#give it 10 chapters to see where this goes. if he's dead dead that's a fumble of an ending to their fight and a death scene
kosmiccarma · 9 months
I'll add myself to the pool of ppl who (might delusionally) believe gojo ain't dead dead
#karma.talks#jjk manga spoilers#jjk 236 leaks#listen. I was cackling in the work parking lot this morning looking at the server leaks#1. narratively his death would serve nothing for the plot. and the whole fight wouldn't have moved anything forward#2. head ain't cut off. eyes aren't destroyed. shoko and angel literally still on the same continent. body could be healed easy peasy#3. gojo was saying bye to his dead friends instead of them welcoming him? so he could be goin' off to limbo#or have his second enlightenment hit within the next couple chapters to off sukuna once and for all. and get to kenny#and 4. uhh kenny??? he still exists gege. can't have a fight with him paired with anyone else tbh just wouldn't thematically fit#best of both worlds scenario: kids kill sukuna with gojo's resurrection#gojo goes on to fight kenny. kenny dies by the six eyes and/or infinity once and for all and gojo sacrifices the six eyes and/or infinity#so kenny can no longer body swap and will end the tale of his terror. geto comes back into consciousness for a couple more moments#OR his body is at peace once and for all and THEN gojo dies from wounds / overexertion of his cursed energy#OR gojo lives but remains a normal human w/o the six eyes or limitless. and this is bc he cheated death twice and that's the toll#gege make some of this happen or you've given a good side character a nonsensical death (within the scope of the story and character arc)#give it 10 chapters to see where this goes. if he's dead dead that's a fumble of an ending to their fight and a death scene#btw if anyone wants to talk abt this more just DM me I ain't fighting the tag system over more spoilers
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lyraoftheevergreens · 27 days
The Realms Enchantress
Chapter 2
NSFW, minors do not engage
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Reader!Niece, Daemon Targaryen x Niece!Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen x Female!OC,
Summary: For years Daemon never had a care in the world just, sex, wine and a good battle. With the exception of his favorite niece. His little dragon he called her. He swore to be there for her and he got himself exiled when she needed him the most. Now, he returns from war at the step stones and is determined to get her back. No matter the cost.
Warnings: Targaryen Inscest, mentions of sex, oral female and male receiving, talk of nudity, mentions of death and blood, mother murdered, dead babies, depression, periods, vulgar language.
Authors Note: Welp, if you haven’t figured it out by now, I might as well tell you. I’m a complete whore for Daemon and that truly shows through this. I hope you all enjoy my slutty little works.
This is edited to a degree, I apologize for any errors in advanced. I tried my best.
Word Count: 5,542; sorry, got a little carried away
Tag List: Open
Part 1
2 years and some moons went by after y/n’s name day now 8 and 10 years of age a tourney is called in celebration of the babe in her mother’s womb. Celebration of the kings heir that has yet to been born. Your father swears it will be a boy. So hopeful that he is celebrating his arrival before your mother’s labors have even begun.
Your father gives his thanks and speech to commence the start of the tourney and alerts the people that your mother’s labors have begun. You sat with your family in the viewing area next to Rhaenyra and Alicent when Daemon approaches the viewing box, “Princess’ lady Hightower. Here to watch me win?” He said with his usual smug expression.
“We will see how true your words remain.” Y/n speaks first.
“You shall see then.”
He goes on to pick his opponent, Gwayne Hightower, Alicents older brother. She becomes visibly nervous when Daemon picks him. It is when Daemon un horses him that you think she is going to burst out crying in fear for her brother. Daemon then makes his way back to you,” Lady Alicent, I am all but certain I can win these games but having your favor shall ensure it.” He says to her holding out his jousting stick. You and Rhaenyra were in shock, you hurt more so. Every tourney he asked for your favor now he ask for hers. When you took your seat you noticed the maester approaching your father. You sat the tourney for as long as you could but once the murder began you decided to take your leave. You went to snack tables and grabbed an apple where you were met with your uncle. “You’re leaving, it my tourney.” He spoke first.
“No, taking a break from the murder. Besides it’s not your tourney, it’s for the babe in my mother’s womb.”
“Unless that babe is born with a cock, I remain heir. Besides, It’s not murder when it’s in the name of the tourney.”
“I’m sorry but no. I refuse to watch.”
“Well I hope you return to watch your favorite uncle once more.”
“Perhaps I will.” With that you went your separate ways. Your uncle to the tourney field and you to the viewing. A few moments go past, your uncle is unhorsed and on the floor, “PRINCE DAEMON TARGARYEN WISHES TO CONTINUE IN A CONTEST OF ARMS.” Shouts the announcer. It’s then that you take your leave not wishing to see what happens next.
You made your way to the red keep and once in the halls of the keep all that could be heard were your mother’s screams, you made your way to the room this was coming from. The guards stood at the door would not let you in. You pleaded with them,” please, I just want to comfort my mother through her labors like I have done so through the previous ones.” Unbeknownst to the guards this birth would not be like the previous ones. Once you entered the door to your mother’s screams flooded your ears, your father and the hand maids holding your mother down like cattle, the maesters hands inside her womb. Blood everywhere. You stood there in silent shock. It wasn’t until one of the hand maidens alerted your father of your presence that you felt hands grab at your arms and pull you from the room. Your brain unable to process your father yelling at you to leave and for the guards to remove you from the room. “Remove your hands from her!” Yelled Ser Errol, he took you from the guards that had dragged you out the room, you looked up at him with tears streaming from your eyes. He could feel how limp you were. He carried you to your chambers and sat you on your bed. It was then your uncle came in,” You left. I suppose it’s fine due the fact I turned my back on my opponent and lost.” He said with an annoyed tone in his voice. He still wore his armer, he placed his helmet on your clothing chest. It was then that all could be heard was the shouts from the tourney. Your mother’s screams had stoped. You turned your head towards your uncle, tear stained face and shaky voice,”she is dead.”
“Who is dead?” He replied.
“My mother. He killed her.”
“Who killed her!” He shouted with his hand gripping dark sister at his side.
“My father.” Daemon let go of the sword and sat at the chair. “Tell me, what did my brother do.”
“He had the maesters cut the babe from her womb. His hands were inside her. My mother held down like cattle for slaughter. Like some birthing animal. He killed his wife. My mother! MY MOTHER!” It was the that you began yelling and crying hysterically. Daemon rose from his seat and pulled you into him. Your face on the metal on his chest. You began slamming the sides of your fist on it, beating his armored chest. He stood there and took your anger. Rhaenyra entered,” what has happened, is mother alright?” You looked up at Daemon and whispered a silent no. He understood. You walked to Rhaenyra and locked the door to your chambers. You turned to her and began to speak,” I’m so sorry Nyra, mother has passed.” Rhaenyra stood there silently and let her the shock of your words absorb into her. Daemon began to remove his armor and watched the two sisters. “She is dead.”
“Yes.” With that the tears slowly fell from her eyes. And then she broke out into a hysterical sob. You held her close to you, the two of you falling to the floor. You sat and held your sister as she sobbed into you. It was then that your uncle left. Unbeknownst to you at the time that he went in search of his brother. Eventually you and Rhaenyra made your way to the bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms. You both woke in the morning, she left to her chambers and you remained in yours, the maids helped you bathe and dress. You walked with Rhaenyra to Rhaenys is hill. Syrax atop the hill. You both stood in front of the two pyres. Not realizing how long the two of you were stood there for daemon approached Rhaenyra, “they are waiting for you.” He told her in a hushed tone.
“Nyke pendagon lo, during lī dorolvie hours issa lēkia glaesagon, ñuhon kepa finally found biarves”
(I wonder if, during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness)
“Aōha kepa jorrāelagon ao, tolī than ziry mirre emagon. Se both hen ao”
(Your father needs you, more than he ever has. The both of you)
“Nyke jāhor dōrī sagon nykeā tresy”
(We will never be sons) with that Rhaenyra stepped forward to your father she tried to speak but her voice broke. She looked next to her at her grieving father staring upon his dead wife and son. Her mother and brother. She quickly turned her head.
“Dracarys.” With that, Syrax made his way down the hill and set the pyres aflame. Daemon held you to his chest while you both watched your mother and brother burn.
“Nyke jorrāelagon ao kepus, sir tolī than mirre.”
(I need you kepus, now more than ever)
“Nyke’m kesīr.”
(I’m here) he spoke as he held you close.
Everyone retreated to the castle once the ceremony was over. Rhaenyra to her room while you and your father thanked people for coming and encouraged them to feast. You sat with your uncle while he drank his wine. Once it was all over Daemon turned to you,” Nyke līs sir jikagon byka zaldrīzes. Se oktion urnēbagon jorrāelagon issa.” (I must now go little dragon. The city watch needs me.)
“Nyke shifang. Geron issa naejot issa chambers kostilus”
(I understand. Walk me to my chambers please)
“Hen rhinka.”
(Of course)
Daemon offered you his arm. You took it and he escorted you to your chambers. You both entered. Stood there in the center of the room. He held you against his chest. His fingers ran through your hair.
“I must go now.”
“Stay with me.”
“I have a duty to the realm. Keep the streets safe, for the kingdom. For you.”
“I understand, but selfishly I want you to stay.”
“If I could you know I would.”
“I understand. Go, leave.” With this he kissed your forehead and left. Your handmaids undressed you and you changed into your night shift and made your way to Rhaenyras chambers. You entered without knocking and climbed into bed with her. She turned and placed her head on your chest. She cried into you until she fell back asleep. You woke the next morning in Rhaenyras’ bed. You turned to face what you assumed was her but were met with your uncle asleep next to you. You put your head on his chest and he spoke. ”good morning sweet girl.”
“Morning.” You mumbled to him. “Where is Nyra.”
“She is on Syrax. I saw her earlier leaving to the dragon pit. I asked where you were and she informed me you were asleep in her bed.”
“Mmm.” You grumbled. He laid there stroking your hair as you laid with your head on his chest. “Are you going to leave the bed today.” He asked, he spoke gently, with care. “No.” You answered. Your head and body ached with grief. Your eyes burned from all the tears. He left the bed first then proceeded to rip the covers off you. You shoved your face into the pillows, “Daemon.” You grumbled. He wasn’t having any of it as he picked you up into his arms and walked out the doors of Rhaenyras’ room into the halls of the red keep. Your arms around his neck. “Where are we going?” You questioned him. “Hush, don’t worry yourself about it.”
You held onto him, hiding your face in his neck. You heard him bark orders of getting a carriage ready but you didn’t see to whom these orders were being told to. He stood holding you for longer than you thought possible but he never faltered. In time he was notified of a carriage is arrival. He took you out to the carriage and you left his arms to enter the carriage he sat next to you and you held onto his arm resting your head on his shoulder. Soon you arrived at what you realize to be the dragon pit when the driver opens the door to the carriage. Daemon exists while you remain seated.
“No.” Is all you say as he stands waiting for you to follow him.
“That beast of yours misses you.”
“He is fine, take me back to the Keep Daemon.”
“If that were true why is he causing so much trouble for the dragon keepers.”
“Because it is a false belief that we control the dragons.”
“Then go. Set him free.”
“Daemon. Please.” You were practically crying at this point as tears began to form in your eyes.
“dōnus riñītsos, come with me.”
You stayed silent as you got out from the carriage. He held out his hand to help you down when you realized you wore nothing but your night shift and to make matters worse, you were barefoot.
“ I’m not dressed. And my feet are bare.”
“Then I shall continue to carry you.” He states matter of factly. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he carries you like a child. His hands under your bottom holding you up.
He has the dragon keepers bring out Dyrax. He held on to you as they bring out your dragon.
“Gods has he always been so huge. He’s going to be to large for the pit.” You turn you head to look at your dragon “the beast” Daemon likes to call him, he had grown so large in the year since Daemon had last seen him. Dyrax saw Daemon holding you and could probably smell the sadness that over took you. He let out an ear bleeding screech. He was ready to light the whole area on fire at the sight of his rider in someone’s arms. You asked Daemon to put you down and he refused, walking you to Dyrax.
You put your hand to the dragons face.
“It’s okay my love, Nyke’m okay issa jorrāelagon, nyke’m ȳgha. Ziry’s lentor.”
(I’m okay my love, I’m safe. He’s family)
“Put your hand on him.” You tell Daemon and he does, with one arm holding you to him and the other on the dragon.
“Aōha olvie nykeā magnificent dyni, nyke kostagon ūndegon skoro syt issa niece iksos sīr attached naejot ao.” (You’re quite a magnificent beast, I can see why my niece is so attached to you) Daemon says to the dragon. “Go on, climb in to the saddle.” He tells you and you wrap your arms and legs around him tighter. “No, I refuse. Take me back to bed.” You tell him. “Fine. Hold on tight.” He says and then begins to start his climb up Dyrax. “Daemon! I’ll climb.” You shout, letting go of him and begin to get into the saddle.
“Where are we even going?” You ask. As he begins to take his seat infront of you
“No. I won’t be able to stay awake for that long of a flight, I’m not well. I just want to sleep please take me back to the castle.”
“I’m taking you to a castle. You’ll be fine.” He says and then shouts to the dragon keepers, “Tepagon issa se fabric ties.” (Give me the fabric ties) they toss it up to him and he catches it.
“I am not an infant.” You speak sternly.
“Then why must you act like one.” He remarks beginning to tie you to him. “If you fall asleep while you are tied to me then I won’t have to worry about you falling to your death, if you die your father will have my head if this beast we are on doesn’t kill me first.”
“Fine.” You say helping him tie you to him.
“Sōvegon Dyrax. Obey issa.” (Fly Dyrax. Obey me.) Daemon spoke to him, but yet your stubborn beast refused to move.
“Rȳbagon naejot zirȳla. Gūrogon īlva naejot zaldrīzes dōron Dyrax.” You told the dragon. And with that he let out a screech and started his accent to the sky.
(Listen to him. Take us to Dragonstone Dyrax)
“Stubborn bastard.” Daemon mumbled making you laugh. You kept your arms wrapped around Daemon and rested your head on his back under his shoulder.
“Why Dragonstone?” You asked him.
“Why no? You are Princess of Dragonstone after all.”
“Nyra needs me.”
“She has the Hightower girl and Syrax, she will be fine.”
“What if it is I who needs her.”
“You have me.”
“For how long?”
“We will see zaldrītsos, I can promise you four days. Possibly more.”
(Little dragon)
“And your precious gold cloakes?”
“I’ve put Ser Harwin in charge while I attend to you.”
“Does anyone know I’ve left with you? Nyra, Ser Errol, my father?”
“I informed Rhaenyra of my plans when I saw her leave her room. Ser Errol is aware and as for your father do you believe he would let me have you to myself?”
“No. Besides he doesn’t leave his chambers so I suppose he wouldn’t notice my absence.” The two of you talked for sometime then eventually you drifted to sleep. After a long nap you woke to the sound of Daemon yelling commands to Dyrax.
“Tegon Dyrax. Naejot se ripo. Listen you stubborn bastard. Jikagon naejot se ripo.” (Land Dyrax. To the pit. Listen you stubborn bastard. Go to the pit.)
“Rybās Dyrax.” You spoke up. (Obey Dyrax.) with that he started to descend to the pit.
“He was almost listening to me.” Daemon mumbled. You kissed his cheek,” oh yes, very close.” You laughed. Once landed the dragon keepers of the island took Dyrax.
“Ziry jorrāelagon naejot ipradagon.” Daemon told the keepers to feed Dyrax, that he had a long flight, as he climbed down the dragon with you still tied on his back.
“Daemon, are you going to untie me.”
“No, I quite enjoy you back here.” He said holding your legs that are wrapped around his waist. The hour was late you noticed as the sun had set.
“What is the hour?” You asked as he walked to the doors of the castle.
“Hour of the eel I believe.”
“Oh quite late. Daemon, if I’m going to tire again I should walk.
“Okay but hold on.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he begins to untie you. Once untied from him you begin to fall to the floor. With an uumph from your lips.
“Thank you. Do you suppose the water is warm?”
“It’s too late to go in, I’ll take you on the morrow.”
“Fine. Your age is getting to you uncle Daemon.” You jest with him.
“Tis not.”
“Tis is.” You say walking away from him.
“Could an old man do this!” He shouts and begins to run towards you. You laugh as he chases you on the sand. He’s much faster than you are and eventually catches you. You scream and laugh, the two of you falling to the sandy floor. “Are you alright?” You ask him in between fits of laughter. “I’m just fine.” He lays there laughing and catching his breath. You sit up and smile down at him.
“I always forget how much I love it here. No politics, no ‘duty to the realm,’ it’s quite lovely. The dark sea.”
“Would you leave Kings Landing? Leave Rhaenyra?”
“Rhaenyra would come with me. But yes, I would.” You said and laid down next to him. Your head on his shoulder. You both laid there looking up at the stars.
“Qēlos.” You whispered. (Star)
“What’s the matter?” Daemon questioned.
“I wish there was a nicer word for star, the Valyrian word for star wouldn’t make a very nice name.”
“A name for whom? A dragon? It’s would fit a dragon quite nicely.”
“No. A girl. A babe. Mine, eventually. Hopefully.”
“I’m sure you will think of something beautiful.”
“I suppose so.”
“You still wish to have children after what you witnessed with your mother?”
“I watched my mother have still born babes and yet I still want many children, a husband who loves me. Our many children will be evidence of the love we have for another. My father let her die. If I wed the proper man, he won’t allow me to die.”
“I wouldn’t let you die.” Daemon whispers to you.
“You’re married.”
“My bronze bitch. Our marriage is unconsummated, it can be annulled.” He said.
You stayed quite laid in the sand when someone came walking down with a torch. Maester Gerold.
“Your graces, I was notified of your arrival. All is well?”
“All is well as can be.” Answered Daemon as he got up, helping you to your feet next.
“You’re in your night clothes princess?” The maester questioned.
“Oh yes. I apologize for my appearance.”
“Not necessary princess. If you will follow me, we have prepared your rooms. Do you wish to bathe?”
“The princess does, prepare it in her chambers.” Daemon ordered the maester as the three of you walked to the castles doors. Once inside the Maester ordered a bath to be prepared for you in your chambers. Dameon then ordered the maids to move his belongings to your chambers.
“I brought you here so it seems only right I keep you company.”
“Very well then.”
You sat on the bed and watched as the bath was prepared and Daemons belongings were brought to the room. The handmaidens stood to the side waiting for you to undress and enter the bath so they could bathe you. When Daemon spoke up and ordered them to leave.
“She can bathe herself.” He barked at them. They all hurried out of the room. “Good. Even better I don’t have that bleeding Ser Errol around either.”
“You don’t like him?”
“No. He treats me as though I’m to steal your virtue.”
