#grand maximus
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oh how heavy is your crown
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chocobo666 · 6 months
New Family Photo for the Holidays!
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Trypticon was so excited to have 2 Metroplexs to play with he couldn't sit down.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dearest Vector Prime, owing to how in the Shattered Glass continuity the Decepticons were the quote on quote 'good guys', how did the events of Super God-Masterforce forego in this?
Dear Shattered-God Surmiser, I'm aware of an alternate Earth where the colonizing Super-Robots known as 'Cybertrons' came to Earth long ago to infiltrate human civilization and manipulate the course of human history, pushing it ever towards exploitation and destruction of its natural resources. However, the cruel Hawk and Maximus-the-Cowardly found themselves in conflict with the noble Destrons, who had come to Earth to protect its destiny. Like Hawk, they were Pretenders too, but took on grotesque and frightful organic forms to warn humanity that they fought on behalf of the wild creatures across the globe.
Once Turtler and the Seacons secured the oceans and prevented melting in the polar regions, the Cybertrons were desperate and enlisted easily-corruptible human youth to carry out their will: a snobby, elitist student from France, Minerva; the spoiled prince of an empire, Cab, whose fire truck Transtector actually caused fires and burned down forests; and Shuta Gō, a tentative and calculating young man whose father became rich from rigging international soccer tournaments.
Dauros and the other Destrons were worried about active human involvement in their efforts, but the benevolent goddess Angel Alpha gave them her blessing to seek out worthy adversaries: Cancer, the contemplative monk who struggled with his dark side; Bullhorn, who taught self-defense courses at a local homeless shelter; and Wilder, a young business school prodigy who was betrayed by his best friend and ousted from his own nonprofit organization.
The battles escalated, soon involving the Godmasters who could harness the very life-giving energy of Earth itself. The struggles took a turn for the worst when Ginrai appeared, an evil politician who now wore the transtector of the dangerous Optimus Prime.
At this point, Angel Alpha was forced to admit a secret truth: she had hoped to make peace with the Cybertrons and had made transtectors as a peace offering, even one for Ginrai. Alas, this was not to be, and she herself intervened in the conflict, incarnating as Black Zarak, a vengeful form to defend Earth as a last resort. She enlisted the aid of Giga and Mega, a married couple who donated their billions to support carbon neutral efforts. Eventually the scourge of the Cybertrons was repulsed. Giga and Mega were able to adopt not only Wilder, Bullhorn, and Cancer, but also Shuta, Cab, and Minerva, giving them—and the planet—hope for a better future.
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sgrplmjnxxx · 6 months
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gta 6 redraw
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mistle-thrush · 2 months
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simmalooks · 5 months
favorite hairstyles pt. 1
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I have so many favorite hairs this is barely even a start, so I will be posting more another day <333 hope you enjoy these!
Left to right:
01: Liza hair by @sehablasimlish 02: Amalina hair by @laeska 03: Julia hair by @clumsyalienn 04: Grande hair by @simcelebrity00 05: Amber hair by @twisted-cat 06: Jazzy hair by @daylifesims 07: Magda hair by @goamazons 08: Maximus hair by @johnnysimmer
Hair 01 and 06 are using Bangs 06 by @daylifesims.
Thank you to all of the amazing CC creators for making these super cute hairstyles <333
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growingstories · 3 months
Once upon a time in the grand city of Rome, there lived a legendary gladiator by the name of Lucius Maximus. Ren for his unmatched strength, chiseled features, and impeccable fighting skills, Lucius became a celebrated figure in the gladiatorial arena.
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Match after match, Lucius emerged victorious, defeating each opponent with a grace and finesse that made the audience gasp in awe. His handsome face anded body captivated the hearts and minds of all witnessed his triumphs. After each match he would be offered a young roman male of female slave to spend the night to take off his edge. Many slaves would line up to be chosen. However, his consistent success began to rile the senators of Rome, as his popularity soared, overshadowing their own illustrious status.
