#goodbye again 1968
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some more dooodles !
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twixnmix · 2 months
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Ike & Tina Turner rehearsing with the Ikettes for the TV series Goodbye Again in London, 1968.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Time Travel Fics
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🕰️ this is the last time i'm leaving without you by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [7K] After saying goodbye to Tim and promising him to not write, Hawk's finds himself in the future, 70 years later. Will everything he learns in 2024 change the past? It totally will.
🕰️ is it over now? by @satelarry | satelarry [18K, WIP] Seeing the love of your life walk away without being able to tell him that you love him has to be one of the worst situations a person can go through. But Hawk decided to fulfill Tim's request, knowing it will be the last.
What happens when he wakes up, 18 years before, with the knowledge of what's going to happen if he makes the same decisions?
Does the ending always stay the same?
Or, the Time Travel AU in which the only thing ruining Hawk's plan is Tim's stubbornness.
🕰️ Again, only better by @madsmeetsmisha | madsmeetsmisha [14K, WIP] Hawk had no idea what was really going on here. All he knew was that he was back in 1954 and a completely distraught Tim was standing outside his door. And he also knew that he certainly wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
🕰️ Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [17K, WIP] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🕰️ Everything, Everything by tinypurpleghost💠[5K] Hawk wakes up in 1968, and everything is different.
🕰️ Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps It’s Real by drabbleswabbles💠[35K] And then it happened. The metallic screech of the gate, the shuffle of men stepping out beyond the prison walls. And suddenly there he was. His hair was shorter than he’d ever seen it. And his glasses were different. But it was him. Their eyes met. Tim stared at him in wide-eyed shock before recognition melted his features into a confused outrage.
Basically, a fix-it in which Hawk finds himself back in the early 70s.
🕰️ Send Back The World by Anonymous [2K, WIP] There is nothing so bitter as regret. And nothing so sweet as a second chance.
Or, Hawk gets yet another chance to fuck it up again.
🕰️ Til Time Itself Is Through by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [3K] Tim wakes, soft cotton under his cheek, cool silk covering his body. Bright sunlight streams through open windows, making Tim groan and bury his face in his pillow. It smells faintly like Hawk and his aftershave; heady and spicy and masculine. Tim smiles, curling his toes into the smooth silk below them.
Or, Tim Laughlin gets the life he deserves.
🕰️ this time imperfect by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [7K, WIP] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything? We'll see.
🕰️ I Reach for You (And You Bring Me Home) by @misstwentyynine | misstwentyynine [1K, WIP] In 1952, Hawk and Tim meet for the first time at a bar located in the enigmatic paradise of Fire Island, forging a powerful connection that continues to bring them together as their story progresses through space and time.
Or, The San Junipero AU
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thegroovywitch · 1 year
Jimmy Page and the Rolling Stones: 60 years of musical flirtations
Certainly, not all blues enthusiasts of the early 1960’s can claim to have become some of the most influential musical artists of all time. But that’s one thing that Jimmy Page and the members of the Rolling Stones have in common.
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The first encounter between Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Jimmy Page occured in 1962, just a few months before the formation of the Stones. The three English boys travelled all the way from the South to attend UK’s first American Folk Blues Festival in the city of Manchester. They met at a blues collector’s house, and together they listened to Howlin’ Wolf’s masterpiece album commonly known as ‘Rocking Chair’—then newly released. For a blues fanatic back then, meeting someone with the same interest was something almost extraordinary. Most people weren’t interested in what was still a rather obscure music genre and preferred rocking and rolling to the songs on the radio. For this reason, if you liked the blues and met someone alike, you were going to remember them.
By the end of the same year, Jimmy was spotted during a gig at the Marquee Club in London and asked to play regularly on record sessions. This was the start of a short but prolific career as a session musician for the young man, who would soon encounter Mick and Keith again, this time with the rest of the Rolling Stones. He played on a number of demos for the band, three of which were officially released on Stones records:
These sessions were a great opportunity for Page to develop an understanding of how records were produced: he spent hours in the control room, and soon he was employed as house producer and arranger at Andrew Oldham’s Immediate Records. In 1968, the record company released Blues Anytime Vol 1-2-3, a series of records containing works by various British blues artists. Jimmy featured in two of these, producing a few songs on which Mick Jagger (harmonica), Bill Wyman (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Eric Clapton (guitar) were the musicians.
Around this time, Jimmy also gave a helping hand to Brian Jones on the soundtrack for the cult classic movie A Degree of Murder (recorded late 1966-early 1967), also using his now notorious trick of the violin bow. He recalls:
“Brian knew what he was doing. It was quite beautiful. Some of it was made up at the time; some of it was stuff I was augmenting with him. I was definitely playing with the violin bow. Brian had this guitar that had a volume pedal – he could get gunshots with it. There was a Mellotron there. He was moving forward with ideas.”
—Jimmy Page, from issue #1171 of Rolling Stone
Legend has it that the Stones had previously asked Page to join the band in order to throw Jones out, but he declined.
The group was again looking for a guitarist in late 1974, to fill the spot left by Mick Taylor’s sudden goodbye. Jimmy had recently jammed in the studio with them on a fun session which birthed the track Scarlet, but it was highly unlikely that he would leave the then biggest band in the world—even for the Rolling Stones. The track remained in the vaults for 46 years, and was finally released in 2020 as part of the expanded edition of Goats Heads Soup.
“I had completely forgotten about it. Someone told me it was Ginger Baker on drums. And I rang Jimmy Page up — I didn’t remember anything — and Jimmy Page remembered everything! This person played on it, it wasn’t Ginger Baker … he seemed so certain about it.”
— Mick Jagger on The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, July 22, 2020
Jimmy Page and the Rolling Stones would cross paths again in September 1983 when both Jimmy and Bill Wyman played on the ARMS Charity Concert, later embarking on an American tour with the rest of the musicians involved.
As a result of this, several of said musicians were invited to take part of Wyman’s latest project, Willie and the Poor Boys. Inspired by the music of the early 1950’s, they congregated at Jimmy Page’s home studio, the Sol, and recorded numerous tracks, twelve of which were officially released on a 1985 self-titled album. Jimmy can be heard on two of them:
The Eighties were a time of turmoil for the Rolling Stones as its two principal songwriters, Richards and Jagger, had been feuding over the band’s direction for most of the decade. Nonetheless, right after the Willie and the Poor Boys sessions commenced the recording process for Dirty Work. Jimmy took part of another jam session with the band, immortalised on the hit single One Hit (To The Body).
In 1992, the 7th annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame took place, and among the chosen legends to be honoured that year were the members of the Yardbirds. Keith Richards also attended the ceremony, being assigned the role to induct Leo Fender, one of his idols and legendary creator of the Fender Stratocaster. Later on, an All-Star Band was formed for a one-off performance and Keith and Jimmy found themselves merrily jamming together once again on classics such as ‘Green Onions’, ‘Soul Man’, ‘Big River’, ‘Dust My Broom’, ‘Shout’, ‘All Along the Watch Tower’, ‘Purple Haze’ and ‘Something Is Wrong With My Baby’.
