#grimoire challenge 2024
January Week 3
Energy sources in witchcraft
Whether you believe in and practice energy work or not, what it is that empowers your workings has to come from somewhere. The belief is one thing, but the movement of the spell is another. This week we’ll look at energy and where it comes from. In various different forms.
Monday - Elemental Energies
New pages (the elements) - What are the elements? Fire, earth, air and water? Or are there others? I know some witches who work specifically with one element or with all of them. What are they? What energies do each possess and represent? How can we incorporate these into our craft, if we do. Make a page for all of them or a page for each of them! Spend a little time familiarizing yourself with each element, how to connect to it, focus it, use it, influence it and so on. What legends or myths are there related to these archetypal elements? Are there secondary elemental forces beyond the common four or five?
Study (herb) - Once again! Look into all the details of one of the herbs from your list!
Journal/ introspection - personal relationship with the elements - How do you relate to the elements? What is your elemental sign? What are the signs of all your natal chart and how do you connect to them? How do you connect to each element individually and how do they flow together, into and through one another? Are the differences between them as strict as we think or are they somehow blurred together?
Tuesday - Personal Energy
New Page(s) - Energy within and outside us. What is personal energy? How can we focus and manipulate it? How can we direct it and exercise it? Where do you believe it comes from? What is its actual source? What are some other ideas and beliefs about personal energy inside and outside or witchcraft?
Study (gem) - Pick one of those gems, and study!
Wednesday - Cosmic Energies
New page - Celestial energies, what are they? How do we follow them and connect to them? How do we utilize them in our craft? How do they change and grow? How do we harness and direct them? Study the history of using celestial bodies as sources of energy in witchcraft and spellworking.
Journal/ research - Think about your personal relationship to celestial bodies. How do you feel when you look at the sun and moon? What do they represent to you, personally, without looking up meanings and definitions. What do you feel when you think about them and their relationship to each other, to you, to the earth and to other celestial bodies? What about other planets or objects in space? Think deep. What do all of these things represent to you? Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets, Comets, Meteors, Black holes, etc.
Thursday - Natural Energies
New pages (Natural Energy) - Think about the natural forces that exist in the world around us. Solar, wind, geothermic, electricity, storms, weather and so on. What are the natural forces at work in the world and how can we incorporate them into witchcraft? What does each represent to you personally? Again, before you look too deep into each one individually, think about them in relation to yourself. How do you feel about them? How do they relate to you? To each other? Once you've garnered your personal ideas and correspondences, then dig in deeper and look them up.
Friday - Divine Energies
New pages (Divine Energy) - Not all witches work with deities or incorporate religion into their craft, but some do. How does energy from deities work? How do deities influence witchcraft for those who utilize their beliefs into their craft? If you do, what deities do you work with and what powers/ spheres of influence do those deities connect to in your craft? Make a page for each deity you work with, if you do, and learn about them. History, legends, myths and associations. But of course look inward first, what do you associate with those deities? What powers do they possess? What symbols are associated with them?
Practical - Do some energy work! Whatever sources of energy you work with for your witchcraft, practice working with it. Work with the elements, work with the celestial energies, or the divine, or the natural sources of energy within you or in the world around you. Meditate and connect to the elements. Find their physical embodiments in the world and interact with them (SAFELY). Practice moving your own energy or whatever energy you're working with. Most important, be safe and have fun!
There was a lot this week too! So I hope you're all hanging on and enjoying the challenge so far! It's gonna get bigger and more challenging as we go! Be prepared to have lots of notes to fill in your grimoire with later!
-Mod Hazel
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tencrowns · 5 months
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So I’m way behind on the @2024-grimoire-challenge, but I’m working on it! Kind of bullet journal style.
If you noticed I struggled with my pen and happen to be a fountain pen aficionado, I’m using a Kaweco Student and Jacques Herbin Garnet Rouge ink. I switched inks and refilled with a different red to see if that was the issue, but I would LOVE for someone to tell me why this nib dries up at the slightest provocation. None of the other pens I’ve tried do this, but I haven’t tried this ink in a different pen so I’m wondering if it’s just got a dry character or I need the nib tuned or SOMETHING.
