#gn!! gotta do a bit of math now
averlym · 1 year
hi hi hi! not sure if youre still taking requests but.. could i get some parrward? I adore your art style and im so glad youve been alive and active again!! I remember I found your acc back in 2019-2020 and I got curious looking at my old acc and I had SO many of your posts liked- and here we are now! Hope life is treating you well ! :)
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hihihi!!! some parrward for you <33 i hope life is treating you well too!
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chaichaiiskai · 2 years
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Invisible part lII. || yandere! bully! sukuna! x gn! idgaf! fearless! reader!
part I ... part II ... part III ... part IIII
content warnings: enemies to lovers, kidnapping aka abduction, swearing, emotional turmoil, brief mention of sexual activities, the word “dick”, yuuji being a dumb lil’ cutie pie 🥺, mention of the underworld, a bit of consensual kissing, nothing super bad, let me know if i missed anything. btw this is raw, unedited, and will most definitely have mistakes but I'm too unmotivated to fix them right now so bear with me.
wc: 3.4k
a/n: I lied there’s not gonna be any smut in this, well, there’s gonna be some sexual tension and sexual confusion on y/ns part.
A month has passed. You’ve gotten closer to Sukuna and the bullying has turned more into childish bickering. He’s kinda cute when he’s studying… Those glasses really look good on him. Your stalker hasn’t tried anything since that day Sukuna spent the night at your house which you’re pretty grateful for but you find yourself spending more time with the fuchsia-eyed fuck face. Your heart’s acting all idiotic and you don’t know what to do with it aside from shoving those feelings aside so you don’t end up doing something stupid.
Today, the man that’s causing all your confusing thoughts has invited you over for a study night. You can’t chicken out because he’s probably your best option for getting at least a B on your upcoming final so you end up at his place after convincing yourself that this was for your grades and nothing else. Right… right, nothing else.
You sat down in his living room on the floor with all your study materials sprawled out all over the table, your noises tucked deeply into the material you needed for the final. The deja vu was strong in this one but you quickly ignored it just like how you were ignoring every non-math related feeling you were having about your tutor.
“You get what I’m saying?” His deep, timber, honey-dipped voice says, pulling you back down to reality. A shiver ran up your spine at the sound of his voice and you nearly keeled over from how close he was to your side, you had completely zoned out from what he was saying, too busy trying to stop your gross thoughts. Clearing your throat, you turned to look at him, “Nah, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Could you repeat that?” What was the point of lying to him anyways? He would have seen through your lies as quickly as you’d dished them out anyways.
The man was silent for a moment, simply observing you with interest. The way his eyes lingered on your form made you shrink back a little but you then bushed those feelings aside, fixing your posture to more along the lines of holding confidence instead of seeming intimidated.
“Sure. I don’t mind. Just make sure you’re paying attention this time. I might just use your zoning out to my advantage.~” He coos, snickering at you before moving closer to you, dragging the book over so that you could see what he was talking about.
The closer he got the more intense his cologne got, stinging your nostrils in the best way possible. Why’s this motherfucker gotta smell so goddamn good anyways? Was he trying to impress someone?
You don’t even realize that you’re starting to lean to get a better whiff of what he was wearing until he suddenly turns to observe what you’re doing. You stop like a deer in headlights and stare right into his eyes, faces nearly centimeters apart. If either of you were to talk you were sure your lips would brush over each other like blinking lashes. But neither of you say a word, simply staring at each other, basically daring the other to make the first move.
What the fuck has gotten over you? Was this some weird-ass cliche romance movie or something? Why do his lips look so damn kissable right now? Are they as soft as they look? God, did you wanna found out.
Time seemed to speed up and all logical thoughts and reasoning went out the window when you made the first hold move, smashing your lips against your bully’s with full force. This was scientific research! You were so curious, you had to know. There’s no other reason for why you’re kissing him, you were just curious! Yeah! Yeah… that’s it! Only curious! You totally weren’t crushing on him. That would be absolutely insane!
Sukuna had been stunned at first by the kiss, wondering if it was a mistake, but upon seeing your closed eyes he knew that it wasn’t and eagerly kissed back, closing his own eyes as he lavished in the shared kiss. He couldn’t believe you were kissing him! Oh how long has he waited for this? Eons? No one knows.
With no sign that the kiss would be broken anytime soon he placed a hand onto the small of your back and pushed you closer to him while he turned his own torso to face you, deepening the kiss with so much passion that you could have sworn you were beginning to drown in it. You reached up and carded your fingers through his fluffy pink spikes, humming against his lips as you pushed yourself up against him as close as you could get.
His tongue then flicked over your bottom lip, asking for you to open your mouth in which you immediately obeyed, opening your mouth slightly so his tongue could slip between your lips. That curious kiss soon turned into a chorus of open-mouthed, sloppy, heated kisses that made your head spin like you were on a turbo merry-go-round. You were so caught up in the feverish kiss that you’d failed to notice him lifting you up into his lap as the kiss continued in the sloppiest way possible.