After sharing much of their success over the past six decades, Jimmy Page and the members of the Stones remain close friends, now having earned a well deserved title as rock and roll legends.
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lucreziaq2001 · 5 months
•TV show: "Criminal minds".
•Content warnings: Mentions of teen pregnancy, cheating done by a boyfriend to his girlfriend, them basically breaking up, the boy not having told his parents his former girlfriend is pregnant because he is scared of his father's reaction and him breaking the promise to marry his now ex girlfriend and also refusing to be a part of their soon-to-be-born baby's life (even suggesting adoption, with the mom refusing) despite the baby's mother's attempts to convince him to be in it, her threatening to tell his parents about the baby and him warning her that things would be better for her if she didn't do it basically.
•Yes, I know that even as teenagers, Derek and Penelope wouldn't have done something like this, but that's what I needed them to do for the sake of the story.
•I also know that in "Criminal minds", Derek's father died when he was 10 years old, but here, for the sake of the story, he is still alive.
•I was the one who named all the girls at the institute except for Emily and JJ, by the way. None of them had their name said in "The goodbye room".
•DISCLAIMER: I'm absolutely not trying to say that mothers who choose to give their babies up for adoption are bad moms or don't love their kids. What I'm saying is just that Jennifer has wanted her baby from the moment she found out he or she was coming, so even without Derek's support, she wants to keep him or her. That's it.
•Tags: @lex13cm, @golden1u5t, @rynwritesreid, @reidmeister, @justalesbianwithsomegayshit, @thatonewritersstuff, @marril96, @c-m-stuff, @criminal-addict.
Between their two hearts
Chapter 13: Cheating and threats
On June 10, 1968, the young women who lived at Saint Bridget's got to do another outing in town, and while there, Emily, Jennifer and two other girls, Rachel and Joanne, decided to go into a record store.
They didn't intend to buy anything, also because they didn't have a lot of money with them, but they did intend to look around and listen to the music playing in the shop.
"Look what I found!" Jennifer exclaimed at a some point, running towards the other girls "We can record our voices with this!".
Then, she, Rachel, and Joanne started to sing, pretending to record themselves, and Emily couldn't help but smile at that funny and cute sight.
Suddenly, however, after singing just a few lines, Jennifer stopped and began to stare at a place in the shop, not far from where they were standing.
"What's wrong, Jennifer? Are you okay?" Emily instinctively asked her, immediately getting worried about her friend.
"Derek..." the younger girl whispered, immediately walking towards her boyfriend, whom she hadn't seen in almost a month.
"Jennifer, I didn't think I'd find you here" he replied, evidently as amazed as she was.
"Why don't you wait for me in the car, Penelope?" he then told the blonde girl standing next to him.
"She is very pretty" Jennifer commented, clearly saddened.
She had almost immediately understood that Derek and that girl weren't just friends.
"I hadn't heard from you in a long time" her now former boyfriend replied, as if that justified him starting a new relationship while he was still with her.
"Have you been able to tell your parents about the baby?" Jennifer asked, basically ignoring what he had just told her.
"No" Derek told her, shaking his head "I can't get married. Not now."
"But you said you wanted to do the right thing. You promised me!" Jennifer protested, but Derek didn't really listen to her.
"We are only 17!" he exclaimed "We are kids!".
"Yes, and soon, I will be a mother" the girl replied "You have to tell them immediately".
"I can't do it" Derek said once again "My father would kill me".
So, trying what in her opinion was the last resource she had to change the boy's mind, Jennifer took his hand and placed it on her round belly.
"Here" she then told him with a smile on her face "Can you believe it? Your son or daughter is kicking".
"Jennifer, stop it!" Derek exclaimed, taking his hand off his former girlfriend's stomach.
"What can I do?" she whispered.
"You could give him or her up for adoption" the boy suggested, since he was only looking for a way to get out of that difficult situation at that moment.
"Absolutely not! He or she is our Sunshine" Jennifer retorted, horrified at the mere possibility of leaving a child she already loved and wanted so much.
"But I don't want to be a father now!" Derek protested, not realizing that he no longer had an actual choice in that regard.
"You already are" Jennifer responded in a firm voice "And if you don't tell your parents, I will".
And after saying those words, she called her friends over and left the shop with them, without looking back.
Derek tried to tell her to come back more than once, and also to warn her not to try to say a word about the baby to his parents, but she couldn't hear him anymore.
She was firm on the decision she had made, and in her former boyfriend's mind, now there was only one way to solve that problem.
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morbidology · 2 years
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It was the 7th of July, 1960, when Freda Thorne kissed her son, 8-year-old Graeme Thorne, goodbye and sent him off to school. Tragically, it was the last time she would ever see her son alive. He would become the very first victim of kidnap for ransom in Australia’s history.
Graeme went to wait at a nearby street where family friend, Phyllis Smith, would collect him to take him to school along with her own two sons. When she arrived as the designated spot, Graeme wasn’t there. Phyllis drove to the Thorne residence to check if Graeme was there. Freda immediately called police to report her son missing.
At around 9:40AM, Freda received a phone call. “I have your son,” said the voice down the line. He demanded £25,000 before 5PM, adding that if she didn’t get the money, he would “feed the boy to the sharks.” Sergeant Larry O'Shea, who was with Freda when she received the call, took the phone and pretended to be Brazil Thorne, Freda’s husband. He told the kidnapper that he didn’t have enough money to pay the ransom. Larry was clearly unaware that just the previous month, Brazil had won £100,000 in the Opera House Lottery. His win received extensive media coverage which included the Thornes’ names and addresses.
The kidnapper rang again around 10 minutes later. He gave instructions to put the money in two paper bags before abruptly hanging up. He never called back. Investigators scoured the area in search for clues. They searched every house and apartment in the vicinity. Several days into the search, they found Graeme’s empty school case in a bush near where he was to meet Phyllis Smith. Several days afterwards, they found his lunch bag and school books approximately 1.5km away.
Then came the grim find that his family dreaded from day one. On the 16th of August, the body of Graeme was found on a vacant land in Grandview Grove, Seaforth in Sydney. He was wrapped in a tartan blanket and tied up with a string and gagged with a scarf. He had been dead within 24 hours of his abduction. The pathologist could not determine if he had died from asphyxiation or a skull fracture of a combination of the two of them. Forensic analysis found two types of cypress foliage on Graeme’s coat, pants and scarf. Soil samples also showed minute fragments of a pink-coloured substance identified as limestock mortar.
An investigation into these findings led police to the home of Hungarian migrant, Stephen Leslie Bradley. By the time police went to arrest him, he had fled to Britain. He was apprehended at Colombo, Ceylon, on the 10th of October. He was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison on the 6th of October, 1968.
The tragic case led to lottery procedures in Australia changing. Winners are now given the opportunity to remain anonymous.