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starforged-witch · 2 months
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I've been trying to get better at actually writing things down in my grimoire, I thought it was kinda cute and maybe it could be useful to someone :)
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jasper-pagan-witch · 5 months
Guess who didn't do any December prep for the 2024 grimoire challenge and is now rushing to do it after a full day of work halfway through January week one? Procrastinating practitioners, let's fucking goooo!
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thatdruidgal · 5 months
New Year's 2024 Grimoire Challenge!
Let's start off 2024 with a month-long grimoire challenge!
I know that I love to always gather new information for my grimoire, and so I wanted to share this challenge with you.
For the entire month of January, complete one of these activities every day in your grimoire. If you have already completed the question, expand on the information you already have!
There is a beginner level and an advanced level for witches of all stages. If you'd like to, post your responses to the questions here and tag it with #branwens grimoire challenge! I'd love to read all of the wonderful information you find, so tag me too, if you'd like.
Farewell and good tides!
January 2024 Grimoire Challenge
by Branwen (@thatdruidgal)
Plants - Beginner: What are the correspondences of five plants that grow in your local area? Advanced: Come up with a new combination of plants to burn in your next ritual.
Heritage - Beginner: Where do you come from? What types of magick did your ancestors possibly practice in their homeland? Advanced: What were common for your ancestors (eg. food, clothing, daily life)?
Practices - Beginner: What is the difference between closed and open practice? Are you permitted to learn about any closed practices? Advanced: What are 2 open practices that you don't follow? What are some similarities with your practice?
Energy - Beginner: What is energy work? How would you begin this practice? Advanced: What are the four energy types, and how can you connect to each one?
Water - Beginner: What are the uses of moon water? How can you make it? Advanced: How would adding moon water affect your favorite potion recipe?
Altars - Beginner: How could you represent each of the elements on your altar? Advanced: What colors are you not currently using in your altar? Which elements do those colors correspond with?
Salts - Beginner: What benefits do you get from moon salt? How do you make it? Advanced: Research cleansing salts and add the recipes to your grimoire.
Omens - Beginner: What are five ways to bring yourself good luck? Advanced: What are recurring signs you've noticed recently? What sort of message do they bring?
Animals - Beginner: What is an animal(s) that you have always felt a strong emotional bond with? What are their traits? Advanced: How has your spirit animal helped you in the past? How have you communicated with them?
Astrology - Beginner: What are the correspondences of the planets? Advanced: In what ways have you been affected by the planets recently? How can you better their influence in your life?
Crystals - Beginner: What are the correspondences of your 5 favorite crystals? Advanced: What other crystals could have improved your last spell? What are some of the substitutes that could have been used instead?
Cleansing - Beginner: What cleansing methods can you use for your crystals and tools? What methods can you NOT use for certain crystals or tools? Advanced: What crystals require extra cleansing? What crystals cleanse other items?
Recipes - Beginner: Find a recipe that helps you with a problem you've been experiencing recently. Advanced: Find a recipe for you to use during the next moon phase.
Spirits - Beginner: What are the five types of spirit guides? Advanced: How can you better connect to the spirits around you?
Motivation - Beginner: What are some easy witchy tasks that you can do when you have low energy/motivation? Advanced: What are easy-to-perform spells or rituals that help boost your energy? Are there any common ingredients? Create a new spell with these.
Divination - Beginner: What are 5 types of divination that you find interesting? Advanced: What type of divination have you used most often? How can you improve your practices by adding crystals/items?
Healing - Beginner: What plants are used in your favorite medicinal tea? What are their correspondences? Advanced: What is a local plant that has medicinal properties? How would you use these in a spell or potion? What other correspondences does this plant have?
Candles - Beginner: What is your favorite scent of candle? What correspondences does that scent have? Advanced: What colors of candles do you burn most often? How would burning a different color of candle affect your atmosphere or your next ritual?
Sigils - Beginner: What are active ways to activate a sigil? What are passive ways? Advanced: What symbols (eg. celtic knots) work as sigils? What are their uses?