With each passing day, Lucius' popularity grew exponentially, and the stadiums were soon filled to the brim with enthusiastic spectators eager to catch a glimpse of the handsome gladiator. Even his training sessions were visited by spectators. Almost every night he would have spectators sneak into the dungeons to give him food in order to spend the night with him. Word had it that Lucius was really well hung. The senators, consumed by envy, decided they would no longer allow Lucius to revel in his glory.
Under the influence of the jealously fueled senators, the owners of the gladiatorial games devised a treacherous plan to eliminate Lucius. Rather than slaying him publicly, they decided to take him into the house of the owner. Their intentions were sinister, as they planned to subject the gladiator to a life of degradation and humiliation.
Once within the confines of the owner's opulent residence, Lucius' life took an unexpected turn. He was rude to his owner and the respected guests that came to see him. He was also fighting his guards to escape the villa’s cellar. They locked him to chains on the wall and he was enticed with an endless flow of wine, which lulled him into a state of constant inebriation and sleepiness. This relaxed state meant that he was able to give sexual pleasure to the guests in return for money for his owner.
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Unfortunately, his once admirably sculpted physique began to suffer, as his defined muscles and renowned six-pack started to hide beneath a layer fat.
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One evening, as Lucius languished in his drunken stupor, a compassionate woman and man managed to sneak into the basement where he was held captive. They brought him food, in an attempt to alleviate his suffering and help him regain his strength in return for some secret sexual pleasure. However, as time went on, Lucius only grew fatter under the oppressive regime of the owner.
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The owner saw that his price pig was not the gladiator it used to be, still eager to exploit Lucius for his own amusement and financial gain, devised a new plan. He began hosting private sessions with his esteemed guests, where they would feast upon extravagant banquets while Lucius, now little more than a bloated shell of his former self, served as the centerpiece. His once-honed combat skills were replaced by the owner's desire to see just how far his gluttony could be pushed.
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Days turned into weeks, as Lucius endured a life of laziness, ceaseless indulgence, and constant overfeeding. The owner reveled in watching the gladiator's gradual deterioration, ensuring an endless flow of wine and piles upon piles of food were constantly brought to his side. Lucius had become a mere plaything for the owner's sadistic pleasure.
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To add further misery to Lucius' existence, the owner assigned his private companion, a skilled fighter himself, to undertake the arduous task of teaching the once-great gladiator to fight in his weakened state. This companion reveled in showing off his dominance over Lucius, pushing him further into obesity and degradation. When drunk, the owner even allowed children to fight the gladiator, exploiting his weakened state for the amusement of the guests.
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As the years passed, Lucius grew unimaginably fat, barely able to breathe under the tremendous weight that burdened his once-mighty body. Yet, the owner, deriving unending pleasure from his captive's suffering, continued to force-feed him, reveling in the grotesque spectacle Lucius had become.
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And so, the tale of Lucius Maximus, the once-handsome gladiator, took a tragic turn as he became a mere pawn in the ulterior motives of the senators and the owner. With each passing day, his spirit grew weaker, his body withered, and his existence became nothing more than a pitiful shadow of his glorious past.
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memories-of-ancients · 2 months
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Petronius Maximus --- The dipshit Roman emperor who caused the sack of Rome because he was an arrogant dipshit.
Petronius Maximus was a wealthy Roman politician born in 397 AD to old Roman money. Like many wealthy Romans he went into politics and throughout the early 5th century climbed the ranks of Roman government until he became one of the most powerful men in the Western Roman Empire. He was crafty and he was ambitious. He was also a dipshit and an asshole.
By the 450's P. Maximus had a clear plan, to create a power vacuum in Rome that he could cunningly fill. He began by turning the emperor at the time, Valentinian III, against his magister militum Flavius Aetius. As magister militum Aetius was commander of the Roman Army, and had proven himself a master tactician and brilliant diplomat. Through military victories and diplomacy Aetius was barely holding a crumbling empire together. Maximus convinced Valentinian III that Aetius was looking to usurp his throne. Thus in 454 Valentinian summoned Aetius to his palace and personally murdered him with his sword. Maximus had organized the death of the most talented Roman official in the empire, which in the grand scheme of things was probably a big mistake. With Aetius dead, Maximus expected he would take Aetius' place as magister militum. However Valentinian refused to appoint him as magister militum. Thus in 455 AD, Maximus had him assassinated, hiring two of Aetius' bodyguards to do the deed as revenge.