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lovecaterpillargirl · 2 years
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Ok, here it is, the toughest moment Steed and Mrs Peel (and their fans) ever endured. With a dispassionate eye *sob* I'll try to interpret the expressions and body language:
Emma pauses for a moment to consider how best to say goodbye to Steed. I think the finger at her lips is a sign of her distracted emotional state; she doesn't know what to say to make this better, she's upset to leave Steed (but also happy that Peter is alive) and she wants to kiss Steed but, she's now someone else's wife again, so she knows their love affair is over. Instead she opts for a hand on his chest, a lowered voice and a look of love. Steed's smile is strained throughout but, he tries to be happy for her. After all, you want someone you love to be happy, even if it means it's not with you. The kiss is interesting, because I only noticed during this past few re-watches that Steed also closes his eyes and kisses Emma on the cheek in return. And it's a lingering kiss, even if it is chaste; the sort of kiss where you inhale the other person's scent as you kiss them, the way lovers do. Out of all this scene though, it's the look from Emma as she's driven away that kills me. I used to think it was wistful but, I see emotional pain too; she doesn't want to leave Steed but, she can see no other option. After all, it's 1968, she's married and the CEO of an important company. Her husband is a high profile member of the establishment, who has the media spotlight on him. Her lover is a spy who can't commit to a "normal" relationship, without leaving his job. If she rejected her role as Peter's wife now, she'd be vilified in the press, hounded from her job, Steed would be exposed by the media spotlight and the scandal would ruin them both. I guess, what I'm saying is, this is the face of a woman who has no other choice. After the way female emancipation is portrayed in this show, up to this moment, I guess, that's the saddest (and truest) ending of all. Sorry to bring you down.
What may cheer you up is a) they definitely got back together later on and b) those emotions between Steed and Emma weren't acted; the same was going on between Patrick and Diana and we know, for them, it definitely wasn't goodbye.
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louis and armand meet daniel in 1973, they part in 1986.
(song list below the cut)
songs and order are subject to change. for ease, the songs are listed here by year and alphabetical by artist/source in each group.
good morning starshine - hair (obc - 1968)
will you love me tomorrow? - carole king (1971)
where evil grows - the poppy family (1971)
jealous guy - donny hathaway (1972)
early one morning - ike & tina turner (1972)
could we start again please? - jesus christ superstar (film soundtrack)
daniel - elton john
eclipse - pink floyd
easy evil - dusty springfield
closing time - tom waits
you go your way, i’ll go mine - carole king
jolene - dolly parton
every time he comes around - minnie riperton
you’re no good - linda ronstadt
the way we were - barbra streisand
love will keep us together - the captain & tennille
what i did for love - a chorus line (obc)
never can say goodbye - gloria gaynor
super heroes - rocky horror picture show
free money - patti smith
hotel california - the eagles
sorry seems to be the hardest word - elton john
good old-fashioned lover boy - queen
you drive me wild - the runaways
darkness 'till dawn - carly simon
the name of the game - abba
paper thin hotel - leonard cohen
free man in paris - neil diamond
you make loving fun - fleetwood mac
here you come again - dolly parton
i've got a feeling i'm feeling - ain't misbehavin' (obc)
the man with the child in his eyes - kate bush
if i can't have you - yvonne elliman
fire - the pointer sisters
YMCA - the village people
voulez-vous - abba
die young, stay pretty - blondie
three imaginary boys - the cure
cruel to be kind - nick lowe
sign on the window - jennifer warnes
fever - the cramps
mirror in the bathroom - the english beat
love is the drug - grace jones
save me - queen
mad love - linda ronstadt
in the air tonight - phil collins
nightclubbing - grace jones
angel of the morning - juice newton
tainted love - soft cell
stop draggin' my heart around - stevie nicks, tom petty & the heartbreakers
houdini - kate bush
up where we belong - joe cocker & jennifer warnes
one night only - dreamgirls (obc)
merrily we roll along (1964-1962)/good thing going - merrily we roll along (obc)
obsession - siouxsie and the banshees
here comes the rain again - the eurythmics
sunglasses at night - corey hart
time after time - cyndi lauper
wild heart - stevie nicks
blister in the sun - violent femmes
forever young - alphaville
self control - laura branigan
i want to know what love is - foreigner
head over heels - the go-go’s
dancing in the dark - bruce springsteen
leavin’s not the only way to go - big river (obc)
running up that hill (make a deal with god) - kate bush
never surrender - corey hart
what about love? - heart
part-time lover - stevie wonder
miracle of love - the eurythmics
bizarre love triangle - new order
sweetest chill - siouxsie and the banshees
some become strangers - stevie nicks
who wants to live forever - queen
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danu2203 · 8 months
Donovan - The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow (Live Goodbye Again 1968)
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twixnmix · 2 years
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Tina Turner and the Ikettes on set of the British TV series Goodbye Again in 1968.
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ttexed · 1 year
Tim Buckey - I Can't See You 
Happy Birthday to Timothy Charles Buckley III, born on February 14, 1947. "I Can't See You" is the first song off his first album from 1966. From this album sleeve, he may look like just some random folksinger. The latest in a never-ending line of folkies at the time. But from the first crashing notes it becomes evident that no, this isn't your average 1960s folkie. Yes, it's semi-electric folk, but there's also jazz, punk, & avant-garde  elements here, in a tenor singing (his high school friend) Larry Beckett's  beautiful poetic lyrics. And as he did for the rest of his life, Tim Buckley broke the rules. Leading off this, his very first Elektra Records release with not the most commercial radio-friendly tune of the collection, but the least. Here is a youtube of “I Can’t See You” here: https://youtu.be/xDeE7TtoF1Q
I first heard Buckley at 13 years old, early in 1968, when my local Dallas "underground rock" station KNUS, the first of it's kind in Big D on the FM side of the dial that played at least one album cut from almost every new LP release of the time, & practically none of the Top 40, that dominated AM radio back then. It was where I first heard The Velvet Underground, The Jeff Beck Group, The Red Crayola, Elmer Gantry's Velvet Opera, Condello, The Ill Wind, & on & on. I'd save up my lunch money allowance all week, & on the weekend head over to Preston Record Center & pick out an album by the coverart & what I'd heard on KNUS radio. One week they were playing Tim Buckley's long epic, "Goodbye & Hello", the title song from his more psychedelic second album. So that was what I picked out to purchase with my hard-hoarded cash & was introduced to the varied music of Tim. For some reason I never went back to this first album until much later in the 1970s. Maybe it was that folksinger cover. After the obviously drug-induced cover photos of "Happy Sad" & the likes, that first album coverart never struck my fancy until I later realized just how brilliant & different Tim Buckley was. But once I finally did investigate further, Wow!
But on to my own musical career. When I was finally putting together my last & possibly final musical project in 2017, my damaged hearing required a lower volume, different approach that started out as just a trio with my pals Eric Hisaw & Dan Hoekstra on guitars, & turned into a combo simply called The T. Tex Edwards Group, when we later added JJ Barrera on bass & Shawn Peters on drums. It had started out as a songwriting project with Hisaw. After years of mainly playing covers of semi-obscure 60s Brit & off-kilter C&W nuggets, I wanted to see if I could still write some meaningful songs like I had years ago with Mike Haskins in The Nervebreakers & Click Mort in The Loafin' Hyenas. I had started writing things down during a month-long rehab torture at Austin Recovery, & upon my release, contacted Eric about possibly getting together & putting some music to my scribblings. We cranked out a few songs & added a Tim Harden tune, a Bob Dylan song, along with some reworkings of some of my earlier Nervebreakers & Loafin' Hyenas originals. Plus this song from Tim Buckley, that I absolutely fell in love with upon my first listening all those years ago. When we later recorded our batch of originals, this song, (along with Gary Stewart's "Single Again"), were the only two cover songs that we recorded at those sessions. Hopefully sometime soon, those recordings will see the light of day...