The sound of sloppy wet kisses and the occasional low groan had filled your ears, continuing to block out any thoughts you had. But then, the hand that suddenly cupped your ass made you come crashing back down onto earth and you pulled yourself away from the kiss, panting for air as you tried to catch your breath and think logically. A bridge of saliva still connected your lips but you quickly wiped your mouth and got out of Sukuna��s lap, mumbling apology after apology before you began to quickly gather your stuff so you could leave.
What were you thinking? What’s wrong with you? Why did you kiss him of all people? In your flurry of thoughts you failed to notice him watching you with confusion written all over his face and then sound of his saying your name. You’d completely ignored his existence until he finally grabbed your wrist, causing you to halt all movement but you didn’t dare turn to look at him, only instead opting for listening to what he had to say.
“You’re leaving? Why? What’s wrong?” He questioned, you could hear the confusion in his voice but you didn’t know what to say or how to explain yourself.
Not able to think of anything else, you quickly blurted out, “This was a mistake. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I need to leave.” You then snatched your wrist out of his hold, finished shoving your things into your bag and briskly left out of the front door of his apartment, bee-lining to the elevator that would lead you to the lobby and then outside.
As soon as you’ve safely made it back to your apartment you throw your things onto the floor and then collapse on the couch, curling in on yourself as best as you could manage. A million unanswered questions entered your mind and you had no answers, only an upcoming headache. Turning onto your back, you pressed a hand against your forehead and groaned lowly to yourself while staring up at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes. How could you be so stupid?! What were you thinking? Why did he kiss you back? And why did you enjoy every second of it?
None of this shit made sense! He was your tormentor for crying out loud! Sure, he’s been nicer to you recently but there was no telling when he was going to revert back to his jackass ways! Did you really wanna find that out if the two of you even ended up in an established relationship?
Worst of all, you were afraid of being hurt. You weren’t interested in any kind of suffering. Sure, physical wounds healed eventually but mental or psychological ones take so much more time. You didn’t wanna deal with that.
Opting for pushing those thoughts away and distracting yourself, you peeled yourself from the couch and decided to bathe before making yourself something to eat.
Sukuna hadn’t chased after you and demanded an explanation for why you ran away which was a blessing and a curse, even if you hated to admit it. A part of you was glad that he was giving you the space you needed but the other part was confused onto why he wasn’t acting like his usual self and didn’t chase after you to demand an explanation; the latter wasn’t what you needed but what you really wanted, even if you wouldn’t admit it.
While chowing down on the food you had scrounged up you would periodically grab your phone and check for any new notifications. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Was he mad at you?
You shook your head and tossed your phone aside before scoffing. “Why the hell would he be mad at me? He kissed me back! Fucking Sukuna…”
What would it be like to fuck Sukuna? It’d probably be out of this world. You’d more than likely end up being stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey…belly bulge and all. Wait, what?
Record scratch.
Setting your utensils down onto your plate you slammed your hands onto your cheeks and groaned in frustration before shouting, “WHY THE HELL AM I THINKING ABOUT HIS FUCKING DICK RIGHT NOW? Y/N YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, DUMBASS!”
You’d lost your appetite and ended up cleaning up after yourself, deciding to turn in early. A goodnight’s sleep did have the habit of making you wake up feeling refreshed a little clearer mentally, maybe it would help you sort your feelings out. Pfft, yeah right! Whatever, time to get some shut eye.
However, on this particular night, when you’re finally comfortable enough to sleep in your bedroom, something horrible happens. Sukuna’s not there but someone else is, standing over you and breathing you in.
A weight straddles you as you sleep but there appears to be nothing there and when your eyes snap open to catch whatever is looming over you you’re met with nothing at all. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re stuck under something— someone. You begin to panic in confusion, not knowing what’s happening. Mustering up your strength and courage, you manage to move your hand from underneath you and punch whatever that is in what you’d guess was it’s head.
When your fist met something firm and invisible, your eyes widened and a scream stopped in the back of your throat, allowing you to hear the sound of a man groaning. The sound was so close. Right on top of you. And then it spoke, a dark, distorted voice that no doubt belonged to a man, “Goodness Y/N. Why must you hurt me in such a way? My feisty little flower.” A heated breath blew over your face as you remained still, silence filling the room aside from the sound of your rapidly beating chest, staring at the invisible man who laid atop you.
“Perhaps I should have been more careful,” he muttered before shifting his weight around. His weight lifted from over you and off the bed but you had no idea where he was going or where he went. “Why are you doing this?!” You shouted at him. “Because I want you to be mine,” he stated, his words coming out right next to your ear which caused you to flinch and swing in his direction, but it seemed he dodged because you completely missed your target. “I’ll make you mine. Even if that means I have to take you. My idiotic spawn doesn’t deserve such a precious flower,” he reasoned, his voice looming over you as you tried to track down where he was from the sound of his voice, “Should I kill him so we can be together? Or should I take you right now, sweetheart?” Spawn? Who the hell was he talking about? Your stalker? What was even going on?!
