#god i love this watercolor brush i've been using
renguro · 4 months
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guys who adventure together...
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epitomereally · 7 months
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Celestial Navigation by @sabrecmc
18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
An absolutely gorgeous story of learning to love yourself, even when you feel like you don't fit in & that you grew up wrong. I'm so happy to have gotten to bind this mammoth work for Sabre & as a gift exchange for @mourningmountainsbindery (who bound me this beautiful copy of Astolat's Let the River Run—JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER!).
Also to anyone who has @ed me lately (looking at u, em @powerful-owl & tacky @tackytigerfic particularly) & I've been derelict in responding, here is WHY.
This has been the longest binding project I've undertaken, both in page count and in time. My original message to Sabre was on March 16th—can't decide if I want to use the laughing or crying emoji here—and the colophon says I made the book in April 2023 (which was when I started typesetting, maybe). I had been randomly perusing dying videos on Youtube in bed on a Saturday morning, as one does, and came across a video showing how to spiral tie-dye. I IMMEDIATELY had a design premonition of the full design for this fic as a two-volume set, planted into my brain wholesale by the binding gods. I learned many new techniques throughout the process (edge painting, edge trimming/sanding, tie-dying/dyepainting, embroidery, typesetting meta from tumblr which copy-pastes with the worst goddamn formatting in the world, kill me now). Overall, alternately extremely painful & wonderful, and I'm extremely proud of this set.
Design-wise, I went whole-hog with the scifi stars theme. Endpapers are recolored versions of the star charts from the Apollo 11 mission:
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Title page & chapter titles are both rips in the galaxy:
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Epigraphs both star-themed:
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Some more glamor shots because I'm so proud 💕
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8.6 lbs // 3.8 kgs worth of books (~3000 total pages) 🥰
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Celestial Navigation is also INCREDIBLY popular, and Sabre has been incredibly generous answering asks on her tumblr + writing additional one-shots in the universe. There is also a veritable volume of fanart. I was so inspired by seeing @robins-egg-bindery copy of ********, with its appendix of fanart & meta, that I promptly copied them.
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fanart redacted because lots of the artists are no longer active on tumblr but just know i am ECSTATIC about the amount of art in these books
Lastly, I love how @clovenhoofbindery includes their 'Illustrator mess' with their bind posts, as a behind-the-scenes look into the wild process of designing these books. I don't actually have an Illustrator mess for this book (the chapter titles & title page pretty much came in one take), but I do have a DYING MESS. It took me sososo many tries to figure out how to get the dye to look how I imagined in my head. I ended up 'dye painting' instead of tie-dying in the end, but my inbox is always open to chat hand-dying/tie-dying/dyepainting (or what I did differently between any of these attempts). Numbers are the dying attempt.
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Last process shot: I hand-dyed variegated linen thread to match the colors of the bind, which ends up being incredibly difficult to see on the finished bind, but was super fun while I was sewing!
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Body font: Kepler
Title font: Compaq 1982
Chapter number font: aliens & cows
Endpapers: recolored versions of the star chart used by Michael Collins during the Apollo 11 mission (archived at The Smithsonian)
Bookcloth: dyed using Dharma Trading Procion Fiber-Reactive Dyes
Title page and chapter headers: designed in Photoshop using the Ultimate Space brush pack by jeffrettalyn on DeviantArt
Metallic embroidery thread: Cosmo Nishikiito thread
I would dye for this embroidery thread. It is LIGHT YEARS better than the classic metallic embroidery thread from DMC: much easier to work with & much more sparkly. Literally so eye-catching; it truly doesn't translate to photos.
Paint for edges: Daniel Smith watercolor tubes in Iridescent Sunstone and Prussian Blue
Note: these are GORGEOUS watercolors. The color is so saturated and strong and beautiful BUT I don't think I'd recommend watercolors for edge painting. They went on very differently depending on the grit of the sandpaper I used for the edges + they sometimes bled into the pages + they had to be set with fixative, which then stuck the pages together.
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teaboot · 11 months
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @lost-and-cused 💛
Are you named after anyone? Yes, a musician my mother met in Russia!
When was the last time you cried? Huh. I think like, two months back? Trigun '98 episode 23. If you know you know. (I am wrapping u up in a blanket.)
Do you have kids?  Nope! I think I might like to be a foster parent someday, though, once I have the money and the time do it properly.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I- huh. I was gonna say yes, but honestly, not much in the last few years? I used to be so snarky and biting, like, all the time. It must have been really exhausting for the people around me. Now I think mostly it's just when I'm venting. Wild!
What sports do you play/have played?  I dunno if it's a sport if I don't compete but I enjoy martial arts! I do BJJ sometimes but I'm not very good at it, it's just for fun. Oh, and I was on a basketball team for a couple years, but I'm 5'3" and still don't know the rules so I think I was mostly just just for the body count, lol
What's the first thing you notice about other people?  Demeanor. Are you calm or tense? Loose or tightly-wound? Are you likely to explode if you encounter a perceived obstacle? Are you agreeable and easygoing? Or are you pent-up and raw and itching for a fight?