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lucreziaq2001 · 5 months
•TV show: "Criminal minds".
•Content warnings: A young mother being forced to hand her baby over to new parents after only a few minutes to say goodbye to him, her being sad and angry about it and wanting her son back and the nuns at the institute the girl had given birth at selling some of the babies to wealthy couples instead of doing legal adoptions only.
•VERY IMPORTANT THING: This chapter was really upsetting for me to write, so if you find it upsetting to read, I understand. Feel free to skip it.
•Some of the lines are almost the same that are in a scene of the "Cold case" episode this story is inspired by. I did modify them a bit, though. I didn't just copy and paste them.
•Tags: @lex13cm, @golden1u5t, @rynwritesreid, @reidmeister, @justalesbianwithsomegayshit, @thatonewritersstuff, @marril96, @c-m-stuff, @criminal-addict.
Between their two hearts
Chapter 18: Emily's despair and Sister Margaret's secret
In the evening of July 18, 1968, just three days after giving birth to her baby girl, Jennifer discovered a side of Emily she had never seen before.
The girl's son, born on July 8, was taken from her to be given to his adoptive parents that day, and seeing her friend so sad, Jennifer couldn't help but go be by her side.
When she entered Emily's room, she found her sitting on her bed, crying in a way she had never seen anyone do it except her mother six years earlier, when she had seen her sister's dead body in their house's bathroom.
So she sat next to her friend and took her hand without saying anything, waiting for Emily to vent about what had happened if she felt the need to do it.
"They only gave me fifteen minutes to say goodbye" the girl sobbed a few seconds after Jennifer had arrived.
As expected, that vent session hadn't taken long to start.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine" Jennifer tried to say to console her friend, but her words were of very little use.
"It seemed like less than a second" Emily added shortly after "I picked him up and caressed his sweet little hands. They were so small and perfect. As soon as I saw him, I knew that...that he only belonged to me. They shouldn't have taken him away".
After finishing that speech, the girl began to sob even harder than she was doing before, and since she wasn't sure what else to say, Jennifer simply hugged her at first.
"Shhh. Sadly, there's no going back anymore" she then whispered "Hey, you need to calm down now. Try to think about the future".
"I don't care about that" Emily, who just couldn't stop crying, replied "I want my son back right now".
"I heard he was given to a very nice couple" Jennifer tried to reassure her again "His new dad is a lawyer, they're rich. It couldn't have gone any better than this".
Emily, however, just shook her head.
Yes, throughout most of the pregnancy she hadn't wanted her child, but things had changed as soon as she had seen him for the first time and when the time had come for her to say goodbye to him, two of the nuns had quite literally had to rip him out of her arms.
"They may be the best people in the world, but he is my baby" she replied through the tears streaming down her face "He is only mine and they have to give him back to me. They have to give him back. I am his mother".
"Now that Joanne has left, there's an empty bed in my room. You can sleep there tonight. Come with me" Jennifer told her softly, not knowing what else to do to comfort her.
Normally, sleeping in a room that wasn't theirs, even for just one evening, was against the rules at Saint Bridget's, but the girl hoped that for that night, the nuns would have understood her refusal to leave Emily alone.
"I want my son back" Emily repeated again as, with an arm around her, Jennifer accompanied her towards her room.
After putting Emily to bed and waiting for her to fall asleep, however, the girl heard a baby's cries coming from Sister Margaret's study, so she decided to go see what was going on.
The door was half-open, and thanks to that, Jennifer saw Sister Margaret put a baby, probably Emily's son, in a basket and give the makeshift crib to a man in a suit, then the man handing her a bag full of dollar bills.
And at that point, the girl understood: the adoptions that took place at Saint Bridget's weren't legal ones, or at least, not all of them were like that.
The nuns sold their children to wealthy couples, and she was not going to allow that to happen to her daughter too.
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wilddwcrds · 1 year
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Name: Daniela Mendez
Age & Birthday: 55 years old, December 4th 1968
Gender/Pronouns: cis woman she/her
Birthplace: New York City
Time in Atlanta: 3 years
Neighborhood: Brookwood Hills
Association: None
Occupation: Owner and Lawyer at Mendez&Co
Positive personality traits: Loving, Leisurely, Wise
Negative personality traits: Controlling, Back-Handed, Fickle
Faceclaim: Sofia Vergara
The Ramirez and Mendez names were important and powerful ones in the legal field, raising and educating capable lawyers. For Daniela, it was like second nature to be like her Ramirez name and and it was also completely natural for her to fall in love with Isaac Mendez. The two were clearly destined for one another and it wasn't Isaac's wallet or power that Daniela was interested in. She had her own, but it was his personality that she fell for.
Neither of them expected to become parents at nineteen but Daniela happily sacrificed her studies and career to be a mother. She supported Isaac in his financial ventures until she realized that her potential in a courtroom was being wasted. Once Roman and Evelyn were older, Daniela returned to her studies and finally completed her goal.
Daniela became a great and trusted lawyer, just as she knew she would be, even as she was welcomed into the secretive world that her husband was a part of. Daniela took it all in her stride, balancing the criminal and legal parts of her life with ease.
After discovering that Isaac's illness was terminal, Daniela said goodbye to the courts once again to be by his side. The loss of him was so strong and Daniela still claims she could never love another the way she loved her husband. New York City held so many memories of her and Isaac's lives that she decided to reach out to some of their close friends. She made the move to Atlanta three years ago and set up Mendez&Co, mainly to keep herself busy and distracted. However, the contacts she's been exposed to while in Atlanta have driven her and her family a little deeper into criminal activities than ever before.