This frightening demon-man is Sukuna’s father. He’d been wondering what made his son stay for so long on Earth and now he’s found out. He knocks you unconscious and takes you to the underworld where you’re held captive, similar to the story of Persephone and Hades with just a few extra steps.
Sukari takes you to one of the guest rooms, laying you down atop pristine sheets that smell of sandalwood and lavender. Such a strange combination. He pressed a talon against your face and drags it over your cheek, watching you stir in your forced sleep before he pulls his hand away after admiring you for long enough. Being the king of the underworld had its perks and downfalls. He’d rather be here standing guard of you, toying with your delicate human features but he had business to attend to.
He moved towards the door and left, locking the door from the outside, further caging you into the fancy-looking prison.
Hours had passed, maybe even days. There was no true telling of how long you’d been unconscious but when you finally came to your eyes scanned around the unfamiliar room you were currently in and you slowly sat up in the large, comfy bed.
Scanning your surroundings, you made note of everything in this room and then got onto your feet, stretching out your limbs while pushing away the cloudiness of being half-awake.
A normal person would panic, freak-out, scream at the top of their lungs, but you were no normal person and panicking in their situation would not give you any advantages.
You slowly began to walk around the room, gathering the information you had of the events that led up to this point. You were waiting for the invisible man to strike, to say something, to catch you off guard, but you didn’t hear anything and you couldn’t sense another presence in the room with you. Why were you even here?
You then found yourself stumbling over to the window you’d noticed while you were looking around, peeking out of it to be shocked by what was shown before you. The sky was a mix of dark blues and tinges of red, buildings and city nightlights were all that flooded your vision. The sight was undeniably beautiful but how long had you been asleep? Where were you?
A knock at the bedroom door made you tense up and swiftly turn, waiting for whatever was behind that door to enter. Instead, an unfamiliar voice that was oddly soothing and friendly introduced itself to your ears.
“Uh.. hello? ‘m sorry if I woke you! My dad just told me that he sensed you were awake so he asked me to bring you something to eat! I hope humans like meat! I’ve never met a human before… May I come in?” The voice asks, making you blink in surprise. What? He’s never met a human before? And hold on, why didn’t you even try to open the door in the first place? What the fuck Y/N?
“Yeah, come in. Just don’t try any funny business,” you spat out, keeping distance away from the door as you stared at it in wait of whoever to come through it.
The person fidgeted with the door and then opened it, shuffling inside with a silver tray in their hands that held an assortment of food from meats to vegetables to fruits.
“Hi! I’m not sure what ya like so I brought ya all of my favorites,” the man said, a bright smile appearing over his oddly familiar face as he stepped in and shut the door behind him. His eyes landed on you for a moment and his smile only seemed to get brighter as he went to place the tray on top of the coffee table that was a few yards away from the bed, surrounded by couches and other lounging furniture. You only just now noticed that this room was as big as your apartment, or maybe even bigger.
You watch his every move, ready to defend yourself if necessary but you don’t sense any evil on him. You still keep your guard up though for good reason.
“What are you?“ You suddenly ask, slowly approaching him until you’re a good yard away from him, “And where am I?”
A puzzled look crosses over the male’s features and then he looks disturbed, almost like he had just failed a test or something. “Oh! I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. I’m a demon! And my name’s Yuuji, a pleasure to meet you! Your name’s Y/N, right? My dad told me!”
You stand there.🧍
Waiting for some camera crew to jump out at you and tell you this was all some kind of joke but the camera crew never shows up and you feel like you’re going bat shit crazy.
“Alright then, Yuuji the demon. Prove it,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest while observing him, “Prove to me that you’re a demon and I’ll believe you, maybe.”
His mouth shapes into an ‘o’ for a moment and then he grins, displaying a set of canines that were oddly adorable for a so-called “demon.”
“Kay!” He enthusiastically said before his entire body was suddenly engulfed in pink flames, his human disappearing completely into a fiery form of humanoid shape, giant horns appearing atop his head.
You stand there in shock and can’t help but to continue to do so, words not even beginning to explain how you were feeling. (You nearly T-posed but stopped yourself because why would you even do that?)
The flames then dissipated, Yuuji’s human form reappearing again, a proud smile appearing on his face as he puffed up his chest in a prideful manner.
You both stood there in silence and you eventually pressed your hands together, putting them in front of the lower half of your mouth like you were about to pray before deeply inhaling.
“Am I dead?”
The demon laughed and shook his head, “No, silly! Your just a guest for now! My dad just wants my brother to come back home so he took you here as bait!” He then quickly slapped his hand over his mouth, eyes widening when he realized he said something he shouldn’t have.