Offerings - Beginner: What are suggested offerings for spirits during the next Sabat holiday? Advanced: What things do you normally offer the spirits as offering? What is their favorite offering?
Sabats - Beginner: What are the eight Sabats? Advanced: What are some of the correspondences of the Sabats? What rituals are best done during these times?
Plants - Beginner: What are the bloom times for your plants? Advanced: What other plants can you grow in your climate? What are their correspondences?
Recipes - Beginner: Find a recipe for a tea/potion you'd like to make. Advanced: Find a recipe for a Sabat-specific item.
Warding - Beginner: What are 3 easy ways to ward an area? Why would you want to do that? Advanced: What are ways to refresh your wards? What are ways of warding that you haven't tried yet?
Enchanting - Beginner: What is enchanting? Advanced: What are the easiest materials to enchant? What are the hardest? (eg. iron doesn't stick to magick)
Fae - Beginner: What are things you need to be wary of when interacting with Fae? Advanced: What are signs that Fae are near? Describe 5 different kinds of Fae.
Zodiac - Beginner: What are your zodiac signs? (sun, moon, ascendant, etc) Advanced: How do each of your zodiac signs affect you? What is another type of zodiac (eg. Chinese, Celtic), and what is your sign there?
Personal Beliefs - Beginner: State 5 things that you believe to be true about the universe. Advanced: What are your beliefs on creation? On karma? On dieties? On planes of existence? Be detailed.
Practices - Beginner: What are 5 different spells or rituals that you've been looking forward to try? What are the ingredients? Advanced: How did your last 5 spells go? Did you get the results that you wanted? How can you improve your practices in the future?
Types of witchcraft - Beginner: What are 10 different types of witchcraft? Which of those appeal the most to you? Advanced: What types of witchcraft do you not follow? Are there any that you haven't researched?
Crafts - Beginner: What is knot magick? What is something you could make with this magick? Advanced: How can you incorporate knot magick into your everyday life? (eg. doing hair, bed routine, fiddling)
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ofthecrowsandcranes · 5 months
52 herbs/plants for the @2024-grimoire-challenge
including: some of my favourites, some local plants, and some i know are in my cabinet
crape myrtle
star anise
olive leaf
hibiscus petals
hawthorn berry
st. john's wort
dandelion root
calamus root
anise seed
angelica root
orange peel
lemon peel
lemon balm
what i'll be looking for while researching/how i'll be structuring my research entries under the cut
name of plant: scientific and most common names
location: current locale, origin, climate it prefers, invasive status
identifying characteristics: leaves, flowers, stem, smell, colour, all that
method of acquisition: how easy is it to get/where to get it
use: medical, agricultural, industrial, culinary, cultural, magical
personal notes: my experiences with this plant + any salient UPG
image: best artistic rendition i can manage
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thehazeldruid · 7 months
2024 Grimoire Challenge
One Month!
At the start of December I'll be posting the first prompts for the @2024-grimoire-challenge !!
Give the blog a follow! Feel free to send in prompt ideas either to this blog or to the Grimoire Challenge blog itself! There will be links to all of the prompts from the previous two challenges I've run, as well as a list of all the prompts for the current one, updated with each new prompt as they're posted!
I am excited to begin this challenge and to help inspire all of you!
The Hazel Druid
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cottageshadowwitch · 5 months
Prepping for the 2024 Grimoire Challenge
It's kinda late - in the sense that I wanted to do this earlier - but I have finished my preparations for next year's Grimoire challenge hosted by @2024-grimoire-challenge!
I've stopped myself at 20 "herbs" (ingredients would be the better term in my case) because I want to be able to list others I come across in 2024 and that I want to work with more. As for the concepts and such, I've stopped at 38.
Originally, I wanted to limit myself to 20 concepts as well, but then I couldn't stop myself. Oh well. There is enough space left to mark down concepts I come across.
I've also done the first reflections and while helpful, I couldn't help but notice how strong yesterday's migraine-induced brain fog still is.
What do I want to accomplish with this Challenge?
I'm in desperate need to get back into actively engaging with my Witchcraft - and I'm using this term in the sense of the actual magical craft as well as aspects of my Spirituality that consists of Buddhism, Norse Paganism, Hellenic Paganism, and some Shadow Work as well as Druidry thrown into it.
