#gimme a chocolate
kdramaspace · 1 month
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH   ↳ Congrats allie @gimme-a-chocolate
Layla: allie!! first of all i have to say welcome back since i have been missing your creations for long time. i love your gifs and your soft giffing style, how do you do that😍😍!! you've been feeding us with many pretty content lately so thank you, and thank you for being part of our family. can't wait to see more of your content, esp lovely runner ones given it's a current fav of mine🥰🥰🥰🥰.... wish you the best always💖💖..  ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Sam: Allie! It's so nice to see you active again. Love your soft giffing style ❤︎ also feeding my dash with a healthy dose of eunwoo gifs as of late, so I can't complain. I still remember when you used to make fmv edits too--more talented than I could be! loving the soft color gradient sets as well. can't wait to see what the rest of the year will bring in terms of new sets from you! ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Alexa: Allie! It's been so wonderful to see you back in the gifmaker sphere lately. Your Wonderful World sets have been staple content for that show! I feel like we've been connected in this community for so long, see your growth as a creator has been amazing! Your coloring and sharpening skills are simply top notch. I'll hope you'll continue to be actively creating (as much as you're able) because I can't wait to see what shows you'll take on in the coming months. Congrats on a well deserved MOTM shoutout <3 ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Lilly: Hi! Congrats on being our motm! I love your soft coloring and gradients. The way you blend flows so nicely from one gif to the next, both when it's subtle and more bold. Always happy to see you in the tag! ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Sya: Hi Allie! Congratulations for being the member of the month! Love how your sets are always so naturally coloured and giving soft vibes. especially love those with the soft coloured gradients on some of your sets. thank you for feeding the tag and looking forward to more contents from you 💕🫶🏼 ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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justalittleguest · 3 days
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Day 5: Cutting apples. Killer is piiiissed.
@voidzphere, @funtime29nm
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anidasayongjung · 1 year
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My favorite baby metal song is gimme chocolate
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minipati · 4 months
new babymetal tiktok!
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letsgolando-4 · 9 months
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You will never convince me that Kimi didn’t break into Seb’s hotel room to steal his ice cream. Never.
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darth-maya · 8 months
The song of the day is
BABYMETAL - ギミチョコ!!- Gimme chocolate!!
Going into aftershock, I knew of babymetal but only listened to like one of their songs. I knew they were good, but I was in the middle of listening to almost nothing but deathcore, so they got pushed to the side a bit.
Now, after seeing them live at aftershock, all I can say is holy shit what a band.
They were one of my favorite performances the entire festival, and that's saying something because everyone brought their A game for this festival. They were probably my favorite group that I did not recognize a single song they played.
Needless to say, I am going to be listening to a lot more babymetal going forward.
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aroacewolfic · 28 days
Me thinking that ive fallen for another emotionally unavailable fictional character that i have no chance of being with no matter the circumstance just because i randomly feel the urge to fit into a romance based society is a problem i just cant seem to get rid off.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
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listen, LJ
you are so correct for this. most chocolate ice cream is just...not good
i feel seen
no one tell the chocolate ice cream enthusiasts 🤐
I don’t know if it’s just the way chocolate flavor is put into ice cream but it always tastes like cheap Hershey syrup to me. I’ve had maybe two good ones ever (and I think both were like, additions to a bigger dessert, not something I’ve eaten on its own).
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
I am makin' microwave brownies. What toppings or extra stuff should I put on? (I am testing different recipes lol)
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thisgirlisonfayeeer · 8 months
Me watching Criminal Minds
S 01-03: Reid is cute 🥹
S 04-08: I may be a Hotch girl 🥵
S 09: Okay I wanna be Derek's baby girl 🤭
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ttsquid · 2 years
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kanaya thats been sitting in my drafts for ages (two days)
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Fred, is this perhaps an invitation for a joint shower? Hmm?😏
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
all the asks today are daigo related .. enough!! mine time!!!
what do u think mine gives daigo for valentines day / white day ( & daigo in return if you want )
Anon you fool this ask ended up being about daigo anyway
BUUUUUT i honestly dont know…… i feel as though mine might have ATTEMPTED to gauge what to get for daigo but ended up short since daigo is so Your Company Is More Than Enough For Me and that just Does Not Compute well in his brain. He doesnt want to just give daigo a thoughtless, expensive gift either- not when he SHOULD know him well and knows sentiment means more than a price tag unlike everyone else in mine’s life
In turn i like the idea that daigo thought to get an art history book for mine. Its nothing grotesquely expensive and it still shows daigo knows mine’s interests. Either that or maybe he gets him a sheet music book for piano perhaps with the hope he’ll play for him sometime- which honestly is two birds one stone: mine’s gift to daigo is playing for him and daigo’s gift to mine’s the book. As if spending time with each other isnt perfect already lol
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ihugmomo · 4 months
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babymetal but made in picrew 🍫⛩🌹
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roguelioness · 2 months
stg the older I get the stronger (derogatory) my hormones get
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leedongwook · 2 months
Hi! I'm loving your gifs and love your username lol. I'm wondering how you did the coloring for your Wonderful World Cha Eun Woo post for eps 7+8? I can't seem to match his skintone across gifs :/ altho the skintone also depends on lighting I guess.
Hi Allie, aw thanks I appreciate it. It’s super difficult to gif wonderful world and get the colors right, I agree. I think all my gifs look different and Cha Eun Woos skin tone is different in each gif I can’t get it to look the same. Yeah the lighting is definitely a reason, I do think the original coloring is different in different scenes so we can just try to adjust it somehow so it doesn’t look too bad. I can send you a basic pds I use for wonderful world to gif, you have to adjust it to every scene tho cos it doesn’t alwyas fit. Keep on giffing your gifs are great 😘
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