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hopeforelvis · 2 years
Me and Elvis
Pairings: Elvis Presley x reader
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May 15th, 1968
You had just got back to your apartment after a long day at the Statesman. Your table was littered with bridal magazines as you walked in, tossing your bag onto the growing pile. As soon as you walk in the phone rings. It couldn't be Sam, you had just seen him. You answer happily. You were more happy...at least it seemed like it. You had gone through a spout of rehab for drinking and you were at the top of your game at your job and on the brink of a raise. "Future, Mrs. Brown speaking." You answer in a sing-songy voice and your smile immediately disappears as you hear him. His voice. "Hi y/n." He greets. "E-Elvis." You manage to stutter out. "Sorry for the unexpected call. I just...I wanted to check in. It's been awhile." He says. You nod as if he could see you, "Sure has." You agree. "How are you?" You bravely attempt to ask. "Good, Lisa's almost six months old." He says, hearing the smile in his voice. "I thought so. She looks cute." You comment with honesty. Their kid had nothing to do with your bitterness towards either parent. "And you...how is Sam? Has he told you about next month?" He asks and you furrow your eyebrows. "Next month?" You question. "I guess that's a no." He chuckles slightly making you chuckle as well for no reason for the fact that he did. He was always infectious that way. "What's happening next month?" You question, intrigued at where he was going with this. "I have a special airing on NBC. I want you to come....and Sam." He said. Elvis truly only wanted to see you, but he wouldn't dare go there unless you did. All he knew, was he missed you and he needed to talk with someone who used to be his best friend. "Oh, I don't know E. I have a lot going on." You say, and honestly you did, but in your heart you wanted to say yes. "Please. If you decide after this time not to ever see me again, then I'll oblige." He said. It's like you couldn't help but say yes to him. He still had a power over you after all these years. "Fine. Just this once. I'll talk to Sam." You agree. "Good, I'm glad." You can hear the happiness in his voice and once you hang up with one another both of you still continued to smile, your hearts deep down still fighting to be with one another.
June 27, 1968
You had flown out a day ahead. Sam was reluctant that you go, but you insisted and were pretty persuasive with your goodbye kiss. It was Joe though that picked you up in the crowded L.A airport and boy was he a sight for sore eyes. You missed the guys and he was one of your favorites. "Esposito!" You call out and run to give him a hug. "Lady, you just get more and more gorgeous. Elvis is going to have a trip when he sees you." He says and looks you up and down, making you feel confident in your tight red sweater dress and black strappy heels. "C'mon. He goes on in an hour and a half." He said and helped put your bags in Elvis' pink Cadillac. You smile to yourself, memories of the past filling your head. This trip was clearly going to be full of reminiscing. As you pulled into the parking lot you could see Elvis and Red standing outside the studio smoking. It looked like he popped something and then he took another drag. Same old Elvis. You thought to yourself. You stepped out and as you did Elvis turned and took in your appearance. His heart leapt in his throat as he observed how good you looked. You had always been beautiful, but was it possible you could look even more so? He knew as soon as you walked up that this is who he wanted to be by his side for one of his biggest performances since ending his film contracts. "Y/n!" He exclaimed and scooped you into a big hug. You peered back and took in Elvis as well. He was dressed in head to toe leather pants and a leather jacket, making you dizzy just looking at him, and his hair was slicked and styled back like the old days. "Wow, look at you Mr. Elvis Presley." You say and make it obvious that you checked him out and you did that indeed. His ass looked amazing in the leather pants and tanner than ever. "I missed you." He says and Red clears his throat. "What am I, chopped liver?" He exclaims, the cigarette hanging in the corner of his mouth. "Red West, you haven't changed a lick." You say and give him a hug, the cigarette smoke, engulfing you. "Come on in with me, I have to finish getting ready." Elvis said and took your hand, leading you inside and down a corridor to his dressing room that had a big yellow star with his name printed on it in white letters. "You've made it to the big league, huh E.P?" You observe as you walk in his room. It was filled with a few flower vases and a teddy bear. You go to the black couch and take a seat, Elvis following closely behind. "I really have missed you, y/n." He says and instinctively puts an arm around you as you both lounge in the couch. Your old feelings arise and you can't help but feel the tension built between you, you could almost touch it. "I know...but E. I'm engaged...and you're married...and a father at that." You say, practically reading his mind. He wants you badly, probably more than he expected. He also wanted to tell you about all his fights with Priscilla, but he didn't want to ruin things when you are just coming back into his life. "I know. I'm sorry." He looks down and you could tell how down he looked. I'll do anything for you. You think to yourself, but decide to keep it to yourself. "Elvis Presley, to the stage." The intercom came to life and you both stood up. "Thank you for being here." He said and took your hand, gently kissing it, making your heart race. "I wouldn't have missed it." You say and follow him to the stage, feeling a strange sense of deja vu, recalling the Frank Sinatra Show, what felt like a lifetime ago. Elvis looked at you once more and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before heading to the small square stage. You walked over to where Red and Joe had taken their place and look onward as Elvis took his place with the old Memphis Mafia guys. "Oh, hey...is Priscilla here...with Lisa?" You ask in order to prepare yourself for a run in with her. "No, they're in Memphis. She's rarely with him. Mostly home with the kid." Red said. "Heard they had another fight...was it bad?" Joe asked and Red elbowed him. I gave them both skeptical looks and then looked back towards the stage as Elvis started his set. He sounded powerful and as good as ever and he looked more alive. You looked on, watching in awe as your true best friend lived out his dream. As he performed, he caught sight of you, his heart swelling with happiness. You were here and he was able to finally perform. All was right with the world.
Elvis had convinced you to stick around longer and much to Sam's dismay, you did. You couldn't help yourself. You knew at some point Sam would even call off your wedding, but Elvis didn't need to know you were throwing away a marriage to be with him even if it was just as a supportive best friend. You both had feelings that were resurfacing. Question is, could things end up back the way they were?
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rogeriswater · 2 years
Don't Leave Me Now
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This work contains fictionalized versions of real events and people. Most details won’t be accurate to real life.
tags for this chapter: p.o.v changes, explicit sexual content, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex
June, 1968
Tonight we were to attend a release party for the release of our new album, A Saucerful of Secrets. The title track being the one that Roger had made overtly complicated but the final product of the song was wonderful, especially the end where my vocals came in. The party was booked by our new manager Steve in the conference hall of some hotel.
As exciting as the party was going to be, I had different intentions on my mind tonight. I wanted tonight to finally be the night where Roger and I make love to each other. We've been putting it off for so long, and as much I love him touching me, or sucking him off, I was ready for us to consummate the love and passion we had felt for each other.
"Pup, are you almost done, because—Whoa!" Ronnie stopped herself when she came into my room. I was in the middle of examining myself in the mirror when I turned around to face my older sister. "Holy shit, look at you!"
I knew what I was doing, dressing like this. I wore a red mini dress with a deep neckline and flared sleeves. I wore a pair of matching boots that came up to my knees, and a headband was wrapped around my head. I wanted Roger to see me like this and I wanted to drive him mad. I wanted him to get so driven that he would take me up to a hotel room and fuck me deep and hard.
"Maggie, is it just me, or are your clothes getting shorter and more revealing?" My sister questioned me. She brushed her fingers over the skin above my knee. "Let me guess? Dressed like this for Roger?" She wiggled her eyebrows as I felt my cheeks heat up. "Are you expecting something to happen tonight?"
"I want it to, Ronnie" I admitted to my sister. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror again. I ran my hands over my body as I admired myself. "I'm ready for us to finally make love. I love him so much, and I know when we do, it's gonna feel amazing"
Ronnie was fully aware of the way mine and Roger's relationship was now. She knew that we both deeply loved each other, and she was very supportive of us. She stood behind me and rested her chin on my shoulder. "Make sure you use a condom, alright?" She reminded me.
"I'm on my birth control" I stated to her.
"Okay, but still. Last thing you need is to end up pregnant with Roger's baby, while you're still married to Billy"
"Ronnie, I'm not gonna get knocked up by Roger"
She pat my head. "Not if you use a condom!"