Everything effects everything in my practice so I can't really divide it into parts.
Another goal is filling my Grimoire again. It's been ages since I copied a spell or ritual I want to try, and even longer since I last wrote about or reflected on aspects I came across.
There are quite a few books on my bookshelf that I've highlighted and scribbled into while reading, but I didn't engage further with the information so far.
So I hope to pick up researching again and doing something with the information I have gathered so far.
Are there specifics I hope to focus on?
I hope to focus on building a (written) foundation. There is some "basic" info in the back of my mind and I want to write that down before diving in deep.
I want to make sure there is a solid foundation before I begin questioning, experimenting, and disregarding again. Also, it would be nice to be able to reference something in my Grimoire, not gonna lie.
That way I hope to cover every aspect as well as record my craft's development. And if I were so incled, I had something to build a "teaching" on. If I were to tell people I'm a witch and there were questions for example.
Also, it's nice to come back to the beginning every now and then, too.
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farmboyprince · 5 months
I've decided to participate in a grimoire challenge I found, since while I've had ideas for a while, actually doing my research and writing it all down is something I have been putting off. I probably won't be able to do it daily since my uni often stretches from 6am to 9pm, but I'll do my best to keep up with it!
My practice focuses a lot on things that are close to me, so I'm changing the prompts a little bit; instead of gems (not much you can find yourself here and no ethical supplier without enormous shipping costs), I'll research other spell components like salt and its variants, eggshells, sea shells, methods of preserving the plants I pick, making my own tools and so on.
For the plant prompts I'm also choosing ones I can easily find either freely growing outside or ones I can plant and grow myself:)
I'll be writing everything in my mother tongue to kick out the cringe feeling of it. There's some translation difficulties, which is why I really appreciated today's prompt of writing definitions!!
all in all, I'm really excited! With this, I'm hoping to expand my knowledge, forage for more than just 5 plants a year and do some introspection too<3
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fur-teeth-bones-earth · 5 months
how I write spells
Completed as part of the 2024 Grimoire Challenge!
Basic Process
- Decide on a goal
- Decide on the mechanism to achieve your goal. Is it energy work? Food? Poppets?
- Decide on necessary materials. 3 ingredients is a good benchmark
- Decide on timing. Plan to set aside as much time as necessary to both procure ingredients and execute the spell
- Check via divination if this is the correct path. If not, repeat earlier steps
- Document planned spell in advance
- Execute the spell
- Document the immediate mechanical workings of it. What did you do? What was involved? How would you replicate it?
- If necessary, divine on immediate results
- Wait for results. Continue to divine as necessary
- Document results when they come in (or, if they never do, document that too!)
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crowehorte · 5 months
Daily Grimoire Challenge Day 1
From the @2024-grimoire-challenge Week 1 Prompt List
Spell: A set of written instructions that outline the material, verbal, and somatic components of a magic working with a specific intended outcome.
Ritual: The process of casting a spell.
Lavender A genus of 47 plants from the mint family. Native to the "Old World," lavender is found across Europe, north and eastern Africa, and southwest Asia all the way into India. It is also know as Spikenard or simply Nard, with the origins either stemming from the ancient Greek city of Naarda or the sanskrit word Nalada. The late Latin name used commonly in modern times comes from Lavandarius, which refers to lavanda (things to be washed) and the verb lavo (to wash).
Lavender grows best in sandy or gravelly soil and requires a full 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight. Too much humidity or water in the soil can cause fungi to grow and roots to rot, which is why well-draining soil is required for it to grow well. English lavender has a germination period of 14 to 28 days and reaches full maturity after 100 to 110 days.
It's frequently used in essential oils and potpourri mixes for its fresh, sweet scent with faint citrusy notes, and it's often paired with Chamomile in aroma therapy blends dedicated to relaxing and soothing the mind. As a spice, it's often added to desserts or paired with mild sheep or goat milk cheeses. Lavender buds can be steeped in sugar and boiled to create a syrup that can be added to coffee, tea, and baked goods, and it pairs well with chocolate flavoring.