God, I don't think people realize how visibly LOUD they are when they're unhappy.
Some people are like music, moving along to their own little beat or tune, and then a heavy, harsh note walks in and you just KNOW they'll fuck up the rhythm if you brush too close. It's wild. Are they aware of it? Do they care? Who knows.
What's your eye colour?  Brown! Sorta like.... hmmmm. #622a0f in the middle, with a darker ring around the outside. (Never did relate to the 'brown eyes are boring' gang, always liked mine too much. Then again, I was the only one in my family with brown eyes, so maybe it was that.)
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies WITH happy endings? But no, actually, I hate watching horror movies. I LIKE them, I think a lot of them are very good and it's an underrated genre, I just. Don't enjoy being scared. Or sad.
Any special talents?  I'm an artist- I enjoy watercolor, acrylic, and India ink as painting mediums, I'm rather good at realistic stippling, I'm decent at identifying animal bones, I enjoy sculpting and sewing and needle-felting, I'm finally at a point where I like to read my own writing, I enjoy interior design and have been told I'm good at it, I'm a pretty good cook, and I've been told I'm a decent singer! I can also fold incredibly tiny origami cranes, and pick up on new languages well enough for simple use.
And I be far more proud of any number of these things if I did them a little more often.
As it is, I sleep a lot.
Where were you born? British Columbia, Canada!
What are your hobbies? Lord, too many. I'm actually sewing a new battle jacket right now, and animating a short video. Also writing fan fiction. And reading! And I like to collect antique books and handmade ceramics and theater masks. And go antiquing. And I'm still learning to knit? Hhhhhhhhrrrrnnggfn I wish I could have a year off to just. Do things. I wanna take a pottery class! And do metalwork again!! I used to love making chain jewelry. Oh, I do beadwork sometimes! And paint! And I'm sloooooowly designing a guest room. Bfyvxuhfhgtjggjhgyu
Do you have any pets? Yes! Big baby bird cat. He lives out of the country now, though.
How tall are you? 160cm!
Favourite subject at school?  Art. And Metalwork. And Psychology. And Literary Analysis. (And lunch break.)
Dream job?  Okay so imagine this: There's a VERY rich eccentric hell-bent on accumulating strange art, and by some miracle they are both mentally stable and not a gigantic dickhead. They travel a lot and don't really enjoy socializing so I don't have to kiss their ass.
Twice a month I receive an automatic deposit into my bank account and in return, all they want is a reasonably steady continued production of literally whatever art. Portraits, statues, robotics, ceramics, conceptual shit, costumes, carvings, literally whatever.
And they'll cover educational expenses for it all so I can go back to college and learn screen printing and 3D animation and use the kiln and shit forever and ever, and take up apprenticeships at tattoo parlors and volunteer as a face painter and pick up photography, and just create as much beauty and love and confusion and joy as I possibly can forever and ever and ever until I die.
And I'll have enough money to own my own apartment that I'll paint in all my favourite colors, with murals and everything, and have a cat who I will of course spoil rotten, and maybe adopt a few weird and goofy kids who'll have sleepovers with their friends in the living room and play new bad music that I pretend to hate, and when they fuck up and do stupid shit like kids do, maybe I'll handle it better than my adults did.
And maybe if they like making stuff too, I can make stuff with them. And maybe I'll get to see them do it better than me. And maybe I'll get to see them do everything better than me. And maybe they'll be happier, too.
So, uh. I guess I'd like to be an artist. A sugar baby-artist? Sugar baby artist combo. I'd like to have a patron is what I mean. A sponsor. Yeah
Fifteen Mutuals*: @Melancholysage @Genderfuckedpigeon @Raspbrrytea @Qthewhatever @Sternenhimmel-mond @Mythosandsuch @Anunholymessofagirl @Ifitistobeitisuptous @Here-you-can-read-my-feelings @Meat-puddle @Catgirlwarrior @Rodeokid @Not-fae-no-sir @Inbox847 @Pip-53
*I have no idea if we're all mutuals but take this anyways
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anticmiscellaney · 2 years
as an aspiring comic artist looking to move from graphite and oil painting to more ink/inkwash/watercolor like you- could you explain your process a bit? any tips for beginners? i love your art and you're at the top of my inspiration list right now :,)
Thank you! I've been using ink and watercolour for a long time, and ink/inkwash is definitely my favourite medium. A key tip for getting started would be to know the different kinds of ink available because they all work differently. The three main ones are:
Dye-based ink - these have their uses, but they are not lightfast at all (fade quickly) and they act kinda weird. The colours are very vibrant, but they tend to dry very fast, not be waterproof (tricky for layering), and stain the paper. I use very few dye-based inks. Some ink brands look like they have a big colour range, but when you look at the boxes half of them say "dye based" - don't buy Higgins those.