The two of us stepped out of the bedroom. Billy was still in the living room. He was going out with some friends tonight. The moment he saw me, his mouth fell open. "My love, you look absolutely stunning!" I smiled at his compliment. He touched my face and kissed me. When he did, I wanted to pull myself away, but I didn't. "You have fun tonight, my love" He encouraged me.
He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm. "Billy, are you gonna be home tonight?"
"Probably not" He tilted his head and grinned at me. "Worried about being alone when you come home, my darling?"
Darling. It didn't sound right when Billy called me that anymore. Only Roger could call me that. "I think I'll manage"
"I love you" He told me.
"I love you too" I spoke back as if it were an automated response. Billy bid my sister goodbye as well, before he was out the door. I stared blankly at the door.
"Pup, you've gotta divorce him" Ronnie placed her hand on my arm. "I can see how unhappy you're becoming with him"
"I am going to divorce him" I said quietly. "It's just not time yet, y'know?"
Ronnie frowned at me. "Well, when is it going to be time?"
"Just drop it for tonight, will ya?" I snapped at her. God, what was with everyone telling me to divorce my husband?
We arrived at the hotel and I could already hear all the chatter of the people who were already gathered in hall. I was hoping Roger was already here. Ronnie had her camera hanging from her neck, all ready to take some pictures. "Can you believe it, Mags?" Ronnie said to me. "You've made an album! And it's an excellent one, might I say"
We stepped into the hall and immediately I could spot Steve. He was speaking with an older gentleman. Ronnie and I approached them. "Maggie, there you are!" Steve said to me as we joined them. He looked at my sister. "And you must be Veronica, right? Our trusted photographer?"
Ronnie smiled. "Most importantly, Maggie's older sister! And please, call me Ronnie. You must be Steve, the new manager" The two of them shook hands. "Pleasure to finally meet you!"
"And you as well" Steve smiled at her. "Maggie, Roger has been looking for you. Keeps nagging me about if I've seen you"
"Do you know where he is then?" I asked.
Steve pointed in the direction of the bar. "Went to get a drink, I believe"
"Thanks" I left Ronnie with Steve. I pushed my way through the crowd of people to reach the bar and finally meet Roger. He was chatting with some pretty blonde. I wasn't oblivious to the fact the she seemed to be flirting with him and I'll admit, it made me a little jealous. But Roger didn't seem to be interested in her.
He finally looked over at me and his eyes widened. "Darling" He spoke as if he were in a dream. He abandoned the blonde he was with and stepped towards me. "You are the most beautiful woman in this room, I swear" His arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close against him.
I closed my eyes and put my head against his chest. It was risky, us being close like this in public, but neither of us seemed to care. "Did you bring Judy?" I asked.
"No" He quickly answered. "Did you bring Billy?" I gave him the same answer he gave me. "I need to kiss you right now" I heard the desperation in his voice.
"Not here. Is there somewhere private we can go?" I asked. He looked around, making sure no one was watching us, and then he grasped my hand. "Roger," I giggled his name as he guided me across the room. "Where are we going?"
"You wanted privacy, didn't you, darling?" I trusted Roger. He pulled me along until we found ourselves outside in the hotel's garden. It was beautiful. "Technically we're not supposed to be out here. I think they close it off for events like tonight"
"It's beautiful out here" I said. We walked around and I couldn't help but admire all of the pretty flowers. "It'd be nice to have a garden like this. Reminds me of the one mum used to keep before she got remarried"
"I've always been fond of flowers" Roger admitted to me. "I'd give you a garden like this if that's what you really wanted, sunshine. When we move in together, I'll give you anything you want"
That made me stop to turn and face him. "Already making plans for us living together?"
Roger touched my face. "There's this place in Islington. It would be perfect for the two of us"
That sounded like a dream. Just Roger and I, living together in a beautiful house. No worries about either Billy or Judy. "I'd like that very much" I noticed him staring at me, like he was in some sort of trance. "What's wrong, Roger?"
"What have you done to me, Maggie Fox?" He asked. It seemed like he was asking more himself that he was me. "I've never loved anyone the way that I do you"
Every time he said he loved me, I felt a euphoric wave rush through my body. "I love you too" The way I said it to Roger, was completely different from the way I had said it to Billy earlier. Roger leaned in and started to kiss me. His arms wrapped tightly around me. The kiss we shared was so intense, it took us both to the ground.
The grass felt cold where it touched the exposed skin on my leg. But I ignored that coldness and could only focus on the softness and warmth of his lips against mine. His hand that was resting on my back, slithered upwards until it came to gently grasp my hair. He pulled on it lightly which caused me to moan. He used that as an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth.
 As his tongue explored my mouth, I let my hand do some exploring. I started by touching his arms, which were left exposed thanks to the short sleeved shirt he was wearing. His arms and hands were definitely the most beautiful part of his body, with the exception of his most obvious appendage. Which I could feel against me. I let go of his arm and instead palmed at his erection.
That caused Roger to part his lips from mine with a groan. "Fuck, darling" He pressed a single kiss to my jaw before whispering in my ear. "If you keep touching me like that, I'll have no choice but to fuck you right here"
"Well, why don't you?" I tempted him.
"You know that I want to take you in a bed, first darling" He protested, removing my hand from his bulging cock. His eyes lit up and he smirked. "We are at a hotel, y'know. We could get a room"
"Let's do it" I said without hesitation. This is exactly what I wanted to happen tonight, and from the way Roger had suggested it, he clearly did too. The both of us stood up and we made our way back inside.
No one seemed to notice that the Pink Floyd vocalist and the bassist were holding hands. Surely, this would've been a fine opportunity for a photographer to snap a photo of us. But no one seemed to care. Everyone was caught up in their own little worlds. Roger and I were making a race for the hotel lobby to go ask for a room, when we were stopped none other than by our own manager.
"There you two are!" Roger and I quickly let go of each other's hands before Steve could notice. He didn't seem to. "Been looking everywhere for you two. The press conference is about to start" Oh, shit. I had forgotten about that. Looks like the rendezvous Roger and I were planning, would have to be put on hold for now.
Honestly, I'd much rather be up in a hotel right now making love to Maggie, rather than sitting up here, answering questions I was barely even paying attention too. The only time my attention was held, was when Maggie was answering a question.
She had a way of charming everyone and making them laugh. She was confident in the way she answered, not hesitating even once. Maggie just really had a way of making you fall for her, truly. And that was evident with the one reporter who kept directing questions towards her every chance he got. I could sense the subtle flirtations whenever he spoke to her. It made me angry.
But he wasn't the only one making me agitated. I don't know what he kept saying to her, but David kept leaning over to whisper in her ear, and whatever he said, she found quite amusing, because she kept giggling.
This press conference couldn't have ended quick enough. Now I could finally take Maggie up to a room, and we can make love all night like I've been wanting to do for ages now. I watched as she made her way towards the bar, and I was about to follow after her, but I halted when I noticed David approached her.