Lavender has been used as an ingredient in incense and perfumes throughout the centuries, and has been referenced in the Christian bible. It's commonly associated with St Joseph of the Catholic faith; the patron saint of fathers, families, expecting mothers, unborn children, virgins, and workers. He is invoked in prayers regarding employment and vocation, happy marriages, grace in death, and daily protection.
In my experience, lavender is frequently used as a spell component used in purification, protection, and general blessing spells. Given the association with St Joseph, the frequency it appears in lotions and soaps, and how it's used to aid in sleep and relaxation, I think that its mundane uses heavily inform its magical use. We associate it with cleanliness and good vibes, and fathers are often our first protectors, so it makes sense to use it in this way.
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January Week 1
Welcome welcome to the 2024 Grimoire Challenge! Time to really get started everyone! This week will have a lot of stuff all jammed in. So buckle up, grab your grimoire and your supplies, and let’s get to work!
Name your book - this may seem silly and you definitely don’t need to name your book. Not properly at least. Other than “my grimoire” or “book of shadows” or what have you, which is totally fine. But some of us might feel the need to give it a proper title. “The Basil Grimoire” or “Hazel’s Handwritten Workings” something, anything, that ties the book to you and your craft. Make a title page! If you feel so inclined. If not, that’s fine too.
Definitions (New Page) - ritual and spell. Let’s define a few things. Make a page specifically for definitions, that we’ll add to through the challenge. Let’s start with a couple simple definitions. Define spell. And define ritual. Within the confines of magic, witchcraft and your practice. What is a spell? What is a ritual? What are the differences?
Study (herb) - Pick another herb from that list we made, and dig into the details. Make a page for it on its own, or add its info to another page! Whatever works for your craft. The questions to ask for these study prompts are going to continue to remain the same. Where did it come from, where does it grow, how does it grow, what are its mundane and practical uses. What are the myths and legends and stories surrounding the herb? What are its magical properties and why/ how do you think the other information you've learned about it have influenced its magical associations?
Outline/ index (New Page!) - it helped me a great deal to have an index or outline to my grimoire. I started this as a file on my computer as my grimoire grew and changed I could more easily manage it and rearrange it as I saw fit. Then eventually I could make it into a handwritten copy.
Study (gem) - Like our herb prompt, the gem prompts are going to always use the same outline and questions. Where does the gem come from? What is it used for in a practical and mundane sense? What are its physical properties? What are any myths, legends or stories? Where and how does it form? How does all of that relate to its magical correspondences and what does the herb mean to and for you in your craft?
Spellwriting 101 (New Page!) - make a new page dedicated to spellwriting. This is going to be one of those prompts that is focused on you and your craft. How do you write spells? How do you set them up? What components do you use? What is the format? How is it done? What does it require? From materials to timing and circumstances? Write it all out in your lab notebook. Make it a work in progress. Not all spells are going to work out the same or function the same as you perform them, but having a general layout and method helps to focus your practice.
Common tools - What are the common tools in your craft? That is, you don't need to have a list of every single tool ever used in witchcraft, just the tools that you use in yours. Both regularly and less regularly. What are they used for specifically? What purposes do they serve in the magical and practical sense? Are they ceremonial and symbolic or do they serve an actual physical purpose? (i.e. a wand used to direct energy serves many purposes, while an incense burner could literally just be that, an incense burner)
Year outline/ calendar - not everyone celebrates the same days, holidays or even the same holidays the same way. What are the special occasions and days in your calendar? Mark them and when the proper season/ holiday comes around, we can make pages dedicated to those days. This week this will simply be a list of these days, while later we will actually make pages for them individually. Think of it like the Wheel of the Year, Yule to Midsummer and so on. What days are important to you and your practice? Are they actual holidays? Or simply days of power like the full moon? Or is it simply days that are significant for other reasons, like the anniversary of the day you began practicing witchcraft?
Practical - tool usage - practice using your tools. For example if you use a wand. Practice using it to direct energies or whatever it is you utilize it for.