“Are you not?” You questioned him.
“Only if you wish me too.”
“That’s alright. I will inform you when the moment arrives.” You say and drop your night shift off your shoulders and it puddles to the ground at your feet. No small clothes underneath. You stand there naked infront of him.
“No small clothes? Very naughty princess.”
You turn and walk away from him and get into the bath. Enjoying the hot water relax your tired body. As you rest in the basin eyes closed Daemon comes and sits next to you on the floor, with the back of a single finger he caresses your cheek. “Gevīe.” He whispers.
You knew you were beautiful, you were named the realms enchantress for a reason. Your beauty paralyses men and women. You could start wars with the look of an eye. Yet when Daemon called you beautiful with a look of want in his eyes you were ready to leap from the bath onto him.
He then glides his finger down from your cheek, to your neck to a single breast stoping right above the bud of your breast. You look into his eyes with yours. He removes his hand and retrieves the sponge and begins to bathe you. He wets your hair and cleans your body. His arm going under the water to wash between your legs. You close your eyes and hold back a moan. It took every ounce of strength for him not to take you out of the bath and have his way with you. But he kept his restraint. Finished bathing you and helped you out. Gave you your robe and had you sit on the chair infront of the mirror and brushed your hair. It was then you began to cry.
“Did I hurt you rinitsos?” He said looking at your face from the mirror. You looked up at his face and managed to get out a no in between your soft cries. You stood and looked up at him, “take me to bed.” You whispered as tears flowed down your cheeks. He lifted you and took you to bed, the blankets already pulled back. He lays you down and tries to get in next to you but you stop him.
“No. Undress. I’m bare, it’s only fair you are too.”
“You wear a robe.” With that you stood and untied it and let it fall to the floor.
“I’m not now.” You said getting back into bed. With that he began to undo the buckles of his doublet, removing his boots and breaches. Last his small clothes and tunic. He stood there naked before you. His member hanging there yet still quite large. It didn’t matter to you as you kept eye contact with his face. You patted the empty side of the bed as a gesture for him to join you. He entered the bed and pulled you into him.
“My mother will never brush my hair again.”
“I’m sorry my sweet girl.”
“What age were you when your mother passed?”
“4. I don’t remember her much unfortunately.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t-.”
“It’s alright, don’t fret.” He interrupted the start of a ramble. He stroked your wet hair and eventually tracing his fingers up and down your spine. You looked up at him and he felt your movement and looked down at you. Your hand moved up his chest to his cheek. Leaving your hand gently there you spoke, “Daemon, kiss me.” He laid there silently staring at you. Your hand moved into his hair. “Please.” That one little please was all it took and he was on side pressing his lips to yours. You followed his movements and when tongue entered your mouth you weren’t sure what to do so you allowed him to lead the kiss, you laid there having never been kissed but the need for Daemon was to strong to ignore. After a while you pulled away to breathe and just stared into his eyes. Nothing but the candles illuminating the room.
His hand moved to the back of your head and pulled you into him, his lips connecting with yours. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him. You could feel his hard length under you as you hovered your hips over him. You pulled away to speak. “Does it hurt?”
“Does what hurt my sweet girl.” “Your.” You spoke, a blush coming to your cheeks as you pointed down. “Your uhm.” “My cock, no.” Your blushing ferociously now. He glides a finger over your wet center and over your pearl, a soft moan escapes your lips. “Does that hurt you?” He ask.
“No, it feels good.”
“As do I.” With that he flips you both over so he is on top. His cock between your folds rubbing over your pearl. Your head falls back as you moan. He puts a head over your mouth.
“Shh, you don’t want the servants reporting back to your father.” You pull his hand from your mouth.
“Perhaps I do.”
“As you pointed out earlier I am married zaldritsos.”
“Uhg, don’t speak of her.”
“My bronzed bitch.” He leans down bring his lips to your ear. “I spoke the truth to you earlier. I’ve never laid with her, not how I am with you right now.”
“She’s truly never had you?”
“No.” He continues to thrust his cock between your folds never entering you. His lips connect with yours. Your tongues dance. You lay there in absolute bliss. After a long time he gets off of you and begins to fist his cock, you lay there and watch for a moment. The act so arousing. You get up behind him and placed your hand over his. He turns his head to look at you.
“Can I?” You speak up.
“No darling, lay down. I’ll be done soon.”
“I want to. I want to make you feel good.” You whisper hesitantly.
“These are whores tricks, you are my sweet girl. Not some whore.” He says. You begin to kiss down his neck.
“Please. Teach me.” That was all it took and he gave into you.
“Okay.” He released his hand and placed yours on his hard length. So much bigger than when you had seen it earlier. His hand covered yours as he had you pump him.
“Get on your knees infront of me.” You did as he said climb off the bed and getting on your knees for him.
“Use both your hands.” You did as he said, “oh yes. Good girl. Now lick the head.” You lick it once.
“No sweet girl. Keep licking, keep moving your tongue over it.” You did as he said pumping his length in your hands and giving the head the attention it craved. Daemon sat with his head back breathing heavy.
“You wanna swallow my seed? Hmm?” He asked you.
You let out a, “mhmm” with your lips.
“Okay, give me your hand.” You did as he said, he put two of your fingers in his mouth and began to suck up and down on them. You began to grow wetter.
“You’re going to do that on my cock. It’s okay not all fits your mouth, you can still use your hands.” You did as he said and released one of your hands and began to suck up and down on his length. “Breathe through your nose darling. Thats it. Good girl. My good girl.” You kept going and quickened your pace.
“It’s here sweet girl, get ready to swallow all of it okay.” He spoke in between his heavy breathing. You kept up your movements and eventually your mouth filled with a warm liquid. Some of it began to come out the sides of your mouth “try and swallow it, try.” And you did, you tried but it was all so overwhelming you removed your mouth from him and his seed went on to your face. The sight of his seed on your face made him release a bit more. He used his thumb to wipe off some of it and bringing it to your mouth. You swallowed what was on his fingers. He got up and grabbed a towel the maids had left behind. Cleaning your face first and then his cock. You both climbed into bed you laid there head on his chest. Your eyes widened and you sat up. “Am I with child?”
“Why do you think that sweet girl?”
“Your seed is my stomach. Babes grow in the stomach.”
“No, they grow in the womb.”
“The womb is in the belly.”
“Did your mother not tell you how came to be with child all those times?”
“No.” You blushed and were about to cry, you had so much to learn and no mother to teach it. Daemon brushed away a small tear.
“It’s okay, I’ll teach you.”
“How are babes made?”
“You have your monthly bleeds correct? You’ve seen your mother push out babes?”
“Yes I bleed, but when my mother begins her labors I’m always by her head.”
“You bleed from your cunt. When a man inserts his cock inside that hole you have, and releases his seed in there you will grow a babe in your womb.”
“Oh. I understand. So, the marital act?”
“Is it that?”
“Yes it is.”
“Does it hurt?”
“At first, but fucking can be a pleasure. Like how you brought me pleasure with your hands and mouth.”
“I understand.”
“Let’s sleep, we can discuss this further after sunrise.” You laid with your head on his chest tucked into his side. You couldn’t fight the needy feeling you felt between your legs. How wet you were. You tried to sleep but it was impossible. You looked up at Daemon who was sound asleep. Lips parted as he gently breathed. The sight of him so relaxed didn’t help what was between your legs.
“Daemon wake up.” You shook him awake.
“What’s wrong?” He mumbled.
“I can’t sleep.” You remarked.
“Such a shame. It’s quite nice.” He responds his eyes still closed.
“I feel funny.” You tell him.
“Funny how? We’ve slept in the same bed plenty of times. Oh no, I knew I shouldn’t have let you-“
“Im still wet from earlier.” You cut him off.
“Oh?” He opens one eye and looks at you.
“You need kepus to help you?” He remarks.
“Let me think. I can’t take your maiden head.”
“Why not?”
“Because rinitsos, If you marry a cruel lord and you do not bleed for him on your wedding night, he may hurt you. I can’t have anyone hurting you. I think I know what might work.” He says filling the blankets of your bodies. “Open your legs.” He demands. He lowers himself. Eye level with your cunt. “7 hells you are wet. My poor girl, I was gonna make you go to sleep with all this between your legs. Not a very good Kepus of me.”
“Nope, bad Kepus.” He gives swift smack to your core at your remark. You gasp.
“Don’t start being bad, bad girls don’t get what I’m about to do for you.”
“I’ll be good.” You beg. With that he flattens his tongue lapping you up. His tongue goes between your folds and over your pearl. You’re a moaning mess already and he doesn’t bother to cover your mouth or give you something to cover your own mouth with. He loves hearing how free you are with him. The pleasure he’s bringing you. His tongue goes in and out of your cunt and his thumb rubs circles on your pearl.
“Please, please.” Your beg him. “Don’t stop.” You choke out. With that he shoves his tongue as deep as he can. Your cunt so tight he can feel it squeezing his tongue. He’s hard again imagining how it would feel around his cock. He’s now flicking and sucking your pearl with his mouth and using his smallest finger inside you. You’re a moaning mess for him. He can tell your about to peak by your cunt fluttering around his finger.
“I. I. Daemon-“ You’re cut off by your own release as you peak on his finger and tongue. Your shouting moaning mess as he devours every last drop and wipes his face on a fresh towel. He licks his fingers clean and uses a towel to wipe his hands.
“We are absolutely not returning to Kings landing now that I know you taste like that.”
“I taste good?” You asked.
“Absolutely. I’m addicted to it I’m afraid.” With that he pulls you in for a kiss and you can taste your self on his tongue. You pull away, “mmmm, I do taste good.” He gives a swift swat to your bottom. “Naughty girl. Only good girls get my tongue.” He smirks at you.
“I’ll be good. Your sweet girl.” The two of you go back to kissing and eventually fall asleep in each others arms.
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cursedvibes · 4 months
I think Yuuji getting through to Megumi and finding out he has no will to live anymore would've been more impactful if we saw more of him during his possession than the three panels stretched over nearly 40 chapters where he's always just lying on the floor crying.
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We initially get input that he's trying to fight back against Sukuna after he was hit with Jacob's Ladder, but then he's essentially just a footnote. "Btw, Megumi is somewhere in there and he's suffering." But we don't really see it.
I think it all comes down to that the moment that really broke him, the Yorozu vs Sukuna fight, should've given him more focus and Tsumiki. If that moment really hit and we saw him give up, his lack of presence for the rest of the chapters wouldn't be such a big problem.
The Yorozu fight was really just focused on her and Sukuna and their history. You get a mention that Sukuna is doing this to break Megumi and oh no, Tsumiki would die too, but really it's about Yorozu's character and Sukuna learning to handle 10 Shadows. Everything is about them, their jokes and then as a last addition we get "oh yeah, Megumi is sad because someone who has his sister's face died". Everything is already over at that point there is no tension, we don't feel with Megumi because the focus is on other people who vaguely look like him and Tsumiki. Looks are the only real connection to the sibling drama here and I think Yorozu and Sukuna don't even look that much like them. That should've been better balanced.
Take Yuuji's breakdown in Shibuya for example. That makes him want to die as well and throw everything away. We're there with him, how he goes through briefly raised hopes to crushing defeat, how his face distorts as he sees Nanami and Nobara die before him. He's going through anger, fighting with grit teeth for as long as he can until he just curls in on himself and wants to die like his friends. We hear his thoughts, we can emphasize with what is happening. Even when he finds out what happened while Sukuna took over, we see the memories swarm his mind, he desperately clutches his head, claws at the ground, throws up. It's utterly heartbreaking. And that is because we experience it with Yuuji. We don't just cut to him lying on the floor unresponsive and that's the only feedback we get to his emotional state, not even some thoughts.
Megumi clearly saw or felt what happened while Sukuna was in control of his body (I mean, if we didn't have the editor comment like in the volume release you could also think the Bath just numbed him, but I'm not gonna be that picky here). So show him struggle during the fight against Yorozu aka the body of Tsumiki. Show his reaction to being rendered mute and powerless, unable to even lift a finger to hinder Sukuna. Show me his thoughts, he clearly has them. Show me how he eventually came to just give up and wait for death. Just something, anything. All of this I mentioned I am just inferring, we don't get to go through his emotional journey that is clearly very important to the story. All we see is the aftermath with no additional context and then nothing for another 20 chapters or so.
For that matter, show me Tsumiki, if there's anything left of her at all. That is who Megumi tries to fight for after all and she's a victim in all this too. She might've gone through the same things Megumi did, she might've experienced similar pain, but we simply don't know. What would Megumi even be fighting for? Was Tsumiki just dead or gone ever since Yorozu woke up in the hospital or did she witness what was going on as well? Was the Yorozu fight just pointless in that regard because clearly Tsumiki was long gone anyway and Sukuna is essentially just burying a dead body? This fight could've actually been quite dramatic. It claimed to be that due to Megumi and potentially Tsumiki suffering in the background, but it was in the end completely inconsequential. Sukuna and Yorozu would've fought anyway, if Megumi and Tsumiki were there or not, and Yorozu would've always lost. Since except for some throwaway lines and the end panel there isn't really any acknowledgement of the emotional stakes, they fall completely flat. It's about Yorozu and her understanding of love and also a bit about Sukuna's backstory and all this is nice and interesting, I certainly enjoyed it, but this should've laid the groundwork for what is happening to possessed-Megumi as well.
Same with the Gojo fight. Was Megumi effected at all by seeing Gojo there, was he affected by what Gojo said, his disregard for Megumi's body that made Yuuji and Hana question if he even cared? Did he feel anything when Gojo died? Was he still capable of sensing what was going on outside at all or did he sleep through all that. For that matter, how did those 5 Unlimited Voids affect him? His brain should be toast by all accounts. Did he blame Gojo for anything? This could've added some much needed emotional stakes and depth to the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but again, we don't see anything, just a repeat shot of Megumi crying on the floor.
Megumi went through some pretty significant character development and I assume that is going to go even further now that Yuuji has made contact, but that all happened off-screen. Especially "Tsumiki's" death and its impact should've been shown to lay the groundwork for what happens now. All we got so far is: what happened made him sad. Like yeah sure, I can imagine, but can't we get more than that? That's like skipping the majority of Shibuya except for Nanami and Nobara's deaths and then going right to Yuuji lying on the floor and Todo giving his inspirational speech without showing us even a hint of all the struggle and emotional turmoil Yuuji experienced in the meantime.
I'm not even a Megumi fan, it's just something I noticed while reading. Honestly, the last 30 chapters or so I pretty much forgot about Megumi. Yes, I want Yuuji to save him, but as for Megumi himself my thoughts were always just "well, I guess he's doing badly, who knows". It was all very abstract and hypothetical when it didn't need to be.
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magpiefngrl · 3 months
writing patterns: last lines
I love the first lines meme, but what about last lines? I find them as vital as first lines, if not more. A first line should do a lot of things (indicate POV, tone, voice) while also catching the attention of the reader and inviting them to read on. But it can be invisible, just a way into the story, and that's perfectly fine because the story is what will amaze/impress/entertain the reader.
The last line, however, is the last impression: it can be a powerful punch, or it can be underwhelming. It's the vibe, the feeling, the aftertaste that the reader will carry with her when she closes the tab/book. It doesn't do as much work as the opening, but a really strong (or really weak) last line might colour what has come before.
For this game, instead of recent fics, I decided to check my longer fics; the last line of a longer piece of work sort of carries more weight, in my mind, idk.
Rules: write the last line of your 10 longest fics. What patterns can you see, if any? Which ones are your favourites?
Something I noticed: in my longer fics, I often have a short epilogue at the end of the story. Like a post-credits scene. I'm including both last lines for pattern-seeking. Also, a while ago, I'd done a before-during-after ask thing and posted some sequels at the end of a few fics. I debated using only the original ending here, but the sequel's last line is what will stay with readers, so I added both. Finally, The Boy Who Died has a coda but it's so long I'm treating it as a chapter.
I. 9 ½ Days (drarry, E, ~70k)
(story) Harry burrowed closer to him, eyes fluttering open. ‘You’re real.’ ‘I am.’ Draco tangled their legs together. It was snug under the covers. ‘Touch me and see.’
(epilogue) Harry took his hand and together they stepped forward into the green, living wood.
II. dirtynumbangelboy (drarry, E, 39.4k)
(story) ‘Home,’ Harry says, nuzzling Draco’s hair. ‘Take us home.’
(epilogue) He wants them to look smashing at the betrothal.
III. The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy (drarry, E, ~38k)
(story) Draco decided he would be happy to spend his life making Harry laugh, and thrust in.
(epilogue) “Let’s give them something good to talk about then,” Draco suggested, and Harry smiled, bent him backwards, and gave him a proper kiss, tongue and all.
IV. The Boy Who Died (drarry, E, ~27k)
Overthrowing the regime will take a miracle, Kingsley had said in the dark Edwardian manor. Draco had smiled at that and gazed at Harry. Indeed. Which is why we’ll win.
V. The Gift (drarry, E, ~26k)
Before [Draco] casts Nox, he takes a last look at his packed trunk, and then, in the whispering night, he allows himself to dream.
VI. Hush, darling (drarry, E, 23.6k)
But Draco holds Harry tighter — and doesn’t let go.
VII. The Unquiet Grave (drarry, E, 21.5k)
Draco glanced at Harry and smiled. ‘I’ll be fine. I have a bodyguard.’
VIII. Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There (drarry, E, 17.5k)
(original) This world was fucked up. It had pain and grief and sick people and dead people and stupid decisions and bad hair days and fear and regret—although it didn’t have Smith in leather gear, which was something. It also had Harry Potter, who buried his face in the crook of Draco’s neck, and who liked this Draco, the Death Eater Draco, and that made everything worth it.
(sequel) ‘Pull them down yourself,’ Draco said and kissed him.
IX. The Full Monty (drarry, E, 10k)
First, he goes to the kitchen to make sure Arthur is indeed alive — he is, nibbling at some seeds on the counter — but after that, yes, he goes straight to where Potter is waiting, hopefully all soapy and wet.
X. How to Court your Husband (drarry, E, 5,5k)
(original) Their escorts maintained a discreet distance when they arrived and saw what the princes were up to, and twenty minutes later in the palace courtyard, the Fountain spurted a jet of water the likes of which had never been seen before.
(sequel) Harry smiled and stroked Draco’s face. ‘We’re in no hurry, husband.’
JFC. I like my epilogues and codas and sequels, don't I? Lord. I don't think I'd noticed it before as clearly as I do now. This isn't even everything: I actually started a coda for The Gift a while back, and I have a half-finished sequel scene for dirtynumb in my folders. I can just never leave off. But it's true: I do love epilogues.
I end with dialogue A LOT more than I start with it. First lines, I estimated a third of them are dialogue, but a good half of the endings are.
