#gotta get my opinions to EVERYONE
d3df1zh · 3 months
is it jsut me or do i get a lil sad whenever i play either one of splatoon's dlcs when i want to go back to splatsville/inkopolis square?? like i mean, it says "imagine splatsville" when you wanna go back in side order. even when you finish the dlcs it STILL says 'imagine' instead of 'go to ___'
like is eight just trapped there now? can they not be freed from their own dlcs?
i know thats not how nintendo intended for that button to be interpreted and i know eight probably actually goes back but i cant help but interprete it that way
very angsty, 10/10 would play dlcs again lets go lesbians
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fantomette22 · 4 months
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Pretty accurate Bloodborne fandom discourse experience on Tumblr lmao
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
taliesin and laura remain truly so fantastic at making characters who… don’t necessarily have something extremely and inherently in common but do have experiences that were caused by similar sources and that lead them to have quite different opinions/ideas about things but in ways that are typically very reconcilable? which is a lot of qualifiers but it’s a through line of vex/percy with nobility, jester & cad with loneliness (and also god stuff but in a different post maybe someday i’ll talk about how actually their god stuff is intensely related to their different experiences of loneliness), and now imogen & ashton with being left behind.
like vex was this character who technically had a claim to nobility due to her blood but at the same time was burdened because of that same claim. and percy who was born into and raised by nobility but that nobility ended up making his family the targets of a massacre. and then vex who lets down her walls and Do I Look Like I Come From Money? and percy giving her the title grand mistress of the grey hunt because it has nothing to do with blood, or his love for her, or anything aside from the fact that it’s something she can prove herself worthy of simply by virtue of who she Is, not who someone makes her. and percy and vex’s conversation about forgiveness and it’s necessity for growth as probably two of the characters most inclined to hold grudges.
and caduceus clay who gets left behind with nothing but his Belief while his family goes off into the world. and jester lavorre who gets shut inside with no company except her Belief as her mother protects her from the world. and they both get the burden of loneliness and the understanding of love’s nonmalicious imperfection. and caduceus having a panic attack on a ship and jester telling him that the world is a lot bigger than his cemetery and that means he has to break out of his comfort zone to find his path. and caduceus telling jester that he doesn’t think she gets as much credit as she ought to and she deserves more pastries. and jester thanking caduceus for showing her how cool it is to actually heal people and caduceus asking if she wants to use his shield while he doesn’t need it.
and ashton who was left broken and dying on the ground and was given inescapable pain as their means of survival. and imogen who was left behind by the only person who could provide true understanding of the pain she’d one day come to feel. and ashton who’s a barbarian, who wields their rage casually and unapologetically and who sees the Shittiness of the world but is unrelenting in his version of optimism. and imogen who is weighed down by pessimism she doesn’t Want to have but hasn’t cracked how to undo and who doesn’t admit her anger until it comes up again and again and again and carries it like a burden or like guilt, who we only see really Grasp and feel Confidence about her anger being something good in front of others when she has those conversations with ashton. and like. ashton who looks at imogen and sees a superhero. imogen venturing through ashton’s mind and holding his bleeding and exhausted head and saying i’m sorry. i’m sorry. and imogen who looks at ashton and sees someone special. and fucking “we got him killed.” and “no, we didn’t. don’t you dare. […] we are not what fucking killed that man. […] we are his eventual victory. we are his fucking revenge.” and “i’ll be his revenge.” and “i have no fucking doubt.”
and in general rp wise they both tend to make some of my favourite characters (also typically the ones i find most frustrating) because they both tend to make flaws that are easy to hate and they make those flaws very central to their characters but i think that’s also what makes their character interactions so deeply compelling because so frequently it’s like. yes yes these two characters have like. a helix of things they have in common but also things they deeply disagree on but they’re going to spider-man point at the things that are the same and they’re going to honour their differences while doing so. and it’s just. i always enjoy it so much and i was psyched when i heard about an imogen and ashton side pit stop in last nights episode and i was not let down when i watched the episode today.