Acrylic ink - think of this as very liquid acrylic paint. There are a lot of fancy options, many specialty kinds (metallics, pearls, neons), but they aren't going to give you the transparent inkwash look. It's good for drawing opaque lines over colour, and you can dilute it with water for a wash, but it gets chalky. Waterproof may vary (test it first), and it usually has a matte finish. White acrylic ink is well worth having as you can detail over solid black or tint it with coloured pigmented inks, and god knows I love using neons, but I treat acrylic ink like "effects" ink. It’s not my main drawing ink. Daler Rowney is good and widely available (pigment-based is not the same as pigmented ink, this is still acrylic ink), they have a few lines at different prices. Liquitex is decent.
Pigmented/India ink - this is my favourite kind of ink and probably what you want! Pigmented ink dilutes well (it’s a transparent medium like watercolour) and often has a glossier finish depending on shellac content, and it will say on the bottle if it’s waterproof (test that first). It’s good for brush or nib, good for layering, works nicely with watercolour and other types of ink, can be mixed to make new colours/tints...she’s got it all. If you’re in Australia, Art Spectrum is great, I stock up every time I’m back there. If you’re elsewhere, I recommend Speedball for black ink (Blick Black Cat in the US is good). Dr Martins Bombay India Ink has great colours and they’re usually affordable.
There are many brands and everyone has their preferences, and over time you will find your own. I have a mix of different types and brands, though probably fewer than you’d think. Get a small bottle in one or two colours and play around, see if you like it before investing in a set. Don’t buy fountain pen ink or Rapidograph ink for nib/brush, those are best suited to being used in specific types of pens.
The nibs I use are Hunt #512s. #102s (called crow quills) are popular and I like them too, but they are very sharp and will rip up your paper, and can be a little too flexible and hard to control. The #512 is a good all-rounder with a smooth line capable of variation, and I think they’re a solid choice for a beginner. These nibs and holders are cheap and widely available. I don’t buy expensive watercolour brushes because ink will wreck them a lot faster than watercolour will. What you want to look for is the fibers holding a point - the brush should not have bedhead.
My only real advice to someone looking to try watercolours is to not buy the cheapest shittiest kind. You know from oil painting that all paints are not created equal and bad paint is going to frustrate you, especially when you’re starting out. I started with one of these twelve years ago and I still use it in conjunction with other sets I’ve built myself, I just refill the pans from (better quality) tubes when they get low. They last a long time. So do bottles of ink.
I’d like to do a process post, but I’m not sure what would be interesting or helpful to you, and I use ink/watercolour/gouache in a lot of different ways. If there’s a specific piece you liked the look of, I’m happy to demonstrate that method, or I can just go through my favourite approach.
As for comics...the best advice I can give you is pretty general.
Anatomy is a rewarding life-long study, but what really counts for narrative art, over technical accuracy, is GESTURE, EXPRESSION, and BODY LANGUAGE. Look at people. Look at how they move, look at their faces, look at their hands, listen to how they talk. In comics, you are the director and the actors.
Environments are a bonus character in your story and can add a lot of depth and atmosphere! Understanding perspective will make using them a lot easier.
Do not start with your graphic novel idea, start with a short story (under eight pages) and finish it. Finish it. Fucking finish it. Then do some more, getting longer over time. The best idea you never do is worth less to your progress than the worst finished piece.
There aren’t a lot of books that dig into the nuts and bolts of sequential storytelling for artists in a way I like. Filmmaking books are handy, but they’re dealing in moving images and don’t have to worry about page design. There are some good “how to make comics” books (the two Will Esiner did are my favourites), but as a genre it can be very hit or miss. I always look at what the writer/artist has made to see if I want to listen to their instructions - if you hate their art and think the graphic novel they made sucks, don’t buy their how-to book.
Bob McLeod, one of my teachers, gave us all this list:
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These rules aren’t inflexible, but they cover the big issues.
For actual storytelling advice, the best one I have read was Directing The Story by Francis Glebas. It’s aimed at storyboard artists, which I was, but it discusses visual storytelling and explains how to approach it and the reasoning behind choices in a way that is useful for anyone making sequential art.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
I need to get this off my chest because I see it everywhere BUT.
There's no right or wrong way to do art (with some exceptions. For example, please don't use watercolor brushes with acrylic paints, it will probably mess up your brushes. Even then if you do it I'm not gonna be a dick about it because it's frankly none of my business). I'm tired of people acting like there is. Giving tips is all fine and dandy but for the love of god do not tell people they're drawing wrong. What might work for one person won't for another. Like I saw a tiktok once that was like "if you use shapes to map out bodies, YOU'RE DRAWING WRONG" and I was like just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it won't for another person??? Like it doesn't really work for me personally, but I'm not gonna tell someone who does do it that they're drawing wrong because I don't personally do it.
Additionally, artists do NOT need to improve their art if they don't want to. My art has been relatively stagnant for probably around a year or two and any improvement I've made has been as a result of how much I draw and not because I'm actively trying to improve.
Basically. Hot take: there's no right or wrong way to do art and you shouldn't feel pressured to improve if you don't want to. Give tips but don't say that your tips are objectively better ways of drawing because just because they work for you doesn't mean they will for someone else and it is hella toxic to act like your way of drawing is the only correct way to draw.
Also sorry for how long this is asadjkdfshf
No, don't apologise!
