#girl meets crazy hat
newspecies · 7 months
hi. im normal about books. now everyone go read Lone Women by Victor LaValle
#rot.txt#personally i dont think it works super well as HORROR (despite being labeled as such on libby) but god its good.#okay spoilers now. the reeds being so performative makes me crazy#jerrine talks of women dressing as men to join a war but the moment she meets a “girl” dressed as a boy living as a boy she loses her mind#also from a writing perspective i liked how even after sam is outed the narrative still doesnt misgender him#hes still a boy. jerrine thinks hes a girl and put him in a dress but hes still a boy#the reeds being all “this town is a family!” but are so willing to slaughter all the people they dont want there at the drop of a hat#jack calling fiona a SLUR and barely realizing that its wrong. he only backs down because he knows fiona and bertie could beat him up#and like. him not stopping joab from killing delmus. the stranglers. they killed those wolfers without any proof of their crime#both of them put on this face of being perfect and kind but the moment theyre faced with something a little different they have to kill it#literally.#i was going to end it there but chapter 61 is making me abnormal. joab being faced with sam knowing this nine year olds mother#is being hanged in the building next door. so soon after strangling his brother and seeing his own mother die at the claws of a demon#and knowing his other brothers were picked off by the same demon. ough. and dont even get me started on elizabeth#im not done yet so i dont know but i was thinking elizabeth is a metaphor for disability being “shameful” to the family#and how family members face difficulty taking care of a disabled loved one and are blinded to said loved ones own struggles#adelaide does basically say this ^ to elizabeth. she was so caught up being angry about the isolation#that she didnt think about how elizabeth felt about the same thing but WORSE. at least adelaide had parents#elizabeth just had jailers#and yes elizabeth has killed and eaten several people (and horses) but what else can she do? what else has she been offered?#god. between the time i started this and now i finished the book LKDSJFDS#anyway its about adults failing children and the marginalized standing together and believing each other#the end was great. i loved how the Lone Women werent really alone at the end. they found a place to be happy and safe#as much as i like miserable endings this one was sweet. i liked it#i have more to say but these tags are long enough
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dotster001 · 8 months
Meeting Their Future Kids With You
Summary: Vil/Idia/Crewel/Crowley/Malleus/Rook x gn! Reader. A child suddenly appears. And it seems to have a connection to you? Requested by @stygianoir
A/N: It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
CW: spreading my asexual Malleus agenda, especially now that I've been spoiled for the fact that the dragon lays an egg and all it needs is love to hatch. ASEXUAL MALLEUS CAN NOW BE CANON Y'ALL!!!! Anyways...his kid is the only one with physical descriptors, so do with that what you will 😅
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Something was wrong. There was a presence at Ramshackle that shouldn't be there. Could it be? Could someone be trying to steal you from him? No! He had only just started courting you! It wasn't fair. 
He poofed into your sitting room and froze. 
You were snuggling what looked like…a small version of him?
You looked up and your jaw dropped.
"Wait, I thought this was you!" You looked back down at the kid who giggled and made grabby hands at Malleus.
Ah! Yes, he understood now. Draconia genes were strong. This child clearly was barely old enough to even hold a human form, it was not out of the realm of possibility that it had accidentally used a time travel spell. Perhaps that was even the child's unique magic.
He walked over to the child in your arms, scooped it up, and gave it a soft kiss between the two tiny horns emerging from their head.
"It's wonderful to see you, but it's time to go home, little one."
The child nodded sagely and vanished in a puff of green smoke. You looked at him in complete confusion, but he simply laughed, repeating his kiss, but this time to your forehead.
He knew you were his soulmate.
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He knew with a single glance. The familiarity the twin girls before him held in their gazes, the way they carried themselves, the hats on their heads. Everything screamed his influence.
And though that didn't make any sense, Rook knew his eye and his instincts were never wrong.
But there was something about the girls that was distinctly…..
"Rook! Hi- aw shit, please tell me you didn't kidnap some kids!"
So distinctly you.
The two girls shared what, to anyone but Rook, would seem like an unsettling smile as you approached the silent scene.
"Non non, they are just passing through, oui, petites fleur's?"
"Oui," they said simultaneously, grinning at you, their eyes taking in your every facial twitch.
"Uh, okay? Relatives of yours?"
"One could say that."
All three of them laughed, leaving you confused and a little frightened.
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It was a normal day like any other. Searching for Epel who had once again fled his lessons.
And he had found him in the worst possible place. A mud pile with an already very muddy teenage girl.
Epel splashed the girl with a childish giggle, and she laughed hysterically.
"Papa was right, you were crazy!" She giggled making a mud ball and throwing it at him.
He dodged and it hit Vil.
"Ah shit," she whispered under her breath. But after a second of reflection, she grinned. "Wait, why am I scared? You're not the boss of me."
Vil glared, and she suddenly looked apologetic again.
Both Epel and the girl stared at the ground, completely avoiding eye contact.
"What school are you from?" Vil snapped at the girl.
She snickered but said nothing.
"Who do I report you to?"
She laughed louder. "Nah, I don't have to tell you shit."
"Language," he snapped, and tears filled her eyes.
"It was all uncle Epel's fault. I told him I didn't want to play in the mud, but he made me do it!"
"You absolute rat!" Epel shouted, picking up some mud and preparing to throw it.
Vil cast a quick spell, freezing both of you in place. He stormed over and snatched each of your wrists, preparing to storm off with the two trouble makers in tow, when he saw the shimmering gold bracelet on your wrist. Engraved on it was L/N-Schoenheit.
He stared for a moment, then groaned.
"Epel, remind me to never let you around my future child."
"He's my godfather," the girl grinned impishly, and Vil felt a part of himself die.
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"Excuse me, I'm looking for my dad. You look like you could be related to him."
Idia knew he shouldn't have left his room today. All he wanted was a snack, and to maybe see you if you happened to not be in a class right now, and now this extroverted teenager was asking about his dad.
What the absolute fuck?
He quickly pulled out his ipad, typing something about how anyone related to him wasn't worth finding, when the twerp yanked the iPad out of his hands.
"Nevermind, I figured it out," the kid snorted. "Hi dad!"
Idia started stuttering. Not only was this twerp an extroverted teen who stole his iPad, he was also insane.
"Nah, nah, not today, not today…" Idia started muttering under his breath.
The kid rolled his eyes.  
"Forgot about this part. Guess they really did change you for the better," he started typing something on his watch, and a hologram popped up, showing the kid, you, and Idia…? Your and Idia's faces were a bit more lined than they were right now but….it was definitely you.
He stared at the hologram, his hair turning a bright red. 
"Oh! Hey Idia!" Your voice called from behind him.
He turned and waved to you shyly, then turned back to the teen. But he was gone.
And the damn boy stole his iPad.
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If his hair wasn't already dyed, those two freshmen would have given him gray hair by now.
Once again, they'd made a potion explode in his classroom. And once again, the fallout would be a pain to clean up.
Where you had once sat was a small child. A small child who was looking at him expectantly.
"Well?" She asked.
At first he had assumed this small child was your child form. But no. She looked nothing like you. Though, she did have a similar glint in her eye.
"Who are you?" He asked softly, not wishing to scare the child with the rage that was building up inside him. He'd told you again and again that your friends were trouble, and now look where it got you.
Wait. Where exactly were you?
Before the girl could speak, a red smoke filled the room, and a him with a few more wrinkles appeared, dragging you by the wrist. Your face was covered in a vicious pout.
"I already told them," future Crewel said, eying the freshmen with a vicious glare. "No need to repeat it."
He opened his arms in front of the little girl, a warm smile taking over his features, as the girl climbed into his arms, snuggling into him. He pointed at you and the freshman one more time, said, "Behave." And vanished into red smoke.
Present day Crewel pinched the bridge of his nose, and pointed at you.
"He already said it," you snapped,punching Ace in the shoulder for good measure.
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"Morning dad."
"Morning," Crowley muttered tiredly as he sipped his coffee.
Then he choked on it. There should be no one in his office right now. And there should be no one calling him dad.
He looked over and saw a kid who was somewhere between the age of 10 and 13 sorting through his stack of paperwork.
"Pardon me, but do you mind explaining what you're doing?"
The kid looked up and raised a brow in confusion.
"Um, morning paperwork?" He laughed nervously. "Wait did you forget that….uh, nevermind, I'll just go then."
The kid hastily made the papers into a pile, grabbed a backpack, and started to hustle out of the office. Only to be stopped when he bumped into you as you were storming into the office.
"Crowley! You promised you'd fix my goddamn roof!"
"Dad said I wasn't grounded anymore!"
Both of you shouted over the top of each other, and then stared in confusion.
The kid sprinted out of the office, knocking you over in the process.
Dire, meanwhile, released a delighted giggle, his face feeling warm as he grinned at you with a lovesick grin. Only to be annoyed as you brought up your roof again.
"If you excuse me, I have other things to attend to. I assure you that child will only cause trouble."
He ran out of his own office, no intention of actually finding his future son, only intending to hide from you.
Too bad you could always see through him, and were right on his tail.
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raggedytiger · 3 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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violetrainbow412-blog · 5 months
Tangled Dreams [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
[Timothée masterlist]
note: I decided to combine these two because they are quite similar! I hope the ending doesn't seem rushed, I really appreciate your patience and please tell me if you liked it.
Special greetings to @kpopgirlbtssvt and @broadwaybaby123 ily pretty!
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As you fell towards an unknown place through a stone tunnel, you thought that there were two things you wished you had done the day before: check the hole in your bag to avoid losing all your money and have read the small print of the contract you had signed.
If you had done both, you would have avoided ending up in the mess you were in, with the seemingly kind woman who had greeted you telling you that you owed more than ten thousand sovereigns for charges you weren't even aware of. She had said that you would work for a sovereign a day, however, she hadn’t said what that job would be and before you could ask, Bleacher had already pushed you through the hole in the wall.
You hit yourself when you fell on a wagon full of white fabrics and quickly got up to understand where you had arrived. There were fumes, water, and everything smelled like detergent, so you knew it was the laundry room, but the place was desolate.
Would you have to do everything alone? How was it possible? Suddenly you felt very scared thinking about how long you would have to be there to pay off your debt. You had left your home to look for better employment opportunities so that you could develop all your artistic skills, since living in a small town it was almost impossible to practice with your brush. You were supposed to meet other artists, learn from them, buy new materials... you didn't have to end up where you had.
As the minutes passed and you had more time to think about things, the situation was getting worse. You had no one in the city who could help you, you were completely alone, without money, with debts, without food... between all of this you felt your breathing starting to accelerate and you knew you were about to experience a nervous breakdown.
That happened when you were in high-stress situations and, honestly, you hated it. Your heart began to beat like crazy with no way to stop it, you felt like you were sweating and everything around you seemed to start to suffocate you. So when you felt a couple of tears forming in your eyes, you thought that you just wanted to disappear into the wagon full of sheets where you were.
The shock didn't let you think properly and that's why you couldn't even hear the voices coming from the other room, which suddenly turned into the presence of a group of unfortunate workers.
"Oh, hello?" muttered an older man with glasses. He was accompanied by a woman dressed in blue work overalls, another lady, and a curly with a flashy suit “New here?”
Even though she seemed kind, you couldn't take the words that way. You were scared and soon everyone realized that.
“Girl, are you okay?” the woman with overalls was quick to say, with the same kindness as the man, and after that everyone approached your direction.
You wanted to talk, but you couldn't, and apparently the proximity of the group only made you more nervous. While you were trying to contain your sobs they were looking for ways to calm you down, to no avail.
After a few seconds another couple of people appeared in the place and from the corner of your eye you could observe them: she was a pretty little girl and next to her was a young man wearing a coat and hat. He noticed right away that something wasn't right and he walked in your direction to find out.
“Well, hi,” he greeted you. Everyone looked at each other with a combination of pity and concern, as if you were a helpless kitten in a box “How about we give her some space? She looks scared”
The group did as he told them and then the only one left near you was that man. He didn't say anything for a moment, as if analyzing your behavior, and then he leaned slightly against the box to watch you.
“I'm Noodle,” the girl murmured now, still keeping her distance from you. “What's your name?”
“Y/N” you managed to say. You were still looking into the green eyes that were also watching you carefully.
“It's a pretty name,” he complimented. You were still struggling to breathe a little when he held out his hand to you. “Do you want me to help you out of there, Y/N? So we can talk. We are all here to help you, don't be afraid”
Willy misjudged your appearance and thought that you were quite young, even though you were the same age, which is why he allowed himself to speak to you so cautiously.
You carefully took the hand he was offering you and then the man helped you out of the wagon, practically carrying you outside. Once you were outside his arm carefully wrapped around you and guided you to a couple of chairs, where you sat down and he sat down too.
“Breathe,” the boy urged you, realizing that you were still sobbing a little. He wasn't touching you anymore, but he was watching you carefully “Can you get some water, Piper?”
You realized that the first woman who had spoken to you was named Piper, and while you were working on regulating your breathing she disappeared down the hallway. The boy whispered soft instructions: inhale, exhale, and with that you managed to calm down until she returned with the glass he had ordered for you.
"Here you have"
You took it and drank slowly, being careful not to choke, until you felt better. You were suddenly aware of everyone's expectant gaze and you shrank in on yourself with some pity.
“I'm sorry for all this,” you murmured, now that you were more composed. “It's just that when I fell here, everything was alone and I felt very… scared.”
“That's how we all felt the first time,” said the older man, to reassure you. “I'm Abacus Crunch.”
“Y/N,” you repeated, even though everyone had heard it the first time.
“This is Piper, Lottie, and Larry,” the boy next to you murmured, smiling gently at you. “And my name is Willy Wonka.”
That last one was the one that settled in your mind the most. Willy Wonka.
“How did you end up here?” Lottie asked kindly.
Everyone listened to your story carefully, now that you had managed to calm down, and a couple of sympathetic grimaces appeared on the faces of your new companions as you spoke. They told you, in broad strokes, their own reasons for ending up there and it turned out that these weren’t very different from yours.
“We were all fooled just by not reading the small print,” Larry said bitterly, even though he was supposed to be a comedian.
“For now we will just assign you a room and… you can rest, okay?” the little girl named Noodle murmured, trying to be as friendly as possible.
“Mrs. Scrubitt told me that I would have to work here every day to pay off my debt, is that true?”
They all shared a knowing look, debating whether or not they should tell you about their recent escapades to sell chocolates, and then Willy made the decision for the rest.
“You don't have to worry about anything. We'll be out of here soon, all of us. Just sleep and tomorrow we will explain to you, okay?” he murmured gently.
There was something about his smile that calmed you greatly and you were grateful that there was someone like him in that place. They all seemed to be good people, actually, so at least that was one less thing to worry about.
Noodle took you to an empty room where you could settle in along with your few belongings and right or wrong, you thought that at least you had a roof over your head that night.
Once you slept for a few hours and when morning finally arrived, they took care of updating you on the activities they had been doing to settle all the debts that existed with the cruel woman who had deceived you.
“We move through the sewers and come back here before Scrubitt does the roll call, at night,” Abacus explained to you. He was something like the leader of the place, probably because of the years of experience he had “If you help us with sales, then you will enjoy the benefits too.”
“You mean I can leave here?” you wanted to corroborate. Willy nodded enthusiastically.
“You arrived at a fairly opportune time, the business seems quite prosperous and if we continue like this, we will be gone in… a month and a half, maybe two months,” he estimated. It all sounded pretty good and at least they had the decency to tell you, so they could include you in the plan “Are you in?”
You thought it was risky, but if it meant a chance to leave, of course you'd take it. After all, those people had been trapped for years, what assured you that you wouldn't have the same fate? As you saw things, actually agreeing to help them was your only option.
"Of course. Just tell me what to do, I'll learn quickly” you exclaimed and everyone was happy with your response. Especially Willy.
“I'll take care of it myself, take it for granted.”
You took the hand that the man was offering you, as if you wanted to formally close the deal, and then everyone rushed to get the things you needed for the day's sale ready. As you watched them go from here to there you thought that you would have to get used to that hustle and bustle, but somehow it comforted you to know that now you were no longer so alone.
“Thank you for helping me,” you exclaimed in the direction of the light-eyed boy, who had stayed next to you. “At this time and yesterday too. I was quite worried and I just… panicked”
“Oh, you don't have to thank me for anything” he smiled at you sincerely “I know how ugly it is to be scared, so if another day you feel like that just tell me. I am always happy to help”
For a man who had only known you a day, he turned out to be quite the gentleman around you. Or maybe it was just that he behaved that way naturally.
“All ready?” Piper spoke and you knew it was your cue to leave for wherever your destination was that day.
And of course, just like everyone else when Willy came into their lives, from that moment on your whole world turned completely upside down.
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Becoming friends with Willy Wonka wasn’t a task that required much effort, so after a few weeks the two of you were practically inseparable. To this we had to add that when he discovered that you were the same age, his sympathy towards you only increased, to the point of turning into a clear interest in you, although not in the way that most would expect.
Maybe he was rushing, but he had started to like you in a… romantic way? Maybe. He didn't know much about what it was like to be in love, but he knew that he had begun to feel something different in his chest for you. After all, you saw each other every day, at all hours, so it had been inevitable to know a lot about you.
You had talked to him about your life before arriving in the city, living in a modest village, about your dreams and the skills you hoped to improve with time and practice. Willy, in turn, had told you about his mother, the story of him making chocolates, the aspirations and desires he had to become the owner of a shop in the gourmet galleries... in short, everything that was truly important. Sometimes you spent entire hours, when you weren't working outside, talking and so you already knew a lot about each other by that point in your story.
That was why when, after a few weeks, your sleep was interrupted by a nightmare, the first thing you thought was to run and seek comfort in the arms of your friend. It was no secret that Scrubitt had been being particularly harsh with everyone there and although most of them were already used to it, you and Willy were the ones who suffered the most from those verbal attacks. She was quite trained in the art of being mean.
So maybe it was that he yelled at you a little worse that day, or it was just that you were too sensitive because the police almost caught you when you went out on the streets to sell the chocolates, but either way your mind had taken care of shaping everything that happened to create that bad dream.
When you knocked on his door you feared the thought of bothering him with your presence, however, it was too late to chicken out because almost immediately he had already peeked out of the room.
“Y/N?” he asked, slightly confused. From the lucidity with which he spoke you knew that he probably hadn't even been sleeping “What's wrong?”
“I had a nightmare,” you explained “Can I stay with you for a while?”
It didn't take Willy more than half a second to move to the side so that you could go inside and once you were there he invited you to sit on the deteriorated bed, where he also took a seat. The next thing he did was stretch his hand open on the mattress, offering you the option to take it if you needed it. You did it, partly to feel something to anchor you to reality and partly because you loved the feeling of his warm skin against yours.
“Do you want to talk about what you dreamed?” he asked softly.
“It wasn't anything too terrible, but it's just… Aren't you going to laugh?”
"Of course not. I would never do it,” Willy assured you, moving a little closer to you as if he wanted to keep the matter confidential. “What is it about?”
“It's just… I don't know, it was a strange dream. I dreamed that things were getting complicated with this whole business of selling chocolates and that's why I stayed here for years like Abacus or Piper. I mean, I really appreciate that you're trying to help us all and I know I'm the one who's been here the least and maybe I can't even complain, but… I've been afraid of something bad happening since I got here. And I dreamed that the chocolate cartel was hurting you, that's why I got very scared and I..."
“Hey, hey,” Willy murmured as he extended one of his arms to you, when he saw that you were about to burst into tears.
He hated seeing people cry, perhaps because of his compassionate and kind nature, but he hated seeing you cry, especially you. The first time you guys met he didn't want to be too invasive in terms of personal space because he didn't know how you were going to react, or he didn't even know if a hug would help you calm down. But now that you knew each other better he had also learned a few things about you, so he felt confident in holding you down if you were feeling bad. Like right now.
“I'm sorry, it's just that with what happened today with the police I feared the worst. It's not that I just love you because you're going to help us get out of here, it's that I really appreciate you and I don't want anything bad to happen to yo... to all of us, I mean”
Willy smiled moved at your concern and let go of the hand he was holding yours to hug you properly, without you objecting at all.
“But nothing bad is going to happen, dear. It was just a bad dream”
He calling you that pet name warmed your face, so you just let yourself be sheltered by his kind arms and nodded against his chest, a little less worried now that you had spoken it out loud. You stayed in that position for a few minutes, with you listening to the constant beat of his heart and with him enjoying the pleasant weight of your body against his.
“Were you making chocolates?” you asked quietly, noticing the ingredients spread across the table in his room. He loosened his grip on him slightly so you could get a better look.
"Yeah! Do you want some? Maybe that will make you feel better. Chocolate always makes me feel better” he smiled.
When Willy saw you nodding he rushed over to grab a couple of the treats and then shoved them into your hands, hoping you could enjoy them as much as he did. He was definitely right when he said that chocolate would make you feel better.
“Do these have nuts?” you asked, feeling the crunchy bits between your teeth.
“I love nuts” you confessed. You had already told him before and he had made sure not to forget it, so a little smile crossed his face when he saw that the candy was to your liking. “Thank you for the chocolates. And thanks for listening to me, I… I definitely feel better”
“I'm glad to hear that”
“You're so sweet, Willy. I'm serious"
“It's no wonder. You deserve all the sweetness in the world.”
Your gaze fell on him immediately and you gave him a couple of seconds in case he wanted to take back those words. However, he didn't do it.
“Well, it's nice that you think that. Not many people are nice these days.”
“Like Scrubitt, for example?” he joked and you laughed.
“At first I felt very angry, you know? But at least now I'm happy to know that despite all this bad situation, I was able to meet someone like you."
Suddenly the urge to tell you what he felt appeared in his chest and he was honestly surprised by the impulsiveness of his thinking. There hadn't even been anything that triggered that desire, it was just his brain together with his heart that were asking him to say that out loud.
Were you going to be scared? He hoped not. Maybe he should just refer to his feelings in the hopes that you'll put the missing pieces together, or maybe he should just stay silent, or maybe...
“I have never met someone like you. You are very special to me"
You couldn't help the shy smile on your mouth and Willy settled for the excited gleam in your eyes.
“Ow, are you serious?”
"Yeah. And I think I like you a lot.”
You assumed, like everything he did, that this was just another courtesy on his part and so you responded as kindly and friendly as you could.
“I like you too, Willy.”
“And I think you're very pretty. In every way” he continued.
You didn't know if he was trying to flirt with you or if he was just being nice, so you just laughed with flushed cheeks and shoved another chocolate into your mouth to try to calm your nerves. You wanted to tell him that he was handsome to you too, but instead you murmured:
"Are not you sleepy? I can leave if that's the case, I didn't even think about…”
“No, you can stay,” he said quickly. He really seemed to want you there with him “Did I say something wrong?”
Of course he hadn't said anything wrong, how could he?
"No. I just thought you were tired and I didn’t want to bother you,” you admitted. “And I appreciate that you think I’m pretty”
The way he was looking at you and the question he had just asked you made you think that maybe what he had told you about liking you was something like he really liked you. In the romantic, cheesy way you swore wasn't possible.
“I like that you are here, but I don't want to keep you if you are tired.”
“No, no” now you said. You were acting so awkwardly that your brain was screaming at you to do something to fix it, but your thoughts were interrupted by his eyes landing on your lips “What?”