Several powerful Romans claimed the Imperial throne but Maximus managed to beat them all to the punch by taking over the Imperial Palace and immediately marrying Valentinian's widow, Licinia Eudoxia. Licinia didn't know Maximus had murdered her husband at the time but had suspicions. He also forced her daughters, Placidia and Eudocia to marry his sons. Through deceit and murder Maximus had managed to weasel his way into the Roman Imperial family and was now creating his own Imperial dynasty. Thus Petronius Maximus had become Emperor Dipshit, ruler of the shiny turd of what was left of the Western Roman Empire.
Problem was, when Emperor Dipshit married off Placidia and Eudocia to his sons, he canceled Eudocia's arranged marriage to Hunneric, who was the son of Geiseric, king of the Vandals. The Vandals were a Germanic tribe that had set up a prosperous kingdom in the former Roman province of North Africa, and were constantly raiding the Italian coast. Valentinian had arranged the marriage of Eudocia as a peace offering to Geiseric. Geiseric had received a letter from Eudoxia informing him that Maximus had killed her husband and was canceling the marriage of Eudocia. Geiseric was enraged at Empror Dipshit for canceling the marriage, and sent a Vandal fleet and army to Rome in response. "No problem" said Emperor Dipshit, "we got the Roman Army".
Except there was no Roman Army. Not really. After the death of Aetius the remains of the standing full time professional army had collapsed almost completely. Even Aetius was very dependent on mercenaries and allies. Nobody wanted to enlist in the Roman Army in the 5th century, with Romans going so far as to cut off their own fingers to avoid conscription. The Roman economy was a mess, the Imperial bureaucracy was riddled with corruption, the life of the average Roman was miserable, and by the 5th century most Roman emperors were snobbish, over-privileged, incompetent out of touch dipshits. The empire was dying and everybody knew it. Few believed it was worth saving, and nobody wanted to die for a dipshit emperor such as Emperor Dipshit. By 455 AD what was left of the Roman Army consisted of militia units called "limitanei" who acted as border patrolmen far away from Rome. For more complex military operations the Romans were fully dependent on mercenaries and allies. Emperor Dipshit attempted to enlist the help of the Visigoths, but they were like, "LMFAO nooo, you made your bed now lie in it!" I speculate they knew Maximus was a dipshit who was probably gonna get them all killed.
Emperor Dipshit knew it was a hopeless situation, so he made an announcement to the Roman people to flee and save themselves, then he too turned tail and fled. He was spotted by a large group of Roman refugees, who formed a mob and beat him to death. Good riddance. Emperor Dipshit's glorious reign lasted 77 days.
As far as sackings go the sack of Rome in 455 AD wasn't too bad. The Vandals were Christians, so the Pope was able to convince them not to do the more horrible things like rape and murder civilians, or burn down the city. So for the most part the Vandals refrained from bloodshed and arson. However they did take as many Romans into slavery as they could fit on their ships, and they also looted the city of almost everything of value. Even the bronze tiles on the roof of the Temple of Jupiter were pried off and carted away. Also Geiseric carted off Eudocia and married her off to his son Huneric.
The Vandal's sack of Rome in 455 is where we get the term "vandalism" today. Also did I mention that Petronius Maximus was a dipshit?
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asgore-mp3 · 3 months
Pokemon au's popping up just as I regained a Pokemon hyperfixation, fantastic!
1st gym - Ghost - Badboyhalo
He's a strong trainer, his gym just happens to be the first many go to. Some say he can even speak to the spirits beyond simply pokemon.
2nd gym - Water - Foolish
The gossip among the region. He's incredibly popular for many things, varying from architecture skills or babysitting, yet he's always had a soft spot for a certain elite four member.
3rd gym - Normal - Cellbit
While normal may not have been the route many would go for, The lead detective of the police department seems it's a fine type if used correctly, due to the simple fact of only having one weakness.
