#greedfall post ending
rpgchoices · 5 months
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Initial post here, this is the preliminary selection round! 4 top characters in this poll will end up in the bracket tournament!
At this tag you can find all the preliminary polls.
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 2 months
Extremely niche post catering to approximately six of my mutuals and/or followers about how I think the GreedFall characters (in an idealised, good ending where a cure is possible and everyone is happy) would react/interact with the BG3 companions and Tav (well. my original tav, at least)
Vasco is hard to warm up to new people, but then he hears Wyll and Karlach hyping each other up and talking about their adventures, and especially with the way Wyll romanticises things so much, he's now listening SO intently. In return the two of them are enraptured when Vasco describes his life as a Naut, and the range of things he experienced on the seas at such a young age. He has an almost pained sort of reaction when he hears about Wyll growing up as nobility, and circumstances ripping him away from it, but is inspired to know how Wyll grows from that experience to be so much more than just the Duke's son. He really loves how much Karlach loves her people
Siora is also a little stressed about how she would be received but Jaheira and Halsin are super easy to gravitate towards and there is very quickly an understanding as they discuss their deep connections to the land and their people. Siora describes the Nádaig with such reverence and fear and awe and the two druids are positively spellbound. Halsin talks about Thaniel, and then both he and Jaheira take turns describing their wildshaping and giving some demonstrations, much to Siora's delight. I think she would also be quietly in awe of the other women in the group too, and their prowess and experiences
Kurt is pretty standoffish and just wants to keep an eye on De Sardet and Constantin, but at some point he strikes up a conversation with Shadowheart and Astarion. It's tense and cagey for a long while, and I'm not sure how it would even come up, but he learns of the Dark Justiciar training and Astarion's past under Cazador's heel, and then he's gently sharing his own traumatic experiences to show how much he understands. The camp, and the things they were made to do.... Nobody makes mention of the quick, but fiercely protective hugs between the three of them (I headcanon Kurt is a hugger. The man WILL crush someone in a hug). There is a wordless bond of strength and healing through action (and no small amount of revenge)
Aphra and Gale are warily eyeing each other up, but man. You can fit so many 'intense special interest in my chosen field of study' into these bad boys. If you can get one of them to shut up for long enough, the other will just as easily keep the conversation going. They don't quite understand much of what the other is talking about but there is mutual acceptance and respect from a scholarly point of view. Gale mentions the view from his tower in Waterdeep, and Aphra's resolve will crumble as she describes the observatories where she grew up
Petrus is stuck between Lae'zel and Minthara who are both ranting about power struggles and God/s in the Fanatics Corner™️. He quickly learns to keep his mouth shut unless he's asked for an opinion, but there is a great deal of intelligent theological debate, and about how to deal with hierarchy and control of a people, when what they have been told is the truth, simply. Is not.
De Sardet and Tav are passing a bottle of something STRONGLY alcoholic back and forth, lamenting the staggering amount of work that a 'Chosen Leader' has to do to bring people together and broker some sort of peace or alliance, OR make the hard choice and cut ties before things become unsalvageable. The conversation starts off pretty unhappy and painful, but ends with a lot of hope and love
Finally, Constantin has been utterly charmed by Minsc and Boo. So neither the Stone Lord nor our dear, darling ball of curiosity, Constantin, are causing any trouble right now. Boo is pulling every string and eldritch(?) favour he can to keep this duo contained
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am-i-dead · 4 months
*slides into your inbox* I was trawling the Greedfall tag since tumblr didn't see fit to tell me there was new content and saw you (+anon) lamenting the lack of Greedfall content and specifically Kurt and I am here both to commiserate that lack and say hi bc I am a Greedfall Enjoyer and Kurt Lover, too. :D I first played in '22, I think, fell in love with the game so hard I started my second playthrough the same day I finished my first, and have played it borderline completionist six or seven times. Three of those romancing Kurt bc I don't think I've ever fallen so hard or fast for video game romance in my LIFE. One of the first post in my Greedfall gaming tag is yelling at myself to meet all the LIs before I glom on to one but I failed that hard bc well. KURT. 😅 He needs more love. The game needs more love. Bc yes, I agree with you, the visuals are so good and it's some of my favorite world building and I love it so much. I genuinely think this game is one of those rewired my brain things. The writing and the lore and the characters and the MUSIC and it's so pretty and I've dragged at least three friends into hell playing it. I even really like the combat now, even though it almost scared me off at first, lol.
