ginglese · 2 months
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In my eyes the shirt is also a sculpture, a work of art.
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felicecasucci · 2 years
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Gentilissima cliente indossa outfit BIANCA BRANDI in esclusiva presso il nostro punto vendita in via Roma 133 ad Acquaviva delle fonti . #fashion #glamour #shooting #lookoftheday #outfitinspiration #outfitoftheday #model #modella #casuccifelice #boutiquecasucci #acquavivadellefonti #santeramoincolle #adelfia #casamassima #gioiadelcolle #matera #bari #ginosa #laterza #cassanodellemurge #sammicheledibari #sannocandrodibari #fantastic #love #smile #shopping #cerimonia #abitidacerimonia (presso Felice Casucci) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cep-yTosmWD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mareshop · 1 year
Eccellenze italiane: Blue Marine
Oggi vi raccontiamo la storia di una passione e di un sognatore che decise di lanciarsi in un'avventura: è il 1984 e a Marina di Ginosa, in provincia di Taranto, viene fondata la Blue Marine.
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La nostra storia comincia quando Salvatore Rubino, spinto dall'amore per il mare, sviluppa una prima selezione di prodotti specifici per preservare le imbarcazioni nel tempo e proteggerle dall'usura, prodotti così efficaci da richiedere il minimo impegno di tempo, per tornare rapidamente a godere appieno di tutto il piacere della navigazione.
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Nasce così Blue Marine e nel tempo cresce la gamma di prodotti, figli della esperienza e della continua sperimentazione che negli anni hanno portato il signor Rubino a conoscere il mare e il mondo delle imbarcazioni.
La ricerca costante
Blue Marine è tutt'oggi specializzata in prodotti per la pulizia, manutenzione e ripristino di imbarcazioni, con risultati eccellenti riconosciuti dalle più importanti aziende produttrici di barche, gommoni e tessuti per la nautica.
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I tecnici della Blue Marine conducono assieme ai produttori continui test e prove sul campo, che guidano lo sviluppo di prodotti per risolvere i problemi in modo semplice e duraturo, conservando l'integrità dei materiali e riportandoli allo stato originale, anche dopo anni di inutilizzo.
Blue Marine oggi
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L'alta qualità dei prodotti, l'impegno dei collaboratori, il continuo miglioramento delle formule per anticipare le richieste e le necessità del mercato, oltre all'assistenza post-vendita, hanno portato Blue Marine ad essere leader nel settore di prodotti per la pulizia, manutenzione e ripristino di imbarcazioni.
Scopri tutti i prodotti Blue Marine su Mareshop
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
???: Hello? Who are you?
Ruby: I ... My Name's Ruby.
???: That's a lovely Name, you share it with my younger daughter. Where are you?
Ruby: I- I- ... You sound familiar ...
Summer: *Walking into view* What do you-
Ruby: ... Mom?
Summer: RUBY?!?!
Ruby: *Tearing up* MOM!
Summer: *Also Crying* RUBY!
They rush together, holding each other close, hugging so tight it had to be painful.
Summer: How- Why Are you here? You shouldn't- I-
Ruby: Mom, I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I did my best-
Summer: Ruby, Take a Breathe, and if anyone should be apologizing it's me. What Happened? Why are you here?
Ruby: I- I followed my dream of becoming a Huntress- I got into Beacon Early-
Summer: You What?
Ruby: I .. Got into Beacon ... Early?
Summer: Do you know what Ozpin's Deal is?
Ruby: I know that The Maidens and the Girl in The Tower are real. That and The Girl that fell through the world.
Summer: *Pinching her nose, clearly upset and worried* Okay. Is that why you're here.
Ruby: We- we were getting the Staff of Creation while Salem was actively attacking Atlas, and we made a path to Vacuo.
Ruby: Me, Yang, and our Teammates - and a Friend - Fell off the Path into the Ever After.
Summer: ... So the Jabberwocker got you?
Ruby: N-No ... Someone we fought along the way wanted me dead so ... she made me give Up. I drank her tea, which had a leaf in it- I-
Summer: You weren't killed?
Ruby: .. Not ... I ...
Ruby: *Crying again* I- I decided not to be me anymore ...
Summer: *Holding her cheek, also crying again* Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry you got caught up in all this. I'm sorry I couldn't stop Salem for you- I tried, and I'm sorry I failed. I'm sorry you chose to end your life ... But ... You haven't. Not yet.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Summer: You ... Aren't dead. You're ascending. Somewhere between Life and Death. You can still live.
