exeggcute · 2 years
unfortunately my notes are full of enough stories of GI misery to last a lifetime so I'm gonna have to do the humane thing and put this post down for my own sanity lol. however let me leave you with a tidbit of wisdom from my gastroenterologist, a kind and intelligent man who I lovingly refer to as Dr. Poop:
IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion!!! what this means is that it's not a good idea to assume your stomach problems are caused by IBS because IBS is, by definition, a diagnosis reserved for cases where ofher probable causes have been ruled out. if you don't rule out those other causes, the symptoms you attribute to IBS may very well be due to something else entirely—and gonna get worse if you don't figure it out, but it's also gonna get better if you do.
I've been walking around for years thinking I had IBS (that's what I thought when I initially made this post) but turns out I have fucking crohn's disease!!! and if Dr. Poop hadn't convinced me to get it checked out in the first place, I probably would've kept suffering for years until something got bad enough to send me to the hospital. if you are able to see a doctor and prove your symptoms a bit it is always worth it.
P.S. I am not usually an herbal bitch but peppermint tea is awesome for really bad clenching-type pain because it relaxes your gut muscles. peppermint in capsules too. the flip side of this is that relaxing your gut muscles can make GERD symptoms worse (if you have issues with that) so you might wanna keep an alka-seltzer nearby just in case.
P.P.S. since going on crohn's medication (mesalamine ftw) I have actually been able to resume eating a reasonable amount of junk food without too much hastle lol. ironically I've had the most trouble with veggie tofu bowls because eating too much fiber or too much protein in one sitting upsets the beast but I crushed two pop-tarts like it was nothing
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
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Fuck yeah!!
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dedmau · 2 years
yeah i work in graphic design *building gradients in minecraft*
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I have exciting information for you! Bird bones are not entirely hollow, rather they are filled with large air pockets. I find the result both delightful and terrifically unsettling!
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relaxxattack · 2 years
tbfh i love when people will headcanon characters as being of their culture and then draw little comics of them participating in traditions that the artist is clearly intimately familiar with. like YESSS share your personal cultural experiences with me through the blorbos!!! i love to see it!!!!!!!
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
god grant me the serenity to ignore people who misread my blorbo, the courage to ignore people who misread my blorbo, the WISDOM to ignore people who misread my blorbo
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
So in the past few years I’ve seen so many videos / posts that are like:
“Actually wolves don’t have hierarchies!  They live in family groups where the ‘alphas’ are mom and dad and the other wolves are their CHILDREN and offer their respect willingly! :D”
and I just have to say
how dare you try to make normative nuclear families out of wolves
Yes, a lot of the old “nature red in tooth and claw” stuff about wolves is nonsense. (Like anything from Jack London.) And anything ‘alpha’ you see sleazy men trying to relate to dating (yikes!) is especially nonsense.
But wolves are complex social creatures and they create complex social structures. Just as you can’t say “THIS is the way human society is structured. Just THIS single way and no other”, so too there is no single form for a wolf pack.  
Some packs are a mom wolf and a dad wolf and their wolf children.  Others are two small ragged packs that combine to form a large pack.  Others are packs where a lone wolf joins and eventually becomes a leader. Others are packs where a grown child-wolf has pushed their parent out of the leadership role.
Speaking of the latter, let’s look at the tale of Wolf 40 and Wolf 42.
Wolf 40, Wolf 41, and Wolf 42 were wild Yellowstone wolves, daughters of the alphas. Their father was illegally killed by hunters and shortly after ambitious Wolf 40 ousted her mother, driving her out of the pack.  Wolf 21 became the new alpha male, and 40′s mate.
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Wolves have personalities, and Wolf 40′s personality was “volatile”.  Imagine Scar from The Lion King combined with the boss from Office Space, and you have Wolf 40.  She habitually bullied the other female wolves, attacking them until they expressed abject submission.  And the wolves that got the worst of it were her sisters, Wolves 41 and 42.
Wolf 41 got tired of the bullying and left.  Wolf 42 remained, perhaps because she was close to Wolf 21, the alpha male.  Despite that, Wolf 21 did not interfere when his mate harassed Wolf 42.
Unlike 40, Wolf 42 got along well with the other female wolves, spending time grooming them and relaxing with them. Wolf 40 could have followed her sister’s example and built up positive social bonds. But she didn’t.