#also gotta emphatically say that i Do Not Mean their characters understand each other better than others or completely#i just think those two consistently have characters that have opinions that would perhaps naturally be the most at odds but then#they always craft these dynamics that like. web together pieces of sameness so that their characters end up having deeply#meaningful relationships with one another.#but like. ashton and imogen really do Not get each other in a lot of ways. cad and jester were very opposite in a lot of ways#percy and vex i think probably had the most in common but also like . they had and have vast differences .#idk this probably is worth a longer post that lingers in my brain about how relationships between characters whether romantic or not#are actually Much more compelling and rewarding when characters Don’t just click and have perfect matching experiences#because. to have to Choose to want to understand someone and what they’ve experiences and why they differ from you#if actually a much stronger act of love than searching for your reflection in everyone you meet.#someday i’ll string together that post but. until then. tal and laura my beloveds. storytelling duo truly#cr3#cr2#jester lavorre#imogen temult#vex’ahlia#caduceus clay#ashton greymoore#percy de rolo#cr1#critical role#cr spoilers#no molly and jester input here because i haven’t watched early m9 in a Long time but. i’m sure there’s similar scenes in there.#honestly even like. jesters Earnestness with her still manipulative trickery vs. mollys much more . not necessarily Cruelness but just. idk#there’s something there with the way that when they meet jester is all in for the tarot cards for the experience that they both get out#of her choosing to believe what molly says vs molly going in to get something out of jester? yk.#but they’re still bestie icons. jester still tears a man in half in the hopes of saving molly. molly still died trying to help get her back.#anyway. beloveds#laura bailey#taliesin jaffe
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Tune In Next Time For The Kirby Opinions Tier List
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savage-rhi · 6 months
#I've been really sad lately#its logical I've had a lot happen and a lot going on#and I've been mostly bedridden the past week cause of fibro flares#my brain can see the logic of why my body feels burnt out and why i feel anxious#but i also have this profound sense of loneliness that's been weighing on my chest#I feel the need to isolate and get away from people because it feels like it doesn't matter how much i try to blend in someone#will catch onto me being an “alien” or not quite fitting their mold or having a difference of opinion and i get bullied or ostracized#out of participating with folks or doing activities#and i get so overwhelmed by people and their literal energy/vibes that it feels as though I'm caught in a sneaker wave and being pulled#from shore and this is compounded on top of that feeling of being surrounded by people like tons of them who may even enjoy your company#but still feel very much isolated and alone the whole time#it could be winter triggering trauma responses in me due to childhood abuse related to the holidays#and then there's me trying to brainstorm how i can make money with my creativity when i have little to no help with anyone#and no one will give me a chance to bounce ideas and get a third persons opinion#its felt like this since i can remember: people value that i listen and reflect all the while show compassion#and then when i really need it myself and attempt to reach out i get the door shut in my face#it feels like the only people that have truly listened to me are therapists lmao and it hurts cause its like i gotta pay someone#just to listen to me go off on this idea i have for a side hustle a creative pursuit something i love#and i can't really share that with anyone irl because I'm supposed to be everyones therapist#and its shitty i dont get paid for it if thats the case lol#i feel like tumblr is the only spot I really have where i can share a lot of myself and make things that make others and myself happy#i don't know what id do without it#magenta is my safe word for venting#thanks for coming to my tedtalk as i write into the void#getting shit off my chest at 4am#i aint gettin no sleep cause of yall yall not gon get no sleep cause of meeee
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vermillioncrown · 14 days
seeing IT infrastructure from multiple R1 universities to gov't research and ops and i legit have to huff into a paper bag when i must witness the popular depiction of hacking/IT/cybersecurity
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i have this thing where anytime i think about kanej from the shadow and bone tv series i get deeply mentally unwell
#also this is all high budget fanfiction in my opinion#ive seen some like. complaints? ig? and yes we can be critical about the things we love#and i do agree that some things were ish ofc its not a 1:1 they gotta move along the plot#but also i just think its neat how book readers get to see those scenes play out#even if the experience that non-book readers who dont have the depth of complexity of understanding the characters may not experience the#characters and perceive them 'correctly' with just having watched the show. bc its a DIFFERENT telling of the story.#but six of crows is already such good content and such a good baseline that the tv show in comparison with other fantasy shows is SO GOOD#and its amazing to see representation and experiences and things we love from the books reflected on screen#even if its not how you imagined its fun to take bits of the show that DO align with your imaginings and interpret it how you want to#and in the end its just important that you know the characters in the way that you do. you cant make everyone hold your opinion#anyways#i just think like. yes. healthy critique#but also joy and fandom are wonderful things and you dont have to agree with the source material to experience that and be excited and#joyful and respectful of other people who did enjoy the source material#anyways...#I AM SO UNOKAY YOU GUYS#OH MY GOD#WHAT THE FUCK#I CANNOT#I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT ALL OF THAT#I AM STILL SHAKING#LITERALLY HOURS AND HOURS LATER#ANYTIME I THINK ABOUT ANYTHING RELATED TO THEM I WANT TO COLLAPSE ON THE FLOOR AND NEVER MOVE AGAIN#WE GOT BOOK SCENES ON SCREEN ISNT THAT SO COOL ISNT THAT SO COOL#kanej#shadow and bone#shadow and bone s2