You didn’t know why exactly but you closed the distance between yourself and Yuuji and stared at him, silently willing him to further explain himself. Maybe it’s because you didn’t sense any bloodlust coming from him or he just reminded you of a big fluffy puppy but you weren’t afraid of him, even after seeing him blow up into flames.
“Who’s your brother, Yuuji?” You question while squinting at him but the male doesn’t let up, quickly shaking his head and looking away from your intimidating gaze. “N-no one! Haha! I’m sorry! I should get going! I hope the food is to your liking! Lemme know if you need anything else!” He quickly says and then makes a run for the door.
You suddenly do the unthinkable. Did you not fear death? What’s wrong with you? Who knows.
You tackle Yuuji to the floor and wrap your limbs around him like a koala would hug a tree, bringing him down with a soft thud on the shaggy carpet.
“Eek!” He shouts, squirming around in your iron grip. You’d locked your fingers together and wrapped them around his shoulders, your legs firmly snaked around his waist as your front was up against his back, “C’mon and tell me! I know you want to!”
“I can’t! I’ve already said too much!” He shouts, his voice muffled by the carpet. He then slowly gets up onto his feet, still carrying you like you were a feather on his back, “Please get down! I don’t want you to fall!”
Smirking, you squeeze him with your limbs, “Tell me who your brother is and I’ll get down. Deal?“
The demon gulps and ponders your offer for a moment before slowly nodding his head.
Wait a second… a demon afraid of a mere human? What kinda demon is this guy anyways?
Another chapter! This is turning into quite the series, never expected this to be drawn out so long but I don’t regret it. Now we’ve got two new characters, isn’t that exciting?~ Stay tuned for the next chapter! Also, I’ll be opening a taglist for this, comment on this post, send in an ask or privately message me if you’re interested in being added to it! Shout out to @lunaxalpha for the musical inspo! I've been frothing at the mouth with ideas ever since.
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getofy · 3 years
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bakugo as your boyfriend would include...
request: what would dating bakugo be like?
gn!reader (but there are slight fem themes if you squint); fluff; headcanons; no spoilers
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character: bakugo katsuki
a/n: this goes out to my one & only <333. ilysm deku kinnie pls enjoy! also, @ bakugo simps i hope this feeds u well. he’s sm fun to write for. headcanons + a short playlist are under the cut.
*ty to my bakugo kinnie/simp friend for helping me write this. i appreciate u. A LOT of these ideas r hers!!
04. IN TOO DEEP by SUM 41
katsuki is a very emotional person. he feels incredibly deep and profound things, but has trouble expressing it in a healthy manner. this being so, him as your s/o would consist of a lot of subtle displays of affection! such as...
he’ll teach you small things about his hobbies. will 100% show you how to play the drums, mountain climb, etc.
literally you learn so much with him it’s insane. he claims it’s because he couldn’t stand dating an incapable person, but in reality it’s just because he likes feeling useful/needed HAHA.
this man is lowkey super clingy...so he will always find a way to be physically close to you.
a BIG fan of putting his arm around your shoulder fs. don’t mention it to him though because he’ll IMMEDIATELY stop doing it.
if you’re comfortable with it, he’d adore it if you sat on his lap!! like fr if you walked up to him when he was lounging on the couch and did it this is how it would go...
“what’re you doing?”
“sitting down, why?”
he just stares and then grunts before going back to whatever he was doing
don’t let his indifference fool you, he is very pleased.
probably looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for an hour once you left
he thinks about you a lot
he pretends like it’s a nuisance, but it genuinely makes his day when you eat the stuff he prepares. literally if you’re hungry just ask him to make you smth and he’ll do it. he actually gets angry if you decide to cook without him.
one time, katsuki seemed really tired because of training and school. so you tried to make something for the both of you guys to enjoy together. it uh...didn’t go well...
“what are you doing?!”
“cutting vegetables...”
“no. you’re doing it all wrong. give me the knife.”
“excuse me??”
you ended up giving him the knife
the meal was great!?? but he scolded you for like 30 minutes after PLS.
he’s proud that you’re his s/o, so of course he’s gonna brag about you to EVERYONE.
it’s not overbearing or in an annoying way either. it’s moreso him talking about your accomplishments and stuff like that.
he literally only shows you off for his own benefit. NEEDS everyone to know how cool you and him both are.
it’s an ego thing.
i take back what i said abt it not being annoying. it’s a nuisance to everyone who ain’t you.
like i said before, he needs to be close to you at all times. sooo he always sits next to you. no questions asked.
expect to see a pouting, petty katsuki if you decide to sit next to somebody that isn’t him.
“are you seriously mad that i sat next to deku and not you on the bus?!”
“you’re impossible.”
you took his hoodie without asking ONE TIME and now he’s hooked on seeing you in his clothing.
he’ll always pretend like he’s doing you a favor though.
gotta love how annoying he is! 
i wouldn’t go as far to say that gift giving is his love language, but he’ll buy things that you bring up in causal conversation a whole lot.
he just kinda bashfully shoves the gift in your hands and watches as you fawn over it.