There was something different in the atmosphere that had settled in from one moment to the next and could be felt with the fingers on your hand.
“Can I confess something to you?” he asked in a whisper. “And you promise not to be scared?”
“That depends,” you said nervously. Those kinds of secrets could range from the illegal to the wildly strange.
Luckily, what he longed to tell you was nothing on that spectrum.
“I think I like you a lot,” he repeated. But this time you understood perfectly what he meant.
You were burning with shame at the direction the conversation had taken and you looked at your friend with fear, not knowing how to respond to his confession. You knew you reciprocated those feelings, but you didn't feel the courage to say it. Fortunately you did have the courage to lean towards him and press your lips against his, because of course, from your strange logic that would be less embarrassing.
Now it was Willy who blushed noticeably and using the same reasoning as you, decided to mask his nerves by kissing you back again. Although he didn't say it explicitly, it was notable that he had never kissed any woman and the thought of it being his first kiss made you feel touched. He tasted like chocolate and inexperience, but he was perfect.
“I like you too,” you admitted between his lips, just as if you wanted to make it clear to him that the feeling was mutual and that he shouldn't have any fear about it.
While you were kissing him, your mind kept thinking that all that had happened thanks to one of your nightmares and, for the first time in your life, you felt grateful for that bad dream.
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taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos @silverchainbee @amethyistheart @shadowygladiatorlight @lavendarhearts @lou-multifandoms
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ageingfangirl2 · 4 months
Not Who I Was Looking For! Trafalgar Law x Reader SMUT (One Piece)
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You were busy going through ship paperwork, that you didn't realise the rest of the crew had left you on the ship. Until Law walks in looking for Luffy and takes an interest in you instead. The doctor always knows what's best. Law x Reader (Female) SMUT!
You finish going over the last of the ship ledgers and scribing of The Straw Hat Pirates, cursing seeing it was dark outside when it had been light when you started. Sometimes you lost track of time, you just liked to work hard and everything had to be perfect. You should head to the kitchen to see what Sanji is cooking and catch up with the crew.
The ship was awfully quiet when usually it was so loud, where was everyone? The kitchen was dark when you entered which was also odd. Just how long had you been locked in your room? There were two notes on the counter, one from Sanji and the other from Nami.
Beautiful, I have prepared you a plate and left it in the fridge. If you're going to work hard you need a hearty meal...Sanji
We've gone into town if you want to join us. Chopper says it's not healthy to keep yourself locked up and working, so come and have some fun with us...Nami
Nami knew how to break you, use Chopper who you couldn't say no to, 'I'm not a workaholic,' you huff, 'if the crew weren't so crazy I wouldn't have to do as much work.'
You head to the fridge and open it, licking your lips at the sight of the silver lid Sanji put over the meals when you skipped eating with the crew.
'WHAT THE HELL!' you state, upon removing the lid to find an empty plate, 'LUFFY!' you growl and slam the fridge shut.
A man clears his throat behind you, 'I'd suggest keeping snacks in your room, preferably healthy ones. You're not Luffy.'
You jump not recognising the voice, and turn around to see a tall shadow looming in the doorway, 'who are you?' you ask, hoping your voice sounds strong and not scared.
The man turns on the lights and you shield your eyes, 'I heard they recruited someone new. You don't look intimidating but looks can be deceiving.'
Your eyes adjust to the light and you can't help but check out the man in front of you. Luffy had talked about a pirate with a white and black hat and covered in tattoos, 'Trafalgar Law,' you gasp.
He smirks and walks towards you, intense eyes tracking you like prey as you scurry around the counter, 'I'm flattered you know me, I came to see Luffy but you've piqued my interest.'
Before you can run his hand snakes out grabbing your arm roughly, and with little effort he tugs you towards him, pinning your back against the counter. You'd heard stories about Law and his devil fruit, and being alone with him didn't seem smart because you didn't quite know what terms he was on with the crew since you were new. But a small part of you perked up and you mentally curse Nami and Robin for getting you into romance novels.
Law's eyes trail down your body making your cheeks flush, and you shake the dirty thoughts out of your head needing to get away from him, 'I'd love to stay but I'm meeting the others in town and they'll be worried.'
Law tuts, 'I know you're lying. You were going to grab some food and go back to your room. Good girls don't lie, but maybe you're not a good girl,' he sniggers.
'You don't know anything about me Law,' you state, puffing out your chest with pride.
Moving one hand to your hip, the other comes up to your blouse which he quickly unbuttons exposing your chest, and before you can call him a pervet his tattooed hand rests over your heart which was beating erratically, 'I took a quick peak in your room, you should be more aware of your surroundings, anyone could be lurking in the shadows. You're smart, educated, and might have OCD but amongst your many books the ones with the most creased spines were tacky erotic novels.'
You gulp nervously, 'What do my reading habits have to do with this situation?'
Law taps his fingers on your chest in time with your heartbeats, 'everything actually. I'm an intellectual, you should be scared of me because I can hurt you, but your fast heartbeat, dilated pupils and clenching of your thighs indicate arousal. I've never studied the correlation between erotic fantasies of fiction and real-world applications. You fascinate me.'
You bite your lip and squirm under his hungry eyes, 'you're crazy, let me go.'
You freeze when he leans in and you feel his warm breath against your ear, 'A lot of scenes in those books involve exhibitionism, the act of being turned on imagining someone walking in on you having sex. We might be alone but your crew could come back at any minute--' he whispers, then pauses.
You jolt feeling his hand on your hip move down until it was slipping up your skirt, your body betraying you as his fingers graze your underwear, '--imagine their reaction seeing me fucking you on this counter, their good girl screaming my name. Oh, the humiliation for you, but you'd feel great.'
Law pulls his face back just enough to watch the wheels turning behind your eyes, the moan that leaves your lips as his fingers pick up the pace all the consent he needs, 'Chopper is worried about my health,' you hum.
Law's smirk reaches his ears, 'let this doctor take care of your needs. NOW GET ON THE COUNTER!' He growls, his eyes darkening.
When you don't comply, he picks you up like you weigh nothing and slams you down on the counter, ' and slides your underwear down, 'Law...' you hiss at the sudden coldness.
Law pockets your underwear and continues smirking, a nice reminder and potential blackmail material in the future.'
Everything he did had you clenching, ashamed at how turned on you were getting being used by a man you only knew the name and reputation of.
You bite down on your lip as he runs his hands down your thighs, shivering in anticipation, 'Law...' You mumble his name again.
He coos, 'relax. God your skin is so soft and unmarked.'
Your fingers dig into the counter, a whimper leaving you as his fingers slip between your slick folds, and your body instinctively moves to get more of his touch, 'please Law...don't tease me...'
'FUCK!' you yelp, hips buckling at the sound of skin on skin, eyes widening seeing Law slap your thigh.
He tuts, 'Stop moving, you'll take what I give you, God you're so wet for me.'
You pout and ready yourself for another slap, 'that wasn't intentional, you whine.'
Law laughs, 'do you like it when I spank you? imagine what I could do to your pretty ass, you wouldn't be able to sit for days.'
Before you can reply he dips two tattooed fingers inside you while another goes to your clit and starts to rub, 'Mmm...so good...' you moan, throwing your head back.
'LOOK AT ME!' he growls.
You lock eyes with his hungry ones, as his fingers pump in and out of you building a tension in your lower half. This was so much better than anything you'd read.
'LAW!' you scream, as he adds a third finger, your walls clenching around his sinful fingers.
Law sniggers, 'yes, scream my name. Maybe you do want to get caught. They'll never look at you the same way again, no more good girl but a horny slut. What are you?'
You whimper, 'I'm a horny slut...your slut...'
He leans in close to your face again and simply pecks your cheek, 'I want to do so many things to you. My good slut. Now cum for me.'
The kiss sends you over the edge and you release over his fingers and hand and probably the counter, 'YES!' you pant.
Law stands back and admires his piece of art, 'You're such a messy girl, getting off on my fingers. We're going to have a lot of fun together.'
You gasp as he pulls out his fingers coming down from your high, 'what do you mean?'
'Open your mouth, clean my fingers, this is your mess,' he orders sternly and you open your mouth, only to have his cum coated fingers thrust inside making you gag.
You suck and lick them clean, as Law cups your cheek with his other hand and lazily rubs circles on it, a usual loving gesture but he was planning something behind his eyes that wasn't so loving. The thought both scared and turned you on.
He removes his fingers from your mouth with a pop and scoops you up off the counter and into his arms, but your eyes are drawn to your juices still left on the counter, 'err I should clean that up before Sanji sees it.'
Law squeezes your ass and holds you tighter as he carries you out of the kitchen, 'let him find it and lose his mind, our dirty little secret.'
Law wasn't joking when he said he'd been in your room because he found it again without directions, 'you never answered my question Law. What do you mean by having fun together? Isn't this a one-time thing?'
He places you down on the bed and sighs, 'We're going to continue this, like I said I want to do so many things to your body. Luffy and the rest of the crew will be in the dark. You're going to say yes, because when I go you're going to be thinking about my dick inside you. Tell me I'm wrong.'
You shake your head and scrunch the bedsheets beneath your hands, 'you're now wrong Law. That was better than the books.'
He leans down and kisses the top of your head, again you're unsure if the gesture is loving or manipulating, 'Good girl, now go to sleep it's not healthy to work so hard.'
'What about you?' you motion to the bulge in his pants.
He shrugs his shoulders, 'I'll handle it before seeing Luffy. Might even ask that cook to make something in the kitchen. Good night.'
You watch him leave your room and close the door. You'd really gotten yourself into a situation, this wasn't like you, but being at sea for so long made you have needs, and it wasn't like you were going to bump into his crew that often.
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Two
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Two: Ghosts and Guardians
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) meet a new transfer student.
            It was another day at school. (Y/N) and Saiki were sitting next to each other, watching as boys crowded around Teruhashi as usual. Apparently, she had met a boy on August sixth and developed a crush on him. Poor Saiki looked annoyed (more than usual, at least), and (Y/N) was amused since apparently his chance encounter with Teruhashi had garnered a lot of attention.
            That being said, (Y/N)’s stomach clenched strangely at the knowledge that the “perfect pretty girl” liked Saiki. They chose to classify that under “weird” because “my best friend who hates people dating would be weird.” At least Saiki seemed irritated at the attention.
            Other than Teruhashi’s crush, everything was normal at PK Academy (which wasn’t saying much. Nothing could be considered anywhere near normal there). At least, almost completely normal (by their standards).
            “Hey, Saiki, (Y/N), don’t you think Nendou is acting strange today?” asked Kaidou. “Normally, he’d be bugging us to go to a ramen place or something.”
            “True, he is acting a little strange.”
            “He looks sad,” said (Y/N) decidedly.
            “This is fishy. It does make me wonder what the deal is,” said Kaidou, “We should find out what.”
            How do I always get dragged into these things?
            Saiki was once again questioning his life choices. He was hiding around the corner from Nendou with Kaidou and (Y/N). They were tailing their friend who was acting odd. All-in-all, it was the usual concoction of terrible life choices leading him to be stuck with “friends.” At least (Y/N) and Saiki were acting relatively normal. Kaidou….was Kaidou. He had put on a coat, hat, and sunglasses to complete the spy look.
            “His house isn’t this way,” said Kaidou, “I bet something’s up.”
            “Why are you so excited about this? And why are you so used to tailing someone?” commented Saiki.
            “It’s a little creepy,…but hey, we’re not gonna hurt him!” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Hm?” Kaidou noticed Nendou stop. “What’s he looking at?”
            Nendou gave a young girl a strange look.
            All of them had the same thought.
            “Look, he entered a shop this time!” said (Y/N), pointing down the street.
            “Don’t start getting into this, too.” The last thing Saiki needed was (Y/N) going crazy.
            “I might as well have fun,” they remarked.
            “A flower shop? Don’t tell me he has a girlfriend…!” exclaimed Kaidou.
            “No offense to Nendou, but that’s probably not the reason,” said (Y/N), sweat-dropping.
            Nendou emerged with a bouquet of sunflowers.
            “No, that’s definitely not it.”
            “It’s too early to judge. There are many reasons to buy sunflowers,” said Kaidou.
            “He’s entering another shop!” alerted (Y/N).
            “A cake shop? Well, he definitely wouldn’t eat something like that, right?!” cried Kaidou. “Sunflowers, too. He clearly intends to give them to someone. But he doesn’t have a girlfriend to give them to!”
            “Let’s just ask him. This might end up being a little personal. He may prefer to tell us instead of us accidentally finding out,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki glanced at them from behind his glasses. Once again, (Y/N)’s apropos statement made his question whether or not they were a regular person or secretly a psychic. Maye they were just someone with common sense.
            He could directly relate to what they had just said. Saiki had a personal issue: being a psychic, and he didn’t want people to find out if he didn’t want them to (which was all the time).
            Strange…how do they manage to say just the right thing?
            (Y/N) ran up to Nendou. “Hey, Nendou!”
            “Oh, hey, pinky! Wow! Runt and pal are here, too.”
            “Yeah, we’re curious about what you’re up to,” explained (Y/N).
            Only mildly curious. It wouldn’t weigh on my mind.
            “Oh, that’s easy,” said Nendou.
            “Visiting a grave?” Kaidou was surprised. The group was now in a graveyard looking at the Nendou Family Grave.
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. They had guessed that since Nendou definitely probably didn’t have a girlfriend, the flowers were likely for a relative. (Or that’s what they told themself. They actually didn’t really manage to guess anything).
            “Yeah, my dad’s,” explained Nendou, “Today is the anniversary of his death.”
            Kaidou made the connection. “Then the sunflowers and cake are…”
            “They’re offerings, of course.” Nendou smiled. “It’s common sense to bring flowers and snacks when visiting a grave.”
            “Of course,” agreed (Y/N). It was sweet. For all Nendou’s…stupidity, he had a good heart.
            “When did your dad die?” asked Kaidou.
            “Kaidou! That’s a really personal question,” admonished (Y/N), frowning.
            “Don’t worry, girlie. It’s okay. He died before I was born,” said Nendou, “He died trying to save a kid who ran out into the street.”
            “A hero,” said (Y/N) in awe. That explains where Nendou gets his helpful, sometimes impulsive, attitude.
            “B-but if he died before you were born, then he must’ve died really young,” said Kaidou.
            “Yeah. I think eighteen or nineteen. Do you wanna see his picture? I have it in my wallet.” Nendou looked excited.
            “Sure!” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Nendou showed off the picture. The pair were identical. It was kind of creepy.
            “What?! This is your picture, isn’t it?” cried Kaidou in disbelief.
            “I know, he looks like me, right?” Nendou smiled happily. “Mom says that I look more like him every year, too.”
            “It’s beyond that! You’re practically twins!” (Y/N) was surprised they were so similar.
            After looking over the picture, the group stood up and turned from the grave, readying to leave. Saiki, however, was staring slightly above the grave with a strange, slightly creeped out, look on his face.
            “Saiki?” called (Y/N), “Are you alright?”
            That vision of Nendou’s father was probably just my imagination. Saiki turned around with his usual blank face. “I’m fine.”
            “Great! Let’s go get some ramen!” said Nendou.
            As they began to walk, (Y/N) grinned at Saiki. “I’ve never seen you look like that before. It was almost like you saw a ghost.”
            “I don’t believe in ghosts,” said Saiki. No matter how unreal I am. Unfortunately, the world had a way of going against his desires. (He was not a favorite of any gods that existed).
            (Y/N) walked through the halls, heading to the library to check out some books. They stopped, however, when they spotted Saiki and the transfer student. They instantly became curious since rumors were circulating that he was a medium. Did they believe in psychics or anything? They weren’t sure. They hadn’t really seen any proof for or against the existence of psychics, so (Y/N) kept an open mind. And there was no harm in checking it out.
            “I don’t understand why you would want to hide it…” complained the purple-haired boy.
            “Hide what?” asked (Y/N), nearing the two.
            The transfer student jumped. “Oh-uh! S-Saiki and I are friends!”
            “We’re not,” denied Saiki.
            “Don’t think anything of it,” said (Y/N) to the purple-haired boy. They smiled and laughed. “Saiki never admits people are his friends.”
            “He’s really not,” emphasized Saiki. He really didn’t want (Y/N) to get the wrong idea.
            “Hush.” (Y/N) smiled to the transfer student. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N).”
            “I’m Toritsuka Reita.” Toritsuka smiled “innocently,” but his inner thoughts were very different. Wow, they’re totally hot! “And I’m a medium who can tell you all about your Guardian Spirit!” People love this stuff!
            Saiki leveled a deadly glare at Toritsuka. He sent a message directly to the pervert’s mind, making sure (Y/N) wouldn’t hear. “Stop.” He might not acknowledge (Y/N) was his friend, but he wouldn’t let Toritsuka try anything pervy with them. He didn’t like that idea. And (Y/N) didn’t deserve that.
            Not that that was the issue. It was just Toritsuka being weird that Saiki wasn’t a fan of. Not (Y/N) being bothered in particular.
            “I guess I am a bit curious,” admitted (Y/N), shrugging casually.
            “Hmm, it seems—Oh, whoa!” Toritsuka’s eyes widened.
            “What?” (Y/N) tilted their head.
            Curious himself, Saiki surreptitiously tapped Toritsuka while using his psychometry. Now, he could see the ghosts the medium did. Sure enough, (Y/N)’s Guardian Spirit garnered the reaction Toritsuka had.
            “They’re a sorcerer or a witch!” said Toritsuka. That's intimidating! Immediately, he took a step back. He wouldn’t try to mess with (Y/N) if that was their guardian spirit. Well, at least for a little.
            That explains why (Y/N) always gets out of messes. Saiki found it interesting that (Y/N) was friends with a psychic and had a witch as a Guardian Spirit. Maybe there was a correlation. If that was so, then there was a correlation between god hating him and his own psychic powers.
            “If what you say is true, then that’s pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled at the idea of having someone looking out for them. “What’s Saiki’s guardian?”
            “I don’t care about it.”
            They shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” They were pretty curious, but they wouldn’t push.
            Saiki was tempted to smile for a moment but held back. He liked that they respected him enough not to pry. Most of his friends people who bothered him would push for information, but (Y/N) understood that Saiki preferred to keep to himself. They even helped out people like Toritsuka who were especially bothersome (and definitely didn’t deserve their kindness). As usual, the universe decided to mess with Saiki right as he was feeling pleased since just at that moment Teruhashi walked by. Luckily for Saiki (he didn’t get to say that often) she was only passing by.
            However, it was enough for Toritsuka to fall in love (not that it was unusual for people to fall head-over-heels for Teruhashi at first sight). The blush on his face was evident to any passerby. “Wh-wh-wh-who’s that super pretty girl?!”
            “That’s Teruhashi. She just passed by you for no reason whatsoever. You should thank her.” For the first time, Saiki was glad the school’s idol appeared since it meant Toritsuka would stop flirting (and thinking) so much about (Y/N), especially in such perverse ways.
            That was a new thought.
            Did you see all the nooks and crannies on her body, Saiki?! thought Toritsuka.
            Suddenly, Saiki was glad that Toritsuka said stupid things so he could focus on that instead of whatever those thoughts were. “Don’t make it sound so perverted,” said Saiki.
            “Watch out, here comes a swarm of girls,” warned (Y/N).
            The crowd of girls mobbed Toritsuka with questions about their Guardian Spirit.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He seems quite content with the attention.” They weren’t an idiot; they saw how Toritsuka looked at them and girls. They were polite, but they were careful.
            “Too much for my taste,” muttered Saiki.
            “He’s very…honest with the boys.” (Y/N) sweat-dropped as Toritsuka bluntly told the boys that their Guardian Spirits were “old hags” and an “old geezer.”
            “He’s very obvious,” said Saiki.
            “At least he seems to be honest,” remarked (Y/N), “since he was impressed by Hairo’s.”
            “You believe in psychics? And mediums and all that?” asked the pink-haired boy, glancing at them.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I mean sure, why not.” They smiled. “Life is more fun with the fantastical involved, ya know.”
            I find it boring and annoying to have this much power. But I can understand their view. Saiki nodded.
            “Hey, what’s my Guardian Spirit?” Nendou appeared out of nowhere.
            “Now that’s something we can both say is interesting,” commented (Y/N).
            “Yes,” agreed Saiki.
            Toritsuka just ignored him.
            (Y/N) sighed. “Man, I really wanted to find out. If Toritsuka tells you, let me know. I’ll buy you coffee jelly in return.”
            Saiki would tell them if he found out anyways. When Toritsuka didn’t tell him later, the only reason Saiki wasn’t disappointed over losing coffee jelly was that he was too surprised to see Nendou’s father was Toritsuka’s Guardian Spirit. During the night, however, Saiki lamented the loss of coffee jelly.
            I’ll just have to go to Café Mami tomorrow and maybe encounter (Y/N).
            It seemed the following day, (Y/N) had the same idea. I wonder if Saiki would like some coffee jelly. What am I thinking? He’s always up for coffee jelly. (Y/N) smiled and went down to Saiki’s house. They rang the doorbell.
            Saiki opened it.
            “Hey, Saiki, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Café Mami with me,” said (Y/N).
            “I have a problem right now.”
            “It must be serious if it keeps you from coffee jelly. What is it?” asked (Y/N).
            “…” Saiki didn’t want to respond since he was slightly embarrassed about his extreme fear of insects.
            “Come on, I won’t tease you,” reassured (Y/N).
            “There’s a roach.”
            “Gross.” (Y/N) shivered at the thought before taking a deep breath and smiling bravely. “I’ll get it. You just hold open the door so I can make a run for it.”
            Saiki nodded and held the door, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the bug.
            (Y/N) tiptoed into corridor and looked around. Sure enough, there was a roach on the floor. (Y/N) took out their handkerchief and crept closer to the insect. Pouncing, they grabbed it quickly and rushed to the door. “Gross, gross, gross!” They tossed it outside, and then Saiki slammed the door.
            They both breathed a sigh of relief.
            “How about we wait a minute for it to leave the front walk and then go to Café Mami?” murmured (Y/N), their back against the door.
            “Are you an angel?” They perfectly anticipate what I’m thinking and make me feel comfortable. It was a strange thought but a true one. It seemed Saiki couldn’t avoid really being friends with (Y/N) and thinking of them as one.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks turned pink. They hadn’t anticipated that or their own reaction, and they stammered out a “Huh?”
            “Nothing.” Saiki avoided speaking again until they arrived at Café Mami.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
You Remind Me
Shanks and Vivican OOC and Luffy
Support me on Ko-Fi
Also obviously not Canon but fun to think about!
No Warnings
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Shanks stood in the hallway as he leaned next to Vivian's bedroom- it had been only a week since she had moved in with him on the ship. She had been polite but very quiet, meeting all of the crew however she had spent most of the time in her bedroom hiding. At night Shanks knew she was crying- he left like a worthless father truly... taking a breath he worked up some courage.
"Hey Vivian?..." He said softly and knocked on the door gently, waiting for a second before opening the door and looking inside. Seeing Vivian sitting on the bed reading through one of her mother's book clearly in a daze it seemed. His movement snapping her from her thoughts as she gaze a light lipped smile at him.
"Hey Vi- Uh we are heading to shore soon to meet up with someone I'd really like you to meet" He asked, She nodded softly at this and set the book aside. Shanks sighed at this and walked over taking a seat next to her on the bed, shifting a bit as he turned to look at hia daughter.
