mean, hand-holding on a Tuesday is pretty risqué.”
His lips quirk. “It’s also a quarter moon, you know.”
“What happens on the quarter moon?”
“I turn into a quarter werewolf.”
I grin”
“Then he looks at me hesitantly. “Want to dance?”
“What have we been doing for the last hour?”
“I meant, like, with me.”
“Who have I been dancing with all this time? Did someone get a face transplant with your face?”
He grins. “You know what I’m saying.”
“Thanks for coming with me tonight.” His mouth is still close to my ear. “I really, um.” He pulls back the slightest bit, looks at me for a second. “I really like it when we hang out.”
“Me too.”
“Sometimes … around some people, I feel like I have to, like … try, you know? Like really hard.” His hands tighten a bit on my waist. “But with you—when I’m with you, I can just … exist. You know what I mean?”
His expression is open, his eyes serious.
I know exactly what he means.
I nod.”
“Is this a date?” I say.
He blinks, extending the coat toward me, but I don’t take it. “I mean, it’s a … it’s a dance date. Not like a … date date. But still kind of a date?” There is a hopeful upward inflection at the end of that sentence. “I was actually … I sort of wanted to ask you about that.”
“About what?”
“Maybe you and me could … maybe we could go on a date. A real one. Maybe we could be, like. Dating.”
“I’m meant to say something. I’m supposed to respond.
I like you, you majestic space prince.
How hard would it be to say that? It’s the truth. How hard would it be to close the distance between us? Thread my fingers through his hair, thumb the corners of his jaw, kiss him right.”
“On-screen, avatar Gideon Prewitt walks right up to Viola. And it’s so stupid, I’m so stupid, but I wish he was here, I wish it was real. I wish I could bury my face in his neck. I want it so bad my fingers twitch on the controller, straining not to make my stupid game character hug his stupid game character so at least some facsimile of it can exist.”
“Out of the corner of my eye I see Gideon glance over at me. And then he looks straight ahead again, but he rests one hand on the console between our seats, palm up. Like an invitation. Like I could take it if I wanted.
I don’t hesitate.”
“Gideon looks at you like you fucking hung the moon”
“Seemed important to you, and … I mean, this is it, right?”
This is it.
I nod. Take the barrette and put it in my pocket. And then I take his hand, rest it against my cheek, and turn my head to press my lips against his palm.
He just stares.
“What are you doing?” he says.
I loosen my grip, embarrassed suddenly. “Is it—do you not want—”
“No, I want,” he says quickly, moving closer. “I want.”
Me too is what I should say. Me too, ME TOO, but words don’t come out, I just look up at Gideon’s face, at the smile blooming there, with his unfathomable dimples and his eyes that you need GoogleMaps to find your way out of, warm and bright and shining.”
“but he looks at me and there’s barely any space between us now. “So you do … like me like that?”
“So if I kissed you…”
One corner of his mouth ticks up, the dimple reappearing. “I should probably … do that, then.”
“Or we could keep talking about it.”
He grins full-out now, and then we kiss.”
“When we finally separate again, I rest my forehead against Gideon’s.
“You know what?”
“Hm?” He sounds a little dazed.
“That had everything on my must-have list,” I say, and then drop down to a whisper: “Luxury. Affordable. Industry standard.”
Gideon lets out an unholy snort, and I dissolve into giggles. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, and we both laugh, holding each other tight.”
“Not just the kiss in the hall outside the auditorium, but the ones in the parking lot afterward and at the cast party and on the street outside after the cast party. Gideon with his cheeks flushed and his eyes bright, close enough that he was blurry, saying I like you, you know. Like so much, so much, so much—each one punctuated by a kiss to a different place.”
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asexual-juliet · 2 years
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all i am saying is that gideon and iris have the best costumes at lena ideker’s halloween party by FAR
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pancakehouse · 2 years
Love Me Harder
(I just finished my two thousandth re-read of @theprongsletthatlived‘s Chocolate Cake/Banana Split, can you tell?)
based on this song // Also inspired by that one time my best friend sent me a video of some random frat boy giving her a lap dance at a party and said - without an ounce of irony - “this is kinda romantic, right?”
CW: swearing, alcohol, partying, mentions of sexual content (nothing explicit), very brief mention of an STD, and some overall questionable drunken behaviors
(nothing too crazy though, all in good fun!)
“Hey James?” Sirius asked, frowning down at his phone, “If you saw a video of Lily giving some other guy a lap dance while an entire house full of people cheered them on…you would probably feel the need to cry, right? Or punch him in the face? Or track fucking Benjy Fenwick down at his pretentious little filming studio and hang him upside down out of a window until he promises to keep his grimy little hands off of my Remus?”
“You know, I’m not sure Lily even knows Benjy,” James said, before sighing and pulling Sirius’ phone from his clenched hands.