He handed her a drink and she graciously accepted it from him. They clinked glasses and took a drink from their glasses. I just watched them for a bit. All they did was talk, it seems like. I just didn't like how close David was to her. Or the way he was looking at her.
I walked over to them after a while. I stepped up beside Maggie, and David nodded at me. "Hello, Rog"
"You mind if I borrowed Maggie for a moment?" I asked. David nodded before he walked off. When he was out of sight, I grabbed Maggie's hand and carried her across the room.
"Where are we going?" She asked me.
"We're going to go get a room" I told her. I really couldn't wait any more. I wanted her. We exited from the hall and made our way to the front desk in the lobby. She was giggling the whole time I was pulling her with me. We approached the front desk. "Hi, we'd like a room for two please" I informed the receptionist.
"Something with a big bed, if you can" Maggie added. The receptionist shook her head while smiling all the same. She must see couples like us all the time. I paid for the room and she gave us the key. Maggie and I quickly ran to the lifts. She pressed the button. As we waited, I couldn't help but grab her by the waist and bring her into a kiss.
When the lift dinged, it made Maggie and I pull away from each other. An elderly woman stepped out and she gave us a dirty look. We both ignored her and quickly stepped into the lift, both too horny for our own good to think about anything else. I couldn't press the button fast enough. The lift close and so the excruciating wait to get to our floor began.
It was just the two of us in the lift. We used that to our advantage and kissed some more. I grasped her face with both of my hands. I parted my lips from hers to admire her angelic face. "I can't believe this is about to happen, sunshine" I professed to her. "I've been thinking about this for so long"
"I have too" She said. Maggie placed her hands over top of mine. She brought one of my hands up to her lips, and she placed gentle kisses upon my fingertips. Her lips parted and she took my finger into her mouth, sucking on it softly. She looked me right in the eyes as she did so. It was both erotic and intimate.
The lift came to a stop and the doors opened. Maggie removed my finger from her mouth with a pop. I grasped her hand and ran with her down the hall until we came to our room. I was quick to unlock and open the door. Maggie stepped in before me. After I stepped inside, I turned to close and lock the door. When I had turned around, I was greeted with a magnificent sight.
Maggie was already naked for me, save for her boots and her headband. "Christ, darling" I stepped towards her. "You are truly a sight to behold" I reached to cup one of her tits in my hand. "You're getting me so hard" She started grabbing at my shirt. "Eager to get me naked, are we?"
She giggled as she bit her lip. "You have no idea" I let her continue. I lifted my arms to let Maggie pull my shirt over my head. Once it was discarded, she took the time to touch and feel me. I couldn't help but close my eyes shudder at her touch. Her hands felt warm against my skin. I felt a kiss on my collarbone. "Roger?"
"Yes?" I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me so that our bodies were pressed together. "What is it, my darling?"
"You're beautiful" She told me. I never quite believed her whenever she told me that. I don't think I'll ever understand what she sees in me.
I shook my head. "Darling, I'm not—"
She grasped my face between her hands. "You are, Roger. You are the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in my life" Looking at her as she told me that, I found myself starting to believe her.
I picked her up and carried her over to the bed, setting her gently down on her back. I stood over her. "Tell me more, my love"
She grinned. "You have such a lovely face" Her legs lifted in the air, allowing me to remove her boots. "You have the most hypnotizing eyes. I could stare into them for hours" When her boots were off, I started to kiss along her calves. "You've got the cutest nose, and the sweetest smile" Hearing all the ways she thought I was beautiful was turning me on more than I care to admit. "You lips are so full and soft. I love the way they feel against mine when you kiss me. Your hair is so soft and luscious"
I smirked down at her. She was a sight to behold, laying naked beneath me, her golden hair fanned out, framing her head like a halo. "It's not just my face you love, now is it, darling?" I asked her.
"Fuck no, Roger" She purred. Maggie reached out to touch me. She proceeded to touch every part of me that she described. "You have a perfect body. Everything from your arms, your chest, your stomach, your long legs" Her hands came to the zipper of my pants. She pulled it down slowly. "But you know what I think is the most gorgeous part of you?" Once the zipper was all the way down, she pulled my pants down and I hissed in relief once my hard cock was released from the confines of my pants. I heard her hum in delight when she saw it. "This thick cock of yours. You're so big, I don't know how you'll fit inside me"
Fuck, hearing her say that was hot. "We'll just have to get you nice and wet, won't we?" I told her, petting at her hair. Maggie's hand wrapped around me and she started stroking me. "Fuck" I hissed at the pleasure. "Darling, I want—shit—I want to lick your cunt" I've yet to taste her the way I wanted to. "Tell me you want my tongue in your pretty pussy"
She licked her lips. "I want your tongue in my pussy, Roger. Make me cum with your mouth" I kneeled in front of her, grabbing her legs and pulling her closer to the edge of the bed. I placed her legs upon my shoulder and I was greeted with the sight of her glistening pussy. "Prettiest fucking pussy I've ever seen, darling" I wasted no time in quenching my thirst for her. I pressed my tongue flat against her and had my first lick. My suspicions were right, not only did she smell like peaches, but she tasted like them too.
"Roger" She drawled in ecstasy. I was a man starved as I ate her out. I didn't want to stop. She tasted so sweet. Her fingers grasped my hair. Maggie was writhing from the pleasure I was giving her. "Fuck, it's so good! It feels so good!"
I've never been the biggest fan of performing oral on a woman, but I wouldn't refuse it if she wanted me to do so. But when I tasted Maggie like this, it was all I wanted to do. I never wanted to stop. Everything was a haze as I felt her gushing on my tongue. Fuck, she was cumming. Her cum tasted divine. I didn't want to, but I pulled away from her. She looked so beautiful in her post-orgasm state. "I could be in between your legs like this all day, darling" I told her.
She sat up, grabbing my face between her hands and pulling me into a hard kiss. "Let me suck your cock, please" She begged me.
As tempting as that sounded, the only way I wanted to be inside her right now, was through means of her sweet cunt. "No, darling. I want to fuck you now" I pushed her back onto the bed. "Don't you want that?" I began stroking myself and she watched me. "Wouldn't you rather have my cock in your cunt?"
"Yes" She whined.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I want your thick cock filling my tight cunt"
"That's a good girl" I grasped my cock and started by rubbing it against her. I tapped it against her swollen clit a few times before I did what I've been waiting to do. I prodded my tip at her hole, and slowly pushed myself inside her. I noticed that she winced a bit. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah" Maggie assured me. "I'm just not used to having such a big cock inside of me"
I stayed still, letting her get used to my size. "Let me know when you want me to move, okay darling?" I told her, cupping her face. "I love you"
"I love you, too" She grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. "You can start moving now"
I began to move. She felt so so good around me. She was warm and tight. I feared I wasn't gonna last very long. I started out by fucking her slowly, snapping my pelvis against hers. I never dared take my eyes off of her. If this was any other girl, I would've fucked her hard and fast. But she wasn't just any girl. She was the one who I'm certain is my soulmate, the love of my life. I didn't just want to fuck her. I wanted to make love to her.