A large majority of my endings involve kissing or cuddling or touching in some way. Love language touch anyone?
There's a fair bit of Draco glancing at Harry and smiling.
In the two fics that have a sequel scene, the original ending is, imo, vastly superior to the sequel's. Hm.
I like the epilogue ending of 9 1/2 Days; the ending of Unquiet Grave, which works better I think in context; the rather poetic ending of The Gift; the original ending of Through the Looking Glass, which, imo, perfectly captures the theme; and the original ending of How To Court Your Husband, which is hilarious in context. Several readers commented on that one.
I'll no-pressure tag @lettersbyelise @lqtraintracks @the-starryknight @skeptiquex @etalice @coriesocks @gracerene @citrusses @lower-east-side @hogwartsfirebolt @queenofthyme @writcraft @shealwaysreads @phdmama @stripedroseandsketchpads @sixappleseeds to get the ball rolling-- and of course YOU, reading this! Feel free to tag me so I can read your last lines, I'm ever so curious x
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otdiaftg · 3 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Twelve
Day: Friday, March 8th / 9th* Time: 10:30 PM EST
"Hello?" "Hello, Junior. Do you remember me?" Neil's heart lurches to a sick halt. It isn't his father or Riko, but he would know this voice anywhere. It is Lola Malcolm, one of his father's closest people and one of the two who'd tried teaching Neil how to wield a knife so many years ago. She'd been in and out of their house so many times Neil had thought for a while she lived there with them. She poses as Nathan's personal assistant, but her job is to get rid of the bodies Nathan's circle create. She is worth her weight in gold. Not a single one has ever turned up again. Neil tilts the phone away from his ear and takes a long, slow breath. It doesn't help. His lungs are full of shards of ice, chilling him to the bone and cutting him up from the inside out. It is an age before Neil finds his voice again and he can't keep a thick edge from it. "I didn't give you this number, Lola." "So you do remember me," she says. "Now you see, that's bad, because if you remember me, you remember who you are and where your place is." "I made my own place." "You don't have that right." She gives him a beat to respond, but Neil has nothing. "Are you listening? It is time to go. If you make this difficult for us, you will regret it for the rest of your very short life. Do you understand?" Neil wants to be sick. Lola trashed bodies; she didn't often make them. That was what the rest of Nathan's people were for. Neil remembered faces better than he remembered names, but he can guess who Lola has brought with her. Lola's business partner of choice is her brother Romero, and where Romero goes Jackson is never far behind. The three are Nathan's inner circle. They answer only to Nathan's right-hand man DiMaccio and Nathan himself. Neil could have tried outrunning one of them. He won't make it past three. For a moment he is so scared he can't breathe, but fast on the heels of fright is an irrational and wild anger. He is halfway to winning Andrew's trust, a weekend from his first vacation, and one month from semifinals. There are only four matches left in championships. Neil is so close to everything he wants and Lola is here to steal it away. "Put a hand on me and you'll regret it," Neil says. "Oh, what's this?" Lola says, entertained. "Has the baby finally inherited a spine? Your father will be glad to hear it." "My—" Neil chokes on it. "He is in Seattle. You'll never get me that far." "He is in Baltimore," she corrects him. "His parole hearing was on your birthday. They had to notify his family when his case came up. You must have missed the memo, being dead and all, so I'll fill you in. They made a final decision last week, and the feds swung it so he'd get released back to Maryland this morning. They're hoping being back in familiar territory will make him careless." Neil can hear the savage smile in her words. "Don't worry, kid. They'll never know you stopped by. I'll make sure of it." Neil blinks and see's that zero on his eyelids. He is out of time. For a moment Neil feels the weight of Andrew's mouth against his. He digs his fingers into his lower lip and tries to breathe around them.
Art used with permission by Aymmidumps. Thank you @aymmidumps!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
I haven’t seen enough people talking about Unstable! I loved the first chapter, and I’m sooo looking forward to the next and seeing where it goes! I would love any Drabble/chapter about what happens next! • ㅅ •
♡ -> Masterlist
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"Human." His voice calls out from the speaker in your tiny cell, and you open your eyes, no other visible reaction given though. "Your vitals are all over the place. What's going on?" He demands to know, and you shrug, hugging the bunched up blanket tighter between your arms and legs.
"Got my period, what else." You huff to yourself.
"You need to speak louder." He s put almost annoyed, and you turn your head towards the small screen giving you a live feed of the control room of his spaceship, where he's sitting on his chair, arms crossed and one leg over the other. "So?"
"I said, I'm on my period!" You bark out, making him nod after a moment in realization.
"Interesting." He simply says to himself. "I'll bring you some water and food later." He shortly tells you, before the feed is brought offline again, leaving you in silence.
Apart from your obvious prisoner-situation and his rather sour attitude, it's not all that bad on his ship. It's warm, you've got a bed, water and food, a small bathroom- definitely better than on earth.
You're just.. a little lonely, that's all.
The hydraulics of the door hisses as he enters, placing a bottle of water and a pack of.. something edible on a small table close by. You're not turning around, more or less waiting for him to leave-
But he doesn't.
"How bad are you, from 1 to 10." He says, and you shrug.
"...like a 7½.." you mumble, closing your eyes again. "..thanks for the water. N' food." You slur, trying to fall asleep again, when you hear the only small chair scrape over the floor a little, as he sits down in the corner of your room. "Huh?" You wonder, now looking at him as he watches you with crossed arms.
"You have yet to complain over your treatment." He says defensively, and you shrug, letting yourself fall back down on the mattress on the floor.
"Nothing to complain about." You answer.
"Earth is attempting to implement more strict regulations on intergalactic traveling for humans. Meaning that you, right now-" he says, leaning back in his seat, "-are legally in a loophole, since the laws changed while you were absent." He informs you. You shrug again. "-I can bring you back by early next.. summer, it would be on earth."
"Hm. Just drop me off the next stop or something." You say.
"My next stop is Etis." He informs you with a serious face.
"So?" You ask, and he clicks his tongue.
"So?" He scoffs, imitating you. "Etis has banned human travel since earth refused to send them any weaponry during the last war with Veon." He tells you with an irritated face. "If I drop you off, you'll be dead the moment I leave."
"Cool." You just answer, turning around to face away from him.
He sighs.
"What am I gonna do with you.." he mumbles mostly to himself as he gets up to walk out, door hissing as it opens and closes, signaling you that he finally left. If he drops you off at Etis, sure, you'll be probably eaten as soon as they get their hands on you- but then again, it's your fault you fucked up this bad anyways.
A fitting end, maybe.
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orcelito · 1 year
i've seen ppl talking about Meryl & how little we know about her family, but the geo-plant arc of trigun chapters 10-12 gives us some really useful pieces of info, i think
first, we see her thinking of herself as Cold Blooded, just like the dude that wanted Badwick to kill his own parents
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[ID: Meryl stands with her gun drawn and a troubled expression on her face as she thinks to herself, "Exactly as you described him... the cold-blooded type..." In the next panel, she closes her eyes and wonders, "Am I really... any different?" End ID]
at the start of this arc, Milly wrote one of her massive letters to her family, while Meryl mentioned not knowing what she would write to hers. then we see Milly get PISSED at Badwick after she learns he threatened his parents at gunpoint, which leads to this page:
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[ID: Meryl, held back by Milly, tells her, "Milly... I envy you... My father would have wanted me to get justifiably angry at a person who points a gun at his parents. That is an important thing." She flashes back to the moment in the chapter before where Milly is attempting to punch the son, Badwick. Milly calls in concern, "Ma'am?" Meryl continues, "But I... I just stood there and took it all in without even budging. I am such a cold person. I chose this path of blood and tears without thinking about the rest of my life. All I can see is what is right in front of me." The page shows the face of the father, dressed in basic battle gear, who is watching silently. Now in tears, Meryl laments, "Why could I not see... that when I closed myself off to him, something was wrong? I..." In the last panel, Milly stares down at Meryl in surprise as Meryl slaps her own cheeks and exclaims, "No... Nevermind!" End ID]
this entire situation is obviously striking something in Meryl's heart. some kind of insecurity she has about her distant relationship with her own parents. she shakes herself out of it, determined to not fall into a funk, and then jumps into defense of the land.
after the battle's over & the father's fallen to his ass, we see these pages:
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[ID: In the first page, the father, off screen, tells Meryl and Milly, "There are no words to express how thankful I am for your help." Meryl replies with a smile, "Ah. There's no need." The father goes on to tell her, "Ms. Meryl... I know it was rude of me, but I overheard your conversation earlier. Having raised that rebellious son, I don't know if I have the right thing to say, but... All people are different, but the bonds between parents and children are inseparable. It is a great burden, but also the most precious thing in the world..." In the second page, the father concludes, "... Choose your own path, and walk it with confidence. All of life... is connected. You must live your own life, and your parents will love through you." As he speaks, we see Meryl listening to him with a surprised expression. End ID]
this entire arc feels like a metaphor for Meryl's own situation. after these pages, we see Badwick turning in the deed, then finding out that his parents were entrusting the property to him after all. he's the problem son, someone who separated himself from his parents due to his disagreements with them (likely stemming from his dead younger brother). yet at the end of the day, his parents still love him and entrusted their life's work to him.
Meryl sees all this go down, hears these words, and it touches something in her heart. so we see her go from talking about writing to her family like this in chapter 10:
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[ID: A single panel of Meryl with her eyes closed and a peaceful expression on her face. She tells Milly, "That would be the normal thing to do... especially when I've been away from home for so long. But I don't know what to write beyond 'it's dry'..." End ID]
to this bit at the end of chapter 12:
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[ID: Meryl approaches a mailbox with luggage in hand. She slips a letter inside, then sighs with a smile. Milly yells, "Maa'aam! What are you doing?! We're already late!" To which Meryl replies, "Ok! Ok! Ok! I'm coming!" End ID]
the experience was enough for her to accept that she might not be the closest with her parents (or just father? considering she only ever mentions a father in this all), but it's still worth reaching out even if she doesn't have much to say.
this arc is the most we see about Meryl's backstory in the manga, but I think we can draw a few things from it. we have a definite mention of a father, but no others. no mention of siblings or any other family members. she's distant from her father, too busy following her heart & goals, but she doesn't have a bad relationship with him. just Distant. she feels disconnected from him, even Cold, for her focus on her work & the practicalities in front of her. but even with that disconnect, she still cares enough about him to feel guilty when she realizes she's been doing this.
and then considering later, when we see the flashback of a man giving her the gun... i'd assumed that was possibly a senior at her work (probably tristamp giving me that perception, from Roberto), but keeping all the rest of this in mind... it really could have been her father.
i went looking to try to find that part. did not find that one exactly, but i DID find this one from trimax chapter 34:
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[ID: A nearly bald man with a kind face and what appear to be shooting ear muffs around his neck tells Meryl, "Consider guns delicate. Women, most of all, should make use of them. One shot will level the playing field between you and a big, strong man." End ID]
if this is indeed her father, it would explain why she knows how to shoot like she does. perhaps her father taught her as she was growing up out of the wish to help her protect herself. maybe they weren't incredibly close, but he still clearly cared about her & wanted what was best for her and her safety. the kind of father that's content to let her do whatever her heart wishes, since her happiness is his happiness.
and then chapter 12 ends with this page:
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[ID: A black framed page with a single panel at the center. The panel shows Meryl from behind, running with her luggage in hand. The text boxes to the sides state, "All of life is connected by a river... And the beginning of the river... is now." End ID]
she continues on her own path, not looking back, but she is still connected to the ones in her heart... including her father.
(Manga panels referenced from @trigun-manga-overhaul !)
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perexcri · 10 months
fic recs!!
i woke up to being on a couple of fic rec lists and really appreciated it, so i wanted to capitalize on the nice energy and make a list of some of my own favs that i've read recently that i didn't necessarily see on the other lists :D check these out because they have some of the best prose/plots/characterization that i've read in the fandom :] 💜
one soft infested summer (M, 18k+, 3/7 ongoing) by @wheelersboy - this one is perfect for all the highler fans out there! it's got stoner byler of course, a music festival, lots out camping, and some really amazing writing! i started it just for the fun stoner vibes because Why Not, but i'm staying for the beautiful writing and the really complex and delicate relationship mike and will have in this one
Light Sleepers (T, 15k+, 2/6 ongoing) by @helioleti - WillEl-centric fic set during the time gap between the end of s3 and the beginning of s4 that explores their dynamic and their respective problems with mike, all while trying to cope with moving across the country from everything they know. each chapter is meant to reflect a certain stage of grief, which fits so well with all the complicated emotions everyone is going through!
drank my poison all alone (T, 4k, one-shot) by silverluminoqity - mike gets vecna'd and has to face his past self who's ashamed of who he's grown up to be, and my dudes the writing goes SO HARD. by far one of the best mike gets vecna'd fics i've read with such a good take on his character
star eater (T, >1k, one-shot) by @lowlightt - another fic where the writing does not play. honestly if you have a few minutes, READ THIS FIC. it's mostly just a confrontation between will and vecna, but it's so so powerful and impactful. and again, i cannot state it enough: the writing is AMAZING
tell me again (you said yes) (M, 32k, 3/3 complete) by @willow-lark - hey remember when cleradin was like a Thing for a brief second a few months ago? well if you miss those vibes, or if you just like great writing and some of the best weaving of canon into a fantasy au i've ever read, please look no further than this fic (and it's first part, fireball him! (cast protection)). i love this one dearly and enjoyed the wonderful ways Lark wove canon (specifically s1) into such a different setting, plus it was nice to see many of the other characters play a role in the events. beautiful, astounding, heart-wrenching - and did i mention there's an elopement 👀
In Undertow (M, 17k+, 3/6 on-going) by @souverian-are-we - this and one soft infested summer have become my summer byler reads~ when i say i love this fic, i mean you will have to pry it from my cold, dead hands 🥰 we've got estranged byler, jancy engagement with some stoncy going on in the background, and most of the characters still reeling from the consequences of their final battle with the upside down. it's all set at a lake house, which provides some breathtaking/atmospheric writing that this author uses to their advantage. it has some of my favorite scenes i've ever read in fic too, ones that have literally taken my breath away
california show your teeth (T, 77k+, 10/19 on-going) by @fireflywitch - what if the Byers and Hopper families were from Lenora and moved to Hawkins? this fic takes this one simple premise and turns it into one of my favorite fics i've ever had the pleasure of following along with. it essentially functions as a retelling of s1 and s2, gives almost every main character that's been featured in the show thus far a lot of time and space for their own plots, all while culminating into one larger story underneath. i don't think i've read a fic quite like this one in terms of its scope, plotting, and characterization, because there are a lot of moving parts, but this author goes above and beyond. i cannot recommend it enough
all i know is pouring rain (and everything has changed) (T, 3k, one-shot) by @willelfanpage - i think i read this one at the beginning of my workday while i was running some report on my computer and had to go about the rest of my day as if everything was fine ahah :'D seriously though, it's 3k words that pack an emotional punch all while examining will's relationship to rain. the writing is just gorgeous, and it's a character study that i haven't really seen done before, which was quite enjoyable~
Chasing Heartlines by (T, 7k+, 1/2 on-going) @cherryisgone - if you liked Tip-Toeing on Lilypads then may i direct you to its sequel, which features so much pining mike that he might as well be a tree? again, if you like cleradin/fantasy aus, then Cherry my beloved has you covered 💜 it fits so neatly with Lilypads and provides some fun contrast between will and mike~
Touch Me Like You Know Me (M, 15k, 4/4 complete) by @starsarefire824 - this exists in the rare pantheon of fics that actually made me cry. imagine an estranged byler reunion with all the emotions turned up to an eleven, and lots of lingering on lost time and how life sometimes takes us places we never thought we'd go. it's absolutely beautiful and is a classic to me :]
come back to me and forgive everything (T, 78k, 18/18 complete) by @howtobecomeadragon - i saw a lot about this one when it was on-going but am only just now getting around to reading it, and all i can say is why did it take me so long to get to it :') this author does such a good job of writing will and mike's relationship with a lot of nuance and complexity while still managing to make them feel like the teenagers they are. basically, will has to spend every july at lonnie's house in indianapolis, and for this summer in particular, the event is a lot more emotionally impactful for both mike and will. there's lots of emotional depth, the complexities of coming out and/or realizing you're queer, and, at the heart of it, how two friends try to mend things between each other. it's so soft and sweet
that's all i've got for now!! i'm quickly running out of time on my lunch break :'D also haven't been writing as much, but it's been fun to read more and relax a bit. hope you guys enjoy these because they're genuinely some of the best stuff i've had the pleasure to read in a while 💜💜💜
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aneliwriter · 7 months
Warnings/ NSFW, dark smut. Dark chapter. Oral sex, orgasm denial, popping cherry, taking turns, explicit language.
Halloween one shot/ ransom, ari, Steve, Lloyd and andy.
Your palms grew sweaty as you swallowed a soft gulp. You retake a double look to ensure your eyes are not deceiving you. In which this case, they are not. You are the only one at the pumpkin patch. There were no other cars but yours in the parking lot, which confused you.
You thought there would be a party of some sort since you received an invitation.
Y/N L/N,
  CONGRATULATIONS, you have been selected for an invitation to join a special event that only happens once a year.
October 31st, Halloween. Time- 5 before sunset.
We take formality and punctuality quite seriously, so please don't be late or I'm afraid, there might be consequences.
Oh and don't forget to wear your scariest costume! There will be a contest and the first winner will win a special prize.
                             Hell Raisers Five.
You double-check the date and time on your phone.
Time 5:58 P.M
You look over your shoulder, The sun has set. But what happens now?
There's no one here, so certainly it is not a party. Could it be a prank? A lot of people do pranks on Halloween but you don't have any friends unless books and fictional characters count. In that case, you have a whole army.
You begin to think about who would invite you here. It takes a moment till your mind goes to the football quarterback jock from your high school.
Ransom Drysdale.
He is awful to you, and always picks and makes fun of you. If it's not slamming your books down to the floor, it's keeping you locked in, in the girl's locker room naked after taking your clothes.
He and his group of heathens own your high school or they like to think so. They are nothing but trouble and you only hoped that this phase Ransom has with you is only that, a phase till he gets bored with you and moves on to torment the next girl.
If it wasn't for the crow cawing, you would have remained in place with your thoughts. Startling, your eyes lift to the crow who flies over to a sign. You squint your eyes and read, "Trick or Treating Corn Maze"
Perhaps the party is in the corn maze?
You look over your shoulder at your car. It's getting dark, and you contemplate leaving but if you do, there might be consequences, according to the anonymous invitation. But if you stay and go through the corn maze, it could be worse.
You have no idea what or whose intention they have with you.