Hello!! Starting the second playthrough immediately after the first is SO valid. That 80s movie esc ending where they told the player all the outcomes of the characters had me DYING so I obviously, immediately jumped right back into the game to cope. And honestly, how could you possibly resist Kurt??? Every time I go for another playthrough I tell myself I’m going to explore a new romance and then I DONT. How can you go through his whole personal quest and NOT want to kiss him?!?!!?
It rlly is one of those games that just rewires your brain. Just the insane amount of detail and care that went into constructing the game lore, music, characters, and cultures, is so beautiful! Makes me giddy just thinking abt it! Combat also freaked me out at first, but in the end, I learned that I can just button smash, dodge, and shoot and mostly be fine (yes i played on easy mode, dont judge me. I'm here for vibes only)
ALSO this goes out to all my other greedfall (and kurt enjoyers) LOVE YOU GUYS! thx for talking abt Greedfall with me and helping the brain rot ROT
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anosrepasi · 2 months
Tagged by @aeide and @ainulindaelynn, thank you two!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 22, so far.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 140,852
3) What fandoms do you write for? Quite a couple now! And amazingly I have even more unposted. The Hobbit, Fallout 4, The Old Guard, Supernatural, The Legend of Zelda, Full Metal Alchemist, Greedfall, BG3, Horizon: zero dawn, uhhhhh.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - Lingua Franca (by a landslide)
2 - Soil and Ashes
3 - Kitsukuroi
4 - what you call a thing is seldom what it is
5 - Prima Lingua (I was surprised this wasn't higher up given that its connected to Lingua Franca)
5) Do you respond to comments? I try really hard but usually end up responding very late in bursts. If you've commented on my work and haven't received a reply... i'm working on it. I will get there eventually. This is a turtle vs hare situation.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?...This is hard cause most of my fics are unfinished as of right now but.... I think Lacuna for posted but unfinished fics and uh. two of my so far unposted BG3 fics will take the running once they get posted.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? A lot of them could probably be considered the "happiest" mostly cause i usually make the characters go through the worst of it right before the resolution so comparatively they're happy. >.>
8) Do you get hate on fics? So far no, maybe the occasional pedantic comment that i just... ignore. I think LF was the only fic where I had to deal with that. Perks of being relatively small in fandoms.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nah, not my cup of tea.
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? The only one I've written I think is the Hob Gadling meets Sebastian Le Livre and become immortal drinking buddies. That's only been posted here on tumblr though.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge :)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope, I'd be open to the idea of any of my writer buds want to try something low stakes for fun and giggles.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? I'm not sure I could answer this one cause I'll immediately think of another ship the moment I try and define a favorite ship for 'all time'. Which is great cause there's so many good fandoms and ships out there, what a cool thing to never run out of.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I also am not a super big fan of this question cause sometime a fic needs years to crystalize into what its supposed to be and we're all doing this for fun/for free... sooooooo you get what you get, and WIPs aren't worth less to the fandom just because they're incomplete.
16) What are your writing strengths? Making people cry (hopefully)
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Anything resembling a consistent writing or posting schedule.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? You ask this as if I didn't do a ton of research and base my own knowledge of linguistics to write semi-coherent lingurian in Lingua Franca. If I feel I can pull it off to some degree and it adds to the story? oh hell yes. It's also one of my favorite literary devices in fic and in shows (I'm looking at you Shogun 2024, you beautiful beautiful tv show on the intrigue of translation)
19) First fandom you wrote for? uhhhh. Naruto on like, fanfic.net for the super old stuff. The hobbit for my modern era lmao.