One day, Wolf 40 went out on an important task.  She was going to kill another litter of her sister’s pups--having done the same in two previous years.  This isn’t uncommon wolf behavior (but is not universal, as we will see.)  Typically only the alphas breed.
However, Wolf 40 never returned from her important task because Wolf 42--who previously had submitted to her alpha and sister, who had allowed the killing of two previous litters of pups--had had enough.  She fought back.
And the other female wolves jumped to aid her.
Collectively, they killed Wolf 40. Because “alpha” isn’t a magic cloak of protection, it doesn’t even mean “strongest wolf”, it’s just a job title.
The next day Wolf 42 carried her pups, one by one, to her sister’s den.  She set her children among the pups of her dead sister and raised both litters together. And when another wolf in the pack had pups, Wolf 42 carried them to the den to be communally raised as well.  She was the alpha female now and she made the rules, and the first rule was “we don’t hurt pups here.”
As for Wolf 21, he became the mate of Wolf 42.  Maybe he understood that Wolf 40 had been riding for a fall. 
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As alpha female, Wolf 42 continued to be supportive and kind towards the other pack members.  Wolves who had been nervous wrecks under Wolf 40 began to relax and come into their own; one of the former omega wolves gained self-confidence and became one of the best hunters.
“Alpha”, for wolves, just means leader.  They might be good leaders, whom you respect, or they might be bad leaders, who fill you with dread.  They might be your parents, or they might not.  Even if they are your mother or father, wolves don’t contextualize those relationships the same way humans do.
But one thing wolves have in common with humans is that they have individual personalities and experiences, and their actions derive from those.  There is no “typical wolf pack.” And I think that’s beautiful.
If you want to learn more about wild wolf dynamics, I recommend reading the annual Yellowstone Wolf Project Reports.  Which are FASCINATING.  There are also some good wildlife specials out there.
Wolves are my favorite animal. <3  It pains me to see them misunderstood as crazed bloodthirsty brutes, but it also pains me to see them woobified.  They deserve better than that.
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*lemony snicket voice* police cars say ‘protect and serve’ for the same reason a box of dry, unflavoured rice cakes might say ‘delicious treat’. rice cakes are not a delicious treat, nor are the police there to protect and serve, but if you are unfamiliar with either you’re likely to believe what you’re told.
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
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thisisalovestry · 2 years
i love you mango i love you peaches i love you raspberries i love you strawberries i love you pineapple
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ceekari · 2 years
new proposition: instead of going back to using 'lemon' again, let's use a different fruit this time
I'm thinking... Apple
please remember to tag all your naughty posts with 'Apple' from now on
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
anyway here’s a clip of the entire Eurovision crowd screaming "pussy!" at the top of their lungs
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robinruns · 3 years
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I am deceased.
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Self harm doesn’t always happen when a blade touches skin.
It’s skipping meals because you don’t feel like you deserve to eat today. It’s drinking recklessly because you might have the ‘courage’ do something stupid. It’s smoking - not because you need the nicotine - because you know it’s bad for you. It’s banging your head against a wall when you’re angry. It’s crossing the road without looking because you lowkey hope a car might hit you. It’s thinking about all the ways you could break a bone and make it look like an accident. It’s not taking painkillers because you want to suffer. It’s taking painkillers in excess because you know it’s dangerous. It’s walking home the more dangerous way because you’re kind of half hoping you’ll get attacked or raped or stabbed. It’s going for long walks at night and getting chilled to the bone and hoping that you get lost so that you can’t find your way back. It’s seeking out triggering material. It’s all the stupid little ways you punish yourself for existing.
Sometimes self harm happens when you put effort into depriving yourself of things you like or need, and sometimes it happens when you don’t put any effort into doing the things you like or need.
It’s a pattern of self-destructive behaviour, and it doesn’t only happen in one way.
This sort of behavior is classified as “para-suicidal” It’s putting yourself in a situation of danger or destruction with the intention of risking your safety rather than a direct attempt on your life. Kind of, leaving it all to chance? Also doing things to harm yourself or your self worth because you feel you deserve to feel the outcome of those actions.
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xignis · 2 years
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baikal seals look like if you do so much as breathe a single molecule on them theyll disintegrate into a small puddle of tears
they look like they make the laminated sheet wobble sound unprompted and constantly
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