It could be dangerous...
Or it could be a treat...
Well, you're about to find out. You take a step, inhaling a deep breath. You're already dressed and here, might as well find out.
You walk over cautiously, passing the sign, the crow staring at you, tilting its head to the side, cawing. You weren't afraid, although maybe you should be.
Freddy and Jason might be in there waiting for you.
You notice a flashlight hanging off a corn branch, you take it as a sign that the flashlight is for you. You grab it, turn it on, you continue to walk.
In Horror movies, the girl would say "Hello" and "Anyone there?"
But you knew fucking better. You remain silent and wait for the boogeyman to pop out and eat ya. You get to the first corner, and you stop to a halt as you see a figure standing, with a scarecrow mask on his face.
This is the part where you widen your eyes and gulp. Okay, maybe you are scared. He lifts his head from the floor and stares at you through his mask. You remain frozen, Your hand holding the flashlight up to him, shakes uncontrollably.
He strides over to you, he keeps getting bigger and bigger as you keep getting smaller and smaller.
You're dead.
You're positive as Ion television, this masked scarecrow is going to murder you, There's no way he's going to give you a treat... Right?
Your breath hitches as he towers menacingly over you making you feel ten times smaller than before.
"W-who are you?" You stutter through clatter teeth.
He tilts his head to the side and back, you can feel his eyes checking you out from head to toe. "Scarecrow." His dark tone sends shivers down your spine.
"I-i mean your real name." You sigh.
"Scarecrow." He repeats, crossing his arms.
You let out another sigh, as he is not going to tell you and you don't recognize him through his mask. As of right now, you only know him as...
"Till how long will you be scarecrow?" You ask. He somehow takes another step closer to you. Closing whatever inches of distance there was any left.
"Till the course is complete." He says cryptically.
You were about to ask what he meant but he foresaw your question and shook his head before your lips parted.
He looks down at your costume and you can imagine a smirk crawling on his face. "I thought witches were supposed to look ugly." There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"They're not ugly. That's just how movies and shows portray them." You say.
He hums in response.
"Well, Witchy let's begin, Trick or treat?" His tone changed back to dark.
You gulp loudly, nervous about what to answer. "T-treat?" You say in question.
He chuckles. "Good choice." He unzips his pants and pulls them down, dropping them to his shoes along with his briefs.
You gasp as he's sprung free.
You were expecting candy or at least a fucking sticker but not a hard length leaking with precum.
He muses a light chuckle. "Don't be so scared Witchy, you did say treat, so come and get it."
This is the part where you turn around and RUN. But you don't and not just because he could easily catch up to you but because a part of you didn't want to.
You want your treat.
Your legs tremble as you slowly kneel down before him. You stare at his hard throbbing erection and you feel a pool of wetness dripping down.
You glance at him through your eyelashes. "Um, I never-
You couldn't complete your sentence as he grabbed you by the back of your head, you gasped and he took the opportunity to shove himself inside your mouth. He grunts in satisfaction, throwing his head back as he jerks his hips forward.
A single tear rolls down your face as you take all of him at once. You try not to panic and find a way to breathe through your nose as he fucks your mouth into oblivion. "Use your tongue, drag it up and down, wrap your lips tighter." He groans.
You do what he says, wrapping your lips around tighter, and you drag your tongue. "Let me see those pretty little eyes." He says in a sultry tone.
You lift your eyes up and stare at him as your mouth is still working. "Tonight, you're our little slut, got it?" He strokes your cheek, feeling his bulge.
You weren't sure what he meant and the euphoria is blocking your mind at the moment, so you simply give him a nod in response.
It takes four more thrusts and he explodes inside your mouth. "Swallow every drop." He grunts out, pumping any excess cum on the tip of your tongue.
You drink without spilling a drop.
"That's a good little witch." He smirks. You gather yourself and stand up. Panting, he zips up his pants. "You're not done just yet. Go ahead and continue your path." He handed you the flashlight.
"Will I see you again?" You ask naively. His lips tugged a grin. "If you finish the maze you will."
"So be a good witch, okay?" He caressed your cheek. "Okay." You say. You give him a final glance over your shoulder and you continue your path.
You lit up your way to the next corner and sure enough, there's another figure standing in the corner, patiently waiting.
Another large frame wearing a skeleton mask. "Hiya, sweet cheeks." You knew that voice but it couldn't be. Could it?
"Trick or treat?" He mocks.
If it was him, you weren't sure if you wanted a treat from him.
From Ransom.
So you picked option two.
"Trick." You swallowed softly.
"You sure?" He teases.
In the blink of an eye, he marched right over to you and pushed you so rough that it knocked you right on your ass.
That confirmed, that indeed the skeleton-masked man is Ransom. You grunt as you thump on the ground, you look up scowling as he laughs.
"What was that for?" He crouched over and instantly, he pulled up your dress. "For your trick."  He pulled down your panties.
You suck in a breath but you don't move nor tell him to stop. He lifts his mask just enough to expose his mouth.
He dives right in and starts to lick your wet cunt that's been throbbing since Scarecrow. You let out a soft moan and he goes deeper.
"R-ransom." You moan his name.
He slapped your cunt hard, making you flinch both in pleasure and pain. "Skeleton." He murmurs against your skin, sending vibrations.
"Alright then, Skeleton."
You smile hazily, The cloud you're on goes up higher and higher. "Ske- I-i'm going to-
The cloud disappears and you fall right down.
"Hey." You whine in protest, frowning as he adjusts his mask back on.
"Don't pout, sweet cheeks. You'll get your treat in the end."
Pulling your panties back up, you stand, taking the flashlight from him with a frown on your face.
"Lose that pout." He now said in a stern voice.
"Make me." You frown deeper.
He was about to pounce on you but he refrained himself from doing so. "You're going to regret that at the end of the maze." He huffs.
You flash the flashlight right at his face. "You don't scare me, Ransom." You said before you walked away, frowning.
You walked cautiously as you heard a twig snap. You approach the next corner, finding a third figure smashing the shit out of a pumpkin.
Your gasp made him stop and turn to look at you.
Pumpkin masked-man.
You can feel a darker aura with this one, he was more scarier than the previous two. "Hi there." He curtsy.
"Hi." You whisper.
"Trick or treat Pumpkin?"
"On your knees then."
After he gave you your treat, which was the same treat that Scarecrow gave you. He gave you a wink, muttering "See you at the finish line, Pumpkin."
"It's about time." An irritated voice startled you as you got to the next corner.
"I- uh- you stammered.
His mask gave you chills, a red devil mask.
"Looks like Pumpkin Man got greedy and gave you his treat twice." He crossed his arms.
He did and you didn't mind at all. You devoured his greed.
"Turn around and bend over, because of his greed, you're getting a trick."
You drop your mouth open. "What why?" You protested.
"That's fifteen." He spun you around and bent you over. "Thirty for not doing what I ordered."
Before you could even think, a hard smack bounced right on your ass cheek. You yelp, jerking forward.
"That's one."
Twenty-nine hard slaps later,
You rub your butt as you walk to the last corner, even though it was a trick, it sure did feel like a treat the way he kissed you afterward, the kiss was so soft like he was making up for it and you immediately forgave him.
Who knew the devil could kiss you like an Angel?
You look up to someone clapping their hands. "Congratulations, you made it."
The last masked man, the phantom of the opera.
"Is it over? Did I win?"
"You sure did Sweetheart." He steps closer. "And the winner gets a special prize. You ready?" He strokes your cheek. You look into his eyes feeling flutters in your stomach as he stares back into yours.
"Yes." You whisper.
As soon as the word leaves your mouth, four figures pop out of the shadows.
Red Devil
They all stand around you in a circle. "Boys, it's time to treat our girl, right," Phantom informs them.
They all nod. The first one to approach you is phantom. He picks you up and lays you on top of a flat stone and for a moment you think you were about to be sacrificed. But he starts to strip his clothes off instead.
You stare at him with googly eyes, staring up and down at his god-figure-like body. You didn't even notice you were biting your lip hard till a tiny spill of blood slid down.
Those biceps and his hard abs were a treat alone. You were aching to be smothered by him in a hug.
"Your dress... off now." He commanded.
You practically ripped it off your body. There were several growls growling at you, you looked at them confused about why but when Scarecrow pointed down to your chest you looked.
No bra.
You gulp loudly when Phantom towered over you, pinning your arms above your head as he snarled at you. "Why aren't you wearing a fucking bra."
"B-because- I-i t-the d-dress- it- um
You didn't make sense speaking gibberish.
He gripped your chin and you're forced to look into his dark eyes. "Don't let it happen again."
"Okay." You nodded slowly.
He leaned and kissed you softly as his hands wandered down and he began to massage your breasts. A soft moan escaped your lips and vibrated against his mouth. If it wasn't for the shift movement, you wouldn't have been reminded that there were four other guys around you, watching the two of you tensely.
"You're going to give yourself to me. I'm going to take your virginity and we're all going to have our way with you. You have been chosen." He murmurs as he trails his kisses down to your lower abdomen.
"Chosen?" You murmured back.
"Yes, you have been chosen. Tonight you will be honored, among other things." He smirked.
"How did you know I'm a virgin?"
You hear Ransom chuckling in a low tone.
Of course
He starts to stroke himself and you start to panic as he's rather big. "That is going inside me?" You gulped, eyes widened.
He smirks. "Every inch."
"Is it going to hurt?" You whisper as he lines himself to your entrance. "Yes." He doesn't lie.
He saw the panic in your eyes. "Red Devil come here." He ordered.
He steps inside the circle. "Kiss her, have her distracted till I'm all the way in."
Red Devil lifts his mask to his nose, dips his head, and crashes his lips against yours. You moan softly as he deepens the kiss, he holds your hand in place.
Phantom begins to enter his tip and automatically whimpers against the Red Devil. "She's squirming too much, keep her in place." Phantom let out a groan.
Scarecrow and Pumpkin approach, each one on each side holding your body down. Skeleton grips your hands down as Red Devil keeps kissing you.
Phantom's groans become louder as he goes further in and you begin to shed tears. "Just do it, already. The anticipation is killing her." Scarecrow huffed.
"Fuck you, you would take your time with her too. She's fucking tight." He grunts.
"Focus on me, baby." Red devil whispers. "M-kay-
"Aaah!" You let out a scream for two reasons. Phantom slammed himself all the way in breaking your hymen and two, Red Devil bit down on your lip.
He jerks his head forward and stays still. "Everyone back the fuck up, now." He still has his head hung down. Scarecrow and Pumpkin release their hold on you and Red Devil backs away. Skeleton also known as Ransom reluctantly also backed away. "I get dibs next, I was the one who coronated her." Said Ransom.
"Whatever." Phantom lifts his head up and flips him off. He starts to thrust, groaning as he empowers each thrust. You feel your heat welcoming him, loving how good he feels rubbing against your walls.
You moan uncontrollably, as your eyes roll to the back of your head. "Fuck." He curses, grabbing your legs, and throwing them over his shoulders as he picks up the pace.
"How does she feel?" One of them grunted out but you couldn't tell who it was, as you were too busy seeing white lines.
"Fucking perfect." He pants.
"Fuck I'm not going to last! She's fucking clamping down on me." He squints his eyes closed as you scream in ecstasy. He paints your insides white as he cums in you.
"My turn." Ransom grunts out. "Would you at least wait till my dick is out of her, you fucking horn dog." He retorts.
"Remember Skeleton, we wear a condom with her. The only one who gets to feel her bare is Phantom." Scarecrow tells him as if he was a child.
"I don't know why, I was the one who told you guys about her. Why does Phantom get to be the only one to fuck her raw."
Phantoms slid out of you making you flinch slightly. "Because I'm the leader, fucker." He spats.
"What do you two think?" Ransom ignores Phantom and speaks to Pumpkin and Red Devil instead. "If her cunt feels just as good as her pretty little mouth then yea I wouldn't mind feeling her bare." Pumpkin muses.
Red Devil scoffs. "Well, then we have our answer because you were a greedy fucker and kept her longer than your original time."
As you can tell he was still upset about the double treat...
"Would you guys shut the fuck up, Skeleton fuck her already if not I'm taking your turn." Scarecrow groans.
"I think the fuck not." He snarls. Ransom picks you up like a rag doll and has you in a doggy-style position. Ransom slaps your ass hard and groans. "Remember when I said you were going to regret it, I'm going to hate fuck you so good that you'll fall in love with me." He whispered in your ear.
You hear the crinkle of the condom wrapper ripping. He puts it on. "Ransom don't, not in my-
Before you could finish he smacks your ass again making you jump forward. "Skeleton, fuck her pussy, we'll save that hole for another day." Phantom orders.
He scoffs. "I can have my way with her, I don't need to listen to you."
"I marked her first, my cum is filled inside her. You will do what the fuck I say. You could choke her, do other shit but you won't fuck her ass tonight, she's not ready." He grits out.
Ransom growls behind you. "Fine." He spits out.
In the same position, he enters inside, immediately reminding you of the pain that comes in the beginning. He yanks your hair back and forces you to stare at Phantom who swallows hard watching Ransom fucking you hard.
It shouldn't turn you on but it does. You can see Phantom getting hard again and that does something to your core.
"Look what you're doing to him Y/N, what you're doing to all of them." He taunts in your ear. You glance at Pumpkin, the red devil and scarecrow who's burning holes at you and Ransom.
Pumpkin and Scarecrow are palming themselves against their jeans as Red Devil's gaze is right on you. You can feel his eyes making love to you. You moan watching all of them stare at you.
"I knew you were a slut, not once did I buy your innocent act." He chuckled darkly.
Ransom fucks you harder and you feel him twitching inside you. He wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes hard, you gasp, throwing your head back, your eyes rolling to the back of your head again. "Well look at that, you're no longer pouting, sweet cheeks."
"R-ransom i-i'm cu-
"Give it to me, slut." The degradation was enough to trigger your orgasm and you cum as he spills inside the condom.
You find yourself screaming as he bites hard on your shoulder. "I guess we both marked her." He taunts Phantom who snarls.
"I'm marking her next, come here baby." Pumpkin was already secured with a condom when he snatched you from Ransom.
He leans you against the stone, wrapping your legs around his waist and he doesn't waste any time, he starts to fuck you. "Fuck you do feel good, so fucking tight." He groans.
You no longer feel any mascara on your lashes, it's smudged all over your face thanks to them three. But it's not over yet, you still have Red Devil and Scarecrow.
He tugs and plays with your breasts as they bounce up and down as you rock your hips forward meeting his pace. "Mhmm, you are a little slut, you like getting fuck by five guys?" He pinches your nipple.
"Y-yes!" You cry out, feeling another orgasm rising.
"You are going to be so much fun, go ahead baby, cream me." He coos.
You scream once again, digging your nails on his back and you cum for the third time. He grunts in victory, spilling inside the condom.
He pulls out and Red Devil steps into the frame. "He's a greedy little fucker, isn't he?" He tells you.
You wrap your arms around him, snuggling close as you're starting to feel sleepy and sore. "You can be greedy too... I don't mind." You whisper groggily.
He prepares himself. "I think I'll take up on your offer sweetheart." He caressed your cheek. He kisses you tenderly. "Hang on." He soothes.
You whimper again feeling him stretching you out, they all have been but it feels so good. You hang on to him as he goes into stealth mode, you can tell he has a dark side but he can also be soft, at least with you anyway.
You bury your head into the crook of his neck, not being able to do anything about it you just take the pounding he's giving you till you both cum.
"Greed's hell of a drug." He whispers, kissing you once more. "I'll kick Greed's ass if he doesn't move." Scarecrow deadpans behind him.
He kisses your forehead. "She's all yours." He stepped to the side.
Scarecrow closes the distance between the two of you. "I told you, you'll be seeing me again." He parts your lips with his thumb. "I-i don't know if I can handle another orgasm." You swallow.
"I believe in you."
You slowly nod. "If you pass out I'll stop." He assures. "Okay." You nod again.
You don't feel achy anymore when he enters you, you're getting used to the stretch. You inhale a deep breath as you wrap your arms around his large body, all certified lean muscle.
He hitch a breath, feeling how wet and slick you are down there. "God damm." He pants.
"I have to say, I'm glad we finally listened to Skeleton." He mumbles. "Fuck you asshole." Ransom glares at him.
"Scarecrow, she's getting close, make our girl feel good." Phanton palms his hard erection.
"With pleasure." He teases.
He plunges in and out of you, making you cry and whimper. "Oh my god." Your lips quiver.
"No gods here, Witchy. Just devils." He says in a sultry tone. You bite your lip, hot and not bothered by his comment.
You want him, you want all of them.
You need all of them.
The five hellraisers.
Our bodies condense, the sounds our bodies make echoing throughout the corn maze. "I- S-scarecrow, don't stop, even if I pass out." You say in the heat of the moment.
He groans, picking up his pace. "You can handle it, keep your eyes on me." He coaches you.
Your mouth opens wide, your eyes bulging out of their sockets. "I-
"Eyes on me, Y/n. Keep your eyes on me. Stay with me baby girl, we're almost there."
"I-I can't-
You cry, shaking your head.
"Yes, you can, look at me, focus on me." You look into his eyes through his mask. You breathe heavily as you focus on his eyes and somehow you manage to orgasm without passing out. He catches you as your body convulses uncontrollably.
He rubs your back as he holds you. "I told you, you could do it." He says in a playful tone.
"N-no more." You say tirelessly.
"Course has been completed. Congratulations Y/N, your initiation is finished." Phantom speaks.
"Initiation?" You say hazily.
"You just became the five hellraiser's girl. You belong to us now."
"Who's us exactly?" You say.
He takes off his mask revealing his face, Pumpkin follows then Red Devil, Skeleton who was a dead giveaway, and lastly Scarecrow.
You look at each one of them, now recognizing them from school.
Ransom's friends or should you say, brotherhood of some sort.
Ari Levinson- Phantom
Steve Rogers- Red Devil
Lloyd Hansen- Pumpkin
Andy Barber- Scarecrow
Ransom Drysdale- Skeleton
Ari approaches you first, caressing your cheek. He opens the palm of his hand revealing something. "We each will give you a ring, if you accept them you will always wear them. You are not to take them off, this is how everyone in school will know you belong to the hell raisers. So what do you say Y/N?"
"Put it on me." You don't hesitate. He chuckles as he slides the ring down your ring finger. It's a white colored ring just like his mask.
He kisses you before taking a step to the side. Steve comes up next and you stick his hand out to him. He slides a red-colored ring on your middle finger, kissing your hand when he's done. Lloyd shoots you a wink as he puts his orange-colored ring on your index finger. Andy brings your thumb to his mouth kissing it softly as he slides his off yellow-colored ring on your thumb.