"You feel so divine around me, my darling" I praised her. I felt her clench around me at the praise, causing me to moan. "Your cunt was made for my cock"
"I feel so full with you inside me" She purred. A hand touched my back, and the other found the back of my neck. She gently grasped my hair. "I can feel every inch of you" Her legs wrapped around my waist.
"Does he feel like this inside of you?" I asked her, kissing her softly.
"No" She grabbed at my arms. "Fuck me, Roger. Fuck me harder, fuck me faster"
"Like this?" I asked, changing the speed of my thrusts. I could tell she liked that by the way her hands gripped my arms, and the way her cunt squeezed my cock. The way she was moaning and the sound of the bed creaking with every thrust was helping me get closer and closer to orgasm.
"Roger, you're gonna make me cum!" She cried, her voice high pitched due the the pleasure I was giving her.
"Yeah?" I reached in between us so that I could rub at her clit, intent on giving her an orgasm she'll never forget. "Cum for me. I want you to soak my cock. Yes, that's it" I praised her as she screamed out my name. I felt her having her orgasm, coating my cock in her cum, walls fluttering around me. "That's a good girl. That's a good fucking girl"
Finally, it was my turn to cum. I didn't want to risk cumming inside of her so I pulled out of her. I positioned myself so that I was close to her face and stroked myself. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna— fuck!" I groaned as I spurted all over her face. When I was finished, I leaned down to kiss her, not caring about the fact that her face was covered in my cum.
"Mhm, I love you, Roger" She told me after our lips parted.
"I love you too, Maggie" I repeated to her, meaning my words completely. I left her, though only for a moment, so I could fetch a towel from the bathroom. She sat up, and I sat in front of her. I began wiping her face.
"Roger, that was the best sex I've ever had" She confessed to me.
"Yeah?" It was satisfying to hear that. "I have to say the same thing about you" She smiled at me, but then it dropped. "Sunshine, what's wrong?"
"This thing between us, whatever it is, it's not over just because we fucked right?" Maggie asked. The way she asked that, made me think she only believed I was out to fuck her and then I would toss her on the curb like garbage. But that was the furthest thing from the truth.
"Are you kidding, Maggie?" I grasped her face in between my hands and made her look at me. "First of all, we didn't just fuck. We made love. And it's not just 'some thing' between us. Hearing you say that makes it sound like it doesn't mean a thing to you"
"It means everything to me, Roger"
For some reason, I didn't quite believe her. "Then why won't you divorce him?"
"Why won't you leave Judy, then?" She twisted against me.
"I'm going to. In fact, next time I see her, I'll call things off between us, alright?" I said. She nodded and I touched my forehead to hers. I grasped her hands in mine. "Maggie, all I know is that I want to be with you and only you. Possibly even for the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love Judy and I always will, but I'm in love with you, Maggie Fox"
"Can we stay here tonight?" She asked me. Maggie didn't even have to ask me twice.
While we decided that we were gonna stay at the hotel for the night, Maggie and I figured that we would need to reappear at the party for a bit, as to not garner suspicions. We came back hand-in-hand, but when we heard Steve calling for us, we quickly let go of each other.
"There you two are!" He said, approaching us for the second time that evening. "That's the second time you two disappeared tonight. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were sneaking around" Of course, Steve was only joking around when he said it, but Maggie and I looked at each other, sharing the same feeling of panic from possibly getting caught. "But, I know that's not true because it wouldn't look good" He reminded us sternly.
"What do you need us for this time, Steve?" I asked.
"Pictures" Was all he said before he was guiding us in the direction of where the rest of the band, and a group of photographers were waiting. Ronnie was front and center of the photographers. She looked right at Maggie and I and smiled, almost like she knew what had happened between us.
The photographers took quite a number of pictures of us. But, what was hidden from the view of the cameras, was the fact that Maggie's hand was being held in mine. As much as I wanted to have our relationship be public, I knew it was a terrible idea.
The backlash we would face from the public, as it was known we were all in relationships. It was a question that had come up once. Steve would be furious if he ever found out, but David, Nick, and Rick would probably pay it no mind. Most importantly, we didn't want Billy and Judy finding out. Sure, public backlash would be bad, but the backlash from our partners finding out? It would be like the Titanic sinking.
Those thoughts faded from my mind though, the moment I saw Maggie gazing up at me. I looked down at her, catching her eyes and smiling at her. She mouthed I love you to me. I very much wanted to lean down and capture her lips in a kiss. But it could wait until we were once again in the privacy of our room, where I had every intention of making love to her again.
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pricescigar · 2 years
A rundown of Lars' character pre Black Ops 1:
Lars was born on March 13th, 1935, in Lapland, Finland. Before his conception, Gunnar and Svetlana had been trying desperately for a child, but they had no such luck. Lars had been a blessing when he finally came into their lives.
At the time of his birth, World War 2 was gaining a foothold throughout Europe, and in 1939, when Lars was four years old was when the Soviets had begun their invasion of Finland, kick-starting the Winter War, and Gunnar had bid his family goodbye as he answered the call to defend his country, but Lars would not see his father again for another five years.
In 1945, when the war had come to an end did Gunnar finally return home, and by now, Lars was nine years old. While Gunnar had once been an emotional and loving father to his son, it was as of the relationship never existed when Gunnar came home. He was nothing more than a broken, hollow shell of a woman destroyed by the horrors he witnessed and the suffering that had been inflicted upon him.
While Gunnar never outright or intentionally harmed Lars or Svetlana, he had sunken into a deep depression and resorted to heavy drinking to cope. Svetlana had done her best to shield Lars from this, but sometimes Lars would hear the arguments, or accidentally witnessed his father in his pitiful state. No child should have to witness something like that, and it had a negative impact on the young boy.
In 1947, Gunnar had passed away, and seeing nothing left for them, Svetlana took the 11 year old Lars and left Finland, immigrating to America and never looking back. There was nothing but bad memories back home for them.
While Lars' childhood in America was fairly uneventful, however at the time, he struggled to speak English, which, combined with having a terrible stutter whenever he became frightened, often made him the subject of cruel bullying by his peers in school, and this caused him to put up a tough and angry act as a defense mechanism, which followed him into adulthood, but it considerably mellowed out as he got older.
At 18, shortly after graduating school, Lars signed up in the United States Marine Corps, and despite Svetlana's objections in the beginning, she supported her son's choice in the end. But a part of her feared she would lose her only child like she lost her husband.
Lars had met Alex Mason in basic training, and the two became fast friends. Through Mason, Lars met Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman, and from there, the four men bonded and became close friends, vowing to have each other's backs, no matter how dire the situation looked.
Damn Elvira was born in 1963, (she baby) Her parents had her quite late. Well– It's never too late to have a child sometimes, however Dietrich was in his 40's and his wife Mia, was like in her 20's and Mia died in 1968 when Elvira was only 5
Yes her parents had quite a huge age gap
Dietrich was born in 1923
Mia was born in 1943
Dietrich thought having a child and a family would made him "forget." About the war, but nope didn't work out and pratically Elvira became a nuisance to him.
And he forced Mia to marry him because he didn't want a bastard child, and that's how it was back then. And that Dietrich became a massive dickhead after the war
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