I think you're absolutely right -
I'm not going to say that there aren't fundamentals that are important to improve as an artist - art is a practical skill that is then used as a form of self-expression - and sharing advice on how to improve those foundational skills is absolutely fine! So yeah, like you say, it's not the advice itself, it's usually how it's delivered.
Getting advice from someone who's more experienced than you is usually super useful, but acting like the way you draw is the 'correct' way not only makes you look massively self-centred - since there's always going to be someone out there better than you - but you're also actively trying to tell other people that the way the method they use to express themselves is wrong; people have different styles, that's what makes art wonderful. And besides, people aren't going to listen to you more just because you made them feel like shit first.
And yeah, no one has an obligation to improve their art - to tell a complete stranger that they're not a real artist because you've decided their art isn't good enough and needs to be improved just seems so sad and pointless? It would be like if I eavesdropped on your phone conversation on the train and then tapped you on the shoulder so I could correct your grammar. If you're an experienced artist who wants to give advice online, you absolutely should! But remember that if someone wants that advice they're going to come to you - otherwise, just leave them alone.
tl;dr - fuck Dali's pretentious ass, draw however you like! One thing will work for one person, another will work for someone else, but they both still work. So I'm not sure what the issue is.
That applies to a lot of the hot takes on this blog as well - the fact you guys refuse to bite ice cream is wild to me, but I'm not gonna gatekeep the way you eat your sundae. Lick it, snort it, drink it through a straw, unhinge your jaw like a boa constrictor and swallow it whole! However you choose to do it, we both get to enjoy ice cream, so everyone wins! And, if you don't like ice cream, I'll eat yours as well, so double win for me, and then we'll order pizza when we get home and I'll let you have the bigger half.
To be honest, I'm not an artist in any way, so I'm probably not the right person to ask. If someone else who knows more about this than I do wants to share their own thoughts on this, I'd really appreciate it! <3
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puppyeared · 2 years
I love your work so much!! Do you have tips on finding a style?
omg thank you so much!!! and yeah id be more than happy to give u some pointers, i put them under the cut because i ended up rambling lol
the only reason i've been able to work on (and still improving!) my art all these years is because ive taught myself to kind of learn from different artists. if you wanted to make the best tasting cake in the world, wouldnt you want to experiment with different flavors before moving on to what you like?
what i mean by this is, dont restrict yourself basically!! any invisible rules you make for yourself should be ones you know you can follow reasonably, not because other people told you what does and doesn't work.
which brings me to my next point, which is to really take the time to study what you like in another artist's style. don't just take things from an art piece because you think it looks good. instead, try to point out what you really like and why, and then you can start asking yourself questions for your own art!
let's say you really like the way this artist chooses colors for their art. do they follow a certain pattern, or is it a different palette each time? what makes it work, do they make them really saturated and energetic, or are they toned down and calming? what colors do they use the most, and why? when you start breaking down one thing (i like the way this artist colors) into smaller things that you can ask yourself, then you can kind of set up goals you want for yourself. this way you're not making the artist's goals yours, it's more like you see what they see and what those goals look like to you.
another thing thats part of my process and kind of related to what i talked about above is having a references folder handy! for me, i tend to split up my references into 2 main categories: art references and art inspiration
what does this mean? well, art reference is like what i mean when i say to study other peoples art. when i see an art piece i like, i tend to put it in my folder so i can go back and look at it anytime. on the other hand, art inspiration could be photographs or paintings that you dont want to study the style of, but you just really like the overall tone it has, and maybe it gives you ideas for stuff you wanna draw
I dont take this art to steal credit or show to anyone else, its strictly for personal use!! and even so, when I do do this, i make sure to type in the artist's username or URL just because. when you go to the museum and take pictures of the paintings, you are saving them for reference, not to tote as yours on the internet!!
if you're uncomfortable with saving other peoples art, you could also just keep it on hand through a draft or save it! on instagram i bookmark art i really like, and on tumblr I sometimes save art to my drafts. whatever works for you honestly!
you can even go the extra mile and make more subcategories if you want! are you unimaginative when it comes to designing outfits? bam, outfits folder, now i can go back and look at outfits i really like! do you want to try different palettes, but you can't come up with funky colors? bam, palette folder for color palettes you like and want to play with!! anything to go with your needs baby!!!
you might have also noticed this if you've been following me for a while, but playing with your tools is also something i recommend! i tend to change my brushes any which way the wind blows, and like, nobodys really stopping me lol. maybe you feel like watercolor isnt your thing anymore, and you want to try coloring with oil pastels. or maybe you dont like the way this textured brush looks, so you're trying this one instead and before you know it, it's like oh my god where has this brush been all my life.
and finally, i want to share my personal opinion on art clones. "but puppy!" you wail, "art clones are copying other artists art styles, its lazy and theyre not putting in the work!" you're not wrong! but at the same time, do you think you would be able to make that super yummy blueberry muffin without that recipe on pinterest? i know thats not the same thing, but what i'm trying to say is, we all have to start somewhere and i think we should learn to respect the way other artists grow.