Last, Ransom comes up to you with a smirk. "May I sweet cheeks?"
You stare at him for a moment. "I suppose." You say cautiously. He slides his black and white colored ring on your pinky.
"Welcome to the club sweet cheeks." He smiles. You hook your pink with him and you two pinky promise each other.
"So what happens next?" You ask.
He chuckles, looking over to Ari, who smirks.
You had no idea what he meant but as long it also means you get food and cuddles, you're down for it.
Let's reign hell, hellraisers.
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kittenintheden · 2 months
Not Your Sweetheart Ch 34 - Lavender
Not Your Sweetheart Chapter 34 - Lavender
The one where I absolutely delight in reminding everyone that Astarion has a dead average 10 charisma and an 18 CHA Tav gives him a run for his goddamn money in all the best and most angsty ways.
AKA "gets away with it bc hottie w/a body" meets "wins every social interaction and is also troubled and hot."
AKA the seducer gets seduced and he's mad about it, until he isn't.
But also it's a whole campaign? You know. Do not enter unless you're expecting true-to-life D&D -- everyone hot as hell but stupid as fuck. Get your top-shelf found family and hotties battling for flirt dominance tropes here. 
We start off with some spicy and end on some sweet and everything in between is incredibly awkward and funny. Read on AO3.
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Commissioned piece of the dorks by the fantastically talented @hamrikaa (see the full thing in Ch 10).
“Are you cold?” comes a voice from beside him.
He whips his head around to find the tiefling girl peering up at him. When she doesn’t look away, he glances around to see who she was talking to. “What?” he says.
Arabella points at his arm. “I rub my arms like that when I’m cold. Are you cold?”
“No,” Astarion says, forcing his arms to his side. He clears his throat and looks out over the camp until she wanders off.
She does not wander off.
“Sorry,” she says, though she doesn’t sound it. “I just thought maybe some of you were getting sick.”
“Why would you think that?” he sneers down at her, folding his arms in front of him so he doesn’t fidget.
The girl arches an eyebrow at him. “At least half of you were moaning and groaning partway through the night. I thought it was whatever you all ate. I think Karlach may have been hallucinating. She kept talking to someone who wasn’t there. If you’re not sick, then what?”
Astarion stares. The gears in his head turn, click into place, and he takes a sizable step back.
“No,” he says, putting more space between them. “I am not the one for that talk, no. I’m going to go away now. Do not follow me. Ever again.”
Arabella frowns a little at his retreating back before two of the women walk by, each carrying rations and water toward the fire. The tiefling sighs and says after them, “That’s not what you had last night, is it?”
Shadowheart stops and looks around, confused. “I don’t think so. Why?”
“Don’t want to end up with a bellyache. You all were louder than Mirkon’s snoring until late.”
The half-elf goes immediately pink up to the tips of her ears. “We, erm,” she says. Swallows. “No one was sick. The food is fine.”
“Then what in the hells?” Arabella huffs. “No one tells me anything.”
Shadowheart’s mouth works as she tries to formulate a response.
Before she can get there, Lae��zel says, “I imagine you overheard us having various forms of intercourse, child.”
Very slowly, Shadowheart turns to look at her with wide eyes.
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maislovebot · 9 months
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Francis Scott-Key
Welcome to the chapter of my 4th fav Fitzy:3
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns, fuck me till I forget trope, overstim, they’re married and have a kid, silly, reader is 30-35, some au where reader takes Zelda’s place and their daughter isn’t dead but he’s somehow still attacking the ADA??, idk just imagine he goes against them for a different but still noble reason, domestic, vaginal fingering, praise kink, come eating, overstim, p in v at the end, service top Francis
Everything seemed to be going wrong lately. Your beloved daughter was struggling with her school work, even though Francis had hired the best tutors available. You didn’t mind helping her with her homework, in fact you enjoyed the bonding time, but it was like talking to a wall a majority of the time.
Let’s not even get started on work. While the Guild wasn’t technically your group, you were practically the co-leader, as to be expected of Francis’ wife. Some members were beginning to show some hostility towards Francis, especially one specific farm boy, and it was getting tiring. You knew he wouldn’t ever actually harm Francis, as he was the man in charge of his payroll, but it was still exhausting.
Technically speaking, Francis is powerful enough to just punch John's lights out if he ever became too much of a threat, but you knew Francis couldn’t do that. As vain as he may seem, he is fiercely loyal to any and all members of the Guild, even Lucy who got kicked out some time ago. She was no longer a member, but she was still receiving many of the benefits, along with a new payroll from some coffee shop near the Armed Detective Agency’s office. And if worse comes to worse, she would still be allowed back with open arms if anything were to get too difficult for her, or if she was dealing with an ongoing threat.
Pretty much, she was still a member, but she wasn’t doing any of the dirty work anymore. Francis claimed he simply couldn’t bear to let her go out there all alone, which you understood. Lucy was a delight after all. She was polite, and honestly quite fun to be around. If you were younger, you could see yourself being genuine friends with her. You agreed to continue giving Lucy a payroll, under the condition that if she ever betrayed the Guild, all those remaining assets would be cut off.
To sum it up, things weren’t going very smoothly at the moment. You knew this would all pass once everything with the Armed Detective Agency passed, but as of right now..
You were stressed. Very stressed.
You haven't confided in Francis with your feelings, as you could tell he already had a lot on his plate. If you were stressed, you can’t even fathom how nervous he must be right now. The succession of this mission will result in either prosperity, or the end of the Guild as a whole if he doesn’t play his cards right.
Even among all this stress, Francis still managed to make time for you and your daughter to eat dinner every night at the luxurious dinner table.
“Francis, I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner tonight, I’m incredibly tired. At least the chef is available.” You apologized, as you normally make dinner, even if you don’t need to. He has over thirty-five chefs working under him, it’s a nice hobby though, so you make dinner. Francis says that even if it’s not professional grade, it has a home-esque feeling no other chef has been able to replicate.
“Don’t apologize, dear. Everyone needs a break sometimes.”
Francis brought his hand to your knee, and rubbed circles along it. His hand trailed up a little, just enough to tease, but he quickly pulled away as your daughter bursted through the door, presumably finished with her tutoring.
“Hey, sweetie. Have you finished your homework?”
She nodded boldly.
“Alright..tell me three things you learned. You’re studying ecosystems, correct?”
“Mhm!” She nodded again.
You gave her a look she knew all too well.
“Alright, well then, tell me three things you learned.”
Francis looked at you knowingly, knowing all too well she was having problems processing the information given to her.
“Uhhh..I learned about..precipitation?”
“Wasn’t that last unit?” You chuckled.
She looked to the floor, defeated.
Well, that’s a dead topic.
“Alright. I’ll quiz you again tomorrow, but you better remember something in that big head of yours!” You knocked her head gently and she frowned.
“Alright, I’ll try, I promise!”
As much of a face as you were putting on, you were beyond stressed. You were worried about her test scores. Even if she was only in fifth grade, she is going to a private school. Grades work differently there. Anything below a B- and you legally have to retake the class. What’s even the point of all the other grades, then? you wonder. Private school nonsense, is the answer you come to.
Just as you were about to let out an accidental sigh, you were cut off by the chef walking in with a large tray with dinner on it, along with a dessert (mainly for you and your daughter, as Francis preferred simplicities like tea). Francis, however, noticed your cut off sigh, and raised an eyebrow at you, unbeknownst to you. He decided to put it aside for now, and he looked at the plate of food in front of him, along with the cup of tea that was brought to him while he wasn’t looking.
“This looks good!” Francis looked at your daughter and pet her almost like a dog before grabbing her cheek gently, making her frown.
“Right, doll?” Francis questioned your daughter, obviously teasing her.
“Dad!” She yelled out, “I’m not a little kid anymore! I’m ten!”
He raised his hands in the air.
“Alright, alright. It does look good though right?”
She nodded furiously, before grabbing her fork and digging in enthusiastically. You and Francis chuckled, and when you made eye contact, he made a knowing look to you, before you two were cut off.
Your daughter swallowed her bite of food, holding her pointer finger in the air.
“Yum! Alright, so my friends want to sleepover at their house tonight, if that’s okay with you two.”
You looked at her quizzically.
“Which friends?”
“The two sisters.”
Ah, they were good kids. It was only five pm, and she did have her homework done, even if she didn’t remember any of it. It was also a weekend.
And of course, there was Francis. Considering the looks he was giving you, you could tell he wanted something out of you, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dying to find out what. You were even rubbing your thighs together once he had teased you earlier.
“Alright. You can. But you have to promise you’ll study at their house.”
Once you agreed, Francis smiled and placed his hand on your knee again, although it was rather innocent this time.
“Yes! I’ll call and let them know!” She ran off to her bedroom, before remembering one vital detail.
“Mom.. can I use your phone to call them?”
And now you and Francis were home alone, the only other company being the housekeepers packing up to return home for the day, and they’d be gone any minute.
You and Francis were going steady, with you straddling atop of him and kissing him deeply, ruffling his well kept hair with your hands. Although it was fairly innocent right now, you couldn’t ignore the strain you could feel against your crotch as you straddled him. Just as he couldn’t ignore how you were grinding up against his erection with each passing moment.
“Please, Francis.” You pulled away from his lips.
“Please what?” He teased.
“Please give me more.”
Francis nodded, and began to fondle your chest, rubbing circles along your nipples, pushing you over so you were now on your back with him above you. He trailed his hand down till he was prodding at your underwear, pulling it aside. You were only in your bra and panties now, and he was only in his button up shirt and boxers. So it wasn’t exactly difficult.
He pushed his middle finger inside your cunt, and he quickly moved his finger up to curl against your g-spot. When he dragged his fingers you trembled slightly and whined, making Francis chuckle.
“Looks like you needed this.”
Francis added another finger and thrusted inside faster, feeling you tighten around him. He smiled at your reactions, and kissed your forehead.
“You look stunning like this.”
He added another finger, and curled his fingers up to your g-spot harsher, and as he fucked you on the majority of his hand. Your eyes rolled back from all the intense feelings and you gripped the bedsheets. You gripped his wrist to keep him in place, aware of how much of a tease he could be at times. Francis chuckled, his voice riveting and vibrating against your skin. You couldn’t hold on anymore, and you let go of his wrist.
“Ah, close—I’m close..”
Francis sped up his movement, using his thumb to press your clit and rub circles against it. You arched your back up into his body and you finally came. The loud cry you let out went right to Francis’ ego and he got even harder than before, continuing to rub along your clit, slowing down his movements with his fingers. Allowing you to calm down from your high. Once your body relaxed and your orgasm died down, he pulled his fingers out of you and he licked his fingers clean before leaning down to kiss you again, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
“God, I can’t get enough of you.” Francis said once he pulled away, looking at your breathless face. Francis began to pull down your underwear, smiling at the small gasp you let out from your sensitivity.
Once he pulled your underwear down he continued feeling up your clit, relishing in the way you whined into his mouth as he kissed you. He needed this so bad. He was so tired, and you were proving to be a perfect stress reliever, even if he wasn’t getting all that much stimulation. He reached behind your back with his free hand and undid your bra, pulling it off your shoulders. You turned your head away from him, feeling a little shy. Which Francis wasn’t having at all. He gripped your chin with his dominant hand and looked into your eyes and kissing you yet again.
You were great at comforting him, but he was growing desperate for something that would help the ache on his hard on, so he straddled your thigh and started grinding against it like some teenager. He in turn whined into your mouth and groped you with his free hand. So much was going on at once, all you could do was grip his waist, wrapping your arms around him tenderly.
He was rubbing soft circles into your clit while leaning over you, helping you reach your absolutely ecstatic orgasm, your entire body practically giving out, with the only function left for your body to offer being to arch your back into him. The arching of your back brought your chest closer to him, and he almost instantly began licking at your chest at the opportunity.
It felt amazing, but it sent a wave of shock down your body and you jolted your back down into the bed, forcing his lips to detach from your chest.
“Are you okay?” He asked, looking up at your face with worry and regret covering his eyes completely, although he still had that iconic smile on his face
“No—no, it feels great, I’m just sensitive there as is, you going at it right after I come is..” You weakly got out, hoping that despite your underwhelming, tired tone you would get your point across.
That reassurance went straight to his ego, resulting in an aroused jolt (as if he wasn’t already painfully hard) on his end this time.
“Damn—I love you, s-so much—I want to—”
He didn’t even manage to finish his sentence before he was moving himself down between your thighs like a man starved. He tentatively licked at your clit and hole. It hurt a little because it was immediately after your orgasm, but it also felt phenomenal. It felt so good in fact that you rode yourself onto his face briefly before he took a hold on your hips.
“There’s no need to fuck my face, I’ll give you everything you want.”
And oh God did he keep his promise. He noticed how you were desperate for more tension, and pressed his tongue inside your hole as much as he was physically capable, stretching it out as far as he could reach. His thrusts with his tongue were emphasized by the way he tightened his grip on your hips, as he pulled your pussy onto his face as much as possible. Your legs were spread pretty far, considering how his head was separating your thighs, but it soon didn’t matter as you simply wrapped your thighs around his head.
You bucked your hips into his face, allowing his tongue to reach even deeper, and you cried out at your own movements. Francis’ thrusts of his tongue were driving you crazy, and you were starting to really forget about all the problems going on.
You didn’t have to worry about dinner right now, or tucking your daughter into bed, work was out of your mind, and all that you had to focus on was the miraculous way Francis worked with his tongue. No more stress today, Francis was going to make sure of that.
Francis was doing wonders with his tongue, kissing your clit whenever you whined particularly loud. He held your hips down with force, keeping you exactly where he wanted you. He kissed and licked at your clit, taking breaks every so often to kiss and nibble your thighs, it was sweet but you were going crazy with the way he’d switch from eating you out like his life depended on it to tenderly kissing your thighs, and in order to lock his head in place you gripped his hair, messing it up more than it already was from his rather stressful day. He throbbed at your actions and began licking and sucking your clit with even more determination. He moved his right hand up and put two fingers inside of you, curling them towards your g-spot, making you let out a loud whine and finally come all over his face.
You breathed heavily and slowly loosened the grip on his hair before letting go entirely, resting your arms on the bed.
Francis was known for being a man with a lot of self control, but he was absolutely desperate at this point and saved no time in kissing you quickly before pulling his pants down and lining himself up with your currently recovering heat.
“Wait.. Francis, I gotta recover.”
“Please, Dear. You can handle just a little more, just for me right?”
You nodded, unable to resist him. He treated you so well, he should get what he wants as soon as possible, right? You pulled him down by the shoulders and unbuttoned his dress shirt, his tie already long gone. By the time you were done taking off his shirt, he was already halfway inside of you, making you whine and tremble, and the buttons more difficult to undo.
Francis asked if you could handle a ‘little more’, but by the time he was done you were practically passed out. He went at it for such a longtime, you distinctly remember seeing white everytime you came. It was a strangely comforting feeling to fall asleep to. It almost felt airy, despite the aching pain in your hips from him gripping them so hard as he thrust himself into you. It felt like you were going to some second heaven, and it made you fall asleep with a clear head.
You fell asleep in Francis’ arms, holding him tight as he rested his head on yours, not having a care in the world.
You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Wc - 2.6k
Omg we’re in top three territory now!! Ango will be next:)
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zels-echoes · 25 days
MHA 423 spoilers under the read more so please don’t open if you don’t want to be spoiled.
I am getting really disappointed in fandom constantly jumping to conclusions.
There is so much negativity and despair from everything happening in this chapter with the death of Shigaraki and… For some reason everyone is saying Shirakumo is dead.
First, where the hell does everyone get the idea that Shirakumo/Kurogiri died in this chapter? He WAS going to sacrifice himself to stop AFO, and he started to disappear as he was creating a portal to switch places with Deku, yes, but it got interrupted by Bakugo. Even with the way Rukasu interpreted it says otherwise:
‘Kurogiri starts to disappear but, at the last second, Bakugou appears and propels to deku with his explosions.’
Yes Hori is going write Shirakumo trying to sacrifice himself, get interrupted by Bakugo, and die for no fucking reason having done absolutely nothing there. There’s no way Shirakumo is dead, guys. There’s no point of Bakugo’s entrance being like that if Shirakumo still dies anyway. The point was to say STOP SACRIFICING YOURSELF AND TRAUMATIZING YOUR BEST FRIENDS, OBORO.
Yes I know there’s the panel where we see Shig say ‘Kurogiri..’ as well with what looks like embers of the portal vanishing, but… Nothing really came of that. Nothing to me confirms Kurogiri/Shirakumo is officially dead and gone. There would be no point to writing Bakugo last second interrupting him like that. At all. My bet is the portal vanishing because he went out-cold. He was already exhausted before that. Hell I really don’t think any of the villains are dead except AFO. The only one who deserved death. As well as Shigaraki (note: but not Tenko Shimura).
Second, do you all forget the point of MHA (and Star Wars for that matter since it’s a core influence), is to hold out hope? The final war is supposed to be about saving lives, not losing them. Is Shigaraki dead? Yes, but Tenko Shimura will be saved, and I’m on board with the Phoenix theory because why would it be mentioned that the regeneration half of the quirk was removed before giving it to Tenko? Destruction of Shigaraki is then restored by Shimura. It’s beautiful.
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Third, the manga isn’t over yet. Shonen Jump hasn’t even come out with the announcement on when it’s supposed to end. We likely still have 10-12 chapters left considering this is the start of a new volume. Stop jumping to negative conclusions, give it time, have a little patience before despairing and making such harsh judgements.
Idk, I could be very wrong and just coping. Maybe Shirakumo did die, maybe Shig/Tenko is gone for good. Maybe the end is just full on Star Wars where the Vader/Kylo Ren figure does a good thing by killing evil sith Emperor Palpatine figure then peaces out (sequel ending was stupid af to begin with). Everyone could very much be dead and gone but truly what kind of story would that be? But idk it doesn’t feel hopeful for this story. That’s not saving any of their lives as Deku wanted. You’re telling me they’re just going to up and rebuild society without the perspective they need from the villains who weren’t accepted in the current mold? Is it just going to be on Deku’s shoulders like Luke Skywalker? Spoiler alert: Everything post OG trilogy Star Wars is in the damn shitter with the New Republic and I'm not just talking the sequel trilogy (See: Mandalorian and Ahsoka) and for the love of god WE DO NOT NEED THAT TRASH HEAP OF A SEQUEL TRILOGY REPEAT ANYWAY (I feel bad for Filoni having to pick up the pieces of this trash to make the sequels seem coherent like he had to with the prequels). I don’t believe that for a second. Something is gonna happen. Hori has been taking what we expect from a show like Star Wars and flipping the table on it. Like All Might being an Obi-Wan figure who goes to fight the Vader figure and dies, but surprise, All Might lives instead, because we don't need the master to sacrifice himself and die. The only thing we can do is wait. Horikoshi has been doing a shit load of back and forth between despair and hope, and I sure as hell can’t see it ending on despair.
