#grunty posting
grunty-posting · 6 days
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game-boy-pocket · 2 years
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Remember kids, it’s always okay to give your favs a PHAT fuckin ass.
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Banjo beats the Witch!
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babiebom · 7 months
Hullo there! Could I see G, J, S and V for Elliott (sdv)? I hope you have a good day :)
A/N: i hope you have a good day as well!! Also if anyone wants to hear my ugly ass voice my twitch is here💖 I don’t stream often but I want to try some stardew streams soon so thought I should let y’all know :)
Tw: sexual content
Alphabet Post Masterlist
G-Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think Elliott would be quite serious during sex. Not because he’s a serious person, but because he is more of a romantic person, and sex is when your bodies are intertwining and you are connecting in a way that you can’t connect with anyone else. So he’s not going to be in a very laughing mood when he is trying to portray his love for you. Will laugh if something is funny though, he isn’t totally serious just focused.
J-Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Sometimes jerks off if you aren’t available and he needs to clear his head. Will only do it if he is so distracted that he can’t get any work done, and trying to wait for his erection to go down doesn’t work. Prefers sex, but is not against masturbation. Thinks sometimes it’s needed, and understands that sometimes you need you time and masturbation is a part of that. He’s not someone who needs to all the time, but he also isn’t opposed to getting himself off.
S-Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Pretty good stamina? I think he can keep going for a while, maybe can go for about 45+ minutes straight and last for all of that if he tries hard. Can go about three rounds with 15 minute breaks in between to hydrate and get back into the mindset that he’s going to be having sex for a while. Likes when sex lasts a long time, so each round will be at least 30 minutes because for each round he has to start over with the foreplay and everything.
V-Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud at all. He groans and grunts into your ear. It’s very low, and even when he is losing his mind he isn’t a yeller or a screamer. He is a very quiet man naturally, it’s not that he’s embarrassed or wants to hide his noises, it’s just that his noises are quiet. Very grunty it’s more of an “uh” type of sound. Very short noises, never drawn out. Makes sure that his mouth is near your ears so you can hear. His sounds are more vibrate-y than audible if that makes sense? You can feel his groans more than you can hear them.
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sindirimba · 2 months
a little something inspired by this post, because nile is fully prepared. some kind of vague non-immortal AU, i don't know, it's just a little ficlet, okay
"Oh my god," she breathed out, struggling to lift her head from where it lay on his chest after she'd collapsed on top of him after she'd had-- another-- orgasm. Second of the night. So far. Or maybe third? Kind of hard to tell where one ended and another began, sometimes. "Oh my god."
He made a tired grunty kind of noise, sliding his hand up along her spine, his thighs still twitching a little against hers. "Here?" he said, imploring her with a raise of his eyebrows, and she grinned and leaned up to kiss him.
"I can't feel my hands," she mumbled against his lips, idly flapping her useless hand against his free arm where it was still resting curled around his head. "Orrr any part of me that isn't my pussy."
He laughed, but then he winced and shifted uncomfortably beneath her.
"What’s up, baby?"
"Ah, nothing," he said, but he shifted again, minutely rolling his shoulders. She frowned, sat up, and then moved off of him. He gave her a slight smile and started to sit up with her, only to wince again and pause midway up, with an added soft hiss of pain.
She lay her hand on his stomach. "Your back?" she asked, and he sighed and nodded. "Here, roll over." And she moved to help him do just that.
"Thank you, darling," he said, with no small amount of abashedness. She perched on the backs of his thighs and placed her hands on his back.
"Where?" she asked, starting at the small of his back, and he made a positive noise so she began there. "Poor baby," she said, syrupy sweet and with only a tiny amount teasing in her voice. "It's hard work fucking my brains out, I know."
He laughed quietly, eyes closed, as she worked his strained muscles. "The most important job in the world," he said. She grinned, leaning down to kiss the top of his spine before going back to what she was doing. "That feels good, " he said, voice going a little thick, "you're an angel, Nile."