Ruby: How? After every way I failed everyone-
Ruby: I made Atlas Fall! I Watched a Friend Die right in front of me Because I wasn't fast enough! Another friend sacrificed herself to save others, and She'd already Died once! Hell! My best friend since Day one got stuck here for half his lifetime, and now probably hates me!
Ruby: I've Gotten people Killed Mom! What good are Silver Eyes if I'm not good enough to save people without them!
Summer: ... Ruby. Did your plans fail because they were bad or because people got in the way of them? Have people died because you got them killed or because you were exhausted and got blindsided?
Summer: I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing you can't drink yet, given how long I think it's been.
Summer: You're young. Just over half my age at most.
Summer: You got your hands on a Relic?
Ruby: On the Lamp and the Staff, but Salem stole them back, and she's got a maiden on her side.
Summer: Ruby, I never even saw the Relics. I never met a Maiden. I was born into a quiet life, and disappeared, with the amount of people knowing where I was able to be counted a hand that's lost three fingers.
Summer: You have gone so far and beyond what I did. I- I don't know that full story, obviously, but it feels like you're putting all the blame on yourself. You're amazing. You're strong, and smart, and kind.
Summer: Ruby Ginosa Rose. You are my Daughter, and I love you. I don't know what you have to do, but please, please don't let go of yourself completely just yet.
Ruby: ...
Summer: I can only imagine how hard it's been on you, But I trust you to pull through. You've gotten help if you've got a team at your back. Even if you don't, someone else will. Try and find the people that would keep walking after you fall and try to team up with them. you'll make even bigger strides together.
Ruby: ... Thanks Mom. I ... I needed to hear that. Thank you.
Summer: ...
Ruby: ... Yang's got a girlfriend!
Summer: That's great to know Ruby, But I think it's time for you to head back out.
Ruby: *Beginning to fade from this place* Yeah, YEah! I can do this, The world can do this! Thanks Mom! Love you!
Summer: I love you too rosebud, and Tell Yang I miss and Love her a lot too!
Ruby: *Continuing to fade*
Summer: Oh and one more thing!
Ruby: *Almost gone to the Blacksmith* Hmm?
Summer: If I see you within the next Fifty Years You are grounded Missy!
Ruby: *Fully disappearing* You got it Mom-
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gacougnol · 7 months
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Federico Patellani
Taranto, circa 1970
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attilioworld · 1 year
Gravina di Ginosa
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lamilanomagazine · 4 days
Taranto, vasta operazione al contrasto dell’illecito stoccaggio e smaltimento di rifiuti: 1763 le persone identificate e 103 denunce.
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Taranto, vasta operazione al contrasto dell’illecito stoccaggio e smaltimento di rifiuti: 1763 le persone identificate e 103 denunce. Vasta operazione della Polizia di Stato sul territorio nazionale per il contrasto all’illecito smaltimento di rifiuti, per accertare e sanzionare le molteplici forme di illiceità nel delicato settore della tutela ambientale. Le articolate attività, coordinate a livello centrale dallo SCO, sono state condotte dagli agenti delle Squadre mobili e delle SISCO in 33 province italiane con il supporto specialistico delle Agenzie regionali per la protezione Ambientale e della Polizia Stradale. In alcune province, vista la specificità operativa in cui si è operato, sono state coinvolte anche le strutture periferiche del Corpo nazionale della Capitaneria di Porto. All’esito dei tre giorni di intense attività operative, sono state sottoposte a controllo oltre 168 aree sospettate di essere adibite all’illecito stoccaggio e conservazione dei rifiuti, 40 delle quali sono state sottoposte a sequestro. Più di 1763 le persone identificate, delle quali 103 sono state denunce in stato di libertà perché ritenute presunte responsabili dei reati connessi all’illecita gestione dei rifiuti. Due le persone arrestate in flagranza di reato ed oltre 85 violazioni amministrative rilevate per un importo superiore ai 200 mila euro. Le attività istruttorie e di verifica conseguenti all’accesso sui siti controllati proseguiranno nei prossimi giorni a