No more of this solo Luke Skywalker and Rey (yeeshyeeshyeesh) building everything back up with the light side of the force. If you want balance, you need the light and dark working together.
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dre6ming · 1 year
The delicate beginning rush
Chapter 17 - this is when the feeling sinks in
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To be added to my tag list click HERE
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/ actress fem reader
Warning: age gap (10 years), smut (18+ mature content), cursing, mentions of death, grief, alcohol, fluff
Plot: the ending to a beautiful love story, the next few months in (y/n) and Austin’s life, navigating everything.
Word count: ~10.000
Disclaimer: this is the last chapter of the series, BUT be not afraid, there will be an epilogue to tie the end completely, but I can’t make any promises about when it will be posted since I have started on it yet, but keep an eye on my page, I always update when I can. Also this chapter is not proof read so there my be writing errors. Thank you!
A/n: thank you so much for coming along on this journey and though the story might be over “The delicate beginning rush” universe is not closed, so content from this world might still be posted on the form of fake instagram stories or small stories. I will always revisit these two whenever I feel like you (my readers) want me to. Thank you!! 💜🧶
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June 2022
Today it's a calm day in the studio with Taylor and Jack, I'm working on my vocals for her new album that she will announce at the AMA's. "Ok when you hear the beat, start singing." Taylor tells me, giving me the ok to record my vocals. Jack plays the track, the song Paris, is not finished yet, but she really wants it on the album, so we're doing the mixing and vocals for it, I the hopes that inspiration will struck and she'll finish it. As I'm singing I keep thinking that the way she describes she's feeling about Joe, it's the way I feel about Austin, only I can't scream it from the top of lung like her, I have to keep it private. When the word private comes to my mind something in my brain clicks I tell Jack to keep playing the beat for a little longer.
" Privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
levitate above all the messes made
sit quiet by my side in the shade
and not the kind that's thrown
but the kind under where a tree has grown"
After I finish I take my headphones down and come out of the recording booth, seeing Taylor's and Jack's knowing looks. "That was amazing, Taylor you're up next" Jack says, getting back to his computer, putting together the vocals and such. "Ahah right away, then you're gonna tell me who this person that has you so in love is" Taylor teases before going into the booth to record the verse I just wrote.
Later in the car on the way to her place where she and I will have dinner with Joe, like we usually do, I fidget around nervously. "It's Austin isn't it? He's the one you love?" She asks, looking at me and taking my hands in hers, to stop me from picking at my skin. I look at her, scared for her reaction and all words leave me as I simply nod. What she does, takes me by surprise, when she brings me close and hugs me resting her chin on my head. "If he make you happy, I'm willing to give him a chance." She promises, squeezing me tight in her arms. "Thank you, it means so much to be able to finally tell you." I giggle, the weight already off my chest. "I hope you know now you've got to arrange a meet between me and him, preferably a double date at your place maybe?" She says. "Deal." I agree, happy to have her support.
August 2022
"Agh I'm so nervous, this is too much for me to handle" my hands are shaking holding the champagne glass, looking at the huge projected screen counting down the seconds until my album goes live on streaming. "It's going to be so amazing, my darling, trust me (y/n)" Austin tells me, squeezing my shoulders in a comforting way, kissing my cheek. For the past months I've slowly been introducing Austin to my close friends, so when I decided to host my birthday party and my album release party, privately at my New York apartment, I decided it was safe to invite him. "You think so?" I ask furrowing my brows, creasing my forehead with concern. Austin smooths his hands down my arms, his electric touch sending shivers down my spine. "I know so." he smiles at me so confident.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I put my glass to his lips and he tilts his head back, drinking the remaining liquor. He licks his lips sensually, dipping down to kiss me, but I see Taylor approaching in my peripheral vision, so I turn my head to the side, so his lips touch my cheek instead. "Hi Taylor!" I say, moving out of Austin's embrace, to hug her tightly. "Happy birthday my mastermind!" She says, squeezing me as hard as she can. I feel Austin shift uncomfortably behind me, so I can only imagine she's giving him a death stare. Taylor was the one who probably took it the hardest when I told her about me and him, she loves me and she's very protective of me. Taking caution from her previous relationships with age gaps such as mine and Austin's. "Hello Taylor, nice to meet you in person!" Austin says, extending a hand for her to shake, this is the first time they meet officially, he knows she's not too fond of him. I try to give her my best pleading look, while trying to be subtle about it and Taylor understands, her gaze softening a bit. "Likewise Austin, glad to see you're here supporting her, it means a lot to her!"
"I know it does." Austin tells her truthfully, snaking an arm around my waist. "So are you excited, only 10 minutes until it goes live." Taylor moves her eyes on me, looking excited. A set of arms wraps around her waist and Joe's head pops from the side, resting on her shoulder. "(Y/n) happy birthday, 20 looks good on you." Joe says in his strong British accent, smiling wholeheartedly. "Aw thank you Joe! I'm actually freaking out right now, what if everybody hates it?" I start stressing out again, all kinds of thoughts taking over my head once again as my heart rate picks up and my hands go clammy with sweat. "Hey, hey, none of that, you have a beautiful voice and you wrote beautiful songs, people would be crazy not to love them." Taylor assures me, taking my hands in hers, smoothing her fingers over my knuckles. "She's right, it's gonna be amazing, you're so so talented." Austin chimes in, agreeing with Taylor. "Austin man, mind grabbing a glass? Let's leave the girls do their thing." Joe proposes, leading Austin to the bar, to get a drink.
Taylor hooks her arm around mine and starts walking me to the balcony to get some fresh air. "You know I think I'm slowly working my way to liking him, you guys are cute, I'll give you that." I giggle at her confession, curling a strand of hair behind my ear. "He's sweet, he's been by my side through all of this, he calms me down."
"Well that's good, doesn't mean I won't keep my eye on him." She tells me, squeezing my arm. "Well it's good to know I have friends I can count on." I lean my head on her shoulder, looking out at the New York lights, the city looks so magical at night. "I just don't want you to go through the pain I did, when I felt like everything hurt, every single action was excruciating." She sighs. "Heartbreak is inevitable, I don't think me and Austin are forever, maybe I'm wrong, I don't know." I admit my thoughts, this is the first time saying this out loud, though I've thought it for a while now. I love Austin, of course I do and it's not to say that I don't think he loves me, but I have to keep a grip on reality and the possibility that he might leave some day. "Don't!" Taylor warns, taking a step away, turning me to look at her. She places her hands on my shoulders, softly shaking me, like trying to wake me up, her blue eyes looking straight into mine. "If there's one thing I've learned from every relationship I've had, is that if you keep anticipating the bad outcome, there's always a good chance it'll happen. Austin may not be forever, but he might also be, you don't know and you can't keep jinxing yourself."
Tears well in my eyes and I nod, a soft whimper escaping past my lips, turning into a sob, as she pulls me into her arms, to hug me. "I'm so scared Taylor, I feel paralyzed, soon all of the songs I wrote about my parents, my feelings, about Austin, everything.. it'll just be out there. And then I have to admit to myself that me and Austin won't be able to keep this hidden for much longer, I'm so sa-" my voice breaks as I fist the material of her dress, clinging onto her. "Oh (y/n) it'll all be ok, just breathe ok? Please!" Taylor tries to calm me down, but I'm livid at this point shaking in her arms, hot streams of slat running down my cheek and into my mouth. "(Y/n)? Taylor? Guys?" A all too familiar voice calls out, slow steps approaching. "Oh my sœur, my sweet little sister, what's wrong? Joe and Austin said you two walked out on the balcony, is everything ok?" Timmy asks, smoothing a hand down my back. "We just need a minute, how long until midnight?" Taylor asks, rocking me in her arms. "Four minutes on the clock." Timmy tells her, causing a much louder sob to go past my lips as the fear of the inevitable release of everything I've worked so hard for approaches. "Ok, go in there, we'll be in at the right time." Taylor assures.
Timmy kisses my temple, then leaves me and Taylor as we were before, alone in the hot august night. "You have one more minute to cry, then we will wipe those tears away and go in there. You'll act like the superstar that you are and claim every good thing coming your way, I know it can be scary to have you're feelings served on a plate for everyone to see, but once they are out and you see that everyone feels or has felt like that, you won't be so scared anymore." She wipe my tears with a tissue she pulled out of the pocket of her dress. My lips shiver in a shy smile, as I breathe deep. "Ok, I'm a superstar, I'm gonna be great." I repeat her words, trying to convince myself, the fact that she looks so sure of it, helping a bit. "Come on, we don't want to miss the release." She drags me back into the apartment, all my fiends are gathered around the screen projector, looking at the huge numbers counting down, champagne glasses in their hands, ready to toast.
"Five, four, three, two, one..." people count out loud, then clapping and music erupts, shaking the room alive as Timmy and Joe pop some confetti. I let go of Taylor's hand, my eyes scanning the room for the one I want to see the most. A pair of arms catches me, turning me around to face the person. My face inches away from Austin's. "I love you, congratulations!" He whispers, before placing his soft plush lips on mine, moving slowly and tender, bringing me to life, every cell in my body becoming overcharged with serotonin. My head thuds against my rib cage and I lace my fingers through his silky hair. "I love you too!" I tell him, as he lets me go, so I can circle the room and hug everyone here. It's not a big party but all the important people are here, except my parents. Now, my mom wanted to come, but she couldn't take so much time off work and dad, well I still haven't gotten around to talking to him.
After hugging Billie and her brother, I move on, ending up face to face with Joshua. "Congratulations! I'll be rooting for you at the Grammys!" He jokes, making me laugh as I drag him into a tight hug. "That reaching but I think that just for tonight I'll entertain it." I say, smiling. "Well we'd hope so!" Roxanne says, coming to his side, kissing his cheek. They started seeing each a few months ago, after she came along for a studio session with him. "Very funny, have fun!" I wish them moving on to the next person.
At the end of the night I'm pretty tired and my feet hurt like hell from being squeezed into those very uncomfortable, but very beautiful heels. "An outstanding piece of art from a young upcoming singer, best known for her Oscar worthy performance. A raw, bone shattering audio experience, a journey through the ups and downs of the teenage years..."
"Oh my lord, stop stop, that's enough!" I say, crawling over the bed to reach Austin and take the phone out of his hand. "Hey it's on rolling stone, it must be legit." He says, bending down to kiss my lips. "Maybe." I mumble moving my soft lips against his. My hands roam his torso, until they reach the collar of his shit. With a little tug, I fall on my back, dragging him along. Austin chuckles against my mouth, using one hand to prompt himself up so that he doesn't squish me underneath him. My thoughts are going at a thousand miles per hour and my hands find purchase in his blonde locks of hair, scratching at his scalp, resulting in a long breathy moan to escape him. My hips lift off of the mattress unconsciously, my pelvis brushing against his. Austin grunts, grinding his crotch against mine, placing his free hand on my thigh, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist.
We're a panting mess of bodies colliding, the clothes between us restricting us from feeling the warmth of each other fully, so I grab at his shit that's tugged into his pants, snaking my hands underneath the cotton material, to feel his soft burning flesh with the tips of my fingers. Austin's lips move along my jaw, taking their sweet time in loving that one spot right below my ear, that has me going crazy. "Austin.." I sigh, pleasure traveling through my bloodstream enveloping my whole body, I feel the arousal starting to gather in my underwear and I need more, so I move my hips against him harder, searching for that release. Austin's hand ghosts over my thigh, lifting my dress up, then stopping on my hipbone he pushes me into the mattress.
"(Y/n), baby? How far do you want to go?" Austin asks me, his fingers digging into my flesh holding me in place against the mattress. "All the way, I- I need you." I whine, trying to get free out of his grip, but to no avail. Austin freezes above me, then slowly moves back a bit, putting some distance between us, to look at my face. His blue orbs look over my crimson complexion, analyzing every freckle and every wrinkle, looking for the smallest drop of doubt. "Are you s-sure you're ready? I've told you before, you don't have to, I love you!"
Austin has always been considerate, ever since we started dating and I told him about being a virgin he assured me that I should never feel pressured into changing that. And I never have, but I've dreamed maybe even wished that it would happen and that he would be the one to do it.
I push my hips up fighting he's strong hold on my hip, whining for his touch, feeling starved in a way I've never felt before. Austin's breath gets a bit jagged and his hand resting on the side of my head, fists the bed sheets. "Ok baby, anything for you, anything!" He promises putting his lips back on mine, consuming my entire soul with his wet kiss. I lift my head off of the bed to follow his sweet soft lips when he pulls back. Austin's hand leaves my hip, coming to stroke my left cheek gently, his skin feeling electric against mine. His ocean blue eyes travel over my face, following my every feature like his willing to have my face engraved in his memory forever. The glimmer in the sky colored orbs watching me, melts my heart, it makes heat travel all over my body and stop in between my legs, so I rub my thighs together, trying to get some relief. The action does not go unnoticed by Austin and a boyish smile appears on his face.
I blush a deep shade of pink, trying to hide my face in the palm of his hand. "Nah no doing that, eyes on me honey! Good, now tell me what you want!" I open my mouth to speak only a bit scared to voice my desire, but his loving glare calms me down. "I want you to make love to me, Austin. Be mine!" I tell him, cupping his face this both of my hands, smoothing the skin on his cheeks. "I'm yours, I've always been, always will be!" His eyes so full of honesty and love, there's no doubt that what's between us, is real and genuine. I pull him in, only to miss his lips right before they touch mine, turning his head to whisper in his ear. "Show me!" My words sound like a dare and his whole body trembles in response.
Instantly his lips are on mine, drinking me in, moving in an orchestrated manner. Austin's hands roam my body and he shifts around the bed, placing a leg in between my thighs, angling it up, putting pressure right her I crave it. I sigh in pleasure, moving my hips over his thigh, wanting more than just the peer pressure his leg provides. I'm wearing thin nylons under my dress and he uses one hand to rip them apart. "Aus!" I gasp pulling back to see him smirk. "I'll buy you a dozen more, now let me make you feel good." He says stealing the breath out of me. His hands settle on my hips, moving me along his thigh, the friction sending electric shocks of pleasure through me. I grasp onto him, keeping him as close as possible, while he keeps my hips moving. I feel me sleek coating his pant leg and I squeeze my thighs around his muscular thigh. Austin keeps a steady pace, speaking quietly in my ear, telling me how much he loves me. "Let go baby, realx, come on!" He encourages me and my orgasm takes over me leaving me a shaky breathless pile of bones and muscles.
Austin gets up from the bed, taking a step back to look at me, catching his chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You look so fucking beautiful like this, spread out for me, cheeks rosy" he bites his lip, slowly starting to undress himself, unbuckling his belt. On cue I start to lift my dress over my head, but he shakes his head, stopping me. "I want to do it, just be patient my darling." His voice rasps, filling me with excitement.
Soon he stands bare in front of me and I can't help but roam my eyes over his form, I've seen him naked before, but for some reason right now feels like it the first time. "Like the view?" Austin quirks a brow at me, chuckling. "Maybe!" I giggle, licking my lips, the action wiping the smirk off his face. Austin comes closer, bending down to take both of my hands in his, lifting me up in a sitting position. "You're the best thing to happen to me." He tells me truthfully. I touch his face, smoothing the wrinkles by his eyes, then ghosting my finger tips over his plump lips. "I love you Austin, thank you for being mine." I kiss him forcefully, as his hand grab the hem of my dress, slowly lifting it up my body, his burning flesh teasing my, leaving goosebumps all over. We have to break apart when he reaches my head and we both laugh when the sequences of the dress get stuck in my hair.
Now here I am, naked in front of this man that watches me like I'm the only thing he's ever known to look at. His eyes glimmer in a way I can't describe and his hands follow the shape of my body without touching me, like he's scared I'm going to perish if he dares to lay a hand on my. I grab his wrists and guide his hands to cup my bare breast, the moment our skins make contact his eyes snap at me, pulling me into a deep stare. There's something so carnal about this, just to people in love, looking into each other's eyes. I let go of his wrists and move to take off my panties and ripped nylons, finally leaving myself completely bare for him to see. Austin's eyes never leave mine, as on of his hands moves over to my hip, the other snaking around my torso. Carefully he lifts me up, placing me in the middle of my bed, hovering over me.
"Are you scared? You're so quiet." Austin asks, brushing the hair out of my face. "No, I think you've left me speechless." I smile, brushing my hands through his hair. "As flattering as that is, I want you to tell me if you need me to stop. Eyes on me (y/n)!"
"I will, I promise! I'm ok now." I assure him and he nods his head, coming down to kiss me. "I need a condom, fuck I- I don't have any." Austin suddenly realizes, looking apologetic. "I'm so sorry baby, I just, I don't carry one around and I-" I start laughing at his frantic way of apologizing. Their is my Austin, always so sweet and considerate, not to say polite. Him not having a condom on hand tells me that this is as unexpected for him as it is for me. "I have an idea." I say trying to hold my laugh in. "What?" He looks rather skeptic of me. "I know Timmy has some, I could go sneak in and take some."
Austin instantly looks terrified. "And risk getting killed on your birthday?" I can't hold my amusement in anymore. "I'm glad my eminent death amuses you." He says trying to sound angry, but unable to hide his laugh. "Well technically, it's way over midnight, so it's no longer my birthday and I'll be careful." I say, sliding from underneath him, grabbing my silk robe and tying it around me. "(Y/n) are you sure? We can do this tomorrow, or when you want to, we don't have to rush." I bend down to give him a quick kiss. "I want to now, I'll be right back." I turn around walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.
I tiptoe through the quiet house and I can hear Timmy in the kitchen talking on the phone, so I quickly sprint to his room, going straight to the bathroom. I search every drawer and cabinet, finally finding the condoms, grabbing two and putting them in the pocket of my robe. As I close the cabinet door and get ready to leave I hear the door to his room open and close. "Fuck fuck..." I look around for an excuse of why I'm here, this late and naked. I grab the toothpaste tube and decide I'm just gonna lie about needing it.
The bathroom door opens and I'm met eye to eye with him. "Can I help you sœur?" He asks, looking confused. "Um I just needed to borrow toothpaste, I ran out." I explain nervously, shifting my weight from one leg to the other. "Okay?" He doesn't seem to believe me. "Well thanks!" I smile trying to get past him and out the door. "Can you bring that back when you're done? I need to brush my teeth as well." He says and I curse myself for not thinking about that. "Oh well I'm actually so tired, I think I'll just take some now." I say, opening the tube and squeezing some toothpaste onto my finger. "Here you go, have a great night." I tell him, handing back the tube and running out the door. "Ok wiredo.." he mumbles as I walk fast back to my room.