"I know this has been tough for you Vivian and I'm sorry... I-I want to make this a gold envirment for you but I understand if you want to be alone for a while.. but just know I'm here for you whenever you need it" He said softly, watching how Vivians eyes began to water as he said this, she nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her as she leaned into him and silently cried.
"I'm sorry my dear..." He whispered, knowing that there were no words to bring you back to them but he would make sure your legacy lived on happily.
A few hours later the crew landed on the small island and started to dispurse to either the pub or getting supplies for the Ship. Vi being quiet the whole time as she followed Shanks out to the markets so she could pick things she liked and he giving her some Berries to spend for herself.
Walking off to a food cart she decided to get some meat on the done for herself and smiled as the vendor handed her the large treat.
"Good choice that's my favorite!" A cheerful voice sounded next to her, looking up to see a lengthy teen holding 3 in his own hands. She giggled since he looked so odd to her paired with the Strawhat on his dark locs.
"It's my favorite too, But I couldn't eat three of them" She said with a cheerful smile as she pointed to the ones in his hand. He laughed at this clearly amused by her words- However he paused and cooked his head to the side.
The teen squinted at her in confusion stared at Vivian, kneeling down and squinting his eyes as he stared at the little girl- Who looked at him in confusion and a bit intimidated by the stranger now way too close and stating at her funny.
"You remind me of someone-" He hummed squinting his gaze further. Tapping his chin as he stared hard at Vivian who was looking at the weird teen in question.
Shanks turned the corner trying to see where his daughter had wondered off to- Before he smiled brightly at the sight before him.
"Do my eye deceive me! Luffy!" Shanks laughed as he pushed the hat onto the teens head further with a laugh, Luffy looking up at Shanks with a wide smile.
"Shanks!" He yelled out with a laugh, Hugging his mentor who stumbled back and patted his back calmly.
"Luffy! Look at you" He said with a proud laugh as Luffy pulled back with a happy grin, Vivian staring at the duo with a raised eyebrow.
"This here is my daughter Luffy. Vivian this is Luffy! He's essentyally like your older brother" He said with a wide smile proudly showing off Vivian who shyly smiled and waved at Luffy.
"It's nice to meet ya Vivian!!" He said cheerfully ruffling her red locs which made her giggle.
"You know you're set up to see such amazing adventures Vivian with one of the best crews out there! Just wait- Shanks has had crazy adventures hell I've fought Fishpeople in a amusement park, Saved villages, Beat marine bases and met with pirates that are things of legend. Youre adventures are just starting" Luffy said with a grin, clearly good with kids and making them smile.
"Wait you really did that?" She said amazed, smiling as Luffy who nodded.
"Of course! I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" He said cheerfully which made her eyes widen at that. Shanks chuckled at this and placed a hand on Vi's head gently.
"Pretty amazing right?" He said with a chuckle as she nodded enthusiastically, Shanks noticing how much more cheerful she was while talking to Luffy.
After some talk between them all and Luffy updating Shanks proudly on his life the Older pirate felt the need for a beer starting to peek. Patting Luffy on the shoulder proudly.
"Im proud of the man youve grown into Luffy, We will need to depart and we are going to go to the market to finish getting supplies" Shanks said calmly, Vivian pulling on his sleeve nervously.
"Uh Dad? Can I hang out with Luffy today? I wanna hear more about his adventures!" She said cheerfully with a new sparkle in her eye.
Shanks had seen that sparkle before- That wash of inspiration that had bloomed in his eyes, in Luffy's eyes and now his Daughters.
Truthfully he didn't know if he should be proud or really frightened at how interested she was in being a pirate now.
"Well alright I suppose, Just remember we are heading out tommorow morning Vi" He said with a smile, She nodded excitedly at this and went with Luffy who had already started to talk her ear off and the two ran off. Shanks standing there with a small smile on his face, and a but of worry to his heart.
Vivian spent the whole day talking with Luffy's crew, Meeting every single one of them and exploring the ship. A bright smile on her lips that reminded him of you, the way she giggled and her growing excitement at every turn.
Luffy took on a older brother roll, even picking her up and running around with her like the ADHD kid he was as- entrusting her to even wear his straw hat which she wore with pride and care as they roamed around all day.
After Sanji had cooked a large seafood pasta dish for the crew and guest she ended up falling asleep soundly. Luffy carrying Vivian out back to Shanks ship who was holding his crew getting the last of the supplies they would need. Chuckling at the sight of Luffy carrying his daughter wearing his old hat.
"Looks like quite the adventure" Shanks said amused, Luffy giggling as he carefully took his hat off Vivian who didn't even stir from her sleep and transferring her to Shanks.
"Yeah, We had a lot of fun today! Honestly she is a natural. Took up to navigation with Nami and all of that" Luffy said with a laugh clearly prideful in having spent the day with Vivian. Shanks smiled at this as he told Luffy to hang back while he put Vivian to bed.
When Shanks returned from tucking Vivian in bed he went back to meet Luffy, seeing the young man leaned against the railings staring out fondly.
"Shes going to be great, I can already see it" Luffy said with a chuckle, messing with the ties of the hat calmly as he thought fondly- Shanks chuckling at this and nodded in agreement.
"I can see it, you really inspired her Luffy and brought her some happiness" He praised, earning a big goofy smile from him.
"You know when I become Pirate King, I did swear to return the hat to you. But who knows! Maybe it will go to the next red head" Luffy said with a joking laugh, Shanks rolling his eyes as he shoved the hat further down on the lads head making him laugh again.
"Maybe it will, Maybe it will.."
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cindylcuwho · 2 months
¡ purely nonsense , prologue ♥︎ !
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“ ⭒.‧ i don’t even know , im talking nonsense ‧. ⭒ “
01 — 02 — more to come 🥥
* ⋆ . · ⋆ y/n laid on her stomach, her left thumb mindlessly scrolled through tiktoks, occasionally doubling tapping to heart entertaining videos.
after seeing the fifth edit of herself, which used similar clips to the ones before, she closed tiktok and opened twitter in hopes of better entertainment.
always wanting to be in touch with her fans, she regularly viewed her mentions and right now was no different. many fans were tagging her in late album reviews, random photos and mindless tweets, the occasional hate tag, and some begging for a collab with varies of different artists.
one mentions caught her eye. well, multiple, actually. the first three began the in similar ways, “ @ y/nsmusical omg ?!! “ . she refreshed the page, thinking that twitter was just glitching and showing the same tweet over and over. though the mention didn’t go away, in fact more popped up.
she clicked on the top one and it led her to a 45 second clip of three random strangers that shared the same face.
. ⭒ ☆ ━ ☆ ⭒ .
“growing up, i had the fattest crush on marge from the simpsons” the guy wearing a sky blue hoodie with ‘fresh love’ printed on the front joked.
the camera switched, showing off the blonde version of the guy before, except he was wearing a plain white shirt. “can we be honest? homer would be a huge sma—“
the other two began bursting out laughing, not letting him finish the sentence. the blonde giggled along with them, “what, i thought dad bods were in right now?”
“nick, no!” one of them cried out, still laughing. “as if any of your celebrity crushes are any better?!” ‘nick’ defended.
the one wearing a backwards pink trucker hat moved his mic closer, staring nick dead in the eyes. “are you calling mine –who is a grammy nominee and an it girl since childhood– as bad as a yellow cartoon?!“
“yours hasn’t changed since you were eleven, chris! its time to move on, buddy!” blue hoodie guy snorted out. he looked at the camera with a shrug, “he’s been obsessed with y/n carpenter since.. i wanna say a little before girl meets world and that ended, what? 2017?”
chris jumped up and down his seat, “why’re we name dropping?? matt, stopp!” he exclaimed. “damn, not even gonna deny the allegations, christopher?”
chris looked down at the table, a rosy blush creeped on his cheeks as he thought of the words.
“there’s nothing to deny.. y/ns influence is probably the reason i’m the man that i am, and you know what? she’s still doing great things and thriving.”
nick gasped, “oh!,” he tapped on the table, reminded of something, “she’s supposed to be releasing an album hella soon– are you gonna be streaming?”
chris smirked, “of course, anything to support my girl.” nick and matt let out an ‘ooo’ at their younger brothers sudden boldness.
“your girl?” matt scoffed, challenging his brothers attitude. chris nodded, arms crossed. “y/n doesn’t know you exist, kid.” he reminded.
“she will, and then we’ll get married and i’ll star in the reboot season of girl meets world. that’s been the dream.” chris listed off his plans. “marriage before the first date is crazy,” nick stated.
the three began changing the subject, which was when the clip ended.
. ⭒ ☆ ━ ☆ ⭒ .
y/n exited the video tab, a small smile rested on her face. she knew there was definitely fans that stuck around from her younger acting years, fans that were other influencers, and definitely fans that believed they could steal her heart, but the cockiness from this ‘chris’ guy was undeniably kind of attractive.
‘who is he?’ she wondered. though intrigued, y/n was too lazy to go on another deep google search about someone so she stuck to what would have the best and quickest response.
tweeting out to her fans.
her thumbs tapped for a minute, before hitting ‘tweet’, knowing there was no turning back.
. ⭒ ☆ ━ ☆ ⭒ .
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within seconds people were already responding with numerous answers.
↳ @ y/nsemails : OH MY GOD WHAT
↳ @ nessabarrett : your future husband apparently ⁉️ ↻ @ynsmusical : damnit thought i had a chance to relate to ylm
↳ @ sturnstar : which one of yall snitched 😭
↳ @ beybayboo : search sturniolo triplets on youtube !! ↻ @ynsmusical : finally a real answer 😻😻
↳ randomuzer : oooo chris is in trouble 😮‍💨
↳ user123 : pls don’t lower your standards to some youtuber 🤢🤢 ↻ @ chrissbaby : calm down she was just asking who he was ..
↳ @ lilnasx : industry baby reference 😌 ↻ @ y/nsmusical : ofccc ur always on repeat ❣️
↳ @ grlm33tswrld : WAIT OMG WE NEED A SHIP NAME ↻ @ lo0kingaty/n : no we do not !!
↳ @ billieeilish : did we just find whose house your sock is at ?? ↻ @ y/nmusical : shh you’re leaking my music thats illegal 😞😞
. ⭒ ☆ ━ ☆ ⭒ .
sturniolo triplets. well yeah it made sense they were, they had the same face how did that not click?
youtube was immediately opened, the display showing off their channel that already had a pretty decent amount of subscribers.
somehow, innocently wanting to know who this random guy is turned into binge watching his and his triplet brothers youtube videos.
y/n wouldn’t deny, they were definitely funny– and quite loud. chris’s energy in the 20 minute long videos matched hers, partially confirming that her influence truly did influence the man he is today.
she was laughing at whatever nonsense chris was saying, nick and matt obviously did not care with the expressions on their face. the moment got cut short when her phone began to ring, her good friend billie calling.
“hey!” she spoke. “hey, would you mind coming to the studio real quick? it’s for the album.”
y/n sat up on the edge of her bed, praying nothing was wrong with it. it was supposed to come out within the following month. what if all the files were deleted? or even worse, what if songs were leaked.
“i thought today was my day off?” she rested her phone on her white nightstand, putting it speaker on so she can slip on a random pair of socks.
“it is- but don’t worry, we just need to record some extra vocals, nothing too big and we’ll be out of there within 20.” billie reassured.
she nodded, already walking out to her car. billie had already hung up, letting y/n hook the bluetooth from her phone up to her car to play music.
her right hand rested on the stick shift, her left currently swiping through apps. she was about to swipe up on instagram, but something told her not to.
she had to be in the studio within ten minutes, this would only take a couple of seconds, right? typing in the search bar, his account was the first to pop up.
y/n debated with herself in her head. there’s no real point in doing this, this puts him in a 50/50 spotlight and could cause rumors on top of rumors.
rolling her eyes and ignoring the doubtful thoughts, she pressed the button and exited the app, going back to spotify to play her favorite playlist as she drove.
‘ y/nsmusical began following christophersturniolo ‘
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— ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ dedicated to , and idea created by @freshloveee :)
— ꒰ 💭 ꒱ was so excited to write this- sorry that the ending kind of drags on, i didn’t know how to end it lmaoo! how we feelin’ though ? (comment if you wanna be added to a taglist- i might do one for this)
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thesassypadawan · 4 months
Not A Date *part 1* (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: You never thought you would get an opportunity like this! Not only are you doing your internship on the set of Revenge of the Sith, but you also get to work one-on-one with Hayden. Who you can’t tell if he’s just being nice or if it’s something a little more than that. Hope you lovelies also enjoy part 2!
Warnings: None, just pure fluff.
Notes: A little something for @jediskywalkerblog!  I really enjoyed writing this, made me feel all warm and giggly!  Hope you like it!
- “Good morning, angel,” Hayden smiles at you in the mirror.
- “Good morning to you too, Hay,” you giggle, grinning back at him.
- You never thought you would get an opportunity quite like this! Not only are you doing your internship with an actual movie makeup artist! But the set you’re working on just so happens to be for the newest Star Wars film, Revenge of the Sith! One of your absolute favorite movie franchises!
- Storing your bag under the counter, you notice two to-go cups of coffee sitting there. Taking one for yourself, you hand him the other. Humming an appreciative, “Thank you.” Then proceeding to snatch his hat and placing it on your own head. “You won’t be needing this.”
- The best part about all of this though, was meeting and working with him.
- “Anytime, always happy to make you smile,” he replies all cutely, accepting his own cup. “And keep it, it looks good on you.”
- You can feel your face grow warm and you pull the brim down a bit.
- From day one he’s been like this with you. Bringing your favorite drink in the morning, so ‘you can start your day out right’. Taking all his lunch breaks with you, because ‘food tastes better when you have good company’. Waiting for you to be done for the day, even if he finished hours before, so you two could ‘just hangout’.
- He’s so sweet and kind to you. Everything he does is amazing. You want to believe he has a thing for you, but that little voice inside your head keeps telling you… There’s no way a guy like him would want a plain, boring girl like you.
- Clearing his throat, your snapped out of you thoughts. “So we’re still on for watching the cup game tonight, right?”
- Yet another wonderful thing about Hay, he loves hockey as much as you. The minute he found out; he insisted you watch every playoff game with him. Despite your team not qualifying and his losing in the conference semifinals…you two still have a great time.
- Before you can even think of what to say, the words come spilling out of your mouth. “Heck yeah! It’s a date!”
- You don’t know how, but you somehow turn even redder. And your heart, it just about explodes when you notice the faintest dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Yeah, it’s a date.
- You try your best to focus on your work, but your mind keeps wandering. ‘A date?! With him?! Nope, no way! There is no way in hell this is a date! No way, NO WAY!’
- You hurry to gather up your things, including your new hat. Which you quickly pop on, before practically running out the door. Reminding yourself over and over that this wasn’t a…
- There was Hayden, waiting like always. Wearing a huge smile, with a single red rose in hand. “Ready for our date, angel?”
- Swallowing the lump in your throat, you shyly accept the flower. Always so good to you. Maybe, just maybe. “Sure, but I have to ask you something first.”
- Gathering your courage, you place a hand on his chest and gaze up into those deep, blue eyes. “This…what is this exactly? What am I to you?”
- He cups your cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. All the while wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you in close. “You’re as much mine as I am yours.”
- “That’s all I need to know,” you whisper. Standing on your tip toes, you boldly press your lips against his.
- Hay’s lips are plump and oh so soft. Sweet with a hint of a smokey flavor. And, as crazy as it sounds, you could swear that you feel sparks fly between you two.
- Parting for air, he rests his forehead against yours. “Been waiting to do that for a while,” he chuckles.
- “Yeah, same here,” you giggle.
- You never thought you would get an opportunity quite like this! Not only are you doing your internship with an actual movie makeup artist! But you’re also getting to work with your boyfriend!
- Taking his hand into yours, you give a small tug. “Come on, you big dork, we’re missing the game.”
- Nodding, he happily follows along. “All right, little dork, let’s go. By the way, care to make a bet for the game?”
- “What did you have in mind?”
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yeoandmoon · 1 year
i found the cure to growing older (and you're the only place that feels like home) ( hongjoong x fem!reader )
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you're destined to follow park seonghwa. that's how it's been your whole life, and you'd prefer to keep it that way - thank you very much. it doesn't really come as a surprise to anyone when you follow him across the country to seoul to join the lucrative music industry, but perhaps the real surprise comes in the form of seonghwa's 5'8, pink-haired leader - kim hongjoong - and the late night studio visits that he's prone to.
smut, idolverse, producer!reader, friends with benefits, childhood bestie!seonghwa, a lot of music references (both joong and reader are little music snobs), implied seongjoong x reader (if u squint), studio sex, come eating, fingering, clit play, praise kink, bratty hongjoong, marking kink, implied dacryaphilia, wc is 3.1k
note: :) hiiiiiiiii (louder than anyone else) it has been a while! ngl here - this might be a little rusty! but i hope you all still enjoy it :) title is from i slept with someone in fall out boy, and all i got was this stupid song written about me by fall out boy! (ps. shoutout to the girl at blenz who watched me down a peppermint matcha and then go crazy writing the second part of this)
You owed a lot to Park Seonghwa.
You owed him far more than the cheap soju and street side corn dogs you bought him on nights out, despite listening to him whine that he had the idol money and could easily buy for both of you.
Seonghwa had gotten you the job at KQ Entertainment after a drunken night of you musing to him that no one in all of Seoul was hiring musicians, and you were about ready to pack up and move back with your grandma (who had been, in fact, right about moving to the big city) in the countryside. He helped you settle in the small studio full of instruments and sheet music, and he spent time with you around his busy schedules & hectic idol life.
(“It’s like you’re deliberately trying to keep me by your side, Hwa.”
“I did promise your grandmother I’d make sure Seoul didn’t chew you up and spit you back out, didn’t I?”)
He pushed you hard on quiet days, and would sit on the dingy little loveseat on the far side of your studio while he filled you in on random idol drama and rumors that filled the music show halls. Seonghwa would sometimes patiently watch you record instrumentals for songs, and go through demos the company would send you. He’d laugh at the jokes you’d crack about the bad demos, and sometimes you two would produce silly little raps & songs for the demos - seeing if you could somehow save the tone deaf beats & loud guitars that filled the GarageBand app.
Those were the days you longed for; the days you missed with your sweet best friend.
You understood the high school days once filled with old Fall Out Boy songs and pepero sticks were long gone, but you still tried to cling to the remnants that remained in your life.
Perhaps then, it would only make sense that Seonghwa would be the one to introduce you to Hongjoong - KQ’s Golden Boy and his closest friend within the idol world. In Seonghwa’s mind, this was a logical friendship. You two were ‘similar’ and ‘weirdly into music’, Seonghwa would tell you while on early morning coffee runs. He would grin at you when you raised an eyebrow at him.
“‘Weirdly into music?’ You’re the one with your face plastered onto subway cars, Mister Global Idol.”
(The small quips didn’t stop Seonghwa’s mission, though.
“I want you to meet someone.” He had told you, stalking into your cluttered studio one day.
A familiar figure followed Seonghwa through the door, his small stature dwarfed by your best friend. Kim Hongjoong was a colourful man. His hair was a vibrant blue, and his nails were painted a hot pink. He wore a backwards dad hat with the picture of a pastel coloured bass on it and a corny saying that you couldn’t quite catch before he looked up at you with bright eyes.
“So, you’re the one who produced the One Direction and Fix On remix?”)
After all, Seonghwa knew you better than anyone else. He knew all your deep secrets, and happy moments; he knew the things that made you tick and the things that brought you joy. So - maybe that was why you didn’t find yourself surprised when, none other than Seonghwa’s pick himself, Kim Hongjoong showed up outside your studio at 3 in the morning a mere few nights after being introduced; maybe that’s why it didn’t entirely baffle you when he placed a pile of cds ranging from newly released hip hop to eighties new wave, & everything in between, and asked your opinion on each and every cd in the pile. You soon found yourself arguing over the cultural shift you felt ‘Jolene’ brought, and cackling over Hongjoong’s Matty Healy impressions. 
Maybe that was why you weren’t surprised when he reached over and kissed you hard while a Shinee song played from your old MacBook and drowned out the soft moans that soon filled the small studio space.
Perhaps it was the late nights that followed the ‘Shinee Incident’; or, perhaps it was the fact you were both workaholics. You knew you should talk to Hongjoong outside of the oasis you felt you two had built yourselves within the rooms of KQ Entertainment, but sometimes you found the quietness of your late night rendezvous and stolen daytime kisses in the empty practice rooms was easier than the loud bustle of the Seoul streets and the distractions that came with Hongjoong leading a loud group of 20-something year old men.
You could also think of a hundred more reasons why you and Hongjoong kept meeting like this, but you were also content with just ignoring it and accepting whatever was going on until it was over.
[ from: hongjoong :) ] are you around??? [ from: hongjoong :) ] i can hear you playing with the piano. lol
Just like clockwork, you thought when your phone lit up. 
The bright little clock on your phone reads 03:19, and the piano you were working on was nearly finished. You were tired and craving your own bed; your ass hurt from the hard bench you had been sitting on for hours at that point. Despite that, you still found yourself reaching for your phone.
[ to: hongjoong :) ] yea im next door [ to: hongjoong :) ] :-)
Maybe you were craving something else too; maybe part of you was desperate for human affection, and you knew Hongjoong could give you that.
[ from: hongjoong :) ] :-)
(One could only take so much of the vibrator tucked away in their nightstand, of course.)
There was a shuffling in the hallway before the outline of Hongjoong appeared in the stained glass of the instrumental studio’s door. You watched the doorknob slowly turn before Hongjoong peeked his head into the room, a dark green beanie covering his faded pink hair. He smiled, and you swore his eyes always brightened at the sight of you.
“Hi.” You say, wincing at the exhaustion evident in your voice.
Hongjoong stepped into the studio, his eyes glancing around at the array of instruments surrounding you both before stopping back to where you sat on the piano stool.
“Hi.” He echos, stepping further into the room.
He’s wearing a tan hoodie that has little purple butterflies flying up the sleeve - and for a brief moment - you think it’s so sweet and so Hongjoong that you almost don’t want him to take it off. Then, he takes another step towards you and you see how his eyes darken as they take in the way your own hoodie is falling off your shoulder, exposing the lace black camisole and deep purple bra strap underneath. Something in his look stirs you, and you feel your cheeks begin to heat up as you look at the man in front of you.
“How’s the comeback going?” Your words crack, and you know your cheeks must be burning.
“It’s good,” Hongjoong says, his tone confident while he keeps his eyes on you, and pulls the hoodie over his head. A dark brown t-shirt is revealed, stretching across his chest and riding up enough to reveal to you the boxer band peeking from under his jeans. He throws the hoodie in the general direction of your computer chair and a smile plays at his lips, “Hwa and I are recording part of the rap tomorrow.”
He takes a step forward as he speaks, and you can hear the way his own words crack as he speaks so casually about your shared friend.
You know he needs this as much as you do - if the thick bulge in his jeans says anything about Hongjoong’s current state of mind.
You force yourself to pull away from blatantly checking him out and look up at him, “Did you happen to get that song I sent you?”
Hongjoong takes another step forward. “The Counting Crows one?”
“‘A Long December,’” you move to get up from the piano bench.