She smiled, started working on a particular spot a few inches above his sacroiliac joints, and he groaned.
"A queen," he amended, pausing between praise to let out a deep bone-rattling sigh, "a goddess."
"Mmm, such a sweet talker," she said, easing back on the rubbing enough to lean down again, to kiss the spot where his jaw met his ear, then the corner of his mouth. His beard tickled her lips. "But you might wanna hold back on those compliments, you know I'm only doing this because I wanna go another round."
He groan-laughed, said her name half-pleadingly, and she grinned, sat up again, and went back to her Old Man Repair Service work.
also posted on ao3, for archive purposes, you know.
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sirfrogsworth · 6 months
Two weeks in a row at almost exactly the same time the Mounjaro has made me sick for about an hour and then it passes. I'm on the second dose at the moment. Given the benefits, I guess an hour of sickness per week isn't a huge tradeoff, but I am hoping I adjust to it like I did with the Ozempic.
It will also be a little easier to handle when I'm not simultaneously dealing with raging post exertional malaise.
I know I expected PEM. I know I chose this. But the last two days were especially difficult. I don't think I've felt it this intensely since after I spent two weeks at my dad's bedside before he passed.
Walking isn't too wobbly, but getting up from the couch requires some extra grunty tennis grunts. Getting up from the floor this morning was quite tricky.
I am still sleeping on a mattress on the floor from when I was taking care of my dad because the bedrooms upstairs all make me very sad. My mom needed her own room toward the end because she was in bed so much, so both bedrooms feel a bit... haunted.
I'm hoping once we clear them out and I can make them drastically different I won't feel that so much. Though I might create a new bedroom in the living room. I haven't really decided yet.
The mattress on the floor is fine though. If I get super narcoleptic I can walk two steps and be in bed. And weirdly, having to get up from the ground every time has improved my mobility a little bit. Not a huge strength increase, but if I need to get up from the ground, I can do it much easier than before. I'm better at keeping my balance especially.
But I should probably figure out a proper bed eventually. Everything in the house is kind of on pause until we clear out all of my parent's belongings. Which I'm hoping to take care of once I am recovered from my trip.
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faeirtopia · 4 months
Hello again Mimi!! Thanks to you i enjoyed my week! 💖💖 How are you doing? I hope everything's better, i love your recent fics! Thank you for writing for us, Mimi 💕
And ahh!! Thank you for the delicious fries! Love it, have some fresh flowers please 💐💐
HSGSHSGGS i feel like you're really doing good at writing smuts now, that line from the piercing! reader got me brrrrr 😵😵😵
Okay so... I'm a little bit curious, what are your thoughts on how Shohei sounds in bed? Like, i feel he's super loud but at the same time he gives those quiet grunty vibes? What do you think Mimi?
hi! I’m so happy you’re enjoying your week! that’s what you deserve most! I’m doing okay! I’m so happy you’re enjoying all my new posts 🤍 and you’re very welcome! I’ll always be here to write for you guys. it’s important to me! and I love doing it. I hope you enjoyed those fries because my burger was delicious! 😋
you think so? well thank you! I’m trying hard even though I am using several different books for the english language lol. I hope I can get better and better. I thought I’d add in that little line for a surprise 🤭
oooo what a great question omg! shohei’s sounds…. okay so! I also think he can be quite loud in bed. I think it’s a lot of whining, gasping, grunting, and I’m going to say it now… growling. I think a lot of the time he quiets down so that he can hear you the most. he loves your sounds and knowing that he’s pleasuring you so well. but! you also love hearing him and if you tell him that he’ll be sure to be loud next time.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Since we are one month out and I am hyped I will post two more excerpts from my Arden Dracula AU, one a niche joke for academics and one a widely relatable dig at the wealthy:
BEA: That’s why we have to rely on written records. We weren’t able to find any of Van Helsing’s publications on JSTOR. BRENDA: (gasps) JSTOR failed you? BEA: I know. I can’t believe it. BRENDA: How do you still have JSTOR access anyway? BEA: My university never purged my credentials. Now let’s stop talking about it before they realize. BRENDA: (mock horror) Casely, are you evading scholarly paywalls? BEA: Are you going to arrest me? BRENDA: I’ll defend you if the Elsevier cops show up. Those bastards have had it too good for too long.
