#grimoire inspiration
January Week 1
Welcome welcome to the 2024 Grimoire Challenge! Time to really get started everyone! This week will have a lot of stuff all jammed in. So buckle up, grab your grimoire and your supplies, and let’s get to work!
Name your book - this may seem silly and you definitely don’t need to name your book. Not properly at least. Other than “my grimoire” or “book of shadows” or what have you, which is totally fine. But some of us might feel the need to give it a proper title. “The Basil Grimoire” or “Hazel’s Handwritten Workings” something, anything, that ties the book to you and your craft. Make a title page! If you feel so inclined. If not, that’s fine too.
Definitions (New Page) - ritual and spell. Let’s define a few things. Make a page specifically for definitions, that we’ll add to through the challenge. Let’s start with a couple simple definitions. Define spell. And define ritual. Within the confines of magic, witchcraft and your practice. What is a spell? What is a ritual? What are the differences?
Study (herb) - Pick another herb from that list we made, and dig into the details. Make a page for it on its own, or add its info to another page! Whatever works for your craft. The questions to ask for these study prompts are going to continue to remain the same. Where did it come from, where does it grow, how does it grow, what are its mundane and practical uses. What are the myths and legends and stories surrounding the herb? What are its magical properties and why/ how do you think the other information you've learned about it have influenced its magical associations?
Outline/ index (New Page!) - it helped me a great deal to have an index or outline to my grimoire. I started this as a file on my computer as my grimoire grew and changed I could more easily manage it and rearrange it as I saw fit. Then eventually I could make it into a handwritten copy.
Study (gem) - Like our herb prompt, the gem prompts are going to always use the same outline and questions. Where does the gem come from? What is it used for in a practical and mundane sense? What are its physical properties? What are any myths, legends or stories? Where and how does it form? How does all of that relate to its magical correspondences and what does the herb mean to and for you in your craft?
Spellwriting 101 (New Page!) - make a new page dedicated to spellwriting. This is going to be one of those prompts that is focused on you and your craft. How do you write spells? How do you set them up? What components do you use? What is the format? How is it done? What does it require? From materials to timing and circumstances? Write it all out in your lab notebook. Make it a work in progress. Not all spells are going to work out the same or function the same as you perform them, but having a general layout and method helps to focus your practice.
Common tools - What are the common tools in your craft? That is, you don't need to have a list of every single tool ever used in witchcraft, just the tools that you use in yours. Both regularly and less regularly. What are they used for specifically? What purposes do they serve in the magical and practical sense? Are they ceremonial and symbolic or do they serve an actual physical purpose? (i.e. a wand used to direct energy serves many purposes, while an incense burner could literally just be that, an incense burner)
Year outline/ calendar - not everyone celebrates the same days, holidays or even the same holidays the same way. What are the special occasions and days in your calendar? Mark them and when the proper season/ holiday comes around, we can make pages dedicated to those days. This week this will simply be a list of these days, while later we will actually make pages for them individually. Think of it like the Wheel of the Year, Yule to Midsummer and so on. What days are important to you and your practice? Are they actual holidays? Or simply days of power like the full moon? Or is it simply days that are significant for other reasons, like the anniversary of the day you began practicing witchcraft?
Practical - tool usage - practice using your tools. For example if you use a wand. Practice using it to direct energies or whatever it is you utilize it for.
Altar design/ work space (New Page!) - make a page dedicated to your altar and its setup. Why are things where they are? The reasoning can be simple as “that’s where it fits” or you can give it a more meaningful reason. Candles in front of or behind something to represent some purpose. Do you have items that represent the elements? Deities? Different sources of power or directionality? Different colors for different meanings? Why is your altar the way it is?
Practical - cleansing space - practice cleansing your space and tools. This is of course a physical and 'energetic' cleansing. Tidy it up, redecorate your space, clean the tools if they have dust or ash or anything on them. Sometimes it is good to have a clean start.
Personal practices - this is just a thought provoking prompt tied in with the Journal prompt below. What are some of your personal practices that you've brought into your witchcraft? Anything from little habits from your every day life to things brought from religion or family traditions. No matter how hard we try, we carry within us echoes of things not related to our practices into it. And that is totally okay. Recognizing them, acknowledging them, and truly incorporating them can be a huge step toward understanding ourselves, our beliefs and our practices all around.
Journal/ introspective/ meditations - Think about the above and write any of it down that you come to terms with. Self understanding is important in and outside of witchcraft.
Thank you all and I hope this week's prompts aren't too overwhelming! Stay tuned next week for the next set of prompts!
-Mod Hazel
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bipolarwitchcraft · 2 months
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my super sweet fiancé got me this handcrafted journal for christmas, and i've held off writing in it until now. i've been disconnected from my craft for so long, so i've decided to just start from scratch. this is my new grimoire! i'm adding just the basics for now, and i'll add my experience and my spells as i go. i'm absolutely obsessed with it!