cura delle singole Agenzie regionali per la protezione Ambientale, al fine di valutare la sussistenza di ulteriori illeciti amministrativi e penali. Nella nostra provincia il personale della Squadra Mobile di Taranto e del Servizio Centrale Operativo – Sezione Investigativa di Lecce, con la collaborazione del Nucleo Vigilanza Ambientale della Regione Puglia, a seguito di attento monitoraggio del fenomeno dello smaltimento illecito ha eseguito numerosi controlli ed effettuato alcuni importanti sequestri. Nel territorio di Marina di Ginosa all’interno di un’azienda con un’area di circa di circa 20.000 mq.. i poliziotti hanno rilevato la presenza di un capannone di circa 800 mq. costruito in totale assenza dei relativi permessi al cui interno erano depositati un centinaio di veicoli alcuni dei quali non più marcianti e più di 50 motori automobilistici stoccati senza le previste autorizzazioni. Inoltre, è stato rilevato uno scarico di acque reflue industriali (liquami e detriti inquinanti derivati dai veicoli) senza le prescritte autorizzazioni. L’intera area interessata e tutti i veicoli in essa presenti sono stati sottoposti a sequestro preventivo d’urgenza. Sono in corso gli accertamenti sull’eventuale provenienza delittuosa delle auto e dei motori sequestrati. Sullo stesso versante jonico nel corso di un controllo in un’Azienda Agricola nel comune di Castellaneta il personale impiegato ha rilevato la presenza di un impianto di riscaldamento alimentato a biomassa, utilizzato per l’illecito smaltimento di rifiuti agricoli in misura e con modalità non conformi alla normativa di settore, oltre alla presenza di diversi cumuli di rifiuti, alcuni dei quali classificati pericolosi, stoccati senza le prescritte autorizzazioni, anche in questo caso è stato rilevato il mancato rispetto della normativa inerente lo sversamento di acque reflue. L’intera area interessata, di circa 3.000 mq, è stata sottoposta a sequestro preventivo d’urgenza. Infine nel territorio del comune di Ginosa Marina, lungo la S.S. 106, i poliziotti hanno accertato in un’area di circa 2.000 mq, già sottoposta a sequestro preventivo nel 2020 per reati di natura ambientale, la presenza non autorizzata di diverse migliaia di pneumatici usati, classificati quali rifiuti pericolosi; il mancato adempimento delle prescrizioni, da parte dei proprietari dell’area, è stato segnalato agli organi competenti per i relativi provvedimenti amministrativi. In un’area attigua all’area interessata, inoltre, lo scorso 15 aprile gli investigatori della Squadra Mobile individuarono all’interno di un locale attiguo, due serre con sei piante di cannabis indica, dell’altezza di 80 cm. circa, nonché tutto il materiale necessario alla illuminazione, riscaldamento ed alla coltivazione “indoor” delle piante, giunte già a buon punto di maturazione. Nel frangete venne arrestato il proprietario della piantagione. Nel versante opposto della Provincia jonica nel comune di San Giorgio Jonico nel corso di un controllo ad un’azienda di autotrasporti il personale della Polizia di Stato ha scoperto all’interno di una vasta area di più di 10. 000 mq l’interramento di rifiuti inerti di materiale edile, alcuni dei quali classificati come pericolosi, senza le prescritte autorizzazioni, con relativo sversamento di detriti inquinanti. Nel vicino comune di Faggiano inoltre è stata scoperta e sequestrata un’altra aerea di circa 36.000 mq dove erano stati abbandonati illecitamente diversi cumuli di rifiuti, alcuni dei quali classificati pericolosi, tra i quali “Eternit”, materiale plastico, pneumatici fuori uso, guaina bituminosa senza le prescritte autorizzazioni. L’attività rientra nella costante azione di prevenzione e monitoraggio condotta dalla Polizia di Stato, in un settore che da decenni rappresenta una fonte di ingente, illecito profitto anche per le organizzazioni criminali, al fine di porre un freno all’espansione dei c.d. crimini ambientali che danneggiano il territorio e mettono costantemente a rischio la salute dei cittadini.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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babiloniaproject · 8 days
🆕 With great enthusiasm, we announce the imminent opening of a branch in Taranto to provide services offered by BABILONIAproject.com KFT! Taranto, a city at the center of the Mediterranean, rich in history and culture, is preparing to embrace the activities and initiatives of our company.