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? I don't have a favorite, I think? My brain just kind of demands I make up stories and like, I am a happier person having made up stories so I do that. Each story has something I absolutely adore about it that I needed to explore but none of them are my absolute favorite above the others.
And that's all folks. I'd love to tag @ongreenergrasses, @lobstermatriarch, @green-nbean, @findusinaweek, @aevallare, @avelera, @tirsynni, @nagia-pronounced-neijia , @poppypopp and with any other writers who'd like to play :) No pressure though!!
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m0n0lithical · 11 months
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Hello everyone, I’m Mono, I’m 33, and I go by she/her but I’m not super fussed about pronouns for myself. Sims 4 was my first Sims game and I have yet to try any others but I plan to (a friend already sent me their 3). This is a Sims 4 blog only for now. I post a little bit of everything here (from building, to CAS, to gameplay, and maybe SOMETIMES stories), but I lean heavier towards CAS creation (making Sims is my passion).
The blog will be VERY occult-heavy (mostly vampires, but plenty of my own made supernatural creatures as well), so if you’re not a big occult person you may not like a good chunk of my posts. There’s also LOTS of fandom sims – primarily Dragon Age & SWTOR, but whatever fandom tickles my fancy may end up in my game (mostly just CAS pics of them or posed pics in-game, very little gameplay of the fandom sims). I try to keep more Maxis-match leaning, but tend to be more Maxis-mix for my fandom sims.
I am WCIF-freindly, but if you’re too paranoid to send an ask (I get it, social anxiety is total ass – I do have anon on tho), I do have a resources page for my main genetics, and while I have too much CC to list all my resources, I have listed the creators who are my favorites that I have most their stuff of. My blog is currently under a bit of re-organization so don’t mind the messy tags or links that lead nowhere – this will be slow progress but I WILL get it done!
On a non-sims note, I will occasionally post about my MMO adventures (GW2 and FFXIV), I tag these as ‘mmo bullshit’ if you don’t wanna see em.
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Hey all! I’ve been in a bit of a fanfic slump lately and would love some new things to read! I love fics with hurt/comfort and angst with happy ending, but am willing to give anything a try :) Please give me your favorite fic recs for any of the following fandoms:
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry 
Star Wars Jedi Survivor/Fallen Order
Mass Effect (M!Shepard/Kaidan mostly)
Dragon Age (M!Hawke/Anders mostly) 
or if you follow my blog and know what I post a lot, anything you think I’d enjoy! :D
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 8 months
Honestly I'm still mad (affecionate) at the sheer uno reverse bg3 did on me.
'Cause boy do I love typical "a dying hero and their lover who can do jack shit about it" ships in videogames.
BUT USUALLY IT'S MY CHARACTER WHO'S DYING, so I look at it from that angle (and also feel in my right to headcanon the death away 'cause lol that's my character please and thank you)
Sera and Kinara in Trespasser, Shepard and Liara (in ME3, in ME2 Liara famously DID DO something), V and Judy. Peebee and Ryder (multiple times 'cause it's Ryder). Even that little bit at the end of Greedfall where Siorra and De Sardet say goodbye not knowing if they see each other again. I eat that shit up! But I've always looked at it from the hero's perspective. The one who's dying. The one in need of a lover, of a respite, the one being hopelessly in love one foot in the grave. The one I can stop from dying because I said so. I considered both viewpoints, of course I did, but you know. Player's character is player's character.
And then I came to BG3 with full intention to romance Karlach from the get go and this damn game took me and plunged me ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT.
Now I am in love with a kind-hearted heroic dumbass trying to help everyone and keep a positive attitude about their own death. Now I am the one who can't do squat shit to help apart from loving them and being supportive. Now I am the one who in the end has to watch them die (or turn my whole life around and potentially prolong their suffering 'cause I just couldn't let go) come ending.