“awww! how’d you know??”
“you wouldn’t shut up about it.”
he loves seeing your pleased expression!! +100 boost to katsuki’s confidence.
we ALL know how smart this man is.
he will 100% help you study for school if you’re struggling!
don’t expect him to go easy on you though.
if anything, he’ll probably be harder on you because he really wants to see you succeed.
he basically carries you through math
i can see him knowing EVERYTHING about you. your birthday, your morning routine, your favorite snacks, your favorite songs, etc.
it doesn’t take a lot for him to remember this stuff either???
like, he thinks you’re unforgettable, so he just knows
he wants you to know how cool he is so bad it’s laughable.
he’ll show off during training exercises FOR SUREEEE
bakusquad teases him abt it when he does lol they ALLL know how whipped he is for you
kirishima: wow, you’re really into it today bakugo!
denki: well (y/n) IS watching
bakugo: SHUT UP.
-> you enable him so much...like way too much. please get on that. someone needs to hold this stupid man accountable. he probably likes it when you scold him despite his protests so don’t be afraid to tell him off baby.
-> your approval makes his heart go $$/!/?!!!error??77776. like, even before you two started dating, he would ALWAYS feel flustered whenever you would compliment his outfits, fighting style, etc. now that you guys are dating, he still feels extremely dazed when you dote on him.
he’ll probably act super cocky about it though
“ ‘course i look good, idiot.” 
he’s trying his best to suppress the stupid smile trying to take over his face. eventually, he lets it out, and tbh everyone in 1A knows that it’s because of smth cheesy you told him.
he is SUCH a softie for you it HURTTSSSS GAHHHH!!
-> katsuki is a very protective boyfriend.
this goes for everything, but especially applies during intense situations.
will literally lay his life down for you without thinking twice about it. don’t fight me on this. it’s canon.
if you’re going on a dangerous mission, you BEST believe this man is tagging along with you.
if for some reason he can’t go, he’ll make it a point to stay up way past his bed time waiting for you to come back.
when katsuki chooses you over sleep just know that you’ve won at life.
he doesn’t see you as inferior in any way. he knows you can handle yourself, but he really wants to keep you safe bc if something bad happened to the love of his life he would be in shambles.
on a lighter note, if mineta bugs you, he’ll absolutely wreck him. will literally punt that grape boy into the next stratosphere.
also!! he��s not the type to care about what you wear. if you’re wearing smth a bit more revealing, the most he’ll say is that you look hot. literally is so unbothered.
he trusts you a lot so it’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
protective ≠ possessive
-> dates w/ him are super all over the place! one weekend, you guys will just chill in his dorm and the next he’ll be laughing maniacally as he chases you down during an intense round of laser tag.
-> he’s big fan of competition, so he’ll turn everything into one.
let him win.
-> his hands are really sensitive because of his quirk, so if you kissed them he’d turn to mush.
im literally begging you to touch this man. help him. he is so touch-starved it’s not funny.
-> he runs hot so cuddles w him are so nice and comforting :(. will pull you in close and tight and NEVER let go.
in short, while dating katsuki definitely comes with it’s quirks, it’s a beautiful relationship. he respects you endlessly and will do anything to ensure your happiness. treat him right and he’ll do the same!!
have fun dating explosion boy!
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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bbugyu · 3 years
can i kiss you yet? + hong joshua
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a mutual friend always made a great excuse to see you, but he definitely wanted more.
wc.2.4k | joshua x gn!reader, fluff, first snow au, foreigners in korea squad up, josh is a tutor u are an ambiguous worker everything is vague shhh, there are really no warning this is just fluff, oh drinking, but only the once, miss park chaeyoung please text me back
haha..... i am....... im not........... im in my joshie feels ok do not talk to me about it im embarrassed. thanks @babiemingoo for ruining my life by saying joshua would fall in love with me, and i quote, "no cap."
you spent a lot of time with joshua. by proxy, mostly, but you enjoyed his company nonetheless. your best friend called him her brother - they weren't related by blood, but by circumstance, having separately moved to korea at an old enough age to take care of themselves but young enough to still need the support of someone going through something similar. they were neighbors, and rosie had no way of stopping him from barging through her front door at all hours of the day. she always yelled at him to let her have some privacy. he insisted that if she was doing something that required privacy, then she should tell him beforehand. you always just laughed from your spot on the couch.
joshua would smile and put up a hand when he pretended to notice you for the first time, as though you weren't the express reason he had made an excuse to show up. "hi, y/n."
you would smile back and wiggle your fingers at him. "hi, josh."
this happened almost every time you came over to rosie's apartment, and while you never intended to see him, you would be lying if you said it wasn't a lovely benefit.
she rolled her eyes. "don't you have a job?"
"that's the great thing about being an online tutor," joshua said, making himself comfortable on the opposite end of the couch from you. "flexible scheduling."
you realized you had never asked him about his work. "what do you tutor?"
he looked at you, and you thought you saw a flash of nervousness in his eyes before he grinned. "english. and korean. and algebra. and calculus, sometimes."