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medicinemane · 1 month
#I get tired of people trying to explain what lens I should view the world through; what way I could think that would make everything better#forgive me but I don't care; I do what I do and I do what I can and you don't see the work I do under the hood#I don't want advice on self validation or whatever; I want... I want someone to hold a mirror up so I can actually see myself#by which I mean I want input on how I'm doing; if it's good enough; if it's worth anything; if anything I make is good#everyone things I'm nice; everyone has always thought I'm nice#but given nice leaves me profoundly isolated I don't think I care#not to mention in my opinion what nice in this instance means is that I'm capable of listening#it's mostly that I have manners rather than some quality about me#I'm well behaved and polite and can listen; and that's perceived as nice or even sweet#and it's not like I'm offended by people seeing me that way; but maybe you can get why... I can't do anything with that information#but if I'm doing enough... if I provide any value to the world... I might have heard that less times in my life than years I've lived#that's where I'm totally blind#people don't tend to offer any input; and also people don't tend to let me know what they're thinking#and I in fact am not a mind reader; I can often accurately infer things; but no of that means a thing till it's confirmed#and... well... hopefully no one reads the stupid shit I say and especially not the tags so this is safe and hidden#but truthfully people just like to hear that stuff they're doing is wanted and matters#and I do not#I don't know... gotta go do more cleaning cause I need to#and I have no idea if... I've got a reason for fighting so hard to clean; but I get very little input so... I expect... well...#and thankfully I don't think they read my tags so I can say this#but I really expect they won't take me up on my offer to come out here and get away from their parents; so there will be no pay off#not that I blame them in the slightest... it's just the only possible pay off for this cleaning would be helping someone I like out#and a scrap of company#but then again... in many ways anyone coming out to live with me is the worst thing they could probably do#sorry... I have a rather bleak outlook on many things surrounding myself purely cause of what I infer from the past#there is never pay off; only more shit I need to get done#I will never be loved; I will never be wanted; I will always just kinda be an afterthought that's occasionally worth venting to#no one will ever be particularly interested in anything I'm interested while I'll chase their interests or at least try to#certainly let them talk about them when they want#...though I take that over my normal total isolation... better to at least be permitted to follow in someone's shadow than have nothing
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
anon, stop coming back
I'm not arguing anymore
You not only backpedaled but then put more words in my mouth, again
So no more
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sharkneto · 10 months
If I could block discourse over the new Tumblr web UI I would. I do not care, I do not care, I am so tired of seeing the vitriol and complaints about it
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kindaeccentric · 10 months
Me: posts something from Midnight Mass
Mutuals: Ok, HEAR ME OUT
#BUT I LOVE IT#i love feeling like i have impact on the world even on such a small fairly insignificant scale#and i love you guys#anyway my opinion is:#flanagan is still better in his og stuff than doing adaptations#he has a fairly good grasp of building relationships between characters BUT he seems to struggle with the stories themselves.#he builds and builds this grand idea but then his endings go out with a fizzle not a boom#don't get me wrong the series was entertaining but the actors were a huge part of it they really worked their asses off#if not the charm of hamish linklater and the charisma of everyone else it would fall a bit flat#and of course you gotta let your actors do their thing but the story shouldn't rely on them to be good#i feel like flanagan loves references and patterns too much to the point where he becomes drunk on the concepts and the plot suffers.#which i can understand bc i also love patterns BUT#when you're creating a tv series you can't lose the forest for the trees#(i didn't mind the monologues tho! that's not where the problem lies surprisingly.#it's more the way they're written and how the story is - it's supposed to be deep and it is but it loses the depth when it's overexplained.#sometimes you wish something was withheld from you as the viewer.#like the moment of silence when riley goes out at night and sees the world differently. i really like that moment of stillness#where everything he could have said was felt rather than explained.#so there's that)#i also wish he was more daring#because in the end everything was very simple and explainable. all the reasons all the relationship dynamics.#i personally would push for more ambiguity. more moments of uncertainty and madness#it was all very constrainted. despite there being a literal winged vampiric creature hanging around.#which btw was underutilized. OR could have been eliminated altogether. that would have been interesting.