Yes Tav's technically tadpoled and also cruising for death, but halfway through the game that stopped scaring me anywhere as badly because it was under control and there was a plan (which couldn't be said for Karlach's heart).
Almost the whole game post reveal of the engine problem I had that line from Sera's journal coursing in my mind:
"Make her happy. I'll keep that she was happy."
Because yes. When it's not in your power to change whatever narrative that doomed them... What else can you do?
(i am awfully terrified of death, my own and those i love, and this romance route dragged me over the damn coals, but you know what? she's worth it.)
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latineslytherin · 1 year
your teacher professor fig dies at the end and you can’t do anything about it. anne was cursed by rookwood who was framed by the goblins.
Maybe don't play tge pro slavery & blood libel game made by neo natzis
My dude... you're talking to someone who has played Greedfall, which was erroneously labeled the "Colonialism Simulator" when really it was about addressing the colonialism and giving the land back to the indigenous, Dragon Age that has a gay male character of color that owns slaves, in world colorism when there didn't need to be, ableist coding of mages, and genocide against the indigenous and jewish coded elves, and Mass Effect which is military propaganda and pro colonialism (Andromeda). Did you really think your words of "tge pro slavery & blood libel game made by neo natzis" was going to affect me?
People can enjoy problematic media so long they are able to recognize the problematic aspects - and think critically on them so they aren't influenced by them to act in reality - there's no problem with consuming it.
Also that spoiler is like... 5 days old news. Get a new spoiler - and something that actually matters. Not that it would affect me, I'm playing the game for the walking simulator it is and enjoying the ambience and environment of the castle.
Also I bet you couldn’t even tell me what exactly is antisemitic about it without referencing an article or another tumblr post and the historical significance of why and how long and deeply rooted it is in western society. You strike me as the type to not understand why and how someone can easily write something like that without realizing and how it takes actual effort to recognize and walk back things society has instilled in you.
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incognito-insomniac · 2 years
Tagged by @captastra
thank you so much ^_^
Rules: We would like to ask you to recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is "most popular" and 2 that are "hidden gems”!
Most Popular:
It Always Ends Here - Hawaii 5-0, an incomplete series of vignettes following each episode
I debated whether to go with kudos or hits. I’ve elected hits if only because i didn’t want to list my spn smut fic. Also, this H50 fic means a lot to me because it was the first fic i published on ao3 which has then led to pretty much all my interactions with fic writers since. 
Hidden Gems:
Norbacka at Sunrise - Fallet, OC/Sophie Borg post-series cuteness
I’m listing this fic for three reasons, 1) it is my fic with the least notes, 2) it is the only Fallet fic on a03, and 3) Fallet itself is a hidden gem. Please please go watch Fallet (on Netflix or elsewhere) and then come back and scream about it with me. I’m so alone T_T
First Blood -  Greedfall, coming of age cuteness
So i have an excel sheet for all my fics to track stats and this fic is the third highest hit to kudos ratio but only 85 hits and 10 kudos. If that’s not the definition of a hidden gem I don’t know what is. Also it’s just super cute and i love it.
Tagging @bryndeavour, @ronniebox, @ladyaj-13, @twosides--samecoin, @theartofblossoming and anyone else who wishes to join in....or just wants me to read their fic because i truly intend to read every fic posted for this ask game that i can find. it’s just such a lovely idea
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tidalsoul · 1 year
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
⚊ This is a masterlist post of HCs for Firtha's Greedfall verse. This can and will be edited, updated, and reblogged with new or changed information.
➤ Firtha will continue to be a siren. Then again, she will continue to be a siren in literally any verse she goes into, though this can and will change as time goes on. Much like her original information as well as many other verses, she is cursed to walk on land. Mind you, she has the ability to change her form between two different types of sirens (one with legs and one with a tail) and a human form. This doesn't count the appearance she can take on because of her abilities. As of a result of her curse, she will only look human and not her actual siren forms (and this goes for both forms).