4th gym - Electric - Tazercraft
Pac and Mike, Better known as Tazercraft, lead production for many of the big-city if the region's power (Sorta like Anime Clemont in X and Y) They give the doubles challenge to trainers.
5th gym - Fighting - Fit
Coming from many years in the shadows, documenting events from past wars throughout history, Fit now acts as gym leader, both for trainers and like.. actual use. Some have seen his and Tazercraft's, particularly Pac's, closeness in recent months and wonder what may be happening.
6th gym - Psychic - Antoine
A mysterious guy who walks the towns, yet friendly in conversation. He used to DJ at large parties, apparently.
7th gym - Ice - Nihachu
The sweetest baker around, she works to make both warm delicacies and chill treats for people and pokemon alike.
8th gym - Dragon - Ironmouse
Her dragons are her little babies... even if they're thrice her size <33 She's known for her energetic personality, bring a social media personality is hard but she keeps her appearance up while being as true as she can!!
(debating how to write her CVID if I make this a bigger thing)
Elite Four
Rock - Vegetta
Recently he's been away for buisness trips... Running things like that are hard! More often then not now, They have to bring a replacement for him :/
Steel - Tubbo
A great inventor with grand factories, he may be the youngest of any high-ranking trainers but he climbed to the top quickly through his skill. He serves as Vegetta's replacement, yet he recognized as an official member.
Flying - Phil
A simple family man, He always seemed to become friends with strong trainers, and for good reason! In large tournaments, he almost always won. Except in one, Where a kid with green hair and a few ghost types won. That's how he really got known in the first place...
Poison - Bagi
A private detective, working to solve what her brother couldn't, She only recently joined the Elite Four after their previous member, Maximus, passed away due to unknown reasons.
Dark - Roier
Just a guy, a very silly guy. Idrk how to describe him just a very funky guy. He's shown to be one of few people who could even DEFEAT the champion, even thpugh everyone thought he wasn't as strong as he was. Sometimes thats the best strategy?
Champion - Étoiles
Known as 'The Kalosian Beast' (that sounds so bad...) He's climbed up since the day he arrived to the region, defeating people one by one and now sitting on top. Despite the fame this may bring, he's actually a pretty casual guy! Talking to people and watching gym battles are some things outside of battling he enjoys.
Idk. The urges hit me as I pulled out my 3ds
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ltngerbniak · 8 days
As much as I love the Fallout show (which is a lot), one of my least favorite things is that it perpetuates what Bethesda really considers Fallout, not what it is.
Instead of what the Fallout world had grown from in Fallout 1, (i.e. Vault City, New Vegas, Shady Sands, the economies between those, the Great Khans, and all the hallmarks of Fallout) the TV show sort of regresses to what Fallout 1 was about. From 2181 to 2296, when the show takes place, we've moved all the way back to square one. I'm not as upset about this as other people, but I believe that it makes for a rather uninteresting story. It is a story for newcomers, in actuality. What would have been more narratively interesting is that Lucy, who had previously believed the surface was completely barren and dead, discovers the New California Republic, a great monument of democracy, something that she recognizes, instead of a whole new world she's dumped into.
Of course, this is challenging to explain to newcomers to the Fallout series, but when Lucy quite literally is the audience surrogate, and it's her first time learning about the NCR, it would still make sense to new viewers. It would have been much better if Lucy and the vault dwellers realized that there was a whole new America up there, not just a wasteland with Moldaver and her (admittedly scant) force of raiders. It would be more narratively interesting that Lucy comes across the NCR while it is alive and kicking, not remnants of the survivors from the surface. It would also be more intriguing to some one new, to see what looks like rangers, soldiers, politicians, farmers, and regular people, in a veritable country of its own, instead of a leftover flag in a school room.