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mandorinart · 1 year
sonic IDW 61 spoilers in the tags
#gotta agree with the general opinion ive been seeing that this past arc was quite disappointing#there were too many ideas being tossed around that couldnt fit into the pacing#the premise could have easily been as dire as say the stakes in frontiers for example#but the dire problems that arose were solved with 1-2 panels and made it seem like “oh jk we're good now”#ie. sonic got trapped in that warp trap but was freed like literally a page later i think#ive seen others point out the discontinuity of shadow using chaos control after getting overworked by the fake gems#he really pulled the I AM THE ULTIMATE PROTAGONIST buff to make it work huh#i think this arc should have been as long as the metal virus arc to really capture everything they wanted to do with it#instead we got unfinished/half-baked character “growth” from everyone#i wonder if they originally planned much more for this arc but had to cut it for some reason#it feels choppy in the way that the ending of frontiers was choppy like things were obviously removed last-minute#ranting in tags bc my thoughts are not organized enough to write a proper post lol#im glad this arc is over tho cus tbh i think IDW comics should focus on plotlines that dont “feel” like they belong in the mainline games#this arc was ambitious and suffered bc of lack of audience interaction which could be filled in by gameplay#the comics get their audience interaction from exploring character strengths and weaknesses#anyway yeah. glad this arc is over. looking forward to the new arcs#mandokusai
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trans-estinien · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like doing this with my brain
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#its 12 am and i should probably sleep instead of rambling but#man. its rough having your fav blorbo be a fucking terrible person#cause on one hand you have the villain woobifiers and people who just completely ignore major aspects of a character for a fucking ship#and on the other hand you have people who hate you for enjoying a character. and thinking said character is interesting#and yeah yeah i know not everyone will like me and i should just ignore it and keep on doing what i enjoy but. ugh.#and im also constantly worried that ill fuck up and become a villain woobifier myself#and im also constantly worried that when im writing my cannon blorbos ill fuck up and write something super ooc and people will get mad.#i think fandom was a mistake#but i also wouldn'tve met the besties without fandom so? you know. everything's got two sides#this is such a stupid thing to get all upset over but.#unfortunately i am a horrible man enjoyer this has been consistent my entire life.#and people usually dislike people who like your typical tumblr sexyman type character. which is fair most fans are insufferable#veils if you read this far this isnt abt you it's abt someone else. dont want to like start shit so i wont say names#but i saw. a vauge post from someone i thought was cool and i just. i knew it was directed towards the tags i left on their post#and i felt bad so now im having big anxiety over it. its really stupid i know#i am just going to retreat to my corner and hope to creation that im left alone. im just playing dress up with the blorbos#and like. they're entirely allowed to have their opinion im just. brain is convinced everyone hates me now for no fucking reason.#i gotta. work on this but idk how. therapy fucking failed cause i forgot about it 💀#but. i should sleep. its past 9pm so my brain is not to be trusted.#ok fuck it ill just say it i feel guilty that Emet-Selch is not only my favorite character but also my comfort character.#im not going to stop liking him because that wouldn't be fun. plus others opinions dont really matter i can like whatever characters i want
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years
*nonchalantly guides the Star Wars discourse fandom into an unsuspecting walk-in closest full of dusty, bootleg props from the original trilogy, sneaks out while it's distracted and locks the door behind it, muffled bangs and angry screams echoing through the halls*
That hyperspace scene from The Last Jedi is honestly such a beautiful and serene thing to look at and I can't help but appreciate all the hard work that the VFX artists put into those shots
It's the context, too. It gets so much out of the filmmaking surrounding it. I sometimes talk about how we lose touch with real tension in genre films, and that scene is a great example as this cathartic beat that directly caps a tightly wound trifecta of concurrent plotlines, each catastrophically going wrong and getting worse by the minute. And the buildup deftly emphasizes and turns up the noise alongside everything else: shuttles filled with our last shreds of hope screeching as they consecutively explode from enemy fire, the kids upstairs yelling silly in their tug-of-war-force-edition, the ones downstairs literally counting down the seconds to their very public execution, john williams just going ham in the background, and it all twists and twists and twists that knob until the sound is deafening and scene cuts match the speed of your heartbeat and everyone is moments away from losing and then the decision.