In the summer of 2024, Taranto and its surrounding areas proudly stand out for their beauty and vibrancy. Four coastal locations in the province of Taranto excel, attracting visitors and tourists from all over: Manduria, Maruggio, Leporano, Castellaneta, and Ginosa are the jewels of this land, offering enchanting beaches, millennia-old history, and a unique gastronomic experience.
Puglia reaffirms itself as one of the most virtuous regions in Italy, second only to Liguria, and roots tourism reveals the strong bond between people and their homeland. Despite economic challenges, Taranto continues to shine as a tourist destination, warmly welcoming those who wish to rediscover their roots or simply enjoy the wonders of this sun-kissed, seaside land.
The beaches awarded the Blue Flag, a symbol of quality and environmental sustainability, await visitors with their crystal-clear waters and breathtaking landscapes. From San Pietro in Bevagna to Marina di Ginosa, passing through the picturesque bays of Leporano and the golden beaches of Castellaneta, each location offers a unique and unforgettable experience.
With the opening of our branch in Taranto, we commit to contributing to the development and promotion of this splendid territory, offering services and opportunities that enhance its heritage and unique identity. We are excited to be part of this community and look forward to embarking on this new adventure together!
Contact us today at +39 393 5442067 via iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber, or visit our official social channels. We are ready to turn your ambitions into reality.
Join us in the adventure of success!
#weareinpuglia #taranto #success #businessopportunities #BABILONIAproject
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Scomparsa una 39enne nel Tarantino, sindaco 'ricerche in corso'
A Ginosa, in provincia di Taranto, sono in corso le ricerche di una 39enne, Ramona Zinta, di cui si sono perse le tracce da ieri sera. Lo comunica il sindaco Vito Parisi. A quanto si apprende, ieri sera la donna stava facendo un giorno di prova come cameriera nella pizzeria La Pescarella da dove poi si è allontanata. Da quel momento non si hanno più sue notizie. A denunciare la scomparsa di…
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nosferatummarzia-v · 2 months
L'Albero Pensante d'Italia
Situato nel cuore di Ginosa, in Puglia, in Italia, l'antico olivo, spesso definito "l'albero pensante", si erge come un monumento senza tempo. Immagina le storie che potrebbe raccontare, se gli alberi potessero parlare. Si ritiene che l'albero abbia almeno 1.500 anni e potenzialmente fino a 4.000 anni secondo alcuni studi.
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alessandro54-plus · 2 months
Multa un assessore, vigilessa rimossa dal servizio
articolo: https://www.today.it/cronaca/multa-assessore-vigilessa-rimossa-mobbing.html 16 marzo 2024 È successo a Ginosa, in provincia di Taranto. La procura ha aperto un’inchiesta. La donna avrebbe subito pressioni e mobbing da parte dei vertici della polizia locale. Indagato anche il sindaco 5 stelle Avrebbe scoperto che l’assessore alla Finanze del suo Comune non avrebbe registrato un…
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ginglese · 2 months
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#jacket #velvet #corduroy #shirt
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felicecasucci · 2 years
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Gentilissima cliente indossa outfit BIANCA BRANDI in esclusiva presso il nostro punto vendita in via Roma 133 ad Acquaviva delle fonti . #fashion #glamour #shooting #lookoftheday #outfitinspiration #outfitoftheday #model #modella #casuccifelice #boutiquecasucci #acquavivadellefonti #santeramoincolle #adelfia #casamassima #gioiadelcolle #matera #bari #ginosa #laterza #cassanodellemurge #sammicheledibari #sannocandrodibari #fantastic #love #smile #shopping #cerimonia #abitidacerimonia (presso Felice Casucci) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cep-e8jsW8-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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that1person-on-here · 4 months
Elixir, part I
i’m planning on doing a fanfic series with OCs and original art and stuff so here’s the first installment! i originally wrote this for school but i love the characters so so so much so i need to write this series. Please leave feedback and let me know what you want more of; i want to have fun with this and i want you, the reader, to enjoy it!
tw: implied su!c!de of a fictional person, gruesome concepts
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I used to be a city girl. Look at me now, the exact opposite. Old me would be so disappointed in me, seeing how low I’ve sunk in the hierarchy from my hard-earned social throne. She’d be proud, too, but she’d just criticize me. I miss my mom sometimes, even though she gave me no reason to when she was here.
“Osa, be safe. I don’t know what they’ll do this time. I don’t trust their humanity,” I whisper gravely.