In that sense, Fallout has quite simply regressed. Bethesda has made the post-postapocalypse that was so interesting in 1997, into a simple wasteland story. In 100 years, the world of Fallout has been wiped clean. And not for a very narratively satisfying one in the grand scheme of things. Ulysses, in Fallout: New Vegas wants to launch a nuclear arsenal onto both the NCR and the Legion in order to wipe the world clean, in order to create something truly new, not tied down by the Old World. In the show, however, Hank blows up Shady Sands to either a) get back at his wife, and/or b) to further Vault-Tec's plans. That says so much less about the world of Fallout than what had happened in its past.
I'm sad to see Fallout's southwest story go, mostly because there was so much lost potential. It could have been so much more gut-wrenching if Shady Sands was blown up at the end of the series, instead of prior. It would have tied in visually with the beginning, too, since Cooper sees the bombs fall in 2077, and Lucy's fake sky in the vault burning up. That might gum up Maximus' story, what with him being from Shady Sands, but he could have been stolen, not saved, by the Brotherhood, though that might be too evil for them.
Imagine it, it would be the epitome of the fears Fallout taps into. That the world, old and new, could end with a push of a button. Twice over. Three times over. Four. However long it takes for someone to save the world. But then again, they always disagree on how.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
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The chaos of room 512B has taken their show on the road in Rodimus' latest scheme to build moral and blow off steam.
Each room (typically two roomates) count as a team and compete against one another for a grand prize.
This time it's room 814 (Skids and Bluestreak) vs room 512 (Sunstreaker, Fortress Maximus and Bob).
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muraae · 1 month
i’m sorry (but also really not) but this the vaultghoul poto au has me in a chokehold- and i don’t know if i’ll ever write or if someone else wants the challenge, but here are my thoughts on what the au could be.
a vaultghoul phantom of the opera au where cooper is the phantom and lucy is christine.
would have elements from both the book, musical, and the show.
cooper obviously looks like how he is in the show for his disfigurement, and wears a black half mask to cover the upper half of his- also kudos for this because coop does look exactly like erik (the phantom) in the book.
debating if cooper will be born deformed or someone or something causes him to be disfigured.
i personally like the latter more just to play with the idea of cooper once being a famous star within the opera house who befell a terrible incident that ruined his life and is now embittered and angry, wishing to exact vengeance against those that ruined his life.
only a slightish change, but ‘the ghoul’ is added along with ‘the phantom’ and ‘the opera ghost’ as his other aliases.
lucy is a ballet dancer in the opera, the daughter of the famous soprano, rose maclean. i’m not certain where hank would be for this au, but he’s not exactly in the family picture, but i would want him to cause some kind of conflict in the future.
slow down there abbie, we don’t have time to write a full story- let’s just stick to the basics.
lucy and norm come to live and work at the opera house under the care of moldaver (madame giry) after the death of their mother- lucy in the ballet corps. and norm with the stagehands.
lucy had always been a talented singer until she hears a voice in the halls, vents, and the grand stage she visits late at night, and starts starts teaching her that the managers begin to take notice.
cooper takes notice of lucy whenever she walls the grand stage late at night singing to herself. he becomes intrigued by her.
so cooper watches lucy from afar and doesn’t make himself known to her as the ‘voice’ until he finds her crying in the opera chapel, grieving for her mother after a long, trying day.
mother said, "When i'm in heaven, child, i will send the angel of music to you."
cooper commends her voice, but tells lucy it needs training. he offers her voice lessons, promising to help lucy become the greatest singer the world has seen- does it come at a cost later on for his own purposes- that it is for all to decide if lucy is a means to an end but ends up wrecking his plans by becoming more.
fuck i’m getting sidetracked again-
over the years the two develop a bond that extends the bounds of teacher and student, cooper’s infatuation with lucy becoming deeper.
steph is lucy’s roommate and friend- sharing the role of meg with norm- and she and norm are the only two who can put up with lucy’s disappearances and odd hours, though are concerned by the strange behavior.
cooper continues to reign the opera house as his domain, demanding the managers to follow his instructions on how the opera should run, and causes ‘accidents’ if anything doesn’t go his way.
on the night of the gala, lucy finds herself replacing the prima donna when the former falls ill. she is an overnight sensation and ensnares the hearts of half the city, and much to cooper’s jealous chagrin, catches the eye of the opera’s newest patron.