Sirius gritted his teeth as James pressed play, resisting the childish urge to close his eyes and plug his ears until it was all over.
If you just let me invade your space,
I’ll take the pleasure, take it with the pain
“Well, I guess this explains why I’ve been hearing this song through your bedroom wall on repeat for the last 6 hours,” James stared incredulously at the screen. “Christ, who even knew Remus could move like that?”
“I did,” Sirius said bitterly. “And now, apparently, so does the entire school.”
‘Cause if you want to keep me, you’ve gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder, love me harder
And if you really need me—
Sirius had memorized the entire video by then, but he couldn’t resist peering over James’ shoulder to torture himself with it once more. Gideon Prewitt had filmed it - before forwarding it on to Sirius with a cheeky, this yours? - and the only thing that kept it from being completely unbearable to watch was the angle it was taken from.
Gideon was in Remus’ direct eye line from the first moment. Which meant that, because of the way Remus was positioned (straddling a pair of hips that were decidedly not Sirius’), Benjy’s face was never actually featured in the video. And by using his thumb to cover the blob of near-bleached blonde hair in the corner of the screen, Sirius could easily let himself pretend the show was all for him.
When I get you moaning, you know it’s real,
Can you feel the pressure between your hips?  
And God, it was like he was looking right at Sirius. The way that Remus’ gaze stayed trained directly on the camera, as if making sure Gideon wasn’t missing a single moment of swaying and hip thrusting and grinding, it sort of did feel like it was all for Sirius. He just would’ve much preferred enjoying the view from up close.
It had only taken Sirius about three minutes of threatening significant damage to Gideon’s bodily functions before he’d gotten Benjy’s name. But, after the haze of rage had faded enough from his mind to consider something other than graphic acts of violence, he recognized that a Future Sirius might be grateful that a video of Remus moving so delectably existed. He might even thank Benjy for his role as a pawn in whatever game Remus was trying to play with him.
‘Cause if you want to keep me—
Sirius watched as an on-screen Remus, still looking right into the lens as he moved (and all but ignoring Benjy completely), tilted his head slowly to the side and deliberately tapped the spot just below his jawline, right at his pulse point.
That soft patch of skin was Sirius’ absolute favorite spot to latch onto. It was silky smooth and so warm and always smelled so thoroughly of Remus. It was all hints of cinnamon and honey and remnants of the tea he always ordered from their favorite cafe. Sirius loved to run his nose against it, followed by his lips and then teeth, just to hear the way it made Remus’ breath catch and his body melt like putty in his arms. That was Sirius’ spot and since the day they met he’d never once let Remus out of his sight without making sure he had good and thoroughly lavished his attention (and tongue) all over it.
Seeing Remus touch that spot now, with his groin in another man’s face—
And if you really need me,
You gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, got to
Love me harder
He never should’ve bailed on that fucking party. Or, actually, he absolutely should have. But he should have bailed on it and then proceeded to spend the rest of his night with Remus in his bed. In his arms. In his mouth.
He should not have been spending his night at Grimmauld Place arguing with a set of parents who meant less to him than the speck of dirt on his shoe.
And he most definitely should not have refused to tell Remus where he was going, preferring to let him believe he was fucking around on him, rather than forcing him to hear about the never ending shit-storm that was Sirius’ family.
“Were you the one recording this?” James asked, turning the volume down as Remus’ show ended and cheers rang through the party.
“Are you insane?”
“Okay, okay, I know. It’s just the way—I swear he’s staring at the camera like he wants to, I don’t know, crawl inside of it and it’s making me feel both very violated and maybe a little turned on,” James said, laughing. “But it also just reminds me of the way he always looks at you.”
“He looks at me like he wants to crawl inside of me?” Sirius smirked, not minding the visual of that in the least. If it were up to him, that’s precisely where he would keep his Remus at all times. Inside of him. Where he belonged.
And where faceless blondes wearing cheesy Hawaiian print shirts couldn’t get their grabby little hands all over him. And he would do just about anything to make that happen.
Sirius had just sat down at the table when he registered the music playing from the restaurant’s overhead speakers.
Love me, love me, love me
“Jesus Christ,” Sirius grumbled. But when he looked up, all annoyance immediately evaporated as he was greeted with the grinning face of one Remus Lupin standing over him. The exact angle he should’ve been enjoying that stupid fucking song from last night.
“Sorry I’m late,” Remus leaned down to kiss him softly, running his hands lightly across Sirius’ chest before pulling away, smirking as Sirius’ mouth chased after him. “My shift ran over when I had to take revenge on one of your dickhead economics buddies after he cussed Dorcas out for daring to actually do her job.”