“I know, Cari. Don’t worry about me, please. It’ll be okay,” Osa replies, her voice relaxed as she sips from her steaming glass.
“Okay. You should go; the sun will be down in a few hours, and it’s already unsafe as is.” I hesitate for a moment, whispering shakily, “I- I love you,” so quietly I’d never know if she’s heard. She nimbly springs away, not indicating what she knows; rather, what she might not.
I sit, my legs twisted and dangling. The warmth of her rapidly cooling elixir in my hands is the only thing keeping my lips in a tight line and my eyebrows from twisting in pain from the howling wind. I gaze at the bed of flowers, just a thirty-foot drop below, with my blanket draped around me. They’re still in bloom, encased in a sheer, transparent layer of ice from the frigid weather.
I know Osa will yell at me for sitting on the ledge left of my old roof. She went on a scouting trip to our rival gang. I want to sip from the cup of warmth, of the taste of home. More than that, I want the steaming liquid to still have tendrils of vapor rising when she gets back.
Staring into the rubble, my mind races. I can usually find peace in the jagged edges of the shattered material, even now, when it’s dusted in frost. It’s always like this in the Red zone. Glacial cold or scorching hot, gloomy, unsafe. I’ll take it over the absence of free will any day, even if it means forfeiting comfort and security. I really should be more concerned about the rivals, but I think between me and Osa we have them covered. It’ll all be okay.
Ginosa I stalk around Nocturne. I can’t find her, where is she? I’ve barely been here an hour, but I don’t have much time. I’ve already scouted this base - I don’t need to, though. I know it by heart. I don’t get to call it home anymore, but I wish I could. It’s in the Yellow zone, so much nicer than our barren, battered landscape in the Red zone.
Faced with the view of barren dystopia once again, I sneak onto the ledge where I see Cari sitting. As I come up to her, she raises her travel mug. I reach for it, and she tries to swat me with it. I realize she takes me to be from the other side. I sigh in exhaustion and grasp her wrist gently. I move my hand up to hers, running my fingers along the back of her palm. She whispers,
“Gods, Ginosa, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry, Cari,” I reply. Behind my back, my fingers are intertwined.
She wraps her hand around mine, holding onto it and the feeling of safety, of security. Her safety, anyway. Not mine. She doesn’t have to know that, though.
“Cari, they’re planning something. Something with the green zone. I’m scared. They said expansion…” I trail off, suddenly lost in thought. I wonder if we could move back to Nocturne; no, it’s too risky. Especially when the POLICE is there; the wretched, confusing politics that tore our lands and community into shards. The reason I left the Nocturne. Cari is silent, searching through her thoughts for one that is devoid of panic, emotion, or bias. Just like Aco used to.
“You’re not thinking about moving back to Nocturne, are you? You saw what they did to Brilliance. What they did to Aco. What they would’ve done to us, had Ryx not liked you. You seriously can’t be. Come on,” I inquire, my tone growing in disbelief and fear. I see her sigh, and a heavy blanket of malleable awkwardness settles in the air, its sheer presence almost suffocating.
“They want to expand. The city. But Nocturne wants their lands back, and Brilliance is reforming in the city,” Osa explains while tossing her knives in the air and catching them by their hilts. Wait? Brilliance? That means Aco could be… never mind. I’ll only trick myself. There’s no room for bias, doubt, or confusion. Not in matters this dire.
“Do you think… maybe we could infiltrate? The city? We have the weapons, and I know you’ll protect me,” I ponder, “Right?” my tone holds a question, and my heart stops for a moment as Osa’s eyes suddenly hold a vacancy, something I haven’t seen since what happened with Aco. I need to be rational. It’s foolish of me to entrust emotion as the conductor of my train of thought. Her hands wring themselves in her lap, leaving mine to hang with the lingering warmth of hers. The smell of leftover leather polish from when she was maintaining our sheaths tints the rose aroma of my hand cream, leaving a slightly oily sheen. Her eyes glaze over before she blinks rapidly, clearing her head.
“Cari… of course I’ll protect you. We only have each other, remember?” Osa inquires back, reminding me of that night after Ryx and Aco and that mess. We’d promised each other our trust and safety. Desperate promises mean nothing. and yet I held onto this one. She took a slow breath and cocked her head to the side.