"that's, like," you paused, your head knocking to one side. "impressive?"
"is it?" he laughed. "i just voice chat with high school students in sweats."
you shrugged. "i'm bad at math and i'm pretty sure i'd be bad at teaching, so anything like that is impressive to me."
he nodded, the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. it was hard for him to believe that you could be bad at anything, but he figured math was an okay thing to be lacking in. "noted."
rosie coughed loudly, making you both direct your attention to where she was leaning against the kitchen counter. "if you guys are done, i would love someone's help deciding what kind of pizza to get."
when you left hours later, rosie asked joshua why he even came over, trying to imply that he was taking too long to admit he liked you.
he pouted out his lips and shook his head. "no reason. i just heard you talking to someone and wanted to make sure you're not inviting over weirdos."
she gave him a sideways glare, knowing that if that were the truth, he would have come over when mingyu showed up the day before. or wonwoo last week. or any of her other friends that frequented her studio apartment. but conveniently, he only ever barged in when it was you, and she had a suspicion that it was because he had learned to recognize your laugh through the thin walls.
the first time you ever met joshua, it was at a bar. you and some work friends had agreed to get drinks together, and when your coworker-turned-bestie got a call from her neighbor saying she got a package, you nudged her.
"is he your oppa, like, just a guy, or like a boyfriend?"
she squinted at you, registering your language switch "ew! oh my god, he's just a guy. he's like a brother."
you heard an indignant noise over the line at her exclamation, and you giggled as you guided the straw in your cocktail to your lips.
"am i lying, joshua?" rosie said, rolling her eyes. "are you not like my brother?"
"joshua?" your eyebrows quirked up, realizing he had an english name, and only processing after the fact that he also understood her. "is he like us?"
"foreign?" rosie asked, looking at you. "yeah, he's from la."
you looked at her expectantly. "well, is joshua free tonight?"
she laughed at you, but redirected the question over the phone anyways, then promptly invited him out to join you at the bar, and he said he could be there in 45 minutes. he arrived with 6 minutes to spare (not that you were watching the clock, but you totally were), and rosie waved him down to join your table, quickly introducing him to the coworkers you had deemed fun enough to hang out with.
"and this is y/n," she said, grabbing your arm. she leaned over to joshua, pretending to whisper. "the other foreigner."
you laughed and shook his hand, saying it was nice to meet him. he smiled back, warmly, and returned the sentiment. he was korean, you realized, despite being from america, and he was incredibly handsome. like, absurdly so, in a way that felt impossible in reality, yet here he was, gaze flickering over your face as you brought your (new) drink to your lips, and the liquid almost caught in your throat when you saw an entire galaxy twinkling in his eyes. you blinked when he went to get a drink, thinking you must be drunker than you thought to have mistaken the reflection of the fairy lights that littered the bar as galaxies, but for some reason, your initial impression seemed to suit him more.
months later, you went to rosie's apartment just to drop off some food - you were teaching yourself how to make korean side dishes, and she volunteered to be your auxiliary food tester if you made too much, which, big surprise, you absolutely did. she made fun of your cooler bag and your big puffy jacket, saying you reminded her of the grandma down the hall, and you laughed heartily as you made your way to her kitchen.
she had an essay to write, so you didn't stick around. shortly after you announced your leave and exited to the hall, the next door opened.
"oh," joshua said, hand still gripping the handle of his front door as he made surprised eye contact with you. "you're leaving already?"
you pursed your lips to hide a smile, wrapping your scarf around your neck. "already?"
"you usually, um," he paused, his hand going to the back of his neck, the other pushing into the pocket of his jeans. "you're usually around for a few hours."
you giggled. "i was just dropping off some food, rosie has an essay to write."
he puffed out a cheek and nodded slowly as he let it deflate. "i guess i shouldn't bother her, then."
you watched him avoid your gaze, then peeked slyly past him into his apartment. you had never been, but it looked neat. neutral. comforting. it seemed like him.
the jig was up, joshua thought, studying your eyes briefly. you clearly knew he only ever barged into his neighbor's apartment because you were there. he had obviously just given it away, but maybe you had always known, and you had just let him think he was convincing when he said he had no idea you were over. but maybe he was okay with that, because you never complained. and maybe that meant you liked seeing him, too.
"are you busy?" he asked suddenly. "i don't mean to keep you, but-"
you shook your head quickly. "i don't have plans."
"uh," he turned to his apartment before looking back at you briefly. "let me grab a jacket, i'll walk you home."
you couldn't help but smile. "okay."
joshua made sure he was quick to get his winter coat and a scarf, but instinctively adjusted his bangs in a mirror and checked his breath. he silently scolded himself for making this out to be something that it wasn't - he was walking you home, not taking you out. but he hoped he would work up the nerve to ask before the end of the walk.