ANDY: Something has been bothering me. Why always aristocratic vampires? Why not a salt of the earth hillbilly vampire who communicates by grunting? ROSALIND: A True Blood/Grunty McMurtry crossover would do numbers and you should call the CW as soon as we finish this conversation. There’s a reason for the income gap, though. In the oldest vampire folklore, anyone can join up, but after John William Polidori's "The Vampyre", you saw a lot of vampire aristocrats because, well. Bloodsucking fiends living off the bodies of the common folk? ANDY: I don’t follow. ROSALIND: Hoarders of wealth and power who cling to both forever instead of dying and passing it on? ANDY: Still don’t see what you’re driving at.
And finally and most importantly
BRENDA: Why are we not doing a six-episode miniseries on the cowboy? 
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grunty-posting · 3 months
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
Do you have any examples of venom and ocelots pain sounds? For research
Venom for me is literally just about anytime he gets shot and stuff (he is a grunty, grunty man in general too),  but I DO have a post saved somewhere however for Ocelot let me present you with this clip I made from my FOB missions.
See Here For Your Research
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mewintheflesh-2 · 8 months
Okay I know I just posted about Grunty Mew but also just Reality Monitor GB In my mind he’s in a sort of computer room with hologram screens so he can keep eyes on his favoured realities/timelines (One of those being Team Sky’s). He gets alerts when something or someone is in a reality or timeline they’re not supposed to be in, which he promptly takes care of, unless he thinks he can ignore it for a little while until it becomes a problem. So he’s just like sliding around all this hologram screens and he just sees some shit that’s not supposed to be happening and he’s like “😟 oh shit”
He just presses his palm into the screen and teleports there and is like *looks at the anomaly in said reality* “You’re not supposed to be here! Go away” and he just takes them with him
I like to think he has like a jail cell in his void office so he can keep super dangerous entities with him until Arceus comes and collects them
A guilty pleasure of his is mingling with humankind just for funnies, and as we’ve seen, he loves to mess with people too
He could still totally be a mew in this though
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maxthedrawingperson · 2 years
It’s time to be ever-so SNEAKY! Look out for the sewers! Ooh! They’re CREEPY!
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1 and 17 for The Witcher and 22 of Lupin III
the character everyone gets wrong
I know I talked about this before but the idea of Geralt being the 100% main character of the witcher, just because he's the player character in the games and played by the most well-known actor, with the exception of the short story collection, The Witcher really is an ensemble cast that has many pov switches, by main character standards  Geralt shows up surprisingly little in the final two books, hell the final battle of TLOTL has none of the main characters in it for most of the duration) if anything, Ciri is the protagonist, it's her story
  also, the idea that Hcav's was a good representation of Geralt, he was just the generic buff grunty stoic hero guy to me, ( him as a father figure for Ciri is good) but he has next to no chemistry with any of the other characters,
he's defiantly not the "woah is me" overly dramatic wisecracker that has so much heart but is afraid to show it in the books or even the less whiny but more sarcastic and sardonic but with just as much heart version from the games, but people believe he is because he's attractive charismatic and is always going on about what a geek he is
( because this series has two very popular adaptations, that makes a lot of characters eligible for this, but I already talked about Triss and I think my problems with both adaptations of Ciri are best left to another post once I do more research)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Dimension hopping/ crossover fics!