“I think Nocturne would help if we asked them. As you said, Ryx likes me, so maybe he’d be willing to listen without drawing a spear,” Osa said. Why did she trust them so much? They did so much to hurt us, went to such great lengths to ruin it all, and here she is, driven by this… notion of confidence? She hesitates, then whispers, “…And I have other,” she pauses, “connections.” My head spins. Who else is in her life that I don’t know?
“No. Are you crazy? They hate us. Why do you think we hide from them like this?” My voice slowly gets more agitated, and I lose control of what I’m saying. Suddenly, a loud ringing goes through my head, and I hold my head in my hands, pressure on my temples in hopes of reducing the shooting pain. When I sit straight again, I say, “Actually… maybe it’s worth a shot.” I see Osa’s eyes light up. She says with a chipper smile,
“Ok, let’s get ready! We have to go as soon as we can if we want to be prepared.” Her excitement entertains me, and I grin at her. We don’t have much stuff, so it doesn’t take long for us to pack small supply pouches. Mine holds our weapons and two warm cloaks, while Osa’s holds some EnerGels, my mother’s book, and a first aid kit. I don’t think Nocturne will be easy to convince. They’ve gone out of their way to make our lives harder than they are so many times in the past; and for what? They don’t benefit, they never steal the supplies, they just wreck and dash away to their haven in the Yellow zone. They split me and Osa up every single time, and I can’t ever find her.
I want to get out of here. Out of the Red zone. Sometimes it’s all I wish for and this was one of those times. The terrain will be rough, but eventually, we’ll get to Nocturne and it’ll all be worth it. I know it’s not Nocturne I want to get to. It’s Laera. Every time I think about her, a flurry of emotions whips through my head. Confusion, doubt, guilt, and above all, love. I don’t care about Cari. But I don’t hate her enough to be as cruel as to abandon her in this world. At least, not just yet.
“Cari, we should get going. It’s a long journey to Nocturne if we don’t want to be seen,” I softly spoke while nudging her shoulder.
“I know,” she replies, and we start walking. Hours later, we’re almost at Nocturne. The ground is uneven, and the air bites at my skin. It’ll be a few miles to the road, and even that won’t be much better. We need to get there fast because the POLICE is planning on infiltrating and dissolving the remnants of Brilliance tonight. Suddenly, I hear a loud crack and a scream.
“Osa, my ankle is sprained. Get the bandages…” She grits her teeth, and her strained voice barely escapes her mouth. I sigh, looking away from her as I take the first aid kit and lay it on her lap. Then, I say,
“‘I’m sorry. I can’t lie to you anymore. I have to take the book and the EnerGels, but you should have everything else.” I stalk away, running towards Nocturne, turning at the fork in the road. I look back, and she’s nowhere in sight.
‘Did that just happen?’ is the only thought that runs through my head as I run towards the city on the Blue zone, Utopie. The jabbing pain from my ankle is the only thing breaking my stride, keeping me from flying across the now-cemented road on my long legs. I can feel the cellulite on the edges of my arms and thighs shaking as my feet hit the ground irregularly to propel my body forward in a desperate sprint, and I cringe at how familiar it’s gotten. What I remember from the before, from when I still had to run is the burn along my legs.
Fifteen minutes later, I slip past the guards into the city. Stationing myself in the main square, all I have to do now is wait for havoc to break loose. My weapons are sharp, my bandages fresh. My head throbs with the pain of confusion but that’ll have to wait until after this all happens, until after this mess can be cleaned. That’s when I hear a clanging and the yelling of a familiar voice. Of Aco.
“Let me go! I’ll stop, I swear!” I hear them exclaim. They’re as I remember them, but one side of their face is burned raw. My breath catches in my chest as I see who’s helping the POLICE bring in the Brilliance members. It’s Ryx and Nocturne. I spot earpieces in two of the Brilliance members’ ears, but it takes me a minute to recognize them. It’s Ginosa, with another girl on her arm. Traitor. Liar. A million thoughts run through my head as I see her but they’re not what fuel my actions. I send a knife flying, perfectly hitting Ryx’s bracelet and causing a loud clang.
There it is. Havoc breaking loose.
Nocturne members release Brilliance and hold Aco there, while the POLICE just strike everyone. In the chaos, I feel the most at home. It wraps its arms of familiarity around my shaken mind until I feel something strike my injured ankle and a shooting pain travels up my leg while scorching heat scalds my skin.