"ready?" you asked, pushing off the wall you were leaning against as you waited.
he smiled at you, silently hoping he was. "yeah, let's go. it's gonna start getting dark soon."
when the two of you exited the apartment building, hands shoved into pockets, joshua commented that it felt like it was gonna snow.
"i think the forecast said tomorrow," you mused, looking up at the overcast sky.
he stared at you as you walked beside him, your lips curved upward in a vague smile as you thought about how much you liked the snow, and when you looked over and caught his gaze, he redirected his eyes just a little too late, then laughed at his own behavior. "sorry, you looked really cute just then."
you couldn't help but smile, nuzzling down into your scarf to hide it. "as opposed to normally, when i don't."
"not what i said," he defended immediately. "i think you always look cute."
you giggled into your scarf, hoping he couldn't see how flustered you felt. "thank you. i think you always look cute, too."
you caught a small smile sneak onto his face as he looked down at his shoes. "thanks."
joshua had never once seemed shy to you. a little hesitant, maybe, when you had first met him, but he exuded confidence. you got the impression that he knew himself better than anyone, and he was happy to express himself genuinely around people that accepted him. he was a bit of a smooth talker, you thought. he had a way of saying exactly what people wanted to hear, whether it was true or not. but today, now, he seemed genuinely reserved. quieter. like he wasn't quite sure what to say to you as you walked side by side on the sidewalk, headed to your apartment.
"what kind of food did you bring to roseanne?" he asked, trying to fill the quiet.
"standard fare," you said, smiling at how he used her full name. "kimchi, seasoned beansprouts, sweet potatoes, fishcakes."
"oh, korean?" he asked, looking at you. "i didn't know you cooked like that."
your lip quirked into a smile at the reaction. "i'm practicing. gotta please a korean husband if i wanna get a permanent visa, y'know."
"right," he said, nodding at your joking tone. "a korean husband."
you blinked, eyes focusing on something in the air, then looked up. "oh my god, is it snowing?"
joshua tore his gaze from you, looking around at the flakes that were gently falling from the sky. "i told you it was gonna snow."
"but the forecast said tomorrow!" you laughed, pulling a hand out of your pocket to try to catch some flakes. "has it snowed yet since new year?"
his heart fluttered lightly as he watched you shove your hand back into your pocket. "no, not yet."
you looked over at him and giggled at how much snow had gathered on his dark hair. "oh, jeez, it's starting to come down." you reached out to him, brushing some flakes off his bangs, and he hoped you thought his ears were just red from the cold. "if we don't hurry, you're not gonna be able to walk home."
that wouldn't be the end of the world, joshua thought. maybe if the snow fell heavy enough, you would tell him to sleep on your couch instead of trekking home. maybe the two of you could chat, alone, just enjoying company until too late in the night. and maybe your heating would go out again, like you often complained about, and maybe the two of you could wind up under the same blanket as you got sleepier.
"do you know that belief?" he asked, glancing at you as you walked. "what koreans say about first snow?"
you looked over to him. "no," you said shortly, switching to korean. "what is it?"
he laughed, but continued in english. "they say that if you're with someone during the first snow of the year, you'll stay together for a long time."
you stopped in your tracks, and he only made it two steps in front of you before he turned, looking at you questioningly. "together?"
he gave a short affirmation, blinking and looking away as he shifted his stance. "yeah, like-" he paused. "supposedly, if you confess during the first snow, it's good luck. or something like that."
you stared at him, studying his eyes as he avoided your gaze, a tiny smile creeping across your face. "josh."
he looked at you, eyebrows quirked. "w'sup?"
you giggled. "are you talking about us right now?"
"oh, are you confessing to me?" he asked, eyes wide and making you laugh as he slowly closed the short distance between you. "confessing during the first snow, wow. you must really like me. y'know, i always kind of thought you had a crush on me."
you rolled your eyes. "yet it took you four months to mention it?"
his nose scrunched up as he grimaced apologetically. "i'm sorry for making you wait," he said, quietly and in korean, close enough that you felt his breath on your skin. you just shook your head at him.
"i made you wait, too."
he looked between your eyes, and you couldn't help but feel like the snow was melting around you from his warm you felt. "can i kiss you yet?"
you let out a breathy giggle, enjoying the way his eyes creased as he smiled at you. "of course you can."
this moment, joshua realized, was one that he had imagined a million times in his head. in a million different scenarios throughout the last four months, he had imagined how incredible it would be to feel your lips against his. and when he finally found himself there, his fingers brushing against your cheek as he pulled you into him, the first snow of the year falling around you, he realized he had imagined it all wrong. because despite thinking that you definitely had the most beautiful lips that he could ever press his to, he had not accounted for the fact that you were smiling, and he was too, and that made them the sweetest. the most fun. the most exciting.
and he hoped you would let him keep kissing you for a long time.