In my room Austin waits for me on the bed, with his arm folded under his head and everything on display. "You made it. With toothpaste?" He jokes, getting up from the bed, hugging my waist and spinning me around onto the bed, to end up where we left off, with me under him. "Timmy walked in in me, I had to find an excuse for being there." I explain taking a tissue form my bedside table and wiping the toothpaste off. Austin laugh shaking his head in disbelief. I slide my hand in the pocket of my robe and pull out the two condoms, holding them up. "Two? You plan to seduce me more than once tonight?" Austin smiles at me, coming down to pepper kisses all over my face. "Maybe." I tease, getting lost in the feeling of his lips traveling over my skin. "Well to be honest you don't have to try to hard" he confesses, kissing down my neck, reaching the spot under my ear, sucking and turning me to jello in his arms. His hands walk over my silk covered form, untying the robe and letting it fall open. Austin places the palm of his hand on my lower stomach, slowly inching it down, teasing me by taking a second to play with my hair. "Please!" I beg, lifting my hips off the mattress, willing him to touch me. "Patient baby, I need to open you up a bit, I don't want it to hurt." He says breathing ragged.
Finally his skilled finger touches my clit, drawing slow circles, pleasure cursing through me, enveloping me whole. "Aus.." I moan pulling at his hair, causing him to let out a guttural groan. "(Y/n)." His fingers work me like magic, his thumb applying pressure to my clit while his forefinger teases me hole. Slowly he enters one finger, pumping it in and out at a slow pace, curving it up, to massage that spongy spot inside me, making my legs shake. "I'm gonna add another one baby, ok? Just breathe for me." Austin instructs me and I nod my head, unable to reply as my voice gets knocked out of me. His long fingers work me open, gentle and slow, the stinging of the stretch being gone very soon. I feel the bubble of pleasure start to form in my belly and I start breathing faster. Austin moves down my chest to take one of my nipples in his mouth, swirling his hot tongue around the sensitive bud.
Right when I feel about to reach my peak, his long fingers disappear, leaving me whining and wanting more. "What-" his lips on mine silence me. "Take off the robe baby, I want to feel all of you." As I work on getting my robe off, he takes his shaft in hand, pumping himself a few times, quiet curses going past his lips. "Fuck the way you watch me kills me baby, you know that (y/n)?" He asks, taking one condom, opening it and rolling it on slowly. Everything suddenly feels so real and when he clears his throat to catch my attention, I realize I was frozen. "(Y/n) we don't have to, I told you." I quickly shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him back over me. "It's not that, I just-" I'm a bit ashamed to voice my fears, but looking into Austin's eyes I see that I have nothing to fear. "What if I'm not good enough and I don't make you feel good?" I whisper.
"My darling love, when it comes to you it's not just sex, never was, never will be, it's about showing each other how much love we have for one another. And to be honest sex feels good for guys almost no matter what, only a jerk would tell a girl she doesn't know how to please him. Ok? I love you!" Austin caresses my cheek, kissing my lips. I feel my heart gallop in my chest and the second I feel his hard on, touch my inner thigh I'm reminded of the desire I have for him. "I love you too." I tell him, kissing him back. "I know, I'm going to try ok? If it hurts to much, just tell me and I'll stop." Austin promises, looking into my eyes. "Yes, I promise."
I feel his head nudge my entrance, my breath hitches in the back of my throat and anxiety builds in my chest, up his eyes never leave me. I wince at the sudden sting and he freezes. "Keep going it's ok." I say, and though he looks skeptical, he keeps going. When he's fully inside me and his pelvis touches mine, I feel complete. I wish I could describe better how the way we're now conjoined makes me feel so at peace and so safe. "Are you ok?" Austin asks one of his big hands cupping my breast and twisting my nipple between his fingers. I moan loudly, throwing my head back, screwing my eyes shut. "Yess, move, oh god." A low grunt escapes Austin and he starts to move, his head hitting my g-spot with every thrust. "You're so tight, squeezing me so good, God I wish to stay like this forever." He whines, moving his hips at a steady pace. I get more confident and start moving my hips to meet his thrusts. "Shit Aus, feels so good.... Love you so much."
"I love you too!" His hands touch every patch of skin, exploring me, memorizing every inch of my body and I do the same, touching every part of him I can. Austin moves on of his hands back to my clit, stimulating it, making me squeeze around him. "You close baby? Look at me." He demands and I follow his request, making eye contact with him and feeling closer to my orgasm. "I'm so close, Aus, don't stop." He gives me a sloppy grin, kissing the tip of my nose. "I'm close too honey." He says, moving a bit faster. At this point we're just two piles of bones and muscle, whimpering and chasing our pleasure. Austin keeps playing with my clit and soon my orgasm hits me like a brick wall, pleasure washing over me like a cold shower, making everything blurry. "Austin." I moan, feeling him twitch inside me, as he freezes on top of me, moaning loudly. "(Y/n)"
When we both come back to reality he gets up, to throw the condom in the trash, then he scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bathroom, turning the shower on. We take turns on washing each other, cracking jokes. "I love using your stuff I smell like you and it feels like you're with me all the time." Austin tells me, kissing my lips and working my conditioners through my hair. "I love you so much." I say, looking into his eyes. "I love you too."
December 2022
"Mom, the timer is done, I think your chicken is cooked." I scream from the kitchen, busy cracking some eggs for the cake I'm baking, tonight we plan a surprise birthday party for Timothee, so I'm doing all the baking while mom take care of the cooking. She and I kept on talking over the past months and while she's keen on staying at her new job in Nevada she visits now. Don't ask about my dad, neither of us got the courage to contact him just yet, but it's on my goal list for next year. "Oh Jesus, why must this skinny white boy have as his favorite food, your father's secret chicken recipe?" I giggle, adding flour to my mix. "Mom if it were secret, you wouldn't be able to cook it right now." She flips me off, making us both laugh as she gets the delicious food put the oven.
"So I think I got the karaoke system to work, but I won't put my money on it." Austin comes in the kitchen. "Oh miss. (Mother/n) that smells so good." He compliments my mom, coming over to my side to dip a finger into the frosting I made. "Hey, wash your hands first, now put it in the fridge please." I ask politely and he complies, giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you Austin, dear!" My mom smiles at him.
She met Austin a month ago and despite our big age difference she seems to be quite fond of him. She told me however to be careful, but other than that she welcomed him in. "So when is everyone showing up?" Austin asks, leaning against the kitchen counter. I look over his shoulder at the clock on the wall. "In two hours, but Roxanne and Joshua should be here any minute." I tell him, singling for him to bring the cake pan over so I could pour the mixture in it and pop it in the oven. "I'm happy the are still going strong." Austin speaks, opening the oven for me to slide the cake in. "Yeah, they seem happy." They've actually been going steady for a few months now and anyone who watches them sees that they have a great time together and that they love each other dearly.
"So any songs you want to do tonight?" Austin teases, walking me over to the living room to show me the karaoke station he installed. "Hm not really."
"Give it a try?" Austin hands me a microphone, helping me up onto the small stage he put together. "Ok, any requests?" I ask, smiling at him. "Surprise me." I think a bit about what song I want to do and decide to do one that's not yet on streaming, one I wrote a while and recorded not so long ago. "Ok, ready?"
New York back in August 10 floor balcony
smoke is floating over Jane and Greenwich Street
goosebumps from your wild eyes
when they're watching me
shivers danced down my spine
head down to my feet
swimming in your eyes in your eyes Egyptian blue
some thing I've never had without you
you're giving me chills at 100°
it's better than pills how you put me to sleep
Calling your name the only language I can speak
taking my breath a souvenir that you can keep
"When did you write that one I don't think I've heard it before is it about me?" Austin teases coming over to take me into his arms and kiss my cheek. I giggle putting the microphone down and circling my arms around his neck looking straight into his eyes "Yeah I wrote it about you what gave it away?" Austin shrugs his shoulders smiling at me playing with my braids between his fingers "Maybe it was the part about giving you shivers" I laugh tilting my head back "Oh really I thought it would've been the part about Egyptian blue eyes" he chuckles softly. "That part too, I guess." I shake my head at him, kissing his pink lips, licking my own when we break apart. "Is that my lip balm?" Austin blushes and pulls the lip balm tube out of the pocket his sweatpants applying some. "Dork" I say slapping his shoulder, making him feign hurt.
"Would you love birds stop all the smooching" Roxanne says walking into the living room with Joshua in hand. "Hey man!" Austin says reaching a hand out to shake Joshua's, then he goes to hug Roxanne. "Roxy, ever bubbly." Austin teases. "Hi Roxy, Joshua." I say. "Butler, ever a golden retriever, go fetch." She jokes, throwing an invisible ball. "Easy tiger!" Joshua pats her shoulder, kissing her cheek.
"Everything looks nice, is the cake ready? Can I taste some?" She asks excitedly. "Thank you and no, not yet." Just then my alarm rings for me to take the cake out. "You think you boys could fend for yourselfs while me and Roxy make the cake?" I ask, looking between Austin and Joshua. "I think we'll be fine." Austin responds, Joshua agreeing. "Ok, come on Rox, I'll let you eat the extra frosting."
"Hey that's not fair, I want some as well." Joshua says walking out way, only to get pulled back by Austin. "We'll steal some later, let the girls have their own moment" Austin winks my way, making me blush.
"Oh hello Roxanne!" My mom says, as she works on the smashed potatoes. "Hi miss" Roxy says back, hoping on the counter and watching me take the cake out of the oven and pouring syrup over it to cool it of and get it moist. "So Joshua was saying that he was thinking a trip to Rome might be nice for new year's. He said you and Austin should come along and if Timmy keeps things steady with Lily-Rose he should bring her." I get excited for a minute only to deflate the next. "What about paparazzi? You know me and Austin want to keep this as hidden as possible."
"We would rent a vineyard air b&b outside of Rome, keep away from the big city, maybe visit some of the villages around." The plan sounds great, but not bulletproof. "Paparazzi could still find us." She shrugs her shoulders, taking a spoon and helping herself to some of the frosting. "At this point you've been together for what? 10 months?" I nod. "And you love each other, if they find you, the last thing you should do is listen to their stupid speculations and talk, you and Austin know the truth of your love story ."
"I'll have to think a bit more about it. Ok?" She understands and tells me that I still have a few days until Joshua has to confirm how many people will be staying at the place he rented.
The party starts soon after our conversation and we all have a great time, singing and enjoying good food. At the end of the night when me and Austin put ourselves to bed I tell him about Roxy's invite and he tells me Joshua brought it up to him as well, as far as he's concerned he is willing to take the risk. "I love you and you love me, we both know what we have it's true, so what does it matter if they find us." I agree with him in the end, deciding that maybe yes we should go with our friends and enjoy new year's with them, but the anxiety of being found out doesn't necessarily leave me.
February 2023
The Grammys
"And the Grammy goes to..." Dua Lipa, makes a slight pause to read the winner off of the card and I hold my breath, having so many feelings at once. Taylor holds my hand under the table, also watching the stage closely, waiting for the moment the tell us who won. "(Y/n), Someone who loves you (wouldn't do this)" my song "everything I wanted" starts playing and there's screams from everywhere, feel Taylor hug me, lifting me up from the chair and pushing me towards the stage. She, Finneas, Jack, Billie and Joshua join me on the stage as I accept my award.
" I can't say that when I was making this album I ever thought it would be nominated for a Grammy and then it would get to win a Grammy. I poured my heart into this project and every single one of the people on this stage tonight can tell you how many tears I've cried over these songs and how difficult it was for me to open up to the world in the way that I did. It's more than just a dream to see my words be transported from my journal entries into songs into streaming platforms and then into your homes and hearts. I am so honored and so happy and I want to thank my family, my friends, my love, and my record label and the Academy for the amazing opportunity that they've offered me tonight thank you!"
After the great ceremony and a few more awards, I finally get to go home, missing Taylor's after party, since I'm too tired to attend. When the elevator doors open to my apartment, I'm met with a huge arrangement of flowers, from purple star flowers to sun flowers and peonies, all my favorite flowers, filling the room with their incredible aroma. "...my love" I hear my voice say as Austin comes into view holding his phone, turning the recording of my speech off. "You found a way to thank me, you didn't have to." He says, scooping me up into his arms. "That was exactly what I needed to do, dandelions was my first number one hit." I remind him kissing his cheek, as he carries me to my bedroom and into the bathroom where he prepared a relaxing bath for me.
Golden Globes evening
" Good evening everybody, I want to start off by thanking the Golden Globes for giving me the honor of presenting an award this year. The first time I ever attended the Golden Globes ceremony I was Timothée Chalamet's +1 it happened in 2016 and I met Taylor Swift. If you would've told me back then that getting to talk to Taylor would change what my future would look like forever, I probably wouldn't have believed you so I have a lot of things to thank the Golden Globes for. Last year I was nominated for a couple of words I even won a few but I couldn't attend so this year it was mandatory for me to be here. I am excited to announce the category for the best actor, on our list we have nominees who have given us amazing performances of incredible characters, bringing to screen pure and raw emotion pouring their soul and entire being into these personas that they've taken responsibility to portray. Here's a list of our nominees for best actor" I wait for the promoter to read the nominees, hoping that my reaction to Austin's name being called out, wasn't too much.
The room is quiet and it's my turn again to speak, with shaking hands, I hold the golden envelope up. " In this year's winner for best actor is" I pause opening the envelope and as soon as my eyes make out the name written on the card, they fill with tears that quickly blink back. " Austin Butler for Elvis, Congratulations!" My voice tremors and I feel like my entire body could explode with joy and excitement for Austin. After hugging Baz and his father Austin, runs over to the stage, coming my way with teary eyes. On reflex he hugs me and picks me up off the ground, squeezing me tight, so I have to remember him about where we are.  "Careful baby!" He puts me down, taking the award and mouthing a silent 'sorry'.
After he gives his speech, we both get down from the stage and I walk over to his table to make small talk with Baz and Priscilla and meet Lisa Marie for the first time. "(Y/n) always a pleasure to see you, you look beautiful, honey." Priscilla says, putting back in place some pieces of hair that fell out of place. "Thank you and it's a pleasure to meet you miss Presley" I say to Lisa, extending my hand out to shake, but she surprises me by giving me a big hug. "Oh please it's Lisa, I was so sad we didn't get to talk at the premiere last year and I'm so happy so finally get to see you." I blush at all the nice commentary coming my way, making small talk for the rest of the night.
A few days later
I'm still in L.A. after the golden globes working in getting some auditions for some new exciting roles, I'm staying over at Austin's house, which I think by now a lot of people know. There were some pictures of him picking me up from the air port before the awards, but nothing too scandalous to confirm we're more than just friends.
Austin is in his office, working on some online interviews, having doubled his press due to the Oscars being in a couple of weeks. I can hear him softly talk and laugh to the interviewer and it makes me smile, knowing how sad and worried he's been for the last day. He received news from Baz who heard from Priscilla, that Lisa Marie was rushed to the hospital last night and since then Austin's just been packed with nerves and anxiety, he formed a strong bond her. Not to say he's under pressure for the Oscar nominations, being announced in two days from now.
As I scroll through my phone, Austin's phone rings, he left it here with me to take any calls or messages while he's busy with interviews. I see the id caller being Baz, so I decide it's safe to answer. "Austin?" Baz's voice comes through the phone, worry and sadness evident in his tone and my mind goes directly to Lisa Marie. "It's me Baz, Austin is in an interview right now." I hear Baz sigh. "Well maybe it's better like this maybe he'll take the news better coming from you." I know what this means, I know it so well, it hurts before he says it, my heart filling with hurt and sadness, tears breaming my eyes. "Just say it." All this wait is killing me. "Lisa Marie didn't make it, the memorial is a week form now at Graceland, both you and Austin are invited to come. I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news." I wipe the few falling tears from my cheeks, breathing deep. "That's ok Baz, thanks for telling me, I'll tell Austin when he's free, we'll talk soon, take care." I end the call and cry for a few good minutes, but I decide to be strong for Austin and I wipe my face and sit reading my script, while closely listening for him to be done with his interview.
When I hear him say goodbye to the interviewer and close his laptop, I get up form the couch and walk over to his office. The door is closed so that way, neither William or Simba could walk in and bomb his interview. I knock quietly and open the door. Austin, who was resting his head on his hands, ruffling his hair, lifts his eyes up to look at me. "(Y/n) have you been crying? What's-" I sit down on the leather couch in his office and pat the spot next to me. "Sit with me." Austin looking worried, listens to me, no questions asked, sitting down next to me. "Baz called, he," I take a deep breath. "He told me Lisa didn't make it, the memorial is next week at Graceland."
As I speak he doesn't seem to hear me talk anymore, his eyes filled with tears. He falls limb into my arms and cries with his face buried into my chest. I feel his hot tears soak into my shirt and his hands grip the cotton material harder, almost ripping it off of me. I try to soothe him, but the best thing I can do right now, is let him cry in my arms.
After a good hour or so of crying he fell asleep on the couch with his head in my lap, it was good thinking I got my phone with me when I left the living room, cause he had another interview scheduled for today, so I texted his agent James and told him that Austin isn't going to be able to do them. James, being Austin's best friend since they were little kids, understood perfectly, giving me green light to let Austin rest.
About three hours into his sleep, I need to use the bathroom really bad, so I unlatch his hands from around my waist and get up to go to the bathroom. As I'm washing my hands I hear him call my name, thinking he's up, I call back. "In the downstairs bathroom Aus." But I don't hear anyone approach, which worries me. I still hear him calling my name over and over again and I realize he's not awake, he's just sleep talking, something he does when he's very nervous.
I find him still on the couch in his office, asleep and mumbling my name. I squeeze next to him on the small couch and find my stop into his arms, instinctively he hugs me close, burying his nose into my hair and breathing in my scent. I don't know how long we stay like that, but by the time his eyes flutter open, the sun outside is setting. His hazy blue eyes watch me. "Is it real?" He asks, new tears pricking his eyes. "It is, baby." He holds me close to his chest, breathing in and out quietly.
A little over a week later
I attended the funeral with Austin, which made sense since I was close to the family outside my relationship with him, there were a few photos of me and him at the event, but we were both in mourning and us hugging didn't look too out of character. But to be honest at this point I don't think we care to hide the relationship anymore, we just want to be happy.
After the funeral Austin decided to fly back to New York with me, where we are now. Tonight the Oscar nominations are announced and I'm so so nervous for him, he really deserves it and I know deep down he wants it so badly. "Ready for bed honey?" He asks, coming into my bedroom and setting into bed next to me. "Do you really think you could sleep?" I ask as he puts his head into my stomach. "If you sing to me, please." He asks politely, so how could I refuse him?