back in 2017, lots of people were drawing their ocs with big round shiba eye brows, and nowadays some people have moved on from that, while others continue to use it. and thats ok! its nobodys job to say what goes in art! did you know when rebecca sugar, the creator of steven universe, was 15, her art style was based on the invader zim art style? it's true!
so before you start calling yourself an art clone for even drawing the same angle of a line another artist does, ask yourself: am i pretending to be this person? if the answer is no, then great! nothing in this world is original as much as people want you to believe, and while i can't tell you what is and isn't okay for everything that goes in art, at the end of the day whatever you draw should be for you. i know this gets a lot of flack, especially when it comes to vivziepop clones because her art style is so distinct, but like!! if you know it's not her and that person isn't trying to copy exactly everything about her, then that's it!
i could go on about this more, but i really don't want to start anything and i think i made my main points clear. TLDR: open yourself up to different art styles, DON'T STEAL ART AND MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT THE ARTIST, clones are more nuanced than you think, and at the end of the day, look back on how far you've come and feel proud of yourself!
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serenedash · 2 years
1, 4, and 7 for the ask game!
[ weird art ask! ]
1. Art programs you have but don't use
Not anymore but I used to have Manga Studio Debut, it came with my first tablet (that old ass gray/blue tiny wacom everyone and their mom has) It had been just rotting away on my old laptop lmao
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Time from Linked Universe. He's so handsome and I can never ever do him justice I feel soooo bad about it agsfdhgfj I'm getting better with him but I'd rather design my own oot/mm Link at this point I've been doing this with all Links lately tbh
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Watercolor!!!! Like oh my GOD do I love watercolor art. I would rather DIE than paint on canvas. This is why I use watercolor brushes in my digital art,
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essektheylyss · 2 years
For the ask you got re: cleaning oil paint from brushes.
My experience has always been that paint thinner is great for a deep clean, but it can be really hard on your brushes and wear them out quickly. I usually use baby oil (in that brush cleaning jar, or a homemade one with an upside down (clean) tuna can with holes punched in it) for while I’m painting, and then I use paint soap in between art projects to get rid of the extra buildup.
Oil painting is freaking wonderful, but god is it hard to get into when there’s so many supplies and things that nobody explains 🙃
Oh this is super good to know, thank you! These brushes definitely did need a proper clean so I'm glad I used it for that, but I will probably stick to oil while painting in that case.
IT'S SO TRUE THOUGH. I've been trying to find some really basic oil painting class locally purely to get a rundown on supplies and best practices, and even that's hard to find (and I imagine that people have a lot of different opinions based on what they like working with or what kind of resources and circumstances they've got, which doesn't help lol). I love working with them way more than acrylics (and don't even get me started on watercolors, with which I have a love-hate relationship) but maaaan can they be high maintenance, especially if you're just a hobbyist and aren't painting regularly or in large quantities.
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connara-and-friends · 3 years
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"Merry Christmas, friend."
Characters: Markus, Connor and North
"Connor sighed. His friend looked tired, but happy. In his hands, same as Connor, were beautiful celebrating packets with presents inside. They were standing in front of a coffee shop, waiting for theirs ginger friend. "
"– What time is it now? – Markus asked, wrapping his dark coat. It was cold enough. Little snowflakes were dancing around them, landing on the ground.
Connor looked on his wristwatch, rustle packages.
– Seven o'clock. What is she doing, really?
– She said she had forgotten to buy something important. – Manfred snorted. – As always, Con. Are you surprised?
Android only noded in understanding, gave his friend a little smile. Bright fluffy Christmas tree towered over them. Kids around the couple of friends were playing and shouting, throwing snowball in each others0. Detroit's streets were full of androids and people, walking on the Hart Plaza and talking to each other. It was so peacefully and happily – Markus didn't even get used to such kind of life. It was new to him, but he liked that. Very much.
Finally, after few minutes a loud cry came from behind them:
– Hey, guys! Are you bored? Sorry, just little troubles.
North went to the friends, giving each of them one more packet. Connor and Markus grinned without malice.
– What's inside it...? - RK800 looked into the packet with interest, but ginger devinat, seeing this, slapped his hand with displeasure.
– Auch!
– No-o, Con, it's for Christmas. – she smiled. Light breeze ruffled her hair. The guy sighned once again, breathing in the night air. Streetlights were illuminating his displeased face. – Come on, if you see it now, later you won't be surprised!
"Maybe she is right" - Connor thought. But still muttered:
- Me and Markus have been stucking in the cold for more than ten minutes! We have our rights to know, what's inside, don't we? And-
– Well, quite enough, – Markus decided to intervene, raising his hands in a conciliatory manner. – Come on, we must have time to do everything before Christmas. – his friends were agreed. No one wanted to have some king of argue before Christmas, right?
North pinched Connor's nose as a sign of reconciliation.
– Don't you dare to look at your present, sweetie.
He clicked and rolled his eyes.
– As you wish.
They walked pass the Hart Plaza and up the street, gazing in amazement at the city's New Year decorations. Detroit was really wonderful in that time of year.