i’m tempted to make maximus raoul, however, monty would fit a little better- so we’re going with monty because i want this vicomte and his intentions towards the new starlet to be sinister. because fuck monty.
lucy is at first flattered by monty’s attention, but becomes soon after uncomfortable by his advances.
and though she is charmed by the young detective (maximus) that was hired by the managers to prove there is no opera ghost, she is still drawn to the mysterious voice.
on the night of her triumph, cooper reveals himself and takes lucy into the vast underground tunnels of the opera house. it is here where lucy becomes enamored by the man who has given her so much, but is confused why he wears the mask. Surely a face would match a voice as beautiful and deep as his.
it only takes removing a mask to change the course of a relationship and for the two of them to cross the point of no return.
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holesomethots · 3 months
even tho ur a bottom do u have tight (lol) preferences for who the bottom is in the scene? i'm a bottom and i sometimes care more about who the bottom is. like watching andy star get wrecked makes me feral more than the top. maybe it's a projection thing for bottoms lol
Yea I like Daniel Montoya, Gabe Bradshaw, Alfonso Osnaya, Joey Mills, Allen king, Porfi Maximus, Seateabe, Sam Ledger and Leo Grand. I like bossy bottoms. I’m not really attracted to them all but I like watching them. Joey Stefano is the OG bossy bottom. 😝😝😝
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zombieluvr101 · 2 years
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Fandom / Zombies
Paring / Zed Necrodopolis x Fem!Reader
Prompt / accidentally confessing feelings ; longing stares
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Summary / a hot guy likes you fr‼️ DOESNT THAT SOUND GRAND?!
Word Count / 971
Gif by / @megedonnelly
Prompt / @luvfae
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Seconds left on the clock. Which is counting down the last few seconds of the most important game of my life. This game determines if I have what it takes to play football at Mountain College.
“Alright team, we only have 25 seconds on the clock. Zed, if you make this, we win,” Coach says wearily as we are timed out.
Just hearing Coaches voice, I can tell he’s nervous. I mean, yeah I am too. This is my big game. If I don’t get into Mountain College I won’t be with Y/n.
Yeah, yeah, I know! Y/n isn’t even my girlfriend yet. But she’s so smart, and witty, and the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
Okay Zed! Focus.
“Alright Wynter, I need you too be open in the center field so Maximus can throw you the ball so you can try to make the touchdown,
but if that doesn’t work try and pass it to me,” I instruct.
We get into position, the whistle blows.
Our quarterback starts us off, “White 80, hut hut!”
Wynter catches the ball and makes her way over but get tackled in the process. But she was able to pass it to me. I turn to switch my Z-band.
Seven seconds left..
The ball brushes against my fingers. But I catch it.
Six seconds left…
I use all my speed to run to the end zone.
I duck and jump over the opposing teams players.
Four.. Three… Two….
I land in the end zone on the very last second.
“And the Seabrooks Mighty Shrimp have done it again! They have won the last game of the season!”
The cheerleaders are doing their thang, while the crowd goes wild.
“Seabrook! Seabrook! Seabrook!!!”
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My friends and family go out for celebratory frozen yogurt. Bonzo, Bree and I are sitting at a table together. And the Acy’s and the rest of the cheer squad are talking about whatever is amusing to them.
“Actually Bonzo.. I don’t have the answer to that,” Bree stated.
Just as I start my sentence, the door to the fro-yo spot jingles. And a pair of blue converse enter the establishment.
“Hey guys!” Y/n say with a cheerful tone.
“OrR!!” Bonzo greets. Meanwhile I can’t get a single word out of my mouth. She makes my brain mush.
“Congrats on your win Zed,” She says with a smile as she takes a seat next to me. All I can do is blink and stare.
“T- hank you,” I mumble in awe of her presence. Gosh I’m such an idiot. But overall she seem amused.
“Welp I’m gonna get my frozen yogurt..” Y/n says getting up from her seat.
“Oh here! Let me pay for it,” I suggest. I jumped out of my seat and grab her hand. Walking over to the register.
“You really don’t need to pay,” She reassures.