Hongjoong is suddenly on you with a sense of urgency, and the small talk portion of your evening is abruptly finished. “Don’t get up,” he tells you, pushing you back onto the bench. 
You see then how affected he really is; his pupils half blown, and his cheeks beginning to match the peach in his hair. “Cute.” The compliment falls from your lips before you can stop yourself, and your hand comes up to cup his cheek.
It delights you the way Hongjoong’s cheek burn at the simple word, and he moves to his knees in front of you, “‘Want you to stay there for me, yeah?” One of his hands moves to rest against your hand on his cheek.
You swallow and nod, not taking your eyes off the man who had managed to pry your legs apart, and was getting comfortable on the floor between them. You’re suddenly aware of your body’s reaction to Hongjoong - how sticky your panties were becoming & how heated your body was beginning to get.
Despite how common this occurrence was becoming, you never seemed to get used to how overwhelming his presence was; how much Hongjoong overtook your senses in every way possible. His hands moved to your waist, and he glances at you again before moving to the waistband of your leggings. His fingers gently slip under the waistband, and he nods to you - a request to move forward.
His fingertips are cool against your skin. They feel nice, you think as you nod to him.
Like most things with Hongjoong, he begins to move with urgency after he receives your consent. He leans up to pull you into a heated kiss as he tugs at your leggings and panties, urging you to shimmy out of them so he can get his hands on your thick thighs and the soaked core that’s between them.
Once exposed to him, one of his hands is immediately between your legs - his thumb pressing into your clit while two of his fingers gently run through your folds, gathering the wetness that lays there and sending your brain into a frenzy of Kim Hongjoong. 
You moan into the kiss, and your hands move up to tangle in his hair and pull him closer to you in an attempt to deepen the kiss. He smiles into it, and you just know that if you weren’t too busy kissing the smile away, it would be that impish, cocky smirk he gets every time he succeeds and wins; it’s the same smile he holds every time Ateez wins a music show, and it's the same smile he holds every time he makes you cum. One of his fingers gently breaches your sopping entrance, and you let out another moan against his lips.
“That feel good, love?” Hongjoong laughs against your lips before stealing another kiss.
Before you have a chance to answer, Hongjoong knocks your legs further apart and presses his thumb harder into your clit. His finger pushes into you and all you can do is swear, “Fuck! Hongjoong!”
Hongjoong releases another breathy laugh from his spot below you before pressing kisses down your neck. You feel his other hand begin to crawl up your tummy from its spot on your waist before stopping just as his fingertips hit the wire of your bra - it rests on your soft skin, and he hums against your skin before softly biting down. The sudden sting makes you gasp and your hand in his hair tightens on the strands you were holding, making Hongjoong hiss against you.
“Take it off.” He tells you, his hand coming up over the bra and tugging at the top of the cup to free your tit. His voice is lined with a growl, and his hand on your thigh tightens.
You know there’s bruises forming under Hongjoong’s fingers - adding to the collection of bruises he’s already left along your neck, tummy and anywhere else Hongjoong could possibly mark you. The possibility of them excites you; fills you with a pleasure, and rush of arousal.
His fingers immediately pinch at your nipple and you bite back a particularly loud whine, your hips bucking up against Hongjoong’s fingers. You begin to peel the hoodie off, letting it fall to the floor in front of the piano, while Hongjoong wastes no time to move his hand from your chest and tug the camisole over your head. It quickly joins the hoodie on the floor, and you’re left in only a lacy black bralette for Hongjoong’s hungry eyes.
“Take your shirt off.” You say, locking eyes with him and reaching for the brown fabric, “I wanna see you too.”
The light blush returns to Hongjoong’s cheeks, and you feel a sense of accomplishment rush through your veins. He leans back onto his legs and looks up at you - in the low & warm LED pink lights of your studio, Hongjoong looks pretty. His eyes are dark, and his hair is tousled from your pulling & tugging on it.
“Okay, love,” Hongjoong replies, “just gotta clean up first.”
There’s a small smile playing at Hongjoong’s lips as he moves his hand from your core, and keeps his eyes on you as he brings his hand to his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he begins to lick his fingers clean, and all you can do is watch in pure pleasure as he licks your juices off his hand. He lets out a small moan, and your eyes widen as another rush of arousal surges through your body.
You tighten your thighs and try - & fail - to conceal the whimper that falls from your lips, and Hongjoong tilts his head in faux confusion. He moves his hand from his mouth, “What’s the matter, sweetie? I just wanted to taste you.”
You’re utterly, and completely, speechless and all Hongjoong can do is giggle from his spot below you. 
He leans up to kiss you again, with his (now “clean”) hand coming up and cupping the back of your neck to pull you closer. You kiss him back and part of you revels in the faint taste of yourself on his tongue. Your hands move to the bottom hem of his shirt, and you break the kiss to pull Hongjoong’s shirt over his head.
It’s added to the ever-growing pile of clothes that are gathering at the bottom of the piano.
“You’re gorgeous.” You say, and you can’t help as your eyes rake down Hongjoong’s newly exposed body and the piercing that glints in the light on his left nipple.
Hongjoong’s eyes flash, and his other hand tightens on your thigh again, “Do ya’ think flattery will get you somewhere, sweetie?”
You play along with Hongjoong’s games. You pretend you don’t see the way he gets flustered & bothered when you compliment him, and he pretends not to notice that you like making him feel like that. You couldn’t deny the absolute rush it gave you every time he whined your name at the smallest praise.
You take a deep breath before nodding, “Will you let me cum?” You ask, giving him a pout.
Hongjoong’s cocky smirk is back, and your hands grip the edge of the bench. They’ve become so tight against the wood that you’re sure your knuckles are white; it was your turn to become flustered. Your mind was beginning to fray at the edges with every second that passes of Hongjoong’s intense stare and the way his hands slowly began to move up your thighs again. 
He pushes your thighs apart again, and promptly takes his spot back between your legs. He gives you a cheeky smile while you gasp at the cold air against your soaking core; before he pushes you back against the piano and pushes his two fingers back into your hole, chuckling when you let out a cry of his name. The piano keys sound out throughout the room, but Hongjoong ignores it as he drives his fingers harder into you.
If Hongjoong wasn’t so determined to fuck you stupid, perhaps you’d think he was trying to see what notes he could produce every time your back bounces against the keys. Perhaps, just maybe - you’d even suggest turning the microphone on, and recording the notes and moans that’d be produced.
You open your mouth to say something - possibly to beg, possibly to cry for Hongjoong but all thoughts are abandoned when Hongjoong leans forward and takes your clit in his mouth. He sucks on the little nub and you swear your brain goes blank.
You cry out in pleasure, and your hands go down to find purchase in Hongjoong’s hair. He groans against you, one of his hands coming up to hold you waist as you gently rock your hips up against his face.
“Joong…” You plea, “Hongjoong, I’m so close. You feel so good, Joong.”
He adds another finger into you, heightening your pleasure and beginning to scissor them to stretch you out as you gasp, “You’re gonna take my cock after this, right sweetie?”
You nod. It’s all you can really bring yourself to do - although you know you’d do anything for Hongjoong at this moment. You’d probably allow Seonghwa to see you like this, if he wanted you to.
Hell, you’d allow Seonghwa to join in, if Hongjoong asked you too right now. 
“Hongjoong, please…”
Hongjoong kisses your cheek, and you flutter your eyes open to find him level with you, “Go on, love. Let it out for me.”
The simple words were all it took for you to come. The overwhelming euphoria of Kim Hongjoong took over your psyche, and you cried his name as you gripped his arms. 
You ride out your orgasm while you chant Hongjoong’s name, and he kisses your cheek & jaw. He now stands over you, his hand gently running through your hair as you slowly recover, resting your head on his tummy and reveling in the feeling of his hand in your hair.
It takes a moment to look up at Hongjoong. You’re still panting, and you feel tears on your cheeks begin to settle. He smiles sweetly at you, before leaning down to kiss you - softer than any other point during the night.
“Do you want to keep going?” Hongjoong asks, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck.
You begin to pull away as your hands come up to undo his belt, “I gotta keep my word, don’t I?” You bite your lip to stop the smile beginning to grow on your face.
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waataah · 5 months
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welcome, to my first attempt at a fanfic on tumblr.
✧ sanji vinsmoke x fem!reader ✧
。・゚゚・ (nsfw, fem!reader, 18+ only, mdni, 3rd pov) ・゚゚・。
cw: nsfw, oral (receiving), praise, slight degradation, kinda submissive, lots of sexual tension, build-up, plot-heavy, power struggle, breast play, and unprotected sex.
summary: the straw hats stop at a mysterious never-before-seen island and their crazy captain recruits a woman who can finally rival the crew's flirtatious cook.
word count: ~about 2800
・❥・The Flirtacious Two
The captain of the straw hats Monkey D. Luffy had made an immediate order to stop the ship at the closest island. The closest island was not like any other they had seen, it resembled a forest but had many houses rooted into the trees.
Beautiful birds of many colors flew around in circles greeting the newcomers to their island. The island welcomed them and so did their people. This island was secluded and very small so it was avoided by most who went by, they did not oppose the pirates and showed them kindness and respect.
“They gave us enough supplies to last at least a few months stop eating them all!” Sanji yelled and smacked their captain on the head.
“At least show some respect…geez” Zoro had muttered under his breath.
Luffy rubbed his head and sprawled himself out on the ground at the new lump that had appeared poking out of his hat and ran from the crowd in desperation to get away from his fellow crew. The girls enjoyed themselves to new fruits, new fish, and especially new people. Being around the same boys on a crowded ship meant they NEEDED to converse with regular humans once in a while.
The crew had dispersed and spread amongst the island, till later that night they agreed to meet back on the ship for Sanji’s dinner. Sanji was making a special take on spaghetti and meatballs after all there was nothing wrong with cooking a basic pasta after all the new foods they had tried for the day. 
The pot was boiling with water as the noodles simmered in the heat, and the pan of meatballs were simmering creating a beautiful aroma that could make just about any mouth water.
“Well, well, well I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen spaghetti” An unknown voice to the cook quickly made him tense but hearing a woman's voice made him instantly feel like putty at the beautiful sound.
Once he gazed at the woman his eyes practically shot out of his head, a pure beauty just at the door of the ship's kitchen.
‘This island's weather sure is hot, but this woman is hotter’ his inner voice usually wasn't filtered but she had rendered him practically speechless with her beauty.
“Why hello there pretty boy~” she made her way over to the blonde and peeked over to glance at the food.
“Luffy said you were the chef, I’ve met the others… I believe he wants me to join this little crew you have” she said as she looked up at the taller man.
Sanji cleared his throat finally gaining the courage to speak to such a beauty, and she was flirting with him. That was new.
“What is a beautiful lady like you trying to join a group of pirates for?” he reached for his cigarettes in an attempt to occupy himself without having to look away from the woman before him. But patted around and failed to find them in his pockets.
The mysterious woman brought a hand up holding his cigarettes in hand, “Looking for this? I’m not too fond of smoking”.
‘Ah, she's a thief… a very… sexy one…’ he felt joy rising up in his chest.
She placed them on the counter and decided to answer his question.
“I want adventure, the men here are… getting dull, I figure there are many fish in the sea” She giggled a bit and made her way around the cook eyeing him up and down. Her reply was obviously a joke, but she wanted her reasons to remain her own.
This was the first time Sanji felt as if he was the prey, though he was visibly a bit nervous, he didn't hate it. In fact, he liked it.
“The others warned me, you're quite the flirt? But men tend to get quite intimidated by me. My name is [y/n] a pleasure” she said putting her hand out.
“Oh, please the pleasures all mine miss [y/n]” he said as he gently grasped her hand placing a gentle kiss upon her skin.
She smiled and gently caressed her slim fingers down his arm, “Well from one flirt to another, I’m quite the jealous type Mr. Cook if you flirt with me you can’t give the same treatment to another”.
Sanji felt a chokehold on him, he had just learned of this woman's name, yet he would give up all the other women in the world in a heartbeat.
“Jealous hmm? Well, there isn't a pretty lady as beautiful as you, so I doubt I would even think about another.” He was past the point of no return her charm had hooked and reeled him in she and he both knew it.
The woman retracted her hand from his arm and turned away from the cook walking back over to the entrance.
“Though I am a flirt, if I really want something… I will have it” she smiled devilishly.
Sanji felt a pit in his stomach, this woman was doing many things to him, he wanted her but of course, he wouldn’t just force himself on a woman.
“Oh and… you might want to check those meatballs I think they may be slightly overcooked” she smiled as she walked out.
Sanji panicked as the meatballs burst into flames he quickly grabbed a cloth to fan the fire out with and sighed in relief once it was put out.
“What am I going to do with her around…”.
Later that night at the dinner table, [y/n] had sat next to Sanji. Sanji felt a blush creep upon his face, though it had only been a bit since their first encounter he really couldn't take his eyes off her. 
After some time of everyone exchanging conversations, he finally decided to strike up a conversation. 
“You really are beautiful…” was all he could say, he was practically transfixed by her.
[y/n] looked at the cook she didn't mind if others were around, better for her to show the other ladies how it’s done.
“You're not so bad yourself handsome” she winked.
Sanji felt his heart racing, no woman had given him this type of attention, it was so new to him. He loved it. His grin and ego grew from the compliment.
“Don’t go complimenting fancy brows over there it will go right to his head” Zoro said in between bites of his meal.
[y/n] laughed at the comment and turned her attention toward Zoro, it quickly made Sanji fill with worry. He knew that Zoro and [y/n] would possibly get along, who wouldn’t get along with a woman like her?
Though [y/n] had continued her chat with Zoro she had sneakily placed her hand on Sanji’s obvious that her attention was still on him though she was talking with another man.
A small smirk came back to his face when he felt her hand on his, it made him excited but relieved that she still had her sights on him.
After dinner was over [y/n] went over to the deck to gaze upon the ocean. Sanji finished up the dishes and saw the deck was empty, no one was around but her. This was his moment, to get her attention without anyone to bother. He leaned over the railing and watched the ocean with her, he reached for his cigarettes but quickly placed them back into his pocket.
“Hello, lover boy~ What do I owe the pleasure?” she said while looking over to the chef.
He smiled softly, “You don’t owe me anything, I just thought to keep the beautiful lady company”.
[y/n] did feel a little flustered by the gesture, the whole time Sanji had been flustered and wrapped around her finger but now he seemed to be ready for her comments.
He gently placed his hand on [y/n]’s hips, causing the roles to reverse, he stepped up his game he realized that if he kept letting her be in control he would lose this flirting game. 
Though she was flustered she also didn't want to back down, “And who exactly said you could touch me?” she smirked.
Sanji let out a small laugh as he could tell she was enjoying it in comparison to her words, he leaned closer to her and looked into her eyes. “Someone told me once that if they want something they will have it. So I just decided to take what I wanted”.
“Oh really now?” [y/n] smirked at the blonde and grabbed his hand pulling Sanji closer to her “I do believe everyone had fallen asleep after their meal” she said gently while looking at his lips. 
Sanji was a bit surprised by the sudden pull, his mind flooded with ideas of just the two of you alone while everyone slept. She was bold, his mind was going crazy and he wanted to do something about it.
“Since no one is around how about a little taste?~” she kept her eyes bouncing back and forth between his eyes and lips.
With the way [y/n] stared at his lips, he knew exactly what she wanted, a little taste of him. A smirk would then appear on his face, he enjoyed this new thrill of tug of war between him and her. 
“I could never deny a pretty lady like you,” he said before leaning forward and placing his lips onto hers.
For a man who had flirted with many women, he couldn't deny that this was his first time feeling butterflies in the pit of his stomach. And for a woman who seemed to have all the boys wrapped around her fingers, she too had never felt quite like how she did with this man. 
He moved his hands around her hips and pressed their bodies closer together, the kiss was passionate, and long and made the two feel their bodies heat up. After their lips parted his face was simply in awe and he let out a satisfied breath gripping [y/n]’s hips with need.
“Wow… that was… great,” he said as he had his eyes fixed on the beauty before him. 
[y/n] also let out a content sigh, she felt a warm feeling stirring within her and she needed it to be extinguished.
“How about we head over to the lounge room? That is if you want to of course”.
“Lead the way…”.
He took her by the hand and started to lead [y/n] back to the kitchen/meeting/lounge room. Once in the room, [y/n] noticed that the whole place had been cleaned, Sanji was a very responsible cook. Though it was something that might go unnoticed by the rest of the crew she did take notice.
Sanji went over to the provisions and moved them aside to show a bed. It was a small bed, but the only place you could get privacy on a private ship with a group of men who shared the same room.
[y/n] didn’t mind it though, she would practically take this man anywhere in her current state. She sat on the bed and Sanji sat beside her.
“Well, are you ready?”.
“Are you?” he replied back with a playful tone.
[y/n] let out a small laugh before sitting on his lap leaning into him pressing their lips once again against one another. His fantasies were finally coming to life, her sitting in his lap making his pants tighten just at the friction from her body touching his. [y/n] gently ran her fingers through his hair, earning a moan from the cook. His body heated up at her taking the lead, he decided to put his hand in her hair pulling on it gently earning a moan from [y/n].
“You are so beautiful my dear~” he let out softly against her lips.
The two’s breaths increased, as the air between them kept thinning from the non-stop kiss.
The kiss eventually came to a halt, the two panting for air but eager for the next step.
“You taste good just like your meals chef~” she said softly under her panting breath.
The compliment sent him into heaven, his heartbeat intensifying just like the tightness in his pants.
“And you are even more tastier than my meals…” he smirked.
“Though there is something I think that might taste better than your meals…” [y/n]’s gaze fell upon the large bump in his pants.
His face reddened at the comment, “you really are too much…” he said softly not moving even a muscle. 
“That's what I’m told~” she giggled and moved off the bed to her knees unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers down to reveal his size. His cock twitched at the cold air and hardened as he felt her gaze staring down at it.
Sanji gently tilted her head upwards, “A beautiful lady like you should be on the bed getting treated, not on her knees…”.
He got up and grabbed [y/n] gently placing her onto the small bed as he stood in between her legs lowering himself to her core.
[y/n]’s breath hitched at the sudden change of position. Sanji left gentle kisses trailing up her leg towards the hem of her shorts, gently pulling them off as he did so along with her panties. She was starting to press her thighs together, she hadn’t felt shy with anyone before but he made her feel like she was a teen head over heels for a crazy boy. Sanji smirked at the sight, he continued to place kisses till he reached her sensitive spot, his digits entering inside her folds gently adding another while he continued to kiss her inner thighs and thrust his fingers inside her.
“Ah~ Shit~” [y/n] moaned out at the attention her lower half was getting, she felt her walls clench onto his two fingers, but it wasn’t enough. 
“Be patient my dear~ we have a long night ahead of us~” he said as he went back down to shower her clit with his skilled tongue.
[y/n] was going mad, she felt her body tensing as it was getting ready to release, and she pulled back Sanji's head. She panted softly and grabbed him by his tie pulling him up towards her and pushing him onto the bed. She placed herself on top of his cock and slowly placed it at her entrance letting it fill her up inside.
“[y/n] fuck…” he clenched his eyes shut at the tightness, it felt so good he almost came just from putting it inside.
She sat for a moment as she adjusted to his girth and length. She was inwardly cursing him out for being so girthy. After the two settled, [y/n] started to move her hips up and down his length letting out small moans of pleasure as Sanji thrust his hips along with her movements. The two let out moans filling the empty room with nothing but the sounds of their skin slapping together and the bed creaking beneath them. Sanji managed to snake his hand up [y/n]’s stomach under her shirt grasping onto her breast as she bounced. He couldn't even catch his breath, the whole situation was like a dream to him, her moans coming from the pleasure he gave her filled him with ecstasy. He pinched her nipples lightly while he reached under her bra. Just the sound of her moans alone could make him cum, he could feel himself getting close to his release. 
[y/n] continued her movements leaning down and gripping his shirt, “make a mess of me Sanji” she said before pressing her lips against his.
Those words flipped a switch in him, and a signal went to his brain, making him go insane. He knew what she wanted him to do and he would deliver. His whole body quaked as he felt himself ready to cum. The two continued moaning and panting, and [y/n] felt herself tighten around Sanjis cock. Sanji groaned in response to the tightness he moved his hands from her breast and gripped her hips. He began to thrust upwards into her harder, filling every inch of her inside. They could both feel themselves, Sanji was the first to give in. His cum shot inside her, dripping from out of her hole and onto his pants. The warmth that shot into [y/n]’s body made her tighten and her body twitched from its high. The two let out a long moan and grunt when they finished and [y/n] laid herself against the chef.
“Who would think the two flirts would hook up with each other” she said softly with a content sigh as she caught her breath.
“You’re crazy you know that? You showed me a whole new type of woman, you really know how to make a man weak” Sanji laughed and threw his arms around her.
[y/n] lifted her head a bit in confusion, “what’s so funny about that?” she raised a brow.
“Nothing, I just feel like the luckiest man alive…” he said as he let out a few more laughs.
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badasgirlfriend · 6 months
Love On The Down Low | Bada Lee Social Media AU
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pairings: bada lee x zhong lei
prev - masterlist - next
a/n: sorry for not updating i was going through some shit but im back and i def missed these two, hope u enjoy it😈
tw: suicidal thoughts pls dont read it if you are triggered by it
taglist: { @1luvkarina , @hallotherenicetomeetyou @fillthwvoid , @kdacase @prilux @jjlovesbada @waveartistry , @dkluvs , @pinksults , @tikitsune , @b1ackbunny , @adaiasafira, @froufrousnowman , @99ycs, @badaslali , @italiekim , @saturnushasmyback , @heedoya @fairiechuu @itsbokutosjuicyass , @tnu-ree @jesuschrist2006 , @ssivinee , @downbadforbada , @starryelling , @pupbistro }
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Lei slid her phone into her bag and watched from afar as Bada sat on a nearby bench. Her face was hidden behind her signature bucket hat, the brim casting a shadow over her features.
The chinese girl let out a sigh as she thought how late it is for Bada to be outside, especially in a place she doesn't know. It had been several days since she had last seen the older girl, and she was beginning to worry.
She knew that Bada was going through a tough time, but she was trying her best to be understanding and supportive. She can't do much when Bada had been pushing her away, making it difficult for Lei to help her.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling overwhelmed. She never asked to be a babysitter, but she had somehow ended up as one.
"I don't know how much longer I can do this" she sighed. "God, give me a sign, should I keep this up?"
"Is she crazy?"
"I think so"
Lei lowered her head, meeting the gazes of two kids. They were probably no more than 14 years old, and yet they stared at her with a mixture of confusion
"What are you staring at?" she yelled "Don't you have better things to do?"
"Don't you have better things to do than talk to no one?" the young girl mocked.
"Babe, stop it before she cries." the boy next to her said, giggling. Lei watched him closely, he seemed familiar
"Aren't you two supposed to be sleeping right now? It's past your bedtime," Lei said with a mischievous grin.
"Alright, stop grandma-" one of the kids shot back, rolling their eyes.
Lei smiled as she recognized the boy. "Aren't you Felix's cousin?"
She glanced over at the boy, now smirking when she recognized him, but her smirk deepened when she saw his smile disappear "Aren't you Felix's cousin?"
He grabbed his girlfriend's hand and pulled her away, a mixture of embarrassment and haste in his face
Lei laughed, amused by the couple's reaction "I'll be having a word with him" she said, watching the couple disappear into the distance.