Since she is cursed to look human as well as many of her abilities being locked behind such things, people often will mistake her as a human. A fatal mistake on their end, especially if they attempt to make an enemy out of her.
➤ When she first got cursed, it was a few years prior to the first game's storyline. As of a result, she had remained in Sérène, trying to fit in and cope with her curse. It took a while to do so, given she is accustom to her people's culture, customs, and many other things. So, people often thought of her as weird when she roamed around and attempted to befriend them.
Although some had found themselves befriending her, especially being taken in by her bright and cheerful personality, she is known to be quite weird, even if it did died down over the years.
➤ Hating how her reputation is and is led to believe not many welcome her, Firtha found enough money to make business with the Nauts. So, she ended up traveling to New Sérène around the same time as De Sardet and Constantin did, though she has no connections to them. Unless stated otherwise. Although she has heard of them - and who doesn't, given they are connected to the prince - she has never approached them. Even when she came to the island, she had no desire to make any connections. Of course, this can and will change with any threads and plotting.
➤ Her entire stay consist of traveling around and earning a bit of money, trying to regain the money she wasted on the trip. She could have been classified as homeless if it wasn't for her best friend, Katie, who brought a house in New Sérène for the two to live in. Basically, Firtha offers protection to those traveling the roads as well as offering stories for a price. Even cooking and making both food and drinks to the best of her ability.
➤ If met a few years before the events of the storyline, Firtha is certainly in a severe state of isolating herself from everyone. She is not the friendly and energetic woman you'll meet years later. In fact, she will not hesitate to lash out. This stems from trying to grieve and cope after finding out her ex-best friend had been murdered. Firtha getting the vengeance, which isn't present all that much later.
➤ As a party member, she does represent the sirens, though nobody will know until you do her personal quest. Her personal quest is just trying to reunite with her brother, who happened to hear stories of his sister being cursed. And he literally got himself into a huge mess. You'll find out that she is a siren. A mimic siren. While she doesn't try too hard to hide who she is, she doesn't always state it, knowing the price of being a siren. Either people will attempt to hunt her down because they are afraid or wants to use her for numerous reasons.
➤ As mentioned before, Firtha is an energetic and cheerful woman, always ready to befriend people left and right, no matter who they are. It doesn't help she can and will befriend those who are grumpy. Basically, being that grumpy and sunshine trope, regardless of it being platonic or romantic.
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 8 months
A part of me is clawing at the walls, wishing there was a bigger GreedFall fandom so I could interact with more people and scream about these characters who so quickly worked their way into my fixation brain
But the other part of me is so thankful that there's currently only like. 3 people who come interact with my posts, because if it were more, I'd not be able to help going into the tag and spoiling myself of the story ending
This game has just. Completely enchanted me with its story and characters. It's so unique to anything else I've played
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whimsyswastry · 1 year
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Total # of completed works?
 Honestly? Zero.
Total word count?
83.787! Last year I was so excited to have written 17k and this year O_O over 80k!!!
Fandoms written in?
Mass Effect (fShenko), Andromeda (mReyder), Greedfall (fDeSardet/Kurt), and a VERY small amount of Dragon Age (Cullevelyan)
Looking back, did you write more, less, or about how much you thought you would?
Way more. In the beginning of the year, it was like...April and I hadn’t even written 2k words yet. The fact that I wrote more this year than 4x what I wrote in 2021 is shocking and fills me with great joy and motivation to keep going.
Favorite story (of your own) this year?
Operation Leviathan. It was a plot bunny that struck me when I was watching Underwater in 2020, but I just didn’t have the oomph to do anything about it. But somehow, the flood gates opened about three days into NaNo and I wrote about 95% of it in a month. I have a couple thousand words left to wrap it up and some editing! I’m so excited to share it with the community.
Any writing risks this year?