“No, no, no I got it Y/n,” I confirm.
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Once we since sit back down, Bonzo and Bree have gone outside, leaving just us two to talk. And Y/n continues to eat her fro-yo. I find it funny that the most outgoing, and spirted person I know loves the most basic flavor there is. Vanilla.
I’ve had feelings for Y/n the moment I locked eyes with her on my very first day at Seabrook. I figured that she would be like everyone else and harass me for being me. But she was the opposite.
She treated me with such kindness. She would volunteer to help me with my work if it was something I haven’t learned at Zombie school.
Or if Eliza and Bonzo would pair up for a project and I didn’t have one, she would immediately sit next to me. Making her my partner for most of the projects we’ve done.
Snapping out of my daydream I look up at her again. But this time she has some vanilla yogurt on the right side of her mouth.
Out of instinct (and a very messy little sister) I go to wipe it off of her.
“Oh you have some—” I start.
The only thing is, she turned her head towards me a little more than expected. Making my thumb press against her lips.
Our eyes meet. I’m blown away. No air left. We don’t break apart. I keep my thumb on her lips, gently stroking it.
I can’t tell if I’m imagining it or not, but I see the same passion in her eyes. Just like when I’m looking in the mirror practicing what I’m going to say to her.
Moving my hand, I place my hand on her cheek.
“Thank you,” She says in a whisper. Not once looking away from my eyes.
“No prob,” I reply with a smile.
Gravity pulls us closer and closer.
“God she’s so beautiful—”
She laughs softly, “You think so?”
huh? OH.
“Did I say that out loud?”
She nods sweetly.
“Oh yeah, mhm yea— I 100% meant too. Like I kne- like I know that I did. I was just making sure that YOU— know that I did—” I stutter out, trying to keep my cool.
She interrupted, “Zed, I know what you mean, really.”
“It’s just that I really really like you. I have since freshman year. I don’t know why I haven’t told you. Well actually yes I do. You make me so nervous. Like everything you do makes me flustered,” I confess with speed.
I can tell my words are making her flustered. She looks down but I use two fingers to push her head back up.
“I — I like you too Zed,” She says in a shy tone.
My smile begins to get bigger, “Well you should let me take you out sometime.”
“I’d like that,”
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Mind you, we were still holding hands.
end 🫶🏾
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vrisbian · 1 month
Ok I will say it, the fact barely anyone in this fandom so far is interacting with Maxmius as a character, or shipping Lucy/Max- Its giving me the Finn treatment from Star Wars fans.
In the show, the couple being built up in any way is Lucy and Maximus. Lucy actively propositions Maximus, she is continually flirting and enjoying her time with him, and Maximus does all he knows to do to help and protect her. They truly grow together, find common understanding, they kiss.
Maximus is a young and fairly handsome black man, the same age as Lucy.
The fandom in grand majority is pushing Lucy and Cooper. Cooper being the third main- an over 200 year old ghoul who is actively cruel to Lucy up to chopping off her finger. Lucy may work with him for a mutual goal, but there is only distaste between them so far.
I understand that is good shipping fodder (even if he is peers with her dad, and also is a ghoul without a nose). But Maximus and Lucy are literally the pairing of the show with a lot to them and yet theres near no reference to him at all.
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pestiforousalt · 6 months
Amarok Redesign~
imma be redesigning wolfbear mamas in a reblog thread whtvr cus I think she could use a visual update the quills dont serve any real purpose and are just a pain to draw so those wont be staying unfortunately HOWEVER. she can spit fire in bursts (or ill think of a different ability as i work the reference sheet), so i was thinking on making her look a bit more draconic and maybe taking a new approach to her horns! idk if theyll be staying the same, but we'll see where it goes
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there will be lore updates as well, thatll be explained over time :) dont worry, she's still mama amarok and adoptive mother to goji <3 BUT the new lore for the au so far is that kong will be introduced as a main protagonist due to the new movies (imma be learning some asl because kong speaks sign canonically now and i honestly could use the skill anyway) and Maximus will be making a grand return once lore/current day status for amarok is established :3
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