“What’d you do - corner him in the back alley? Slash his tires? Throw a wad of chewed up gum into his over-gelled hair?” Sirius grinned widely as Remus settled into the booth across from him. Much too far away for Sirius to be as handsy as he generally preferred, but he contented himself with closing the distance between their legs, slotting them together under the table.
“Worse,” Remus’ eyes shone as he pressed his thigh into Sirius’. “I told him cryptos are fake money, The Wolf of Wall Street was a shitty movie, and convinced him the ROI on an Economics degree is the same as Art History. He almost cried, it was delightful.”
“Delightful,” Sirius agreed, heavily distracted by the warmth of Remus’ legs and the devious gleam in his big doe eyes.
They first met last year, on a night out at the Three Broomsticks, the main bar on campus where everyone converged on weekends. James had been right in the middle of his relentless pursuit of winning fair Lily’s affections, so Sirius had resigned himself to a night of getting drunk, playing billiards, and watching his best friend repeatedly confess his undying love to a (not-so) reluctant party. But when they’d walked up to the corner booth where Lily sat with her friends, it had taken all of three seconds before Sirius was the one on his knees confessing his undying love to the beautiful creature in front of him.
Remus Lupin was all flushed cheeks and full, pouty lips and dimples and soft curls made up of freshly spun locks of gold. Sirius was floored. Remus was an absolute angel and Sirius told him so.
But, even then, Remus had unequivocally matched Sirius’ over-the-top flirting and blatant innuendos with his own cheeky retorts and the same devilish glint in his wide amber eyes that were on display across the table from him right now.
“So,” Remus said, peering up at him through long eyelashes, “Did you see my video?”
Sirius took a long, slow sip from the drink he’d barely noticed the waitress setting in front of him. “Mmhm.”
“And what did you think?”
“What did I think?” Sirius repeated.
“Yeah, Benjy thought it was kind of romantic,” Remus said. And he almost managed to look genuine, but Sirius knew better. He could see the hurt in Remus’ eyes, the hint of accusation in his voice. He was maybe the only one_ _who would be able to tell the difference.
And he hated himself for being the one to put that look there. But him and Remus didn’t play games with each other. Well, they did, but that was usually in a much sexier scenario that generally involved a tangle of limbs and sheets and most definitely did _not _include Remus’ gorgeous long legs anywhere near someone else.
“And did you?” Sirius asked, pulling his own legs back to his side of the table, immediately missing the warmth of Remus against him.
“Did I what?”
“Did you think it was romantic?” And Sirius’ own hurt must’ve shown on his face because Remus reached quickly across the table for his hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“I saw Gid and Fabian there. Figured they were always looking for a chance to piss you off and it suited my mood perfectly last night, thinking about you out with some—” he paused, taking in a breath, then continued, “Anyway, I got the DJ to play that stupid song and dragged—”
“I liked the song,” Sirius cut him off quickly, unable to stand the idea of hearing that name come out of those lips again. He was used to the hordes of faceless men who were always sniffing around Remus. There were groups of them he had to regularly fend off himself. But Remus had never picked any of them over Sirius before. And that stung. “The song was great. Your dancing was great. It was all great,” he leaded back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest in and smirking in an attempt at nonchalance, “Definitely romantic, I’d say. You two seem like a good match.”
Remus stared at him for a moment with an unreadable expression, then slid straight out of the booth. He ran a hand roughly through his curls, before letting them flop back onto his forehead with a sigh. “You just—You never say what you really fucking mean, Sirius. And I don’t know what to do with it anymore,” he took a second to drop a creased bill onto the table before looking back at him.
Remus frowned slightly, seeming to contemplate something, then said, “I love you, Sirius. I’ve been in love with you since day fucking one. And you know it. But we can’t—I can’t do it like this anymore. I can’t be _us _like this anymore. You never just let me all the way in and I don’t know why and I’m just so fucking tired.”
And he looked it. His lips were downturned in a frown, dimples nowhere to be found, and Sirius didn’t know when that look had starting appearing in his company. Didn’t know when he starting being the one to put it there.  
Remus turned to go and Sirius felt his heart make a very real effort to pop straight out of his chest. Like it was trying to warn him that he was about to let the best thing that had ever happened to him walk away. As if he wasn’t already painfully aware of that fact.
“Wait, wait, Re. Please, stop,” Sirius grabbed his arm, tugging softly. “Please just listen.” Remus turned around slowly. Reluctantly. But that was enough. It had to be. “I wasn’t with any other guy last night. Or any other night.”
Remus raised his eyebrows, disbelievingly, but otherwise stayed silent.