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divine-crows · 1 month
Grimoire/Bos Prompts or Research Topics for the Witch that Doesn’t Know What To Do Next
(Pt. 1/ ?) 
Okay so, I've been working on gathering information for a couple of years now. (On and off for 4 years probably a little less because I procrastinate), and just now I've gotten an official book to put all of my information in since prior to that I just had loose leafs of paper that I'd stash away at random, and google docs filled with information (which I recommend. It helped me let go of the stress of messing up and helps when you need to edit and add information. I still use my doc as a way to add stuff and as an on-the-go grimoire).
I've practically stuffed this grimoire with everything I've gathered and refined, and this has lead me to reach an impasse where I don't quite know what to do next. Not a lot of BoS or Grimoire prompts are geared towards people that have the basics written down, but don’t know what to do next, so I'll make a short list of stuff I've brainstormed.
Note: These prompts aren't all going to be specific things to do research on, a lot of it is inspired by Molly Roberts on YouTube because I love prompts and ideas that may not be necessarily witchy, but can be when in the context of where it is. These prompts and research topics also are not mine by any means and I’ll reiterate it often because I want people to make these ideas their own. 
- What being a witch means to you. This can include why you decided to use witch as a label for yourself, your specific practice, why you got into it, how it affects your life and it's importance, etc.
- how your religion (or if non-religious, any of your beliefs or theories you support) works alongside your craft. Do you feel a need to separate the two? Do you treat them like they're always together? Are there any specific scenarios where you use the two hand-in-hand? Talk about it.
- Entity and/or spirit Guide! Make a section dedicated to entities and spirits in your area, how you (or others) found them, if you think you know what/who they are, or if you aren't sure what it could be. This can open up great opportunities for you to study new things. I myself have been planning on doing it since my town has a lot of ghosts, and I've had plenty of interactions with entities that I don't know of (ex. some seem like the fair folk, but due to the origins of people that lived in my town it's unlikely, or they have one trait that reminds me of an entity I know of but the rest of their traits are nothing like it).
- energy/magic map. This can be used in multiple ways! Map out the energy and vibes you feel when you're in other places, or map out the energy you felt during a spell/ritual, or maybe even there's a song that just speaks to you and you want to show the flow of energy the song makes you feel. How you show this flow is up to you and your experience! Maybe you have synesthesia and you want to explore how that mixes with your experience with the flow of energy in music ( or just in general) go for it!
- any personal ideas or concepts. This might be candle etiquette, or maybe you personally don't say the name of certain entities or deities for specific reasons. Maybe there's something you do that you don't see a lot of people mention in media. Write it down! You never know when you'll come across something and go "...wait a minute" and then you can flip through your Grimoire/BoS and go "oh! Right, that's just a personal belief/uncommon concept so that might be why it isn't in here." Now. This does not mean stealing from other cultures and claiming you believed in it all along. And it doesn't mean disrespecting any basic rules of etiquette.
- if there's items you see and you have an inexplicable pull to, document it! Talk about the energies they had. What they were and looked like. If you bought it or not. This can help you in the future when it comes to incorporating items. Sometimes I find out that an item I bought because its "vibes were interesting" can actually be repurposed and I always feel proud afterwards because my intuition knew all along.
- do certain places or situations make you feel a little bit more magical than you usually do? Make a list of those places (and if you want to add a description of them!) Sometimes when I'm not feeling 100% with my craft just visiting those places makes me feel better.
- Information about where you’re from or where you currently live, and how this place applies to your practice. I’ve seen at least one or two people do this with their grimoire’s and it’s a great idea. It doesn’t have to be an extensive history either, for me, I just focused on the state I live in and I added basic information that I felt belonged there. I also included some common folklore of the area.  
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I'll add on more as I brainstorm them. These ideas and concepts are not mine and a lot have probably been done already. Have fun with them! Reblog with more ideas (I'll definitely reblog ones with ideas I like)
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thehazeldruid · 6 months
2024 Grimoire Challenge
One Month!
At the start of December I'll be posting the first prompts for the @2024-grimoire-challenge !!
Give the blog a follow! Feel free to send in prompt ideas either to this blog or to the Grimoire Challenge blog itself! There will be links to all of the prompts from the previous two challenges I've run, as well as a list of all the prompts for the current one, updated with each new prompt as they're posted!
I am excited to begin this challenge and to help inspire all of you!
The Hazel Druid
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I'm still procrastinating woopwoop
Previously I had a bunch of Terminology lists organised for each chapter under the title page but there's been so many terms in one in and barely any in other chapters so I'm gonna reorganize and move them all into one section at the end.
I think i'll use the free space on the title pages for some more drawings now my art tablet is running again. They'd be introductory linework doodle type drawings to the contents of each chapter so give me vibes. Inspire me, babes.