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honey-makki · 3 years
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Tsukishima Kei x GN!Reader
warnings: established relationship, calculus, suggestive content
word count: 1k
summary: calculus sucks almost as much as being in a long distance relationship
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It wasn’t like Tsukihima to miss out on your weekly study dates. Both of you valued your academic standing and were willing to put in the work to maintain them. Just because you were willing, didn’t mean you enjoyed it, which is why Tsukishima would spend almost half of his time on the phone pestering you to actually work through your math problems, rather than just complaining about the complexity.
“Y’know Y/N, you would probably be done with this first calculus problem set by now if you hadn’t spent so long trying to figure out why I couldn’t facetime you this week.”
“Well you can talk on the phone but not facetime? You gotta admit that's weird. And, I r-really like being able to see your face. It’s been so long since one of us had an opportunity to visit.”
You sounded so sad, and you were right. It had been far too long since one of you had enough free time to sneak away and visit the other at their university. “I had plans tonight for something important but I didn’t want to miss out on hearing your voice.” He hopes that confession would portray everything he didn’t need to say, that he values these phone calls just as much as you do.
“Kei, can we talk tomorrow also, I’m struggling to do this geometry integral and it would be easier if you could show me how to do it.” His lips quirk up just a bit, and he's glad you can’t see him. Your question is a little bit of a lie, you really can’t figure out this problem, but you could go to office hours tomorrow for help. You really just want to see his face. How his tongue peeks out of his lips when he’s focused, how he smiles at you when he thinks you aren’t looking, just a glance is all you need. A reminder that he’s there, even if he’s not next to you.
“Yeah I guess I can find time to tutor your ass. Are you gonna listen or try to get out of actually doing it again.” You let out a squawk, readying a defense of your character. But more importantly a brutal attack the “overstated importance of integra--”
“Hey, I have to go, I just got to my stop. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?” His voice is lighter than it normally is at this time of night. Typically riddled with exhaustion, tonight you find it with almost a teasing lilt to it. A tone reserved for compliments and adorations, and it doesn’t quite fit. You don’t have time to really say anything before he utters a whispered i love you in the form of “sweet dreams” and hangs up.
The doorbell signalling your food delivery pulls you away from your desk and text books for the first time in hours. The thought of warm italian food being the perfect thing to eat while watching a few episodes of Love Island before bed bring you immediate joy. You didn’t bother to clean up your appearance, since you ordered contactless delivery but you should have, because standing at the door is Tsukishima Kei. Your long distance boyfriend you haven't seen in months holding your take out from the place down the street.
Confusion of just seeing him here. Anger at him lying about his plans. Embarrassment about looking so ragged. You can barely comprehend the mix of emotions rushing through your body under the base one. Love for him, love that he came, and maybe a smidge of love for your favorite dish that he's holding in his hands. He must pick up on the anger flashing through your eyes because he raises his hands in defense.
“I didn’t lie to you! I said I had plans tonight. I do, surprising you here, pretty good plans if you ask me.” You can see his smirk, the one you could hear through the phone earlier and god you’ve never been happier about his condescending attitude. He expects the usual playful punch and stumbles when you throw yourself into him, hugging him close and tight. The grey fabric of his tee betraying you and showing the tears of joy sliding down your face.
“I’m here, ok?” He gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before guiding you inside, “Let me go set your food down and then I’m all yours babe, I can’t really hug you holding a bowl of pasta in one hand.”
Letting go was hard, him coming back to you, sprawling out on the couch with you underneath him made the brief distance worth it. His warmth is welcome, a heat you didn’t know you were missing until you got it back. The woodsy scent of cedarwood and sage create an intoxicating aroma that would lull you to sleep if you heart wasn’t thrumming with excitement from the mere proximity. It has been too long.
You don’t know how long you held him there. Long enough for your food to grow cold and ache to settle in your bones from the ultimately uncomfortable position. He shuffles around trying to redistribute his weight and you just groan, a little in pain and a little frustrated.
“Don’t leave me, Kei. You’re warm and boyfriend duties say you have can’t let me be cold.”
“What, don’t wanna go to your room and figure out that killer math problem? Just wanna lay on the couch all night because I know it isn’t comfortable.”
“..No, Wanna go to bed but I don’t want to waste a single minute with you.”
He gets up and before he objects,has you in his arms bridal style carrying you to your room, “You don’t have to worry about me wasting a single minute with you. You are far too important, not to mention enticing, to ignore.” The wiggle of his brow made you laugh before leaning up for a kiss.
“Calculus can wait until tomorrow. I think I’ve waited more than long enough to spend the night with you by myself.”
His voice is a whisper “Can’t argue with that,” as he lays you down on the bed and kisses you deeply, like he won’t ever get the chance again.
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taglist : @ceo-of-daichi @ushijimasthiccthighs @heauxzenji @cno-inbminor @lumos-flies @keijiiszn @aleacarnin @spacebunnyexe @onefortyninecm @tsumue @sgwrscrsh @hoekageyama @kure-san
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