Sighing, she looked at the park. Bada was still there, alone. She didn't want to go up to her, but she knew she had to. This was it, she thought to herself. It was going to be now or never.
As she took those first few steps towards Bada, she already felt her mind spinning with the possibilities.
Her heart pounded in her ears, each thudding beat like a hammer against her chest. Her hands trembled slightly, as if they might fail her at any moment.
It's not that deep...
She drew closer, still unable to see Bada's face. The older girl had hidden her face with her hands.
Bada wasn't okay.
Even an outsider could see it. Her days felt like a prison, with no escape in sight. The scandal, the comments, the constant hate. It was getting to her. The pressure was building and building, and Bada felt like she was suffocating.
This whole thing was funny, really. Why were her fans so quick to turn against her? Without a shred of proof, they were willing to throw her under the bus and bury her, just because a random girl she didn't know said so.
Just one sentence. One. And it destroyed everything.
This was her dream, and now it was being stolen away. She had made it this far, and the dream was within her grasp. But it was out of her reach now, stolen away by an allegation that could not be proven.
She could feel the sleeves of her hoodie being soaked by the tears that flowed down her cheeks. She didn't care. She needed to let it all out, and if a few tears ruined her hoodie in the process, so be it. Another cry rose up from her, all of her emotions bottled up and finally being released. It was too much, but it felt like such a relief at the same time.
It was scary because the thought of ending it all wasn't leaving her mind and it was sounding good. Everyone would be happy and relieved, even she would be in peave
She wouldn't be anyones bother, many people would be happy. After all she's doing them a favor and listening to them
She knew her members were right, she wasn't the Bada she used to be. The old her wasn't rude to strangers, didn't snap at everyone around her. Heck, she would never tell a gorgeous girl to leave her alone.
Not the time Bada…...
She took a deep breath and rubbed her hands across her face. She wiped away her tears, but her eyes remained swollen and red. Suddenly, she heard the snap of a twig behind her. She froze
What if it's dispatch…?
So many things were running through her mind, all at once. And for the first time, Bada felt a sense of relief as she heard her voice.
"Bada, are you okay?"
"Im fine" Her mind was a mess, and she was far from okay.
She didn't need to look up to know where she was. The warmth next to her told her all she needed to know.
"From afar away, you looked like a dealer " she chuckled, leaning back as her eyes rested on Bada's figure. "-or like you're having a mental breakdown. So... I'm going with the latter. Are you okay, Bada?"
"Do I look okay, Zhong?"
Bada finally turned to face Lei, and there was a slight hint of annoyance on her face. She wasn't too fond of the girl, that much was obvious. She also hated how kind and comforting she was, despite their rocky start.
Bada loathed how her voice sent shivers down her spine at every word and how she looked so effortlessly beautiful without even trying.
Lei bit her lip as if deep in thought, her eyes never leaving Bada's. The cold wind blew through Bada's hair, making it blow in unexpected directions. She was unable to look away. She studied the girl next to her, she knew she was crying. It doesn't take a genius to get that
But fuck did she look beautiful
"Hmm." Lei looked lower, taking in Bada's hidden face under her hat. "Red eyes, that means the dealer part is true."
Bada scoffed and turned her head away from Lei, trying to hide her small smile.
"I needed fresh air"
"Right, you needed fresh air" Lei nodded. "I understand, I'd feel the same if I was locked up ignoring everyone."
Bada shook her head, as if amused by her own actions. "Sorry about that."
"I know it's hard to live with a stranger, especially in this situation, I'm not saying we have to be best friends, but I meant it when I said earlier that you can always come to me for anything."
Bada stayed silent, not responding to her, so Lei continued "You don't need to keep everything inside you I know what it feels like for everyone to suddenly hate you, and to feel like no one understands you-"
"You don't understand." Bada cut her off harshly
Lei sighed, a hint of annoyance filling her voice. "Believe me, I do. I was also a trainee once, and I have an idol brother. I know everything."
"I'm fine really" Bada lied "Sometimes it gets too much that's all"
Lei nodded, she wasn't being entirely honest but it's a start "That's understandable"
A silence fell between them, and both girls just stared at the swings in front of them. They didn't speak, just listened to the sounds of the wind blowing through the park. It wasn't an awkward silence, but Bada still couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand being alone with her thoughts, so she decided to speak up again.
"What's up with you hating Hann?" Bada taunted with a smirk on her lips
Lei's face was caught off guard by the sudden question. How did she know that "W-what?"
"You said it's not that good" Bada repeated. "Now I know not everyone has good taste, but I'm curious. What did you mean by that?"
Lei rolled her eyes again, her tone turning haughty. "Really, Bada? Implying that I don't have good taste?"
"Hey just saying"
"Wait, how do you know about that?" Lei's face twisted into a smirk as she flicked Baka's hat. Bada scowled pushing her hand away
"Are you stalking me on twitter?"
Bada shook her head, too quickly for her liking "No I wasn't stalking you. Soojin just sent me your twitter account when she told me I was gonna live with you so I saw that tweet on accident."
"Sure," Lei replied in a teasing tone, a small smile now lighting up her face. "Follow me next time, no need to stalk me in secret."
"Don't change the topic" Bada chided her, now turning fully towards Lei.
"I was joking when I said Hann isn't good. It's actually one of my favorite songs" Lei said as she gathered her knees and put her chin on her knees.
"It was just to piss off my best friend" she added with a grin
"Hanni right? The one with Yeeun's left toe username" fuck Bada for giving herself this easy, now she really sounds like a stalker "Yeeun loved her by the way"
"If I tell Hanni about this, she'll pass out." Lei laughed softly before adding "She's a huge fan of your group."
Bada smiled, the first genuine one that Lei has ever seen. "Well, I'll make sure she gets a signed album from all of us." Bada's smile quickly disappeared "If I ever go back" her tone suddenly growing cold like a winter storm.
"You produce almost all of your group's songs right?" Lei leaned closer, their shoulders now almost touching.
Bada stared at her for a moment, confused she nodded. Lei smiled, reaching out her hand.
"Come on, let's go somewhere." She continued, shaking the plastic burger king bag in front of Bada.
"I know a place you'll like. Plus we can share this burger" she said with a wink.
"I'm not sure-" Bada started, her tone unsure as she stared at Lei's hand.
Lei sighed in exasperation. "Come on, I'm not asking you anymore."
Bada yelped as she was quickly dragged away, her hands numb in the bitter cold. Lea's hands were soft and warm, the contrast almost too much to handle.
Nonetheless she followed the shorter girl
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Bada was surprised when Lei took her to a studio, a home recording studio to be more precise.
She was left speechless at how big and well-equipped it was. She knew that Lei loved to sing, but she didn't know that she was this serious about it.
She touched the buttons of the monitor in awe, her awe quickly turning to excitement. "This is amazing, you make songs?"
"Yes" Lei nodded, motioning for Bada to sit. "And sometimes I sell them depends if I like the artist"
She just hoped that Bada would not notice the fake smile on her face. After all, what happened during her training days left her with so much trauma, but the love for music was something she could never lose.
Yes, she was scared to perform in front of other people, and for other reasons, which was why she initially began selling her songs. But she still wanted her songs to be heard, not by her though.
"You sell your songs?" Bada's eyes widened as she sat down next to Lei. She was filled with curiosity now. "What songs have you made? And who did you sell them to?"
"No" Lei replied, her tone turning playful
"Come on" Bada nudged her, pointing at the computer in front of them. "Show me" she repeated.
Lei laughed and gave in, turning towards her console to open up the files in front of them. Bada saw another folder with the name 'Lei's private songs' but didn't mention it
With one click a folder full with songs opened. Bada leaned in licking her lips as she stared at the screen. She knew most of these songs, but what surprised her they were all western artists songs, but one song caught her off guard
Bada turned to Lei quickly, her face filled with surprise. "Wait dude, you wrote 'Never Felt So Alone'?"
Lei turned towards her, looking at Bada's face before replying, her voice filled with a hint of nervousness.
"Yes" she said. "Did you like it"
"You listened to it?" Bai asked. Her voice sounded hopeful, as if waiting for a good response.
"Did you like it?"
"I had it on repeat when it came out," Bada admitted, making Lei smile.
"So you're the famous unknown girl who sings with him?" Bada wondered. "Why didn't Labyrinth give you credits?"
"I didn't want to" Lei replied. "I want to stay anonymous."
"Are you crazy?" Bada asked, she looked at Lei as if she grew two heads "Do you know how much people wanna know the girl who sings in that song?"
"I know but I don't care," Lei replied. "I like it like this."
Bada was quiet, and her gaze returned to the computer.
"I noticed you only wrote songs for Western artists" Bada said, as her eyes followed the words on the screen.
"You never wrote kpop songs before?"
"No" She said grabbing the burger she got along with the knife she took before coming upstairs "I only helped Chenle with a few songs but other than that nothing"
She cut the burger in half slowly and Bada only watched her. Something was weird but Bada didn't want to push it, in the end it's not her place
"But I like it like this" Lei said through her teeth. "I give it to them willingly."
"They give me money" she added with a shrug. "We both get something out of it."
Lei held out the half-burger, and Bada accepted. Her eyes remained fixed on the younger girl, as she took a bite from the burger.
"I'm sharing my burger with you – be grateful," Lei said with a smirk, pointing at her
Bada rolled her eyes, her expression turning playful as she let out a small thank you. She looked around the studio, the cozy environment and the familiar layout calming her somewhat.
The walls of the studio were covered in white paint, though the pink LED lights created a vibrant atmosphere that brought the room together. Some old vinyl records and colorful band posters hung on the walls, adding a hint of personality to the space.
In one corner, a cute black leather two-seater sofa sat beneath a small round armchair. Near the sofa there was a whiteboard hung on the wall. It had some polaroids of Lei and her friends taped to and a few written notes that Bada assumed were from her friends
The recording booth was an added bonus that made the studio even better. Although she didn't mind working in studios without a booth, it definitely improved the songs in the long run.
In another corner, there was a keyboard piano and two guitars on display.
"When Chenle debuted and got his first wage, he bought me that brown guitar" Lei said, catching Bada's fully attention
"I remember telling him to spend his money on things he needed, but he was so stubborn, he still is" Lei continued, both of them laughing.
She sighed at the memory of young Chenle giving her the guitar, a conflicting mix of happiness and sadness flowing through her.
It was a happy yet sad memory for her. He was so happy that day she vividly remembered him saying 'I made it because of you'
She never told anyone she cried a week because of that
"He's a really nice man" Bada said softly, tossing the wrapper in the trash.
"When Soojin first introduced him to us" she went on "I expected him to be awkward and nervous."
"But man was he hyped" she added with a grin.
Lei laughed in response, that sounds like her brother.
"Honestly, I don't know what goes through his mind." Lei grabbed a notebook and pen, opening the first pages to check if she wrote something on it.
Finding nothing, she turned towards the idol and handed it to her
"What's this?" Bada asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at the blue notebook. "You want an autograph"
Lei scoffed at the idea, shaking her head. "You wish."
Bada smirked back, turning towards the notebook. "Oh no need to deny it." She began writing something, then signing it. She tore the page and gave it to Lei.
"Yah, to my number one fan?" Lei exclaimed hitting her shoulder lightly "Im not your fan"
Bada's smirk never left her face, she was enjoying this "You act like one"
"I gave you this to write songs," Lei huffed, a tone of annoyance in her voice. "Can't even be nice these days."
"Wait." Bada dragged on her words slightly, before repeating what Lei had said in a tone of surprise.
"You gave me this to write songs?" she asked.
A look of confusion filled her face, and she slowly turned towards Lei. "Why?"
"I don't know, you can get inspired and write something," Lei said with a smirk, "you can always use my studio too, I don't mind."
Bada's face lit up with excitement. "Really?" she asked eagerly, her expression turning into a bright smile when the other gitl said yes. "Thank you"
She opened the notebook again and wrote down 'Bada's Lyrics Diary (Australia Version)' in big, bold letters. She began drawing some cute doodles to go along with the title, smiling to herself as the memories came flooding back.
Lei's jaw dropped as she saw that the oreo haired girl started writing already. "You're already writing this fast?" She asked in amazement.
"After all the shit that happened, I definitely had some inspiration" she said with a smile, not looking up
Lei chuckled, coming close to the older girl to see what she was writing. And for the first time in so long, Bada was happy and she had fun. She was quick to judge Lei, cut her some slack, everyone has bad first impressions of someone
Bada was grateful, truly. After two weeks of not being home, of being in a messy state, this would definitely help her feel better. She needed to get back into herself, and making music was definitely the tool to do that.
Today started bad, but it was ending good
And Bada could only thank the girl next to her
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smileysuh · 2 years
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🌙 staring. S.coups & Jeonghan & Joshua & Wonwoo & Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. you’re a sad, blue, crazy, tulle’d clown - corset and all - riding one of the most beautiful men you know, on the hood of his best friend’s car, exposed to the cool night air, under the full moon on a Halloween night while four more men watch... what could be better than this? 
cw/ tw. dark content, group sex, 6some, orgy, degradation, praise, manhandling, size kink, dirty talk, oral (f/m receiving), dacryphilia, deep throating, protected sex, fingering, squirting, parking lot exhibitionism, voyeurism, marking, horror/clowns, choking, dumbification, etc...  I pet names. squeak (50), silly/sad/stupid/messy/little clown (19+), daddy (6), etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 13.3k
🍭 aus. frat au, Halloween, friends to fuckers, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. enjoy some sexy clowns and Happy Halloween ;) 
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Prologue - the year before
A shrill scream cuts through the cold October air, and two men run past you at full speed, a killer clown chasing them with a knife raised. 
The sight of DK and Seungkwan being picked on - as they get picked on every year - makes you laugh, clinging tighter to Seungcheol’s arm while your group of friends walks around the haunted theme park. 
“Scared?” Cheol teases you, tugging you closer to his side, which helps you narrowly avoid Dino as he’s chased past. 
“She’s not scared,” Jeonghan laughs, falling into step next to you to act as something like a shield from a zombie actor approaching. “She might look like she’s just a baby, but we all know she likes horror. Don’t you, Squeak?”
You do. You love horror almost as much as you love the nickname the group of guys had given you the first time you’d all gone to a haunted house together. They’d teased you for the little sounds of shock you’d made at the jump scares, but you know how much they enjoy having a girl around to do scary things with. 
“Squeak loves haunted theme parks,” Wonwoo adds from your rear where he’s walking with - and protecting - his roommate, Mingyu. “Loves them so much- I was just thinking she should get a job here next year.”
“That could be fun,” Joshua muses, joining the conversation. “Cheol could get a job too, he wouldn’t even need a scary mask- his face is terrifying enough as it is.”
The man next to you jerks away from your side, and Joshua darts out of fighting distance with a grin, only to be grabbed by an actor dressed as Pennywise. Your group bursts into laughter at the way Joshua jumps in shock. Within seconds, Pennywise is chasing Woozi and Vernon, and you’re happily walking with Wonwoo, truly considering his suggestion.
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1: crazy clown
“This feels like some kind of sick joke,” Seungcheol groans, running a hand through his tangle of dark hair, pushing it away from his painted face. 
When your group of friends had applied to work at the theme park, Seungcheol had been envisioning zombie makeup- something gruesome, something scary-
He’d never - in a million years - have predicted the resurgence of sexy killer clowns-
But he simply hadn’t been paying much attention. Because, despite ‘It’ being years old, when the group of friends come out of the dressing trailer in costumes, one of them is fully decked out as Hoshiwise the Dancing Clown. 
Taking a look around the circle, Seungcheol compares his costume to everyone elses, eyes skipping over the attention whore practicing his stupid little dance-
Minghao and Jeonghan are in suit and tie apparel, faces done up in clown makeup that accentuates their smiles and regal bone structures. 
Cheol’s never been jealous of the tall, scary thin man body type before- but he has to admit how much he wishes he would have been type cast as a front of house, sexy joker.
Next is Vernon, who looks the most like an actual clown, makeup done, in a mismatched, vibrant but darkly coloured, shabby suit, and a stupid little party hat on his head- 
When his eyes meet Cheol’s, Vernon flashes the biggest, stupidest, scariest grin the elder has ever seen- and Seungcheol tears his gaze away. 
Like the whole cast of people, Wonwoo and Joshua, who will man the second floor of the small house they’ll be running, are in dark colours. 
The former is in a dark grey straight jackety type outfit, but his arms are free, and his face is red joker lipped, with black circles around his eyes. In the dark of the night next to the trailer, Seungcheol can already tell Wonwoo will be a hit at scaring teens shitless. 
Joshua, however, looks more like a scary clown doctor than patient, fitting with the upstairs theme of psycho clown asylum… which is a concept Seungcheol has honestly never heard of.
He wishes he could have been a sexy asylum clown, though.
He wishes he could be anything other what he’d been chosen to be-
But alas, the first floor needed big guys like him and Mingyu to play into the theme of killer circus. 
Seungcheol hates the mute tone onesie fit he’s been forced into, with it’s frilly collars- but he’d been promised a chainsaw-
Seungcheol thinks his outfit is the worst of the bunch.
But then Mingyu comes out of the trailer in a horrible clown mask and a similar outfit to Seungcheol’s, babbling while tugging on the silicon about how the makeup artist had said he was “too cute to scare anyone and had to cover his face”- and suddenly Seungcheol doesn't hate his costume so much. 
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2: thin man clown
“Well look what we have here,” Jeonghan says smoothly when you come out of the funhouse five minutes into the start of your shift. “It’s a smiley clown.”
You’re dressed in muted yellows, a three piece shabby suit like himself, but more clowny- a big mustard and cream coloured smile drawn on your face. 
“I’m happiness,” you tell him, adjusting your checkered trousers. “There’s three of us girls doing emotions. Sadness and Anger are inside tonight, and I get to be out here with you guys.”
“Lucky us,” Jeonghan breathes, although he really doesnt give a shit about his location partner Minghao, nor Hoshi and Vernon, who are yet to take off to terrorize park guests with clownery. 
“I like your costume,” you note, and for a moment, Jeonghan can imagine you’re talking just to him… but then your eyes shift to the others. “Hoshiwise is iconic.”
“Yes,” the man in question agrees, eyes lighting up as he jumps into a funny position, mimicking the motion from the movie, as well as the quote, bastardized; “I’m Hoshiwise the dancing clown!”
Beside him, Vernon flashes a massive, fake smile, and it makes Jeonghan chuckle at the spectacle.
He’s glad you’re all out here this year.
As one of the elder members of the frat crew that partakes in horror, he might not get many more chances at something like this. 
“Look everyone,” Jeonghan stands up straighter, gaze shifting past Hoshi, “people.”
The gates to the theme park must have opened just minutes ago, and already, customers are beginning to flood towards the strip of haunted mansions. 
Hoshi and Vernon dart off, their shift as nomadic clowns of terror truly begining. 
There’s a group of five teenagers, who approach the clown house with determined expressions. 
They’ll be the first customers of the night, and as they move past Jeonghan, eyes fixed on Minghao by the entrance, the elder lunges a little, easily spooking three of the teens, who scream and jump away.
The laughter that errupts out of you next makes Jeonghan’s skin tingle. 
You’re behaving downright unhinged, chasing after the frightened group- a perfect version of happy on drugs, happy on steriods- 
Or maybe you just have a drug like effect on Jeonghan, who relishes in manning the entrance to the fun house with you. 
Part of your job is to laugh at him, to laugh at his jokes, to laugh at customers and be a little crazy- but Jeonghan can tell you’re also simply enjoying yourself. 
Your laugh is the sweetest fucking sound in the world to him, and when things begin to slow down, Jeonghan finds himself standing next to you, admitting, “I like smiling clowns,” in reference to you.
You simply grin, nudging your shoulder against his own. “I like smiling clowns too.” 
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3: doctor clown
Joshua is just setting up for night two of running the second floor of the clown house when you enter the room in the red outfit of angry clown.
The man dressed as a psycho clown doctor has to take a moment to recollect himself, to remember to breathe, because you look good enough to eat-
“Hey Joshie,” you great him with a smile, fidgeting with one of the puffy cuffs on your wrist that match your outfit- a very clownesque muted maroon onesie. “The girls and I are rotating through emotions, and I’m Anger tonight.”
“I can see that,” Joshua says, swallowing thickly. “It looks good on you.”
“Thanks,” you beam. “So listen- I heard you guys were doing some improvised erm- throwing around yesterday?”
“Like, you would throw Anger around and sort of play off of that?” you clarify, searching Joshua’s eyes in a way that’s highly distracting for him-
“Right- yeah,” Joshua licks his lips. “Near the end of the night. It worked out- people were a little shocked by it.”
“Shock is good!” you grin. “I was thinking that I don’t mind being thrown around, and we added some padding under this onesie, so you don’t have to be gentle.”
“I don’t, huh?” Joshua’s heart lurches to his throat, and he can’t help the way his voice dips at the notion-
“Uh huh,” you nod enthusiastically, obliviously. 
You have no clue how much of an effect you have on the men you surround yourself with. 
And you drive a steak right into Joshua’s heart when you give him a cheeky grin and say, “Glad we had this talk. I’m gonna run off and tell Wonwoo.”
Then, you do, leaving Joshua in the dust.
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4: straight jacket clown
At first, when you’d told Wonwoo it would be alright for him to throw you around, it had made him want to groan in frustration.
But then, once doing it, once getting into the scene of being a crazy psycho clown throwing around a smaller, angrier, little maroon clown- it had been something like fun and games.
You’d dart here and there, in and out of the upstairs rooms where Wonwoo and Joshua prowled, scaring the shit out of anyone coming through the space-
However, as the night starts to wind down, Wonwoo begins to note a loss of energy in your movements. 
When you run at him, and he easily tosses you to the wall, throwing you in a way that makes you narrowly miss a screaming teenager, he sees that you take a second to recuperate, and it makes him falter.
He keeps a close eye on you for the remaining thirty minutes of the night.
When the house officially closes, and the lights get turned back on, Wonwoo is quick to find you.
“You did good tonight,” he says, as you, he and Joshua walk through the upstairs space, closing windows and setting things right. “Hope we weren’t too rough.”
As the words come out, Wonwoo’s eyes meet Joshua’s, and there’s an unspoken understanding that’s passed between them.
“Not too rough,” you’re quick to assure the two, accepting the water bottle Wonwoo extends. “And I have padding remember?” you pat at the onesie- “But, I am getting hot-”
“Must be excited to get out of that thing,” Joshua notes, “Cheol’s been bitching about how hot the onesie costumes are.”
“Yeah, it’s one of the reasons Anger, Sadness and Happiness had to do rotations,” you say with a laugh, “the girl who played Anger last night was not impressed.” 
“She didn’t seem too impressed last night,” Wonwoo grins with you.
“Can’t understand why-” you breathe, reaching behind yourself to tug down the onesie zipper, exposing your shoulders and a black tank top below, “Who wouldn’t want a job being thrown around by two strong guys in sexy clown outfits, even if it means getting a little hot?”
Wonwoo watches the way you tie the two onesie arms around your waist, keeping the outfit up, before you drink from the water bottle. 
He watches the way you swallow, then let out a shaky breath, laughing as you look between them. 
They’ve been caught staring, something that happens with some frequency, although you dont seem to have been able to put the puzzle pieces together yet-
“Nothing,” Wonwoo breathes, running a hand through his dark hair. 