Tall dark buildings contrasted with the crisp white trees lining the streets. Signs and banners, Christmas tree decorations and long garlands glittered everywhere. It seemed like a dream. Such a beautiful dream. The atmosphere into which they fell was literally created for happiness and comfort. No one couldn't believe that they were so lucky to have such kind of view.
– When will we come? – Connor asked while they were going past a clozed modern zoo.
– It's over there, don't worry. – RK200 gave him a smile, slapping a friend on the shoulder. – It's our fist Christmas together. Do you think everything will be fine?
– Of course, – Connor chuckled, intercepting packages in his hands tighter. – It'll be totally fine.
– Gu-uys, we've come. – ginger deviant gleefully pointed to a large mansion overlooking the Detroit River.
– What do you feel about that, mh?
They were decorating Markus's house now. It was a large, spacious building, having two floors and even its own chimney. Connor liked this house, frankly speaking. It was not uncomfortable or lonely here. (Maybe because his friends were with him now) The mansion was like a big, cozy ship, intended for only them that night.
Somewhere in the kitchen North was preparing Christmas sweets, occasionally publishing dissatisfied statements due to lack of experience in cooking. Connor and Markus were diligently decorating the Christmas tree in the middle of the living room.
– About what? - android slightly surprised.
– About new type of life, New Jericho, alliance with people ...and so on. – brown-hared deviant hung another toy on the Christmas tree, glancing at his friend with interest.
He chuckled. That deviant hit him more and more every second.
– Well... I don't want make plans for the future or something like that, but I think we're going the right way. – RK200 was thoughtfully unwinding a garland, looking at the fluffy branches of a Christmas tree. – I know how do you feel, Con. It's like... change. Big changes, huh?
Detective nodded weakly.
– I live with Hank right now and feel safe, but it's seems that I still don't know, what's really going on and... Oh, sorry, I didn't want to ruin everything. Everything was so good and I just got in with my chatter–
Connor felt so embarrassing for himself. He only wanted to talk with someone about all the events that happened, but at the same time he understood that this was not the right time at all. Oh, he is such a fool...
He turned away and was about to bend over the box with toys when suddenly felt someone else's hand on his shoulder. Markus looked at him without anger or irritation, but with sincerity and kindness in the eyes.
– It's okay. I understand. - he squeezed his shoulder knowingly. – That's hard to believe. You just need time to get used to. Everything will pass and fall into place. I promise.
He hugged him, strong and loving. Connor was lost - he knew that. They all were lost for a long time. But now it is in the past. And Connor will weather the storm, Markus was sure.
Without hesitation, Connor hugged his friend back, feeling invisible support.
– Hey guys. – a red crown emerged from the kitchen. – It didn't turn out as disgusting as I thought. At least you can eat it-
But when she saw two friends hugging, all her cheerful mood noticeably faded away.
– Boys... Are you alright?
Markus and Connor pulled away from each other, continuing to smile genuinely. Misunderstanding appeared on North's face, but it quickly gave way to gaiety, as the girl realized that everything seemed to be in order.
– Okay, if you finished, suggest you to finally hang this garland and start setting the table. – RK800 nodded in agreement, as did Marcus. The bad mood disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
– 3... 2... 1... Merry Christmas!
Glasses with thirium clinked, joyful cries were heard from living room and from outside too. The girl, screaming: "Merry Christmas!" blew up a firecracker. Bright multi-colored sparkles flew in all directions. Guys were laughing – the most happy Christmas has finally come.
When everything calmed down, they decided to start opening the gifts. Connor looked impatiently under the tree - and found two whole boxes there. Feeling the growing excitement, he placed them in the center of the room and began to open the first. Markus and North with smiles watched the picture.
– So... What is that? New T-shirt and nice black tie, as well as a set of ...coins! – android laughed, looking at coins with enthusiasm. – Aw, thank you, North. I just needed a new shirt.
– Yep, I knew that.
The next box was from Markus. Something inside it rustled suspiciously. Wasting no time, the guy opened the gift and found there a small black puppy, merrily wagging its tail.
– OH GOD!!!
Connor was as shocked as possible. The small animal licked his hand in satisfaction, and the guy could hardly resist bursting with happiness.
– I knew you would like it.
– Are you kidding? It is the most precious little soul I've ever seen, oh god, thank you, Markus, thank you so much!!!
He jumped up and hugged his friends with boundless delight. He definitely liked the gifts.
Now it was North's turn. The girl found two gifts under the tree. The first was from Connor - it was a small box containing sweet perfume, and another larger box containing a set of cosmetics. The second was from Markus. Inside the box, the girl found nothing more than her own portrait in oil on canvas. Deviant looked very belligerent and majestic on the porter, and North could not help but admire such skillful work.
– Oh dear, that's amazing! – in admiration, she could not take her eyes off the portrait. Markus looked embarassed. But Connor pushed a friend on the shoulder with smile.
– It is really amazing, friend.
– He's damn right! Exciting! – North kissed the guy on the cheek, and he felt his cheeks burn.
In his present from the girl Markus found two wonderful books about which he dreamed for – a novel about the heroes of Ancient Greece, and also small maintenance guide for musical instruments.
– Oh my god, North... That's... Oh, I have literally no words to say, – the deviant was unimaginably pleased with the donated items.