I didn’t really write anything that risky. I tried a different tense, which wasn’t really my cup of tea. Well, that’s not true. I really enjoyed writing in present tense, but when I got into a flow state, it would automatically revert back to past tense. Which made editing a nightmare.
I should really keep trying though. I love present tense, especially for thrillers.
Any fanfic or original fic goals for the new year?
My goal almost every single year is to do make some sort of headway with Unharrowed. It’s a prequel to Inquisition that has been cooking since the first time I played it. But I can’t seem to ever make any progress. I’ve recently started revamping the lead character completely to give her a stronger (both in terms of literature and literally) personality. I’m hopeful that this will solve a lot of the issues I’ve been having with the story.
Most popular story of the year?
Masquerade & Mysteries, by almost 2x as many as my other stories. It’s my greedfall prequel, that tackles the class divide between Kurt and Lucette. It’ll be 7 chapters all said and done. Five and half of them are already completed...I’m just slow (and not very confident) at writing the smut.
Most under-appreciated story (of your own) by the fandom?
In the Flicker -- I understand why it didn’t gain much traction. AO3 is often very ship-centric and I wasn’t sure how to tag this. It was by-and-large a character study as I played with writing in first person. The story starts with a Ryder/Gil pairing, but the end game ends up being Ryder/Reyes. (Don’t worry, it’s not at all anti-Gil, it’s just how the story unfolded). However, I’ve only posted the first chapter, so I didn’t want to tag it as /Gil but I also didn’t want to tag it as /Reyes since neither is technically true.
Hopefully once the story is completed and posted, I’ll be able to tag it more appropriately and it will find it’s audience.
Most fun story to write?
Operation Leviathan! It had been so long since I felt a flow-state while drafting. It was freeing to just word vomit on a page and feel decent enough about what I’d written to keep it to edit down the road instead of trashing it immediately.
Most unintentionally telling story?
Probably Unharrowed. One  aspect of the story is coming to terms with a body (or in this case, a magic) that doesn’t cooperate with you and how distressing that can be. I didn’t intentionally mean to parallel my experience, but it just kinda...happened. At least in my notes it did lol I still haven’t drafted it.
Biggest disappointment?
The Hot Zone. So far it’s been well received, which is awesome. But I was 14k words into the story and suddenly it was like hitting a cement wall. I just...couldn’t write it anymore. No matter how hard I tried. I’m giving myself a break and will come back to it as soon as I can because I am so excited for this story.
Biggest surprise?
My word count. Writing in 2020 and 2021 was like pulling teeth. It was torture just squeezing out a couple thousand words over the course of the entire year. But this year, the flood gates just opened. It was like a huge weight had lifted off of me and I realized how much pressure I’d been putting on myself to engage in a hobby that’s supposed to be fun. I’m glad I’ve finally found my way back to enjoying the process.
Favorite part of fandom this year?
The entire Dragon Age fandom coming back to life after Absolution was released. My dash had been a trickle of DA content until December, and then suddenly it was all DA all the time. It was great to find new artists to follow and share as well!
Tagging || A large portion of my writing moots have already completed this or something very similar. So if you’re still reading it at this point, consider yourself tagged! And please tag me, I’d love to read about how your year went! 💛
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
March, September, Minutes, Yesterday??? 💖 And also, I challenge you for "TODAY", to manage to write something, even just a little bit. 💪
march: do you listen to music whilst writing? 
Usually, yes. Either pick one of my spotify playlists/a random spot to start on my Liked Songs list ORRR put Lindsey Stirling on shuffle(there's a reason I was in her top 1% of liste
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
The person who binged all 45 chapters/200k words of OWaP a couple weeks ago made my month, and I had someone comment Minefield(Exile/Bao-Dur) made them go feral :3
OH WAIT NO. I still have saved an older comment on OWaP that starts with the words "Oh, darn, I'm caught up." and that's the dream; to write something so good people are disappointed there's not more of it. (Also shoutout to everyone who's ever told me I wrote X character so well you read their dialogue in their voice. Those are my fave)
minutes: how long does it normally take you to complete a fic?