He needs a shower- needs a shower and maybe some good porn-
“So we’re done night number two,” Joshua announces, easily changing the subject. “Tomorrow is going to be insane.”
Tomorrow is Halloween, and your friends will be coming through the house. 
Tomorrow you’ll be rotating again, down to the first floor as Sadness, if Wonwoo’s not mistaken, and he’d hardly even savoured the act of throwing you around- 
He doesn’t just need a shower and some porn, he needs a god damned release. 
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5: masked clown
It’s the final night of the three night horror theme park, and Mingyu has just about had it with the whole thing- 
Until you walk through the front door dressed as a cute, sad, little blue clown, ready to join he and Scoups on the first floor of the funhouse- 
And then- well,  things are maybe worth it.
Mingyu still has to wrestle with his mask a little - the discusting, fowl smelling, sticky, hot, cap of plastic that the makeup artist had handed him on day one- just to see you properly.
He’s not minded the eye holes being a little messy thus far, but now that it’s impeding on his ability to see you- he’s getting more frustrated than ever. 
Mingyu doesnt even get a chance to talk to you before Seungcheol is revving his fake chainsaw to life, and the show is starting, patrons of fear walking through the front door. 
Unlike the past two nights, there’s an intriguing calmness that Mingyu feels to be working the first floor of the house with you- as opposed to one of the other girls who’ve rotated through as emotions. 
Sadness’s schtick seems to revolve around shadowing people as they walk through the space, and releasing haunting wails of desperation.
Every time Mingyu jumps out at a group of teens, just to have them turn the other way and bump right into you- it makes the experience more fun, and more scream-full too, as one of his Canadian friends would say. 
Mingyu can feel his heart racing faster and faster in his chest, as the night goes on; can feel the sticky humidity of the mask against his face- 
But none of that matters, especially not when a familiar crew of people come walking through the door. 
Seungkwan and DK have quite specific screams, and the sound fills the house, along with the revving of Seungcheol’s chainsaw- then the noise enters Mingyu’s designated clown layer. 
The man in the mask gets a blurred glimpse of the huddled group of his friends before lurching at them, earning more screams-
Mingyu is surprised when Woozi allows Mingyu to grab him, accepting death instead of jumping out of the way like Jun, who is as quick as a deer, with wide eyes- 
And then you’re releasing a loud wail, having appeared behind the group- 
Dino jumps at the noise, and is the next to run away, letting out a blood curling screetch before grabbing onto Dk to haul ass away from Mingyu-
Woozi simply screams in Mingyu’s grasp, the short, beefy, often stoic friend turning into a complete baby in the face of clown mayhem. 
Even through his mask, Mingyu can see the glint in your eye, the spark of enjoyment as you take off to chase the others, focusing in on the squealing DK-
Mingyu has hated working in a haunted house- 
But he could get used to seeing you excited. 
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6: sad, silly, stupid, little, baby clown
You can’t believe your last shift is done- can’t believe it’s Halloween and that the spooky season is nearly over. 
As you walk through the haunted house, heading to join your friends where they must be unwinding outside by the trailer, you’re struck with an overwhelming sadness, and it’s not just because of your blue costume.
You’ve been having the best three days ever-
In a fun house, scaring the shit out of people, surrounded by some of the hottest men you know, dressed as scary fucking clowns- 
Clown Fucker isn’t a label you would have necessarily given yourself a week ago, but you’ve been drooling for your friends for three days straight- 
And you’ll be damned if you can’t admit that to yourself.
Even now, walking to where you know they’ll be, your heart is thundering heavily in your chest. 
Because the past two nights, ending up by your cars, out back between the trailer and the forest on the edge of town, you’ve watched your friends let loose and relax in their clown outfits after long shifts of work-
And the view has always been- spectacular.
Seungcheol in particular- he and Gyu have been having a rough go of it on the first floor, and you hadn’t understood why it had been so hard until joining them this evening- 
Watching the way they used their sheer body size and mass to appear scarier had made it make sense- as well as the heavy chainsaw and their stuffy apparel. 
Gyu had pulled his rubber mask off the moment the night had ended and the lights had gone back on, and you’d watched the glowing frat boy down an entire water bottle, panting like a man who’d just fucked a girl silly-
And Cheol? Out back, behind the trailer, still hot from work, Cheol is comfortable undoing his onesie, tying it around his waist like you had on day two, and going bare chested, showing off sculpted muscles and pretty skin that’s seemingly impervious to the night’s cool temperature.
You’re practically skipping by the time you make it around the trailer to join your friends to find they’ve already busted out a pack of beer. 
You watch the way Seungcheol tosses cans at his friends, and you notice on your approach that there are a few people missing.
“Where’s Hoshiwise?” you ask Wonwoo as you come to stand next to him, eyes scanning the clowns in your vicinity.
“He went home.”
“Went home?” you frown. “What about celebrating Halloween?”
“He’s definitely celebrating,” Wonwoo says with a sleak, knowing smile.
You watch the way Jeonghan and Wonwoo exchange glances, and you know you’re missing something. 
“Celebrating?” you push.
“His fuck buddy has a thing for clowns,” Jeonghan tells you with a wave of his beautiful, long fingered hand.
You don’t blame her.
“Well-” you swallow, “what about Vernon and Minghao?” 
Jeonghan’s thin man counterpart and the creepiest smiley clown are also nowhere to be seen.
“They were tired,” Seungcheol answers, closing the hatchback to his subaru before leaning back against the bumper. “As much as they like horror, we all know Minghao and Vernon prefer it in little hits.”
“So what’s Mingyu still doing here then?” you tease, throwing your attention to the tall, gloriously beautiful man nursing his beer by the hood of his truck. 
Your group bursts into snickers, and even in the moonlight, you can see Mingyu’s skin heat a pretty shade of pink. He rubs the back of his neck, forcing a smile as he says, “I like horror.”
Seungcheol scoffs loudly, and there’s another chorus of chuckles, because everyone knows  Mingyu does not like horror. 
“Seriously Gyu,” you say with a grin, “why did you sign up for this?”
It’s a direct question, and everyone quiets down, putting pressure on Mingyu who folds under it all.
He begins to stammer, “I- well, you know- I-” and then he takes a sip of his beer, “I told you, I like horror.”
Seungcheol scoffs even louder this time, shaking his head, and just like the exchange between Jeonghan and Wonwoo earlier around the Hoshi comment, you know there’s a secret nobody is telling you about Mingyu.
“Come on,” you laugh, looking at Joshua and Jeonghan for help before casting your gaze to Gyu. “There’s obviously something you guys know that I don’t.”
Your met with shrugs, and a lack of eye contact, which is infuriating. 
“You know-” you sigh, “when my cousin first introduced me to you guys at the frat, and told me you were good dudes, I thought he was right. Because you guys have welcomed me in, have taken care of me even after he graduated- and yet, I’m still never going to be a frat boy- there’s always going to be inside things that I don’t know-”
“It’s not like that,” Jeonghan tries to assure you, but his words trail off, and he shakes his head, looking down.
“So what’s it like?” you ask. “Because it feels like you all know something, and I’m the only one in the dark.”
“We’re all in the dark, Squeak,” Seungcheol says, pointing up at the night sky.
“Don’t do that- don’t ‘Squeak’ me, not right now,” you roll your eyes, hating the way the name always effects you, especially tonight, when everyone is still dressed like sexy, murderous clowns-
“Are the other two emotion girls going to join us?” Wonwoo asks suddenly, nudging his shoulder against your own. “We don’t wanna get into frat secrets if others will be showing up.”
It feels like an excuse, and when you tell the group that the two girls who played Happiness and Anger today have already gone home, you watch the way everyone exchanges another glance.
“Ok, for real,” you pout, “there’s something all of you know, and I’m gonna need you guys to tell me.”
“Or what?” Joshua asks with a laugh. 
“I think she’s gonna cry if we don’t tell her,” Jeonghan answers smoothly, eyes assessing you over the rim of his can of beer. “Squeak already looks like she’s on the verge of tears- annoying little thing, huh?”
“She’s just upset that our three nights of horror work are over,” Joshua responds, with just as much confidence in his voice.
“Is that what it is, Squeak? You feeling a little upset in general? A little blue?” Jeonghan’s attention is fixed on you now, looking up and down the sexy - sad - clown costume you’re wearing. “What ever happened to my smiley clown?”
Wonwoo and Seungcheol chuckle at the way Jeonghan is teasing you, and it only frustrates you more, prompting you to cross your arms over your chest and truly pout out your lip. “You’re not being nice.”
“Gonna stamp your foot for us, baby?” Joshua coos, and the term of endearment feels so natural- “Gonna pout like the sad little clown you are?”
The word of warning comes from Seungcheol, and there’s another silent exchange through a glance that has you questioning yourself and your relationship with this group of dudes. 
“You guys suck,” you state dramatically. “I’m going home.”
“No you’re not-” Wonwoo’s hand latches onto your forearm as you turn to storm off, and he tugs you back to him, holding out his beer, “Here, drink this.”
“Are you guys trying to get me drunk now?” you look around the circle of men, and no one says anything. “I still want to know the inside secret,” you muse after taking a sip of the beer. “If no one starts talking- I’m gonna assume Mingyu came out tonight because he has a crush on me.”
At first, it’s meant to be a joke, but when every clown in your vicinity stays dead quiet- you realize you’ve hit the nail on the head.
“No-” you shake your head, “no way-” your eyes turn to the tall, puppylike philosophy major, and you see how pink his cheeks are- “Really!? Mingyu- are you guys for real?”
“You seem excited, Squeak” Joshua notes, and when you look to him, you see how stony his gaze is.
“I’m just-” you take a breath- quickly looking around the circle of hot men that you’ve been too scared to truly flirt with- “no one’s ever signed up for a whole ass job just to be close to me before-”
“No one?” Wonwoo asks-
There’s another exchange of glances, another shared secret that you’re eager to jump on. 
“No way- who else?” Your heart is thundering in your chest.
Wonwoo stiffens. “What?”
“I said ‘no one’s done this for me before,’ you echoed ‘no one,’ which implies more people have, and I’m looking at a group of dudes who all just spent three nights running a haunted house with me, so tell me Wonwoo- who else is here to try their luck at all of this?” 
You motion to yourself, fully aware of the fact that you’re still decked out as a sad, blue clown. 
“Take a guess,” Jeonghan grins, looking as happy as ever to have his friends put on the spot-
You don’t miss the way Seungcheol elbows him, letting out a guttural sound of annoyance before opening his hatchback to grab another beer. 
He won’t look at you, even when you announce his name for everyone to hear. 
Cheol simply closes the trunk, cracks open his drink, and leans back against the bumper to take a sip. 
You watch the way he swallows, watch the way he rubs the back of his hand against his mouth, smearing some of the remnants of maroon and white paint. 
He shrugs, stating, “you caught me,” and your heart practically stops- only for it to lurch to your throat when he continues, “you caught all of us, Squeak.”
Now everyone is looking at you, and you find yourself looking back.
There’s Wonwoo, who you’ve always found to be sexy in a mysterious kind of way.
Then Jeonghan, who knows just how to push your buttons-
And Joshua, who had you in a daze just yesterday after throwing you around a little.
Mingyu is an absolute baby, and you adore him-
Seungcheol is a little more surprising though. He’s been your ‘oppa’, your protector, and your friend since the first night your cousin introduced you to him, and during that first meating, you’d thought he’d solidified himself in the friend zone- he’d seemed to love it there-
It’s a shock to think that all this time- he’s been interested in you.
It’s a shock to think that all of them have been into you- and not one of them thought to tell you. 
“So…” you swallow thickly, “is there some bro code about how a group of guys like you sorts out who gets the girl, or… were you just never gonna tell me that I have options.”
“Options, huh?” Seungcheol chuckles, “is that all we are to you? Just gonna choose your favourite?”
“Not without trying you all out first,” you grin wickedly.
Wonwoo groans next to you, shifting. “You can’t say things like that, Squeak-”
“Really? But I just did?” you play innocent, even as your heart continues to thunder against it’s cage. 
“Can’t say things like that, and not follow through, is what he means,” Jeonghan says with a sly grin. “Look everyone, my smiley clown is back- you like the thought of that, huh, Squeak? Can’t just say stuff like that and not follow through-”
“She can back out,” Seungcheol interjects, “if she doesn’t think she could take it.”
And the it in question seems to be the cocks of five of your best friends. 
“I can take it,” you state, as determined as ever.
“Cute,” Joshua smile sweetly, “she thinks it’s gonna be easy.”
“We all know our little Squeak has a tendency to get her hands full,” Jeonghan muses, “just didn’t think you’d be this greedy, baby.”
“Right, because I’m the greedy one,” you roll your eyes. “Even though all five of you have been openly thirsting over me - to each other -  for… how long?”
“A while,” Mingyu answers your question from where he’s tensed by his truck.
“A while,” you repeat, throwing your hands up. “Great!” 
“We didn’t want to creep you out,” Wonwoo says softly.
“Really?” you look his costume up and down. “You guys don’t seem to have a problem creeping other people out- and you didn’t have a problem throwing me around yesterday-”
A chorus of “What?”s run through the circle.
“Oh, you guys didnt hear?” you blink. “On the second floor, Joshua and Wonwoo were having fun throwing Anger around and into walls-”
“Are you two crazy?” Mingyu asks in shock.
“It was Anger number one’s idea-” Wonwoo is quick to defend himself.
“And Anger number two loved it,” Joshua says, dark eyes meeting your own, “didn’t you, Squeak?”
 “She did,” Wonwoo answers before you get a chance, and he turns his body to look at you when he says, “you were in a daze last night near the end of it, needed a bit of after care.”
He’d definitely been more attentive than normal last night- and now that you think of it, other details of behaviour are starting to make sense too.
“Are you guys really all into me?” you ask, scared that it has to be a lie.
“We are,” Seungcheol confirms with a sigh and swig of his drink.
“And it’s not just because I’m a sexy, sad clown?” you question. “When I take this outfit off, you’re still gonna think I’m hot?”
“Oh Squeak,” Jeonghan smiles fondly, “we all know that even when you take the outfit off, you’re still gonna be our sexy, sad little clown. That’s just who you are.”
“Of course,” Joshua’s the next to reassure you. “Our cute, horror loving, cry baby.”
There’s a beat of silence then;  “Should we give her something to cry about?” 
Jeonghan’s words hang heavy in the cold October air. 
You eagerly wait for someone’s thoughts, and you don’t have to wait long.
“I think she’ll start crying regardless,” Seungcheol responds lowly. “Sad, sensitive, little clown who’s gonna cry when we do touch her, and cry when we don’t.”
You’ve always known Cheol has a dark side- you’ve heard him give tongue lashings to pledges being stupid before, but being the victim of his degrading words is different-
Your skin tingles with interest-
“Are you really gonna fuck me so good that I cry?” you blink, body already beginning to become overwhelmed- flooded with endorphins that are making your skin practically sing now-
“Squeak,” Jeonghan laughs, “that was never in question.”
“You’re good with being outside?” Wonwoo asks while taking your drink from you, setting it on the ground next to his own empty can.
“Outside is okay-” you nod. “I think everyone’s gone home. The makeup trailer is locked, and I don’t think we’d all fit in any of these cars-” 
“Are you sure you want to do this, Squeak?” Joshua cocks his head to the side, draging his gaze up and down your body. “One sad little clown, taking five of us, outside, on Halloween-”
“I can take it,” you state, more forcefully than you had the first time.
“You keep saying that, but what is it, Squeak?” Jeonghan approaches you, holding his hands out. You allow him to take you into his embrace, spinning you to pin you with your back to his chest so you can look at the others when Jeonghan brings his mouth down to your ear, lips teasing your skin when he asks, “Who do you want to take first? And how?” 
He grinds against your ass, and you can feel his cock begining to harden in his pinstripe pants- you can feel your own wetness beginning to pool between your legs as the reality of the situation becomes clearer and clearer-
“Five of us, one of you,” Jeonghan’s breath teases your throat. “Choose the order, Squeak.”
“I get to choose?” you blink in surprise. 
Seungcheol lets out a chuckle. “Come on Jeonghan, clown baby enjoys being thrown around by Wonwoo and Joshie, you think she wants to choose what order we fuck her in?”
“I guess not,” the man behind you grabs your hips, tugging you backward so you can feel his cock again, “but, I thought I’d be nice and ask.”
“Squeak likes horror,” Cheol pushes off from his car, “we don’t need to be nice.” 
“So you’re just gonna full on dom her now?” Mingyu speaks up, frowning.
“Not everyone is a switch like you Gyu,” the eldest clown remarks. “Some girls just want to be fucked- isn’t that right, Squeak?”
You really really do- 
“And sad little clowns especially,” Cheol breathes, “they’re really looking to get it.”
He’s never talked this way in front of you, not really- and his words alone are enough to have you weak in the knees, so when you add the fact that Seungcheol is still dressed as a psycho killer clown- well, you’re panties are for sure going to be ruined after this.
Wonwoo’s still watching you, and he’s next to speak, reaching out a hand to pinch your chin, forcing your eyes to him when he notes, “You’re looking a little scared though, and not in a sexy way-” this earns a few laughs from others, who aren’t as clear as you are - by the way Wonwoo is looking at you - that he’s serious. “What are you thinking?”
“Just-” you let out a shaky breath, swallowing thickly. “Just- that, you guys must have a lot of patience, because- it’s not like I can take many of you at once-”
“Some of us mind watching more than others,” Seungcheol says, “isn’t that right, Gyu?”
“I’ve been good,” comes a mumbled response, and Wonwoo releases your chin so you can both look over his shoulder at the notorious scardy cat switch who’s honestly been trying his best-
“Maybe you both need a safe word,” Wonwoo clicks his tongue, gaze shifting to you once more. 
“How’s Hoshiwise sound as an immediate mood killer?” Jeonghan laughs behind you, fingers digging into your hips.
“Works for me,” you say while pushing your bum back against Jeonghan, who’s been continuing to tease you throughout all of this-
You’ve had enough of waiting for someone to really do something- and so far, Jeonghan’s the only one who’s touched you - other than a brief chin grab from Wonwoo - so you figure he’s a good person to start with.
Besides, you’d started this whole three day horror fest with Jeonghan, manning the entrance as Happiness, so it feels fitting.
It feels god damned natural to simply turn around in his grasp and grab his face, pressing your lips to his. And the way he immediately melts into it, body relaxing as his hands find your hips, tugging you even closer- it has your core tingling with interest.
Jeonghan’s tongue slips across your lip, prompting you to open your mouth for him, and the kiss deepens, earning a groan from you both-
Someone laughs in your ear, and then another form is pressing against yours, a warm chest boxing you in at your back. 
You’re very much enthralled with Jeonghan, but there’s something on the periphery of your mind telling you it’s not Wonwoo behind you, even though he was within touching distance when you’d begun kissing Hannie- 
No, the rough hands that tug at your costume, smoothing along the front of your corset- these definitely don’t belong to Wonwoo, who had managed to be gentle even when grabbing your chin earlier.
“You’ve got no padding tonight, baby,” Joshua’s breath is hot by your throat, “still gonna let us throw you around a little?”
You groan against Jeonghan, breaking your kiss to nod frantically. You have one hand still gripping the front of Jeonghan’s dress shirt, and you reach behind you with the other, grasping onto Joshua so he can’t move away. 
The words that escape you next come from god knows where-
“Want you to use me.”
“Fuck-” Jeonghan lets out a shakey laugh.
“Did you guys all hear that?” you can feel Joshua smile against your throat, taking in a breath before saying loudly enough for everyone to catch; “Sad little clown really just wants to be used tonight.”
“Bet she’s wet already,” Jeonghan swallows, locking eyes with you as he addresses his friends, “should we check?”
“Jeonghan-” you whimper his name, a silent plea exchanged in a look, and then your friend is complying. 
He slips his hand between your bodies, manuevering through the layers of tulle skirt you’re wearing to reach the crotch of your tights and panties- 
The groan he lets out confirms you’ve soaked through two layers of clothing, and the feeling of his fingers pressing against your clothed entrance has you whining loudly, swiveling your hips in an attempt to get more pressure-
“What a cute little whore for us,” Joshua says fondly, one hand moving up to grasp the swell of your breast, excentuated by the corset. “You’re focused on Hannie, but you should know…” his lips press to your throat, “Gyu’s going crazy watching this.”
“He can wait,” Jeonghan states, pupils blown with lust, “I can’t.”
“So you’re going first?” Joshua scoffs.
“She picked me first,” the man with his hand between your thighs insists. “Isn’t that right, Squeak?”
Jeonghan looks so sexy- a mischevious glint in his eye and his smile accentuated by skeletal clownery that’s now been quite smudged- 
How could you ever say no to him?
You find yourself nodding eagerly, ready to do anything that’s gonna get you over the nearest horizontal surface-
“She said she couldn’t take many of us at once- I feel like she could take two.” Joshua’s breath is hot against your neck, voice dipping when he asks, “You could take two, right, Squeak?”
“I-” your heart lurches to your throat-
“One in your pussy, one in your mouth,” Joshua continues. “As much as we’d all love to see our pretty little clown cry, I think we can all tell you’re not open to butt stuff, and that’s okay Squeak, we can work with that.” 
They know you well - can read you without you needing to say a word - and it’s intoxicating. 
“You’re sure no one’s gonna come see?” you ask as Jeonghan and Joshua fly into motion, pressing your body back against Wonwoo’s prized impalla-
“No one’s gonna come see,” the stoic man watching you with dark eyes notes as you’re manhandled onto the hood of his car- “the theme park closed a while ago, everyone’s out partying Squeak, it’s just us out here.” 
“So you can be as loud as you want,” Jeonghan adds, eyes fixed to your core while he pushes your legs open.
“We’re gonna have to rip her tights,” Joshua says from where he’s standing shoulder to shoulder with his roommate-
Now you realize why these two are working so well together- 
They’ve probably done this before.
The thought brings mixed feelings- and a new eagerness to prove yourself-
But the men between your legs are practically drooling at the sight of you- and the rough way Joshua grabs the crotch of your tights to tear them open is proof enough of how deep into this they are too.
Jeonghan drops to his knees, grabbing onto you and pulling you to the edge of the hood, where he buries his face in your panty covered core, groaning loudly and teasing at the fabric with his teeth and tongue-
A moan escapes you, and you reach down, burrying your fingers in Jeonghan’s hair to anchor yourself-
“You look so good, Squeak,” Wonwoo breathes, taking a seat on the hood next to you so he can reach out and trace his fingers across the swell of your breasts, still confined and plumped by the corset.
“She’s gonna look even better in a minute,” Joshu says, coming around the side of the old impala. “Lay down, Squeak, Jeonghan’s gonna work on you, and you’re gonna work on me.” 
The position is an interesting one, but you follow through, relaxing back against the metal and allowing the men to manuever you diagonally so your head can loll off the side of the hood- 
Joshua looks down at you, and you watch, licking your lips in preparation, as he undoes his belt-
The man between your thighs roughly tugs your panties to the side, and all of the sudden, his tongue is pressing flat to your core, licking a stripe that has you tingling with need-
“Jeonghan-” you whimper, wildly reaching for his hair again even as Joshua tugs his hard cock out of his pants. 
“Before I stuff your mouth-” Joshua says, “we should probably talk protection.”