Here's all the chapters I got:
Theory: I basically contextualise different historical aspects of the practitioner community like paganism, wicca, witches and familiars but I'm also including the bad stuff like cultural appropriation, antisemitism and transphobia.
Practical Basics: talk about the history and practical uses of the simple stuff like altars, grimoires, the holidays, deity worship etc.
Practical Magic: talk about the history and practical uses of different types of magic and spellcraft like divination, protection, glamours etc.
Spells and activities: basically recipe guides to a bunch of specific things like witch bottles, cleansing sprays and other stuff.
Recipes: food. That's it. Just food. I like food.
Correspondences: A bunch of lists of different things and their magical meanings like colour, plants, symbols etc.
You can peek at my table of contents and what the actual grimoire pages look like in older posts.
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Hello all,
It has been a very long time since I posted anything but I am back to practicing as of recently! I hope to continue posting more of my grimoire for you all to see. To ease myself back into the craft, I decided to do a spell jar as I am moving house soon and I need as much luck around money and prosperity and abundance as possible.
What you’ll need:
Nutmeg - money, prosperity, protection, good luck
Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, luck, money
Poppy seeds - good luck
Thyme - good luck
Mint - wealth, prosperity
Dandelion flower - hope, wishing
Salt - protection, good luck
Honey - prosperity, abundance
Buttercup - luck, money
Hair and saliva (optional) - I wanted this to be as specific to me as possible, and I felt sacrificing some of my hair would be sacrificial to boost the power of the spell.
Cleanse the utensils you are going to use such as the jar and any measuring equiptment.
Write on a piece of paper what you need luck towards - are you moving house? Do you need luck with an exam or a job? Try to be specific, but not overly so to allow room for adjustment. (Optional: write this in yellow, green or gold pen as these colours are associated with wealth or luck. You can also include a sigil of your choosing).
Put the piece of paper in the jar alongside the rest of your ingredients.
Once the lid or stopper is fitted, light a candle and seal the jar with yellow, green or gold wax (I used yellow).
Once you have done this, hold the jar in your hands for a few seconds and think of what this luck will grant you. Imagine yourself in the position you'd like to be in if this luck is granted to you. Blow out the candle you used to seal the jar and watch as the smoke dissapears.
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latter-gay-witchery · 2 years
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Since that last post blew up a bit, I figured I’d share some more personal stuff as well as reblogging resources for future reference?
Have some pages from my grimoire so far. I don’t know why I figured the first things to put in my grimoire after the intro page and prayer was moon stuff, but here we are.
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thelittlewitchway · 1 year
I watched this YouTube video a long time ago (I can't remember which now) that was talking about study tips for classes. I absolutely love this tidbit of advice and think it would also work really well for a grimoire:
After the title page, leave a few blank pages to create a table of contents on. That way you know what is in it and can number pages as you go along to make finding your specific reference easier.
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chamomile-soup · 6 months
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this is my very original oc. he is definitely not inspired by altocat's post about sephiroth having a normal life. his name is normalroth and his favorite activities are filing taxes and being able to read. he is currently a PhD student in astrophysics working as an assistant in the local library (and BOY library visit rates have SKYROCKETED). he has brunch with his mom and stepdad on wednesdays and goes to therapy on thursdays. he comes in three flavors: chocolate, white bnuuy original, and red bean.
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March Week 2 - Spell and Ritual Outline
So this week's prompts sort of all ride alongside one another and go toward one common theme. How to outline and create spells and rituals. It will all focus on the who, what, when, where and how, more or less, which is a pretty good model for anything.
Monday- Basic Outline
New Page/ Lab Notebook - So for this whole ordeal this week, we're going to work mostly in our lab notebook and do some internal thinking, and research. It will be mostly one page each for spell making and ritual making for the entire week, or pages depending on how detailed you want to go. So to start out, make one page for each or add them to the pages you used to define what a spell and a ritual are.
So what are the who, what, when, where, and why of spells and rituals, to you? Make a list of these on a sheet of paper and fill them in with what you feel these things are. You can even do these on the pages you've already made. We'll expand on them as the week goes on.
Research/ new page - herbal research. Pick another herb from you list and go to town on the research! Magical and mundane uses, associations and so on!
Tuesday - purpose, method, ingredients
Research - this is about the “who” “what” and “why” what purposes can you perform a spell or ritual for? Who is the spell for? Who are you performing it on? It can be practically anything or anyone. What are you doing the spell for, what do you want it to accomplish? Looking for love? Need confidence? Want to manifest something? Want to bring more money into your life? Solidify a friendship? Protect yourself or someone else? This is followed directly by why. Why are you looking for love? Why are you protecting yourself or someone else? What you are doing and why you are doing it are intimately connected. Sometimes it can take a great deal of introspection to figure out how these are connected, other times, it is obvious.