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seriously, it depends on the fic. New chapters for OWaP/tLBT usually take a week or two to write and then another to type up, proofread, and edit(I handwrite first drafts, which makes it a bit slower bc a)I have to also type it up and b)I can only write so much before my hand hurts xD). One shot or prompts fill can be much faster if they behave themselves on word count. That Greedfall thing I posted on Sunday took 4-5 hours to write/type on Saturday, left it overnight, then proofed/edited/posted on Sunday.
yesterday: favourite way to write angst?
...to not. I kid, but it doens't happen often, I'm more into fluff or banter and the furthest I (usually) push it is hurt/comfort that's heavier on the comfort end of things. xD Every once in a while though, I stab ppl in the heart write angst bc the muses give me an idea that Wil. Not. go away until I write it down. In which case I do it as fast as I can, minimal editing, and throw it into the world. Usually followed by writing the most cotton candy fluff imaginable with the same muse as a palate cleanser. xD
For today, I wrote ~700 words on tLBT before I came into work, so ✔ (I'm hoping to write more while Mermaid is napping bc Monkey is back to school this week)
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ahiryn22 · 5 years
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seeasunset · 1 year
◤❀Cнαrαcтer'ѕ Sтυdy: ✿◢
⚊ This is a masterlist post of HCs for Vasco's verse for Yakuza, commonly known as RGG / Like A Dragon. This covers all the games from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza 7 / Yakuza: Like A Dragon as well as Judgment & Lost Judgment. This can and will be changed, updated, and edited as time goes go.
➤ While Vasco doesn't appear during the events of Yakuza 0 (1988), the mentions - and a few appearance - here and there of the Nauts can be seen and heard throughout the games. It is mainly present in substories rather than the main storyline. The Nauts - much like many of the other verses and referring to who they are canonly in Greedfall - are sailors who carries both cargo and people from one country to another. Them being more present in certain countries than other, including Japan. Although on the outside, they are professional sailors, known for their uniform (fusing in historical almost pirate-like attires with modern styles) and the facial tattoos.
Despite how Japan treats tattoos, they still present themselves for any sort of business. Unfortunately, the business they thought they could achieve in other places is quite limited and restricted, resulting them in turning to the local gangs and yakuzas from time to time.
➤ Vasco has appearance in Yakuza Kiwami / Yakuza 1 all the way to the latest games. Although he isn't present - or involved - directly with the main storylines, he can and will be seen getting involved somehow. Either giving some type of help, depending on the character that present themselves to him (ex: if a Kiryu meets Vasco and ends up forming some kind of bond, resulting in some kind of help) to just being there. He doesn't get laid off until Kiwami 2.
He was present when the Millennium Tower exploded. He had no desire to get the money for himself, but he taken upon himself to use it for other uses. Such as giving it to the local homeless or to those who require some kind of getting out of a certain situation. His occupation gives him plenty of money to work with, which he will end up buying himself a small apartment to live in where anyone - outside the Nauts and selective few people - don't know.
➤ During the events of Kiwami 2, he can be found asking for help. Again, depending on the character presented with some type of positive bond with him, Vasco can be seen asking them for aid on searching for any sorts of information on his family. This can and will require the muse to disguise themselves as a Naut to get some kind of information. It will lead to searching for Bastian, the brother to Vasco, who is said to be in Japan, trying to do some kind of business.
Of course, it ends up where Vasco doesn't reveal who he truly is and wants nothing to do with his family. Even if his family has some kind of influence in Japan. Particularly in Kamurocho.
➤ For the rest of the games, as mentioned before, Vasco has no strong involvement with the storyline. Just someone who can and will appear from time to time, though more present in substories. This can and will change, depending on the thread / plot I have done.
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trickstersmagic · 3 years
Betraying your loved ones/friends for your cute cousin and becoming gods together doesn’t sound so bad actually 
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