Wonwoo laughs next to you, echoing the word “Probably.”
“I’m on the pill, but-”
“We’re still going to use condoms,” Seungcheol’s words cut though the October air, clear, controlled and authoritative.
“No messy clowns today?” Jeonghan groans against your pussy.
“Not here,” the same steady voice says. “Maybe back at the frat, but not here, Jeonghan.” 
“You can cum in my mouth though,” you tell Joshua, continuing to look up at him when you state; “I can swallow.”
Multiple groans of appreciation sound around you, and Joshua smiles fondly, “I’ll keep that in mind Squeak, now open up and say ah.”
You close your eyes as Joshua pushes into your mouth, relaxing your jaw and allowing the feeling of Jeonghan between your legs to take over. 
It feels good to be used- good to have one mouth on you while your mouth is on another. 
You can also feel the power of five sets of eyes glued to your form, five men - still dressed as killer clowns - who are all but worshiping you, on the night where ‘the viel between the world is apparently thinnest.’
There’s something sinful about being outside - under the full moon - but there’s something so right about it too. 
Joshua pushes into your mouth slowly, testing how deep he can go with you. 
His salty taste and musky smell only turn you on more, cock heavy as it burrows past your lips-
“She’s good at that.”
Wonwoo’s calm musing has your skin heating with pleasure, and his fingers brush by your breasts again-
Different digits slide into your core a moment later, and you groan around Joshua’s cock, enjoying the feeling of Jeonghan exploring your insides-
“There?” Jeonghan asks when he touches a spot that makes your toes curl. “Is that your spot, Squeak?”
Of course you can’t answer- Joshua makes sure of that, chuckling above you while thrusting his hips, cock hitting the back of your throat-
It doesn’t matter though, because Jeonghan’s question was rhetorical.
You’re sure he must be able to tell, by the squelching of your pussy around his fingers, that he’s found just the right button to push-
“I think Squeak is going to cum,” Jeonghan states loudly-
You hear a small commotion of sorts, a sharp “hey” from Jeonghan, his fingers freezing inside of you- then lips wrap around your clit, and you know for a fact that there’s a new person between your legs.
You reach blindly for the clown who’s now lapping at you, and your fingers glide through silky hair. When you tug gently, the person groans lewdly against your pussy, and you realize Mingyu’s given up on waiting.
Jeonghan doesn’t seem to mind though, as his fingers pick up their stroking of your gspot.
With two men between your thighs, a man in your mouth, and fingers still brushing past your breasts, you’re not sure where to focus.
The only thing you are sure of, is that you feel fantastic. 
“Come on Squeak,” Jeonghan’s voice invades your hazy thoughts. “You can cum for us- Gyu just wants a taste-”
You whine at his words, hips thrusting up to try to meet the face and hand working your pussy-
Joshua pulls out of your mouth suddenly, and you sputter a gasp, taking in a big gulp of air-
You’re man handled, propped up and told to “Watch them make you cum-”
So you do.
You whimper desperately, swiveling your hips as Jeonghan’s fingers quicken, brushing by the spot that has you trying to throw your head back-
“I said watch.”  
You force your lids open, and you’re eyes meet Mingyu’s, his tongue flicking at your clit while Jeonghan’s fingers work just under his mouth-
He looks so fucking needy- as desperate as you are, and it’s the final straw that throws you over, your pussy clamping down like a vice while waves of euphoria dazzle your body. 
“Fuck-” Jeonghan and Mingyu groan in unison, working you through your high- and the man with his fingers still pumping in and out of you is the one who announces “Squeak just squirted.”
When Jeonghan removes his hand from your core, Mingyu is quick to replace it, tongue pressing into your hole and going after you for all that you’re worth-
Just behind him, you see Seungcheol hand Jeonghan a condom, and another gush of arousal escapes you knowing you’re finally going to have something substantial in your pussy-
Joshua suddenly releases your shoulders, allowing you to fall flat to the hood again, your eyes widening in shock as you turn your questioning gaze up to the man still dressed as a psycho clown doctor.
“My turn.” 
Joshua guides his cock between your lips again.
You’re aware, as you begin to diligently suck on Joshua, that there’s yet another comotion between your legs. 
You know what’s coming, but it’s still something like a shock when a hand smooths by your thigh-
“If you need someone to stop while your mouth is full, tap twice,” - Seungcheol’s voice always captures your attention - “Got it, Squeak?”
You let out a groan, flashing a thumbs up that earns you a chorus of chuckles-
Then something hard is rubbing between your folds, and you brace yourself for the feeling of Jeonghan’s cock, which comes quickly thereafter, pushing into your wet hole.
“Fuck-” the man burried in your pussy lets out a strangled laugh, giving a test thrust as he coos the words “So fucking good-”
It feels crazy to have one of your friends in your mouth and the other in your core- but could something as good as this ever really be crazy?
“Squeak is so good, Josh is gonna cum just from her mouth.”
Wonwoo’s words make the man above you groan, cock pushing deeper with his next thrust, making your throat constrict around him, which earns an even louder sound of pleasure from above-
“She’s gonna love it when you cum, Josh,” Seungcheol adds, and you realize that they’re sort of taunting him. “Sad little cock whores always love cum- and we know Squeak is so eager to please.”
“Yeah she is,” Joshua grunts, hitting the back of your throat again- “Fuck, yeah- Yeah, I’m gonna cum.”
The man between your legs slows his thrusts, burying his cock inside of you while Joshua uses your mouth for his own release-
And when Joshua cums, you’re his good girl who swallows.
There are multiple sounds of appreciation from the men around you, and Joshua slips out from between your lips, looking down at you with an unreadable expression while he tucks himself back into his pants.
“Did you like that, Squeak?” he questions, adjusting the bloody lab coat he’s still wearing.
“Yes, doc- I loved it-” you whine, hardly able to even think as Jeonghan picks up his thrusts again-
There are a few snickers, and Wonwoo’s fingers brush by your breasts again. “Cute Squeak,” he breathes, “so deep in your head you’re calling Joshie doc-”
“She’d probably have called him daddy if he wasn’t in that stupid lab coat,” Seungcheol says, drawing your eyes to him. “Yeah, that’s right, baby, you thought you were being sly calling me oppa all these years, but I knew what was going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
“If you knew all this time-” you groan, words caught in your throat when Jeonghan’s thumb finds your clit- “then why didn’t any of you say anything-”
“Too many of us like you, Squeak,” Wonwoo tells you softly.
“This isn’t too many-” you protest-
“You’re cock drunk, Squeak. Been feeling horny for days now- you don’t know what you’re saying-” Seungcheol laughs. “This is definitely too many.”
“Nuh uh-” you shake your head, “please-”
“Please what?” Wonwoo prompts with interest.
“I want-” you lick your lips-
“Needs someone in that mouth of hers,” Seungcheol says for you.
Mingyu steps forward- 
Only for Seungcheol to grab him by the shoulder, “Not you.” 
Wonwoo and Seungcheol exchange a glance- 
Then Jeonghan is letting out a groan; “Fuck it, I’ll be in her mouth- bet it feels so good- dont want to cum in this condom anyways.” 
As soon as Jeonghan pulls out of your core, Mingyu is back on you, and you’re enthralled with the way he’s so eager to get to his knees- 
Your hands tangle in his hair and you relax back against the cool car hood, pushing your hips up to meet his wet tongue-
When Jeonghan is in position, you hang your head back again, opening your mouth and accepting your fate.
Jeonghan’s not as rough as Joshua, but he’s closer to cumming that Joshua had been when he started, so there’s a haste in his movements, and a whiney note to his voice when he praises you.
The tongue lapping at your folds is suddenly gone, and when a cock replaces it, you have no idea who is between your legs- 
Which only turns you on more.
The hands that caress by your thighs are familiar though, and you’re sure - by the way he enters you slowly - that the man fucking you now, is Wonwoo. 
“I want to take this off,” his voice confirms your suspicions and he tugs at the front of your corset, “but you’ll get cold-”
“Corset stays on.”
Seungcheol, the ever constant dom, stepping in to lay down rules-
Wonwoo doesn’t respond with anything more than an exasperated sigh, and then you feel him lean over your body, hot breath teasing the swell of your breasts as he rubs his face against you, inhaling deeply. 
“You always smell so pretty, Squeak,” Wonwoo notes, thrusting shallowly. “Even after a sad clown shift and having Joshie cum down your throat.”
“Fuck-” Jeonghan groans loudly, rutting into your mouth.
“You look pretty, too,” the man in your pussy continues, “our sad, stupid, little clown.” 
You can’t help the moan of exctacy that leaves you, skin tingling at the degradation- and the sound must go straight to Jeonghan’s cock because his movements falter, and he echoes your noise of pleasure, dick twitching-
“Keep sucking on Hannie, baby,” Wonwoo instructs, and then he’s gone from between your legs, Mingyu’s familiar tongue dipping into your heat a moment later before his lips latch to your clit-
You whimper desperately, thrashing against the two warm hands that pin your hips, and Jeonghan uses you for his release, thrusting while spurts of cum rope down your throat. 
It’s overwhelming to say the least- and you’re almost choking by the time Jeonghan pulls out of your mouth, but you swallow all the same, clearing your airway and taking a strangled gasp-
Mingyu’s mouth leaves your core and you let out a wail- only for it to turn to a squeak as Wonwoo fills you again-
Your vision is blurry, eyes teary with stimulation, and you peak out from under heavy lids at the sight between your legs.
Wonwoo is there, as you’d expected, and you note Mingyu still on his knees by Wonwoo’s right hip- he has one of your calves in his hands now, and he drags his lips against the fishnet, teasing at what skin he can reach-
“You close again, Squeak?” Wonwoo prompts with a quirked brow. “You look close.”
It’s the most you can do to manage a nod, pouting out your lip as if to say ‘please.’
“Can you cum without your clit being touched?” he asks, gaze dipping to watch as he fills you- in and out-
“I don’t-” you start to shake your head-
Wonwoo pulls out of you, and you’re in shock at the way he states “Don’t touch her clit, Gyu,” grabbing a fistful of his friend’s hair before guiding him to your core with as rough a hand as you’ve ever seen from him-
Had Wonwoo done this when Jeonghan came just a short while ago? 
Mingyu and Wonwoo are another pair of roommates-
And yet again, you should have fucking known better-
Not that their ability to work as a team is a bad thing- it’s just- 
You’ve squirted once already, and then you’d been on the edge when Jeonghan had cum- 
You’re not sure how many orgasms you can take, and you’re starting to realize Seungcheol may have been right when he said this is definitely too many people-
The thought is torn from you by the man between your legs. Mingyu’s tongue is big- like the rest of him you suppose- and it twists deliciously, tasting your walls, pressing as deep as he can go-
His nose brushes by your clit and you let out a squeak, coil in your stomach tightening-
“I told you not to touch her clit,” Wonwoo tugs Mingyu away from you, and you’re both left whining with unmet need-
“It was an accident,” Mingyu says, pouting as he’s pushed to the side so Wonwoo can fill you again.
“Too bad,” Wonwoo states. “You’ll get your turn in a second.”
The man - who’d spent a night tossing you around - easily captures your hips and tugs you towards him, hand finding the small of your back-
You know immediately what Wonwoo wants, and you throw your arms around his shoulders, smashing your lips to his while he ruts against you, the whole car rocking now-
His tongue invades your mouth, and for a moment you worry about the taste of his friends, but from the way Wonwoo growls and bites at your lip, you can tell he really doesn’t care. 
Each thrust has his cock hitting a spot that’s making your legs turn to jelly, and as your whines increase, Wonwoo’s thrusts get even harder, unil you’re breaking the kiss, allowing your sounds of pleasure to escape into the night air.
“That’s it,” Wonwoo’s breath is hot, fanning across your breasts before his hand finds your throat, forcing you flat against the hood of his car while the other hand slips between your legs, thumb pressing to your clit. “Come on, stupid little clown, cum for us.”
You feel tears of pleasure slip down your cheeks when you cum, orgasm exploding through you, hot and unrelenting.
Or maybe what’s unrelenting is Wonwoo, who also falls over the edge, the first of three to fuck your pussy to completion- 
and then keep fucking you-
Until you’re clawing at him, breathless, hands knotted up in the straps of his stupid assylum type straight jacket- 
Wonwoo doesn’t give you the satisfaction of finding his lips though; with a groan, he pulls off of you, stepping away to give a view to the two men still waiting.
Mingyu is practically bouncing at this point-
“You know what I think would be funny?” Jeonghan says, drawing eyes. “If Squeak tries to ride Mingyu.”
“She’s too tired,” Seungcheol is quick to defend you, scanning your form.
“Exactly- and look at Mingyu- if he had to bottom-” Jeonghan doesn’t even get a chance to finish his idea because Mingyu is shaking his head aggresively.
“No- nuh uh-” his desperate eyes shift to you, “Squeak wants to be filled, right? Come on- you’ll let me fill you properly, won’t you baby?”
Jeonghan can have his games, but you just want Mingyu, and you open your arms for him, letting out a whimpery, welcoming moan. 
Mingyu immediately begins fumbling with the stupid onesie clown costume he’s wearing, and a moment later, the whole thing is falling to the ground while his dick slaps up to his abdomen, causing the massive man to groan.
Joshua tosses Mingyu a condom, and you’re shocked that he’s able to catch it, tearing it open with his teeth before rolling the rubber inch after inch onto his length-
As Mingyu practically pounces on you, pushing your panties to the side so he can guide himself inside of your wet cunt, you find yourself looking at Seungcheol.
He’s been mostly quiet-
And you’re a little shocked that he’s going to be the last man you fuck out of your group of friends. 
Part of you had always sort of thought you might end up with Seungcheol one day, and you’re not sure what to make of his patience.
His expression is dark, and not just because of the clouds that have moved in front of the moon. 
His eyes are fixed on you, watching your expression as you give into the pleasure, whimpering and digging your nails into Mingyu’s shoulders while he finds a good pace-
“Jeonghan’s right,” Cheol says suddenly, a stubborn set to his jaw, “Squeak should ride him.”
“What?” both you and Mingyu ask in shock.
The other men just laugh, watching the interaction with amusement.
“I want to watch you ride him- do I have to repeat myself a third time?”
“Fuck-” Mingyu groans loudly, the first of the two of you to comply. 
Mingyu lifts you up and off the hood of the car with ease, only to do a ninety degree spin and flop back against the hood himself, earning a cuss from Wonwoo and a reminder not to dent anything-
You’re too busy sinking down on Mingyu to care much about Wonwoo’s restored impala, your gaze fixed on the beautiful man who’s now laying flat, skin glowing with a sheen of sweat, hands on your hips-
“Just like that-” Mingyu groans, eyes closing, head lolling back as you begin to bounce on him, your knees pressing against metal for leverage- “So good- so good-”
Your back is to the others now, and you’re aware that the tulle of your costume is covering most of the view in this position- but you’re also aware of the power of the visual-
You’re a sad, blue, crazy tulle clown, corset and all- riding one of the most beautiful men you know, on the hood of his best friends car, exposed to the cool night air, under the full moon of a Halloween night while four more men watch-
What could possibly be better than this?
You’re tired, Seungcheol had been right about that, but Mingyu’s still doing a lot of the work, his hips rutting up to meet you, his hands urging you to go up and down faster-
You lean back, resting your palms on Mingyu’s thighs while swiveling your hips, a moan of pleasure escaping you at the feeling of his large cock fitting so snuggly inside of your core-
Mingyu mirrors your sound, and then his hand is fumbling through your skirt, seeking out your clit-
Your core pulses with need as Mingyu rubs at your sensitive bud, and you swivel your hips harder-
“Fuck, you’re so tight-” Mingyu throws his head back again, rubbing at you harder-
“You’re so big-” you mewl back-
“I can’t-” Mingyu groans, brows pulled together in effort, “I-”
Then you’re rolling suddenly, back once more hitting the cold metal hood while Mingyu reclaims his top position, pistoning into you like a madman, hair tangled, his clown makeup more messy than anyone elses-
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Mingyu whines desperately. “Gonna cum with me, right?” His hand goes into the tulle again. “Please- cum with me-”
Your entire body tenses as the chord in your stomach snaps for a third time, nails digging into Mingyu’s bare shoulders-
His lips meet your frantically, all tongue and teeth and gasps of pleasure- 
He eats your sounds up, hips rutting wildly, working you both through orgasms that give you goosebumps-
And then, just like the others, Mingyu leaves you too soon-
Because there’s a final person on your roster, and he’s the one that no one really wants to make mad.
“Are you all going to just stand and watch?” Seungcheol asks, cutting through the thick tension as Mingyu pulls up his onesie and slumps against his truck, catching his breath.
“Definitly,” Jeonghan responds from where he’s sitting on the hood of his car, a beer in hand and a smile on his face.
“What? Like you’re shy?” Joshua scoffs from next to his roommate.
“You watch us, we watch you,” Wonwoo agrees with a nod and a sip of his beer.
“Oppa-” you whine, which immediately draws Seungcheol’s eyes. “I need-”
You make grabby hands, unable to move from your position on the hood of Wonwoo’s car. 
Words dont matter anymore, all that matters is getting Seungcheol to come and fuck you-
“Need more cock, Squeak?” Seungcheol laughs, approaching you to take up the spot between your legs, his hands gently rubbing from your knee down your thigh- “Four weren’t enough?”
“No, need yours too,” you state stubbornly, grabbing at the front of the clown onesie he’s wearing. “Off.” 
The frat president and part time chainsaw clown chuckles fondly, reaching up a hand to cup your face. 
“You’re really going to try to tell me what to do- looking the way you look right now?” he scoffs. “Cute.”
“Ok, then don’t fuck me,” you say, letting go of the fabric of his costume to lay back against the car, crossing your arms over your chest, “I’m sure Joshie and Hannie-”
“Joshie and Hannie,” Seungcheol echos, cutting you off with a shake of his head and a humourless laugh- then he grabs you by the chin, looking you in the eyes while growling “They had their turn, Squeak, it’s my time now.”
You swallow thickly, blinking at Cheol, who releases your face in favour of trailing his fingers down your body, toying with the corset briefly before dipping under the tulle to find your pussy.
Seungcheol lets out a pleased sound. “You are wet- your panties are soaked all the way through, you’re enjoying this a little too much, don’t you think?”
“No, daddy.” 
Seungcheol lets out a low groan, eyes flickering up to meet your own again. 
He takes a deep breath, and you watch his adam’s apple bob with effort when he swallows, clearing his throat. 
“I want to take my time with you, you silly little clown-” he admits fondly, “but daddy’s pent up from watching his friends get to enjoy you first.”
“So don’t take your time,” you suggest, reaching for his outfit again. “Be rough. Use me. Make me cum.”
“Don’t you care if I cum, Squeak?” he raises a brow.
“You will,” you assure him, “my pussy is magic- ask them.”
Seungcheol catches your hand as you wave it towards the others, and he catches your eye, giving a small shake to his head that tells you he’s fixed on ignoring his friends now.
“I’m not going to ask,” he tells you, “you’re gonna show me.”
“I am?” you cock your head in confusion.
“Yeah, you are,” he says, reaching behind his neck to undo the zipper of his onesie. 
You’re not sure exactly what he’s hoping for - you’re way too fucked out to be thinking coherently - so you slide your hand down to your pussy, fighting the tulle and pulling your panties to the side.
He’s right- you’re wet as fuck. 
Your fingers glide effortlessly past your clit, making you twitch as you dip them into your core-
Seungcheol’s watching you, pulling his onesie down, exposing his pretty chest-
When you curl your digits up, like Jeonghan had, your pussy makes that squelching sound again- a sound that used to make you embarrassed, but now- you see the effect it has-
Over Seungcheol’s shoulder, Joshua and Jeonghan lean in closer.
“Look daddy,” you coo breathlessly, working your fingers in and out gently, “I’m ready for you.” 
Seungcheol swallows before tugging his lip between his teeth, tearing open a condom package in his hands. “Yeah you are- fuck, you look so fucking perfect-”
“Then fuck me,” you whine, pouting like the sad, silly little clown you are.
His eyes meet yours briefly, and then one hand is cupping your thigh to his hip while the other guides his cock into you, making you both groan from the feeling of your wet core swallowing him up.
“Fuck-” Seungcheol groans. “You weren’t kidding about this magic pussy-”
“No daddy, I don’t kid,” you tell him, opening your arms, eager to have him closer-
Seungcheol lets out a small chuckle at the baby-esque way you’re talking, shaking his head before leaning over you, planting one hand on the hood of Wonwoo’s car for leverage while his lips meet yours. 
Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been fucked by four people already and are just- insanely horny, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s Cheol- but when you kiss him, you go all in.
You get lost in the feeling of him; the feeling of his tongue, the feeling of his cock-
And then one of his hands finds your throat, applying pressure that gets you dizzy within seconds-
You whimper deleriously, suckling on Seungcheol’s bottom lip and rutting your hips, looking for more friction-
“Needy Squeaky,” Jeonghan’s laughter makes your heart race harder, especially when others join in.
“Never heard a girl make sounds like this-” Mingyu agrees, and his words carry a note of praise as opposed to the hint of degradation Jeonghan’s had. “This is so hot-”
Seungcheol releases your throat, and you greedily gasp for air, clawing at his shoulder-
“Gonna cum?” he asks, breaking the kiss to look down at you. “If you’re clawing at my back, it better be because you’re gonna cum.”
“Yes, I-” you nod, eyes closed, body overwhelmed by the feeling of pleasure-
“Really? You are? Just like that?” Seungcheol laughs. “Sad, silly, stupid little clown, cumming so fucking easy-”
“Yes- please-”
“You’re squeezing me like nothing else, Squeak-” Seungcheol groans, burying his face in your neck, his breath hot against your throat while his thrusts get rougher- “Gonna make daddy cum, yeah?”
“Yes-” you cry, “want you to cum so bad-” 
“You first,” Seungcheol pulls away from your neck, which is once more gripped by his strong hand, pressure- pressure-
“Fuck-” you claw at his forearm, eyes rolling into the back of your head- 
You’re so fucking close-
He releases your neck, and you’re flooded with lightheadedness, body short circuting, pussy clamping down on Seungcheol’s length.
“Yes, Squeak, just like that” Seungcheol growls, pressing his lips to yours to eat up your sounds while he mirrors you with groans of his own, hips faltering with effort-
“Please, please, please-” you hear yourself repeating over and over- but you’re not sure what you’re even begging for at this point.
You’re seriously lost in a pleasure fog that’s all encompassing, and the man fucking you is your only anchor back to reality.
He slowly pulls you back to Earth as his hips lose momentum, and you find yourself laying flat on the hood of Wonwoo’s car, trying to catch your breath, your eyes closed-
“Look at her,” Joshua’s voice feels distant.
“Not a single thought in that pretty little head of hers,” Jeonghan agrees. “Our sad, stupid, little, baby, squeaky clown.”
“You know,” Joshua sighs, “I always thought you had a things for smiley clowns- what’s with this whole sadness kink?”
“What can I say?” Jeonghan’s response is as nonchalant as ever; “Giving squeak something to cry about has changed me.”
You’re pretty sure it’s changed all of you, but as Seungcheol recollects himself, pulling out of your pussy with a grunt- you decide that’s a bridge to cross another night.
Right now, all you really need, is a nap. 