– Come on, it's Christmas! I knew you love this kind of books. Frankly, I wanted to buy you a guitar, but it was too expensive, so I decided to give you that... And I wasn't wrong.
Markus's eyes sparkled like two burning lights. He hugged her and buried his nose in a woman's shoulder.
– Tha-ank you, god, it is so wonderful...
In the second box from Connor he found a large canvas for painting and a set of brushes, watercolors, and a whole bag of colored crayons and pencils.
- That is all...for me? - Markus looked very excited. He didn't know that Connor had so much free time and money for his present.
– Of course, friend. Merry Christmas!
It looked like a dream, but it wasn't. They all were so happy. Happy and joyful.
Definitely this Christmas was awesome."
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Hello there ~ Congrats on 100! 🎉💕 I'm so happy for you!! I was wondering if I could request a match up for Ikevamp. I'm fairly new to Tumblr and this is my first match up request so I'm a bit nervous since you are literally the first person I will have interacted with on here 😅 but I love your writing! If you are busy or have a lot of requests or anything please don't worry about it or overwork yourself! It's a lot of work and I totally understand!! Also edit, I'm really sorry in advance. This was way longer than I intended.
I am a bi female. I am an Aries but I am close to the cusp (April 18th). I don't typically associate myself with most Aries traits outwardly though since I am really shy and reserved, but internally I can see it as I am competitive with myself and a major perfectionist. But I'm low-key chaotic as can be like I'd identify myself as chaotic good since I'm just a mess with good intentions 😂 I am an INFP-T personality (which is scary accurate to me) if that helps any!
I am very short, only 5' tall and I am slim with overall small/petite features and frame. I have medium/dark, warmer toned brown eyes and auburn wavy/loose curly hair. I am very pale but have a lot of small freckles on my face and body. I've been told I look a lot younger than my age I think since I have a round face and am overall a small person. I'm very friendly and smile a ton but I am shy. I get big "eye smiles" whenever I smile and tend to blush a lot cause nerves. I've been told I tend to smile a lot and because I'm a shy, vv awkward person, my go to whenever I meet up with literally anyone is to smile out of nervous habit so people tend to think I'm overly friendly or approach me but in reality I'm a nervous boi.
I study landscape architecture and wildlife biology in college rn so I really love art and nature! I want to do habitat restoration after college. I especially am interested in plants and often go hiking and identify plants as well as do botanical drawings.
I am interested in both math and science as well as art. I enjoy watercolor painting as well and I am interested in illustrating children's books if landscape architecture doesn't pan out 😅
Besides that I have an obsession with extreme love for cats. I'm not ashamed to say my cat is my best friend, she is perfection 😂 I love anything living though thats not a person. Plant, animal, insect, they're all so wonderful to me and I tend to feel more comfortable around animals and nature than people.
My favorite color is a pale pink, I really love light, cutesy things. But my personal style is very retro academia. I wear a lot of clothes from the 60's and 70's or inspired by then. I really like fashion and fashion history.
My favorite food is spaghetti with just cheese. I may be an adult but oh well,, some plain ol spaghetti just hits the spot every time. I love baking and cooking though and have a sweet tooth. I used to decorate cakes in high school and I enjoy creating my own recipes and desserts.
I like to daydream, play video games, drink tea, sketch, read, and listen to music as well. I also spend a ton of time outdoors enjoying nature. I love trivial and fun facts. I want to gain as much knowledge as I can about the world.
I don't like things that are too loud I suppose. I'm a pretty easy going person but I am very nervous in crowds or places that are too loud. I'm also afraid of storms and I'm not fond of extremely dark places either. I don't like failing/faltering or embarrassing myself, especially in academics. I am extremely nervous talking to large groups or meeting new people as well, I prefer small, more personal interactions. While I enjoy talking to people it's just really hard so I don't usually unless they reach out to me first. I also hate conflict and drama (unless I'm not involved, then bring the popcorn). But any conflict is a big oof for me.
In a relationship, I really like surprise hugs and signs of affection. Sudden surprises create a sense of excitement which I really like to have. I like the idea of a relationship feeling new, passionate, and exciting, despite being together for awhile. I don't like gifts necessarily since I feel uncomfortable receiving things, I prefer sharing special memories. I'm not huge on PDA, I feel uncomfortable if someone is too clingy around others, especially my family or someone I know since my family is pretty conservative. But if we are alone, I love tons of affection and little acts of love. Hugs from behind, a small brush of our hands, holding pinkies, light kisses, and lots of smiles just make me melt, ugh tiny gestures are so cute. Communication is very important to me but not my strong suit, I tend to shy away from issues and trip over words I don't mean, but body language is very important and I think can be better for me and for my partner to understand.
I would like to be able to enjoy a comfortable silence with someone while we both read or do something while holding hands or just touching in some subtle way. I would love to be able to escape my perfectionist front that I have around others when I'm with my partner and be able to make really silly, dumb jokes and have lots of laughs. I love the idea of joking around while loosely holding each other. I present myself very seriously but I'm a big goof and rather dorky and like to have fun but romantic interactions.
