#golden child TAG
kpop-bbg · 12 days
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soulmateszedits · 2 years
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Golden Child ; Rat Tat Tat ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Y - Jangjun - Jibeom - Tag - Seungmin - Jaehyun
✧ Era
✧ Pt.3
✧ Any
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whumpetywhump · 2 years
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“Burn It” MV - Golden Child
During a zombie apocalypse, TAG gets bitten. He asks Joochan to shoot him before he can turn but Joochan can’t bring himself to do it.
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giftrashlord-007 · 2 years
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Replay || TAG
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lillianren · 11 months
TAG: Shirts are crazy. 👕 Your body goes in one hole and out three!
Jibeom: Excuse me?! 🤨
Jangjun: No, wait, he's got a point. 🤔
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lilyrennifer · 1 year
Always feel free to request! 😁
Please click HERE before you do for more information! Thank you! 🥰
🦁 Daeyeol
Nothing So Far
🐰 Y
Nothing So Far
🐮 Jangjun
Nothing So Far
🐥 Tag
Nothing So Far
🍞 Jaehyun
Nothing So Far
🦊 Joochan
Nothing So Far
🌸 Bomin
Nothing So Far
🐯 Jibeom
Nothing So Far
🐜 Donghyun
Nothing So Far
🦔 Seungmin
Nothing So Far
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shinetogether17 · 2 years
Kpop Boy Group GOLDEN CHILD ft.Sakshma Srivastav | Meet the Boys | Indian Kpop Interview | E NOW
This interview is really really really really outstanding !!!! The interaction between the members and Sakshma Srivastav is sweet, cute and adorable !!!!!
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pillowspace · 5 months
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I have an AU I'm constantly daydreaming about where Charlie, Evan, and Cassidy are all living together in a single apartment. And at the core of it, it's a time travel Michael AU that isn't even centered on Michael, he's just weirdly cryptic at random and Evan looks at Cassidy like "yeah, he does that sometimes, don't worry about it." But anyway, um!! I wanted to at least draw how I imagine Cassidy in the daydreams so I can visualize her better. She is a menace who tries to drag Charlie into her schemes
Image text under the readmore
College student. Lives with Evan and Charlie.
Back when they were kids, Cassidy and her best friend Evan had often fantasized about running away together and the things they'd do. Then one day, he vanished. Upon regaining contact a few years later, Cassidy learned that Evan's dad had been arrested and that him and his siblings had moved elsewhere. The two once again became inseparable.
Years later, when Evan was moving out of home, he remembered their old silly fantasies and asked Cassidy if she would like to live with him and "his sister." Assuming he meant Elizabeth, she agreed.
Turns out Evan went to live with the Emilys that day, and "his sister" was actually one familiar Charlie Emily, a girl she had very much so not gotten along with as kids. Something Evan had not been aware of.
Havoc ensues much to Evan's exasperation, then relief when they finally get along.
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nightwingsgirlfriend · 2 months
i hate golden child Dick Grayson. everyone ignores how ANGRY this kid actually was. We rarely get accurate dick grayson, all the teen titans shows have been so off on his personality (you cannot tell me they accidentally made the character tim and realised halfway through wrong robin) and the fandom sees him as "oh everyone finds him attractive + he's Bruce's perfect angel and Jason hates him because of that"
no he literally killed the joker.
why do we skim over that he KILLED THE JOKER. He didn't even know Jason; bruce was his father and he not only refused to kill the joker, interfered when someone else tried to but hit jason in the same way after he came back. His SON. But dick felt so strongly about a kid he regretted not getting close to that he killed a man.
and then if you think that was a one off
in that panel where he fully BEATS Bruce's ass in gotham war? served. ate.
people dumb him down way too often like he wasn't the first robin. you cannot out do the doer so they gotta drag him down to bring others up.
not to mention the fanon portrayal ignores the trauma he has from liu, mirage and tarantula. it looks at that and goes "ok! cool but he IS a flirt :3" he isn't allowed to grieve in the comics either because SOMEBODY (devin) won't let him because he "didn't say no"
and give jason his own friends DC please stop giving him handmedowns he deserves more (i do love him and roy i just wish they also maintained the roy dick friendship because it's usually one or the other)
thabk yoau and gooenight
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hearts401 · 5 months
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@jasminetea1234 this one gets its own post bc i finished it <333
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nightmaremonarch · 7 months
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three days until the party
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kpop-bbg · 14 days
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soulmateszedits · 2 years
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Golden Child ; Aura ᓚᘏᗢ
✧ Donghyun - Tag - Jangjun - Seungmin - Jibeom
✧ Pt.5
✧ Era
✧ Any
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acidsaladd · 7 months
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finally releasing these doodles from the void that is my camera roll
[id: four images with digital drawings of winry, ed and al from fullmetal alchemist. The first image is a couple colored drawings of winry. On the left we see her standing, full body, looking to the right; she is wearing a black tank top, big bermuda shorts, brown boots and a green bandana on her hair. She is holding a black long suitcase on one hand and the other is in her pocket. Next theres a drawing of her waist up wearing a similar black tank top and green bandana, thick copper gloves and green coveralls with the sleeves tied on her waist; she is facing the viewer full on with one hand on her hip and the other holding a metal box to her hip.
The second image is a close up of the full body drawing from the thighs up. In the third image we can see two drawings of ed; in the first he is sitting with his arms on the backrest, right leg propped on the other. He is wearing a black tank top and his leather pants so his automail is in full display. Next to that we see a 3/4 headshot of ed looking shocked. Above them there is a couple drawings of his automail arm. In the fourth image we can see 4 headshots. the first couple is of Al and Ed when they were kids, both facing the viewer but Al is smiling and looking forwards while Ed is frowning and looking to the side. Below that we can see Al and Ed again but older (post-promised day) with both of them again facing the viewer; Al is smiling, his hair short and messy and Ed has his brows furrowed but he's grinning crookedly./ end id]
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same energy 🌻
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lillianren · 11 months
Daeyeol: Good morning.
Y: Good morning.
Jangjun: Good morning.
TAG: You all sound like robots. 🤖 Spice it up a bit! GOOD MORNING, MOTHERFUCKERS!
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