Altar design/ work space (New Page!) - make a page dedicated to your altar and its setup. Why are things where they are? The reasoning can be simple as “that’s where it fits” or you can give it a more meaningful reason. Candles in front of or behind something to represent some purpose. Do you have items that represent the elements? Deities? Different sources of power or directionality? Different colors for different meanings? Why is your altar the way it is?
Practical - cleansing space - practice cleansing your space and tools. This is of course a physical and 'energetic' cleansing. Tidy it up, redecorate your space, clean the tools if they have dust or ash or anything on them. Sometimes it is good to have a clean start.
Personal practices - this is just a thought provoking prompt tied in with the Journal prompt below. What are some of your personal practices that you've brought into your witchcraft? Anything from little habits from your every day life to things brought from religion or family traditions. No matter how hard we try, we carry within us echoes of things not related to our practices into it. And that is totally okay. Recognizing them, acknowledging them, and truly incorporating them can be a huge step toward understanding ourselves, our beliefs and our practices all around.
Journal/ introspective/ meditations - Think about the above and write any of it down that you come to terms with. Self understanding is important in and outside of witchcraft.
Thank you all and I hope this week's prompts aren't too overwhelming! Stay tuned next week for the next set of prompts!
-Mod Hazel
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kentnaturaltribrid · 2 months
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I was quite bored with the day so Did an systematic memory of the pieces. Most of it is far from finished, but it’s an systematic memory of a few pieces of the laziric and a few other things that are there for a pastirical reference to many of the other pieces and daeseric system. The only part of which is sertoric and saeteric and mostly full of old books and other means of reading among the various terinical pieces of the daeric and serpentine system and the whole of the saerin and saelic system in which the whole system is composed of a whole lot of symbols and ancient words among the few other elements of the entire structure. Most of them are very hard to make out in a simple words or a few pages. There’s a complete set of terorical structures which are very much a daerin and then there’s a paeric structure and Daevic and Faeric pieces that in which it provides a generic of a language that is very much of the origin of Dain and Erorlic and a few older ones of a very specific set of words and then a Elic and Divic and Sarlic among others that are similar to those of the Old Ways and Ferinical and among other Waeric languages among others is a Weseric and a smaller set of choice paenic words and waenic ways of which are more common in the context of the Waezeric and other ancient oric and other forms of languages in which are difficult to write and often a few webisaric and complex languages that which are Waenarizer and Vampire among others include the Zaneic languages which have a similar style and the following three types. The Witch, the Taeric, and a smaller group of people in which are known as a Faezic. Among them is the Saerlivinical and the Holy Ghost and a few other things of which is the Naerivical and the Holy Salonica and the other old gods of which are the Zaeri and the Holy Xaevic. The latter group of which is the Holy Daemon and the Holy merzeric, which are the Kaeric gods and the Holy Zenith. The other three groups of which are The jesterinical gods and the other three gods are the kerinic gods among which they have a smaller group of Dragons and the Holy Caerinic and the Holy Gaestin. The two are all of the other three and the rest are the Savic and the laenic, the triorical.
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markedbyfireandash · 4 months
2024 Grimoire Challenge: January Week 1
Figured I could do the @2024-grimoire-challenge more consistently if I answer the prompts in batches instead of daily.
Preparatory Work
Notebooks I already have a planner-journal for messy notes, dream journaling, and personal insights, a pile of loose paper for research notes and organizing them, and a dedicated logbook for keeping track of arcane shenanigans. I'll be answering most of the prompts on my personal journal. Research-related ones will go to my research pile.
List of 52 herbs to study Skipping for now. I already have a good number of botanicals researched for both mundane and magical use. May instead post my research notes on whatever new plant I come across that interests me.
List of 52 crystals to study Definitely skipping. I don't use crystals enough to make a deep dive worth it. I already did my research on the ones I own, and currently have no plans to collect crystals for magical purposes. May or may not replace this with a random topic deep dive.
Naming the Book
I already do name my magical tools, even my journals! In my personal craft, names hold immense power, so the act of naming is itself some sort of consecration and empowering ritual. Considering their importance, I will be keeping these names private.
Outline/Index Pages
My arcane logbook has one, as it's the only one that will actually benefit a lot from it. The rest of my notebooks (including the pile) run mainly on tabs.