One night a few moons ago
I saw flecks of what  could've been lights
but it might just have been you
passing by unbeknownst to me
life is emotionally abusive
And time can't stop me quite like you did
and my flight was awful
thanks for asking
I am unglued
thanks to you
and it's like snow at the beach
weird but fucking beautiful
flying in a dream stars by the pocketful
you wanting me tonight feels impossible
but it's coming down no sound it's all around
like snow at the beach
Though Austin falls asleep soon enough, I can't find rest for the whole night, so at 7am I'm at the kitchen counter, drinking a big cup of coffee, looking out the window and listening to the nomination announcement. When they reach the best actor category, my heart stops and I hold my breath. Finally they say it, they say he name, I'm so excited I don't have the patience to stay and watch the rest of the ceremony to see what other nominations hie movie gets, this one was the one I cared for the most.
I Find him still soundlessly asleep, his phone buzzing on his nightstand. I pick it and see it's James. "James hi, I'll wake him up now so sorry." James his agent sighs, chuckling. "That's ok, tell him to call me when he can, but an hour later max, understood?" I promise James that I'll get Austin to call him no later than an hour from now and end the call. "Aus.." I shake him awake gently and he opens his blue eyes for me. "Baby?"
"It's here Aus, you, made it, you got the nomination." As soon as the words leave my mouth he, sits up , looking for his phone. "You'll call James later, look at me Austin, I'm so proud of you, congratulations." I say cupping his face in my hands and kissing him. I can't believe I get to live in the moment with him.
March 2023
The Oscars
"This year every time we went to the cinema we had an incredible experience watching amazing actors put on a show for us, we saw personalities portrayed in ways we've never seen before from the electric magic of Elvis to the magnificent sad story of the Whale, we have experienced pain, love, fear, happiness all in one, all at the same time. We got drunk on the feeling of pure joy and pure excitement watching these incredible human beings play out on our screen. Tonight we honor them, we offer a token of our appreciation for the hard work that has been put into these movies. Here is the list of nominees for this year's best actor in a drama." My palms are sweaty and watch Austin holding hands with Angela Basset, while his dad has a hand on his shoulder for the two behind. I see the hope in his eyes and when in handed the envelope with the results, I say a little prayer for him. " Austin Butler for Elvis."
I can't believe it, he doesn't seem to believe it either as he sits frozen in his chair. "Austin it's you, you did it, you won, come up, you won." Finally he wakes up, standing and running over to the stage, not missing a beat when it comes to hugging me. I feel his tears on my cheek and it makes me so happy to know all he's worked for payed off. "I love you so so much!" He says letting me go, receiving his award and heading to the mic the give his speech.
"It's a lot to imagine that after four years of hard work, three years of dedicating myself to this incredible person who is no longer with us, but who left us with such an immense legacy , I get to be here on this stage tonight and hold this award in his name. Elvis, he loved acting, he loved movies and this award it's so much for him as it is for me. I want to thank him I want to thank his  daughter Lisa for always watching over me. I want to thank my mom who is up there with them looking down at me hopefully so proud of who I am right now and what I managed to do. I want to thank every single person who was by my side in this period of time and who always supported me even when I didn't believe it myself thank you so much!"
After the ceremony and after getting his award engraved with his name we get in the car together, I rest my head on his shoulder as his driver takes us back to my place, so we could change for Baz's after party. "I can't believe it!" Austin whispers, smoothing his fingers over the cold metal of the award. "I can, you work very hard and you reached peoples hearts, you deserve it, own up to it."
July 2023
After the Oscars we were photographed many times together, but the most recent one, which finally confirmed our relationship came out only two days ago, after we had cute date. We were both a little tipsy and while waiting for Matt to come pick us up, we were photographed making out on the side of the street. It feels so weird to have everyone know that we're together, but it also feels good in a way, because now we don't have to hide anymore. Trying to lift my spirits up, Austin booked a trip to Disneyland the day after my birthday, which we chose to celebrate together at his house in L.A, combining both of our birthdays since they are only 9 days apart.
I look down at my lap, at the sleeping Austin, he looks so sweet and peaceful, I think it's finally time that I confirm my love for him online, so I snap a picture of him over my book that I'm reading, posting it to my stories and tagging him. I know this will probably blow out the internet, but I don't care, I'm so in love that I might stop breathing, he and I are approaching two years together and it's so unbelievable, if you've told me two years ago, that Austin would be mine, I probably would've laughed in your face, but it's true and it's of so amazing.
I can't wait to see what our future has in store for us, but I'm hopeful that we'll get through everything, like we have so far, by being open and communicative, by listening to each other, knowing when and where to set boundaries. Dedicating our time to helping each other grow and stay happy and healthy.
All because loving him is golden like daylight and the delicate beginning rush we felt so long ago never seems to leave us, only growing in intensity, fueling us to always come back and be here.
Tags: @galaxygirl453 @rainydayz101 @samaraannhan20 @marlowmode @myradiaz @areuirish @micaelainthe60s @homebodybirkin2003 @pennyroyalcreep @purejasmine  @strokesofstokes @lanasfloridakiloss @denised916 @kibumslatina @macey234 @melodixs-blog @shantellescrivener @chewiethecatus @guacala @fangirl125reader @father-of-2cats @lucid315 @melodixs-blog @ilovehobi101 @richardslady121 @jensmithin @julie181 @chrisevansgirl34 @ranaissingle @onecrazydirectioner @maria-1287 @austinbutlerssimp @kingdomforapony @acoolnight @tarot-sybarite @goldenmarygio @frozenhuntress67 @anonyboo63478338 @littlewhiterose @thefallofthedamned @1eminicookie @rose-deathman @iheqrtaustin @desitravelsblog @prompted-wordsmith @austinsvlrslut @crystallizedth0t @hertvgirl @peanutbutterinacup @austinswhitewolf
Songs referenced:
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shigayokagayama · 6 months
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"oh hm i think this chapter might end up being really long based on what i have outlined" i said 12k words ago.
thanks everyone for reading! going to be cutting a bunch of stupid doodles i did with annotations under the cut
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handful of doodles i did when i was still just conceptualizing this + hadnt figured out their designs + hadnt figured out how to draw people
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speaks for itself
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old doodles from a slightly different version of chapter 40 before i realized making terumob a pre established couple BEFORE this moment would make it stronger. they still kind of work but are slightly less funny than they were in the version where this was the moment teru confessed.
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drew this shortly after finishing chapter 18, which i wrote WAY out of order from everything else. i think i started it around when i started chapter 5 and finished it around when i was working on chapter 10
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toichiro said npc + chapter 27
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the first time i saw this post i went "smtwo teru and takenaka" and at some point i just started referring to takenaka as "puzzlemaster". teru and takenakas dynamic was one of my favorite things to write because like. if you build your entire persona off building a false image of yourself youre not gonna be a big fan of someone who can immediately see past that
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saw this post and couldnt stop thinking of chapter 35
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ok now in the realm of "doodles that started as jokes in dms" me and @teruthecreator were talking about that video where jerma fucks up pancakes in nancy drew and the idea of teru giving toichiro an absolutely dogshit unreadable pancake recipe while hes at claw that he fucks up and burns the building down
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ok so this is the beginning of what came to be known as the "double date dimension" or "dinner date dimension". i shared a screencap of me adding the line about ritsu suggesting that he and shou have a double date with whoever asked mob out and the Knowers (a groupchat i started with two of my friends i made as mentally ill as me about this fic) went "this would be the most uncomfortable dinner ever can you imagine" and just kept expanding it until it sort of turned into a sitcom universe version of smtwo. dont be surprised if you see this fanfiction at some point in the future
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more from the double date dimension where mob invites ritsu to a halloween party without telling him its a claw company halloween party. teru and mob go in matching costumes as the flying dead pig and the pigeon whos eyes the movie is told from (i snuck in a reference to this bc its too funny to me). takenaka goes as "book accurate frankenstein" because hes too lazy to make a costume. mob gets unbelievably wasted on jungle juice because no one told him the punch was spiked.
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another from the double date dimension where they host a white elephant and teru buys a really nice gift specifically for mob and tries to get mob to steal it but mob doesnt really understand the aim of the game and ends up with a boxset of the big bang theory (dubbed) and teru gets so overcome with despair he develops a fever and is unable to speak or move from his spot on the couch as mob puts on big bang theory for him (this is based on a true story)
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Belphegor's relationship with MC before lesson 16
This is just a rant about how I see their relationship developed. This is only about what the story shows.
After MC's first meeting with Belphie all the way in lesson 4-12, the game doesn't make it too clear how often they meet or if they even talk about something other than freeing him through the main story, up until lesson 12-19 where he shows up. And even then, they are too busy with arguing and then getting Belphie out of trouble until lesson 16 where he finally kills MC.
The only times they do meet in the main story/hard mode story are in lessons 4-12, where Belphegor lies about who he is, 5-7 where MC confronts him about lying and 5-10 where MC agrees to help him.
This leads to the questions:
1) "Why did MC help him? What did they have to gain from this?"
2) "How come Belphegor warm up to them so fast? Did he see them just as Lilith? Where does his sudden attachement come from."
For the question on nr 1) it can be argued that MC does either for Beel's or Lucifer's sake just from observing the main story.
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The only places we clearly see they comunicate outside of planning how to set him free is through the SSR 'Hatred' and the UR 'Hide and Seek' from chapter A.
At the begging of the "Hatred" SSR we can clearly see that MC is telling him about their day at school and how Belphegor laments about the fact the he almost wishes he could go to school, but can't due to being locked in the attic. The Devilgram then goes to show more about how he used to love Lucifer in the past but now can't help but hate him.
While the devilgram doesn't go more into depth about Belphie and MC's meeting, the fact that they meet up whenever MC can sneak into the attic to keep Belphie up with whatever is happening outside goes to show that they did form some sort of relationship.
While this can be easily taken a Belphegor just manipulating MC in order to trust him more, it goes to show that MC did grow some kind of attachement to him, taking time out of their day and risking getting caught by Lucifer just to check on him. This adds to their motivation on freeing the seventh born because they care about him.
Now you may wonder "Ok, so MC has some motive to set Belphegor free related to their relationship with him. But what about his relationship with them? Did he see them just as a tool the whole time?"
That's where the URs "Hide and Seek" and "Say his name" come into play, both being also from chapter A.
In the "Hide and Seek" devilgram Belphegor is having a nightmare about how Lilith is dead and he starts crying because of it when MC finds him.
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At first he tries to deny it but he is too emotionally vulnerable/weak to keep up appearances, let alone manipulate MC in this scenario and asks them to stay with him.
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He seeks some sort of comfort from MC in his vulnerable moments, which shows that he did warm up to them just a little bit.
Of course there may still be some doubts about "Is that enough to really make him fall for them? He still sees them just as a way to get out and get his revenge." While it's true that his goal didn't simply change just becase of a moment of weakness, it goes to show that he did ended up seeing them as someone that can give him comfort.
And why is that so important? Because it was something only Beelzebub, one of the persons he cares about the most, used to do.
In the "Say his name" devilgram, it's heavily implied that Belphegor trapped both MC and Beelzebub in a nightmare just to check if Beel still remembers him, if his brothers hasn't left him behind.
This can easily go into his fear of being left alone, shown in season 3 and in how frustrated he was when he thought everyone was forgetting about Lilith due to agreeing with the exchange program.
During that story, Beelzebub drops this piece of information about Belphegor:
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There was NO ONE but MC to visit him and to keep him company.(Lucifer doesn't count for obvious reasons).
MC is there to keep him company and to be there for him when he is scared and the fact that he lets them when he could easily tell them to leave shows that he grew some attachement to them, even tho it was overshadowed by his want for revenge.
"Ok, so he grew attached to MC for good reasons, why did he have a 180° when he found out that they are Lilith's descendent?" I will admit that the game was rushed at the end and when it came to his redemption arc, but it still made sure to show that Belphegor didn't see MC as Lilith 2.0
1) He tells MC that he loves them for who they are, their connection to Lilith not being taken into account.
2) When the reveal was made, not only did he found out that his reasons for hating humans were not valid, but he also saw MC as proof that Lilith lived a happy life.
This human, who not only freed him and reunited him with his family but was also there for him in some really vulnerable moments, was the proof that his sister lived a happy life as a human. At that point he had no reasons to hate humans any longer.
The game was too rushed when it came to his redemption arc, but his feelings for MC were not out of nowhere. Unfortunately this info is hidden in devilgrams and not the main story/hard mode story. At least, all of these devilgrama are from chapter A and not some time limited event.
Credit to Nee-san on youtube for the 'Hide and Seek' screenshots....I still don't have that card :')
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danwhobrowses · 7 months
One Piece Chapter 1099 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
After a week break it's time to see if One Piece will take the lead in emotionally devastating me for this week, given how other things are leaving me on 3 week breaks of ship-based anxiety, not that you could tell of course I've kept it sooooo well-hidden
Anyways, it's time for more One Piece and so, more Kuma backstory, let's see where we go from here
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
Oden cover this time, Tanukis are giving him a makeover
We pick up where we left off two weeks ago, King Becori has returned and has been burning down the south
Kuma though is fighting through the fire to save people
Becori got the idea from the Goa Kingdom fire, figures
The people though are a lot more resistant to the act than the Goa Nobles were, so Becori orders a few to be killed to silence the mob
Kuma is here and he is fucking pissed
The church is being used as a shelter, as Bonney worries for her dad
Despite Becori's threats, Kuma lays out the entire castle, the One Man Revolution of Sorbet
News travels to Marejois about a new king in Sorbet, as Saturn learns that the people voted Kuma to rule
Kuma though says he's just a figurehead, since a previous king, Bulldog, is actually running the country
A much more adult looking Bonney is running laps in the church though, surprising everyone in how much she looks like Ginny
Seems she somehow ate a Devil Fruit, but also wasn't aware of it, since her aging up was unintentional and she was just trying to up her stamina
As the others try to see how much control Bonney has over the fruit, King Bulldog arrives at the church
Hey it's that old version of Bonney she used in the Reverie, but also Bonney here...
Turns out Queen Dowager Conney was an actual person, explains some things at least in how she made it to the Reverie in that disguise
Kuma yelling at Conney at the back thinking it's Bonney XD
Conney is Bulldog's mother, and Bulldog as Kuma's advisor has come with news
Becori's still about, running a smear campaign on Kuma, thus the moniker of 'The Tyrant'
The propaganda means he's still backed by the World Government, and thus it's only a matter of time until they come back to finish the job
Wanting to protect Sorbet, Kuma leaves it in Bulldog's hands, and goes out to confront Becori again at sea, this also means Bulldog and Conney will take care of Bonney in the meantime
'But I'll be so lonely' welp that's another knife in my riddled heart right now
Alas, Kuma does confront Becori, sitting pretty on a Navy ship and accusing Kuma of usurping him and being a corrupt dictator
Kuma sunk the armada, which got him a bounty (Carrot meanwhile sinks a bunch of Yonko ships and doesn't even get one bounty...yes I'm still sore about it the anime did not help validate her conclusion in Wano)
'He was a hero' 'I don't care, he was my dad first' - Oda please my heart doesn't have room for all these knives
Bonney also wants to be a pirate when she's 10 and cured
Kuma journeys out for info on Sapphire Scales, traveling to all the places he sent the Straw Hats to
He first goes to Chopper's island, since they had vast medical information
Then to Mihawk's island, doesn't look too occupied back then
Oh hey it's those Grand Fleet guys, Jeet and Abdullah
The bounty hunters of course fail in trying to claim Kuma, this was very pre-Dressrosa
Vegapunk's old home is next but they don't have answers
Tequila Wolf is sailed past again (Kuma and Oden have now sailed past it), I don't know what the next one is but it looked like Kuma helped it out, maybe it was Brook's island?
Then Weatheria (Nami's island) and the Boin Archipelago (Usopp's island) with Heracles'n
The stress is creeping up on Kuma though, dead ends and Bonney's 10th birthday is getting closer
Now that's a draconic ship there
The Revolutionaries have found Kuma, Morley has joined and Betty is still looking way different to how she does now
Dragon has a drink with his old Comrade, Ivankov and Inazuma are in Impel Down at this point, but despite all the news around Kuma he doesn't listen to media
Betty also gets Kuma's blessing to lead the Eastern Forces, since Dragon wouldn't allow anyone to take Ginny's position without it
Sabo and Koala also wanted to see Kuma, if only Dragon showed this much pride in his biological child
But he does give Kuma some intel, Vegapunk is moving labs and security is lax, good time for an audience
I think the move is implied to be the Punk Hazard incident too
Kuma is more than willing to rejoin the Revolutionaries once Bonney is cured, and Dragon is more than willing to welcome him back
Back at Sorbet, Bonney is learning how to fight, the scales are still spreading slowly though
Kuma takes Bonney to Navy Science Division Lab 08, which will later be where Egghead Island is, telling her it's a check-up
Got a little box for her like Nezuko
Everyone's surprised about how weird looking the other is
Vegapunk CAN cure Bonney, so clone theory might be done now
Bonney is playing with Sentomaru at this moment so she's not privy to the conversation
Stem Cell Treatment will be the method, real life solutions being thrown in there
The price is exorbitant though, equivalent to building a cyborg
Vegapunk also learns that Kuma's a buccaneer, even though his association with the WG would make that dangerous information
Vegapunk can't explain why Buccaneer blood is special, but he'd like more of it to clone him
Kuma is of course concerned about the idea of clone soldiers, but with Vegapunk using it as a form of payment he's more than willing to do it
Vegapunk hoped at least that the clone army's ability to deflect bullets and shoot lasers would scare evil pirates into submission, having watched Oppenheimer I think the sentiment is meant to be similar
But Kuma does like the idea of robots bearing his likeness protecting the innocent
Saturn meanwhile though has other intentions for them 'a weapon's worth is defined by how many it kills'
The bots are named Pacifista after Kuma's proclaiming himself a pacifist, two men looking to do some good without the hindsight of what damage they will wrought
This was a steady chapter really, could've been a lot more devastating for sure.
We've slowly built up again to all the stuff leading to Kuma's affiliation with Vegapunk, as well as his brief run as a pirate. Much like Corazon it seems most of his travels were fuelled by trying to find a cure for Bonney. A lot of blasts from the pasts this chapter too, though I suppose it makes sense that Kuma visited the places he sent the Straw Hats to, given how them being sent there was tailored for their skills or what they needed to improve on.
The Bonney Clone theory is likely dead, but I still can't put it past Oda to pull the rug, especially for Chapter 1100 - Oda and round numbers after all.
But yeah, it seems a brief alleviation for the moment, before it likely goes to hell again...
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