Methodology -this is the “how” in the spell. What methods are there to casting spells and performing rituals? Look back at your types of magic pages and think hard on the ways you can cast spells for those different types of magic. Is there a certain way to prepare for spells and rituals? What steps do you take to prepare for the spell and what steps do you take after the spell or ritual? What steps are a part of the ritual? How do you actually perform the spell? Method of spellwork has everything to do with the “how” in the spell, where the purpose beforehand is the “why”.
Ingredients/ tools - this is the “what” within the spell. What ingredients if any does it require? What tools does it require? What kinds of things are a part of the spell? Incense, statues, gems and so on. What do you need to bring to the spell or ritual for it to be what it is?
Wednesday - location, direction, timing
Location and timing - this is the “where”and “when” within the spell or ritual. Is there a specific location you need to perform the spell or ritual? A specific direction you have to face? Do you have to wait for a certain day, week, month? A certain astrological sign or event, like a phase of the moon? Does the spell require you to face north or south? East or west? Or to go through all the directions? How does this information fit into your outline?
New page/ research - gemstone/ other- pick another gem or what have you from your list and research it! Everything from mundane to magical uses! How is it formed? Where is it from? So on and so forth.
Thursday - other parts of spells/ rituals
What other things are part of your spells or rituals? How do you make them yours? What personal touches and flares do you bring to your magic?
Friday - putting it to practice
Practical- if you’ve outlined the general idea of a spell and ritual, or even if you’ve made a specific one, let’s make one, and then do it! Perform the spell or ritual! And journal about it afterwards!
This has been a long and heavy week, but we made it!
Good Luck and Happy Crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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wildflowercryptid · 7 months
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messed around some new brushes so here's a bunch of dg doodles, (feat. two of the characters from one of the fancase ideas i've been muddling over.)
— credit to @whisperingrockers for harrow's fantastic design once again!
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divine-crows · 1 month
Grimoire/BoS prompts for the Witch that Doesn't Know What to do Next
Part 4/4
Might revisit this series later on in life, but for now I think I've written down enough stuff. I hope some of my ideas can help!
- In-journal altar spaces. Perfect if you can't have a physical altar, or even for brainstorming ideas. Take pictures/make drawings in order to form the perfect altar space for you!
- Favorite myths, creation stories, etc. You can either list them and talk about why you like them, or you can even go as far as to rewrite them in your book!
- Mundane daily rituals. List some everyday "rituals" you do (ex. brushing your teeth daily), and see if you can find a way to make it feel magical or special.
- Magical Exercises. Especially if you've read a lot of books, you more than likely have encountered a lot of these. Why not record them in their own category so you can use them when you're stumped?
- Meditating Activities. The act of creation can feel meditating, go ahead and put those things in your BoS/Grimoire so you can recall those meditative states. My favorite thing is to tear up scrap papers and collage it in my grimoire.
- YouTube Channels, blogs, etc. frequently visited. Do you notice that you gravitate a lot to specific places in order to get your information? Jot it down! Whenever you're stuck you can always look at your list of trusted places. Likewise, you can go back to them and compare sources in order to broaden your understanding of topics.
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thehazeldruid · 7 months
2024 Grimoire Challenge
The 2024 Grimoire Challenge blog has been made! I’m still working on finalizing it. And will begin posting a few things on there over the next couple months. With the prep work posts beginning in December!
Give it a follow @2024-grimoire-challenge
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vldlance · 1 year
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allura in the style of hades! i like to think she would be one of my favorite gods to get a boon from <3
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coinandcandle · 1 year
New Spell Goal: Turn a nursery rhyme into a spell incantation (by altering its wording or meaning).
Edit: Broadening this to old folk charms and incantations but I'm having a hard time actually finding a list of em!
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themanicnami · 1 year
Catch All Titanium Spider Web (Totally Spies Inspired Binding Spell)
A binding spell to prevent another from being an obstacle to you or your goals.
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Craft Wire or Pipe Cleaners or other thin wire
Paper or Cloth Poppet
Jar with a lid
Black Peppercorn
(Optional) Garnet Chips/Pieces
(Optional) Obsidian Pieces
Black Candle
Make your poppet/doll of the target you are intending to bind. Using your marker write onto the poppet the target's name
Using your craft wire bind up the poppet thoroughly and tightly in a manner like you tying someone up. While you are doing so, verbally or mentally chant: "Spider web, spider web - tie you tight. Spider web, spider web - bind you tight" or anything else you may prefer.
Once bond, drop your poppet into the jar with the crystals and black peppercorns.
Seal the jars lid tightly then burn the candle long enough to either melt it on top of the jar or have enough melted wax to pour it over the lid to seal it up.
Store the jar somewhere dark and hidden.
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