The decision. To cut through all that tension and every thread of impending doom all at once with silence. Such a simple trick to pull, but so effective. Questions and answers, that good storytelling. Ups and downs, setups and payoffs, tension and release, something high, something low. Deafen us with the noise of an imminent failure hydra and then follow with just one moment of self-sacrifice so vast and indomitable that it drowns everything out by being singular and quiet.
It is such a classic example of tension-building and resolution with compounding stakes that become almost too much just before rewarding viewers with a catharsis that feels at once earned yet surprising. Not talking about the writing here, or the story, or the plot details, or the even bigger context, or even how correct this all is vis-a-vis character arcs or The Mythos or whatever. We can let that closet door be, I'm not talking to those folks. Just marveling at the pure filmmaking instincts at play; their intentionality, their deftness, and how hard they work to really earn that stunning handful of shots.
And yes; I can't imagine a VFX artist serving a context this elegant and then not giving it their all. It was a triumph of every technical discipline involved, and I loved their cohesion in matching the audio design in terms of restraint. All of it, visuals included: tightly framed, minimal cuts, monochrome coloring, a single - maybe even a story-driven - source of light, adequate room to breathe and linger by the end (so we can breathe out too!); it was all about focusing it into something deliberate, inarguable, final. The opposite of the chaos preceding it.
Great set piece, great closer. Again; nothing to do with it being a star wars anything, simply remarking on cinematic grammar correctly engaging with and responding to its audience in the moment.
(and going through that aforementioned whiplash of tension and release was especially moving in the theater. Double especially considering the more rounded edges in any tension-building throughout the bookend installments. I don't get preachy often, but some cinematic staples stand the test of time for a reason! Just be intentional with it. And have lots of setups. And pay all of them off)
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At this point like 40% of what i like about the owl house is just shit i made up in my head lmao
#shut up pandora#granted this is a relatively small percentage!#only 50% of what i like about fucking UNDERTALE is the game the rest is my complex network of lore hcs for all the characters#that toby fox then broke my heart by not adhering to 100% in deltarune (love deltarune tho)#actual homestuck makes up 40% of what i like about homestuck the rest is fandom shenanigans and the hypothetical act 6 where it was good#the sequel trilogy to ace attorney too i like it for the hypothetical games that could have been made if the writers were competent#if somethings generally well written enough that the fandom agrees on the themes intended by the author#well it doesnt generate a big enough fandom does it#you gotta rip each other to shreds over slight variations in your interpretatipn bc the author wasnt clear enough#or the author just made bad choices in writing lmao#undertale tho is mostly just the first one the game is too small for any narrative decisions to be truly controversial i think#but anyway everyone has a bit of flanderization they just cant STAND#and some plotpoints they fucking HATED and everyone has different points which is why they fight so much#my intolerance for flanderization is just for the characters ppl flanderize the most#and the plotpoints in toh that i hate happen to be the ones most are ok with or like#bc i am a Contrarian who gets angry when things dpnt go 100% the way i think it ought to i guess#this is to say#everyones opinion of toh is wrong except mine (she says mischaracterizing everyone who isnt her blorbo to the moon and back)
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flopity-flips · 2 years
idk if this is a hot take but honestly as fun as think dante/lucia is i honestly don't think they would or could work out- at least until dante sorts through his baggage. but even then, Dante is someone who craves his humanity so bad- going so far as to outright deny his own human blood while simotaneously insisting he's human. i feel like- were he not completely emotionally wrecked by his own existence feeling like a curse- he'd want someone human. someone as far away from the life of a devil hunter or devil. but by getting involved with him they become a part of that life- one way or another, tragically or not. it's part of the fact that he's just a walking bundle of contradictions.
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