The Witcher is one of the most crossover friendly stories iv enconted in awhile, due to Ciri's powers and dimension hopping being canon to the story but also the fact that the story not only has elements of fantasy but also elements of other genres like sci fi, detective stories, Horror, Crime dramas, war stories and even id argue westerns
I know that there are technically a lot of them but most of the "crossovers" I see are AUs of the witcher or witcher AUs of other fandoms not " two characters from different fandoms meeting" type of crossover
particularly I would like to see Witcher crossovers with Xmen, Castlevania, and Hellblazer
Dimensional travel fics whether being done by Ciri or an OC are also difficult to find because they often have inconsistent tags
( if you have recs for any of these, please feel free to share)
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skyboxeye · 2 years
Capturing the ambience of Banjo-Kazooie
While BK’s soundtrack is rightly celebrated, there is more to each level’s soundscape than just its music. This post will explore how best to bring those “other” background sounds to the fore.
Capturing footage
I looked at three options: emulating the N64 release, emulating the XBLA release, and using the noclip.website viewer. While noclip offers freecam for optimal angles, its level renders include a lot of object clutter that I don’t care for. Modifying the scenes wouldn’t be overly difficult, as the project is open-source, but I didn’t want to spend the time.
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Instead, I settled on the Xbox version. This release offers higher-resolution textures and miscellaneous graphical fixes over the N64 version. Plus, when emulated via Xenia Canary, we get access to interesting graphical hacks for the title - namely 60fps and LoD enhancements. Be sure to increase Xenia’s resolution scale to achieve renders beyond 720p, and disable screen tearing for D3D12 and/or Vulkan.
Getting rid of the HUD in any version is easy: just enter first-person mode.
Identifying ambient sounds
The XBLA release has a menu option to disable the music, but since a lot of BK’s ambience is baked into the music sequences (some examples: the waves on Treasure Trove Cove, the snakes on Gobi’s Valley, or the crickets on Click Clock Wood) we can’t rely on this. Instead, we need to modify the music tracks to skip instrumental cues, and then record the results.
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After my difficulties with Diddy Kong Racing, I didn’t want to attempt offline rendering of BK’s MIDIs. I decided to simply record in-game instead, despite the low volume ambient sounds are played at (with its “Lighthouse Winds” track, a delisted Grant Kirkhope soundtrack release called Everything and The Kitchen Sink shows what a full-volume ambient rendition could sound like).
It’s unclear if the CTL/TBL pair of samples packaged with the XBLA release offer high-quality samples than that found in N64. Regardless, after reading that XBLA suffers from playback bugs in a few areas, I settled on the N64 version for audio recording.
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Modifying the sound font
Using N64 Sound Tool, we can easily identify instrument samples and replace all of them with completely silent WAV files. This process is more fun than it sounds - I promise you will learn a thing or two about the instruments used to create BK’s iconic music! For example, you’ll want to leave the “Crash Cymbal” samples as-is, as they are stretched to create the lava groans in Grunty’s Furnace Fun.
Two "gotchas” I’ll mention: your replacement sound must be no longer than the one you are replacing, and you need to click Inject in Place before saving your modified ROM.
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We can now boot the modified ROM with our preferred emulator, and configure the emulator to send its audio output to a WAV file. I recommend this over internal OS-level recording because that method is subject to pacing problems, noise, and random artifacts (e.g. popping).
Capturing variants
Tracks on Banjo-Kazooie’s soundtrack can change their layers dynamically depending on player actions. This is most obvious while exploring the various areas of Gruntilda’s lair, but applies to many levels as well. For example, triggering the church door in Mad Monster Mansion will add a bell layer to the stage’s music. This state only lasts for 15 seconds normally, but we can use Gameshark-style codes to freeze the timer and allow extended recording:
cheat49_desc = "Infinite Time On Jigsaw Puzzles" cheat49_code = "81385F32 1726" cheat49_enable = false
There is a known music modifier cheat (8128189A 000F for MMM) but it doesn’t allow us to influence layers.