There’s only one person who could know my ankle was hurt and the smell of my mother’s book wafting through the smoky air as she approaches me confirms my suspicions. But what I see next makes me freeze in my tracks. Aco is holding their breath and is completely still, and the gun to their head tells me enough to keep me still too. It’s only when I look closer that their eyes plead me to listen.
“Look. It wasn’t them who hurt me. That’s my fault. Cari, please. Give yourself up. We can-” Suddenly, the gun is to my head and Osa is holding it while Laera snarls,
“Surrender and join us or this book ends up like your friend here with the half-burnt face, and you end up like your mother.”. Osa’s eyes widen, and then she laughs with Laera, adding on,
“We’ll even make you do it yourself so you can die as dishonorably as your mother did.” It’s stuff like this that makes me react. I knock the gun out of her hands and seize my book from Laera.
“You, Osa, you coward. You left me there and it hurt, more than I should’ve let it,” I say, my tone breaking a little. I inhale deeply, straightening my back, and then I turn to face Laera as well. “Here I am anyways. I refuse to give you the honor of a death at my hands, and either way, I think you’re better met with a life together in the hell you’ve created for yourself,” I spit my words at their feet with disdain.
“Cari, let’s go. I think we’re not required here anymore,” Aco’s voice was gentle, and they were smiling slightly. I walk with Aco along the road I came here alone by, their arm around my shoulder.
We reach a gorgeous house, a cottage. Around it, there are lush plants and fountains whose water runs clear as ice used to be. Inside there is a beautiful living space illuminated by the glow of the moon filtering thought the skylights and the softer lighting. There are houseplants and decorations around the place and different rooms are tucked into corners. My mother would’ve loved this cottage.
I set my book and bag of medical supplies on the table, leaving the first trace of myself in this new home. The couch looks comfortable and calls to me, but I’m starving. I walk over to the kitchen, cracking open the fridge and taking out a box of cookie dough. I roll some of the dough into spheres that fit in the palm of my hand when flattened, then lay them out on a baking sheet. Shortly after sliding the tray into the oven, the smell of cookies baking fills the little cottage, along with something else familiar.
Aco stirs a pot on the stove, then calls me over. They ask,
“So, Cari, what do you put in your elixir?” I smile, a feeling of warth rising to my heart.
“I usually add, umm, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger powder, cream, and honey to a Bharattian base,” I recite from memory. My family has always made elixir that way, and alongside the book,this elixir method is the only other thing my mother left me. Fifteen minutes later, the elixir is in three mugs on the coffee table across from the couch and the cookies are steaming on a plate. I cock my head at the extra cup, but pay it no mind otheriwse. They’re red velvet with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts, my favorite. Community is running on the screen as I turn to Aco, saying,
“Thank you. You didn’t have to let me live with you, and if you want me gone, I-” They cut me off, placing a finger across my lips.
“No, Cari, I want you here. Seriously, it’s fine. It’d be lonely here otherwise. Oh, but I have a housemate, so you’ll have to meet her sometime.” Suddenly, the door opens, and a girl walks in, aroung my age. I recognize the fiery locks of her hair. My heart skips a beat as I see her, and she smiles at me. Why is my first love here, of all places?
“Hey, Cari. I’ve heard so much about you. Though Aco didn’t justify your beauty,” she says jokingly. Her eyes hold a secret between us as Aco sits, blissfully unaware of our past.
“Cari, this is Zin. She’s very fun and I’m sure you two will get along fine,” Aco introduces us, and Zin places her stuff down to sit next to me on the couch. “Cari, is it alright if I hold you?” Zin asks. A blush rises to my cheeks as I nestle myself into her arms. I missed her so much.
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” I answer, my head resting against her. She has the same cellulite on her arms as I do, the cellulite Osa always hated. So I hand Zin and Aco my blade of trust, and blindly hope they won’t use it to shatter my newly mended glass heart like Osa did.
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thank you so much for reading! notes and reposts appreciated and constructive criticism encouraged.
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hedgewitchgarden · 6 months
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The thinking olive of Ginosa
Also known as, "The Thought Tree".
Olive tree at least 2000 years old located in Apulia, Italy
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terramia · 10 months
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Lo riconosci subito.
Occhiale a specchio, tatuaggi, orecchino grezzo, slip bianco illegale. Anche se è un cetaceo con le gambe.
Lo incontri camminando sul bagnasciuga di Ginosa.
Tante K quando parla.
A tik mik, a mik mika mik.
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