Also it would be a plus if they love or at least tolerate kitty cuddles with me and my cat. My cat is such a baby, she's constantly in my lap or following me around so we are a package deal basically 😂
I'm sorry this is so long, and I hope it is enough for you as well!! Thank you so much for opening up match ups too! If you need anything else let me know! Take care of yourself and congrats!! 💕
It’s perfection don’t worry. Thank you so much for sending the request. I hope you are taking care of yourself too and everything is good.
Anyway I matched you with.....................
Tumblr media
oh you did?
ok I’ll stop
Isaac is a very curious person much like yourself
he loves discovering and learning new things
and that is the first thing Isaac noticed about you to be honest
sure he saw you and was like Damn she gorgeous but that was about it
however when he discovered that you are also a curious but little nervous bean he started opening up to  you
neither of  you like crowds and loud people who disrupt your concentration, so usually you spend your time in the library
sitting together in silence and reading
loves that your cute and blushy
even tho he’s exactly the same
as you got closer he started noticing more and more things about you
how your eyes would lit up when you passed certain plants in the garden
how you would hum to yourself and dance around thee kitchen a little when you thought nobody was looking
he loved everything about you from your adorably freckles to your reserved yet charming personality
it too him a long time to confess to you
a long time and a lot of pep talks from Leo
in the end he forgot everything Leo said and confessed to you in his own way
after that oh boy
you are the definition of inseparable
he’s new to this so you have to give him a little time to get used to it
after he’s comfortable he’s very affectionate
more in private but still
will give you surprised  hugs all the time
whether it’s that he walks up behind you and hugs you while turning apple red God if Isaac was here he’d kill me for that pun or him walking and scooping you up and plopping you in his lap in the library as you both get into some book
totally gets that you don’t like going to very crowded places
BOOM your wish is my command Isaac will almost always take you to fields of beautiful flowers so you can hang out, goof around, have a picnic and the stargaze
Isaac will pull you close or just hold your hand while explaining a few things about the constellation, after you will just enjoy the silence as you bask in each others company, while gazing up at the starry sky
he holds you pinky
finds it super cute and usually blushes harder than you even though he initiated it
holding your pinky is a personal thing for him
he finds it reassuring
you’ll just be walking and all of a sudden Isaac intertwines your pinkies
he’s anxiety on legs and holding your pinky is his way to tell you that in that moment he’s scared, anxious or just extremely nervous
you usually hug him and kiss his cheek
holding your pinky can also be that he loves you and hopes he’ll be with you forever
it depends on the situation, but he likes telling you he loves you like this
he has a surprisingly good sense of humour and likes to goof around with you
loves your cat
he wasn’t much on a cat person before, but your cat likes o play with Harry and he thinks that’s really cute
all in all you guys have a really good relationship
Ok now i have to pour some water on my head
Lia .exe has stopped working
That’s it! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you are well! Once again thank you @uwu-catlin for the request and the compliment. Love you 3000!
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georgeinamerc · 3 years
OKAY SO- i actually scrolled down lmao and saw your response/
im so happy you got it! I had to google how to submit it anonymously lol.
TYSM for your kind words!!! It was pretty big, like 48 inches by 36 (i think it might have been bigger) and I did it in 3 parts! background, green part, flowers. Its acrylic paint! I've never really done watercolor although I want to learn, and I like oil paint but all my oils/brushes were at my parents house.
my favorite color is blue, so you just had a big brained moment right there. some straight soulmate shit right there. like. you really Felt My Vibes im so impressed??? like holy shit.
(and I did think about you the whole time like 'oh god if this is bad i can't show it to the loml jdjdjdj)
You can post it if you want!! I really am so happy you like it, you were too kind bb
I WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR THE AMOUNT OF POSTS I MUST BE PUTTING ON YOUR DASH SHNSMSJSHJD I have to take breaks from here bc my mental illness is showing 😃😃
Anywayyys, if it makes you feel better I still don't know how to submit anonymously 💀 but heyyy you went through all this fuss for me?? You are so cute I want to hug you tightly (my love language is aggression at this point idk how to explain it😭)
I had to search inches to centimeters so we're even now hahaha but WOWWW IT IS QUITE BIG DAMNN TALENT TALENT TALENT😍😍😍 I have the impression that acrylic paint is quite hard to work with, but maybe I'm wrong? Do tell me which one is the hardest in your opinion!! Also, keep me updated on future masterpieces with watercolors! It sounds so fun!!!
BLUE IS MY FAVORITE COLOR TOO AHH🤧🤧 no but really I think I've used the red, the orange, the purple, but you definitely gave me "blue" vibes for some reason??? AND IM SOO GLAD I WAS RIGHT ON THAT HAHAH<333 I love me on my big brain moments THANK YOU😫
YESSS ✨SOULMATE THINGS✨ 💙💙💙 *hugs you through the screen*
Ok I'll see if I can post it or else I'll go hang it up my wall or sth cause it's THAT good. Another question: what do you like drawing the most??
Baby YOU are too kind, I hope you have a beautiful day and you take some rest too, you deserve it 🥰🥰
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