Putting it all together
Now, all we need to do is overlay our N64 emulator audio with matching footage collected on Xenia. You can decide which scenes are worth capturing, and also which sounds qualify for inclusion (for example, the melodic frogs on Bubblegloop Swamp’s main track, or the bee choir of Click Clock Wood’s summer, are arguably part of the music).
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versussystem2 · 10 months
Dot Hack Enemy (DHE) TCG Drills
Wavemaster & Alien Deck
Wavemaster & Gomora Deck
Holographic PCs
The 10 Multiple Victory Points Monsters
19 Fields of the 6 Distinctive Elements
Monster Cards Affiliated With the 6 Elements
Item Cards Affiliated With the 6 Elements
Action Cards Affiliated With the 6 Elements
Event & Grunty Cards Affiliated With the 6 Elements
Drafting Drill Decks For Drills
Decks Constructed To Challenge the Wavemaster Decks
Recaps And Updating
To be on the same page and not mislead anyone, I'm going to recaps and update everything so far. I made name changing to content #5 and #7. Also, I added the following to Drill2:
You have to be in my shoes, because I wished I had these tables and charts when I first learning how to play DHE. So, to me it is something I wished it was available back then. Example: I rather humiliated my Championship Title Holder such as having the most first places in the TCG & CCG tournaments by pointing out that I also had some difficulty at first when learning how to play DHE. Than the weights of pointing out Championship Title Holder have difficulty could lead to I'm not good enough to be a Championship Title Holder.
If you read that post I posted up again on July 28, then you would see those changes I made.
PTTS Fundraising Update: I made $220 on the PTTS Fundraising. After about a month of time without anyone looking at that fundraising. Then, all of a sudden, I got an Email from Eric, the person who made the $220 purchase. Afterward, I ended that fundraising and continue working on the things in my schedule.
My Youtube Channel Problem: My youtube channel problem is I need to verify my youtube account. This verification require having an active phone line. So, I can't access my youtube account including my youtube channel until I verify my account. This mean I can't upload video to my youtube channel. Furthermore, I made multiple videos to point out why have discontinued to uploading videos on my youtube channel. Also, I screen capture the verification message. I will post up the picture of the screen capture along with this post. Even though, I haven't been uploading video to my youtube channel. But, I still continue making videos. In conclusion, the sooner I results this problem, the sooner I could continue uploads videos to my youtube channel.
Versus System 2 Development Update: I was having the following wishful thoughts: For many years starting on January 1999, I been working with extra efforts on the TCG & CCG Pioneer occupation. Also, I standardized the standard based on the number of first places I have on the following: Database & Championship Series Standard (DCSS). Championship Title Holder. TCG & CCG Establishment and History. So, the more popular TCG & CCG would accepted me into their circles. From those wishful thoughts, I was hoping to get notice by using the title, Versus System 2. From my experience in the Versus System TCG tournament and Versus System TCG Commercial, Versus System TCG was very popular. I would argues that if the TCG & CCG haven't accepted me in their circles, then using the title, Versus System 2 could leads to the misunderstanding that I'm ripping off Versus System TCG. I made a 4 hours long video explaining about this update. I titled that video as Arowra: Spiral of Conspiracies Development Update. In conclusion, I don't want to jump to any conclusion. My intention is getting people to give me an opportunity to talk about my development.
Furthermore, there haven't been much changes, I'm still dealing with the conflicts in my life. Example: Like I wrote, I was having wishful thoughts that when this block is completed, I could have lesser conflicts in my life.
Last but not least, I didn't have enough time to completed all the works on contents #3-13. At the same time, I wanted to let down my guard and say that I'm a bit stress out right now. So, if I were to gives myself another 3 days, then I felt like I'm probably going to get some rest in that 3 days from being stress out. To not continue with the argument, I'm going to give myself another 3 days. After that 3 days, I'm going to post up whatever I got. Today, I'm going to just post up content #7, 19 Fields of the 6 Distinctive Elements.
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