Sirius breathed deeply. “Right. So. No other guys.” More silence. “I mean, unless we’re counting that time at the Hog’s Head that James dared me to take eight shots of Firewhiskey and I ended up with my hands down Rosier’s jeans. But that was only because I thought he was you! I realized my mistake as soon as I was on my knees because, well, even drunk out of my mind, I still know exactly how it feels to have your co—”
“Oh Christ,” Remus cut him off, an adorable blush dusting the tops of his cheeks, “So you groped Evan Rosier because you mistook him for me? We look nothing alike, he has like seven piercings!”
“It was dark! And his butt is very perky and grabbable, it’s a compliment really.”
Remus scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Sirius counted the slight twitch in his lips as a victory. “Oh, well, thank you, I suppose.”
“I meant a compliment to him,” Sirius grinned cheekily and was rewarded with another eye roll and a brief flash of the dimples.
“Right,” Remus said, “well, thanks for clearing that up then. No other guys. Got it.” And then he turned to leave again, making it all the way out of the restaurant before Sirius realized what was happening and sprinted after him.
“I was with my family!” He shouted, much too loud considering the parking lot was nearly empty, and Remus was only a few steps ahead of him.
Sirius shrugged, smiling sadly. “They’re the worst. Truly, the worst. I barely let James near them and he knows what they’re like. I was just—trying to protect you from them,” Sirius paused, frowning, “That sounds like an excuse. I suppose it is. I just didn’t want you to see how certifiably insane they are, realize that I’m exactly the same, and bolt.”
“Why would I bolt?” Remus stepped closer, just two short feet separating them now.
“Because it’s too much?” Sirius shrugged again, “I’m too much? I mean, last night after watching that video, I definitely texted everyone I’ve ever met that Barry has the clap. Including your mother.”
“Benjy,” Remus corrected, then smirked, “And he doesn’t have chlamydia.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes playfully. “And how would you know that?”
Luckily Remus laughed. But it was much too short and then he immediately became serious again. Fixing him with a hard look. “You are way, way too much. Always have been.”
Sirius nodded, swallowing hard. “I know.”
“And I love you.”
Remus nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, that’s good.”
Sirius grinned, watching as Remus unconsciously mirrored him. “Yeah, because I really fucking love you too.”
“You know,” Sirius said, two hours later, from where he sat sprawled out on his couch, hands gripping tightly onto the hips that were twisting and swaying so fluidly above him, “I think what’s-his-name might have been right.”
“Oh?” Remus smirked, pausing his dancing to hover just above Sirius’ lap. So close that Sirius could easily pull him down into a proper straddle if he wanted to. Which he would. Soon. “Right about what?”
Sirius tangled his hands in Remus’ hair, yanking gently and reveling in the soft moan it brought. He smiled at his flushed cheeks, letting his fingers dust over every inch of Remus’ face. The tops of his cheekbones, the light sprinkle of freckles on the bridge of his nose, under his eyes then, so softly, his eyelashes. And finally, pulling gently on his lips, soft and plump beneath his fingers.
“Sirius?” Remus whispered, letting their foreheads fall against each other.
“What was what’s-his-name right about?”
Sirius grinned, leaning in until their lips were barely brushing together. “This really is kind of romantic.”
Love me, love me, love me
Harder, harder, harder
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childotkw · 3 years
For the bookstore AU would love if Walburga just converts the entire Back clan, so Lucretia, Cygnus, Alphard, and Dorea just start popping in
Would also be hilarious as Lucretia married a Prewitt and starts inducting them as well. Know it'll be a while off but Gideon and Fabian patroning pranks to Harry is a hilarious image to me
Excellent idea! I don't know if the AU would go on for that long, but it would be hilarious to sow the seeds that Harry is going to have generations of followers 😂
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sagepixiecore · 2 years
My Marauders Era LGBTQ+ Headcannons
James Fleamont Potter
- he / him, bi curious
Lily Jean Potter
- she / her, omnisexual
Marlene Roxanne McKinnon
- she / her, lesbian
Peter Simon Pettigrew
- they / them, aroace
Dorcas Erin Meadows
- she / they, unlabelled
Mary Jane McDonald
- all pronouns, pansexual
Remus John Lupin
- they / he, gay
Sirius Orion Black
- he / they, bisexual
Pandora Lovegood
- they / she, pansexual
Xenophilius Lovegood
- they / them, unlabelled
Alice Longbottom (I can’t remember her maiden name)
- she / her, bisexual
Frank Longbottom
- he / him, straight
Regulus Arcturus Black
- he / him, gay
Barty Crouch Jr
- he / him, bisexual
Emmeline Vance
- she / they, lesbian
Gideon Prewitt
- he / him, straight
Fabian Prewitt
- he / him, straight
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psy-ay-ay · 2 years
thinking about gideon prewitt, the one who had the name first
butterflies. butterfies. butterflies.
bonus: noah and gideon. claudia and gideon. claudia and iris and paige and alex and zoe and soggy cereal and mmo and barettes and did i say gideon and noah
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