Ritual Any action or set of actions with a symbolic, cultural, and/or emotional significance typically done on specified events.
Spell An act of magic done to achieve a specified purpose, usually to enact a change in the world according to the caster's will through symbolic gestures.
Personal Practice
Spell Writing
A spell is itself a tool that creates another tool specific to a predefined purpose. My approach to writing spells is very similar to problem-solving in general, and is very loose.
Identify a problem and its causes. If there's currently no direct problem, then I find a goal to achieve.
Identify the best or most feasible method to achieve the goal.
Survey available resources. Adjust goal and method if needed.
I don't adhere to a particular format, but in general, a spell for me consists of:
A source of energy or power
A way to color, filter, alter, move, or interact in any way with that power
An anchor or a physical vessel for the spell
Some examples of a power would be myself, a fire, physical movement (dance, wind, song), spirits, the materials themselves, celestial influence, cultural significance, and emotion. Interacting with that power may utilize divination, spirit communication, prayer, visualization techniques, meditation techniques, physical gestures, tools such as wands and knives, and so on. The anchor is not required, but it's useful for maintaining and dismantling spells, and I personally just like creating something physical for the spell to hold on to.
Common Tools
Paper, to hold names, words, sigils, and even material and immaterial influences. A blank canvas full of potential.
Any writing tool. A regular writing pen or pencil works, but brush and dip pens are great for working with specialized, magical inks. Toothpicks for writing on candles, cotton buds for harsher liquids such as alcohol and oil, chalk for most non-paper surfaces. Even a finger would do. A tool of creation and direction.
A tarot deck, sometimes a normal deck of playing cards, both a divination and a spell tool.
Candles - white tealights, mostly - to carry light or flame, act as a power, be a source of wax, or be a way to suffuse scent. Scented candles especially are reserved for offerings.
A tea cup, to hold water - and metaphorically 'hold' things that the hands can't. Cups are good for small things that don't need much heating. For anything that needs to be hotter than boiling water, I use the pot. Pair with a strainer to filter out unwanted things. Lidded containers for storage.
Washi tape, which makes hiding magic in plain sight easier.
Scissors for snipping plants, paper, thread, and connections.
Miniature, pen-sized broom used for quick cleansings and asperging.
Music, both to mask the sounds of spell casting and to define a space away from the mundane.
I should experiment with things like bookmarks and keys, and the tea plant stave I have currently just standing around the living room.
The solstices mark very significant events in my life, so I like to honor those dates yearly.
Equinoxes mark a subtle but notable shift in the day cycles, so while they have no symbolic or cultural significance at the moment, I just like to track them.
Epagomenal days, ie the last 5 days of the year. Calculating when exactly they land is tricky so I just synchronized it with the usual calendar.
New years - lunar and Gregorian.
Fruiting and flowering seasons of mango, rambutan, kalachuchi (frangipani), and the cotton tree. Mostly because they're common in the area, but also because seeing them fruit and bloom gives me a lot of joy.
I'd like to add more specific dates, but they have more to do with local weather changes, which have lately been weird because of climate change.
Altar Design & Workspace
I do not have a set altar or workspace! If I need to perform a spell, I do it on the spot, using whatever flat surface is available if it is needed. Usually, that flat space is either a desk table or the dining table.a
What I do have is a spread in a notebook (one that opens flat) decorated and dedicated to specific deities, and I use that to better communicate with them every now and then.
Introspection: Personal Practices
(Keeping this one in my journal)
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jasper-pagan-witch · 5 months
My hand hurts so much from working on this grimoire challenge. Am I going to change anything about my writing process? No.
I might just fuck around doing something other than writing and typing for a hot minute, though.
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aesethewitch · 4 months
I've figured out that trying to do a prompt a day for the grimoire challenge just isn't... it isn't working. I keep skipping days and not wanting to work on them at all in favor of other things.
Soooo in February, I've assigned Wednesdays as Grimoire Challenge Days. I'll spend the entire day just working on as many prompts as I can get through. Concentrated effort. Things needing more focus or extra research, I can come back to later.
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