One of the last things you hear - as Wonwoo helps his roommate tuck you into his car - is Mingyu breathlessly noting “This was the best Halloween ever” and you couldn’t agree more.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! we’re all just clowns in the end anyways 
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🔮 preview. after a night of clownery, you wake up in Seungcheol’s bed. 
cw/ tw. unprotected sex, choking, finger sucking, dirty talk, panty ripping, praise, degradation, etc... 
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.3k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring. Seungcheol x afab!Reader ;) 
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You wake up in a familiar bed, your face buried in a pillow that smells like protection- like Seungcheol, and the memories of the night before hit you in hazy, lazy waves.
You shift under the duvet, and your muscles practically scream at you, causing you to release a groan of pained pleasure. 
“Good morning, silly, little clown.”
The deep voice sounds from behind you, and you flip around, coming face to face with the owner of the bed you’re currently in.
Seungcheol’s shirtless, on his side, head propped up in a hand- and he’s smiling the most fondest smile you’ve ever seen, eyes glowing with warmth- 
You have to break your gaze just to think coherent thoughts, and you let out another groan, burying under the duvet in an attempt to escape- 
Last night, you’d thought you could put off dealing with this- but you hadn’t expected to wake up in Seungcheol’s bed- hadn’t expected to pass out after getting fucked by five of your friends, only to be carried back to their frathouse-
“Cute, Squeak,” you hear Seungcheol sigh, his hands reaching out for you, pulling you to his chest even as you continue to wallow just out of sight, “acting all shy today.”
You let out an annoyed groan before popping your head out from under the covers, making you nearly nose to nose with the frat president. “I’m not shy, I’m just thinking.”
“Really? You’re thinking?” Seungcheol acts shocked. “You were such a babbling little mess of a clown last night after we fucked you-” his hand gently grabs your throat, thumb stroking your jugular, “part of me was worried you’d never recover.”
☀️to read the full bonus, subscribe to my Patreon - then - click here 👹 or check out what else is on my patreon here 🔮if nothing strikes your fancy, check out my m.list
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kelcemenow · 8 months
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 8.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1551
Warnings Strong language, angsty arguments, mentions of trauma.
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"What?" You craned your neck to look at Travis, his eyes serious and sincere.
"Come to Kansas City tomorrow." He repeated, "Look, we're leaving in the morning. So the way I see it, we either go our separate ways, or we hang out for a few days more and see what happens?"
You chewed your bottom lip, the excitement building up in your chest. The possibility of spending more time with Travis filled you with an intense feeling of exhilaration that you had never felt before.
Your thoughtful expression quickly moved into a smile, "I would really love to."
Travis' eye's widened and he clenched his fists with triumph, "Alright! Yeah! Wooh!" He bellowed out to the picturesque snow-topped mountains.
You giggled, uncontrollably, "Travis, what are you doing? Cut it out!"
"No way! I want to the world to know, that this incredible girl here..." He held your hand up high into the air, "...has agreed to hang out with me!"
You covered your mouth with your free hand, laughing loudly as the birds fluttered out of the trees from being disturbed by Travis' noise. He enveloped you into a tight embrace and as he placed a small kiss on your forehead, the lift came to halt at the top of the mountain. You wriggled yourself off off the chair and onto the crisp snow, shuffling your skis towards the piste. Travis followed behind you, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Okay. Skiing 101. The most important thing when you...are you paying attention, Travis?"
As you turned around, Travis' eyes quickly moved from your ass to your face.
"Oh, I'm paying attention." He said with a smirk.
Travis' large hand gave yours a gentle squeeze as you approached the door of the cabin.
"Meet you in the hot tub?" He said, with an attractive gravelly sound in his voice.
You flashed your teeth in a grin, "I'll be there in 10."
Travis raised your hand and pressed a kiss into your knuckles, causing your stomach to flutter. You took a slow breath as you watched him stroll inside, a slight bounce in his step, before making your way through the doorway yourself. Pulling your jacket off, the dry, warm air instantly caused your numbed skin to tingle. You hung your hat and goggles by the coat stand and sauntered into the kitchen in search for a warm drink to defrost you further. As you turned the corner, you noticed Kylie by the coffee maker, stirring her sweetener into the dark black liquid.
"Hey, girl." You sang out to her.
Her head swung around to face you, her long blonde hair tied up into a ponytail, "Here she is! So, how was it?"
"It was nice. Nothing crazy." You said, grabbing a cup from the cupboard above your head. "We talked, we caught up from the last few years, we skied..." You trailed off with a laugh, "He needed a little help in that department. I assumed that because he was a professional athlete, he would be better at skiing, but he just kept falling down and no matter how much I tried to stay upright, he just dragged me down with him. Seriously, I have snow all up in my-"
You quickly stopped your rambling and turned to the coffee maker when you noticed Kylie raising her eyebrows as you rambled on. She pressed her lips together, anticipation filling her eyes, "Did he ask you?"
"Did he ask...wait, what?"
Kylie tapped the spoon on the edge of the cup, "Trav tells Jason everything and Jason tells me everything." She turned around and rested her lower back on the counter top, "So, did he ask you?"
You filled your cup with the steaming coffee, "Yes. Yes he did."
"And...I'm going to KC with Travis tomorrow."
Kylie let out a loud squeal, her knees almost buckling with excitement, "Oh my God, I love this!"
You looked at her wide eyes, "Will you calm down?"
"I can't! This is exciting!" Kylie nudged you with her elbow as she brought the coffee cup to her lips, "He really likes you, Y/N."
A soft glow appeared on your cheeks, "I really like him." You said in an almost whisper.
Kylie looked as if she was ready to burst with happiness, "Eeeeeee!" She squeaked as quietly as she could. "I think this is a really good idea. Trav is a great guy and he's going to treat you so well."
Your eyes creased from your wide smile, "I know, I feel good about this."
She carefully placed her coffee down onto the kitchen top and pulled you into her side for a hug. You rested your head on her shoulder and noticed Jasmine lingering at the doorway.
"I don't like the vibe that I get from her." Kylie said in a low voice.
You watched as she paced, occasionally checking her watch, "Jas is...complicated. She's been my friend for years." You shrugged.
You caught her eye and she seemed surprised to see you, her mouth dropping open slightly and her eyebrows raising. She hastily walked towards you, a forced smile on her face, "You're back!"
"Yep!" You said plainly.
She sighed, "Where's Travis? I was hoping to catch him." She turned her head, searching the room.
"He's gone to get changed for the hot tub."
"Oh!" She said excitedly, "Awesome. Well, I'll go and do the same. I'm sure you wouldn't mind me joining you."
You sensed that Jasmine wasn't asking you. She was telling you.
"Uhhh...n-no. It's fine." You stuttered.
As she turned away, Kylie took a small step forward, "No, wait...I'm sorry. Jasmine, is it?"
A lump formed in your throat and Jasmine rolled her eyes slightly, but enough for you to notice.
"I think maybe we should leave Y/N and Travis to it. You know, let them have some time alone?" Kylie smiled.
"Alone time?" Jasmine scoffed, "They've been together all day. Just saying, she needs to learn to share."
"I'm stood right here, Jasmine. Please don't talk about me like I'm not."
Jasmine rolled her eyes again, "Babe, seriously. It's not that deep. Maybe you just need to relax."
"And maybe you need to fucking back off?" Kylie's voice grew louder, her frustration building.
You stepped forward and held your hands out, "Okay, okay...I'm not here to start any drama. I don't want that."
"Tell your little bodyguard here to watch her mouth." Jasmine spat back to you whilst her eyes were fixed on Kylie.
"Y/N, I don't understand why you feel the need to do this again?" Jasmine said calmly.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "Do what again?"
"This. It's like Aaron all over again."
"Aaron? What the fuck does Aaron have to do with anything?" Your throat was closing at the mention of his name, but your fought back the tears. They were tears of anger, not sadness, but you didn't want to give Jasmine the satisfaction.
"You knew I was into him. But you were so jealous of how close we were, you had to swoop in and steal him for me."
You exhaled a laugh, "Jealous? Are you...oh my fucking God! Are you kidding me?"
"You're not denying it."
Your eyes blinked wildly, "Because it's ridiculous! You know what I went through with Aaron. No, I didn't steal him from you as you seem to think. You're fucking welcome to him. What is crazy is that you're so self-centred you think any of this is about you."
Jasmine shrugged a single shoulder and rolled her eyes for the third time.
"And you can roll your eyes all you want, Jasmine, but the truth is I like Travis, and Travis likes me. Now, I'm sorry if you felt like you had a shot at him but you don't, okay? And no amount of snotty comments or pushing me around is going to change that. Because I'm done with it."
Jasmine widened her eyes, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I'm done with it. I'm done with you." Your chest was filling with rage, "I've held my fucking tongue for years now. But I'm done."
You could feel Kylie's stare burning into the side of your head but you held your gaze forward, waiting for Jasmine's response. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, arms folded across her body and her eyes unblinking. You could feel your chest getting heavy and the blood rushing to your face, adrenaline pumping furiously through your entire body.
The silence was broken by an exasperated sigh from Jasmine. She glanced towards Kylie before spinning around quickly and disappearing without a word. As soon as she was gone, you swore your legs were about to give way and clung onto Kylie's arm to stop yourself from collapsing on the floor.
"Oh my God! That was insane!" Kylie laughed as she held you upright, "Fuck Y/N, I'm so proud of you!"
"I've wanted to say something for so long, she can't treat people the way she does." Your voice trembled, "Thank you so much for standing up for me."
"Hell no, girl! That was all you!" Kylie turned you to face her, her fingers clinging onto your shoulders, "You're so brave and strong and a fucking badass! Now go and get your guy!"
Oooooooh! Not a whole lot of Travis in this one, I know! But she needed to be told! This story is coming to a close now so I'll be moving onto my request list, so plenty of more fics are coming!!! Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist so you don't miss anything!!
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2braincellslz · 1 year
Can i request Thomas Shelby x son! Reader, where the reader is the bastard child of him and no one knows about him except Tommy. The reader's mother dies and he gets sent to a distant relative who mistreat him. And the reader also knows who his real father is, and one day they meet and the reade is just really really sarcastic and Tommy somehow finds out that this disrespectful child is his kid he abandoned.
Father Dearest
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Relationship: Son!reader and Father!Thomas
Desc: (y/n) having to suffer with his Aunt and Uncle, he decided to spend his day at the Garrison only to run in to his long lost father.
(Y/n) tossed again, huffing in displeasure. The sun was rising now but it wasnt like he got much sleep. Back at his moms estate, that was definitely not given to her to keep her quiet, he slept in one of the softest beds imaginable. It was almost like sleeping on a cloud. Now, living with Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick, he slept on a potato sack. Sometimes he swore he felt needles poking him from inside the mattress.
(Y/n) tossed more more time for good measure before giving up. He rolled off of his piss poor mattress, if it could even be called that, and tugged on his slightly too small "street" clothes. That of witch was a old yellowed dress shirt, work pants, and a hat. His "caregivers" didnt get him anything else.
Now, Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick wernt poor. Far from it. They were just cheap. Cheap when it came to (y/n). Cheap to the point where (y/n) was forced to sleep in the attic rather the guest room.
Ann and Dick had their own kids. Viv, a younger girl, she was kind but then again the reality of the world hadn't hit her yet. And Shawn, a boy about the same age as (y/n). Shawn and (y/n) got along fairly well. Often, they would hang out under some bridge and gamble with eachother. Whether it be a quick game of black jack or some kind of contest.
Shawn was also the only person who know about the hush money (y/n) received weekly. Shawn knew why (y/n) was getting hush money. Shawn knew who the hush money was coming from. Shawn also knew that (y/n) would lie about going off to work, much preferring hanging out at one bar or another and people watching but it was only a matter of time before people watching got boring.
(Y/n) climbed up the stairs, in to the kitchen where Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick were already sat at the table. The maid, Lizabeth, was hard away working at the stove while Viv watched carefully. Shawn was stood by a mirror, checking his tie one last time.
"Hot date?" (Y/n) asked, lightly slapping the back of Shawn's head.
"God, I wish."
"(Y/n)!" Dick called from the kitchen "dont hit Shawn or you'll be out on the streets so fast your head will spin!"
Shawn and (y/n) couldn't help but give a look, trying not to burst out in to a fit of laughter.
Letting in to the living room, (y/n) took the couch that was practically calling for him to fall asleep in and Shawn took a arm chair.
"So what's with the get-up?" (Y/n) asked, pouring himself a glass of Morning liquor.
"Dad's wanting to introduce me to some of his clients. Saying that I better get used to the 'get-up'"
(Y/n) hummed, nodding. He took a sip of the wisky. Dick would kill him if he caught (y/n) dirking it.
"So , what's your plan?" Shawn asked, getting himself a Morning glass.
"Planning on swinging by the Garrison. Seeing if that bar maid position is still open."
Shawn made a face, one of confusion and studder worry. "The Garrison? The place you are payed not to go to?"
(Y/n) just smiled, tipping his glass to Shawn.
"You are utterly crazy. Mr. Shelby still visits!" Shawn whisper yelled, leaning forward.
"He hasnt seen me in, what, eighteen years? He won't recognize me." (Y/n) couldnt help the small smile that crept up on to his face at the sight of the great Thomas Shelby being tripped up over his long lost son. "He's too busy with his businesses to even notice me."
"And if he does?" Shawn rasied his eyebrows.
"They I say I have a right to be here. The money is so I dont, one, stake any claim on anything to do with the Shelby family, two, not tell anyone that my dad is The Great Tommy Shelby, and three, not bug Thomas. I can still go to the Garrison."
"You're insane." Shawn sat back, placing his glass on the side table.
"Shawn, my boy, are you ready?" (Y/n) shot back the rest of the drink as Dick turned the corner.
"Yes, sir." Shawn stood up, straightening his cuffs.
Dick started for the door. Just as Shawn was about the leave, he shot (Y/n) a warning look. 'Dont get yourself in to unwarranted trouble.'
"(Y/n)." Aunt Ann called. "We have... guests tonight. I would suggest you etheir stay out late or stay in your room. Make yourself scarce."
(Y/n) just rolled his eyes, grabbing his cap before heading out the door.
The walk to the Garrison was never boring. The roaring flames from the factory's and the smoke filling passer by lungs was always a grand way to wake up. Granted, it was the only way to wake up.
Pushing open the door to the Garrison, (y/n) made himself at home in one of the bar seats.
"Ah, (y/n)" the bartender who (y/n) never bothered to learn the name of smiled. "The usual?"
"Actually, I was wondering if the bar maid position was still available?" (Y/n) asked, lighting up a cigarette.
Just as the bartender was about to open his mouth, the door snapped open. While the bartender was quick to look up (y/n) took his time.
A taller man walked in (clearly already buzzed). He was dressed in a distressed and messy suit and had a bushy mustache. (Y/n) was no stranger to the man, having shared one or two drinks with him.
Another guy was right behind him, a lot yonger. (Y/n) could tag him as Finn, the youngest of the (now) three Shelby sons.
The kingpin wasnt far behind his two brothers.
"Alright, everybody out." Arthur shouted causing the one or two people who didnt have jobs to leave. Exept (y/n) who sat back against the bar.
Arthur glanced over, clearly trying too hard to be intimidating. "Oi, you deaf?"
"Nope. Just bored." (Y/n) took a long drag of his cigarette.
"You got a death wish?" Finn piped up. God, It was hard not to laugh. Finn was almost like a little dog barking with the rest of the german shepherds as if he was one in the same.
"Depends on the day. Today..." (y/n) paused, pretending to think it over. "Nah."
"You best be leaving then." Arther took over again.
"No." (Y/n) turned around, back to the Shelbys.
"Leave him be. He won't say anything." Thomas finally hushed his brothers. Almost as if trained dogs, they both shut up and sat down. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)." He didn't turn back around. "(Y/n) (l/n)"
(Y/n) though he was poking a bear with a stick, wasnt dumb. He knew not to out right say he was a Shelby so he used his long lost mothers name.
(Y/n) could hear the cogs turning In Thomas's head. He could feel his father's eyes burrowing in to the back of his head.
Arthur stared on about something or a another.
(Y/n) finished his cigarette just as the brothers were finishing up their little chat.
The stood next to (y/n) creaked slightly as one of the brothers sat down next to him. The bartender slid him a drink. There was a thud, money being placed on the counter, only Tommy did that.
"Do I know you?" Straight to the point.
"No. I dont think you do."
"Your last name sounds familiar." Tommy took a sip of his drink, watching his brothers leave the bar. "You're brave but dumb."
"Two of my best quality's." (Y/n) waved down the bartender whi handed in another drink. (Y/n) reached over and took the money Thomas was going to use to "pay" for his drinks, sliding it infront of himself.
"Do you have a job? Seems like a odd time for someone of your age to be hangin around bars."
"Nope, just got fired."
"Yet you dont have a death wish."
"Hated the fucking job." (Y/n) paused. He knew Thomas could see right through him. (Y/n) did know if it was a dad things
or a Thomas thing. "Boss's were scum. Good coworkers though."
"Isnt that always the case..." Tommy sipped his drink.
"You know." (Y/n) threw back the rest of his drink. "I always thought 'Tommy' was a odd name for a gang leader. You would expect something more... hard. 'Tommy' is a name you would expect a young sweet kid."
"And Thomas?"
"Thomas is a little better."
"A little?" Thomas looked over, not being able to hide the suddle smile.
"Mhm. (Y/n) is a much better." (Y/n) smiled back.
Thomas hummed, moving off of the seat. "Well, (y/n), next time you want to talk to your father you dont have to your uncles." Thomas said, leaving the bar.
(Y/n) jumped, nearly out of his skin. He quickly turned, nearly knocking himself out of this chair.
"What the fuck."
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usernameforaboredcat · 8 months
Head Over Heels (Law X TomBoyF!Reader)
(A little dabble I thought while taking a piss 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like 3 minutes ago)
Warnings⚠: None
[Part 1/?]
Law meets Luffys older (by like a year) sister who honestly the type of girl he’d imagine being the big sister to the Straw Hat and BOY is she just fiiiiiiiine!
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3 brothers!
Imagine growing up with 3 idiot brothers with only one of them being less stupid. Fist fights, rolling around in mud and dirt, covered in blood from hunting, needing a bath every night to not get sick. Haha God I love those idiots!
Law doesn’t know why he’s here, walking down a random street on a random island with the idiot Straw Hat Luffy. As the two walk, Luffy lets out a loud yell as he sees a familiar older girl walking down the street. “HEEEEEEY! (YYYYY/NNN)!”. He calls way too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone including the girl. She turns in confusion, the gasps as she looks over with wide eyes and a bright smile.
Luffy jolts off over to the girl, the Captain of the Heart Pirates groaning as he slowly walks to catch up. He sees her wearing baggy long pants and a bikini, saddles and a small pack bag through the belt parts of her pants. Luffy jumps and hugs her, who hugs him back. “No way! It’s so good to see you again little dude!”. She greets him. “I’ve missed you so much!”. Luffy cries. (Y/n) pulls off the younger kid, putting him in a headlock as she ruffles his hair with his knuckles.
“You little fuck! I thought your ass was dead you little shit! Scared me half to death! I swore I saw the light!”. She snaps at him angrily, tightening her hold as he starts to choke. “I-I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me!”. Luffy breathes out, spazzing in her hold.
The Heart Pirate Captain finally catches up, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. “The hell are you?”. (Y/n) asks the taller man, looking up at him. A thump goes through his whole body, strange. “Th-this is my friend!”. Luffy chokes out, now trying to pull her arm away. “No shit! Can’t believing you made a friend that isn’t some 30 year old guy!”. She says happily.
Law looks at his now turning blue friend, his cheeks reddening at the sign of his face so squished against her boob. “Hope this little turd hasn’t been too much of a pain in the ass”. She tells him, finally letting go of Luffy to let him fall to the ground. ‘Yes, he has been a giant pain in my fucking ass’. “No, not at all”. He responds. ‘Damn it!’.
She then hums, getting on her tippy toes and leans right up into his face. “Holy crap! You’re that Law guy! I heard about you! Your bounty is like crazy high at like 3,000,000,000 berries!”. She points out in shock. “Yeah! Isn’t he awesome!”. Luffy cheers, now back on his feet. “It is quite impressive, I must say”. She hums, holding her chin with her hand as she nods.
“Uh…th-thanks”. He mutters, gripping the brim of his hat to lower it to hide his slowly growing blush. ‘What’s with this woman? Why am I like this? Damn it!’. “So, whatchu up to these days?”. Luffy asks his older sister, the two turning to each other. “Oh ya know, just traveling around looking for anything to do! Probably doing the least to piss off the old man out of us kids”. She answers, leaning with her hand on her hip.
“How bout you? I’ve seen that your bounty has only been goin up so ya still trying to be King of the Pirates?”. She asks. “Yep! And it’s only gonna go up and I’m gonna be king!”. He responds happily. She chuckles at her little brother. “I believe it! Remember I’ve been your number one supporter since day one”. She reminds him, nudging his arms with her elbow.
She then turns back to the other captain, feeling an arrow go through his heart when her eyes meet his. “Mind if I hang with you guys for a while? Just for a bit, I wanna catch up with my baby brother”. She asks him oh so kindly. Law felt as if his heart stopped, chocking and spitting out his own spit. Luffy laughs at his reaction while his sister just stares.
She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handkerchief, holding it out to him. “Do you…need this?”. She asks nervously, never really seeing a guy act like this before in her life. “Uh…”. He takes the handkerchief from her, feeling the soft fabric on his fingers. “Thanks”. He thanks, raising it to clean his face. “Oh man! You should have seen your face!”. Luffy laughs at his older friend.
He holds the handkerchief back to her, her hand grazing his as she takes it back. Her finger tips are as soft as silk, her fingers smoothly sliding off his. Laws nose suddenly bursts, blood gushing out his nose like a hose. “Holy crap!”. The girl yelps, jumping back while Luffy bursts out laughing again. “Hahaha! Now you’re like Sanji!”. He laughs, holding his stomach from all his laughing.
(Y/n) looks at her brother with a concerned expression. “Is he uh…usually like this?”. She asks him. “Hehehe, nope!”. He simply answers. All Law can do it turn away from the two, his face a dark beet red. Never in his life has he been this embarrassed just because of some girl. (Y/n) leans over so she can whisper in Luffys ear. “Should I leave and we catch up a different time?”. She whisper asks him, causing the younger boy to turn and look at her.
“No no it’s fiiiine! Just give him a minute”. He reassures her. She hums as she leans away from her baby brother, then just to lean back over. “He said he acts like a friend of yours, what’s he like?”. She asks him. “Oh you mean Sanji? He usually acts like that around girls, he really likes girls”. Luffy answer. Oh…OH!!! Oh~. “Oh I see~”. She coos, leaning away from her little brother again.
“Huh? Get what?”. Luffy questions. (Y/n) then grabs Laws hand, gaining his attention and causing him to freeze in place. “So Law, are you here for long? Perhaps we can meet up and you can tell me some stories of dumb shit my baby brother has done?”. She asks him, sending him a little wink. His nose starts to bleed again, but he’s able to muster out a nod. “Cool! Now why don’t we go somewhere nice and chat!?”. She says happily, linking arms with her brother and dragging the two down the street.
Trafalgar Law, Died Age 26
Death By Blood Loss & Heart Attack Caused By Luffys Hot Older Sister
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